The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 02, 1894, Image 1

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lMt 4 ft' 4M M.I
f f frg ? if 4 fk f if 4 H '4i fc f 4t lNr-i tfltl tt rii fit jf ti tf ft f f Ail fip&
OM.UIA, NMUi.VNKA, l UllVW, M l;t'l 1m.
Nt MtifcK U
,.,-! '
I , f ' ll.r Viti " Ms.,-. U..-I
I . (H.t V .
I . I I i-,! N. t l. li,iiew-t. WuiHK.itih
t . ft l Iwi limit : tlllll to, vtk
l t tm I
t'i f Mi- itii ; .!wti-i
1 1 1 Ie
t Viw i tUt't ; A.ttt it in i,
I'll I m
I Pi
AMU Mr Nt .
., In4 (' ' . frt fif
' 1 1' lMi i ditto,!," ttt I ifi.i mli t
TlH'Hiw. fil? ti lt li I lv M tii k, I'litiimt in litii
with ftimt . f ii.mliHf
1IsKWATKH,( HttOlllpt, if t!u
U'irM-iTiiif forivrtly n-iMirttnl him,
M nmko it Biir tlmt tins A. P. A.
woro niwiouliii(j him ItixU'wiof l!ioro
A. Itftinolt, unit tlmt hi Ufa won in
dnnp'r In wortiiy f the ronti'mpt of
cvory 1'rotoKtant. Tlio A. P. A. Iihm
no ititori'ht In Iho tljfht fartliet tlinn to
mhs jimtioo done, a thing which Mr.
RoKcwutct inuy not wIhU to havo done.
Thk Irish ling will not wave
from tho city hall In Brooklyn, N. Y.,
thin year. A tolngriun from that city
miy: "Brooklyn ha aain rcfuHfd to
display that Irlah flap on St. Patrick's
day. At a mooting of tho aldormon a
resolution wan introduood by Alderman
McGarry jirovidlnjf for Irtoh deoora
tlons. An amendment dlHplaelng tho
Irlnh flag with tho nUirn and stripoH
prevailed. In tho lobby wore a largo
number of Irishmen who went away
diwippolntod, tho more bo becauwo the
amendment wan introduced by an
Israelite named Cohn.
Pursuant to announcement
Rov. S. Wright Butler oreaehod to tho
patriotic orders from hlH pulpit In St.
Mary's avonuo Congregational church
last Sunday evening. Ills largo church
was tilled with an intelligent audience
long before tho hour set for services to
begin. Beforo ho commenced his d Is
coiirHO ho welcomed tho members of
tho patriotic orders there assembled,
and also tho Thurston rifles, who oc
cupied seats Immediately In front of
the pulpit, after which ho requested
tho congregation to sing two stanzas of
tho "Star Spangled Banner." Tills was
followed by prayer. Rev. Butler then
began his sermon, taking as his text
" tho Id verso of tho 11 Mplstlo to tho
Hebrews. Ho paid a glowing tribute
to this country, asserting that there
was no netter country, mat it was
inhabited by history makers, by meat
enters, and there wiih no history ex
cept that made by tlio Inhabitants of
tho temperate zone, Ho then pointed
out the way to ninko a better country
It was by making better cities, which
would bo followed by a better country
because tho country patterned after tho
city. Tho little towns wanted a city
school teacher, they wanted city stylos
arid city Ideas. Ho then turned his at
tontlon to tho public schools, which ho
believed were tho very foundation of
our liberties, Uo did not believe In
denominational schools. It mattered
not what denomination they belonged
to, they were wrong, It was Just as
wrong for tho Methodist, tho Prcsby
terlan, tho Baptist, tho Congregation'
allst or the Episcopalian as It was for
tho Roman Catholic church to main
tain parochial schools. You might
havo a niece of Dure irold or pure silver
yet If you attempted to put the govern
ment stamp on It, It would bo treason
(criminal). Ho said tho churches took
tho children into their parochial
schools and put their stamp on them
instead of that of tho government; and
ho believed It was just us wrong to
operate parochial schools in opposition
to tho public schools as it was to coin
money Joutsldo of tho United States
mlyt, He, said mnnyothor good things,
but wo havo not tho tlmn or space, this
week, to riotlco thoui all. Everything
ho said, however, was said forcibly,
plainly and In a way which showed his
ftiidlenco exactly wlioro ho stood. For
soma of those utterances Rov, Butler
has been taken to task by a Rome
edited dally, but that will not detract
any from tho worth or tho pointed tics
of his statements, which will bo ap
proved by a majority of tho citizens of
Omaha, Ifltlsacrlmo to utter spuri
ous money, how much moro so must It
bo to attempt to warp tho minds of tho
future citizens, by offering an inferior
education to tho youth of tho lnnd?
That is tho ultimate result of the
teaching In every school which holds
that tho taws of tho state are sul
ordlnato to tho laws of a church, or
that a man's loyalty to his religion
takes precedence over his loyalty to his
Mistiiuh KiUTUit: Oi falo oi
hov agravanco to settle wld ye, liafore
oi pin ony moro ultems for yen paper,
an' oi lialavo yez will admit moi pozl
shum is rolght. It is this: You let a
paper git into O'Crady's hands, an I
don't want that tu happen agin. Mol
akont avo our matin', Ez published cx-
t!ikaii ill 1 lip VI 1U tS UM
t ( l rtl(M In thn ftltIV-,
ft tbii' he K't It .(. Unl tlottttnm
Jn'iiur j.j H'.i.i'.i(l an iiphlHi
HVt.rit ahfoL nn' fr 0
pi !'tit In.wr nt ( ft ImU
Omit il hi-.! Omr I.nV litt xnn fcw1
iiili In.1, Olii .c'j h- nl
letishl st, mi AMI lili'W n' 'M itl
pi--,!i, klnui On i Oiu tul nmHn'woiil
net ! tut hurropti'd, n" hekaim Oier
tiiillnunUirliN lie OhI Oirlahim n
m hot or t'lliftnm did Im! upptvte
e iiml voori Ot til ft ml id inul an'iun
u' the Hon (ale l l!ill or tu til
WiilTllin Oie byes oup but Oni Wistdii
i iishiiM', an' I twk moi nt atiiid pro'
fismd an' lUtmnt sollenee, Fulimlly
Molky t'TiHl tlmt hoeood woirum Oiu
pHtrlotinin for Ould Diriiuut intu
lliiime iin' tould avo thti Helilevhulnts
vo O'Connlll, avo Intuitu ami Parnlll
an' wan or tu Ithers tint vo slveial
millions wiio hevlarned to lov thubog
avo Oiu ould grauo oil. llo kalled at
tenshun to .tohiinlo Mahouey, tlio
deputy nil ti r l IT hoo has fed at tho publlk
krib Ivor since lie Kamo to thti seaty
an' sed ho was a honor tu Olrlshmen
Wan avo our byes tould him ho was
ekenomical avo tho thrutli, inshlnuat
lug thet Mnhotiey wiisc an Olrlsh pa
triot furoflls only but thets u, far az
wo got wid oir arrangements for a St,
Patrick's day slllbrashun, oz wan ave
tho bves who bed lived wld Johnnv
whin ho wins poorinasther cood not
slitnnd by an' hear sleh a good men
tradushed whlout rtslstln' it, and before
O'Tool's llo(uenco hud nn op)orcliunity
tu cool, his lied got 1n tho way avo a
shlllaly and tho atllndeneo avo a doc
thur wuz naded at wanst. O'Crndy's
frinds Innnldoatoly loft, az tha saw wo
wuz divided an' folghtln' among nor
sllvon. Oi attempted to pusify tho dyes
an' tu oxplano tu Mnglnnis thot It wood
not okur again, but ho sed wo wood
hov tu quit matin' in hlz plase, sothu
matin' next Sunday will bo in (J'Fla
herty's plase. Pathky Lacy.
TlIIO Chicago Inter Oeean, wil
he placed on the "black list" which the
church of Rome keeps if it Is not care
ful. Think of a dully paper In the
United States during to publish such
editorials as this
The Hi'V, Mr. Pi-iers spoke vrcy kM-oiikIv lit
lllnoinl rtudnln, N, V,, In hikibIi Idii Id I.ckiiIo
Hill ol I I'm iI'ohinIIiiii fill' (llvlsln'i of I he si'IkiiiI
funds iiintiiiK thii clinri'lii'N, Mr. Pelers wi'iil
ho far as In nilvoriite the r-x pit Ih tit i tif Hitldlll
from Aiiicrli'itn slio"ts, Tills is nctidltuHly
vIkiM'iiiih. Mr. Hitlolll wti oli,ii:l In "Mini
BluiKiri'" HiiIiiIII its ii lllli' tif honor Mm iihi of
willed Is prolillillt'll liy llincoiisMI itlliin Mr
Hiitolll lias i . perft'fl. lllfhl, Id lidviii'iilt' tllvt
Hlllll tlf Hit! WllOOl fllllllM, 111' NOI'lllllSIII, III' Iin-
pi'i'liillHiu. er any oilier full, piovltli'tl llml lit;
(loi'N tioti'xrlln Din infiii. Id vlnli lit oipiiHl
llntl iiiouimt Hi" Kiiveniini'iil,, Hill whin hi'
tuts ('iiinili'U'(l Ills iKlviiciicy he iniist tmpi'i'l
crilli'lNin, The pi'iiplii vlll Jinltfu hul weeti
him ami till. cHl Irs
Wn think (hill, lilt ctll ,lcs It ti. v llin licsl tif
tint riiHf, Tlii'iii Ih n ilnln illii Ini'l Ion Ui
twecfi Ihfi t'lfi'i'li of I'lliiiMillnii hy I'IiiutIiI'h
anil cdni'iil Ion hy thn stall', ami II, In nol
fitvtit'iilile to I'd it'-ii I lull hy cliut'chi'S, lilifl
i'Hiiic.liilly In II nol fiivtinililn In I'lliirullon hy
Ihn chiiivli nf which Mr. H.ilolll In no tils
IlimnUlii'il mi orniuni'iil,
Tim fori-lKii-hiini pi ipu I it tturt of I in Unlli'it
Slip's Is Ii'mn thiol I ft pi'l' emit of I Iin whole,
lit no fat' Its Hi Ik iritr cent lots hrin ill Hi lit.ll
In ttui'iN'lilal NchntiU, This I A pur rent. fur.
iiInIicn :;il piTd-iil of I hn while Jail ami llrlili
well piipulmhin of l,hi cniiiitry, Tim census
of IS'.U xlvi'N 1,1m pi'ttlti'iillary pnpttlitt Ion HI,
as,44ii, nf iht'Ni. I ;i,7 1 fV havn hni'it eiliicitlcd In
Mm ('(iniinon wiiiooU of America, In no far mm
Ihey liavi! lu'fii cilnculcd ; ll,7,:,i havn h -i'ti
I'tlticiiti'tl, In no flints they hitvn lini'ti edit-
citO'il, In Kili'niii'itii imrochhil ncIiooIs, iiiosl ly
ttmlcr Hi" inuniiimnienl of prlcNls, frlitmor
mms, (f thn Wl.llWI lionali's ef poorhoitNCN
ovur fil per rmit were of fun-Inn lilrilt, ami
odiiciili'il, In no fur iin limy were educated, ttl
purnchliil si'liools,
The Indications arc plainly In favor of the
Nlittii syNletn of etlticalloti lis protlitcllvn of
fur Ii'nn rrlmit and f ir mom thrift fhiin Hint
indication In I Iionc parochial ncIiooIs of which
Mr, Hiitolll In it, kciiIoun champion,
It may he added Unit a majority of per
sons niiKUKed In Hut niiIh of lhttor or In other
liilsltiUNN that In somewhat under thn tiatt of
ltod policy and Kood morals am of fotelKu
hlrlh and of parochial school etliicalloti,
Mr. Hatolll's iiilHtakes urn piilcnl,
hk rciorron jiihi wook: to a
speech which Mr. Charles E. Winter
delivered in tho First Baptist church
tho evening of February 22, IHli J. Wo
did rmtcxjstct, at that time, to bo n bio
to give hi beautiful trlbuto to tho na
tion's flag to our readers, but through n
kind Intervention of providence wo And
wo are ablo to do so this week. It will
repay any one who reads it, Mr. Win
ter spoko as follows:
Homo IiIhIoiI in Imin mild Ihul th'i'oniimU
of Koimt were not achieved hy men ami
arms In hull In, tut I, hy tint Human K.iikI"
Thn I'liuln wits the hIuh and nyniliol, It wits
the staiidiird home Ihroiinh every roittiuest.,
1 hal standard was Invented with the Ntern
(ualllles and heroic vlrliteti of lis hearers,
('apllves find runners hud curried to thn ou I -
lylniC and (IIhIuiiI counirleii slorles of that
wonderful people. And when I he rude hut
Imrlans ludield iidvam'liiK thn emlilemullfl
niulii It meaiil ihn visitation of an army
wonderful In fortitude, fearful In I'tierity,
riithlcKN In action, iilmolufo In rule; iiml
they threw Ihi'inMi-l vim proiilruln lieneiilh
theoutHlrelcheil wlliffs of Ihut lerrlhle sym
hol, Thus tliKNlundurds Mid IIiiun of all mi-
tlonsaml peopln liecan.ii In viinIi'U wild the
cliaracterlslli'.H of Hionii they represent. The
lluuof a nation euitioille Hit Idcus ami prlu-
rlples of Koverntneiit, ihn history of Its pen
pie, tho memory of Its liernea, To each cltl-1
tt f. , . W l tl m . , ) .nt
V--l I," . !.... ft... i- t-4t-t- -I '
10 m tfci t t 4 i . It . - !
!' t H. ,1 In M r ,(', ,. lit !cit
j ntt tlf Mm t l I Wt
-..- tl.U tNi.i vtt.t iif Hm
4 tt" 4 . LI. Ith t, v t , ! tt
1 S ! t, i itt, ,
nf !' . li4 tf rlM ,i , I, sin!
hi. ll. t inl'Nl V i t,l th, tit -
I Iv iK.I t I. ii . . .n l.i,l f till
fi-i i"t v i.w ii.i umi nni.
ttiMip ef trwU t. iii..i f,- tll,,.
Itinl, llii!irini!y iIinb .. W tii-w tit.
Iit if (he iHititfi on it the loiilttii 1 1n
Knoalmi I'm U enit llml i iiim .k it.iill ,if
hiHIii Ih i-.tif tni I irn n limit t
Ihtlil, nf Hip .1 ,1, Ut,.f M. I.iil llml thllll
rlmntit'N I.I mie ef liolixl n tie dm llml
Unit hli' it nit (tn Into Hie im.'iih nf thi- S.
Ix'Mnn liillii". Tln Tt l I'nlnt nf I l nn, v vnvi iI
liitt I l St. tic Hint M nl HuUnrl. Imt
II whvimI nlHiti ii Minnt mol tlnlnapleirn
' I.U.i-iiy.r .emlll V I inli-riill v," wi'iv mitt, n
lltmn (iiin, Inn Nlnliieil lit ItiiiiN'ei,! hlonil.
lin y wcti'tininifiirini'il Into IIitiiw., ntian'liy,
fmtrlclile. licMimny n II :m Is the Unit nf s
siiifiil liiillnii, it iriMji.'sH tenpli, htil
Hie Iron IiniiiI ef iiillltiiry rule la llmre. Tin;
tlsitof Kiiiilnml rvncii the m.M'li fmin , Hs Wits Dial hi-lliieil by .li'tlerwli Ihivls,
whleli wi'irsiiii, Ii ripM'siiiuilintiriiit..of The.t fore, Out govi'i nineiil at WhbIi-lhoKn-,,lA,,(ll,..S,t,,,,,r,,e..1llulh,ll,l,l,,ok.,1
,,,,,,., ..ff,,,.,, , ,,, ,
est sIiiiiIiiwn we iIIni'imii lite tiroki'tt oulllueaj . , . , , , ,,
nf livlnml am) India
Hut lln Aiiieiii'Hii llnii! Thn Ninra Hittl
SlrlM'n! Wo limy he lillinleil In a iiieiisiire,
lull, we t'Hiitinl. hellevt', wit tin not Isdlevti
Hittl, In llit'cyesof iniiiiklnil lliern Is a ti
pitiui'li Unit can dim lis lustre, That lluU
i'iiinptls rt'Npeel lint world over, lis enemies
iniist Hilmlrti It, honor Ii. If mil fur tint
triiiisi'emleiil, genius of lis nentiiils, tho
het'iilNti) of lis defenders, then for the prin
ciples It, rcprenciitN. r'.mtilly inuy warp Ihtt
percepllntiN and JikIkiiiciiI and tlelract frnni
Hut irlnry of our ureal, but riiiiuo! reject our
pt ltii'lples, What man, Im he I't cli, Kn-
Kllsli. Hpatilsh, KiihnIuii, Herman or any oilier
foinlKli lilUlonullly, can I'onlemplule I hose
prlnclpli'N ami from his heart, havn one word
of criticism, tllNparancinent or iiiilauoiilsin
to oiler. Why, whaldoes that Haiti in?
It menus a voice In Kuvertunent, l ho rlhtof
speech, etiiallly liefore thn law--a free tiu-
lloti, It meutiH a llhcratcd hody, a llheratetl
mind, a 1! he rated co!is'lcm'n--a llherutml
mini. And mankind every where, reKurdlesN
of nutlouullty or condltlnti, must nromilHe,
does recottnlMii thn wisdom and liiuiellcenen
of t hose principles.
Wu revere Ihtt Ilatf liecausit II, sy mliolles
tliosd prlncltles. They artt Indeed worthy of
rcverencit. When wo thus transform and
embody them In the material, In cloth and
color and form, wn vcrue upon the realm of
Idolatry, We worship Ihn tiling for the tliuut
slittillleil, tho subsluncn for llm sent liiieut,
Ihn representation for tint Ideal hut It Is "a
sweet Idolatry enslavliiK all I heNiiuli" It Is a
noble, a innid Idolatry In which the Aincrl-
can heart cuil never worship too steadfastly
and devoutly,
.Continued next wnnlt
A Dispatch from (Jcorp-;town,
Col., Wednesday, gives out the start
ling Information that a move Is imiKlng
to annex tho silver-producing states .1
the republic of Mexico, This dispatch
snys Mayor Parker has signed and
heads such a petition, and that it w
ho circulated In all the mining camps,
Thlt may seem like foolishness to many
people In tho middle and eastern slates,
nit wu desire to call their attention to
ono thing In this conned Ion which they
nave probably overlooked. Prior to
tho war of the rebellion a gignnth
movement against foreign Interference
In our affairs of state wasswoepliigovci'
this country. It was aimed at tho same
national enemy which the present
movement known ns tho , P, A, Is so
ably combating, That movement
spread most rapidly In the border and
southern slates, and gained such fx im
way that It bade fair to Im the leading
political party of tho nation, Rome
saw this and set her agents to vork
to breed discord and stir tip strife
among a liitppy nnd contented people,
By degrees she worked upon the poll'
tlelans of the nci th and the politicians
of tho south, until neither would ao-
edo to the other's demand, Tho result
was a war such as the world Iiml never
seen, .Neighbor was pitted ngalifht
neighbor, brother against brother, and
father against son, until tho Ufo-hlooil
of hundreds of thousands of brave ami
conscientious men ran In rivulets from
a thousand bat'leflelds; a beautiful and
prosperous sirtlon of our country was
laid waste; death, disease and desola
tion stalked abroad In tho land; moto
rs wept for wounded and dying sons;
daughters walled their lamentations
o'er tho graves of sires they loved;
liberty (dosed her eyes to shut out tho
horrible, tho ghastly panorama, while
nations watched, death as lie reaped
and sowed tho land with desolation,
w knew tho agencies ot work, ar
topped to analyze the cause of all this
strife. Yet, behind It all there was a
purpose one so foul, and black and
damnable that tho Instruments It used
were not aware of Its real or full Im
port, else ono might doubt tho con
scientiousness, the sincerity, of many
f tho actors In this appalling national
drama. While our Moved country
was racked and rent, almost dismem
bered, nnd when tho Ink on the, bless
ing of the pope of Rome to .IcITerson
Bavls had hardly had time to dry, that
arch enemy of liberty hud his loyal
son, tho Arch Duke of Austria, who
was afterward shot at (,ueretaro, bring
over thousands of soldiers and quarter
em In Mexico for the solo turKise of
"ti l l ng this land and dispossessing
Davis should ho bo successful In his at
tempt to leave tho union, But Dsvls
was unsuccessful, tho troops statloued
In Mexico returned homo and the
re - United States remained tlio abiding
I t ! i it '!,. .r,tit Hi, Am, ti
. - m, 1. 1 i,) t. t Ok Itim
'!'!) R,.i.. U tn-iklh," Htllt Oh. .(.'
re in ii, ii,. ji4 . nt, ,.f tii, 1 1, it
HSu ,tn.'l t...- . t. . ,.i , : -h !sl
i.t !, i,, , , iii, m.i ii f. i
lsn ('"lit, unit i,nl nti'ivj
iii'lim :lj t. , , n ); ,.1, ,l. it, aii sn j
i tin I r. Is ilol;1' nititmy O. i kt UiS!
i i in it l tie tjiun mti, imi lit ink u-i it
In. .in. Ill, Ni tt M.t I, -ti ii .1 tflij. It U'
Itiiiti t'0i!ii; n i At ! . ntt it lid l
fi'lliiit A Ult'n ii)iiH nf On' III
.iiitn are latr- In Pint Ii lltlnu; (lit
IVtn tieitm a if Hot sll!i'il Willi c-tlniii
law ; Oie wine is tni" ef Oiiiunml of
(Itinera ho ate ile nil h.m-ihiiiI nf still
nilvei Irglahitiiin, To Oiew mill Out
OtotnttitiiW of g itn r, ludUim inn!
prlets w lie Mould nriu Imitl Metleo
to help disrupt this iniliiin In 0u hes
altil of ovel'lhriittllig (lie ri publlit pre
sldi'd over by Poilltlu Ida., ami ytm
w ill find an tit my lis hiinl tn overeouii
nun, us in mi' i m 1 1 1 1 1 ' wiki 1 1 1 1 1 it i ii t. tue
sllver-protlueing states, It slmutil give
them relief. It should, at the siimc
time notify Major Parker Unit lie Is
overstepping the bounds of an Ameri
can citizen,
Tho lloiuieum-CorbcU feud took a
now turn today when the announce
incut, was miulo that the bishop Iiml ex
communicated tho i'liluiyrla priest,
This action Is tho outgrowth of the
trial In this city a few weeks ago
wherein Father Corbett sought to have
Illshop Bonleum convicted of libel.
The order of excommunication was
Issued February 22, and sen tenons Cor-bi-tt
to a monastery near Montreal,
Canada, font period of three years.
Reports from Palmy rla are to the effect
that Corbett dellos the bishop's orders
and will not surrender his charge. A
suit has been begun In Out civil courts
of Otoe county to eject Corhcit from
tho church. (Vorld-lleroltl,
Of what account are our laws If a
bishop of tho Roman Catholic church
can sentence- and Incarccratca priest
of that church to three years' Imprison
ment In un esslosliistloal Jail when tho
only crime lie bus committed Is ono
against ecclesiastical law, I, o,: suelug
a bishop before a civil court? While
Father Corhcit Is not our Ideal Ameri
can citizen, yet, if ho has been Injured
In niuno or In property by a man who
professes lobe a citizen of the United
Slates, ho has the undoubted right to
call to his aid any law upon the statute
books of this state or of tho United
Slates, and obtain redress regard less
of any or all of the laws of the church
of Rome. liiht between Jloiiacum
and Corbett bus proved one thing If net
more, namely; Itlhas proved that ec
clesiastics In Hi re iFc liiii'-H of tin1 fliunii
Arc iilmi'v, llm Iiiiih i if llm hliiln. Yet we
have had Intelligent Roman Catholics
tell us that was not a doctrine of the
church. We know it Is, and wo know
thai any church which holds to such a
doctrine Is tho enemy of this republic,
and the men who believe it aro traitor
of the deepest dye unworthy of either
cltlzenshlpor protection under the laws
of this country, and American citizens
should sou that Romanist and their
sympathizer are defeated for any ollieo
they seek, A man unlit for citizenship
Is unlit to be a public official.
In order to prevent a repetition of
tho recent disgraceful efforts to abridge
the right of free speech, TlIK AMKKI
ca.V lilts undertaken to raise a fund
with which to prosecute all persons
hereafter guilty of such an attempt. Jt
matters not how small the sum, every
American who prizes that boon should
help swell thn fund. We do not ask
any one to go into this, but will receipt
for any amount sent In for the fund.
We havo received contributions from
Oregon, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska and
oilier points, The money so raised will
lie it set to prosecute all violations of
the law guaranteeing free speech, Our
proposition Is contajned In this blank
which contributors sign;
As many of our friends as Jeslro to
become contributing metiilsrs ol tlio
League can fill out and send to our ad
dress the above form. Those who only
desire to become honorary members
can do so by sending in fifty cents and
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l!n, silUm I , In mnt'itn ( ailinlt,
loilth iVlir) iu 1 til I lite,
Nt I '!,, lib , Ut. Mnlui
C IN b 1 s, In . t it, in, i.nuj. I, n I 11,,
lU.N.inln.iit',, R, Imin ,l,.in li, ,Hii
' HttnMl'n -antlitik I'm it in 1,11 llm
m Inml t(tn t-Hull, Itmde is In ti be l,t,t h. i
ilhd In ie tt.ui liltn lb,. j ,sl ttllli.ll
jtl'e Vim ttinu si.pli.. tlul . !,
slmttit 1,1m,-, If In I. n in n it 1 .1 limey
j ins-Its If Alum leans n. , ,l huv iiiil.i.l.'
iilbllll M-tllilti her 1 1I111 lit iniiHl lutilt-
lent lin y ttnitlil prefer no iiiuliniiiliir
fi 11111 liitnl hi, h run M, f,.,iii,l b,.,-,,
ln klutnltiiil Is higher Ihiilt II Is In II
I lilti'tl hln leu. 11 n nil lllMlil In
American intelligence to have n man
sent lu re loillelulu in reference In our
scIiihiIn w ho eaiiitnt sjs'iik our lauguiign
and who pomes from a iiailnii where
at least sevi nly out of loo persons can
neither read nor write, If Americans
still cherh.h the spirit of 1 17! Siilolli
would bo placed In a pneumatic gun of
solid sentiment ami fired to Italy forth
with. "Interference with our free, unsec
larlan school system Is the mont dun
genius sort of anarchy. Let the free
seiooln be undermined and ono of the
chief cornerstones of our national Inde
pendence is gone. Our public hcIiiioIh
were organized not to make our youth
partisans in politics and sectarian in
religion, hut to give all, regardless of
position, nationality or color, a good
education, All denominations main
tain Hoporato sectarian schools anil col
leges, but they do not attempt to avoid
paying tho public school tax. Why
should Rome thrust her hand in the
treasury any moro than any other
church? If any church wishes to make
a denominational dance there Is not a
thing to hinder In this free land, but
tho denominational fiddler will havo to
be paid with denominational and not
with state money. If there aro any
persons In tlio country who are not de
riving as much benefit from tho gov
ernment as they pity for their taxe let
them recross the Atlantic, tho sooner
tho better, and that, too, with our
kindest benedictions,"
It mitts the Itishop.
Brooklyn, Feb, 22., IMH.-To the
Md Iter of Till", Amkkk'an: I doubt not
that you will kindly permit mo to say a
few word to tho reader o. your Dost
loyal paper concerning Bishop Me
Namara and his work. Tho bishop is
u fearless Protestant In every sense of
I lie word. I havo been personally nr
ijiiulnlcd with him for many years. I
have followed his mission work since
itn Inauguration In New York City
many years ago, Ho was Instrumental
In establishing the various societies in
the United Slates known as Independ
cut Catholics, And ho has been care
ful that ills followers should have an
Intelligent idea of what the word Cath
olio Implies, so that no Romanist was
ever deceived by him. Though many
Roman Catholic In New York and
Brooklyn have learm d to res pi el him,
on account oi pis hoiu himi fearless
manner of currying on hi work. Grout
numbers of Romanists nro being loos
ened from the bondage of priest-craft,
and are becoming useful citizens in
society, through tlio work of Bishop
McNumara, Ills Influence with the
Irish people (wh.!ii once ho gifts their
unprejudiced attention) Is as great as
the opposition they manifest to him on
first ac(ualntance, He ha commanded
the respect of tho better classes in
every city where be has labored. And
many a city that bus given him tho
roughest reception, has given hi 111 tho
greatest ovation at the conclusion of
his work In their midst. It ha been
my good fortune to havo tho bishop and
bis estimable wife a guest in my house,
And their chaste deportment and tho
moral effect of thelrexatnpleand teach
Ing has been a blessing to my children
which I shall never lie able to repay
Ho Is a master in the Crock, Latin and
French languages, and my family have
received much valuable Instruction
from him in these studies. Ho is us
generous In his diffusion of light in
secular education us he is in heralding
the gospel, us many young men can
testify to his generosity In this matter
of free Instruction. His fame as an ad
vocate of temperance Is known through
out the United States. His consecra
tion to his work may be fitly illustrated
by the following incident: While
President Harrison was In office, ho
made a visit to Brooklyn on some grand
occasion, which I do not now recall,
Tho prcHldent was tho guest of Mr.
Knapp, who was a particular friend of
the bishop. An Invitation came- to my
house for ttie bishop to meet the presi
dent at tlie house of his friend, Mr.
Kuupp. Tho bishop was at that time
doing important gospel work In Asltury
Park. When I expressed my astonish
ment at the ciKilnt'ss with which ho
received this invitation, he said: "I
have more ImjKU'tant work on hand
than meeting presidents." Tills was
not because ho did not resect Presi-
! rp! .tii' fi-i m. ii
Usui.. fni I
I-'(,' I , '-.! I e
i ii.. t I, it
f n t 1 1,,11-nm '
1 I li I j. ttnll,, ,) tl.ft
tl.iog t U. nr." I i' he tint t i
ntr fur 15 a ,., 1. , , i-1 u 1 -tie
lllillii il In I t 1 I V Mi l.e j,!. -,, In
lli pistil let lb, Intu a, j j i i I f
.ni!. ,,i,.. (be . Iinle i!,iii,). i I
j mull! !ii. 1, in bin, 1,, 1 ,,t .,,.,r ,i4 ,
: I'oui t,ui ; 1 i, 1 i;, tut Iin pin-
j mi till inn n I be ilitltnli..i of i-ni lrttnl.
11 tsetiiii iki iti Hint be renlinl (merit
thiol liuilil tin) llntl liotie , K
tive our list leu ftniii lliiiw iitnlei min
ing Ililltii tiCi 11 w I, let) nt,. k, I Id woik by
I be flu lull s o imt iitntili y. e j dot
u politician, I hough ,e I, (tlmnt found
on the He , nu ,,f Kt ,.t national
ipn slloit., He in m religious ttiiili Slid a
pair lot, Hint l Ie Ihtter iinib I'-biod
In tears to mine than at the pnm iil
How strange It mini that such a
man, who was never In fore In his life
charged with violating tho law,
(though sM'iiillng thn greater part of
Ills life In cities of rellneiuelit ami cult
ure, where Infractions of law are most
severely punished), should now Iiml
himself near prison bars, awaiting
trial on a charge that the record of Ills
life shows that he, of all men, would lw
tho least liable to bo guilty of. Is there
no feeling of shame In the American
horn citizen, when lie hucs a mail of
foreign birth persecution life on
iicumnt of loyalty to our Hag? If all
men were as patriotic anil as law abid
ing as Illshop McNumara, wo would
need no jails. Yet, law has licon so
perverted that he Is made tho trans
gressor, while his enemies, (who, as a
class, Inhabit our Jails) aro free. Let
1110 say in conclusion that If Rome has
not undertaken more than she can curry
through this time, then I havo not
properly estimated the rebounding
qnii lilies of Bishop McNumara. Yours
very truly, T, M. Kino,
II 10 (iates A venuo.
Hew (lie People Are Foaled.
Wo havo often charged that tho
Jesuits Inul control of tho news gather
ing associations and tho dally press.
We do not need to offer any more com
petent material and relevant evidence
than this:
Kanhah City. Mo.. Feb. 2(i.Tho
case of ex-Priest MeNumaru, whoso ro-
murks on (. alhollclHin, early in Janu
ary, caused a small riot was called In
tho criminal court this morning, Tho
charge against him Is the slanilerlni of
Fathers Ballon and Lillls and Mother
Rose Vincent,
Up to 1 p. m, ten Jurors had been so-,
cured, nnd it is thought Hut remainder
of tho afternoon will ho taken up in se
curing tho other two.
At the afternoon seshlon of the court
Presiding Judge Wofiord wiih taken
suddenly ill nnd announced that it
would bo necessary to take a recess un
til Wednesday morning. As soon as
lie reached tho street MeNamara's
friends, 2W strong, many of them mem
bers of the A. P. A., formed In a pro
cession behind him and marched to his
lawyer's office, The big proee-sion,
lo aded by the ex-prle it, caused con
siderable comment on the street.
Now. what was the truth In the mat
ter?, , Just tills:
After court adjourned In the ease of
the Slate vs. Bishop J, V. MoNamurii
Monday afti moon a crowd of about 200
1 (OMAN'S followed the bishop from tho
court room to the office of his attorneys,
in tho New York Life building, a dis
tance of n'oout eight blocks. There
were only about twenty-live of tho
bishop's friends with him, and who had
to hover cIom; around to keep the mob
away. The hoodlums would yell,
"Hang Ii i 111, "C ;t u rope," "Head him
off," and such kindred expressions. At
Delaware nnd Klghth street several of
tho gang made a break to bead off the
bishop and his wife from their course,
hut fulled. Tho molt hung around tho
Ninth street entrance to the New York
Life building for about two hours, then
thinned out. A rcort was circulated
that It was a run on the bank to throw
off the real Intent.
This all occurred between 2 and 5
o'clock In tho vll rfgulnliil munin'piililij
of KiiriMiif Cih, Mo,, und tho officer?
allowed this mob to crowd a busy thor
oughfare for more than one and a hull
hours. Notwithstanding tho demon
stration by tills band of outlaws Bishop
McNumara delivered two lectures tho
sumo night to packed bouses. Tho
people are becoming linn and set in
their opinion and tho lines aro being
drawing closer every day. Thn Ameri
cans aro becoming disgusted with tho
rottenness of tho Kansas City officials
and denounce their actions. It is
rumored that an indignation meeting
will bo held If the law is not enforced
and these mobs dispersed and sup
pressed by the authorities. Tho bet
ter class of people have become dis
gusted and desire a change from tho
old stylo of vandal law.
OwiNii to the illness of Judge Wof
ford the witnoshcs und the jurors in tho
McNumara case have been discharged
and tho case ugainst the bishop Kst
jsmed until Suturduy. If Judge Wof
iord gets too sick to try tho case, our
friend should know before whom he is
to appear for trial. An O'Rourkoora
Sullivan would hardly decide a caso
against a priest of Rome.
1. . I
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