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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1894)
THE AMERICAN, 8iii;vism;i wu:iiun mis am uvvimn a ('a I (wlH la IWr v, ItllHS, V . , Jan i IH't - I i. l Unit I i . j. I t ,', J . kS (HH: LobcckLinn Hardware Co,, ., l,..l ! liwinl of Ihc tni.t !v titiM ir that II wrfcae a - )itr,tt f, Hi"! ltnn-fil ! thai AmMrt h m-f id'w.lix.l In lrlit JVll ., I ielt f llHI At ni . Il 111115 ml '"ihiI.hth! irittlr)nn," It. r).viil Main utmi.U In l.t.i fwia. Nr tn.Wt M I ' th In lhai trf oity "culnml ifKiitlvwan" I the Ai-Hn U AMmn iMkutt. In fart, I JM nil, Mttie atikwn y, "nn mioajth to r-mip In hcn II rtn." On that tumni-aWa vhvum 1 lotrnnl Ihiw lhUiKi t. l lmt J ixi KiiiM iii rll h aoinliwnrf a YanVwi, f. That yon wil not mil ih Canadian, an AiiiorU nn. . That Ihokimni-r I (imiihI mil lm 1 Iliad Anirrtia tha l-lt, ll a nitilil wIiimi I trt to my "hall twin," a Hit amnll mom til a ItnartHng him cvir tlm front door la rallxl In AuxTtra, I tlrvmlfnlly lwiy, and I iimmhmI Mra. U. nntltHxl thin, for aha aalil kindly In Iiit Nr KiiKlainl aopranmi 'Why, my rhllil, you lima. nal llrwl. Won't you mi rilil to tirol?" Yra, 1mlid, I tumid, lint I ookit In vain for Ilia hrd, Tlia rntlra fiiroitiiiw of t tin Imll Mum wa Imauttfiil lilrilwye maple piano at Inaat what I thoiiKbt wna a piano a prtitty vritlnK hnri'nti ami a rn kliiK chair. "lt natl your hod for you." And from Hie Mkh of thn aupoal writing Mlila ah proiliKnnl iiimkIo wniul, and k Irlow "uiiwounil my Ix-d," aprlnjj Jiattivna anil all, but llin plnno hail dlaap iarl, llkpnlwi my wrllhiK Inlilii had rv olvtl Into a rharuiliiK WhliNtaiul, with a nnr flow of wnt-rr from th dtvp Unk b id, which furniml tliti aolld looking Uv kiht of the luiroan. Thn IrlaU "Imlp" rfmiMilly hrmiKhtmein a Ihtkh jug of "ioa atir" and mint "crnnktira" and nakad ton if I would Ilka aome lunch, I thought jha waa trllla prtvloua, at lit I rcfloctnd (hat in thla rapid land tlmy mKht hava doptod Alloo In Wondnrlnnd'a ayattim of "lirtinkfiiNtliiK at Kfturmxin tea ami dining on thn following day," tint I aftarward IrarntHt that any meal aorved nflor 10 p. m. la terntml lunoh. Whim I waa loft alone, ! took off my walking boola anddiv pol(c(l t hum at t hn bark of the door and proowdod to do my hair. Pruanntly Mra. 1). enme along and knocked nt th door. "Expua nin, but would you mind taking In your boot a, I can't ho rtwpouidhli) for tlmm out thorn." I cxpliilncd that I waut sl t hum hrUNhcd. "Oh, my, but I'm afraid you'd wnlt while. My help wouldn't brimli n pair of boota, not for tlio proNldiiiit hlniNcIf, If jrou'U take my ndvloo, you'll put thcaa Id uck leather boota nwny mid wear n dnM kid pair of half alioca with patent leather tlpa." I a(Mtn fell anleep on Mm conifortnhla plnno and dwnnunl Ihnt I wmmurroundod nil over tlm hcdi'lothea hy llttlu diulina of Jlitatou lieium, auonotHNh and chh(ii tonat, ml that I iiniNt not tnmior thn plnno would play "llomn, Nivwl Hoiub," When I awoke, tint llmt tiling I did wna to pull op the blind ami have a look out. The root wan not n long one. and quits trnlglit. Thern wna an "ice cream mid drug at ore" right opposite, and in Inrgn Mack li'ttternon n w lilt a ground over tha cntlm length of thu building ran "lllnck rywa lueuiled here," At thu corner aat colored gentleinan, and IiIhhIh niinl thua; "l'rof(iior Monday, Shine, lie; viirnlah, 100." 11m wore a tall pearl derby Imt nml frock coat and waa rending Town Top Ion, an ho nmnl, have been h man of cul ture. I an Id that after lunch I would like lo go out whopping. My companion at ta ble d'hote ottered to come with me and "ahow niearonnd." AhmIic liadaomnoom tnlnalona to do for "mumma," nnd an ah could not votiie out t ill "ha'f p'at H," ulie lent mo the local paper tontmly, io he aid thern were wonderful "mark duwna" fiolng on, When my friend had flnlahed 11 her eoniiiilHalnu for "muninia," and I had done my whopping, we went to the "drug department," and there, perched on high fttooln, we, along with hundred of othen, tank "Icecream aodit" tliMiigh a atrnw, Phe declared that aim had Jnt the right ctiango In her "pockethiMik" and InMUled hat I ahould not pay for tuy llrat Aim lean drink, I wn mimt ninuwHl when we took the "elevator" to the hi Hit and hoa department to buy "rublHira" to nee tha American ipen take off their liata in th elevator when ladlea were preaeut, It named almoat abaurd, Aalhey reUln them In thn atorca and "aurface cam." The fond are displayed much more attractive ly In America than with ua, Their enor tnoua plate glaaa wludowa, which dwarf our largeat, ahow off the rich brocade nd "Illuminated allka" to Advantage, In large atore in New York they hud M an dvertlm'inentat Chrlxtman time the whole liiaUiry of ('olumbua In life alr.e tableaux In the window. Inalde the atore the 'good" are displayed on long low tahlea, with the price dlntlnctly marked. Yon can meet your friend and look "around" without being nmlfHtrd an to what yon want by tha "alale manager" hop walk er. It I an excellent plan, for If you Ara left alone a you pan the "notion coun ter" you are aura to purchase aome trifle. Tha American brlo-A-brao 1 irrealitlhle. There 1 Another capital limtltutlon in large "dry good tor up town." Moth- an taking their bablea there can hava them ahecked on entering, along with their umbrella and rubber, and leave them in good hand in a large room arranged for the purpoae. When tha mother hava fin ished, on allow ing the number of tha check the baby 1 produced. Thl pay well, aa mother are often driven out of a atore by crying baby. On our way home we walked, aa I bad put on my "rubber" I noticed that on blight unny street wa almoat devoted to "candy atore," And they certainly ware tempting. Fuller ha many formidable rival on tha other aide. Over tbeae tempt ing atore Almoat every window howad dentlit'a chair and hla ilgn , And they eem d to do a roaring trade. A algnboard in reatanrnnt oought my eye "Meal, 25o. aqnare meal,75o.( gorge, 11." And n un dertaker' ran thu, "You kick tha bucket; we do tha rest." Pall Mall Gazette. Ia Dlaek and White. Rev. Snm Jones once preached to the col ored people at Dyemburg, Ky. After tha armon a good old aiiter came to him and Midi "Brother Jonea, God bleaa you I Yon la the preacher for ma. I understand ev ery word yon say. Yon preaches jnt Ilk nigger. You ha a white akin but, thank God.vou ha a black heart." Ham 'a Horn. t M ' i t't t : ) is 4 I' ) it, tf m in ct li.v- n I ii-i . twl l H al koKUwit '' jt-tv vili')!! !ml I,, , a !iv n 'I'lir fiiti ilmi i- in1. a iiviv', an.! n.ii.1.-ii n i aklitf rr 11 J OienUJ o!d in uti.l. f td In He I il i lhi lo fi- lit ( Intclil if II (iiii li.Dii Hi, Ibl i jnvnn ll f Uie mt'i (f til j l roan Mio ba n Hip bawn ! bll.ij fUiml ntlli Hie fr-al Kami f Hie rrmhllo. b ba h lo ld the raolinlton nf muM mlr' l bcihu brjotid Uin rmliMin fllirm, Mie ha dir((d hand tf fam rtrw n bvr pind tcmiiliV loriicmt In U'IUtk bll n aim kUmsl roai ble, Ibo iniinnitnl nanii-K f Wa-liliicton and l.tiuiln. Wnehlnclon, "woarlntf Ihe It it r mmr iif blamoloaa lifi Iwfmv a tbouxaml juvrlni; liltli n e e In thai lWri hUh InaU" upon lh lendorol jr at noili. t.lniMiln, with A IhhiI eo IvtnliT tliat i-vcrv Imll lo of llm Kiont rtdndllon waa a ix raonal rti- i llixlon. Tlio marten d in-eldcnl! Ajo, martyr lontf iK-forn Iho bullet eH-d which atlllod bin throbbing brain; for pliy'a qulvcrfnif ll prriwod cloao lo hla trroal honrt had almoet drnlmd It of Itn blond, MaioKtii- typea of tht rt- publlo tboao. Yet, prenimlmint nnd Imilatod aa tlioy eland, it t a plondld thought that tlicno tnon wrw tho pro duct of thu K'oplo from wbono midHt thoy aptttntf. Tho pntrlot lm of Vnah inBlon wna but tho ivllocllon of that hontlmcnt which warmed nnd tmipired tho humbloat colon lul )itnrt Tho ao rono forth udo of Lincoln during thoso dark iltiy when the republic waa rocked In tlio hot llumoHof civil war, wan but tho cxprt-HHlon of 1,000,0(XI loyal hearts that beat In unlnon of hojw, believing that tho gathered dnrknoHs of tho hour proclaimed tho eomlng dawn. Tho republic U no lonifor an experi ment. Her granite walla are wentrled by a Bpectral hoet. From Lexington to Apponiatox their Berried rank extend. Tho allcnt mildlora of tho atnto our Htandlng army of tho dead I You may exclaim; thla in sentiment. Ho It is. Sentiment cIvoh jrlorv to the flag, and Hpai kleu in the eye that looka wlth prldo upon Itn tosHlng atara. Men bowed beneath that banner, and hod their blood that H might float tiimulllod In tho Hky, beouiiHO to them It repre on toil tho republic which nhall be; that Ideal iiHHOulntlon of man with mwn, where the spirit of jmdloo pervades all law, and every human relatloiiHhlp Ih tnatlmit with 1(8 holy breath. Sublime aplrlt of JiiHtlce! For age thy lumlnoiiH form wan wrapped In a Hhailow, and man forgot theo In hla prayers, Temples roue and viiMt eathe drala, tho marble pi-twins of klnga, who sought iwlth gold to cxpluto their oi'linoa. Tho fragrant Inccnna of a thouMtind altars tilled tho Hkles, but thy name was volceleas on tho lips of man. Klndlo with naored flro thy eold Mhrlno, that we may woi nhlp In thy clolHterud halU From tlio gleaming helghtH do scond and mako the land of freedom thlno abodoj thy judgment seat of sov ereignties and kings. In tho whlto heat of thy perpetual presenco crowns shall fall and thrones collapm, and all tho nations of the earth shall bow tho knee. (!od npeod the day when every throne shall fall save one, thy thy throne, O oJuhtlco, eternal In the heavens!" 1 w Marriage Law. Tho wisest and strongest stroke that has been fearlessly hurled against the ltoman priesthood since Victor Kman ual closed tho doors of tho Vatican, Is tho now marriage law in Hungary, which makes Invalid any contract of marriage not performed by a civil magistrate, and Imposes a 2.'0 lino upon any priest who shall administer tho marriage rites, unless the contract and ceremony shall have previously licen consumated by a civil magistrate. The new Hungarian marriage law takes up all sides of tho marriage and divorce question, and Is worthy of consideration by all Americana. Tho Catholic church In this country ignores the civil law relative to marriage. Among other at titudes of defiance she does not hesitate to declare any marriage not solemnized by a priest Adulterous, and In the sight of that church there is not a legitimate child of L'rotostant parentago In the United States today. The priests do not recognize our civil marriage law in the least, and In their usurpations of authority In this most imortant func tlon of society, every one of thora acts the part of a traitor, aa much as Bono diet Arnold over did. If the people of Hungary, under the dominion of a king and a lineal Inheritance of Roman Catholic , teaching, can rise up and choke off the priest In the marriage ceremony, Americans ought certainly to throw off a almllar yoke. Marriage la a civil contract, pure and simple, and should be consummated by the civil Tyler. Have you asked the newsdealer near est you if he has on sale The Ameri CAN? If you have not already done so, ask him at your earliest convenience. But a few newsdealers apparently carry The American. Subscribe for The American, only 2.00 a year, In advance. ) M i tip'j in I hi- . I ii tnmi ! 1.1 Ui l ,M nhil ll:M tl... H -lltt,1 1,,., I I, I rl J-i e l ) li . I!n-ii a jail tvitt iiiiif.n m l. llli ,r )mm i in, It I iul.i h ml - t. mti4 (dt li HtitnM A4 UInitti tie t.).-4 I J Hm, (J lll l l fcU Initnr 3fXIVIi hni.l.w rm. Mmn., Jan J7 -Kalln-r iiellj aitIvhI tii'r and imto kk'Ihi til lintv )ir ami Ibtix' inmillm n'nlnii, tmmdly fv t oik in lht binding llw fa.Moiy Mfamara trial. llUbnp Mi Namaia la lu lng trbnl al lndeindenv. Thr earn but one iiult if juellivls done htm, and thai le an aeimfltal. He has hren VllifliM and abtiM-d aa no other man ha lui n who has v lulled thla city, and we Juellee will oeaao Mng blind. Try the AMK1UCAN HAKKHY. . . VM Dylwll's I'andleK, I.MS Douglas - Friends can buy winter gtanls this month at greatly reduced prices at BALDWIN'S, 1315-17 N. 24th St. Take your repairing to The Drum mo ml Carriage Co., iMth and Harney Sts. Upp. the County Jail. Burlington Route to California. Fast time. Free chair cars. Finest Bcenery on earth World-famous dining cars Magnificent Pullman sleepers. A curveless feteel-lald track. Vostlbuled and gas-lighted trains. Round-trip rate of $tl.r),50 from Omaha. These are what tho Burlington Route offers to visitors to California's Mid winter Exposition. Tloke's, berths, time-tables and ad vertising matter at Kl'.'l Farnam St. lit. Success Council No. 3, W. A. P. A., will meet tho second and fourth Wednesdays In each month in O. A. R. hall, 118 North Fourteenth street. - Council No. I), A. P. A. will meet hereafter In 0. A. R. hall, 118 No. 15th st., first and third Mondays in each month. Tho members will govern theuiHelvcH accordingly. By order of tho secretary. When down town leave your for repairs with John llmld, Jeweler," at)5 North Kith street. watch "Tho Fifteenth Street Thcalre, Commenting with tho niatlneo per formance at the Fifteenth Street Theatre, Sunday afternoon, February 4, for an engagement of four nights and UHiial matinees, comes Otis Williams, America's funniest and most original Gorman dialect comedian, In his hint season's laughing success, entitled, "April Fool." Mr. Williams U at all limes a welcome actor wherever ho ap pears. As he la well known throughout the entire country, It is entirely super fluous to attempt todeserihu him further than to say that ho Is now tho only (ierman dialect comedian on tho Amer ican stage. The supiKirtlng company Is Hcrldcd as strong and capable, headed by the Mldgleys Sager and Fanny a trio of very clever fun creators, for tho past three seasons tho hit of "Natural (las." Tho Cabinet Reliable Gasoline Stovo is Warranted for Threo Years. It Is the Most Perfect gasoline stove made. W. F. STOKTZEL, 714 S, 10th, is agent for tho west. - You want tho best Briad and nastrv? Then try the AMKRICAN HAKKHY, at 118 St, Mary savenuo. Dally wagon delivery. I, i AUE you a subscriber to TllK AMKll ICAN? Get your friends to add their unmet to our subscription list. I. Law Briefs. We make a specialty of brief print ing, and attorneys having this kind of work should call on us. We will lie pleased to make prices which are reas onable, and guarantee good work. American Pun. Co., John Rudd, Jeweler and Optician, 305 N. 10th street. Go toDyball'sfor fine Candles 1518 Douglas Street. Go to 2223 Leavenworth for estimates on carpenter work. tf ' DILI.KNUKCK Si Co. Friends can buy winter goods this month at greatly reduced prices at BALDWIN'S, 131V17 N. 24th St. John Rudd has an elegant lino of Jewelry and Silverwear for the holiday trade. JW IN. ltan street. "tn 1IE1T1DGI Try John Hall, 607 N. Sixteenth Street, if you want "A DOLLAR'S WORTH FOR A OOL LAR." A. 1'. A. buttons, 400 and up wards: Jr. O. U. A. M. nlns. 75c and upwards. Watches and jewelry, 81.00 a week. Friends can buy winter goods this month at greatly reduced prices at BALDWIN'S, 1314-17 N. 24th St. Eat Dy ball's delicious Cream Candies. 1&1S Douglas St. EXCURSION a SOUTHERN M TEXAS, i t I a i i ! n"'' ' i Hli ll.f fcH-fU, -t 11 I W'I t emit.) ;it . I. ii I'M ll V M H FEORUARY 13TH1004 I , 1,1, , .-! r ill lln . M fii'iv it, i 1. 1 l.,.i anii ni.i .-t, 9f ltnl m !. "ii li N mi t irt i iffit w, im ii rtw Corno iMih ie lierte, Who COtl'IA I 14 III III I Hll tllH- . i ii on ,n V.lrrw, lf. i ll ofi o iltmM, C. A. EDLING. ii lm sr . AHA. Mil ACME" School Shoe MISSIS AND CHILDREN. WOMEN'S, MISSES ami CHILDREN'S Satin Oil and Grain Spring Heel School Shoes. . AT LOW PRICES. WOMEN'S SHOES, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00. WM. N. WHITNEY, Opposite P.O. 113 S. 15th St. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty 612 South 16 Streot. TDHOTOGRAPHERQ 205 N. Sixteenth Street. y i ien vynu i nn kk i o- Fire, Lifo or Accidental INSURANCE It will pay you to cull m I lie i lid rrnl gunii ripri'iiiii.liiK Hi'viirul A No. I insurance Coin punles, P KAN Ik tlUHMAa, 5;) Pax Uin HIiHik, HALD & RICE, COALt 0 rviinilionn i:m. : BIS So leth st, H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMH ALMER. OniiHi riiiiiovnd from llll NorMi Kllli Nlrnntto 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 00. : OMAHA, NEB. Oonvent Life Unveiled." IIV EDITH O'lJOUMAN. Thin IIUlo work riiliilntlinliRttiMixpiirlnni'H of a yi ii tin I in I y who wiu linliirnil IIiI'iiiikIi Mm riiniiliiK of llin .IrmillM nml Mm HlHlnrH of ('linrlly lo iinlur ciiiivdnt. I lp atnry of Mm hi'iirlri'iiilliiu whiihn uniiiiMni in miohh hiiikh or Inliliilty in lolil In h I'onvlni'liiK hi y lo. I'rlro In clulli ti'S, wnt pom im Id by AMKltlCAN PUMLISIIlNO CO., 412 Hhtmly llliii'k, Omaha, Nrn rnr r iii-pnun IlliiMinuiKl Hook ni n pni U P I Htt KlvliiKiliilimnnil prli iH ULU UUItlO IlllKI fur llli'lil. BiillU I wo llllllll. rianonm Join Oo., Olark No, I, 032 ixchanii Building, Bolton, Mm IJ-i-'.ni THE COMINQ AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. Br B. A. HUNTINGTON, Thl U anionic Mm IiiK'hI pulillciitlon and rank iiinonx llin liimt, It dual with Mm for- nln 1'xitI.i'iI In polllli'iil iiinurNor our coun try li V Mm Itomiin Cittliollc rlnirrli. Kvury Ainnrlr.iin hiiouiu ruiio n. riipur i:uvur, i'roo AO Cvnt. Biint poHtpiikl on rwnlpt of prlno, by tlio AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 412 Hliimly lllock, Omiiliii, Nob. or, r7 Muln Ht Khiinii City, Mo. Fifty Years - Church of Rome, PT UKV.CIIAH. IIIIINIQUV. Tlillatnndnrd work on HonmnlHin and Hh Himna -vnrkliiKM. wrltK'ii bv oim whomuMit to know. Tim Htory of Mm aimaNHliiatliin of Abriiliiim I.lni'oln ny Mm paid toolM of tin; Unman Catholic! Church In told In a clnar and convincing- inannnr. It almi mlaH-N many facu rt'Kardlnic Mm pracllcim of prliwta and nun In Mm convmiU and iiioniiNKirln. It ha Itl4 l'Jino. liaiiim, and In cnl pimtimlfl on r..,.t.f'.:ii,1.y AMFKICAN I'UllLlHII iNU CO., III5 Howard Htrni-t, Omaha Nub. THE PRIEST, THE WOMAN, iSS CONFESSIONAL. IlT KKV. CM AH. CHINtQUY. ThU work deal untlrnly with thn nrartlwi by all ProtuHtant n well an by Komiin Cath il'l,,, u.,..m nf Him I'llllfllNN llin (Vinfl-HH iinal IIOX. 1111(1 Hlllllllll w n-nu lllirn i.iii'inmi v.'i., i .... ... . ... : t v I......1 uu..l..url miliilixl lint. Prlcu. In cloth, il.(m, sunt poNlpald. Hold by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO,, 412 Shekly Block, OMA1IA, NEB. VVMuUhaKI; Builders' Hardware, Culluru AND TOOLS TRY U3 ONC 1401 Douglas St. Telephone W.R. BENNETT CQ Grand Distribution of Souvenirs March I, 2, 3, 1894. All thoso having Twenty hollars 120.00 worth of Coupons in tntilleil to one of tht8' lirautiful Souvenirs. Our (Jrooery Department ia right to the front. First-rlasa (Joods, Low Trices, tell the story. ,Inr Strained Honey l'ks 2 lb jar Jam 25c 3 lb can Bartlott I Vara lfo Quart Ixittlo rioklos. 3iio Excelsior Flour, This is tho Finest Flour put respect. We are headquarters Collbe and Pure Spices. OUR BUTTER DEPARTMENT Is Second to None. Crowded by Customers all the Time. Fresh Goods, Low Prices is the Cause! Every other Department is worth a visit, and to trade with us onco ia to become a customer of our's all tho time. W. R. BENNETT CO.. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. TRUNK-?. AND TRAVELING BAGS. REPAIRING DONE. 14(16 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb. 1 Hunt timid In tho imirkiit. Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for SO Days. C. LANG. 718 South 16th St. W. H. HUSHKU., W. P. ALLKN. JOHN 0, (XJltTKLVOII, I'roHldtint. Vli!-rrwlilent. Cahlar. DIME SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL FULLY PAID, $40,000. Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Deposits Solicited, WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS." Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streeti, THTH XTPAOTip WITHOUT HAIN PO tSo. Kllllim Vin up. Crown and llrld Work nt riiiiNiinnlilu prion, UormultiiMon fii, DR. WITHERS. Dentist, 4th floor Brown Blk, I6th ani Dontfas Streets, OMAHA, - n a "SEVEN SERMONS on ROMANISM la a Hook thatcontalrw tho whole argument agalnnt ItornanlHin. Sont poMtpald for 2BC, by tho Author, E. H. BRUMBAUGH, D. D., - Atchison, Kansas. M. DALEY, MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Made to Order. Guarantpn a poncci ni.n all rawi. Ototb dr clranud, dyud and rcmudulud. 2107 Cuming St., OMAHA AM' I I TAIL FOft LUCK. 279. OMAHA. NEB. 1 lb Jin Jam lot) 1 lb package Corn Starch do Pint bottle Plckli-a 20o 1 lb packao Baking Soda do $1.20 a Sack. up, and we guarantee it in every for Fine Teas, Fresh Roasted BUY YOUR TRUNKS WHERE THEY ARE MADE AND PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. C. H. FORBY, MANUFACTUHICK OP1 SHOES m BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDUCTION. LAPJEH HIIOKH worth MOO will to at I.T ' 4,11 ,r 000 iM Him Mm ii.iki K..V) I. 70 4.WI II, 71) 3.IKI V MKN'S HIIOKH OMAHA, NEB. Full Set of Teeth $5.00. PERFEOT PIT GUARANTEED. Teeth IMraotad In the morning and New tat made the m Day. 90 IV. H. LANYON, NI. D Physician and Surgeon, Telephone 747. Twulva Toarriintlniiiil uniclli'B In Oinalia. lain awilHfiint Hurifimn to Hl.Jiiwipli' htmpltal. OIHre H. W, nor. Hialwrith and UhlcaKo Ht. onica hoiir:!K) to 11:01 a, nr. : to H:l and 7:UUtot:UUp, tn. Ki'Mldnnco, 2711 Uliarlu Ht. f