The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 16, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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a NnvMwrr.ii vaijn.
WCt M 0 V l ' l n'M t o j
OS ( n 1 mi w u 0 !
1 Hil H'i' .. !! j
I l k ...! It W ! I !. I
tlM . I. 4 II j
OvrillMt I I"! - j
t.H f ",H f It'll I
mm t -'i-iiU !! I ami I' j
feaW 4. .l -i l It f
iwnm.i i ti u m a-tu i-Mi it aa It !
Ii !!.( h' it--ir ti ltitt It j
aal th.n a Mi"CMl, ).Uti U t ami j
U.1" I Ii h ! i mxij.U I'ti ttltiH
Ufa, Will I ! i l It hottl i,inH.n.n
y h.i n lm ti'it. i riw in am 1 1
frtarttt, e ftti1 1 ti, m i f llx-tf
lH.'h. I I lltla thai N I K I'f t
( . hl.ltv ahi'iild l"t iMinttnaa
.jl.-tait V -r I ! ii fl l f'1
ah, .til, I n.l r. iitui a mntlieniatii tan,
(, t lent till he n'lntvle ami iitiiw
jrra.'llral, Ihn tti tlt'Mntt i f nuwli nl
lwrwtmti llotl iii'vit ilul and f r timid
tak 0nre imikIiI li"l M tha-ohe nit mini
tnM mill outijivii. 11 in" llliiNinilo Ihla
failitl litt
I raitto'l rvnll tha rivli ilnia, Imt H
wan in i lit intor fun ( lM -r raiir In
Ia tlml New York ii.-wfn.rr mm
lalned mi artlola ihat rlhiun iinmt r
tarknhln H-mt loll In cranial aura-ory,
UU'li, tt -ana alh'tfiit. Inn) liii'H i'rf'ininil
by ft Philadelphia diyah'lnitiii,Miii hla man
aarvant. The nm-rathm ' ii"t I'"" i'f
Natty hit of expedience -It, una mndn
Imply to mttlufy tho oMirnr ty unilnr
uiUKtrtliu tlml ttift fiini'llium if tli
mntor Mini iiiwry viiti'r InilrpiMiil
ut, or, more mioi'llli-iilly hiiwiVIhk, tlmt
Inn nioinr nuil.l vM mnl m l wli limit tli
BUftniion nf tin' iillrn m'tiNnry j-tm. To
imnoiiKlrnln llilm tmr txiiTliin'iitii1 frliMiil
Indnrml liU fullliful mTTltor to tmrrnmlur
ttw oiiiiih of IiIn limliiN. llii wii ilunml
nndor rtlmr, nnd nftur n fliip nf ftonlp hail
born thrown Imrk rlMiilnr Iiii'IkIiiii wm
tnadii In ths rllit nnil loft mrlntnl ifKlun
f tha ikull. Tha plponanf bono cut out hy
the triphln! mm pliicfd In an Hiillm'ptlo
liquor, anginal apoon waa lutroiluoml,
tmt Into tint cavity and tlirn Into tha
tirr, and tha opwatormnovad fnim pbcIi
aide aliout an ounreof liraln from tlieoon
Tolutlnna which hla nwoarchfa lid him to
kallpve (jovemod tha aimt of cwbral ao
Mlty. The hniy lhla wura rcplnctid ovw
arh rlrmilaropi'iilng, the aoalp flnpa put
bark, and the pntli'iit waa rrmly fur bed,
where he remained for aovcriil diiya appur
ntly (ilillvlniia to hla enrrmin!lnn. All
(he Involuiitiiry fuiintlnun of tha boily pro
aeediul aa biifoni, mid whi'ii tlui iniin hud
nniiilimtly rocovurcil from ihyaliml ahiuik
wna put on hla feet.
He could not timlnluln hla equllilirlttm
In a alntloimry poalurc, but when Miirtfd
walklnit would ooiitlniia the motion nf
lege and foot until ha lirrmnlit up HKiiliiNt
an oliHlrui'tliin tlmt hlniloroil liirtlior prox
mm, The pliyHlclHii coiiKriituliitcd him
eolf on the titcnty of lilainciiNiiri'iuoiitaiiiid
ealoulnt loua, but na tliuii wont on he roiil
lnxt thiitwhlldlie liHilcouunlMoil nncrhnii
for which the atntutn hooka provided n
penult y he wna mtvorthctoMM, to nil Intent
and purpoNcM, a murderer, lie bnd not ex
ttnKiilNhed the apnrk we mil life, but he
bad (lcHtroyod the cn, or, if the term
might be employed, he had committed
mental homicide. The etory went on to
tell how the victim wna evcntuitlly placed
In an aaylum for the inimne, where he wna
reitenlod na a roiiKetillnl idiot nnd o ru
tared on theliookaof tlie limtllullnn, Ilia
maater, it wna euld, brooilod to auch an
stent thnt he even tun I ly died of remorHo,
leaving bohlnd lilm ft hltory of the opera
tion anil Ita moliineholy reault, and from
thla poatliumoua pnper tlie alory wiin writ
ten. It an hnpponed thnt I wna an intlmnte
friend of theituthorof t tin (piecr ynrn, mid
ha wna mix lou to b urn whether the aelen
tiflo woild would give even a eoutcmplu
oua dcmiiicliiiliin to It, With thnt purpoxd
In view he mnrked the nrl lcle In in or '.Ml
(inpera. TIiohb he mulled to vnrloua me,.
teal Jourunlanndaclciitlllnaocletloa both lit
K.urope nnil Ainci lni. I'll ronfeaa aurprlae
when aorna three wecka biter I wnw nn Kd
Inborn It prrloillenl tiiknup tlie aubjeit,
aeeepl It a ii bu t niiir crllhdae the phyil
rlnn In tlicNevori Htterma forbnviiiK (lured
to trllle with Hie hiiiiinu bruin when there
wna no iiivimi y mid v here t in re. could be
but one reHiilt,
The Ktnvext appreheiixliin wna enter
tnined for liny modlnil eoclxty tlmt, would
permit lla membrlnlilp roll to lie l Imut-iicciI
wlin tin inline of nny priu t It inner who In
a nilxlnkeii lli'Votlmi to ai leiice cnuld for
get lliflt. he wna n mull mid the Inciulicr of
ft prnfi"ioii Vtlnmii mlhnli'll wna imt tilde-
atro.v, but. to Imlld up, nottumld tollm
weight of ii ii inn n mho, liiii lo inl.o from ll ,
To clinch tliH iiruiWneiit II win hlnuMi Hint
an oponitloii on one of I he lower milmiila
would linve been of ei mil value to deter
mine the cviii t aeut of certilln ccrchhil
futict lona na (IhhikIi mmlooil ll Inimnii be
ing. Dim or tu weaiern iiewapnHra repro
duced Hie nrt lcln wit bout comment , end a
Melbourne weekly, copying from one of
theae, anlil Ina footnote thnt It wna en
"aildneloiia not tlml, none but n Vniilceaur
feon, reunrillena of rrlllcUm or reaiitta,
would uinlerlnUc," In none of (bene pub
llcnllona wna there ny chnllenue of the
ernclty of the Ntutcmcut per an. Aa a
matter of fnct, the only biinla of truth for
the pu bl lent Ion wna the (not thnt a med
ical atudeiit, whnhnd a airong predilection
for the etndy of nervoiia (Uncnaee, had
rolved a theory thnt a condition like tlmt
deKcrlhcd might be produced by auch en
openiiloii. !l did not place hla ihoughta
in the aaauuiptlve future, but In the a
umptlve pHt, and hla written record
made It appenr thnt aaurgeon bud net u al
ly found a tun n fool enough to permit hlm
aelf to lie (li'irlveilof hla eennoa completely
without rewnrd and without bopo of re
covery, From thla the at)ry waa woven, with
inch Ingenuity aa to completely clonk the
Vital point viz, thnt In 10,0(10 men It
would belmpONMlhle to find one, even If
weary of life, who would be willing to un
dergo auch a tranaiUon even for a prevloua
reward of temporal comforta, Thla pnrtlo
alar fallacy la one tlmt would poahibly lie
maintained by tha thoughtful morntltnn
by the th(iughtlcaa.-New York Mall and
Couldn't Foot Htm.
Walter (to party from the conntry, Junt
eated) Ucre'a the bill of fare, air.
Countryman Now, look here, If yon
thluk I'm gwlna to pny any LIU of far
till I've bad aomethln to eat you're fool In
vourielf. Fetch on your vlttlea flrnt,
Tcxai 8iftluga.
The Othar Mam
Hcnedlct-Wby won't aha marry youf
la there another man In tha oaaef
Blngleton I'm afraid there la.
"That aof Do yoa know who it iif"
"Ye her father I" Boaton Traveller.
a 0,i hi k i r i
lit I I l-M III It'M M It, I -'
KH ft II llk
!" . l (! ,Ttt I . I N
ItlallMiillll l' lt,,. j.ltli.- I il
',II1 H l l ptl ,nik,4, li H
vii I i iiin ,iiiini. if tl,
g. !,!, a M f Mi t U Ii l,i i il ft
t,til il mii nil, m an I 1. -11,4 l
; .,, .,! ltnllt t ll f ,llfll 'l
tl,, M,., U i f I ;t.t , ! V , l,a ilul ,, nill
l 1 H 1 1 I tt in S-I U. I Hi ft na
tt! l n- I ml Ivmimi" I In In ( ii,i(t (
m 1 ( I ' i a U nit In ai j H twtiti.a In
11 i, ! (I.i-i.. I lh. III, (
i nk, I i lUti f I' ami llilifc,
1 (. r- ii , n I S,i la I 'i"l ' -Hi
( lm t nil t i I I l,e tieeal ilil i!lii;g Ji'ti ll,
I til I,, le at , ald !' lb (iivl-l
uti it ,,m- a In tt.e iiiit t liwii I he
rnpti b-ua lotwai'f I lu tt'til itiul', i ii
an, .iit., iim iIm I'll, nil I, ii. lu-la i'f
e, in 1 lm m r i,'ii, a iim fioni (U"il In
til, In il lii,i I inoi-e en, Ii ilnv In I lie liar
In ni ply Hit il-imnd lln I'IimIiii I i'f
l.noii aili(t ttih ii'in Iniula are duly
hlin -I III In ISi i ia fii lorn mi imoiiitipl Ion
Alila fiom lln e fiulv (i.ninl lmliiia ma
Used dull V I r l lor piriia. rxtllnit II
la ante to eMHcute Hint fully U.noO.Oiiit
biialii la of ( "I ii em iim , In thla i It) nunn
a II v for inn it ii lm mi Imt ami ollor purwia
The nlouliT pint of thin la liinitutiu lun d
lulu H' l lla.
It la tloliiVl ftll M eoimlili r tlm olinliuin
rneile by n 1'io-ln I of rum In Ita trniiuli Imi
from lint o ncr'a crlli In the glna nf I lie
roitaiimor. Tlioo clinngca inn vnrloua and
farn in liltii:. Tin y nru other tluin llmin
clnl. Hut tuimlder alinply the mere i'le
inelttiif Viilito, I'orii wna eellllig, Vie will
eay, for on la pir IhihIh-I. It oniim all
Hiiiwny from Nebrnxkn perltnpa, wlicre ll
broliKht but S.'."i eeiita. In triiimil tnodonl
era reoclved a conimliwlon of a cent each.
The riillmml rompnny received B rent a for
Ita freight and ot her chnruea, The (lint III
erpnld tIAceiila, I In look and con vert oil
it into 4!i gullotia of fl it IhIiihI apirlta and
fed one of hla etecra ou the refiiae. The
dlatlllor eold the apirlta to a local denier
fur IS. 13, of which Uncle Hum received
14.05 eatitx ou Hie apirlta, lenvlng a bal
ance to the (IImIIIIit of 73 cenla after he
had pnld RA cenla for bla corn.
Tlie apirlta, after being well wntorod and
oompoumled, are eohl at a prollt by the
compounder nnd rectifier to Hie dealer, who
aella It out at IS centa a drink. Tlio4
gnllona have awelled to nine, and before It
gel a through It awella many a bend and
alio the revenue of the city where Ita Unci
may be cant.
Ho Hint in lla trnvela from the Nebrnaka
erlb to the CMrngo anloon t hnt IiiinIihI of
corn linn Increnaed In value from SB cenla
to mnny dolliira, and wit h Ita coiiMtnut run
ning mnloa line funilnlinl employment at
leant to Ml men or morn and lina contrib
uted to both the iiiitlonnl and iiiiinli'lpnl
To rcxiime, thnt IiiihIii'I of rorn waa tliua
acntt creel on the blghwnya of bualneaa and
pleaaiirm Farmer, iiB ccntaj rnllronda, S8
cental coiuiiiImnIou men, S (iciila; (llallllora,
T'icoiita; feeder, lOconla; Uncle Sum, t l.dfi;
compouuilor nnd reel I Her, lift cenlMj rutiill
denier, HO; city, 111. The coiiNiimcr got
whatever wna left In t he apirlta, each na
cord I ug toblaatrnnglh or wenkneaa, I'uo
rln Herald.
Henry VI 11 ant Qtinlra Mr, l.dlunn,
Henry V'lllurd fa anld to be a man with
total lark of npprcelnl Ion for humor.
Thla atury la told of lilm na happening
wht'ii bo wna prealdctit of the old Killaou
(ienernl Flectrle coinpnny, Mr. V'lllurd
got the Idea Hint the Kdlnoti company
ought to build an doc! Ho locomotive, lie
went to Thomna A, KiIInoii ami naked lilm
to dealgn one, Mr. KiIInoii gave lilm bla
renaona for not wanting to limlertnkn Hin
tnak ami refuaed to do It. Mr. Vlllurd
then ordered ID of the engliieera of tlie
Northern I'ltcilUi railway toaiibmltdeNlgiia
for clei l riu locomotlvea, Intending to have
Mr, Killaou romlilne Hie beat polnla of all
into one, The drnwliiga nml Micclllcntloiia
arrived In the courtm of time nml mmle a
formlilablu iiinaa of dntii, Mr. Vlllnrd had
It all Kent to Mr. Killaou with thuruiiueat
to evolve a ilnalgn from the pinna, Mr.
Killaou replied by letter to HieelTect Hint
"the only limn who could dealgu an rice
trio locomotive from thla wt.ii IT wna cruel
(led overl.HOO yenra ago." Mr. Vlllnrd
eoon alter met Mr, Kdwnrd II, Jihnaoti
and told him of the trouble lie bnd been
to, mid Hint Mr, KiIInoii hail refuaed to
Uinka Hie di-nlgn,
"And do you know, Johrmon," anld Mr,
Vlllnrd In I'onelualoii, " Kdlwui anld thnt
nil tliiwu Ni'tllii ru I'nrlllceuglueera ought
to be ClilcllH'd," Klcclrlcnl llcvlew,
"The acloiice of memory," anld .Tnmea
W, lioild, "I i very I it i la iiuderaiood, ami
Hin liiorn II, Id I ii veal lunlod I lm furl tier one
gcla from the Mduili n of (he iliDloully, I
am nciiialiitoil vi Itli a inuu who could
never lonru to tvrltn or lo cnletinlle, al
though n large aunt of money waa apont
by lila vii nltby pareiita lit ntlempla to cl
luntelilm, 'lo thla ilny be cnii aenrei ty
dlNtliiKulah one bt tt-r from mint her, but
be inn rnnl (nlly from elitlit In aome
iiiMiim r noil her phyalcnlii nor philoNopber
ot ti iiiiiloratanil.
"lie la foodof renilltigout loud niidacl
doin atiimblea over a bard word, although
bo ranitot api II out I hit rnaleat onea,
Ktrangn to any, be hue a moat wonderful
memory of what be renda and will roprnt
Hie plot of a book, with tliocxiel quoin
tloita of lending lucldeitla nml rxpreaalona,
after rending It once. Ilia genernl habit
Indlcnte mentnl wenkneaa In vnrloua waya,
ml the only memory he aeema to have I
In regnrd to printed mutter." Ht. Ixmla
(ilolm Democrnt.
The n nf !!.
Htln naunlly occur In aucreaalon,
Whether one or more apienr at tha Mima
time we will find thnt the ftrat I naunlly
the forerunner of a numbcrof othera, Thla
point to the fact thnt aome ennui Iiiitlonnl
dlaorder, aome alight modlllcntlon of
Dormnl condition of tlie body, uauully
underlie Hi aty forming tendency, Con
stipation will very often le found at aucb
Often w will find that It occur when
there are other evldenceaof derangement
eklu eruption, poor appetite, gcnerul
malalae, ate, Ho culled "dcllcatechlldren"
re ntor liable than othera. Hence the fre
quent occurrence of atli may Indlcato the
dealrnbillty of conaiiltirig the family phy
aiulnu. llabjlaml.
Kha t'lii liack llnratia.
It I related of MITrella FolUToland,
an actma In Han Franclaco, that ahe per
latently uucheck borac thnt ahe find
ataodlng with their bend atrnlned back
ocordliig to the preaeut ungraceful and
IndafeiiHlhlociiHtom. Hhenyhe did thl
for over 100 borne lu Knun City and
Denver and received a letter of thnuk
from Hi prealdentof the KnuanaCity Hu
mana aociety. Here' practical philan
thropy open to everybody, without wait
ing for organization or o 111 cer. Woman'
ft I I I ,.- H ,!, I I1 -".-1. I ' I il l ' " C
Und for Rictil Diiiitu Only.
1 a if ,M t .'i'i, l, tie4
,.-1 ,- I , ll
la I
'Alt 1 ' ,'! .ii"!
l oo r n no.
(ii teieiirnra ..
Fremont, Eldtiorn & Missouri Valley
A i- jm k - i m
.4 s ; - . ' ft.
. W J ft
l , Vm9
r. 'Ot"rr t
111 K Mi iT, II s ISl.a,
Waihhi, I.IM ul N,
SkwaIHi, Sl l KltlHH, City, Youk,
A i nitiN, Non koi k
- tan ti l. -
Northern Nebraska, Black Hills
t INI, V lUltfcCT I, IN Til
Sioux City, Minneapolis and
St. Paul,
Ticket Ollloe 1 101 Kurimm at root mid Wohslet
Htreet Union Hltillim.
tJmi'l Milliliter. Ilea'l PiwaAvt.
Chicago Short Line
or tii a
Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y
The Best Route
Trnlna Hallv-eonNlMilmr of tlio IIkmt I'ai.aiii
Hlooplim Carai Ki.kiiant, KliKB I'luilr Cara
l.ttxniiiiiim roitelioM, ami Mm I'llical, I MniliM
( li ra In I lie World.
I'or ironuli T ekcla. cit on tltn tlckel
ii U"ii I ill, IMil I'm in urn afreet, und nt Union
I'acllle depot,
r.verv ii 1 1 .mi I Inn iiitul to imaaenuera liv
coiirU'iiiia iiuiployea of t hla compiiny,
Ueti'l AK'l. Onutllll. Nell
One of tlie rlchoat hooka pulillhed. itlvlnif
the coiiiplele experience of Hi" fiiinmia Monk
nwa. Henil fur II ipllck,
My expreaa, prepulil, ('nn'l, acini It, hy mull,
t'.H, poaluKeNliluipa tnketl. AKciit.NCnuiplolc
out III II. Ml, Aiiilrca
Law Briefs.
W'c iiiiiko a ai(-cliilty of lirlof print
Iiilt, ami itttdi'iii'Va lmvinif thla kind of
wink aiunild i-illl on lia. W'; will ins
pli'imril lo mnkn prlmia which am roita-
(iiiiililo, mid (i-iifiriiiitou (Tiiod work,
M tfnin am Ir
u...t.M..llr Ih lA Htl .l.- Tll
wm viliiiliirifi Nil in I nun (rum (lit mbv
ii Hi! inrlBuri (rum Hit ntio
hi Mutt tliKtM -fnri uvr ( A
" " "'T "w.'",.n' """"
wi ll un Ih'ip, (f"r(h immii irlt nrnl KVfcl
Lh'iMl 'I ifrr Ut ffrfMH iM't'rt, wo
will vtmrri Ut cuih Hiffi or fftiu Em
nil iimfii y mul tmy MiIImi in hn ut
Our Magic Remedjf mj
Srrrr Ml(T,i I dlirn Ilia mm! (il,ll f ""l
Miiiikf, rutttvw rr him) iuiui ihii-v.
nntw ritovn, W ilniifitfn tht wniM
tut i'n nut cii fit, m I r (lin r
riiaiurr "i mi'iii'-nii i f nn ttiiil1 nr
H f fin lltolH'cflHf-liiflil ful lMt hnvnr
fmiHtl tmi il iitir nny;ii CniiHlcfte
H-ai iiw'iVfr(l, Wm milieu Ihuni'iMf
tthttht'lf AM t fhitttt-iW tht
wtrtft fur n wit to t'ttnwtt cur. Tltli
llatiMMi Hum n,iwa u-imtti th kitl
$900,000 CAPITAL
tw-hlh't our MrtfiiftrllHonftl tfurnfvi,
At'fAut VffKif M'lltWKltli) UftlftptllJ-
Mtltfii. AAiitu,
ook urstrnr ro
tUl Mal T.fl, H !, lit.
(ittANt) t tUHit
U'Vileit Sl!e of Atliefim
,,(,' ,
,i iiiiii-i,t,iitH i ,iih
1 liU" Mill III N. I.t Till! a,, Ii Ht
I tl'IVll, tN,
XI 1. niK.
ll. t II., ,1 HI ... I II,.. .,t.
l ii tr nii, i f,.t i. ' ut ii, i ut ,,f V 1. 1 n,, ,. I,i i.
Itnl,n. YtliMeuit Hint 1 ,,,,tii,i
ntSiK riiisrii'i.hs.
I in Iteltitif nf I hi' l,,tvn UrniiK"o l,,iiti!e if
I lie I niliil aiuti'K nf A ii,ii I, ii. nml with ii
lew nf em n ,1 Imi Hie f.iUe llnplea-liill I lull
In -lull' me en, ten t nt iim In enlivi In I lie
iiilnitanf men aim are iiii:ieiiialntii eltli
HtnliKe iiliti lili-a, are Uicm- few aliileinenla
I. mile;
The l.i.ynl litiiiti lii-iltutliiti a a tirollier-
Itooil mill altlerltooil. Iiiitiml hy litre" Ilea-
.litilli'c, Tttilli nml lilkllili'inixueaa, ,
It lllla lm lilihlell Itlina.
It la I'riili'iintl mill lloiH'Viilenl aaalallmt
nml prntivlliiK Inomliera while llvlltK Hlol
their wtiliiwa nnil oipli'ttia Klteti the)' lire 10
iiioveil liy tleiii It,
ll, tiplioliln Hie Huh! of prlvnle .ImlKtiient
the iiiitriinoiielletl freoiloni of opinion: lie
llevoa the ptilillo aiiinuli it re tin caaenlliil
mifetiiiMiil of lite Blulo, nml Hhoiild he kepi
free from ecelealnat leal or aeelnrlnn coitlrol
ami that peraona dlalnyiil to lite noveriiinotii
who hold a mental iilloulaitce to the pope
of Homii altotiltl he rlKorimaly excluded from
teachlmi 1 1 1 1 ri -1 1 1 .
It hellcvc prliiuiry ullotfliini'o la duo to
the Kovcrinnoiit which protocU the Uvea,
llhertlea anil proportlea of Ita olllzona, nnd
thnt eciieHliiKlli'ul nulhorlly ahould not'
nniler nny clriMiiiintiiiiccn, he permitted to
meddle In lite nffiilra of atnte, nml that coer
cion of a (Ml Izen In (he excrelNij of hla or her
rlKhtof friiiichlHit, nniler I lie kuIno of rellK-
Imiaor aplrllunl ntiiliorlly ahould be pi, n
lulled na n crime HKnlnat the Htiile.
That It la lite duly of every clll.on to de
fend the lawfully coiihiII tiled authority nml
Inalltiilltmaof our country nunlnat corrupt
mid 1 n t m leu I Inlliicm'oa, aa well na nKnlnal,
iti'tnoil iiNanlliuila, to the end that our Klorl
oua froedout hit prolet'led ami trniiNuillUiil
iiuliupiiirod In piiMlcrlty.
ll onronnmi'M hnlilia of frnttitllly uml In
(lilalry nmoiiKll.N inomliera, nml la proud to
In mat, that Ornnuouien acldom hocotnii a
ptllillo chiiruo or accept pauper hrend.
It liollovo In the roMlrlcllon of Imiiilnra-
tlon nnd tint exteiiNloii of tlinn for l.lut miltir
iiliitllon of rlllzena. nml that the ptililli;
nutla ahull lie lielil fur nctiinl Auierlcnn el 1 1 -
.elta who liecome aelllora.
Tito f.oynl Oramn litNl.ltttllon of tint
I'tillotl HI itl en of America hna certtilri
rciiillremeiilH for inniiilierNhlp:
'I Imi ti mini mIihII lie an act mil Amerlonn
ell 1i'fi, hnvlim t'limplleil wild Hie lawaof Mill
lulled eiaioa Willi leu nru to mil Ion.
ami without n mental renei viiHon,
I'lml the nnii leiint ahull lie n I'rotealniit,,
nml nlan thai, hla parent und wife ahall he
That lie ahull he Ihrlfly nnd aucceaafiil In
hla Imalneaa; honoraliln nml Iriilliftil In hla
ileulltiifa Willi lila fi'llowmnii, and ahull lm
known na n inw-iiiilillmt clll.on,
Thai hit will endeiivor to Itlve hla children
or ii ny rh Mil roll uiiilor hla clittrifc tit lenai it
iiood common aenooi eoiioniion, netiiK ciiro
fol lo it villi) nil iioiInIi (loci rlnea, nrtd
Thnt he Muill lie In amirid heiillh lit the
time of itinkliiK iimillf at lnu,
ll, mnkoa no illireronr it whore a man wna
horn, ao Ioiik aa lm moela tint foroKoln
Tlieae nru Hie (itirillllciillona roiitilred o
every npiillcitnl to Hie orilor. nnd we do mil
think thai nny imlrloilc American order ciut
olTor ll lienor ii rriiv of urlm-lplea and leach-
' No. meet Hie flrt mill third Tuoa-
(lay evenliiK of eni'h motiih, nl a;im o'cha-k.
ll . l f.ntK. aery.
American Orano Knights,
Thla orrler la formed of peraona whoae oh
(erta la lo malriliiln On auiiremncy of law,
order nnd eoitatltiillomil freedom lo nre-
aerve Invlolttto the clllon'a friitiehlae; lo
ni'i'iiot mile nml Tefend the preeopta nnd fioe
Inalllnllon- of civil nml rollnlnua llhetiy
VUiirMtiloeil hy the Coital II ill Ion of Hie I lilted
Hlnioa ti ml eajitlillalicd hy our foiofnihera,
IMii AKia :t rocia.
I'or liifoi'iinilliin remirdlmr the furmiitlon
of new Cotiimiiiiderlc. or aitpplloa, wriln to
lite alltnelee M'ereliiry, Bl, I,. .I " t. Foe V,
,l, M. lUNKf il.C, ',, ti,i lliiwiird HI.,
Hii'.oiini w. Mich. I Oiotloi. Ned,
Jr. Order U.iiteATiirican Machanlcs
Infttltutod M.iy 17, I HT--IT 1 1 HM 1 1
For Mrnbrihlp.
Any while mule poraon horn In I ho fulled
HliiK'aof Niiftli Aniorh'ii. lla loriilorlea. ut
under the pi'iileellnn of lla II in;, who aloili
liavo til litlnoil Iho into of alxloeii yeura, who
la of ood inoriil chiirnelef. a hellever In lh
cxlalence of a Hioitome llelttK aa lite Crenloi
nml I'roaerver of Hie tinlvorae, In fitvor ol
free edoi'lilhili. oipoail In liny union ill
I'llttri'h mill alltlii. aloill he I'MkIIiIc lo mem
horahlp under the, provlalona of the InW In
the alali' ami aiihoi'dlmilo council to which
Iho ttppllcHllou la mtt'lo; prnvlded. Hint no
noranri ahull he received lo honellclal mem
herahln who la over llfty yenra of iitm,
A iHTaon ahull hoi he permllled lo IhU
order who (lia-a not poaaeaa a vim id moral
chnraener, or whola In any way Inenpaelliiied
front earnliiK n llvllhood, nor ahall he he
under alxleen yenra of hkh,
Hiihjocia of a aeclarlitn or piirtlann chnr
Hrter ahull not ho Introduced Into any meet
InK of Ihla council, nor ahull any memher
inakit o an of the iiamn of Ihla order at
political mnetlriK,
Til OH.IR(ia AMR!
Klrat To maintain and promote the Inier
eata of Amerlcitria, mid ahtld them from the
(lepreaaliiK elToolaof foreltl'l compel lllon,
Hecoml-To naalat A merman In obtaining
'Ihlrd To encournuo Amerlcnna In hual-
Koorlh To ealahllah a alck and funeral
Fifth To maintain the iiuhlln achoot aya
torn of Hie Culled Hialeao' America, and to
prevent aoclarlan liileiforence therewith,
and uphold Ihn readlnK of Iho Holy lllhlt'
arxT comnmi. or ar.iiu amk A :
ft.O.-WM I'. KNAI'P. Omahn.
H. V. C- I KVI P. Hllflt'Vt, (imiiha,
M C. Hecy,- I.I.O. C, FKNTO.M, I. O hox 7:!.'i,
H, C, Troiia,- ('. II, A I, I, FN, Houth Omahn.
('omliielor II H II A II riKH.H I'liilamoiilh.
Warden- P. H, McCAI'I.FV. No. Omaha.
Henllnoia (I, II Hlll'.UWOOlt. Ho, Omaha)
II I'. IKil.M N, Omtilot,
llepreuititiilln'a lo Nittloiiiil Council - WM,
H. MeAI'I.F.Y mid .1. W. llOl'Ht ll.
The lioxl ri'Knhir meetlntf will lm held on
the third Ttieadny In .Ittly, 11, at Omaha.
?IA N 'H H. KEY CdC.NCIf, No,
fl moeta
every I runty eveitlnif al. (I, A.
It. Mall,
I'liittHmoiilh, Neh, Vlalllntr hrolhera cor.
(Jlally Invited.
Hoc. Hoc,
cverv Frhlny ovenlriK In Ooodrlch hall,
24th and Franklin alreeia. VlatKna liroihern
alwaya welcome, J, C. I'Aoa, Hec'y.
la tat I'lt-msaiti i.. ii , iiootan
Standard Anti-Homan Catholic Books
Willi h mc-iy I'lilrixlii' Amh i m an tlnnM iinl in ntilir In
kli p Itiniai lf jut. u-i ii llii iittiluiii i'f lln' piipurv.
Ret. Chiniquy's Books:
I 11 1 V H Ui i 1 III t III i( ot
llllV) (', ',,, .
Ilsll - I nU AMI 1 II F I I M I
t-li i II.' t il, II i.t
Fulton's Ocoks:
w H v run a i .ton i ii w i it'- -.B ,
m ,,,i, , . .it, i ,,i
-tt XHISi, u H j p ,,
Id IMF ' I'ttee l
T. M. Harris' Books:
" - as 1 1. 1 n' I I Nt 1 1 N" I hull
Mr. and Mrs, Statterys Works:
IIIWI NT I M F I" lOa ll " Iiimi.
fpi ell,l
Kll l l a ii IKiMlalt I'UIOTa FX
I'llal- II" - I'l 'i e. Illeellla,
10 hi llnwnnl Strvrt,
INCOI.N cut' NCI I, No.
coin, Nohritaka,
3, tiieeta In 1,1 n -
aiM'MHIA CdCNcll, No. It
v' Tueadiiy evenlitu In I'tiller
nnd Fariiiiin flreela.
moeta ever
rami Muck, ITlh
M, T. WiuuiNa. U. H y,
I Kl .luckaoti Htreet.
VMNONA COHNl-TirNo. 4. moela every
Hattirdiiv evenlntt In Hod Mena' Hall,
Continental hhx-k, l.'itlt und lloui'laa Hla.
Olio. M. HilAVKlt, Kmc. Hoi!'y.
( JAKFIKI.M CO!NclT"No. . meeia every
v" Tiioadny tilKht In Hunt h Omaha.
Wu.l.lAM l'Aitit, Hec'y.
1 IHKHTY COl)N(Tr"No. 7 moeta every
" T lay evenlnir. I. O, O. K. Hall, Lotila-
vllle, Net). T. II. I.iioaa. Hoc. Hec'y,
TJFI'FK CITY OOUNclh No 7- meetaevery
" Wednoaday eveninn In O. A, It. Hall.
Council HlnlK la.
H. C.-K, ,1. AllMHTKONO, Hi, Fotila, Mo,
H. V. C.-U. N. MITCH FI.L, K annua (Jlt.y.
H. 0, Hec'y W, II. HTUIt'JEH, 2;i:i Adnina
at reel, HI, f.otila. Mo.
Will moot nl, Moliorly, Mo.. Fehruery Fl, IHM,
every Friday nlaht at 10111 Walnut atreet,
II. C. Hill, Hoc Heerolary.
tOFFMIH A COCNCII, NO, Fi-Meela every
vv Hnlurdiiy nhiht at the eorimr of Twelfth
and Cherry al reeia, W, Y. Hhoaver, Uecord
IrtK Hecrotiiry, 1407 Mndlaon atreet,
WodnoNdiiy nlt'hlM at A. O, II, W, Hull,
Iridcuciidcucn, F, W. Hlyo, liat;, Hocrolnry,
IIATUIOT ('(iCNCntTNO. ill . Moeta every
' WeilnoMility nlirht nt, A, O, II, W, Hull,
1421 K. FlKhleetilh atreet, .1. K, Flalmr, Ited,
Hocrolnry, 241 Flora nvonrm,
WKHTI'OItT COII.NCIh NO. W-Meela every
' Friday nhrhl at Weal port. W. il, Hhllnk.
Hoc, Heerolary. Illi'i K. Klxhth atreet,
Patriotic Order Sons of America.
7AHIIINOTON CAMI- No. I, I', O. H, of A.,
" moeta eiteh Thiiiadiiy evenlnir at, Hod
Mert'a Hall. Flftoeiith and Momtlaa Hla,
WAHIIirVOTON CAMP No. I'!. I', O, a. of
TY A Council llloira.-Moollmf In their
hall over 4111 Hroitdwiiy, every Wortnoaday
nluht at, a o'clock. ,1, II, Van I'ArrAa.
A. P. A,
p ii ii I'roloctlvn Aaaoclatlon moela every aoc.
ond and fourlh Weilneaday of each mont h In
I, o. O, F, hall, I'liiil'.mniilh. Noli. Vlaltlrtif
memhera tire woii,mi i', ', llrown, Hoc,
lANHAH l-FIII'FF, HTAIf. I O, f No. m
' Moela Ural ,ind Kuril Titoailnya of oner,
month nl a p, nt.. In A, O, II, W, Hall, corner
Fourth alteet and Mlntieaoln a venue, Knnana
Clly, Knit, Hamttol llitrrlaott, W, M. Wm,
HnfliiKh. aeereliiry, KI7 Norlhrtlii avenue,
Vlalllnn hrclhren conlliilly Invltoil,
A l'l(OI A COIINCII, No, W A, I', A,
" Meela every Wedtieada y afternoon nl, 1
o'clock, ill the A. I', A. Il.ill, 4:i7 Mlnm aolit
avenue, Knnana Clly, Knit,
pltOHl FCTCOCNCH, No, ill, A I', A, - Moola
every Monday evi'iilmt tit Iho curlier of
Twent v-lhlrd end I'ro tiect avenue, Xanana
City, Mo, I'eraoua ilealrlmr to loin mny en
cloae I heir initiio, atreet nnd nil m her, ward
til" nml oecntintliiii, nml direct to hox Ml
KmianaClly, Mo,
ri.'KFKA CtM'Nl'll, N,i, I. W,A, I'. A, - Meet
" every Tncdiiy nfieriioon nl, o'clock In
Iho A I'. A. Hull, H,oiheiioi corner I'acknnl
nnd Oanie avenue, Armourdnlit, VlalMira urn
cordially Invlled to nlleiid.
l.'XCFFHloll CdCNnT No, II, W A, I' A,
" meetaevery Moulin y ti I li'l'iioon at at
llell'a hull, Houlhwoal. Iloiilovard. near alnlii
lino, Itoaodnlo, Xanana, Frlenda of other
counclli tire cordially Invited to ntioml,
I', very true Amorloan hiily la Invited to come
and join ua nod aaalal, In Iho Kood Work,
Inlallou fee II. HO,
f.ATK ( ITV t trt'Sn, No, a, A, I', A -u
Moelaevory Hnlttrdny ovenltiK nl 4 l7 Mln
rioaoln nvoiiiio, Xanana Clly, Kaa, Vlallora
cordially Invlled,
fi-'CNCM, N't 7, A TTa,-Moeta every Mon
v day evenltiK at Chamher of Commeri'i
Hall, Itlvervlew, VlalMira cordially Invlled.
fOIINCII, No. , A.T'Ta'.- Moeta every Int-
itrday evenlnir nt aoiilheaal corner I'aek
'ird and iniiko avetitm, Armourditln, Vlaltora
cordially Invited,
fOl'NCII, No, II, A, I'. A.-Moeta at Wood
v ward'a Hall every Frldny evenlnti nl H p,
m, ahnrp, Third atreot. ami I, afayiilto avenue,
A cordial Invitation la extended to vial 1,1 iik
' Moela every Moitdny nluht In Nokea
Hull, AiKonlln", Kan, All vlaltora wiilcemnd,
TOI'FKA CorNt'llTNoTll. A, P, A.- Moeta
' every Monday evenlnu In A. O. II. W, Hull.
VH Knnana avontie. Toieka Knnana. All
lallora will he conlliilly welcomed.
rnrriil-paKiillluatrntod Hook ft I fl PniWv
inLL Klvlnu daloaaml prh'ea ULU llUlllO
pnld for Ihoin, Hond two alauiia. National
Coin Co., Olark No, I, BJ2 t xchana Hulldlng,
Uo.lon, Mai. Ti-W-Wt,
"Oonvent Life Unveiled,"
!f'l.l I I t . 1.. ..,...(. M..I.I ... I.,. 1.14 ... hk.....l..
I ll I , , , ,,- won , ,,'-,,,,,, ,' r -
... u.l... t,.u ,1 , 1. ........I. 1 1...
it ii ii I it W of the .leattlla ami the Hlatera of
i niirny m enter a convent, tier atory or ine
i .... i.. .1..... ui..i,u ...
Inliitlly ta Odd In a eonvlnelnn alyln, 1'tli e
In cloth ll.l'i, ai'til pualpald hy
li'il.l Howard hi,o.viaua, Nkii
A A NTFIl. Mn n wanted tocotialun tiooila
lodoalora. Mtiai he aolier. Ueferohoca
reiiilred. I'ny. IIU Km Ural tnonlli, nnd ex
Itenaea. Warfea ralaed Willi litcroaao of Imal
neaa. To tet a reply and line ttlckle plated
aatnnlo lo do htialneaa with, enclose fiOi' lo
II. K. Huhhell, Mamiifer, Wealeru Olllco, I'M!
Ilroadwuy, Haiinllinl Mo.
tdiih O'Gorman's Work's:
it'V INF I II F I M HI I H llhe.
1 1, oh ti ,n
Rei, J.B, WfiiU'sWaks:
111 Miai liUM -aa" I nn Itlrl.'tlt
l n
1 lit i M I M M I Mi ia i ' ftf cla
A li'-y I I Ih d It ' l-N MI IK
M i a CIH Hi 1 " I'ti, ,. In ii ii I IXela
'I Ai la lull 'I'll K Fl 'CI, I ' Ih'M.,
Thomas E. Leydcn's Works:
m i i,i i iai ia ( tion to jii it
.'! eettlr.
"Ol Ii ml'N I'll V"- ;,n cenla,
"MARIA MONK'' I'tt. e.lw cent,
CAN II - I" ' linmlred, ft no per Ihiuinitiili
altlBle Copy . it cenla,
Tha Bible Cabala
Now Bcdiscorcrcd.
I'lllCF, J.,10.
The Srnrat nf all SeoniU, I'll Truth of all Troth".
Hi:liHioo of all Homnom,
Art PrmiiirvxtW of all
A Damn t Arm, Loat tor
over 0,000 Yearn.
(.ilium oi an tiiiiina,
Religion of all KoligloDi,
TnliUi tt Vaiiiont hi
The Homt of the Vineyard (laalah, I'll. V,
va. 1-7) and lla "Ctihaln. Invention and Ita
(lerlvatloiiM, living trulk$ of Ikt Ilihlt and
hovi tt riatt thrm. The Harmony of Mature,
Hclcncu, Klhlca and KoIIkIoii.
Honifof the Uevoliitlon (I'roverha VIII. va.
'Jil-mii and lla lamoita "Catniln" the unit
orlKln of the Fnwa of lite lliilveran,
I'l.A'I'R IV.
The ad van! aura of Hm "Citlmlii," It nn
locka Hie myatorloua atronirhold of IiiIoIHk
ein'e, emilillmr ua to miiko a irncilctil
"Itevlalon" of the lllhlo, llmu im adapt our
irlvti Itt pmtrvtjuit at tt hittt hern ittmi by ormrr
pmpln informer agn. The lllhlo Ihn "I'atetit
Olllco" of Hclonce, Klhlca, Itellnlon, Iho In
venllonaof Iho I'nl rlarchnl Akii,
I'l.ATK V,
The lliirdou of Fitypt (lanlnh Clt. XIX). Ihn
I'Inua of the Alrhllerl for the HllllillliK of
the (Iroiil, I'yramld llluatraled hy Illii
Kriiuia, the piia-.niea and I'hamhnra of Iho
aniiie aliowit how illmotiHlona coliform to Kit)
"Ciihiiln," Moanlud of Fityit. A hint "-hy
ao mitiiy I'yrnmlda wore huill. The Mlacov
(reiaof Km Throe (iroiil l.nwa of the I'nl
vorao, How to leant Iho "Cnlinln" nml mnkn
ll, InlereatlnK null liiatrucllvn, The "Calialn"
muni he known lo undorNlaml Ihn lllhlo In
till llaMcaiiluM'a, Hcloucit, Kl hlca and KoIIkIou.
I'hAT Vf.
TheHonitof .loahua. after he commntided
tlie Hun nnd Moon to "aland allll," The time
thereof nml Ha moaiiluic, Ccrinln pnrta of
"I'aitlma," "Knoeh" nml ".fitaher" compared
lo (lotermlnn (heir relative nun, and their
related orlKln,
The proceaa of and adapting lllhlo
Fllcrmiiro. In Nation UtilldltiK, from the
Oreat Model Km I'lilvoran. 'Hut ,lowa did
not write Iho lllhlo, nml why, The illaporalon
of the Am hin a of iho lllhlo, and the prohiihlo
lime, nnd why. I'roloatautlam nml Uomnn
latn, who and how ilellned, ami when and
The Altai rncl of the "Cnlinln" aa ahown In
the "I'aitlma," "I'roverha," ".loll," "lanlnh,"
' Fi'clealnalea" ami "HonK of Holomon." I'orm
of the "I n ha la" nml their meitnltiK, llii
Hit, It "pat unrnphi" art "t almla" tlhUiiuHi, "the
Calialn" roveala iho hlildon triiiha of which
ll. la the aymhol," Kxnmple of Iho "Cahnln,"
KlvltiK veraea I to ,1, laalnli, Ch, X VI j alno Ihn
niimher and llnea ahowlnu "Calialn,
I'I.atk IX,
Authora nml Hlatory, The I'alrlarcha
Ihn inoaiilnK I hereof, I'oalll ve evidence I hat
the lllhlo wna written In llrllaln. The Tem
ploa, nl, "A hury nnd HlonoheiiKe," Inillt lo
domonalrnie Ihn IivIhk Inwa of lint 1,'nl
veraej" (he Henvetii, aid Iho ( iilil elln I lona
thereof, exlilhlled on lint plnlna at Htorm-h'-no,
In ctilllmr your kindly tilioiiHon to Km
conienla of Iho "lllhlo Calialn" aa oori
alrueled hy the llnrda of llrllaln, permit mo
Ih " plealtro lo any;
Thia in no Wlao eohlltela with Iho Want or
I'rrm "I nlmla" cotiat lui'te-l hy and na iflven
In t hit "Wladotn of Holomon; thla'key" of
Holomon aeema lo hitve Iteon mndii for the
puronao of nraervluK nil Urtlrr , Hit Hnnii af
Ihi lultlt, Thla "Cnhiiln" of Holomon, I aiip
iioe la Iho ' I'.ihitla" ao often refetreil Ut ill
Inter Jewlah and other llnrnluro ilown to
Ih" preai-nl lime; ll of Haelf pn auppoaea Hm
exlalencoof a "I il hnl, t" Ihen i xlntin in Km
Klii'iiiluro, nml lla eohairiiei Ion airomdy In
llmnl.ea thai Iho kmiwIi'dKe of the form of
Iho piovloua or oideut 'Calnilii" had hooti
I hen loat," an Hint, I Iteae I wtt "I ihnhi,"
The '-Flcure Cnlinln,"
nnd Iho "Wold or Verao Cahnla",
aaalnt each ol her, (he lint ahowltiK I he Hcl
enco, l .i hlca and It' I Ii Ion of I hi- Hooka of
Iho lllhlo; the aecond ahowliiK tin onler nnd
arriimmiueut of Hit Hooka, In Hie Kihhi,
Hond nnmea toTtiK Amkmican, l-Hft Howard
aid el, for aiiliaeilpllou, without money,
Untu Daflu American Charla, Vol, I, I'holo
NOW nBOUI Flih , f'.vi! Morroeco, ;iVi,
Iriviilunhle to thoae who dec I re lo In-come ae
iiialnlod with ilhe Helencn and MivoihIoii of
the niiclenu na ahown In) the lllhlo.
ST. LOUIS points'"
Tlrlo-t Olllff, R. K, Corner Cllli nnil Fanuim KU.
: I fMatW in int wtn.
1 1 ill i v H An'f I At . I,im. 'tii V'l nil I I'lia'ifrr A
A HTf. A llv ntn or wiman Itt rrf (
vi luni'iif wlirrn wm iiavm ion airi'i'if vr'urcii a
Fi'itrcif niiti vrt tu e- iur " K mvtuttk HllaiM
mi Mil MM AI, Kniffi, Vnrkwnt ninxm tut-un
mimi fii ftioiifl ii"tftl wliiff H ailvr j tut ftiuU1 tit i
wftrolf) trifiil tfiiirnitficrt to w-Nr a tltctimttt pot l
Mil -Hit ttrjiM'mii irim 'i ( ivrri tiir ciiihooh (na- 1
tlio 1 BKn( ivfmin from i'nnunt rf wcli.iifKj ,
utetH will) nn-ly !' ry wlifrc, u r''Mt In '
i-mtnl f'iroiirKollil MHulOooilf, Ovtir On Mil- '
A ii"M lioilufi' worilt in 'In lie u: Vhi of ntmtMi I
Z 0. lCl.2'), ItOMlOII. TIhm. Z
TiftHfKlire.I.E. Comer m And funum BU.
.H II, iHf new iHitirr ly I lie i
'CHicaao, aoca ittAno i-acino a. a.
L tnllit nt! (ibniit 1t nU Will MAnntf HKbi