The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 09, 1894, Image 1

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HMD Mvrir-
M I i " ft srt ftl 4 V'i"l AMf.i ,ltt rtf rH.NMi I ji, Is. ,
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Ni Miikii 9
Vouxi IV.
OMAHA, NIIUUKKA, ViUhA Y, M lit 1 1 m(
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ti " ktts.1 llsi-t
-w ntnt Ws. lisM
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M i.-lltit s ,S r t tM ,t.t
Ml-tlH) i Attl !! IWtll
I'll l tntwlmj
t Mi
I'lUnl; Ailtt III .ii'ttt 4
lu. . 1t..
MitvlUet Mu ttlmtinnts
.It i'tiK J. II. Mai-omukk Iui
Hvn Invited l deliver lecture on
"Tim I'mises ienilii! to Hu Ui (in tuft
Hon," at the Trinity M. F.. rhutvh
Komili" Plate, Sunday innilnjr, March
11th. The lecturo Is very Intorcsttnir.
and nbouml In historical facts regard
Injr (lit) piijmoy, nml tin rise Hml full of
the Human empire. Ho nut Hint hoar
How to raiso a I'lto Speech
mini In Ix'tnir seriously discussed Iiv
many of our frii'iids,iwhl1ia;rcntmuny
tire sending In their miles from time U
timo. Out! friend sent tm Miink prop
erly II Hod, iijjToeinjf to pay W whenever
there Is mi attempt to abrlde-o free
speech In tlio future, another handed
us and a number of others have
handed us tind sent liy mull sums rn nf
lng from 2i cents to tl, since our liiht
issue, and at tho ralo tho fund Is now
growing1, wo will Hoon bo ablo to jf
after tho dastards who daro menace our
most choi'Mied coriHtltutlonal guaran
bomb inrco weeks ngo we
made a statement which wo havo since
discovered is not borno out by tbo facts,
It wan In relation to tho number of
Protestant colleges that bad received
arms from tbo government. Wo havo
found that there aro more than a toore
no supplied. Womako this statement
In justice to tho Roman Catholic church
which wo aro trying to show up In Its
true light, believing it is hotter to ac
knowledge an error than to allow It to
go uncorrected when wo havo the
proof at hand. Tho error wits duo to
carelessness on our part, and tho too
positive assurance of a member oftht
company, who had a copy of JW
Alarm in his possession which ho posi
tlvely assured us contained the figures
ho quoted. Hereafter wo shall not take
any man's word for a statement, and
shall only make a positive statement
when wo have tha book containing the
information in our possession.' Wo re
gret having made this error, but can
assure you it will not happen aguin.
Ik Roman Cutholicu will refuse
tho American (lag as a gift, how can
you expect them to bo loyal to our In
stitutions? This tiling occurred In
Pittsburg, Pa,, and seems to justify the
growing suspicion that Romanism, as a
religion, is a misnomer, and Is being
used bv the hierarchy to weaken tho
safe-guards which hnvo been placed
around our liberties, In tho hope of
eventually making this tha homo of
tho Jesuit and tho abiding place of tho
pope. A dlspuch from I'Jltsburg, March
2, 18!H, says:
"At tho conference of tho attorneys
and the ollloials of the patriotic organi
zation who are resisting tho attempt of
lie v. Father Cosjrovo toinstall nuns as
teachers in the Thirty-Fourth ward
public school, the lawyers gave a pre
liminary opinion that the action Is il
legal, mid steps will be taken to get a
court decision to this effect. Two of
tbo men at the meeting said they had
offered, some time ago, to present the
school with an American (big, but the
Catholic board of directors refused to
accept the gift. The school Is probably
tho only puhllo educational institution
In Pittsburg that does not float the
stars and stripes. Councilor Kerr has
received numerous letters requesting
his Interference Jn the matter, and
urging him to do all In his power to
keep the public schools free from sec
tarian Iniorfcrcnco Today he received
a ropy oi rcsoiuuoiis adopted tiy a
Philadelphia council condemning the
action of the school hoard. Father
Cosgrovo today announced that ho will
give the Catholic children religious In
struction In one of the school rooms If
the directors allow It,"
JIomic tiiideiHtaiidrt the art of
advertising well. Yesterday tho pope
wns seriously considering giving to the
world a new encyclical, today ho Is on
tho verge of dissolution, tomorrow there
is no truth In tho reports recently sent
out regarding the pope or his jsilley.
And so she keeps it up. Hho has some
members of her collossal aggregation
or some umbryo scheme constantly be
fore tho people. Hho recently sent out
a different article to that heretofore
hawked about, and wo copy It to convey
to you tho full extent of her greed for
notoriety. It says:
"Nothing has boon decided as regards
the date of tho next consistory. Re
gard I ng the succession to tho papacy,
Monslgnor Jacoblnl Is well thought of.
if a Is not a cardinal as yet, but his high
qualities havo attracted tho attention
and won him tho sympathy of an im
portant faction of the ecclesiastical
senate, which desires to see him ad
mitted to tlielr ranks, precisely In order
to prepare his candidature for the
papacy, and 1 am assured that his boll
ness has been repeatedly and earnestly
solicited to confer with tho cardinal's
toborottaupon this distinguished priest.
It will therefore bo of Interest to mako
Ithewn I ! tintn. H"I the !''iiv 1 4
I tin l M t'f hi tutv triil, !..
tttl '! itM, d' lih .' i iH'ii(tinV
IMtr (! li . , lH'(! ) ttit' t t'lMf ti Ht
iSt. r.
"M"H'l.i nih Jm.fMiil. list
t iii!r hM'itf J Tju, " Ki n Ih
('I'UM'fi l'i" H'U Js ' Ni-iiMiiN'f,
I of lux!''! ivnU4'' ii i
si lti. iitl!i't mitilnsfj, In i,s
lii 'tf liti lunxl hi UiiM iiim h ( Jt. A
IUiihi, Iui' li siitiMijinniu
lUie.l lo liei'i k rtisir sel lix'k mi f lln
f imi tliiiix of ptfii'. Ili I hen iii
Un lliii-lilnls H!k, liel-i lie Hi't.'il
lb" inpsi iiy of sii hivlut mid iniimiHtii
of the I'liit'd Slnt., I'snsiln, ,
I ml lit mnl I'liiim. In l'T4 I 'lu- l
nmiied him iiliUnl In s sei ii tniul
ili psilmeiiL mill In ?il lie H In
mm llieil mi nm of hit lnliln,' tlninest
clidiiiHH. I.nlet'oii ho lilleil In sue,
ew.iini tho lmMi Isnt istnf wtiv Ury
of the riihirreestlun, of fxlrnoiilliiiiry
iMi'leslaslleal Hltnlr and of lilinii liin of
the holy clniii h. In l'J the pri s -til
poH' returned him to tho itjnn ii mlit
llde, I'onterrli'g uimn hi in ih" niu
seerelarv. Iiiivlnir a year previously
prouilM'd him titular nirhhlslmp of
"Mgr. Jiienblnl Is nil eceteslnstleal o
irri'piniiehable hikbits of life, who bus
more especially (lMtinmilhed hmixeli
by the run IT" and I ho variety of hi
learning, lie Is emliieiitlv gifted with
Hint foresight and llnesse, which, tie-
cording to a celebrated writer, mas
the Italians a nation of diplomat. He
does not belong to the class of prelati
w ho desire to see the church remain In
close control with systems no longer In
harmony with modern thought. 'On
tho contrary, he has grasped exigeneleB
of modern times and has neglected nol h
lng which could prove of practical no
cosslty to the church or place her In a
position to maintain her rights, wiui
tills object In view, ho devoted hlmseir
with extraordinary zeal and activity to
tho foundation of various Cat hollo asso
clatlons, which at present contribute so
powerfully to tho defense of religious
"For close uoon two vears Mgr. Ja
coblnl has tilled tho position of papal
nuncio at Usbon, where he has In
gratlated himself In political circles
and more especially at court. I Jo Is
very popular throughout Portugal, i ho
revival of tho uathoiic movement in
that country 1b duo to him, a movement
which has resulted In the declaration
of tho clergy of Uraga Inviting Porta
guose Catholics to devote themselves
above all, to tho defense of conservative
religion and society, leaving aido all
political and partisan questions."
Thk letters continue to pour
Into this and our Kansas CIt.yofllce
asking for Information regarding tho
case of Illsiiop McNamnra, and endors
ing him as a man and as a christian
Here is tho latest one:
Tho patriots In this city, Washing'
ton, so many of whom havo listened to
tho flerco and fiery denunciations of
JJlshop McNumuni against the pope
and tho devil, aro now eagerly asking,
What Is the latest news from Kansas
City, Mo.?"
We all read with avidity whatever Is
printed of his heroic battles with tho
pope's Irish in that city, as we did
little before of his si mllur contest In
Maysvlllo, Ky.
The question has been several times
asked mo lately, whether the bishop
does not unnecessarily stir up these
Inters by Imprudently attacking tho
pagans. J hoy say that McNamara
tamps his foot and hurls defiance Into
tho vcy tooth of Rome; that ho need
issly Irritates and exasperates tho
"bloody beast."
The truth In, thews good, conscientious
'rotestants neither understand Roman
Ism nor tho bishop's plan of campaign.
The bishop, too, has a more lively sense
of tho power and danger in this modern
paganism than most rum Romanist
have; and ho desires to awaken the
American people to the danger of th
great arm lorrmio power that is so
rapidly spreading its dark shadow ov
this bright and beautiful land,
We must not lose sight of this fact-
thai McNamara was for a long timo a
part of this monstrous hierarchy, and
ho realizes Its deadly character as no
'rolestatit ever does.
Ills efforts aro directed to showing
Protestants what tho real spirit of the
hierarchy is, If you desire toascertaln
tho real character of a hornet you run
a stick Into the nest, rind at once you
learn whether It Is a dangerous Instltu
Honor not.
It Is not so much a question as to
whether McN'ttiiiura is prudent and ju
dicious In his manner and matter: Ills
rather a question of constitutional
right, lias hearlght to stamp his foot
and say whatever lie honestly thinks in
his own hired hall, either for or against
any religious system?
There is no doubt that he might, in
any city north of Mason and Dixon's
line, denounce In bitterest terms every
article of political faith In tho demo
cratic, republican, or other party plat
form, without fe,ir of being mobbed.
So too ho might denounce tho A, P. A.
to his heart's con loin it, and Its mem
bers would either stay away, or attempt
to answer him by fair argument, Ho
might attack the tenets of Presbyterian
Ism, Methodism, or IJiptlstlsm, de
nounce their doctrines and stamp his
fool to his entire satisfaction, and yet
not be molested. Hut the moment he
attacks Romanism th ;o is a howl, and
tho air Is filled with stones, clubs,
brick-bats and curses-
When a man has no reason or argu
ment to sustain his cause, ho gets mad,
'! 0.iv !.v, i, lil,ktvU mMMlml, ),l. h It ) k- ii r u, i ,
t VI k liMt Ut r K.iM U nu .1, .hi nl .(, ttn,i t
lnt ior l on lih ltl, h imi.l utm.' 1 1 Ag i? h ttUn mi. n vt t on
hr SU..I t'. J I'll Die tiltii-r iiH,
Tliftv ! in-Ill, - iintnn luti iHimmittt
M-ew lii liimnli All liUlmjr mul
j nil r.'SMin jrt ntniii! It ieim. iil
iliemi. Ili.i mill killing S. InU klsl
ho -r lo s nl llmt Die Muds, or snj
otlit'f inliU r, i-iei lnHil ! m-gti
tni'lil or vtm li del.'liil II enmi U.
The ItiHlUlt liliMR'rh) lis In I, r relii .l
iihih i H!iir hIhih' In il'finl It i1ih
Irhies r pi hi I iiid, Fterjwlien II
rules by fotii, mnl i-Ulius Ihi lv dh lee
Now Mi'Nsiiuu ' mUiiu i In lie
lhi itntloH whether tho arnigatiM
powers of I he hlernrcliy can iiisintiitii
tlielr aumptlons ngnliiit the const Un
ion! liberty of tint Pulled Hi .
The hierarchy claims to beexempt
from all ad verso criticism to lm su
perior to III! other creeds (is Well lis lo
nl! isHltleal parlies. It says: "I am
more holy tlnni thou;" hence, no one
daro oNMily to criticize I bin "holy"
Tlio American people will bo very
slow to submit quietly to thu dictation
of any foreign body among I hem, claim
ing to bo better ami holier than I he
laws and constllut Ion of their own coun
try. I ho American people will claim
the right to criticize anything that
comes along. McNamara must be sus
tained, or free speech Is already at an
lid. His cause Is tho cause of all lec
turers on all subjects.
I would now llko to suggest that every
subordinate council of tlio A. P, A.
tako up a collection of one cent from
each member, and send tlio same to lis
state treasurer to bo forwarded im
mediately to tho supremo treasurer to
constitute a fund for tlio defense of free
speech said fund to bo drawn upon for
all necessary expenses incurred In pro
curing bull, ablo counsel, etc., whenever
needed for tlio defense of any lecturer
or other worker in the cause of free
dorr. One million cents is $10,000 -an
ample fund for a year at least; and so
small a tux on each man would not bo
felt, and yet would bo productive of
great good. No war can be carried on
without funds, and tbo anll-poplsh war
Is no exception, Let us hope the su
premo president will send a circular to
each subordinate council requesting
such a colli ction. CflAHK JIovh,
Wahimnoton, V. C.
Otju frieii'l N. N. Hcliuyler, of
Sioux City, writes us as follows: As I
ugroed to inform you of tho results of
our election, I will do so by enclosing
iart of tbo Hloux City ThwH, by which
you will soo the republican mado
nearly a (dean sweep, eli ding all but
two men. There are some happy people
In our city, I assure you, and some who,
of course, feci blue, for they now sec
that they were not In it but u short
timo. Wo havo an old timer elected as
mayor; a man who served Charles City
In the same capacity a number of years
ago, and tlio people there are proud of
him just as we are, He Is a man of
first class ability, an old soldier arid
highly respected by all. With such
material In the mayor's olllce, Hloux
City can look for one of the best admin
istrations she has ever had. I must say
wo are only too happy with tho choice
of C, W. Fletcher for our mayor, For
Ity attorney A, If, ilurton is one of the
best of Hloux City's men, a perfect
gentleman and a man of sterling ability.
The whole ticket was rondo up entirely
of broad-minded men, whom novelty
ould safely entrust her Interests in
their keeping. Under tbo guidance of
such men as were elected here the oth
day of March, wo will look for an ad
ministration In the interest of the
whole people of Hloux City,
Our Jlarllng gave trie A, P, A, 's an
other rubbing lu tho First Congrega
tional church last Sunday, It Is the
very best advertising tho A, 1', A,'s
an grit, It would bo a grand and
glorious thing If we bail more of those
kind of Darlings stationed In different
parts of tho United States, They would
make A, J'. A.'s by the thousand the
same as he Is doing In Hloux City, We
havo good, able men who handle him,
like CorbH. t handled Mitchell, If I rim
allowed the expression, Jfn will be
very likely to realize In tho near future
that ho has hit oft more than he will
ie able to digest, While ho was raking
the A. P, A,'s Hundrty there were three
others who were sustaining the order
In different churches here In the city,
would bo pleased to send you tho ser
mons hut wo don t get vey much In
this line In print, I am very sorry to
say; but things are coming along very
HiiKKithiy. There Is a goodly numlsir
who arc cursing the A. P, A, just at
present, One of our city lawyers was
heard to make the remark regarding
the decorating of tho streetcars wllh
banners and lings, as they passed this
fine gentleman of learning, that there
was some of those d-d A. P. A. Hags.
hich were a disgrace to Roman
Catholics. Mr. I'M! lor, 1 once saw the
time, between I Ml and JH.1, when, if I
hnd heard a man mako such a remark
that, I would havo put a saber
clear through him. Such things as
llin Ti'T li lake Hp I i i i Uin hi,,!i
l i ji l)i (,!, liifli ml nl ili. me,.
Hi, til to It sitipie en ein llin) m n,n,U
lii Iui1 itiiitti j mnl oiie oil he Iw l
ftntiuM lln Mill t ier tlume in 1 ,.
nine i I'ouiiitg hi H tin ii limit.)
Will li. fi limit lill. k, i llii.pliii! h,,,
Ml of HvH tiNttnei itml tent .!
bn-ti II llin lint o In lie swell li eu
n "n I llin ulit line ntiil llteiiHiMitutlnt!
o the l ull, it Htslen'
MlstlM li I'.MII II; Moi llllilili'
at 1 1 1 Isb'-rty's siiluiie ll HtHnbtv
aflbur itui wu wit it itte tint imw
em liu-lii. Hk el tvi r nMliiih'd, Mul
csbey 1 1 a priM'iil and sum avc llin
lives from lleymit Hill l iter lllliuppcil In
whollo ol u In lliu elelre ate nml
(U-i'tHirce, and lint slhituipeil llutlr fate
wld liichiilnziii, ) hell Willi KVl thu
miHist Illlgiiot k ni ne llngi tvhl Hut knot-
est kol ml nve u hitrrup wni rulied oopsu
It w leh Ihiii' ces I vi r rUled aim, an' ol
lulc IU Iwho earners an' wahiived it
back ami fourth In Hut Inn o thctshuko
wld lliplalle, Willi) It bekfillie sollelil
so ol eooil tin hurd ol liilliniilii-lii il sum
rl,oliinnitis koriilhemiulng thu seiiiy ave
Hi'ooklyn fur lU deparlliur frahm llm
tdlm lionereil koslhum ave illsplhaylu'
thu OIi'IhIi Hag aim tit it goovermlnt
hall an tba wuz adoplhed nt wausl,
Jliumle Maloney lulu ink thu Mure full
live encliiisliizm sum bigots may sal he
wu, full avo like r, but thet wood lie a
llblo on az good a mori as Ivcr sarved a
turm in Jalo-nn' prophosed three
cheers fur Ht. Patrick. Terry O'Don
null thin aroze an' painted in worrurn
kolors thu dudes ave valor and darln'
avo Clnoral Mllllgan, Coueorari and
Shields, and duklulred tha saved thu
koontry wld thu help avo 1 1 1,'JOO Olrlsh
soldiers and a lltllo assistaniio from
Glneruls (irant, Hlierman, Howard,
Iiogan, Alger an' Hancock and thu
l,H(i;i,WK) prolvaleH. 1'fo wuz just tonkin'
a foln rlferenco to thu byes who
wresteil Texas from thu grazer an'
spoke nve lliet "bralv glneral avo
Olrlsh blood, tin' our byes under him,
thu thot ave whose coorago an' stodfast
lollty to thalr country's Hag, worrumed
Ivery dhrop avo Olrlsh blood, thu
brave, thu gallant, thu Intrcpod thu
indomlnltablo Riley, " whin sum avo
thu byes who bed bin under Rlb-y, an'
knew his fait an' that avo about fifty
avo his soldiers, begun toklozo in arm
bin an' whisper that I Col ley wz a
tlalthor an' sum avo hlsmln wur, an'
tha wur all branded, or shot, ol thot
Terry wood whip thu hoal lot, but ho
didn't, an' fur thu salk avo pace ol do
kla I red the matin' Irided until nlxt
wake at tho silm plain. Az we left thu
saluneun Impudent little gossoon sang
a fiber us this song from llnrjur'n
!'!, of April 2, 170.
"Hlddy, me darllnt,
Come, lavo that hash,
And gird upon mo
Me sword and sash!
Me noble war-boro
Neighs at tho door
(Hiiro 'twas a car-horse
The day before,:")
"Och, sure, you Ink splendid
In all thlm things!
Sure, you're desidnded
From tin Irish kings!"
"Unri'i, mo darllnt!
Huro, by the powers,
One day In the year, at Juste,
New York Is ours;
We'll block the strate,
Kapo the cars hack,
And all we meets
Must (dear the track,
Och, sure, whin the Irish
Has all their own way,
'Twill be still better
Nor 'tis today :
We'll have no policemen
To roiiko us quail,
No more o' thlm schools,
And uivl! a jail,
We'li let 'em s-e,
lie nil the powers,
What New Vork'll t
j no day it is ours,'
Wk, referral two we kn ii'o to u
speech which Mr, Charles F, Winter
delivered In the First llaptlst church
Hie evening of February 22, M',H, We
did notcxpeet, at that lime, to be able
to give his beautiful tribute to the na
tion's Hag to our renders, but through n
kind Intervention of providence wo find
wo are able to do so this wi ek, It will
repay any one who reads it, Mr, Win
ter spoke as follows:
TUB I'f.A'i,
Soiiid IiIhIoiI in lets ,iM I Ii :i I lie- ron'oi''f
of llomil tteii! (ml iii-Meved l,y li.rn nml
lirillS III tlilllle, hill 1jMlii' flomlill lii!le
Tim piikIh ii Hie slvn Hint synilil, ll n
llm uliiiiilur'l hoiiic llifiniKli evi ry I'oiMpii nl,
Tlllll Nllllllllll d mi llivrnli ll Willi I lie stern
iinilllli'i iiimI hefulc vlrlni s of lu Ih hiits.
( iiillve niel riiiini ii li ml no rli it lo I li oul
lylliK mid ilUlniil cuiiiilrli'S kIoiIi i. of lliiil
woiiderfiil people, Aielwlieii I lie ni'l tutr-
linrlniis lielii'ld Hilviiiii'liiK tlie eiiilili iiiiille
flidlii It, mi'iwil tlifi vhlliilii.ii of mi hiiiiy
woruterful In forllluili', fi iuful In i vvtyy.
ril(lii pi net ir 10. Hliwihiln In lulc; iiimI
lliey threw tlieiimi Ivm iitnst i iiie hernia
lli (illlstn lelii d wliin nf llmt I -r r ll.le vin
liol. Thus the si itiiilunh nml H i,- of nil mi
Moiissiel iii'Opln lieciiii,!' in vi hIi (I lid f,r
I'liliMti'li'l'htli's nt iIiiihi' they M ini i nl 1 he
Unit of siiulloii em hml lm lu ii n nml ,r I n
clples of (tovet limi'iit, the lihtniy ef Its o
ili', (lie iiiemoiy of lis lii rnrs. To 1'iu'h clil
ki'ti It represent nil llmt I wnriliy, itisiil,
liolile, lieroli', vlrtiioiei, Kliirliiim. Ilniilly to
lillil till! flinll nml crln. r It has Wllueueil
" i- II. -t l II . i i .... r . t tit (!,. Ht I. ill -.Hli ,.f i Ii ,) la ill.
. I -. t fl....i III,. nil II,,, t, ,i ,. Oi ,,.v,
ll.if I I lll ltli tl..H,l,! ! t t III
..) n n ,i, .l. h Hti l,, mi, .tv,, ,.
11" flu i.f ni t. ti I,. n mm i i. i.ll...
l -l ! t' li. tl II Ii I.. I B ), ,.
Ill l. t l.i I i,. I. hi t l !,., .1 (I., In ,, .
,.!. , .,l, t ,.,,,M ,, ,, ,, (,,)
. I I ill ft . ti".' !t hi Hi, ll.
lll(tl ii tl Ik SI. t.lltli.HI t I. t.illil-
I "el i Oi-iiii. lit i i ill I. k 1 1 mi, l
t t i.t llu' iIiiiii.ii ,.t l!,t In. ,1,1.111,, i, (I..
li(,, II, l ill,,. t,, ( i.i,w llilltl nt III ., tlli,i, ,, ,, i.f llu- it uli iUt ,if ,; I .,i tIH ,, in
i tonilii tn line i.f liiiltui t, ,i, it,,,,
S III H .dli- tnl lulu Hie tun Mil nf In-
In Hint tnl lie I III, I ul., I nf I mi. i' ,li i
shite I -il nt. tie nml l ,i.,ii,,, II,,.iim I, in
II in nl iil.,.i i- Mitial nml hii,,
I, en H ,iiiilt t i sim it My,' H' ttiUlin
nieil llu lniU, Inn ul.iiiii it in lim.n i. m ,,
(In y ttflr (line.f.iliiieil lulu lii'eiim., niint. liy
imihiiiiuv i iit in ii ii y ii , i u . inn leu hi n
pliSi'lflll II II ti ill . II pliitili'ilte .r iplr, Imt
Hie linn Iniml i.f tiillltiity in Hi In tlii'ti' tin.
Unit ef I H I ii n il ri liieni'iitn llin slis li ftuin
slili li tti ihiiiij. It ti'in i in. llm t IMie nf
tin- fin nl A Hi lo Sittiui litiifi Iml In llsliliirli.
i l uliinliiitii sii iIU. i in llin litiikem inillliii
of lii'liinil mnl I nit I it.
Ilnl Hie AiiHili'mi linn' Tim Sum mill
Mi!iei.! We v I" lillmleil in n iin'ii,iii i ,
lull tte emiiiiit lii'lli vii, se iln iml i in Him .
Hml III llin I'vei nf iiiiinlilii'l Iliein In ii n.
Iiioiii'li Hint run illui IM 1 1 1, 1 1 . 'l lmt (t
I'limpi'l ten rl I lie Will hi on. t . Itst i ilim
inliHl ml to 1 1 ii II. tiiiiiii It, If mil fur Hiii
Irmiwiiiiili'iit Ki iilii'i of Its o ni l, -il, hi.
Iii'i'iihni of II iliifeinliifs, Hie ii for llii'in lu
i'lili'll repi'i'senl, I innll v urn y mi i i tin'
ii.i'i il Ion mnl linlmiiniil Mini ilelrm't fmin
Hie K lot y of nnr uri iit. Inn, nimiot reji'i't our
ll llii'lples. Wlllll liillll, lilt lie ri'licll, tin.
Itllnli, Hpioihli, 1 1 1 1 . I it 1 1 , lii'innin in- any niln'i
forelifii ii it 1 1 1 ii i n III y , run I'tiiilitmplntii Hiimii
pi'lni'lplii mnl front Id lieitrt tut vn unit wnU
of rrllli'lsin, ilhiiiriiKniiniiit or liitliiKotihin
In Hirer, Why, wliiil dim Hint, MnK iiii'iinV
It hii'ioiN n voice ,i Kovernini'tit,, lint HkIiI of
sptieeli, miniillly heforii tint luwn frim ini
tlnii, tl, niinin a lllii'inleil lioily. u llhiTiili'd
mind,' a lllierale'l Coiiselnneii a illlierittml
until, Ami iniiiiklnd e vef y tv here, roanril less
of iiitllonitlliy or I'niiilliliin, tinisl, riteoi(iihit,
(loes rtii'iiKiiUn tint whilom oinil pieiiellciuint
of l.lnsui pi'lm lples,
Wn rnveriitliii II 'iK Ihicmmsh II, Isyinltolles
tlio!! principles, Tltey urn Indeed worthy of
revereni'M, Wlieit wn lhii;irii!iforiii mnl
eiiiliiiily I hum In Hut iniilerliil, In clulli nml
iilor mul form, wit vericn upon llm nuilm nf
Itlolslry, Wn worship tlm i.IiIiik for llm t.luiiif
slKnlfleil, llin sillmlitltcit for Hut Jsriitlmi'til,,
tlm rupreseiilittloii for tlm Ideal; hut, II, is "
sweet Idolat ry eimliivliK all tlm soul " It Is it
noble, a irrioul Idolatry lu which tint Amerl
citii lieitrtcita nitvur worship too sMuidfitstly
and devoutly,
lint we do morn titan revere tlm lln, (lev
erinicd Is it powerful, (nil, distant Jnnpressloti,
It Is lilili, and deep and wldii, hut, II, Is not
imiirj It, miifoioiih and miike ore. Imt It
disis not touch ami Ihrlllj It doe not, mid Inspirit. Wn love tlm Ihnf, W
lovitlt for lint past, 1 1, lot, for I he seene It
lias witnessed, for tint llvi thai ;lntvit heeii
sucrlllced In II defence, Wn lovo it heciinsd
It wnscijiiceivnd 'mid tlm striiKKhts of a tui
tion for f lsM-rii!(ii heeittliH! "It rose llltti
liulo of liopit shorn tlm shadow of oppres
sion! lceauit II, was horim ly a people '"who
snowliti, dined itiiilnialn" the rlKlttsof mini,
Wn lout II. hwiuisn of WieildiiKtoiii lecuiine
of Adam, flamllOifi Mnl JelTertion) hecaue
of Slierman, Slierldan sad Ornnl, heeitie of
llm Immortiil flncoht,
Vet wit hiiviionly heard II Klorles from
tlm Up of (fillers. Wn tnivit (fitly read 1 1
hlsliiry. Wit hlivii hei'fi protecod hy lie
Ila, What can measure Uu uffiictloii of
tlnsm limoiur, ii who procetd Itte (lii who
foiiKht, under it fold In tlm hour of peril
To those who had that proud privilege, Ui
ihosit who endurd h,trdh)p mid pilvillon,
Who (iavit llm pest year of I heir live Dial II,
milit- yetwavit over a unio n people, i
color, though faded, are morn pemiiifnlj
Its slur, thinned hloio rl, urn more lrllllant
It da n deeper mi aiilnXi a ttrumler slioilll
f.Mirv, I lie 'leplli of tlielr lovit for llm Hug
cuit only ifcconcelved wliiii we no hack wild
tdem and Join In tlm lolhonm march; wle ii
we waOt sway In slclirn-iind ttilw ty wlldln
the wall of iillihy Prison)
"Win n spi'iib Hn sltual trump"!' lom,
ml the lini line conn marching on;
When lite life hlood, warm mnl w l,
II dimmed the Kllstenlittf tniyoiii I ;"
wlnii wild hlieillnx lnoeU nnd iiei'rale(l
dleiiM westinYlfer Up Hie heights of f.ooiioul
Mountnln; when we face tlm l,t led I nx can
(ton lit Oeltysliuu; Wdi'ii we dili wild Shi rl
dan up IdeSlienamloiid! wlmn wn sweep wild
Sherman t'i the en-wdi u wn rompier wild
Ornnt t Atipomat toK, Then snd tdei only
can wn rralie llm misery imd suiTeriiiK, idi.
devotion nnd sacrlllce, nil llm ytUitf ami In
spiration Hint touch" llm dt'iii t of Hut old
..Idler it lut loos upon tlm ndliiliiif foPhof
I hit II, i.
'hat lli I never out of place, ft. III, met
adorns, nml eiiiedli wherever, whem ht,
whatever It touch", l,e II (dial, finui every
dulue letuw; let)! Ko Into every edurcd
III Ide land; null It ftdovc llm desk, Hm dene,
and tlm turf, dantf II, nhovti tlm (Ire place
where wd lie-led r"i men In t tin, ulouaec"iit,,
may lell f,f It glories t.i, u,n cdlltlreii at llutlr
knee, We dave i yreut public st dool sy
tele, ft I lis complete n (tie ahl'it mlmin
of td sun can mak" It i dill it I nut, com
plete, ami never will lm complete, mile.,
dish upon llm ulalT of every iinlver.!ly ami
everv dool douse, lie It lim preti fitlou.
elty nlruclure, llm lux scdooi dnuo't lu Hie
forest or, Ui come neit rt t donie, tlm sod
n'houl luni.' on tlm plnlu. Hu nt may he ei n
oaliiu on llm dret e, waving lliiluiaiionn
lo llmkklc. ireamliiK ovirtlm liead of
Idemn snd dauiidlt'i' of A merica, Kuurd
liU II 1111, I he Slur snd Stripe, the ftit of
Hm nation. I,et, It. Iloal, It nihulon U In
awiikt n, eilucitte snd I'lillifdO'ii. And If, dy
It sllelil I iiilieiii'e, II, lm li fini..i ( 'm)i the
pilcl wntei of Itte Paclld: n sleeping sopn
Into a new and dlKlu r rnnceptdtii of lielnn,
Insplreit Hu nt to lmid erect ami dn aide Hm
dreitld of life, in llm inline of dumunliy mnl
rlvllliiHori, and Ide Utterly wn love, p t. u
not ttllii'lraw II iipilftlriK i,f . , lire finm
tin Ir dUinlrini( irnu. Mn! Ireiilnin hide
lu rliiee of all men. It. Is it tinlveritl rlKdt.
And slu le IHefly llnii liinonce llilUK It
fold t'i Hm lieu veil sinl KlIIOTi'd In limlenly
let no until, mi nitllon, recklessly lift a I. nml
Ol l tiki' dowi,.
It I it kiiiine of irraillliatlori lo every
ineilcmi Hint a project I In InK H'lvam i l
looking to Hm ohi rvam'it of Ide I II ti ilny nf
,1 ii ne n s I liu liny, Till iiiovemeitt ifn
out of llm eiitliuslitsiti nf tint puliUc sflnsil
teacder nnd cdllilreii, Kiel will, wltdnut
tloiilit, lie maid' a liiitlouitl dolltlay. 'I lie
clnsil nf Hie nut Ion urn to tin lie on I III ilny
In s uniform nlisi rviiiu'it, ilolmr Iniiminn to
lliu IIiik itml liii'ult'alliiK tlm principle fur
I.I. ti It ii tl, urstet , l. II
til t! II, iti n ,i tt,.t .i i ., I,t
tl'i lit" "t ti. Hit. -ui ..t l . . I.n.lii s ,,f
II.. l.l,. II- n I 1 1. l...l.l Ml lil.. ,.f 11,
n s,iiii I. t tUiiin i ' in tl, im.tntHt,
In.,!, l li, t l tin lU,ilt, t tii.i ,,).,
"I "'M III It I. ...nil mi s let I all- I still
l oh mnl i ti t.illir I itV, tt ml. I lli.l Iiihi.
U..I.I ., I l.tllll t 111. tl t , ,,,,. I II.,, It. Hi lilUit i' 1 1 ti It 11 1 tl. ttiiuht llm
IllMlIf tltlllK t.11,.1. I !!' .l, ,
tin H SI B Hie lit., ,,, ,w
, ,i ,.,t t ,ii i. i ,,! i,, Atmilesn
. ..i, !,,,.,,., ., 1 1 1, it,, t mil t, ,.),,,.,,, H IM
l.l III 1.1 Hint III. hp a IS lM. nf tin. mini t liny
sill II ii mil sii'l'. I .iln, tii, i.f Hnl
full I illn n slut mi iitisii mnl litit ,, 1 in it mnl iji ni.ti r In in 1. 1
Hull liiu e In mi l s i t'litiii y nf iinlinlisl
life dsn Hml ll iu 11 si fil imn ilisiinli,.,!
t.tli. I 1. .in tin' mull lln lr Uk.iii ,,,,,
I he III HI I lit ., i,f ei'l'alnl. Smili ll. ,,.,
Illne nf sliito mii.iiiiily ttiHitl Inil.lly
tun lintiniinl lotlh, Hlnl f.iimieHH Uitn
Sllliilhm lilltiK pilti'lili , 'l lm tllttlilf Well
li t I'mk it 1 1 llm K'luiilli'l fii"l frniii Hie Iimnl
of Itte liillllitlit Unfile, nml oiilli. Hnt tntllun
4ltiipl'l In Ihleit suit tint win hi tt.llle. ,
ittitlely llm ntilciiliiniif lliul stiiivKlti nfllul
Kiiiitls. Hie M 1 en I e t liiiillnli'l nf Hm emu,! Hu
ll.. n, dl fuel planted iisim tlm ris k of unity.
limil like nil mi. hnl mnl eiii,i,f fnrtl,
Ide iHtieleioiiM mnl prnfiiiiinl irulli nfllmt
linuiotlitl ilu. iiiimnl, llluuiluiileil wild lint
pitwiloii nf Ids lleiy limliv Hut nil In mi itriill,
A rmiumiil wits ilinwnetl 1 11 lint clii .h nf ririusi
siiinpii r fell, 11 ml Hm greittesl civil war In
hi, , lm V In khii, Unloii nr (1 1 '411 11 ii in ' 'riiruiiKd
nil Ide I. iiiu, d.irk perliid finm Nil tit Inili Hm
wave of id st ructloii poureil over tlm land,
l lm soliltlna KUII Inllcil Hut deatll knell of
llm ciiuiilif' liiavn, lloiim nnd dearllis,
iinilli nml huh I Ii. wei'ii left ileoliil.i!j sorrow
mil deal Ii hoveled like a pall nvie t dn
slrlckeii tin I Inn. Then, llmrn eaiiiu a leiidurt
A silent man, 11 stritnun man from out, tint
Wt'Hl, 1I111I, moved Illui h IlKuin of destiny
neros llm hints lu tlm furefroiitof littttln, rind
llmsword of Hut ('imfi'dentey full lit llm fnnt
of Heiiernl Orant, Tlm will of Ood was
doiiit) tliiti'oUKtlllltltui WU lipliulil; Hit) llaK,
llm II11K wns Irlumpdmit, and waves tndity to
dies a rn-l tilled Slulesaml rti-unlMnl nno-
Tlmlted, tdn While, llm llliml (know nut
Hut orlidiiul slKrilllciincii uf those colors, 1
know not tlm tdoiiKdls thai Insplrnd llutlr
doled, 1 only know llm IIiik Is a perfect,
lias-, Trysswii may lo (tlvttst ourselves of
our American prejiidlen our fairest Judg
ment Insliils tdat imluKou mirth emi s.p-,
proaeli Its 1h'iiilliiK tduirru,
"Wdnti frneilom from Imr nioiirititln Imlsdt
I'lifurle'l der siiiminrd to tlm sir,
Sim U11 11 tlm M'urii in he of nlulil.,
A ml set tdn ol ins of slory lliettt,
'I hen iiilntled wild II Korsiiou dyes
Tim milky Italdrltt of lint skle.
And striped II punt celestial while
Wild streitkluxs of llm moriiluit IlKdt,"
Wdata maKiiillcnnl trlbutw to lis lit'iiulyl
Hulls He' run, it s deep slKulllcarics In tdn
tdritti!ol;iiiiff tdn IIiik' Tlmy deluknn tdn
llfnof Ida nation, Tlm power lit proplmey
daslouK slncii depurOid tdls ititrld, dut may
II, not he that, s'imit litleil, spark kind led llm
uaeri d Urns for a moment, and In their sud
den HkIiI, tlm coticelillnll of tdll (IllK WHS
In I in lied I read tlm past, It Is tdn ym-
dftl of Sl rlfii. I sun Hm mil Ion' hind,
IS'ilod iff trivnll ami tnonyj a period of
foreo and sulTerliu, of dlootislmd and dii-
trucllou, A101I11 ftflluw doultt, discord,
illn fin'lon, (friu 11 (id convulsion, until, 'mid
tlm awful throe of tlm civil war tlm riHl.lou
passe over tlm crimson dorder. In llm
Wdlot I sen rellecled llm present, H ! tlm
symlfol nt Pencil, 'I'lut nation Imt sylvitnoett
I11U1 tlm realm iff reiison, Arlfltratlori das
succeeded war, , lasting (men da deea
truck, Tlm wdoln millttn, not id and sun Hi,
unite pi cnrtolfllutf purull, of Industry,
Science, Invention am) art kIvh forld bciio
(Iclent and refining coulrllfutlou, Tim urv
Hon I arousing to a fuller and truer
grandeur, lu the Ifbm I dedold Dm fulurn.
It 1 tint symlfol iff jove, Calm, clear, (lettp,
ereite, it Inspire and fnlid. It Is Ida
color itf tdn kle. III tlm environment of
stars. It I of lim dcaveit, It sugej
new spirit, among men -"Mali I dl broilmr'n
keeper," Justice henl.liroimd at lieit, Wfifin
dumarilly I llm pitO'lit Influence, f peiurlij
ide working out Into a majestic reality of
Hie grandest rule of action! nf llin I'-uder-dood
of find and llm Ifroilmrdood of Man,
Td'tu (big of Hm nat ion ! Nol. (tidy art tdou
profdel)f! of our life nnd future, hut of tint
progress of tdn dtimuii race, Where A merica
leads, Hm nil Inn nf carili will follow, Mud
Thou uliail decou tin 111 on to Hie highest nnd
nifdlest d"tlny, Tlmn nil dull lo Idee! Wn
nlutefhee, W rnverit lime, W IfiVft tdu.
We will protect Hunt. Wn will d world jr of
Idee, My't HiffU ever Want, tdt symdol of
llderly, diipplnes and te nee,
Tho ex-prlest "A" I', A, Hariri,
editor of 'Jin; Trw I'fiilDiimd, of Chlrj.
nun, Is hero Ui leoturo on Ipiinarjlstn, at
flenfral Hall, loof Houth FourU'entlt
street, Monday evening, tho 1 2th Inst.
Ho lectures with hi priestly (alt mi,
Hiibjeet; "Why (il l J h avo Itoni.tnisoi
and lis I Jim radios I'rlesHnsi.i in mho,
'I'm stlny ev nin.', tho Flth Inst,, ''Our
ffil.llu Jted Kehool Hoiio or 1'uroi'hlal
wejmols, which Aiiierleaiis wish to
hitve'" Tuesday eviftilntf, the Jlfh
Itist,, Mr, Heroin will tiivuik'o tho mtc
ifiiiieiilal se tl of the eoiifessliiiaJ-bog,
and will speak oil the (Usui, limine tj:i,-s-tiftiis
which the priest Is obliged, in
uli'lue of hi olJIoit as t orif -snor, U) ask
fo women, ei"clally Jn that charnel
leix, 'J'hls ineetlnif Is for ineri only.
Admission fno for each lecture, 2'ic,
Omaha Julios' Oinnu Iidi;.i will
hold their regular semi-inonthly nieet
IriK at Ifridinari Hail, Continental bhs'k,
iii'gt Tuesday evening, All Orangemen
with their wives aro invllod to bo pres
ent and heeoiuo rnetnbers, Tho annual
election will also occur.
Kutrserils) for Tub Amkkica.v, tho
best patrloiio paper in tho country.
Subscription price, $2 a year, In ad
vance. -
The Il.irlifi(,'tott Is the (julckest lino
to Texas points via Kansas City. Half
rules March J.'lih, City ticket ollico.
1 12 Fariittiii Ht. It
Kat Dy baU'sdellcIuusCrettia Candles.
1513 Doutflas St.