The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 02, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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tm in 8t or iMf.rtv to min in
ttittt I hHtMali fr-''' la tfctlt
tttlaf AW-.! m) , Hln.f
I MMHI k It I 1 nt M 1 .,
"TtiHi Inl li-.lll J,.) tt)tl I It
tf Oi mi!jf (-..- ( ll mi.)
Il tl. ttiut itly t. t.iti.. f..,, a ttsi.s
MUtlliMitol It i,"n It,- Nmm-i li.-Hn.s
In N'-w Mi i!nv AtrutnitM Mi..i,.ii e.(.iii
Hi ti'kll, I f,l l tun i.i 0t u.itt
-' M t.'i It tin' .f tin'lliictf, n t
TiH Mr-4 if liN f I u)l.. l-.e tutlm Itl
lltiw , SI,, I . k 1 114 nil ll.i-,ti a. t il. i III
ln In tlio 1 f tiptlftii. I.ii bli Hip
d.Kvr ( lm loruii fii.(, i.ti !,, im,iiii mm l
Indians er tiliitf tu hi 11I mil or,
frtmi. nji'ti llm (ilni fi.iin, ui itum
Mint ami ln'fl inU n i-sim-atlr
4 Country i j In inllii 1I.1 In N JV,w
land VtllnitAnii rnlllimlinw ilnj, Dm w
VlrtnnHiiput, rvrn In snutiil l.nru.iliilnti,
Wrrxl tlnn dinky rlillilnu i.f llui ilnlu
ml nmuiitnlnst
"Down tli renter of thit wldo smuty
IM a dorm tunutitid Imllans were ditv
I ng hand of young, uultmkcii horses,
ntn riding ahead to )ircvi-nt a sDuneili
In that dlrvetlon, and I tin others, In n half
circle licliliiil, urging forward the herd.
Here were perhaps HO wtlil steed which
bud never known stable, fodder, bridle it
pur, stepping IiIkIi ntul prancing, with
wild cyrn glancing suspiciously shout mid
tossing manes Mini tall. V.wrj fnv yarda
they would all gather together with their
heads toward the center, and it wan with
difficulty that t hi circle, could hrokon
nd the horses urged along. At a muarii
little way down the avenue the herd was
bold by tin riders, a crowd of people nt ti
ered, iiihI trading evidently begun at nune
t A lively rote.
" 'What does nil this rrowd of Indiana
Diennf I asked of tlio hoy from MlNMOtirl
who brought up my hot water.
" 'Them's Nnvnjoa,' lie maid. 'Tlio first
lot of 'em's just, got, inter town terdo their
fall trading. They've lining blankets find
ponies ter Hwap for silver (lollara anil storo
"After breakfast, when I went out on
tho street, I wna iiiueh impreMHed liy tlio
appeanmco and ways of these aliorlKlnea.
liiitti men and women aroof kodiI n!,u, wit h
massive flRures, open, liitelllneiit fneo
and linpressivo dlKiilty of manner. Light
er In tint than many of the Indian tribes,
thulr fuattiren display markedly the Tartar
characteriMtlc. To me they as utronxly
URKCHted a Mongolian as mmio other In
dian people do n Heniltio derivation.
"They come In from their reservation
every autumn In part.lea varying In num
ber from n tdngle family up to CO or CO
member and camp Just outside the town,
leeplni in the open ulr or ahcltered by
old army tetilsnnd blanket utri'tdied from
poles. Kvery day of my atay they camo
Into the pnlillo aipiaro or upon the main
tract to trade. To see these dusky riders
Itlltig In unstudied pleturesqun attitude
npon thulr ponies, holding In check u iienl
of rcstlesn horse while waiting for buyer,
wa a sight that bent picture. They wore
ombrcro or old alylo but costly fur cap
bought from the traders, and sotneof tliiiiu
bad Mexican pun at their hecis. Ot her
wise their costume were pure Navajo,
with buckskin or calico Jumpers, buckskin
leggings, moccasins and massive silver or
nuiiiefilslii thcsiiape of bracelets, earring
and crescent charm hammered out from
Mexican dollar by their native Jewelers.
Hero and there In the chill Morning a, Na
vajo would si nl k along draped in one of
those splendid woolen blanket which they
weave themselves of most aulistautlal tex
ture In great variety of barbarlucoloraud
design. Although their feature were In
ffeuernl Impassible, there was an Intan
gible air among these Indian of being on
picnic, mid sometime at some mishap,
nucha the struggle of a purchaser with
an Intractable colt, they would roll in
their saddle In uproarious laughter, There
were 110 sign that any of them had In
dulged In firewater, and 1 think that
among Indiana In general the Navajo,
like the I'ueblo, rank pre-eminent In so
briety, They are too good business men
to take the chance of los through drunk
enness. The iiaw, who rode astride
their horse rnau fashion, were comely,
luxuriant and shapely of figure and both
modest ami Independent if aometlmea n
little fierce of demeanor.
"The Navajo Indian npton tlmoabout
80 years ago were the acourgo of all elvi
llred race of New Mexico, tb peaceful
I'ueblo Indian being favorite victim of
their depredation. Unlike other Indian,
they, owing perhnp to the Tartar origin
already hinted at, have nlway Inclined to
A pastoral life arid to accumulate Hock
and herds, The I'te and Apaches, when
raiding ranches and villages, would feast
inordinately upon the flesh of cattle and
alieep, maiming and slaughtering many
animal from mere wantonness, They
would take back to their rancherlos vil
lage wltli them only horse and mule
and asse which could be ridden or driven
ahead at, n gallop. The Navajo, on the
contrary, would drive to tlmlr mountain
fastnesses all the cattle, sheep and goat
they could capture and collect to add to
the atock they already had. When the fa
mous frontiersman, Colonel KltC'arson, In
IHlia, made bis historic campaign against
the Navajo, be found no way no Directive
to reduce them to submission a, after
wasting their field and deatroylng their
village, to kill all their stock.
"Hlnee the lesson of that campaign the
Navajo have never been on the warpath,
but having renewed their flock and herd,
with some early assistance from the gov
mncrit, have gone steadily on Increasing
In number and wealth, They numlH-r
now nearly 80,000 houIh. Unlike most In
dian tribe, they are self aupporllng, re
quiring no nnnnltlc or ration, They
own several hundred thousand some ay
n million sheep and many thousand rat
tle and ponies. Their reservation In north
ern New Mexico and Arizona contain
nearly 11,000 sfpiare tulle, and they use a
wide adjoining region of government land
for range," New York Hun,
A KhBkes,earn anBMmi.
Did the word "In" have In Hhake
peare'a time thnsamo meaning which the
lang phrase "in It" now hasf In "The
Merchant of Venice," act 2, scene 2,
Launcelot (iobbo say to Old (iobbo, "Fa
ther, In." What thl mean none of the
Wiakespeareon critic or commentator
tell us, and a far a I can find out none
of thfin professe to be able to do so. If,
however, "in" be regarded a slang nnd a
equivalent to the modem slang phrase "in
it" and Ifliincrlot (iobbo I of slang all
compact the dlfllculty of explaining the
passage vanishea at once, for nothing could
better fit the context than to have launce
lot GoblM, adopting the modern phrase,
ay to Old Gobi), "Father, I am 'in It.' "
Boston Tranas-ipt.
lrfM4 I M m llltl W
' Um ltt (,nit., ,.
1 r'"n' I li"l tt.. Ml tnV,
I nniH 1 i-.iir-.tsi in ! i.t.t
j In fctil tun k.. w itin n ! mr
.!-in i. 11 i. i.m i .1 M lilt In
, M11 li.1l. In A I t- iii'.l ills I In
' . ! .lr kr 1 1 t I M rt
( tint! lull! Hi ih ll.e
i oi4l,ittf the I i.itt lfelirik
lUll-AMMM. l U ill ' II ll-il ll. i.H,ll
r-i"i.i tlii rii.liistf ti.tmlsf- it (lie
pt-xnl fsnlli t 0 i lfcl(Utll,ll, wtt-
t Ill kll l r'iii( I'luere 4
th lr atii-winf in r. ctf l..w it in inl.l
llui ! t til til li iiilmr eii snuf
Hi.ldl' 1 lit I unit llntl lliewnikium
in i Im l li a r, t.iiill m IIihim 1 tile nl h
rwitmv ami s ni t"i. 1t d'e fntn
Hie' lime Mn It was .lti.t, I he t
timlin i f e isn u cti!iii w re (t iinil, end
II. U uii.t. I11I I'linlni M.. i f l.ii I end
bead, w Mli ln b nine. 1 1. nr nil ami no
West i .1 About I he In l me I braid i-f
Imlr. the riutt arm n em I he brl,
and the b-H lisnd Is itii liy presi tied.
The 1 l.'thhig is if I he PihM tiinlily, it bi,g
, linen 1 lii iiile, linen umli ri Inihlmj end a
wiMiti ii J.-uki t, w lib a rimtly iiuiiille, mu-li
! a mlubt have Ihii worn by the lady alt-
br i.f a ronveiil.
The rliiiliing and the way the hair In
worn prove I hat I hi woman lived In I lie
( eleventh or twelfth rentiiry, hhe was
evidently a woman or ipiallty, alsmt 4a
year old, maybe I he 1 Inches Adellield, the
uutof Ilarlianmsa mid daughter of llll
dergarde von rUliwaben, who built the
church. Tradition ha It that Adulhrld died
of the plague and wa burled t Felilett
tadt. Tht woman undoubtedly died of
contagion disease, and It I to this fact
that her preservation I aserllied. When
ahe wa burled, mortar of snnie kind, or
omo preparation of lime, wa poured over
tier, which, a It hardened, preserved the
face ami bust. Tlio face I of great beau
ty, the featuri clear cut and retlned and
tlio expression noble. It miuht well be the
face of a woman who died a Adellieid I
said to have died while, nursing the
plague stricken peasants of her neighbor
hood. fcipriiigflclil (Mesa.) Itepubllcaii.
The Murqul P11I1I.
The famous surgeon Velpcnu wa vis
ited one day at hi house during the con
aultation hour by 11 mannla renowned for
LI closeness. Velpcnu informed the iniir
qul that an operation wa urgent, and
that tlio fee would amount to 4,000 francs.
At till tiio marquis made a wry face and
loft. A fortnight later Dr. Velpeau, while
making hi round in the Hospital do la
Charlie, had hi attention alttracted by a
face that seemed familiar to him. In an
wer to hi inquiry it wa stated that the
palent was n footman of a nobleman in the
Faubourg Halnt Uermaln. The eurgeon
found that hi case resembled In every par
ticular the somewhat unusual one for
which tlio mariiul had consulted him 1
1 fortnight previously, He refrained, bow
ever, from making any comment.
Throe week after tho operation, when
the patient wa about to be discharged,
Dr, Vclpcau called him aslilo ami cx
claimed: "Monsieur, I am extremely flat
tered and pleased to have been a hie to cure
you, There Is, however, small formal
ity with which you will have to comply
before I can sign your exeat that !, yon
will have to sign a check for 1,000 franc
In behalf of tho public charity bureau of
your metropolitan district." Tho patient'
face became livid, "you can no what you
like about It," continued tho doctor, "but
if you refuse all I'url will know tomorrow
that tho Marqui do I) adopted tho
disguise of a footman in order to secure
free treatment at this hospital and to
usurp the place which belong by right to
pauper." or course the cuariUl paid
Han Francisco Argonuun
Wedding Dresse Vor Hire.
lirlde on the east aide llko to look well
iit the same a brldea do the world over.
Jut with them money la not to be equan
dered. Ho they hire tho dress li I re it at
the same place where Chlmmy hired hi
dress suit end Mame her costume when
he went to the Jolly Heven'a masquerade
ball aa Mary, queen of Hcota.
Von cati find auch place In fiecond
street, There are about dozen wedding
dresse In each simp, Hornet Ime they are
nsed in Stage wedding, but oftener in
real one. The rent run from 10 to 110,
according to themagnlflcenceof the gown.
They are beautiful creation at leant they
aeem so to a mere man and aro bond em
broidered, with pearl fringe and lota of
They must bo looked after and mended
very time they come back, Just tho aame
a the masquerade costume. The skirt
of a wedding frock and the train stays
good quite awhile, but the bodice ha to
be changed, not because It I shabby, but
been 1 mo it I out of date,
Cosl-umer expect to make n dree pay
for Itself In about four using, but of
course they niaka a poor mouth and say
wedding frock lose money for them.
New York World.
The Alone of Slang.
It i not tint use of slang which 1 to be
deprecated ; It 1m the abuse of it. The girl
who every time ahe open her mouth pro
ject from It some such word n"awfully"
"awfully nice," "awfully horrid,"
"awfully square," "awfully round," and
o on until you wish that ahe would, at
any rote, advance into the alphabet aa far
a the b' I not only a slangy person;
be I also in all human probability a fool.
The same civil observation appllea to
the man who ha become lndlolubly
Iolned to anme slangy catch phrase as, for
natanae, "Don't you know", "Ile'a a
nice fellow, don't you know," "It aeem
to me to be a queer start, don't you know,"
"I can't stand clever people, don't you
We quite realize the truth of hi last
statement without hi putting himself to
the trouble of giving It audible utterance
Just a clearly a we surmise that Itl just
possible that clever people can't stand
Llm, All the Year Around,
The Kmy Going Iong Islander,
Whether it be due to salt or to Inborn
lar.luoaa, the fact cannot bo disputed that
the native Ixmg Islander I the most som
nolent, alow going human being thl side
of I'hiladelphla, Wa suppose that there
are hundred of people letween llrooklyn
and Moutauk Point who have never trav
eled on a railroad, never seen a glimpse of
city life and never wanted to do anything
but eat, drink and aleep. For enterprise
that 1 positively clamlike the stretch of
territory at the eastern gateway of llrook
lyn Is easily entitled to the palm. Brook
lyn Eagle.
When church announce "an oyster
upper" It I speclfla and truthful, but
when it staUs that "there will be oysters"
nd then provides only one bivalve the
effect is bad. Yonkers Statesman.
THE A. P. A.
h U an 0iKt llM'ou f.f lb Trtee.
lion vt Ri u tf American
W el aUwtil M liiliele-
IM It liii.. In the I'eMte
i bmd an4 the l!ell It lien
it ihih ifi 1 a a "111 . ci a
ll ap Ni apt'tvpi .fili al Him- l.
hull-' iiir 'li ii'n ii l.illn- Ann 1I1 mi
1'nit.lne , i aiioii Mini tin' -
Itl. t i wot it in b , d In
li'il iii r t"n !,il In 1 in tl (. inline.
Ilii- liitliiHI fl. ltt I . ill iippli Mi'h;
llu tr iii Hiliinl wii , in I VI. 1, 1I1 titi I
inC lluir liiiiiiU'i- In. in tis williln,
II11 11 w bo ei but 1I1I lint 111'
km li df" He'll' aili'niami' In 'In1 stars
and si 1 in' and llm icsHtiiUons w bii'li
Ibry ti'ii'M'iit( but w ho m know b ii
tho Hii of Itmiio a llisl, liiniitiniiii as
wvotnl, and llio I'liltid Mali's la-t
Fruin llils dlslnjal rlass It has Ishmuihi
lu'cvesary fur putiinlio cilli'ii Iii
orpinli' fur jirnti-rllini, not only for
tho ri'N'fvatliiu of our publlii wlusds
and to Hcuuro a puro bullut, but for the
right of froo HNidi and to muintnln
tho oonlinui'd separation of rhuivh and
An honest I'U'ctlon ha not Isvn
known in thl city for yours, Btinply In
cuiiMO tho loyal tax paying citizen bits
rciniiini'd away from (ho prinuiry oli o
tioiia and al IhwimI t In; "piich'1 to place
whom t hoy doslri'd on tlio ticket, and
have voted for them without qucitlou
iih to their putriolUtn or iualifli'iitlou
Tlie fiw who lutvo realii'd tho serloim-
Hess of tlio situation, hnvo fotitul tholr
efforlH fulllo from' luck of organization
mid iiMniM-unce, and as 11 ri'sult our
(illlces, both I'lccllvc and appointive,
are Illlod by an undesirable cIiish of
eitl.i'tiH, with very few exceptions,
About ninety-six per cent, of tlio olllees
have been filled by adherent of the
ItotiNin Catholic church who number
only about twelve per cent, of tho pupil
hitlon. Tho responsibility for this con
dition of rufTairs Ih equally divided
among1 the men who full to respond to
the duties of cllii'UHhip in thl hind
whero every voter 1 11 sovereign.
There i nothing connected with thl
association that 1:1111 in it ho conscien
tiously subscribed to by every Joyal
American citizen. Consider carefully
tho following fundatiiiuitul pt'lnelplea of
the order:
An honest ballot and a correct count
at our election.
Our public Meliool Hysteiii should con
tinue! unimpaired In lta work of educa
tion for all.
Tho stars 11 nd stripes alone should
receive the unqualified allegiance of all
whom they nhelter and protect.
Criminal and pauper Immigration
should be stopped.
To oorruut muny wrong" impression
that have been sent abroad by the
Romish press, and by individual who
do not tinderaland, or who wilfully mis
represent the following" atatetnent are
First. Tho A. 1'. A, i not an nntl
Catholic organization, except In no far
a that church Interferes in polities and
our free Institution. With their mode
of worship or manner of conducting
their church affair, It ha nothing" to
Second. Tho A. 1', A, would be
anti-Methodlat or antagonlzo any other
church or denomination, with just a
much vigor, If they attempted to Inter
fere with our free Institutions,
Thlrd.-The A. 1', A. I strictly non
partisan. Party polities are strictly
Fourth. The A. P. A, I for one
country, one Hag, purity of govern
ment, free speech, free press and ma
jority rule.
Are you nn American citizen, mid
will you stand Idly by and see your
right trampled on by any class of peo
ple who do not believe In the above
Wo appeal to every truo citizen who
love hi country, to Join In thl pa
triotic movement for bi tter govern
ment. Wo appeal to democrats, reptib
lluans, populists, prohibitionist and
mugwump, to Protestant, and to un
believers; to native and foreign born of
all nationalities; to white and black, to
rich and poor, to assist In throwing olT
the yoke of slavery that I being
fastened about your neck.
Our watchword 1 popular education
un to a true knowledge of the danger
that I already here. Our war cry I
"turn the Humanist out." Our battle
uxe I the ballot, and our buttle field I
at the poll.
Ibose wtio think there is no urgency
for Immediate action have but to look
about them and see the work that Is to
be done, and tho necessity for prompt
and united action. Those who are
alive to the situation, can secure
further Information by addressing or
ailing or the
1 looms 40iVfl, Hi )7 Main Street.
KunsasCity, Mo
Cheap Rales to California,
The Union Pacific Is offering greatly
reduced round-trip rati' to all Cali
fornia jKiInts and Portland, Oregon,
thl year.
For full particulars inqulro of your
nearest ticket agen or address, II. P.
DKUEL, 1302 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.,
or E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Pae. and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
t',tirt I mil .Mnlh , I nnun M
SIM taOlMi MNiilnMli
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111 tit, ., 1.1 ,.f llm im,,, 11, ,i 1111 mm -in-,,
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I...-I I li.-l mill m i tiiin c..i. h. ci.i .Hnu in a n nid i fil ,y Hi,, ill. iiii-t ciiiiii ni
HHllt Ihuivlim I'lillllty si n I l-l.tllstV li'ttl
A ll In a ei ilulti Ai'tlim t licit sinl t lii'l
Is'liillnt!, Alieri-lH liniiiliA limn nml 'I'iiihI
I iimtisiiv Ms pliilnl irt. nnil tn-ii K. Mi'iirAiiil,
ninry 1. Iii-liriiiiil sinl ulln r m-rn ileli nil
HiiiiiIia, NelirAskH, Jsnimrv A, I ""4
Hpi'i'lsl Miiu r 1 urn iiilnintii'r.
IV II. I iiiilili'lltl. Milium y I ft-B
Lrual Notice.
To tlie niikniiwn hi'lrs of W. A 111 h lie tiisirt
Intf. ili'i'i'iisi'il :
Von 11ml eiii h nf Vim will tiiliii tmllen Hint
un I lie I II li On v of I li I ii-r IS'i.l ImilH.llu I..
Peek, ill it ill lit herein. Illeil tier liellllnii In
inn illsiricl ciiiiii or Diiiiitlitn eiiunly. rie
lirnskii. HUilliixt V. Ainiille Kih-iIIi'ik nml
Clin I .ii I hi m . theulili-ci nml nriiverof Hlileh
Is In fiilcclti-i' 11 i.ii.l tJilc 1 -.cculcil on Hut
.In! iIiiv nf A111II, 1MI. I.v SV, A in it I Iii Knerllim
In h ut'i'iic r. Iliiies. unit hv lilm nmiltfiieil 10
Iniilielln I,. Pet k. il 11 1 ii 1 1 IT I n - li-1 11 . 1 1 1 1 1 I lie
pniieri.v iieNi-rineii us roiinMn: 1 .ni un- ;n
In lilnek seven (li In ImiiiiiIc l uiiiih Mii
nli.iiieiituiy 111I1I11 Inn tolliecllv of Uuiiiliii,
In I lie ennui y of linimln-.. tout I he si ill n of
Nelil-iii-llil. In m-clll-e I he pliymelll oflltlnle
fur Hn. sum nf :.:.'.'ti no due nml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A in 1 1
II, Nui. 011 which noli, nml mm litnxe Ihern Is
nnw due nml i:i vn Itii' to t lie ihilnl Iff I he so 111
of l,'.A'iHil Willi Inteichi hi rule of seven iVl
1 11 I- cini per 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi from Hie :inl ilnv of
A pill. 1 1:1.1. fur w hich sum Willi Inli-resi,
pliilntllt prays for 11 ili'iree, Unit I he ilefeu
iIiiiiIm 1 1 1 1 v llm siiine, mill thai In ilefiiull nf
such 1 i V 1 1 1 -1 1 1 Mil l I pi'i-nilw's limy he snhl In
Mil Iffy Hie minium, fniiuil line, I lllll nil of
mi )l ili'teniliiiils he forever hurled of I heir
Intei-i-Hl. In mi hi real I'sluln
Von urn ri tiilrcil to answer the said peti
tion on nf In lure the (tl h iluy nf Mmvh, IN'.I),
Ihiled at Oiiuiha, Nell,, .liiiiiiary i!ilr l. I ni4.
ISA III' I, I, A 1 I'l- I K.
Ily II. l' ThomaSjjHir at loniey, 1-2H-4
Notice to Non-Hesident Defendants.
To .1 nines I), Nlut ler mid A unit ), Hlnller,
non -resilient defeiidunls:
Von are liernhy mil Illeil that on tlinlllli
day of lieeemher, ls:i;i. Tunny llryiiut IJnd
wl 11 as plaintiff, tiled her petition In Hie ills
I I'li'l. court of lioilulus coiiuly, NeluiiKkii,
iiUiiliiNl, you us defendants, llm oh,ect, mid
pniyt-r ef which Is to foreeloNii a tuorluaifii
imeeiiled on Ihu Willi duv of .liine, Isail. hy
Mlehiiel 1 ) 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 -1 1 V to KiiKi-ue (I, liules ami hy
him iinnIuiiciI In l-'n 1 1 1 1 y lliyunl lloilwlii,
lilnlnlllV herein, iipnti the pinpei-iy dcMcrlheij
usfollow: 'I'Iiii west, one half iW, 41 of lot
eh'hl (Si In hlock eleven llll In Uenil's l''lrst
addition to Iheclly of II11111I111., In Hie eolinly
nf I'oukIiis, 11111I Hi itln of NehriiHkit, tu secure
the nil y turn I. of 11 noln fur I he sum of fl .'AMI 00
due nnil in 11I1I11 June 'Aiiih lsH4. 011 which
mii m Hti-re In now due find piiyuhle to the
iiiiinuii inn sum or iM.niimi wuu 1 11 1 r-.i
hereon litihn lulu of seven i7l tier cent tier
aiiniim from Iheyiih day of llccemlier, IMi'A,
for which sum, with Interest, pliilntllt prays
foradecren Unit H111 ilefi'iiifiuilN uiiv llm
mii 1110, anil that In tl fault of such piiyment
suld preinlses tuny he sold to sullsiy the
iimoiini. rouiiu uiie, nun 111111, an or sain tin
fetidiuits may he fntever liarreil of their III
I e 1 i nI In suld reul chIiiIc,
You ar reuulreil to answer tho mii Id peti
tion on or Imlorn tlie full day of March. sli4.
Hilled at (liualill, INeli,, .laiiua ty l',i
Ily II. V. 'I'liiimas, lier iiltotney. l-ai-4
Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Nollciils herehv iflvi'ti. Unit liy rensuii of
(lefitiiit In llm eotiilll Ions nf a chin tel iiiiirl-
OiKe diiled October ;l, s!i;i, exeeuled hv W, II,
llruili-lck mil II, 11, Mi nil r-li'k to vv, lueui-
ier, nml iinmIuiii'i! 1.0 , 1, M, Klunwiill, hy thn
said VV, II, l re Id ii-r, and recnrili d In tlnuilllcu
of thn (ton nty Clerk for llouula eoiiniy, N-
nriisKit, 011 which inoriif iikh tun sum or otm
hundred fifty dollars iI:iIMii, wliti ttilerest
then-nil al ien ili per cent, icr aiiiiiim from
date, Is st ill due anil unpaid, Hie umlerslKin-'l
will. 1111 I lie win iiiror I'loiruarv. sin 11 1 1
o'clock a, m, at li: Si.iiih Thlriy slxtti HI,,
Oiiiiilui, NnlirMska, sell at, tiu'ille auetlon Hi"
fiillowliiK properly I'liumeraleil la sunt
innriiraue, ln-wli: (Inn hay iteldlnu, ahout
si 11 years old, widtfli t ahout. ',! pounds, named
Hilly! uiie end sprltitf pliMnMin, iiiadn hy
Milhurn A Htjalard helm a iloeior's stjfln of
citrrliiun, raid sale Is iiiadn to satisfy thn
said .1, M, llinewali In said amount wlih In
ten-sl, ttiereon as ulinve slated
Uimilia, Niihruska, January III, I "HI,
.1, iw, Kimr.wAir,
1 Ili-il
Assliiien of Said miiNuann.
Special Matter Uommiinioncr'i Sale.
I iideratul liy virtue of anorder of suln on
decree of fut'i-clusiirn of mortuae In-ui i out
nf Ihu dlslilct, 1 nun of IIiiiikIiin county,
Nehraskii, and dlreeied In me. I will, 011 Hie
'JU1I1 (fay of I'elii-iiiiry, IS'i), at I o'clock
ti, m, of suld duv. at the inn Hi front,
dnnr of the count v court luiiiie, In llm ell v
of Omiiha. ciniin y, nf liountlas ami suite of
ielilllsUa, sell at pulillc auclliill, 10 tlie
lili'liiNi tildder for ciihIi, llm tituiieriv
ilcM'i'ihcf) In s'tld order of siilu as follows, to-
l,ol, elirhl (Si In lilis'k Ihreii ill) In llt-lifus'
Place addllloii In I lei city of Umalia, In the
slate of Nehruska,
Huh sii c Is to sal Isfy the ludmeiil of said
i'iiiii t reiuleti d lit lis l i hruiirv letm. fsii.t, In
a certain art Ion In which Hie llelktiau Hav-
Inns Hunk of I.uconla, New tlainiiNhlrii, Is
ill 11 1 11 1 1 IT. and win, 11, tiayden ami others
nre defeiidllHls, A ppi'lil mien ducliet IIA,
No, 1711,
Omaha, IVchriiska, .Miniiary 'in, ts'.i:i.
HnnelHl Mu-ler I'oiiiHilHNloiinr,
I, It, Andrews, tiltoiney, W-ft
Lneal Notica.
vs Dis'kel a, no. ,
.Ueoii bin,, )
In llm i'oiiiii v court of llouidus county.
stain of Nehraskai
lacol) I, nut, defendant. Will takii tuillen
that, oil thc7Hi day of I lecemher, A. ll, IsM,
I'hni he ll. K, I',. I.lnlnn. ilalnl It herein, tiled
lier iiel ltloii III I lie count y court of I lunula
eoiiiil v, Nehriiskii. said d. feiidiint,
and the eoiinty ludie iM-in-d an oritur of at-
taclimeiit for tint sum nf lm In said action
pi-ndlliK I I said court wle-iela I'lniche H I:,
K. I.liuoii h iilalntlir, and .lacut. I uir. Isde
fend a ut thai pri.pcrt y of I lie lie fend an I con-
sIsllHif of 1 1 11 r lltlures pniil tulile, slove,
chairs, I'lis-k, Icn-ehest. nml liar, has heen
iiiluche'l under said order! said pliiliiHrr
pray Jiidioiieul svulnsl. said defenuuiit for
Hie sum of IIIMI dun fur relit of huilillliKN
uxeil anil un iipli-il at 1114 and lilil Hniith
Ih Iteelilli Street. Omaha. IehrilNk u, Suld
ciiiinc was cum liiui il to the Mil day of March,
011 am lierehy ieiiilreit to answer said
ictlHnn nn or hefnre sulil filh day of .March,
s',4, or a Judgment will he taken uKuliiNt you.
Oniulia, Net),, .1 ii ruin t- v 2J. IM'4.
fllOl- IIK K. h. K. MNTON.
Ily John T. Ciilhi r, her aiioriiey, l-Ail 4
Olio NoIiIIiik will lake not ten Hint on t tin
Kali day of liei'i-inhcr. sn;l, lleoritn S Smlih,
a JiiHilcenf thn pencil in thn elt y of Oniiihii,
UiiiitliiN county, NehriiNka, liieil an order
of 111 1 uchiiienl for the sum nf t-i.1 I', it 1 1 1 1 Inler-
st fruui l ull day of I-nhrtiary. Ismi, due on
f'niir proiiilNNury mile, In sn net Inn liemllnu
ii fun- him, wherein Junius M KlKinir la
pliilntlff and Otto Nnlillnv ilefeiidunl thai
certain tnoiieys III thn hands of Jacnl) II.
KiniiiliiiO'r has lu en tiurnlnlieii under sail)
order of attachment.
said action was continued for trial to Fen-
ruiirv llllli. 1SH4. at, 1 o clock u. in., lie for
sultl Justice of Ihu peace.
iimuii. oenrassa, January pun, ism. M. KlUUL'R.
lit D. Va Etti,
ills Attorney. l-U-4
wttiouc soaur
: M KI. A M l i lM.TV
And v Illlllid S, iii Itl lit i.f .
ft 1 1 Alii e IS 1 1 ' llmt, till I -Hindi
(In! In 1 -in mi l fm i.i,iiiH n
It liim , i,i in it " ni n It in, I i.. aiii tluiij? l.'ti I li
l.ri It We Pi ml
noohs. ttmrs, minus. circulars,
UWUOrLS. DODMRS, iswcmlnis,
ami we'll do your work al reasoniililn lunlli, and liuniaiitier that will I si
satisfactory tu (lie customer tlurol1let I at
Cliaap Rate, Quick Trip.
The travel from the north and north
west territory, tupped hy TliK CilKAT
lilll'K Ihi.anii KiiI'TIO, has lleimilliled
HerVleoof tlilseliuriu'tet', and hculuuing
Octols't' Tilli, tourist curs will leave
Minneapolis every Thursday morning
and join tlio regular tourist train out
of Chleayo every Thursday afternoon
att'oluinlniM Junction, J it.. , at 11 p. in,
Central Iowa and the great west, slope
district, of that state, deuuinds and will
receive a slmllarsei'v'ce, and lieilnning
October Ulih, a Phllllps-KiK'k IhIihhI
Kxcursloii Cur will leave Alliert Leo
every Tuesday morning, and via lilvtT
more, l''t. Dodge and Angus, will arrive
at, J)es Moines that evening, and
Wednesday a. tu. go west on the "Jtlg
Five," vlu'Oiniihn, Lincoln and Hello
vllle, at which point it will join tin)
regular Tuesday train from Chicago,
Pull piirllculur it to cheap rate
tickets for thla trip, and also a to cost
of herth In the tourist enr cheerfully
given on li)ieiil(i i to tiny (irenl, lluek
Islniid Hoiite Ticket Agent, or agent at
coupon station of connect lug line.
JNt). blOIIAlSTI AIM, tl. J . A.,
Via Denver and Salt Lake City.
Patron of the Groat Central 1 ton to
Weekly Kxcurslon lo California via
the Union Paid flu can have tlmlr ticket
read via Denver mid Halt Lnku ('Ity
without additional expense, He nil fur
folder giving detail and a 1 vantage
olTered. P. 10, KlfKAKKll, Mgr..
llll Ho. Clark Kt.
G, P, AT. Agt,, Chicago.
Omaha, Neh.
Hot Hprhig, Atk., Wllhoiit Change.
On and after January 20th, the Mis
souri Pacini) Hallway will run a through
sleeping car from Omaha to Hot
Spring, Arkansas without change,
vlu Kansas City, Ft. Kmlth and Little
Itock, leaving Omaha dally at 10 p. m.
For further Information, rate, etc.,
call at depot, Fifteenth and Wuhster,
city ticket olllco, N. E. cor. Thirteenth
and Farnam.
J. O. Phim.ipI'I,
A. (!. P. and F. A,
1-H Tiioh. F. Coui-itKV, (i. T. A.
A (iimii Thing Id Itenieinher
N that tlie llurllngtori Hon to ha a
greater mlleiigii In Neliriiska than any
other rallnmil and that, nine case out
of ten, It' tlio lino lo take for local
Mil tits,
Lincoln, York, (i'ranil Island, Ileal
rice, Hasting, Kearney, Heward, N
hraskn City, Hod Cloud, lloldrcgu and
Wymoro aro a few of the places that
are easily and cotiifortatily reached
from Omaha via tho llnrllngton Kouio.
City Ticket Olllco, I.'IIM Farnam Ht.
Man wanted to consign good to
dealer. Must he sober. Pay, 10 tlio
first month, and exi'iise. Wagui
raised with Increase of business. To
get a reply, enclose stamp, Postal not
noticed, Aildress, II, V Jluboell, 700
llroadway, llaiinlbal, Mo, tf
- - -
High Five or Euchre Pardee
should send at once lo John Ki;iia8TIAN
(J. T. A,, C. 1C. I. k P. It. H., Chicago.
TEN CENTH, In stamp, Mir pack for
the slickest curd you ever shuflled.
For 00 you will recelvo froo hy ex
ptTo ten pock,
I p
quarterly hy tho ClllfAOO, IUx'K IS
LAND & Pacific Haii-way. It UdU
how to get a farm in tho west, and it
will bo sent to you gratl for one year.
Hotid name and address to "Editor
Western Trail, Chicago," and receive
It ono year free.
If you aro roing to travel In any
direction, call uttirand Junction Ticket
Officii, Ninth, Main and Delaware
Hta. and get their raUe. Tho agent,
Mr, A. Hilton, or any of hi assistant
will bo glad to furnish you with re
liable Information, and noil you ticket
over the beet pouilble route tf
rriJMslHNU HilNTl t
U 1 J I J Li I lilS
!;, 1,1 f ill ni. I, a 11. . III list Oil V
ft the ivl. Alu Mi- n , l. tt t. li I
,11 k n l Im .i h n I n'l mi us
i't I inn 'it 1 1 ill I'linliiit' 'i- 'an
tu tin.. I .in. , I'iaI an. I 1'i-rlli-r
J.lfAf i itti r nnei
II tW". F
j'Mit i-i i ill nuvrv
and HOTSPRINGS, ARK. & Coiner !llh unit liirnain 81,1.
A y 1 1 1 1 if marrleil mini watilsa koihI Hleailv
nihil Inn, HomI of city rnferiinces. Aililress
, X. X. Ililsoltlcii
M. A M It. "
ieiiit luili ami Mason His,
. , Jlenver l.luillnil dully 77
.... Iieiul wiiml Kx press ,,,,
Denver Kxirnss ,
, Lincoln ;. (e,-eii Hun) ,
, , Lincoln Local (ex, Hun) ,
l' II, A (J.
Depot. Hull anil Minimi His,
..... Clilcauo Limited ,,,,,
riilcauo press
, , , ( 1 1 Ii-1 1 ic Iowa Local, ,,
. , Local, dully ex. Hun. . . ,
K.U,. Ht. ,I.A (), II, " ""'
Depot im li ami Miisiui Hts,
,.i(an. I'lty Iluy Mxiirnss,.
. K. (,', Nliilil. h,x, via ll. II.,
I. lil pui
4. HI pm
D M am
II an am
H. Ml pin
II. -Hi am
IS pm'i pm
H mi am
4. Ml iin
III Irt am
III. Irt iiiii
h. in urn
H IVI )lll
4 4.1 nu
II Irt am
IM pin
II M am
heaves I
Ouuilia I
H A'i ami
IH'i im
I Arrlvn
A M pui
I a Mi urn
) ii ii 1 1 il
"itWl inn
2. Irt im
n.;m inn
4. Irt uii
H 40 inn
II. 40 am
1 i!n inn
N 40 am
H.rt am
il.rtrt lli
A.,Ti jim
U III pin
III. 40 pin
A.iKl pin
10 HI am
il.M pm
4 Urt pm
T.MI pm
A.4I) am
(tin ati a
's Ml am
I t A pm
(1 4rt pm
5. in pm
""'UNION PACII'Mii. lArrlvni
I ' ii Inn Depot Intli ami Mureyl Omalia
Deliver Kxpiess.,,.,, 4 Ikrt pin
Limited, ilallv. un.
Deliver Kusl, Mall 4.21) iiiii
II. H.A H, Kx. (nxcepl Huti)., pm
racitli: I'.xpn-HS 111.40 sin
411 am
7. Ml am
H. IA am
ll.'ill am
..(.'ouni-ll lllurfs Local,
III (HI am
n.:tn pm
(i ,m pin
H Ml pm
II AA pm
tl,. M. A HT. I'. '
Depot, filth and Marey Hts. J
...... UhlcaKO Limited ,
Clilcuito Kxpress ,
0. N. W."
(Via U. I', Transfer)
..Atlantli! r' press, dafly,,
. . Kits tern I'limenifer, dally , .
...ClilciiKu Limited, dally,,.
. ...Omiiliii Mall, dally. , .,
Missouri Valley Uocal, dally
n.Mi pm
V.M Hill
ti Hi put
Vi W pm
U m am
2 in pm
u no pm
),. Hi, I',. M. AO,
Depot Irttli Hinl WelmUT Hts.
HIiiiix (Illy Aeeommoiliil.loii
, H, (J, KxnrnNS leicepl Hunt ,
Ht. V1111I Kxprnss ,,,,,
Oalilanil ls'al texcept Hunl
l'M R. A MO, VAM.KV, "'
Depot, Irtiti and Wi-lmterHU,
Dead wikkI Kxprnss , ...
iKx.Hati Wyo, Kx.iKx, Mori)
. l- i'i-iniiiil I'.x, iLxeept Hun,),
... Ht. Caul Express
. . Lincoln Kx. lex, Hoiuluyi
I A rriviil
U IIA pui
VIM pm
V.2A am
H.4A am
4 M pm
4.nn pm
in S 1111,
V. lfi am
III !A am
I Haven
N Ml am
M nn am
ft .'HI pm
(l,4rt pm
H vi nui
heaves I HlOllX t'lTV A I'AI'II' IU lArrlvus
Omalnil llepol I'M It A Mitrcy His. lOmiilia
tl 4'. ami, ...Hloux llliy l'asseiner,, V.An pin"
ll.nnpml Ht, I'll 11 1 Lx press ll'l.Hlam
Iavesl i.Cllli Aiio, It. I, A"l',rr.7ArVlvi"i
Omslia I Via I', I', Transfer, I Omalia
KST " ' "" " "
lO.Wl 11m ,, Atlantic' L press, dally ., fl.01 pm
4 m nn , . Vemllmle l.luilieil. Unify , 2 mi pm
7. in pm .,, Nlilil Kx press, dally. ... 7 M am
I tin nui ex, M1110O. A T. Kx, lex Hun A nn am
V m iiiii . , , , Llnciilii A I 'o, llliitrs..., ,'ieiam pm ...... ( li Im uo Kxprens V.W am
Vliitt I', Transfer.
A mi am ex. f 11111O AT. Kx. x, Men 12 10 am
ifnnpu ( tilciiioi and Denver,,., il fl pm
K4.nam ,.lu. Illults and Lincoln,,, ll ilium
miAa" ,,,,, Miicolii Kxpress 4 M pm
leaves j' MIH.-loUld 1 A 4 1 1- 1 iT ArrlvmT
Omalia! Dupol lot h and Mason Ht.s Omahit
0 ill pun ...,Ht. Louis Kx. dully. ... Iiiam
mo liiiij t. Louis Kx dally 4 an pm
A40iinl Nehrsska .k-iiI H 4A miu
leaves I " VVAHAHll. ArrlTB
Omalnil (Via II. I', Transfnrl I Omaha
3 .V. pm j ,7. Hi, Louis Kx,, dally i U.lApia'
oMte . c. -am