The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 23, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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ihi comvon wit wnm
Uw M I V i4 ( M 1 1
H .-, !i tl '- !( .-.-Wn
. l H l l i. t t..
-. .t l tH -. -U,. 1
jf, Hf !.. II I . -. f 1 I Wk, ' I
!. I,i lt H t i,. l 1 -, l' tl 1il HI lm
4 ll ifnr II. lilUf lltr,i i !.! cfi lmi,
ltta.1 II 1 tin lit itf t ill Attn l
tttt, tJI Ht tt V In l!, ! tl h.n
fttr tto I I f-M i l f'lll flr-'n
a iit li il, lti'ia !! Of i.i
ll -lifi t Hi i t I'M llt limit,
fntiti( hit.., if lH n. h li-
n nu-iilil ii'ii.liti.w, I n! Iik t t) i M
lim m-. lull . ilhltiil ll. Hii.iiu il
" tliftrWtit ( luf f out'
lUf IU I I il i . In tlrW.-t In, Hi,
tvttlttliil Nil ilktf lt. I.I ll 1 'It. I
lifn t.(i i f tli ii.lmv.1 lj tin i i.
tt o' Mil 111 li in Mil Wll'ld li I 1
liaiiit, n tl'M, ' l"". 1I dill
lrir, H.K1' llt lu ll) III li
tit n It rM. In ! ami vlir a1til UK- it
lilM'i ItH, mill Wlill I lixikwl at II I'
tol I'f Hip kIkII rfnrkii III mill 'lnr, 'I .
MTli III Till c V t e ml. . lllpllllv, l.rvNkllitf 11.
twirl nf lh kIm II Inlii kihhII liliH-ii, mill In
Uii'iin'iil jmiiiit html nit liUln.iil
llirmikn. II li'ktil it U mi I fir nil tiutiuil
to ! Itm iiiw Murhl lin limt tllKiiiii ivil,
put out til fniit "ii, mill llki h llnli I"
Wil riillrnly mil i.f tli ulii'll. IIh inn lie
tilt Ixijr'l Brill tO III nlll'llllIlT, tlllU ill'" II
liU cliitlii'H In tliu iiriMiiiil, mill ti n mm)
In lli iinnii HlitKwt lnfiir hml tlimi ti
wink. I In vim mis uf lli unllimry IIU'v
Ltiwn llmr.ln, mid uit til Itmt niHrnin i'
lin ni Rlimit 1', Inchm luiirf."
Tli fuiitliiinN of lUnriU i( time klmlfi
fur liiuxlo In well ktiim u, Kiitl the
llmr.l linn till inimlriil Inula ulri'iiuiT thiui
moRt viirli'tli'n. lis will nit mid Hhumi for
lttK (lino to tlio iiiiinIo of vltillii, h i
uo, or I'Vi'ii ti)ln(liin(irwlill lliiK, ulinw
lug 111 niiprt'flti) luti liy lliu iiiH'iillnr inn
ttou of III tl (lint, alt llr.nrtlii Imvo wlii'ii
tnturratptt lu nnytlilng. At Ixmiu In tlm
wnu rt'Kldiii lil oi fotitl lflliiivl ol li
r iuinU IiimccI, wLlub lie cntt'litw rmitllly,
oinutliuiHi tiy lying In wait or mifiikln
tip n cut diH.' to iiiuiiiie, but uinni rit
quitntly by iHiiif. Vbn lis I In K'xhI
ooiiilitltui, tlm Krotiil ltseiirtt move no rn)
Idly tlmt It I liurtl fur the ey to fulluw
Tli ninll Krwn llcnrtl are ilniil If nl
enough In the outlurn part of i Itiiitlit,
but even thnre the Miipiily of thim 1 tiolh
liiK eoinpnrcd with the lnyrliul tlmt
wnrm ell ovir the Wi-at Intllfd. Wtwl In
dlim never think of luirinlliK one of the
little civhUhvm, but riitlicrcinjotiniKO tlifiii
to enter the Iioumom, a t htiy are very clcnti
ly, anil do Rotnl attrvlce lu kllllnu oil the
file and niiill Hplilrrn.
Will lie M Iff Ye, the iiimll green II.
rd will bite your Ilngur If you enmmniKO
blm to. JIm enn ulve pritlty linnl tl ncli ,
too. with hi tiny teeth, Hut liucaniitit
bite bard enouuh to ounuture the akin,
ml bl iliifhln I entirely biiriuhM. Of
the nearly S.lllll) varlellva of 11iinU them
1 only one kind that due any bnrm by
lie bile, Thl varlely growa to a IhiikHi
of about 13 luetic and live In Mexieo.
but It niienrniieo 1 ao iIIhkunIIuKi It
kin beliiK onverei with leprou i'itn,
that there I no tlimnerof It iMiliiKexiiurt
d for aotiie youiiM woninn' pet. The bleu
that Any of the HziinU or t'liiuueleon enn
at will aNMiune the color of any arlhilethey
tautl tixu I a iopular fiilUcy. The
green llr.nrd aninetlmeaehMiiKe their eolor
to brown or enliy white, but thl I abuuli
the extt'iitof their ability, and thehuuK'
re K"vernei lnrely by Ihelr pbyiilcal eon
dltliiii, Hudileil frlxlit H'lnietluut eriuwi
tlinm to turn pule, fw It doe nine birKer
iilmtlH, nw Turk Hun,
The Cowboy ami III Mount,
Ileforo I went west I had nnltlcti Hint the
chief filfamire ntitl ilelluht of the avrruu
oowlioy lny In tlinflinu'tiieiitderlveil from
rldlntf a buukliiK i'iuy, yet thl I very fur
from hcliiK the net un I Mule of the cum. I
never w but one cowboy who expreieieil
anything but. repiiKtiHiieetorlilliiK a lim k
IriK boriMi. No iiiittter how well a mini
tuny rlile, K'xid trow hoppliiK pony will
make It tnoet uueoiufortabln for blm, even
tuotiKb the brut may not be able to din
nnunt blm.
There I or lined to be, up at Meeker, In
the White river country, ninii mimed
Ed Hinler, who could ride, a he expreiMed
It, "anything that had lmlr on It." 1
bare aeen blm alt a pony that bucked no
bard that It tint only gave blm the mum
bleed, but brotiKbt blood from hi ear a
well, KuiUcr rotl the home until It wa
o weak Hint It eould not aland up ami
then wild It for 1.1. The man who bought
It tried to ride It onee, ami It broke hi
rm. The borne, whleh wn a valuable
one, wn then turned out on the ruiK, It
led n herd from lip lu Yellow Jacket piix
down the White river, ami out by Ornnd
Junction, Nome Duo mile, and It took three
oowlioy two week to round them back
again, Thl I the only luNtanee that I
k now of w here a herd del I bera t el y lef 1 1 hel r
grar.lug Kroiiml, though, I have known
cattle to drllt f0 mile acroe the plain
before a hard utorm, New York Mall and
Iron Hiking In Karly lllnlory.
Iron wa ued Iwfore blutory wa writ
ten. The atone record of Kgypt and the
brick hook of Nineveh nientlon It, (ien.
! (Ix, 'i'i) refer to Tulialeulii a "an In
truetor of every artificer lu brae and
Iron," and lu Deuteronomy Mil, 11) the
bndMtend of the glint Og wa ''a beiUteiul
of Iron." The galley of Tyre and Kldou
traded In thl metal, Chinee recoul
acribed to 8,000 11. C. refer to It, Homer
MtAkof It a a u per lor to brour, The
bronze age dime lM-fore the Iron age, be
came copier, found a a nearly pure met
al, eaaily film, and with another no ft
tneuil tin or r.lnc alloy Into bard
bronze, while Irou, found only ae an ore,
Biunt have the impurltlc burned and bun
innred out by great beat ami force before
it can be made Into a tool. .Harper' Mug
A Deflolte rrayer.
Little Dick C got Into trouble with
choolfcllow the other day and agreed
With blm to "have It out" before school
next morning. That evening, when Dick
knelt to say bis prayer, after themoml
"Now I lny me" be added thl speebil
petition: "And, oh, God, plenae make me
strong as Hons an thing, 'cause I've got
to lick a boy In the morning. Ameii."
New York Journal,
The lua and the Wasther.
Dr. Zergler, a German scientist, thinks
tbst It may be possible to forecnut the
weather by taking photographs of the
tun's dink. He snys that "circular orclllp
tical bnlos round the orb of dny liullcnle
violent storms, eepeclolly If the bnlos nre
dark In tint or of a large diameter. I.IkM
olng and magnetio disturbances may iiIho
be expected from these signs."
tMI lU'StlSU lli'".
h ll. Swift It t il
.ll,. .,
1 t t. ittii ii i i.iiir i
i !... , i i, .,., .. .t i.( .. , i
! t --t.l. . U 1 1..' II .,,.,.
I . ii I ml , ii lit n-.j im t l
lt.v. It.lii'tl f., .H t,r , I .
li.l I to .tit.l tl
ltt .iH i,1Utn. l lllt l.l'.
..!, H e f I ti i-,.l I. I It. I .
k Ii ' M l. tiM, I - l iei I litle It
ii' a. be n.r--l lit tl ni,
W I t. Ii bi I I iu-H In i .. II l.i r t !! Mr.k In
I tie nt, m l I" e i li.iili i"it (.n.H .
.tie I .U ! III ll.l 'tt I m, S'i'1
Ink 11 v R.t not . t Prtln'n line n. in
el . 1 1 "in. I , l,l. h ) t e blm (Nil 1 f , I 1
H. .(!l.l.l r- J I .. taii .i. k
Hint b -.liliif .tiir ,ittn' it ar It ...t.
lb nl hi i hii.l.lmH ll.t nl I'i i' 'I
tH-tiiti-d .t iKtitijr, ! t li it i'tf lite tl r
Vtlml, ll e, liitwenr, !' Inle M
rbilnli bad U-n . i)itl. k f l lin All
lln tii ! liei liw a fth, I I'i
Hpfelne lif It n Hindi' 1 ItU liml i iw t.l
of (he i In Mli U nl. In v, . r the Ilim II
UU, (lie ijitlikidt tl.lnit 111 the aiilni'il
wt'tht, lir tirpnlna t be nixnl if aim'
burne. I VrlnllilV It eorprlmil alt nf tit
who Wen ttiteiitit mati'blng Ibe ilelaiU t.l
the stt'iie iN'lim eiim Iim In our view. 'I'lm
paeeviHii en iiinrvelutisly great t lint Hi"
rbetnli ai lioilly eprnug lb but k, el
Ibotitih b.V IIiIk lime the terrllleil aiilinnl
was fairly fitrt-li'lied mil at ptiiile m'iI.
Thl overnliiHiiliig the mark by lite rht tnh
bad the elicit nf driving Ibe'pe,
w li It'll awervstl n!T liiiineillalely from bin
line, Into running round lu a i lirle, w It It
the t lieliili mi Ibe oiilnliln.
Tint tnUKitH Were KH"lt'il up, and the
escltt'uient of the occiipnut ran bnnlly be
itewrlbctl. In my eaucrne lo sew the Hit
lib, I Jumped oil ami look to running, but
the hunt wn noon over, for before I cntili)
get tpilttt up Ilia ehutiiti got clo, to t In
buck, and Ith a spring at IiIn biiiincbeti
brought. Mill to the ground. The leopard
then iiiilileiily releimetl bin bold ami Mpmnu
at his victim' throat, throwing bis prey
over on It buck, where it wa held when
we arrived at the apot. The chetnli wn
then crouching low, sucking the Mood
from the jugular vein, while tenneloualy
clinging with hi mouth to the antelope'
thront. The buck gnvo only a few spin
motllo Jerk nnd appeared to be dead, nl
though probnbly not so In reidlly, but
only piirulyr.ed by four. One of Hiotih ii
stooped down and plunged a knife Into
I ho buck' neck dime to tint upot where
the chctiih still hchl fiutt. Thl coup de
grace not only terminated the poor thing'
ex lutciicd, but ciiMHt'd the blood to How
freely, which one of tlio men proceeded to
catch In n Inrgtt wooden bowl with A long
handle, Uat h bml brouglit for the pur
pose. When till wn full, tlis hootl wiiH
thrUNt pver tlin chelnh's rye, hi fetters
were rcplncetl, nml hewn ultlmntely In
d il tied to let go bl hold of the nut elope by
the bowl of etemnlng hot blood being
slipped miller hi none, Into thl dtiinty
rewnrd for hi trouble he nt once plunged
bl hciidmid with ferocious engerue hip
ped up the w hole of It. Century.
The Olnwworm,
When examined lu the dark, tlio light U
seen to proceed from the bint ihreo seg
nieutsof the glowworm body, the under
side of which emit It In an uncertain, wn
vcrlng aort of way, the fact of its luting
bundled Necming to alarm the iimctt.
Kchult.n found Hint tint nnltiml poiiacNHcd
thin, wlili Inh plitle on the under shlo of
theae seguietil, ruth plate cntiHlNtlng of
two 1iyi'iH n front one, ycllowhth trann
pnrcnt nod 1 ti in I in him, nml a back one,
white nnd opiKiua from the Presence of it
great multitude of doubly reflecting grim
UlCN, Wllll'h KolllkerMlippiMCS tO COIINlHtOf
ii rule of nmmonln, He nlno found Hint
brnuchi' of the Innect's lircntlilng lubn
(t nielii ic) nullify nmoug I lie cell of the
front layer, ami end lustnrllke corpuMclcM.
Ho much for the structure of tlio In
mlnoiu nppiiriilUN, but n to the ciiumh of
the lumlitoHlly there t a variety of opin
ion. Homo Mtvntit bold that It I duu to
a sort of iinltinil coinbiiHtlon, and it i
sit Id Hint If a glowworm he placed In oxy
gen the light Is greatly IntciiNllled for a
time, but the niilnml seems either nimble
or unwilling to continue It, On the other
IimihI, when Mntteiiecl plnced it In hydro
gen and carbonle iicld gmc which do
not support eombiiNtlon the light still
continued to be emitted for DO or 40 min
ute, I'lKwplinresceut Undoubtedly la it
nature, and that I almut all Hint science
can nt prem-nt iiflirm. A lo the object of
thl dlnplfiy authorities illffer. The com
mon Iden hn nlwny been that It I In
tended a a ignnl lictwren the male and
bl mate, Clmmber' Jotiriuil.
Thli kneM of the Knap Hubble Film.
The most powerful of the modern mi-
proaenpe will render a point only one
humlred tboimiindtli part of an inch in ill
ametcr perfectly vlnildii, While thl I
true beyond a doubt there are refinon for
believing Hint a single molecule of mutter
Is much smeller even tlinu tlmt. One rea
son for Ibis belief hns been deduced from
calculation made on the soup bubble.
Hclentlnt Imve Hindu liit'iiniireiiient of the
thickness of the envelope of soapy water
Inclonlng the air of the bulibln when It
bad become so thin a to produce rainbow
tint, At the nppenrnnce of the shade of
violet It wn one-fourth of the tblckne
of the length of an ordinary violet wave
of light one-sixty thoiinnniltli nf an inch
thus milking the thickness equal to one
two hundred tlioiimindth of an Inch.
As the bubble continued to expand, a
black pit ten formed near the end of (he
pipe from which the bubble wa being
blown. Meaurement were then taken to
certain the tblckne of the black por
tion of the bubble, aud the experiment
ers were astotibthed beyond menure when
they found the thickness or thlnnn to
be only one fifty millionth of an Inch I Kt.
Lou I Itepuhlla.
How "Tommy Atfcliu" Oot III Name.
Iam much obliged to the many corre
spondent who from time to time enllgbir
sn mess to the origin of the name Tommy
Atkins. To save further trouble, how
ever, I may as well mention once for nil
that I am in possesion of what I believe
to be all the Information accessible on thl
important mutter of history. I have nl
ways underMtood that "Thomas Atkins,
Private," was the faney signature append
sd to a specimen form of a soldier's uu
eount Issued by the war office many year
go, anil more than this I doubt whetln i
nybody can tell. Ixmdon Truth.
end Over the Unripe.
A Hrlntol gas consumer has broken the
record for economy in gas consumption.
When the meter taker went to read bl
meter the other day, the consumer, with
a complacent air, ensured blm that be but.
been "economical Indeed," but bis com
placeney forsook him when be was told
that bis ecouomy bad resulted in bis con
version from a debtor to a creditor. T!k'
meter showed that the company owed bin:
half a crown I Urlstol (England) Mercury,
1 1 t'. I t It'i I'M t I 1M.
"ttltl t h I n..ti, Sh-.l
S '-I .t-M" t... n,(t i..J ''
Slt.'.t I t,ll .1-.,t St ifi. :!'Mi
I, I t i i . I it i i - . Ii i n-i
. tt'-t .1 t I I h i i l Hill U '. It - -l
t. ",,,!!. I ,-.. ti ll nt ji.i!'.'. tl
tlim'lln .li H lit! ti, .(,
. tt.ti I t .tt-1!.. Mil ml', tr l-nt It I.
a .i i ' t.l .it, 'i"'s! a it.-
..Ht.e I 1 t. t i(t I.. i,nl lh!i..l
-li. I !,( Hie e-i.t.4 t. l il
(., .i, iliitii tit t h l ' tie 1 nt'i
,f 1 1. Sill !m t !! I tie thl I t.i.M,!!. Il t
It i1 tt 4 . linit a Ii i. i-l i l ' t
iMH tl.' tit. t nil H)H .H Sll.l ati-.
wl.nll'i .) i H nita.ii
twit-. -it (I'tilf., I l'i "'it pi'lnpm M)-l. ' liil
, I. il 1 11 I we. -If tl ' Hie ttlil. ili.l .i,
Slid I. 111. tll f-tii. I. Ui !t. I Jful I illl.1 l
a i"n I, l ie Ut ti 1. i i a iti"..',j
tttm ! i t b I ti" iT,ii a lei ati lliii. I
i..j..n.ii.. ii... h 1 1. i. i- The pttni I
and .i . t"U w i nl t . i t.i !i.t d
t .l, In tt a i l ie. r Ivoiiiii i ,lii. Hint
be liilil in hair 1. 1 kill Miiebl Im'SUw
be hi-,1 a ( itt itltu an nili. If In it. lit
to niiiii i a I toy btntit'i.t nU-iii a tiiiii ll
lal lull, Slot Hie lttt I l illnl initie i.l!
JI'iiolt'.l of i.pli i in lu Hie batik of
the tit. t . Hint t.i i tttv t'til a "ke a l.
W an ilfi .l up, plui n Ilia skiff, Ibe
i-tipNiil luittiltig ii nun iititr it Hi nt
llinlii;h l vtim nil Ilijillvl ll.iilt, e.ld I lie
I . ill OH lit It nn lull li-e, Il l n reliiMIll
t-l a sore npi'l nilh I .iutnlil, Hint but lit I It
w as ever snid almut It,
I nt-ntiM Inn llrrn.
I'liitilin ti, Irf'biinl, lu liilktng of the
(lerviiiijjiifin tlit'titi'lit tit Im lug olii'lleil dur
lug the w nr, snv I but, bl eiiptnln, I, n it
din, who wn I'Mi'plioiiiilly brave, wa
once giving order to a prlvnte, when a
shell burnt iil'.nont InIwi'i-ii the two. The
private shied, lint l,iiiiilltiiltly renwtrki'tl,
"Never liiind the sIii IIh, sir; they'll lint
hurt you till they bit you:"
Long nfter lite witr Mr. Leliind wn
walking with Theodore I'linnit and told
htm n xiory of peril iimr herolmn,
"I don't ace why I never can do any
thing flue or heroic like that I" salt! I'm
It dolefully.
"Theodore, I w ill tell you a story," run
Untied the other. "Oncu Upon a time
there wn boy only IH yenrs of ago, ami
It happened during the war t hat he was
iua towu, ntitl the ('on federates shelled
It. Now, this boy hail charge of four
borne, nml tint general bad told him to
stay In one place, before a church, nml he
obeyed. The hIicIM enme thick nml flint,
and by nml by one took a leg from one of
the 1 1 omen,
"The liny was inn Imd way, but bent aid
on. After a time the general came along
and finked blm:
'"Whyon earth nre you slopping there?'
" 'I wa ordered to, sir, was his reply.
" Mit t behind the church nt once!' cried
tho general."
" Why," exclaimed Fnsslt In amaze
ment, "I wa that boyl" Youth's Coin
pun Ion.
Curlou Kbiwer.
Tho Ilrnr.lllan flower known n the run
nlnglintflope Is so called because lta white
petal have a scries of well ilcllued, dark
colored Hues nnd dots In which the imugl
nation can readily trace the form of an nil
telope, with Its limbs oulHtrctclicil ami
head thrown back, seemingly fleeing for
Its life. In the "caricature plant" one
specie has the imitative form on the pet
nln, nmlitiinthcrim it outlined In the rib
ami shading of the leaves.
The last mentioned curiosity bear a
remarkably well executed llkencn of the
Hukoof Wellington, nnd linn on tlmt no
ooiint been limned "Arthur ami 11 is None."
Among the orchids the imitative form Is
entirely illfTcrent in character, being cx
bibltcd lu the shape of the flower Itself
Some are exact counterfoils of bees, but
terflies, moths, etc., while others take
upon themselves the form of worm and
beetles. Naturalists believe that In the
first Instance It Is nature's trap to lure
other bees, mot lis nml butterflies, but in
tho cane of the worm and the beetle, or
chhl or those that nre the exact conn
terpnrt of toads, lizard and huge spider,
they do not nt tempt to explain. tit.Ixiul
Globu Denioi nit,
A Floating City.
The modern American man-of-war la a
little world lu Itself, or perhaps more prop
rly a floating city, with Its Inhabitant
of many trade and professions. Not only
are there a doctor to dose you and a chap
lain to care for your spiritual welfare, but
tunny cooks, several carpenters, skilled
machinists, electricians, tailors, musicians
and barbers. There Is at least one clever
tallorman toltl olT as the ship's writer,
which olllcer correspond chwely to the
old fiinhloneil scrivener. It tlm happen
that one cau have almost anything made
board a ship, from an engrossed copy of
complimentary renolutlou to n compli
cated piece of machinery or cabinet work,
l'lilla.lelplila Press.
The Country Killtor,
The most Independent mnn on the fane
of the earth, snys Zola, Is the country edi
tor. He prints what lie pleanes ami is In
dependent of strikes or unions. He hn
the pleaniirti of Isdng tlio walking ency
clopedia of his community and Is the rec
ognized authority on all topic, ranking
hove the physician and the village lawyer.
A new kind of fuel, made from solidi
fied petroleum ami other material, Is now
being exteiinlvely manufactured In France.
It 1 stated that It heat producing prop
erties are very great and that experiment
to use It iu engine furnaces have been of
most satlMfnctory nature.
Scarcely a stream Issues from the lower
lopes of the Andes, either to the Amazon
on the east or the I'aclfio on the west, the
anile of which are not auriferous. The
mount of gold In that country must be nl
most fabulous.
John Hudd has romovod his lowelry
stxiro to 817 North 10th stroot, Midland
Hotol block.
Gkt your frlonds to add tholr name
to our subscription list,
Frlnnds con buy winter goods this
month at greatly reduced prlcea at
1315-17 N. 24th St.
Suecos Council No. 3, W. A. V. A.,
will meet the second and fourth
Wednesdays In each month In O. A. II.
hall, 118 North Fifteenth street.
Tnko your repairing to Tho Drum-
mond Carriage Co., 18th and Ilarnoy
Sts. Opp. tho County Jail.
Tho Cabinet Itellnblo Gasoline Stove
is Warranted, for Three Years. It is
the Most I'orfect gasoline stove mndo,
W. F. STOETZKL, "14 8. 10th,
is agent for tho west.
School Shoe
M sit
WOMl N ft, Mll H
til CHIlUttlN tt
Mil (hi ar,J Gram Sprm Hal
Stt'Ol SltOM,
at low rwccs.
l 60, 3 00, 3 60, 3 60, 4 00,
0.ts.ii.p. o, 113 S. 15th St.
iiomi:.m i iii kh I u i;Mot
Tho Missouri I'nt'ltie Hallway will
sell roil mM rip tickets to all tudnts In
TKXAS nl one faro fur the round trip,
on March l.'lth, April loth nnd May
Kth. Ticket tiro giMid for !I0 days lo
make tho trip. Stop-over allowed.
Also on March -Wh and April 21th
will sell round trip tickets at one fare
to points In southwest Missouri, to all
points in Ai'kansus on tho St.. Louis
Iron Mountain ami Southern Railway,
and quite a number of points in Mis
sissippi nnd Alabama. For further in-
formiitltin, mlilrcMs company's offices,
northeast corner Thirteenth and Fur
nam streets, Oniuhii, Neb.
A. G. F. & I'. A. 1'. & F. A.
Two l'onr Old (Jlrls in Illnck.
Alr-"Two blltle tilrl In Hliiu."
The pope, they nuy,
I writing a pluy,
And 1 wonder what 'twill bej
A comedy bright,
An opera light,
Or a live-act tragedttel
I'll like to bet
All I can get,
One fen turn It won't lurk,
. Wliate'er It be.
In It we'll seu
Two wretched old girls In black I
Two weak ottl girls In black, boys,
Two wan old girls In black ;
They march up and down.
All over the town,
A-lH'gglng from Tom, Dick and Jack:
They're begging from morn till eve, boy;
The night make my heart to grieve,
The prlenls all grow fat
A they pas round the hat
Through thonn two poor old glrln In black!
He'll tell vou they
Forsake tho wav
your wive and your sinter tread;
He'll t ry to show
It' wrung you know,
I'or really good folk to wed;
That dud Hindi' man,
t'uoti It 111 mi.
Which of modenty shown a lack;
That the proper sphere,
Of woman dear,
I to be an old girl In black 1
Two poor old girl In black, boy,
Two wretched girl In black;
Out they shall go,
la Nuimhliic and nnow,
And empty munt not come back.
Illshop must have their wine, boy.
Prlentn upon dnlutle (line;
Ablegate great.
Have a palace of state,
Through two poor old girl In black I
"Ilallkn," In American ('onnlltiilloii.
Friends can buy winter goods this
month at greatly reduced prices at
1314-17 N. 24 th St.
You want the host Itreiid and iiiwlrv?
Then try tho AMKKICAN HAKEItY,
at 1H18 St, Mary's avenuo. Dully wagon
Kat Dyball's delicious Cream Candles.
I .'.18 Douglas St.
Go to 222.'l Leavenworth for estimates
on carpenter work.
Council No. 0, A. 1'. A. will meet
hereafter In G. A. It. hall, 118 No. 15th
t., first nnd third Mondays In each
month. Tho member will govern
themselves accordingly. Hy order of
the secretary.
Kat Dybull' Candles, 1518 Douglas
i i
Go to Dyball's for lino Candle 1518
Douglas Street.
Friend can buy winter goods tht
month at greatly reduced price at
1315-17 N. 24th St,
Hot Springs, Ark., Without Change.
On and after January 20th, tho Mis
souri Pacific Hull way will run a through
sleeping car from Omaha to Hot
Springs, Arkansas without change,
via Kansas City, Ft, Smith and Little
Rock, leaving Omaha dully at 10 p, m.
For further information, rates, etc,
call at depot, Fifteenth and Webster,
city ticket ofllco, N. E. cor. Thirteenth
and Farnam.
J. O. I'lULLll'l'I,
A. G. P. nnd F. A.
1-20-4 I TllOH. F. Godfiikv, G. T. A.
- li I h A
bulldors' Hardware, Culloru-
1404 Douplas St, Telephone 279. OMAHA, NEB.
Grand Distribution of Souvenirs
March I, 2, 3, 1894.
All tlio.M' li(tviii Twenty lMlars fL'H.Otl worth nf Coupons
is rntiUo.I to one of tluo Iti'nutiful Souvenirs. Our Grocery
Department is tiyht to the front. Fiist-dass tJoods, Low Trices,
toll tho htory.
Jnrs Strained lloni
' ,l,'1
2 lh jars Jam
3 lh cans Ilartl. t., Pears L.e,
gurtls,..le Pi- kles a.Vi
Excelsior Flour,
This is tho Finest Flour put
respect. Wo uro headquarters
Coffee nnd Pure Spices.
Is Second to None.
all the
Fresh Goods, Low
Every other Department is worth a visit, and to trade with
us onco is to become a customer of our's all tho time.
1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
1406 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
Hunt OooiIh In tlin murki't.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same
- C. LANG.
W. I'. ALhKfi,
Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Deposits Solicited,
Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets,
Wink ut rcitHiiiiuhlii
DR, WITHERS, Dentist, 4th floor Brown
la a Hook tlmt contalriH thowholii arjfuiiKint agiiliiHt MdrnanlMrn, Hunt
poHtpald for 2BC, y tho Author,
Suits Made to Order.
Hun rim I ('en a iK'nw.i. ni ,n rIIi-iihc. (.'Iiilh-
iik cIi'iiiiimI, ilyi'il anil rii'noili'li'il
2107 Cumins St., OMAHA
Hardware Co.,
1 Hi Jars Jam , i;K,
,.,nt , VWku
, HMHu-ka lfa.kl.ifr to
$1.20 a Sack.
up, nml wo guarantee it in every
for Fine Tens, Fresh Ronstod
Crowded by Customers
Prices is the Cause!
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
IMIUKH HiroKH worth M.0U will ko at tCl.TIt
I, 7(1
II. 75
it. mi
Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days.
718 South 10th St.
Full Set of Teeth $5.00.
Tth tutraotad In th morning and Naw 81 mad
tha Sama Day.
FOB 28o. Pllllnm IVw up, drown arid Hrldite
irli;n, (JuiiHiilt.atloii ficn,
B1K, 16U and Doonlas Streets, OMAHA,
Atchison, Kansas.
W. h: LANYON. M. D..
Physician and Surgeon,
Telephone 747.
Twnlvn ynarrn'mitliiiial priif Hon In Oirmlia,
lulu iiHNlMniit, HiirKiuin l.oHt.J(,Hniilinlniiiiilt,a,
lilllcii M. W. cor. HlntMi.nth Htiil (HiIi-hkh Ht.
(llllon liiiiirB:iW to I Mm a. ,., iym Utt:ti) and
7:(kj to :W p. in. KuMlilmiut), 2711 Charlie Ht,