The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 09, 1894, Image 1
o Ian. .11C.A.N B mi im " mm to- I 4 NIMH MtHM''!, Vol I'M n IV. lirif it I me 4i-. it , nit A,, r.o 4 .,i.iMr it lr stiOi a !( if mrl.if -ifnot in f .m t ln 1v MM.IIIA, NI:HIJAHKA, KKIIUV, I T.IUM'AltV ' t TAMWW III UONtlNM, I'ttm a nuiw ii, m i y.ic a)i ,iit,. h hi '" t'i t tsiiur ,., Mli,,., " n m.. Mi i !Uni '' I MllmUl, tin,,, I'ii Mi.tlWurt A'l hi.. i I'tii A'll llll i,,i ,i, Si ' ' MiciiUii Aihiuii.i,,in,i, niil Tin. Tt,,. I'XllH l.-t IUll Ail.,!.'llll 1,1. AMUMtMtfNTM, AH firm, tYr Hi, W ,t J .t I,n, "Mill..." ,MVIIl I 1.1'llllL llf ,t I f. IiuMIi Mm. I Tlii'sti,. fuiir titKht. Iii'iiliniltitf Siittiliiy. rliiiimi lllli.nn.l V..,hr,iy mm Itnv. NOTES AND COMMENT. An cxflmtic wMili Inn 110110 fur whisky, say: Whisky unlock Mm ilnnr tlnil, lend tu llin iMKii'liinimi, ponlti. Hilary mill Mm (TI'IIVI'I Unfasten till! (f to llf sntTIIW, tlm wlmlowsof want, tho door of (loath; opens tlm way Ititfi tlm Jull, up tlm scaffold, through tlm trap; It unlock Mm heart of tin! wlfn to let In regret, Him Iiuirt of Hie mother to lei In Nir row, tlm heart, of a child to let In KhHIIIl'i It Il'l loose fivers Of ll'lll'S, llgl'S Of SUlIf)!', generation of woe; lock up good Inlehtluh, words of protnlm', dcoda of duty; It, locks Mm child out In Mm street, tin! wife In Mm hovel, Mm father In ruin; lock up ln'iilUi anil unlock sickness; lucks up Joy mill unlocks misery; lock up plenty urid unlocks lour; locks up usefulness lind unliM'kn idleness; looks up a happy heart mill mi lurid mtliuieboly; locks up tjoiilontiiifiit nnil unlock curt!) lookti up heaven find unlock hell. Jmnmjno, Mich., in tho lioiul (juarlor of a now patriotic order, It In culled Mm Order of liya! Americans, and is officered ty I), A, Jlcynolds, of Lansing, Mich,, grand commander; ('. (i. Vincent, of Indianapolis, grand ad jutant; .1, J, F,hgliind, of Michigan, (fraud (uartcrfnatnr; Jiev, Myron Jlced, of JJnnver, grand chaplain; H, II, l'lurson, of Wont Virginia, grand en sltfn; W, C, Jlatemitrt, of Maine, grand sentinel, Kacb officer swear that ho I not Mm spy of any monopoly; that Im will g nurd tho order's Interests against lining used In tho Inti rests of political parties, Tho haul of principle am: ( Flt'sl'Thc , """! iltfh'n of (ill loyal A rtirifli'ii riH, Hccofid Tho proi'cutlon a traitor ofullnrnud force not n'oonlwd hy tho coiiftiHiiiJon. Third 'J'Jki iwtahllnhiucnt, of poMal fiavlriKM hank, Fourth 'J'hn iihftoliitf? rtoiilntorfcr t'wuul any foreign power In American JiuliiHtreor American 'Inancn, Fifth' (loveriimonlal ownerhip or control of all natural mouopolle, Hlxth J'hn reclaiming of all un i'lirnid laud nint, Mm wuue to lt liolil a homenteail for aeliuil e(t,er, Heventh-tiovitrnmeiit lnno of all money In uf1lclMiit amoimt to lrauact nil the liiuilno of Mm country on ac ih tll!. lOlyhth 'I'lm referendum of c(rlla tlon of vlMil Importiinee, Ninth -Tlm e!cluilin of Muropian 4'rluiliial and (iMiifii r hilior, Tenth Tlm making of hrihery a 4'iipltal crime, to he (halt, with a tri'iuxm ii y m i nn I, Mm national (overn meiit, KX-()M.'NTV -ll l'OK Hl,,l',U will ipirii(!liiN' thl dlpntch; -loiln (', A. llnldwln will eo Mm point, and you will xriiNp tlm lluatlon without our jirefaclrnr It with any remark, further than lotalothat Flaherty I Mm fellow who wa convlfited of cduofu( or rap ittf n younK tflrl under tho plea that a irlel could do no wrnnir Tlx uiemif e appeared Ifi tlm OIiIchko Jli mlil Thurs day mornliiif. nnd wa dated t iCoclm ter, N, V,, Jan, .'II, IMiJ, It- rend no follow: Father Flaherty, Mm Mount Morel pelext, under conviction foe criminal Intimacy with a youn tflrl of hi par IhIi, I In trouhln ahout another etiitn which ho ha uuimiKcd, In 1HK) r, OiMirtfo A, llarthollck, of Mil city, died, Icavlnj an etato of mo.oiio, half in real and half In peronal properly, Father Flaherty wa then l,alloned Jinn and wa I'r, HarlhollckV pat.or, Jin olTernd for prolmli! a will t-r j ik-m t li ItiH ir.,(ioit to hluinelf and H,iHiO torn ncrvant kIiI- Father Fl.kherty wa executor. I loin live of Mm ileeeawd ronlHid tho will, and, after thirteen your of litigation, tlm court of appeal ha de(!ded In their favor, holilintf with Mm next couit helow Mint liar Miollek , wa of uiinouiiiI mind and wa unduly luliiienceil or deceived. Homo MmoaKo Mm urniKalo of thl county Mfued to reuiovn Father Flaherty from hi powltlon a executor, hut (ol. him under additional homhi, Only one of Mm liondmen I helleved Inhere MpotiNlhli! and lie claim I hut when h" nljjiicd Mm liond .1 horn il,' nn turo pur iioiiliitf hi ho Mint of l!ilioi Mi i-iiiil, 'J'lm document lmw wlioru a ulyiuil ure (if n i i m A I'm 1 1 dint, a 1 ,1 mm l J.iiit U iiii io viiiiti I'; nlo H Mini ii'Hi.. I km , nu,t liif . Mi I tlie Jf I n.Uiiil pn n I ) i i I II. ell ii Miolii k i kUlf l, il hull, il f i imi in,' I ml in f 'i.uiii, 'I ll N i'Mi'iii . r,it,t i itvn t'lclM le' l'r iihlit I 'll U-Ullll lm itomliiati il ft "k ito iolhlti(" for M hwIoii on tin mipM'iiin InMi'Ii, Mini pi.h inU In col etd 'uli hi him In h IiiikI lllili ceiiileK Mil), W'eiipltie Moll Mil IlilllHl' I llll llllel HIll'IK nf Mini HlliliNil tll'!lli'!llll(' lliollliler lif plih- III' liplliloli Will hlllii II Ih ill ( lunch I'ltei't on our it ' 1 1 1 1 - it t a n liuckrl ol Hater woulil hnve on a i'ihhI l d duck, lirover, oii know, ha a mlml of hl ou, mill Im doe not have to auk pm tiilfliin of lliu llllpuiiiin who edit I HUil I lltollllMl) (lelllllel III III ihlllle II III the prnii'r courii In purKiio, lie ha n pleaxltiK faculty of dohitf what Im com lder rluht, t'eeiinllc of Mm opinion of hi critic, and Im ha heeu rluht ahoiiiH often a m ha linen wronif, ncionlliiU to our way of hokinH' tiling, and whllii wu do not, iifiee politically wo art) it unit In opinion on one thlntf, ami Mint I that tlm fellow who I elected president h prelilent, repaid jc of the rahhle or the opinion of "lnlhoennhaH" dtl,en who wi Ho a Mm fellow did who conlrihutrd thl editorial to tlm column of the Chicago llmihl: There I nothing In the olllclal eouro of l'reldent (Ilevehind to Jimilfy appro. Iionion that he would proorlho any portion of tlm Atnerlian people, nalivu or naturalised; or that he would ho willing to plaeo In hltfh olllco, or for that matter In any ollleo, nny person who f.ivorn denial of (lonntltutlonal tiKht to any American eli.,on on ac count of race or creed or jilaco of hleth or ani!eiry. Wlmtdor if, 1'ockhn.m, whom tint pnmldeit fmpeliiounly nominated for Mm vacant plactt on tho mpreum Ih wU of Mm IJnil'il Klnf, admit, when charged with It, that ho I a memhorof a ec,iet oath-hound itoc)ai,lon whoo primary, If not oln ohject, U procrlp tlon of it laen projtortlon of tlm Ameri can people on account ( umu, Mr, I'cckham ulato that, itlthoiiifh a mcmhor of thl Ho(!at lon, Im ha no prnjialjiicn ftfalntitny da of Amcrl' can and xayn that Im hellovex ('ron helonln to Mm proerlh'd clax nr memher of tho noolation. That i, Mr. J'eckhaui 1 of opinion that foreign hort cIMzen wery tiu tw horn at Mm old Kuownotliintf oi'ety, wliow ohj'-et wa to, deprive tnr".uwr of ultVao antl cxtdud't U"w from puh llctruot, Ifo I of oplnitm that, few would ho memher of .lewhaitlfitf im molation, I In I cortlideiit hy Infer cncn that loyalit In tlm day of tlm revolution admitted it hrethren Int their w-.crct notdetle men whoo live were dovotd U overthrowing tlm kind;, Tlm simplicity of Wheeler If, I'cckham I phenomenal, or Wheeler If, I'cck ham take the American jcophi to hx what (ijtrlyh called all humanity, motly fotd. Tic piotldefit ha now (food reaou for withdrawing the name of Milnton feiif KnoAnothlntt from the llwt of peron honored hy him with nomina tion to pulillc ollleo, Tlic prewidonl would not hayo lomlna'ed Mr, I'.ek ham had ho kuon liim to ho a ni' n her of a neeri't ant I-A meriean oeiely, Too uneoneelou peril of a liurciiaid which Mr, (,'levehtnd ha unwittingly Ineurr d ha hoen rtiwltwed In time to permit Mm rel'leut. to exiriealo him elf and hi party from it net, No man who will tako onlh tod", prlvoany portion vf hi fellow cltl,'n of their eonMtutlonal rlliU I lit to hold anv ollleo under Mm eontHutlon, No man o mmill, mean, o cowardly a to Join a secret prospective political ltoolatlon lit fit Ui hu H jutieo of the Nuprenm cmirt of Mm United Htate, In fact, nuch a man I hy Implication foresworn, Hit lut taken an oath In violation of tlm constitution, To lake another oath to support the conitltu tlon would ho hlaplmmy and peijuev, No Know not hint; In ollleo In Mm name of the national democratic party, Mr, l'eeldont! Mr, I'oekham ehooi to train In an antl democratic part', lct hint slay them, TllKfliiCfiO intrr-Oirt) ii tlm following account of Mm awst of I'rof, Him, nt Apploton, VVI.! I'or several hour tonight Applelon wa In it hlan of excltcinenl, cauncd hy Hie arrett of I'rofetmur Him, an A, I', A, lecturer, and tin fear that a a con eiiieneo a hloody riot wou,d enuo, Him, with 'I'M memher of the A, I', A, lodges of ( hkoh, wa on hi way to Kauknuna, wImto ," wa to deliver a lecture in Mm llaptfni church, (,',on the arrival of the train at Ap pletoti llin shcrifT of Oulajfuilc county entered the car and procliilui' il Mini he had a warrant fur the ui'icl of Mini on a ctiiu't'o of hntlftj llhelid Mvor Ifou lor, of Kauknuna, In a l Iter p-ihiii-lmd In the O. IiokIi jSiiiIIhiikIi rii of I , h, ,'i In which Hie mayor wa ehureid with having hioiifc'ht. ahiiiii llo- recent A, I', A, (nhoiild he Hnlnau (.'a'holic) I lot, hy hi I'tti, I4l !llll ell, llll I Him ,v(. ... Hllil in In ii lilt Hu tin I Iff, (ml timUIUl l. -Ii tin II i; Die iliel Ii hiI I.i Mill lluiiiii-iil In tint! Ii,iiiii- l I .ll'l i. l "till, Hint llll' III lllllillle ! in e I tin t'lttiattmml. Ill tin' Im niilliiie llin A, I', A, Hi' II I'll III' lilllll Ih i nine n allinti, a Mil')' ItlMlllllll Hi!' M w III Ih' ft hule pllM'l eih llil B ' lieilin In ill I ') If liol pli'lilil, Ihe iriiiii d ii llii al IvHiiknuiiH, Mini iiliie of I do nun " hot lit nih it of I In in tiji;ol d Ihl'oftiiitt Mm sheillf otf Ihe train nnd imlnif on In their ih lliiiiiuii, llll. I Mil Hl(!,' l"ll lieeu curried mil or ntli iiipliil, llin remilt Mould haio I Men a Mow of liinii.1 Kiieh a leuiilii hu nut i eii uliieii the tin) of llliiek lliiftk Nlld hi Irll' of null il'ld"!', The shi'l lit, cpocllntf triiuhl", had prnvldnl it liieut forcti of arined depulle, and limy were riilnfmei il hy Miouiiiid of Apple. Ionian, who, hem Ink of lie1 trundle, had Itot'kcil lo Ih'i ih'pnt, After some further parley It was de cided lllllt till' ft hole A. I1, A. llelrcil tlon would leave Ihe train and sou that Him had fait play. They had it IhiihI with them, ami lhy formed a proce slim, and with hanuor My Ink ami tlruui lieniliijf, imirclied to Mm cln cl iT'h oltlco, Him wa Imnieillaloly taken helore ( 'oiirl ( 'ouiuiliiliiii' r I in 'I, and, waiving I'xamluailou, wa placed umlor hnuds in the miiii of fi!,.VKt fin' hi app' aranco at Mm next term of court, heymour llallitorand II. M. Hell, twofhkoHh luinhermen, offered lo sljrn tho hond, hut Ihiyd, afiJ-r looking through tlm papers In hi ollleo, could Hud no hlank form, Thl wa at 7 o'clock, lie left to visit a hrotln r lawyer' ollleo In xeineli of a form, and that waflm last S'onof him till 1;,'!0 o'clock, when h returned saying that thorn wort no hlank to ho had In tho whole city of Apploton, and that a hond would have, to tie written. 'I'lm search through th statutes for tlm vcrhlnifti ami tlm trans crlpiloti used up another hour, and It wa fully JO:,'Kl o'clock when Him whs rtmasnd from Mm custody of the sheriff, It watovilati then to t Kan kauna, a the last train for tlm rilftht had jfoiK hy at, U o'clock, and no enfc-inn wm avHilahln at that hour to pull Mm soelal cars which had heon dropfied from tlm r'fular train, so it ws dm elded to return t0hkoh on tlm next south-hound train, While Mm Ion search was hi-lnj; math hy Mm court commissioner, Hints' friend heenme vety rettlve, and worn r'-eufocd hy hundeds of sympa thizer, who had come ovr from Kan kauna, Neenah anil M' oaha, and frtan Apploton ll-oif, lllotko'l attmotimo, a if Mm out hreak which the ih lay wa ciileulat 'd Ui prevent hi Inif made at Kauknma, Would occur hero, The local (olloc force waKroatly au(montod hy sp rial from the sheriff's force, hut it inUmhU ful if that would have operated l k- tip tlm peaco had them hoon an actual In fruo ion, a they, loo, ro kfmwn fo he under A, I', A, and antl A, I'. A, Influ-I'lii-ii, What op"ral'd more than any thing olio to keep down Mm rilftf lid" of tcmpor wn He hand, which akept j 1,1,1. il I, III V I II U, 1 1 till W,l 1 1 11.1 1 1, I II.., i"".r"'i ...... J"dtf" Niont'rou aitompt were made in i.i.'il Inn, n,i,,i,!ii i,.i,H,,( I,., ii,!ii'l'l KWiii'UiHiit vi n,ai, parajrapn lree, hut the i,eco would allow no sjeeehuiakinti'. When f ho 0hkoh parly bat) uuelo up i mind lo (ft luuu" ael Ih" lunn-h Wll tilkot Up lO the d'-ftt Wh"r" Ml" speei il car were In wall in), a crowd of h, nullum followed, Jeerirnf and yelling, Homo stones w ee thrown, hut, so far a knon only om man was hit, and he suffered but a slijflif, contusion of skin ov r 'me if his eye, It, I feared that tonight's work Is but Mm pr Imle to a fierce battle between Mm rival camp of fanatics, To the liiiir (),'' in' h cirrt'spotident Him said that Im did not ropo- lobe kept )Vom speaklnf lu Kaukauna, and that with (food and true A, I', A, men Im would return lo deliver Mm lecture In tended for the ear of Mm Kauknuna, Tom Hiichmav tlclivrtctj a baraii;u" in ('enl.ral Music hall, Thl c(fo, lat Monday nlhf, which the daily paper haveliinifietl by re fm-rlnif to It a an "addres." Hi furo he de livered hi la'k Im tfavo a lyi,o written cofiyofltto the (,'hleaio Ihrnlil, 'J'he Ihriilil discovered the following mtirn titf Mint It had been trappoi) by the wiley Tom nnd sent a reporb r post hastf to interview him, andr'suta follow: The a'ltlre delivered by Father Tltouui Hiicman at (,'eiitral Music hull Monday niiht In tlef, (iio of Mm order founded by ,)ola, a published In 'I'll llniilil ycnlcrdny, eoneiuiiod with the fiillowin paiije; For my own parti have no apology t'l Offer f'tr III" 111'' llf ;lt,l,!Cs ill vigorous proto-t against tn-- wiioie-sal- Vein ,e of infauiy, Tin; fatiu'e whit slay Ih'- corriipi'-i' of ,ii cln1'! Ilill-t be left I, i li" S I lohf ; II" UO'll Who shiwii an a na re ilii at t'fsi n pill, lie l,eii' faelii'. The" on u u I Hi e iiuiirel, Ik( . nl I he wm -! ifii,, 'I ,' V Hip III lo ll'i- spoon, I f Ire , i i, 1 1 1 . ' ; 1 1 1 lliiriL'lil In l tul u'li II." lii",.. of women and clnldn u al pie,iure,Uu n I, for inn, t !'Hi r In I'ulli t Hi no tnni,mli A in. 1 1- ,t ft III mil ilmft (hi line Ih I ft i i ll (if iIiiiii hu. lli ili.e Doll A ii" I liit ii'tuii hu" "Mil il'l Ii 111 M Tlii't I no lie til In iln 1 1 1 1 1 1 (c I in if Slid l I'M loft II Mini t lll'Ue IiiuhI 'll i III II Null tul I I. I lie I I I U ll"e' ft II II I hi null In I (fill) I l( I'lilll vi', I kill lllltl toil ftlll liol Hllt ftl'll llif, hill If Mm lelclil ol iiu I ilii Inn fteli' tit llin aleii )niii on u i"l ftuulil m l mi Hit principle nl pretention. Tin r ine ii l Uilli ijiii'iil lium I lull i'iiiiiiiiI lie I'Hii'liiil lu pulillc Milium! ilnlii tu I IihIMI Tin' slain ll III piemiti' pulilli' lliii,illl), The lei'luti a II sppi'iiieil lu Ih' , ro'if Ma lakcit woid fur ftnnl frnm Mm lUMuiifcrlpI which I'ul her Hin t man ful iil"lieil a the ci'l'V fur hi ii'lilnc. When sii ii lal nliihl, however, and u-kiil If Mm iii"ii.,o' mi II). ui nl he, or llitcudi'il In luainlalu Mio pi Inelple In Vlilved Jllfl II It Stilled I lie III, Fill her Hliertnau nld he tild notuller Mm cx prolon or an Milnrf that could ho o coiiftruod, )lu was Just mIhmiI 4i In mi oil a I'lilciiio anil Altuu tin In for HI, IhmiI at II o'clock, when h wa handed a copy of Mm lit raid and akcil to slate Juiitwhal hu liieaul hy the conclulou to hi h i! lure. Ilo read it carefully; then turn llHf to hi iiuetloner with treat sur prlsn ilepicl'tl lu hi countenance, said; "Why, sir, I didn't say (hose word; In my lecture lal nlk-hl, and, in fact, never uttered them from a puhlle plat form. Thorn Is a mistake here." "Hut Mm lecture a It appear In Mm ptijior, 1 Just a It was In your typo written manuscript, word for word," "Yes, J know that, hut I son that this last I a portion of an addre thai I hit) prepirod to deliver against certain organization opposed to llalhollciMii, It must have accidentally int mixed with Mm fmmuwrlpt of my lat nl(f Ill's address, 'J'hal, Is junt what haopenotl, heoHiiso 1 hellovti tlm two addresses worn placed closn ielhee on mv tlesk durlnsf Mmlr prt'paratl'tn, I wlh you Wtaiitlpaa! explain this to tlm puhlle as I hav explained It to you, I never Intended to malm a stat-'Uiefit any tiling like tuat last flight, Now, plea' make tlm explanation," "You say that you had prepared an other lecture, of which Mm word In mmsMori are a part, and that vou Intend to deliver It at some future time'" "Yes, thl fntrauntiih Is'lttnt-s t an of hi-r lecturti, hut I don't know that I would say t!Xct,ly that when I deliver tlm lecture, Ifujt please make the ex planation foe me, a f have repa sted, Vmtknow It Is ay for two leciures to tfet mixed ni, 'J'hat's n',1 ( care U say alwtul the matter now," ''Hut will you say just what you mean hy the statement, Inasmuch a H has fa-en puniih d ami came from y ourown if,H miser) vt't' ""'Wfl, h'tmnsoo, N'(v, f wfh you wou'd make tlm explanation I re'Uet, You know it, wa t',iy lor the two man icu ipt ti ii'l mixed, '',k lleald ha treai'f me very nic'iy, and I'd lik It, tMloa liltlo iniii'ii ami make Mm ex planation,' "lint do you moan Just what these word mean, and did you Inland, when you wruUi tlten, a oarl of you lent ore, to have your anoVnee undei stand th' tn antl (, 'at holies understand them today')'" Faiher Mhermau was K' Uinu t'Sn; to the sleeping ear which was Ui carry him to Ht, lmi, Vhen tim last ues tion was asked he dnwaway from the ear a little, spent a minute thlnklu, and Me 7i id; "Well, ton " (,.'! tl,u' ul ui I ictnl say wnat I . , . . . . i , t ....... .1 I i vtUHVI I' HU HIV HHIIH IHI' t'l IOiUerl,r,'l l' 'lt,'J , r ' y,, u I d liver too . ' . . leeiuie, i miii.i' . I .. . .. , 1 , t . . .,11,. J, ll..,.,rf y. ii ii ii wi'i 111 ii iif 1 1' ' - , if i i ,,',-' . .,..',,,-. i nt fiom wl,al it t us lo t,o no, l'"')()i jmrlor cacti train, wl:h UU'i" ' ,r II in m, mni will,, l fi'l i'iii Ihlii'l ; lUll, ,.,,.,., (,,;-hI Clornity j nnil iiiniii mnn, lii i nil i if', Wh'-n Ih''' , ,, , fimeeome.lorme lo otter lh-e woi'ls1 I may entaryt' on t,i in to an nn iuiif d I xlot'l and ntir' ly wipe out Mm mean- In tie y seem lo hv now. Again Father Hhermau tarbid U ward hi car but paused when ask d; "Will ym say that at Mm time you wrote those wottl vo'i itU iMt ,Uiuf fberu sometime just a they ap( ar In apaitof ytairAfonday niht' lecture, and that the principles yon express by them are Die tao ton entertain with reference III ex fufesl who public) denounce ( :atbnj lei m'" Another minute of silence jireeetied Mm reply, When ri-mijf to answer l ather Hherman sltpped slightly u ward hi tjuestioner, and smilingly said; "I must r fuse to answer that tiue linn here on Mil tp pot platform, I'bis paragraph g'tt. ut by", I have epUificd how Ihe mistake happened. antl I don't see why I should Isi asked loneorning Moo s-nf inn nt when I .1 .1 . . . ,.ii,.. II . ... M. ....!,., i.i..l.l 11 III ll'll. Ill',, "I- HI l'l"'l'l"l or at, any other time I wf.b you would miik" the cxitlanaMon I ak, ..I i ............ i on must, exeiiw-nun, siiiuh i"r' - iit thl Dm", Hw'Ver, If you Insist on my answering your t iost ion, I will do s In thl way: Wlmn I g"t home I will answer by letter in the Herald, I must refuse 1i say anyt'ilng more cue corning the matt' r now, 'end night " lic had just lime lo shak" hands wjib friend who came to see him safely on j Hu the American citizen Is conn 1 ,,,,,, t, f it, numlK-r, and u-fore Mm hi journey, when Mm train got in mo . Mwakcfied to hi duty ami In Dm j next provincial eieeilon, which will Iw Hon arid roll' d out of tic tlepot toward j Brcf,jtt, ,,l unhie manhood and In lb" ' ,,ir!f, , ,i,u,ng summer, the asso H', loto, I exult ranee of spirit which come of j ,.((,, ,.xH-ct u eonlrol s-r cent. - ' breathing tl,e tffmosjd, ere of Aim rican 1 tff .j. ,.js,timat' tot'. Among thisstt llmnc at Her Old 'I rick. Iil rty, ho plai.t his feet uis,n hi own I Kit,. ,,,!,,, . n,,. cmv. ndim are a numls'r lfi:f'li.';'o, Ind,, Jan. 't, -A tfu .ition ha Is er, ciwwd ),' iy the di ovorv of 'to ft in the Itslge of M." , I', A, I'nknosvn (I'-rson eiit'K'l hull and ..t'.ie !lii- hook containing , ',,11 nt in1 in'" in, Th" A. I'. A. I" , p i (j-,) t., i i n iu a Pgurc In th" Uiiiii,' eitt e.'l'u,, ai.'l Ih" sli) s)r on i that ll," rud wa stub n for ! a ii!ltical p irpos" 1 hi' iHii lli sn I Hlm tt, lu I I I The Alii'iliiin rlllmli I ' tmilul Slllt ftl'lllll'l full) IIIH.Ii' " l ,illi finlil fni 1 1 i-ii'hl lu 'i il s ,i I w i lit i urn. t' lilal'l Itillliuil the linn In ln'ile pin il'iei, ih pi iiilliij iipiiii ft In tin r Ihe ia Unit I llll liueil III Mi' llillltilhu Inn Sie llllllll Kill' III' 'Oll'lyll. The l H ft iiimIii liil luipm led In n nl it'll) Si n lliui h pnfi lTei! !') a Ci'l'lillll clll" of cllli II lliilki'l. Ihi'Iii Mm ) can Im muile up on slmi te' nnllci', mild uu a cln api i' nun In I, anil ium iI ftllli J'liil a ih -Hilly i fTi'i l, I'l.iliniM in an liiipiii (mil eieetliiii, Mie liuluilrlniix mid iimlill Inns Milelaii W llll a hut lilllif eal for I he success t if his puil), hiushliin iihIiIi Mm trivial luipcoluicufH iif ''llin spirit llllll letter of Ihe law," hcslliiles not hi complins si a and land In miikn one nun" Aniei I can cllleu, and when Im I made u I likely lo ho feiifiild Ulori! II child of hell, oli Icully, and it lhiiuiaml times morn ilauuci'iiu In American In stitution than he could pnsslhly he outside Mm pain of cltl.eushlp, l,a !i lutf Mm kuowh'di,'!! ami truliiliiif neces sary to tuallfy him for Mm duties of In li'lllti' M clll.enshlp, he Is a pel uiinieiil menace to oih (fuveriuneiit llow often ha vt! we trlfh tl with this kind of cltlonshlp until It, ha suiidonly exploded, iliiouiy'uiK one or more valued American iustltiillou, not to mention Mi" e ndiinj.;erlinr of Mm lives and litter lies of Individual patriots, ami Mm moat hrllliant apoloiy we can hi'lntf to lienr In extenuation for our folly, is Mint ancient refuse of hlhwy, "Didn't know it wa loaded," It I a matter for congratulation that the American people urn rapidly wak- Infi up to tin! fact that It Is loaded, am at Mm same Mum they are also dls- eoverlntr that tlm mai?azlno from which the ammunition I supplied Is located on the TMter, presided over hy that an tlpiatod freak of chronic Infallihlllty, known as tlm pope of I Omm, It I to ho hoped that the American peopla will find mmm wav to hlnckndn our ports against Itoth tim funs and the ammunition, or else put them to soak In American patriotism and literal education lontf enough to render them aisdutily harmless to American Insti tutions, There are two things the American citizen politician fear worse than physical death; Woman' franchise, a third poliihul party, and a fc-reaor terror than Mo so two, fc the uyt rae AinvrVufi cU'ij-h regardless of politics, is tho threatened lo of a dollar. His fear ill all the other fnay ho modili'd like that of a horse in the ,resene of nn unfamiliar ohject, hy In ifiii ui, exptfure, hut it is extt -mefy douhlful if Im ever tmutiin' rec'in'dled to tho threatened lo of a dollar suf ficiently t stand in it prt-senee with out shivering In a paroxism of uncon trollahle U vrnr, II". look upon the "almighty dollar" as his scapular; for has it not hoen authorized hy the od do of fortune, hlet hy Mm hljh (, iost of Mamuum, sprinkled with the ! holy water rtiiluct'd hy Mm manlpma I ...iii .i. I ( , of I tut stck l,k. uumhhVi d to r t "J I"' - , I " . , ,1,1 ill . il l I , i,,,iy, 1,1 i,,., 'il,',, 1, 1 1,1. U Im l.f I I, Iri I Cl, ,,,,,.,,. , i ,i 111. i,r,'Y,i,.u,,i,i,i"!,i i it' 1 1 in I , '" ' ' ' - ,t ..II... I .... , I ,1 fell, II '.. I L .' nl , , II , . ,,I l, I ' I u ' I' I ' i.niii most niodoiat ly Irttpieal ciiuuit' ol 'u,ntory, landin (, -nyers in tlm (east, p,-blo time and at the slihtt si. iii',uii,ii,i'm in the (.'entiai Hlation in the I'mnli u ill I'aradi ' Wh will blame him if Im even s ll hi immortal soul t taiu thl mighty scajulai-' He eausyi mi lonif a he pos' se thi talis man he believe that he hold Mm ex clusive right and power of n denipti'n, I Mm picture over-drawn' fok around you, How many politicians, m robant and prof l'wii no n dare op nly a)ys aU! what they kn'w Ui lot true and rlht? How many dare -ven I, suptort with their advertising pt roiae a journal whi'di ojs-nly cham pions true American eilizi nship' Home of them remind us of the hi red barnyard r'swler; niid'-r favorable and on hi own dunjf- ,,, , .1 l til l ,'i;, '" ''fh "I'i''" "' j fro tlom and consciousness of eeuri! y. , . . , . , , . . , , . jf,, crow lustily nnii) in ihbiiihh ni:.a i ai,a ity If I can soeurt; the wr- hi clarion note, n Lift! over hi lead tt'ie the convenient crn-cb from the hand of the omnlpn'si-nt bad buy, and the erstwhile elm ion nolo ciid In a prolonged shriek of terror as it punic i (,,), .(,,. nuthor dodge umier the barn, ciiiititut)omi) right of free rt i'ch or free pn , atl jift hi voice lu praise arid i!ef, nee ol AuieHciu, itis'itiiti',1': sudd'hly fi"ti the haml of it priest o' liimi. bill!, ) the t"iuish lii"tt, ami Die shieji ,f ills rtv from ourii't whil" bra, i' a'i'l patriotic it u. ii"s lu the ihroal of a coward ami a i-iavo. The onl r d riios! r hasome exi-ime for fear; the America') i Itizen ha nonu il rt hi, h m im limn l,u limt ill n am H'I'i lieu tor Mu- "uiinieiil v ilnllm'.' Tin lsl'l' ft III ' l"llie onl niel I IOW S?li; tint piilili' ll Ii kill ' I! im II ftlll ii't'C a'ftln si'shi' lii Mi" iiil" iif ilt fellil' f of Aim l li llll llislltiillnlis, lilllll Ii" la huei , fnilli his hl'llun phi'1' hy II e lent, I iliili;i r Ihleiilenllii Ii I lit 1 1 It llin iw nl iiuiri ilullar. Hhaiiii mi siiili A niel linn cllli'lt- shlji! The Fuus of ulnl Ion lliht'l 'ItiillcM ft Im ftuulil pint with Mils Misl (flvt'ii, hlii'sl Ih mv Ii I leeiicy fur such a IIU' is? i il I ii (i a Idiiii" Iiu lii nlti'i t llii'li'ty (ssiild III i'H iit Itself. Tllrt lilldli'll of I -I had liii sisuier Is I'll tlellvcri il finlil hiiiulii,;e Mian lliey set up H t'i'lileli en If llilil ftul "til Ppeil il, Tlm Auu'i lciin mil Inn havlinf ri- t'l'Vered fniiii llin liiliit of shivery Kii- (ui" s In a slmlhir ftorslilp. (iruvcr 'lovi laiiil, Mm AiU'ounftlm picsi'lll ll'lilillih'll III lull llll set up I Im ulileii calf and tin worship has Is'uu; Miosn who arc nut foil nun In luuuiyli to Ifot wil hin siiili of It, worship towards It a l'st I hey can, I )un of llinsii days a Moses will count down from Mm mount ol I'ommuulou with the Jehovah of Mm people and anmehoily will uot hurt, Ihiusoyn Americans! Kouso yu cow ards! Have yo loved ones' Iwiok In Mm next fierce civil xtrlfn to see thoin til.'! Have yn fair daughters' Itok to s o them live, dlsiraliud hy convent walls, disdained, dishonored! And If yo darn call for Justice, hu answered hy Mm hnycott or Mm impil! tlon. Yet Mils I America that sat upon Imr seven pillars: Finality, the rlifitt to lifn, Ilherly, tlm pursuit of happlrums, free speech, free press and Ilherly of conscience, ami from In r throne of strenth and hoauty, defied Imr enem ies am) challenged the ml ml rat Ion of Mm world. And wo ure American!) Why In that former day to 1st an American was greater than a klntf! Hut oroi! itfulii, hear us yu vaulted heavens that eidus-d to tlm shout of Liberty: Once aaln wo swear, Tltt, A mnimn npublli; nknll lie, fm ! Mean far llcfcnsc, TranslalJid 1mm tds "Anicrlka" nmriiiiw ratliotlr; Nt, Iwul. 'J'he rapid spread of A. V. A Ism may have boon caused hy Mm endeavor madu by Catholics to weld tof ether stale and church, lint Mm wasp have now left their n't and art around u every where. Hut even If thes" attempts to combine stale antl church ooaseentlrely, llmso wi:i: will n't come to rest Im mediately, They will buz, around and try to stin us occasionally, It suffice not tu accept that remed alone, We must defend o..relve di rectly, Ami it I well worth wbtlu to ok f'tr r-asonahlo rules, on which sudi a defon! can iw) made efficient. The "American I Volenti vo Asoea tion" arraigns certain (.'atholic for try In lo amalgamate stats and f)wvh, and thereby overthrow tlm constitu tions of the majority of our slatea M,oo principles, which do not allow , . , , ... , , .... ! i.e I'1 oil c io oo nf fii i 'i oivnr in r- . . ... I . . . . I....I,. . ,....t I. a,. . I ,,.,., , . , u- IHUIII'I" ISie II il'l ( ,'l'y,.,'l l"M- ' r- ' ssrf , lilt tie is, r, n it Ihe A, I', A, mix" slato and church lu a manner a hundred times worse, Inasmuch a a m tjo'ity III ii ir stiiti s il'i not allow a rcliiou test for boloiii office. H it Mo- A. i'i A t ii Ui introduce such h relijfuum test Into our public life in a forcible uan nor, 7'be lu'st i ffo' t'ial manm r of d'fen a(inst thi unconstitutional arroit lion wouid therefore be ' iiitiiI Ihe pi inn pli H iif in pun lliiil lif Hlulr. and rli ii ih In ro a nil i nl 'liiiml iiim 'ti tlm! nt, nnd defend reliiou liberty from this stand point. The platform Is broad enough U tflvm Catholic, Voieant nnd Agnostic room to staral iism, It I truly Ameri can al', )$ecau' Urn example of Washington and Jefferson, a well a the i Mire history of our republic sanc tion and authorize It, . ...... 1 1 - - IVeleslaiil I'mlccllve .tssiiclalhtii, lfAMf,TON, Olll , .Ian, 21,-The J'rot estant IVoi-cMv' Asws lation continued lu N'sslon this afu-rntsm, 'J'he puhlicas tion of Mm oath has raised much cilti- i , , , nm, the principal clause being: "'1 hut ! j t , mploy a Jt unan I 'atholltj In ... vie of I Vu stunt," One of Mm Lta'(,, r,t uiade by Oraml I'losident !,(,.( ,,,,, ul u ) Is address was that In U(,,, a.t provincial elect ion tsi,tsst vote L .,, t,,,n,-.l. urol the I 'rob stunt Fro (, (,!V As'laiioti controlled 17 per i ,,f lw-yer, meiiils i of parliament and j()lll).rt.,, ,.. w,. j(f,(wn througli' ; ii. ,.,,i,iiirv. Mig,b Five or tut lu e VrUe .hnuld s'-nd t o to. Ion Sl.tlA-JTHM (, T, A . ". It, I .V C. It. It., Iii"a". I TFN i "I'i.STS. in stamp, r ptck for the slu . -', curd you "er shunl'il. For l you will ivo' lvo fi-"" hy ox pri s u u packs,