THE AMERICAN V OS .vM-.fN tt.tii i l ni tt, It -., t l faai 4 !..! 1 Ixunta, At Vr I ' I I tmtti.t .1 l- p -! !-', t j-t SSt t -A !l , .--..I . ., I 1 1 I . , f )""-' " l ' . . tt .. . it t ! I t ! at.. ,. "i I H-uM I " I I It .. F t. u i -- f .1 " St. I,. Vt- n , t I 1 k - trtc It i felii.! :!..., tt-m til-c !.( A ' ' " ' i-1 ' It tl i "ttln I tH I,! I llf -.. i I i. I . lit -1 (,-.V-i .-. I .. 1 tt-fl '' It-- 1 ,.-. I- i (sin in ill I .i'm-!H ,,.,t .,,. l t -... , I t k ' ' ". 't I1 )-, l'-i ".' M euti-l-S 1 I' '' ' 1 ' 1 I " ttv t "! V"',,, "' i 4M, II lii,t ell t t.l I I Mil, f.'l fii"U !.. 111!) ll'. 1 1( iludt i ( il. mini !.1 HH t Mill Uit riti. in iunimi.t t. il"r nit i Hi' i'.nii'r liiiiii a lot It tin i H u. if atom IV ii I. r lUi ) n ftii. ii i t iiiiH'ti-iil.Miio. 'I In innm ahouhl tvtWl In inI'I' niii'i! !ii f'l to III Inf.s li'in imliitv of 1li tllw-anr, In Iru.iiuti them I'l I '" in'i' ii"l ni tlnl to liK n n r. tnl. r llini-i'Hiiim Iihhh' ni it, In tin- hiMimiiiiIU fiinloiiii'it f tnM'trli'l't.i l tfliiiliiHtiii nf lli ! turn fr llii furljr tlliKiiiwIn ol1 t nl-rtli- l(, III till" 'rHT lllllllii Hull l'f rinili " miiliit f luli'ii iilur inl U itt Ix fui lln jf r itulii ixHiiiinl I? mln r Htii, In tl tmlalilUtuiiriil i( 'H til In hivllal fir llm "PK'.il"". lniUt li'ii nii'l Irt Hl mint i'f I lie eminiimi'tiiii lMir; In llm iiinrUni'iit nf rttlniliMiH -wlilt'li kIiiiII UM tlifruiptujr linnt uf lulH-rviilnr mlli'iil In mn h iti'i u tmt limit kIiiiI I In jiini I ln nl fun of t Iiith, in the mloplU'ii of mm II my ivKiiliitlmiit In tm-Vt'lit IllP ill-i'lllllllli'll "f lllfr' lliill l'f mmnn uf lulHTculiir iiiiluni In uliti'i uf ni'iiilily, In Hi IiikhmHoii of dnlry mtlln mill In III (lintrurUnu o( thou foiiml to liu IhIhti ulnr, Aiitii wilTi'fliiK from iiiilmoniiry run uni)itlon nmy lienlmolutrly frrnnf iImiikit to bl iikinIi Inllnifitii niimiotnti' or hi liu nipillntB miiwiimlliinn If only Ilia imiitum I 1Inih('i uf wltb nrriiimlmin riiro. Tim putum, (inil tliu iiitinu nlonii, In ncmiti wy In tho mmroe of (Iiiiikit, nml cominon eniMi, kkhI muilljitlim, liuimuilty ntul t'Vi'ii th roijnlnmuMili of uliiijilu oli'iinlliii'M ilo niHiul Hint tliln tthoulii lioilitNlroyod orrcn doml lmnulon. Dr. I,HwrciiiB Mink of rillllMiI'lllllIn, Who llHBKltUllt'll tlllHltlllljwt curt'fiilly, liu cxihiwhimI the firm mm via tlon that with our inm'iit kimwIcilKO w buy It in our power to ooniiilotfly wipe out pulnumnry tuborculniila In n nIiikI gnneriitlim, nml he nihln, "Wwo hnlf the fnergy whlrli In liiMim npi'iit In the nlinoHt hopolrm task of Ht'iirchlntf for n ttpotillla euro fur tuhiTi'iiliiHln iIuvoIimI tn li e I'Xlfr niliml lim tlenccoiupllKhmiHit would beu unhI." Forum, Th l.ii(llli lliiitmi. In one ri'Nppet old llimlun le very much 1m ntlrncllve tbuti II luinii'mike mwn th Atlantlu. It luilnnil hiiitiuiiiiIIuki lire uVrlilfilly tllilovily ntid iiiiIiiIitcmI Apprnnclii'it from imy ipinrliT, the pro jn'ct In Hid wiiun lint land, iinlirnUcii hy the HH!icNt plmplu of hill, HtrclcliliiK (in fr n tlit eye rim miiko, every nrre c f It cultlvdlod to the hlgliiHt pilch of pi-rfi-o. tlon, the monotony of the wi'tin viirlcil only ly en occmnIoii-iI clump of wind Umn ed tri'i'M, or n inlimri't tojiprd wlndniltl, or n cIiinIit of lirnvlly thntrlii'd cottiiKi' round Ixmt one of the lirldKi' w hlrh ( nwn tint tniiunicriihln Ilkm hy which the (loiinlry liilcrHi'i ti'il In nil tllri'cl limn, or hy one of the elnti'ly church tower fur which tho ooiinty In fami'il, Hlralulit, n nrronn run the fetilniul rondM, ruined hlh iiinii IuiiiIih of luxurl mit KriiHM nliuvu the illken, of which the clark iimtlotileM wntrr U rich with crow foot mid hi'ookllincM mid uieiiilow dwect rid the rcnt Hun water futKrtineiiut, In the more wi neutered riKlou we nmy meet with eomeof the mielent fi'Mlliered luhnli lUiitn of feiihiiid, with tin) .hiirp hilled, hrlekliit( curlew, the white tnlled ennd tilper, the bullylnn Nurwny crow, the faerou ntul hlnek Imekeil kuIIh, hut theronr of the MnculiiHliire imileulturtil mneliln wy eeetiiM In Imve frluhleiied them nwy from more frci'ilc ntcd dUlrlclx, mid the rileinu M llliiemt of llm nlr, even during the eprliiH muiit liu, lx rehiiirknlile. All the Yeer Hiiuiul. IVIimI Itermiiea uf llm OM Plrel lnrlxnf livery yeiirthuufiiul of new illrectorle ro iNNiied, hut vi ti it t. hccoiucN of the old nenf Thl i'iickIIoii very eeldoin occur to the mliiil of the ptihllc, mill yet. It lev. Went Hint the I IiuiikiiiiiIii of old dlreclorle which tire rilphtcfl hy new one every yeer tiiut un kuiiic place, In the fir-' pluce, Hume ;f the old Imiiku re not tixlu -'! et all, hut nn kept hy their oMiicri until tiny full In piece, when they lire hunied. Many of I lie illrectorle re n racked up at Hie end of the year that they nre imt. lit fur further line, ntul ii Krrnt tnitiihcr of Hiihi are eold mi old pa per ami are manufactured lutoclulh, 'l'lien lare liiiiuhirof Hieni lire wild toeii'ond linnd liuok dcalerx fur price raiiln from CS rcn l tn f I nud are In turn eold hy them to people who do nut feel like pnyliiK fur new illrectury, hut do not Ik-wiimIuu fl or en fur mm n year old. Many mure of tho old dlrectorle are eold directly hy the owner to other men fur ahout Many men take the new illrectury every year mid lo ki'i plhclroliloiicN, and In Home place of lmilm-iu may he een A collection (if dl rectorle ilatluK hack fur lx or eluht year. Thu ere the dlrectorle kept In circulation (mill they wear out and nre thrown nway or eold fur old paper. To ronto World. I.liclit ntul CnmpUtilitn. In A certain limine, where the people love nature eo well Hint no drapery cur tnlti ere lined ami where tho ehade nre Uenatly rolled to their hlKhent limit,, It I olmevved that t he women nil look old. Jlut et night, when nil tliemft Htthteinhliieout from under their nlmde of pink ami yel low, they uru yotuiK nud fulr. Tho oppo site effect I oljeerved In nnolher houne, Where the women look their licut In the daytime, and where the light Ueoflened by hRileHiid becomluudrupertc that era never thrown hack from tho upper part of the window. At rilht electric IIkIiU, vn fler (tlohe that can hardly hu culled art,:i tic, Klare down on eye that are tired end bring out every mark (.f time. One wom an abhor lamp In petticoat; the other aetiphH! window In draperies. New York I'cmt. ' A Mn and Cruel Sport, By far the meanest, moet cruel andtnoet lemorallzlng form of (port tolerated hy the law are thoee which comdet In the hooting, bunting or baiting of certain o called "wild" animal, which are not pur sued or killed in a true state of nature but are first captured and confined inaomt cage or lnclosura in order that they may t afterward turned out and worried fur ! tKiMnwIil 4 !). Ul ' tj lit " ri.-l l -4H., !! 't lt. rll)ll "l..f t I fc ' t t ,,4 i , lt- i ;- ..H't,lM Ml. Hull II l't.-- l. tl! I .. 4 I - ! I t r I m S I ,. ,!.!( ; t ''1 lit I . LI l k M)llJl lnl I I t ) f. It J: I I !.. ! O i i-ii us. e i t i it h'iiw ' t. 1 1 1 r .ug t4 I ,i 11 r ... '.. a I "i i f a Hr i.i .. .t. t a t'tt-t I'l'ii-. ! ! w trii.t-a a 1 1 n a ii-t f i"1 i'i.f f ' i Ii k. I iU l In a nr.. I it " - V i , .i4 , 1. tt.k Him I "I tint!!). fit How l. I(i. ti a l!l, im t-X'ti! H tl ), "1 ll )- .no r ll.1i.H!l ttn I I I tiC-l, .t. Il ..U!.lil if It'll (.I"" Jlti til, lw t - I III I" Ot '1 .H!l..l tup. Il-n t-te a4 t.lf lit I " l-.iiui'ii ml ; li i-ev a tut In hi ni.r In I'm to Mr IIIIih m III 1. 1. il-- l i!l Hl.l Ikiho e.iiiitiiv el iliiunt 1 he n!it n In. 11 in 1. 1 M. Hliwii, end In diked tli rrmm tl.le Hw'iiv, M llm amM lmol i.f Hie tjiiiMo, liuetif ttii ut, a I h iuli all-, lltied hi f.iik lliiw lliu tu lit" Miimili mul imh lime Inld II ilmt 11 IHumt tel liiij Hii f.wxl I imlile el l.i-1 lit li-olintil til rmloeliy ItMmiT, he l.nrot out tuiid I y , Ml''iu in', luiiunleiir, ere ymi the I ttiim ItntiliiMiti rritnue retuerkatil In hleiory fWHan r'raiirlwii A t wunnU A I nln't llt liirn. tt I not often that a nuilked coin rme put Into Hreuliillon Inn lurni'd tu Hi 'r on nhn iiierked It. Mr. tiirK Troup, eilperlntendelit of l'orel liwn cemetery, Wfure he left Heulland, had hi mime tnmx upon a coin of Hielmtie of (lemx 11. It wen ilmie In fun, end at. that time lie never tlremned Hint the coin would ever lie returned tn I1I111. The coin wn put Into elrcnlHtlon, mid a short time nfu-rwanl Mr. Troup ram to thl country. Mure then Hit year pinned by, and he tlionnlit nothluu more about the c.lrcumetrtneo. tine day a friend of hi at Indue ald to him, 'I have a coin with your name upon It.." "I nuked hi 111 tu let me ee the coin," enhl Mr. Troup, mid when I looked at It I found It wn the Identical piece that I bad marked eo lung ago. I wrote to the man who wa present when the colli wa marked In Hcotlaml, and he recHlled the clreuniHtanee, and I got the coin from my lliilTalu friend, and now I would not take a good Hum of money fur It. Where that, coin had lieen during t he 110 year no one know, hut It I a strange coincidence that it should have turned opto me In Buffalo, the home I bad adopted. "liu Halo Ex pre. A Strang liner. "There I a race of people in Hnwkln county, Ten 11., whose origin lea mystery," said (J. 1 1. Ilabblt to the corridor man at the Laclede. "They ure called (he Miduri genii and lire found no place clu. They have been traced back to Nort h Carolina, but further than that, nothing I known. They are not Indians, they nre not negroes, they nre certainly nut of any known race of while people, lint few of them call speak tho Kugllnh language, although they have lived here fur over 11 century, mid th language they do speak In an un known one to the must nccompllnhed lin guist, "They are dirty and degraded, but with a race pride 11 hunt them that, prevent t hem intermingling with the lower order of American or with negroes. A Melungeon will work when he Is hungry, biitonly un der pre of neeemlty. They avoid the town nml cultivate small patches of corn on the most barren mountalnnliles, the rent of their scant liv ing being obtained by hunting mid Unit ing, Kvery nl tempt made a yet to better I heir condit ion ha 1 1 a failure, and yet the racerout luuenluexlnt. Independently of the white people, growing mi smaller and ('banning none of It attributes." St. Louis (iloho licmocrat, lllaenvery of Coliiiiiliiis' HI up of America. The remarkable discovery of a copy of a map by Columbus, drawn on a letter writ ten from Jmnalcii In July, lftn.'l,! record ed by Nat urn. This, alt hough only n rough pen end Ink sketch, lum exactly the opinion of Columbus himself as tu the part of the world be hud reached, which he be lieved to be the cant coast of Asia, The original map, drawn by Columbus nml hi brother llurtholumcw, was presented to n prlint mimed Jllerouymo, who gave It, together with a ihwerlpi hm, to Alexan der Hlro.rl, n noted collector of curly voy nues. He Is supposed to have copied the original map numbly on the margin of thu letter from Coltiinhiis, w hich he had hutind In a volume with other documents, end this volume Is now In Hut National library lit I'lnretne, where the exigence mul slgiilllcancu of the mnp were discov ered 'by Dr. It, von Wiener, professor of j'iurnpby at Innsbruck, acilug on behalf of the Austrian Institute I'or lllsturlcul HcHcai'cb, I 'nil Mull l iu.i'l le. atnleeraft. The king of one country wa angry with the king of mtother, "Let the people light It nut," said they and went home to read report from the field, When the war wn over, the conn tiered king owed many million to the victorious one. "Iet ','te survivor pay It," said they a they sho:ik hands amicably, and neither blushed. Kate Meld Washington. Japan's Urrat Artist, Mcljinn I tho mime of Japan's great est decorator of Hutstuna art ware. A writer on tho subject snys Mclztin is be yond question tho flrt.t artist in Japan, No one can blcml colors n harmonious ly or paint flowers no delicately. Noons is such a master of design as applied to borders. No one save McUnn, to put tho caso concretely, knows how to fill bowl y Indu s in diameter with 2,000 cho-cho, or butterflies, making each ills- tlnct end a thing of boHUty. Phlla del phi A Press. in (itinti wit. She shook her bead sadly when La bad sked fateful question. "I wish you woro oil tho world," hs sighed. "You suid I was thnt to yon onoe," she ventured coqucttlahly. "Yea, bnt I don't think so now." "Nor "No, for all the world loves lover,", and bis getitlu wit won ber over to reconsideration of tba question. De troit Freo Pros. Connecticut, the "land of steady bso its," boasts of six cities with police ma trons and bas a school suffrage law. MAO NET PIIEC:KIUER I'll M I- - . I I Wt V Dili ttr Fictil Clttiitt CMj. -V' I " i---.- H t-i n I IKt M I ' ., I'D - t' 1- f 1 4 11 I i t o H 1 oo rrn to. ii(iiMittittn ..-,. wi, f rtmcnl. HUhcia & Missouri ViiUjr . 1 mu.'ix KltKMtiSf, II 1ltt, W'aIHmi, I.IMiM N, SKWAItP, St I Kliliilt, IHVIH -I'll V, YnttK, A I WON, N'ntll iH.K. tso 1 1 Northern Nebraska, Black Hills A N I CKN'TUAL WVtiMINtJ. IISI V lUltll T I IS TO Sioux City, Minntiapolis and St. Paul, Ticket (llllce tlul P1111111111 nl reel ntul Webster HI reel I'nloti Hlulloti, H.O.BURT, J. H. BUCHANAN tlen'l MiitntKer, Uen'i Pints Alt . Chicago Short Line or Tim cilice a o Milwaukco & St. Paul R'y Tho Best Route roil CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. KOMI) VK8T1MULKD ELECTRIC LIGHTED and STEAM HEATED Trains Hitlly cotiMlntlim of the Hkst I''K Hleepluu ('arm Ki.KiiANT, Kiikk ( Imlr Cars, l.lixiutKilin Coaehes, mid tliu Klnent, IMnltiK Cius In tliu world. I'ur 'I ' 1 1 r- 1 1 1 k 1 1 Tickets, cull 011 the ticket axent, at. i.Vii I it tu 11 in nlrcet and at. lltilnn Pliellle depot, Kvery at tent Inn paid to panseiiKer hy eotirleoiis employe of t his company, F. A. NASH, Cen'l A K'l,, (liiialui. Neb, THE MONK. Otieof Hie rlcbenl, books piibllnlied, glvltitf the complete nnM'rlence of the famous Monk Laws, Hi'tiil fur II, ipilrk. ITS A HUMMER. PRICE $1.00 lly enprenn. prepalit. Can't send It. by mall. (!, H, pontiiueslampn taken, Aui'lilsciiinplcti' out III l Wi, Address CHAS. W. RIFE, MAYHVUXK, KY. Law Briefs. Wo rniiku a spooliilty of brlof pt'lnt Ing, it ml nttiirticyn biivlng this kind of work should cull on us. Wn will hu ploani'd to ninkii prices which uro runs otmblu, nml (f iiiirntiti'o good work. Amkhican I 'mi. Co. Mkm i s! wfM SYPHILIS! rwnririfHTHly ruml In in to Hft dnvit. VVfi I'lliiillittfit Mil IkiInuI) fl'iiill ((in ny. Icin, imi llmt tln'iM cmii ftt'vnr hit a r. iiiifi itf lliri ilistn-it In any furm, I'nithM chii lw 'ifitli'il ni iiufiiti sin yi MM It'-in, frrr I hit kittfti' Jill. 'ft fill' I iiihtur tln'Ufimi' tftiniriiiicn,; Imi with IliuM tvlin (iri fcr Mi roniH Iwrt. wn I will 'iiiiiiiiri. tu ciifo iticiii nr n nifMl I nt itiiMM-y mul titty ciilhii fkfi ni nf I (fiiMiiiitr, iMiiiiitMi rtm mul ii-iU'l tilll, Our Made Remedy i it,( i fllMXt (ill. til iintn raws, H cliwIltMirfn Itrn wmlil fur a 'ai wm-rtti ui'lfuuu hltu' tli lilM'irr uf mi ill' imm tMiHMi-lflnfor Hviihi U liitiilifi'li Miiiilif fur hill iinvnr I fMuml litilll our Mln 'ytitillin I I M4'iivrri, vn ski I let I, UHMII'int I ithttiuit rnr aii rhnltrm0 the I Wtft'hl fnr fl fm0 W vttfinot eur. Thin Mmaui iw alwaysj h.ifflrl r1 ukitt I ti th0 i"( pmttirnf 'AtftUiHli I 900,000 CAPITAL Mhlrtf iriir iiiic'ifxhtliinnl jftmmntiwi, I Ahtutut lrt,nf$ SHtULsHNalvauUKIiitls- I iook uvMrur 10., Room 107 IumIi Tpl. ltom, ttU BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA jlilillliigriir. tiNANU KUUif imu orjiwc issimmox ... IB. I'nlt.J, .f tlt-.Ti., is r y - A -.-., u IHlVi fi i M I t t W I. Vt Vt ... . i :Hr M I.I- tlt ltllliH in .. ... .i t ,.-..., I i , i . - I'll l:... Ht.ll ML I.t Nil. I I ; i. ,, ,, ,,t I,.., , ,,i , I,, ,,,), I, It t K n.-n it :.yii t lin.l I ..I.. 1 i.l.i uf," I sun , il l :h, i Hi l l.f f l tn l.iivsl I'lnmii' ltb'i nl It. I I itlltit Sltlit i.f .. .. ti. lllt t ir nt hvl intf Hu fil-i lit. Ii ll Hint elii inti nee eeili't 11 'nf In iniiivi v In Hie ttillUlif turn Hill le lie i.lll:ll.l. it tlh Hlntll'e .l !nrlit. tl,. tlitw ti t Hill. Ii.i 111) lliBili Tin l.nynl titmice I nl II in Inn l it btulbi r IiihI mul intef IhmiiI. Imlllill I jf tlil-tf 1il -Jinlti e, Tmlli nml liltfliliiiiiiie II liu. lui li aimn. Il U I rnleiintl mul lli.ieviilim--itillliiu and ptnlectlnil turn, Lit-, ulilli llvlnu nml lln lr ttldiitm mid niiliiiii ttlien t lit v nre re moved by ib ntli Il iiilmlil- the rlulil i.f private Jmliitiii'iit -- tin- mil riiiiiiiielleil freeiluiii uf opinion; Im- lleven I lie nililii' lu'liiiiiln are ail enselillul nnfeviiard of the nlnte, nml nlmulil be kept free from ecclenlimllcnl nr sectarian control Hint Hint perMinn dliluyul to the government Sim lit tltl a menial allegiance to the pope of Uome-Hlioilbl be rigorously excluded from tencbliitf therein. It believes primary ulli'u luin'e In due to the Kiiveriimeut which protect tho lives, liberties and proper! len of It tt cltlf.eiis, and that ecclenliintlcal aiithnrlty should not' under any clrcumtttaticcs, be permitted to meddle In the alTitlrn of nlate, ami that, coer cion of aclllnen In the exerclMii of hln or her right of friitichlne, under the uul-.ii of relig ious or spiritual authority nboulil he pun ished an a crime aitaluM the stale, That It Is the duly of every citizen to de feud the lawfully conntlliited authority and Inst It til Ions of our country against corrupt and Inimical Inlliicncen, as well as imalimt armed anNiillantn, to the end that our glori ous freedom be proti-cted and transmitted unlmpiiired to iiosterlty. It, encourages hablin of frugality and In dilnt ry among Its members, and In prnud to boast, that. Orangemen seldom become a public charge or accept pauper bread. H believes In the restriction of Immigra tion and the extension of time for lhe tiiit iir allallon of elll.i'tm, and that thepublli! anils shall be held for act ual American clt l xenn who become settlers, , Tim Loyal Orange litstltutlon of the United Hlali'S of America ha cerlaln reiiulreiiienls for memliernblp: 'I but. e man shall bean actual American cltl.en. having compiled with the lawsof thu United Htales with regard to nal.ura.lli'.at.lon, and wit built, a mental reservat lim. That, the applicant, shall be a Protestant, and u I hi I h it i hln parentn anil wife shall be protest a ntn. That he shall he thrifty and successful In Ills biinlness; lionoralilii and truthful In hln dealings with bin fellnwman, and shall tin known as a law-abiding citizen. That be will endeavor to give his children or any children umler bin charge at. least, n good common school education, lining care ful to avoid all iioiiInIi doctrines, arid That, he shall be In sound health at the time of making until leal Inn. It, niaken no illll'erimce where a man was born, so lung an lie meets Hid foreguln rcmilronicrils. Those are the (iialllcat Ions required o every applicant to the order, and we do not thins that any patriotic American order can otrer a better iirrav of nrluclplen and teach Ingn. AMi:UH'AN bOVAI. OHANdK I.OIWJK, No, S;!l, ineeln the llrst, anil third Tuen dav evening of each month, at S:im o'elock. M. b, ZOOK. Hecy. SUPREME CABINET American Orango Knights, OIUWTM. Thin order In formed of pernonn whose ob jectn In In malutiilu the niiiireinacy of law, order and const llutlonal freedom j to pre- nervn I ii v lr it ii the clllenn friinclilse; to perpetuate ami defend the prcccpln and free I ti hi 1 1 ti I lotto or civil nun religion tiuerty giliiranleed hy t he Connt II ut Ion of t he f nltcd Htales and established by our forefather, luio a ins rr rocm, I'or Information regarding the formation of new l'ommnmli'iiii, nr siipilles. write to Itie niitireine secreinry, m, I,. At a jk, Mec Vi .1. M, ll tNSKit, ('. ' ifll.'i Howard Ml., Haganaw, Mich, Omaha. Noli. Jr.Order Unt8dLAni3rJcan Mechanics Inatltutod M,iy 17, IH33"EIIlblllty for Mrimborahlr). Any white mule person horn In the United Htales of North America, Its territories, or under the iirotectloii of Its flag, who shell have iittiilneil the age of nlxleeu years, who Is of good moral character, a hellever In Ihe existence of a Huiireme llelng an Ihe Creator and Preserver or the universe, In favor of free education, opposed to any union of church and stale, shall he ellglhle to mem bership under the provisions of the law In the stale and siiliordlnatn council to which Ihe application In made; provided, that, mi person shall hu received to heiiellclal mem bership who In over lift 1 years of ago, A person shall not, be permitted to thin order who does riot, possess good moral character, or who Is In any way Incapacit ated from earning it llvllhood. nor shall ho be under sixteen years of age, Miih,)eels of a sectarian or partisan char acter shall not. he Introduced Into any meet ing of this council, nor shall any member make use of the n.ime of this order at a political meeting. tiis oit.ircrn Aim: Klrsf -To maintain and promotn the Iritfr entn of Americans, and shlld Ihem from the depressing elTectsof foreign competition. Hecond-To assist Americans In obtaining employment. Third To encourage Americans In hunl nesn, r'oiirthTo establish a sick and funeral fund. I'lflh-Tu maintain the public school sys tem of the United Stales of America, and to prevent sectarian Interference therewith, nml uphold the reading of the Holy lllble therein, NEBRASKA. stats corisoit, or nkiiiiaskai H. D.-WM. I KNAPP. Omaha, H. V.t'.-I.KVI P. HllltUM. Omaha. H (!. Hecy.-til'.O. U, I I'.NTON, P, O box TSi, Omaha. H. '. Treiis.-r. II. A I.I. KN. Hoiith Omaha. Conductor - II H, II Il I lllil.H plalsmoul h. Warden-1', h, McCA I' I.KV. Ho. Oninlia, Herillneis-O. II HIIKUWOOK, Ho. Omaha: It P, HOl.MAN. Omalot. lliMireseiitni Ives to National Council WM, I'. KNAPP II. I HAV, W. A. MMflt'K, P. H. MeAUI.KY and J. W, Hot: Iil;l. The lie tl regular meeting will he held on the third Tuesday In .Inly, H4. at Omaha. T?HA NCI" H. KKV COI'NCIf. No. n i tn every Friday evening at (). A. It. Hull, I'liittsmoiith, Neh, Vlslitiig hroihers cor dlally Invited. W. K. Coor.iiioe. Ifec. Her. WAPMIN'ITON COUNCII, No. 1. meet! " everv Krldav evening In Ooiulrlch hall. 24th and Franklin streets. Visiting brothers always welcome J. C. I'Aoa, Hec'y. BOOK DEPARTMENT. I ttt. lt t.nt itits mi ti.'-Mt,. Stmulaul Anti-Honuut Catholic Hooks Wliii Ii rirty rii. U( Attir lit an sIhmiM haI in trlrT Iti lit l.iiuM lf jt..u , uj.u Hu. Biiihi.lf i f n v: Rii, Chiniqui'i Books: IH t t M I till I lit Hi t toVI l,i,- ... I lil t.t ti , it i v avuBttife . . & M.-M i n . , ,t, Fulton's Books; HI1V II II 1 1t.i tt HI t' Iststi .!!.. I I, ! .t M1M.,I"N l 1 1 it-: l I," tl -J i !t T. M, Hards Books: MMIMIoMi' I li 1 i ' n,.(h t! ( Mollis Si Hi Mr, and Mrs, Slalterys Works; 1-tiNV I I I II : I i i l" Um i ".S .-I i.l, Sltbl is HI lititUsll 'UIIT I X-I'li-tll" t. 4i it tit AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. OMAHA. NEB. INCol.V IIU'M II, ' ' coin, N -1 .f it -1 it . No, . tiieels In Mil- J lilt' M III A CoUNfll, Nil, :i, meeln every ' ' Tllesdiiy evening III I'lllliTKOII bbs'k, Itlll nml Kitrniiin streets. H. T. Wliiutts. U. Hec'y, .H .liu'ksuii Htn-et. VMNtlNA COUNCII, No. 4, meets every " Haturdiiv evening In Hed Mens' Hall, font Itienl ul hlock, t.Mli and lioitglitn Hln. lino. M. Hiiavkii. Hue. Hec'y. ((JAHFIFI.ll COUNCII, No. . meetn every v" Tiiendny night In Hum It Omaha. Wii.i.iam I 'A lilt, Hec'y. t II1KHTV COUNCII, No, 7 meets every 11 Tuesday evening. I. O. O. F. Hall, Louis ville, Neh. T. II. I.ucas, Hec, Hec'y. IOWA. JM.UFF C1TV COUNCIL No 7- meets every ' VVednesilay evening In U. A. H. Hall, Council lllutrs. la. MISSOURI. 8TATK COUNClf, OF MISSOURI. H. C.-ll. ,1. AHMHTHONO. Hi. bonis. Mo. H, V.C.-U. N. M ITCH Kbli, Kansas City. Missouri H. C. Hi.c'y-W. II. HTUHUKS, 2:i:i Adams street, Hi. IOills. Mo. Will meet, at Moberly, Mo Kebruery 13, 1HIM. KANSAS CITY COUJOTI.S, J-ANHAH CITV COUNCII, NO. B-Mnnt ,x ,,Vi.y Friday night, at lllbl Walnut street, II. C, Hill, Hoc. HecreUiry, flObUMHIA COUNCII, NO. 1.1 Meet every v Hiiturday night, at the corner of Twelfth arid Cherry streets, W. V, Hheaver, Uncord ing Hecretary, 1-107 Madison street, JNIH'.PKNUF.NCF, OcifNCIi, NO. 2M-Meet 1 Wednesday nights at, A. O, U. W. Hall, Independent:!', F, W, Hlye, Use, Hecretary. lATIIIOT COUNClTUo, lll-MeetH every 1 Wedni'sday night, at. A. O. U. W. Hall. WH K. eighteenth slrei't,, .1, K. Fisher, Uee, Hecretary, JJUI Flora avenue, WICHT POUT COU NCI I, NO. ,'17-Meet s every ' Friday night, at. Went port, W, II. Hit fin k. Her, Hecretary, I IKS K. Klghth street,, Patriotic Order Sons of America. WAHHINOTON CAMP No. I, V. O, H, of A., meetn each Thursday evening lit Una Men' Hall, Fifteenth and Douglas Hts, WAHIIINOTON CAMP No, 1'J, V. O, f4, of " A.. Council Hind's. Meeting In their hall over Hit llroadwiiy, every Wedni'sday night at S o'clock, J. II, Va I'attak, Hoc rotary A. P. A, A HP- UNCObN COUNCII, NO, 1(1. A I citn Protect Ive Assoclal Ion meelni'very sec ond and fourth Wednenday of each month In I. O. O. F. hall, I'lattsmoufh, Neh, Visiting nieuihern nre welcome F. V, Hrown. Hec. LODGE DIRECTORY. IANHAH I'UUPI-F, HTAK, I O. f No, 20,V ,v Meetn llrst, ,unl third Tuesdays of eacr: month iit.H p. m.. In A, O, II, W, Hall, corner l otiilli street and Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan. Hamuel Harrison, W, M, Win, Hailagh, secretary, IW Northriiti aveniii!, Visiting brethren cordially Invited. AUIIOUA COUNCII, No. W. A, I', A, " Meets every Wednesday afternoon at. t o'clock, at. the A, P. A. Hall, 4.17 Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan. DUOHPF.CT COUNCII, No, III, A. I', A.-Meels 1 every Monday evening at, llm corner of Twenty-third and Prospect, avenue, Kansas City, Mo, Persons desiring to join may en close I heir name, nlrcet and number, ward, ago and occiiiiallon, and direct, to box fill Kansas City, Mo. rdliFK A COUNCII, No."l, W.A, P, A-Meets " every Tuesday afiernoun til , ' o'clock In the A, p, A. Hall, Houlhcnsl corner Packard and Osage avenue, A rmounlalu. Visitors are cordially Invited to attend, lXCFI.HIOIt COUNCIL No, II. W, A, I', A. 1 ' mi et si' very Monday afternoon at, T'M at, Hell's hall, Houihwesi, lloiili'viinl. near hi ii i line, Hosedale, Kansas, Friends of other cntiiiclls are cordially Invited to attend. Fvery trim American diily Is Invited to come and Join us. nod assist. In the good work, Inliillon fee 11.110, f.ATF, CITV COUNCIb No, , A, P. A. u Mei'tsevery Hiiturday evening lit 417 Min nesota avi'iiim, Kansas City, Kits, Visitors cordially Invited. fOUNCII, No. 1, A TTA.-Meetn every Moll v day evening at Chamher of Commerce Hall, Ulvorvlew, Visitors liordlally Invlied, fOUNCII, No. it. A.A. Meets every at- unlay evening at southeast corner Piu'k ird and Osage iivemm, A ruiourdaiii, Visitors cordially invited, fOUNCII, No. II, A, I'. A.-Meeu at, Wood- ward's Hall every Tuesday evening lit Kp, m. sharp. Thl id street, and hafayctlo avenue, A cordial Invitation In extended to visiting frleniln. A ItOKNTINF, COUNClT, No. 13, A, I'. A . " Meets every Monday night. In Noken Hall, Argentine, Kan. All vlsllorn welccmed. TOPKKA COUNClb NoTll, A. I'. A. Meets I'very Monday evening In A. O. U. W, Hall, IIS Kansas avenue, Topcka Kansas, All visitors will be cordially welcomed, CDCCW-page Illustrated Hook fll fl ffllMC inLL giving dales mid prices ULU llUIIIO laid for Ihem. Hend two Mumps, Nnllnnitl Coin Co., Olnrk No, I, 032 txi:lisnrn rtulldlng, Boston, Mn. .!-!:.)--M "Oonvent Life Unveiled." Hr F.IMTM O'dOHMAN. This little work relate Hie hitler ex perlence of a young lady who was liniin'cil l Iiioii-..i I lie entitling of the .h-siills and I he Hlsli rs of Charity to enter a convirit. Iter slory of the heart reiiillng scenes enactd in those slnKs of Inliiully in told In a convincing ntyle, prli e In cloth ti.Z'i, sent postpaid hy AM KKIOAN I'lMir-lSlIINd CO , Pill Howard St., OtiAtlA, Nkii AA NTF,I,- Man wanted lucoiisluri goods v lo ilcnlcls. M mil he suiter, Itefetenccs reipilred. l'y. Iiuthellrit, month, and ex penses. Wages raised with Increase of busi ness. To get, a reply and linn nlckle plated sample lo do buslimsn with, endine Wie to II. I'. Huhbell, Manager, Western Ollli:e, HKl Hroudway. Hannibal Mo. j tdiiti 0'Cormans Work's: t I II I I M l (I I I' '!... !' tl !V div n vvk;i' Mstt lllt ft Wl f tll lllMft I in ntf mbKM !... t. lot ' bM IM-M I i. tl ,,.t tt, t. H I t t I l. . l ' 1 t A I i n IOllll t,t . . 1,1 t t'.l l ' I Ai I Ifit nil; II oil I ti-.-t.i-. Thomas E. Leyden's Woiks: sl l Ml TIWKt I Tlii 1UJI M IT - .Xi ., His ut H iiMMUV" .e,, t "M. MONK" I'lbf . M eetil iUfl'LIMlNT TO tMt AMR. CAN " s r iiuii.iii il. pin p. r tlmiisnttili nllidlt' cup, it Ci lit The Bible Cabala - It V A N. A. L. ) !, -i-i i it v - UltHIT. Now Rcdiscorcrcd, ktnuiry niicirfio. " insjvtuci CONTAINS- -and- - EXPLAINS. The 8rort of sll BnnroU, J'h Truth of sll Trtith. Hcienoo of all Hointioes, Art f rimrvlls of sll Ilthtei of sll Kthlcs, Ancient Arts, Lost lot Riihgimi of sll KuligloDi, otnr 0,OOU Yeurs. Tnlth of VotitoiilMi I'l.ATB I. TITI.R t'AOK. I'l.ATM H.IIXTIIIIIlltttTIO. The Hong of the Vineyard (Isaiah, I'll, V. vs, 1-7) and Its "Cabala,' Invention and Its derivations. Tkt living Irullti of thr Hibtt and ktrtv torrinl thfm. The Harmony of Nature, Hclcnce, F,t.hies and Hellglon. I-I.ATK III. Hong of the He volution (Proverbs VIII. vs. IHl-IMli and Its famous "Cabala" Ihe unit origin of thu I, awn of t un Unl verse. fl.ATK IV, The advantages of the "Cabala," It un locks the mysterious stronghold of Intellig ence, ena bling us to tun lie a pract ical "Hevlslon" of the lllble, How wt ailnpt our. telvtx to preifrve,jut at it hail hren tinnt by jormtr rofitti tn former nun, The lllble the "Patent Olllce"of Hclcnce, F.fhlcs, Hellglon, the In ventions of the Patriarchal Age. I'l.ATM v, The Hurdeti of FgypKlsalali Oh. XIX), the Plans of the Architect, for tho Hiilldlng of Hie (Jrettt Pyramid Illustrated by lllii gritms, llm passages ami chambers of the same shown : how dimensions conform to t int "Cabala," Meaning of Ktrypt. A hint, why so many Pyramids were built,, The Ulscov t rem of the Three I treat l.awn of the Uni verse. How to learn t he "Cabala" and ninkii It. Interesting and Instructive, Tl Cabala" must b known to understand the lilblo in all Its Meanings, Hclcnce, Kthlcs mid Hellglon, I'I.atb vt. The Hong of Joshua, after he commanded the Hun and Moon to "stand still," The t.lmo thereof ami lis meaning, Certain parts of "Psalms," "F.norh" ami ".lasher" compared to determine their relative age, ami their related origin. I'bA'rr, vii. The process of aituftliig and mlnitliif lllbln Literal ure In Nation Hiilldlng, from tho (ireal, Model the 1'hlvcrsn, Tim ,lewn did not. write t he lllble. and why, Tho dispersion of the Authors of the III bin, am) the probable time, and why, Protestiiul Ism and I lorn no -Ism, who and how delltied, and when and where, I'l.ATB Vllf, The Abstract of the "Cabala" as shown In the "Psalms," "Proverbs." ",lob," "Isaiah," ''Fee leslasies" and "Hong of Holomon." Form of I tin "Cabala" and their meaning, ', HiHt "ptitnurHfihi" urn "iiiiiitu" itlnlHom, "tho Ciilnila" reveals the hidden truths of which It, Is Hie symbol." F.xampln of the "Cabala," giving verses I lo ft, I sa lull, Ch, X VI j also the number ami lines showing "Cabala, I'l.ATB IX. Author and History, The I'alrlarchs tlm meaning thereof. Positive evidence that Ihe lllbln wan written In Hill u In, The Tem ples, at, "A bury and Hloni henge," built, ui demonstrate the living lawn of the Uni verses" the Heaven, at d Ihe Constellation thereof, exhibited on the plains at, hi one he mi". Ill culling your kindly iillerillon to the contents of the "lllbli. Cabala," us con structed by 1 lit' Hard of Hrlt.aln, permit-run the pleasure lo sa y ; This In no wise conlllcl with the IIW or Unit "Lnbiiln" const rucled by and an given In Hie "Wlsilom of Huloinoiii1' this "key" of Holomon seems to have been made for tint purpose of preserving mi (iriirr n tm llnokt uf Hit Itilili, Tills "Cabala" of Holomon, I sup pose Is t he "Cabala" so of ten referred to In later Jewish and other literature- down to the present timet It of Itself presuppose the existence of a "( iibala" then exlsl lug In l lm Literature, and Its construction strongly In timates that llm knowledge of tim form of Ihe pievious or olip'nl 'Cabala" had been I hen lost ," so that, lliese I wn "I abii la," Th" "Figure Cabiibi," mid the "Word or Verne Cabala", assist each oi her, ( n frit showing the Hcl ence, Klhlcs mid Hellglon of the Hooks of the lllblei the second showing an order and arrangement, of Hooks, In the lllble, Hi nd names to Tun Attr au s, lohi Howard nt reel, for subscription, without money, Unit Pflirlu American Charts, Vol, I, Photo II U W ncdUj l.llb., ivi- Morroceo, ;iVt. Inviibi.ible to those who desire to become ac ipialnled with (the Hclcnce ami Invention of Hin ancients as shown I n i the lllbln, KANSAS CITY, tor WsOUTH and southeast. TirlH Ofrirrs. 1 f Uwr lillh iintl r'ariiiiiii HU. P T t-0 in the wr-vr. i p V t-ll, (lit nt -w intiter instioi ttf 1 le; r-CHtCAOO, aoca itiAiso eciric n. n.i FoAtwioTiiM frESrFBM SETTIERS .tolls oil about It mcl will he sent f-UiA-.i f ,iii'" .nail i tiMdiiAS. ii, n, ii to i ,) i tam.Z l.i.i...., , .n. , r..fn fctmw.1, I I '--I'l, III. rtt-in-MI'8ft'4f A GRAND DISCOVERY I A llvfi rimn nr wonnin In iviry i ifHiHiy wimt wtt iifivii tioi iiifindy ttii'Utui . rf firf'Sffijiri i iv In mil tmr " Mmvtuin akii.a' ' ' iid i m t -1 i iii n iiiyc , f ork sniil Htmn lo i ltnii'ii a no! itl iminl whjif n mlvpi t tut iii-aiu Ut i I nlioiit urif-t' iilli Hm( if all vt f t,(. cfntncp nt 4 111- T rill I V'-niri Klirir n riM'CMI Hi Wi'ltr 1 1 it II ttiit Mtnt't ntfi'iils nvi'fiiKi I coin f f m i,,r will, mul iii"t'l -Willi piiMff auli'fl yi-tvhffi-, mi (ffiiil tlm ' 'I'-irmiril frr our Nolol MHmI liooila. liver (1.. Mo. 1 O 1 ("ii Ifollara' -worlli Hi flmly ii.i-, tf'nei. t,f aumuifm I 2 .. J(it IIOHI4MI, fllia.1, T jtWHk Fon INDIAN TERRITORY, Mlti THE CHEROKEE STRIP, lEtiOILAHOMAT.SMITH, WW L,TTLE R0CK and HOTSPRINGS, ARK. Ilfkfit Olflre.1. t Corner tilth nnd hm RU. mm v4 9