The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 02, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA. Ni l., KKH. 2. twt.
TltR A. P. A, state council of Illinois
spoke w ith no uncertain aouiul.
THK H'orM Jrnihf deaervea no amall
amount of praise for I ui effort to re
lieve the poor of Omaha, mid wo would
suggest to our friends who aro In such
elreuiiist'inooA am to 1st beyond tint reach
ol went, tlmt they wild all the neces
saries of life, such aa broad, moat,
clothing, coat, oto. which tlioy can
spare, to KHtllf Kurnani street, or rail
up HO hy telephone, and a wagon will Ihi
wilt for all giHids. Tint relief of tho
tioody Is something wo are nil Inter
ested In, regardless of race, creed or
previous condition. What ran you
apart) to holpsouiu mm)i fmnllyy
TlIK Bla to uoiini'll tf A. l A. of Dhlo
laliothintr If not outHpokon. WhlloH
wiih In monhIoii thn nowa of tho niohhln
of Mnj. Slum rt'itchod thorn, and thoy
tinnioilliitoly pnsmid thu following tvao-
Whoroiot, Wo loam with roprot of
tho cowardly and iiittllcloui UHnanlt
mado hv a Hoinan mob umui tho pot-mm
ot Major Klum, at Kaukaura, WIh,,um
jtubllMliod in thu d.Uy priHn, for no
othur (itTonoo than that of txorolMlnu
tho rluht of froo Miioocii, and that In
puhllo or patriotic llnoa, thuroforo, ho It
UoMilvod, That we, tho inoinhoiit of
tho atato council of tint Aniorlcan I'm
toctlvo UHHocliitlon, of Ohio, hereby ox
uroHa oir nvniintthv '"r Major HIidh and
jl(l(rc to hluiany aid and aNHiitianco ho
may need wlillocnifiufcd In IiIh patriotic
iniNHioti, and mat we oomionin uic wock
(if llUn mi llm tliroiiirlmiit our oounti'V
- without Htlnt or charity, though it In
prouiotod hy liiorHiiooaiid Hiipcrtltlon
cnianiitlnir from tho prlcntliiMid of thn
organization Unit control and promoted
audi diabolical, unlawful and traitoroim
conduct: and that it tut further
ItoHolvcd, That a copy ol thcuo rtmo-
lullona tie wnt to Major Nltim.
) ...'lv I
I 1 1
N iim
m. I In t !... i i M I'm . ol i.i
..'' ! vii.. i n i i-i. i ; . i.i
L t.. ,.i I I'it. i . t,.
w.M.-.'.rs-W--'.'. j ihi. v . 'i pj ......
hl ti ii..t l-t I h' IH it Ii'd .fi t. I mil-lii-it (Vtlallit) M ilt.l I
,'iHNHt, ., i .Mj.n Hi( lln A I, A l
i.ii I i urii't lot ill to Din i In. t
p.i 'mIihI Mali '. niif 1
imU.i Ui h tf AM'li,ai
i Hi .iiitu i n: y ,
st u 1'iii t ii K.
ll.tpi tl Malir II ll.
ldl Il V, M.i . .tun , h'i - I .llli.i
Tup Ami n as I aii i.l. iilty f"oi.l
I. ..Inl A ii.) ofllir AMI llh'AS lf dale
H. fitt'ioUr , t'M I ito Itol U-lohrf lii
Iho A. I . A,, out I ant an Aitii-t loan
iil, itixt and all the Mini', I wiled
font' loi't? jinf lt hi'lp limUi" thin iiuit
lit fiii', Rlid I annt to It'll vml that
the mmtiU aii full of "Mtir .Imfiiiiitid
KniiHfi liv will htivtt a little till w 1th
tho A. I', A. 'a and trtio Aiui'i'loan In
the npi'tntf t'loi'llou. The war ha com
mcmvil, I'i li'li'rail linn jrot to v'o
Your iapcr onk'hl to U In every houw
hold In thn United Htatc. I'letwe urml
iHipy to my add rem and oblige,
A TlU'K Amkiuoan.
Tiikkk la and old Haying that you
muHt go away from homo to learn tho
neWH, No doubt tho following dixpatch
which appeared In tho Ouiahti Dully
Tucaday will bo ncwa to many of
our KanHim City rcadora:
Kanhah CITY, Jan. 19, A committee
of tho American 1'roUmllvo aNttiMda
tion'a local liKlgoN called on Frank Orii
ham, chairman of tin) city (lemiairatlo
central oomnilltoe. ttHlay with a view
of coming to an tinilDi'Hlandlng with thn
com in I turn concern I ng tlie coumc w h Ich
It waa to follow In tho Imiatndlug cam
Milirn. Tho American l'roloctlvo aa-
MMtlatlon reiireiietitatlvoa aald tho a.
aiHilatlon denlred to atirvo notion on the
democratic comuilttoo that no Calholio
who wa a candidate for olllce in tho
Hiirlni campaign would recclvo tho
aupport of tho Aniorlcan l'roloctlvo an
aoclatlon. and that under exlutlnir con
dltlona tho winning ticket In thn aorlng
would bo one eomixmod entirely of
1'roteatantM. Then thoy entered upon
a leiitfthv roaumo of tho work of thn
American Protective iiwioolatlon
annlimt Catholic, who, they mild, were
trying to obtain control or the govern
Chairman (iraham, In reply to the
iiucry an to whether the democratic
city convention would ke p all Cat .ho
llo off the ticket, mild that If he went
to the convent lima a doloiiilo ho would
' not veto to keep any man from running
for olllcn merely booaumi he wa a Cutlio-
lio; and that, on the other liaml, ho
would not veto to put a man on dimply
bocauite he wan a IVotoHtarit. 'J' hi wn
given a the ponitlon tho democratic
lty committee would take on tho Ihnuu
5roontcd by the American Protective
Moolatlon, and by the committee waa
received a it amiwor.
The aamo commit thecal led on tho re
tiuhllcnn city central eommltt'io later
In tho day and made almllar demand.
-Chairman Walter told tho committee
that Mr. Daveniwir t, formerly mayor of
tho city, would head thn republican
ticket and would choono hi aHNiiclaUi
on the ticket; that, therefore, ho wa
tho gentleman to aee in regard to the
matter. With thla Information tho
committee departed.
Fen ml It Falc.
Kansas Crry, Jan. 27, lWU.-tfdltor
Tiik Amkhican: Having read the a
itodatod prod rtiport of the J. V-. Mc
Namara cae, in which It I claimed
that tho A. P. A, of thla city had ro
fuhcd him any mipporton the ground
that they did not bring him hero, I
find the report l true In tho latter and
faliw In the former, I II rid the order In
Kanwi City and all over the country
I not only nupiortlrighlm, but alno the
principle of good government, and i
opposing one of the wort political
ring I have come In contact with, not
even excepting Tammany, of New
York, or Coovlngton, Ky. Tho people,
no doubt, will know enough of their
clty'a corruption by election day to
A Nrhritir,
Monday evening about (I o'clock
deputy aherlff went to 1ndcicndoiioo
and brought IIIhIhiji McNamara from
the county Jail to the jail In tho city
Thl wait done for no other purNino
than to allow the paplxta an oppor
tunlty to pemecuto him. The dally
panr came out Monday morning with
an Item Muting that h wit removed
by hi own reipicut hut that like all
their itiuiiM alv.i'.t thu bihhop In utterly
fa Inn. He knew nothing of It whatever
until ho wit culled upon to put en hi
liM. and come, which he did without
knowing what waa going to occur. Thl
move atTord the hoodlum and rioter
another opportunity to vilify and per
aecuto thl grand otd man, and In tho
name of juatlcn wo enter it solemn pro
"World" Open It Column to
IMhhihkIoii of the A. 1. A.
It now appear that Father Hyan
od I tot of the W'tHlern CmmuUr, If ho
carca for a coiilrovcriiy, liu excited a
reply, printed today on thl page, that
will alTord him a full opportunity.
DIhciimhIoii and agitation are among
thogroatcatodiicatora, and It la gratify
Ing to The World that It, In ao abort a
time, ha been favored with no many
communication ao able, ao Inatructlve
and ao entertaining.
Certain, who In tho consider
tlon of grave subject deprecate tho em
ployment of aarcaam, may find fault
with tho article today from the pen o
"'Nollier Democrat," fornatlre la out
ting, If not convincing, and the average
man would rather aee hi proxi!t!m
profoundly demollahod than toaeo them
made the targeta for ahafla augguHtlng
Hutler and Hwlft. Hut there are few
noted polemical work, especially on
polltlcul and theological subject, In
which keen retort do not abound, tho
greatest controversialist taking ad
vantage of all tho arm of rhetoric to
austaln their cause and overthrow their
It ha been aald that all Is fair In love
and war, and In (IIsoumnIoii all that I
decent la certainly legitimate, Humd
Ing on that platform, Vie World today
prlnta the partially cauatlu communion
tlon controverting Father Hyan'a po(.
tlon a readily as It published hi own
and tho ether that friend have con
(ilve everyone an equal show; lot
every tub stand on Its own bottom,
On tho sumo page wo find tho follow
ing letter. We venture the assort Ion
that the World will not long allow It
columns to bo used by men who defend
the A. P. A. and reflect even In tho
leat upon that gigantic polltlcul cor
porallon which ha Kansa City by thu
throat, namely the Komun Catholic
To the Kd I tor of Vie World:
Hut: I do not wish to pass upon tho
guilt or Innis'eiic.e of a certain much-
talked -of Individual, preferring to leave
that matter to tho court, or jury, as the
case may bo, when tho evidence on both
aides ha boon duly presented; nor la It
my intention to defend hi honor, the
mayor, from tho attack of "A Demo
crat," but merely with tho permission
of The World to aubmlta "few remark"
urn-lit Father Hyan'a answer to Judge
Juinotte'a defense of Mayor Cowherd,
which appeared In Wednesday' Wtnid,
The reverend fat her Is clear a to tho
real cause of the riot which occurred at
Turner hall, for all Catholic, Protes
tant, ' A, P. A.," "Democrat" and what
not are agreed that there was a riot
and, from all accounts, It aocm to bo
pretty generally agreed that the rioters
were those congregated ujsm tho out-
aide of the hall and who occasionally
put aproj) under the lettering constitu
tion by hurling a brickbat or atone
through tho window while walling
Impatiently for the appearance of the
cx-prlest, aoa to have someone to riot
with. And Father Hyan I also certain
that It was not thl particular lecture
that canned the riot, but a former one.
Would tho reverend gentleman wish
the public to understand that It waa
known for all that tlmo by throe or four
) :lU'H
, Hit Vie
, !l4lht
I In tin t lit1
hj,lil. 1tt In
... d ami
ll.e ttii.l.
Ii.-f ln' . si ! i Hill. r el !.' I m i f. f
t,.,,!,l UH l.i nr i,nl Hie tmwiU
iitnde) llm limlii-p i n iiot Vi.i'n
n lm Ue.l. ii"H sii l Ihi- Mlirntwv
i.Hi IhI fi-t ! ' hint ta lii pit tbn
li-, I..IV t. ,-..v(,. i , itit HI' IHI
uttt I lh liioti 1I to tit I lie
in. imp in n t-iuii in'. i.) iii.hrt
I (ill,, I !u of iwiiiii nite r i" eisn
,n tti. i t . lmt going to
hspp- it high! tiifi-i iit Ho major or
I tie Hiii., or tmlh tlmttbi'le a4giillig
l.i U s 1 1. l III time lor Hit I'ltlii r In
i.ii'ti ut t? Win not a wai I'tttit
mniiiiml In the Int.u l (h Ihi i ii tli
Ut I mi lei-liil'i' for I he SI llt of Mi'
Nitmiii a by some of I hew realotis tip-
holileia of the fight of l'oii it In
pnS'rty!' They knew l fore the lant
li'i liui- (If It I true at all) that Me
Nauutra wa guilty and should have
!oen ai resleil.
One peaiesbte, quiet cltleu could
have done In half an hour or les what
thl mob, with all It "conslltullonal'
methtsl failed toiiompllh In a whole
night, no blood would have boon
shed, and theex prlest would have Isn'n
punished Just the same, If guilty, and
tho city would have been saved from
Die disgrace of a mob of three or four
hundred iHiraona attempting to do
violence to one man and one woman!
Hut we couldn't have had the "whole
constitution nothing more, nothing
less" In that way and, of course, Father
Hyan would not have been satltfled
For doe lie not any Hint ho and all his
co-rollglonlsU want the constitution In
toto, iind they want it mighty bud?
Nay, ho (hs-s not want anything else
not even tho patronage of iho mayor
and police commissioners, much loss
tho sympathy of tho preachers!
Lest the foregoing should not he
thoroughly understood by his rever
ence, I will say that It la known to
nearly every man, woman and child of
sound mind residing bet ween tho two
big creeks, unless it be some of tho
readers of tho Vrumvkr, that any per
son having knowledge of the commln
alon of a criminal offense may go before
a justice nod make affidavit to that fact
and tho justice will Issue his warrant.
Let Father Hyan ponder this sentence;
"Tho law I a good thing If a man can
use It lawfully,"
Aa to tho A. P. A.! Father Hyan
says "tho organization la alien, un
American and tinoonstflutlorml." How
doe ho know? I ho a member of It?
I have heard that It I a secret organ
l.atlon. Unless he I a mornlior of It,
from experience ho probably know as
much about It a I do, and from read
Ing and observation ho may know more.
lilt's see, I would llko to know some
thing alsmt thl secret society myself,
and I will ask him to mime one or two
men riot citizens of the United Htatos
who are mernls-ra of tho organization?
If It did not originate In America,
where wa It first formed? Waa It Im-
IKirtod from Spain, France or Italy? A
to tho constitutionality of tho society,
Father Hyan Is.of courso, pre-eminently
qualified to judge, How else could he
edit a paper? Constitution la a word
which flow with facile grace from hi
pen, and I trust that ho and thla same
constitution shall stand firmly together
for a very long tlmo to como, tho one
guarding thu other, whllo hi pen, I
hope, will contlnuo to enlighten the
world with new and not less glorious
Interpretation of that glorious instru
ment! HUH, I would like to ask
wherein la It unconstitutional? Please
quote article and section of said con
stitution, also one or two paragraphs
from tho constitution and by-laws of
the A. P. A., If they have any rules
and regulations conflicting with the
said constitution, This would bo con
Doubtless I-at her Hyan 1 able to In-
MfAlll HMV1 Ml It,
lerpret Hcrlpturo wllh eounl facility
If so, 1 would like to ak what Christ
meant when ho aald; "Love your cms
Finally, a man who engage In riot
and mob I as much of a law breaker
as the slanderer, arid may bocomo
worse, a murderer.
Per hum it would be well for me to
let Vie World know that I am neither
an . V, A. nor a Catholic, but am
simply a 'NO'l HKll DK.MiX'ttAT,
KANSAS L'lTV, Mo., Jan, Zt.
In New York tho usual winter at-
"inpt will he mado to divert a part of
tho school funds to the support of pa
rochial schoola, It I a Dr. Walsh who
ha now prepared a bill for presentation
to tho next legislature with that view,
and petition are to be circulated in its
favor. Hut tho movement Im de
veloped a largo Catholic opjxiHltlon,
which expresses (Tho If openly against
the Ideaof forcing the parochial school
Into tho public school system. F,x-
Judge C, P. Daly, a communicant of
thn Catholic church, denouncoa the
Walsh hill as "wholly wrong, and op
posed to our system of education." He
says "ills upon the preservation of that
system our national safety depends,"
It I not believed thl latest attack upon
tho public school system In New York
will amount to much, as it elicit so
great opposition, irrespective of re
ligious beliefs. Hut the men who cause
auch unnecessary excitement are tho
worst kind of mlschovlous busy-bodies,
and enemies of tho church they pretend
to servo. Jloitnn 'lanecript.
ItistnlMt Upt Im n ant f III
IN ll(l Im 4ai laiMh,
VAniviT"V I . Jo U TI.'
I li 0 t o 11 ti. a! ham linik-lil
lltflitt It-lo .il,.nl )Uii. sml m
t-riili at ot ttg lo pr M eiiii ti-dVial
He!. i nt m. Hi imtv mi r-Utf iov )? rin nil
Thn fi t I thai Hue Inflm-M iai iti-nu
it aula "til ag liii an- not H tusti
I 'atliiiHe have tiii.iii.' t r Jr litu t
caw of the n pit I H at e i Ula pi'ie
im tit an to U made In ilit tf Un
Im I that If leaile all of h. f.-m ml ap-minlnii-tiU
In I 'iiii'ag'it Ibii far, Mh
i. lie et,n pi (on, would I belt 1 Hi led tij
Illi llln I of ilit religion failh Aiinti.
It'gl) tei) deli I liiilu d eftoi I hn tun
iiia. here in Iho lst fet iljby pnnif
lei'iit ileiiiis'iaU of t'hli-agti to piH ti nl
tho HpSillltmell of the pllMtiltll'tlt
('atbolii who hare Ihm ii iiamid -Martin
.1 Hiewll for eolbilor of the
siil, and Frank I ja l r for niandial.
IVlaj' U desired, at least, until It can
li ascertained who are to ho apsilntotl
to the two other oWleea United Htatea
district attorney and appraiser.
Thla agitation among the democrats
haa lseome ao great that a)delegation
haa recently lsen here from Chicago,
and one of their numtsr haa formally
protested against tho appointment of
Martin J. Hussell on tho ground of hi
religious faith. Tho objection ia not
based to much ujsin tho fact that Mr.
Kussoll I ersoiially a Catholic as it la
ti'Mtn the statement thai if HunscII and
Iawler shall Imj appointed, as it has
been tlie cxNictatlon that they would
Isi, tho following would be tho classifi
cation, according to religious belief, of
thu Cleveland ep'Hilntoe in Chicago:
Hosing, postmaster, Catholic; Hussell,
collector of tho port, Catholic; Lawler,
United Slut oh marshal, Catholic.
Tho democrats who aro presenting
these considerations to tho president
are very near to him, and it is not un
natural that they should conform to tho
president's methods. They are working
In tho dark. They would not caro to
have their names mentioned in Chicago
or here. They have, perhaps, taken
such pains in this respect that their
Identity will not bo established, so that
it will not bo possible for their oppon
ents within tho party In Chicago to
single them out for purposes of revenge.
Hut when it Is remembered thatfirovor
Cleveland Is the son of a Presbyterian
minister; that ho has two brothers who
are Presbyterian clergymen, and have
been missionaries; that ho himself Is at
least a titular member of the Presbyter-Ian
church, It can readily be under
stood that arguments of this sort, pro
ceeding from eminent mug-wumps and
Cleveland Idolaters, as well as from
somo old-lino democrats who aro not
Catholics, and who pretend to see some
danger to their party If tho federal
olllce In Chicago shall bo filled by the
member of onochurch, will bo accorded
much weight.
It Is posslnlu to state now in more do-
tall than before tho nature of these
secret protest that have been made to
tho president by prominent dom(K!rats
of Chicago who uro endeavoring to con
eo ul their Identity, but who, novertho
less, uro seeking to bring religion into
polities, and to rnuko membership In
the Catholic church a bur to political
advancement in Chicago.
There la a prominent German demo
crat hero who also la not willing to
have hi Identity disclosed, but who
nevertheless, has apoken very frankly
to one, at leant, (f his party friend of
tho grounds of the protests which have
been made to tho president against tho
appointment of Martin J. Hussell arid
of Frank Lawler. This gentleman said:
'It I not to be understood that any
objection I being made by democrats
In Chicago to tho appointment of any
man solely because he Is a Homuu
Catholic. Hut there Is very strong ob
jection, and It Is growing among demo
crats, to tlie appointment of only Cath
olica to thu federal office In Chicago,
Tho aame objection would ho made If
tho president should select all Huptlst
or Presbyterians or Methodists.
"If tho slate shall bo appointed as It
has been listed, there will Ire a Catholic
istrnaster, Dosing; a Catholic collector
of the port, Hussell; a Catholic mar
shal, Frank Lawlew, and no one know
where tho end will 1st,
"Tho democrat of Chicago aro the
more concerned about this restriction
of tho federal olllce to tho member of
one religious denomination, for tho
reason that that same church has al
ready a very formidable majority repre
sentation In thcolllces of Chicago and
Cook county, Many democrat aro of
opinion that this ought not to be, and
that it will be Injurious to tho party to
huvo even a suspicion get abroad that
only member of tho Catholic church
need aspire to political ofllco state,
city, county or federal In Chicago.
"For this reason tho following facta
have been put in possession of the
president, which show to what an ex
tent the Catholics already fill tho
oflloos of Chicago.
"Tho Catholic of Chicago have:
Thn Mayor,
Tim Chief of I'olli-n,
Tim Chief of the firs Di-pArtiui-nl.
Tim Foalmasler.
Tho Htaltt'a A tterni'jr,
Clerk of l.lm Circuit. Court.
Clerk of Urn ProliaU Court.
Clerk of thn Hupi-rlor Court.
A numberof llm Jwlgna.
Forty-five of llm sIxiy-rlKhl Aldorrncn.
"Ninety per cent of tho police force,
II "t
it I t t
e"i: ao.- ttiOM
o r i- nt ,. 1 1,,- n ,.) . ,,l II... f
it. plii.i t-t, . It . t,f p
h !.. t. , hi i iiv I tt.. a 1 ). Im
ttYttfi ha ttn-i
a i t f U.itn.i i f I ei.imti, w i ii
H. leg A "M 1 1 I all ,.;t, 1 1 ,(,. ,
a. It (..!. I.. I!, ul tl r .., .i,l,ht )i,i.,l, U
itit.Hftiiil of Ibl, an,' II, at !. teditnl
lm'tttti'tll nt Ivruli f Um !t
Pat'l.. In llm name I'tlMi t'iii It l fir
Ihi tt-awtfii Dial a j iiiti . ,a tt
Misde I.i In piiHiiilenl nn iiikl sume tit
Hit iiltttlto lii I nal n said In hattt
tm n tn iniii. it.plail m "
Tt I gentli tuatl a i tlilelitlv lot'
pifi-. thai he itetnm titl W hit had
raHi'd to piuli l t.t lint pivklib el mi
till geotnol had t i It i iit'c d In r- ' Iho i
ion lii'.il. ill, (ml lie anld thrtl It a j hen be I1.(. " illi-lae the nWf
ulii- w huh they eotiftiile-vd II (--il U-nl ; ,, iy t-otet-HUii lit In tie Hill I.I but I
for I h iii to luake In l he lutstibr In-j am attbpvl to none." To Hium w lotcatt
ti ii stol Hie ili ttii-. i lli' pnrly. The j aee a m.lble ithi-mllig featmv In the
few who know of this Mfivl mnvtiu.i.t j Hoitian Cat hoi ie church nf America, 1
N,n I. II .,'..,
H- I !) i
nl n? Ih. i i ti ii. it .(!. ) e WimM
ee'j atomi, ' ln pit ) ," lh J
aee iU tin. iv dangi ism it AtJT
niii.'.i in j'amtiti.'it II nl f .lite or
,.t i. II .lol, I if lt-.l lllhetl,
II ltl ili-(. . i, m t t"tj ' H !
l t;il.-l HH Ulgi lit, ik'it nillfli-d
hii!i will kn sun' Ibieg of Iho
ihhiI ati.l uplill tf iMgaeitat'on te
f.i juihieg lie to t tin m Wtay !' tv
grit. d ttniilft f-i ul lrnti r rreJnhma,
l.ik-f ei.mMnaiitti of io-t 't a
im uais- lit fni- nUlnllom sod whole
untie law, whether poliMi l it ii llgl
ous and wllh a !n't ot orh fultowei.
mat iinl I- far feoot Ho truth
sat- that I hey w 111, by no mean, he sur
ptU tl If neither Martin .1. Hooil nor
Frank Lawler shall twelve the platt
to which they aspire. -K. H. V., in
tifri ikrnn.
i .
Larry ltlgan a Nuppiowd Kniliemlrr lo
the Amount of l,0(M.
Aichihdn, Kas., Jan. 2.", l!t.
FAlltor Tiik Amkuican: From recent
development outlined In the alsive
"head 1 1 lien" It wo-dd seem that an In
vestigation, as suggested In a previous
letter, was certainly not out of place.
It Is to bo hoped that tho young coun
cilman who has contracted to "cleanse
the Augean stables," will succeed, and
that hi hands will bo "upheld" by his
co-laborers In tho political vineyard
until certain jiinus-fuced pollthlans
stand before a hIow and long-sufTcrlng
public in their true garb instead of the
highly rcspcctublo role they huvo posed
in for "lo these many years."
"There 1 something rotten In this
i-tato of Denmark," when this is almost
invariably tho denoument, for Turn
many' variegated stylo of politics, In
stead of being confined to New York
City, 1 in vogue everywhere, from the
mutrojKills down to the latest city to
don municipal airs.
The burgher, who scolds like a fish
wife, when tho ' boodlor'a fine Italian
hand" Is at last discovered, generally
belongs to the class who politically
emuoulato themselves hy negluciltig to
register and vote.
"Homo flower of Hilen, we still do Inhnrlt,
Hut tie! trull of tht! serpent, Uovnr llooi nil."
Hark, (Jul I loll ne anil Fagot.
Editor Thk Amkiuoan: I see a
statement In a recent number of a paper
of wide circulation, that relics of tho
Inquisition aro to bo brought to Amer
ica, These, I suppose, are calculated
to dignify the throne of our American
popo and servo a emblems of tho gen
uineness of tho pupal reformation, so
readily accepted by some of our stupidly
credulou Journalists:. A little of tho
wisdom of our revolutionary Patrick
Henry would not bo a bad thing for
some of our would-be leaders of public
thought of this generation. He had
"no way of judging of tho future but bv
tho past, and Judging by tho past," I
should like to know what warrant wo,
aa Protestants, have for believing that
the Inquisition spirit is not as rampant
In the Hornan church today as it was
under tho bloody reign of Pope Plus?
Has that church ever made tho amende
honorable by doing penance for tho
demon luo vengeance sho displayed in
thoso days? lias successive priest,
bishop or popo ever denounced their
bhsidy work, or even censured It?
Have they not rather Justified it by
their constant, infamous claim of tho
infallibility of tho popo, excepting
none? Were I to start out justifying
wholesale murder, accomplished by tho
most savage torture that tho In
genuity of devil Incarnute could in
vent, and I were turned over to thoso
apologist for Hornan fJutholles, an In
sanity verdict would probably bo my
only escape from tho halter. It 1 not
enough to say that thoso cruelties Imvo
ceased. Many a serpent bus lived and
died without slaughtering a victim only
for want of an opportunity. Given tho
opportunity, and ho would strike no
sooner than would tho Human church,
If we are to Judge them by their in
fidelity to their blood-thirsty ancestors.
When Haul of Tarsus wont out to per
secute and imprison christians, God
knocked him down, and a blindness full
upon him, and ho been mo pliant and
was led to Damascus, where tho an
nointod of God gave him Instructions,
When ho would Join hlmolfwlth the
apostle, they demanded and received
evldenco of hi reformation. When
God knocked out tho papacy, sullennoss
was substltutud for reformation, ob
stinacy took the place of repentance,
and their crmlty changed to cunning,
God soon changed tho narno of Haul to
Paul, his former name being unfit
henceforth to bo associut id with him as
God's servant. How different with this
blatant hierarchy, standing In tho
midst of Its bloody record, and loudly
proclaiming Its Immutability! To mo
the in q uls! tlon stands forth to wit
ness against tho Hornan church us
loudly today as it did the day it ceased
by force of circumstance. And for mo
to become Identified with It, would be
to endorse It record of cruelty and
murder, as certainly, and us fully, as If
It were committing these same ollenscs
would any: to lint itiunt the uureiliti'd
httasl of a IhouNind marly fa a light
thing tisik uitt those I el lei, of tht)
Inquisition aa mute, hut solemn em
hletnatif the lew aril lies of the Human
Calholio church, whether In America
or elsewhere, and connect with them
the only sentiment of which they are
worthy, I. e., "Hy firsr tor mrurt to con
itwr." To me the name, Horn an Catho
lic, is a fit symonym of everything that
I had, and I know of no law, human or
divine, which they may not violate
with impunity, without fear of con
demnation by the church.
(Hkv.) F. P. Pkask.
I tend by Joseph Cook, in a Hornan
Calholio paper, on the Hoston lecture
platform, aflor which ho trampled it
undur his feet.
Member of tho Police Force of l'orllitml
Warned hy Their Chief.
Portland, Ore., Jan. 23. A rumor
having gained currency that tho mem
bers of tho police force of this city were
members of tho A. P. A., Chief Hunt
called tho force together last evening
and addressed them on tho subject,
saying he hoped nono wore members of
the organization and nono would bo
come members. It Is said tho organiza
tion husBDVoral hundred mem bora here.
Wonder If the chief forbade the Ro
mans joining tho Hibernians, etc?
A Law Infringed.
Mr, Owsley scorns to find it neces
sary to deny somo charges which seem
to reflect upon his olllclal record. He
recently came out in the dally papers
with an open letter, containing letters
from Vest and Tarsnly. Tho letter
deny nothing but that tho two former
have not, directly or indirectly re
ceived tho olllclal ballot or a copy
thcroof which was cast by Mr. Hcott
Harrison at tho last election, from any
person or person directly or indirectly
connected with blsoflleo Weriuppose
It would have been absolutely Impos
sible for any person not connected with
the ofiloo of register of voters, directly
or Indirectly, to have received instruc
tions to carry oh a piece of paper lying
In a certain place In said olllce, and for
somo other person to have returnud the
sumo after making a copy of It, Wo
suppose also that it would not Ire an
easy task for a priest to ask and receive
that Information through tho confes
sional and use it for the benefit of Mr.
Hums, a son of Homo, and against Mr,
Harrison, a Protestant. If Harrison'
ballot or a copy thereof has been ex
posed as charged In tho Star, it la tho
duty of Owsley to run down tho culprit
who violated the law, instead of at
tempting to clean his olllclal skirts,
Tho people do not think he would bo
fool enough to do a dirty Job llko that
although they have often heard rumors
that fraud had been practiced In the
recorder's olllce, Ho fur, however, they
havo riot seen tho fact established.
They will hope tho Hlar will accept
Owsley's challenge and bring out tho
bottom facts, Most of us believe wo
vote under tho protection of a law
which guarantees secrecy, and If a
provision of that law Is violated, It Is
tho duty of Mr, Owsley to apprehend,
or cause to be apprehended, the one
who commits tho crime. From this
tlmo on Kansas City's official must do
their whole duty, or be branded before
their constituents not only as Incompe
tents, hut as men wholly unfit for tho
position thoy havo been elected to fill,
Say the Report la I'nlriie.
Considerable Indignation was wasted
over a report that the national flag was
no longer to be hoisted over tho capltol
at Washington. When tho rumor first
Isicamo puhllo The Awfrimn Invest!
gatod it, and Is enabled to state that it
is utterly without foundation.
Our congress is not ul! that wo might
deslr-o, but It has not reached the point
where It dares to Insult public senti
ment by treating the flag with dls
respect, The A mirkun.
Tho Best Men Wanted.
"Yi, lr wn want soum kihkI men -men of
Hrst-clima churio-ior and iihlllly lo reprnsiint
un. AumiiK our ri-insiuitiillvns urn Iniiny of
Urn nohfeal fuel hem, ,,.,, ,er,.tt, liu,i
purl lea of (hut Mtuinit ran ulwitvn II ml it
splendid biiHliiKM opportunity ut our estah-
iimineiit." That I thu way Mr II, K, .Inlin
on, of thu firm of II, I-'. .Inlumou A Co., lileh
imirid, Vu., alated the rami In ri-ferencu to
their advertisement In this paper,
JOHN HUDDwill Remove hi Jew
dry store to Die Midland IL-tol, ,I17 N.
10th Ht. February Blh,