THE AMERICAN MRS. LEASE AS A MASON TrSU How Shr mi of I ciutrtt the re nwr?v.n a im. iui Alios. ., W .,1. 'r '.! I ? II. 1,1 , A ! 1t. ,li l. Im W I.V.I IU ,,t.l I-l .k II. II ..!, K ! t.'l tttl IMHltt.l(t1t4 I Kill I III. K !. (.. 4 llllt Mttnn, I'lin in.", I i - M- !l." Mt I Vf hr m til 1 1 i. .. i - M i i I .I. n lit in rli'iiT ii.ti "i i il v- 1 1 1. hi vt mini' 1 1 mil til mi f v r ihp imiiiM , mill Mr IVa t H' ! Hiih nil I'm k if liiifkul "Wliy yon know Hint I IIMVt t . til I t l fllll"! frulll aell' ISow V.ik Jm, f iilli'iiiitJ ue sum of I 0 !)! tiivt s U lo Ml Ihe rimy cf how I IsVStUI' H M l!wit. "Win l w in trtyiviri ni l, I was liv liitf In lkirt, N. Y a ftine! nf ititiw who was a I'ruiniin'Ml Miuwm, jHit II In my wv lo viiuin M.i.iii(e liiltinli.m ml I saw tin tlinn ilicni uiltnlnltiriil U) riiiuliiliilo." Wimi you nilmlttisl to Ihe Io1ki Itxmir' "No, I wiw lu lilml a ilimr Unit liidl Hilitii wirki t in it mill I tnw tin wliflu pnxHilum tliinnjili thu wlrki't. H you oo tlmt U tlti wy I Ixviuno a Mumhh For U h in jnwiflon of tho wvroti of tho i-mrt in to Ij a M;um," "Miiiht not it have Wn n in.ii k iuitin tlon?" "No, it wiw not a tnock nlTuir. I hv tiwtiil my knowliKlno of tho Hoercfa of thn craft ami thoy linvo Ihhui oonllnni'd. I try to Ilud out from my huttluintl, who in a Aljvson, luit ho hiia m'Vor giwn ma imy aliHfaction. I onro toKl him how I came into jHwHosdlon of thu suoroU of tho onlur ami bin only answer waa to term the Kirt Ionian that iiliirml nm at tho wiikot a fool,muihutiizul with a strong Hiljootivo. ' "How did I como to mako the an nonrKHimont after no many yoatu? Uii' der rathiT iwculiar clrcuiuHtaiKwa, It was whilo thu dreWon of my suit with Oovi'rnor Lewolllng wiw )ciiiling iH'foro the siiii'iun i-onrt. A gontloman said to mo: 'Yon will lone your cawo, tho kov. ernor In a Miwon." 'Ho am I,' I retorted, ami knowing him to lxi a Mation, I gave him thu grip. Ho looked luitoniHlied and remarked that I certainly knew omethinu; aliout Afimonry. I then told him that I wiw Ktn to orKimlzo woman's lniinoh of tho order, uml bo tho tory got out. NEW9 FROM FOREIGN LANDS. IHiln't Tull Vor llovuruiiKint Alii. CoNHTASTIN'ort.t!, Feb. 27. Thn lu- t,nir(',l'r f tho United State legation callinl niHin tho norm, on behalf of tho United HtatH mlninter, Mr. Alex W. Terrill, In regard to tho HtatomiMit goner ally puhliMhed to tho effect that ho, tho United Slate mininlr had novoroly ro- monHtrated with tho porto in rogard to tho treatment of Amorioatm who had ole tallied Amerlcmi cltietiHhip and that Mr. Terrill had threatotitd to nk thu United Hlaten government U diMpnteh two war vcuhcIh to tho hwiio of tho al leged outrage. Tho hitrepreter informed tho porto that Mr, Terrill deeply regreted tho publication which originated in French mmraw and whioh wiw ontirely unfounded, Cuatn Kirn IJIi'ilim, 8an Fra.ncimi'0, t'eb. 27, A local firm of colTeo dealcrrt haa reiH'ived partial ro turna of the pri'wideutlal elecllon held in Cocta lllca. It in reported that tho Liberal candidate, Manuel do Jiniane,, wan completely routed at tho poll aa wiw alm tho new party headed by Felix Montru. Tho election appi'iim to 1x in doubt iM'l wiH'n Hafael Igleniiw, candidate of tho Civil party, and J oho (I. Trejon, candidalo of tho Cut hollo Union, with chanci in favor of Igleniaa. Ilimiliimii iir l n I, ml. Wasiunoton, Feb. a7. Tho State do. partment haa received coiillrmalion of thereKn t of tliotrliiniph of tho revolution. Ist in llnmlnnw tu tho ithapo of a tele gram from tho United Stab Minfaler at Maniigua. The mlninter nayn: "l!on 11 1 a him occupied tho palaco In Honduras (donbtlcHH meaning at Tegucigalpa) and the war Mccnm to lo at an end. To Ni'tllo llin Nllvttr Uumtlnn. Cauttta, Feb; 87. At a meeting of nativi and Europeans In tho town hall, rcwilutioiw wcro piwMitd urging tho gov. eminent to try to sottlo tho silver qui tlon by International agreement and to appoint a royal eoinmlHnion, to iiieludu rcnidents of India who are not officials of tho government. :nUre riw rrMil. Nkw Youk, Feb. 87. A sjMrlal from Rio confirms tho reports of tho sinking of tho roliel ship Jupiter In Hlo bay liwt Thursday. A shell exploded In her boiler room and sot firo to her powder magazino. Her entlro crew ihtihIhkI and many viimels were Injured by flying splinters. Knglluli Marliidn to do tu Africa. London, Feb. 27. Four hundred ma riners, who aro now stationed at Cliat ham, have boon ordered to 1k In roadiniMs to procwd to Bat burnt, West Africa, to take part in the expedition against tho lave traders. CilnUlon'i Kytn l ulling. London, Feb. 27. There is an nncon finned reiKirt that Mr. Gladntone in formed the queen Monday ho wiw to un dergo an operation for his eyes and that ho desired tho royal sanction to Lord Iiosebery acting as premier pro torn. Twenty-Five Killed. St. Petekhhuru, Feb. 27. A terrible boiler explosion has taken place at tho Uff Iron works at Alexnnderowskl. Twenty-five mm were killed and ten wore soriously injured. I'Hrllniiii-iit Will ll I'rnrngiifld. London, Feb. 27. Tho house of com mons adjourned until Monday. Parlia ment will be prorogued on Monday and the new session will open on March 13. i .! it, j I h I. t H'f f . I' I- 1 I 11.. nil. t i 1 1 t i f iii.ij Hi f ! . . i I ,i M I!-. i I i. . I it- lit tall I I W -Mt..a, I i i . I . u I I ll I , ! 1 1 ,1 in, . ,,., 1 . t. lJ I 111' tvll-e h i. I l,l N I I- I IP lit I I V II 1 1 I I .,' All M- I l"t 1 ! i ', i. inin unttf, I hi Iim lu, lil !r ll-- in i !t i.'l li.lnr.l I l.l. . .hiiha, 1 1 Si i ' ipiitui I, T K ..! Ihe In ( II tlx 111." inn- 111. .ll (. K Iff t HI lutty i i(, pU. i lii l1 of the armv in vt qiMi.v .f lll-l, I it, ;e and tie olti hi b t n.tin t-ii tuee i' lli.lnnnM.iH to ii. li-.l hf I HI llli., 'AHtiMiT, lib. V. Tim r-lii of. I. It. Topixr. Hi" "hiif of II" siiijiir lnuiily ilmii.n In lln ollii o cninmlw.inn.r of hiletnal rfvenne, Inn li'H iiipiii by Stt'rt-tury t'rtilili', CONGRLSSMAN WllSON'3 CONDITION II Now II a IiimhI l lulillii I'liani'K tut III. I ll. W lih 1).luil.l l St. I.m m. Feb. U7. A sihh lal to Tim Republic from I ho City of Moulin say Uongnfisiiiim WIIhoii Is In Ihe pilval rnrof A. A. Robinson of tho Central railway In the company's yn at Onadalajarii. Tho car is sidetrack and removed n far ns jmeslblo from all dintui biug liillueucea. Tho dint Inirulnheil patient Is receiving tho utmost care am now mis a gomi iignnug cimtico lor im life. His temperaliiro was unchanged Monday and in consequence tho phys clans think this Is tho l.'lth day of the typhoid fever. It Is not possible to giv tho exact ago of tho disease, as his leiu peralure was not taken dailv enroiilii from Kaiisas City to Agues Callentes, conseiinenlly tho physicians are giiiwliii tomewhiit. at random as to tho age of t he disease, but are conlldent it is at least thn 10th day and lielieve it to Iki tho bllh Consul (leneral Crittenden mid Congress. man Tursnoy aro in closo cominuniciitioii by wire, watching for every change in Mr. Wilsons condition, but so far noth ing of note is seen. Mi Kioiii Mimt I'ny tlm IVimMy. WiiituI'I.ainh, N. Y., Feb. 27. Fid- lowing closely tho refuMal of Judge Cub len to grant a stay for McKano, Judge Dyknian also declined to interfere In tlm execution of tho senleneo iironoiinced Lawyer .Toaohimsoii of Now York ap peared in White rlaiim and niadollio up plication. Jiistico Dykitntn at onco ro- fused to interfere uud tho transai tlon was over, Tho grounds on which the application was based were tho same a those presented to Justice Culleii. Saw Mi-kIco Hullo iiinpuny. Santa Fh, N. M., Feb, 27. Articles of Incorporation of the New Mexico Tele phone company, organized to construct and operate a system of telephone Hues connecting Santa I'o, Cerillos, Albu querque, Las Vegas, Han I'eilro, Ooldori and Cochltl, wero filed in thoolllcool tho territorial secretary. Tho charter runs for fiO years. Vlnluli'cl I Im l.iilli ry I.iiw., Feb, 27.-F. L. Welles of St. Louis, se -relary of the (liiaranteo In vestment company of Nevada, Mo., was arrcNted In this city by a deputy United States luuMhal on a charge of violating lottery laws. Ho ad mits having sent through tho mails the circulars of tho company, I I m In Sua 1'riiin' BavFiiam'IW.'o, Feb. 87, Tho (lolden Rule bazar, owned by Davis l!ros deal. ers in toys and notions, was destroyed by lire, Loss aliout f 00,000; insurance, $175,01)0. limner Sinllli Nut S ( siiillilntn, TorrcKA, Feb. 27,-Farmer A. W, Smith of Mcl'lierson, has decided not to bo a candidate for ( loveruor. Wli.t. r Whi st a Fwlliiro. Wkst U.niun, Ia Feb. 27. Winter wheat, In iiortlicnatcnrii lown will lie practically n failure, THE NEWS IN8MALL SLICES. A vela of cm I 7 ft. tl In, In thli knim han been struck at, Iltclilleld, Ills. Mrs, (ieorKu I'aUley of Wellsvlild, (),, committed suicide with moriililim, I)o- mi'itlc i ron bio was tlis enuse. The niol loti for a new trial In thn case of Haley, convicted of itiiirdi-r, was over- rtileil ami lis was scnti-neml at Anaunma, In., to Ufa ImprlHonmeiit. The trial of August Meiikhanser. fx- pollcetnau t Itelli'Vllld, charged with wlf murder, has been set, fur next Thursday In tho St. Clair county court at Mascmi tali, Ills. The cniirtrnartlal In the Kenrsarus case epeneil nt ilrooklyn navy yard. Tin eld Mstihsllnn opera boils In Brooklyn, N. Y burnml. At Vlueland, N. J., two persons wer bnrni'il to death In a burning building. Kdwnrd M, Field Is itlll held In Ludlow Street Jail, Nw York, on a dentlst'i bill, l'liwIllKts Corbett and Mltchsll left New York fur Jacksonville, Kla to answer in court for their recent Unlit. Ooverners llrown of Maryland and O'Fern-ll of Vlrulnla held an amicable conference In relation to tho oyster fb'lds, Tauuht bv exiiirlenes that wheat Is no longer prolltnlilo, Illinois farmers am finally turning to (llvi-rsluVd farming. Hundreds of western Kansas fanners ar Irrigating, Inspired by tlm success of bftorge A Unman, whosturled the nyxlein. Clalmaiits at Ashland, Wis., to Ouinlia reservation lands have orgnnl,ed itu n olub to push tlieir iiitensts. Professor Wrsidi of Peoria, Ills,. U charged with manufacturing unlvcrtilly degrees and selling them at low price. Hon. Daniel Paul, the hanker of Centur- burg, O., ex-stat senator, has mysterious ly dlssppeared. The ulrl tramp discovered at Padueah, Ky., will be sent home to her mother at Allegheny City, Pa, Tho story Is told of a secret expedition to Cococos Island In the Pacific to hunt for gold burled by pirates, A colony of about '4f Men mom I to families have settled In Fuyette cc JQty, Illinois, and more are expected. In l I. 1 ft ' I I MAGNET FllEC&--ilLlE( MiU.' - .t l i-.,,i K 1, M i UK Uttd for Rectal Diitmi Only. Ilei t t. , . et. r . I" I,! 111 I tl All I . ,.,.. . I . I I .S4 I 1,, . I , ll.iMI ft M HOI, Htrit isimtsi r . ii.'J a h The Bible Cabala tu N. A y Nnw Kciliscsirrr. i mi i i TONt IN p,t f in ..I ll Hi i.. bllili- il ail I," .., Kl(f(l.'B ( I I Hi i,!,.. Suit I MH AlftR, e Tiih rt I Tiiill t ft rii.nallt p An. ,pk! Ai', I.i1 ntl-l ft,IHlOnn, f III ill. r t niiii'iiui ei ais i mm Moit. i li tsi iiom ii mis Tin" Sunn nf tin. Vlln liinl iUhInIi. I'll. V I ,1 mill II. I illniln " I ll I Ml Inn uml Im lll'lll llllnln. iktitunr fttl of M. HiHt 4 .-, m tr4 ttrm. I In, 1 1 ii l mi my nf IShIiiii-. ri'ii'iii'n, I iiiii'M noil lii llu im I'l.AtS III SniiK of thn lii-rnl el Inn il'tornlm VIII. 70 .Uii uml lla Illinium ' I illniln ' llir mill. or Is Iti nt ihe l.ii wn of inn liiliiiw. 1'I.AIS IV, I'hii inlninlilur. nf II ( iiIm.Ii," II i,. Iiii'lo the 1 1 , y . I -1 Iiiiih Kltniiiilinlii nf liilelllu- eiiee, I'liiililiiu, ii- ,i mtiliii a III in'l li'iil in 'vi. i, i, , ni inn lon e. tm tw ai,n nut trtvtt If ftrutrr.fml hi it t,i,Kr ,t,m hyni mtr firl Im tf m?i axr, ''in KM, I, tin I "fulfill lllee" nf Self In e. I Ihle Mfllvliin. the In. Vf in Inlm of Ihe I'll Ii Uoi'liul A)te, l-t.ATK V. I'll,' Itnrileii of I1 , vnl 1 1 mi I ii Ii I 'h V I V , 1 1.., I'htim of Ihe ArrJiiiii't for Ihe llullillinf nf im, iio'iii ryiiiiiiiu - iiiiiHirui, i ,v Din KNitiiN. tlm iiiiiki' uml rhiniilier of llm Hiime nhnwii I how iIIiiii iinIiiiim eniiforin In tin, i iiiiiiin," MnaoliiH of I'uyiil. A hint. hy .ii nun, V I y iiiimhim ni l',' IHOII, ii, li'or- rem of Ihe Three (Oi-ul l,u. nf !li, In). veie. How to leiirn I he "I iiliiiln" 11 ml nniUi, ll llilel'i'Nllim iiinl liiNli ni'llve. The Cm'iiilii" IiiiihI he known tn itmli'iMin nil the llllile la nil IIn MeuiiliiK. He Iciirc, l-,l lili- iitul li,'llliin, I'l.ATB VI, The Hnnu nf .IiihIhiii. urn r Im i'm,,i,,n,l,.,l the Sun mill M i to "xlaiiil mill." Thet.ltni. Iheienf mill IIn liiennlliK, ( eiliiln Iihi'In nf I'siilms. "I'.liorli" inn eJiiHlier" I'inii in, n il lit ileleimlnii their relative line, ami Ihelr ro i ii i i'ii ntiKiii. I'l.ATS I'll, The prm-CNS of muftiiig mill itil.ipiln? llllile lleriiliirn, In N ii I liiti Knllillni. fn llll fill, Ureal. Model the I'iiIvccni., The .lewn Old lint Wllle Ihe lllile. uml wl.v. Tin, iIIni,i.mI,.,. of llin Aiilhomnf Ihe llllile, mid tlm ,i,,liu Mi lime, mid why, 1'ioH'i.IiiiiiIhiii mid Uniniui Ihih, slin and how ih lliied, and when uml whern. I'l.ATS VIM, The AtiHtnii'l of il,,' "Ci.hi.hi" nt, i ,,.U,f, If. the "IViiIiiik," "J'rnvi'ili.," -.) i ,1, ." "ImiiIiiIi." Kl'l'l,nhlNf ea" II ml "Snntl i,f Hi ,lm, n,t, " I. nf llm - iilmlu" mid their iiieunlin. IIn Hil'lr 'iitneriiiln" an '( ,th,ilit" iitiium. "ll... Cahala" reveiilM Ihe hidden H ull,, of whirl. It l llm nymlinl," Kmiiinile of llm "( iilmlii." iflvliitf verw I lo ft, In, lull, eh, V uImi the iiinniii'r and Hint hhnwinx "I nhalu." ei.ATS ix. Alillinm Hill HlMIIIIV. 'II.,' I , f ' I . I . . Ihe liii'iinliiK thereof, I'iimIHvi' evldei I hill. the llllile mi. wi ll len In III llliln, Tin- Tem ili , HI. "Ahnrv ami hloiifhi-nue." hnlli it. demon. Iritle Ihe llvlnu hiwx of Din 1,'nl. Vll'Nei ' the lll'liveiin, III (I Ihe I 'onntelllilloeil III, 'In, f, enhlhlli d on llin nliil III ill Hli.f.,, henue. In eiillliijt your kindly iiliinllnn In the nnleeiN nf the " I ii h," ,'..,.. mriieled hy Mm lliiid of Hrllalo, penult inn t lie , I, 'Until'!' In Hit y ! I hi in no wln i'oiiIIIi'Ik with llm Word er i trit "Cnliiiltt" I'onal mi led In iiml n. lu.,,. Ill the "WIniIiiiii of Snlomnni1' Mil"ki'v" nf Snhilliilll kl inii Ii, I, . VI. Iii'iin l,, mlii l,.r II, h lllirlinn.' Of llll'i rvlltf llll t'nsr n IIn lt,iln - iiii. i itii i I ; rii ii .iiin, I Hti il.. I, I.I. tf . . . ' . i i ,i , iihiiml mini i' i l , r,'l i fil Ii, n ii i er .ie w i. ii nun oiin r I o riiiioi- il,, ii, tie- iiri'.fiii iinii'l ll or Hueir iri'iiiiiimen IIn, i'iKii iii'i-or a "i iilmlii" Uii ii eniniiiiK in Ihe i,iie I'lMioe, linn ll., ',, ii in,, t nil mnmii n lliinilea Hint l,,. knnwli'dini nf Mm form of inn ineviniiK or oiiii l, ( uMiilu" Iiinl l.,, i nen iiihi. " mi Uml, tlieai. wn "I H in hi." Th ' riiitrn ('iilmlii," uml the "Word or Vi re ( 'iilmlu", itNlm eiii h nlher, Ihe tltil ithiiwlhti: the s... nee, IMIilr. uml I.iO,,ii ii,,, Ii, ,!, III,,'i inn M-eonil n how Inn nil oner ni,d nri'iinireiei-nl of Hi' llnnkn, In ihe l!IMi,, Sl'lld ll'lllil'. In Till- A Ullllrll llll', xirei'i, inr iomrriiiioii, wilhonl. minify, yflW Roarltf A'eerli'iuiChitrlx. Vol. I, I'lnto Wll IIUUUI 1,1 II.. ! rrfl! .Mnl'l-,.,,,,,. 't 'il invmiiiiniii i,, I hiii. who (le.lri, to hi cnnm m 1 1 till n I ell Willi 1 1 he Hi'leni'e uml I nn.,,l inn iini'ienoi us hewn Im llm III i i, $12.00 to $35.00 a wi r:i A UK M A III' IVIlKlilMl en i s, rmfie iiiiffiii'ii !,,, fun r,.r lilnli s hnim, and triivel IhimiKh I In- eniinl l ; a imim, iliniinh, l mil m-i-i-nkiiry, A few viii'iiiii ie. iti tnwfii urn ellli'M. b en in wi, men of ifniid I'lnifiti'li r will llnd thin nil m t'l'i mini I oiHirluellr for iiniMlithlee mulny ii'in, i.inii, nniim tuny im n.iil lo Kond dviiriliiio,, II I . .KiIImIiV A. in Mil. I noun mr.i"is, lllehmntnl, V, AANTfl, Mini wmiii-d lo i-onnlni ,u T III tll'llll'I'H. MiirI l,.l,r lli.f. riiiilred, I'ny, HHIm llt.t, moiiih, it ml H'iie, Wilto n nilwd with Ini'ii'iiBi- of lml. new, Tn jr.-t, ti reply tnid Dim tili'kle liliili'd miinpli, lo do hllfiim Willi, I'tii'lnm- ,tu. to ii. i' iii.iiiii ii, nimimer, W nil in (fllli-i-, 1(1 Itroinlwiiy, lliitinlhiti Mi,, A yontiK tiiitriled Iniili wiinlnti (food uletid )o.loti. Ile.l of idly reforenee, Addrims X, X, X, llil.iilllci, THE MONK. Oho "f the rh lo'nl hn,ili nnhluhi'd, tflvliiK Ihe eoiiiili lo eM-rleiii' of ihe famous Monk SWS, Sefill for It tpll'k, TS A HUMMER, PRICE $1.00 My attircM, prepiilfl, Csn'tseml It hy until, (1, H, )ohUkiIiiiiii taken, AKerilseomidi'tfl oiillll Jl.fiO, Ad, Ire, CHAQ, W. RIFE, MAYHVII.LK, KY, SYPHILIS! t-rmntillr nirM In ID In m itnyl Wo mniiliiaiU all ,,,l,,n fri.m ll,,, .y -.,, ww ,., .in',, ran im ft r. iiiin i,f ih mM n a,,r frm. I'Midi nan In f..t..i1 at Ii' ,fi. a W..II tlrfl., Itirf tlm Mttin ,,'M af 'iiiiI.t 0,1. imii..,i,.f ante..,, ,fi ttnti 0,i Kli ,t, f, r l.i i-.. inn ,,rn, . will K,iiOa, l. I.i i-nrn thin nr rerun.) all m,., f ait ki enll,,, i.,,,-1, ... .,f miNiiiiK, nllr,l far anil l,,,u. i.illa. Our Magic RemedifW,; Hner Pitthtl tn imim tl, rno.1 olwtl nl. enaea, W neliallenya tl,- wiirKI t.,r ataw wni-.n le.ti'iiin. ainj. o. f in, "Il In-a lr,i,., ,i (,,r H,l,iliali.l riwilii f, iii ricrer ll'.Ol "r . S.ifln (i,lllt,a ,li,,n4,,'lt (l,nii,.i iihmHililtm eilmrt ini rhitltrhtfg III mtrht Inr It evia Iff. e,innt mirm, Tlila ,ll... haa alwar.,it thn iif th numt tminrnl fihtfUHHn. 500,000 CAPITAL, behind iMtr lllie,m,ll.,nal (farnl S',,lul jiriHif anl aaalMl UII aKll-all'-n. i,l.lraa, iwik urwriir in turn SO! limb t'-flm, 1ila, IS, II A- vv "in (HANI) I UDOt tom ISSliJUJIOH IN l!niu. Slule ef Anierica ... v ' N ... m i n v V 1 i r 1 a m pi 1 m m w 1....- ...... 11 M ,..o, M im VI . ,111 1 nui 1,1 ii. , h, ,,,,,, ,. m I, rinh. . I . Mid till fit, el iitr.nlta. Vi ti "'"'" t Im ,1 iHi.l S, iM"l.a. l-ii K '!. Ml.niml im, I 1 ,,1,11 n.. IH(.1UN I't.'IM II'i.ks, Mil l h,lf nf (hit ,,iy, itMime I ,lj nf HlK I hlt.ll SLtlra ,,f Alill'ttril. Ill,, I lll H l ies of rut ti i t Inn II,,, f.,i n,,ieri,ii HlHl ftietidea are i lnh u v.,i li ,, rniney tn Ihe Inlnd.iif men ohn ,,) iMiseiiinliiitil slid tmiKii irlni'ili'. Hlti Ihi an few mileli,enl tinide: The Irfiy ni (iritmoi In. tit, m, ,n s hmlher IioimI hiiiI al.lerhiinil, Imioid hy three tlf -Jam lee, Truth ami l(lhli 'iill.lif an, ll llllN ho hidden Ilium, ll Is I'rulf rniil uml llelie'nleiil-.illll,tl Slid prole,, 1 In,) ineinher. while IIvIiik itnd Ihelr wlilnw. mitl iiihinia when they 11 re re lumed hy ileiilh. ll iiiln,, lli Huh! of prlvuli! JiidiMiient Ihe liiilriiiiinif lletl fri-fdiiin of oplnloai hit. lleyi- the linhlli- ai'hooN me mi e.m litliil silfeKHiinl of the .title. 111,, I fhonlil litt bent free froin ei,-hwliilleitl or m-i-Iii iltin emit.rol lied I hnl i,'f.i,ii dNInyil In in,, ituvertimetil - Who hold 11 inetihtl ullejtlmiei! lo Ihe t,i,e of Home- hliniild hi, rlitoroiiMlv fni-lnilf d finn, teaehleit Ihereln, It helleves (iiltiittry iillenlnii,',, . (,m t Ihe soveriimeiil, whleh itoli-i'ii Ihe Uvea, ll'leriles anil injierl lea of IN elllerta. and Unit, ei-flealiimii-it attlhorllv ahonhl nnt,' under imy elreiiiiialaiii-ia, Im hermit led 1,1 liiedilln In the affair of aluMi, and that t-oer- i-loliof i-,eti In the everelw. of hla or In-r rlxhtof friitiehhte, under the iculan of rellK- loitsor siilrltiiiil auiliorlty should hit pi n lulled at. 11 crime skuIiimI i)h, attttn. Thai. II Is the duly of every cllly.1,11 1,1 ,l. fend ihe fiiwfnlly Hilled iinthorlly and liiatliiiilotia of our .-(Mini ry attains!, corrupt ami Inimical Inlliiencfs, as well as aualnal, itrmetl U..11II1111I 1,1 1 he end Unit our nlorl oiih freedom he itioM-cii'd and Iraiiamlllj.d iniliiipiiireil In pnalerlly, It i-hcolmitfe hahlla of friiKitllly and In domry itmonalls niciiilcrs, and Is proud to hoiiHl, thai. (iriiliKemen aeldotn become a put, lie chitrxn or acci'il pmioer hread. ll hellevea In the real rlct.loii of linmlura- llotiitnd tin, extension iif ,lnm for ( In. niiliir allalloii of cIllw tiK, and Unit, tint tiiihlic nndaiihiill Im held for actual American cltl- wn who hecome aeillcrs, Tlm ,oyul frmitte liiKtliutloii nf the ti stines or America him certain rc,iilrt,iiienfi for iiiniiH-rafili! ,, 1,1,111 nn.iii I,.- uii iieiiim Atiiericitn lllfii, Intvlni coiiiiilled wlfht.hi- I ,i wb nt 1 1... i,iiiii-ii "lines won reiftifl 1.0 iii,liiii,ll,.n,. and without 11 mentiil tcervitilon. I hut. Ihe aim Ifmil ahull hn 11 I'm. tout, 11. t iimi mioniui, ma (utrenta mill wife ahull hi: roieaiiiina, Thai he ah'ill he thrlflv and nii,'ci-of ,,l In his hiilne! hoiioriihle mid Iriilhfni In l,u iieiiiintra won nia reiiowmmi, uml a 111 hi, kiniwii 11a ti liiw-ithlilintf clllwti. Thai lie Will Chdfiivnr lotlvtt hla children or liny children tinder hla chm-ic nt leitai a vooii common actiooi cioicitt ion, tii-lnif cure- tin 10 itvoin tin 111 i,l.,, unci t inea, it lid That he .hull hi- In aoiirni heiilih nt IIn time of not It I n 11 milieu) Ion 11 niiiana no iiiirereiii i. where 11 tntui wn 11,1111, an lonif 11. h'i Incel Ihe roreolft reiiiilreiiicni. 'I heaii mil the iiutilKlciillotia reiiitlred Ii every sritdlcmii In ihe order, mid we do no) think Unit any (mtrlnlle Americiiti order enn oner a he in-r iirniv of iirlncioh-a imd Icich- in. AMi:i;H'AN l,OVAI, 1 No, ''!!, Incel I hi 'il!A?.Uh MMiUK, llrt, itnd lhlr1 Tin-. day cvciiltiK of inch mofifh, til :'( o'clock, ,M Ii. 7,tiH. Secy SUPREME CABINE f American Orange Knighte, (HUM TS, Thl order I formi d of oeraoti whoie of, )ecl I lo mitlnliilti )), mii,f,,(icy of law, older Iiml conallliilloniil fteclnm- ,,, wrve invlolt,,!, th" cltle,,' frttnchlw-i Ui t,erM'iiiln ami (lefenn llm i,ec, ,la ,,,id f,c liillliillo,i of civil tttid relii'lon liherly K 1111 run n,e, 1 11 y tin-1 on", nit, ion or I he 1 ,,le, niiitea ittid t,nii,iihe,i hy ottr fon faiher, rao a at kt fix is. l or Informittlon r'intntm. the formntlon or new 1 ommitnierlea, or i,,,lle, wmo, ),, l ai,ireme w ereliiry, m. (,. ADitH, Sec y, J, M, lUssr.ii, 1;, (!,, (d;, Howiinf S Sn,ii,w, Mich- Omaha, Neh, ir.Ortlef United Amarican Mechanics IlKHtltutod May 17, IHf).?"! Illblll)y for Mfmbrtr)hlp. Any white mule ),eron horit In tlm Culled SliiOaof Noril, Amerlcii, if rrllorli-, or under 1 1, ,rolecllo,i of ll IIk, who ahull have ttltalni'd Ihe ttvo lit lt,eet, year, who I of ifiHid inoriil chitritcte r, s hellevnr In (he elle,icn of s Sitiire 1,111 llelntf s the ("reslor sort I'reafrver of ihe onlvi-rae. In fuvof of fri-ii editcittlon. o,ioei Ui itny tinlon of church and li,ui, ahsll hn fllKlhle to mem herahlp under Ihe (irovlalon of the law In the aliiln sod anhofdlMiiln council ), which llm iii,llcMllori I miidei orovlded, thai no oeraoti ahull he received to henel'hi meiif herhl, -1111 la over fifty y,-i,r of 1110,, A perwifi .hull not 1st nerrnlllfd to Ihl order who doe not iif s ti,d moral clntnictf r, or whol In sny wsy It,c,i,iic)).c4 fro,,, esrnltiK s llvlih'Nid, nor h,ill hn h Under l Iff ft yi-,ir of Mln, Siiheetof a cci,irlitn nr ttttrllaan char-iM-M-r ahull not l, lnlr,idi,ci-d mut any meet Iiik of Ihl council, nor ahsll any memhnr notkn nan of thn n,i,n,i of thl order at S polltlesl mtiel.lni. Tits imtwr ask: Klff, Tit mill 11 1 11 1 1, mid nromoli llm Inte.. sals of American, ,,d l,lld them fro,,, ths denrea.ln cffi-clsof fore lifrt comis-llllon. Second To aa t Alniir cnria In nhlulnlrn, emiilnymetit, 11 11,11 1 11 nnciiiirnx" ni ner, can in rol f,'. Koitrih-To eial,llh s sick and funeral fond, Klfih-To malnliiln thn otthllf nchool v. l.m of lh Cnlifd Stitif of America, and lo lirevftit, aeciarlsn Idle rffrence Iherewllli. and tin hold thn rendliiK of tint Holy fllhli, thurelf,, NEBRASKA, stats coesctf, or sksimssa; H.fWW.M. I'- kNAI'l'. Omaha, S. V. (!.-!, KV I I' Mil If t' .VI. On, hi, S. (I, Secy,-. (il'IO, '.. tt.NTON. I'. O l,o I on una H,C. Treas.-C, H. AM,r"N, Honil, Conductor - II V. MA II I HO,ll, I'lalamoulh, Warden -I', S. M''( A CI,K V, Ho, Omaha. Sftitlnel- II l Sllr llWItOH. So. Omaha- It, I', lil,MAN, Omaha. Ke lirewn la Uvea to Null,,, ml Council- WVf V. KNAI'l'. II, l HAV. W. A, MI'.HHICK. I'. N, McAl I.KV and ,1, W, HOCHI l(. The nel, rfli,r tnfftl,,' will hn held on thn ihlrd Tuesday In July, IHOt, at, Omaha, PKANCIS . Kr.V COI NCff, No, (I meets 4 every Crldny evenlnir at, (I, A ll. Hall, I'lattamoiith. Neh. Vlaltlin tirolher c.r. dlully Invlled. W, f' Cool. tons,, He,!, See, WAHIIINfJTOM COI'NCII, No. I. meets ' every Trlday i-venlnir In (ioodrlel, ht.ll. 2tth snd I'ninkllii streets. Vlslilns hrotln-rs slwsys we Icome, J. C, I'Aim. Hee'y, BOOK DEPARTMENT. I im. I'd it.'., .f Standard Ami-Honian Catholic Books WMi Ii incry I'lilliulio Alnriii iMi slumM inn I M l liilHsi-lf U()li Hit' nllllll'li' i f Uii J.iijm, v Riv. Chimquy's Books: 1 it n 1 1 in n !,"''( I .i , a 1 Ml I lit In II nf I I II ! Wi,MlN MI 1 m SlnSAI. I 1, t- ,1, 1 i,S I x Fulton's Books: I ti II I Ml! il I II W I l i ,', ,i v , .,t, 11 AMUMli. IS HI); I In ' M I ' I'll,., A I' I'l T. M. Hards' Books: "AS M ll IN nf I IMtil 1 ,,t)l tl "'i Mutt,. , ,,, a,, ,11 Mr, and Mrs, Slallorys Works: "vt vi r in) i i'ii 1 if i',,,,,,,, il e til. "Si I III I Iif IIHMIMI I'lill "TS rust u" ry it-ii. in,', nt. IX- AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hlht llnwunl Sffccf, OMAHA, NEB. I INcol.N (i!NCt, ' coin, N.'hraaka, Sn. 1, meeia la ,ln. (OI.PMIUA ('(M'Nrll, No. II, meet, y I'linailiiy evetiliiK In I'micraon hi,,,' and I-iiriimii hin ei.. ever ,'k, I M. T, Wtuuiss. It. S y, I ml .1 nekton Street. UriNONA ('iMIM'iT No, 4, meet, ,.Very Siiturditv ev.-nliiK In l(. , Men' Hull, I'oiillneiiliil IdiM-k, filh mid liniitflii SI, U011. M, Hiuvkii, U,,, Sec'y, (JAUI'll l.ll CUIfNl'riT'.No, ft. ti la every Tieduy nlKhl In Soitilt Oiniihti. WlM.lAM I' Allll, Si-Cy, I IKI l(TV CUI NCM. N, 7 mi'fta ..very ,., ''"'"""ly ' I'vi'iiltm. 1. 11, (), V, linn, ,ou. villi., Ni-h. T, , l.ticii. (ec, Hec'y, IOWA. UMTK ITV CUDNl II, No 7- meet ' We.liie.diiy i-vtniltiK In tl, a. H, every Hall, Cnnncil Klnit, In, MISSOURI. WTATK ('(d.'.N'iTf, die MIHHOfftr. H. I'.C. Ilordeti, Hidden, Mo, H. V. !,-llev, II, A, Sliiiiithter, Warrens-hut-ll, Mlaaoiltl s, (;. Sec'y - Holla (I. Carroll, Warrcimhurtf, M 1011 rl. Will meet at llniiiilhiil, Mn 1'ehrimry, mr,, KANHAM CITY CUVSCMM, lANMAS ( ITV (orsnti Mt, ((.Meet, ., !"":H, I'll11"? "lehl ai liihl WiiltiiI lri,et, II, U, Hill, ill;) Woodlmnl. lice, Mccrelary, 1 ..imi i ni .-ai 11, ,i;, in -licet every HiilurdiiV nilhi, til IIn, coriiei 1,1 'fmiAtii, and ( lu rry treel, W, V, Sheiiver, llecord- oik pecreiiiry, tin .itaoiwin al reel,, llATIlKiT (llil'XIUVd :tl V(, Meet every W..lf.kl,. U .,,.,1.. ... A f 1. Hull, 1 Itel!, ll'il K KlMhlei-nlh ir.-,,f,. .1. k. f.'lf.,.. Secrelary, 1'A I'lora svenne, yi',TI'UI(Tf'Ui:,N('l, ,(,;)7- Meefat-v.-ry " I rldny ulnUt 1,1 W...1 1,0,1, W, ll, Shrink. Itee, Hecn-liiry. I'Vi V,. Ktehttt lr-,ri, fJATK 'TV ('OCV! (, $n, H Meet " Momliiy nlhl,, cotner lli m,d -,. eve ty nil Ytn over orittf ion, CI'IIIN(iHf;f,H COCNf lf, , 0 Meet ',"'';, Monday nlht, hclween ;Hh( and -red o llolmea, fj 1 ' V I I f -' i I ' N 1 1 1 N o7 M ,', i at. ' HhfJifdevi.,',y'lhii,ih,y nlifht, Thomas StnlUt. Kec, Sec'y, Shedleld, Mo, Patriotic Order Sons of America, WASHINGTON ('AMI' No, 1,1', O, H, of A , u , "!'.'"!? '"""1" evenlti ,,), lld Men' Hall, I Ifo-etilh and IoukIh St. UAHMINUTOX ( A Ml' No, )'!, I'. O, S, of " A., I oioi'-H Dli,rT... MeetlllK III their hall over 1 1 ;t ir'indvmy, every WednfMlay nlufht at. Do'ch k, ,h ll, Va I'Ai'fAW, ,-,',, t:irv A, f. A, AUK I-IN(0,N('OI'N(;( NO, , A M Kill cm, I'mtccllve Ao-hi,)o meeUcvfty ec. 0. ,d and fourth Wedneadny of em h month In 1, O, (;, V, hall, l'lmt.,,oiilli, Neh, Viillr,K mcihf r ate wefcoine I' , (', Drown, Sec, LODGE DlfUGTQRY. fANSAH V, UI't.K XT A II. f O, l No, iff, - Meets lftl ,t,,d third Tin-adays of fitfi. moiiih nt s ft, in . In A, O, I!, W, Hall, corner I oirth aiieel and Miinieoolit avenue, ritinaos ( My, Kan, riiiiiin I Hi,,riw,, W, M, Wm, Ihtllaih, aeerclncy, til'l Notlhrnt, vc,,,j,j, VIlll(,K hfflhreit onHilly Invited, A': l!OI',A fdl.'NCII, No, I VI A, I', A. Meela I very Well'iea' IIV I, fl,l ,ir,,i ui 1 o'clock, (. tlm A, I', A, n,t!l, ,' Minm aols iiveiuie, lianaasf.'Dy, K, f .(OW f i r ( Oi; N( 1 1, No, SI, A, I', A Mcl ' every Monday cvcnlnir l lh corner of I we,,. iiy ihiid and I'r'P'iieet, avcoe, ,i,e,. (iy nn, r.-rnon leirl,,tf to to n may n ,'Iok, their name, i,ec and nomher, wafl ma and off i,,,i,!,)o, and direct Ui l,,, f,;( Kaniia(!y, Mo, CV.WM M tlVSI'l i7no", W, A , V. A,- .! u ai'cnd and foitril, TiicxIiiv iifonK.n ,. , t o'clock In the A, I', A, Hull, Son, huosl cor ner I'aekard and Onate avetnm, Armoiirdtile, TiBitor are coroiaiiy ii,vim-, itaiM-nd, WHiK AWAHVJiiFyi'tt, No, Id, A. I', A,, " nieela eve, v I ihliiv nlihi. , h u,.A fi Hood, OrlKhy's hall, Ititnaa ( My, linn. VXcriMldU ;oCN(,'l so. ;i, W, A, 1 ' me le very Monday utu-rtimm at 1 I'. A, t M, i.l. Ilell'a hall, Houlhwcal. Iloiileva,,). i,e p ,i., IIn". Ihwditle, itnaii, r'rletd of older council are cordially lut-lo-d Ut hIWii'I, Kvcry Iron American dy I Invllnd locoma and loin it, nod a. I.I In Ihe good work, Inlathm fen 41 m, f.ATK MTV f'OC'Nrif, No, S, A, I', A. . ,w..T,.,7 ni,,,,,,,,,., '..', I, H nt, I'll mill' lie.otit avernie, Katmu I'M V. Hum. Vlallor corn i any oiviif't, CftV.SCII, No, 1, A . 7Ta ets sysry Mon v day nvenlnK at ('hamla-r of iAiunuvn'it Hall, lllvervlew. Visitors iv;r(ally Invlltd, COW.U,.Sn, H, A, I', A. Meets every HhU tittun hVI' Hi tumtltuuMt m,rt,i,r ri and 0aio sveititii, Armotirdaln. VUllir cordially Invited, fOI'NCir, No, II, A, V, v ward' Hall every Ti A. Meets st Woid- ry Tuesday nynnlnv at. sTti, fn, hiirt, third t reel and l,afay,. ,ji avc,i, A cordial Invllullon I emended Ui vlaltlnn frle ml, A KOKNTINK f'OI'NCI 1 No, It A. f. A,- " Meel every Monday nlht In Nok Hull, Ar",ii,iii, Kim, All vlnllors wel',:,ne,) TOI'l-KA COCNdl, No. H. A, I A - Meets every Monday evening I,, A. O. I), W, Hall, IIS li.i ,,,, avetiiic, Tots-ks Kansas, All visitor Will I," Ct'llllllV Welcomed $525 Agent's f,rolii i'r monih. Will (trove llor ,.,y forfeit,. New ar ticles Iiml out A II V, aitnitilii and term free. Try us, Ciiiossrsa A, so, m Kond Sl N. V, Il-l7-i;it "Oonvent Life Unveiled." Iir KlilTII O'OOIIMAN, Thl Utile work relate the hlto-re ,erenci of a yoon lady wht w Imlnecd throityh tlm c,oiiii,i(f of tlm ,le,ill and Ihe, of I harlly lo enler s convent.. Her story of Ihe h.-srl rnil I nv ,', , ,-nacU'd In I how sink of Inl'iulty is I'tld In v cotivlticinif siyle. I'rlci, In cloth II :!,. sent pol ,ald hy AMKUICAN IMJIIMSIIINO CO, hd,1 Howard St., Omaha, asiiina ,, , in t'Mr-r to lEdilfi 0Cormans Work's: ( i r 1 .,ih 11 Mil, IA I II I U I'riis, R. J. G, Wfiifs'sWoks: IH I !t t r. 'I MthM ' fil, .In, ),(, Hi iv) M"M I M'tit II" ri r "II rta, A I ' 1, n l MM,, I It U MAVIt'K '"'i "in 1 t 1 1, in e ii r 11.1. ' I Ai I I uii I Hi: I I 11I I.I ' Ai.ttt,. Thomas E, Lean's Works: sum r 1 v .t Kr, TlnN'S Til Jtt fs a, 11 no. "HI It ml M 11V" yiet ttt, "MARIA MONK" l'ih..,M, t. UPPttMtNT TO THE AMIRI. CAN l Ji r hiiinlied; I.i iii 1 1, r II,,, ii.iltll! slutflc I'nliy, il t enia. MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 50 Cents. Till lllile velum,, relate the terrlhhi -tift'lfii,',, of a mi,, who wn -o,ill,id l the Hack Nunnery" of Mont real, It ma oroh tthly Ihe urto-.l aiileof M,,y work of Ihe kind ever piililLlicd, and i-vc, a Ai tcmttm ttt Sntn'CMH It lel.'i. In l,.i I. ,u ai.i have heen miide. The xrlce In cloth mid In iit,i'r.V,ce,ia. i oraitlehy AMERICAN PUBLISHINQ CO., Ifil.l Howard Hi reel, Oniiilui, Neh or, t,7 Main St harem ( II y, Iti,, Akk you li siibsci'lhiir to TilK Amku- IC'AN? WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED. IIV MH. .M'HTIN I, FII.TO.V, I hi Is one of Dr. VUm' heat hooks, I deals wllh Ihe ,lle,loti of cellhacy f orleathood from a religious laml,olnt; also I'Hl i1" o I".''''"'.'!1 history of the Itoman ( ai hollc I I,,,,,-),, ',.,,f( ,() ,.,, .-over, BOO Hem eol ,ald on recel,l of ),,lce, hy u AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Ml,, Howard Kf,-,,,,t, OMAHA, NKIJ, (iKT ymii' (vIkwIh Ui mid tliulr jiitiiiiis to our ul,(!f-,,fi Jlat, Oft Deeds of Darkness Exposed. iy uy.v. ,i, a, wnim Thl enccllenl, work deals with the hollthoil meihoils,,f ihe Komi,,, Cmhollc ( hitrch. It con, ;ii, , n,,,,), f,M,, for thonifhl and luke warm Amerlcmi will llnd H lnl.-r-llni( read. "" iii ' l"''"u''.1 (" K'"'d, clear t yon, and s'llehy ' " ,, !i"' t"l-J'' '' AMERICAN PUDLISHINO CO., "'' llowmd Hifi-et, Omiia Sun Hihserlmt foe Tim AMi'.HU'SS, wily MM h yarn; In nvmvt:. Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Prldo 40 Cont, suBSTiTUTion Fmarriage. Prlco 150 Cnt. lU v. Jim,;,!, Hliiiicry , ,,, uihlir,lt y,,h liles Im let,-, ,,d are ,i,,.( j ,., lyp" and hound In ,n) t covers, He,,l hy (, ere.a or mi,, Addres, ' AMKUK'AX I'lllif .iKiff.v : t. m Ma, ,",.! 'rizzrkir THE PRIEST, " THE WOMAN, M CONFESSIONAL. Iir Jy;v, CHAS, CHINKl, v, 'l'',ii e T'.",U, '"ly "h h oracllce, of li e ( o,,f. s lonal hox. and t,hold he read ,VL ', '"" "' " "H hy Komi,,, (',),: ollca lhemw'lve,, The e, rof . of Ihe ( onfc. loftiil ,ece,,rly oolnied ) e,((,(, ( , , . l,'Cf, sent ,oi,nld, Sold hy '"' amkriun luiimum co I'll,', Unwnrn Hiroet, OMAHA, NKM, Law tirfaft, Wiifii,keMs(-ealty i,( ,,,f ,,ni, ivie, unit nU,nn.yH UuviiiK this klfid ,( work slioultl eall im us, W will M! fflftased fo ma lot prlees wlilcli r, roits (ffiahln, afifj uanifit!it (,(( work, AMKffCAW I'CII, VA), Fifty Years Church of Rome, (If UK,V,CHAS. f.HNIOCV This I a standard work on liomanlsm sn la secret vorklnys, written i,y w 1,7, ,,i,i lo know, 'l l, story f )), ,Uast, a f f Itoman Catholic Church Is hold In s clear snd con vlm-lnif manner, ft also relate many facia ri-KardlnK (hn ,raf l.lces of ,rlei ""''!'.," ''onvenls snd mo,,airles, ft has U I',,,,,, intjea, mid la at-nl icmloaM on fva1. .."Wl " AMMilllASI vi'.,h, m " JtJJ.!' 1 ' """""I rH-rntnt, Omaha Neh, THE COMING AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. Iir I), A. IK'NTI.NfiTON, This htamotiK (hn liM-a(, i,iil,lcf Ions and ranks anions Ihe heat. ld, with (he for e iKfi i eerif,rin (cliilcal affair of our cot,,, (ryhy (hn Horn,,,, Catholic ( lotrch, -,yrs American should It, 'u,er cover, I'vivv an Ci-iiiM. Sent ,o(,ajd r,n rece,,of (,rh e, hy I hi, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Villi Howard Hi ret, Omaha, Neh, nr.Wfl Mailt HI,,. Kansas Clly, Mo, SiLINVIG0RATI0N l(.a,u.- in. WPHT'H !HtVK A!fl) DfUIV Twslsient A Sswrtrtu for SMI 41, Itr.l lir.o sKlt ISSOHMI. m,,r.l ,i,n, lUsllf w.,rtlt tryln. Mall. SU f!,r f,lKl Jkaanaear's p Aor, twpt, UI, M7 Wslilntm Strut, oVottus, Mom. X