"THE A M IE R I C A lJ . (5 I ft I ( .liittl . .! I l'r .i s . I .!. !! ' (. il i :i . M i M I ! . i ' llu 'mi ' t leu 1, ! M I'-Ht )'' I'll' ... (i t II) ,t tt ...I ..! I ' I It-It II. . ,'nl I I, .1 tti'l, il i,lm I. I ,.i)'il wf i Inn '. ! ', ' i ii !,ni. in, ' i- i, " ii l."iii siinl I'M hIi, i h ! il, !- lb. iui:i H.i.!rn tiiii1'!,!' ), I no uMIi.iii I I't1.t'". I lit I , tl.f ,',' . jlM-llltl. H' n'lii't, ln f;il, lit i .. fm ,'n l III II n T HUM. III. Vll 11 till' tlilllli I HI. I mi Hindi- IliM ).liw tt n tincil ) innl fm in'i iiiiii i,( ii, i. ;: ii .1, in uii.iiiiiiii lit IhI nlh' I liiV" tthitll Bi'li lllnl I'lHM IIIIMIH: , IllN.p 'tan I lll (ill Milled nil,' yl Intel) J'I, mi I fill' II llllle lll'lll llllll I'llllll' fl'Ullt iH'tllltletliHI" 'M'n 1 1 y Iiimii 'l tin mi . Tin li I If' r 1 1 rex i v i tin' l ll'lll I" fill In three In i -fm tihleli flu' mi Inxi'il fi.'i in 'I'liU lllilV i nlilil 1 1 M V r' ilillllril tlii'lil ItiT i If fur lililf tin' ini'lii , IiihI flii' In I'll iillimi il In tin mi, mm liifni iiiimI Unit ttniiiv irnM'fi ottiii'iH wi'ii' ulilii'il In i'll i Hi I mi iiitiiuiiI nl extreme In lit Inn, 'I'lii' Wombr In nil', il Miuniiii, till" h'tie l i n, Unit nntv hum. with ii liiyli' iiirk uf iiil clnl Ikmi, mIiiihIiI vote for niielt clly liliiiiili'ri'f, In Clili'itpi tin' HhiiiIhIi i'iil Mii'iit inn nv un lining tnilllonn of dol lar worth (if ri:vi'tiui'-ii'( .IiicIiik irut et'ty, cxellinlvo of it Iiiiih limine, wliirli lii i' exi'lnpl from t u x lit ion. Tin' wi called nlnti-rn dlart out. I wo by I wo Motiilny morn i lie-ami li ;r Nyt, mut'ii'iilly tititil Siil unlay tii"hl, mid i-vi"'y Inn-oar yOU IIH'I't. Itl-nlll' H III'! J (lllllllllidt.d. lain Mot, hii'lll( III!.' of t in iri'nclit, lint In form llii' fi'MTit wanlty of employment. Anil tliouyh IliU iivitrlrioiin iviriora- llori In cheat inn 'I'" (,'ovoriiiiii'tii out of liillliouii of ilollai'H, yet. ii in llu'ir hfibil to font iiiiin lly liari alioiil. t he whool laxi'M, It. In hint eoininn, hi that iatriiild liili IVolonlnntn iiiuhI f tin! laxcn, jenultd do lint ma nay int.', ami their (H'oplit ffi-t t.hu olllci'M ami the money, ami Uio A iii''i'i'!iui iIoMm, iim ihey are ntyled by ji'MiiltM, Hcijiih'Mci'. Buttlu-y iir'f itwitklnj.' from Unfit' li'tluiry at lant, "John lirown'n liody n nuirch i nj; on." Aiioi,h!t' oiitni(,'o on juntlni! I nuif.t rm rit ion, in that Koirii' Uiillowi'd to rmr K ami 10 foot ii-nwn aroiiml wliolu liloi-kii in Uii! thickly noUUm! fiov tiornt of Uio !lty,' wdorc. thu Ih wiIoom not itllow fWHH, ami hIho to build WTO " lh',y to th! (li;1rinii!iit of con tltfuoin tron;ry, Tlx; lilti UwMn im; mifffc"'nl iv. Our Lord wild, "Mti lovo darkn''i fUv than liht Iioi-iiiihi! th';if di,i!d nr'icvll." V? tiro (fliuJ to know that Jilnhop M'-XHtnara delivered hU lecture In Karma City in njilte of the ItoiniMh lioodlutm. We lire hoping he will eotK! here hy and hy, Kx J'rfent Hlatt'ry wax here wnne time tijfo lvt (he mayor wan deterred hy the Kotnihh rabble from Kivintf him Jiei-tine topeiik. If liinhop Me.Namiirfi eofiieH here he enti nfienk wit bout it lieefme, liml will be well paid for bin wrvrvn. The people here now lire more aroused than ever before, Truly your, A 1iVI.H OF Jt.'HTKT., - - - riflt't'tilh Mfn-t'l ' liciilrc, 'J'here tire ninny theiitre-tfoern whoie preferenee in for burlewjiie, and Ibey will have an opportunity to wliti'' their favorite performance at the, I'if tecfitb Ktf'et Theatre next Week, open ing Monday evening. Comedy, inunb cal eeeentrieltieii, ami leading nfeenlt v people, anions tin in thti "i,iiHi fiivin' rUi family find Mile, Mltntin, the tnarveloijM female Handow, tnakeujia programme I hat will be mire to plcae, - KiH,i rrrv jtjmiir.t hi;ms. It IH now Home, K t and Huln in Karma City, but we nope to ce It J'eaee, 'ro(j recit and IVofpet'ity, after the KfivlDU election, WoSliKlf If that frlent down on the eiud, lot .tome made any tbitiK by nwear liife' thoe men down there, ami ma (Ifif them nwear they were not. A, I'. A'? A KiloitT time (il'o we noticed an ad- vi't'tixcmcnt beaded "'J'wo Kind rn Wa nt ytbin." That'n nothing, tt do . arly all the children in the Home of the (iood .Shepherd. TllK Nif i hown op In a v r,v di raceful manner by pret-cnUnt,' a porlerV idea of the public sentiment In Miceriritf contempt, mixed with inor ant hiii'i'imm, when diHciMi-in I he re ci tit riot. Home of I he Kuia City naily paper are eliding aloii' tie trolley w!te of hell wot k with -urprWfij riipidity, W; AKK nlorin awny poii,t for the comiiK; ehetion, and will make i-oine of !c "pie-h" v,e, p hefore tn have rhakcti tie- (lomati dut from 1 heir clot hen, Ve are not to be bought. We thank ton, ' hut you cannot nhut our eolumtn- wlUi a national bank full of money," The ''pUhh" bub money In not current in our olliee. ,S'o IMI'KK lui" ever utarted in KiinoaH t'ity wbii'b him jrown mi rapidly ii 'Ywy, Kanwah (,'itv Amkiucan. Tie people know what they neiil, and are taking hold, KomunUm struck a fiiay when he at tempf' d to run im out on the fi rut round. We are here yet, and with the beli of rind will lijjr hi until t h't liitt bre:ith ImJepi ivei) im, atnl will never flinch. fbtvv l it the HoitiMti Cathoiien can procure the rcicaxe ;of men who Incite H I .'t t-i , ' i;iia I' I f .Mm "I I ! 1 1 k. I i' , t: ( .1 I. ' , U I ',. !. (it 1, l I I f 111' I ,' I ( '.. , ..., i , .. i,. . m !!,. tii- - :. i.' . , ... I - . I ! ' ' t'-.u.. '" " n Li- Ii c"'i ' lie i n ' " ' , i ' ' 1 1 kiii ! "' i'i' Hfl. ,!,,) I'i n i t ii i i 1 1 : I, ill in! ,'!) II I , ' i'" I 1,1 I I I U . ll!";lllll 1 1 ! i III tlMl il ll-e j. HI, ' I 111 HI! - H ' 1 I- i I ("lllHI'i IHi : ii'li.-.. Tut pi!). I- iniikiii,' ii 'mill I'li'. ;lu., hlnl MM ill' liiinl In p jour ,1-JlK j'll II I! (.11 llll ll' IM"' lift' i lie j Kllll, lllll" .Il I.-, !" Hot en ,,f!i l tlie fi-lhiw who mii liiriil In iin Hie i lt!ll' but I'llllie llow II lie lllllll vim ! fill lii-lii d t h" liii'iuy tint! bought the will", Ti n in him' iiu will run nciii; Mill' III' llllll e I'f ImHI'II" t'ltj'f IHttiMil- il Hlnl ennr khcp priMiinti r. It )mi do. Illll the mipi'l'ilitemli III ol Hie pnnr flint ott ii I he teiinm I hal were tued to haul the coal front the llrie h ( 're , k il lit i tin tu Hie chiirili ot the ll"l Nititie, or did they ).'! uiir to I he t'outit y V Il IiIhii liilt'hl be Well fur him in' uf 1 1 1 1 I'i ' i.e tl If t lie ellii ' i'H of 1 1 1 i count) do lint do il, lo liml out ului paid for Ihe eual. The tiiiiiKiicI ion look rather Mt I'll !!(;, If it In till idyll I. Of eoui'w, ! lliliy be all I'ltfllt, but Hollie people nei'lii to doubt it, TllK iolieeinen Who were Uwlnj.' pro fane and vulvar laiicuace. detiouncln).' liir-hop .McN'amura, w hen I hey Mood In fl Croup on the Htreet, on the tliehl, of bin hitch), explain why the mob win not dinpct'Kcd at. Turner hall on Ihe tiicht of .liitniary Id, llll. Their threatM went ho far an to nay. ''The ouchl to be hunt'," Thin l a nice lot of oIliceiH to euard the public Hiifety, If they and the puliare not, oiiHled in the near future, thin city will not be tenautable, So much for the (Ionian Catholic police and their cllieleney an ofllccrH. A re the A uteri cairn C"I"K bi allow thorn to remain? Well, we think not! Tit; reKirt come to im that Mr. VA Flnlcy hired a hack and had It placed near Turner ball, on the nltfhtof the riot, for the purpone of having Binbop McNitmani (irocure it for bin departure front the hall. What would have been IhodeM.iny of the biwhop had he been enticed Into the vehicle (!itn be readily dincerned, A one, of llmiii'' rioter remarked "That wan ail d linefcchcine of Ed' havlnc the buck waltlnc for him, (the biwbop), watut't it thouch'" However cunnlficly tin! plot wim laid, thofi; who were on the look out readily (Uncovered the dcicn a'i'1 thwarted the bideoiw job, I thin one of Kome'd political way of porpctuatf nif free HpCCtlh? Suhw rcrlluoil Jiir1biitii. Kdilor TllK Ami:ki''a,v: Will you plcnxo nieiwcr the follow injf Uentiom In your tiext inniie: In there any by-law in the lawn reulatinc Ihe cnmmnnloncrn rf oliee that hUiU'x they mutt, appoint no man lothe ponltlonof fiittroltuatt Utllenw he in a I Soman ( athollt!? Tan the (ire .lepartmefit ever have a lend proportion that) U',1 iv cent of Ho man (itbolicn and n III conform to the law ad laid down In Katmad City' charter' If the "pllnh" in able to nucceed In dtiiyinc in power thiit nprinc will the people who tire not (,'alholicd and don't nbind in with tbocantf, lie allowed to remain in thin city without fcttlnc wrltt';ti permitd to that effect from the owner or controller of the town? Id Mr. "'Herman" a heretic? 'Herman call Chief Speerd' attention to certain neeljotid of the charier. What in the nect ion that, nay d to keep all police at, beadipuirb't'n while . Hu man 'atholie mob turnd ltne,f loone on the town? Where a IJoman Catholic mob ntoia d a pcrnon they do not like, tail, faild to kill him, do the lawn of Minnouri nay the victim of the nUinlnc nhall be huuc or only put in j;ill for life, for hi crime in vfuinif to die when aniiulted In due (lecal or no I mean) Hoinau niyle? Having watched the trend of eveiild for nome time punt, I only ak the i ipien'Jotm for information. "IS'it lltCK," t k 'ed III I n IT lii llrimuihcr Ii tliat. the I!urliti(tiu Houte ha a Ci'ealer mileage in ,Schrnku than any other railroad and t bat., nine canen out of ten, If tie- In,,. I, lake fur loe.ll fiolflln. Lincoln, Vork, tiraud Inland. 11' ai lice, H.ltili(n, Kellitie), Hwilt'il, ,N e- hra-ka 'il , Ited Cloud, lloldreje and Wymore are a few of tie' placen that are eti'.lly and comfortably I'eaehe f r' 'in Omaha via the J n-i ineion Uoiiin, City Ticket Ollic", l.'l.'l I'arnaui St, If yifi are ;'oin;; to travel in any din el jon, call at Criind Jiinct ion Tick' I. Olliee, Ninth, Main and Ite'aware Sin, and ect their rate. The a;feiii, Mr, A. Hilton, or any of hit a -.i-iaiil, will be c-lad to furnish you with re liable Informal ion, and nell you tii'lfi t.n over flic bent IdM'ihlo fou'e tf t The WLbfERN 1 HAIL in oublihed iiiarlerly by the ('IIK'Aiili, ll rK Irt I. AMI A. I'A' II')'' KAII.wav, It telln how to C't a farm III lh" went, and It will be dent to you cratin for one year. Kefid name and ii'ldivn to "Kdilor Wi nU'i'tl Trail, ( 'hieii;;o," and receive It one year free, JOHN HKBASTI AN. H. I'. A. - JOHN HUDDwill It -move bid Jew elry ntore to tic. Midland Hotel. ;!I7 X. Idtb St. l'ebriiary ,'th. ( 1 t 1 t i i ! i 'i !' i i ' I',.. .i 1 i n . : i i . . i is 1 1... t ' "l I ,,. ( I. ( ' , , I I , . I, . . k r , , I , ,1 . I . r A it i i . ... I 'II,. . i Hi i . (I l i k I I I I- ,. .., . I l .. .,. II.'. 'H I. , ,lf.li. I i i'Iiii, i , i. , , u ii i i Unii" M tllrtili, m I mill I tin, "The ti""t iiiIUim' Hiliii.( I rtnf liml," - il I I I f j i" . t, " n III fen t lltn i i ir Miei' 'n'( Mi. h, I tn.l iliii oniiill Imiiln r i H'iii m ti l Hi d t-i tnt in mm i f tliii Intnl. prut I I. .1 (or I'm rh"' Min n tn iitiiu . I'i n oil,; IIhIiI fri'lll I llll tl"tt II, Mll'l "!lll( IMlll'," i'f lli wi li it dliiuil v It n. i nn . I tu mi' Unit ti Flit III' erlil H nd nil fit. Il l l litnl HII'I lllt'"i, lllllli r llliil J tt t 1 t II If llli'ih' tiuMi of (lri't'ii lt"h litiij h hluti tiiiiihril niul t . ' 1 1 1 , i -1 1 1 1 1 u lh" iMi'l of III" mul'l l i-iiiii t'n iy did' t'oiitil In lieuril duiiiul' llkn Hi" llrllu( of I'liiili'Ui liiel III nlilli l.i tif il) Inn liiiiiiim Ih II'ii. II. w.'i tin full hut i.f llin bniiuh niul Iim nluhinu 'f Hi" Wllul.l'Ut I lirii r lii'iiiil mi liiil'til'h' n mhiiiiI nnr Iiiii'nwil mitti'ltil ttiel trrl I ) rt Ulit lliil il y iiMnki'iiInu thu elliiT ini'ii In lh rniup, I iiiiiunli'd n hi'i-Mi' Hlnl Ili il fteiii tin' llnuin Hut ilin liiirM coiilil not ki'i'i tmriiltli flu pniKlvn of tin fin. The lurid I iiivi'im 1 1 ii ,b ei I ii tliniit,'li tiny with lit tiinlli'll lii'ill, (he l t r Wild nt IMIliK, 1 1ll' Kiliukii aliiinxl niillnr iili'd im', w lillii fallliiK li'iivi'd and liniii;lid buriii'il my Imrni', nml till nlcki'lilliK ud'ir of hlirulllK Ih'nli mldi'il to tliii Iiiirmr. Wilhin Iwu or I hnm luaii I mil In an i leu I ii it, uIiitc I mi no Imi C'T III (binder, but my Ihiiik mm badly In Juri'd, wtille my clnl hlnn md full of Imlen wlier finhi'i'd had ulnick ine. I will tak' my chanced w il It cycliuii d nr carl hiiiiilii'n, but Imt with it buriilliK fnrent ncalll," Ht. lAHlid (iluhil Deliuientl. Hi I'rnnbli'lil' ItlKlit III Collier". The prcMldiMil, of Hut 1'nili'd Hlali'd Im 110 pcrwifiiil riwhl, III the limine of ri-prndi'llt litlvcd. Ibi ran nend It mcnitfe, hut It Id not obliged tocxti'lul any cuurlcdli'd In tint way of quarter on ' h! door, Nuduiiht lie would hn ceiirli'imnly treittcd If he uliould come, hut, he never ha renin during tho regular leuislal ivn denitiuiid ami prulm bly never will, lint In tluiwnale it IndliriT rut . Tint ri'lat luiid bet ween thu priwldi'iit and I ha upper chamher are clone nml cnnll (li'iilliil. It, pannid upon hid nomination and ran bn very tmrecahlnor dlMiirei'iihle If It, Held out, Them Id a premli'tit'd room there, and hn ha a Hi lit. to count Into tint chamber and deliver hid incnMaK't In pcrnon If he need fit, I'rcHldenl, Madldott appeared In the actinia frequently. I)urln itxi'!Uliv dwlnim tlire In a chair for prcdldent henldi! tho vlcu prrl tletit'd, tlioiiKh It doc nob et wannml with any frequency. It I onnof tho tradi tion of the truMt that the pri-dldcnt hn a rtht to tak pudnennlon of tho vlcu jin-nl tletit'd chair whllfl ho I delvcrln a nm wee, but no prcnldcnt Iin ever avullnd himnelf of the rfehl, rind that, dmill boon In tlll left ti fin dccond ofllccr of the gov erninent, Wanhlncton I'odt, ICiilllled to a I'Hi-'lon. Many fttiecdolcn of General 8am Hon ton ar told which ahow Ihat hi tniigue wad by no meatid dlow or bin wit dull. An Ocneral 15 had been financial agent to ttio penitentiary for n tut tn her of ywr and warmly opponed General Houdton'f lant election a Kovernor of Texa, h feared he would lone hid denirable olTlctt. He Iherefore prcdenled it petition In dint llmu, linking that, he miht b retuiund, hid "loti(( and faithful dcrviced" belnx ored a a reiHon for grant ln tho rwptiidt of the petit loner, "It aijieardfront thin petition, mmnrnl," iiald the c"vcrnor, "that you havtt httuu lit tho penitentiary eiht yeard. " "Ye, lr," "And you trny (hat you hnvo perforrned faithfully each and every duty impound upon you during that time?" " Yen, dir." "Then, dlr," iwtbl fhn "vernor, with s twinkle in bin eye, "it nei-uid to mo IoiiKht to pardon you out," Youlli'ii Companion, T xiirllnr Verii 1'cn. When ft Id connldered (hat writing with pen l a purely mechanical operation ami had to be bihorlounly acquired, theroeem to b no reawm why any other mnchanlcnl method may not abm ho manterod, I'er aorid lono their hand nml turnout exfrt In thoiido of their toMt or Kl iimp of urnidleft. YtH many who attempt tho typewriter a tk-rt that after continued uo they csuttot rlcOiU It working to tho dubordliiHte pioco tif automatlR effort, which It iniidt, tflko to inaki fr! comfiodition poddlblo, A man who hod, but finally conquered, diich illfTicully ld ho did no by refraining front tiikbiK a pen or pencil in hid hand MtitlMt wad Hfcomplldhed, "Jt look tn Itlnii month ill practice," he mild, "hut I pernevered and gradually becnui pro ficient. Now I find mynelf very awkward with a pen."- New Vork Tim. f 'li r-!- if II 'inem. IVidtir Kru-ipp, (ho famomi dlnrovprer of tho " barefoot cure," who rHH appointed chamberlain by tho pope, rared little for the honor. II" did not even lake the trou bio to open (bn letter announcing the p polntment and (Imt Jcnim-d of tho honor emf'-rred upon hbn by the arrival of adep ntatiori at. Ilia W'oemlhofen clointer to con gril ulato him. He deelined to bo addn-nd tvl, however, a "monnlgiior." It, w with dlfllculty (hat. ho wa peidiifided (o leave hi reln-at lo go (o Homo to thank Ihe pojm, Home CorrcKpondcnt. TwInhlliiK Hint Mean find Wallmr. I have conntanlly observed nt era Ihat dteadily biirtilngntard Indicated culm, fair weather, find I bo more I hey twinkled Hie worm I ho went her wa likely to he. The foreeiht given by lb! variation In d'.lntll la(ln wnd aliii'iht invariably correct in (he high latlluded, tli'iif.'li It fallnd ciuic time in Ihe I roplc. Nature. Varlou exierimeiil are being rnndc I wild tho new Hwedjnh nun k' lend powder called nnyriie and lamed upon Ihe highly fillrated cellnlone. Home of lheo tenln I Khovv Ihe article to give nn Initial velocity j of more than 2,100 fi ct per m-cond, giving ; out fio (himo and looking like couiinou block powiler. A fiermait balloon, named the I'liotilt, I llghli'd by In, :i 1,-li-ni-eiil lamp, eiicrgti d from a nmalt buiti ry arranged on thu car. It I lined fur In- purpono of comluctlng eeli'iil llle Invi i-l igai ion at night. When a girl allow a young man to put hid overcoat on u it hunt iiMnting hint, It Id a nlgn that nhe iloenn't waul him to rornc back any limr-. I'enclt ntone hate 'i ready market In New Vork. J'ctfiiiiic, ravoring fx tract and prusnio aeld am ilitili-d frntn them. 1 III A i Mi t t ft I I Ht!A Ml thn t Mil I ' I... i IUI I lUihHi., It I It, M .1 I I ' ,b I- lit i . i I'I', ' I I I I ' ' . I ! I i . I t "i I till .. I . t 1 - '! '!. ' I , i I ' " ' I ' . i 1 . I I I '." .' .-I ' . I - li e' 'II... .1. en I !,, (,, 'h .!,... I l.-i II, ; I I t ' 1 f, 1 Mill '" ' t Ill 1.1 li.'l ' I '. ' 1 . . I.. ,1 I .. I tall . , ll'l, IIM ll V i. t. ! ! I ,!,i it.,. 1 1 1 nnl i inn I .,i.. I lb. I hi, r I" i I Im M hi I in !nl t 111 1 1, it 1 1 Kill It I ( I tl Itlll l ; til,. ,.. ,' ., hi . ,! . II,,., , . k" ' Km , l lnl . I.llliili t Im ( Unit III!) InUtllll : ( I I "I I ' III, . M i , .li,l'll tilt t , n it ...! in rilil , 'l 1 lin t 'lit tie, It r J , i i I niiiitll u el f nh'ini 1 1 I'lil l '-It "It It I br i itrlnllli ( ('"Hi il n ' im It y er iin Ml i .1 mo l,i i , n il in i Ii' a t-tu ill 'M'!l. .f . It. ',1 IHl ,t ll.,,tn lllltlllll- ll'l put lulu iliii i it tiy or i i ( 1 1 ti t iim tie rut id nut tine, n I Im i (! tun y I. Ni'tit ' pin k Dm col I nit In, i'MIik tin M it I lh,' In nt , lib', bul limit Iim pi Hi I niiinil i iiiuiyli .i ! tMltl'M lllllllll rl"iOI III llliml I'll'' I Ibid tt III i lul the (nil Lii'. lieu Ihe t'liliii ' are nib n it in I 1 1 lull r. paint I tt u or llii-ec ! I Iim, I tt ii iiiiuuii ii'iu I , v Ii li n 4 pr ! fi'lil tmlul lull of mi lillii' 'I'lii' pit! li lil Hun have Iiiiii enl ill)J II (jiiil.l ileiil . flllil 'I II" toiiiii niul iiiiii iiiid iiii'iiii'iiini' I'f llu tun lilt tin '.'ib miiir hIhiiiih Ii liml lu tl day the I net Inn lie w ill Ml urn, tilvit IU (iiniim uf niihnii Untitle of bin llllll II liml III ci-iiliid nf pbi'ltili rl ill III iiiii i lllul li nimibtr duni' bi lin e nu Ii uf 1 1 1 - IIih i- folluwliic liicnl, Willi a himitlvii, tf tii'i'tl I fd, ami ni i.iiill fruit fur ti few day, mi l It W III Imt. leliii ii. The name powder cv I cry I wo hiiurd w Ii li ci'M,it Inn of fruit cat llU( will flop III' piTHixli'lif, Inrinelll llll( ; iti'iiriilKhe .lobii II. Weaver, M. It., In j .leiini d Milh r Mniillily. Hi. Aiiua-tllite The city of St. Aunm-I iue, on tint Mini, ern count of I'lorida, hIiiiuN in onu redpetit pre eminent auiiiut! all the ell iin of Iim I'liHi'd Slides il In truly im obi city. It ha many ot her claim lo eounhli'ial Inn, but them are nhiti'id Willi oilier cillc Hut In regard tn iikc It in t he unit tiieni In r of II eland. ( 'imipari'd with the cllie of tho old World, SI. Aucunliiui woiihl hit called younc, but in Iim I'liiled Staled a t-iiy Whom building ami tnonumeuld couiierl I he midillcnKcd w il h Iheprenent limemay ho coiiHldered to havi- a ooil claiui to hit called am ieiit. After vldititiK domn of our ureal, towtid w hern tint no'.Hit and IniHtle of I raffle, the (Ire and din of ma mi fuel nrcd, (hit l"HK lined of buiblliiKd Hlri lchiiiK out In uvery direc tion, w II h all the other evidenced (if active enlerpriHc, proclaim (bene dl led creation of tin preneiit day and hour, It Id refrenh ln and renlful to o down to quiet Ht. AukiimIIiic, v.Iiithoiio may cao Into tho dry moat of a fort ofmedia val architec ture, walk over ltd ilrawhridKCd, pad un der lid portcullid and go down Into IU duiiKi'ond, and w here In doft dcmltroplcal air the vlnllor may wander through nar row nt recta rt-xcmhliug thono of Kpitln and Italy, when the houned on each dido lean over toward ono another no (hat neighbor: nilghtnlmodt tdiaku hamld from (heir tipfier window and aro nurroumled hy orange grove and rone gardetid which bloddoui all the year. Frank II, Stockton In Ht. Nlch ohid. Ho.iU lilliil'Kriill,,i That the didlntegratlon of rock lao--coinfilinhed by minute and animal organ Idm a well a by atmtwpherii! ngrncle In by I'rofednor Atwatercottnldered ad admit ting of no doubt. Tho fact Id, of eotirae, well underdtood that plantd of both the higher mid lower order, growing on the durfaced or In (ho flnntiredof rockd, lend (o linin(cgml litem by the action of acid or other w-crel ion a well a by mechan ical meatid; but, according to I'rofeddor Atwater'a ohdervatlon mlcrodcopln or gatiiduid exert not only a dlmllar but a mora nubile end far morn general liillil once, for being of microdcopla dle they aro able lopcuetraUi (ho capillary Inler etlecdtif rock, and tho it I trio acid which they produce, acting no rotidtantly, through long periodd of time become an effective tueaiid of dldlnlcgrallon, J!y (Hit ting portion of dininlegrating rock Into uterillzcd tube and making bacteria cul ture wilh them tho prenenco of nitrifying organinuid ha been dhown In the bare rock of tho Alp, I'yrenei d, Ativcrgneand Vongcd, Hoi k of I ho tnodt widely vary ing mliierologlenl characNT granitn, por phyry, gnelnn, mlf-a dchldt, volcnnlo rock, limentone, datidnlone, etc, havo been thu dhown lo bo covered with ultra bacteria. New Vork Hun. Ilnpiu HniiK of Ohio In Amerlee, It I really appalling: to mmparw the rnormou amount of gatmion t. It I mi eontl lieiit at Ihe bi'ullilillig of the century with tho wretched remnant of lodny. At that time (ho American buffalo roamed (he prairie In coiinllcNd thounanrl and wa probably (he mont numerotid largo animal in tho world, and now - hut nil American know the nhameful ntory of lie extermina tion. Little more Ihan a hundred year ago gn at herd of elk dwarmed In tho Ken lucky and Illlnold hunting grotuidd, and even ad late ad )n:;o a few could bo found in Ihe dintrict north of I he ( dilo river, Today their fant dimifdnlilng hamld are confined to tin- mounlaliid of the tmrlh went. The nain- dad nfory nf fant ap proachlng exl inel Ion 11 rue of (ho other game anlrnaln, the antelope, big horn, mountain goat and I In- varioiid klndd of dei rlu fact, it la true of all fair larger mammal. Manv person living today w ill din (heir filial ii"iiiearam-o In A wild Ntale. fnl ury Magaate-. Il.-i fci-f.-ll.'r'd "It," John I), Hoeki-fi lli r, the ,-laiiilard Oil millionaire, got ahum In businen very well a plain John llm I, i f Her until In began to eel ri' li. Then he ti.pri.prlaled Ihe teller If an a middle Initi.il, .Sobodv knowd what thin letter I) ntaiuld for, fuel nobody i ter ill. The millionaire tluini.-ht he needed n middle imi in I to round out hi nlgnalure en a bank check, and be look the fourth teller of the alphabet beeauni It looked tvi II. Ill brother William, whom fortune of fun, iinu. nun wa made hi oil, too, never added to the tiauie hi pan uld gave him. John It. biei a nun iiimi il after him, and (be It In Ihe boy'n name I a tttynli ry loo, Thi ne t wo are I lie 0111 one In the lloi ke feller family who have more than one f'hrlnl Ian name, John I),' three daugh ter have nli'iit, dimple tinmen lli-dnle. A Hit and K.liili. New Vork World. A I tiieirii'iit Inn l'rriffr. Judge - I biv yon hypnotized the prl oner' I'l-of nsiir I bav "Well, what are tint milting for?" " I atu w .-nt itig fur jnti to decide whether I ehall make him cinfi-ss that ho did it or make him cmifi-n tkul be didn't." New Vork Weekly 1 - I l M. 1 t i I - ' 1, ,,'!( n v t it nh '( I i- .1 i " I i ' I l ilnt t. I", ( tl i , it unlet. tV I ! ii j t " t ii.-t, t i. I I 'ii- ( li't-'lt I I t-" "1 Kill '. ' III t.l I llllb I' I. ' it ,1 I, (l.'l. t titui I i I ...i.e. I . t- " ,i II II- ,1 - tt iiu.) I n , - -til ii h iii ti .i Itltu l b" liim; 1 1 u ! I lh. ,tt..r e ' ' I f t Mil l tin M l i p it. I f luo due w hl Int. hi 1 b I it it H i f t b.i .'i 1 1, i U n "I III lit I '111, I. HI lei, ' t . I tlumlil d lie' It in I In ,ni lit Ji nt il uiittiltilil"" I Illll i iiilli l. d i f lb Lb i ... I, lb" tltntiillief i-f Hut l' "III l"Min In , i U.lMl'.'ll I,' I t' 1). I lie, ,it ,lt Linn On,' il iv be I ml a v at' r tt Hit lliii l;i ' I.f I 'lii it' 1 1" I I lb, it be v. ml. I linl llli l tn nil liiiit.li u an tiijlicr f n il IIimii tu t Albr a l"i'' n.'iinh lh nut i t i" I Mi -I n ttuiiiiiit t hi, illli' wim at l id lieitiii'il I it (Mil t in lite III it mi i(i f, lilll lit II lh" bill t put nil lltn "urn ui'd lii'ti'lifi'itr hi ntipeiinr imlnn w a tit uttt ad Itlltteil. All the e.il Itulllld. A I IiIiiuiiiiiii I litliti I iir liiilirmirn. One of lliwli it' lliwiitaiii'ii iiien In Mll'l II Mil il 1 1 building Vthlt II reived ail I iii I mil I Ion I hi na ii t a ii both a hIhi and liotlie, Tlie pulley t'tiVeld (blltlllfp caiiM'il by Urn ami wale,, but John Chlnalilllli evidi'lil ly Ihoilght hn va pniti'i llng lilmm lf ngaiiiiil b "mi dun lo tiny ciitiHii tvhalevcr, iim bt hIiowii by (he following teller ll'l'llenieil tu thu IliHUI' am i' coinpany : S.. inn liml li"V brill my (inn itliinn. New ell lure, ('iiiiii lay Iiiiiikii Imik lit new. Jim l.lidil. Jo't I'Xpecleil (Im conipatiy to innke good Ilin damilipi ilomi by the "bud boy," who id Ihe Ciiiiiamiin'H worst eu my In the cily. Iluatoti Traveller, t'rlitillilil tViininll, I'lofeHMor KoinbroMo, the eminent I I ;i 1 1 ii ii nrii'tilihl. who IioIiIh biii'Ii very Htrong ndverHtt iipiniotiH ii to llieahll l(y ol' women to i'eel pain iin iiciilnly a nu n do, him lalcly been purHiiing hid invcni igatiotis in niiofher direction, ami he had now delivered hiliim If of the uiiqiialilii'd iipluioii Hint women of the -t t tin mi I nml liuuiural typo tiro Invari ably largi i of lunula nml leet am hiiiiiII cr in the heml than nveragii wotnnit. (hint rahiing in an important anil growing IndiiMlry in Oregon nml aottio other iiot lhvvehb'i ti hIiiIcm. Oiki rancher in licntoii county, Or., had ti lino herd of 4m0 goal, which included a number of thoroughbred Angora buckd, Twnn-ty-lwo ceiila ii iouml id Ilin lowent thld man hit ic-ceived (oru llnccu in a dozen yeaiH. Jack rabliifd from tho far went nro old In tho New Vork market. They are dent fant In gn at number by firm that buy of tlm pot hunter. They aro Mold dido by rldu with tho imlivo liare of IhnotiMt, mnl nacli Jack rabbit welglm about twice un much hn hi naalcrii coiidin. The famoitd I rout notidd of the (Jnta- ?'!!.'! 'I. H'.-VI'I'. '-I'l.tX-l "-; .... ...1,1.11 ... hiii iiii'iiiiiiniin iimj i'i luito nu ii'i-iiiioij fit a laku near Ivmmotidvillu, Two oth er new (rout jioiida will nldo bo pr jiared In tbtt inountaitiM befortt long. To keep (ortolan tthell comb bright rub (hem after each wearing wilh Moft leallier. When they become dim, clean with rol ten Mono and oil applied with cliamoid, Japancde cook aro tlm mont crutil In the world. They cut every atom of flenhoff a living huh piecemeal without Hint CliUding dentil, A loaf Htaibi from two pound of Hour will weigh a pound 8j ounce when taken from tho oven. TOURIST CAR TO CALIFORNIA. Cheap Hate, Quick Trip. The (ravel from the north and north went territory, tapped by TllK Ckkat Koi'K iHf.ANlt Itiil.Ti:, ha demanded dcrvlce of thin character, and beginning Octoln-r filli, lourldt card will leave Mimii'itpolid every I humility morning and join the regular tourint train out of Chicago evry Tburmlay afternoon at ( iilumiaid .lutict iou, in,, at, j I p, in. i -en t ml Iowa and the great went, dlope dintrict nt Unit nliite, d'-mimd and will receive a nlmllnrnerv'e.e, ami In elntiing Oetohi r lOlh. a I'hilllfei-llock Inland l.td-urnion bar will leave Alin'it l,ee every Tiionilay morning, and via l.iver- more, i'i, inline ami Angun, will arrive at lie Moinc that evening, and Wcdnonday a. in. go wi-m on the liig I'ive," via Omaha. I.ineolti and Hollo-villi-, at. which point It, will join the regular Tuemlay train from Chicago. Kitll particular im lo cheap rule tiekeld fnf tbid trip, ami ulno tin to cunt of berth In the tourint. car cheerful! v gi .'en on a ppl icat Ion to it ny (real I lock Inland Itoute 1 lek' t Agent, or ag nl. at coupon Mat ion of connect in I i lien. ,I,V;. HKIIAVTIAN, C. I'. A., ' 'h ieago. TO CALI.OHNIA Via Denver and Salt Lake City. I 'alt'oun of th" Ol'eal, I'l-litrai I'olile VVeeklt I'eur-ioli- to ( 'il i I forn i.l via the I'liion I'nei be e,m loiv e I h'ir I ielfi'lh read via Ii-iiu-i' and Hull 1 ,.- i( . t'ity without add il lonai o.peiinc. t"l for (older glviiij,' i.-taiii ami n Ivahlaj." i iilTereil, I', I'. nlll Aid i;. Mgr.. K, I 1,'iM V. :d to. I'lark St, li I', .V T. Agl.., liieii'.oi. ' lliiiiha. Ni ii, t lint Spring. Ark,, Without (liiiiige. (in and after Junuui y 'Joih, liu- Mi- noun l ai'ibi- I ai I w ay v. ii l run a itiroue n nlei pinj.' ear from thnaha to Ilul Spring-, Aikan-a nilhoul change, via Kaimitn City, Ft. Sniltii and Little Itiick, h aving Omaha iiu i ! y at u p. m. l-'or further informal ion, rat- n, etc., call at ilepol, I'if lei'iil b ami Wcbnter, t-ltji ticket ollle.', N. I-;, cor. Thirteenth and I'ltrtiiiiii. .1. . I'HU.i.ii'n. A, ( I, 1'. and I'. A. l-'.'i;-l Tuns. I-'. i.Kid Ki.Y, C T. A. ACME" School Shoo MiSM AMI t lilt DDI N M VtttMl N s Mis illel imi mil N ft Siiliit Oil mill Gram Imi M Scliool Slincs, at low rNict:n. WOMI N li hMOl ft, 9lf.it, ;ihi n mi, $.i r.tt, moo WM. N. WHITNEY, imi 113 S, 15th St. Mii,b r (vt or t tit In i I'ei lie ..liOlll'l Willi at otic" tii.buiN N 1 .11 A h I1 1 A Ji T. A , I'. I! I IV II. U,, rhie,ie, Tl 'N I I N I'S, Iii nl ainpn, per p u k for Hie nticlicM Cllliln 'on I'tct' thnllleil. I'm' I OH loll Will receive fi'i'o by r) pt i nn leu piielin, Li'l'.iil Noltre. I'llol lit: I: I I l.lMns i V IliM'lil'l , Nu. ,'li" .1 t nil l.ll I I III II niul y i iiin t nf liniiKltin coiinly, nl lite of Nelil iti.1.11 : .III. Mill till, ilefeniliilil. Mill till,,' linlli'e llml nit Hie ,, ilny nf I icccinlici . , 1 1, l-'H I'll,,. I.e li I lllil, in, ,1 ii I , I 11' heleln. Illeil del H III inn 111 1 In- , , 1 1 1 , 1 V I'llllll of llouulll enlllllV, N i I ill -U ll. liMlilnnl Mll'l lit tcllibllll, ii nil I lie eoiiii I v ,iul i;e If ii l im imler nf u l -liii'liftieal fur tin- niuii nf imhi Ul mild iii'llnii pi-uillliK I I nlllil i'llllll tt lii'l-eln pi lie U. I' )'.. billion Im IiIiiIiiIIII. nml Jiu'iiI. I. ul. in tie. feiiiliiiil, llml properly nf llicitcfi'tiiliinl enn-nli-tiliu nf bill lltlioe pmil liililc, hIiivi-, clillll'i. i'lni-1. lee-clienl mill line. Iin lii'i'it llHlielieil llliller "lllil illili-r; mi III 111111111111' prti y h luiluuii'iil iti'iilii-ii wiltl ili'feiiiiiiiii. fm Hie Niiin nf nlimii tint- fur n-nl nf Imllillim un il niul oectipli'il ul nil nml Din r-iiiilh 'Illll leelil II Hlleel, (lllillbll, Nelil -link II , Hllbl en tine tvun ci ill 1 1 ti i ii'i I I o I lie Til li ilny nf Mil re It, n!l, Vull Hie liilfliy li'iirell tn lllmHer "Illll pel II Iiiii on nt In fine mii III "il Ii (Iii y ul Mai'i-li, imi-l. nr ii J ml f me ii I will In- In ken iihIiihI ynu. Oiiiiilin, .Neb., .1 it ii ii rt f v I ntt 1 1 I'll'il'.liK . - y , N N . Hy .liilin 'I'. I 'ul linn, lier a Homey. I - M-4 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. I'nilii niul by virtue of a ii orilor of mile on ilecreenf forei'liittitie of inortuiliO' Inmui-iI nut, of I In- illiililcl i'llllll, of I Ii il l tc I it h cniinfy, Nelil iimIoi, anil llllei-leil loine, I Will, on Hie ;!iilli ilny of l-cliruiiry, mm, al. I o'clock p. in. of niilil day, at. Hie norlli front, iloitl of I he cull ill v i'oii 1 1, houue, lit Hie i-ll y of (liiiiilni, coiialy, nf IiiiiikIii mill nl ill e of Ni-IiiiihIoi, mil al, )iubllc auction, lo the hlnlieni, libliler for canh, Ihe iroieity ilencrllieil In n'lld nnler of mile an follow, to wn ; but, eltfht, id) la block Ihree CP la lliliftfn' i'biee lulillllon liillie rlly of Oliililili, III the ml li t' of Nelii itnloi. Hald mile In to nullify Ihe JuilKiiieiil. of nu lit courl reiuleiril nl Un l i'liiiiary term. Id'.i;i, In a eerliilu aelloti la which lite llelkliiiu Kav liiln Hunk of biiciiliiii, New llllliii-lilie. Id plillallll, and Win, II. Ilityilen nml oilier weiii ill feiiiliuilM A ppcariilice doclii't ll't. No. I7H, (laiiilui, Nelil iinli ii. ,iinuitry V.i. IH'.ill. Itl'.UIAII f'.l'iil'IIIIAN. Hpei-lal Manter f loiiilnlnnloiier. I. II. A tidrewd, dltoi ney. l-Wi-ft I flj NflWl!(I "hy To Ihe iiiiknuXr Tut t0 aI'I"'!,;HrTt rl,- IliK. ileei-fideu: "T, ehfyiy ti tn--- t nu iiiiii eiien in you w r ,i, r ' " ' on Hie Hilt iliiynf i-vm.,t il'La, '.Vmbellii I,. I'ecli, (il ilI It It IT herein, (lied lief pel I Una III tlm dint rlel cnitrt of liouKhm cotialy, Ne-liiii-liii. ninlii'il W, A in n lie Koi'i lliiK and I, Hit l.ulnon, Hie oli)ecl Mini prayer of wlileli Into foreeliiNii a faorlioure fceiil'( oil Hill ,li (I ilny of April, mill, hy W, Aniitlle KoerllaK 10 l.iiveiie ( :, llnlen, anil by him tiNdltfiii'il U Iniib'-lhi (,. perk, pluliitlir lieri'lli, iiioa lint pioporly ilencrllieil a follow: l.ol tluee I'M III block ncven (7i III Koiinl.n l otlllh Hup-pleiiii-riliiiy lulillllon to Hie elly of lliiuiliii. In Hiecounly of IioiiIim. ami the .lute of ,N elan nli it. In ni l-lire the piiy meiit of ll ftole for Hie mini of fl.ffli.Ht dm- a ml pay able April II, mini, on which ant" niul iimMtiiKc I here I now 'Iue it ml pay utile to I It" pin i it l lit I he nmii of f:. avian wilh lalerenl at rule of ncvciiiVi per cent tier aiiiiiiiii from tie- Hid ibiy of April, mill, fur which mii in with liilerenl.. plaintiff pliiyn for a decree, (bat I b" ilifin ilioiln pay Hie Kim, e. anil Hint In llef.iilll nf nuett piiyuienl, mii til piciiilM-M may In- nold lo nnllhfy Hie iiinoiinl found due, I li Hi all of mild defendant Im forever barred of their lull-lent Iii niul ri al enlalJ'. Von lire reuiilri 'l lo aiinwer t be nald peti tion on or hefore the fit It day of March, h't. Milled at Oiaitlia, Neb,, January gird, imi-l, IdAltKI.I.A b, I'M K. Ily II. )', 'I'boiiuid, heriilloriiey. l-'iii-i Notice to Non-Resident Defno,nts. To . (nine (I, Hinder nml Altltil 1', fhilter. iion-renldeni defend mil n: Von an- lu ri liy nnillleil llml on Ihe lltli liny nt lieceiiilier, iwi.i. I uniiy lliyitiit (tud wlrt ni pluliitlir, filed lu-r pet il Ion In Ihe din lil.-l i-iiurt of IioiikIii coiinly, NeUrunku. 111 Iriht. you iin defeiidiuiln, tin- oliecl. and prnyer ef wlilch I to forei'lone a innrliiiiiot em i-Hleil on Ihe '.Jiilli ilny of .lillie, dd!i hy Mlchiu l (loiuielly to I' Uieiie (', liMe niul hy loin nl)iied lo I uniiy llryiinl 'indwln, phi let III In-1 el n. ii pi in Ihe priiperl y ilencrllieil an follow! 'I he wel one luilf ( W, 1 ,1 tit lot clyhl "i In block I'lcveaOli lit lieed l lrnl mill 1 1 Inn lo Hie illy of I hiuihii. In I he county of liiiinliin, and nliiie of Ni-hranka, to i-i-iire Ihe pliyinl lil of It ll'ile fnr the "Illll of 4 iVllKI doe nml pnyttlile Julie :!:t Ii l-'i-l, na which "urn Ilii-re I now due H'el puyulile In the pbillilllf Hie -inn of if l.;.Vl.ii wilh llllefent llll ll (III III Ihe lull- of M-U'll (Tl H t ccnl per 11 li iKiii, from Hie !iilh day of liecemlier, n!r, for which um. with Int rent, plaliil ill piny fol a decree thill Die (K-felid a III n pay Mm nniue. ii ii'l thiil Iii ilef nil! of -iii'Ii ii y in' r t mi lil premUi-. limy be nuld In nnllnfy the in,,, .mil fniiiid due, n ud Ihiil all of mild de feudniiln tuny be fun vr Imiieil of llu ir la lelenl Ui mil'l renl I -.title. , Vull lite II llllel In llllittl-r I lie Mllll pell- Hon mi or lielole tin- ah day nf Mnrch, l',i Haled nl iiiiiitlui. .Neli . .Iiiiiunry :si. I't. I ANN V II. i.nliW IN Ily II. I' 'riioniiin. lu-r ii 1 1 i,ri, y . I -:.-4 FREE'.v?,:; .V,!;r' a'n.it.ie.'- OLD COINS pnlil fm llieie dcinl two nliiiiip. National (;.,ln Co , tlmk No, I, tlj'i t m Ii.men tlutlitO'd lliitlin, Mil 1 1--''I KOUCH & HOUCH, Carpenter and Builder. M iiiiifuct im i find pepaiii-r of 6747 , Sturm Doors and Windows and Furniture. I I'lini.H I I.HIMi A fl'l.i I.M I V AM. WOKK t.UAKANTl.KI) 8hop IM7 Dutnnptii t Slrrat, OMAHA E. W. TRUMAN, GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, TM.K.I'lltiNK I'it 207 North 17th St., OMAHA, NEB Work 1'itlli-il fur and delivered. for INDIAN TERRITORY, Efc THE CHEROKEE STRIP, OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH, LITTLE ROCK and H0TSPR1NGS. ARK. Ticket fllfirt1. 1. E. fvrin r :ilh ami liirnara Sin. t