A ROMAN MOD ii .i H if Mil ( I . ev 1 I H I 1'1'H ! t ! twll I kii' i tin I -. 11 H A M tr R 1 O A jK r. i'.Ni, u. .,,..,.,.. i,,. 'rn ; i ui' CHINA ,M "" (il ,. I v ),..;, !,.,..). I,t t I ). ! ' , It L. II,. i. Ml ' fit. H, I M. S. kn I Ml i, lp Hi'Im h (ill Ini li it,. H V n i ' i H i I 1 1 t i .l, II Mid !. h,.l i, Mi. ( ' It' I, il li. ; I it ) , i ti ., " . MM (In- ii. 'ii. in i.u.L Ii. . ' ' I " " (. tip i. it,. I,. ,,.,, ,;.', , l.tvd n M the tiiln'i, It iiilwil 1,1m, NM l pllt. Ki lii I , A till (I Mfil the I'tlhtliH'l Tilt' llrVt lllllllllti till' iii'i t I.'IV 'i't '1 Inln ii tdltuji. ShulMftiT Mint Wii fiivt) by the limn Met wlm ioir,H TI tin' molt. Mini the neon- of Inillil IiuIik tliinnuli the ear. Huge lit tented t.i t. nuirkiiiHii)lili nf thf religion zealot who ni t ill naught u eoiintlttit IiiiiiiI gunriinteo which ciui llii't Willi u lw nf tin- Unman Catholic church, Luckily imt nini of t li many nliutn whirl) punned through the carriage lilt cither Mr. or Mr. MeNiiiiiiirii, and a few minute after leaving the Imll they were lauded nufcly ul tlin Midland hotel. I VIiii to their micmWul ntti'init to ivnch the carriage, nevenil uiintiecennful attempt were. iiiuiU, tin! moli i' uuh time outwitting tlu'in and forcing them buck into tlin building-. Finally, realizing Unit there whh no hope of reaching the carriage by Htruti gy, they made a bold move openly for the vehicle which wan In rciidlnenn to curry them in 'iy from the howling mob of Hoiniin Oathollc deriioiiMWIth the reHiilt above stilled. While the mob wuh yet furloiw bo caiiMc of the eHeitie of MeXamiira and bin wife rollceman Mutt Dalley wan buMy giving out the number of the lioiihij at which the ex-irleHt wan hiiji poHcd to be stopping. Many people wernhitby Hying ml n hIIch, itmong the number being a man named John Welden, an employe of the Vine Htreet electric line, who liven at 2M0 Woodland, He will be all right In a lew day. Mt'H, McNamara wan ullghtly Injured on the rlgbu. boulder by a blow from a rock burlod by one of Romo' rnlnlonn. ,i V il ! In li . i. I 1. 1. i iM I Hhi ''l I In l I 'ii i iiiiii'il i'-1 u;i i h : 'M iii f-iul ini iiu( ! tii'tV : i't"iii'i .'')i 1 iVt-i. !! . , tiit rtHsi-iii'" : in i it I't.i.i'.- n:i iiMi iiiin iiiiiH i I" li'ii tntitl. H'l II, U liin. J H.e i..le e! Iiil'l ll'nne id I ll I j lm II ,itmt(i utmut , im Mill em j I II n I (.til 1 1 , niiii- I il! hut l, in. plll-ll, ,.l l,,ll l,, .1 III,. IliiillllHl' ,fjl.,ltlV Ml. I llll'lll ll Hull ftlt I III. Ill UK) Hud Hi)ii,i lii i imll or lit i rt li, mi, tniiii litu, fi, ,i. ,ii, t; 1 1 , , I 1 1 (milliig il ull )imi liitiii!" wHiitp ii lb' iJimiI nM nut luilliieli Vi'ln pill'! Mi' tniiiiiil In lhi. i el I j nini jfhe Itiui i.nuiij,!. ,i nl.iiii,l.,n t'iiin limii nn I luiluiiilnnlt' mim . el iiHI'liiyiucliI, mi tb ul IYi!i'lil:!tmiy ll 1 1 1 1 1 H I fill Mill )IMII lllllll It 111 put III llielc pli'.d, The i!j iiiH k nf IhU illy lm' n liliinlpillilteil IM III I'.' it it i je.Mure mi Hie nrm"piin ' pi nfi lini, III ilefi'lelii e tu jmif hdicK in e el' fi'iuly In mniii' jnur pei'lm in Blieen, In cuppceini Hie '(! I it li t M'liliiblU priH'i'i'illtig friuii the liiileeeiil i biiiiielec HI pt'li'M, While I hey tli'Ver lime Ml opportunity tmllupbiv, exacuel Hle Mid luUIfy wliHlever limy U' tniiieil In the dlwredlt of I'liiti'Htiinl I'hiiiiheii ami their iiilniHtei'd. The bent jH'Ople of Kiui-uk City know thene Ihlngn arc no. Vour t'hiii'i b lum oieiily lullueiiceil tlin nwnern of publli1 IiiiIIh In tbli city no tliut, In iihmI i'iiu'h, they refiiMe to rent IiiiIIh to any amni'lii- tlon thatwekM to enlighten peiqilii on tho Injui'lcH and InjiiHtli'e brought upon them by tho leiulem and pai'tlmum of your iiolitleo-rellgloun ryulein. Vour hooilluuiH have hereloforn paraded tho utreetH with u halter to hung to a lamp-pout a lecturer who came here to talk like a Heholnr and a gentleman about tho outrage which your party have Inllleted upon IVotcMant people, and ltornbih policemen of thin city have, during them) dlnturbancen, refimed to quell tho riot, and pimltlvelv declared tbey would bo willing to nhoot mich lecturer or allow hi in to be, murdered by the CathollcHof thin city, Now, f como to Kaiinan City and doi-uro a ball for leeturcH, wherein I nay nothing but truth ii h vouched or Inffod'n Word and In record undeniable, Tho Ignorant and tho vlcloua among your adherent make tho city hldenim with cu'nen, throatn and lying aecneat lonn agalimt mo and agahiMt all who daro vlnlt my auditorium, l'roUmtiuitH and Catholic (lock to hoar my iu'eneututlon of Hub Jecti proponed j and to un tlnfy thcxe that I am nlnccro and truthful, and working for tho Intercntn of both cbmnen, I Inniied a public Invitation to you and your prientn to comj, at my expenw, and occupy my .uinn.'.iLuui houri U. my ono"(.r ft whole wock If nocmwiry, Hmne, n I lime ilnii , I ,iii J mil lilmi ble m i l Mil, I Ml I I Si I V I' Mi N' Ul All i, I, Hie IVIint ul lli'llie, Mill IIIkIikP ul " I'M lilim n ., l,r (), iii,,, mIi'(,. Nottat ti v tin n ii i s, r, i mi 1 Ml ' iM i l i t Nt (ii, ii eit i,i imimuii ,,,,,( m I rlH4IHill.li tliti I ,.1 I ,1, II ,, ,, (j,,,, Illi, mill M ,iiHwM I,,,,., I,,, llNMl j,, ll n I H, Hunt i , , , ii,, ,, Aii ii-i'ii mi ,i il, i t.f i, n,M , i f I'M, III' ttm.lt . h,,.,I,, ,,, ,,.(,, ,,, hill till. h, ,,,fc,,, ,,.,,, ,,.lll. " ' "' mini. Mliitaim li.i ii I,, ,i !,,i,, Ilimlii l U i.,,, h, .i Him ii.IhIiiImii hi. I lnnli.lt uniim el In I I. Inn II I. .. . I'"iir, n ili.ij.i, , mi K. t,, ,, , l liilii h lil .. llm ,,n , , ,,l, t i, ii I) , I ..,.( i n i ill . 11 1. 1 M I j I Hit ' II imkin lii I,, lm,, I, I r il. i m mini in lm I,,, the luilepi'llib III lt (ill Ilil il I ,l,,lr t Ion ell t 11 III I I l 111 IHI0IC4 4M.HI . I lie; ai r Hi fiiM il Hi llrf anil lin n j ni l imiI lli iiniiiii i' ( iilliiilli liu, hi inn mriiii'ia liflnu i,l. i, .,t, , ,(, l"4 Mini liiiiliilt.i,iiii ti j,,,,) rii'i'l", n Ih llm i ,iii lu te, tf,ti riihiiH fiii mm r (Mi r ( lilnint If luiiri'lr In III1 lliwlflll Hull l,f mirli I (. lit llm i i li.irti ii . lm nee lie II.' )MI III, I I, 1,1,111,1 If (l n (HmUi.I N,t iitin i.n inltf ,,, ,e,i e, r din bite) I'liiru r h i pul.iin I,iuI,mm imihIh mhI iimlniiiliH .I i,t 'i . ,.,.,i, . i,, ,i.i... I .i j -Li i ii. i.. i .. i , 1 1 . . . .... i Mi i .1,1 i i, whh., mm, ii. ,n ii w III re I hi t ,, mi ((. 1 1, i,,t of llleelillg of Hie eredltiirn of Hie hilc ; llm hnl urn) ,iii nini Ihrm U I'iiiwIiiiiI Airhblhoi I'illi'ell enleldllV II letter ,'."'"'" ' " ,,li""i t bnl , , ., , . , u i in i 1 " f1"")" ItiMUtrli llm iHitinlty l ,,,,m Moimlunor Halolll In Jltiw , ,,, w,(l)(t mf llh r , ,u 'u, t reply ton letter to li 1 in from Ihe ci'edl- j wn'iiI, loin llpieallng for help, The letler lb'. ' Tlin Al,l Ii m,i lei j rem linli-ii lliifprob (lined lading any acll.ni for relief, and "!'!' ' '""""-y 'I'," ""r" ,,W,J,,,' , t ii ,i llnilliM l ilvlllrtlliili veil of HiK referred to like Mimal from llm I ,,,mi nelii,,, i,r ,,nifB . m propagiiuilil at Koine, I'lirlollKnpeecben Hk nllenlliiti tu riueln nini inenim of rein were inmle denouncing ( 'at hiillelnin and j ""Ir'iHim n tlm I'IiIih-m i-inplfK." 'J iln ,,-cenh,lle, generally. The credl. ! Z'L'umu". 1 L". m" ' " '7'," , , , , , . t"n of vIIIiikii In anoilier, 'i hey f., lorn have received II per cent of their J lew nil . (ii,M(i Im-KnlnrliU of il..- I'i'iiiiiry, r never iiifiiminmi.i-ii, ran-lv iImiIiii i) Mnl on level lihiliin nrn ofli'ti t o tlrnlr tiridi Miii'd, wnfulnrliig from nll to clilnin and enpecl, I per cent, more noon, -, ir Hii rc VI rrHliilr Mori Mat li Men. (IAI.VA, lli.lan. 15,-TiikAmkiiican j " -,m','M,''', ' "r""' M p... ,..r, i ,,n iMimr huh ojr tim inrwi'r ill I'llbllnhlllg Co, (iehtn! f ncloned pleane find Ml centn In punlal order, to apply on nuliHcrlplioiii I can hardly afford It during thene nlrlngeiit tilnen, but I am natllled that I can lenn alTord to become, a nerl under pullllcal I loine, therefore I contribute my meager mito to help nunlalu a fearlenn ami truly American paper, an you publlnb. May your career lie a nucccunful and pronporoiiii ono In Hie (lefeiine of our freo pulillc nchool iinbT to ilrlvn tint traveler ouio hln iii'lli mir n Mini, fntlm iiortliern iirovlnrMt wr fur lU li'rtNWMinio'i tf I lm bind In w i"! Hi ry irlii Irt lwfi n llm f inner Atel llinlciiui nl'f. Tint iiif tint full right to iIMvm hfii wnfi over llm enititlrf in nuf direc Hon Mint, umf null lifn ronvenleniat ut tun f j. Tim toriiwr him mi t'iil rlht In invt up nay rami running over hln latnl, Mel g'-nernllf lm tuerelnen l When H U ntil lr flndn nu Mt ttUimw mU Ahwpi nsi-r, and agalimt. tho political machinery of j '-"k another tiiUuni-t Hm nijfiSiiin( the Jtomnn I'burcb, and may you live to ' '""'I' 'I'lu-n I'' owner tit ilmt boel )u nee the day when there; will bo H conntl tutlonal auicndmcnt prot ici.lng and de fending our public ncbooln and jiullle olllcen from tho iniirpntlonn and mo noiiollntlc (foutrlvancen and tewlewjlcn of thti papal rower, Vourn renpec fully, A KldK.vi, Cliiirih J(llcf, ' AUnU along mtuiUm In iitiUt Ui nayw hu crop and drlv tlm numU tmr Ui Mn nlghhr' proppny, Hi nirlgMor rt'ie Urn mum, tint llm tnrnnn tmnufA !'iiflnu lit lt( imliHiiiMf wUlinttl doing rnwt bijury to ihflr tnuii and irtm Hutu Hut re'(gnlilott of m ri'Kttlttr tm would do, no I hni, a niuiifutiSm In gradnnlly r rived nt, Tlmn Urn traefcii nmmllv follow that you mttjr( if you can, prove to f 'ttf IWil 11 . M 1 i - ... ltM 1 int. Tl. V.a,.lym,.n V. I v.... -..4 MRU i rownuiiiin uii . .. . . J' wnimr and th ut you nil..y luieuvn t,tre in lne rgM on aii or ar the point invotftiti Ifave you aoocpted thin Invitation? Or are you too lofty a pernonagu to ntoop to the work of enlightening a dlnnentlng prlent' Have you eonib neended to meet th Cat hoi fen and IVotenlantn of Kannan City Ut preiwdi beforo them tin) gonpel of the blennei) Cod and allow mo even a Mule time In your jirenenco to preach that name glo- rloim Word? .Several Cat.holicn of Kan- nan City have, accepted tho gonpel an I prenent It, and have wilnenwd the fact that you decline to nhow a readinenn bi publicly dinprovo the proionitlonn I advance, Other are ioonenlng from ll'imanlHin betiaunn they doubt your ability to itnnwer fpientlonn In which Catholic and I'rotenliiiiln am Inter enti'd, I arn nbowlng t hat you and your jirlentn are withholding from tho Irinli and other the truth of Holy Hcrlp- turo and are shamefully extorting money from them for doctrine and and Uellgl give tho in and cunly hurt, with neveral piece of brick and vtonci. Our bunlnen manager wa In tho thlckcntof tho fray, but chcan d nerl oun Injury, and while he doen not "hanker'' after any more mobn, hi think thin will do the Ionian In Kan nan City an Immenne amount of harm and the. A, I'. A,'n a correHponillng amount of good, Hu npent nomo time prospecting, after the blnhop wan hi yond thu reach of the furlou cat tle, and Inform un that the at root were al I vo up to 1 o'clock Wcdnembiy morn Ing. unn curioun ihing in there worn no arrentn made, although at leant twenty nbotn wero fired and thounariil of mk nllen thrown at Hie carriage containing McNamara and bin wife, and the police men there naw thone thing done yet ar rented no one. oi'Kx i,i;m:n T IIInIiiiii lliigiiu, Jtniiuiii Catholli ltlnhni"iir Kaiina ( lly, Ma. V'ou know the, nlniirnd condltlonn cxliitlng In Kannan (,'lty In relation to matter which nerlounly alTect, the o called CliHiolic people an well an Ihe Protchtarit of thin community; and I denlre, through tho medium of thin open Idler, to turn the attention of both clanne to fact which lie at the lioHom of all till bltti'l'liettn, I do not auk you to apply a remedy to thin evil, for your nyntem furnlnke no remedy In a cane like thin. Koine ban nothing but hatred and cumo for tlume whodllTer from her, enpeclully for thone who are breaking away from her con trol and who feel called to let the world know tlie reiiMonn for their departure Irom Kouutnlniu, The hatred and curwen which Koine inplren into Itnfol lowern only aggravate Hie evil which Home ha Injected Into noelety here an all over thin nation, lint if poiiplc cannot, look to you for t he needed rem edy, It will certainly benefit IVotenl autnand Catholic to how the canned which hiiVe prmliiced in Kannan ( ,'ily the ntllte of all'alrn exlntlng here at pi'i-Hint, When th"n,' cauncM are laid bare, il, will In-comparatively cany fur t hin pop ulation to remove the malaily which ha taken root, among t hem, I fore I ever miw Kanniin City your follower made l, luipimnllile for I Volenfaiit ao clationn to have a lecture delivered here for the purpuric of nhowing the wrong which IVotcKlant were miller lug at the hand of thot-e calling i hem nelVent'athiillcN, I Vol eMail In are turned out of city employment., mid Komauintn I V. t I V J V ... m .t r 1 X''I"M 11 1 I performailcen opponed to the leachlntf of our Lord and III npontlo, Voiiand your jirlentn do your utinimt to cant dl credit upon the free public nchool which the American people love an a prlcelenn treanure, and by youroppunl lion to thono ncbooln you deprive Irlnh and Cerman-Amerlciin children of th advantage of receiving education at the hand of b-acher nelecU'd by Auier can an teacher fitted to mould Amor ican eniiuren into men aim women aner the model of their patriotic iincckbrr, In in a crying Injuntlee to the famllle of Irlnh and (iermann In America, and In a gronn Itinult and outrage offered l people who love their ncbooln an the fountain of Intelligence, nml an tin radio and bulwark of liberty for future generation on American noil, Now when I'rolenlnnt. citizen come together to ilNeun lliee thing In a truthful manner, your adherent aem hie on the ntreetn and In the hull to eurm In regular I toman fanhlou and to (ling mlnrille at the npeaker, In pre enee of policemen, and of ladle and gentlemen annemhlei) an a peaceful lllldlelice, Not only thin, but the dally pa pem have not ii word of condemna tion or your drunkard and rowdie w ho dlngrace th ,n iupiiliii Ion, Nay, one leading ilnlly, Ihe K'nn-ii. Cy ,S7r, went beyond all decency on Ihe ,',lh int, to plea" you and your prlcln and politician and rulliaii, and to nay, "Certainly no pernon run be excued who iloi nn't throw a nluue a"curately enough to hit the object III vh'W," That I your humble nervant, lit whom a ml creant Hung a inille while I wan ad dr. ning my nudleiM" In Kaumi City on Siinduy evening, .tanuary II, l!i. ,oiv, tir, wiui mien ine: m view, Hie :1. It.. . . . ImmanunS Jlaptlnt Hiurrb, North ,,1:;, Twnfity-bairth and Illnney treet, The i war aoout, right nf way nwrnwht-r m, n panior, rrang vv, router, will have, for; ir(Mnti roui iiiiwwa two vil hIth..m,orMundarnornlng,"Jt!,Wa,!,',tf',,. ... vening htf Will ; Dm frank that pn Inr rod, r imuall u rnonn, io iit minit mtmn hfinw llm lnvfl of Mm nor dom.rlolty I """"oiik wminry, inn tiirftiU'tif a ..a.... ti'l 1" UiMUrt, 't h n'yll I very I"". ,.A 1, ,.,.i. i . , I ,.. 1 . tlrfl tip nd oft, utel th wind lk itn4 tmrrim trvnr ttmemtntrf tlmiit HiK tmmu. m that thn I a orm. mnn. a pmnmt rmiit ut thl in that f h tw Mrtiem, whtah I'l mnn m ph tia vplrtt hv iwtttn mitmtrwitM mn, rfvr In rarlmn plt, ar nmtnUf tiHrif Un pom hi tut whnxlml fruitla, llm almf m-ft rwilng fnany f-et tv th tntikm rm lvl, Tim fd ihrwiuh vlllntr tu theim fgl'm nr Invarlahly wink Ulowth U"ii KtM invwi or tim (fiiairy, Tbw hm tiM ti i tnf dfniant nJ i,u m-fmrnifif period nu,f,frirn who Imv wi'l ftmpl at wfablinhlng god iiifittm of nimiiiiinUuiihiit tflwimn Mm prUmm Utwit and vlllrtg, (rtit thhnliif tie fTort wi a tut imi'k Vhh I earn Into miinitwhnt iKiirriti u t fhewn pirrlod and remabmd In un wtdl th i f li t tit llm rt-ttiriu Ji'l, hut In Ih Vangni d'dta and th wmthifii frovln g'-nerally carl nr wagon bv limy hvrii tdnwltiM, fax n un thvlr u U'i tim imp'm nilla, tli iuy whiflod vfhM tnrw iiw d I a on whi'i'U4 Imfidiarrow with Hm wharl In thu I'l'tii, 'l lm iiittSn rm itr UiitrnHy pavi'd in th iiihVHttUi wiilih of tttim a t'nit tit two fut't with vmnh people of Kanna City and of thee Cantor, (Med, A f,lAN Kenlth Calun, Haturday, Jan, l'l, l!il, aged year, I'l monlli and 7 day, Tho funeral occurred Munda after noon from thu renldenct l!!ll He ward HI,, and the remain were Interred In Korent fyiiwn e iiii-U-.ry, Thf I the fourth and only remaining child which Mr. and Mr, Allan have laid away, and only thoe parent who have met with aimllar lo can fully nympathle with them, They have our sympathy, . 0 - - - IfediriifiMi, The Klmt M, Y church of Houth ( bnaha, built on h" ie tf the one do ntroyed by Itro on January l, IWf, will be dedicated next Hunday, January 'LI, The ermon will be preaeb- d by llt v.l "'""I'" knn Ut awrmmodaia thlnuu Krank Crane at lo,,'!0 a, m, All cor- wi,iin,e ji i .i. dlallylnvlt.i, (' N, Dswhuh, nowday ihr nr on or two inu-r-sm Cantor, i rllcof what wr, In and fur nSr (Inr, '' - ' 1 rnttt ,t r'id, Tim flrtmperrr "A Kale I'aee," the new farce ! fifth Afliirm llamdurlng hlnndgn of comedy by Charle M, I Jreckenrhlge, 1to i'M'M toltfW mad a road trnut thu wa prenenteti for the fir.l tine, at " "j m 'W ,M ' '? ,,.. ,,, ,, ,. j Wer mri'iuuf urnnm ua Hm nma tnr day evening, Jan, 0, and ncored an no-1 rM vr' rlvt-r valley on well built nni, iiialllled uecen, Cormlderlfig l.h fact M'- ft mnmln Unhif ln,ply n that the com,a,ny wancomponed of am- i rni'i!''(,Tr',','i''W'r,'i ; ' , , I I a r'xid ffitn I'eiting in I nun' tiow, budt ateur, the play went off with remarka-, ,y dm wnper,r of Hi Yunn rtytmty hie moothii", and had not the people away Mek In Hm dim age, "reiiabi a a been known to have been amateur., they j of tnuilliiy' ft w f.v.. ,i.i , . ,i ,, i , , , Tien k ."in, oun n hi iirnt in, n virrnu ii n ifi might eanlly pa, for flmt-ela prof,.-, ( m M ,if M H nlonal. Mr, I 'harle M, llreeki nrldge, ly JolnM, Todny II, t worn tnfo rni a In Hie character of Captain Jink, the eiof din-pand I nnmt lmpli, Wlih old oldier In n-M'eh of hi pension, : !!' " ,w" '"' f , , , , , . ' , , l'nrt of any tint lm t" n mad to f lll created plenty of fun and gave evl-, M land rommunb-ailoii il,ro-ghout Hm deuce of ahlllly to play eccentric role, ' mplr. Tim nioim hrhlg" at Fuklen and and Fred J, Mreebenrldge played the l",tir, of hit lnianf I remark 1,1c, ......t u. n .i , i . i r n'riahly only pminnc of llm i, ill part of Hmller,. he captain non, In a if ih ,;,,,,,,,,, , wXnV, pleimlng uraniier, Mln Kutheryn ;ood- mnnnr of mm by mnul hihor, t nr "ll an iMlny ph ni-d the tunllenee m practical .urro' Hey ar of I II 1 1 n.e, menw ly. and Ml Virginia Comlmdl ?"' ny l-M r"irt, " tnlnf rnglneer , . , l"g rt rvmtompOM." HtwU'ht of thu wa compelleil hi renpond to mveral nn , ,,,,,,..., wvA dl. hM.H. . encore with her beautiful nlnglng, and hv mueli ft lenra from f:hln, Sw Mln Lulu llond cored a ileehled hit York rum, iin ti. ii, ini, i,i, L it 1 1 ii io 1 1 i i i i t m .... ,. n i . I t I' ( ' 1 . 1 1 r (,,-,,. I 11 I.I ! ' I' , 1 ! , " ' ' '. ' . I . I, ,,,t . I I'1 ' ' ' I i I i ,. 1 ,,,, , i t, ,, 111 ! II. I I , ., ,' , , , ,,,,,( Ii .'I. ,1 nil I ii it. I I i , ii i , , i ill I I II, ll III.. H(i 1 1 . , I I Hi In i I, ..III I I . ,l( lll. (I 4 II., t 1,1 111 ,H, 11,1 I, I , f l,,i .. ,.,( ,, ,,,., t r 1 III II III ,1(, , I t I till , l,l I I Ml I H illl.lUMl .l,lll , ,, , 111,1,1,, , ,) I , , !,,. A...I...1,. i. i..,,,. ,11, ft m nn. I t' HI 111 11(1(1. Hint iiiiiiiiln 1 1. , ol ti, U In llm niili i.f llllil KHIIilt, lint tilt fit fluui Millllil W lillnn , whli It t iiiiu f. iM.iuli Id' lli V li II Hill. ,,iu hi, I f,,i A In h llllil hill l 1 4 I III (, , I 1,1,, ru I Mr Muiiiii i,h MIii. ,u ,,, f,, rt Mitt, whli , iml inlli fruiii llm ,ille, hf lm Mi ef li mn in,, ,n, I, ,i ,,r, S,, lliMli- Iml.Miilluli not I .ii f.iii(,, t'ti rulile. Nil, I prut lili.li Hutir, ftili lniy fur II,,, liorw. lot, to l,e iiki ii lii Ihn i'i,iiiiini,,i M.iliin lile i.f ll.e I, iu'i,il,r , ,,,,, Vi'ti'd by tlin I, I, I. Ilnii tiienl 111 lm fiire.l III elm luiiir, ivti i mi l,n r,,iii.l. , In tin. Mid, llulir lileeil 11, ,ii lii n ,.,,, ,, nn mail fan lm luiitti Hiiiii mi liuiir wlihoiii Wrtler Hllliiiiil lieeiiiiili, lii, ,ii, ii 'J'betii U noinritiliig le Hum r n nl of t,,U llir III llm nl,iii,,fe Wlille nl llm II,, I a l'4T ihgret of lul urn feiorde,, ni lltnlh Vnlhy ;if if, vfi, in llm nlm. U lint IO, eon i il, en Hmollier Iminl, Ihn luereiiry nlnli toMiilegri-t, b,wr, r, A fialur of Hm ,ill,y Hm iilu, "idt roinl, whleh wn graded wlllt nle.lt. liMium r light I lirinuh Hm lenler fur Hm trniort of Intra I. lly lid road r neiny unknown graven, tilled by woidercr wlm hav rlliid Ihrougli llm litat ' ,ey urn l.'IO feet l lw twit (evi l aiel nr pro bnbly III Jowe! ft.rnvtm In Hm world, (inly l,l low gravis covered Willi l,h k of null r lwimitry tnr Hm e)eette ri-rnaln, for llmrrt noaulmil tlmr noeit tmk, laranfula, (eorplon Mid llir,l, Of III liiftef Oliu, 111 I l,,,g,llll,, dri'c thrf (niiind In wi 'gtit, i,d I mi en l,y both Indian and while. Tim i",il I i tt reoemblit Hml, tit ,1,1, ken, tlm nuakc lhM"y'llow fHi" Hm i,,il, formidable, Tim Imumiit Hm VhII' r wn derived front apnrlyof rmlgrntil ttntn Halt l,ak (.'Iff, Tim f,riy nivnintn I, rHm imifim ill lvi and fot tfmlr llvt', KI-ortcn view of frngrnenl of lliclr nkelelorm, wagon, (., ntiimA it hiuldcr among th i( inm, Militli itiU'ftml r,Mo ,ed to Hm ynrWnu of Hm lector lwtlblng "fn-lgbling bt team," Two brimer, wagon, Wnlglilng f,MlO fu ill lain, nr iiih,m mi i . to I'ttrrf 4!i,0ii HiutnU, ntnl wlib a tank U-wli-r tit t,0(l gallon rapncliy for mnii r ar Iran 14 by U0 muUm, 'thinulliir"tii)t lit th oWrt," th bwiiitrr Mid "nvmp i'f," or i-tiiiinU'r' a!frl, wer glvnn dipfr. 'l'h ahVofuf riM'tumUf tif yrotHttitf In (canmifr'a pifpnmn( wa tllnirnh"l hf llm titUnriit a fn,(er utit-r hit hnS Un, I fitiVHrtfll hii virig"lit(, Wlicn Smui to inov 'f ihont Hm nrin ftH;trHtStn fin plml, tut if (i mule tviii, on itcint'l Into Kl their e'ln over Hielr nhonlder nd Imply g""l In frf ir)ft'd tonlnnmnf HltlUilt II over 'ifid h i t In law m tin I and r?on,lfe 15 tnmt mile of lt, lfr luiiiKiy, r ilt work ar In ofn tnlUm, and WyT X'- ar plowed up in tin lnf Jr v wb f lia 7hwon wilflf Iffat 6n tmiA th 'io iirf'tfHrviw v,.Nin fftufnm Call, Hm i ,i 1 t ii , i ti.ii i ii V 17717 A A muting fir, flnmttm' ininumtii, tlt r'rf4 itfif t Will, mn tm fifth wort roottg (lr (hat ever wnrrJ In ?,Vw ftn fttf, H mmnrri'ii In th dnyllm, Chb.f John feekif wa In rhrg, !'( ry Orr, l(t, Atoli, CUnrf, kvfftt m,f HnM van, TboimMid erowd"d lir ntl miif rlmr tin Ut 'ark f,la a t ell t'ntk row, wlill th frk in front wt 1,1 k with pr,l, it, w fun hi thu li"r t. th onlmtiif thu fir tirlnulnn out liarnnm old liut" Image r wa figure (inn follow mn out with f fnry ('lay uiKh r otit unit and (Wmral Wlnfleld H'iit tiii'Ur Hm oflmr, ()i'n Vlrt'rrl w dragged out. by tlm halrof hit h4, Mnrj, i)tiin tif 'rxiiAn, wa ltni4 imt iif th m nUtry win (low, followed by HUkn, th filrni, ffead Cttrtiiitvr Wnlki-rtif Hm thenut, who wa ain't a member, Kiigiim No, M, thnt ly in Aim nirt'pf, yjit mi riu it,nt l,n feil Imadlong down th main mlnm mnr wnf wit h $miU,n In mm hand and Wffr it, fllllmntit, in th t,l hit, Ai,Ay fur Un, Hm old f'iri'iiiiin of KntU, No 14. 1 l,.,.,l, .... A . . ' milium, on i wit ininiui'yn, tin nini, gv him a mrk llmi, h enrm Ui (hi dny, 'Ihn happy tniully thnt lrntl mie It AHenii'rn In thtmn day wtt (trtr mined hot to lm, tlm tg fl wh thrown wld on n and th hird nd Ani mal poMbwl with Hk Ui zlrlv ilmin (Hit. hut, ffw would accept Hmlr hlitrtf Hll4 Wer MirneJ Ul (lihth, Allot tlm 0l, (iOO mtrUmlt Un wi-rn tii,troyl Aifrn rw-mntt. Ill' illlHM Il M M, i i i . ii , if, I i, i f I i , i ii ii. In , I il 'ii i k i .ut en'i tu i, ii, i .,. I " - be I ll A Ul l,i in I I In r , t i i I , , ii.il "" ' ' u H I- I .. I , , ,,, 1.1 I l ! Ii.li I., i (,, , lii t, l,,. ,,, . i III oh. i . t I lip.) I III A Ml II I' I n 1 1 1 1 li, in li in,,) hiii ! ni it m .,.i fit II I . i,i( mi,, , ,!,, N n I, Mm (.hiii H .liliijilon. ' ( i, ,,,,,, i.i i ,, o , t (.a ,( ii kirn It l III) III Ml) HUH l I, 1,11 I bltve e I II tin i, Mid lilli talked Wlih Imn t bo bin I In pity Ibi d pi p r t i lit p I liemlli In lm!, I their Ji.ti I wt.h ,nl hale ab Hit Ioki Wellington ivt ty Wi-ik, fii the people Mbit ,,, jour ,np, i i nil, i,i. j,S nhni n going iiii there, ', H I Mtt no I wi lllng Io i I n,y Millie In the paper, for Hull Uoi," pbtee I tu vet like to m e It, II. will get I hi mi aomi enough, ,, M I'l lend llowet, lhenHgalor of Ihe A, I', A, imtveiiieril., and who now live In Clinton, Iowa, ald In jeebat llavenpoil a nbotl lime ago; "IVobm- lMitllll developed a fjtitoln, and tha lloiiibl, ehoreb prttvllei) an anmomln to kill him. 'f'he public w hl grnduaied a Carlield and the parochial ehd developed a (ilteail Ul h(rt him, Out of the public nrbool came a Carter Ifarrlnou, an able (roDdi Ian, but not of Ht, I'alih k' came a l'rendergat Ut Hike hi life," AmitUiln llhntt , TOUfUMf CAIlVduAUf-OMNIA, Cbft f(i( Quii.k Trip, The travel from the north nwi north' wef, ter r itory, tapn d by I ttK iHKnr ivk k mi,xit wh;ik, l,H tiemamleti (m rvlee of (hint haray b r, and beginning Octolier ,',f,h, Uiurht imrn Will tevw Minneafoll evt-ry Thurwlay morning and loin the. regular tourlt train out of Chit ago every Thurntbiy fttu rtunm at. ( !o, in, intn Junction, at If p, m, Ci nl,tl fowaaritl the great wet nlom dlnirlct of that nfafe, demand and will n il Ive. anlmHar' ri, and In glrnlng tirUilnr I'ah, a l',lfllp-tk nlaml hKi'iirnUift t nr will have Albert i'tt every Tu' day morning, mi via Mver-inor-, (ft, tint fin hihI Ango, will arrlv at fe Moine fhf, evening, and Wen.dy a, to, go went on tint "i',ij( Hvo," Ih thlihh, tJliroltl Hiul tUllltf vllle, a(, which fsiint, H wilt pttn Din n-yular 7'ueoay train front ('hii uto, r nil lMlSt:tii it Ui l In no rnU: ticket for thl trio, And afr a tr evt of f rth In tho UurM ear cheerfully g(en on itiitilU'iiJUm Umttf tinnt iUn'k Inland f imfy 't n k t Afi'iit, or Hioiti at Mm f mil AfatioTi rrf vnohi'diou Hoi', mi, HKttAH't tAUf (j, I', A ('bkago, tO CALirOMfllA with her dancing, Mr, Charle M. Ilichard, a Holomon Mono, nng and danced to the dellghl.of t be audience, a did Will liorrough a hundown, the uneiiiployed," Charle K, Matthew, All (iernri,ft A flef,t, ''And no jtttt yit'i my m w overroM ,r a ( ranger' nald an angiy man to hi wife, Imply upon hi nying thai. 1 1( miiI for HI" "I didn't know h w a a windier," r 'Ihn Ami, nl Hum, fir, J, V, 1'i'O rn w Hm nmnniit of Ihn rMMon m-nt t,nt, l,y llm Cnlvemlf y l'er,f,ylvnlA In ) to ntplnm Ihn rnlim of ftibylon, "Hurlng Hm (o yenr f w H,," )! he,( )ve, Willi many 1,1 llm wild trltn Around tlm marlen of Arabl tan, 'lm rofcbilot, In whiei( f fo,i,4 (hern we o,'t deprAl,f. Tlmy wer a rurmt depraved rae, robbing, eheHr,g, y Ingatid iVbiing t,)r,fcf Hm diily ooHltm of limit i Hfii'inf, 'llm prb,e(,, ;,., of llm peop mf foofcwl twirley bre, And will 1irgn nniiitnt t,f limine fiii form tlm mn oui, Wbt-n I i.tlwii Via Dnvr od lf Lak Crl, t'ktrtriMof ihn (rraat (Uttttrnl tlrniU Wawekly f,ntiuZ"4 Ui Callf rf th t'filn ij-(rTvtftrTnrt,grt rl yiJr ft Mod (Halt !.k Cft JNPiA rna) titim. ttiA fur WMt'r giving detail anJ alvantagaa oftrA, , nttP.nttm, Mtt,, V h, Mk. M Hit, Clark t, tyy,ki, htfi,, tthimuo, OlIlliliH, fifll, HitUUftn aid Wbl, An orjiiniHtioti 4 coUirtH IhjYu , whit urn, awnlbig tb Ittftniy, are tfnw niroun rt cnlliiiH opon al jeo!i tl b natt anything in l,h way luint-nf! I'UtlMhtl, Tbey rnki over and r oair a!) got0 given them, n )v tMm out tr neey ntoiiii'i (heir ra'y Aii (loimuitm i nn i taken or eot t Mira, - JJ, tiKWt M. Vrt'nW'oi. H, W, Soiilevard i,iM',nmAwy, The Wtf 11(1 IHAfL j oMi.be4 iy,mU ry by tho t'liU Add, tU' H I UH ti I'AdklC llAffAAY, ti Mln how Ui get a farw In (hw W"f, anJ H will ln mul Uiyon ftrt'in tor hum er, H nd name and aldren 0 "rVJHoi' Ventrn Trail, ( 'bb ago," ad w'ty It tine y r free, JOfN HKfJAVHA.V, (, I', A, ,rllr' am off ring at uiiU ,r-,y htfltnt-hiMt niiit kitchen t itn'tUtro, Ihn in n,1 ' tit i,1 tho ni-riiii I'tAln'if, fin, 117 North il wenfy-fhfrd nirc.f, Hba.i fake great iU-Hnmn, io nbowlng b good at aUtv loiitna tut oi.tt vtm k, Ai,j pi'Iieily given thl otit,Ut will la itofif i i ittU,!, ,',, lMAil, Jan, I't, l'r, 4 riiiiiiit iimrtttA tnn Jtr, utfitUy o,l,l,,r,, f(e.i ,,t eify fU tt,t A'HH,a X . .t K Hi I ofll' , Nofic, l ObHl Uitrti ni, ii',fii ,r,y ln, il,t l,y re , I'f , ill it, llm eotel.flo, ,,f , l,,,ii (,,,(, 'Ul 'l te orf r fV4 tr,ft't t,f vV ttn,i n M.'l ' II t(r'lri' If gr;ri i" x'i'i "h'i tn in e,,.iii i, i,,, )4i"it (lii y for tlgger and gunr'1, I J " K X o,i, r, ,,n o e,t'ie o, in . had half the popiibillou AiaJvlnglr umt'.r ' ''' "'" ' ' l""iu e,,o,i y .., S;;;, , " r ;r i J;rr'tf,vt!;,r:(.:': wagi ft jo t r,l. A,eri orm of Hm roen i, t",n o ,i 'I", m i i-i t m.i,,,,,, i , t i , , . . . . . t,n tma'iM ne, n, lri on hurt, hire IHt fndhm. Iron, and many time ,y ef, wound erirefuliy f)e, jn, ), ft:,t Their government t rut hey belt of gov wnnmnl, I a p"i'i;'l enhiMiion of Aft arehy," f elln ll'int fr, f W ftp fee,) u(, a win, hr'er rift Hm Ml, a Mi I'luelie, the colon ,1 cook, keitl t,,i (I,,, t,f,,,i ( ,.., !..,',. i day and lnrleddwn Hm nlre. f , ln.t, ,,i i-i ,,. iit.t tim we,i,t (o l fitJlii f from whom we had tftruwut It (tm1,iy b, fere, but If did ,i,lt effe, il wirrk in Hmwnyef e,l,itm (l,,tl. w hal rr,,e!, fii nor mind Io rn , If, a long w nn, I lm Orsf mnn w o t on Hm nireef w ,1 U tlm... . , .... , ' " , r, w,i loiignt'l l,p fl ,,' f,rf A vnr' ,it,i. ri,ii,ii lo 'Mm tinivu rnl, lm lit w even Hionght of f.li.nng Hm gun Af him, Tlm vety ,et timrt w mef wn A tnrnut whom w ,,e jvt,,j ,,r,.i,(, r , A mr iiUriiif lie hud not mlwd a pnfw-r or .id a n-nt In u i u er. r,(i When he, i H, ,,n , Ht,;t,, i,r, w,'l, A IIU bill, Hbtti we , t,,r, Wit fwind a load of hay, bii'i,rof torn and barrel of f urrow, whi' h h id Ui ri bronchi In by delllepu i,i. If moicy will hurt m' gun, war going io ne, it rtrimkarul ieloi, mil, At,iui i ,j 'mtrr'i'.. till' MlUlellCe elllur fl,lll,lg or llllgb- l, "ltl.,1 1.1,1, I l.i.l I l,.U e, ... lug conllniiiiiinly, Mr, l', V, Wi nicoit, cauH'.ii," a Jonalbiin .link, l,o , and Mm,: "tt'lmi iireeiiiiim t,i.i " (,.,ii.,, n.. .link", hi lll-li Jiipered Wife, I, hived lilinbniid. their pin t nailnfm torlly, hhouid Mr, "VM,y, f made hlmglv urn a reeetof, fr 1 1,'l'Ckenrldi'e ueciile lit repeat "A I' nine , It. Mel tier II I " pel mm.,.,1 il.a.ir. I' 'ace," he VI ill 1 ndoubledly draw a hu ge ! Unrtllii ntecn of i,n,rt.r "I nl Mti tl.i.ii,,!,! atlep, liinee, We iinih'l l M rid It I hla likli A, know bolts, i,enli wern l.li.,ii... " IrileMlori to pluya numberof lh Inrger IlutnhmforHm tiveperllf-. lt, v. tm tieveriu.e,. iti, near ly. and when time get ; galnt-Nrw York Herald, ,i l ler oi'gnule J,,r I be roaij Ititrleal Inaitl'linilllr, A wr'aln lady, wrl'liig a'rfuif. aeertAlu - L,tw Uriel, We uuike a npeclally of brief print-! I'Milbfrian, id lm had an 'Inirleai tndl ng, and alloriiey having thl kind of vlua!l'y " V haven't Hm dlmuirat bh a work should call on II. We will m. iim ,t i oever a l.lgli ilea. ,1 to l.iake ,l lee. which M'c re.ln. T"lUVr'Z., ' ':""' ,'r""', ' rlel llllil IH. ill., I 1,1111,1.1, 1..., u,,..,y ' " ' ,.,-.w,i, , linn, ,u in... : eoMT. , I '1 1 .11 1, , . I I It, I ( t, , h'tnt nwi uittnnl Mm io.'l ,t,ji,,il wal I'll llm . II, ftnfi.f ,l,,,iir r, l (V ifiiii' li, nlU'i ninili, 'I r o, i'l, , (in-Hh 4 ' ,,rK wi (,,,,).),,,, i ti, f,lio;ti Mun-riy i-tmn,, i ,n , it, .,.,) t,', 1 !. i'i ,t l,l,n l.y , ),', I, $ yi-Htmi,i ' i t,i n.,r V. j,,,.,,,.,., -I l',,lir. 'urn ,' pr,r,y i"i, ,,.40 -r VI . i,,,ri, A t 4 r'i - ' ,e , i, o,t ' j , i'tnijt' .i,, e ti, i(.. , f r 'i.. -J 'I f li'fil ! III .'( M ll l' il I l.i " '.'I v, i.l- 'I 10', io, . ititi. . .Ciie, ity i' I.'; I vi I I 't A II I I I1' i Vi'.'e "f .o'l e.'.ri j,- o,i rn fon IMDIAM TCRRITOny, , THE CHEROKEE STRIP. S4l50KLAH0MA(FT,8MITH, Tf'Tl 1 itti r imr.K and H0T8PRING8, ARK, t 't'l Afir, 1. 1 (m r ,"k 4 f 4ii, Mi, ?h' Knriscify", ,ST. LOUIS fo,NT3L I,.. ml',, I, l f ,ri, It'll lit l,,i,a ' t ' t