The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 09, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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'iIm I I Hu n it
Hi 11 M I W tt in w
niM'i i u i v ...i.iii.1,.,1
li MM 1 1
'"I'l l hitpn ) t tiiey bale lii ui, lil thl
l"t fit III II llli!(. (I iM. on v..
Mtln till., a, 1h line U tci) acute,
Mint' I i Wn atuhh 11 lni k, I .mi ihin
all 1 1'n n jni-i in w i i u tun hi i ni'iiw
lite fill A HHli' w bile I'll hlil'g Dl , Cul t
right, a ft U ud (if iiiIdc, wlui In Inn'
flllll M illl'l M'l ll."
'Vi, ji', bring hiii'IIh r I'IikIi Imi
Ki ll lli'll'l ill' t! IHWC, pll'lllbl' 111
I B f )l Will,"
A the ilit'tol' I'll mm a IIiii ill mi' Minn
llivwu tulii tu I ln govt nil paying,
'Mlh DiMi'llI, Ihclo in mi IIH fill ll a-
lety lu ri'. Twitwiik In fni'i Amiitli'
Wi til buck ! llu' n ii in I flu' Ih i nun' ff
age iiinl ii' kill fur ii ai m in 1 1' I in nk i'
'i lint. I l In nc III nothing nf II only
tliiil alio wna I'f age a in I wlahrd In
iXclclm' I, IT light, mi wo Wi lli In nur
lawyer mill nur account were acttlt d,
It'llViltg UN CIII'll :'0,l (HI I'l'hlllea llii real
Htu 1 1'. Sin- I noli In r t m 1 1 k I milk anil I
lllllliv l,at ThtU'atliiy I 111' lawyer called
mul naked nut what Annette liiul lii'i'ii
ilivi'ating In r money lii, I wiim nur
j'iin'il nl hi ijutatlnti anil um-wcred
I hut I illtl not iiiiili'ilnml. t Hum ex
I'lllllii'il thill Alllielle'a motley liiul all
Im i n ili nun oxci t a l w hu ml i-i il del
lain, iidvlalng in" lo link lift f the mat
ter, nr il I took Mm next 1 1 -1 1 1 ii north.
Thin In why I inn hero tonight. Ami
win n I nrrlvi til fimnil Annette In U ar
mid with eyea attiring llku annul wu
iiiiui." "I en n't muli THliiml. And tli niorny ?
Mio ha it itl no IiIIIh hi tun I mot hrr In
Chicago. Yea, It h very at range, j
Nnw when I went to her there In re
kiiih' to tho letter ho wan very much
dlaantlallcd. She IiiiiI aclec'ed a coiti
I milt n from tho conve nt ami at flrat
I -oid lively refund to go with mo. I
told her you would never conaont lo
lier li.klt,j( audi ii, trip with ti alriineo
woncm, and if alio would not go with
mo 1 would write, for you to como at
fcn'. She then mild him would think
it over and tho m xt Any oom-cnleil to
Mir nrrangemenl. 'J'IiIm wiim mi unlike
our gentle, Annette that It aurprlai'd
tn not a lit tie, Imt 1 accounted for It In
th Ih way.' She hud aludlod ttai hard and
would Im heraclf after roiling,"
"Well wo muat give nil our energy to
her recovery and then think of tho rout.
1 don't earn for iho money If aho will
only get well. Hoe how whlto aho In.
Annette, Annette, my dear child! Oh,
Ml Di Moiit, I ahull go wild If tho
diM'tornBri) not here noon. Homethlng;
uitit fe dot.o. You arc alwayHi wlw,
(fuldo m now an yon liavo done In the
jiawt, that I may do tho very fooht for my
jmor Atinnlto." ,
"There, Julln, calm jommdf; tho
doclom ro here,"
Tho two nu n go to tho h k g:li I, con
vvning hurriedly for u few mimiteH in
mi undertone, then Dr. (Jnln tunm to
the hulli h hn ho nayn, "I MInh Ilrown'ii
room In reailliiem? Hho. niunt he un
drcnd Immi'dlati ly am placed in a
arjco hi d,"
"VfH, tlr, Biihwim Mamlo, the maid
of all work,
'Then" tho doctor coiitlnucH, "we
will place jour winter on tho hod, MUn
Jlrown, and whllo you arrango her
clothed wo will n tiro to another room,"
1 hi otr child, ftlll i-o death-like, la
laid upon her hed and lovlnjf handi
iMKin have her in a dainty nljfht gown.
A the doiMor'n agnin hcgln their
work of reatorlng Annette to conwcloua-
, l)r, Cartrlgl,tiia)a, "fill. i., you
had hi tier leavo tho riMim. Wo will
m you hm KKn a wo can give tho par
ticular of cur patient a condition,"
Bolemrily they m Into an adjoining
room, remaining atandlng until De,
jolrm them. He thim addriawn
Mian llrown: "Can I njumx with you
The governed, with Mamie, go a out
JnUi tho night air to collect heraelf and
plan for her pupU'a welfare.
Win n tho dm tor and Minn llrown aro
alono ho irijuln d, "JM Cale, Ih my
aluter very nick."
"ye, he In very nick Indeed. I
rniifct go for Mm, Ford, why In an ex
n rlenced nurw, Now, Mlna llrown, I
wlhh to know if It In onaihlo that jour
alaU r ha twen married in aecretV"
"O no, Ir, that could not Ikj for aho
haa never had a lover, and for tho pai.t
four yearn aho ha Ik en under tho care
of the nintera. But why do you ak''"
"Jieeauai if aho la not married, then
her catio la even wor."
"O, can thla Ins true?"
The atricben dlati'r fairly ataggera
with the Intensity of her fori ow, hut
tmiy foramement d(K a aho glvo up,
fche looka tho matter Kjuarcly in tho
Sure and prejiarea to meet it aa only a
noblo woman would, ,
"Well, doctor, we tnuat haoten to ro-
licve and help her. If you think an
other phyalelnn will do one whit of
food, I will telegraph and have him
hero a quickly aa poxalhlo. However,
1 have great confidence in you and will
take youradviec."
"Thanka, Miaa IJrown. Dr. Cart-
right la ore of tho hest phynlclaria in
Minnesota ml think it would ho uatdeaa
to send for another. At present there
la very little hoje for her recovery, but
; i J X' i I i A i ii ii hti ! -i I-
I n i 1 t I ill1 hi H ii I it lili In I ,1
li t. iti I'll., i -ili. I f 41 1 I n, I l in i
iiii nin artv fi.xii Hn mi'iu 1 atiiiil
i I I Hil lit "
1 I in 'm Ii .iii'i-i!i "li.tiK 4 f
t li ii'HUK I tnkili tn l H1 t '
I inl 1 1 Ii 1i f nk. SI. i" In l l l
(hut t'l a" n Ii i; In In wht.r.
"I II III Mill t III. Ht'H. Il'll 1,1' l
I'KJx rli-.l nf I, t Imlnlri , It J
, iiiiln i-ii- i 1. 1 of inn' l t , nin titti-l
fl.T fui lii life. N ik thv eltlni are
hi IV,"
"Di'ii'l try li llk ni'M, Annette, wail
until Ikiiioi row,"
"My tnllnitli'W Will ln III liemili.
ill ar Klter; ilnn'l weep, III Inderal,
Milt I luiil explain, 1 hiiihI,"
Dr. t iiiti n lit iiiinin the djlng wo-
tniiii n little, anil an In Imlilt her. alio
ei'iil linn o:
"W hen li II n In iiskml hn lilliiill l V
Mill I eiiii-i lileil, IU'Vi'l' ilieiiiulli thllt
J oil wnlilil el'jiel; lull w hen yml M'til
lliu-i' cruel w I iid-i, IK Ver to inenlinll
lil till lliti ill your lilemliee, I took
Knllier (''ilgeniM' ml viee mul nuiri li il
liiui aeeretly, You'll forgive mo now,
hlnler.iiinl we'll all I k huppj in hi aven,"
"My darling, what do you meiin?
Who aaid Ini'iit any word alaiul jour
Why Father I'it.gerald. 1 In wna
tho man who went to aec you almut It.
Hut 1 do not lilnme you, dear. You
could not nude rhtunil, my love, We
intended to go to you together very
aooti, hutaoiuo evil poi-Hona are trying
to convict my huhhund of murder liiul
they may Inherit a fortunn Unit, In IiIh
hy right. I gave li 1 tn nil my money
and ho gave me a liox of jewelH. Now
I miial leave you all. When the guilty
one 1m found and Deiinta retiinin, tell
him I died with you mul ahull wait
patiently for you all in tho hotter world.
Wo could not agree, In religion iiiat-
lera for, although Kuther Kltzgeruld
waa no gtaiil and kind, 1 could not ho
Hove In hla church. O, don't cry,
Julia, I I " and tho ooor n.lHgulded
girl could any no more. Hho lingered
on until 0 o'clock hut waa too weak to
apt tik even In it whlaper.
Once horalHter tin iiied, "Did Fit.-
get aid perforin tho tmirrlagu cero-
iiK'tiy V and Annetlo howud her head
In HhHt tit. "Were there any witneMKCH?"
and alio utihwired hy motion in tho
m gailve.
At (I o'clock Julia cloaca her ln!or'a
eyea In death and, like Dennla Foley,
Annette Ihih gone to mt et her (iod.
The next day lifter Dennia Foley died
Father O'Connor arrived In Maiden
Hock upon the midnight train. He
put up at the Heely Hoime, and In tho
early morning went to the niaglatrato
to act forth hla claim. Tho paper he
pOMtCHnod gave to the prlent cxcIumIvo
right to all property left hy Dennla
Foley. The will remU "To my next of
kin," and O'Connor haa come to take
charge of the hody, and aaierta hla
rlghla. On hla pcrKon la found IO,(HK)
which, of coumo tho prloat deinaiitU,
The magistrate aonda for Ditteetlvo
Cant' and a lively time follow.
"Kir," any tho deUctivo itddrcaalng
the ptieat, "I have claims to the
amount of t.'IO,iNl that muat ho paid out
of D nr:la Foley 'a- projierty heforo you
can receive one 'cent, and even then 1
hel love you have no right In thlaciiae,"
"I am tho legal heir and will not
aulnnlt to thl Interference," aiiNwera
the furh'ti prhwt.
"Iletir In ml ud, Mr, O'Connor, that
you aio In America, where rank or
title count for naught in deciding que
tlon of law, You, air, have no right
to any of thl property and hero are my
proof, Tho night heforo Fitzgerald
died he told Dentil Foley that he had
hadnaecret to divulge heforo taking
hi leave, anil It la thl; Dennl Foley
la Fllzgerald'a own child not thochlld
of the Foley'-hence no relative of
your como in a their kin. There
were no piix r of adoption and the
Foley aluiply acted a hi parent and
there are no legal tie,"
Tho prh'at, with palo face and rigid
countenance, demand: "If you have
any proof i of thl hciihoIch tirade, ahow
them to tho miigUtriito, All thuae
empty iiKNcrtlon go for naught without
"Jut ao. There are two living wit-
neane to aettlo the affair."
"Anil whom, may I auk, are your aa-
alatantaln thl intended rohhety'"
"They are Dennl Foley' wife and a
very rioted nurae In Hoaton, known a
Hackct, Thla nurae waa once a alaler
of charity, anil walU d upon Dennl
Foley' mother during her lut alcknet,
which wa cauiied hy hi birth. In
thl ordeal ahe became lionvlnci'd of
the heinoti crime often cottiuiltted hy
men who, by their power a prlerta,
command the innocent to aufTer In
alienee, fcho very wittingly arranged
a trip to Kuropc, hoping thereby to find
a chance to oaeapo. The ahlp wa
disabled In a ttorru on tho voyage over
and our living-witneaa U Flt.gerald'a
crime changed clothe with a dead
woman during the excitement. In thl
way her identity wa loat, tho woman
being huried a the nun and a report
aent in to tho church to that effect.
Kacket ha at laHt overcome her great
fear and awe of auch aa you and la ready
to atand boldly and tell th ia story to
tho world. You, air, may not know
llii. t'lil I I 1 1' MM 1 I IU''. I. Ill I
In. in !' It n- I , i , tt i it l I I'll In l
,) ti iil mi il,,. t,,
' I Uilim
l aili.i tli'mumr man.U nii..:,it ' (uri'i-M diilinf tbU iii. I.wum,
t a ntu le rim in a l,i U ntlv
tn.'i', , tint ,, ,vtt b'k t him
tin an ai.w.i , tli.'i. t liiiiaik" "Mj
Mine I M ty tnlimtdo. Ilnlinl It Wmlbl
U iingmlly hr ln. In l. 11 tini a
1'nlliy kiiiii audi It aw n-j i Uim.
I w III lako rlml g nf the lakty. Wl'in
(hi l dniie aball leave niiil have lie
fin (her huaineiM w iih jim,"
"A ery wian plan In l at," anawera
the ib I. line be ami ,4I1I I Ip llirlr
lint to tin1 innt-Utrato ami leU the
Mla llrown haa nuked for an Inter
view with leleetive an It I planned
that the ami parly travel tng Iher In
t'lut'Hun. iiing Hie laidy of nur la an-
I Ifill Aniielt" ill the ipilet Utile eenie
tei'V "I Maiden Iha k until the enU
CI I. - XXI.
The Chicago piiicr are full of the
Itogera' caae. It I fully aired from be
ginning to end. Other paper nke it,
up and In lea than a week from the
time of Denuia Foley' death thl
at range ami alory I publiahed all over
our land caiiHlng the cxim khIiiii of
Truth la atnmger than fU-t Ion" tube
iiaeil many time. Sam rt aehe llnth
Siinilny evening at 8 o'clock. Tho
family have read of the tragedy at
Maiden I tuck and are nearly wild with
excitement. Madgo haa fretted heraelf
Into a fever and the whole family are
nervoualy iiwtililng the Chicago train.
When the carringo coinea rolling up
tho drive Mrs. Morae, with Sarah and
Jane, ruah to tho granite HtepH, Sum
allghta, greet them cordially, then
look around nnxlotialy aa ho naka,
"Where I Madge?"
"Sho lwn't very well, ao I perauiulod
her to rcllrn about 4 o'clock. Co to
her at once, Stun, aho I worrying her
aelf Into a fever on account of your de
lay," any tho hoiiHckoopcr it alio open
the hall door.
"How i the JudgoV" inquire tho
young liurtbiind u ho lucentl thoalnlr,
and Judge Itogera come to the iiilllug
In hi drcaalng gown my lug, "Hero to
apeak for hlniHclf. Iliitter, Sinn, much
butter," uud turning to Mr. Morae,
'What a relief to oo the boy again.
I aupper ready?"
"Yea, Judge; wo will aervo It In a
fi'W minute, and If Madge could re
cline In your chair and ho with uh Sam
would enjoy tho rnol ao much bettor.
I'll aeo If ahe can, presently, If you
think beat."
"Ye, indeed; It will do her good." I
J tint before trio family take their
aent at tho table Kiiiii carrle hi wife
down alii Ira and places her In the In
valid chair. Sho I pule and thin but,
tho roae will aoon bloom on her cheek
again for Ham haa returned uud the
auapenao 1 over.
(To he Continued.)
Tim I'elitor'n l'roioillliin.
A Napnlinn of flnanci) who formerly
Rpecuhiteil In ClilenK'i pleki'd out a prom
IhIii town In Inwn ami ilicliletl to "build
It up." 11a inoved to tha town, orjouil.ed
A nuiiiber (if Ntoek eompalile, Nlarti-d a
hank, depnalteil all tha money of tint com
panle In hi own bank and then went In
to bankruptcy. Hoiiia of tlm irliiclinl uf
fi n ra went to hi houao to learn wlii'tlier
anjIliliiK could bit aiivnd from tlm wreck.
They found hi ni In a maKuiflceut apart
ment, and ho wn very aorry for tlietii.
"I reret viry mui li, Kcntleinmi," aald
ha, "hut I liava practically nothing left.
Myw lfii own t hl houao and aoina htlal
na firopcrty, hut I have nothing, ilelleve
ma, If I cm lit tin audi a tliltiK I would
give you my body and let It ha divided
among you, for there la nothing el I can
"What'a that prnpoaltlonf " aaked a
rather deaf old cntli'innn who wa aland
lag at lbs hack of the mournful citiipanjr,
"Hn any," explained oiim of tiia aufTer
era, "that we run tako hi Uidyrinil dlvld
It up among iin."
"Well, In that caae," aal-l tlin di-afold
gent li'tiinn, "I apeak for hla gall." Chi
cago Herald.
Nil Nlint In III limna.
"Pay, Hrnllli," aald llrown a h met hi
friend, "did you hear how Join wa
caught hy hla wlfa tint other dayr"
"No. How wa thatf"
"Why, ha went away with a conplaof
frlcnilM, tfllliig hi wliii Im wa K"ltiK on a
KtinnliiK rxiH'illtloii and would Im back In
alxmt llirifi tlay. At the end of that lima
liaiHiiia back, hriiiKing a II mi lot of duck
and telling many atorlc of tha magnlfl
cent aHirl, ha had had, Mr. Joue thomht
onie roaat duck would taate very giKid for
tiiper, and a tlm aervaut wa out alie
tarted In to preiuire the iwuw heraelf.
"8hn then noticed that tliera wa no
hot in them, hut that they had all had
tbftlr neck wrung, and alia aaked Jona
to account for It. Ha had hniiKht them
and wa at a lo for an explanation, but
be concocted an Impoaalblo atory alxmt
having cauuht them in a trap. Mr. J one
aald lia IM-Iieved him, but ha ha lawn
afraid t meet her glance ever alncef
i'hllatlulphia Call.
Il-ptt Watrr In th Horlil.
In many rcaiect the north I'aclflo mean
reaemble tho north Atlantic. A ((rent
warm current, much like tha gulf ttream
ml of equal magnitude, called the liliick
I ream, or Japan current, run northward
alonK tha em-tern ahoro of Aala. Clean to
tbe cunt const of Japan It flow through a
marine valley which bolila the deepeat
water In tho world. It waa aoiinded at a
depth of fi mile by the United Ktnte
atenmer Tuacnrora In 1H75 while survey
tng for a projected cable route la-tween the
United State and Jntutn. The heavy
aonndlng weight took more than an hour
to alnk to tho bottom. Hut trial wa made
of a clmam yet more profound, where the
lead did not; fetch It tip at all. It I the
only depth of ocean that yet remain uo
fathomed. 8n ti Franciaco Kxnminer.
tMI : i (tel s I, tt,i t ttN 1
IN A MlAMt iN-t ' If tin. j
Mt tl t IM Mo!! tl4 !
m (Hih nt .l t Mlltt li final I i
fconw 1 1 i llnh.lint wmmvt tm j
tllm I i It ti.ll 1 lt, II I ttllnwnt It, j
I miiliKt ii.. MKi . iv liw in at -I
e ; It all bift ite-l, w me a e..te
lm,t i,l .'( thit I,m.i,,i, llu il t fr,nn II, 1
r-prlimv St', Imt II ! II mil wn tipnii a
liinetlifll Hi artat t li'ii'lnf i Met, hay
mi Kali lie hi, wbnli liny t 1rnn1tl
"lliinnlir if tli luiie Moiitiiiilna," liv
tea 11" nt n' muili with tiieii.ilr iiui.hi
Ii I tut liiimi.t Hie I'ninl if pi mltiiii', wan
a ltiil I'V a p.titifnl aiet lit itnl luit attn k
of lliiliiuntte a "it, 1 tit tneitli ina men
l!ii litm mm whKky mi llie tlieory Hint
(lie Iniir of Hie I"U eun tin bite, and
win n I lilt tn-Mlnit til proved nf H'iHil
tiny ihiwil Hie l null tMOIii.r Willi piirei'
of rallbttiiakea' lniU, lienta' eliiw . at iek
bait, f)c nf elt ami l"e of tr'U, all truth
eii'd at iiil'ltiiilil hi llif full ot tlu'iimnii
w hlli' I lie i iiliiiimiiiit, acrit'i bi'il among t Iih
iluaKy ahadnw of I lie halaain W ianU,
Yet tha I'lilif nri'W Wiiiti', and when
hnpn wa almiiilniitil a withered aipinw
who had aci'ii iiinri' tliiin I on aiiminer
bmuiilil, hntie In hi iMUxlilpful inr Willi
til ii Inln Hint w lien ahe wn In her teen aho
had heard an ancient rrmio any that, there.
exlaled, many mile ami 'went, by ami',
aprltiK t f wnlcr which liiilil.leil Imt from
tho btiwclaof tlie aleatnitiK earth, and that
to bat he therein waa health and at reugt U
and youth renewed.
Say-on hat.elm hi tried to jump at tun
chance, but I he don't atung hi painful
feet. I lowt'Ver, having ordered tlm local
tliietnr aliiln, hn Hindu preinrnt inn for
tho Journey to tlm hot aprina, ami ere
nightfall lie waa on hi way aonthwaril,
homo tu a litter on tho ahouhler of hi
young men. Over mountain atnl thi'otiKU
valley they kept their cotirau, and nt liiat
they canm li a brond river IIowIiik
ward. They promptly alelo a hunt which
wa fiiMteuud to a IiiihIi en the river bank,
and tliencti, after the faalilon of Kent lemon
deacribed in Xenophen'a "Analmala," of
which I have aome faint recolluction, thny
jimrnryed various atathmnna until they
reached a place where, even at midday,
cloud of Rtenm were rlainK from the earth
and low poolM of atrnngi'Nt aapect patchud
the drear plnti'iiu.
Tlm chief waa lifted from tlm boat, hit
trouscrH, tomnliawk and oilier Kiirnietiti
aoon at ripped fi'oin hi roynl perwin, and
ho wiiHiptn kly liniiieraeil In a warm aprliiK.
"MlKlity mini," aaid the chief, "(lilt
fuel kooiII" And hl'ialh of content at ir
red tint tli'i'die;! of the piuil tree oil Kollllil
Top and I Im leave of tlm tuili on Level''
Tlm chief paaNi'tl tlm greater part of aev-
en iliy In the pool, diitnk deeply of I Im wa
ter and did not recover " rnpldly a hu
would have ilouii If hit hud lived liyulen
lcally, hut at any rnln hn reKiilnnd tlm iimu
of hi crippled llmliN, the gout loft Ii hit,
and he wiim aoon alilu to walk ttround and
notlcu tliliiK.
After one or two tnonn ho aald to hi
retainer,"! tirefer to llva lierethau to tilt)
t'laewhere, nrnl 1 return to the laud of my
father tountlier up my good and chattel
and remove hit her In ilint coume," Kobe
atarl.eil home, and when Im reached the
fork of tint road, about auveu mile from
the aprltiK! hit aplcd tlm lirclllntf HUT now
known iih I 'iiiul, rock, which tnuat reHcmhla
tho chimney In Mr. Julna Verne' atory
of "The Myalerloii Inland." There Im
halted, and on t int face of thnclllT wrote
tho atrangit luacrlpt Ion wlilcli I Mt ill vlnl-
Hclentlalaatul nrchaiiloKlatahnvnattldled
it In vain, ami It I only recently that my
learned friend, l)r, Tuannit, hn tleclplicrt'il
It. lie acrnpi'd awnytlie llclien which
had mailt! tho carving dim upon the tutgo
of atoniiaud rend a follow: "Witch water,
7 mile heep kooiI big chief." Till I
not only a vnluabh) Kiildeboard, but I of
great hlalorln lutereat. Hiiy-ou-Kitche-hl
and hi trilio returned, and for many,
ninny year they held tho fort w hern the
Nteamlug apriiiK nhidi', and thern wn
never a caan of alckuea In tlm Inillati v 1 1
Ho much hy way of Introtltictlon to Hot
BprltiK, N. !., which muat not ha con
founded wllh llotrprliig, Ark. Thmf'Iacu
whereof I write uaed to appear a Warm
HprlriK on tlm map, and it I n pity that
tha menu wa changed.
There ara UlatirliiK In the hotel park of
200 acre, and the temperature of thetut
thermal water varle frorn 10 dcroe to
KM degree. Tha orlgluai bath were rude
and plain, but I ha rheumatic, gouty, nerv-
on or dyapeptlc victim who now come
hern for reat and henllll I not olillgf'il to
lie In the mud a did Hiiy-nu-Katche hi
of ancient memory, but atep Into n dell
clou pool, floored and lined with (JcoihIii
marble, and when Im ha had hi bath I
aafely laid away upon cot In hi own re
tiring room, where ho alnk imunlly Into
a deep and tlrenmlea alumherand awake
refreshed and realed. A iieculltrlty of tha
water I that the bat h ant not enervat
ing, and In apltitof tha low temperature
for drinking purpoe are not In tlm lenat
riaiiKeallug, It I aild that the hotel I
kept In firewood by the nan of crufche
left behind by happy vlxltor, but In thl
truthful narrative I tie not earn to vouch
for It.
ana i.mi piiijui airtfirr
The young hiiabnnd wn aomewhat nr
prlaed when hi wife canin Ititti tha olllce,
Hlttt opened tint con veraal Inn iitoncn.
"I want, enough money to gootitof town
for a few day," ahu anld, "anil you will
have to t ii k n your meal down town fur a
few day. "
"Why, what doe thl mennf "
"It mean Juat thli I got n meaaetiger
boy to coma to the houti for Mary Ann to
tell her that aim wa wanted at hernuiit',
and a mum a alio got around I ho corner I
abut up the houao and locked It and ran
way. When alio come buck, aim won't
find any ono there. We don 'tow her any
thing, o It' all right, and I wanted to
dlacharge her, but you know I never would
dare to tell her to go, and I knew you
wouldn't dure, and don't you think your
llttlo wife know pretty well how to mnn
agef Fny ye, now, or I'll break down ami
cry right hero In the olllce." ludlanapo
11 Journal,
t'onliln't Hi r II Im.
Reporter (ome year hence, rtiahlng
frantlcnliy Into the aiinetiim) Hay, the
angel (Jahrlel liiiapfietircd in the heaven.
He' bhmltig hi horn, and all tlm people
are flying up Into the aky. The end of the
world hn come, aitre!
City Kdiinr That' good! Xow, you get
out of lu re, otilck. Interview (inlm, get
a many alori" a you can from people
who are being aiimmntied and aeo If you
can find out which plnre they're booked
for. Write a tilcturewine atory of heaven
and have it In here at 2 o'clock. Thl la
the clintico of a lifi timn. We'll acoop the
town. Boston Travulluik
iMI .!ll il t I Vt ' V:,
'.nr, V tit 1
i lilt
1 l f i, -.1 '!'-,. l ... tt.l t
kl.nH t t).f t!"l "K h-S, Wt.ll
!(...-. . l, . tl 0 s aliil-i'l
I . U..; t l,r ,..!, ,,.u hum tj lliftm
ti I .,i 1 1,, l. tin time Inl.-trMliMI
t' I'llrt lin Ii I ttlltt'l'it, l' It
il Ik ii ' i Ut-n iMiitit. , 1 1 ii, i In
la liar ! w 1 1 ll ..t i. unit I, mul It lmt
Irt l t.t l.ln.tiM minii ln-f ,4tiMH
tn Itlilnitt if 1 1 mnii In ta titp 111 ltd
tciiM l Itt "tiling tuplilly t-tiint Ant
Im H It . Iii.mi ')-tiiti-l, ami III tli In
mi i.f t hm, im,, im tt Ai ailt'liijr
ef rt leiiee U ti i;nt.i'. an i vtin'-rtllnai
I very imt (mi under tt, tun h mtiltU
Ulitt In Hi tiitlMiftl iM.lntli ii nt Hi tin
irotiK In 'tn a tin mla-r it III Inannle ft in I
!) of ltituit'll til bi itulitiil airoti
Willi lniinU' ri'iia r)!- and flowing hair,
w Im w ti tub Hint liter tn ileal ritellnn,
and the f.'lkli.r ef every tint it'll haa lit!
fi renl Plea nf Din appt arntii if tliin. r
innlit. Tin' crafty Chine ami J ipniie-H
linve I'Vi M liwiliilhii lureil a hidenit at'iu
lilaneit in a wmnati Halt, ami great palm
pra have ili im-l tn eniuuitt to rativa their
iin. i'epi Ion nf the alreii, Tlm unnllracltve,
liiotlii rly iliignng wa thn eatian nf It all.
The iliignng furm tlm cnniieellug link
between III real w luilo and the enl and
wnlruaea. Like the whale, the animal ha
no hind feet, but a powerful tmriKotilal
tJill. It anterior extri'iiilile ara nmre
flexibly jointed than thnaeof tlinwhnle,
and thl I a illMiuguiHhltig elmrai teriat lc
between the two niiluuil. Tlm ilugniig I
anld to have all niued a length of 1!0 leet.
The apeelmen nt tho academy I nearly 7
feet lung timl ha lns'ii very well preaerved.
In appt'iirtineu tlmaiilnuil reaemhle the
manatee, or aen cow. ll upper lip I largo,
thick anil tlealiy, and It auoiit I llku thu
trunk of an elephant cut abort arm.
When the ilugniig I tiuraltig It young,
it hrenat are eulnrged ao a to hn iiIiiiohI,
human In tlieir nxpfct. Tho nuralng proc
ea I carried on by thu mother above wa
ter. The baliy dugotig 1 preaed agtilnat
thu expoat'il breaat with one of mamma
dugoug' Hipper, and In thla pnaltiiin thu
animal aw I in horl.nntnlly Uirongli the
water, lining her remaining flipper to pro
pel bci'Hi'lf along. It I thi alngular char
acterlalla of tlm animal that ha given
rie to the fable of tlm mermaid.
KlrJainea Kmeraou Tenneut, the emi
nent mil .tirnllat, any a: "Tlie rudo apprniteh
to tlm Ii ti rim ii iiutlinu ohaervnhlu In thu
ahnpu of the hetul of thl creaturu and the
alt ll uile ef tlie mother while mickllug her
young, holding it lo her btVHNt with one
flipper, and while awlmmlng with thu oth
er holding the head of both above water,
autl when diaturlwd auildeiily diving ami
dlMplnylug her llalilikit (nil iIicmc, tognl li
er willi her Im lilt mil demouNtrntlon of
alrong nutternnl alVectlim, probably gave
r Iho to tlm fitbluof I lie mermaid." Ten
rient trace tlie origin of thn myth to the
gilt edged tiileaoi' early Arabian aillorn
who had wntchi d I Im at range antic of the
dugong In the water of the Miinnnr.
HUH auol In rehiiriicterlatln of thuaiilmtil
that colli rlbiite to It Iminorlnll.atloii In
mythiilogy tiud heraldry I tlm peculiarly
liuiuiiiillke, plaintive cry which It given
when It young I imperiled or become tlu
tuchttd from It mollierly hut miiMuuhtr
hold, According to liuppell, It wa, with
the akin of thl mammal that the Jewa
were directed to veil thn temple,
The heat proof Unit tlm dugong hn been
but Imperfectly doaerlhed by liaturallat I
thu contradictory ncuoiinta of It given by
cleiillat. Tcniinnt ay It give no oil
whnUoever, and tho author of "Wonder
of thu Deep" declare that 4,000 bottle of
oil Imvii liei'ii obtaliieit from ono dugong.
It I a aort of marinii comoioliln, for it
hn been found In the northern Men, along
thn tropical con! mid al ream of Africa
and America, in thu Ked ami and Imlliiu
Many year ago inlaMlonnrle liiHouth
America nin tha fleah of thu iliiHung dur
ing Hut I.eiiieii MciiNim, Imnglulng Unit It
wa IImIi. It I claaalfleil a a inamtual,
howver, o t hat thu altufilo mlaNlonnrle
trnuMgreaaed the condition of thnlr faat
without knowing It.
Hut the dugong In doomed to extinction,
In a few year, according to tint reckoning
of acleutlat, It will lutvn dUappi'iired en
tirely, San I'Viiiiciwco Kxittuluer.
llnw il l ihh IInk aliiinil Hiivei Tlniu.
One of llienu pitrnpnteth) gentlemen,
while atiipplug In town ono day, called to
have n Miitli jolt of printing done, When
Unladed, tint pnaliil card had thl appear-
Hr. bom
1114 6
X 1 8 8
' Tho abovn I rather unlnt.elllglbln nt
flrt, hut with a brief explanation It bie
come voliimlnona with meaning and ra
diant with love. It I a very lniplo cipher.
The upper row of figure each repreaent
member of tha drummer' family, No. 1
landing for Mr, and No. fl tha baby
boy, Midi of the other a child, In the cor
ner rn eeu thu letter X and figure 1, 8
and U and have thl ignlhYnnri X mean
"all well," and If a curd I received with
only a check mark over that Idler the hu
band' heart throb with Joy and bnppl-ik-hn.
No, I mean "allghtly liuliapoaitd"
and written under either flgnru In the up
per row Indicate tha ulTerer. No, 8 un
til r a figure lit th upper row Indicate
that tlm cori'eaionillng member I "aerl
oualy III," whllo a check over figure H In
tha corner row admit of uo delay and
mean como home.
A thl particular druinmerrceelve two
rneaaage a day from home, thl arrange
ment greatly almpliflc and economize
time, Tipton Time.
llnw Inaertoll I liilcrlnw(1.
It laalwayanpleaNtireto intcrvlttw Colo
nel Hubert O. Ingeraoll. The ahniwd colo
nel I ever ready to talk for publication,
ami on general topic ha apeak freely,
treating to hi Interlocutor' Intelligence
to report! hciu correctly, In political mat
ter ho I nioru caution. Ha receive the
Interviewer cordially and come at once to
the purpo.c,
"What do you want mo to talk aboutf "
he will ak.
If It be on a political topic, the colonel
will aayt
"Take out your paper."
When the rmia paper or the notebook,
a tho man may he, I produced, Colonel
Ingeraoll tell tho reporter to write down
Ll Unit que ! VVhen thi la done, be
take the paper hlmaelf and write down
hi own iiuawer.
"In thi way," he explain, "I am cer
tain that I w ill Nay In print juat what I
want to any." And then he bund the pa
per back, and t lm whole Interview I ham
mered together in thla matter of fact fnb
lon. Colonel Ingeraoll never full to give
a "good" interview, whatever the toplo
tuny he. -Chicago 1'oat.
Ml IV At t-s...N r'Ntl.
It, t ti l-wt tttlale t r
,1 H.t .tMt t'i
' W.ll fw , I am I I'' Itr t1l l
watrht tt,f. If tt.Uiti-," Iwt'l taH
VI ii.. n it Ii !.
h"tittint t tejf l e n l ktnt Mflf
nli ill
"Hl il- .l-al.trtnl ll !!)?
a tity 1nilf it' at"! f-H"wel
law pitiiie tmellt Aftt the 'iraiW'
rvi.. lia.l trit-t C tt Uwtawty
father, Mil I tH.ln I .! Iit wvwtier.
I nig'.t d Ut-iily I rl
la lnnl ptiiipnHil w f.neei1. 1 w an
Hittrrtlvtl t.llnt. Wlinl ' I
It at tra.K Imt It hM! ht I
; wanliil l ibialwM, attj my health
j Imd very bad -ll a I wl
, ,t't"f 1rtnt;rwtinhlilvl !
In Hau l Itnl how Die ulTfrle M'M
W In lrul wlllintil Hene)f It
juot at thi time that the wttit ntitlf1n
man ram along. II m-e-lfd man, and I
arguetl tu thl way,' Thl leant doctor,
ami If I intfl travel, Iw-tlrr travel with a
il. tiir,' II Invt a fin learn and ulea
linking l"l of fellnwawlth htm, M I plurk
nl up rtiiirnge to aak If t couldn't go along
and paint hi ilverilamiit for him."
I Ullry aiulli'l wllh rvimaNVtlT amti
! ment. "I rode out of town behind thnae
j horat wlthmit aaylug nianlhy to any on,
I And tlinitgli my pnimn waau't a diplo
maed doctor, a I found out, he wa a
1 mighty flue man and kind to hi horae,
I which wn a recommelidnllen. Hewn
I man of unod Irnhit. and the w hole compa
ny wa mailt' up of gtaid, at might laty."
"I low lung were yon with htmf"
"About a year. Went home with him
and wa madanmoaone of hi own fam
ily. U lived at l.lma, O. My experience
with hint put an idea Into my head a
bualnea Idea, for a wonder and the next
year I went down to Auderaou and went
Into partnerahlp with a young fellow to
travel, organizing a achemnof ndvnrtUlug
with pnint, which we called 'The Graphlo
company.' We had five or atx young fel
low, all mualclan n well a handy paint
er, and we ued to rapture the town with
our iiiuhIo. One fellow could whlatle like
r nightingale, anot her aang like an angel,
ml another played the banjo. I culllotl
with the violin ami guitar.
"Our only ilialpation wa clothe. We
drcancd loud. You could hear our clothe
an Incalculable diatance. Wo had an Idea
It helped btiMlnea. Our plan wa to take
one Arm of each bualnea In a town, paint
ing it advert laement on every road lead
ing Into the town, 'Uo to Mooney',' and
thing like that, you uudttratand. We
nindo a good thing at it."
"How long did you do bulneaf"
"Three or four year, and wo' had more
fun than anybody." Ho turned another
comical look on me over hi pinch noe
eyeglri!', " You've heard thla atory ohout
my traveling all over thu atnte a n blind
algu palnlcr. Well, that atitrted tills way:
(Inn day we went In a Hinall town omn
where, and a great crowd watching ua in
hrealhle wonder ami curloalty, and one
of our parly anld, 'Klley, let me Introduce
you a a blind algu painter.' Bo juat for
devilment I put on ft crazy look In the eye
and pretended to be blind, They lad me
carefully to tlm ladder and handed me my
bruah and paint, , It wa grrnt fun. I'd
hoar them any lug a I worked, 'That feller
ain't blind.' 'Ye, hoi. Hue hi eye.'
'No, hn ain't, I tell yon he' playln off.'
'I full you he I blind. Didn't you oe him
fall over a box there and aplll all hi
ptilntaf' "
Klley roao hern and laughingly re-enacted
the Nccnn, ami I don't yt'Oiuler that the
vlllnger went deceived, ao perfect wa hi
aHiimpt Ion of t lm patient, weary look of n
blind peraon. Ilainlln Garland la Mo
Cluru' Magazine,
Vim r Outline.
A rnouan anw hi ahadow on the wall.
Paid lie: "I am larger t han an elephant. I
will go forth unit conquer tho world." At
that moment ho cNplcd a cat. In the next
he had allppcd through a hole lu the wall.
livery tiny from tha time Im wn a hoy
a man walked alona in a quiet place and
thought, mid he doubted not It wa the
ame imin who had walked there for o
many yen ra, but at length Imemimto know
that I lie anion limn had not walked there
Death came to a door and knocked, See
ing It wn Dentil, they barred tha door,
but Ileatlt broil it down the bar mid cut tir
ed, taking awtiy whom ha would,
Dcntli came to nnollier door mid knock
ed. Heelng It wn Death, they opened
wide thu door and welcomed him, At thl
Death turned hi buck and went, aaylng,
"Who deal re me, I tlealrtt not,"
Two plowed In a Held, One plowed
tralglit, keeping hi eye on the ground,
No weed grew, and hn gathered great
tore of corn. When ho died, hi ou In
herited much land. Do lived in comfort
and plowed In hi father' Held.
The other furrow wero not atralght,
At time hnaiooped to llateri to the lark
or to admire a flower that grew upon a
weed. He knew tho name of tho plants
ml their tlm of flowering. Ha knew the
name of tho alar alo, jfe died owning
tio good or html, HI koii Inherited hi
father' poverty,
Thu aon Inherited nlao Id father' love
of nature. And hit been nut a great at'tlt,
whimo nainit and fame aprcad over two
continent. -Century,
Woolen JVf nt ml tilt.
Woolen material aru alwny more pnr
ou than linen fabric, and. It I mainly
owing lo till fact that the ono I warmer
than tlie oihcr, Air In common with gu
enu bodliiM generally I an extremely bad
conductor of lu-at, hut thl property can
not he iiiHlly tieinoiiHlraled, owing to the
extreme mobility of particle of air. If
licit motion hn hindered or retarded, tlie
conductivity of air become very amitll, We
make UNO of thl property of air In vnrlou
way, If we wlh to keep a liquid warm,
It 1 placed In A vcaael and urrouutled by
having, atrnw ami tho like, which entan
gle largo volume of air In their mehe,
A morn olivine lllnatrntlon la a Horded
by double, window, which ara often uaed
In cold climate to keep room warm. The
effect I really due to the nonconducting
layer of air luterpoacd belwceu them. It
1 for tho amo run nun that two ahlrt are
warmer than one of theanme material, but
of double the thlcknec. The ChlucHe and
Japancae adopt the plan of wearing many
lnynr of clothing, each layer being formed
almoat exactly like It fellow. I!y tllmln
lhlngor Inerenaing the number of layer
the wearer protect theniMelve ngalnat the
vlclaltudua of climate. Fortnightly He
view. Do Vtin Own a Hog?
The Biiprema court of Iowa hu decided
that the owner of a dog 1 reapotmlble In
damage for Injurle canned by tbe bark
ing of tlie animal. A dog barked auddenly
and vlciotmly at a horae ridden on the pub
lie highway. The rider of the horae wn
In conaaqtience thrown and Injured, and
ulng for damage recovered from the own
er of the ting. Thl judgment the Ntiprcuie
court of Iowa hn alllrmed. Exchange.