The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 20, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Sf !''
liy MAllliTrK Hf.liM HKTH
f m a i 1 1 ii iri - 'ini M(,fl.
I If j 11,1 llltfl If 1)1 I r ttllt Wtldt" '
)fii fio'l'mif twm'mlljr 'i"Hf!i fop,
a th" vefi"rM form of J5'i11 und
Mlini'" hml ri-i"')4 ffom hi if(ti)
I fi t i-nti In!, jr the pi-timi(i
fimfiiiiiy (tcoumj tlii-n, (".ry srfumil
r(i!y Inflicts) fin dU H!t.''i!nfiH'
fc"i t urif m trnili'f Ifn if if-
ri'JiHrMiili' !iim, fnwlfrlrtjf hiffl ftctfi'
k"i n',y iiiivu w ftii utiffcrlnjf if of
i.ii , t)i hlijM'tt newt th'HP to hint,
bin fri'ithi'f, IVUtia ni Kil'-f.
rrhm!tV"I t't H fHf''fMl rave, (ttur
wbi'-fr it wn hi privili'ifi' ifily to
wstrh; nrnl tb'ln itr!t'4, b kfcw,
wTf jet rri'iru mt-lv iiofiw'l in tt
iirion fi( tb Wcrfi(l, nrKd'c ?i" i
tftmrdiwn linr) of II im hoiovvJ tbcm. j
awl who (fyrt ITirnwIf fop th'm: j
mht-f tti tbln imvrA b!brt'I an') j
tb'r wan li-ft to tb? moft driw'fu!
stir kwFit of nxn-tfil niff'rtftjf
Hfgb. jft await tbow In whom nit
know nof,' Uioijfbt f?ry-,in, "whvih'r j
b i a fiarfk;r in tbt or?!os fulfb i
wb'cjb m to support th? nJ of b!
expiring w'ttt'' With tib fbofJfif ;
U fr r - .!..! 1. .,.!!., ... . ..,1 I
the nfraiii'i r; and, having r-t' for a
wbii'fon thi waii bjii blm, a'!'Iw-fwvl
him in trolje of ri''Cf.f'i! cmitfilwrw
"Yoi ar? not alone in your1 wifTur-
ifS: alH4, that th, only I'orcfjlH'Jift j
whi'-b f"Cfl offi-c nh'Xil'f :t
xbip in wr-t'fi-dn'')!"
f b)',tr if'nt, bit iwltbr jKiki hoc
t'ntiti-ii tip.
Y.n"Mrdii-A by tb! nt(jf!it' pwf" of
tf'fi ion to )ii wwd, iirptn pi
"i know that Uh wh' ftwnt' to v; ,
m a in fin It; m tn emwUti Whhi'ii
mu that powT into nei.Um, in ilifi'iw
fMf-fc'-'i with !na if all fMf iri-
flf.Itb.-K. t .ti v-.rf
"Y-t itbont nfn," inf'f-p'tb,-;
ry. to bW, h( .,!f-f, '!fi
Kifif!! f"t!titiV4. Htui U'lwh rnv rftnl tl
Tb'-ri' m tdmpK h ib?iMf' f.'y-1 '- ' 1W'''
vor in tb-f tww tbl bort hW,. '?" PW'MMP iI'o-:
tbat -f., tb m ifwfl.ff j 'ftV! tlJii U.fffliuliWfoi-
ft, iff-wf ,rtnf: fit, MlvM'-tt)fi.i-.'lM"fR-wf.tlwi!
H wrrl r-pi-fl M'-Offl)iffKf..KW'iiliwl
'im"ilhr tri! to -Kf'k to tb' mtm xmi, j ff.?frt.
ff itlf'frt unti mihrtiMorl, ttttryutf "HWi'f rffltW':'' ifPiwfJ tVbf rfVfiW..
f.b wor4 w!fu fmtijfht' wtfc miM i wM' py'Wiflff .vvRtH4: tAV?; pot
MttfufVtjsm; nf wiittnttK'f him irt a; fWK(''-!K If'f;. ywpw;. .louifiH'.
pof-po !ri-')y frrni'-4 in bkVyfWWi Jf Iirf1 iiw illjllfl
bmt mlftrf. fV'Sni rf III mtt:'iAi tfWPtf'-'iiVr ifibW'lf.'- J?lofl 'feuib,
b-t iif4 wnpftb, n'mi'w'in'i'' mims'ty-Md m xwd iut .rttick
in low v)V'A tb'f fpn forf' of hi. trtlw ,w1rtKK'ir,i'i!- i:
('A)t'tptUm 4mpfby; t.b"rt ('f: "'S'n? '- ri'ii,(tfUii44H'jV'tfW)it'V,,t1
in nvUU'tit 6nnr irf yoor ftthifUHrl'f tA' r ,h,w tP AAK'mu'ie tPPoP rtoiinelin:
tM,iyj n xtMtfon friitri 0-h ii ir y't'i ,HVit i- p,f0fitp'vv ;
tinnilf mW,v tnurw yini? ftinwA. j foMM-f Wtl- fJi'V-M' Vt'Mggie
Vf)iftn-vr ymr ttvttng will permit iivAT- dlw;. jjii.o vWW rflis'iined,
ym to r)ff'iiliti tttrg ntHi. fm?& tUl-! WMW- jtawth wfi dhw jbwierJ
t'mtof mvfoMhniy rnhu. frmtU tiW iiW t.tiIK iJppd ,opppnvage-.
I'f m" will riot ttt'i(U-H Urfn MtMM rt'ffl' tH-tW'lkiff1 pWV Atjfchttrt
h r''J eimr'nMnl giva my -l ! Utt'm' tf tHIty WiM fbwrtH ithe
grti4rt,oth"f tht vpfitHt of ymf mil bfPf! i'f-'iitjf'Wjl t1ifiif:.jaiiHifr.v
f b' f iitr'tHvrft hnttti, whi ytynt y.hjtU ' rfWrt'kWttl'flb'lwd
prwf tt'tt wil! f5il if rfiy Jo blr i"!iK'vll pVJi'.W''- if'J t'cely
tn;l'- with Mn-mfffit',- ff-iwM! liSW iWfi'fJ tliWfffW ,ip-.
.kSni',!ik in wif Vw)ffj('aWH,lo; -J iMj wrf't.H' frf'' rdijwwrpotjpfi. jtlut
1" b f!ofiW!ff,i,fli tbf, ttfflj(f ! tWf rt'vrtfM''- !ifff(W)!Wr'M-
Wflw jfrxw, 0mAmti rtt'it'h wwt t'w'M',- WH&M'Jf W- S' i.tb'H'' (PMMiUf
VffJ." fii.wiiii'k' op ttof-' tfifwififd, ;fd. ja.the
h-iny fwf nv'uUntt 0yn fjib m
prc!i,fi of tfffp tbif nkfiilrx', i",tl-, , mnp4tf- ttif.'wjZ-. ".$'!'' Jfvue in- j where my iifnorance of tbe native lan
It ( n trth'irfy 19-V. ti4 fwf!:fW!lf,' :Wfoigfj;iifr' tbe atate of a man cant
fVofh'-r IthiiVw' I will nft&pi iV1
'V'b''r bnvis yt'i MnrHMY'
M4 Ifryurt, hk hi M1Mm (inw?
nwHiUA iSi-, H,n nmrblttt,
' hm Fiititi'j my hnit'l wttif
work ytrtAt-f, ytf turno?," h. fpA,
pAhhii to IM pw, fbf t,b yitHiW'
h4 triisiA, wbb;b, with MrttftnUnn( ml-
hw.wA to th Iftwmil 1rtt rifthi'lf i
Anf.nrfHn, im V:trt mti hwt'iH
Jowfl fowj m tb cwfi"l ffiff!4 off .'orKrt fJw'OlM-i'jlfi'fpejpai'Piij'tfpf
from ViJow, irtf'f'i-W! tji'''fiff!''d rpi-ayifi's.awjoe'
"y4nd rib) ywf (fowrnof f')Sy pf- f'f' ttW ffwf jKibWvW iff ibis ifliwUfnt
lAv' Hfik'td, th. nttJftrij(i,i'f whim immA'W' wvii-ti'w
wa Wtrrfutm,- trofff -fJ'itWO!j'itifc fitbe-rffoeliiigSfpf
'Kvnry tHuk if thi'ii), irff, f rrpfM i fV("!f'!- rV'jWMWd Ktiiloop
r wfi!J,w oW(if""I M?rt,b: j'Wf"'1"1 Wf' vCJM iwd irtiotion
U-rtily, "Hn4 tt,'m)v iivitfiW4 1 W'MH1- fb')'" Viaj: ,)!! rfrnd ;Jp
jiMitJs it" i.Vi- rfjW'jJfWfIj li.t!ff K dp,pr tto'
"That m-ktiftwItufxHtt'M' wr wH!f,'-M:tiM''fi-mimyhtr vThi'sb
wwf tb' m," 4'ff Hryttri'. "i&.ihl pVfi'Wrrtl I4 tki oe'ap
Wjtfc fb Wo'rt frt, ttiHt f.W iWVstifi' 'f rftili'f'fPrt'M' ,VP(ftH iotiiun ipp:
iimSvwr imri'A not bo' i'lH rtf"! '''fr f)!'1!1- rfiii'ii';! iffiU"' iton
Mt,iv bl'fJ mfjfU ffo', hot,' rt'J'i
rt.b'f r''Job'-f IfJ prop'ifliif to' ibf
hnrf'rf-4 pffp'trtiU't iir'lef ttii(if" ir'
StpiSUtm iominiiM'
"Tlny urn nti'WH'ii'tiA by tti
frfifml " M Mrrr1mt).
''fifk ymdnr'." i):-fimA M'rtifb:
ncfft rf'w of tb'f uj0ti ,' if'ff.
ttt( f n fjf to rtSH h'V fWoO'l
rot Jci"? in tbf frf,;t of bif b'!-!',
A Ffrtvth offS'j'f, vfbo ap;"ri"( t
tiv,f ri'i'k!4 wvrn rtfilcc to1 ifp,vi-s't.
ato tb'f K)'hfl'1 of tbo vffiO' if-
fflftlnM bvij'nrtt srallK,hJ jffrVHw:Hwj j
th jyfawi rff Mifr1MiV If! j
awsmlflfJjf f ft a jult iWj. AtVitM i
ii Kf, l,f jjniiii. ,V1 -.tit
fi,f !( i'i)t,''a"' if'-rti(tv (; fin
iiii ( fttiw t)o f',"'. 'itf'.tin ;
off !)llt' rHUev!)
-Otn r,(i-'( inH" ijttlio' ,tm:
lI''i('i!nv jPttlt vtMflw 'lliilt.',1 S'i
H,i'rv',lZ)Z 'J,i'' rl'c'rlHttlW- t'tf
iboit'in'd trfV; '!' .itiA'M- !'rt')ii:twt
jdiliiW of rti.f.l' !rtin',ftMi itononM'
Hf'H in'ftd t -mHo' rliM"ll
(ii-c to r'" ''Mil' M'wi''"l1) i'.'.Mtli'
fii '! .of '))' !!, !Mi'rt: .tf1 M'1'-
in t)irW ltlit(w'r'rt",l4' if' !("' fl'M.a1t '
! ;(V iftiwwil1 ,. !jtiff (V!Wii f-,
I pfi.Mt rttyi' '.i!itiHlv1: ?
' ifolHilM It) jjf'.V'.''" '
I T!" fof)'i(inKifi' stun 'U'lttrtia:. ;
! tt't ic in' ju !(: JM'fCiiii; :
j pfi'pfit-ivj V'M',- ii (tiwji ,f ''(! ;
! by of4; th rHfiff iitMtV rt.-Uu-
iimtinDloi fittriml- rtff' itViMMili,v
I iiiTi'Kf!5f tin' p'tt! if' iiliaMtijiturtV .
i bl)f ' j(llic. (fifHj: ,M';t"'.
I piff('''r nxiw fof vfMi)Ji :Hl,
rmo','. WtfW-tiv fit'''.-
TMr Wm ii---rtp it',viiV-;j
rfm"fit' t?w w'iiiir . ;Pit!fi-'
blm'f aK'!' m'l'f rmfwif .viiWH;,
itrwif Hlr krt'- r"A'Htii (tff fili.-'
'nryrit'n' itlfllrif' ihV H'irl'j.' t'W ;jik ;uiivuirUi(,'f of tliU after you left
j vrsur Urt nti):- tii Pk-MMW m'Stti '.i;t- .paW, ,ud'-- be boaiuted again,
i PHlUriif- m fait-tivw.H'divfMnxtitii- ',ftUji t.ieii ;in niore buiried maiioor
I !h'f!"-"f: -ritM ivffii!'!liill rit'!li fiirt't. 'yOuefl: "ybucc re graves of my difc'
j ",VitiV rbl f!f(!ii!i'-"'f-5Ji'-'ti 'Vbe ; ginip tbe cburchyui'd that cover some
lrr of?!'v-n ;.vmi tn'riioiMMAj
IKti hhtxl?4' ti li't.i: .'?
fttrtfv trtrfi;-
':lV-b dy'i'i'''''' !
Tier wtiiWNH1 rfiad tiwt jfbe
swrr wH'rft';iP Wi(ffilU
of ti piVi: tlf.t jf)e ,pt'jfi-(.'d
j IyJrijf'tif'?;-irt tlif'ibi' itffrbiuiig 'Uikup
j of' !liii-'" iiirwd itbe
I rfUif' '( :Wlff ' fi,;'t.t rJH.'lJlHljV rfpoMtfU'
irttJ-rti'flr1' ttH' itfclid:r ibe iadfiwfl.
i'mh'-j' tit .ol-' :t ib'f ;)UI)d ftaoe,
IX) j-,t'J j.t tWH)blff. M,Mtp.'
tlik. W!,' iff; ' rfi'ff 'tipi'ftit ttpttf
tf'f ' f.H';!''rt,oiiiieli4tifIoi
"5 rtWOMif'Pjwmfi.W.iautlil;!!
jfn - (WKEy - ,,ioifd(!1wiiceiat,al
rf(ii4- W 0MfWfJ ttf'P': ''n
irtW1 f.Vjf.e jft rfirt'ijy jip -it. ,'lyoi'd,
rffjf' pI! iH'iim'if lUw'-"
' ,,Vi'fi t?ii' iUMi.-)ipftoibplfl ifff.WAl-:
i'rfwffftP'W 'itbtiKiowriiiig ,duty,
: bff rffttf'bPtl'P ,opmjforn;i.'
i ,l'ri''r);i,Wip(os, '!H;i!('b)Milivnd
MM'f rtrfttfiif1 l!'!i;Wid ib(''',Vjpi,inJ
''!(!", )tl( fr','ii'" jff4(iMjlivt!, .Witb
Jf ! V. ff Ifi'ii'i fO(tritiiiiUy jeon ,d k
p!yV"J;iP'lt''Vl itjlifVO, iVbOUt piling
ili- tHWfMjJffli'OWf-' ifbert'OPt itbt;pco-
iinMl Y' iiii(!.!UtiifuV, jgote
H'Mf rfip 'fiy:i''
'.'-?fy iWfb'f,"'' it'ji'U'id rtb dd (f
,'f'Aiifrt',f,'' "iVjift'i.iie ;is jgvop rfnore
:rti4pifWl Hiltrii '(dtjacvpiiijirijiopd,'
rfink" ftffW!' rHrtMV' (difpluarting'Ob-
',' t.ti' .' hh" rWffifte ntt: bill it.
n tio'M li:tml i'n'tiinuitj
i ".!' U-vi 61 utt h.j. io that luiS'."
li in'i.. ' l'til l(Hti to tll
j "ll'iitlli l(l (lUlitl tiltil' M),1 twittj
IM, !lAli lill.tltr?'' wiitl tlivatl.
$llcv, kf. tttlll I Vtlllilin't tU
JF.- Jan' iiU .ajiw'W irjr tm? U
I liijj;i-!i. tlnuoh loWt tiiviu it
,li,, tifl!coi Utol IM- nn-aut lo i xo-.Kit'n-;
nni! o'iii'H Mi- t'iiU- tuwvhoil
ni, ,)wi :! i:n'.lic i-iv taken
,U ,Hu- lliVwlf tl;((S Ctiuliiu't but
tM .ryuii tlllllil H Jwililll Milt tf Mr.
''Am! tisin viitt' liUtiiii-U ,iim o
limp'' nakii llom-.
S)i, ic: I but; ir.imr ipk in baud
4d;iri iii: Init 1 Uiiln't liko to nmn
rtiuti ,11 tlI (wti.vnrr M)tx' diint'.'- Tb'Hl
tui'Milij.' H' Mr- MuirittiHi. thi butti
Wiiw tif tl tiwiiiiif;. bt Imiuiivd
.ii'iSjiur the rintiiif (if Cutinuliuu bud
utl .ix'i'IumI hip vir in the imirnini;:
li iiiolj tin' ,itbr With 0 ln;vy tfik'b
iMt-tMot'td ttiMt it bud, Milder oiremii-
.iUiK''iiiVtic H be 1uefiXUn.
.'V..'tl, jiir. timt CotiiielUm ie an old
,,i,ii,i..iiHe luiiic: nd 6 lad who won't,
?niee uUnit iiU ruli'ion whon bis
irwirbiwd Lc tip naiiMt - the Proooh. I
..who ,vefe tie i-iiiiHliine to our eyee.
:!,j'.ve,dn.' unothor ooc beiiide tbura, and
-w?'U receive the body of
.'tduueUtn will bring it to the gate, and
;I'.ve tbe jovocuori! leave. I know 'tin a
eomfort," be added, turning away to
jliide the starting tears, "for haven't I
found it so myKulf?"
.While Morrison, ovoroome by "bin
unejt pooled, mercy, vainly strove to ex
preoo hbi gratitude, Kosis exclaimed,
Magt.atlr, :I vorily think you were sent
here to be. a porpotual reproaoh to my
jfhaimfful prejudices againnt tbe native
'VYoM've no prejudice now, Mr. Rosn,
avourneon;" answered Magrath, with
,ap ,tT.jetionate smile: "but when they
wbp .should sow good eed jilanl
nothing but thirties, what crop can you
.ejipeet fOnly lay tbe blame on tbe
'He ipiak ;iuoh justly," observed
.Moi-riton: ''and tbe generous deed that
be ;ii)d 'CJtmnellan have performed ifl
more oliiitaeteriistic of oureountry men's
.natural feeling, than aretlieuanguinary
lints whieh have made their name a
;teiror, ,and our beautiful island a r
pryaoh among the nations. My own
.Ule ;)uw beep an iietive one, bringing
,i)ie very "frequontly ink) cuntaot with
t(ie .most untamed among my oountry
,men, ;in thuir,inounUiin fastnessce and
-wjcluded valleyu. ,1 have been bo
situated in those .remote districts, that
my p;rsorml safety depended, no far as
loan was concerned, on an unhesitating
appeal to the nobler feelings of their
jrputuw: and. whou unlqfluonood by tbe
priatont instigation of their priests, I
have ffound tlinir enmity molt away
.befot e the apix-wauce, or let me rather
jsay tbe .reality, of affectionate confi
dence ,on the part of one who threw
himeelf on their hospitable faith."
''"f in the way of tbom when leTt to
tbemiiolves," uid Magrath, thought
'fully: ''but your honor was right in
barring the priest's blarney."
"J, jhavejood reason to do bo, my
dear bt'othor,'- rejoined Morrison,
wboe iovory,look beamed with grate
ful .cordiality towards Magrath; "and
i,one imong bevoral mstanceB i win
name, isome years since, I was travel
ing ithrougb a mountainous and unfro-
IquimWd district in tbe wildest part of
tialway, where .scarcely a trace of
LciyUitiu .could be discovered, and
aahore on wome foreign strand. In fact,
1 bud acted very in;autiously in neg
looting U provide myself with an in
terpreting guide; but ,1 could not be
lieve that the Knglish tongue would be
) universally unintelligible within
half a day ' journey of places whore it
was generally understood and used.
However, ) found my error too late to
profit by the -discovery; and, com mi t
ing ,myseif to the JUird, I went on, ac-
.costing all whom J mot, in tbe hope of
pblaining an atiswor from some one. I
was disappointed; and, to aggravate it,
there generally appeared a scowl of
displownu-e accompanying tbe mutUirod
tosltic, 4r tho iiullen silence in which
my address was rocoivod."
'tf'H engage -for urn," said Magrath,
smiling; ".it .Isn't the fjnglinh sound
timt will .make a man welcome In Cun
namara." went on," continued Morrison,
'iintil the closing evening, and my own
rfatigue, together with the jaded pace
,pf toy , horse, .compelled me to make an
.attack ,on the hospitality of the next
.cabin that .offered any appearance of
.comfort, il .reached one, situated in
-the -frii1nt. .of what seemed a respectable
little property, well farmed; but tbe
.bouse, though large, was an rudely
built, and of ;as rugged an aspect, as
any cabin ,in the bogs. Jlere I reined
in iny horse, and, fastening him to a
tree, walked iuto the kitchen."
''And .parlor, and bedroom," inter
rupted Magrath, who uoetned to enjoy
tue.rucilHl greatly."
(Jo be "Continued.)
I Jr. Order United American Mechanics
H(tuKl My If. I833"tllltl!lr
for Mmbrhlp. j
Any ltn' i!iil' m r, imrn In lh I nlli'il j
lu,rf ?Hll Amtto . im llifii. lit!
iiii-kk lln' ,iv(iiii f Im flmi, l,.i nhnlt I
It AUMiMi'U ttnntri if jMivh riii. vlio
i ,f km Hi Hi,tl , IihIV I, r. ln'lU-Vrr l l
M i if ii hujir,,," Hi'tut ll I fi'iiOif
ihit I'n'Mi r iliv Mtil;i, li fvir of
fp ilt iiitHWl l any nl'n if
ri'ut'h Mlitl Mu, filmtl ) rllll'li' 11 IIM'tti
I,i4lttp Hliilor lli ,ltnilii itf lid lw In
II, MM, ti'l Ki)lHtl)iinl 1 1 fo whk'ii
ii,, IH'i' '"' ' ! t imolilnt. Ilinl no
u iwii il,nll Ik- rti Hvni Ut l'iti'IVIn,l riiotti
U i lii l' l -r Mfi y yt-oMi i.f nir-.
A jn-iv,iii kIihII tmt In M'rmlll4i tit IhU
,H-ttr wImi i1,hi ti,f iimM a iiimmI titornl
lt' ,riMl'r r tut l In hii.v vny liii-nimt'liiiti'il
fnm fHiiilntl ltvtii,l. iiur klmll hn l
i,,,.li r l vl.n ii y,.r ,,f mf,,
ciili)iii ttf iHn nr mriliii rhnr
n.'Hr liiill iml U- tiHn!ii'd lulu miv tmHi
uc of UiU roiihi'll. nor tlmll nity ntiiMlH)r
nuke u, of tii iiaimii of ihia onli'r hi m
pJ,ttk'l IlKM'tllllt.
tmk onjKcm ahk:
1 11 - To H'.dnliiin mid iromot llii Inler
via of Aitokri-HHH. Htid fcliihl ihi'Ui friiMi Hit'
t, i Hii,i ,'Hivtif for,,iun rcn,i.'lti' in.
Nimiiu To tuMiNt Auifricaiw In olil-.lnltt
'llora-To cncournitii Amorti'iinii In bunl
im lourtb-To wlatillhli it sick and funeral
I ifth-To iniiliilaln Hie nulilli- r. IiihiI ajru
O'niof Hn1 I nlli'il i-iulfH of Aiiii'rli'n, and lo
pruvoni Mx'tHrlnn liiU'rfiTi'lirw thi-rvwlth,
mid uphold tin, reading of lln' .llolv Hllilv
statu coUNCii. or mebkaska:
S. r.W. A. IKiWAHR. Irinroln.
H. V.f.-W.M. K. KNAI'I'.
I. H.-H. L. HAY.
JS. T.-C. H. A lI.KN.
iVndiifllor W. K. t)lFLANI).
Uuurd-P. S. McAt l.KV.
entliinl-WM. Tl'KNKK.
Ik'li'iriiU" to Nittlonal Convi-ntlon WM. F.
KNAI'I'. II. L. DAY. V. A. MKSSK K, 1'. .
ilt AI LKYand W. K. (XU'KLANU.
VVard. ii- K. A. HAYI.ISS.
Tin' ni'xt rixul;ir iiii-vilnu will be hold on
tlm ihird Tuosday In January, IW4. at 1'latU
tnuuthn. Nidiriiska.
rASllINtn)N COt'NCIL No. I. nii'eH
" evorv Krlduy evtmlni; In Goodrich hull,
l'b and Paul streets. VIhIIIiik brollicrH al
ways welcome. J. C. I'Aoa, Hue's.
T INCOLN aH'NClL No. 2, meet In Lin
iJ coin, Nbraka.
COLUMBIA COUNCIL No. 8. infoti every
Tuenduy nvenliiK In I'utU-rson block, l"l.h
und Kunimii Siruel.
K. L. Makhton, K. Si'c'y,
AVI NONA I'OUNCIL No. 4. moots ovnry
" Kuturduv evenlnu In Und Mons' Hall,
Contlut'iital tilork. l.'ult and Dousing HU.
uno. m. dhavkk, hoc. sue y.
IELI) COUNCIL No. S, mwt every
Tuoiaday nlnlit In South Omaha.
Wim.iam I'akk. Sc'y.
Wiidni'nday (ivonlnx III 0.
Council Illulls. la.
A. II. Hall,
iv fc.-R. J. AliMSTHONO. St.. Louis. Mo.
t-. V.C.-K. C. 1KMUIKN. IliJilen, Mo.
S. C. Koc'v-W. II. (il'I'KOKS, Adiimn
Hlrent. H. Louis. Mo.
Will lum'.t at Moljorly, Mil., 1'obruaiy, lsH4.
JX nvery rrluuy nliiui at 8W Main strict,
L. C. Moor, Hoc. bucruUtry.
Monday nlt'ht at Wi Main street, W. Y.
Hlieaver, Hue. Secretary. 1407 Madison street.
Wudnesday ntuhla at A. O. II. W, Hall,
Independence, K. W, H)y, Use. Hecrulary,
W.TKIOT COUNCIL NO. ai-Monta cvny
Wednesday nlcht at A. O. I). W. Half,
1421 K. KlKhloeiith Ntrot.'l, J. K, I' lhlier, Uec.
Secrijtaiy, J4l Mora uvenno.
" Friday nlicht at WeHtport, W, 11. Hhllilk,
Itoc. tSeorotaiy, ViX) K. KlKhlh street.
Patriotic Order Sens of America,
WAMUNOTON CAM I' No. I. P. O. S. of A..
mueui each Thursday ovenlnu at Hod
Men's Hall, Fifteenth and DoukIiik Hts.
UfAHIIINOTON CAMI No. 12. P. O. fl. of
" A., Council II lull's. MeetliiK In their
hall over 41H liroadway, every Wednesday
uiKht at M o'clock. J. II. Vaw I'attan,
Hoc rotary
A. P. A.
can I'rotoctlve Amwh'Iiii Ion ineeUievory sec
oud and fourth Wedniwday of each month In
i.O. O. K. hull. I'latlsiiionth. Nell, VIsltlllK
liiemhorB are welcome. F. P. llrowu. Hoc.
We have a complete set of pedestals
for sulo cbcup. They are made Of good
hard pine and arc elegantly finished.
They can be seen at the olllco of THIS
block. tf
When down town leave your watch
for repairs with. John Kudd, "The
Jeweler," 805 North Kith street.
mum a
ry or
pormnontlT Aiimd In IB to M
Wti ftliiiiitiAU avll pfliHn from (Im yt
Urni, kliatt Ut rm ma uuvnr Ih m
return A IUa c11mmm In any form.
r'rtliwi oMi tte fnM.U4l mi bum m
well m hoiv, (for th nAm prim mud
unilwr thMutiuiruuriuiUH,) but with
lbHH who prt'tur to ennm liwrw, w
will wnirav't to eur tht'in or rfurw1
II nutw y and fm ntr ki(miih of
ovinia. rftUrotul ituv wid k'jUi bills.
Our Magic ItMiWJZi
ft Failed to ctir tit m't obatl
ul4 eauuM, Wt ohallittiK tii world
for acawwi wftfAn nuicuiw, Hlno th
lilnUfry of IMw1i'Jn ft ti ut)ip4'irli fr
My h I lit Ihm jmju ifltt fur lut nTr
found until our Mif1c VyMmtUi
WftMdllHXjVurMt. Wfl BviMt illMIUOlt
oinlUmt cas awid etuitlfntf th
VKtrttt fur a cam cannot evr. ThU
dliMjaiMi luui ftlwayn ttaJUd th kiU
uf th moat rmitwttt phyaiciaMt$.
$900,000 CAPITAL
bfthlnd our unconditional vuaratltM.
AhmoiitU prtntf9 tmui MtvllM Oil appli
oaUon. AdUrwNi,
lm Ml mmm Tto, ObImc. Ilk
H'lien Iluylog a
A. W. (JUMP & CO.,
fUO.OO'lo 50.00 mod on many new
nod ii'orid-liHiid llllele. l.lal
frci. Over ,UOO In Ktuck. 4ali or
UlUCi j
In thih iiNrKKr i oirm tna l oiinmu
Standard Anti-Roman Catliolio Books
Whith even Patriotic Aiiiciionn nhouM nm In onlfi' to
Vrop hinifolf uhttHl upon the nttituric of the niiicy:
Rev, Chiniquy's Books:
IIOMK" I'O.'i'. ff .
Fulton's Books:
.mi will', eloih, l mi,
HoMK '-l'rli. II &V
T, M, Harris' Books:
K..Vi Morrovi,
Mr. and Mrs. Sltterys Wirki;
T5 centii.
"SECliKlX (F UOMISII PltlESTH EX-!"0KI"l'rU-e,
411 cent.
4I2-KJ-I4 vSieo,y liluvk,
or thk
United States of Amerioa.
Minneapolis, Minn.
TIIOH. MILL1GAN, Grand Hecrelary,
Everett, Mass,
M. L..OOK,
4l2Phot'ly Illock.Omalia, Nell.,
Oriranl,er for department of Nehraska, Iowa,
KaiiHiiH, MlsHourl and Colorado.
On In-half of tho Loyal Oranno Lodti of
tho United Hlales of America, and with a
view of correctlnif tlm falsi) Impression that
eiiemles aru ,'ndeavorliiK to convey to tho
minds of men who am iiniicquiiliilcd with
OraiiK principles, are tlnmo few slatemenl
' The Loyal Ornnico Institution Is n hrother
liood and sisterhood, hound hy three ties
Justice, Truth and KlKlitcoiiHiiPHs.
It has no hidden alms.
It Is Fraternal and llenovolenl assisting
und protecting memhers while living and
their widows and orphans when they are re
moved hy death.
It upholds the right of private Juiltfmeut
tin) untrammelled freedom of Opinion) lie
lluves thir public schools urs lin OHseiitlal
safeguard of tlm state, und should ho kept
freo from ecclesiastical or seclurlan control
and (hat persons disloyal to tho government
who hold n mental alleglanco to the popo
of Homo should hi' rigorously excluded from
teaching therein, i
It helloves primary alleiilanco Is due to
tho government which protects tho lives,
IPjort Ids und properties of Its cltl.ens, and
that ucflcNlasllcul atllhoi'lly should not'
under uny circumstances, ho permitted In
meddle In tho affairs of state, and that coer
cion of aclll.en In the exercise of his or hnr
right of franchlsn, under the guise of relig
ious or spiritual authority should hn pin
lshed as a crime ugalimt tho slate.
That It Is tho duly of every clll.eii lo do
fend tin) lawfully constituted authority and
Institutions of our country against corrupt
und Inimical Influences, as well as against
armed assailants, to thu end that our glori
ous freedom he protected and transmitted
unimpaired to posterity,
It encourages halills of frugality und In
duslry among It member, and Is proud to
boost that Orangemen seldom liocomfl u
public charge or accept pauper bread,
It believes In tlm restriction of Immigra
tion and thn extension of time for tho natur
alization of cltl.ens, and that the public
lauds shall hit held for actual American ('III
Kens who become settlers,
Tho Loyal Orange Institution (if tho
United Hluton of America hits certain
requirements for membership:
That a man shall he an actual American
rlllwn, having compiled with thu lawsof tho
United Hlales with regard to naturalization,
and without a mental reservation,
That the applicant shall Im a Protest lint,
und also that his parents and wtfu shall bo
Thai Im shall Im thrift.." and successful In
his business! honorable and truthful In his
dealings with his fellowman, and shall bo
known us a law-abiding citizen,
Tliul h will endeavor to give his children
or any children under his charge at least
good common school education, being care
ful to avoid all popish doctrines, and
That hn shall lie In sound health Ut tin)
time of making application.
It malum no dlffnreiicu whnr a man was
born, so long as ho luenls tho foregoln
'Dies are thn qualification required 0
Overy applicant to tlm order, and wo do riot
think that any patriotic American order can
olfer a better array of principles and leach
J No. 221, lunula livery Tuemlny evening
ntHHIIl o'clock. M L, YAlUli. Hecy,
"Everybody's Law Book"
Is thn tit In of tho now TIKI pagn work
prepared by .1, Alexander Kooues, L. L. II,
member of the New York bar,
It enables overy man and woman to bo
their own lawyer, ft leaches what arn your
rights and how to maintain them. When to
begin a law suit and when to shun one, It
contains tho useful Information every boil
liess man needs In every stat4i In tho union.
It contains huslnexa forms of overy variety
useful to tho lawyer as well us to all who
have legal huslnCHs'to transact,
IiicIosh two dollars for a copy, or Inclose
two-cent post ago slump for a table of con.
funis and O'rms to agents, Addresa, IIEN.I.
W. IIITCII(;0(;K. Publlsher.llsnHlxth avenue,
New York,
MAIIHIEI) man would like a steady posi
tion In Omiiha, Hood penman and
scholar, very steady habits, etc, Member of
tho A. P. A. Address, F, F Jackson, 111
Ilavenport street, Omaha,
WANTED A situation by a young man of
W. il sloady habits: member of the A,
P. A. Carpenter by trade, but will lake any
thing steady, AddriwH, James E, Hoist,
1211 Ilavenport street, Omaha, Neb,
WANTED liond, steady young man for
work on a farm. Wages, f is, No Human
need npply, Address, "Im M ," AMKineAin
Edith O'Gorman's Work's:
"4MNVFNT 1,1 fK l'NVkll.M"-l,H.H,
viol Ii I ,3iV
Rev, J. G, White's Woks:
HFUmOF lAUKNIl "-Prlfiii1lolli
"UoMANtHM rXPoxl-ii"- Phih'K in rti.
CllNSIMHAl'V" Price 111 l)Kier, InclN.
"FACTA Foil Til K PEuPLr'-Oceiili,.
Thorn x E, Leyden's Works:
Ml cents.
"OUU COU NTH Y" Ml ceitln,
"MARIA MONK'l'il'i-. wm
CAN -ti pper litmdiedi per thiitiinndi
lni(p copy, 3 cent,
Chicago Short Lino
. or Tim-
Milwaukco & St, Paul R'y
The Best Route
-rim i
Trains liallyconslstlng of lh IIKf f'Af.Ana
Hleeiilng Cars) Ki.KHAST. I'll K Chair ('ars,
Llixiiuioim Coachesi and tho Finest filnlng
Curs In the world, '
For Through Tickets, call on tho ticket
agent at livii Fartiam street and ut Union
Pacllli) depot.
Every attention paid li passengers hf
courteous vmployes of this company, (
Oeu'l Ag'l, Omaha, Neb,
Fremont, ElKhorn & Missouri Valley
Fhkmont, 1Iatino,
Waiioo, Lincoln,
Bkwakd, Hupfcition,
Uavik Cirr, Yokk,
AmuOiV, NofiPOMf.
All Abfr-
Northern Nebraska, Black Hills
uni.i mnmt i,is to
Sioux City, Minneapolis and
St. Paul,
Ticket Onion liul Karnam street and WebsKir
Htrent Union Htatlon,
M, 0. BUfT, Ji ft. ftlOMANAN
Oen'l Manager, Oen'l I'assAgf,
From LIROOLR, OMAHA und 0OUR0II, Bf,flf P8.
Ileinember, Ibis Lino has a I'enof fof all
trains at Enilewid (suhiirh ,f Chicago;,
Closo lo tho World's Fair Oat.
Oon'l N,-W, P, A Omaba.Nel,
wieilid lit iiii, imomI vtjrrf ntf look
AbtN I Oof t he t lows, " Tha As
flon of l.lneoln'jir in,'f7M, tin
l,r ut ih Milltory C',iniiili'iti whlih
llnrri., wm
rh trlezl thn
..M.lns, rrmiism'il " rAinsrlot,ls h'is" ly
riM suit x-,,l, (Jo,iIhI,is inneh tlden
lillliertostiiiiiroj,ii4iill llmsf gnln .nril, turn
skhmI unlit 7a iierilim f rmn slrriiiiif, Alifrf wril.f
"ni'iiitnis nniiirllrntiUVumili,.," ft. A. W.m,nl
01li"M wiuiM ill mi'Hjn tmnlts this arwil bM,
fjtjjfniljnas, i f)irr,jilll1fio''onJJW1
l I C-Ss IN 7HF WfT. "
f-Wll, (lie new
,i , r t .mm
nit ft ftrifrwlM hnt( ftit.V
m i:itKv, km lilf4 tfrf rvlftfl Rallfzwl, t'.HW, (It, j
lfM rf'lllf "r HA Hf Ina, II"