The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 23, 1894, Image 1

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4 if t iim'-it
Wu V IV.
Mr ap'4 tf r lri UN '. t -,- t fA 1 f. !.
wt - i w ) f ! for
I f i Mil
I t. I - Am, Hat tt,"Mti. ,' Afcll rim-
1 M '
t I ( t It f ft I a ll 1 At tl,'tt,-:"
Mite Ur.f
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!'. I t.,l!t,tial - til l,
Vtwi'l'antj in, nn m,
!!. A , MltatlA' 4ln l1iW 1111
im j p fi. -n
- Miwt llstt i Attn niw menta Ami
lie 1 Me
Alt tti-i fait mV if V J, few
Itella." Ml I'lflm-nth (ilhi l T in ,u iv
All m ai Ai-eW, rtniui'i'lii Sunday
Rev. S. Wright Hutlerwlll preach to
tho patriotic order from hi pulpit,
In tho St. Mary's Ave. Congregational
church, Sunday evening, Feb. 21,
There will lie no doubt but what Rev.
Dutler's largo church will 1 crowded
that evening, mid those who fail to at
tend will ml mi a treat.
Douglas county was abluzo
with patriotism yesterday. Tho cltl
.eng of Elkhorn station raised a beau
tlf til flag, and eoninieinoratlvo exercises
wero hold In tho schools at Waterloo
und Valley. What wo luck in enthu
siusm In Omaha, our friends in tho
county make up, und with intercut.
If IioMAN Cutholic convents
aro Huoh purudisoH, why should a thing
like HiIh happen:
Miss Mercedes Plows, a pupil in tho
Loretto convent at Hamilton, com
mitted suicido hint week by taking mor
phine Her parents llvo near Chicago.
Although they aro Protestants and
members of tho Ruptlst church, they
wero lured into Mending their daughter
to a Roman Catholic convent. MIhb
I'Iowb arrived at Hamilton about two
mouths ago and Is described us u bright
Btudent and a great reader. On Thurs
day last who UHked permission to retire
at (I o'cloeu. A convent ulster visited
hor later and found her very ill. Do
ecu '1 suld sho hud taken four dozen
qu .or-gruln morphine pills because
sho wanted to dio und did not think hliu
would ever bo so sure of heaven as she
was then. Tho girl's sister told a (llabc
reporter that hor sister hud recently
taken a deep interest in tho Roman
Catholic doctrine, und had thought
seriously of Joining that faith. Yet wo
aro told that In these institutions tho
religion of Protestants Is not Interfered
A OHEAT ninny tilings liuvo
been written about Abraham Lincoln,
to show his goodness and tenderness of
heart, but none of thorn conveys a more
complete Idea of his characteristics than
this one tuknn from tho Yimth'n Journal;
During tho dark days of 18l,'l, on tho
evening of a public reception given at
tho White House, a young English no
bleman wus Just being presented to tho
President. Inside tho door, evidently
overawed by tho splendid assemblage,
was an honost-fuccd old furiner who
shrank from tho passing crowd until ho
and tho plain-faced old lady (dinging to
his arm wero pressed hack to tho wull.
Tho President, tall, und, in a measure,
stately in lils personal presence, look
ing over tho heads of tho assemblage,
said to tho Kngllsh nobleman: "Excuse
me, my lord, there's an old friend of
Passing backward to tho door, Mi1.
Lincoln said, lis ho grasped the old
farmer's hand: "Why, John, I'm glad
to see you. I haven't seen you since
you and I inudo rails for old Mrs. ,
In Hangamon county, in 1817, How are
Tho old man turned to his wlfo with
quivering lip and without replying to
tho salutation said: "Mother, he's Just
tho iiimo old Abo!"
"Mr. Lincoln," ho said firmly, "you
know wo had throo boys; thoy all en
listed In tho sumo company; John was
killed in tho 'seven days' fight,' Ham
wus tuken prisoner und starved to
death, and Henry Is In tho hospital,
Wo hud a Utile money, an' I said:
'Mother, we'll go to Washington, an'
seo him. An' while wo aro thero we'll
go up und wo tho President."'
Mr. Lincoln's eyes grew dim, und
across the rugged, homely, tender face
swept tho wttvo of sudness his friends
had learned to know, und ho said:
"John, wo all hope this miserable war
will soon bo over, I must see all theso
folks hero for an hour or so, und I want
to talk with you." Tho old ludy und
hor husband wero hustled Into a pri
vate room in spite of all their protests.
MiHTiiuii Kimtuh: Quito a
lombur ov thu byes rus ponded tu mol
invltashun tu cum tu Muginnlses saloon
afthur mass last Sunday, and a, a com
sequlnco wo hud a vury Intiiorcstln'
matin'. Molko O'Fluhcrty wuz choozen
prlsldent und Tim Maroony nkted az
seootary, afthur which ol stated thu
objek ol hud in molnd whin ol slot yez
thu noils, Ol tould t.hlm I eonshiderod
it tho dooty ov ivery thruo un' loll
Uirtmm t ! li .h .,W. j it a
' )'A'V t! a il'Kin t,uh Mi
l' (. , t-l , $(-, A II, I 1,1 pM
" l i H tutu-, h ttti , I tt.t
ti av t i v tn In Urn tmii.lii,
Aiid il.nititthi! ti Hhi !!' t!il
Lot A!iAitn i ( ivnr, l t i, n ill
lllil IM Stll 11 fT HV lllll I i !,') ml, thu
I d ni-'1 !iit n iU tli Oi,t hw
l)l Wit aIiiiiiM r .Vlld tl K Oittt-h
llll'., t,f did tint ti!:Hnl fllt'lil'h 1(1
' lii-Hi v u'lu'iftU In thu Utt r, whih-
tint liiiii. .I I'ihI, tm fnnllml I, a
HlAU til hull, trill OV tlitl HI I III lillik At
thu Mini tim Ui ks'l, d tie r iiUin
luni tut'iinull, whiiAlglied thu iheliir
Adhonov lnh'iiiidiiui', which we off
sit hi only nrty wan slgimitsirA ov nilt;
who weii n't Oirlsh. Ol xlnt."d tu thu
undo) lug devohhiin Ivery thruo l
nuui dlhpluit lxi Aiikrldhhlnif n giAsl Jul)
nx janitor In sum snhmo In ordhur tu
Mirvo thu pnplo Hhh rman, or tu
aksept a Mislshun on the porlleo foive,
or In the folre dopnrtmint. ol kulh d
ther atlenshun tu thu grail mln ov our
nashuiuillly, who hud rl from lowly
stashuns tookupy hlgh-salarhid placer,
under thu govermlnt Im'soUIch thu
largo nomhur uv ourbyeswho aro wait
In' on (irover, iinkhhns tu demonsthrato
tu slo men as Lowe, Ijiims, Cuttncr
and others that thay aro loll tu thu
fro Inst ltoosh mum ov this eoontry, and
willln' tu aksept eny ollls, If necessary,
tu kary konvlkshuni with thalr khiino.
Ol thin spoko ov St. Patrick, and tould
thu byes ho wu, tho greatest man who
Ivor lived; that while birthdays ov
Washington and Lincoln moight doo
for bigoted Americans tu sellbrato,
ther wuz no man so deer tu thu hart ov
thu thruo Olrlshman as thu howly St.
Patrick, and no wan (exclpt thu holy
fathur) whom they wood conslnt tu
honor wld a pariido or a public matin'.
Tho byes applauded this slntlmint, and
ol thot it wuz a good place to sthop,
and tuk mol seat. Tho prusldlnt then
axed if eny wan olso had enythlng tu
sol in favour ov gettlu' up tho grandest
sollbrashun this city iver saw, thu
slventeenth day ov March, and, olin
ashamed tu rlto it, Lurry 0'(irady op
posed thu move. I to argued that
lid men wuz hard und thu byes nuded
ivery day's work they cood get, and
that mai'chln' under ould Olrlund's ling
wuz not neur ho poplar us it wuneo wuz,
and Inshlntibtcd thut thu best woruk
wuz not dun openly, but under koover.
Ho eald it wuz all rlto tu Bullbmto St.
Putrick's day in Olrland, and that it
molght ho thruo thut thero wuz Oirlsh
mln willln' to houhl thu olllses to show
ther lollty tu this eoontry, but ho didn't
bcluvu u man wuz a vury good clUzun
who thot more ov scllbruUng St,
Putrick's day than ho did ov honoring
Washington or Lincoln, und dlvll a bit
did hucuro If he held all tho olllses In
thu state. That wuz more than sum ov
our best cltlzuns cood sthuiid, und two
or three (;x-aldennln and a few ex
county olllsors got close enough tu him
tu omphuslzo ther disapproval ov his
ulntlinlnls, and before O'Orudy's
f rinds cood git to him ho looked as
thou ho hud just ben to u rule ould
fush loned wako,
Owln' to O'tirudy's foolish talk und
hi Inability to lavo thu matin' on foot,
wo wero forced to udjourn until next
Sunday. Ol think tho next ineetln'
will not bo Interrupted by O'Orndy,
and that wo will complete urrangemlnts
for a parade and public spukln' next
month; at eny rate, ol will kupo you
posted. Yours, PATHKY I-ACV.
Wahiiinoton'h birthday was
celebrated In Oinuha yesterday, und In
a very creditable inuniior, Thero was
a Hug raising and speaking at the
Dodge street school at 2:.'l p. in, Tho
Hug was presented to tho school by the
Jr.O. IJ. A. M,, tho presentation speech
being made by I lev. S. Wright Duller.
It was delivered In his usual vigorous,
happy und felicitous manner, und elici
ted eonsldorublo well merited applause.
Principal Allen accepted tho flag in
tho name of tho school, In a short hut
plouslng speech, which was interrupted
a number of times by hourly appluuso.
The (lug was then run up on a lino
polo, and at a given signal was freed
from Its fastenings, und flouted grace
fully In tho breeze, A number of hearty
cheers were given, one stanza of "Tho
Slur Spangled I lanner" was sung, und
the exerclies wero over, from tho
Dodge street school the Jr, O. U. A. M.,
headed by a number of lifers und drum
mers, and lead by tho Uniform Hank
In their nattle uniforms, marched bo
nealli several American Hags to Cen
tral school, where u lurgu number of
pupils and visitors wero assembled to
witness tho exercises, Mrs. Hosewater,
the principal, ucted us chairman, Tho
first number on tho programme wus
"America," which was sung by tho
scholars, after which Dev. Frank Crane,
on behalf of tho Jr. O, U. A. M., pre
sented tho school u beautiful flag. Ho
then delivered u short address which
was frequently punctuated with ap
plause. Among other things he said:
Tim Kfeiili'Nl Ii'nhoiin of Ilfn tire leiu iied M. ,
leiillv. The Inllin-iii'o of limmi Im mil hums.
mvil by oral nil vice, tun. hy tin, ulr of hi,
liiiiee. Tin, eliiii aeler and (lie n i inn-. nhere of
ii tenelicr lire mure elleel mil tliitn tils lips
A meaehcr'N life In Imiiler limn in totigiii,,
We come hero today mil to parade wltli
t t .1 I- l,. , t . t i .,!
I tMi ti.l. l-il li ,.,,. tr.1, ( Intla.l if.
l K , ' ft M I, - . I,.
( tt.w iSl II It , h I'l t M .t, ,.l
I I t ft i 1 t.. If, , , I. .1,1 .1, t , . ,- . 1,1
! I.. vi !. t.t tl , f.t , I nt .1 Ul
n,-.M "l I, i'.,t, II ,i l, l
Vii iH.H, t si' Ifl. ,.,,. . p ,l.,i I. ft, I
It. . II I. I , . ,. , , ,t ,
, !,. f :, .. If (I, (.,.!,, I. ,.f
t t ! ' I I I. l.U . , t ,, l , . , , t 11
(It, I. I I,. , l I ll. t, f ,..,( -I,., , I , ,1
! tl,H( f M,i h,J t't, l,,l, tl l,S,lf . tl
j 11 tii. t u I'm ti in 1 1. ..-if I i, , i
f i'l, Mtittt, l,t in.u, !i itjf ,t, a
I ,1. w a , al),l lt- Wttltl he
, lit .1 4,vl a a ,t, ti(,'i. t I, it a ti
ll,lHala II., it.,,, ,,( all ll-t l, i
j 1.1 a, ,,,o,,i,a u, -,i a, I-
1 lit iv 1.1 1 In 1 1,, tin lil el tint 1 ,iil 11 A 1 1 1 In-
It, t,.l. ,llkdtl.Al I
UtKitt I 1,1' Ital I It lit hi I hf full , I II, It' III! mi
le It! llie ,flMttt fit mil til al at I aliitll. Ihe
tiMtlHoti ttf It at'M t,tl,ttMl 1tlll 1,1 all it'ltt II
I, lit a. Iht, t,,,,, ,,f ,stl,t)lit I llitf li,tl. Il,
ttni,t,f tt ,i' aiel llie it,Hi nl r iln-at
t,-naa altil (wl f iilitea, tvirw 111 llili Iti't ast' t,f
I lie Inn 1 1 , In,, I iilltl tn.'t ,tl I'l-llu I lie it t nit
fill ayillall itf (lit- Mo it . Ilia! k'a'a I ytl I ailll-
la 111,1 t it I, a I, II ttf 11,1, ir nml II nun I a i ml unit
il, llnli. t' to l,, rloiiila. Ntt until , an ti ll wlial
It Ineaiia lit tnt an Ainelli nii I lie mi niilnti
ll,.,ll,',l a an mini III ill nlilv lilt' lllllte nliltnr
( in, i l,h It I I, ,111 lla t'tiilli il ,nlill Kllli
tlialnli a lllltiilil li llnllllt', II ilt . liea Iti
i t, iy l ie lliiil It i-itli i nn h nltli lit I, nil of
lieilllty, t'nllt iiile In ai' Htul Hlliie aill II In
peitee, reaM't l fur law. Iinnor for Hie ln)itl
1)' ad, Ktulitinle fur Hie ih- uml li,,i,, fm- ihr
It leneliea ivarrtf im itr, (iilldreti mlai'd
lii'tienlli Hie tniel.imt nf Hull Hint Mill not In
after yeata need Hie diaft In liulin'n Ilirm In
lake tip 1111,1a itunltift llielr ciiiini ry'a fia',
'I'ltii HrM lit'ii I ttf I ii, lu 11 11 1 It ti eailaed hy Hie
lineal nf initlniiui ila inter will ripen In ipilrlt
niHtiirll y I lie aeed anwn III life's Hprliitil line
liy I Ilia lileaaed liiinner,
Il leu, lii a reaped for law. If you nIiouIiI
ittleinpl In eaiiy that lluu at Hie In ad of an
aiiaivhlai pria'eaaliin II winilil call In lla aid
the iinifty wind and alap evet y faee In reueh,
and nut ceaae until It had lirulaed every
liraen ('iiiinleiiiiiii'ii inln 11 liliish of ahanie.
It leu, Ilea lit titif fur tint luyiil dead. Am
like u tlilim of lifi, It preena and tremldea nn
Home Mintiy day, look at It. and ace If hal
lowed tnemorlea do mil fall from It llkedropa
of water from Hie lireaal of a lilrd. All that
was kooiI and t rue In our foreful hera Ih Niniie
how preaerved anil dally Nprlultled nvertlui
heailaof our children hv that aereueemlilem.
1 1. U'liehea l ul II Mile for t he past. 'I'l 1 1' last.
Itlaaeaof t he deparl Inn auti will hit r.iitiKlit In
llalovlnit lap So thu fuilmu limine of thu
departed dead will llinrer In lla folds.
Il teaches hope for the future. Il will he
(list to deleel, the diiwti, and the lira!, to
sprliiK In t he anna of t he eomliiK day, IiIuhIi
Intf like 11 lirldn. Ho will It always he a pro
phet of hope. W'lsu men aro fully ttwareof
the evils Hint threaten the republic, (treat
Kinim apeel res often Ihrow fantiiHlle hIiikI
own of eomliiK I'lilamlly lull) the sky of (lie
future. Hut HioiikIi these rears may Iroulile
11a for the nlnhl i i il eausn lis Jusi and itnive
alarm, and HioiikIi we cannot tell how wu
shall avoid the roc Us ahead, yet, In Hi"
ninniliiK, when wn see t Iidnd atara and si rlpes
I iiinliliiiK and lnut'liliix In the Joy of day,
ml 1 1,-k I m k In the winds and elappuiK luinds
In very exuberance of timrlouded fall h, t hen,
miiiiii'Iiow, we take heart. If Und was not
Knlnu to take earn of America that IhiK
would not he an happy up therti.
It teaches a untied ctmntry. 11, Is not and
can never he made, to he thu linn lf u party
or section. If there Is anylhliiK children
need to he taiiRlit today, and which men
seem in Im fnrm'IMnn, It Is that there Is hut
line object, that lias aclaliu upon our loyally,
und that Is our country, l.oyulty to any
parly or seel Inn la a danxf rims HiInK, (iiea
tloiutbly valuable at any Hum, and In must
Instances only pritctlcaltreiiaun, Hint leaves
llie Illicit ala ol thu whole country to sutler
while It lioaats of a slavish obedience to cau
cus or parly buns, If that lla- teaches any
thills' It Is thai these children aro under no
obllxal Ions to become republicans, or detiui
crata or Kreenbackers, but that they are ex
pected tu be Americans,
1 1 teaches the utter ridiculousness of aris
tocracy. Why, watch It un It liuiKba and
lulka and Nhitkca hand with (ivery tramp of
u brite.e that comes alonif, lust, like a politi
cian before thu election ! 1 he very six hi, of
It Is a waruliiK for all aiiKlumiinlara, ttifl
hunlera, pnrk nobility, and vulvar moneyed
snobs to iiilt the premises. There Is no
smell of codllah on the si ar spiinnlcd ban
ner, "ami limit may It wave
O'er Hie land of the (ice and the home of
(he brave."
When Hev. Crano ceased sjicbklng
Mrs, Jtosowutor Introduced a pretty
little girl, just building Into woman
hood, Miss Kanna MeKall, who, on he
half of the school accepted tho flag.
Sho Kpokc In an eloquent manner, liter
ully holding her uudienco spell-bound
hy tho enthusiasm sho throw Into her
words, Tills is what sho suld:
Mv I'liiKNris: It Is a pleasant duly thai
lias called us toKelhei bid ay, n duly whose
Inlltieiicti will shed a radiance throiiKhnul
our memory forever, that of recelvlnu-from
n hand of patriotic freemen the Kriiinlnst of
all l ft t. our tin 1 1 ( 1 1 1 il I -tu I. li in. Noun dare
iissall Hint llitif, fur to Its standard will come
the boats of men who tire repreaented by
Iheae natrlollc freemen, who have the well
fare of the nursery of thu nation at heart,
vl,: (.hit nubile schools. If for nun moment.
Ibe llberl les of America were Imp, rilled, the
spirit of licorirn Washlninon, the mornliiK
slarof the revolution, would he Imbibed by
every Inhabitant and In every Heart would
hum Ibe words "liberty and union forever,
one and liiaciiarabh ," and from every fan
riluu fold of that link- would Hash Hut word
(,,,, that word that Inspired men In
fai ' the lire nf a thousand ballcilca for Hie
liberties of America,
due day In the future f hope we shall lie
aide to provii our H ue Krai ll.udii, that today
Is hut feeble sound, for thechlldren of today
mtiMl stand at the helm of unvc rtimeuf to
morrow, and your noble example Is our text
llcowt WashltiKlon, In that terrible crisis,
when America was so yoiinx and patriots so
few, roan to llm ureal occaalon and tiro-
claimed our liberty and then 1'inphaslr.inl II
wnii artinery, ami tun rnr or Hint cannon
at Vorktowtt was heard Ihrounhoul. the
world, and It's echo shook thu foundations
of Ibe Kendal Kovernmeiits of Kuropc and
made thu crowim of lut.narchs Ireiublu on
their brows,
Today wn are hern to honor not. only llm
father of liberty, but, the emblem of llberl v.
It's stripes have kept their purity through
the smoke of a hundred ball "N and through
stratum vicissitudes It lias stood tincliaiured :
time lias made llsKlory lirlifhter And Its stars
to shine with an untarnished radiance,
1 1 has broken the shackles from Hut arms
of slaves, It, has closed the terrible chasm of
deadly halo that streb'hed like n yawnlnu
abyss between the North nnd Houlh. lulls
embrace the fallen hero has been laid to rest
on thu altar of freedom, Wo receive It,
then, as an emblem of tint most sacred t rust
and the highest and noblest emblem of our
native land,
in tho evening, hundreds of patriotic
men and women assembled In the First
llaptlst church und listened to one of
the finest programs over rendered In
Omaha, Tho exerclsos wero opened
by Mr. 1'. K. Winter, on behalf of tho
coin mil too, Introducing Dr. S. I). Mer
cer, who acted as chalrmun, Then
came In rapid succession music by tho
orchestra, pruyorbyllov. W. K. Deans,
singing, "America," by tho audience,
uddrcsses by Dr. Mercer, Rev. J. M.
I'atterson, und Messrs. Chus. K. Winter
and Win. F. Curley, Interspersed by a
number of patriotic songs, sung by the
Templo quartette Mr. C, K. Winter
made a great hit by his address "The
Flag" as did Mr. Gurley in his address
on "Washington." Rev. l'aitewm
made some excellent points and was
loudly applauded when ho advocated
giving tho ballot to women, stating
that If that was done tho future of the
I i.'lt' t l ti' m A a t ti II at t t-K
at r t.t,l. ja Af Al t) the ' It'it til
; liUtl it t" iliK ft A ' t A 11 IJ, ,i
i. T!t ttl t'Ae lit lilt IV, t Alt Ail
iiisi nil " AlHit.ll'l I ,1 . t" !." I,t
HAS I .!' t lit .r, a ll. l' it,,' .l
ii wnlk In tl.t- Hilt it -l t.l tin V
. r. u .
Ntn It t-tt,!U 1 ilm- Mi'-i. M i,
MaiI sMI 1'. Minim. I'. I init i,
Alltl the el tu t' nit m It. fa t, llie i i.lunilt I i'
for the miitt'aa nf tl,e ii-U Iii-hHuIi.
Mr, .lnm,s llnnca. who hits u
ii'k fur iu'ai ly A Ji-nr, has Iiiiprnvi d an
fut laloly that he was aImV lo at lend
Ihe eXi li'l, a Hi t'l'littul hcIhmiI Jeatof.
Supl. of School IliilldingA, Sum Muc-I.'-ml,
Vi a Urn liAppieat man in Oninhn
yesh rthiy. lie Is a true-bluo Atitericiin.
Tho uniform rank of Jr, O. V. A. M.
made a good showing and helped their
cause hy their intrude.
If this country ever need their ser
vice ho will llnd able defenders In the
"Thnrstoii Uilles," They are a llne
liMiklng lot of young fellows and added
much to the festivities yesterday.
The persons who decorated the First
Daptisl church yesterday understood
their business hut the American flag
Is beautiful wherever found
Our own Senator Munderson
would not vote to confirm I'cekhum
as associate justice of the supremo court
on uceount of John M. Thurston's en
dorsement, fearing the displeasure of a
certain alleged anti-monopoly und re
publican puper if ho voted for a man
endorsed by tho hralnest republican In
tho state of Nebraska, but who Is so un
fortunate as to be employed by a rail
way corporation; yet our own Senator
Mandorson did voto to confirm a man
who was ugrocublo to Gorman, Murphy
and other Roman sonutors without any
compunctions of conscience, if wo have
been correctly informed. Our sena
tor probably thinks ho has played a
very euto game; one which will win
h t in tho support of tho anti-monopoly,
republican members of the next legis
lature together with enough populists
to return him to tho United States
senate, but he may bo counting without
his host. Wo know a fow untl-inonopoly
republicans and a fow populists who
halo a man who toadies to Romanism
much worse than they do a man who is
not n'rald to bo tho friend of such u
man as John M. Thurston und they will
probably not break their necks to make
Munderson his own successor If they
succeed In being chosen at thu coming
election. Wo do not protend to know
of tiny grounds on which Munderson
should refuse to vote for Mr, Deck ham,
a man charged with being a member
of a patriotic association and then,
two or three days afterward, voto to
confirm a man with a record such us
Edward D. White, of Louisiana, bus,
except it bo on tho ground that ho wus
endorsed by u corporutlon attorney and
a voto for I'eekhum, after such un en
dorsement, would bo construed, by cer
tain repuhl leans, as irrefutable proof
of his partiality and subservency to
corporate Interests. In order thut our
renders muy not misunderstand our
position In this mutter, wu cull their
attention to this dlsputch, which was
published in tho Chlcugo 7ifcr Owm
Tuesday morning, Feb. 20, 18114; which
gives a slight insight Into Mr. White's
WAHHINUTON, Fell. 111. Senator F.d,
wurd I). White, of Ioulslana, has been
nominated for ussoeluto justice of tho
supremo court to succeed tho lute Judge
1 Hutch ford. Tho setiuto promptly con
firmed the nomination,
Mr. Whllo was born In November,
lH,r), at Lafourche, La,, and was li
censed to practice law by tho supremo
court of IiOuisluua when ho was 2,1 years
old. IIo hud been oducuted at Mount
St. Mary's, near Kmmltshurg, Md,, at
tho Jesuit college In Now Orlouns, und
at Georgetown college, District of Co
lumbia. Ho served in tho confederate
army. In J S7 1 ho whs elected to tho
stuto senate, and In 178 ho was a
polnted associate justice of tho Lnuis-
lunu supremo court. IIo took his sent
in thu United States senate March 4,
181)1, having k'en elected by 11!) votes
to 11 to succeed James H. Fustts. Ills
term as senutor would expire- Murch It,
Personally Senator White Is ono of
tho most genial und attractive of men.
Although a pronounced party man, he
bus always been able to retain the
friendship of his politlcul opponents.
In religion Sonutor White in a Cutho
lic, and a very earnest nnd aggressivo
member of that faith. IIo was edu
cated in Cutholic Institutions. lie will
ho tho first memls'r of tho United
States Supreme Court of that faith since
the days of Chief Jut-tleo Taney. The
hitter was first nominated for Associate
Justice, but was defeated Is-causo of
his religious views. letter when there
was a vacancy in the Chief Justiceship
l'rt itidcnt Jackson again nominated
h Im and he wag confirmed despite his
Wu Ii l( -fine iJmttfMl
t'sUtniita am ('! ' it'll fit ;t..ln
l"h, Ami like l-t i i lint ..t , hh ,'t t
Un til nt 'itie It i n, jsit't ilai'y
. I'll lit J Alt' - t- .li t ltd na (I .
fi'i -it it, j
i Tnll.e I tiilt i tit tin ,!t ithtthi ill,t i
' t' ii " . til. if l line tl HSiMlAlbMl
! It k, itttiilic toy Atli'n,)., nn II. e All Alt-
H I lintjf Iti).,' if H,t A I. . i trni 'A
lii ti, I All) flu- .i tlnie ley ),.,( Inn ,ia
I t-il'y nn, I a el, i h tin-ljn, t-ilnn do
A' Ilia
j I I la!ii'i ttl n It'l'H Cult" A eu'l IrAtc
J Uiii, t lirtl la tti pai , I Iml n t ry t il l.i n t,f
lltli l lm inns it juilil ic i-liini!,i Vtillntbe
WOltl AltllllCA 111 l.'tl pi ( ffpltala, tllA'
lie Wlin ntiia ituiy ti ml
2, I hnltl Hint even cltii il of this
Ann t icMii ti public itt.iitilil 1st an Aitn'i l
c in lii -I ; I lial im nut Inutility or Win id
soy kind shuttld Ih jmi ii immul to his
love ntnl allt'giAiice to thu tiileral mil
alllnlloil. 'I. 1 hold and Is'linve that i-vei v for
eigner that has Is't'ii iiatitcnlieil Hr
jure hlniself whi'iievil lie patiitlcs
under any Hug but the stars and alrlpea,
or hulwtci ils's I'iiveily or Indirectly In
tiny ilci'liintl Ion of allfgianee to any fnr
eiKii prince, soveri'lgn, nr pnti'litate
i. 1 hold and Is'llove that anyeltl
nen of these United Slab's who accepts
any title of honor from uuy prince,
sovereign, or poti'iitaUi whatststver,
commits a crlute, violates llie plain
language of our national eoiistitulloti.
See article I, section H. Unfnrlunutely,
this execution of this elausn Is fast Isi
cotning olmoletti, as here in Illinois W.
J. Onalian, of Chicago, is today the re
cipient of a title of honor from u foreign
,"i. 1 hold and believe todnyasidld
In 1808, 1 urn opposed to any division
of our school fund, and all schools of
whatsoever name should be under tho
supervision of tho slate.
II. I bold and believe that all hcIkkiIs
conducted under tho uuspieeh of their
ueiioniiiiutloiiul name, whether Luth
eran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episco
palian, Culhollo or uny other upoella
tion only tend to draw creed lines,
eaiiHo distrust and help to array creed
against creed, and In a great measure
help to imbue the young mind with
sectarianism moro than genuine Amer
7. I hold nnd hollo vo that tho leach
ing of any "fad" of a foreign language
In our Amorlcun schools helps to dena
tionalize America, und should hu by
8. I hold und believe thut the con
gress of these United Stutt-s Hhould
cnuclu law requiring Unit every school-
bouse, college, seminary, training
school, and church should have tho
slurs und stripes within its wullsund
uny minister or rector of a church who
denied uny organization tho right to
curry "Old Glory" within tho church
should be prosecuted for treason to tho
national Ihtg.
II. An churches aro corporate organ
Izutloti", und tho colleges, seminaries,
academics, and schools under their do
noininutioiinl nuinos ure operated for
profit, anil receiving the protection of
slute and city governments, 1 am
heartily In favor of the taxation of all
church property.
Jn conclusion, I will say to my critics
who huve undertaken the job of reading
me out of tho Catholic church to cull a
halt. Neit her you r I ntim Illations today
nor your big boasts of tomorrow wlfl
drive me Into your net. 1 do my own
thinking. 1 have no apologies to olTer
to anybody hecuuso I exercised my
American right to Im ar Rev, J. T. Mo
Furlund lecture. The discourse of the
lecturer wus interesting and his re
marks wero courteous und notculeiilatod
to hurt tho feelings or compromise tho
dignity of the utOtt sensitive, and I ad
monish those serfs who ure now throw
ing stones to bo direful; your house is
neither ouk nor India rubber, but
glass. M, J. Cl.KUIHAN.
A small army of Catholic nuns have
been examined und Instull .'d us touchers
in tho public schools of Riverside, u
suburb of Pittsburgh. They go In with
their beads, crucifixes, black frocks,
shuved bonds nnd tho other budges of
their servitude to Rome. Thl lsn great
outrage. In Minnesota the courts ruled
that nuns could not he allowed to teach
In the public schools unless lin y dressed
ami acted 1 1 ko free persons. Jtutcven
with such conditions, it is aii'outrugo to
allow them to teach. How would our
freo born nnd unonstuved teachers In
the public ccliools of Columbus like to
bo made togivo up their positions to
tnako room for a hundred of Walter
son'A slaves? Watterson would llko
tmeh an arrangement, lie could furnish
a hundred such touchers at a cost to
his church of not to exceed $,'JO0 a week,
for tho whole lot. Ah their pay would
amount to $1,100 a week, he would mako,
clear money, f 1200 a week by tho opera
tion. About $."i,000 a month, or for tho
school year $.10,(K)0 upon each hundred
of his sluves thut ho thus farmed out.
This would bo a nice competition for
our school touchers to buck against, It
would bo worse than penitentiary
prison lalsir. Dut It Is tho kind of com
petition that American school teachers
aro now having to contend with In hun
dreds of localities In this country today,
and somo of them are In Ohio. The Ir
repressible conflict that must ever ex
ist between freo nnd slave labor, is com
ing to tho front now very much us it did
forty years ngu. Vlumbitn,( )hio Iltrord.
Opened a New School House.
The citizens of Millard recently com
pleted a very fine school house, and a
number of the IcucherA of Douglas
county met In it lust Saturday at the
request of County Superintendent Hill,
together with a large number of citi
zens, and dedicated it in an appropriate
manner. The audience wus addressed
by Mr. llouck, of Omaha, und Attorney
j ll'tnniA, til !!! AAHi.t .in,',, nn,!
I-. N,i, .f Witt. ,i, ,,
I I inA. .t.'ltty It'.il. i,Im, t, ,! , i ),,,,
! ! In il I" I in't ti -i r,; .,
j the M. ! it I . t . ., a,,.
Ibe !.t ...j,, , .,t i ,.,,,, ,, ,,t
hmd In Iv.iij I,, nin-fv i,,Ut,ly
j !,tA " i I inJt'y,., tl I,,,-, !,,
j At-,1 s ni. (., tl,,- l.ieln . t t, ttn ..f I
Hi, l, III Mild ('!i It. Hi t t hi Wl.ii lf
Nepl Hill !ia,, stt. I the h-li.,) In tbn
cieilily ,
HMltNtM 8II11H 1 M I. A T N L
Tin' fiitiitsua IhiAiitil Alio p. i. urn sinr
Snrinlly coihpsiij, In Ail. tl by Mis
la'tlie Cnlliiia, III npa tie tit tint Fif
ti t lilb Mtt t l tlu-nlt r tm lis fi'luin i li-Biig-i
itiettt for four nlchi ntnl Wt dni s
day mallei e, I'mimn'ocl,, with Htimlny
nun In, 'f, Folu ioirv 2i,
The etigngi ni,.,it ,,f gillie fnlllns Is
one of Ihe evt'iils of lhnsi uiiu, liUht
U imt exactly "tho man who wrote
Ta rn ra lssim tli'-rn," but she Is thu
woiimn who diini nd It nnd iiunln It the
rago of a season. Miss Collins, who
can sing almost us delightfully as she
cm dance, Is wise In hep generation,
and so sho has discarded this famous
"Tu ra-rii-lskim-de-ay" Itoforo il was
W'orn to tatters, and has substituted
something- which sho t-onslders a great ,
deal moro attractive. It has certainly
much more merit in It than thu
music hull song with which sho
euiight America. Miss Collins comes
with tho Howard Athoiwcum com
pany and will appear In a me
lange of comedy, song und dunce, en
titled "A naughty Substitute." It has
u litllo story to it, just enough to string
tho lady's specialties of singing and
danco onto, und to Introduce McChrls
tiun, un Kngllsh burVkme, who cotnos
over with tho company. Miss Collins
will wear only two dresses, but they aro
both marvels of Ingenuity and loveli
ness. This Is positively the lastchuneo
of hearing Miss Collins In hor original
creation, "Tii-ru-ru-boom-de-ay.''
About Free Sieecli.
It Is a significant fact that Roman
Catholics do not, us u general thing,
tolerate freo speech, says tho Lutheran
OliHcrvrr. This has been a striking
characterlHtlc of tho Roman church in
all countries where it is the Slute
church, und its adherents have ofton
munlfested tho sumo spirit In this coun
try by mobbing persons who huve lec
tured on tho doclrlnoH und abuses of
Romanism, Tho liithjinnliiit alludes to
thU subject us follows:
Wo have long fulled to understand
why It is that a man who goes about
the country lecturing against Catholi
cism should he in danger of being
mobbed, while Colonel JngorHoll run go
about tho country lecturing against
Christianity of all sorts and be treated
with Indifference. We wish to tell our
Cutholic fellow-clllzens thut they cun
In no other wuy more In lure thelrcuuso
nnd seem to put themselves on record
as tho enemies of freo speech, thun by
hooting und mobbing these lecturers,
no mutter whether what they tay bn
wlso or foolish.
School Trouble In .Mlchlg.ui.
A press dlsputch from Tuwus City,
Mich., reports a quurrel between tho
Catholics and Protestunts In a public
school as follows:
A short time ago Father Druerk ap
peared at the scImmiI and requested tho
Catholic seholurs to leave tho room
during prayers, Professor Osgerby olj
jected, and suspended the scholars for
breaking the rules that Is, leaving tho
room without asking isirmlsaion, which,
It Is claimed, would have been cheer
fully grunt 'd If asked for. Tho School
lliiut'd was npp uled to, und passed res
olutions sustaining Professor Osgerby
and censuring Father Mruork severely.
Now Father Itrucck will apply to tho
Circuit Court for a mandamus prohib
iting tho religion services. Kxcito
menl is at high pilch.
( lii'l-tlnn ( ltlciishli.
A lecture will bo delivered at tho In
dependence avo. M. K. church, Sunday
night, February 2.1, 18IH, by tho Rov.
Dr. Armstrong, using as his subject,
"Christian Citizenship in its Hclutlon
ship to tho Church of Rome." All who
desire to listen to an able discourse
should bo present. This lecture wus U
have been delivered somo weeks ago,
but was Ktponed on uceount of ud verso
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