The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 09, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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I ,'' I" ( -
II. .H. I i
t I I ! ! I ! 1
CI I III UVi Il .til Ml ret,
Htiriioi an,
kt, tit llll 1 ii'N lM I
umii'h I'i i V '
I'll lt.,
l l,ttt Vl.,,li, 1"
intimiiiM i !!.. mil
Oi(ili li t. I nfV
tin ' 1 1
'll' Illicit In ijlilw KH K'Niil
lull lull linn. Int. mul t'lt "f Ortli.l'. Hi
rtininii l ill ' ,
li. H.ii i. iimfi i'in " m-iiinii iii i
unti l, imuhIiIi' lit AwmiiA li iii imiiiu
1 hi A w ti it in in I inwi'tii o i I
I'tintum niii'Hiii 1 li l'iui nv No
omaiia, mm., I'i n i. wi.
Tut: Ami hu an U the only iicwnpa
per that IihiI the -nit'r to give the
full pitl'l UmiIh ch of the MeNiiuuua pro
null Inn lit Kansas City,
IN luinllii'i' column In mi Inl" 'icsllng
article from the k ii of dim of our
friends In Saginaw, M li'h., on nn
"A inorlemi Cltli'ii."
Till'', full urn of the accuser of Hjwrlit
tO appear 111 fl'IC IlloillVChllgatlllgCIIIU-
tiillli'ti will no doubt cause nonm people
to suspect Unit llui charge would not
A whpati'II from our friend In Du
luth Inform lis that noim but Ameri
can were elected In that city lust
Wednesday, lie promise u full par-
tll'lllHI'N Ill'Xt Week.
TllKKK ceiu In bit considerable en
thusiasm manifested it lining many
friend wlto desire to read a ilnlly
Ammu'AN for Omitbii. A paiior tlmt
woultl give 111" now without tin) iiMiiul
Jesuit coloring. M.
lln patient, friends, mill when these
hard time rase up the Ixinl limy pro
Tlil a way,
TliK ju t mint PraUlan wnf, If tho
truth wero told, Im no doubt tbo out
come of ft deep-laid ehemo of tbo
Jesuit to again khIii control of Hut gov
ernment, Tho administration ha
greatly rod until the allowance to Dm
church from Urn public treasury. Thl
hu la en nn Incentive to tho prlest
hood to Kid the rela'l in every possible
way, .
TllR ncllon of Counellmcn Bpcoht
nd HhwhU in voting to confirm W, 8,
fliHwmhki'r to Imi city prowentor, wkh
rrldcnily ft bnruitin to ''will out" tbo
rinndu of Anmrlcim rlnt!lpli . Tbo
iripnr wy for th couiksII to do will
to to rwoimlditr that votu next T mc
4y. Hhot'innknr'n ri wird In no riioom
mendHllon, Kiid tlm H-opln Kt fiirifit
httvn no (toiiflib nca In him,
TllK iupri'iim council of IhnW. A,
1. A. of tint UnUitd Htnuti rnccntly hold
joint convention nt I'coriK, 111., when
ftll tint old ofllcitr rcNigned and entirely
r ofllciiri won cIocMmI, A nw con
Utitutlon urid Uw wirt udopteil and
Iimny imHirtnnt clminen wero niMilti in
the rHimlUtlo work. Tbl lniupin
Ihn rltflit direction arid iiiHke it mm
lbtu for tint W, A. I'. A, to tioeoinu tbo
lending: liidlim pittrlotio order in the
pountry. Too much prHlo CBfinot lie
frlveri Mr, fteynoWi Hinl nil tbit other
iflliir of Ihrt old council fur their tin
tlririK I'fTorU In hiiriiionilnif their dlf
Wk ftri in n citlpi of hundred of let
ter from our friend in nlmot over;1
irt of Ihn country iHjiecliilly from
Kuni t'ltyprotntlrnf Mi;iiliit th
OtitrKKeou perm-cullon of l!inhop Me
Neuuii y lhi Kuihotitie of Knnn
CI iy. Wo Kin u n ii bin to kIvh thern all
pcji. On tint flrot puifo will tm found
brb f rynojmiN of the trlitl ut Jmle-
Kiridefice( the fliml dUniittitl of kII ckmih
except tbu oris tried heforo JuNtinu
NlchoU, In which Ihe hlnhop w con.
f let.'fl, Knd tbo ftubftcquent flllnjf of in.
ormittlon in tbo crlmlimi court. It I
to Im hojmd that our friend will ee
tbt Jiidtlc) done, The bhthop wh
ftblu to nroduf! overwbelmlnif ti-nti
ttiony In hi delene, but tbo court r-
ued to even allow either hi rrmnu
crlpt or Kny prinUid tetlmony In
evldenctt, k will Ikj hown by the ro
condinir. It now remain to bo nocn
what Judgo WufTord will du In tho
DlncuiiM-d the Faribault I'Imii,
Nkw Yokk, Jan. 31, A meellnjr of
tho Church club of New York wa held
tonight to dUcuH tho Faribault plan,
and tho appropriation of public money
for tho aupport of denominational
Tho rcjiort of tho cominittoo to In
vti((ato tbo rollgtou oxerclnoa in tho
public achiNiln was read. The report
concluded: "We are pormiaded that
the public achooia a at prevent con
ducted arcgnxtiily mlftiepreneiited when
tbny are cbaraotrlzed a gudlo. We
do not henitato to exprcm our firm con
fiction that our public acboola havo a
wbolowomo religioua tondoncy."
BUhop Well, of Spokane, and other
tpeakora oppoacd the ue of public
money for denominational acboola.
HUM! U'o MMI mi,
Mill l- et IbI.m.I Im lln
( tlt. ii VUiM.
j VisVI UN I I .laii I I .I.'iit-
liftl. bi. H ) it. il l ti i Im Hit. il
( i,1 , 1,1 Ml I'll' i.i lit t I ?hmi Hi' I b'l I
U i .it.. Iiili In I!"' liniili, lil) I
I i iii mii hiIii I. iilie llial M
lii 'tiiiiii I i.( Pi" Ann ib an iiHi fc'i' i
lii u.ti, ami iinl An llifi.ip li'inil, l
!,. I , . i-.n.ftl wMnrnin hi Aim ilm
I'll ll t i"wMiT t ti lMM'itl of HlniH
til I In- r i it'll li, 'I In" .tiiiii lit M Id I
i Hi itt tif a il' linliti' Wt'iv I'i'
n Hul l.tbiv lli'lil Ihe Aim I li'Hll I'liltryi'
Hi Hiiiiii , finliiirf Hnii Sitl-iMI 1 Iii
k lu ll Ihe n il bill lb" Mrtt 1 coll
iptt'l l, bill HihI tin In li'iunlil III lhl
n iiiiH ) f r ft 111111111111111' U evnl
Iin)sii tmil iimlli r li" Iii bl liiimU.
IhI.i Illinium Ihe b'tucy over Iii
I rrmiiii'l. TIim new b ijnie U m llif ml
,lf Ihtl III lllllll M'lllHil. H till bU M'Mlllll-
llirlll Will b" clilin I) (nillrdilcliM V lollu'
SI, I'll I lln hbibi'P, H "i ll H In I ill'
illnitl ( illilmiiH, lnw pro! run b" l.
ST, IH IK, .bill. Ill, Tbo I'lCHl'l'i'lH'ii
of lint (,'iMutip riUHI'illUi! III" I'l lUI'll of
Abli jiiile Hiilolll lo Itnine Hinl Mm Hp
polulmi'iit of il HiieecHwir ha bi'(iuhl
out, tbiouli a lei cut vliH to tin' libit
t'lilu' boiiie In Wiinhliifctim, tho fuel
Unit Ihe ponlllT' n ptiiHiiuliitlve will
reiimiii In America only ho lontf an the
miimi feel It Im warranted by hi own
(the mihi') tenure of life. I'Vom the
vIhIIoi' iiicntloiieil It Ih lenrned that the
ablcKiilu In all Iy a "cunlliml In
petto," that U, "In the brnut of tbo
Mtpo." it I lint rule for tbu Mipit to
lot! a man lor the 1 or of thu red
but Mini to detail to the cardinal the
candidate' accompllNlimi'iit and bU
claim lo the olllcn, but to poMtNino tbu
announceinent of the namit. Tbo ope'
account of thu cwidldatn'a fitne for
tbo olllcii never leave any mlMtuku a
to hi Identity. Thu It 1 that Hatolll
I known to lm a curd I mil "in petto,"
In addition to tbl Itev, Father I), H.
l'belan, I'dlUir of tbu WeUiro Watch-
man, who Iiiih recently been in WiihIi
liUfUm, at tint ablegate' bomu, corrob
orate thche Mlalemcrit.
Wahiiinotow, Jan. ill, -Tim rumor
that Mgr, Hatolll In to bit recalled to
Koine and made u cardinal Ih denied at
tint rcHldeiicit of tbo ableifiito. No con
Urination could be bad thero concern
Intf tbo poKnlblo apjioiiitment of Mgr.
O'Connel of th' American colleo at
I loin e In place of Mr, Hatolll.
fKoini.K at a nm:nu
Homo Abandon Her Ihipe In Time of
MUNCIK, Ind,, Jan. 31, Tho Catho
lic and rrotctaiit hail a lively con
trovorny over tho funeral of Michael
Ilanlfcr, who died hereHunday, Hani-
fr icloii(fid to tho Ancient Order of
MUktiiIum arid tho 1 Ionian Catholic
church, llo hint all hi money and ?
camo too 111 to work and wa a nubjoct
of charity. Mr. Dick, who own a
hotel, took care of him and uollcltod
tho Ilihcrnlan for aid In paying hi
dia'tor bill, Tbl wa refuwd, Mr,
Dick then HMked tho Catholic to tako
up a penny collection In tho church,
but they ald I ho jioor-hoimo. wa tho
placo for him. Tho l'rotcatant finally
looked after him until hi death, when
they accurttd a burial outfit and ordered
tbo llev, Carney, a I 'rote tan t mlnUter,
t wind net tho aerrlw. A (fravo wa
dug In tho family lot to prevent tho
burial in tho Mtter' field, Jut latforo
the aervice commenced tho Catholic
tcppcd In and demanded tbo remain
They ecurtd an undertaker and with
J 00 Catholic i-riforeed their demand,
dttKplLo tbo objietlon of tbo I'rotc.
tant. Tint rcoialri wero taken to Kt,
liawrerice' Catholic church, whero
Father Hchmldt oonductrxl tho iiervlce
after liiformlnif lie. Carney ho would
not Im needed. Tho remain went then
burled in tho otter' field, ouitldo tho
I toman Catholic burial ground, and
tbo grave In the family lot wa tilled up,
I'olltle In lluliilli.
I)UM;Tll, Minn,, Feb, fl. Politic In
Duluth aro fat centering uon an
lue-llomn or Amurlcit, Tiio firtle
concerned atartod out on their merit,
and ao ran until the democrat lo and
iopul hit fulonlUitart''d a half-hearted
condemnation of tho A, 1'. A, Tho
'our-oornered tlckot democratic, joju-IIt-llotnan-Hwoilih
tlckot (of which
tho Swede In general are not repon
lblt) began the attack.
Tho XortliwtnUm Wltnm (Roman)
ha published the name of their do
aired victor, All Kipullt will votfl
for Jennwoid and all American fur IUy
T. Iowl. Tbo elation take plo:o
February 7th, and tbo result will be
announced In tho next luo of TltB
Amkkicam. Although mimtly re-
publican will bo elected, It will not
be a republican victory. Tha achemo
to catch Bwudlah vote for Ilotno, wa
by nominating one of their number who
ha a Iloman Catholic wife, Hut a
moat of them aro American at heart,
they will help elect American for
All Mlnneaota and Northern Wlncon
ln ba their eyea on Uuluin, ana we
rnunt and will m worthy of our audi
ence. 'L
(jot What The; cded.
DULUTH, Minn., Feb, 6, Duluth la
tho happy oeiinor of a Uvo, bright
and breeze patriotie paper. Liberty, of
Lincoln, Nub., ha moved it plant to
this cit, and start out with a tub-
, .( ,,' llli i I I'i) it.-. i
. , j. M I , :, i V I ..
i I i . . h lo U i M ' i ! . In " i.i.
f I I A H I . I'l l' I A" ('l
!.,.. II il If. u,il. -I M
! 1 1. iii i ii , Iii hi "i i.e. i!l hat a
ll, in In tin ii M"ii'ii li'il. I"' h1
(l II It I l.i III ! I H'lJ nil A 11 I il l lui ll
I'Ihi ,,vi if fn il l Im- fine lir
I lllMi.H T.
1111 I 111.
'I'lt, lm Init Sim e fiiv aibU another
l.i ll,.. lint nl tllM-ti i HihI hull m'
I H nil ii, tills i j tlniiiitf Ho1 pt nil
Im Mil Im,
Thu Auit'i It an Vtt f"l'o inn
i iniliilt l t iiiiriiii iiii'li' III Ibelr
plniil IliU t. -or, which will f iitil-h cm
pint im nl l i iiiunv nu ll,
'I'M I'i Ii'hv eii uliit will i' ur Mie
iiiinl hi hi ikI i iilii iiilnnn'iil of lli
cue 1 'ntllit il No. I, A. I'. A. The fl'lellil
will 1 1" well I lit. 't lllllll', I.
M.iliy mihiiih Inn e fniiiid employ tin-tit
III Ihe I'nilil luiliioii lie lit lot'i'i In ll' II
win, .thil hit si U . fui iiInIii iI wllli fit "
tiiiiit,Hiiliiinii lo unit f i mil that pliic".
Mmiv cltli'iiN of Hiniihii winilil be
ph'iiHi i'i lo Iii ih' IIInIihii McNiiiiiiii'ii,
iiihI mImmiIiI I. ii coiiiii to tlil city tiny
will im c thnl bUi'lvht of free npi'i ch U
W. M. Iliidtfi' and w ife h ft hint evi n
lug over the C. A' M. for lloaton, where
Mr. Dodire (joe an a ilelegute to tin
NallmiHl I'nnvi'iitlnn of Mititcr llullil-
CI'M. I hi'.V Will ulicml hi 'Vi 'I'll I Week
vlHliing In Maine hefure their return to
. . -
Flfli'cnlli hired 'llieatri'.
Tim I'HHiitit Inl i'lrui"iit.H tlmt went to
nuiki? tho comedy of "Nlobe" the con-
hllll'UOIIH (Initlllltil'NIICI'l'HH Of lllHt NfRHOn,
were: Flmt, a play of the greatet po-
alhllllltw; miconilly, atnM'n dlrecUir, In
the pi tho 1 1 (if Cliarle Abbott, quick to
diicovcr and iiMHiduoim in developing
thomt piHHlhlllllcN; and third, the in
truntlng of the part, even In tin) leant
eonHOijue nllal, only to artlataof Hiiporlor
iiblllt.y. If the fourth nhould be named,
it would bo tbo liberal management of
tho Mcr. Ablaitt & TlllolHon, who
made noolTort tonaveadollarwherever
that dollar wa needed. And all that
wa Invented, cither of labor, hkill or
money, by thitoo guntlemeii, ha come
buck to them many time over, und
their profit tlil ncuion, a tho drawing
quality of tho pleco ha not been Im
paired by tbo relaxation of any effort
on their part or any attempt to curtail
exHimte, which In too often the mana
gerial policy after Mieoe ha been once
in, hie veil, "Niche" under thewi elrairn
Ntauco can count not only upon new
friend and admirer, but retaining all
of It old one, "Niobo" will appear at
tho Fifteenth Htrect Theatre on Hun-
day afternoon, February 11, and four
night with WednoMluy matinee,
llarn (turned.
Wed nnd ay n I g h 1 1 h o barn con tut n I ng
lx head of hore and ono wagon, be
longing toll. H. Hmlth, of tho Hmith
Hteam Jinking Co., wa noinplotoly do.
Mtroyed by fire. No caumt I aligned,
and ft la Nuptned to bo thu work of an
Incendiary, Mr, Hirith I ono of tho
rnoMt onorgetlo buHlno men in Kariu
City, and lat fall wa aubJecUtd to tho
ltomlh boycott, which fulled U work.
They havo probably now rewirtod to
tbo torch.
Ha no "Legal" KulMtcncc,
At Chattanooga M, 11, O'flrlon, ex-
caahier of tho Catholic Knight of
America, won a deelalve victory when
hi cawo wa called In tho circuit court.
O'llrlnnW attorney entered a plea of
abatement, claiming that tho Catholic
Knight had no legal exigence In the
utiite, and the plea wit utiilncd.
, -
Oklahoma Will f.lno I p.
G0TIIKIK, O. T., Jan. iiK.-Tho A. I'.
A which up Ui tbl tlmo ha l en un
known In Oklahoma, will in the future
bo a jiower In politic here, a It I to be
organl,ei In every county In the terri
tory. Colonel ICobert Mclteynold, Into
of Lincoln, Neb,, ha lien ktatfoimd
here UtrrlNirfal organizer,
Ily all mean lot tho Amorlcun Pro
tective Ao:latlon Ut Invetlgat4-d,
Tho aarne congrelonaI cumrnitUtc,
however, that undertake thl job
utiould lnvetlgaU) another aMmdation
which wa originated by Ignatlu fiy
oltt, If tharejxirtof the dleoverleof
thlJOinmltUio I publlhed It will com
prUe aorno lxteon volume the l,o of
Webnter' Unabridged Dictionary, of
which the lat ten page of tho lot
volume will nutflm for tbo A, I'. A.,
and tho remainder will furnih nono
too much apaito for recording the mon
umental raacallty of the Jeult.
(miiia Christian A 'InWitt.
"Among the Ozark,"
The Land of Dig J tod Apple, i an
attractive and lnUretlng bMk, hand
aorncly Illutrated with view of Bouth
Mlouri accnery, Including the famous
Olden fruit farm of 3,000 aero In How
ell county. It pertain to fruit raining
In that great fruit belt of America, tbo
aouthern alopeof the Ozark, and will
prove of great value, not only to fruit
grower, out to every rarmer ana homo
eckor looking for a farm and a homo,
Mailed freo, Add re.
J. K. Ix:kwoot),
KanHa City, Mo
Law Brief.
We make a apeclalty of brief print
ing, and attorney having thl kind of
work ahould call on u. We will be
plcaaed to make price which are reas
onable, and guarantee good work.
American Pub.C).
! i 1 1 ,ii i. ,i
Ul... ('
l.ilUKMUt III k.
I'lnf, Wliir Mid" a la
I til, i l Hal In nth him,
T" It. t..'t.l V I , . W I'lid
II.,, i i t i-.i i,.i il.i- Vt !.( It it
.j...: tit Hit tiifcl H l Lit bit I,
tt t ill n il 111 I, aiilirtima. I'll '-itli. tl
1, 1 1 lit, .I a iiiiiii i i Vti'i in a i d"i' l
e v il.Hl l,i l,l,;i . ! ft llii' I lift
IK Wilt', flint It." iliill'l'Ht I'I leit
t't-l, til l!it llllt lU,li'U of P e
vt'Wt it piii " l I he tntiii I "llni!lc
I'tiioi'h III 101111, and Ihe -(iln-Hull
nf the iiimii or liujl who wniil.l tUi'ti
.it i M or I lo Ir t It'll'" A lui'i I
cull I llliii. Tli" follnw lug will trill'
ynii, In a I'l'iH'l" Im in, h" piwiii ion of
Mtiwlf ami fi b'litl In I'i Inl Inn I bfl'rlo
I'll "I, III" whh pi hi" niiil .1 1 it 1 1 it
J claim III" lie hi to inform yon Ituil I
inn a iih'IiiIn r of ihe Aim i lcnn I'lotef
lit,, A'Kochil Ion, unit Ihnt I am i nuiu'eil
III the MHIieW hilt iN l lhiim llllii,n
aw'iiki'iiiug the American peiiphi to a
ri'iilliiliiiu of th" iliii;i'ti Hull Ihieii'eli
our hiHlltiitloli of IIN rly, and our free
non-"f tiirliiti pulilli ichiHil ijhl"ni at
the hlllliU J if a fill'e.'U ri't'le-lllitli'lll
Second. 1 wa ctigagiMl on the night,
of the riot In delivering the hint of a
aerie of three lecture. The 11 rut
dealt with the (luotolon, ''Who are true
Amci'lcaiiH," the hccoiiiI, "Tim Ameri
can Count i tut Ion vm. Human Catholic
Teaching," anil tho lat with, "The
l'llhllit v. Tho Parochial School. " Two
of thi'Ho lecture were delivered In the
lliiptint church on tlie wiuth Hide and
the other In tint A. P. A. hall on thu
north aide. They were all delivered
under the aiiMpIco of the American
Protective AhhocIuUou, and did not
touch upon tho religion faith of the
Uomun Catholic church only ho far iim
It teacblngH bail to do with KillticH
and civil government.. Fortunately the
UHHoclatlon had an export atitnographor
who ha a complete report of tho three
lecture, I ahull I hi plenacd to lay them
before you In proof that I did not at
tack any man' religion, but treated
wholly with the practice and dogma of
tint Roman Catholic church In Ameri
can politic.
Third, The town of Kawkatiriii I en
tirely under Koman Catholic- ruin.
Iloneo thero I uo guaranteeof pornonal
liberty and no protection to llfo and
property for American citizen wboaro
known to be opjMiced to tho control of
our government and tho dcatructlon of
our public achool yittem by tho foreign
and un-American hierarchy of that
Fourth. Ah an American citizen
whoo right have been InmiltoKl, and
whoe llbortlo havo been trodden ujion,
I charge tho Itouuw Catholic mayor,
aldermen, pollen ofllcora, ruemlmra of
tho choo board and tho newly ap
pointed poHtmaatcr together with their
friend and co-rellglonlHta with help
ing to Incite-tho riot, I further charge
thcao ofllclal with neglect of duty In
making little or no effort to aupprc
it, but who rather exerted theniNolve
In it behalf to aupprc freo apoech.
In tho mldt of all tho ofIlclalonly one,
tho Protectant chief of jiollco, wiuld bo
relied upon and he wh handicapped by
hi Nuperlor. Haloon wero Open In
violation of all law and decency. An
alderman naloonkeeper dealt out the
fiery fluid which Inlamed tho mob to
greater deed of violence, Tho rioter
wero of tho ltViman Catholic faith and
had boon encouraged to deed of law
leneH by tbo threat and aetj of their
leader and tho town official.
Fifth. My friend of tho American
Protective Anociatlon together with
rnyelf aro ready to appear lieforo any
Impartial commlnHlon which you may
appoint and utain tbo afore-mentioned
charge, It would be lmpolhle to ob
tain by proce of law in Kaukaunit any
red re a Home rule In that town would
adjudge every J toman Catholic olllclul
a being justified in ualng every mean
to dentroy and aupprc the enemle of
ccclelaticttl tyranny and tho friend
of American liberty. Theao ofllclal
are under church obligation to bo firt
In their allegiance good Iloman Catho
lic and aocond only, American office
holder. They havo been elected to
advance tho cauo of that church In
American politic and on Wcdneaday
night were doing their duty aa good
J Ionian Catholic.
Sixth. In bringing thl matter be
fore you for conaideratlon and redre,
uch aa any American citizen ha a
right to claim from tho chief executive
officer of tho atate of Wlacormln, grant
me the further privilege of itatingthat
a regard your own part In tbl affair
you have areponHlbillty which for tho
honor of the good name of tho sta to It
1 to bo hoped you will deem It wine to
acknowledge. You have, let u hope,
unwittingly fallen into a Iloman Catho
lic trap. Ily replying to the queatlon
propounded to you by the Milwaukee
Catholic Citizen, "What doyoti think of
the American Protective AocIatlon'("
In tho manner you did you have en
couraged uch riot a that at Kau
kauna and Wanhburn, and murderou
threat uch a were made to deter mo
from lecturing In Aahland. I can anHure
you that they did not drive trie from tbo
field. The American Protective A
aoclatlon gained a great victory In all
theae place on account of American
liberty, and what U more I am ready to
help them pain more. Life la not worth
livlng;wlthout liberty.
! TlMl'lMH III l . I : '- '
ii .I'm t i i ' i i ii n Iii- i. i
,. (lie li.i'H. 1 1, l (1 mi t l il ll.t ii nU
' , 'iit( H i in i In Ih- en it '
h it I. I W lit it l I Mi) t, U ut ir
rtuli, i( whtil, "1 'i'lm nit ih il""
ClaH," Nn,ir, I lit ti, lie. I ill ml
, it, bill Il"l Uiillimi I'ltll.iiH'' ilium
i-t I Ullttt, I,, lti t,vt 1 1 init nl
itit-f It Ji n ini-iii. iti. it, aii'l li't ial .i
i i mii, ill, wcaiii! nil toci U'n tli iHiinln'
I It m, ami I baie tut Hwin In il.nil'l
t tint In In ai I, aart finm Ihe ijuiI imt
et li.'inmi t 'n'hilie ),u hUmI".
Ilnl In it )oi ih lititiuei'il Ihe Alml liii
Pinl 'i llve Attinl Ion, in Hi" lioiiinel'
jniltlhl, Jon were Hiding In i ivi" an
nn li v in .lie I't'iiiimuiweiilili Iii which
von die oltllg t"il l. m.piM'i t Ihe inliMi'
tut lull ot t':i' I'uil.'.l Sliile.
I'iiKt. Heeniii you pronounced eii
lenee on a pntrinl le nl 'gaiiinl hm w hleh
l ei t Helil billnlreiU of t htillKHlld of
ini loi leg A iiiei ieiiii cili.en who
arc uliHt'iileil th'-t ii citi'ii ami
necnii.lly a member of the iH'mHiiillon
to maintain Atni'i lcuu liinlitullnn, in
III" gift of lllN'i'ly of coti!cience, free
piech, a free pi'eH, liberty of religion
woiitlilp, to keep the iititto and church
foievet' N'paruto, and maintain our free,
noiiMi'ctai'lau, puliliu wIiiki! nyitem of
Second. riecaiiHe you Hindi) your de
nouncement without necking to find out
by InvcMlgatlon what tho principle of
the OMMoclat ion are and hence blundered
into tho unenviable ttltttutlon of chief
executive of tliecoiniiiouweiill.h of Win
coiihIii, of being an unjimt judge in that
your charge atnilnm the tt.ioclat lonare
utterly falbo. Ily doing thin you have
given tho ImprcNHion thut you are
ready to Hticrlfico principle in order to
nee 1 1 re tho vote of the Iloman Cut hollo,
church. Your act Iiiih done more to
prove the power of that church In poll
lua than any number of lecture could
poHHibly do. Hence you havo helped to
Increase the excitement rather than al
lay It.
Third. You letter of denouncement
wa written to the Catholic Citizen, a
paper publUhcd In your Htnto that ha
been advihlng it reader to mob law
and riot a tho following clipping
aelccted from many almllar one pub
lished In that paper, will bow for
Tho Ihhiio of April 8, IHO.'J, contained
the following:
"At heart tbo A, P, A. member Imii
coward. He I too mean to light openly.
Now tho right cure for the coward 1
terrorlHin. Tho only way to make any
thing like a man out of a aneaklng en
emy I not to argue with him, 'hut to
puulHli him. lilt, mm. niwnm again.
Keep on hitting him, Every A, P, A,
member 1 a traitor to tho American
The Ihhiio of November 2.1, W)il, ha
tho following:
"Are wo going to allow a lot of
Orangemen and green Hwede to walk
over u while wo wait lor tho fair
minded American to protect m'f We
gue not, Let ii ralHO miroolye and
umlte theao nako and coward, Then
the fair-minded American will fare
along with u. Men who are able to
defend their own right lire alway
rcHfN'Ctod. Kvery A, P, Alnt I acow
a ''d at heart arid u Mieiik in character,
Tho method of tbo men prove it. To
euro tbo evil, cbano the fellow,"
Your excellency cannot fall to per
ceive that by your courao In replying to
ft paMtr that exhort to riot, you have,
a the chief executive of the atate of
WiNcotmln, given your endorement to
tho name and heneo are amenable to
cennure, by all right-minded people,
Tho -I toman Catholic official at Kau
kauna, and their follower In tho mob
on Wedneaday night were engaged In
an attempt to carry out the Inatructlon
of tbo Catholic Citimt, which paper
they knew had your endorement In
it unlawful utterance. That thee
disgraceful oonc of anarchy are pre
vailing under your administration, you
have nono but yourself to blame,
A a member of tho American Pro
tective association I Invito you to make
tho fullest KisIbl'j investigation, I
am ready to appear at your call In de
fense of tho association. If I am a
member of a treasonou un-American
organization, I want to know it, Tho
Catholic Citizen, which pajicr you havo
endorsed, say we are coward, snenks,
el:,, and you charge us with treason,
Now I repudiate all theao charge, arm
am ready to prove that they aro cruel
and false, I am ready for the Investi
gation, and until tho object of tho as
sociation aro shown to Im what you say
they are, treasonous, I shall continue
to work In it Interest, and for it
furtherance in your state, I am not
Intimidated by riot and rnoh law or by
tho threat of those whoso cause must
bo bad indeed that demand auch un
civilized aupport. A taste of the dia
tom of tho dark age only Inspire truo
patriotlnrn In tho heart of llberty'i
I shall look to you, a governor of
the state, to protect mo from Ignorant
moti of riotous religious bigot, lead by
municipal officer.
I have tho honor to bo your obedient
servant, WAM'KU Himh,
Wkht Day City, Jan. 2!.
Prof. Mordaunt, Test Medium, will
lecture on "What Spiritualist Jle
liove"--will give a number of tests
Sunday night, 7.30 p. m., O, A. It. Hall,
119 N. 15th street. Private sitting at
322 N. Mth atreet. Admission 25 cents.
Subscribe for The American, only
12.00 a year, In advance.
I. tUal ttlt f tllif.HU.
) III,, l.d tr "taml immtkI"!
i,.t liUlwiHIa lae IN
to. ts. i i . . ?i ti" t'y
,. U lelttelli.ll ) Iil la l' ll
titl lilhtf Mi Mnlix. It " I'-ll 'b,i
the . Iimctt liill'g "l HI I li' 'If neitaittl
w..n noil tli'iui liii,j Uo- i""
1bjnii !tinil Iwtoij iiiiioil and
littnigM In a viniiil tf i-uCty, ami B
lug Ihe tine at aid !"' ''ai'li
Tin. iiiHil'l.. t,ii. , mi January P',
Win n Failirr Mt Mann isHnl t
Ihe iieHlb l tl of Mr. Pieive Hi , a
1 1 ., e'.tl'le fiil'lliel lflillng nbiul Veil
11,11, . Mill III we-l nf llii l ily. Till' 'l i' "I
winilniuk when du stiu ted, ami ilmi
th" r hoi" on a run alitio! Ihe en
tic ilifiiince, i n hi wav out M Mr.
Itian' tin pile! uiel Mr. Jiime I'tsik
nml niiulii il Ihe way. Mr. Conk saw
Hint tlie lioie ii siilTei lng hum Ihe
drive, mi!! also Hint the priest wa
under the Inlluelice of liouor, aid told
hi in to li careful. The priest resented
Mr. 1'isik' word, and hoIiiu hard Inn
giuiie followed. McManu drove itT In
a rage, and finally found his way to the
Ilyan homestead. Here ho immediately
tiegan to order everyone around, and
made the family leave the sick room
while he heard Mr, 11 tin' confession
and iiilministcrcil the sacraments of thu
church. He swore ho must kill Jim
Cook before llyan could die. Mr. Ilyan,
although expected to die any moment,
declared that ho would have nothing
more to do with the priest. On Sunday
night, January 21, at 8:15, Mr. llyan
piissed n way. His family made arrange
ment for a Protestant minister to
preach tho funeral acrvico, which was
to boon Tuesday, January 2.1 McManua
heard of this, and got "Dick" Payne to
drive him out to the house, arriving
thero while tint funeral aervico wero
being performed.
The relatives of Mr, llyan did not
wish to havo McManua interfere; yet,
In the face of this opposition, he forced
bin way into tho house, interrupted tho
services, and performed thu Iloman
Catholic funeral servleeti. Ho then
started to leave tin; house, and on going
out met Mr, Cook, the gentleman with
whom ho hud tho provloiiH "misunder
standing," Tho priest, in a jovial, good
natured wuy, shook hand with Mr.
Cook and remarked "that ho would
like to meet hlrn up town and put
'glove on."' Cook answered "that ho
gueised ho could take care of himself,"
McManiiH did not like this remark, and
flew into a rage, and cursed Cook until
tbo air wa blue, Among other thing
ho aid; "You are a rich man today,
but I will send my curse on you and
your people, and two year from now
you will not be worth a penny." Ho
started for hi carriage, cursing all tho
way, and when a far aa the gate, drew
a revolver and dared Cook to eotno out
there, telling him ho "would blow hia
d n head off," all the tlmo handling
hi revolver In a most threatening
and reckless manner,
There wero many ladle present in
tho yard at tho time, and there wa a
general cram bio to hide behind aomo
one else, for fear tho drunken priet
would boot, "Dick" Payne finally got
McManua into the carriage, and taking
tho revolver away from him, threw it
under the carriage eat and atarted for
Virginia, An Indignation meeting wa
held right then and there by the peoplo
assembled, and they decided that aomo
thing ahould be done, Accordingly,
four men drove to town, and aworo out
state warrant for tho priest' arrest,
charging hlrn with carrying concealed
weapon and disturbing tho peace,
McManu, evidently fearing trouble,
Immediately left town on hi arrlyal
there, but wa stopped at Jocksonvillo
and taken hack.
The trial caused a great deal of ex
citement, the court room being crowded.
There were sixteen witnesse for tho
prosecution and hut one or two for tho
defense. The fact above wero cor
roborated even by tho witnesse for tho
defense. After tbo testimony of tho
witnesses had been taken, McManu
made a very pathetic appeal to the
Judge, rtfjuosting them to Ignor tho
witnesse' testimony and believe hl
statement. He denied every thing, and
had tho audacity to tand up In open
court and ask twelve American citizen
to tako hi word In preference to that
of every wltnes that had testified. It
took tho Jury but twenty minute to
reach a verdict and fix tho fine. There
wa not the slightest doubt a regarded
tho guilt of McManua, but tho amount
of tho fine wa what took tho Jury m
long a It did. Tho smallest fine wa
brought In tho verdict. It is hofiod
that tho penalty of tho court will prove
beneficial In tho future.
An appeal was taken to tho circuit
court, and the case at present stand
over until tho next term. McManu
ha retained counsel to fight tho case
to tho end,
Tho bishop ha suspended tho priest
until the case I settled. Father Crowe,
of Jacksonville, officiated on last Hun
day, and 1 to havecharircof tho parish
for tho present. C, A. Allen, In Jack
sonville, 111,, True Friend.
Have you asked tho newsdealer near
est you If ho hue on salo THE AMERI
CAN? If you have not already done ao,
ask him at your earliest convenience.
Hut a few ncwvdealori apparently carry
The Amehican.