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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1894)
THb AM ERIC AN, CI MORE OF IIS METHODS M, fall', I l!lM! .f th (. ,1 M,... (.til Sh. n Pp I a f I ! IrntM, It. hi hlwwr I mttii'l. mJ hi Hi. i imi, He IUmiM i f I In I l.i H..t. In Ih.ltilli a t fttiph Ir li Jul I 1 I M Ian ih mi, V fl-W ,iHl IH'H It . If llllle Iti ! I'mhI tilif fti'inum (ftrl t'l tin' inline I'f l.trrte l' Mill. -lte t ,Hlii' hi h HI tin trade ! wlili li she lntl to I' ll ii II lit! lih'snl, ntiil, ill null I' In I II ,' n i hl Hply K'i ptillile, i-iui I 1 lit ilh lilNi tn'iillH , In' I lljilii't Ik , mil Hi ''Tin' Young lill'W IbniM," nil SI. IVli'f street, iiuiniiiri il by Mb .li (' A. Schley. Now, Mis Nclili'V iihm ardent in n n CiitliniU', mill, niitui'iil!)' enough, many of lur lsmi'dcis, if not tlm irreiihi' part, were iif I In' sumo fui th. Miss Ki'iilil wn ii I'rnti't-liiiil. She evidently 1 1 It 1 1 some niiplolisiint re lation wilh Min Schley for she li ft the home uml hired nut an n domestic in the family of u Mr. Mel',lillrum, where nlie, wan much liked. lU'tut'hltig to tho lioini', lifter un absence of two weeks, to get h cloak that hIio had for gotten anil left behind, f h wan detained by Minn Schley; although she protested no vigorously I hat tho ttlil of tho police wan railed In by telephone. Tho I'io war 1'mui In ltn innuo next morning, May 5, 1880, mild Unit tho girl had "run away from tho home," nd thut "who was detained by Minn Schley under or ders from hor father," a farmer living In an adjacent township, all of which was In InfamoiiH falsehood, dictated, no doubt, by a jonult. The girl wan t"rrllled beyond expression by tho app aranee of the police, and not knowing what to do, conncritud for tho time to remain at the home, although J!) cuvh of ago, and having tho perfect right to go where who liked. Tho Vimuc.r l'rH, in ltd article May 5, Hiild that "Mwh Keuhl ('ouHented to remain In MIhh Hi'.hley'H charge and bo dent to the Houhi) of tho (Jood Shepherd, on condition that nho bo m pa ret the Hhiiino of going to jail." Ho It n evident that It had been tho purpow! to get her Into that female reformatory. The Vinwn 1'rcM continued "MIhm Hidiley nay fhe diwsovered through thegiri'i lettern that Hhe had fallen from grace etc." Thin liholoui titatement wan tho hanU of a unit for heavy damage, which wan gutmequontly Inntltutod by tho girl, but which, we are informed, wan lettled out of court. On tho morning following tho occur rence at tho home, Juwt reUtod, t hat Ih, Bunday, May'!, IHH!i, Llz,10 Keuhl whh taken, forcibly, ax nho uftrwardM a- Horti'd, In a buggy by two women, to tho Houhi! of the (Jood Shepherd, She made a Jiard Htrugle to regain her freedom while on tho way, but wiih overpowered by the women whom who unwillingly accompanied, Tbii latter Incident wiih witrienMod by a citizen of St, Paul, rculdlrig on Aurora avenue, Now comeH Hermann Keuhl, LlzzleV father, 11 pon the Hceno, Ffe denounced tho partle who M.nted that he had ordered Minn Schley to detain hU daughter, arid he nef about to have her rideaMed, A writof b alien morpim Ih flrntHi'rved ujion Minn Sehley, who in her affidavit aHierti that "Lizzie Keuhl ciime to the bonne of whleli the respondent him charge, and culled the 'Young (Jlrln' itouiit,' on hat unlay mgni, me 1111 or j May, Ihmii, and remained there H night, J hat nho came tnero of her own accord, and on the morning of tho rth day of May che voluntarily left home, and went, of her own accord, to tho 'limine ol the (Jood Shepherd,' in the city of St. I 'mil, Minn., where hIio now In, an renpondent In informed and hello von. Then a writ of habean eorpun In nerved upon Mother Mary, of Sl liernaril, nil porioronn of the Houmi of tho (Jood Shepherd, and Uzzlo Keuhl In brought Into court, Minn Ifiittlo Holland ap penman the rejirenentatlvo of the nil perioreHn ami maken aflldavlt tliat "Mother Mary (Iocn not and never lit any time ban Imprlnoned or detained naid Lizzie In any manner whatever," Minn Tlzzie in 'cleaned, ofcoume, and nho Joyfully departn with her father. Thin wan on May It, 1KM. The I'iomir J'ranH of May 10, In making note of the releane, Je'iidn tie article In thin man ner: "Lizzie Keuhl at Large," Fur ther mum uit In unnoecHHary. Header, what do you think of thin ciihc'' A young girl in, an who hhhcpIh, forcibly taken, and unwillingly, tinlie lmjirlnoned without iroeunn of law, In a prlvafo penal innlltutlori, Hupponlng that nhc had had no father, no relat ive, no friend at hand to pronocuto- her caw In her In lmlf, I o yuu NiiipoHo fur a moment that nho would nut, have hi en "detained?" Might not her fate have been nlmilar to that of Alma Foo'e, in Detroit, who wan unlawfully nelzed and imprlnoned In tho Houhi! of the (iood Shepherd In that city for a whole year, before the mother, who lived In the country, and who had learned ol her i.l i. . I i i l t Miitl hr Hi I In 1 . I 1 I ,,, ),, .!! .. f..f t U l. .!., 1(1. llttlM.H Hvtnl n ,l,.tl C , in ! It f il.. .,.,i m , I'-'l ll. pit II I So nl I lb, n , l.ti m at, flnnHi n I. A t-v t- i i ...i. i I a I t II i ,t .1 ' .i $ I l.i I Mi 1 1 ie M ... .1. kiii.i I If .i.l hi if. ij is .irtMl m; in ill U.i- ,1 (1 anlin . .(. , !:t li ( li t.l ! !' I..I -jf i mt 'I III" li tii- l .'l lii 1nl h i I' irtUiit' W In li ! n it. I i. I, Xi.i'iiiBi Hi- i if I I iiu I , I. i I i. hi i,. ,1 .( In . li. m iHiiiU. flit 1,1,1 i,- ll...,.U llllll 1 ill Mi, !l,,;l1l I I Ml, ' lit l. ,. mil tin i.i in ... I.l. il 114, lit 1 , l,i "liitiil). 1 " In clinf, ! n"i!il iinl ii in in 1 ei nMit t v . 1 ,r ii I ll,i tiniiu It,. I II K lin ( tun i,k lli- . iii-. jli!.-.J lull iimi t,.lnfcr ,.. nlV,.'.i of llin j 1 ' .null- i''. 1 11 11I 1 1..- I . I ! ! . ' llMol III , lie lii.roli ll ll Hull l,i' l iililill , ll I'll) lOtf I In' "IllHIne" )1 'ill H'P II 1 1 k (or He' ylri' IhhihI, , A WI"U of llltlieltil I'lUIUH I !'! 1 1 ti -1 ! Mi ullmiir In coin I, uml hi hh n : leiiwi ,, I lu i-vi'i1, Ilie ciii Hie. ntnli. Uinily -oiiIimi i by I ho nttoriiej for the limlitiition, iiml tin w under !' .'il per wiek Ihiiii'iI inmiey from t lie i'ihiiiI , and the wrvleei of the 1 1 rl In 111 itkintr (IMTIl!!-., Hi l ll.ll plolitilllle In tin "hoi)" elniii'h for ll to pe!iiinulh with out a lilt ril lljjht. Tlu'Hi! are hut, a few of the niunv due tnrdly oulrayeii that are cnnunl' led every week In lhene Uomaii Catholic prlcoiifi In the largo clllonof the United StatcH, Wo hear of but few, very few, throii);!) the Hernial preim, for peaionii wo cannot xtop hero to explain. J tut from prlvnle hdiipcch we learn of many of them. How about thcMo mynterliun illuip penrancen of young women, Ht.raiiger In Htrango cltlcH, who arc widdorily lont, never to be wen again by their rela tive and frlendM? Don't you believe Hint they ro "de tained" in Home liiHtanceH, behind brick wal 1m, in clow ccIIm, In defiance of law and tho right of everyone to hi own freedom, unlem convicted of crime or injmlcmeiirior' With IIoiiiIhIi judgon on the bench, KodiIhIi attorney In olllco and Komlnh pollcomen on the nitooIh, what chance Iiiih a young girl to encape the cluUdien of tho 1 t'uri ImIi beaHt, if once ho 1ih de termined to capture her? J'arentu, thcHi f.ietIoiiH are 'Hreotod to you, I'mider them over; but don't wait until your daughter or nlnter In a victim to Jt'imUh knavery before yon profit, J'roteMt at once, and keep Jt up until tho eurno of Jtomanlnni an ajioiltlciil miudilno In removed from thinothepwlHo bli.'Hie,d land. 10 voi; ih;i,ikvi; i Hill Von Hack Vaur Ncntlnicnln Willi,' TIicii Ifcad Till. We nee by a recent dfnpntcli that 1'rof, Walter Slmn declare he Intcwln toHpenk in Kankauna, Win,, from which phico he wan driven by an infuriated I Ionian Catholic mob a nhort tlmongo, and that If (Jov, I'ock doen not afford him and blnfrlendn prol'Ctlon they will protect theniHolvoH, Thero Ik wme thing very nlgnilicant In that declara tion, and milcHH Home Ih totally blind or gone completely crazy nhe munt realize that that mint where forbear ance ecn.o to ho a virtue han been reached. No people are niower to wrath than the Amerli;ann, none are more determined to have all that their bill of !ghtn deelireH them entitled to, or will go to greater lengthn to protect the weak, the downtrodden or the ahuned than loyal American, native and foreign horn. Such men are the fh iidiof Prof, Slmn, and nhould Home (,mi)lt un Im,rl m K(lkauui, and cauie while he Ih In loyal IVotcManl American blood tontaln the virgin noil of WincoriHin, not only the men of Win Connie will be hln fi lendn, ready, aye willing and anxlou to vindicate bin right of free npeech, hut tiione of Michigan, of lllinuln, of Iowa, Xebrnnkii, KaiiMin, Mlnnuiirl, and on down through the couth, In every ntate In the union will men ntepoutan they did in '7(1, in and in later warn In defenne of liberty and her abiding place and nay thin mimt not bo, They will leave the plouuhn, the nhopH, the m Irion arid the Hchool houne and to the tune of "America" drive out thin foreign ec clenlantlclHin which neekn to override (lie coriHlitulluri, 1,0 abridge free npeech by the aid of drunken alien mob, and to unite church and nlnto by poll ilea I trickery after winning the corifldeneu of the people by It profune prolenta tlorm of loyalty and frieralnhlp, lint there nhould be a point at which till danger could be averted without hloodnhed, although at thin time, hiicIi alraniaction appearn out of tlio (pie. tlon. Homo in determined no man nhall tell the truth about her In one of her Bironifholdn, and American npeaker lire i equally deteprnined bi awaken the ProteHtanlH wliu live In Home-ruled commnriitie to the dangern ofltonuui BggrenHlon. To nee that the latter are. not aiiiiMed, that they get fair treaf rneiit, Ih purl of the duty f t, tt. t riot 1 prow, Tliln we nhall alwayn en deavor to do, and nlnce our mode of warfare In with the pen rather than with the nword, with the ballot rather than with the bullet wo have conceived of tho Idea of raining a "Vnm Speech It n I I I .1 ' l.l.l, l,i H , ,, , , I.i, li",t!,,',ll I' H,'nlil.! j I I ' I ! U I" I lo l " ll III K' t I ; 111 , A ,. l, I, 1. I ,ll. . I .. j l i 1 1 I I . In , in ot I! i I- 1 11 l i M I i.i. H'Xl I ..' ,1,1 .1 ! I'H'll I il U.I I ..H.I I I f U'l- i .1 ki sit ii un (, t , 10 1 ilk ln . If, I l il ...( m ti ll II U Inn 'J I, ,) Hi l,4 l , , I i I I , , t ll k , !.. -V., (Hlfi.ll, I... II HI I dl'M-l'll . IV l n't ,'.! o l. li Ih. it . i-Uh 1 .it li It ii.t ir 1 R-ii 1 I t I,.. 1 1 .t i.., ! ,1 m- Ii (I,., in.i 1 ,1. I, w itliiii t, w, , I, . I ,-i ,il. i,, 1 I 1:1.11 !, I i ( ! i il n-ii 1 1 1, 1 e II, 11 . .1. , - ' 1 1 I ,i . ,1. ,l'l ' I. H .i 1, r . 4 4, . k: ' - ... ,, , .. I-. t; I' e .' ; , " kin i t . 1. - -s ft to i 1. 'i ' 4l M 4. 4 4 o 3 it a 1-. n a a -3 41 5 &'C ill h4 An many of our friend an 'Jenlni to become rontributlrg lucmliern ill the licnguo can till out and nend to our ml drenn tho iihove form. Th one who only denlro to tn'coine honorary member can do no by Heridlng In fifty ceuln and app'ylng for a ceptiflcatu of member nhl. Let un nee wluiteiin he done on thin line. ALL. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' flu, Nw Cnpn Wlm Wnnlcil Mini Ndllilng to llo Willi IIih ( Hill. "It wan Jil.t, (hi wiiv," mild t Ixt lil Willi tlm red glove: 'Mini iiiul Jen cuim over to tliu li'iiine Hint nlilir, arid tlii'ti Miiud dropped In, and no did (,'liarley and Will, Wu began lo play rardn, and after awlilln 11I, wlii'it and i in lu'ii Jut natu rally di'lfled Intw poker, "I'retly noun omeliidy HUggented that w rnln tlm limit , arid It wu put at a Quarter, with a fi cent autii, Jim lngaii to win then, and I nt them and naw llm tnuriry I Intended to get that new enpn with go iulu llii cenler of Ilia (alibi and norm of It couui brick, 'i'liln nort of thing wurit iilurig uriill J got nick and illngUMted, and I pruponud that w miku I hu limit t centn," "Why-a i t," broliii In tlm other girl, "that win gambling!" "fjftml.lliig!" mi til I lei girl With Ilia nd iflove, "I Hhoiild lliink ft wiih, Hul, it f wan nnylng, my luck kept getnng imurer uml poorer, urn 11 It camii my denl, I found that I had rlrnwn In a nix, neven, eight Mild lilmi of diamond with nnveii of cluliH, 1 tlirnw away llm black neviai and minis np my mind to draw for a niralght or flunh, 'J'ha peopla threw tlm cardn tliey dlnearded right In front nf me, and It no happened that a lot of tin 111 got on ton of th fiick. "f eoiirni I had to (iikiitlieui off no Hint I could d'al card to Hioe tvlui with going to play, and nn I did ho naw Mint the Ilr I. curd mi tlm pack wan Hut ten of dlaru'iii'ln, Then I wan in a omindiry, I knew t lint If I could get that card I would bavn a nfrrilght flu-ili, and Hiit ( could Im mini to hunt auylioily round tlm tilile, I knew that tlm cbaneeti weni greatly agilnnt my gelling the ivn of dlarnondn, and whll'i a ntralghtor n fluh of Hm common kind wan within tlm hound of poMlbfltty I could not do niiich with cillier mm. I looked at my chip arid naw Hint I a lot of money lavi'iled. Then I umd'iup my mind to get, that ten of diamond, and I got H," "Why c a a," wild tho other girl, 'that wa cheating!" "N'otody wild It wrinn't.," replied tlm girl with llm red glove nlmrply, "hut I got tho curd Juil, tlm a inn, and iioimof tlm rei-t naw nm do II., 'I lien I dealt tlm eiird to HiOBii who wanted I hem, and tlm hi tt ing began. Maud put In 10 cent and Chnrllii bet 10 cent too, Jen didn't want to liet, anil Hieii Jim crime, and Im ralmd It fi'l cent, I mivt Hint Im hud n big hand, for ha think a good deal of hi money, and 1 rained liln fin cent another no cent, 'J'lmrentof tlium didn't want to beta high an that, and Jim rained run another fio uantn. That' tha way It went, until I 1'orrn.vrd all tlm money around tlm table, and Jim had changed acnuiilnof f 10 bill. Then bo called me, and Inhownd hlin that ntrnlghfc flunh, I In had four of a kind," 'Did you whip" anked th other girl, "Hid 1 wln" repealed tlm girl with tlm rod glovi, "Oh, no, It wan n girl out In California who won, I nhouhl nay I did win, I got Junt tn ot Mr, Jlm'r moncyi" "What did you do with M" nkd tlm other girl. "Inpurit B0 renin of It for a motto fur Jim, which mild, 'Fewl My Lamb,' I'm going to npmid tlm rent on my Hundny nohuol tliK," liulfilo KxyrukH. ,iiiinH"lr 1h. (Juriiowder teimara fneally open to Adulleratioii hicauH iif their granular or dimly form, and Hmt-'hlnem urn marvel oiinly nxpert In deceiving tlm foreigner with whom they deal, Jt I a very dif ficult thing to get a coriNlHtent ntalement unto klndn and oualltli of tea from dealer In thin count iy, partly, dou Idle, from Hm fct that few of them hnvo Irmlde expert knowledgo of He, tea trado In China. It I uol leeahlu Hint tlm tea nerved In llm Chlnera retiuiniiit i,t thin city I lighter la color limn ntrong tea nerved clHewhere, Chicago Herald, IHIter. nt Mini. t l aw, Jiinii-n T, llrown of Indlinn wan oiica engaged In n In thn circuit court of that Mute and wn laying dow n thn law with rnanterly ability, when the Jiulga r marked H at Im need not niiim; (he law of tlm cane, a the court understood that per tty. .Mr, urown replied, v II li iimi.Ii nun km m. that he "mi-rely ileiuivd to talk iihoiit tliu law in. It I In tin' Iioi.Um, h lilrh would Im entirely deferent (,w from any Id honor wn ii'uualiili'd with." Han I'raticbcii Aronaut, If von Ilk to reml and hnvi, man? book. fi careful leiit you read too much and think too lit tin. WHITE WAS ALL RIGHT ClrvrUitit Hunt Noutiiiri- In Ilic iMipi rmr Hrm h. IIC WA IKoMni.Y (VM'ftMi:t; kHll.. tl 4, .! kHIflllw It,. I 4, ll.. lH ..., I , n, , , 4 , n. , Ih, Mli, t .iiM4iin i,i.,.hi nl lli, , I,,,,,,, iiiMi,v 1 t i,i t il.t.,.n 11, 1,,,,, I h,,, I n, 1, 1 (Mii,,T', N. r. ti -j; 1 ii ,v f ll I I.l- ,1,, t,, , ,, l.' (Ml, . I , linn in, -it , I !, ,(,, j n (t,, 1 1 , ,i . n ua.,t, jn ,, ,, , ,,, , , It'lill. Ill till llui t 11I11 V I lll, tl I .1, ,,ll, ,u..l,v ! ,!,l,t,, I b i'ltml.lh I'lue l.i I-,!.,! f (it.111 iln . 1,1 li-' In 11 S liil. ! W In!.- 1.1, to n, nllll-'llllll .1. 'Un. IH'lillliiih,,!! l , K"t h f. in I I.i lb" 11.11, null., nl nil. 11 i limit mi ,i,ii. nfiir ll,,, iioinii, ,i , loid Ih 11 . ,1 Ii., I Ihu u luile I,,,,! , , , 111 III llH,i llir H, In linn ll,,. 11, ,11a, ti'.ii waa Hi-, in,) (liti.iii'li I'm i,i, t., t luiy I'mdi 11 iiUuil 8 Pi im, I ,in ,,r,, 1,1 ( .i 'ioll iliiini illalelv IiioVmI. The h. 11 ,1 Iiml Ii 1 11 Hilliim la hind 1 1,., d diHiin I thiiii 1111 In. ur 11 In 11 j m 1 ihhi' kiioiMi tli it the liii.tluli .i 1 1, iiluin w it In ml , lit , liild cariiml tvilluiul opHMtoii, ''!i Vole wan iliiMiiimoiiKly and lieuildi 1 favor of 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1, it 1 . Onljr Kiilnulalln Ni.,. lir ll. llti i.'.l. The pioeei 'illlign prior In he cantui 1 I the vote coiiMinled eiitiii ly of f ho ilchu 1 lif euii,'intli' Hpeecllen by IIII'IuIh'M of ',, netiatu Judiciary coniniillen and by H 11 lur Cutlery. There wan two nM'eclnK ! Di'inocratie 1 nlH'm of (he couiuutle and I wo by Ki publican ineinbetn, Hen Htor l'ugli ami Hill Hpokn for Ilie I inn ocrnlic nidu and Senatorn Hoar andTelli r for the Republican nide, All the Hn'i'i n" were laudatory ami congratulatory both t tlm prenideiit and Mr. Wlilte. T,i. neiialn even felt no gmid nalnred over Ih whole afrair Hint it decided toivninv tho injunction of necrecy and tlm n v Iiapcrn were notified (hat they were at liberty to publliih tlm detailn of the pro ciMliiigH, While tlm nenabi aelii promptly and without henitaliuu it 1 -the nominatiou it in ntill a fact it wn mirprine at the ciipilol, 'J'lll! prenideiit Hellt for Keiiator Whit ntnl bin colleague, Mr, Cutlery, Huud ij night, and upon their arrival at, Ih Whibi Houne imidu known the purpose of bin invitation for 11 conference. Mr, White, while cxprcHHlug a deep houmc o obligation, wm mueli Hurprinod and wn.' doubtful an to whether ho nhould ran pi, Jfo arked I he prenldi nt for lime lo 1 nlder and left without giving bin conw nl. Monday morning he Ntill wiw unable lo nay positively (hat Im prererred the ol'iiei to that of Hi-rudor and it waa not until Junt before noon that be gave hln con Herd , The belief In nf rong in tlm loni iana delegation that Iteprenenliitivi. IJIanebard will Ini aiiiminb'd an nenntor b liil the unexpired term of Mr. While, Without except Ion all Hie Jlcpubllcaiii! and jirouilneiit ol'ficlain in thin city Inl'ir viewed I'XprctiH errtire natinfiudlon in the Iirenldeiit'n nelectfon, Vnioii-eat tit llm .liinllee. Ldward Douglan While will take bin neat on the nupreme In-neb an the young cnt of the Juidiein and with the exception of (fiiHliccM Field and Harlan be will have entered at an earlier in'Hod in bf than any of the other Junticen and will have Hie exceptionally long term of l!l yearn to nerve In fore n tiremenl, II wan liorn In the parinh of La Fonreiie jjoiiiiiiina, ii year ago, jin wan con cated at, Mount HI, Mary, near Kmm I burg, Md at (Im JeHuit r'ldh'gn In New Orb-arm and finally at Georgetown col lege, Dm! net of Columbia, Jfe tho Confederate army and after the war wan Hdmif.tcfJ to the bar by the Louisiana nupreme court and pract iced bin prol'e dlon during (be troubled yearn which fol lowed the recimntruclion period. In I At II . 111 ne in gan nrn imiincai career an a itabi wwiUir. Leaping to the law again he In'came acnociato JumiIco of the u pretne court of JiOiilnlana in 1H7H, Imt again turning to fiolitieal piimuilt Im Wan clect'd !, 1 he I'nib'd Slat'-n nerinf V Hefiator Luntln, the pri nt lit iriirilHter (o rranee, taking hln neat March i, lH, DEMOCRATIC CAUCU1 0),iiiii'ii it llm III1111I n liiiloriig' Iii'l With Nut IVeai iil., Wamiii ViT'i.h, J''eli, Iturueiliat !', nftj-r the adjournment of the houne Mon day a )i inoeralic caueii wan held in Hi hall of the bouse lo consider Ihesilvi r ipieittion. Thorn Wore present IM D'Uio- rralH, but not 11 Democrat from Ni w York, who have joined fri the ribslruotiv liiovomoiit, w ru priHoiit, nor In fact any of the of hem who Joined band with them, J'lm pri-Hone, however, of Mr, I'enoo, the (Jidorado Populist, wan nignif icant. The nentiment in the caneie. therefore wan all favorable to tho bill and two roMolutioTiH were adopted, one lo keep the neigruorage bill In fore the boil" to thn cxe union of everything until de of, and thu other fcxpn-Hsing it ai the W'linii of the ciueiin that it wan th duty of every Demoerallf: memln-r to In pn-nent and vaU cither for or against tin bill. Tho only difference of opinion exiMiu" W; an lo thn advinability of going fm ther than thin and comjiolliiig niemls i'. ) Tot.i or n- counted if they refuned p, , . Mr. lioutn T piesideil and ailvoeni. .1 a r"Holutiou (. instrm t tlm committee 01, niliiati bring iua ruiibic)mK l memliT" V vote or to ls flu"'l and Mr. Patter ,., f offered a resolniiun innlriieting tlm npe,,': rr Ut waint a rjuorum, Mr, Patter.vm declared m believed aftr following tho npcctaclo of the hi t few day i tliat Mr, U-'d wan right an i that nonvoting meiiils.rn should I" counted lo make a fpiorum, Tim Putt. - n refuilutiou wan vobil down by als u! 20 tii ijorily, th" r-t uiUcr voting ngu!!, tie" proportion, Tlm Riimtua adjoun I-nding a vote on tho l'nutnerrsoIuli ,i, n. iiiilw ( oiillriintf lima. Wahiii.mi(n, Pub. 2 Tlm nonato i, executive session (xmllriinnl tho follow liitf: U. W. Piatt to bo Uuitod Kt.ts tnruM M Itm M tun d Mu, 4 W 1 r -twin, iHi-,111 VI t,ii).41, ittii.i , I l I' " di-ln t , ( I .1 I t HV-. I It, iti.-U.-i' . f t. t it j it ,,, 1. ml tll'liU Uhii-) 1-11 I II, H1.1...I ILiIIiiH,,!, W 1-MiSnt.., .. ?! . ti( , l-i..i.,.il, .. ,. , ,,,,,,, ,,f 1 1, it nil ,1 It u ot M i . . .t, (I.,, mtl, il ,1 , H.e it. 11, , , ( ,- , . t.i . ,,1, ! . CiHrt I.,,! ( tit iii,u -llfijlr t pi (. .! -I H-. 11 ,,..i, I t, j . 1, ,, n). I , III' l, .k l, ,.,1,. ,. 1 ,.,, f,,( (: Itl '1 1 lie III In b,n,,, ' I,. , f,,,.t. lie' i -l! . ! K ,11-,i. I- I, till, It,. 1, N , ,s, llllll. .n fv,,, I I M,, I, -nil 4 , 1. , It I lul.iiliitit" li.uti . tt t il si ,t ,, 1. ,1 .. In n-e! in Ih.- woik 111 K tiw t it' d nu. I I'.-isl v fi -. .I,;li I i. I'll! hull id olll, 1 II for Hie liltlllfliH, i ll hiiil .1 us ..ll,i hi!iii t , tlioiiv, pn ili nl, .'V. Aitnii lid iii l'hd.i.b Iplii.i, llm pi,i.. n nl i H i' hm I !. r Avny of Pl.ila.b l li 1 tMlifs) Hiilmg stililiiv; Mi-n, I'.un, I'plilll of I lliln, lt HsIIH'l, Hill Ml. I'.ll.'ll It 1'htlli k of llimtoll h i I Jiwi phine K, Ib iuy of Ki nlm ky, and1 loin. I'nnl f 'tiittliliin I itj mil I ln IMMnltrrtl. DlA.l II, l ib, 21. Judge ltlsing it Holvisl the 111 jiiiii I it .11 i.M.iiiii-il , II I 0111I111 tiinl Iiml inmpiiny Itirexliau the le ader Mining company and 0II11 1 from elilel lli( lulu a colnbinatioli In r.,n I ml Ihu out put of all Hm lignite inlnen In Colorado. The Jinlgn mild Ih u (tin I'Vldeiieu did not nlmw that thin mn ti'luplafi'd m I it nt by Ihu defeudautn wu for the mrHit of uureanonably advatie lug the price of llgnltii coal or Unit ii would have nueli an cifect or lliat thn plaint ilf'n rightn under ita contrai l would li injuriously afTected, ' (imrgril Willi lliirnliig lUrorila. Nkwtun, Kan., Peb. 2I.Tha trial ol (. W. Kogorn for complicity In thn burn lng of the record of Harvey county In thn vault of tlm reginler of diwuln hint March ban commenced. Hognra In 11 largn property bolder and own tlm oiih complete net of ahwlrnct IsmjIi in Ih county, Tlm iKmlin burned wern vaim AtfltKI.OIH). A portion of them catm lm replaced and it In cbargeil (hat Huge lnsligiiteit Hm ciiitrthoUHii (Ira to gel ci trol of Ihu abstract bunlneaft of tl county. I'rliieea ('oliiiiini Wiili lilng Hit lliialinml, Kicw YiiliK, Peb. 21. At th ollice ol J. W. Mm kay, Jr., it wan denleil Unit rrinooHH Colouna Intended golngtoSoiilii Dakota to apply for a divorca from bet husband. She conlinuoM to occupy hoi brother's aparl ineiila In tho Ilelgravia flat and it in naid nlm In constantly ad vised of her husband'H tnovcmenl, Young Mr, Maekay In occupying apart tnentn at the Hotel Waldorf, Ji.'.lfoy,.,! l,r I'lrn, (,'mcArio, Peli, 21,The largo brick block occupied by the tinware mtnblinh incut of Norton llron, on Uiver nfreef wan denlroyeil by ire, It waa one of the larg',t CHtablishmenla in tho conn try, Lohh, t .V,iitiO, f'ttalitllll'H lllilWII I , DirittiNuiMM, Ala,, Peb, 21, The fKintoflice at VVimdiawn, a nuliurbof Ihii city, wan blown up in a. mynbrlouH mari ner r id tll.'lOU worth of projicrty burned. It in nuppuHcd Ut havtr Inen done by robln rn, liln.. al. Ml, Afr. hm Mnisi',, Peb, 21- Piro at Mt, Ayr, la,, dint royed four nbire building and contoiii at the northwest corner of the public mpmre, entailing an aggregate Iowa of fl,00U, Innurarice about two thlrdn. HvereUrr tiiillli Will Miirr. Jjtisii'is, Peli, 21, -The Tirrien maloi the announcement I hat Homo Heeretati Aniiiilli will nhorlly marry Misn Mar gan t Tennant, daughter of Sir Chuib Tcnnant, fli'M'lliig Mitf l. mi Itoiela, Piirf,ru,i,rtiiA, Peb, 21, Conrmi'l for tho Heading reeeivern will apply lo the ynirt for js rmiswlou Ui lwri' f ,000,oo of trust nob n (o run 10 yearn at 11 jcr cent inloriKf, Werfc nt m Ti;im li"'"erinl. Hot h'ios, Tex,, peb, 21, Jim Mitch ell, a disjierado, nhot U death three ue n, oiie child and wounded a woman while he wan Intoxicated, CLEANINfi ritOM THE Wlftf ri. Indana(iollH resident are mystified bv A ntriuge woman, who attend a!lllM funeral, Kebool oflicial of (Concordia, Kan., have rci lived to withhold Hie pay of my wo man teacher who mnrrh sduring the h rm Hugnr work at lloi kford, Ills,, which have heen closed for more Hiari two ycif t will be shirled In May, From present Imllalloun the nroduclion of Hm Lak Hujifrlor Iron mine will In farles than In preceding year, Jly the opening of nprliig anolhi-r rush la expected to tlm Cberokca Ht rlp, The new hwnn an booming. Thn union printer' of Horner (Jrediy I hi be unveiled at New York on Memorial day. Itepubllean have sprung a aenaatlon in Alabama by charging Kolhlh-a with hiv lug received bribe, Horace Heelcy, (Irst assistant general passenger agent nf Hn Jlc Moine .North weatern Knllroa.d nompnny, hn resigned Aneledrii! railway I projected down thn Hock river from Km k ford, Jll,, to Jilxon, hi liaiiille passenger and freight business, A, C. Vanillic, statu lecturer of tin 1 Farmers' Mutual lleiioflt association, ii j booked for a numb' r of lecture through out fioriliom Illlnoi to revive the Inh res' in thn order, Th first annual show of th Wcsteri Iowa Poultry association cloned at Conn oil lllufT. Tliree humfri-d bird worn ex JilbltC'l, Tho next show will tin In la comber. Andy WVntwnrlh, a foromm of tlm lire depart men t of ('oliimbns, lud,, has brought anil against tha city for l.'.MiO for Injurle reci ived by being throw u from a hosn reel tliat had upset in a ditch. The tnbtrn of Coal City, liln., have fiaMned reaolutluii urging llm operator In l'mirnylviinU, Ohio, Weal Vlrglnbi, la ttlana and lllluol to ralna the price of vonl ID cenlx tni and glvt th miners S ecuU of thtadralJta. 4itii t ii 1 A ll I. . Ml ! t. Iaillau I M t ll.- t-l ll..lll lin.ili.f I .--. 1 11 ., ...I l U , ' "" ' 'ill-, ll .1, 1 1 1,m I l ! I .,, .. 11 . I Ii 1. In II .. t,.a ,.f l,o j il I.., nt. I It il-tll.! fn. lll I 11,. I 4 ! : ll' 111.1) 1 ,. I- I in. , 1 1.. . .,,KU I "' '''is ' " " 1 i.l l it- ki li t .1 . u .i ,1.1,1. ii.-i,,, . M 'I-, I, lt at.. I ,.i,i-t Ml I. a t I nt, ,,r, ,i,-r i'lnlllt l II tUi . Il.t'-lt I. HHI, nt Mlaf Ml All ll, -,,ll.- till. I 1 nil I -. . - Kl'l .. tt.t I,, tun.,. " I , i ,1,11 I k ., I, i,, ,,ly satltti n ;,i , a. I I, i. I ,,,.iti t:. -.M il l,' .,,t ,,:.i, 1, ,,,,( ,,,,,(r l ilt,, a I nl 11 ,iu. .,, I i, , ,(,,!,, 1, f II. ltltk me I. I . nx.ltlt .1 1 I,, t,. pin i,nt,f I 'I li. r u 1. 1, I it,. i,,t, It ,.iifll,ai 'i. 1 it I- .iii, ,t,M-. nl njiitiMi. 1 1. 1, i ., , H.i Im of II. 1 .1 -., it K , l n inn. Ii mot I mil it 1, 1 fur, nn-l ti In n i.. ih in .iit-l II,. i la intti,ii .ti nf mi,.t tt u.i iniiiK, trial l n ll.ia lis in-1 U-.11 ii ,iH i.,nt llm la lii.tat oil, ti-lif II t. tn 11, r alia (., mif luintli nf I Itne In 14 u ,1 ut r..,,iii 'I lita a n 11,., 1 li t I.i li I .l. ftillr ,'t,ia, fii.l In iuii let ..iiiii 1 1... 1 .. itiiiifiil fur, Ui 1 aii-i nl Hie itinil li' no , 1 1 1 u .i-i,f ti,if. bliiK ll lln-. hoi biiI I,, ns i i 1 1 y nlm kn.,a wlni Iua Kit ii ii, a i, n J. I I. Im k fur, Imt a Li n k I.miwii Itlm k mink Ii llm nil inn ruler. Iliienf Hut nn'i.l col Iy, ) et lumiif llmlniM.1 (mil nf Hllfnranf itim. Ilielt'e, a Ihu siller iviiiy n Itlm k fox, Allied I'tinim 1 lilt lly hum IIiii.kIiI, I I till nlni'ln strip of Mm It fur fniiinl dow n tint bin k nf I Im silver, Hint I one of I Im court fui nf lhelii, eotii mil in 1 1 tig a falailoim prlee. 'rim mil m ill lilm k fox nf cum linn 11 la lliitilvi il fur of our forest fnxe Mild I lint very i'tielisiv.t. Ileslden Ising dyed, fox fur In often bli'in lied In liiiiiiiin thn mil iiiul ivlillfl fox nf llm aret In region. In thn Inlennn cold and darkness of Ihu iiri'lln night tlm fur of nit animal I lileaeheil In a snow y whll Iii'sn, ami Hm II net, t snow while fur romu from tlm mn 1 h. Tlm llllla ermlmi I of a j i'IIuw Ish lirnwii lu mimmer, when It In krmwu 11 thn si eat.. It I pura whltH In winter 1 1 Ufa llm while fox, llm oolur of thn nmiw, retaining only tho black tlu of tin tall. Thn I Kiln gray nrpilrrel I tlm color of tlm lliiheiii'il hough 1111 which It climb, mid iniinliri leu oilier InnliiriciiN might ba named of 1 li Ih tcudciiey nf 101 1 urn hi adapt Hnicreat iii'i) tu Hm color of hi habitation. Certainly In tlm arclln clrebi Hm color of all animal and even of munt of llm tilrd In of thn color of Ilia snow. (hind ihmwt kceping, llnalicpali MiimkliiK. Llkn opium, hasheesh In chiefly used for nrnoklng, and win 11 tlm used II, I almost al way lu comliinatlnn with tobacco Mrst, a plug or lohiv'i'n In placed at tho bottom of thn howl of Hm nlim i.ud on tlm hip of this a small pleeii nf Insheesli and over Ihln again a idecu i,t redhot char coal, or (hi hasheesh I kneaded with llm lohaecu by Hm thumb of mm hand wurklrig lu tlm palm of tlm older until thoroughly Incorporated, when limy ara transferred to tlm howl and lighted, a In tlm prevloiiM cane, It (Irst effect when limn used Inomiof Intense exhilaration, almost amounting to delirium. I ha victim use Hm newer of thought and will carry on lu thn most extravagant manner Imaglnalde, allormilely linghlrig. Hinging or dancing, all hmllme hellevlng himself hi hn acting rationally, Tlm Prig llsh derivative of tlm word hasheesh given terrlhle arid too well deserved nlgnlll. caneii In Ihl coiiiiceDon, Ifashash Is llm term lined for 01m who smoke Inmlieesh, and llm plural of fh word I hashasln, from which our Kngllsh word Mnannin In wild to Im derived, Ilonlilles It I lu thin first Mage of hal lucination and frenzy that most of tlm crime --and they l ava liei u rnanv attrib uted hi Ihu nn of Ihl drug hava been commit h-, for Hm H"com In 01m of dreamy enjoyment, finally followed, If llm dose Inis Ihi 11 full, ,y Htiiior no densii an almost lu amount to a statu of 'iililepsy, It ha lecn said flint n foil night use of hasheesh will innko It victim a comnleh, slam to tin-lnil.u, mid ll end, as in tin, case of flmusi, of opium,) degradation and ruin, physieal, laoclal and moral, ('hamber' Journal, 4ll(ll, list llnf I lit, as His nm,,liT, A lint Harliara in an old ni go inauimf who live In Armour avenue, i,cnr Thirty fifth street, Mm ami her daughter mako a Jiving t,y laundry work lu rfouth r'ld'i famllle, and have lo do a good deal of Journeying on Hm cut, cars, AlmoatHm (list day nrnoklng cir wore put. Into sei v cn 011 tlm Hl.ite street llrmltmold woman had Intake a tripdovn hi Twenty second ntrcct, Hm hailed 1 he I rain at Thirty llfili ntreel, and v. as iiliout to step n hoard (hit front car n hen t lie 1 aeluclor shouh 1 from the rear oar, "Thai ' the smolt. r. " T!m 'ild noge paid no all ntlon to Id warning, and in' ri -pouted it , Imt, she got aboard. A mai, on (he iiitl,'m repi-ahd, "This I I Im miiol-.i-r, ' and s ill t h warn lie went unheeded, 'the Iraluwent It way, and Aunt, liarhari was atout (, neat lecf near I he door when a brisk color ed hoy spoke of llm smoker 11 on. lly Ihi time e r Ire wna up, am) she spoka lu r mind, r-i'iting tn in If ir 1, nod ilraw bigalwi'.t of naiivi. . .if (roi i her ban danna bundle, she lurm I lo the bo -ispeitk-cr and said: "honny, wpen yon get a old n f I you'll know old folk know a much nn young folk, I'm golu to sue, In, and I'm goiriiodo It right now. When I want hi heor funi you, I II Pi. you know," Willi I hat she produced a eoli piS', ael filling It nl ruck a light, leaicroinly and begin putting t ' hiago li -eord 1'iiMsr of lifcniltiaa. It I not every mm who appreciate thn luioi-liiiieenf helping I ho Inn nlois along, They are llm salt of tlm enrlb. Congres Can well go out of It way (o conldi r any law whict, to any exh 1,1 will assist them lu getting a fn Ir return for He ir Idea. If .system of htun could (Innlly be cimch-ii giving full and fair compi nni Ion to each Inventor promptly, a one I y one he di covered the secret of Mil tire. Hieni would not be, is an-thorn at i n -, nl , so many Cf Mil ure' . crcl hidden foui na, W nilg:,l iimi Iiml, lii,,l,a, ,,r II, i world Uy leg one of li.fCMiint toil, nature Intended It hi be one ,,f companii Ivn i nnii, and In trad of Is li.g n world of Inci worry jerhapn wn sliou'd find that luttiiru Iri toridiid It tu l.eoneof romparativecontiit tncat. New nrk I-dgt-r. The s,ciil,nt flam I,,,,,, To kreiw I nm'ioo only na a tough, fn foil cane of vari log t btek n-sa and 1 t nior dlmiry Hihi.t,ibilit, n we chiefly know il, I ti "t by hii means locompata ltllm Itationn. An an article of food, fur In t'lincc, t I an cm Irn suecm on It natlvo t' illi and at 1111 curly atagn lu It growth. It I Imlled briefly, lika tender aiparngni, nd eaten aerved w I1I1 a cream sain e, alno fttr llm iiuinmr of thatauctulcut VvgeU bl. Kuw Via k Tlmea.