The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 09, 1894, Page 3, Image 3
THE AMERICAN, 3 GOV, STONE S OPINION, It I ?M (Vni !imcfMry t,i Hi a, r. a He si II It. ritniUtt I . Imithsft. nl WMIi Mi Uh The bib pulillhn! K hi v m 'i b ) . IJn.l Him niili!; limx jimr own ttMn lviki) i, a inl inl.i Ji I W 11 titilie t,U ftl tSti'nt - ( IH'H, si tl tm r,i' ft ."! p- sil Ml Ml.nnn I ft it i)nl ill N Win- WiMiMiiT, Mo, Jn, "i. t.ov. . .1, Mvvi , ,)i i i iiM I it Mo. l!imiinl Su! hi I Hi!. ,n tM.iiftr, nt'silmlic iH-r ntl'li1nil hv It. M. Hisn, prht, in this Linn, 1 ini Itle CIH'lftWlt kh'liVft'l IHV sivti dit d in your nii llciu'v. I'mlrr the caption "What Men think of A. IV Atsm." I'i lost Hj an seek bub-llver the weight of t.iir imliticnl position against, a rapidly growing t jnnixHtion. Such MttcrniMift aiv nol characteristic if your public utterances, therefore some of your strongest stipiHtrh-rs wish to Inquire whether you are eortvt? quoted by " Vif Vnmutli r." ltushavo your answer. Hcspoctfully, I,. H. Noi.Ai.n, Pastor M. K. Church, South. STATK OK MlSKOt'KI, ) F.XKCUTIVK DKI'AUTMKNT, ! Jekkkkson City, Jan. 2H. 't4. ) Hkv. L. It. Noi,ani, Wrsi'oHT, Mo. IK'81' Sir: 1 urn in receipt of your fiivorof thclilith Inst. 1 send you by this in tt i 1 u copy of tho Jefferson City 'J'rilmnf, containing h full report of tho address I delivered before the Young Men's Democratic club on the Si h Inst. 1 know nothing about Mr. liyiin. Some priests, and preachers too, briny: more turmoil than pence into the world, and do more liurm than good. I do not know whether lie belongs to that class or net. Ai to myself, I ntn unqualifiedly and unalterably opposed to the A. 1'. A. organization. 1 urn opposed to any kind of bigotry or intolerance. So far as tho Catholic ehnreh is concerned, 1 do not fcubsenbo to its principal re ligious dogmas or tenets of laith. I am distinctly Protestant in my beliefs, but 1 abhor bigotry from whatever source it comes, and morn when it comes from thoso with whom I am in accord than when it comes from those with whom I do not agree. If there, is any earthly reason for tho existence of this prospective, un-democratic, un-American organization known as the A. 1'. A.'b, I am unable to determine, what it is. I believe. It to be radically mid es sentially wrong In purpose and wholly vicious in tendency. Respectfully, VVM. J, STONE. KIM) WOtfOS From One Who Ik not a MciiiIht of the A. V. A. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 31, lHiil. Kdltor Tjik Amkimcan. Dear Sir: I am a constant render of your pnpc;r,and although I havo never belonged to the A. 1', A. I am In hearty syinpntliy with it, and as Minnas opportunity oilers, I will lose, no time. In falling Into line. I Jtavo traveled and lived in the princi pal cities between Kansns City and New York, Quebec, and Winnipeg. I luive lived In Protest tint north n rid Catholic south and west of Ireland, but never have I seen or heard of a more disgraceful or cowardly assuiilt than was perpetrated at Turner hall, Kansas City, by a degraded, priest-ridden, foul mouthed mob of representatives of the Catholic church, upon an utter si ranger, jtlhlinp McNamara (not so-called llishop McNumara, as our Catholic-fearing contemporary tho Star says) and hit) wife, '1 want tousle your readers: Will you stand Idly by In tho face of all this, and see Homo trample on your rights as citizens? They have taken our dearly beloved ling oil' from tho colllns of our dead sold bus (who died thousand upon thousands on the battle field clutching in death that sacred emblem of freedom, Old dory) before they would allow the corpse Inside their sacred church. They have attempted to murder llishop MeNauiara and his wife openly In our streets, Yes, and were mocked by the press of Kansas City for failing to do so. Where are we? Are we in America? Whenachlld I remember In Ireland wo used to sing of America, the land of the free. Can this Kansas City be part of roe America? It Is mockery to wiy roe America as long as you let the minions of a foreign power dictate and frame your laws. That Is just what they are doing for you in Kansas City more than any other city in America, jind why? Simply because you keep your mouths i-hut every election. You Americans have the power In Kansas City. You huve the votes; why don't you make them count? Americans, why don't you employ Americans? Why feed and clothe Koman Catholics to mob your children in the future? They are taught to suck tho life's blood ut of you. Don't you believe they will do it? I end Til K Amkhican and eo tho way Human Catholic employers obey the will of their clergy. See them turn out of their employment one by one every 1'roteslant. On the other iiand, can you show me any account in any paper where a I'rotestant employer Jjiis requested a Koman Catholic to va tale his position? Can it be you are afraid? By far tho most of our mer chants are Protestants, can't you get lis good men among Americans and as many? Yes, you can. Ily putting tin ud. in The Amkhican you can get any kind of help. It is tho merchants, tradesmen and working men that patronize The Amkhican. There are Jots of them this hard winter that you could do a little to help be sending to 1'Mt N VI ,! !".v I.. J ill li-.l li nn I i Jul J t t ' Ml in i I iiw n !.' i .1 Avviimti ll'if n t 1, h- Il ! I -l:'. ft ill'. I HI . (hut ll.. t - M ,)-( l.i Tf 1 ' i-fl.-. lntl On ,Pt tt A .1iitft K If i'!l i n1'!.! K tn i ' -it. 1'i i ill wi l. -i ,i nu i ii-ftiift (i (In r !) iniili" li m i.l. ni '1 ... i j i lii i ftit t 'I in I 't'it ilii' mill iii.tit. r. U'ini. mid Hi It lit Ut'inv llie l! i'i' I ui ,1 ftinl Hi-H i- :ii i' il !' !! Iiti'iii.l'ili i im i In tin' ll.l ii. I II ill It -lu ll Mi timm -til in 1. 1. 1 . iv ! Il.ii t I' at il i'" ' ei' mi; V iii n Hill lull I 111 1.1 I'll" vl:V-ii-l-:ll N , l!iiiin I'l.tltni i' lin-'i.-o il-, ii in Wilv ,ii 1 It -iv, Jimr ilnM;;l li l v: Hull-. I'lin (lulv lie mi I hiiijj in 1 be ft-iuifemiinml or eoiii i ft-li il uiihlt llmt mil. I liiitiiil!t' jour Ife or ilHiicbtir were it nuide public? You mill H'-k your prieM, and l will nay no, Iheiv Is not. Now, dnro Jou my tie, llxiugli you doubt htm? That Is Wyoiul Jour Hiwer. You iw Uught lie in InfHlliMe; he can't lie. Now, won't yon lake the word of llishop McNamarn? His word is the HHiue now as when lie ohVlntod at maun a short time ago. Won't you take Father Chinlquy'n word? He lias lieen fifty years in the church of Homo. Yet I have listened to him lecture while Ihu tears lulled down his cheeks, and heard him tell of the crimes ho had committed whileserving tin. pope under the guise of religion. Head any of bis works and if there Is any doubt In your mind about the eonfosMoiuil or about the Human Catholic religion, it will soon )w gone. Then why M'lid your wives or your daughters there. Hunt up the proof for yourcolf and you will get enlightened and throw the yoke of popery olT, as others are doing every day. Father Chiniipiy, old and gray haired, has been stoned and shot nt by just such mobs as stoned llishop Mc Namara. Hut every stone was one more rock plucked from the foundation of popery. So it will be in the case of Bishop McNamara; und let us hope that soon the hist stone in the founda tion will be thrown and the walls of popery and sluvedom will fall forever into utter oblivion. They are totter Ing now, and tho Homnn Catholic clergy of Kansas City know it, and the disgraceful riot at Turner hull proves it. Americans' wake up. ThoelecUon Is coming. See that you are registered; see that you vote. I would like to hco a few more letters from A. I A. men In your paper. Fill up the inside of the paper with them. Something about tho A. 1', A. Is what we want, just as much as wo can get. I know that Is the opinion of my neigh bors here, and I know quite a number hero who take your paper who do not belong to your organization. We havo lots of arguments with Iloinim Catho lics every day. 1 asked one of your newsboys the, other day why someone does not noil your paper In our neigh borhood, hut ho says the crowd is too tough, ho means too Koiniin Catholic I suppose. I would like to ask before closing why you do not have a copy of The Amkhican sent to the public library? You can get Human Catholic papers there, why not have an AMKHI CAN there too? Hoping you havo enough space for this letter, and wishing you success, I remain yours, T, H. W. The Teaching of Jesus of Nazarclh. Will those who read these lines please look tip all references lu-ro given? Do not pass one by. The laws of nature are Cud's laws; but man underslands but few of them, and that few, only the lower ones. Nature has high laws which nuinkii.d do not yet understand, but which scleiitille research Is continually bring ing to the front. No one now presumes to question the i slabllshed fact, that In physical nature, at least In all Hint re lates to animal life, she preserves the fittest. Creation began at the lowest and slowly but continually improves. Not the best, but the poorest type of man came first. How long he ante-dated they of the garden of Kdnn, wo don't know. Adam was probably the (Irst man, able to receive a moral command. Previous to Adam men knew naught but to kill and destroy each other for gain the same as other animals but as soon as he, through tho urgent laws of nature, which are Cod's laws, was ablo to perceive and receive tt moral commandment ho developed a longing for life instead of a willingness to des troy It, so ho begun to lose his fierce animal nature and desire for destruc tion, and to acquire a desire of life and a wish for Its preservation which has been slowly but steadily growing stronger to the present day. As there are occasional prodigies among the lower animals, there are also among men, the higher animals. Such men as become eminent In sculpture, paint ing, poetry, music and morality. Such men are murvels, or prodigies compared to the mass of their fellows, but these men are what they are, because they have been urged forward strongly in one line Instead of several as their fellows are and this too, by natural laws. When they reach high planes of development tho love of life which is common now to all mankind, lieing ap parently unusually strong in them, their thoughts, at least of the moralist, l. H 1.1 IS. ' H.f: I ' i . )-1- Hi ! t - -.) II i V - i , l i. ie I. M In :t II !'! , I tJ n J , I Il Hi ll'l ll ftutft-li- !. ftl'il lili b 1llt !fc' li H'tl I' I ' ft, in . i' n'.ii t . ? ft mi I .!, i- iivit ill ft.i t-ftl 'i-i unit '! hh n until' I e l-ft.fti In i mi h Vft Inlu-ii ,. nil h Mil t liii. :,, til imm i rni; "ili il l " I In- lftl mill of Ibf lb ii initi Mi i In ii lift! i.ii- bin ' .-.-I- i i in i i i.l ili lei. d lii imi.irSiIi li .l lu i.e I i s. In d nn h I ik' h ii, ft.' tint i 'i "i li Hi ti-ltoi ili ..'IV !.H li e tft (be tlitit-iM Hfti In 1, !'H In "-i 1 1 t -il lii -l neii n r in liihjifte !- n Iv V) !ni W ,it vl'llmw belli (in-i.'e. 'I'lii- n,n tit Ilii- -tt i .il ill if l-i rt. !. In m I. I . life I I iili I.l', I iV inliftl k ll-i H- f. I t 'on, Hi 'H I'll Ift i II ibtil i.f In mi leg uml, Ift-ilij; I'ft'ii nbmlly hi cutiiiiiuttift-iiiiim ttllliUiiiiol hm inn) I Hi biiiniii 'ml inn about litem, for sew ral lutiilril yi-ain ln-lmv the BpS'Hiniie(i of Jeniis of Niwai-i'lh, had fallen low, ami iietv nppwii-iilly le-IiiiimIm-iI, Ti Hi het-n nttil pl'loU hail risen nmoiig them who Igttoivd their nroplielsslid cxhIIimI their jrn at gen thI Slid law-giver, At the time of Jesus, thi-lr hlghi'st prh'l witu Sad duoin', whlcli HM-l did not ludleve eoii liniious life Kissible. How they could ignore the sentiments of their prophets is past comprehension, except, they had degenerated Into mere materialism, which is probably the answer. A few quotation front their prophets will show the temper of those marvel ous men, that too at a lime before the world had heard of the now prevalent belief in the immortality of the disem bodied uml Invisible soul: K.eklel H: .'U-.'C. :i:i: II, :il: K: Dent, .'to: ll-l."i; 1s t. S: 7-H, HH; is; .er. 21: N; 1 1 os. i:i: II. Such ns these are numerous, but these are enough to induce thine In terested to search for themselves. In my next, chapter we may i-liow something mure interesting to thought ful men and women who are willing to study for ihemselves. These quotations show in part at least where Jesus of Nazareth trot his Inspiration. X. X. X. A 'IravrHtj' on Jusllce. To the Kdltor of The Amkuioav. OkakSik: After reading the parti san accounts of t he recent riot at Turner hall, In this city, published In the dally papers, It must be a inatterof great sur prise to any intelligent person that per sons closely connected with Hlshop Mo Nainara, whoso lives had been threat ened and were in danger from the mob, should have been in view of the law upon the subject, arrested for carrying concealed weapons. I unhesitatingly declare that these gentlemen had a right, under the laws of this slate, and under tho Known idrcumstiinces, to go armed, They were committing no of fense In so doing, Let me examine the law brlelly, Sec tion H")l)2 Hevlsed Statutes JHH',1, pnt;o H,j, dellnes the crime of "carrying con cealed upon or about tho person any deadly or dangerous weapon. "or 'going Into any court room during the sluing of the court, having upon his person any kind of llro-arms, bowle-snlfe, dirk, dagger, slung-shot, or other deadly weapon," etc, "and any person shall, upon conviction, be punished," etc., fixing a penalty of nol less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars, or by Imprisonment of not less than five days nor more than six months In the county Jall,ortho punlseinent may be by both lino and Imprisonment. If this were all the law upon tho sub ject o carrying concealed weapons, the public would be just llled In pronouncing these gentlemen guilty. For were not loaded revolvers found on their per sons? Yes, truly. Hut let us examine the next section of this same law, see foil .'l.'iO.'l, same page, and then perhaps we'll have a clearer notion of the law than we have. I quoin the section in full. Here It Is: "Section .'I.Vl.'!. Ahiiu' wiliin nol, In apply tu curtain ujjtci . The next pre ceding section shall not apply to police olllcers, nor to any ollleer or person whose duty It Is to execute process or warrants, or to suppress breaches of the pence, or make arrests, nor to per sons moving or traveling peaceably through this state, and It shall be a good defense to the chnrgo of carrying such weapon, If tho defendant shall show that he has been threatened with great bodily harm, or has good reason to carry the same In the necessary de fense of his person, homo or property." Can any ono doubt that these gentle men had a right to carry weapons fer tile "necessary defense of their per sons, homes or property"? Had they not been threatened with great Isidily harm? Had they not been surrounded In their homo with a bowling, blood thirsty mob? Their arrest was a travesty upon jus tice. More anon, STYMIH. Tho principle subject of conversation among the boys on the l'acilic for the last day or two has been whether Kngin ecr Cavnnaugh's t ar was knocked olT or chewed olT. The latest Information, however, goes to show that It. was cut by a large set ring on the hand of Con ductor Clawson at Kansas City a few days ago. The boys engaged In a litt le four minute round nlTairthat was not altogether friendly, In a liquid resort on Union Avenue, known us the "Hetl Light." Cavutiuugh is much the bigger man, but is resting nicely in the hospi tal, while Clawson is out on his run as chipper as a chip munk. Editor The Amkhican, Dear Sir: J I i -i i- . I. il . t n.i il. i i r ft-4 ,"i ft I , I ft ft i i I., It . ft-1 .. il in I In- ; "l.i,v it l, ,1 mm,- ilnii ti n ; li I'h ' fimV ftb-ft mi l.iiilftHii fti J ..Hnl II. i liiilft. M All i i'i ;ine. i in ; j lit 1 1 et: ftl,.n t. t nuiuin , 11. it I . i i iiel ftfle fi , iiH!e I ' wi" I n , ' ft n.ii A iiii.elli, ltiiil l( iiii.ii tl. i. ili I ,.tl e i.l ft'nyn fm) mm HI lift ftj n'li ; Il iluiH ill hi ft n, li,ii, foe .( i, .1 1, 1(1111(1 t I in il, 1,1 nl tl i-n.ft t milt l.i U.i.ii.i n f. . K i.l II,.. IV A J Iin l (In Uftjft" l b ft I. Me lie! ("ill lint 1bi lii. i -i.l tn l ii..ft . I',-) ,ii In! ' liii.ii. in,; I I'i . nil I, in-1, -nl it Uml i.tll-e ft iir liiij-- '. hi i'f Hie p. .in 'i I '.fti i 1. 1 III 1 ii i H ,1 , 1 1 i ;.' In till. I , 1l.:t1 I In- An li I-. hi i hi t r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 : t' 1 1 1 1' In llu-iii'-,iiiiiiiie, ii liel nnie el llu ( "i i hii It I'i," lorlbiv in i-oiiiti.i'ii il It tt i tit li nine pi r i'i-iiI of tin" daily pri-s, mi- Htltiitiil ulilt a '"mi of miijKpiii ttial pii'Veitl Ihelr tu eiug Ihu tri'iiHun able iiims of Iblft nilil iei i'ligleii "iniiehlliii," whose Itiethotlx) mv lllus litilvd by Ibis rulllan dtii of nit "hi rognnt prlesthiHul." We seliii'tiiiies woinler If the higher ulllelillH of the Missouri I'aellle are aware that It Is wild this bibulous Ho lulsh parasltii has Imh known to en thinker their properly and the lives of their patrons, by taking charge of an engine when drunk, or Hint these fuel 4uive been Ignored by someone whose business It should be to see that such men? are iorinaneiitly "side-tracked." Fit I KN n. AFTkU A MANY DAY. - - - i After lliii en I ay ili'y, AIht l lie :.liirim Mi-nihi-r, llri'tilei i In' ..;! ei !! i;i.y, lielll llll'l si . ' el' I ir.' I nel'. III 1 1-1-: llll 1 I.l,.' l!f I-1 ' ' 1 1 I ' P. Till'iii In ' in I' I iohI nii'; t'li'HP la a s'.y ilml li li'it-lnr A rl'i'ei'iil iihiiiii uriiftVs. Af (or tlm riilny 'lay 'l lu. l aftiii ni uml miIiIiIiim aranvnr; Dim la li. t iiiD-ii avuiy hcii'in lay luvu nint aiy luvnri Tim trnlil i.f I tin iivi'mIiik Is i ihiiiiI inn, Ihu whiKift of a iliivi'i Tlie peui n i.f I liu cvi'iiliiK liatli IiiiuiiiI inn l''ur swi'iilrr lima luvn. -Kalliai'laii Tyaua ia llimlnn Pilot. Nut ArrurilliiK t Muilo'nimiira. Tho question somcl lines arises whether an actor can successfully depict one emo tion vi hill feeling another. I once saw pour Julia M i- 'u 1 ho i k li Kvu a striking exhibition of his ability to tie this, llu was playing King Lear, and I occupied a scat very near tlm footlights. It, alien! cd inu exceptional opportunities toohsi'rvu tlio piny of bis leal urns and calch every thing that he said. Ho was rendering one of the most pa tliellc passages In tlm play, and tears real tears were trickling down hischecks. Tho orchestra was endeavoring to enhance t lm pat tins of l lm scene by plnj lug slow music, soft and low. Hut Met 'ulloiigh's acting did not need any art ilicial aid. II. annoyed him exceedingly, During n pause in his soliloquy, without so much as a shadow of a vhaiigu tailing place In tlm expression of hearl rending sorrow and mis cry stamped on his hire, hit said, and il, M'cmi'd to iiic that Im didn't movu his lips to say It: "Stop that (I d fiddling!" Ills voice couldn't be heard except by It few who were liiiincdialely ill front of him, Tlm lender of ilm orclu stni heard It, and n look of pained surpriso came Into his face, hut hu stopped tlm "ilddlleg" at once. Tliii great, mass of those who filled the theater and soon broke fort h Into thunders of applause had not, Ilia faintest suspicion that wlille Mc( 'ulioiigli had touched their hearts lo Ilm quick by his super!) portray al of tho old king's grief and misery hti iiad really been madder than a hornet. New York Herald. lie lit A Hint. "The facility some men have of getting into debt, beats all," said an Irani i'enob scol, county businens man who was doing a litllii hguring upafler completing an ex telislvn Joliof repairs on hlsslore. "Heats all, that's Just II I Now, there was X , the carpeiilcr, whom I hired Just, to work up an old bill I couldn't get any other way, 'I'liH thing ran along so slick I thought, 1 was gelling prclty well squared up null lilni and laughed a llll le In my sleeve over it, hot. I'll be hammered If lie ain't been gelling lulu me deeper ami deeper all the time, and 1 never mistrust ed It. I've just In '-ii looking tlm thing up" lin shut tlm h dgcr, with a bang "and hn ewes mi' than hii(lld when Im began work," 'Micro lire plenty of Alalim storekeepers who can tell just, such talcs of sorrow, The shrewdness fif tho debt artists Isafuvorllo subject with them. Lcwiston Journal. 'lliii-liiiMin. ThtTfl had been a liatlln. Death was nv ery where, I'ndcr cannon lay dead and dy ing. 'Mm ground was red with ilm blood of men, 'lh ilcfciileil commander, be grimed nnd sad beyond words, a fiigltlvo from tlm Held, crept on his hands nnd knees through underbrush toward tint skirts of t lm village. Suddenly hit paused, Tho sound of a soli, voice broke on his ear, and he pi, led through the bushes, A lit tle child sat ueaviiig a garland of grass and wild Ibuvers by a running brook. "lie nut afraid, dear child," lm said as she started al, his approach, but resumed her scat, reassured by his kindly eyo, "I have hmt my empire." "How sorry I am!" said the little one timidly, "lint you may havo my gar land." -Kate Field's asliingtori. IVIiiil, hliii IV Afliir. JamesonAre you going to refurnish your hoiiw'f Fit. - No. Jit meson Well, I saw your wife In n furniture store the other day pricing dif ferent articles. Fit. Yes, She did that su as to flml out what Itrown's new fuinitiiru cost. New York Herald. Sim Hail 1 1 ii ir. Omnia Mendicant I'm a poor widdy woman with eight small children, Can't you givo us soitis elothesf Iuly Tlm only clothing I have tOK'v awny is ens of my husband's coats, Kctnnhi Mcndisnnt (ilve it to mc, good lady. I might marry again. There nro sev eral gentlemen ai havo their eye on me. Loudon Tit- Hits. tMt MftlilM HMH, A Ift.ftWftlfHnft l lit li.Mt.ii-i I 111 (li 1 1. - I imt Imi i-ii. I) ti ! hi ili-. ii, li i,t,Mt tv'V I ! I I 1 1 I lit- I .ftfts ft il t t,eil! i . 1 . l II i- 1 1 ft. I I.l ll-i l It 11 f ii ( ! ti I , ft lift ft .1 I !.. ln.lftft l4 I .l Al Imi ti-tf wiihni.1l tl.ft-ll l ft II , m ftiu- t tftl ii I i.i I hk S 1. 1 I lir tM ftl !.i.lft.,l u. Il l l i,i tift l u (, ,,,4 I, l l- ill I 1,1 I. til. ..Lull ftkl.i , I,. mi. I O k 1.1 h' it II. i it. I, k nx lis j It, lm lit ",timi ell l--.Mil ' -111. I ll i iminl, mil. ft ! ..-t nl I lit- lnil.l hi. ft. leu Silt i iln i u ti lt, ii i.l ni,-ift, uml ilimli liitf el t 1 It !' ll O'fti I" I Ili 11 I '' ft'lll I it ' 111 it ft l-VII I 111 ll'.'i I U.,' I'ltll t.. HI. ftft III, Il ftk lift lit llll' till. I I" I'I III I Ittl-lllt", ft. I II, .11 il.t It., k . i (i i I llmullli I. Ill I.l IftHI ft liilli ft llki (t. lil I'i l.-l i llu' l 11 ft kiHi II I , It llift, In ft ib line. -mi I I Slut . Il in ftl In. In . I lii lilm I t.ft In. . .He Ilm liif : slit lei'iilni. or ' ,"iili," i I tin' n ti ll 1 Ml lftim I il i lo l mi Ilm lft-Miii, Slid Hie m ii-n nil ihu .il tilili' ln-uan lin vnlkft ll ( li tft II be tuft In I. mjt A (nl bis Nl tlie I li.ll stnl VI tin tuft ftl Ilm unlit II 1 I iiihiIii ill His lllitt'-l A on i Ii in ill.. ik pint' ftll.l pftliitift.) N "i 1 1' blue, tlie m!nt ItSVtllg Ins 11 wllitHlH.n-. til 'lflft'l Iftllllnttll luvift, i-ft'ibii tun Ilm skin lib linn Ion 'lul al wlili li It Im'sinr ni'iibslbl'i. H n k nl vihI faster Slut fusler I Its s1ili1 i er lm ti'SiM'il unlit II us kk billing mi lis seft'iu Ingly frull frsiiiftikknili si. a illrylng himhsI. 1 lieu sliiftiu issftshiil nlT, It I'siiiit qitli kly to a slntiilstlll, slid llu fellow mi lbs other bin wns tried. All working siiiim.I lily, ImiiIi m n'ik'ft l.i ynn to turn fusUT and luster sad f tinier until llmryi' bigsn lo lose Ilm bbiiles and retain only tliu si'iisn of Iwu whirling disks. Tim nel Inn of tlm screws al high Sieeil rioised ri'tiuit k n til y lil I la slinking of tlm w lniln liiachlui', Thin Is elm of lbs surprises of Ilia Invention, Ilm tii'Uiend'iiin foreiii'ierli d i s compared w tl li Ihu light ni'fts, stHHilluess and i'omiiictiiikHS of the whole, lielduil Ihu screws, l(l feel awny, two men werii squall lug over t he dynamometer and Indicating Hie degree of "push" on it largo Index board for tlm engineer to read. Tlie Index marked -Kill, Mm, IIUl), T"l and Una I ly I, '.'Ull pounds of "push." Tlm preisurii was then diminished below Mid, ami tlm conilnander jelled, "Let gol" A ropn was pulled, the uiarlilntt shot forward liken railway train, and wlili tlm big wheels whirling, the steam hissing and the waste pipes pulling and gurgling (lew over the l.KUO feet, of track in much less l ime than It takes to (ell it. It was stopped by a cou ple of ropes stretched across the track, working on capstans lilted with revolving fans. The si oppugn was gent le, and tho passenger brent bed freely again, looking now upon t he niacldiiH with moro friendly and less fearful eyo, ns if It were a dan gerous bulldog with which amicable rela tions had been established and fear of In jury was over, Tho machine was then pushed back over tho track, It not being built, any more than a bird, to Ily back ward, In a quarter of nu hour it Is again nt lis start ing place and ready for another (light, J. W. Dam In Mcdum's Mnga r.lim. MirlHtinn I'V-imllng In (Mil Tluii'ft. There are certain dishes which are piv eullarly dedicated by custom and tradi tion to Ilm Christmas feast. Tlm plum pudding Is almost tho sole survivor of a long list, of equally savory ones, Thero was the boar's head, always tlm herald of (lis feast and always seasoned wit h inns tard, Next In Importance was the peacock. Tho sklu was carefully stripped off, with tlm plumage adhering. Tho bird was I hen roasted, VVIieii It wits doimand had cooled, It was served up again In Its feathers, and Willi gilded beak was scut, lo tho table, Hnmctlmes tlm whole body was covered with gold leaf, anda piece of rot ton, satu rated with spirits, placed in lis beak and lighted as It matin Its gorgeous entry, 'Mm iiohlii bird was not served by common hands. That privilege was reserved for the ladles mostdlstliigiilshcd by birth nnd beauty, lieese, capons, pheasants and pics of carps' tongues also helped to set out t lm Christ mns table In days gono by. Hut while Christmas, ns far as Us eating was concerned, alwnys had Its special I les Its liquor carta was unlimited, New York Bun. Slnrr III Sliini, Hhivery has been abolished In rinrnoln Plain, but It can never bo abolished In fart, for the slaves havo no means of sup porting themselves outside their masters' houses. Kvery member of tin Klsinese up tier classes can fetter his servants or throw them Into prison without any kind of trial or permission being necessary. i Ono morning I went to call upon ono of tlm ablest and most of the ministers, a man w ho has been to Kuropii I and who ones actually got Into serious trouble for trying to Inaugurate a sort of , woman's rights movement. In siiiim, , I iiiadii toy way by mlslokn Into a part of bis grounds where visitors were not. ex ' peeled, and I found a slave faiciied down ! to the ground In an Ingenious kind of pll i lory, In which be could not move baud or j foot, whlleaiiolhershtvelorturcd 1. 1 m with severe strokes of a bamboo rod at the word of n member of the loudly In order lo force hint to confess to sornti misdeed. ( ontem pornry Review. Actor Tliorns's Ailvlno, "I heard a good story about Charley Thorns tho other day," said tlm advaucs man, "Ho took "Mm lllaek Flag' down to Long Hrnnch on summer as a sort of a unnp, you know, and ho was playing to a miserable business, On Saturday night tho Iioiish was unusually light, nnd tho PMnplM who were there did init, kwin tiny too anxious to stay. Along In the uibbllH of the second net ono of th border lights set lire to n pices of scenery, and thero was A ill fT of fbiitm nnd smoke, Homebody out In tlm limited audlencs shouted " Flru!" and Immediately there was n panle, Thome hud tho stage nt the time, nnd when ho saw what was up hs rushed down front and yelled: "Now, Indies and gentle men, do not alarm yourselves. It w ill b hard to get out by tlmdoors. I would sug gest that each person tnko a window and go out that way. There'll IsMiocrowdlng. for (bid's knows there's plenty of windows to ftccnmiiioduU) you all."- Iluffalo Kx pnns, Agrrril mi tlm Tariff. It Is not often that you flml two men w ith exactly tlm same views on t lm tariff question, but Drown ond Hlcnhelm over thir agnn to n dot, Flgg Hut linvu they mastered tho stil Ject? Kogg Not nt nil. Neither of them has the slightest knowledge of Iho question, and Isith of them frankly admit it, Bos ton Transcript. Clirtirful. rntirnt Doctor, do you think I'm go ing to dlef Doctor (cheerfully) Certainly not. l'otint (wearily) Thanks, doctor. I didn't know I wns immortal. Detroit Free IVess. A tufuuu MHKs IMsnst.ltn lull It, !, I lift Mftftftilftw I ftftltftfttftftk- I ft I lull ft filll I 'Hill. 111- ll ft Ilk if kV nlfttftHft ft ft. IHI ft I.' I I I ml- I'll I HI nil ft lislf trim ifttl. I I ,. I i ii.. le. m I nlll I till ll,lnnti In Hi tin lit t I lute, l-f Ilm tlnkk ,ti -nl 1 1 in. il 111,, In lift. ft lil' 111 II ftl ill kI ft i n nil f f ftl ,.i 'I 1 1, fti tun i'llk, .-eft, ftl' l II kkfta I- I, I i f I, I--I Ilml kftllin IftS k n-Hk ( ft HIi. Il, i.f Ik nl Ilm I. 111. lift ftft "lll l !,! I .lllkl- In- tm, i..l l. l l il.lnl kit In 'ii I-. ftli.l Ilm I t itift IftSkftl IiOk-i I M fti-li -t In III Hut , lift.) In-Ill nlu. nti I ti mi Inl in. i In ll ilm Its ii i. h i li I I -in nl , t e In ill) ft ml ft ft I I I .1 ft , j .. IHU, II (111 Hill. I tblt il 1 I - ('lil - I hi HI I ' Inl I I t l.fti ftftik II in i I ll.n i.iln.i til.i I i,, inl, mi. I lift i -. I.l I I Ilm l-li Uoill. lilt, It.iMftllftll. I tin biliil hi mi i il ft , si Utniil nl Hi liii Ik I-1 1 n mii n In mi i.i i li 1 1 ii in. .In liimi 1 1. in -I ii I ii ninl It tin lm. I In i le l iinift . .1, mif Siik bii.nswi- but Hu ll on li 1 ti fniitier it'll k , liitittntt tlm Iirillnn' n-i In , ilii I' l.Sllsb, Willi m i l. .n iie.,i)r( nl 1 lift fiir siiiii Iiii ii, bet ii l ie li it iiinllv 1,'i-u w lm bml Im ll nil llll' I' long 1-lliMlull ! llintft Dm Slut l'fl!lT fti .pllln.l iinlis I ft II Kiingn. Hut tl ws ft ftl 1 1 1 T llngftilftle be id, mid Its Ivrfiiriiisnen wiki s (smren of enit slsnl tli llgbt tu the fiilelHU liftltilii'rs siul ppectntortt. Ills ii nt In i I wm tu I ttlin fru ini'l Iftko or Ibrsift ftft.lileliein, Slid lift Wnllbl ftoliiel linen suikVelv luti-triipt ft tifttltnslrilg Kllng III nit Impniftftsbbi I n I iy -1 1 1 1 It of gulv tertils and lenvs lilm Huts In spiis'liin litiiniM'iiii'iit, w ld In lm launched Into nil ul iMpisiit niblnws on Ilm iHinitlliM of a iimhiii light rnlnlsiw or sums other squally nnrn Inleit sulijeel. t lr n gray Itslred tumnlier ftiiiti Wniklpisi uilgbl srlss In his pises stid 'loil" a few giitiiirnls which worn In tho eltei t, Hint mis of bin oxen Imd been drowned In thn Flitpi'hikiis ford, nnd lis wanted to know when the government pro posed to bridge that creek. Uagsdnltl would rise, bow to tlm member Slid proceed iba inallcnlly In some such manner ns I Ii Is: "Tlm illsl Inguliibed and eloquent mem ber from Waiklpoo desires In direct tlm at tention of lbs honorable iiieni lii-rn to what lis aptly ehanicterles as (heir Inmetitabln lapsu from that, high sense of duly which most distinguishes Ilm patriot from tits politician. Not slues tlm rsgretted thiys of Kainebainelia I of glorious memory, whoso warclnh was as tho thunderbolt and whose canoes shlinnmrnd o'er tho wa ters 1 1 It n tlm mysterious lights which bea con tho spray as It dashes ncros t lm coral nsif, not sines I lie taboo was by royal edlek placed on tlm religion of our forefathers and wa nil became Clirlslliins by iiknso, not sines I lm enemies of t lm great Kaum lifitneha (led In nlfrlght iqi the valley of tho Nnuantl, and fearing death loss than the wrath of their pursuer Hung themselves ever tho l'all,wlmrn t heir bones In fanlast lo disarray strew the cruel rocks oven liowrj not since t he Jules of tlmnvt first madii t h sailors of Captain Cook delirious with Joy, not since time has t hers bi'iill on sll llieso Islands n Kanaka so mad ns was tho lion ornhlo gentleman from Wslklpoo when his off ox sank In tlm trencherous sands where purl tho waters of tho I 'lupelakus." Then tho members, delighted to lisnr that so llltlo Hawaiiin would mako so much Fugllsh, would utter a few mors sentences, Kagsdalo In pretending to Interpret this would nttrlbuln to tho native tlm latest good story tho Interpreter had probably heard on board some foreign man of war. Wlmn be had finished his story, ho would Inform the member that ho was out of or der, ns the river nnd harbor Improvement bill was not before the house; that tlmonly hill befors the house was Hill IbigsdaJo. lie had many foppish eeceutrluitlcs In dress, so no particular nol les was taken when Hagsdalo began wearing ono glovs nonslantly, even whlln Interpreting. Ho furnished an explanation of that when bo gave himself up to tlm authori ties as a leper and asked to bo transported to Mnlokal. Tho fatal disease whs mani fest only on that hand ho had kept glovrd. Through that hand n knife might have been run without Hagsdalo feeling It, He went to Mnlokal, where lm lived so eral years, dying befors Father Domleri. That good priest gavs testimony that Hogs dale's exnmplo In voluntarily going to Moloknl did much to nllay lh discontent of others there, and that ho wns a cheer ful, Intelligent nnd Industrious nld to th priest In governing and caring for their uiifortunatiteompniilons, Now Vork Hun. f,n ruinous I'slnt. Attention Is called by a writer In Th National llulhler to sotrm peculiar elmrao (eristics of luminous palit. and tlm facts to bo observed III obtaining from ittlmbest service, Among tho fuels presented Is ths Important ono that a greater lumluoslly Is produced by a short and tu -or expomira to an ordinary art He - In I liglit or by being placed near a m lodow about suiiNiteits rainy day, Again, after in seconds' expo sure to good dilTused dayliglil, whleh Is really ns effect I vh as an exposurs of I'f hours, this substance will glvs out a prae tlcal light for 10 or i hours, and (lis In mlnosiiy will not cullri-ly dlsupp'ar In Icsft than MO hours, sie h n l i ft . j-i-iir-e In ths times required for ths sbsorptlon and ths emission of light being so remarkable ns to insko It seem that tlm light, rrnlltcd Is many times greater than that absorbed, It Is nlso found Hist n tempersturo of Jioo or .100 degrees w ill not put calcium mil plddii Into lumlrioiis eondlt Ion, though sfter ex posers to light nu Incressn In ti'irt pcraturs of 'ib degn-es will maks II, mm It moro luminous, This, however, Is not conversion of heat Into light, because If kept nt a high tempi-rnliirs It becomes non luminous In a shorter limn. "I iftl Tniili-r." In Ootober last the Central bank, Ant werp, untitled Messm. T iV Co., Import ers of wheat, that henceforth only I, nut) francs' worth of 6 frann pieces would I received nt n single payment, This lull Illation enraged the excitable head of tlm firm lo such a degree that lm at onrii con sulted a lawyer, who told him that In ths eyes of the law tlm bank was not entitled to bnpiHftn sny such restriction, w hereupon tho bend of tlm II rut stated In reply to ths uka-edf the bntik that In future nil their payments should bu effected In ti frano pieces. And Its kept his word, Kvery time he had tu pay moiuy Into the bank ho bought up nil th fi frnno pieces be could collect from ths other hnnks nnd forward ed them to tlm Hank (Yntralo, A few wrcks ago lie paid In the sum of no, 000 francs, which had to ho conveyed rut a wngon jlred for the purism and which took a ro up! ii of tellers over nu long to count. Ktoihi Ilelge. ('mat! Anlirft. A widow In Vienna having nuked wheth er sho would hs allowed to preserve ths sshes (if her liusbnrid lit tin urn lu her Hpartmi'tit has been told by tho govern ment that this could Hot be permitted, Tho minister responsible says ths custom, If It became general," might lead toslraugo nxeutrlclty and superstitious." Vlvnua Latter.