The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 26, 1894, Page 3, Image 3
i THE AMERICAN 3 THE SUGAR SCHEDULES. Lively Finhi Otrr thf Amend menu OflVrrd. cmf sirs now os In n,rrm t'rM Maiaa Mail an ItvpauitMiait ! tla Mat U ml inn. Mr. ltia a lltallnn M haa M tltM I ASittro Ik llai, fcrpaallran IWram llilarlaaa, WaMtiviTo!, Jan. 1'8 Th flgM l.i mnd lb ailgnr ehdiil of 111 tUm till was tush' In IliK Iioih Mttidsv, Tli first aiium linen I wa that i.(Ti'i , ty Mi Its (Ark.) to abolish cutireljr Un sugar b Mini jr. Mfiklrjiili!i(Ni'b.)ulTirti as an amend feiiMit to thikt nf Mel (an llmsugar bumy provision of tlin McKinley liw, Dikry (Mo.) offered as a snlwtttnto for th amendments a ir'wiillin to abolish the b unity on sugar and place the raw nml rellned sugar oil t tin free lilt. Cannon (Bis ) supported Mr. MdKle Jobn'i AtiiMii'l tniMit. Tho froi) sugar claims of the McKinley bill liml aaved the people of Hie country, rich mid poor like, iiiinuiilly from f 1 to (1.35 por capita. Breckinridge (Deiu,, Ark ) supported the bounty proviKion of the Wilson bill. Sugar In the McKinley law wan only free up to No. 10, Dntch standard. There were two woys of determining the grade of sugar, by color or by quan tity of saccharins matter. The Mc Klnley law bad accepted tho color test. Sugar, under No. 10 Dutch standard, wan not used on the American table. Above that standard the McKinley law placed a duty of oent per pound Thin duty was reduced in the Wilson b 11 to 4 cent. Hugar was freer under this b. 11 than under the McKinley law. Prince (Dam,, La.) then took tho floor nd made the principal speech in behalf of the Louisiana sugar interests, llar ter (Dom,, O.) was recognized at thin point and offered a inbstitute for the proposa l amendments, that of Mr. Dock ery having been withdrawn to abolish the bounty and substitute a duty of 1 cent per pound to In tnerousnd to 'i cents from such conutrieH hh levied an export duty. Gv Otiar mi Ovation. dear (Hep , la ) rose from his Meat and wan recognized at tlin conclusion of the reading of Ha' tor's atnetidinent, At tho clialr recognize I him, .be Republican, lido broke into cheer, which were quickly laken up on the Democratic side and fur several moments I tie dem onstration continued. Mr. dear offered an amendment to make a reduction of the bounty beginning in 1HSW Instead of 1 Wi'B, He explained the ITect of the free sugar and sugar bounty provisions of Ihu McKinley bill. Free sugar, be laid, saved I he t ample of the country 1170.000,000, and had Increased the eon luttiptlon of sugar from 50 to 01' pound por capita. Bryan (Doin,, Neb ), in support of the bounty provision of tho Wilson bill, de nied the right of any congress to bind future congresses, The Fifty first con gress could not bind congrfm f.jr 10 year to continue the bounty, If it could, it could have bound congress for 100 years. At a matter of fact be doubted whether tho Fifty-first congress could raise a moral obligation of any kind. Laughter, Instead of replac ing the duty on sugar, and thus taxing the consumer of sugar In thn United 8talas, ho favored giving the people the benefit of free sugar and ruining the revenue from an income tax. At this point, on motion of Turner (Dem tin.), tho committee rose utid tho speaker laid before the bouse the special message of the president, transmitting additional Hawaiian correspeodonco. At the request of Mr, Dlogley tho cor respondence was read. The speaker or dered tho message and accompanying document referred to the committee on foreign affairs and to be prlnlol, Jliiiitnlla Is lUthnr I'xraUtnnt. Mr. lloutello got recognition on a point of order and In an Impassioned speech declared it whs not apparent the gov ernment was engaged in fomenting in surrection in a country with which we re at peace. "I submit," said bo, In stentorian ton "that the house has three times been notified H e administration is on gaged In inciting liisutrociloii ami revo lution in Hawaii and that it. Is our duty to express the disapproval of congress in that policy, I cannot conceive that the speaker will interpose bis will between the house and Its imperative duty." I5y this time the Democrats had crowded down the aisles and were In a high slate of excitement, Hutch (Dom., Mo.) loudly demanding that Unutolln's words lie taken down. This, under tho rules, forces the member called to order to imui"dmtoly take bis seal. The speaker accordingly ordered lloutello to bis seat, but the hitter went on talking. Again tho speaki r called hl attention to the rule. "All right," retutod Molilalia, antly, without showing any disposition to comply with It, "The trouble with the gentleman Is," said tho speaker, slowly and deliberate ly, "that he repeatedly violates the rules. The sergeant-at-arms will see that the gentleman takes bis seat," The deputy sergeant promptly took his mace and started toward B mlolle, who quietly took his seat as the latter ap proach, The Democrat applujdud loudly as be sat down, The rule was then read, and Immedi ately afterward thn speaker recognized Mr, Wilson for a motion to go into com mittee of the whole for the further consideration of the tariff bill. On division, Mr. Boutolle made the point of no quorum. The sienkor, in accordance with the custom, appointed Boutolle and Wilson tsllers. KlMiakar la Mo Hmwl to Trill. "Am I sufficiently purged of contempt to act as tcllcrf' asked Mr. Boutelle con 'Uuiptuoualy. i "The chair accepts tUf,,f ;tutlsuiao UIMlit, Ml) fc, ' !Sl!M Mr It iltni lvi i totif ( Ut ) Mr H M l pr tword tlisl thm htil k I ' I lklll I pi. ( h lO'tiKllll1- n t bis ls't'til, b it lh jkt d. Ini I l Imt.n . tutu, M l -l lli" HrpiiHii , li. ufvm, d bnd In ! sod it !' miiiiiw 1 bn a IVtinmstK' ii.inin ws pi- lUis ItmUtilt del'' W SI ln'rt t' IIMIihI H nann't mnlMrMl. Itimtb'V i M -) and M'Mret iNib ) u p..H,,i pn-niil bmntv and Mr, Tstii"y d-t1!! In lh Wilson I'ld. Mr.'iioii (l.t) vit-rnd the to!niu4 IliKtidllieiitl 'p.. sUike i ui ihe lmimty provision if the Wilson tiiil and IikkiI ' all snr shall py duty upon tln-ir ilsiiicopl.' le-t as follows: All sugar testing ly Ihe i)atiscopi nol alsVi degrees, 1 itod per pound duty, and for i-vi-ry adlilionnl denti n III' Irnt tioil i f n ill' gree, fl-'.'ilof a cent I prt,,tiitd additional; and all sugars alsive 10 hutch slaudsiil an Mildutoiml duty of .V'.'il id ! cent ht jsniti I; ptovi le.l that all sugars hen rx ported Irom a country which pays a bounty on stiupir shall pay In addition to these rates a duty iqual to the bounty paid by such country," Mr. Warner (1) in., N, V.) offered an amendment to .Mr, Robertson's substi tute to place refined sugar on the free list, Ho said (Ids amendment was to remove the last remnant of protection from the pen ling bill, lb Simpson (1'op , Kan.) declared that the free sugar given by the McKinley law furnished the best example of what a removal of the onerous protective duties would do for tlie consumer. llainer (Hop., Neb.) advocated the re tention of th't pr neat b unity an 1 M at ner (Deiu., L i.) In concluding the debate for the sugar men insisted the traditions of the Democratic party were opposed to a reveniM duty. Had Louisiana im agined, he said, that her great industry was to be stricken djwn, her vole would not have been given to Cleveland at the lust election, Mr, Payne said he was opposed to the restoration of the sugar duty because it whs a tax on the breakfast table, He defended the bounty provision of the McKinley law. Mr. Wilson concluded the debate in advocacy of the bounty provi-dou of tho ponding bill, Melklejohii's Aiiimiiliiinnt Lost, Tho first vole was taken on Mr, Meiklejohu'i amendment to the substi tute for Mr, McKne's amendment to ab dish tho sugar bounty, tho provi sions of the McKinley law relating to tho bounty. This was defeated without division by a strict party vote. The vote then recurred upon an amendment offered by Mr, Price to amend Mr. Hatter's substitute, placing a duty of 1 cent pur pound on sugar below 10 Dutch standard and abolishing the sugar oounty by inserting the pro vision of Mills bill, which levied a duty on sugar not above li) Dutch standard of 1 1-10 per cent, and it was carried by an overwhelming majority, 13) to 09. This uction abolishes the bounty on sugar. The vote was then taken on tho amend ment to section 181, proUdlng for a duty on refined sugar. Mr. Hobortson's amendment providing for a duty of from 1 1-10 cents per pound upward on sugars testing, by the polarscopio tost, not above 73 degree was offered as the first amendment. To this Mr, Warner (N, Y.) offered the amendment to place re fined sugar, dutiable in the bill at i cent, on the free list, and ufter a long parliamentary discussion as to tho status of pending amendments, it hoing claimed by the Louisiana members that a mis understanding existo I regarding the rul ing of the chair. My unanimous couient Mr, Breckinridge (Ky.) was allowed to ollu' a sul a Ituto for these two amend ments, placing a uniform duty of 1 cent per pound upon all sugars below Jo, Dutch standard, . The vote was first taken uponMr, Warner's amendment to the amend ment, to abolish the duty on refined sugar, and again tho radical Democrats secured another signal victory, the He. publicans declining to vote. By a vote of 1U7 to 63 the duty on refined sugar was abolished, The substitute of Mr, Breckinridge, which win voted on next, was defeated by a vote of Mi to 07. The Hepublicans declined to aid those of the Democraia who were imuktng to place a duty upon sugar by voting with tho radical Demo crats. The Democratic supporters of the Breckinridge unnm linont were un able to secure enough followers to order tellers, At this juncture, amid great confusion, tho time came to take the final rote upon Mr, Hobortson's amend ment as amended by Mr. Warner's aiiieiidmi'tit, ltiulillnaiis lines ih llllnrliun, A great deal of miiunderslauding ex isted upon the floor as to what the ef fect of the adoption of tho amended proposition would mean, The Republi cans were lilariously joyful at the tangle Into which they had gotten the Democrats, Mr, Payne shouting if the proposition was adopted it would have the incongruous cdfect of placing raw sugar on the dutiable list and roflued sugar on the free list, Mr. Richardson, who wan in the chair, was apmlod to in vain to state the ef fects of the adoption of the pending amendment. So much misunderstand ing existed even among tho most skillful parliamentarians on both sides that. Mr. Wilson finally decided, amid great con fusion, to move the committee risu to give every one u chance to examine over night into the parliamentary situa tion and at 0:110 tho committee rose and the house recetsud until 8 o'clock, At tho night session the following members spoke: Drookshire ,'Deni,, Ind,), McCrearv (Dem., Ky.), (loldier (Dom., Bis.), Bioderick (Rep,, Kun.), Hilbern (Rep., Cal.), and Avery (Rep., Mich.). Davis Itafnatad Mlmpsun, WaIKFIkU), Neb., Jan. 23. Jack Davis of Omaha knocked out ' Big Jim" 3itupson of Denver in the fifth round. IH S oHit'Ui aunfUl! 0 1 (! s.fc.s t4 ! t.irtt lin,, tt -.-A'tr !.. nl dwli I. p'Mvtil ivi-tM1fci l h Atls'i UI tntr, An A tV . ' slaU ln i, Iwik i f t;.l. b IliS, loltnltMnl WM, 4 lit Ih ' vntt .t m liMOpll.'ll I f tfi'ttl :it New Yolk lioMmv lt appttnt fir Vft'u and IntnicM vis 1 1, 19 1 Tlx di t Kurd MsiulttM it an! found the Ismd rwii'd Irt i-."d Mist It lis I ri f i-d. -i in. -I Mv fl, H was li ..ihi W William l VnlntlT and fi'rt' ltitd. I ill the etsmtiiitltoii of Hie rruMrr rvi'l.-l thn -tuiiling fsct thai Ihn page which should Imvs olilalue this imiiiWr, ltli 4d or V) olb'i, bs l ltfii rut out if lh iigislfr. Uovunor Flshbaik Mpiiss the iplnloii thai Woodruff Mnithi Ihiii fMin thstroas nry iliiilug l,i adminmtiatloii and sold them. He utgs the calling la and reg istry of all luitstsn ling i vidnnt'e against the slats and umke It a felony to bold any Invalid i-vldences of Ihe slate in debtedness. 1'hebind was returned to the agents and redemption refused. Sir, l.i' Sloan llinlnrM. Tul'l'.K A, Jan, V.I. Mary H. Lease has written a ihiihIht of loiters to Populists throughout the slate, informing thorn that she is preparing to hold seven meetings in the state one in each con gressional dlst liit. for the purpose of denouncing Uovcrnor Lewelling and bis administration. She gives no outline of her speeches, but it is presumed that if she carries out her purpose she will make public the alleged charges she has frequently alluded to recently, lint the administration bus been corrupt in handling the gambling evil in Wyan dotte county ntid that there has been crookedness in the penitentiary. North anil Soulli Kitllrosit. TorKKA, Jan, ill F. J. Close and the other northern directors of the North and South railroad have gone to Hal ves Ion, whore they will o uleavor to en list the business men in their project. It Is proposed first to call tho business men into a conference and if they give the enterprise any encouragement, to after ward call Hills' inei'tiugs for public dis cission of tun project. Fading to se cure the aid of the people of Ualvnston they will go toother cities on tho gulf coast with thi'lr propositions, (Iiiviii nor AHki'IU says No. HritlNUFIM.I), Ills., J fit), m I,- Governor Altgidd refused to honor a requisition from Governor Northou of Georgia for the extradition of Hurry Hill, want id in Atlanta on a charge of ob! inning money under false pretenses. Governor Alt geld says ho is ion vincod tnut the pro ceedings HgnitiNt Hill are merely to com pel his wealthy friend to pay a debt and that it is not a bomi fide criminal arrest. Wash Ailklu Will Hung. Ciiakmchton, W. Va., Jan, S3. At Ftiyoltevillo Wash Adldus wan sen tenced to be hanged. Last November Adkins, with four masked companions, entered Treford's homo at Montgomery and shot him before the eyes of his grand daughter. The parties escaped but were arrested. 11 is accomplices will be tried Wednesday. Clilnnan fight In a Similar Silinnl, DiCNVKit, Uolo,, Jan. 2H. In con sequence of the fight thatoccurod among the Chinese Sunday school pupils In the Trinity Methodist church Huuday the olllcers of tho church have decided to abandon tho school, None of the com batants wojo seriously hurt. Tho China men who caused the disturbance wore arrested. Mnnllnif of Lawyers In Diiltutjun. Duiit'uic, la,, Jan, 'id At a meeting of the Dubuque County fulr bur a resol ution was adopted that no change ought to bo made in the organization of the Tenth Judicial District, A resolution to increase the number of Judges was lost. A resolution favoring a reform in the method of drawing jurymen was adopted. SHORT NEWS ITEM3, Three men were killed and 18 Injured in an accident ou the Ugaiuavv railroad In Arkansas, It In shown by statistics In New York us evidence of hard time that marriages are less frequent, A hoMlo containing an address, thrown into Lake Michigan last Hi'pt inber, has been found In Hie .Mississippi id 'or, Dr. William Moore of New York has (limioHl rated that permanganate of potas sium In mi antidote for morphine, Mrs. Jn In 1 lo 1 f i ill y, a phlhiuthroplo end well known lady of Cleveland, 1 1., nar rowly escaped death at the hands of a lu natic, The Improved Order of Il'iuil Brlth, a Jewish benevolent, organization, held lis seventh annual convention la Halt Imore. fudge lloyt of A t Ii nl it says Jeff Davis' faith In I'lui'opeiiu interference prevented acceptance of Mni'olii's peace proposition. More t han 4o,ikhi persons are out. of work and destitute in the ell y of New York. Physicians who alleieled the victims of the Wiinu. Ills., disaster have sued the county of Madison to recover for services. Klght.een of the crew of the Brazilian steame' Niclhi fiiy hIVe returned to New York and tell stories of brutality, The Midwluieifair at San Francisco Is said to present many feuMires, without being copies, of the great exposition. Iowa's Insurance combine has made a ruling which virtually raises Hie rates to owners of propqrty and causes complaint. Curt Michaels, a llobart, Ind., wife beater, was driven out of the place by a party of indignant residents. A reunion of the Nebraska state legis lature of lWl'J will be held at Lincoln, Feb. 5. A Baltimore pucker is perfecting ar rangement to erect lu Omaha one of the largest vegetable and chicken cauutug factories In the west. At a meeting ot miners at Centervllle, la., it was decided not to revolt against the cut in wages, thus averting i.Lreat ciicd trouble. A little girl st Chicago has just expelled from her note vest button which has U'en in that organ for four years, she hav ing bren trtsted for catarrh by several pliysiciaus. HAVE MADE ft NEW MOVE l)ul Club WVikiittf to lli inn Off Ihe l'int. H4Vr. Asitr.n tut. AinprTiiciAW It ll l oatl a4 l t tnt a lisilln tiewtalnlat tfca Smff I turn llili. Ins Mull t otfcrltmiiHrll tlatil, i)il It.Mrial llitmina la ilaitan. i . Ilnw.. hrirts an B.paili . J ti'MivNYii I it, tin, Jsn II -Tlmra I oiiii bnjit r-td'titiva nun I In lb I'inslrlnb llitiu optimist In the lassie ttion and to hi s iifi)i-slbiu l d ii the fact Hint the piigilistUl army I Hioiighi now 1 1 liavetskmi mo'loii wiMi In Inns i f i(ely. The liew fnslme l l-'gsl. The law Itnti of A. W. I'm kretl & Sui w s" called Into the case a allies of the club and late Monday aftmioo i a bill w bled by Ihe club's ionne In lli Fourth rnvitll d Ihe stale ol Flint da, piaying f r an injniicllon restrain ing the sheriir or any of h s representa tives or ai tits from liileifetlng In any way with the proposed exhibition, from preventing any jM-ron enteiiug the ground, etc, The bid nets forth that agreement fur tho contest is in accord ance with the ctly ordinance passed liy virtue and power granted by Ihe logl-l.i-tore to license amusements end exhibi tions. Notice was served upon Hhenlf Pi own id of the action talien. If the armed forces which are now in city and which, under the adjutant gen eral, are subject to tho call of the sheriff can bu dislodged by the issuance of the injunction, the fight will take place in tho cockle shell built for that purpose. If the Injunction does not issue, then the men will bi taken to the tented arena. Tim Mayor Will Not Interfere. The mayor, when seen, said: "There has been oonsiderablu talk about my swearing in special policemen to protect the fighters and seeing that they nre al lowed to have their little affair without molestation I have never done such a thing, nor will I do ft, The chief of po lice will bo at tho ring side. If the fight comes off in tho arena, ho will b hi t hey have a permit and weigh the glovos. Then he will allow them to proceed," "But what about the militia and tho nh'riff?'' "That Is no business of the city. I shall all iw the nimi to go ahead, but if the autlioritioi of Duval county or of the stale step in and stop the fight It is no affair of mine The city council of Jacksonville ca inot I y passing an ordi nance render void the common law which 1 understand Governor Mitchell declares will be violated." Adjutant, Gm limstoti has ar rived here to for quartering tho companieiol'theHi'cond baitalion, which are ready to g i Into quarters, Tho men will be boused in tWo aruioty. General H iiiston sai l that as he win sent to Jacksonville to prevent the fight, he proposed to do so mid would use every means in his power to effect this pur pose. "I urn acting under Instructions from Governor Mitchell," sal I lie ' and I will curry them out to the letter," General Houston does not anticipate any trouble lu prevoniing tho battle and evidently thinks tho sight of the troops will be enough to deter tho men from entering the ring. Manager Bowden of tho Duval club created consternation In the club rooms Monday night lu the presence of a lot of newspaper men by making the startling announce nent that t in prize fighters were going out en a train to fight and that no newspaper was to have more than one representative free of charge, Ho went on lo give Ids reasons and stated the club was out fVI.OOO and ho did not propose to have newspaper men aboanl displacing patrons who would put up their t'tf for tickets. This un looked for iifortloii was brought about lythe n quest, of a local newspaper man for tickets for a morning and even ing newspaper which are under tho same control, IN THE St NATE, Civil Si'i vim. I,w Hi el. ml, Wamiiinhtos, Jan, i':),--The civil ser vice l iw again came In for its quota of criticism In the semile Monday, and later in the fssioti rVhator I'effer, In a long argument, sought to show that the proposition of the secrolnry of tho treas ury to issue United Klates bonds is di rectly without authority in law, At th conclusion of Hemitor 1'cffer's remurks they quite naturally reverted to the sil ver quintloti, lu which Senators Allison, Teller, Gorman and oilier took"ii part. Hnnator Hhcrmau took occasilori to refer to the tbi( Incl loiit.,wlileh recent ly stirred the ( Hilo people, and said ho hoped the flags would bo kept flying over the capllol all the time, as well as when coiigriisN and the supremo court was lu session. A Itllto copy and arrange in order all the pension laws was presented by Senator Palmer (Ills ). Iowa I. i-g In I it I ii m, Dies Moist , Jan, a;i. This week Iowa legislators will get lo work lu earnest, after their I ri-f outing, Many grave and perplexing problems demand their attention. The Republ ca s having a majority In both branches of the ussum h'y, will be held ri spoisible for what ever leg s luiioti may lie enacted, Thin fact Is fully comprehended by the lead ers in both hi in i and Ihe p wrr of the party caucus will In specially invoked to bring older out of does and lineup the members on a ime policy that will meet the requirement of the party plat form. Pronli itioii modification and state revenues will be the first topics for discussion end action. Good roads and no state ii atitutions will also Ins considered. r''' If Mr ail Talk In lirlnnall. Gkin'w' la., J.ui. 12 K htor Will- I i.iii' lain T. delivered an address in Urinnul., I,'" came from Chicago with tl.-l.l.. ... . T...... (i.. 11.... all in 1 1 M ti t to li.Kwi Ikititu I ! H , Allti.iiifcH lbs t'nni'M an. pspvil IV" u tm d'l. t Inti'iiiistlon lip ii tit J jut Mb rl1i, ! ib lndni t It indicate vMi itid vMlMti WM h It mild I.StaUlieii lai Ibolli lm HI, ho wa lb Howl oHfnl tlgcf that dies-lv lib thMei.iUil ll.h rinally dinv lli Hi leta l taiai if I tUpl and ii)iob nmiilif inidi r mie aipter, teudd lit iMintiits as lr as Mesopotamia, ivii liiniilng Psloatlne mi bis ay, H b It lists nf lb romjilelTd iiall.ais, tut ib s Imt Itli lllloll Ihe UlSidtlo Slliolig llielil. IvSIIIiSH II of lllrt llllmlei'llth dlllsMV, Ihe anppiwsl iippnastr, wlm tTlgmd alsiul IMUl Jcats Inter, also Silbitiiiit Feb -tine and left lisle f llieriiqmivl pi-opli-, but Ins again, iba imt iiieii lion Ihe Isiaidites anioiig lln in. Wluit Is pelhnps still llloin llilir laid Is (hut, while the iMin lltm have left let'ords of Invasions by Mesopol Hiliins, Moabtlee.l'aiisaiiltes, Mldisiiit and Philistines, they do not mention any Invasion by the Pgyptlaiis, and Ihe conclusion Is that Ihu Israelites were imt sell led on the west aide of the Jor dan till after the wsts waged by Hsui csis II at the romiiieiioehioiit of bis reign, which began not earlier than HISH B. C, or, us some now say, l'Juil B. C. It has been attempted to explain this dinicully away by suggesting that llam csi'S II kept closn to tho seacoast ou bis march through Palestine and did not strike Inland till hu was sumo distance to tho north of the Israelites, but it is Itiooneolvuldo that bn should not have secured bis long lino of communications by establishing posfN so far inland that they must have been brought Into con tact with tho Hebrews if llui latter bad at that time been settled in their own country. Tho curliest (lute, therefore, nt which tho Egyptian history will permit tho exodus to have taken place, oven when full allowance is inndo for tho time spent by (bo Jowi intho wilderness nml iu conquering Palestine, would seem to bo about l'KIO B. C, w hile, If thonhorter chronology bn adopted, It could not have been much earlier Hum lliUO B. C Hci lbnor's Magaduo. A Montana llnar Nliirjr. "Montana in u uoologlciil gnrden in lis inillvo state," said Colonel Jim rili uthers. "Wo havo nil kinds of wild beauts, from bears and jirii riu dogs down, Hpenliing of bears reinluds mo of onoo upon a Hum, It was before thn stnto got polluted by tho trolley, and when it wasn't good form to wear a collar, It was heforo Montana got to bo the grimiest stnto In tho Union, 1 was prospecting n way in tho Bull moun tains. 1 hadn't aeon any dirt that looked ns though it hud tho right ring to It. Tho sun was turning in, and shadows wore coming out of the cast, 1 took tlin pack off one- ot my horses, picketed tho nrilmals and mailo a sup per off hot coffeo find bacon and broad. Then I colh d up in a blanket and know no mot e, Tho night must have been half spent when I began to drciim that I whs washing my fnco In otio of tho Key set's of tho Yellowsfono, Tho sensation became so realistic that I awoke. A hot lirenlh was breathing on my visage, and a strange tongue was swabbing mo down. J whs sort of dazed with fear and remained perfectly still, Presently tho licking process censed, and Ihu hot breath was withdrawn, A big, dark, awkward something shambled off, and I sank to n ut onco more. When day came, I found that my provision box had been raided, and tho soft earth around mo wits full of bear tracks, I shivered it lltllo bit mid moved on," The colonel told this us though lei real ly wauled to bo believed, and tho re porter loft. Washington Htar. l'JOlnillgjT, The new sHnwo of psychology will determine I be mental laws exactly tho laws of tho individual and of society; tho laws of (esthetics, of education, of ethics and of every human faculty. It will compel men to llvo by those laws, because it will inako Hiein plain to all men as plain ns tho law of grav ity. The world will then go forward because It will see how, We shall then have a higher manhood, because its typo will bo dear to us, Wo shall havo ri new ni t and a now literature, be cause wnshull know the secrets of beau ty, Its standards shall bo broader in proportion as they shall be truer. We may then efficiently lovo our unfortu nate brother by knowing how to make him lovable, and how to make life lov able to him. Psychology will seciiro to mini wealth and nit, wisdom and happiness, by making man capable of them, Psychology will make education the chief function of government by giving education a scope heretofore un conceived of, McCluru's Magazine. F.mll Fray, Kmil Frey, president of the Swiss republic, wus a soldier In an Illinois regiment during tho war of the rebel lion. At tho beginning of hostilities ho was employed near Chicago as a farm hand, and on July H, 1KI1, ho enlisted as a sergeant with Company F, of the Twenty-fourth Illinois Infantry. Fora time he whs held as a hostage by tho Confederacy and confined iu Libby pris on. Ho b ft the army a major will) a record for distinguished service, but with a shattered constitution. Chicago Mali. Star r uotograiiliy. fXtsr photography is one of tho most tedious operations known, In imno cases thoexposuroof tho pinto must last for several hours. During all this time both tho plate and telescope must bo moved so that tho imago of the stur will bo stationary on the plate, Tho expo sure of a star of the sixteenth magni tude is two hours, sinl only the imago of one at a time can bo secured unless those adjoining happen to bo of the same size. F.xcliange, IIVIS4 WUMMf 1 ( tnt Oh iu ? la a I atpHaa tMHla ; "rl lelrt lb Iml Mnf i ; Iti dis,, insn isltlwtid l.. i . if Isdiea lb. and f.itd a ' t i.i d. iiian, I. tUtrf bl Mown I S liu l a t i i.b us' I i-Ma Hind l'ii l, i and i lli lbr U id cr lit fu lb I r I t "I l slog liMluail llns; I i f tsw ! alive ! " Miimmli havi.-i n, and wondered ' rinl Ibnl liny H d. ad, but In wbsl tl f lu r itlien d iiili sted frsni lb il idd Holimri found III liit'p the ! Hi I ilsl iii tgii'Sllial lined lo r l I tu, fanv-d fsi I rsn si aiti ly guea, Hb .Nih 1 no Inoie living I linn H'DSot d' . dlloil Slid stli Ii bed nil p-r. Ibr aim, In r li. lbiu-1 aluns-l Inlo Ibe lire Wi r an shliitik that lb long lest In III lb-ell mid Men Id inusibs bung round Hum like dangling shred on lb is. "Round ller Ihm k Were Hads nf wtil. and roiiinl her wrists leathern bracelets - though, In be sure, I cannot feel cell il til tlnV Were Hot folds nf skill and mi her luce lurked nol only lines, Imt giilliea nml passages, they doomed so deep and fallen, But for Ihu occa sional upturned glance nf her cold, un questioning eye I could not bavn sup posed her anything else than nun of the tfarlicut nml bent preserved nf t lit) re motest queens nf F.gypt. "Thn old man gave ns a lusty wel come nml sent for milk and dates mid fit ltil our pockets, Hu showed us bis long spear that bung against the wall and told inn with a proud gesture that ho bud often killed bis man, but more oflen with a sword, and taking mo by the shoulder allowed mo fiercely how he used to do it. He was lit) years old and had never been farther from home than Assouan, ami then only once. "All bis sons sat and stood round ns, and in the background against thn mud teeth glimmered and tho broad, black faces of thn women shone. I linked him what present ho would like, mid bn iiHked for n little rleo and alltllncofTeo. All thn time ho clutched and fingered his Muslim rosary, which, when 1 admired, ho wanted mo to ac cept. Tho son eniiio back with us to the ibilibiiali and carried off tho coffee and rleo in envelopes, to which 1 add ed n handful of cigarettes and a couple of oranges, wllh particular Injunctions that one was to bn glvo to tho old gen tlniiiau," Cornlilll Magazine. A Unlril Leva Slory. "The strangest test of will poworand endurance over mndo,"sabl F, D, Gort snuls of tho City of Mexico, at the Koiithern, "was in Mexico, the charac ters being a Mexican girl nnd an Amer ican man. They wore lovers, and the girl's parents refused their consent to tho union, Insisting that she should marry n wealthy Mexican suitor. At tho suggestion of tho girl they agreed to din together, and to test the strength nnd endurance of each other' love tbrry ohoso a w'J of stdcrsV utvllko any ever drou?! at before. Food and fruit wore plannd on a tabid In the confer of a room, occupied by both, the girl having escaped from her home, but being unwilling to olopo with her lover. It was agreed that they should starve to death with plenty before them, and should either succumb to nature and parte kn of tho food then both were re leased from the bond of death, but there should beau everlasting separation. For 13 days they endured tho pangs of hun ger without u murmur or a thought of wavering from their purpose to die to gether. The twelfth day tho father of tho girl discovered her whereabouts, and breaking the door they wont car ried out, too faint to si and alone. It took them several days to recover their strength, and when they did they were man led. This is a true statement, nnd the American Is living with his Mex ican wife today." Ht, Louis (Hobo Democrat, CiiMiilrrfi-lt Ciiln. Within tho last few years numbers of forgeries of extremely rare coins In the British museum nnd in private collec tions havo been sold by auction in Lon don, Ho good Is their execution that it seems probable that means havo been devised for casting steel dies on plaster casts or of hardening electrotypo dies. Tho mimufact uro of rare "siege pieces, " carried on In one of our midland towns, shows a far lower amount of skill. When gemmm but defaced coins ore rostruck with now impressions, it Is very diflloult to discover the fraud. Homo genuine ancient coins aresurfrap pecs In this manner as, for Instance, whole class of Jewish coins which are struck ou Roman silver denarii. But when the Imago and superscription of William III can bo discerned underly ing the device on a rare crown piece of Elizabeth the question of its authentic ity Is soon solved. Longman's Maga zine. Tim l aw of Dm JiiiikIi, Tho law of tho jungle, which never orders anything without a reason, for bids every beast to eat man except when ho is killing to show his children how to kill, and then be must bunt outside the hunting grounds of his puck or tribe, Tho real reason for this Is that man killing means, sooner or later, the arrival of white men on elephants, with guns, and hundreds of brown men with gongs and rockets and torches. Then everybody in tho jungle suffers. Tho reason tho beasts glvo among them selves Is that man Is the weakest and most defenseless of all living things, and it is unsportsmanlike to touch htm, They say, too and It is true that man eaters becomo mangy and loso their teeth. Rudyurd Kipling in St. Nich olas. Strang. It seems that somo 180,000 persons commit suicide yearly. When one realizes how largo is tho number of per sons who are "tired of life," it seems doubly strange that so few of one's own t ncinies should be among them. Mil waukee Journal.