The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 26, 1894, Page 7, Image 7
THE AMERICAN ill sitxNh ami win:, vtv hi sn kfHH i CM) n tv uv- t S 1 M I Ot'l T(ON ' M.ifMl Vv y Vlih.t klmaU I. .. h W U I .! I ,!... M tin- ln.t....i.l tliti..a km) .,.., ti'f l.t i-l,m .i nn. ti lti ijni! n rfli-li ill iiimil N-ti. ll.Hl " llii ite lit nil llir itv hi..) fi Hn!lt I In ni.llk'tt' 111' b"li ll'ld l!('tinl, Ib ( rilling p'wi " ltttnti!,lin Hint "n tin hnt,l,li, In ttn'.lv llm btv.lw ititt, I Hint ibaiiin hM lie ti,U tr the faintly ht.t .p ,, KM ,i ,1,, iilltlg Bull In nil linllrfii-f Itur1titv h lnlil gm-i-rn. " linvetn) dWIIi ti liw i( thnt fctird. It ulimil.l lieu r I WM ii III wnnl or rt - tu vrr nti-r tho heart Ulnnn limn n I w ife, Nn timnmi ((in I n happy " (oil Inliiided marriage idinuhl timktt lier It Iter liUhl.mul luva U rliii lly tiinoifcti't liy lil tli(it liti In (fiivi-ni, Few women, however loving ninl wlf diti rlllting, IT mi tinned wll Ii g,md ni iinc and judgment, ever yield llirlr own priHiuui'lvcd Idea nml lliinriin tti tlirlr IiiimImi ml n judgment nlul dictation, A mnti would ih-Mplt n wont. Minim illil. It would Hltviigthcli tin1 bulnl ween t hem In dicu tlm nmlliT If Urn union I no Htmug hctwtii them that thi'y run do hi tn n pIchkiuiI and loving way. Ilut wive nomel hue, nftcr A few yi'iim, tin unfortunately learn that It tend to more harmony to refrain from arguing r (HnciimhIiiii, even when their own conviction lmvo not. changed. It, Is A ftrcnt iitytluit mieh reticence hIiouIiI ever bo fouinl tint wiet way. Inn copartnership concern, which 1 ho mnrriiigu relation certainly In, theru may bo two lieailH or two governing power, the hiiNhaml having control over IiIm tie pnrtuiiMit, thu workshop; tho wifo hew, tho liome. Hut tn order that tho home Khali not lie come divided ngniiiHt it 'l f let thorn lie frequent meeting for cniiHilltntioiMiiid nd vita, nml when) is brought thu intuition which 1h n part of thu woman' nature to aNHlHt thn Hound, common Hensu which li on Id hclmiK to thu man. Hut ft IovIiik wifo flndH it no ctohh to nl low her liUNlianil no to Hlwipu her llfit hh will liCHt meet liln tiiHlrn and wIhIh'H, pro vided nlwajH thnj ho doeH not lead her Bdlde from her connclentioiiH conviction of duty. Sho hlimild alwayHliear in mind thnt nlthoiiKh Bhe h IiIh wifo Hho Ih none tho lefts a rcHi(iiiHllil() lieliig; that Bint, mid not her htiHliand, at tho hint day miiHt Ktand or fall iKtcordhiK to w hat mIiu ha dono with tho talentH liitriiNtnd to herodf alone and not to her IiiihIiiuhI. Tim licHt mid piircut eleirii'iitH of ii wom an's character can linver hu ho thoroughly dpveloped iih hy tho lovo, confldenco and tnnderncHM of her IiuhIihimI. (ilvlnx IIiIh with manly, IovIiik courteHy, he will find a rich reward IiimiicIi joy and comfort an only n happy woman' thoughtful caro can brliiK. Hut If ft hiiHliand (letcrmlneH that ti Ih will dlmll ho tho controlling motive for thttlr dally life nnd conduct, ( iod ho merci ful to a home (Iiiih Kovrrnedl 'J'IiIh courHO bo dooH not call KovcrniiiK by IiIn will, but by hln "rlKhtful authority an head of tho hotiHo." That way of defining hh actloiiH Hound bettitr. NeverllioleHHthoNit four let ten w-l-1-1 bettor itxpreK IiIh real incun inK. A nplrit of cornpromlnn hIiouIiI govern tho home. A determinat ion In each to have, hi or her own way, even thoiiKh carried out In a quiet manner, will Inevitably re sult In no peace, In all matter of riuht And JiiMtlco lot the principle of each be founded on n rock. In all matter of un importance be yielding, one to tho other, It I JiiHt tlii aNuniptlou of rule, or dominant power, that rolm ho many home of the perfection that hIiouIiI bo hardly ono Mep removed from the lury and per feet Ion of heavenly life, If nil could realize the difference bo twoon the Horvlce the wlfu render to ait thorlty and that poured out tiuccaHiiiKly and HpiiutaneoiiNly for lovo alone, what n chmiKii there would bo In many homcHl Ko duty ran then he thoiiKht hard, no (till opprcHHlvo. Her whole life I Joyfully (I veil for the comfort of him whom every word and ai t tell IhthIiii I mohtpreelou In hi Nlht not hlmply valued becaumi hn I couvculeut, but truly lieloved and bold In all honor In hi heart. Her liiiHlmud'M lovo thu imwilfctcd, he will bo her tower of utreiiclh- a MroiiK fortrf ho to protect and hlcld her that all trial will have hwt their hlln, A man ha no faith In real love who Ih too proud to nvt) it cxprcHHlon hluiMelf. A woman' heart lon for word a well n net. HecitiiHo In (lie tlmitof wooing tdio Utold that. hIioIh beloved lnut that huIIIco for a lifetime? A home governed by nuch Keiitlo i ri f 1 n -unco I, when compni'ed to a hnmoKov urnnd by man' authority, a dlllerent a a peron I ton machine one I life, the other only niechanlNin. A "unverned" wife may lmvo bread Jut iih llht, and n home Jnt n 'lily an one K'dded, not gov erned. Tho wife guided by ri'Hpect and gent lone will till the Iioiimo with bright tichh, Joy mid devotion, miicIi iih (he ov ernnd wife ciinnot even counterfeit, be online her happlne Hliiue IhroiiKh every act HOKonuWio and lrrepreNlblo that II j'.-ilinot bo Imitated, There I no exauKerntlon In thi Htatc incut. Wo have hkimi hucIi hoiueHaud know them to bw kciiuIuo, Hut In them no thotiKht of Hiipremacy or overiiln can ever Intrude, and wo verily believe that it depend upon the hiiHband more than on the wife to build hucIi home, but there inilHt be no (law In the foundation. The mnrrhiKe miint bo n true union, each mil tuiilly helpliiK tho other, nnd the bond which hold them niunt be perfect eolill dene nnd unfaltering love, the hiiHband' manlfcNtod by Kiinrdln from every di tnrhence with iinoNtentatloiiH caro nnd tendorne, and the wife', a i woman' nature, by o.ulet devotion, mot happy when mlnlNterliiK to t he comfort ami hap pliieH of In r hotiHehold. A happy wife, who known he can fully tniHt her hiiHband, willingly ackimwledKen him n the bend In decldiiiK matter for the general good of the houehold If their opinion are riot quite In imlon. She ennlly yleldH thl or any Important point, not through authority or government, but through her lovo and ennliilence. ThoNowhonro to walk through life to gether Hhould be hIow to notice fault, but both Hhould bo quick to ee and gladly, openly recognize n deed well dime, how ever nlmplo, for lovo'HHake. If thicoiire if nctlon I not adopted from (ho begin ning and crupulouly adhered to, there miiHt be heartache nnd bitter repentance 'fortholr reaping by and hy." Kejiciit anca thnt come too late nuiM. be n life long torture, beeaue It comet too late for atonement. Kunlce White Ueecher in New York Herald. It I tnir4 cfll M Milt, t r4 I p At t nl I Mil In AH ! I' Mt l ! Hit fiM t U i-l i., I , ) t'l.i . i,fi ,t-n In An.t i 1 1 .- i n I t tt .V n I Ii i n )t k -.. -1 1 f 1 u i '.I I i' n ! -)'"' ' t. i it i.i i-.ti..lmiiU, J. l i.ii i i,, I, i ,u tt. t . k tn II ! In- i , tl t - , X 1 1 . I ) n l 1 in- hik. h (. I H i n n I .i. ,i f. -1 t -lllitl mil H t.illt.4 tin- itiiiimil t -. t ... .,l I, I . I ! I I, .Hi II. it liiiSli a! hii'i1 rti'.ii' i iv imnlil, Atv I th'iikh llnj Atv tiiilt,.H f,.itr limn a tUj fi. h hi. runt I ti M lAti ltil lM..l((t thl' VI ti. Ill 1 he in ilk l i 1 1 t hin nlul nlluMljr e Iih t;IIH tlietln.i il iKAtiwiiiil milk I ViMMt(t Hi- p i.'n mn ih lirl liitmil ri'lu t liii f finniniit r ll l n.Mir lllill Alnl elV i rtMly lii;i-lm A ti lure i( IU iimm-iii ii II thnt bell ptt imtiUiI br H.liilu it b4 lii l ilone In mi ntlilelh.Hlil W , A A MAlnml tt'lHIKllAIIlT rvliIHi ni.t p rnii Ak'ttiiMl tin nt It I liihl Hint ime fitMntittll Ihi.Ioii wnniAii utti ri nil At tiuil n hipwi w lien thl Iml "mtitu tin'" ulie bail bii ii ill ink lug In l(;ii..rniii e. "The w Inli r Ia our mx im-awih," the nimiiiKi r of the Atnblm I iiiolid n ay lug, "eHi ially during the foggy weather, but liudiitiiiiiitely It UeMremely tlillit iill to obtain tho milk JiihI then. "Sold nut right to a euitotner, any of the nulnuil you Hiit here would reallxe over f.'iO atltl would pMlinbly be milked by the patient' own Hcrvitutt, who do lim like the Job, In nine caie nut of ten. Many ennumer, however, prefer to hire mi n at a guinea n week and get all the milk they can, and I have Hont neveral n far a t'olchi-Nter, Hrlghton, Kxeter and even Scotland, the riitoiner paying nil tho expeime. "lVron put thl coNtly fluid t curlon uo. Ono lady bad two quart day reg ularly for nearly aix year, nnd we could never Mud out what nhe wanted It for un til lifter ho went to America, when It traiiHpired that the milk wn ued a n face wiihIi. "We alo lmvo n military geutlemnn on our book who order n pint every morn ing, mid thi nppear on hi breakfast tn bio for ordinary uho, while h certain fa niou dandy ha been known to Instrurt bin valet to mix tho milk w ith blacking, ho as to impart n more than usually bril liant glos to hi hIioch. "The order are nhvayH given In advance, and after the tlrt milking, at (I o'clock In the morning, the milk 1m put tip hh required into ghiHH hot(lcn,wdilch in turn nro placed 111 wooden cradleH nnd carried by n Htrap, ho that the rink of breakage I very mall Indeed." New York Time. Anlftctlny; Hiiifi. If I wanted one climbing rose only, I would delect tilolro do Dijon, anil half a dozen other would bo ('hcHtiiiit Hybrid, climbing DevonleiiNl, climbing Nlphetim, Wallhain climber, (.'baric l.awson ami climbing Jule Margottiu, Hay nn Rug Hh writer. I bnvo not Included Marechal Nlol, a it can only bo grown to perfection in a grccnhotiHO, and In hucIi a nolcctlou It would Htnud high. Of tearoe to grow a bilMhe the following nretn be recommend ed: Catherine Mermet, Iabelln Hprunt, Nlphoto, Kouveiilr d'KIie, Suimet nnd W. Allen KichnrdHon, Tho tea rose do not produce hucIi large, nhowy bloom a the hybrid perpetual, but they are very deli cately Hcented nnd choice ami nent In form. They nre well adapted for making bou quot nnd buttonhole (lower. The moHt commonly grown rone nre the hybrid perpetual, nnd they are Hitch ft IiumorouH cIhmh that It 1 dllllcult to Helect a few from them without leaving out very many good one, but thu following will glvoHatlHfaction whether grown in a lnrgo ormull collection: Alfred (Joloinb.Centlfo Ha Kohch, Chnrle Hefebvre, Dupuy Jn- maln, La France, Marie Itiinmnnn, Madam John Lnng, Mr. Harry Turner, Marochal Valllant, I'lrli li Hruiiner, Horace Vemet nnd Karl of I'omhroko, Newer variolic than thcMO could be named, but they nre more expenlve, but not better for general culture. TIioho named nre nil fragrant rone, but noma nort nre very duflcloiit In thl merit, (iardeii mid l''oret. Powdered Coal. Tho HinokelcH combiiHtlon of powdered coal, which ha recently become nn Impor tant fact In Kuropo, I greatly facilitated by tho ndoptlon of a now automat ic inech- anlm nnd other Hrrnngemeiil, The fuel, liiNtend of being Introduced In theordlnnry manner, I llrt ground to a powder, nnd In place of the ordinary boiler firebox there I a combiiHtlon chamber In the form of a cloned furnace lined with firebrick nnd having nn Injector Hlmllar In coimtruotlon to thoNiuiNed In oil burning furnace, Thl chamber ha two opening one on the center line nnd In the place of the UHiial furnace fire door nnd the other on the op ponlle Hide, The orifice of tho nozzlo 1 placed In the latter aperture nnd throw ft rntiHtniit Htrenm of find Into tho chamber, tho nozzle being ho located t hat It cnttom the powder throughout tho whole npncnof the firebox, When the powder I once Ig nited, which 1 very readily dono by flrt raining tho lining to a high temperature by nn open fire, tho combiiNtion continue In nn IntciiNonnd regular manner under tho nctlon of the current of nlr which enr rle it In. Thl current In regulated by thn amount of powder required for the produc tion of the bent led olT to the boiler and the evaporation of the weight of Hteam de manded. New York Hun, Annilow'i Ntrength. TheaftendanMiaiided Bandow three new pack of card, Ho took one pack and tore it In two oh, ciiNlly, eiNlly. Then betook one of t i v halve ami tore that In two, hut not ho eimlly, hecaue, a he explained, ho had ho little to get hold of. "The czar of KiiHHla did that," be mild, "when I gave my exhibition before him. He 1 ft very Htrong man. Hut here 1 iomelhlng the cznr did not do." He took the other two pack, placed them together nnd tried to tenr both in two nt once. It wan n terrible Ntraln a Htrugglo ngnliiNt the Inw thnt in union there I Rtrengt.h. Lifting dumbbell nnd catching nark did not make him puff and gnp and Rweat n thl did. The edge of one of the card made it little cut on Hnn dow' riKbt thumb. Home of the card on the outHldo of the pack were torn nnd cnttored, Then nt lnt with a tremendnu twlnthe parted the packn through the mid dle, New York Tribune, Their Kr. From nn article on tho nclenee of ear we glean the lntcrcNitng Information that the ear of the Prince of Wale, nmnll In Itnelf, i of exact and elegant proportion In IU varlon pnrt, nnd another enr of mall and good uluipo I that of Ml El len Terry. In Mine. Antoinette Stirling' rnr a HlmiUHty i noticeable, n far ah the llze nnd depth of the concha are concern ed, to that of M. I'aderownkl. Pari Her aid. i lint I lfi.1 ! 4 IW l iill tlwl fttW If ) -A IB .,1 k al I 1 . I 1 rt I1 A .! I I 1 r Ii- . ll.. -ltill I I V t U fcl , , I ,..l -ii t I .-in !,! mi. H i , 1 1. it , .i i . . ,n i.t i.i. Il.e : In.. I i-t iw,hi.i ,j tl.ll ) l .- I I i In il i.i Inllif I 'ii-i. t. b.i.-titiU-B i l tt in it t i i t.i t null tin Ii-bb Ihi- ii.-B m-- tut mi p ll.e in fit'At it'll I ti " I . n-l . n , tlvlB 4 llitl ti,Hl-l til A l t Mmi l the liw i tH lt I.bii little liilinmi-lil in.t ii a rt .i I K'tl tiltle Mtll cti 1e tn pinto III, 111 pi I lilt ll , Hill A tin k lllil, . ) il III m h-w 1 1 i Art tnl ll nn-i t l't il ! Hut be lil linl tnnke tit flm ei ml. he, And 11. ii the ItiiiB lir Jni en nii nnd jul hi lrti NitW, lft rni!t lint llb dtlBi I tip plle ttf wnm iiitiiiMiiit 1 lie Ai iuli bi n. I t liU lnde nil A wmnlrll Mm k W til I' wliitulu the punt, Ami It l only llio tin l-llt pnttlotm of tlii I I'M k I'lnt plllll blai k, while oil theli'l Hie lllB-mli bill iitni liytM Hie pnH r nhlte. hen a iliwiun lm Ihvii rut on a ulei l phite, mitl II I to If priiili'd, the Ink I put oil llic pliili', or dim k, Alnl All t he t UIb nii.l ei rntt be lniitiu' Itlleil w It b Ink. Then the ink I carefully rubU'd oil of the kiii fiii'v, o thnt notut reiunlii ex cept what l,i In the line. When n plme of ihiiiipened papet I placed on I be plnte Hint Aiibjected to Very heavy pn-iire, It elnk Into thn line, nnd w hen ll I taken olf II draw the Ink out w ll Ii It, nnd thu the picture I printed on the mur. II take nn eliKraver nliolil ix week or two month to complete one portrait, and a man w ho eiigrnve tho portrait never doe any nt her kind of engraving. Kuril engraver doe only a certain port Ion of the work on n note. No one I permitted to engrave an entire unto. So thai helde the portrait engraver (hero nre koiiio who do nothing but engrave the Hurc, the aonl, tho lettering, the border, etc. In thl way it would be linpoiblo for an en graver to make a complelo engraving for hi own Uho if he were dlNhoiiet enough to want to do mich a thing. HcNlde thl manual work Home, of the engraving I done by maidilncry, hh, for example, tho background of tho portrait, and of the border and the nluullng of the letter, thi being done by what I known n the ruling inaciilno, which can rule hiiv oral hundred perfectly Htralght line with in nn Inch. Tho intricate Riiroll mid lacc llke work around the figure on tho face nml the back of the note I dono by n won derful machine known a the geometric lathe. 'I'll I machine coiihInIh of n largo number of wheel of all hIzcn nnd In nil tort of nrratigenieut, together with n complicated incchanlmn of eccentric mid rod, nil of which I IncoiiiprehoiiHlhlo to any one but an expert machinl),. Hy n proper adjimtmeiit of it part thn delicate diamond point that move about, over ( ho face of t huntec! I made to work out n perfect and nrtlnllo pattern with great er accuracy nnd much more npeed than could bo dono by hand, ami hence thl del lento nnd Intricate part of the engraving 1 one of tho greatet olmtacle with which the counterfeiter ha to contend, for hn find It next to ImpoNMlhle to Imllnlo It correctly. Fortunately for Uncle Sam, the geomot- rlo lathe 1 ft very compllcnted unlivery ttxpetmlve machine, nnd the counterfeiter 1 generally a poor man, nnd oven If ho did manage to lay up enough money to buy tho latho it I hardly likely ho would live long enough to learn how to uho It properly, for tliero nro only four men In the world who iiudertaiid bow to operate It. Indeed thn man who now ha charge of tho geometric lathe nt the bureau of en graving nnd printing 1 the only one In tho I nited Slate nt the preent time who know how to manage It, mid If anything Hhould happen tohlm It. might tangle mat ter up fornwhllo In thl Important, branch of our Undo Hani' big government, Ht, Nlchola. Itelmleer. M. NordetiHklold, In hi voyage In the Vegn to the Alatl(i nliorn of Kchrlng en, noticed n marked dllTerciieo between tho Dog Chukcli, theliihabllaulNof tlieliorii, and I ho Keludeer ( lilikcli of tho interior. The latter were better clothed and In bet ter clrcuuintmiceH. llnth Hhowcil n kind ncN to their milmal tiiniNiial In HomUnv nge people. The count ChiikeliH nlway cnrrled dog hIioch, neatly made of bug of noft leather, with Htrap attached, to put on t heir dog' feet If cut by I ho nliarp hiiow, Tho herd of a Keludeer Chiikch came flown from the pnt urn every morning to meet their mnnter, The leading ntag cnine flrnt nnd bade him good morning by gen tly rubbing hi none ngiiliiMt hlmiiter' Iinnd. All the other deer were then al lowed to do the name, the mantcr taking cai h by the horn mid carefully examining It condition. The limped hm over, thn whole herd wl led nnd ret urned to thn pntnre, It would be dllllcult to name an other bennt of burden ho lame nnd ho fill dent n the reindeer, A good reindeer will travel lot) mile a day over frozen hiiow nod ran draw a weight of IIIH) pound, thu Hurpnlng the dog by one-half In dlnlnnce nnd t wo third In drawing power. Hondnii Spectator. Value of Illiterate A iitiifrnili. It In ft well known fact, tlmt the general of the Kevoliitlon were, ninny of thetn, exceedingly Illiterate men and far from model letter writer, A very curnory view of their epUlolary effort I Hiilllcletit to convince one (hat, they had n little regard for the klng'n KuglUli nn they had for hi HtihJcctN, ami that they murdered tho one while telling of the killing of the other. Thl, however, detract nothing from the value of their nntograph letter. In fact, It 1 painful to note, but none thn len true, that the nutogrnph collector I continually paying a premium on Illiteracy, for the letter of a man whone feat of bravery en title blm to a high place nmong the nota file of the land, but, who lind It I" of a tank to win n battle than toslgu hi nniue, make thn niont valuable part of a collec tion they ant ho rare nnd ho dllllcult to Obtain, HoHton Tranncrlpt. American Thentnr Audience. Tnken nil in nil, American audience nre much more quiet and attentive than llnh nndience, nnd the nctor nre nearly alway ure of a renpectful hearing. Now and then there Ihhoiiio nnnoyanceoccnlon fd by the chatting of theater pardon in the boxen, an wn tho case one evening thl week, when the occupnntn of Home of the boxe talked nnd laughed ho unceiiiiigly and ho audibly thnt they not only failed theniHclve to follow the play, In which they probably were not Interested, but pre vented thoe wdio rnme to tho theater for the Hake of the play from hearing what wan going on on the ntnge, w bile the no- tor wereeqnnlly dinturln-d and could not, of course, do'full Justice to their role. ( fcj. A. buthern in Haltimore Hun. - i - i -i ii,, hi.,1 i 1 i I v , i .1 t l I I t. .1 I' I1- i , i t t ' l B .. . I ! " i I 1 i,i 1 1 . - I -1 1 i ,1 Bl -tl 1 l 1 t--l i IL I . IH II . I . . I . I.. I M.1 I I . -I I ,. It,, . II I-' .ii-. ill Bl , 1 1 II. . , .., 1-t t,-l, t B,. B il B, I I, ll I ,1 ii Hi -1 X. I I t ,it Mi. i 1 "i i i k I m tn tin, i , , if W i. It l It'll. AM .1.1. I l, .H 1.1 ll , ,l i f III, 1ll II 1 1 I . -I 1,111,, I l,,l l,,,,l,l,,l nil hi 1 1., i i I in i .ii lit l Ble i -I i l-l miIi n . . I , ,. I I I ,i 1b . ,l, .nl,, , i ,i b i i tt . Ki 1,,1' in t ti- mil, i'f mil' l l-oii-imI ii lit ImlulM i il.illtiB 11111'. In lt., i,f Hu M'IIUbI 1(1(1 lll,l III I 1,1. l'll' ilicil Mhi lllll B" Bill ll , I hi-,' t.l Hill- Htlll l .111,111 Iim'I I 'I fc'l (II I III Blllll lllll I' llllllllll it 1,. Ii" ' in liii.i nt Hn Mniiml Iiixi.1 li t nl 1 illl'iilli lllll i t ,l III h IbB'I ntl,i ,i miulv I iiim 1 1 Hiiiii nn' IUn.1,1 ,nik I, (In- (tin nt tn ( t, ill', In i twin! bii mnl l en iliiilniB ik.i'ii I", iii.iiiiin m, iiii iihi h .i llii t .in nl I ,lc nt l Ih til i I i l lil m rii Itui" fini" (((.ii.miH,! pud (But unlit fiBiil nml Im nlv f"in i"l e I'"' iliillniB ,t 4 iii I'twlt till lnl( ti 1 llirti-iin fliini llir I'M h titv ntN I'll mix I . l IB'!.' Inuillii. t t llli mi I ii tllit I'liBli lii'riililhiii In h iiilk:liii'lll Ii ll lll till I, y 1 1" ill-l I t, I 11,1111 lif Buhl ItnllulilB Kti ill y . ill ll ( pi I'm In r lei m, , II, ci! In n ri iiiiiii ii, 1 1, mi Hun mnl I In ii- I'liiilinu, Wlirlvni l. illil Ii. W iilcl b, I" ! llilli-l liiliitli. iliiliil ill nml .Iiiiiii It Min'hi'iiiis M.uv I, Mm heti'le nml iiiIii ib tti i( il, ti liiliiiil-i I iiiinliii, Ni l'iiich ii. Ih i-i-iiilier '.'Mli Ib"i t.l UUi.l' A III NM, IT Mii-ltlt of IiiiiiiIiib I iiiiiii v. Neti. W 1 1 1 1 It m Ii I ti lt 111', ll 1 1 1 il III y l.'.' ,1 Sltenll't Siiltt. In t 1 1 1 -i 1 1 n 1 1 nml liy vii i ue of a linliniH'iit unit decree of the Ulniii'l eoiili fur I loll il I Hi i'iiiiiiI V, llile i if Ni'l'l nil, il, 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 ' I nn Die IMlli tiny or liei'i iiiliei', A. ll, I K' .t. iii a eeiiiiiu net Inn tt herein llni'ie I lie I iihiii iiiii'i' t 'nni I'iiiiv wn iilnlnllll' nml linvlil ll. hn ii ii 1 1 hi nml i it I ii I'm wiie ilefeiiiliiiiiN, mnl of mi nnlir nt xiili' li ili'i I 1 1 n 1 1 i-i in mil ol niiIiI I I ul lie I I i ii i r I . Iieiilliiii ilnle I he liny of tlri'i'in her. A, t. 111,1. mid In me illrei'ted. I will nn the milh ilny nf .Imiiiury, A. I. I"!'l. ill III 0 i'Iih'H A m. nt Hum ilny, in inn ,.rt! r mint ilnor of Hie t iiiiiii y I 'mil I lloiine, In the ('II y of Olllllllll, hoiitfliiM ( oiiiil v. Ni'lininkii, Hi ll nl nulille iiiiellnii, to the IiIkIicnI tilthlcr for eiiNh, Hie follnwliig ih'Bi'i'llieil IiiiiiIn nml ten eineiilM. all Mlliuiteil III I lie couiily of I iiiiiii a, mnl n ii I it of Neliinsliii, to-w 1 1 : bol luiinliei' four it). In I'hii'k iniluher three hiunlii'il anil tlfly-eluht i:i,"ii. Hnuili (inmliii, nil In lloiiglii .oiiiil y, ntnlit of Nelii link n ; Mini pn iii'i I y In he miIiI to BiilUfy lliiiue I' lie 1 UMiii'inii'c i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iv Hn' Bum of one I hniix mnl. cluhl Ininilreil. live and Z'i I'm ilollar iift.Kll,'i.':,-ii Jiiilginenl,, with InlcrcHl, I hereon at lute of nine Ml) per cent, per milium from I'l'liruiiry lt, Ink;, until piihl, mnl tweuly Ihree and .iKI-lmi ilollnr i:i.n,'li cohIn, with liilcrcHt I licrnnn from Hut Ihi ilny nf I'ehi li my, A. I). Ih'.i'.', timi'lhi'i' with aei i'iiliiK i'iiiIm iiei'iirillng to it Jllilmiii'lll reiuleieil hy the iIIhIiIi'I i iiiii i nf Niihl HoiikIiin county, at. Mm l i'liruiiiy term, A. I). IWi, In aeeiinlii aetlnti llieii lind there peiulllig, wiieieln llolii" I II" I ti h 1 1 iii tn - roiiiiimiy wiim i 1 1 l t nl Iff, nml liavld 1 1. H 1 1 1 1 . j 1 1 1 1 1 mill ol In I'm were defendant Omiiliii, Nnlininldt, lieceinher 211, lli;i. li--ft HKliKllI'; A. IIKNNKTT, Klierllf of lloiiuln t'limilv, Neb. J. I''nwi'etl alloriiey. Sheriff! Sale. In iMiriuiiiee mnl hy virtue of a Judgment, ami ilecree of the diNirlct, court for lioiiitlit couiily, Hlnle of NehritNliii, rendered on Hi" lllh tiny of Miireli.A ll. Ili:i, In a certain nc Hoa wherein Hi'orn" Marker wa philnlllC nnd Mli'liiiel (I, Maul executor of the cut nl" ill A, II, Hnowdeii, ilcfciiMcil, null other went (lefeuiliinl, mill of an onler of Hal" InniiciI I hereon out, of mild dlnt rlcl. conn,, liearliiK date the hull iliiyof Hecemlier, A, I). lNli;t, and to nm illrectcil, I will on thn IMilli day of .Imiunry, A, I), IWH, nt III o'clock A. M. of biiIiI ilny, at, the KAHT front, door of thecoiinty court, Iuiiinc, in Hi" city of (liiiiilin, I ti ill u I hn cm i n I y, NeliriiNka, Nell at, pulillc miction, to the tilglti'Hl, hlililer for ciihIi, Hie following (leitcrlbed IiiiiiIn and ten eineiil, nil mII uiili'il In Ihecouuly of liougla, nml Mtate of NeliiiiNkn, to wit: The I'liNt iiiiii liuuilred feet ii'iixl. I'KI feet) of lot, niiinlicr I wo ll llitrl lel 1,' aililll Ion to the clly uf Oiniiha except, thn Miiith l.weiil y-tl ve feel, (willt ll 'i feel I Hierenf, all In lloilgln con lily, ntiite of Nchrimkn. Hald properly to he mid to Hiithify Oniirgii K, Marker Hie hu iii of Hcyeii hiimlred mnl evenl y-l hren iIiiIIiiib (77il,lHii ,iidgiiieiit wllh InliTi'Nt thereon at, rule of eight li per cent, per milium from I'i'liriiiiiy lllh, Ih!i:i, mini pnlil, nml forly-l hn ii and IKl-lim ilnllitr ifl.l.e.h I'onln, Willi Intercut, thereon from thn lllh ilny Of I'lilnuary, A, I), IHtlll, togetlinr with nc ciiilng conin iii'coiillng lo a Judgment, ren dered hy the (HnIiIi I court, of hiiIiI Doiigla couiily, at, It I'ehruiiry term A, ll, l',i;i, In n eeiiiiiu net Inn then and there penillug, wherein Oeorge K. Marker wn iihiluHlf, ami iMIi'lutel O, Maul, execiittir of the I'Mlale of A. II. Hnowdeii, deceae(l, and ol hern were ilefeiiilniil, Oiiinliu, Neliriinkii. Hecemlier :!!Mh, IHiU. (iKOKUK A. IIKNNKTT, Hlii'i l IT nf liougliiM ( imnl y, iNi'liriiMkn, II, W. ItiiherlBOii, atlAruey, IMi-ft Sheriff's Sale. I'lnlir nnd by virtue of nn execution Untied by I'liink K. MiNire. clerk of the tllHtrlct court wll hln mid for liougln county, ,Nc hriiBkit, on the Willi (lay of liecemher, A, l. IHIi.l, iijion ii Judgiiieiit, ren'lereil In nh III court at, It I'ehi'iinry term A, Ii, IH',i;i, In favor of Mutual I, nun mnl TriiMt Oouipiiuy, and iigaiiiBi, rreo o, Aiigoou, win ii, vnniinrveri,, , II 'f... 11 11 .a. ...,il A IU II..I.I. I , 11, I 'III. Ill" II, 11. ,lf..I IIIIII It, 11, lllll. I- wln, I illil on Hie .IhI, ilny or Hi iilfiiilier, 111,1, for wain of good and chat ltd, levy upon the following IiiiiiIn ami teiieiiieiil it tint prop erly of the wild II. II. Iiorwiy. lu-wll: l,nl Mix HU III lilork one hiinilri'il mill elghleeu (I IH) III thn city of Hon Hi Omaha, a nurveyeil, pluttcil ami recorded In liougliiN couiily, NehiiiBkii, and I will on Hut imtli tiny of .liimutry, A. I), Im'.U, nl, III o'clock ii, in, uf nalil flay, nl thn eiiBl front door of the county court hniiMi', In thn city of Omaha, liuugla cuiinly, NehritHka, eirald liroperly nl nuli lle itui'llon l" the lilgheNl hldiler for cb)i, to biu lif, y biiIiI ciitiiI Inn, Hut miionml tint' Hiereon helug two HiiiiiniiiiiI, three linmlri'il, llilriy-Mlx nml Inn ilollarn if,.!l;w.'.i nmj I weni y -nine nnd l-ln did tars i-obI wllh In lereBi un biiIiI iimounl at, ruin of eight, ii per cent, per annum from thn lllh ilny of J'cbruiiry, A. I. IIH, together with accruing con!, I lliiiilni, Nell,, llei'ciiilier 'Will. 111.1, (i KOItli K A. MKNNKTT, Hherirf of liougln Couiily. Nell. Joel W, Went, altnriiey, IJ-H-ft N. H. TUNNICLIFF, Corner Fourteenth and Farnam St. SI'KCIAI, MAKIKU COMMIHHIONKICH HA I.I".. - I inter mnl hy virtue of mi onler of biiI" on decree of foii i'loHurn of mortgiige InniiciI out of t he (IIni rli'l court for liougliiB couiily, NeliriiBkit. nml to me illrecleil, I will, on Hm nihility of I "lininry. A. I), l',M, at one o'clock p. in. of Mithl ilny, nl Hie NoiiTII front door of (he cininiy court Iumibc, In the clly of Omiiliii, Hougln county, NehiiiBkii, (ll III tin Id li- iiiii'IIoii lo Hn. hfgliCNt hlilihr forcash, tne properly dcHcrlhed In biiIiI unler of Bill", IIH flllloWN. 1 1 1- w 1 1 : 'Mie mil Hi Inilf iN 'ti of the etiNt half of lot nlxleen ill", Kouiit.e' Heconil Addlllou to the clly of Omiiliii, all In I lougliiB emmt y, Nlul" of NelintBka, to lie n ppriilHCil. ndver IIhi iI mnl biiIiI according to law; biiIiI proi i 1 1 y In In- Mold to Nullify Omithii I, nun ami Tl'UBl Comiiitny, philnlilf herein, the buui of two thoUBinul, eight liuiujred, Hlxly-etght mill W )-1 1 I dnlliir itJ.HilH ivii ludgeinent, wllh liiteri-Nt nn lliiie hinulreil mnl twenty nnd tm-IKidollnr (.l'.'ii.Iii thereof Ht rule of len (till per cent permiuuni, and on twenly-llve hundred, thlrly-M-ven nml T(i-im dollar (W..'bIT.iii I hereof lit rale of H (fli 'r cent wr an nil in, nil from I'elirunry nth, b',i;; lo mttlBfy Oiiiiihn N nl l in ii I lliuik, di-fiTiiliiiit herein, the buui of four hiinilri'il, tlfty-nlmt and 01 lim dollar iflMllili Jiidgmenl,. with IntereM thereon nl rule of ten i Hn ht cent per an num from Hepleuiher Will, lHI ; to Niitlfy Mnry K. Htove, nil m I tilnt nt I r I of the cbIhIc of lien, II. Move, deceiiBcil, di fi'lidmit here in, the Bum of three hundred, t went v-Ncven and tii-lnndollnr tt Judgment, with ln lereBl. thereon nl rule of eight ihi per cent, per milium from Octoher III h. B1I ; to niiI tnty the mii in of nl xl y-two nlul HO-mi dolhirN iftC mil ciihIb herein, II h liitereMi thereon ftom the Hth day of l ehrumy. A. I. IWi.l. until pnlil. tngeiher with iii'i'ruliig i'onIb according to n Judgment rendered hy the dlMtrlct court of Nalil liougliiN county at lu I c I injury tern., A. H In'.i'l, In a certnln action then mnl there (eiiilliig. wherein OiiihIiii I, nun mid TriiNt C"iii)iuiy wiib pi ni nt I IT, nml (i"o K. Ilertriind, Mnry I, Ilertriind and olherB were ilefeml mit. Omnhii. NebrnnkA. Jnuunry 5, I Sit 11. I', TIIOMA., Hpcohil MiiMter ( "iniiilsNloner. N. II. Tn it nli-l I (T. Attorney. l-ft-A j Nol l nl t l.lll MiIb tf ll. ; V " - ', ,l' ,'((, I (, I ( (,,- I- : t j 4, ft,, I I. ll.. , .( .1-1.. , , ( , , fi,, .( .i. I i V . i - i.i i.. ,1 i i ( 11 I I" .mil 11 I . i , i I , H , i, i i ! . i B--'K "I .i t ,.l li 11, ' - I1'. ,,..1,,, ,alll,T i.i .1, .1 i, n tfi, ,'111, 1 .1. I I ( i I .. t ,,,, , ., . . , ,,,,..1 t , ' ' , ' ("I,. i.i. it ( , , l--ll 1 I ( I , - ' - III I: V - ( , . , . . ; "' " B ' (- I 1 , , i I n I ,. ,. . , , , i ,1, .. ii ,i, .,., !,.,.., , i ,i., .(. , ... ... , j " 'I i t tl' I I i I- I- l " h ' 1 I t IV. (I 1! ' , "It tl I l, I I 1 V I I I, -I I ' - -ll, B Nl ' ll I- B 'J B 1 I'll ' I I : (ll IM, It,, ' I .11-. ;m .(- IB ( ( l -n, . I il. .1 In B' ! iii t,t it.-, in i,i,.,t nl... it lllll. ,. C ,, 1. 1 b'-'-h' ( (i -ill,. I I, il. .1 ' nl, I ii,'- ..., .,il,-l, i . Vli I V!' t ,,(, , ,1 ,. t. , . . i , .. , I I . 1 1 I B b , ,t i, , n,, ,i i ,1 -.1 1 ll,.- IB'll I M ll'' II (It 111 Nl"l HI, '11111 till 111 ( Ii l - I I III' II nit BKiit lili, I'ilbIib , l l nl ii, I ( I, UK I I-' t-''t I M I.IMIllll I t ' I V B-lf lii nf B', ,i Bi'l Nolii a lo 111 nliliii f it in Ni em- t i (,,"il. I nlllily I HI tlii Iniil'tv .-"till nf Iliiili'tiB I'liiiiity. Si litic.1, il. I d ' i Iiitn ( '. Hi l wn III It"' tmilti t nt Hie i-lnte nf .luim. VI, I iiiwl.ll" I In' I ti ililiiiB nt tlii, I i -l , it" hi, I nil nllii't IB-lBitliB htlrli bIi-iI In bkIiI t'litltil will Iiimi l",i, I Hull III" I 11 lIll.'IS if B'llil Cut il 1 1' will. ill'lH HI lii liil" IhtB mitl t nil the '.111 ilny i if . lil'iimtv l-"l i'ii ih" ', III ilny nt Anill B"t. nlul nil the Mil il'IV nf llllir, l-'l nl I"ii'i ib Ii . X K , lin ll it IV fur I h( illl I -1 f " "i m hm tin If i IiiIiiib (iii l-v HiOIiiiI i,,ii, ml IiIhI i,,", I mill wlh'W iiim'!' HI t titiiiiiliB mi nlliiBiril f,u II icilliiitB iii ii"Bi nl tin ii i lnliiiB mnl line yt'iir fi't Hie in I", In Kl l nt,, l In mill" biiIiI i'Bliite. fnmi Hi" :,th il iv nf lii'i'fiiilii'r, Ibui I IiIb Iiiiiii " tt III he I'lllilisheil In TlIU AMI III I tl fm fniir "i kB KiieceBBlvi'ly. luliir In I lie .Mil ilny nf I "luiiiii y I i'ii Ail i'IiiIiiin mil lih'il mi nl- fii fiire Hie .Mil il, iv nf liiii", B',(t, will tic fiitci et Inn ic it f i in i iiliilili i iitlni I the lllllll Nil Iiiliilili nf tail lil CHlllle t IHii M" luy Iinnd mnl nllli liil Bi'iil I h Ih 27Hi ilny nl Hi'i'i'inlii i. lwi.1. '11.. I .1 W, 11.1,1'U, I i 4 ( "linl y Judge, Notice of Probate of Will. H't'A'I'H lir Nl III! Ink A , ( . HiiiiuIiib i n i ii I y III I lie enmity I'oiitt of HoiigliM "niiiily, Ni'lii iihIi n. In the liilllli't uf the cHtntn uf Ml. Millie II. TIiiiiuii.b, ilei'i'iiMi'd : riiuili'B N, 'I'hnmiiN, , luim P. TliotiiiiM nml Millie ll. Tin nn iih. nml nil olher i"boii In leii'Mli'd III niiIiI lint, hereby untitled Hint on Hie Mh dny of I li'i emlier, IHU. Miirln II. 'riiniiiiiN tiled In thn couiily court n peti tion alleging aiiiong other thing Hint Mr. Mnrln M, TIiiiiiiiih illi'd un Hie Nth ilny of lleceuihel', 111,1, lenvlng It 1 11 Ht- will mid li'Nlll Inenl. and piiMBi'BNi'd of real mid iierBonnl "Mini" vii I tii'il nl lt, nun in, nnd Hint Hie nhove mimed coUMlltute the pei'MiitiH lutcri'Htcd lu I hn "Ml a I" of niiiiI ih ""iibi'iI : ami praying for the luoliai" of Miihl will, and for imIiiiIiiInI ia I lull uf Bald "Mini". Vim are hereby untitled thnt if ynu full to appenr nl n'UiI court on I hnlMt day of l ebru iii V, IWH. at III uYliick a, in.. In i'iiiiIi'mI Hut priiiinle of mii hi will, Hut court may nllnw ami I'l-olial" niiIiI will mul gi n Ml iiiIiiiIiiIbI nil Ion of niiIiI "Mini" to .lolin P, TIiiiiiiiih iii- miiuiii ollii-l-Miilliilil" pei'Hon, and priH-eeil In iimi-I I In liienl. t lii'M'of. WltncHH my Iinnd mid ntllclnl ncal thl :!Hth day nf liecemher, lH;t K.Al, ,1, W. KbbKIt, I-fl-4 County iltidgn, Notice of Probata of Will, H'l'A'I'K (If NKIIIIAHKA, I lioiighiHCouiily, ( lu the county court of liougln county, Ni'liniHKii: In thn matter of the enliite of llarhel Wll Hum, deceiiHed: WIllllllllH, WllllllUlM, KobiTl l' WllllltlllN, Mary K Wlllbim, William II. William, Oeorgit 1 1. WllllimiH, ami all other pcrmin lnl,erel,ed In wild mutter lire hereby nnlltled that on Hie 211 dny of Hiiciimhcr, InIUI, Wil liam h, WIIIIiiiiim tiled In the county court, a petition, alleging among other thing that llnrliai'l WIIIIiiiiim rtleil no lin' Zlril day of .liiiiiiiuy, IHlii), lenvlng a 1 iih I will mid l,iit.ii ment, ami iomm"hm"i of reiil and peiMimil "Mlale vniiied at fil,,VKi.(MI, and that thu above named i-iiiimiIiuiii the pcrMim lul,ereled In Hut CHliile uf Maid deceahctl: nnd priiylng for the probate of niiIiI will mill for admlultm l ion of nn ill ent itle, Vou are hereby not Hied that, If you fail Ui appear at . wild court on the wni nay or j iui riniiy. iHfil, at 10 o'clock a, m l,ocoutel, Hie urobilin of mii lI will. I he court uiitv allow mul urobilin Niild will nml grunt, admin IhI ration of mild "Mliile In William H. William, or Monte ol her Niill nble iieroii, nod liroceeil to n Hi'llli'ini'lil Hierenf, WllncNHiiiv hand and oil c at wen Ih Ih!R!ii(1 day of liecemher, n;i, IHK.AI. J, vv, r.1,1,1.11, l-ft-4 County Judge. Notica of Final Hettlement. HTA'I'K (ir NKIIIIAHKA, ( liuugln t oiinly, ( In Mi" county court of Hougln county NebritNka, In thn tmittcr of the CNlatn of Oeorgn I'', Winle, deceiiMi'd: Mnry bnulMe Wade and Hurry Meuuetf, Wailn and all olher pernon Inli'reBteil la Mitld mn Her are hereby in il I lied I lint on theJilHl, dav of liecemher. I',i,l, Mnry I.iiiiImii Wndn llled a pennon in Biini roiini v court,, prnying Unit her lluiil iiiIiiiIiiImUiiI Ion account tiled herein be net I led mul allowed; Dial nroofB of heir- Mhlp be taken and decree rendered there on' that n decree dlNtrlhiitlng and aBlgulng the re due of Bald enlnte be entered nnd thnt uch other and further order mul nro- ceedug ni ii y he had in Hi" premlM'M n may lie reuiiireil ny ineNiitiuii' in Burn "hu b innil" and provided, to Hie end t hai, Niild cbI hIc nml nil Ihlng nertiiliilng Iherelo may be llnnllv Ni'ltled and (li'H'i'iiilni'il, and Hie ald Mnry i.oiiib" wane, execui fix, iiiBcmtrgeii. Vou lire hereby noil (led Hi nl If you full to ai'iii ar before Miild court on thn ,lrd day of I "In nary, tniM. at 10 o'cliH-k a. m., n ml i-hiiI"n mii Id in-1 ft Inn. Ibn court may grant the priiyer of Mitld peililon mnl miikii miicIi other and furllier ordem, allownnccB and decree, an to IIiIm court may neeui proper, I o the end thnt nil main-IB i"rtiilfilng lo Bald CMiiile may lie dually willed and determined, and tint mild exei'iilrlx dlwhnrgcd, Wltnenn my hand nnd ollb'tal will (IiIm 'Willi day of Hecemlier, I1W J. W, Kl.bKK. ' mk a i,. I I -ft 4 Count y Judge, Notica of Administration of Etne. HrATC Or NKIIIIAHKA, I liougliiN Couiily. ( In the couuiy court of liougln 1 county .NebriiMkn, ' i In the mntteroflhc cm! ate of Patrick T Itiliine, (lece lived : Patrick limine, Mnry Kuan", lii'llit Knitim, Mr, Julia l.lllTi'y. John Milnue, Mnchitel Kiiaue, and all olher pitboum Inien-Bied In niild mutter lire hereliy tuilllled Hint on the 'Jnili day of Ili'i i'iiiliiT. IM'iU. Iielln linali" Hied a peililon In mii lit county court, alleging n lining other tiling thnt Pntrlck T. Kuan" died on Hie l;Mh dny of liecemher, l!il, leav ing no IiimI will mul TeBtamem, and pimBcsBcd uf renl nnd perBounl CBtnte vnlucd nl I . ,f t ' i. and Hint the nhove named couBlllule thn n-r hi imh I ii I - tint i In Hie cBtiiln of Nalil dn cciihciI; and praying for admlnlBirnilon thereof. Vou are hereby tiolllletl thnt If you fall tn nppear nt mii hi court, on I be jnin dny of I ebriiHrv, IMH4. at lu o'chH k A, M and con- t4'Bt Mind ii t It Inn. the court will ai'iiolnl I'ella Kiiiiii", or Biini" other Niilliilde in ron, ndmlnlBi rntor, mul proceed to a Ncttlcuifiit nf biiIiI CBlnle. Wltm-BM my luiiiii nnd olllclal m-iiI thUilh day of I lecemlier, lH',1.1. 1kai,1 .(. W. Kl.f.F.K. I -ft- 4 County Judge. Notice to Creditor!. Mtatic or MriuiANKA, ItougliiN Couuiy. f " In the ( oiiiil y Court of liougln ( iiunty. NeliriiNka. Iieceuiber U. A. ll. Ii'-' l In the mailer of the CMtnte nf William Meyer, ileceHMcd : The credllor uf mi lit cbIiiIc and all nlhei IHTmoiim ItitereBted In Bald mutter will take iioili " llial Hi" iTi illtiirB of Niild "Mini" will lii"-nr tiefnre IIiIm court ill Hut '.'"Ih day of l-'eliriiitry , inn), on the i'lh dny of April, I',), and on Hut ih day of June, nt loo'cliM-k a. m, eiti'li dny, fur the iurHmf uf preMi-ulliig their chttuiN for etiHiiiluiitinti. ndJiiBtmeiit and allowance. Hln motilliM nre nllowed fur Hie i-ri-ililnrB to pn-Bi'iii their cIhIiiib ami nne year fur the n xci-u t r I Ui eltleMHlil CBiate, from the '.'Mtli dny of lieceiiibcr. Iti;i. Thin not lie will Ih" piibllBhed In Tim Avkiiii for four week ucceBlvely prior tn the l!7th liny of I'elirunry If.'t All claim nut Hied on or'hefnre the 2lh day of June, IW4. will t' forever burred from coiiMlilernllon In the lluiil Bi'lili'iiii'iil of bhIiI i-mihI". WIlneNB my buml nml oltliinl Meal thl lh day of lei'cuil"r, Inni, 1kai. J. W. FI.I.KK. I-IV-4 County Judge. A young tnnrrled man wnnlB good Mteinly MiBltlon. Hi'mI of city refereticcN. Addri'M X. X. X. thlMoflli'c. Hin H t Hte. V ,,1 ' I I 'll ... I B' I .(' 1,1,111, 'ii. .1 V ' ,, , ( t 1 1 I ( I'-. ((,.,, I,. 1.1,1 1 1,,. " B I I , ,H 1' '.. I I I 1" I ( t 111. -1 t , I, I ll I 1 1 I !. . ,. I,. , , h ll---' I !:, I I ,1: ...... I , 1 . t t' " I ., : ll .1 , , .-.,.(,,,.. I, I I I ' I ..I 11,. llll'lt (1,1 t I.. I .. . l!i , I, I ,, I. I. (,, ("I Ml,t (1 , .( , , ,,l. II,. I-I - ' ' (l -l I, ,-( V I 1 I'll . 1 1 . t I ' f l I 1 1,1 S O l' Bl !' '. ,1. Bl II . t ,,, ' --.'I ., ,,l ill (I,: , ,1 I, 'I. ( i t B l- I B', ' it I 1,1 i.l t I". ll, , ll .ii, I,. 'II N ',' ( . . II ,!l l,,'. I 111!., Ill It. I 1,,, 1,1.1 t, .,, l,, , , , ,,,, ,,,( tl- I ' ,t t-,1-,1" ... ll l., ll .,( .III, I . t'l till .,,1,t ,f l. W)B.., l(i, ll ll,' t.f - ,t B-t i In ml I In n, inn I,, It ', nf I,, I t.ini t In t-,M B ( ( 1 I tl t I Bl ." til. I ni.i Intf I -tl 1,1 till III l I, ,11 It ', ,,t "it ,"l I 111 I'll, It lllllll II 111 III B f in. I. "I I I I. I, I,, I 1,1, I Ht I'f ll'i'BliB, ( TdlHl t nl l-n(W I ( t("lllM nf N' 1,11-14 MiIiI .i.Ht I,, l.i ni, I Btlll f III! l.l (lllllll Hill,, Nil .ll.llll 'III, till. Bltlil ,f Bl'llll Inn, III. (I fniit nm nlul 11 lift iIiiIIHb , II i(i t",l,'i,,i ill ni,, I ,,in limntii il till mill il ll itnllBIB III"," iii li allli Int. K bI tin li nn nt inii . if -1 1 1 1 1 (ttnl nlii Imlf C i" i cent Imi" Hi" l"i Ii i, v nf 1 1 i, i nm y. fi bi ingi i in r ii ti mi i mim , nsi, i, i nlillliK III I,,illil III 1,11,1,11,1 t,v III" iIIbIHi I i iiiiii nf Biini (.in,,.- it IIh Hi ill lull I tlllll, A l l-'tl, In nt i l'tlnlK it. Ill in thru mnl tlii't-t' ii'tiltiiir wtitiiln ,l,i-i l.lilii" It of h it l,y In f ii. 1 1 ft i. ml In,, in Itnthit KB , 1,111, lllf mnl .liiliil IIiibIiIiV ml lull. lllllll.,! of the I Mill" nf ,li ill II il 1 1 III k , d"i'i'iii"i el nl ili fi'tnliitilN. Oiniili'i, NeliiHBkit !' I'l iiiln t '."nli. iBtia ill oiiiil. A III NM' I'I, Hhi l lfT nf IIi.iiuIiib I iiiiiii y, .Ni hrii-ka FwlOlil Ai Mi -1, nl l"i ii"b U ,".,"( Nurict. nil" Niibllitg tt III lake linlli" Hint initio. I n b tin V nl I icci'ii, Iii.l, ll", itui, M fniltli. it lUMiii'i'of Hi" u ii," In Hie ill v of I linn Int. I iiiuuliiB "innil y, Ni In iiMkn. liBiii'd nn unler nf ni i mli ii,' nl fur i he Bum of i.i .i.i nml I liter i'Ht fnini I'll Ii ilityiif I elu unl y, In'ii, dm, on Vi '( 1 1 iiioiiil'iioi v nnl", III an m l Iiiii ni uillng lu fni" him, win mill Jiiiiicn M. Kikhiii ht Iilnlnllll mill linn NhIiIiiiu ib fi nilaiil ; thai ""lluiil iiiiiiii'Vb In Hut hmiilHiif .liii'uli II. I.minliigi'i' Iiiih Iii i'Ii gal lil-bi'il uiidel' nalil lllill'l of lllll" llllll'llt nlil 1 1 . I tint w IIIB I'l III lllllll d f if I linl to .', rumy Inili, I o'cliH'k p. lu,, lieforir nil hi IunII"" of Hie pence. I liiialia. Ni'luaika, .liiiiilin y Imli, I "HI JAMI'lH M. KKiOCK. Hy l. Van Kttun, III Attorney. 1-13-4 Fifty Years - IN TIIK Church of Rome. Mv HKV. CIIAH. CIIINMjt'V. Thl I a Mlmidnrd work nn ltomiiulm and Hn Ni'cret vorklngH. wrll leii by one whnoughl In know. 'Hie Mlnry nf thn iimhiimmIhhi Inn of Abtahaiii blni'ulu by Hut pnld IiniI of the Ki niia ii ( 'nl hut Ic I Inn rb In I old III n clear and convincing iiiminer, It iiImi mint cat many fuel regarding the pract Iccn of prh'Hi anil nun In the convent and iiiiiiuiHtcrlcH. It ha M.ll l iiiin, page, and I eul noHlpiild on receipt, of ti, by AM KKK1AN I'lilll.lNII INO CO., pilft llowill-.l Hlreel, Omaha Nel, Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Prlco 40 Cont). SUBSTITUTION I MARRIAGE. Prlco SO Cent. Uev, .biMi'ph Hlntttiry In thu niithor of bolt of the aliovit linok. They are IiinI, what Dm title Imllrnle, and am printed In gol, clean, type mul hound In paper cover, Heul, hy ex pre or mall, Adtlre, AMKKICAN IMnUJHIINO (JO., into iiotwriiid()W('(J Vm' N,'h" trtm A TmT TWLI ennlt t'i, rtrr on- Deeds of Darkness Exposed. Ilv KKV. J, ). WIMTK. Thl encellent, work deal wllh the polit ical1 method of thn llniiiuii Catholic Church. It contain much food for thought, hiiiI luke w iiiih Amerlciin will lind ll lnlcreHug read lug, ll, In printed lu good, clear type, and hound In cloth, Price ! .-T, puNtpitld, l or niile hy AMERICAN PUDLISHINQ CO., I fl IS Howard Hlreel, Omaha Nkk RAILWAY TIME CARO' FOR OMAHA, NED. f,enveN Omaha 4 Wi pm m m am 10.1.1 Hill 1,1 mil Wl pm I.I'IIVI'M Omnhit 4 4,'i pn ll 41 am 7,' pm II ,'1 am 1,1'llVl'B Omaha H 41 am V 4ft pm fi'itvea I Omalilt j M At M It. lArrlvxti Iii put loth and MiiNori Hu Omahn . ., (lenver llmllcil (billy ,,, 4 10 pm. lieadwiMid KnpreM 4. 10 pi Iienver KnpreNN , ,. W ;t1 am ,, l.lni'oln I'.x. fciu'cpi Hum ,. II ::i tm blncoln biH'al (!. Hun) , A.Vi prn ")., il. ti. T Arrive 1 1" pot loih and IliiMofi HIb Omni,, .Chicago Mmlti'd , .Vi am. ,,,, ,, Chicago (,,iri'MN ,,,,,, 4 'iii pm , ,, I hlcugo i Iowa li al ft Vi pin , . . , l,nca I, dally e, Hun n on am K .c .Ht. J.A C, M. Itepot, pith nod Mitnoii HIM, ArrlvK- OlIlHllW . K ii ii (Hy liny F,prei (MM, , ft Vi iirt ,, it. i , nignt C. Mgbt K. via c. II, I nWi nm b'MoM PACIFIC, ,Arrlvi." Cnlon ii Hit loth and Marcy Omahw H. 'ili ami '1 1,1 pm :0 pm 4 II pm A 40 pm it 40 nm 7 20 am H 40 nm ti 1 nm in to am ;i..M pm fl jim H in pm 10 41 pm 1t'llVCN Omnhn I I , 10 pm II ..10 nml l.iaviM ( IuinIoi 10.40 ami It Vi I'm 4 ti pm 7 HO pm fi 41 nm beitve Oiiuthn Iienver KpreNN, 4 ti put 7.00 pn. 4 pi l,!,m pm 10 40 am ft 40 am, 7.IO nm 11 Hilt U :n Hm to do no i ; ti pn. A ' pu n to pm tt l'i pm ,, Limited, dally . deliver Fa I, Mall , H. A- H. ., (except Hull) ,. , Pneille KxpreNN 'i i ll in-1 1 Hlntr bin-ill ',. m. ht. r, iexil pitli and Mnrcy HI, Chicago Limited Chicago MpreiiM ... C. A N. W ( VI n V. P. 'I'rmiBfen Allmitlc KnpriBB, dally KiiBiern PiiBHi'iiger, dully , .( blciigo llmllcil. (tally , . . . (imnha Mall, dally . MlBBoiirl Valley boi'nl, daily Arrlvm Omitloi ft Vi pm f. so am Arrive Omnli ft I' pu IS put V ;n mii 2.1.1 pm 9.WI pin A -.1 C HI. P., M AO. ,, i-i, i ,, i.i . cm i. nni.ri Depot Mth and WetiNtcr ! ! OmittiN HIiiiiK City Accommodiilloti I HliA pm . H. C. KniimMN lem-ept Hum . il2 40 ptu Ht. Paul KnprcB I V.'JA nm Oakbtml bocal leu'ept Hune N 4.1 am V., K. A Mo. VAf.l.f'.V. lArrlve. Depot lllh and WelmterHtn. I Omaha lleadwiHiil F.jpri'M , ...I 4M pu (K,.Hiiti Wyn, Kk.iK.k. Muni 4.1,1 pm Kreniotit K. (Kucept Hun.i toil air. Ht. Pmil K.npri'N H.2ft am . I.lncoln Kt. let. Huiidnyl to 41 am HlolJX CITV A PACII'KJ lArrlve. Depot pith A Mnrcy Hu. Omithw ....HIoihi Clly PiiMBcngi-r I Vi pm Hi. Paul KnprcM ! lout mo ,', i llK'Aoo, K. I, A T. ;7 I ArriVeS Via It. P. TratiNfer. I Omaha H Wl am I 1.1 pm ft 4,1 pm ft lo pm ICave ; Omnhit M Vi ami N Ki am! 1.HI ptuj ft 4.1 pun H .VI Hill' l-nvi-M j Oliiilb I "li 41 mill A M pml T'ttVI'M I Oliinbll I HAHT . Atliinth" Knpri'M. dully . . Vi'Btlliule Limited, dally . ...Night KpreN. dally.,.. 10.:m am 4 on pm 7 ln pm 12.11) am M ,11 am .1(1) pm ft no pm J im pm 7 ,.K1 nrr ft 'A mm .1.40 am KI mn ex, .llntiiO. I . Kx.lex. Hun Lincoln A Co. HIiifT.,.. , . Chicago Knpreaa wttT Via II V. Trniikfer, ft id am t lift pm 3 41 am U.U.1 nn ex. Hum O. A T. t' l lex. Mon 12.10 am M pm d ,11 anil 4 ,1ft pin ...ihlcngo and Iienver ., , .Co. Illulf and l.lni'ulu. . . Lincoln KnprcNM I"ve i Omaha I in hi pmi ll.H pm ft ei pm Inve I Omaha I a .Vipm f MIol lll PACIK1C. Depot Imh and Miimoii Hta ....Ht. lOiliN V,. dully. ., LiitilB Ki dally NeliriiNka l'nl Arrive! OnmliN, .) am 4 2ft pin H 4A nm WAHAHIt. lAriivet (Via V. I. Tranfer lotnnhi. . . ." Ht. Lout Kx., dally .... I 12.aftpin