The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 16, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Chiiuiii fin-tiis 1 lis mm '
OM MIA, M'.U., Fi ll Ki,
I'lIK WMKKU'AN" I n I'nlllllIU l Hk'
front wilh tiviil Imiimln. I'.nti rirl-i
mi. I pluck I'liimUi' l l ' li.v
Omaha In not nnii'h i if l"n fof
imtiiolifin. TIkti' a no nii'hlion of
tin- Mrlhi'iiy of iho timrljr ln xiili'iil,
I.lnooln, tinil I'i. to in Iml lllllo tnlk of
ivlelirntltitf Mm iintilvcnMirv of WhhIi
liit.'lon'n lilrlh.
Tiik stulo I'oiiiu'II .lr. O. U. A. M. of
Mlammrl, him jiwt ooiuploU'il it very
mu'i'oMdful hihI liurinoiiioiiM hchiIoii ill,
MolxM'ly, iiml nil lluMlo!iirat.w roliiniod
lionio fully dt'toniilniMl t nmko tho
coining jour tho miohI proHporoiiM In t lit
liiHlory tf tlio tirtlor. Mayor J. V,. Hor
tlon, of lloltlon, wiw ult't'tod Stall' ( 'oun
til I nr.
W'K luivo Immui told, bill liiivd not lmd
tlmo to onqulro In to tin ivutlii-ntltitly,
thataflromnn rmuuHl Mol'niry itHniuiHoil
Kiialm'tir Ittulfivy, kntH-kiul tilin down
and klrkt'd lilm in tho lumd, utimutlnin
ajro, for whluh ho wan dlHfliHitrtl from
th force. Wo havo almi boon lnfonnotl
that McCrary wan roliiHtalod by tho
loiu'd of llroand polloo ooiunilHHlontr
at a Hot-ret mooting. If thin wan ho,
why thlB MocrooyV
We havo ri'poiitodly rotiuoHtotl our
frlom1n to patronl.o tho men who ad
vert Imo inTliR Amkhioan, tolling thoiu
that they would thoroby groatly hhhIhI
in In our fight itgaliiHt Homo. Quito a
number havo 1'nnpllnd with that re
(iieht, but a largo majority prefer to go
olmiwhcro, Thin I not tho way Homo
light! her hatUo. Tho mlnuto the
numtM of lliobti inerehiiutH appeured In
oiircolumriH, every Uihikmi wan noMlloil
to Mlay away from thorn. An a ooiinh
(pit'iieo they lout hoiiio trade. Wo
naturally felt oaoh render tif Tiik
AMKttlt'AN, now numborlng inoro tlniii
bix toon IhoiHand oaoh week, would feel
it liioumhoiil upon him to eall on and
pairorilu thorn. If you havo not dono
bo In tho punt, why not tin bo thU
and In tho futuro? Wo inunt all Bhind
togotlitT Our InttM'OHlB aro Identical,
Tho Injury of one rrotoBtaut bIiouIi! bo
tho I'liiici'fti of all.
AN exchange, wIiobu odltor In In the
w. Bt, biijb: "In tmo of tho principal
citlei of Washington hmt week, ninety
ono candldaU B for atlmUxlon lo tin A,
1', A. worn liiliUti'd In tmo council
alone, and 127 application woo re
cclved atitl dmpi nod of. Tim following
mooting night 100 applications wore
taken undorcoiiHidorailon. Tho "dnriied
rrankx" cociu tit ho gottliig an thick In
Wiiflilnt'tiHi im thoy aro la Mlchluan,
Ohio, llilnoU, Iowa and ('mi ula, When
tho fact Im taken InlnO'Hihl'liTiitlnii that
tho WhhIiIi uioii hrmioli U only two tu
thrtm woekit old, wo ma v 'll turn to
the older, hannor HtatoM and hid tin in
look to their laiireU, If tint good work
contlnui'B to Ihilvt! ait It Iiiin tlirlvod in
tho juibI, year, lHId will Hud tho United
HtatoB whh 'I.OIHi.ihki khI hi A. 1'. A.
vote to bo caul for a good, honent
rfproBontatlvo proBldcnt,
Tho party IoikIcib had hotter Ihi ItMik
Ing for a man to fill tho bill, nthm-wlon
they will lllid tin MiNi'lvo li fttMit In the
cold "
)o vor ni i.iKVK is fiii ksi'Hm ii:
Hill Vmi Ihnk VtMir MciiIIiiiciiN Hllli
( a-li! J In n Itoail 'I h U,
We hoo by a recent dUpatoh that
I'rof. Waller KIiiih declareB ho Intenda
to k pen k In Kiiukauna, WIb,, front which
lnco ho wan driven by an Infuriated
Ilomun Catholic limb a abort liineat;o,
and that If (Jov, Pock docB not afford
him and hhtfrlendM proU-cllon they will
protect tin niMdveB. Thero Ih Botno
thing very Mlgnlftoant In that declara
tion, and unit bb Homo Ih totally blind
or gout) completely a-azy hIio tntiBt
rt alizothat that jkiIiiI whero forbear
anco coitMB to bo a vlrtuu Iiiib boon
readied. No jicoplo aro slowtir t
wrath than tho American, nono aro
tnoro dclernilnoii to havo all that tholr
hill of !ghtB doclaroB thoin ontltlod to,
or will go to greater length to prott ct
tho weak, tho downtrodden or the
abiiMod than loyal American, native
and foreign born. 8ueh men aro the
frlciiilH of Prof. SIiiib, and hotild lUmio
commit an overt act whllo ho I in
Kaukauna, and chubo loyal I'rotoBtant
Aiueriuan blood to utain the virgin noil
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!!,! I..ll1' UK. I to I 111' '
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i tin il ii lm !ili Ii Mill to mi i uli
!n ii I i.Mln'ii-11, t.i 'l ll,;- 'in' M"i ' '
In, tli.' ulilof dnniWi'M nil. n iim.'w, ti
lit mill, ihiin li nti, I !(t'i' ij .hlii iil
III. lii tj allot- liilillli Iho it'dfiili'litH'
i if ll ople lij ll jKut l.' .nlel
tli'tn nl lejitity a ii ti l eii-liip
Ii il lli, -re rliinilil i n iminl nl nlili ti
il-i- ihnipr inill !' ttvei l.-.l ttiiliniil
l.!ii.'.l-li.',l, tillhituh ill Uli tlilii". ili Ii
rt II iili-iu linn npH ,iri nut of tlioiiie.
I lull ll'illn- U di-li ntiilieil tin limn nlotll
l.dl tli-: iiuih aboiil her In niie of hot
oliiunjlinliU, ami Aineiloati fx-kil
a iv oiimll,V delei iiitni il to awttkon tho
I Yotitiii.t who lite III U'Hiie i-iiti'd
ooinuiuoilleH In the iliingi-i of lviimnil
ugj!roHnim. To wo that the lall'-rnro
no. hIhiwoiI, Unit they got fair trout
miMil, Ih par I of the duty of tlieim-
li lollo prow, ThU wo bIiiiII aUaj'Mon
ileavor to do, and Mlnen our mode of
warfare In with the Jm'Ii rather than
with Iho Hwonl, wilh the hitlloi. rather
than with the bullet wo havo conceived
of tho idea of rah ing a "Froo Speech
Fund" which ehall bo lined to puulnh
men whoattempl. to provent froo Bpeeoh.
Thin fund Im not to bo ued In any par
ticular part of the United Ktatoa tint
wherever the iiiIiiIoiih of tho pope en
deavor 1o Hot axido that coimtltutlonal
giiaraiitei'. Already a nunilior of ladicH
and gentlemen havo contributed to tho
fund and now that it In fairly underway
wo hhull expect liberal roHpor.MoH from
patriotic men and womon who are not
afraid to hack up their HcntlmontB with
their ciimIi. Tho fund hhould roach tho
1000 notch within a few woekH. Kaon
patriot could afford Bomothing; all
Bhouhl glvo a lltllo, Tho momborB of
tho "Froo Speech Fund Loaguo" agree
ItB ftllloWB!
s o
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A many of our friend a .loBlro to
become contributing member til tho
Lcatruo can (111 out and Bond to our ad-
tire tho iiImivo form, Thoxo who only
doBlro to become honorary member
can do o by Bonding In fifty cent and
applying for a cerilllcnto of member-
ip. MtuHo wini t oun lie done on
tbl line,
Homo Meddle In llrallhin rtillllr.
Father llnptlBle, the guide and
private Boeretnry of the papal nuncio
In llra,11, him InmiioiI a pamphlet for
private circulation, advancing tho o
tabllHhmont ol a monarchy, In thl
pamphlet Father H;ipl.l,n biij-b that
Admiral tie Mello promUed to rcBtoro
the monarchy, a well a the right of
the church. However Father Hap
tlHio'B wUhi-B will hardly bo real I zed
a Horn I'rdro' iliiuyhtrr 1 known to
bo under the eompleto control of tho
J 'biiIib. Whereii army leader and
prominent nun of affair In lira 1 1 havo
Humoil an attitude of dnelded btiHtll-
Itv agalnt any cunnectlim between
chlirch and Htale.
Koine' Hay.
Two wretohe, one of them a woman
of the BM'eet, H icing In abject terror In
a tletuidlHln d hack, with tho huHbiind
and brolherBof insulted wive and !
tor pufBiilrig, i the hp.'ctaclo Kiiiimiim
(,'lty proioiiii'd lo the world a few tlay
ago. Ihl I one of the A, I A.'
hltfhoNt iiehlevi'iiientB In culture anil
civilization, MeNamarawlth the gate
money, departed to part unknown,
after firing Into an unarmed crowd.
Wtnti rn CniHttih r, Jan. Iti, l!i.
1 hi need no comment. It plainly
demoiihtratt that Home llrt abuse.
then Blatidei thoxo who are eotirageou
enough Ui h ave her tnfantoii surround
ings, and step tail, Into tho broad, eloar
I I .-l. i .1 1 i " , , . . .
ii'iil oi uii' iriy, ami inen nit me
vail from her horror and her Inhju
" . - ...... ..
Klght Hell will be the altraetion at
tlio Fifteenth Street Theater for
whole week, beginning Sunday, with
Wednesday and Saturday matinees,
with an extra matlnoo on Thursday,
Popular prices,
Sam T. Jacks Lilly Clay Company is
playing a sueceHhful engagement at 1,1th
Street theater this week. Tho last
Itcrforuiance occur! Saturday night.
pia I n 4 fnn It I iih lr tti4
Mt am IHr l.nmlli tif
I'uli Int i.m,
!r I mt n t .'i 'in n ! Ihf !
lo hit; H' m 't'!,.-.1.i ii , I, I tt a
j II ,1. 1 if.f nf the Ml! til V'tiHl
,11,11 Nit J't Pull loll.' I'.k-ttt ! "t
Alinti'M, initilinll lin'l, ott SiuiMt
AiU'ti 't'"i I :
"Ml,. 'n. nl, n', M. tiiU t i( Msrllm
Wn-I iot'Litl t'ninp, Ni. I''. Pull intii'
luj;li1i-ri of Atle tiiit, Blel I'tlitliU of
I'nx llotlt -Till llHteftml (.rtlln'l Itiju' of
plltl lilts ( a lluvl ful i III . I Onl,tBl-
iilrtle y,iu on tin- nti; n )ou aoe mule
lu:. I am ybiil ibnt ihe powerful atin
of tirnnii d putt lot imii w lilrh bit Ivi n
l-nin'il up to bitlti'f ilnwii the billtalkB
of a tiviiebi i'iin, itiiilliMianl anil ib'Vil
IkIi Inililulloti of tii'itnin against the
pt Inelple of our fiit- fc-ovi'i timriil, is
N ing Ntiviiulb. in il by tin' clean, white
hand of American mother. With a
love of morality not urootiil to your
loyalty, with a love of tied strong a
your love of country, you aro called
upon In opHine religion hbaiu and
mait-maiio tlogmitH, by howsoever high
an ecclesiastical authority they in ay be
sanctioned; for they are opposed to the
freedom of the race and the Individual
liberty of couMcletic't.
"I am glad that so many women in
Peoria believe in a genuine American
Ism. Our country Is a vast physical
empire. Our form of government I
the most philosophical and phllau
throplcal In the world, and our civiliza
tion tho highest and grainiest known
to man, and everyone within our bord
ers, not tinctured with the blood of
treason, should feel proud If the word
'America' were stainped upon hi fore
head In lottej'H so largo and livid that
even thostt who run would read. In till
republic everyone should bean Ameri
can first, last and alt tho time. The
hand of all nativities should bo swal
lowed tip In this one land of their adop
tion. In this country, one's lovo of
PrtwhyturlanlHtn, Catholicism, Method
Ism or Ingersollism should not precede
or exceed hlspatrlotiHin. In our citizen
ship allegiance to tho federal constitu
tion Bhouhl come first; question of
faith afterward. I havo no objections
to foreign Immigration, but I want Im
migrant to leave all allegiance to the
rulers of the country from which they
came behind them, as wtdl as their
lings nud their theories of government.
I do not believe a naturalized citizen of
thl government can parade under any
other Hag In thl country than tnostnr
and atlpen without making of himself a
perjurer before our laws,
"I am opposed to any direct or Indi
rect declaration of allegiance to liny
foreign prince, Bovereign, king, queen
or potentate, whether civil or ecclesias
tical, and the bond of any government
on earth who would seek to control
those In this country who had Isten hi
subjects, should bo regarded by tho
head of our government as a conspirator
against us, and they should refuse to
treat with them along any line, This
Is America, it ml only American citizens
I care not whether by adoption or by
birth-should find shelter and freedom
and full protection here, I sound an
alarm on this point, because In Illinois
art American citizen has committed
what I consider a crime In accepting a
title of honor from a foreign potentate.
It I In plain violation of our national
"1 believe all schools conducted at
tho expense of public fund should be
under tho supervision of national law,
and that tlio history of patriotism
should bo so simplified as to constitute
a pari of the primary coure In every
American child' education. This
would Instill patriotism and broad
minded nos Into the child first, and the
denominational and parochial schools
could take their chances tin dwarfing
and na-rowlng them down afterward,
I am bitterly opposed to any division of
the school fund, even for the Methodist
chit rcii.
"I ho all school of every name will
yet bo under the sup"rvllon of national
law. This will kill the present tendency
of arraying one creed against another,
and keep the young from being drawn
into the gn at whirl of sectarianism or
doiiiimlmitiomillsm, and leave them
free to the consideration of the all im
IKirtant question of lumii Jltk American
ism, I think the b aching of foreign
languages In our American schools Is
denatioiifillzing, and should Ihi dis
couraged and abandoned, am partic
ularly In love with the (lag of thl
country, and would like to see our na
tional congress pass a law requiring
the school director In every district to
float the stars and strip. m ft out the
highest, dotne of every school house In
the land, and also another law requir
ing the national emblems of red, white
and hi on, starred and striped, tt enter
Into and eotiitttuto a part of the decor
ations In every training sehoil, semi
nary, collego and church, anil any
minister, or rector, or priest refusing
an organization the right to carry our
national emblem:1 on Iho coffin of a de
ceased comrade within tho walls of the
most sacred precinct whero he presided,
' I i ..., , ,1 I. . . -n t., ... t
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l IV .-( t' ll-i, II f I ' I. l! I -
fl .'Hi I' 4 till T M . At 1. 'il'' w O.i '
i til ii st'.i in' I tt i I I.i' 1 1 k i t i in
t.ltiin l.jt isln,! fnf pivt.l, mi. I I
t,!. n lu- I mii i'1'i1-d to tu j
j t t ii lm ii a tf 1 1 t j k iti. I We tnii-
' l-Hlitllill Iliill lM ltP Jh I pi" nil' tl'il i
j ! utii. )i.V, hit, I I ,1 il s'l Is- iJ.H'j
tintl I'j Uii stm- l' I mil tt iv I ! j
lnnil, Iml ! fit !,, Im! of ib-tMs j
l'ei-1 m-,i tint-row u I ,lsil th. it
iil, n l ils rs, iswl ili .ts niii n tiin.l n
the wm Id, Hit t ill ww tie it out ami
IM, n tlr ill snil develitp tbi-iti Inln n
ti'iliie iiidtibissl slid Into a gt iiml ohU. n
Ship. pMM t't l.lll'l 'Vllll.n, ' Ipl,
- -
A MlnUl.r Him itiN lite A. I'. A. I
Tnlirn lo 1nk bt mi Uhl iiblli r.
ShU'S PlTV. Kelt, I I,
F.nirnil Tut: Ami:uica: Thinking
you should know that wo have a gen
tleman looati il lit our oily by the Inline
of pev. Mare. W, Marling, who look
the responsibility in the First Congre
gational church to coiiili inn tho A. P.
A., I send you the sermon, out. from the
Sioux City 'Ym'xof Monday evening,
Feb. 12th. This sermon watt delivered
by this lluv, Darling, Sunday evening,
Feb, lllh, to a very large and Intelli
gent audience. The friends hero would
be pleased to have you comment on the
same. I am surprised to know that wo
have such men In our churches, who
take the side that gentleman tloes in
regard to the good principles of tho
American Institutions which the A. P,
A. Is trying to uphold, and to open the
eyes of Just such men a this gentle
man, who unqualifiedly condoms our
organization and the noble principles
we are to uphold, and which we will
uphold at all hazard. The wood are
full ot A. P. A.'b In Sioux City, and it
would surprise this Hev. Darling If he
only was aware of the number who be
long lo hi own church, lie ha taken
hold of a matter that will require his
whole time and attention if he tries to
blind the American people bo a riot to
ho good and true American. A, P.
A.'b will stand by tho Constitution of
the United Stales, Its flag am) free
schools and other Institutions, They
will he In favor of having thl gentle
man talk. It I a good advcrtlsment
for tho order. One thing Is certain, we
can stand being criticised without be
coming hoodlums, like the dupe did at
Kansas City, arid have done at several
other places, I am thankful our people
are getting woke up to tho danger
which surround them, which account
for thing getting brighter oycry day,
The ballot box will surely knock out
tho enemy; that I what wo are using
In Sioux City.
Mr. Kill tor, this Is rny first attempt
to write anything for your noble paper,
am an old soldier, hut I am pleased to
say I am In the ring for good govern
ment and the support of our public
school until I have to give up this life,
That shall ever he my principle, 1
have a yet not seen anything In TllK
Amkiucan from tho A, 1'. A.'b In Sioux
City, It Im tho duty of all to show to
the world our alms, object and princi
ple In this good work, Ho now, Friend
Thompson, If you chose to put thl In
print, you havo my most hearty con
sent. Put rny name In In full, as f fear
no man when working for a good and
iwblo cause, I shall probably write
morn In the future If agreeable to you
and Tiik Amkuiijam'h friend.
Your respectfully,
N. N. HcnUYUm,
The sermon referred to by Friend
Schuyler I printed In-low, and I filled
with the usual chip-Imp and buueomb,
If a twel ve-yenr-old school boy could
not riddle Hev, Darling' arguments,
tie ought to bo taken out of school and
put to work In a holler factory where
he could not hear himself think, Tint
A, P, A, d'HM not, oppose I Conan Cath
olic because of tholr religion, but (
r.num (lit 1 rln i in In bi' Itmnnn ('iillmlirM
flrnt iiml Aiinrir.iin rltizr.HH (ifhriniiil;
because they agree that where the
laws of church conflict with tin; laws of
the land, Uir, burn (if tin; rhurrk an to tif
mihinitiiliiiili titit ijkI, No men can be
a loyal American who believes those
doctrines, anil none but loyal Ameri
can should fill American offices, The
A P, A, 1 opposed to treason; It Isop
imsed to ecclesiastical Interference In
rational state fir municipal politics,
ami tho 1 Ionian church, we have dem
onstrated time without number, at
tempt to control our affair of state.
If Hev. Darling doubt any charge here
made we are able to glvo our authority,
ami no Homan Catholic Priest, lilshop,
Archbishop or Pope will have the te
merity to deny It. Our ail vice to Hev.
Darling Is, "look at the hidden alms and
objects of Humanism, you will find none
In the A. P. A." We are open enough
to admit we will not vote for a Homan
Catholic, and give you our reason for
such refusal. This I the report of hi
"Hev. Marc W. Darling spoke at the
First Congregational church lait even
ing before a very largo congregation on
"The A. P. A. and Municipal Heform,"
taking his text from Matt, vll, 12.
1 I . I 4 . n ' 1 1- , , . l lii l,'
i t,'..t H, r,, ' .1 lit' i' . s "
i ti n ' tl,. i,.
A ft. t.. . r, ,,,. t , j . . . i t
(.iti 'iii,l n un i ?,. ',.. i i ii
t- ii, l'ii. .1 .1 I I. im t list, ,B;i.t tti,. .i,, r1, i.t in
Ki,tl. ' H ,t I nl Vl 1 1 1 II j i t. f
!, If. I I II,, 1 :n , ( H I s.l (I . " , fl ii ' ,
o' hi I,.!!,, .aid
' It I li ii- I n n -ttiii i in it in ' i'
I I' In tinijllj, il, ftli ii !iHi
Mil tu'll m I ll Kitl 1,1 Ii' le H, ti n! I
P 11 I - "i to ls. tills ti tillg lt tie
A. P A in gnlii?st lull I pie S e tn
link of this lit nit iinins j id in1-! aid
ili i.iunte hiii. While Hii'ii' hit'
I it nun Ii siil mid much pi inti d In
M gatll til tli.' A, P, A l"IJ fi-W HM-lle
nit. le nf im urgittilatiott know wi ni
it l Hint list Is lt ivh! piiwe I'll fl
of hII you must know li st 1 I iie tie
p r oiial auiitinsii) im, I mi littoi s, tsilit
leal el-ii lit loiis. 1 ile-iie lo I (ml It,
its oh aily as pim.,. v. hut H Is, ami
then suliinil the question In Jour cute
tin! jiiiignii nl as to win Iher In Its pur-
poses mill put is it Is l ieht im, I jus.!, Il
is, lo be sure, a si oret t rganbal ion,
llui without much t (Tort on my part 1
have Is en nble to seottre copies from
Ihrie ililf, reiil sourci s of all Its seeii t
vows and avowed purposes, I havo no
ih slro to rev, nl these, except so far as
seem essential In give a Just bleu of
what the organization is, 1 was led
'Irsl to inquire into this because when
I was asked by an A. P, A. to pivaoh
In favor of II, ami 1 refused, 1 was up
braided for my Ignorance and what ho
called my lavoritism for the Human
Catholic. Desiring not to be Ignorant,
1 set to work to know what the organi
zation tiroposed. it is a religlo-politieal
organization. Iluies religion in the
monkey used the cats-paw, to rake the
chestnuts out of tho fire. It Is an or
ganization that Is after the chestnuts,
and it appeals to religious prejudice
and religious haired to help get the po
litical chestnuts out of the lire,
"Few of us probably realize how pow
erful this organization Is In many part!
of the country, and especially In our
own city. Practically It sock to thor
oughly boycott every Human Catholic
In politic and In trade, We can best
Judge of It declared purpose by an ex
tract from one of lis most solemn oaths;
'That I will uoi, employ a Homan Cath
olic In any capacity, if I can pioeuro
tho service of a Protestant; that In all
grievances I will seek only Protestants
and counsel with them, lo the exclusion
of all Homan (Jut holies, and will not
maKu known to them anything of any
nature matured at such conferences;
that I will not countenance the nomi
nation In any caucus or convention of a
Homan Cat hol lo for any office In the
glftof the American people, and t Intt
I will not vote for nor counsel others to
vote for any Homan Catholic, but will
vot't only for a Protestant; that I will
endeavor at nl! times to place political
positions of thl government In the
hand of Protetaril, Ilesldes, thl I
not the worst feature of the A, P. A.
The 'unwritten work,' the addresses
and stories of plot and plans of the
Catholic abound In (ho most extrava
gant narrative. They tell how the
Calhollc are planning to rise up some
day and cut all our throats, how they
have arm stored In their churches,
even In Sioux City, and that they are
training an army lo subdue the Protest
ants. Hindi bugaboo stories are used to
arouse religious hatred.
"Now how many of you think that an
organization with such purposes ami
plans I Jus1 tiled' Can any of us think
that It Is In accord with the golden rule'
Turn the tables, (nit yourself In the
pi aei; of the H'innti Catholic, Suppose
an organization wi re projected thus
ngulst tb Methodists, or against, the
CotigregatlonalUts, how many of you
could possibly think that It was not
monstrous' Il Is notaquestlon wbejier
It can he made to serve our party or
our religion. It i a question whether
It is honest and manly and christian,
"Think of thl now a a christian
ought to think about It, as an honest
man ought to think about It, and answer
whether thl organization I one that
can possibly Moot with your approval,
Having studied Into this organization
f cannot hesitate to toll you why It Is
wrong, r Irsl, It violate iiotli tint spirit
and letter of the golden rule and of the
whole gospel, Would you like to have
your private religion thus treated' I
It not clearly the most unjust mid uu-
christian discrimination against what
Is and what ought to be, regarded its
sacred and private opinion' I nrn a
Protestant of the Protestant, and I
have never hesitated to criticise freely
what I deemed to be (he great fault of
the Homan Catholic church, but 1
should be ashamed to call myself a
christian and th i secretly conspire
against the private religion of any man,
woman orchlld. This organization doe
not seek to enlighten, to reform any
faults that may hit Inherent In the li t
man church, hut It secretly conspire
against Catholic n Cut holies, not
against them a men, but against their
"inilie second place j minx II, is
wrong because 1 1 Invoke religious lie
trod for political ends, Thl I most
dangerous buxlnui. It 1 going back
to tho bigotry and religious persecu
tion of tho fifteenth century. Again,
I deem It wrong because It practically
violates that constitutional provision
i Ih I i. I-. I
s i .!.. - .1 . O. I!
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t. ,i ,..,..,- ' ! '
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,.,!. t-'imt . ' it ' !' , ;'s"
!,.,, I. .1 tt . 'tl lite-- its' I '"'
, .. il,i.(-i, smts'leti W 0"t 1 It MiJ
L.,1 Is.dl.l III Hi etkl-HS D
C'l IU rot ei -lli( ' 't!'l! '
' , ,l t l.s ell I .1 . tie I is " ' t!mn
,.( I),, it n ',t.Mi ,',i,i (, im s 11 i
turn , Utli lime im i- d, H ' h a
,l,,-l( ivh.'ll lis t'l.i'H, i m 1
, i ,l , -, ii,- mleiim .1 l- l""k '-!(
Im e
"I ! "k Sk-s h't It Isisii'O it l a
buttling sl.nlue inl it bin! on American
civil mlieli thai such it Ihitg should
nl-l among u an 1 m1 I 'be ttppinval,
lis p,i.sil, 11 UiRt.ef llotey gissl cjti
t ti.., I spenk iigninst II H vmin' I am
a Pmtcsinnt. tllsacase In which
Httoillo call hardly s ak (or hilli-elf.
And fo. ling that It weulil lv tin an ami
oonaiilly for lue, a Prololit"it, to siand
I y and see it I 'a l hollo friend whom I
ri guided a a (rue patriot and chris
tian thus wronged, I mml protest, I
hnvoheeh told that 1 would be stir
prisei to know bow many ministers of
this city iiml menils'i's of Protestant
ehuiehi s Isdoiig to this organization.
I caiint t for my part reconcile this or
ganization with (he spirit and ptiroso
of the gospel. Then I must speak
against 11, Is'Oiiuse while not all Cntho
I lest are gisid citizens, no are all Prot
estiilils good citizens, yet all lire enti
tled lo nl I of the right and privileges
of citizens of our commonwealt h. Who
will dare to say any soldier In the last
war was less patriot lo and less heroic
because he was a Catholic' This or
ganization being what ll Is, can it pos
sibly receive the support or encourage
ment of any citizen who profess tho
christian name, or havo any respect for
tho religious rights of other from
whom they may differ'
"If there arc any persona who have
become members of this organization
thinking at the time that It was justi
fied and right, will they think bo after
becoming familiar with it purpose
and plans? I do not ask you to judge
It a I may Judge it, but to judge It
Justly and honestly, a you would Ilk?,
to !o Judged. I ask you to take the
gospel rule a Christ laid It down, and
put It down by the side of thl organi
zation, and then looking at them both,
ask yourself If you can honestly and
justly uphold such an organization. "jej
ItefiiHcd to Manic III Informant.
FoilT Waynh, .fan 27. In tho libel
suit brought by lllshop Hademacher
against the Ainciicun Knijlr, the Ameri
can Protective Association paper pub
lished here, Kdltor Hid well yesterday
refused to give the source of hi In
formation which led to his bitter at
tack on the Catholic Orphans' home,
I,atn In the evening Judge O'Hourko
entered an order requiring lildwellto
glvo the Information, Defendant'
counsel filed exception und the case
went over until this morning.
When the court met this morn!
and the Hid well case wa called the ex
amination, by agreement of attorney,
was continued until next Wednesday,
i.i - -s -- .. .-
Dublin A. I', A.'s Parade.
DUMJTH, Feb. Dublin Indulged
Inst night In the greatest parade ever
seen there, fully 10,000 people being In
line. The most noticeable emblem pa
raded was a miniature of the "Little
I led School H'ie," Thl I the first
tlmo the American Protective Asso
ciation here has shown publicly that It
wa Interested Iri the recent election.
There were 2.000 men and buy In the
division headed by the American Pro
tective Association emblem,
Mr. J, It, Harvey, of Clifton Mill.
was called to JHoomlngburg, Ohio, last
week, to attend the funeral of her
father, Mrs, Harvey will visit rela
tive! In different part of Ohio and re
turn home some time In March,
-.... . t -
For Jewelry, Wntche and Silver
ware, go to JOHN HIJDD'S,
HI 7 North Kith street,
Notice of Sale Under Ohattel Mortgage
Nolii'Hls lierehy nrlven that by vlrliin of a
I'hiilii'l iniiiiiMtfii, daleil uu llui Nil, ill, v of
Miiii'li, Islii, iieiiiiyof which wits duly llieil In
Mm nlllee nf ihi, eniinly clcik of llmitrhi
county, Nchiiiskii, on ihe lllh ilny of Miii-ch,
HIM, ioi'I I'xeculeil hy hi A. Helen mill
Hiiriih T, Miilhn y In II, W, Ainlcrsnii Ui scciiih
Dm Iiuviiii iil of Ihe slim of if Mm lonl iiiiua
which (hern hiishecn liulil I he sion nft.'O.on,
iiml it pint which Ihcni Is now dun the miuh nf
i,im, lii fiiuli hnvlni hccii mini,, I r, i he pity,
mi ni nt snlil sum mnl mi sun or ulhcr in-n-ccciliiiif
hi In w hiivinir hcci, InM ii in.'il to
recver uu lil ii,, hi or any purl ihi.riKif, ihcrn.
fern f will sell Ihi, properly I Iiiti'I,
vl.i line ciciim coll.. three yems ohl, onn
crciiin cull, it nn yi iu olil; enc' ' Jersey ,,
yen is nhl, i,l puhllc ii i -1 1 , , 1 1 . hi the Imiisii
of M, II. ViH'iicr, In t liii'cnci. precinct, iihonl,
imii mile misi. nl Imhiili, I'lucii Hin t Inn, In
Hninihis ciiniily, nu llui !Mh ilny Alurch,
l"'i. nl I ' i'i 1 1 ii-h p. in, nl hiiI it ilny,
Mitlcil I chnuiry in, Isiu,
i-l'l-II MlMlailKl.ll,
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage
Nnllcii Is hcrchy Kivcii Unit hy vlrliirnr n
chioicl imirlviiKe, flu I i'i nn I he lllh ilny nf
Niivcmhc, Js.ii. h cony nf which wns ilnly
lllcd In tint iilllcf. of the county clerk of
IioiikIiis coiinl v. Nehriiskn, on I hi Im Ii ilny
of Novcmhi'i', fs!i:t ninl i'i'Ciiii., hy l-.llus A
lioien nm Mis, Hiii iiIi T, Miilloty lo t runk p'
Archer tos on Ihe pnyincnl iif I he sum of
flit Hi, ii ml iiton whh'h tlcrn Is now ilimilui
sum of (111 :m, which suhl inurlifiin nml tin,
iimoioil iiiin lln 'ii i, ii hns lici'ii ilnly itssluncd
ley suhl Archer lo (1. W. Amlcisiin, llrfiuiU
Inivlnx henii m.iiln In pnymcnl. of siihl sum
mnl no miiI I, orolher piocccilhiK nl Inw hnv
Iiik hecn limiliiiicil to recover snlil ilchi.or
miy purl, lhi.-cof, Ihcc r,,ii, will sell Ihn
piopciiy therein ilcKcrlheil, vl: fimi iluiui
mine. oni'sldM Ihi r, plmio hox, top liuniry, unit
Ihrecspilnir cuprcss wiium, wilh hchi, Iwii
w-lM of slnulc hiirness. in. pnhll,. uucMon, lit
i he lioiisn of M. II. Vainer, In rim-en ... pr.
clm i, ii IiiiiiI i,m, mil,, cm of licholi I'hico
il Iii il 'Inn , ln lliniuliis eniinly, on the '.ill, dm
of Minch IKU. nl I o'clock p. m.of sulddiiy,
lialed I chriiiiiy In, ism. 7
,., " W. ANHKUSDN.
' AsmIkih'P.