The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 02, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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1 HI t '6!.ili t j l tl Atj.i ,.(' lit k
Hl 1 t li, -s " IVl I.
H-r- n.-c-, t. )! ft m.-f, .4
jt iS ic ,.! I . ! ftM I ! t
if It, i iiiiii j
I , t . 1 ' '. I- I . t . !t l t
lK((H,iMlfi il H..I.., ) . . l.Ml liil
tl Ml )nt:li4 Hd r lln it i i 1t,t t' i
rl'i!jr ;iif Utr i Uiii!
At mtn. ni v hll J! , Mull i r
'l'-i I'll! llli'll l ! U Itmt U
J, i-w-' ftvro nM Nit
lo tvml hi')nn -lm ' i; tiki I!,!, I
(WMt litiii' Uh - tl ny i
ismn U f u In Hi if lmv. I titu
t', UlM Millli' tlliIVli tl ntit' lt I l,l
Mli'l f iW 1'ntlinHi- rtitiivlt
kitijj Un in tin ir jilltti tin "h
lit M'liiml (jU' .l iuti. Si h" wn jnM
lniii' tinii;h lo t ill' to tin1 M!hi,
Rtitl i m il Mlui wtvti nn Itnim iliati'
ivplj ; jut 1 ditik of It for a timim'til.
Tin to win lo'tii'tVi IJrtuU fcinl I,' i', tin
jjivhIokI Uh" wt'tlil turn vi'f jit-iMiitvil,
Hiitl our ( ii'iii'i'iil lii'rttH Miirtil, Rtul
Write-H liflii'inl Loo littil Mini i;ico
tl lo H liH'mt'tier ai'il toll him In liurr.v
Willi It til lii'ili'l'itl t'i'V qiuil-tofn, hih)
lirlnjr nn humeri into reply. It wml
Hdtni'tliitu; liki thU: 'tii'iioial l.oo
Will you Ih en kind n to tell mo If
you inti'tiil tosiiririNi' tin iti Ijilit : ilnu
my no if you do, ami wo cnn tln'ii lie on
tlio watch and lu in'piiri d." Don't you
think Hiich a iiHKWillnjf likely? So
thin juifly wrik' lu tho IiImIioji, will
you jilUM U'll uh, now, uro you having
any hocrct Mn'i'tinfM' Annwin': Von,
Mr. Indi'H'ndi'iit Cornell; wenru plann
ing till the tinii". Would you expect
thuin to nay thai? Woll, vvhul would
you expect them to eiiyv Thcro are
only two or three of them that wo are
allowed to quote, heeuiihO the rent of
them have not given clear replies
This 1h In the matter or parochial
whoolH, and the Intciferlng with the
public HchoolH, and what they nay they
think of them. The archbiwhop of New
Orleans: 'You aHk mo whether I would
give my countenanco In my diocese
with such un object.' Llwton, thin in
what ho nayn: 'My countetmnco to wuch
a meiimire. My countenanco depends
upon clreumHtances.' Yet there are
many of my f rlcnds'that nay there In no
danger. Tho bUhop Mhows better hciihg
than tho man with tho wool pulled over
Ills eye. Tho binliop nay that for tho
Bouthorn Catholic child to go to tho
public! Hchool 1h going to bo tuoro dan
goroiiM than in the north, Iiochuhi; the
Houthern lVutoHtiintit uro moro nuiiier
oum than tho northern. (Jood for the
Houth. H In from ku'.-Ii mm UiIh, I pro
jiumo, thatMome of our lmpciful people
think than HonmtiWm In undergoing a
change of heart.
"I read In one of their papers tho
other day whero Cardinal Gibbons was
Hpeaklng, and it goes on to bIiow that
ho huld. 'Tho Catholic church remains
unchanged; tcho bjlloves now what she
ulwuyM believed; bho would do now
what Hho alwuyH Imtt done, Bhe Is what
ho always was.1 Ho refers to tho time
when Columbus eumo over. It Is u
wonder to mo that ho would say thai,
ho In a pretty sharp man. What was
nho when Columbus came over? Tens
of thousands of people wero tniiHsaered;
ten thousand people wero cut to pieces
with little scissor s until they died; ten
thousand people were boiled In olf until
they wore dead. This was when sho
hud tho Inquisition In Spain, and yet
Cardinal Glblxinn says sho Is Just tho
Biitno, Wonder If ho forgets about the
Inquisition? If ho U just tho same
what Is to prevent her enacting these
name things again? If "be could do
that could sho not como to this our
country and mako us get i1own on our
knees and kiss the toe's pope, (Laugh
ter), tho pope's too of coursct I mean,
but I don't believe I will change that
blip, us I believe ho Is about us much of
a too as ho Is u pp.
'Not very long ugo a dispatch was
nent to tho president asking him not to
Appoint any more Itomiinlsts to olllee,
and tho great democratic party was
Injured In Chicago, where they huvo a
Catholic mayor, chief of pollen, chief
of flro department, stutts attorney
clerk of superior court, forty-flvo out of
blxty-elght uldormun ninety per cent;
ninety out of a hundred o tho flro
department eighty per cent of the
members of the lire department sixty
xovcii per cent of the school touchers,
Oh, no, they don't want ollleo. What
would the world think of the great M.
church, bishops, preachers ond
carrying out such it scheme as
1 tut wo arc on record for good
government, and wo teach good cltl
'ennhlp along with our meddling with
politics, and also believe In tho public
bchooisas being dear to tho hearts of
our people. When you take Into con
blderutlon tho fact that tho popo Is tak
tngalltho situations In, ond that tho
biggest percentage) of tho men In
buloonsaro Itomiinlsts, und that all of
thorn through ull tho ranks uro work
ing for oflloo, 1 think It Is about tlmo
we opened our eyes and asked ourselves
who Is lo govern us In Kansas City. I
usHuro you I shall do all I can to ren
der un elTectivo unswer to that ques
tion." New York City Is notorious for Its
liad municipal government. It is hardly
necessary to say that tho Catholics
hold most of tho olllccs. Tho city gov
ernment under Tummuny gives a vivid
view of what Rum and Homo havo In
t 1 1 ,,. i-
. i , i . i ' ,
W ut Mil-".
1 1 1; i.r t uti i n. ih ' l
-1 ),.; M ;t ' M UV it'
H i til i k i t P '! if 1 V
V. S!!.m, i- un i'ii.ii ij ut-i.-
Iivmk .1 .! -.s i-u t'
I1H..U (ir-s-t f iNn ,i init t'l la ) u
UtiiH i l i'i mit t f", M l 1 1 '
llHIKII t llil' 1'lrt.U 1 (.l.'tl S.itil'l,'
H r t inn-hf tl. I t US ." n IMi n
oil H. f rImm ,t Mi, Me i j H.i'kU,
lm,kKii'-i fr v tiA' l ilx Tin
sin! IVlln- r.inp:u . Sti''l It d '
hi frb'iiiK Mori l-in Irn-.l lo tl). hi.
mtil Mini k til Hiki i ml tinn k, lul
lC Hit' tnlelfetv'HV nt V1;liilt I
pii it iiinHniii il.'ii'i,- i I. si in. Il r
nil Moi lnn, "lv'ibt" " Hi ten Mini
iM'vel'l miltili'l'of t '.l. I'IihIIhj V iiCiu,',
Blllllleil .lattli'S K. UiiU'ilHIl HUil b'hl
hint badly. Tin" Myut m ilileifi le.l
slid Ihivnii in d lo luie Mnt i lin nr
M'stcd. "H ihly" O'Hiini ami the
oilier" ran away. The gang ilelnd to
"lix"' K Ionian Ihviiusi' he wai- n wltiirw
for the defeiiM1 In Iho McNntiuira es-e,
"K.-ddy" O'ltrii n, a deputy e UlM.tlile,
on I ho name iiltfht, Februiiry "'1, vlstled
Ihe Iioum" of May llot ker, No. U02 KaM
Thii-leeiilh bttv I, and iissinlt 'd her
wilh his plitol, 'boating her over the
head In n brutal manner In oaiiM hhe
refused to continue the friendly rela
tions which had previously existed b -tweell
them. ( Ullcers were called and
"lteddy" fired his revolver several
limes and esea)ed through the buck
door. This Is a sample of tho ollleers
of the push. Another witness for the
state against llishop J. V. MoNamara,
who has como into prominence in the
past few days for vile deeds Is James 11.
Maekey, or Jas. 11. MoKeo, who has
been sailing under assumed nanus and
who stated that ho was a "paper
hanger" when cm tho witness stand.
Tho Kansas City 11'orM has written
him up, and placed tho following
charges against him:
"llefore coming to Kansas City ho
was married to a lady In Omaha by
whom ho had two children, Albert and
Edna. Ho deserted thorn two yours
ajo, and his wlfo applied for a divorce
on the grounds of desertion. Tho
courts granted her application and gavo
her tho custody of the children, The
latter lived happily with their mother,
who Is now married to Mr. 1). J. Wilson
of Omaha, but McKeo returned to t hat
city six months ago and stole the little
t 1 t'l. After various false clues had been
Investigated, the father and (laughter
were located lu KansusCHy, where Mo
Keo was living with u young woman
whom he had married In Detroit. Ills
second wlfo was Miss I tattle Hitchcock
before ho married her. It U alleged
that he now refuses to support her, Kho
Is living at the corner of Thirteenth
street and Indiana avenue with her
mother and earning her livelihood.
MoKeo lsallegeii to tiHVe confessed to
both his wives that he had killed u
guard In tho penitentiary and It Is snld
that his back Is covered with Hours from
Hoggings received while a convict. It
Is not known in what penitentiary ho
was a prisoner, nor for what erlmo he
was sentenced.
Another woman In Kansas City has
(lied un ulllduvll with the humane
authorities, charging McKeo with tho
seduction of her daughter, und It Is
probable that he will be held lo answer
this charge should ho prefer to remain
In town.
To acquire prominence among tho
gilded youth of this cliy MoKcu Joined
Mattery M, light artillery and bus been
a notul'ilo llguro ut many of lis dances
and exhibition drills. However, an
episode that occurred during the bat
tery's attendance at tho In to (iuneral
Hlierman's funeral ut Hi. Louis caused
his prompt retirement from tho artil
lery. A revolver was stolen from the
Kt. Louis battery und was subsequently
recovered In Kansas City, where It
had been pawned by McKeo for a few
Much men as these weru produced In
court by Murcy K. Mrown, tho prose
cuting attorney, to prove that certain
language) wus used by Mlshop.f. V. Mo
Namara In ono of his lecture. This
goes to show tho rot and corruption
which can ho forged us evidence, and
explains well tho old saying, "Minis of
u feather lloek together," und should be
enough evidence of tho persecution Im
posed upon tho bishop to clear him be
fore tho entire world. Further, It I a
clear demonstration of how some of tho
olllclals seek to lomly lo tho Himiui
Catholic element, and the kind of
principles? they uso to force thelrends.
If the "push" clement Is not altogether
obliterated at tho coining election the
llttlo rottenness remaining will soon
turn the: whole,
Llttlo by llttlo tho rottenness of tho
"push" und tho stale prosecution of
lllshop J, V, McNamara leaks out.
L. H. Maker, alias "Freiichy," one of
tho parties who swore lo tho Informa
tion charging lllshop J. V. McNamara
with UHlng alleged slanderous language
against some of tho priests of Homo in
Kansas City, has boon urn steal for
slugging I'awnbroker Murk In the
baet of tho head. "Fronohy" hangs
out at notorious dives, and Is on u level
with others. In the ease for the state us
exposed In TllK AMKltlc'AN. Are tho
remainder of tho parties concerned In
the persecution on the siuuo road?
Success Council No. .1, W. A. 1'. A.,
will meet tho second and fourth
WeiltieselaJ's In each mitnth in G, A. H.
ball, 118 North Fifteenth street.
Ml i '.'H Ki.i'U.1
Ti e t .! I M l it fti:i,' tale A
!,o it-1, t i I i. i .'l' i
Tin' i f i I i nti ! H i K'KiisHI
l !.K :e t.'i h ).- 1 n Itie (
( neiii it i' I It bi'iii H tivm nil I ei m
Slid ll.e vlillinl e HRlien il tlu
liitle! iniMdliU if tl f n 1 1 1 i tv'
Ihh II totliU-kvly M1 1'll b H ! iel
Miilliienl ttsal In- llitien HitveV
li,l tin- iMilliv iH'llhwi ! let bl... ,tili
rkii, nml riS. The tale l luiHil
liiibtful ly i i'i tl ' weblll., jimlh
nml tsmily nf tin- viilliu, the u!un
dl'Hiunlio elit glt'ing iml of il do
loiiemelil tl I hi the l.nmiwitig l-e-sults I
!l all.
Kiit her TlumiH V. L jilnu, puflorcif
the l U'hi it t'tilhulio diocese in Hie en
II l-o sln!e of M lilmi, lisik lioU hllllself
tin- guai-illiiiit.hlp of it beaut iTul eu-phan,
SteiiM ii I'unimings. at llei denlhU'd of weiellhv fiilher and theii fullilled
his tiol'le Irm-t by tradueing and de
li iimelnu her as a wanton ufier having
M'duoed and ruined her. Furl her lo
ooiioi'al his own ileed-i he i'.llueneed u
oung man to f.elM-ly shouhler the In
funy by Inspiring biui with the girl's
f irt une.
llalziu wrote of the infamy of priests,
but none of his tales woio H't In such u
elramstle almoi-phere us Is this latter
day chronicle that happened In the
wealthy llllh) city of Aurora. This
story Is so lutonse and fearful that one
hesitates at Its recital, says the Chicago
DiKpalrh of Feb. '22, 18114.
In the aristocratic portion of Aurora
stands tho handsome church of St.
Mary's. Next door to It Is tho pastoral
residence and the picturesque little
city boasts of none that are moro biautl
ful or more handsomely appointed
There lives Father Leydon, a hand
some, prosperous looking man of -IS
years. Since his advent In Aurora ho
has worked hard for his congregation
and himself, und micccittlccl so nlco that
at one Catholic convocation he came
within threo votes of the bishopric.
Throughout the entire northwest ho Is
known and loved. Meforo ho went to
Aurora ho founded the parish at. tho
Chicago stockyards, of which Father
Dorney Is now 1.1m spiritual director.
Ills charming, confiding ways have
stood him In good stead und before the
dramatic hiippi'iilngs of the last few
weeks ho had the confidence and res
pect of all who knew him. He Is u
brother of Michael Leydon, wdl known
politically In Chicago, as ho was a
imm lo commissioner for Cook county In
1HH7 und since has been moro or less
In this handnoiuo residence Father
Leydon lived with an Intelligent und
discreet housoke.'opor, who bus been
with him for twenty odd yours. He
dispensed ,hls priestly favors among tho
faithful of his lloek with such tender
euro that all loved him next to tho ones
ut home. And among those trusting
parishioner! wus mi energetic, honest
man, I'eiirooCummlngs, who was frugal
und Hived a comfortiiblo sum of money.
A few months ugo this man dleel, and
us his Heeling brealh euino more slowly
ho culled his well-beloved priest to his
bodsldo and gavo Into his keeping bis
threo beautiful daughters, Steasoa,aged
Kllzabeth, aged IN, and Margaret,
iigod l.r) years,
"l'rotect them," said he, "and save
them from ull harm." The priest
ceased praying and snld, "I will,"
The man died and when his will wus
rend tho priest wiiH'loft $200and tho re
mainder of the cHtato was given to the
widow und children,
A month or two rolled on and Ll.zle,
who Is us bright anil clever us she Is
pretty, began to notice In her dour
sister that which was unusual. With
confidence In her heart sho went to him
who wus nearer than all, Father Ley
don, ami called his attention to her sis
ter. The priest told James Connolly,
uncle of tho orphan girls, und the
family thus learned of Stensca's mis
fortunu, Sho wus elosedy questioned,
und after much hesitation said Father
I'Vclon hud ruined hoi ,
This terrible declaration appalled
those who heard It. So linn weru they
In their confidence Unit they ut first re
fused to credit what they heard Then
camo horror, and that was succeeded
by Indignation. Mrs, Cummlngs, un
honest woman, turned from her daugh
ter and In the bitterness of disgrace as
sailed her for weakness. All tho family
save the honest old uncle turned from
Stcnsou In her misery and despair.
Tho uncle bore her wate r to drink
when sho was too feeble to move. At
last, In despair, sho sent for Father
Iydon, and at his expense was brought
to tho hospital of Dr. M. F. Col well, ut
.'loi t Calumet avenue, In this city, and
careful treatment begun.
The uncle at last reconciled the fam
ily lo Steasea ami Lizzie came to see
her. The charge against the priest
wus more firmly mado and Li.zlo ac
cused Futhcr Leydon of tho crime, lie
i ft v i r.i 1 i
i . . i i
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I- t-v.n I . ' U."
l i,' I. sm f t. .. i.
i ,1 t.t, sn.S i .m i i - i ti
Hill Hi"
I e I . in
ti"'1'' ' " Vi'iiwn ,'. j-Vi t t.f u.h,
1 . I .1 j. I . ti.'
Will. It. I ..)!, 11.4 . I , , ,H
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)..! ti Own I, '.j li lii 1i, r
V U'll li II
S i , n t '.m.iiin.j.- liiiii fat.'..i- ..' II.. Uo,te 1 1 t tie l t. t
il. l.(d Hl.' Hi fclil. iiil. In
(i i.l 1, 'tl mul liRit timet nipcriiM- Mil
teellHi bl lnMiie, lulliil ltihti
$Hv Iiel H );.' e4 pmeilli. .M'.' in Hie
'Hil mi in Snluls) Ik1 iM k. lie
Ini.iU- In I m. I Int. lldi lil -f Ihe ,'!-,.
mid ttt In r nil li e-'lur Hive iiicoi
liestix imlit liiofl I'leiiM- teii j; ,'li !
Tlio Kilt lier ('eiifi'NNiil' Weiiw.
Two years ugo he llrsl began wooing
her, and in his fascinating way wooed
well. Ilo iiiado sued) aelvunoes that in
dicated the tendency of his passion
without giving her and opKirl,unlty to
take ofl'onso that would lead her to
Flattered by iho attentions of a man
ull others almost dollied, und pelted
into an alTeetlonate regard, she listened
to his constant Instructions in discre
tion and kept, her secret to herself
ulone, For u long llniotdin resisted but
at last In June ho completed his work
of love, Ki.lmuliillug her faith and love
In lil in with subtle promises he led lieu'
lo yield her virtue Into his keeping.
He wus tender, gentle and kind und
treated her with the greatest all'ectlou.
He had secured for her through his In-
lluenco a position us typewriter In Chi-
, . i i,.i-- ,1.1. .
eiigo, nut ut tier soiiciuuiou ooiiuiiou
through Congressman A. J. Hopkins u
situation in the mlcrose'ople; pork In
spection department of the stock yards.
Sho boarded on Michigan avenue while
there employed and was visited by tho
priest In tho evenings.
Along In August sho was given u
short vacation, and with her father,
who was In lulling health, went lo
Chiiinpiilgn county. While there
Father Leydon wrote hi-r freUoiitly.
One of these letters reads us follows;
AUHOUA, III., Aug, 2.'). MlHH STKA
HUA CUMMINUH-.My J Marest Steuseu:
Your most ulTectlonute und long ex
pected letter reached me yesterday
morning, und Its arrival and llio read
ing of its contents plciised me more any language of mine could ade
quately express. With your letter ulso
cauio ono from your futhcr. After read
ing them, especially yours, which I
read more than twenty limes, J called
over to your home and rend the-in to
your mother (of courso leaving out the
love part of It). Your poor mother Is
of courso lonesome, but she Is hnppy
and encouraged under the circum
stances to know that your father Is no
worse and that your own dear sulf is
improving In health,
Jteurest Steasea, believe me when I
say that you can form net Idea of the
pleasure which ymir letter afforded me
when you Hinted you were having a real
swell lime on your miieli needed vaca
tion und your wishes to have mo with
vou have often been the hiimn as mine.
Hut when impossibilities prevent us as
at present from meeting and enjoying
cucdi other It thus affords me exquisite
pleasure to do the next best thing, to
write to you ami assure you inai you
are not forgotten ami that the old
adage, "Out of sight, out of mlnil."
does not and never will hold good in
our case. I lad grateful thoughts been
letters you would havo received a bun
d red a day, but opportunities for letter
writing have boon few hIix'o the dl
tunco between us Is so ureal.
Hti'useu, when I stilted the positive
truth to vou In my last letter concern
Imr inv interview with Mind, I paused
before committing my thoughts to
liuoer for fear that I might annoy you on
your pleasure trip, but as I have never
deceived you In the past I wus nol going
lo deceive you now. I have always
tried to ho honest n lid frank in every
think I said or promised to you and I
want to be so In this Instance. I urn
glad that It has not annoy oil you. I
felt and know now that you are a good,
sensible, girl und that the truth, no mat
ter how unpleasant It might 1st, were
bettor known, for I could not allow you
to bo humbugged by any man living.
You ask, whllo I stay by you, what need
you care; und you need not care about
t ho deceptions of man or woman. Tho
world Is full of deception mid the older
you and 1 get tho more wo realize that
fact. I havo seen a great deal of It and
often from those 1 least susH'cted.
Honev talk und sweet smiles are cheap
und for that reason they abound in tho
world und the true friend, like the lost
diamond, isurare jewel to find.
Fear not, my dearest love, lor I will
stay by you through thick and thin, In
love and In sorrow. There Is no one on
earth I love and cherish so much as I
do you, my dearest Steuseu. It makes
my very iieart bleed w hen I am com
pe'lled to say anything to you but words
of tenderness and love.
I have seen some joys and sorrows
since mv advent In Aurora. 1 have
(Continued on I 'ago !
lis '. ' .f I, I t
,V ,..,(..4 el liuH( I? .mi.
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ll MS- .f I I I j,l. , Hi lul il' ,. , ! ,
1' lien ti.i I I l
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I li I i i H. t , ' N l li 1 1 I . V
' jl .V ! t. t.W .l fll IHll l!,, II , t
!lii i.l met hi i l'i-e-,,. t s,t,l (1,,
H M i l l!,l n'l ll'IMl t J I,,- iftttxtl
t );-. . i -I I in I 'nttnUu id n'- l
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j lviii"i It I'ii IV1' e.l li(nil fi.,i lif'ti
9 I i tl l I ', S 1I t tie 't'l ! U !, Ill" III
1 h pill'! i,' w )-.l H-.ij ml l.i im l I,, r. n lie
I n- him, in ,1 In I' U ll n lit, ti t.
j lew! (' il Hie m.iiil "l.iin'il
' Wi lim. tin li'"ii:iUen in en liti liij;
j I'll em l.iit ti ta .fi i'.,!'!!".!! K'tU tit .in
e..lii.n ninl i t. i'ii inn, mnt (I evuM hittr
jU ,,i j. i,, ll,n with ,, i ullu r limlite
llian l.i Itieile to Hut mn! Hlin il-hv.l
The en nl In ilt i f H o inli lil'i ul ml
e iiwn Kl i .Viiiellenn pulilli-, Imet
i vrt, 1 1 'I' 'i ' 1 1 v i uf ef. eit, nil,'. rln,l
Hu ll- t 'Hlhiilie fi-llii -i'ii!, elts 1miw. ll,
Stul i kle.Mii llielii t.wi hlj, hit , to W mi
itmily ju-iivuki il ! bii-nk Hie limsnf
(nil (mil ut the Itiml nllilM liiniiitii
devil'. Iiuniine, mul, llniiik timl, t'ullio
liei. no lunger pay tiiiieli utt. nt inn n
(lie inlliiiiiiili'i ttllni k nl igiiui'iuil
blcols iii'd hired iis'Hslns,
rbls ilui"! nol relievo I 'ie mil horll tes
in New York, however, frnm diwhurg
ing Iheir duly in this particular in
htiituv. Let I hi- Calhelies of llmle-ilv
see lei it. Hull the pi oprieliir of 'titA
are punished; into hereafier let no
Cut hollo, who has the least, spurk of
i-elf-rei-peel, ever bo seen letiiilnt; this
dlsrepuliibli) sheet,
John Mudil has removed hU jewe-lry
store In. '117 North ltlih street, Midland
limed block.
JIA ICS, V( li II I. II 1 1, hi reiii'iif I IW Siiiilh llllh
14 Niri't'l, w in I it like linln finiilly whsIiIhin,
anil frleiiils luivliiK work uf llils Mini lire fn
vlleil in eiill un lirr ut liny time, tier Iiiin
Imiul Is lillml.
rnrriii-iiimi' iiiiiHiruiiMi iionie Dl n PHIUC
iflLL kIvIiik (linen mul tirli'i's ULU UUlPIO
mill fill' tlie in, Heiiil I wn nlioniH. Nmionm
Coin Oo , ClBi k No. I, BJ'i tuclinng (lullilliig.
Bolton, Mt. 2-'.1I-Alt.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Finic Watch Ukpaikino a Si'mciaih
bVl South HI Street,
203 N. Sixteenth Street. k-'
Firo, Life or Accidental
It will pii v y " 1 1 1 in cull tin Hih 1 1 ii 1 1 . ii Ik imm
I'i'lii'i'Ni'lil liiM several A No. I Insiiiunei) Oiiiu-
Mil I'lmlou lllock,
(Hllrn ruinovi'ij from till Nnrlli t '11 It si runt, to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 00. : OMAHA, NED.
Sui'i'iwmir In Ihnxiil M M mil.
Undertaker and Embalmor
1117 Fnrnain Street.
TKi.tti-iioNR iwft. OMAHA NEB
Northat Oor. 10th and Dotlg HI.,
foil Al l, hinds or
Foreign and Domcstio Fruits,
Nuti, Oiinlnotlnni, Olnn mid TuUooo,
Ti'li'iiliiieiti I7HI.
BIO 8o. 10th 8
310 N. IGth Streot,
Carpenters and Builders.
1317 Davonport Street.
I'uriif uro Hfpntrhiu I'jiiolnf t'r-
nir ft .Hioi'nf y,
'"' HIVE l l A TltlAI,,
, ;;c. w. baker,:
Undertaker Embaimer
ll'oriiie'ily Willi M. O. Miiul.l'iionr dim.
Oil South I6th Ut., OMAHA.
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.
1 KI.M'IIU.iiK lilll.
Moving and Light Express Work
Trunk and Parcel Deliver.
IIiiiIhi'IiiiIiI it, ni,li 1'iirki'il, Ntort'il mill SlilppiMl
I unci', ,un .nrl li I'M li M n-l. Ilrmu'li ollli-n,
N, V., Cur. anh tinil l,nki Stri'i'M, Ti'liJ
lihiini' l.i.-.V 1'KICKS UKASUN A HI.K
J. L. Tl UNKV.
tlflMuito Moving a Spi-cluliy. Mauiutor
i&Qi Rheumatism
'jy-x Complaints
La Lameness
,r.:.:r,i,,.:,f (jriiises
U Catarrh
b- Piles
It will Cure.
St'i M.tnlrir Cutiimmionor Sl,
lii iuiiiiiin,i' nn,! t,ir ltiu,,,,f H .tii.lmnrnt
mul .!. lit' ut Hi.- tli-i i l. i I'nnii f,,f i,iiiiiIk
unlit V, l'Hi' if .Si l.msKn, M ini, n il mi i l,n
'.'III il;ll ..f N.Hi'lulilf A i I-','. In m'.'l I Kill
iirlli.ii Klii n iii lln I Ii .I Vttl.mi! Iliiiik.iir
I MiiiiIi.'I, '!. iiliilniiit ii ml Mi vi I llillnmii mul
iiIIh ih wi'N id ri iiiliiiiin. mul uf nn i.i.lrr ii
..ill' ikiii'. llii'ii'Mii inn uf hiiIiI ili'.iiiri i iiiiri,
In niliin iluli' llir I'll li ilnv nf li i i iiili..r, A ll.
ivi.l. mul In nn- iliivrti'il, will nn lln. lllh
ihiyiif Mnii'li, A ll, Iwil, hi l.'ii ii'i'lm'U H.
lu uf rhIiI it ii V . ill tin' IsAr frnm limit' uf tint
i iiiiiil y I'liiiti liine.i'. In lu fit v uf Hiiiiilui.
1 1. mi; In I'.iiitity, Ni'liiiisliii, m il til inilillii
hhi'I inn, In lln' IiIuIii ki hiiliii'r fur ciinli ilm
fillliiMltll! ili'si'tllii il IiiimN mul 1,'lii'IHi'lils. nil
"lliiuli'il In tin' riiiiiuy uf Hiitiuliin, mul Hlitli)
nl' lNi'lii'ithi.11, in-wif ;
The I'linl ful ly fiiiir till fi'ri nf hit ntiii (ll In
lilm k inn' hiiiiilii'il mul ilih ( y-ni'vi'ii il iTi, in
llii'i'lly nf Hiiiiilui, luivliitf' a friiiiliurii of
fully fniir illi fi'i'i mi I' ii i ii ii mi Hlri'i't mul i'
n n, linn Imi'k H Hiilfiirni wlillli uf n ilMuin'ii
uf ulii' liiiiiilii'il mul tliliivl wu H.t.'i f,'i., to
tin' iiui'tii linn ur Ihe ulli'v; mul ihn i i ii I Ii
1 Wii-IIiIiiIh nf Int t'ltfht ihi In hlnrk I'luhlv
u lii.' (WU, kiiIiI I'll y nruiiiiiliii. nil In I kIuh
I'niiiily. Nliili' uf Ni'lirimkiii In nillxfy Hint nut
uf tin' iiI'ih'i'imIh uf llio Mill' uf I lilt mild I'
fiii'ly-ruiii' llli rui'l nr hit uiie ill In lilin'k iinn
hiniili'i'il mul llili l v-M'vi'ti illli'l In II It v nf
(iniiiliii. hiivlim h f mul Hid' uf fiiriy-fniir ill)
fi'i'i un I'imiiiiii Nli'i'i't. mul llnu hurk n
tinlfniiii wlilt Ii uf nnii liiinilrnil ninl Ihlriy
Iwn illMi fi'i'i, Lu Ilm iiurtli linn uf tin' nlli'V,
In IIiiiikIih i-uiinlv, nil uh iiImivii ilnHrrlliiiil:
'I'lm Nurlliwi'Nli'in Miilintl l.lfii liiMiriini'it
('utnimiy tlm mini of HilMy-iinn IhiiiniiiiiI,
I'luhl hiiiiilii'il mul nliii'iy ifiilliirn uf-.ll.NUO.noi
Willi iiui'ii'Mi, tin' ii'iiii it, ruin nf nix nil iter
e'l'iil pi'i- ii ii 1 1 ii i n frnm Hrpli'inlU'r tin It. iHiii:
id nut iHtv inn iiuri ii wi'ni I't'ii l in, mil l.l ri' in-
Hiinuii't ('iiiniimiy Ihn furllmr hiiiii nf llilrty
iiiin lliniismiil, i'luhl till 1 1 1 1. . 1 1 mul nlni'ly
ilullaiH if ll.H'.Ki.imi, whit liili'i'i'Ht. tliiu't'iin ut
ruin uf h (ill iii'f iM'til, iiiif ti ti ii u i i frnm Hi' j
li'inlii'i' llMli, lMie; ; in Hitllsfy Ilm l lrst Nn
Himnl Hmili uf Cliniiliii Ilm hiiiii uf twrnty
finii' 1 liiiiiHiitiil. i'luhl, liiiinlri'il mul Hi'vniil v
i'luhl. mul M-m iliilhii'M iM,H-,K.:i.i), with
liili'ti'Ml Himi'iiii ill iiiliinr HU veil 17) pur fnn
ni'i' miuiiin fiuiii Hi'iiti'inliiT llllh. IHll'Jt In
Hitllxfy Ihn Ni'ln iiNkii Nmliiiuil Hunk Ilm mini
Uf NI'VI'll HllMIHIIIIll, llvi lllllllll'I'll, NI'VI'llly
mul :i;i-iini iiiiiiiiiM if r.dTu wiih inti'ii'Mt
I lii'i'i'iin nl, riili' nf Hi'vi'ii (7) pi'f I'lMil, pit nn
iiiiin fiuiii Hi'iiti'inlii r intli, IHii.i. 1 1 1 1 1 ! I niilil.
ninl nun liiiiiilii'il, llfiy mul i.l-hm (lulliirx
(ifldii.Ml ciiHlH. Willi Inli i'i'xl, llii'l'i'iin frnm Iho
Huh liny nf Hi'pli'inlii'i', A. II. IhHJ, Iniii'lliiir
Willi iii'i'lliliitf i'iihIh iiri'iinlliiK In a liiilinnt'iit
ri'inli'i'i'il hy liii' iIInI rlrl i'iiiii'I uf hiiIiI Huiitf
I'uiinl v. Hi, li s Hi'pii'inlirr U'l'in, A, H. I M1K4,
In it i-i'itiilii iii'lliin t linn mul tlii'i'i' iii'iiilliitf,
whi'i'i'ln Ilm I' lim NiiHimiil llitnle, uf Clliiuhn,
wiik plu I nl I if, mul Mi'.vm lli'lliiuiii mill nlhi're
wi i'ii ili'fi'iidmiiM.
iiiiuihu, Ni'h., I'liiit iiiiry I, tmu,
Hpi'i'liil MmhIit liuiiiiiiliHliiniir.
Wlinrlnn k Ihilnl. ul inrni'V. a--fi
Noticoof Snlo Under Chattel Mortgnge
Nulli'ii Ih hi'i'i'liv irlvi'ii Mini, li vli'l un uf a
I'liulii'l inuilKiiitii, ilnlriil i in tin' Mtli 1 1 ii y nf
IMiiirh. I i'M. ni'iipynf w Ii 1 1 li wiiHiluly lllml In
tlm nlll'-K uf Ilm i'i in n I y I'li'tk uf HuiikIiih
.iniinly, NnliriiMlia, un I ln t -1 lit eliiy nf Mari'li,
Mil, mm I'Kiu'tiii'U hv kiiiin A , liuliiii una
H it r ti li T, Miillmy li ll, W, Anilnrmin lo .!(' um
Ihn iiiiyiiiniif. nf Ihn hiiiii nf 1 1 l.ntl anilupnn
whlrh Hiitii him iiuiui liiilil III" hiiiii nrtiii.nn,
mul li null whlrh t In-in U in i w iinn Ihn "Ulii uf
; il. mi, Hi'fiiiill, luiviief hni'ii nunhi In tlm pny-
iiiniil nf hiiIiI hiiiii mul no nil 1 1, or ullmr prn-
ri'i'illiiK nl, liiw IiiivIiik lii'i'ii IiihIIi iili'il to
ii'ivivit muIiI ilnlil, nr uny purl Ihnri'iif. tlmre
fiitn I will wit Ilm prupuily tlmrnln tli'Hi'rlhnil.
vl.. i Cum I'l'i'iun i'iiII,. I h run vi'iirs ulil. unit
i'mhiiii i-iill. nun yi'iirulil; mm .lnrni'V i'uw,
'i'i yi'iei-4 ulil, at. pulilli- uili'l Inn,' lit. Ilm Imiiihi
nf M. II. VtirniT, In I' Inri'iii'ii nrneliii'l.. uliout
nnii iiiIIm tinil, uf lipli'ili. I'liu'ii Ht nl Inn, In
I i ma hi h I'liuiity, mi tlin Uth Uny of Miinui,
IhIU, nl, I n'l'hii'k p, in. nf sulci (lay,
Hnli'il I'Vliriiiiry III, IN'.U,
l. VV. ANHF.ItHllN,
2-IH-ll Mortifiiifno,
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage
Nulli'ii Ih hiii'i'hy ulvmi thiil, hy vlrliii' of it
i'liulii'l iiiurlKiiK'i, linl", I nil Ih" lllhil iv uf
Nuvi'iiihi'r, Ihi.i. ui'iiny uf whlrh wnt iluly
llh'it In Hm iiIIIi'k ur Ihn (Miiinty t'lnrk uf
Hiiiwhii 4i ii ti I v , Ni'lii'nikii, un t tin Uh h ilny
i if N i vi'in Iht, h,i: mul I'XKi'iili'il hy Klhi-i A.
Iinli'ii mul ,Mrn. Hut, ill T, Miilluty In I'raiile I',
Ati'hi'l' lu Hi'i'ilin Hit' pnyini'lil uf Ihn hiiiii (if
IH hi, ntnl ii jn in wlih'h llmm U iiiiw (Inn Ihn
hiiiii uf $lti if h whlrh Hiihl tiiurlKiiirn mul thn
iiiiiiilinl iinn IIiiti'iim hill hi'i'U iluly IihiIkiiiiiI
hy hiiIiI Arrlmr In 1 1, VV. A ihIithiiii, lli'fmilt,
h n v I im hi'int in, i'i" In piiymi'iit uf hiiIiI hiiiii
mill iiiihiiIi. urulliiT pr,H illiiK ill. Inw linv-
I ii ut hi'i'M IiihIIiuii'iI in ri'i'nvi'r mihl ili'ht. nr
miy purl. Mmri-iif. tlii'ri'fiun I will nnii Ihn
prupi'i'iy IhiTi'ln tlnwrlhi'il, vlx.i Onu iiuiui
mini', niii'ilili' Imr. pliitiu Iml, tup hiixiiy, unn
thr Hprlni cupri".'! wiiitun Willi himI, twn
Hi'lHiif nliuili' hiirui'HH. ill. pulilli1 iiiii'lluii, ut
Ihn hiiiliii nf M. II. Viirimr, III I'luri'ii lim-i-lrn-l,
uhniil, unn iiilln i'iil. nf lii'hnll I'lnrn
million, In HoiikIhh i'niiiily, un thn lull Uny
nf Mnri'h. ti ll, ut I n'l'hii'k p. in, uf hiiIiI ilny.
Hnli'il I'l'liruiiiy In, H'U
Ii, W.
3 ll-. AhiIkiii'ii,
Notice of Chattle Mortgnge Sale.
Nulli'ii n Imrnhy Klvnn Hint hy rmiiun nf
di'fiiull In tlm ('unillllunH uf n i-luilli'l ninrl
uiikii eliiti'il July ;inl, Ihim. i-ximmiii'iI hy VV. K,
I.iii'ii mul Aiiiiln l.ui'ii tn VV, II JitllliiKi. ntnl
HHilXimiKii H, rl. CiruuK hy Hm nulil VV. II.
.lull ilm, mul ri'i'onh'il In thn nllh'n uf Ihn
riiiiiil y i-lnrk fur IIoiikIhh t'niinty, Ni'hriiHkn,
un whii'li inurtKiitfii tlm hiiiii uf i wo hiitiilrml
mul Hi'Vi'iily-llvti ifJiiVdni iIiiIIiuh, Willi Ititnr
i'Hi llmi'i'iiti hi ti'ii dm piT ri'iil, per iiniiimi
frnm iliiln, Ih hIIII 1 i n mul impitlil. Ilm iin'h'r
Hlirimil will un tlm '-''Hi Uny uf I I'liniury. Ih.iI,
nl HI n'l'lni-k it. in. lit Hm riortlmiiNl, curniTuf
'I'll I rt y-tl f I Ii mul Mhunl Hlri'i-ln, (hiiiilm, Nn
hritNkii, Hull nl pulilli' itiii'tlmi Hm fulluwlnit
ptnpi'Hy I'tiiiini'riili'il In Hiiht ninrliiiiwrii, tn
wll: CuiiHlHtlntf uf tilt Hm liiiiiHi'hiihl fiiriill
iirn, nuw Hinriul nt plni'ei mul iiiunhi'r iihuvn
iiiitni'il; nun t-nw, fuiir yniirn ulil; mul unn
liurHi.-i'iill, Hiri'ii Vi'iirn ulil; nliu ntm HIiihi
iniikiT wiiitrn pfiuio, Ntori'il tit li'.i I'lixloti
hlui'k. Hiuil Hiiln Ih ininlii In mil Iffy Hm hiiIiI
II H. ()roui( In hiiIiI iitnuunt, with Inlrri'st
Hmri'nn uh nhnve Htith'il,
Oninliii, Ni'hriiHkit, Jmiuiiry ?7lh, WI.
p. H. eil((iii(l,
J-2-II AhhIkiii'Ii nf nlit Mut lyiii.',
Special Master OommiMioner'e Sale.
rnili'riinil hy vlrtiinnf imnnh'ruf miln oil
ili'i'ri'i' uf fnri'1'liii.urii nf innrl iiititi' Ihhiii'iI mil
uf Hm ellHlrh't rourl nf HoiinU", i-iiiinly,
Ni'hriiHkii, mul illri'i'li'il to in". I will, un thn
.'Hih iluy nf I'l'hriiiiry, li'.'l, ut I ei'i-liM'k
p. in. of hiiIiI el ii y . at thn tiorlh front
ihinr nf tlm rniinly i-niii t Iiiiiihh, In thn i-lty
uf lliuiihit, i-uiiiii y, uf lloiiKliiH mul nl nl" nf
Ni'hriiNkii, mil ut pulilli' ml, 'lion. In Ilm
lilnhi'nl IiIiIiIit for i-nsh, tlm propi'rty
ih-siTllii'il In H'lhl orilnr nf Hulei hh fnlluwH, to
il It:
l,ut i'luhl ihi In hlnck thn'o Cli In IIi'Iukh'
I'lin'i' iidilliliin to tlm city uf Hiiiiilui, In lln
Ml tilt of Ni'hriiskii.
Hntilnilli In til HiilUfy Hill jil'ljlni'lil (if Hltlil
e-uiit t ri'mli'ri'il nl Uh Vi'liriinry ti'rin, IMHI, In
it i-i'iiiiln Hrllon In whlrh Ilm lli'lkuiin Huv
liik'H of I.Hi'iinlu, Ni'W lliimp'.lilrii. tn
nliilntltr. mul Win. II. Iliivili'ii mul nlhi'i-i
)i'ri ili'fi'tiiliintH. Appi'itriinrn elni'knl Xi
Nn. IX
Diiiiilut. Ni'liniikit, .tiimuiry '.11. l.i:i.
HKKI All K.l'iM'llUAN.
Hpi'i-lnl .Miviirr I'uiumlHHioimr
1. U. Aiulre'WH, ultoniry l-.'O-i
. i t . . K
' ..'(
'I I'.,1