The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 02, 1894, Image 1

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41 r 4 ''iM m
W f.M !f ("' ' .. 4 ns A-iAf4 In f " r.i. i f-f ... w in ftn ft t Vf.
- - - - -- -
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TAMm Of jNt Nt .
I'tii I Ahmm . nut Y-ii ant) tti.
It tii "
I 'inline I lt'-lltt ft tcli - i"
Mi flu
l' 1 unit Ml-elUtitr
l'u Mltt'ilnti Ni- llfiti
('! Vl rltnti Ait't-ltlw-liirtil
I'tllft Mlt'IUllI J Allt fMM'llil-!l! 111
rlii tlt. toiy
I'M, f ftlls.-.-IUttVi Airii'iilwinPiiU ntut
Tluif Ttiltv
AH tltmi 4tr Ihil kr4 4ui i l fm fV hmt,
tint William niH r n thti I trt-tittli
flwl TlH'itlrf In 'April ImkiI." four tillii
Hurt nmilitr hiiiUiiw , iMiiinitiii'liiii Suinlsv
Hfti'Miixvii, IVtiriinry 44 It.
ItiMiTK Council No. 1, of Hie
A. I'. A., treated it friends to tin'
usual scml-tnonl lily cit t i-t it i n m 1 1 1 , last
Friday evening, at which an excellent
programme was given. Tho fcuturo nf
tint evening was a lecture on "Tho
Downfall of tlii Human Kmplro, iiikI the
Cause Loading to Hid Heformatlon,"
by Judge J. II. Maoombor, who
been Invited by the committee. Thl
wum (mo if tho bunt lecture that bun
been delivered In thin city for some
time, and It abounded In many histori
cal fact, and wa handled In a muHtorly
A Dispatch in tho World
Herald from Montevideo, Uruguay, of
January in, 1H'4, contain information
which wo do not. doubt in tho leant.
The fourth paragraph in that dlpatch
read: "At least 90 per cent of tho wo
men in Hio warmly advocate Mollo'
cause and are exerting their influence
in hi favor, There Im riot the leant
doubt that the priest wwlly favor the
insurgent." Ho like Home! Loyal
outwardly, but the most arrant traitor
at heart,
Whimc wo aro talking about
dispatches, probably you remember
reading In the sumo paper, Hunday,
January 21, one wit h thl startling
heading: "Government Agent Have
Discovered a Bupply of Hllle and Cart
ridge II id In a Church." The dispatch
In dated at Managua, Nicaragua, Janu
ary 20, 1 HOI, and that part referred to In
the heading, reads: "Agent of the
government have found l.'ll rlllc and
twelve boxen of Cartridge) under tho
altar of a church in Mctapa. A quart'
tltyo rllle was also found In Mala-
galptt. It I believed they had been
smuggled for use in an uprising against
the government. Hevcra! deserters
from the battlelleld have been severely
punished by the bastinado. Among
them were many ofllcers of rank."
Ofu old friend, J to v. Dr. Ivl
wurd McOlyrin, of the Ilornan Catholic
church, has not receded from his posf
tion on the pud lie and parochial school
question. In an inverview at Detroit,
Mich., the -'list ult,, ho Insisted that hi
had not retracted one word of his opin
ion on parochial schools, which led to
ecclesiastical consul o being placed on
him. He now goe further, indeed, and
declare that it is not tho province of
priest, monk and other ecclesiastic
to teach anything but religion. The
public school when properly conducted
were all that could be desired, 1'aroch
ial school were Improper for the reason
that the children who attended them
were Isolated in a manner, Hellglon
should be taught purely In church and
Bunday nchool and at the mothcr'i
Toon oM Hatolli. IIo whk not
equal to tho Job which tho pope com
missioned Mm to perform, so tie i to be
mode a cardinal, and a red-necked mlck
named O'Connell I to bo sent over to
lord It over free American and stolid
German. At any rate, mat I the In
formation contained in a dispach from
Mlfinorrpoll. That dispatch say an
afternoon paper publishes, today, an
article tatlng that Mgr. O'Connell, of
the American college at Homo, and not
A r-cb bishop Ireland, I to become papal
delegate in America, on the elevation
of Mgr, Hatolli. The paper say further
that letter from Itomo state that Mgr.
Hatolli I to be promoted to the cardl
nalatu at tho March consistory, Mgr,
Batolll i to remain In the United Klate
until he ha settled up several matter
of importance now In hi hand, Mgr,
O'Connell I a liberal, of the Ireland
school, and it I understood hlsappoint
rnent will bo entirely satisfactory to
Archbishop Jrolabd, a well a to
Cardinal CI bbon, whose protege he I,
Bomkthino lent- than one year
Ago llishop Honacum of Lincoln ofienly
charged that many of hi priest were
adventurer, aye, he branded them a
worse, a drunkard and profligate,
Thihocked many eopio but other
who were acquainted with some of hi
priest believed he told the truth.
They believed b I charge wa true In
the case of two priest who had par-
t ' nut Uimnl mile Iimim
enln, oiii' nt whom rfi ty ft tuin bmite
tnmt Onislm Hii' MNwMtll IVi'lflr
'in l ntx'S'Uv n(til'itf Inl.inhnltun.
Y t thul IndUlduftl niM'f ft m
Ur be i(iiil -brgv fttjulwot Ibo
llliepm,J Iiiriib'tMhiMi U Kulolll.
t'nlest ii lte totn illnfi'(in'l ihU
IwrtlciiUr pilet ntilil Kiftit' tot lit
tnlt. iijltim inmh better limn n
ft Ur, et tltrottglt the "nil nn'" pmc
Ibmlln iH'i'b stftslleftl mnirt Hie par
ishioner iifnllti1i tiix-ii murh eftrr
to l.lnenlti limit tiiOiunba me foits.d n
riw-cl this thing as a lee gvrent of
(IimI, H.n.rt IihmII that IVIiM I 'mls-it
of I'tiiiiiK". Ous Co., Neb., I hut
little Mierlnr lo the thing at,vo re
feril'd to; III fltcl We have lieell told
that be swears like a trimprr nud drink
like a liar itittld, the while pmfesKlng to
be h representative of (1m), capahle if
itiiinufni'turing the Isuly and bhsid of
Jesus Christ hy munibllng a few latin
words over fermented wine and stale
wafers, Just how true these stories
lire which ieople tell about Corliett we
have no mean of knowing, but we
doubt much whether he would publicly
declare he was not one of t he priest to
whom Mr. Honacum referred when ho
said hi diocese wa over run with ad
venturer and drunkard, Just now
i'rlest Corhctt and Itlshop Honacuin
are up before the public In a new role.
They have left tho eccleslustlcal and
gone Into tho civil courts to settle their
grievance, according to a dispatch
from tho state capital. Thl is a pro
ceeding entirely at variance with tho
law of Home If we correctly Interpret
the wordsol I'rlest I'hehin of Ht. IjouIn,
in a recent Interview. In tho remarks
credited to him wo Ilnd a priest cannot
sue hi bishop unless he ha permlHslon
from Itomc, and that it I a hard and
tedious undertaking to try and induce
the authorities at Homo to permit
either a pi-h-st or a member of the
church to Institute civil proceeding
against a bishop of tho Homan church.
If that i true it will readily be eea
that Mr, Corhctt ha either grown des
perate or Is Ignorant of that law of his
church If the following dispatch Is true:
Lincoln, Neb,, Jan 27Tho t-oube,
which has been brewing between llishop
iiouacuiu and J I" v. J, M. Corhctt of
Palmyra, Neb,, ha at last come to a
focus. During the holidays Jlonacum
sent a letter to Corbettorderlni him to
leave hi present charge and assume
another in u different part or the state.
giving a hi reason that it wa for hi
own good mid the good of religion,
Father Corbett refused to comply with
trie orm-r or trie wsiiop, rtnortiy nr tor-
ward the bishop Issued a circular letter
suspending Jlev, uorbett f rom the exer
cise of hi prerogative a a oriest,
The circular In question is given below
IIihiioi''h JIochk, Lincoln, Neb,
Jan 17, I lo the Member of Catholic
Congregation Living at I'almyra, Otoe
County It I my painful duly to warn
you that I nave uspended JCcv, J, M,
Cm-belt from the exerelro of the sncred
ministry, and I warn all good Catholic
not to hold any communion in things
spiritual with the said Corbett, or to
assist at any religion service or cert
tnony which he may rashly perform, or
attempt to per form during the time of
hi suspension,
llishop of Lincoln,
The difficulty between Jlonacum and
Corbet t is of long standing, commencing
noout rouryeiir ago and has been grow
ing in intensity all the time. Father
Corbett, we acciiMi-d of ei-ch-slastlcal lr
reguiaroie rty t lie MhIioii, j Im was
tried before Mishop Hcarirndl of Omaha
and wa aeiiuitted for lack of evidence,
It s'-em that Honacum did not take
kindly to hi failure to convict Cm-belt
and went down to I'almyra ostensibly
for the purpose or collecting some
depositions and to have Father Corbett
appear in nuown nohair, hot in reality.
a Corbett savs, the object of the visit
wa to maKe trouble hetwaen Mm and
hi congregation, ihe visit did not
tend to render the relation between
the bishop and Father Corbett more
amicable, The bishop ha had a num
ber of dlflleultle with the people of thl
diocese and thl ha caused tho people
to unite against him and choose Father
Corbett for a leader, He Immediately
preform! charged against Hlshop Hon
aoum and gathered fart to sustain
them. Father D, H, J'helan of Kt, Inii
wa chosen to manage the Case,
The charge were laid before the
aoostolle delegate, Hatolli, last March.
'I he delegate promised to come to Lin
coln, but for omo cause failed lo come.
However, In conversation with I-athfir
Corbett he told hlrn that lie had several
hundred charge tiled against the
bishop, On May 2M, Corbett wa ur
rirised to learn that he wo suspended
by the Lincoln diocese, He Immed
iately took an appeal and wa susi allied
by Mgr. Hatolli. At a visit to the dele
gate at Omaha last June, which 1 well
remembered, the priest charged that
the truce which had been patched up
at that time had been frequently broken,
Mirieo men charge and counter
charge have been made by both bishop
arid prh-st, culminating In the arrest of
the hlshop today, He wa taken before
Justice of tho J'oaoe Hpcncor and re
quired lo give a bond of $.'i(N) for hi
apiienraneo Monday on tho charifo of
criminal libel for the publication of the
circular bIkivo referred to, Father
Corbett ay ho will employ the best
gal assistance iiossihio and prow-cute
the bishop to tho fullest extent of the
law, Tho penalty for criminal libel I
r00 fine and one year' imprisonment.
JK dispatch from Wom-aska l;lty Hays
that Hhorlff Hurburlo went to I'almyra
today and nerved an Injunction on the
lMem lnli iiiiiiii)- it fn'in 'M
htg I '.hi toln'h.r WlH 1b I
ptiii UH t ittltt.'l M Ik M
ll, ft I toUV V llH' ltldll"t H.MlSIMIIII
Thin itiem-i , H i eUlmnl, lOiluhe J
fn-m the tt(. iutn of HI ' 'ftiliotle
elitltnti vfl'fttmtft hjt I'M Iter Colt tt
te t) eft ilrhl ' il Ihe cbeii'h, ftnd In
leml Hi tii-HIUii,' the ihiMK-jr for Hie
t him h lie pWnvd (t In ltl own itiiiitf,
s.t ntte h for Hint disputed, Wltftt U
neir The ,iitt Mtllift, We pft
from the nlsnlc of the 11 1 ml gililo,
jellee, to the n-Hlloiy nf prleflly
ftlsdom, Hie pivealhciltftiin Thtt teeiilli
me) N, sl'vi-u, in Llneoln. A miiiils-r
of tlie elitef of the elan of Coi ls'U ire
there Hswinltli-il I" "e Imseittent,
mingling with them nf net ft few f
theeinissarleNof hi lordship,, Hlsliep
Honacum, I'eiiee and harmony, Itcolh
erly love and friendship, smelly anil
fiirls'iii'iuiee t'harai-terl.eil the gather
lug, In spile of the fact that a cot-res-Nindent
of a hs'ftl daily credits Home of
the priest with having anlielpated an
exciting time. "However," thl same
correspondent adds, after commenting
on tho tranquility and hHrinonloiisnes
of the meeting, "there were some
lively llstoufi on the street over the
Honiicum-Corbett elubroglllo between
their respective follower, and quite a
number let their angry passion get the
bettor of their piety."
At thl none should wonder. I It
not often demonstrated that Home'
argument are In tho main brute force
and criminal? When have you aeon a
priest, a bishop, an archbishop or a
cardinal stand on tho platform and
divide time with a heretic who ha as
sailed the damnable method of her
hierarchy? When have you aeon her
paper rcfuto any of the grave charge
made against her by the piitrlollu
press? Havo you ever seen Ihcm do
thl since Cumplicll routed so success
fully Hlshop IWcoll? No; and you
never will. They have assumed an air
of Injured innocence; they cry bigotry
and Intolerance; brand patriotic order
a traitorous and un-American, and
blind our editor and statesmen by the
power they wield in business and poli
tics. Yet you sleep while the snnd
are being washed from beneath the
foundation of your llberlle.
Ohaiuty vauntoth not itself;
neither 1 it piilTed op. In a quiet, un
ostentatious way, the little hand of de
voted women at tho Hacred Heart
academy, at Ht, Mary' avenue and
Twcrity-Heventh atreet, havo boon d'j;
Ing a noble and beneflclent work in uis
poncing aid to tho needy and that, too,
Irrespective of ect or creed, Tho pity
I that they have not ampler resources
at command. Oweor yyorld-JInviii.
Thl would be very nice If It wa only
true, but it i not, so far a It relate to
the charity dispensed by the women at
the Hacred Hear t, To prove this, we
will relate a story which a Human
Catholic told us, and which the sisters
nmy have all the space they desire, and
which they deem necessary, to disprove
hi statement, which i a follows:
During the month of January, I, a He-
man Catholic, applied to those sisters
for breakfast, 1 wa trying to eai n a
living by selling mat, rug, etc. Time
being hard, sale were slow, and I was
forced, one bllter-cold morning, to set
out without any breakfast. Having
been taught from childhood of the good
ties and charitableness of the sisters, 1
stopped at the Hacred Heart convent
and asked tho sister In charge to buy
a rug, offering to throw off my entire
cornmlaslon If they would but give me my
breakfast, lhey would not buy. I
then asked them for Cod' sake to give
mo something to eat. Tho sister let mo
inside and told mo to wait in tho hall
way. Hho left me, and wsm returned
with a piece of bread arid meat. Those
I accepted gratefully, but when she
opened tho door lo turn mo out in tho
cold to eat it, I begged her to permit
me to remain In the hall-way until It
had been consumed, Thl she would
not do, and I wa forced out Into the
biting wind to oat a cold lunch," That
I tho whole story, What humane Ho
man Catholic turned hi dog out of
door those cold mornlruf to eat his
breakfast? Not one, Then who, but a
sister of the Homan Catholic thureh,
would drive A human being out of door
local, and then odvertlso her charity?
Out upon such charity, and on pajs-rs
which truckle to such Institutions,
KiK-h action aro rank hyicracy; and
phyocroey vauntoth Itself and I puffed
up, and deerve tho most severe con
demnation which truthful, honest js-r-son
aro capable of bestowing upon it.
In Istautiful contrast to tho action of
that Homan Catholic sister I that of a
good little A. 1'. A, woman who fed thl
same Homan Catholic for nearly a
month. Ho finally told her of hi treat
ment, and at her request repeated his
tory to u. That I Homan chai lty.
For every dollar Home give to charity,
alio draw out of the pot tenand wo
call a witnesses tho donnor repor ted
daily at tho World-Herald bureau of
charity, and the recipient of that same
tl.llt St lli.t ),xl, r l" Ki-l l-t ) t t-l
I'n.l. lstil ht inleif Jt tlotitnttt'fOh
lie fteUltt'ti tl l Ihelr dul) eel
e iit idijevl to Ihe dlh (iiv Imlilieif
(tie tiMee el the Iti'lttAil t 'ttttoltt'
llum h ep fmiftgena, ftlnwe lint li
fthle ni-U re ftoilhy if fiitttlt"H b)
Pluti'Meet litille, lie tie, lut do tt"t
Vftg. Iel Ms lme the lltttlt, I'ttit
t'flrtlit tttmu-n mux he without ft tliti el
t.f "w,ft Mtftp" nt "in," Tint, why
cpn-itd it en the Hoemit mt thick wlu-n
I here U sti'-li h small surface lo emiM?
1 MR t'llttor ol Ihe MitinlHti
i'ivmif. N, Ihik.. I a man of wee,
Vet,v litis without knowing him per
Miunllv. but base our coueluxluii
tipcin hi iii'tloit In refraining from eoin
nii'iil Itiir epon an Hi-tlcle i-iuitrltiuleil to
hi columns by a gentleman nlgnlng
h'iiiSsr'lf J. !'. Mrttdley.
KlUTOIt J'lONKKK: It I With ullieere
regret, that woJnust neknowledg tltal
tlntit U In Hits ti-ert land an association
whose inenils-rs Isdleve-I" religion uf
hlLnilrv. liHlri',1 unit Inallerf- J He lion
iiralilnlVt n.emlt.-1-s nf thlsv siH'latUin
tell us that their object and pr"tsti i
to "protect the government
I t.utiiLn ( !i.t lull 1iim.m 'IIiIm iiHMiteltirtln Is
known as the American l,rotec(.lvJ,,
sociiitlon, and i-alled for short the "A
!'. A." The member of this most vile
and dangerous association are directed
and presided over by Mephlstoplieln,
They know not tho law of (led or man.
They would have you Im-IIovo thalevery
Catholic In the land I going around
with a big knife In hi sleeve walling
for a chance to perforate Uncle Ham'
liver; that the Catholic church 1
nothing more nor less than a nionslrou
cannibal, going around devouring gov
ernments with a much ease a the hw
torlo whale exhibited when taking
Jonah In. They will get together and
tell their posterity of tho long linger
null and big horns worn hy all Catho
lics. Then the poor little posterity
will kneel down and ask the (Jrent
Spirit it,o protect t hern all from the
"Cnlliolle Willi horns." J he noble aire
sees all tills, and then retire, feeling
and believing that he Is going to leave
behind hlmagreataml useful posterity.
That the A. 1', A,'m are a brave and
Intellectual lot, goes without saving,
Just Imagine them out in full uniform
iirf vetillng Ceii, Shield from destroy
ing thl government! I am proud to
learn that the man who would ilo:am
our city by starting an A, 1', A. here
met with Inglorious defeat. Here in
our far western homes, In the young
state of North Dakota, there are very
few bigots. Here all men and all
churches are Judged by their worth ami
usefulness in pushing forward the work
and touching of Him who died to make
men better. That the Catholic church
is doing her share In thl work we all
know, Ever Miieo the dawn of Chris
tianity the missionaries of tho Catholic
church have exiled themwelve from
home and native land to carry and push
forward the work of civilizing and
Christianizing, They have crossed
oceans, rivers, hill and mountains;
traversed tho most dense forests, al
way bestrewing their put lis with tlie
jewel of civilization, and leaving in
their wuke the glorious and undying
truths of Christianity.
The Catholleohurch need never blirah
for her history, It I a bright and
fadeless a the morning star, arid
wherever she goes she carrier In her
right baud Jive, Hope and Charity,
Most of u believe there I a heaven
where tho gid shall be rewarded, and
a hell where the wictced stiall he pun
ished. Thl being the cam why does
the "A. I'. A." want lo drive thcl-atli-ohc
off from doing their noble and un
stinted share in the good work of sup
pressing the evil and exalting the
giMidnessof the world? Can the "A
1', A. "show In their rank a priesthood
more devoted to their charge, more
of-acrlflolng in their effort among
the poor, more ready to alleviate the
suffering of the souls and bodies of the
distressed than the Catholic priest
hood? Iel Mr, A, I', A, wear no longer
hi mask of sanctimoniousness, but re
member the commandment "Thou
shall not bear false witness againt thv
nelghlsir," Iot him also recall tho fact
thalevery devout Catholic, when ho
attend ma, I required to offer a
prayer for the safety of the govern
ment and tho health of it official.
There 1 no anarchy there no place
for anything of that sort, "Do unto
other a you have them do unto
you" 1 tho golden rule that order
their conduct. Can tho A, 1. A, offer
anything better than this?
Mandari, N. 1),, Jan, 1. IH'.rj,
Mr, Campbell like all Horuanit or
wishy-washy I'rotostanU hu a griev
ance which he wishes the community to
help him laiar, HI mother, ornomoof
hi wife' relation or the fellow who
hold a mortgage on his goods, if they
aro mortgaged,! offended la-cause there
ha been an attempt made lo organize
a council of the A. 1'. A. In Mandup,
and bo rushes Into print to defend their
religion agalnrt tho A. I', A,, thereby
showing he know nothing of the aim
of tho American Protective Association
or the history the awful, black, bloody,
damnable hliory of the Homan Catho
lic church, for which ho says tho church
need never blush, "for her history I a
bright and fadeless a tho morning
star," Ye Cod! Where did thl man
get hi education, if education he ha?
Hurely no place outside of a parochial
school, Her bright history I illumed
by tho burning of John Hu, of John
Wycllffo, of (ilordano Hruno and a
thousand teacher of les renown, Her
fadeless history i dyed with tho blood
of more than a million of tho best and
Mix) Uh(, hl
e i Iiwihk i'f (tu
lit I tll'l-
HUt i tilt'
eretut ) I to- lne ln t-et i ttit- oi M
UtMneit); the hope lie . (!,! tint l
lgltolfttictt ftlt'1 ii lutllleti, ftll Hie
'htHvhe t-l.. l (itiil fi trt tlnl
!! ftlul ivnU ti. I'reti lilil
Ttte Ut'initn Cutlet! 1c i belt It ol tiUy
I lie- SJinie flittith with It eniiiti ii il
.1 nh n Hess, II Is the same one whli lt
pi ml mul a Tci-i'ii mmlit and the In
qttlsltlou, It Is tin- none tine lee
sitptt me bi nd otili'lvil ft let dill struck
witil 'I'e li tuns to Ik mw in lemur of
the Imtcln l ten of Nt, Mill tlioh'Ulf w, tt
Is Hie nn me one which intii deied Henry
IV, el I'ranee, the sinnetiite whit-h mtir
dt it'll Lincoln and which in lMde
flared the wives of all Protestant -lint
soiue, but all - to In- concubines it ml
their children biiHtnrils, If. Mr Camp-Is-ll
has never l-ead "Fox" Hook of
Martyrs," "D'Aulilgne's History of the
Hefermatlon," the life of John Huss, of
Wycllffe, of Hruno, of Mehiuchtlion.or a
score of other teacher of les renown;
if be ha mil read the history of the
Waldellie; of the Huguenot, of tlie
Swede of three hundred year ago, we
suggest that before he undertake to
defend Hie "brlghland shining history"
of tlie Human Catholic church, that he
(Vend what I written In those hook. Wo
Hit Hi refer him to tint principle or the
A a set forth hy the Illlnol
utiii,, ami asa nun io sune
M i i. i. , ... ......
wherein they A.Hber yile or danger-
oua-oxoopt to the Wlulou '"'vanco in
political Homo, whlclVH" ,or yvuv"
fought our publio ii-hool yC'
Mr. Campbell inonllonr Sir.,""""u,
. . ,. X L.-UI..1.1-
a if that wa conolul- evldcnwe 01
Homan Catholic loyal;4;' Wo iave
seen other HomanlstaA iunt hi nan?6
and those of Kherhlaidd Selgle In ad
dition, yet because thorn, men were
more American than Homan Catholic
doe not prove the loyalty of the Ho-
man soldier, who Is taught that oath
to heretical government are not lo bo
considered In any manner binding, that
lhey are Homan Catholic first and
cltleriH afterward, and that when the
law of the state and the law of the
church conflict, Ihulawsof the church
are to be unhesltatlnuly obeyed. That
the Irish Homanlsl are not loyal, but
are the wor-U of traitor in time of
war, we desire to submit thl table
which wu published in both tho Chic
ago Inter Orenn and tlie New York Hun:
Null vii American.,,
MrllUli Aimtrirnii..,
UeriiiHM ,,,,,,,, ,, , ,
Kliullnll,. .,
All nlliers
AfiWHHI or 7,1.4 per cent
H, Jim or 7,14
M 'KiOiir i7 "
I7' or ,77 '
, M.MKior "
74.Kier il,i "
Wltlln troops, reuuhirs t roops, voltiiiliiitr
Colored ,
, Irt.IKW
, I7n i!PI
. Pi.-fill
Tol al IMMH.1 Tl per cent ! ( peri-ciil
iin-Mi-aii, n i Aiiiiihers 7
Mr, Campbell ray ''most of u hi
lleve there i a heaven where tlie good
shall bo rewarded," We don't suppose
that he mean to Include in that "most
of us" the Homan Cut hoi lc church, for
If he doe it I our painful duty to In
form Mm that the Homan Catholic
church believe nothing of the kind
Hho teache there I a heaven for good
Catholic all heretic, l'rotestant,
that outside of her there I no sal
valion, ("Familiar Kxphination of
Catholic doctrine,") We do not be
lieve that. We do believe there I sorni
good, and worthy Homan Catholic,
and that lhey will be rewarded, but the
bulk of tho member of tho Homan
Catholic church are Ignorant, a large
per cent, of them in the largo cities
are criminal of all grade and clussen,
and nearly two-thirds of the laity aro
not fit to bo clothed with the mantle of
American eltl.onship, owing to their
Ignorance and tlielr ubservlency to the
priesthood, which, a a rule I com
posed of vile and drunken wretches,
such a Connelly, of Dulutb, Flaherty,
of New York, and hundred of other
who are a guilty, but who huve so far
escaped detection,
1 n a pre viotiH ibhuo wo referred
to Omaha' orators, and classed among
tho number Mr, Win, Cur-h y, a young
barrister, who has, on diver occasion
enchanted an audience with his beau
tiful sentence and hi charmlnir de
livery, Hut he doe not seem content
to rest beneath the, laurels already won,
and in consequence misse no opportu
nity to regale a congress with his well
marshalled and euphoneou word. He
cause of tho beauty of the tpeech and
tho hidden shaft directed at the priest
hood, wo reproduce, from a local dally,
hi remark before the real estate deal
er of Chrcago last week in answer to
tho toast "Tho Greater Hcpubllc." It
may lie Mr, Curley did not Intend to lie
severe upon tho prlonthood, but hi ar
raignment I Just, if equally caustic
and true, Thl I what he uld:
"The human form in chains i a dese
cration of the Image of Cod. Tho hu
man mind in bondage, the usurpation
of a power beyond tho prerogative of
ti t s
il'tt'H tt
tin- t ,inii It 1,1 . hi it. I
etftl.v I be tl( ln t tt. i !,pitii tit el
Hint W tmlf M,-!ii Win t he U iti'i'ltt
.-! iy the Imtt-I fmeinl'ti' (i-ntll
tin I'll! tiili.hl let. Tie- tMiiitt I ljttt
ti bin mn tsslj i tln -n il ".-iin
el nit liltshm kbit liitmt.'ftte i - nlll I t
ftpcitivt lnnlli, to tlie hluwiu ftlt'l
tliillnce of I tin t e.-. litelt tlie nntlo
will n! lite ntiWi'tsc linn IttipUnti tl In
Hie henit lif Itlrtit, l.lln It)' is the il limit
nf the niftve; freeitur. the hept' of hip
itiniilty, King knew Hie tlftitger when
iiii-ii tun lifli nt the slam, and i fur
cellllll li s the bin It of littmr Wits Imweil
with heavy Inn thus, and the ejts of
toil were lUttl lt!i nurrew on the
Man in hi Making hours wnn h slave,
but no tlesit could disturb his dreams.
Thought of freedom long suppressed
surged through his brain and hut their
glory to the visions of the night, while
the wild (ancles of hi slumber wrought
a wreath of hoo and crowned him a
be slept. These vImIoiim crowded anil
dream dawned until lhey tsicamo a
part of man himself, and he dimly felt
the throbbing of high aspiration and
the exultation of a subtle power, which,
Athonomn aroused, should break hi
chain and make him free.
No high Ideal wa his, thl primal
man, groveling on Hie earth In the twL
light of tho race. The horizon even of
ills dream wa circumscribed. He saw
no temple in hi sleep. No stately
dome that rose in reverent salutation
to the sky. From out hi cloudy brain
brooding thought dispatched no white
winged eagle to build their nest
among the atar. 11 wa a homely pie
turu that rose before him a we view It
now, The tmrilen still r-esl-id on his
houldor, but that burden wa hlaown.
Tfln Vinnil anil nut. iiiiollim- titiu-eil It
thi-lV"' anu" 'n th pi'mid possession of
bl ol'r('anor l10 heavy load grew
HKt. V .
It wa a Bli-a pa'niui tivoiuiion,
that of the erf TXX? 'Ullttnu
did stature of phyl!lIlCtt,,,m,1lll',
first great emanolpatlon of m" ,r,'m
lliinltv. In lha person of Paul.
jirouii npiieiti irorn i-osui wi uu-sar,
1 1 M. .1 . rt . - :'
am a Homan citizen, ' ami tho knotted
scourge fell from the hand of the Con-
turlnn, A dungeon for fn-ft thought,
hut no stripe for tho free man.
In the uiirestralned enjoyment of the
priceless heritage of our fattier, shel
tered by the law arid shadowed by tho
flag, it I difficult for o to appreciate
that fragile freedom vj ;(')..l'&Vii Imww'
a liberty of limb, nil yet vouchafed
tlie clialnles mind. I Hut king and
priest were Jealou ol their power, rind
Intellectual freedom wa a menace to
IkiHi church and state. For ceriturle
man groaned beneath the geminate rule
of initio and of crown. The Huprcmacy
of temporal throne wa main
tained by the auxiliary control of self
appointed potentate (i (hid, Jfehlnd
the sceptre and the throne wa tho
edict of the church, Yet In-rosy and
treason wa rampant; the heresy of
free thought; the treason of freo
si ici.'li,
The old conditions could not long ur
vivc, Homewhere on the circling globe
there must lie room for man to plant
hi feet arid stand erect. Homo sacred
lil where be may dedicate a shrine
to freedom and toGod, and rear an altar
unprofii'iofl hy king.
From the old world' slope, scarred
by the despot ism of the age, tho eyo
of, faith discerned beyond u hundred
watery horizon the summit of free
doui --stalrile as marble and dazzling
In the smile of (hid. Tho hour wa at
band, The craft wa launched, Tho
home and aspirations of a thousand
yearning year tugged at tho heart
string of that Immortal crew
l or one fulr vision vvrr Ilnd,
I lo w 0 tliii tnle WHler (Inr foul lilKlit,
And llll tiny followr-d whers slm hid,
In hop" lo Kuln upon her lllillil.
Iter fin-it was i-vi-rin urn iiiimh-ii,
And Itut iiimri Hut far sun-1 1 im,
Hut r itrl i iiuin iiiiirniiiriiil, ' l. my ijiu-efi,"
I follow till I iiutkn tlii-ii iiiliin.
Ami rmt they hl hnr, now slin kIi-puii'iI. -Like
rancy nuiiliiof Kohh-n nlr.
Now, rii'iirir to tint prow she i-i-iiiikI
Like vlrtie- (Inn, Ilk" kriowleilxn fit I r.
Now hUli on wiivit I Im I Idly liiirst.,
I, Ik" den verily hope shit crowned llm sen,
And new llm lihsnlli-sn point ri'vi rw-d,
flin horn thn lhiiln of Llherrv.
The vision vanished In the glory of
the.dawn. The prow touched i'lyrnouth,
and In prayer tho great republic wit
founded on a rts-k.
From that hour despotism wa
doomed. Monarch may still luis-do
the march of man and mighty race
dwell within the shadow of lmsirlal
throne, hut the standard unfurled by
the pioneer of I'lyrnouth consecrated
a new world to freedom. The pilgrim'
prayer God crystal ized, and set a tur
In the sky, diylne Hir-terit of tho won
d rou birth of that God-child liberty,
tlie new rnesslah of the nation. From
that hour every invasion of tho right
of man wn resisted, every tyrannou
act of royalty repelled, until by tho
(.'on tl nurd en I'iikii M,