X THE: AMERICAN. THE AMERICAN. WOMN C. TMOMAAON, loire, w, r. Km.i , iiiwiniMn wn"'f I'l SI l"MHl ! Y NV Vtt AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY Rooms 4l2-f3-H Shoely Block, YIUPHONt All, M lint'HU'TluN HATM. usni'Himon, rnn t f. mi . I.Ki . .6 mi mom h " THHKN MuBtIK ...... ISVAMAM IN ADVAM , Hi Mm SHU 111. t IllltS I'l.tB KATMi ivnl,- eim pr, i'f fiiii , m lo 1 I.ll HI " 1.4A luO ." I.JA Tlm nluiv mien lo 1'IiiIm at muni nnly trlit-n full numln-r, mill rRli for tninv, ac iti.ii. i.Hii v ir,lii. hi'iiilltijf Urn ft, pin-,Mi(it- I'.O.tiinliPT or-dVr t'nv HuTU Kl nil ma ntiuidn, InU'rxil nl tli I', O. a Necntiil 1,'ltinn Mmier, OMAHA. NF.H. OOTOBF.li 110, ixilli, ATTll AMSKICAN ISTHKlHAMriOnor ALL I'AKTIOTK! I)MHKIW-Tlllt OMUAM Clt NOMA. Ai'iORDlNd kt n dispatch in tho Hon Urn Jlntihl, on account of the flglit In New York City between tlio Julian ami Irishmen, flfkson Italian were ar rested, And fifteen Irishmen (evidently Romanist) wore not arrested, It is evident that tbo Roman church 1 dearly In love with our public school and that tho bendn of the church have reconciled the hilty, judging from the following In one of tnu Roman sheet of Kunsu City: ''The Komnn Catholic of Pawnee, 111., have marled alight against the rending ot the JJiblu and prayer in the puhlk! schools of thut place,.'' AcroKWNU to tho Peoria TmnKript, the Investigation by th authorities of tin bud iiiiiaitgemeiit of tho Homo of the Good Shepherd, tho I toman Cathie lie are censured. All Roman Catholic "houses" and convents should beoH-nod for public inspection, thut there limy be liberty, and not slavery, in this froo land, TliK Boston dulllo publish the Amount realized 1mm the lawn party, for tin building fund of tho (ltoimin Culholii!) Church of tho Sitcred Heart, Rtmllndalu, an 1,2H. And it 1h also stuted that tho rout libutlon wer' prin cipally made, by Protestant, 'yho did not dure U refuse, If n man vuv in tend to "muko a wlitml" on thin subject be should do it now. Tins JllmtruU-d Aiwrkdn bus pub lished an lU-m which HboHtlmtlloimtn Catliolli! 'miiloj( are not m-ccjitutdo to the CvAr' ininiMtry of wiin and com niunlcutioim, in tho varioim brunchem of tins railroad wrvlce, It may b tiio ! action Wcd by tho tUmfit of llio union of tho two I'burchim-Cronk and Itoinanand a mmt'( jirollt, by wuno, for tho Itonm ldi of tho union, If t wcro coitMumatei!. TiiHKK counolU of tliij Jr. 0, U, A. M. msn ben ItiKiitutud within tho punt wt)k In MUmiuH. Ono In KaiiHunCHy, onelnBw.jct Rpiing and onw in Clin ton. Tho ulato organl.ur ban tcjiortud them All km bolng of an exceptionally large birth And pfoml)iig good und xiil id work. Il'i alo given tho infoi'ina Hon that thonmallor tyiwn which ho ban vlnlU;iJ, prcparltory to liiHtltutlng othr couiicdiN, do not complain of hard timed. TliU Jti vku) o 'Jtt.vtf.rn In thU month' u, nay in an d)toril on tho Farb bault tupcrlnmnt: "UiiIcm wo mlx tiiko th ttplrit of the ago, and of tint country tho ytm of cpnf atu chool Inbound to Ijo dlHpliw.'cd by tho public ncbool ynU;tn, In which thuoblldnm of all ibitiomlnatloriN nhall bo (lucitUu id! by kIi!'! in tho prluclpli-Nand Ntintl munU of American citlctiMhip," We can MNMUru tu d I tor of tho Jtivkwuf Jtu-UvH that In thin particular lindane bin Nurrulno In eminently correct. TK Omalia Wnrlil-Jl'wlil, whHi bin on ita ;dliorial v.tim n, JUhnihi i-'ttlhoiic, amihII IU:V, J, M. I'litti-rwrti for bin bravo titteranci-n Inforo tins CbrlMtlan Kndeavor Moelety In Kpol t Urn ball. Hunday night No ont, mor than this ndllr of (but pajier, known tb amount of truth eontnined In that aildrenn, Mid their taking oxcejitlonn Ui wbatb?ald deuioiiHtraU' tho chargo that "truth In often hard to lionr," Wo doubt if anyorn' will atU'm4 U deny one of tbo cliarg inadn liy Itev, I'at titfwm, for it in A notortoiia fact that a majority f tho crlminiiln and pauirn whom Irot'tnntn ar taxed u nuppurt nre not only foreign 1nrn, but )no Jtc man Cathollcn, JUmian CatbolieiHiii In igno'-ntiw, H bun an It eorner-nbmen, rum, tiiimo, ignoranewnd niitrnl,IUoit And tb ke.ytiinn in tho ntructuro In ji-nuHlnin-and tb nooner J'rotj-ntail inlnlHtrn brutdi anldo tho mould, over grown with the momiof Bgen, and nhow HomanlMro in It truo form, (bo nooner will fbo loved Inntltutlonnof thlnrepulj Ho b pla ':d Iwyond th reach of tho iUnma blerAreby, which ban for yearn bueii lairing to gala nupremavy In matter civil an well an nplrltual In thin country- I'nt tb brand on Ilomanlnm thun lt Jt roam at will among a patrl- ,il twMitda. m that when they mm ft Ibt-y will r!ognl. In it Atiti-Cbrlat, lh IxfAnt of which John tho lUiVidatir wro(U, nd from which All jwopio will turn with loathing and (nmtompt, IlomAninm! Habylon!! Iniquity!!! Kxt wk w will jublinb I lev. I'at trwn'ddroMlB full. Tltctv a iv mnny )iipli' In Kni t 'lt biulaiiii to Hn gml i'(te'tiint mid tvi In imiiIhiiiH till tho . b biv of th liitdi nnd l piwi' o W tbi tmt dininbit fullowein vi faith with which they clothe HiAiii wltt It U n i! rent myptcrj tn tlu thmit'lilful lo h' tliew H'lf wiltii liiell, who I'hilui to bp Anierlenim, net anil nw what authority they bavo In favor of R neelHvlnii political Ixwty wliloh inclfly IIm-k theltl nn tooU, A ciiw of thin denTiptloti him conn to light recently, In the fni ni of tho loenl fiTight gi'iit, Mr. Ceorgo A. CurtU, iv)reentliif llu Union l'lieilli' rallrond at ihln station. Mr, CurtW bun devoted a great denl of It in cpHiu time ndvlnlng with Fiilhor ltnlton, nnd tin a roiine quriioe hni a rendy hand for tlm Honian Cnthollci In bin mrvict, nnd neemn to U) very dlnlruHtful of I'liilontantn, Al though ho datum to bo ono. We aro informed from ft direct wniroc thut Mr. Cui tU remarked; "I would rather employ a Catholic tlmnarrot vntAtitj" alxo "I would raUir bv tho 111 will of ten trot4-ntanta than ono Catholic." Why this gentleman haa bocom no attached to that church, It In ttartl -H My, wnle 4t U Iht vai'loun donations which bo 1 rr ported to have rnoolved from bin mibordlimton of that faith in tbo form of priwmnt. If tho gentleman desiren to womhlp uh a Helium Catholic, wo have not onu word ngainnt him doing no: but If ho clutiu to bo a Protcatnnt in In vury odd that a woll Informed per win nhould not keep abreast of tho tlmon. Thoro in not, a city In tho United Sutra but what In feeling tbo Inlluoneo of tho Roman church in ltn political affiilm, and hav ing the American dMranchlnod in every powilblo form. When that noot ban tho power, not onu pnMtlon In filled by a pernon of true patrlotti! birth, and with all theno fact muring tho gentle man in tho fuee, ho Lvunn to one with bin financliil aHnlntaiwo and to tho other with Mn ilea of gmoo. It can bo nald with an alarming truthfulnenn that, It in mojii eiihli r to carry onu pall on tin) ht'd than ono on dthor nhoulderat tho rtimo tlmo. Tho American party bun Itneyo on all men of ntich a character, and will noon havo tho ploaniiro of anklng tluun to clannlfy themnelven, oven In Kunmin City; but will immt naturally glvo them rank among tliime of the "undeuidud chihnen," " In every great political ebango of a country men will bo found who tremhlo In their boot during tho eruption, oon Htiintly keeping thotr eye on .tho . mighty dollar and Aro ready to tumblo lyto tins mjre or tbo mal, to routtef which, o long an tney go wun ino coin of tho realm. Thene creuiuren nro rnont ludlceroun to uphold when aj iroauhed upon tho nuhjoct, and nine out of ten will fall U tlio una of a ntero' typed reply, wiiuetblng llko tho follow' Ing: "Yen, I am right In line with you and tho platform of tho 'new party In jtmt what I bnvu been looking for, (in a KltKjK vhiKjiir) but It In InipowdbU) for mo to Join It now for t buve nome Cath olio tnulo that would luavo mu, That'n right, I'm glad that il'n growing no rapidly and will oomo into it when it will pay for me to do no, but you know that I will voto In linn Junt tbo naino." American! tho few of you, who ad vino after a manner an above, It 1 tlmo for you lo nhako thin ntupor from you ! You in unt bo on ono nldo or tho other, for thut time In broudinlng Into tho light of day. Without further imminent, we will ntato that thin organ of tbo new party will model your eanen for yon, for It In in tbo Held to glvo Hn aid to tho now party. You inunt nupport ono or tho other, an no Intcrmediatn joint will bo AdmlnHhlo. You ate either on American In every norm" of tho word or you am a toman Ciltliollo, believing in tho nuprerimoy of the church and tho nubordlnatlon of 'hit ntatn, . Where do you aland for freo nnisech, freo prenn. frou nchooln and freedom of conMienon, or for I to man Intollorancii? Chmmo now. Mil, JtJCMJVJSTT VJNIUVATMh Tbo action of tho I)ougla county mm vnntlon lant Baturday In noinlnallng by Acclamation Onorgo Jlennett for tho (fflo of nhotitT wan a compbiUj vindlcA. tlon and a twwt thorough refutation of tbo trumped up cbargen, repi Abidly made, nlnoo tho commencement of tho campaign, againnt hi in by th (mralia ('!, In ltn editorial and olnewlmro, Nuvnrlnthu blnUiry of thin oily ha Any ciinilliiat! for any public oflino been morn ttioroughly And unanlmouwly en domed by any ,t!OMtelUmrpubli(!ao or democrAtle than wam Oeorgs A. Jlciirictt )at Kulurday by tbo Uouglat county ropuWlcAn cnvntlon, uiianl' rnoun, without ono lnclu dlnntntlng voleo, It bA All along mn very com monly undet'KMi that tbo ('iopfonl lion to (Jeorg lleniott originated from tha foot tliat tho Hit. hud bun nfmblo, during Mr, llennolt' U-nuro of the nhorlff oittco, to obtain tho conWnl for Any or tho legal Adverting that of noowilty omlnaten from that oflloo. Tbo Ikt, throughout ltn whole e.re,er In thl city, ha been strongly Imbued with tho Idea that it, and It alono, In tho only nownpaju-r in JV brankA, and that by rlghtal public and legal Advertlnlng Uslongn to It, and nhould not appeAr Anywhere except In Ito column, benoo the bitter malllgnant opntiomei,le by UiwkI'T And it nntclilen ti Me, Henett' n-imnlin lion f.r the inle which be hn. In tin j butwn.l. tn t"im The oi( uplnlon of an onbln, d public, mi otvd l ivr dlMi -his A n.-roiHiiMiK Uir HnWy tilled f ir tb lt two jn ni. nii.t ! 'i inns twit Inter In IIhmUv v tn wbteliUIn to U lnietly hopml, he will till lor ai bt nnetlier tw yenv It I Indwd high lime thnt Mr, Hie wator nhould th'gtn to ii'Ho tlmt tlx' day linn gniu by when be ean dlelnte thniugh Die lui'dtoui of bin paper b ttn rvpllhllftu of Iteuglan poll tit, v. whom they nhould or whim they nhonlil not notiilnti to t-ireetit tboni In tie vnrloiin comity oftteen, Mr, llonewaier nmtiy muni, If ho In nut altogether blind k) the fnet, nee that "Hoewt r Inin" ntiH'k In detiiledly KioW par, At b-ltft, tveent pvent In tbo mlltlrl iiii'tiH if thin ntato oerktlnly imutn nueh hii nmriioii. Mr, Homwat,'r elnlinn to Ihi a reputillean. but If his It what bo elnlnm to be, ha nhould turcly ntnd by the nmnlniHs of tht etiunty r- publican convention, Itmtcnd of UHiitg hlnpnpi'r to prevent hi eleetion, II there wan anything that could Wa Mtld Againni Gwgtj llennctt' TnorAl ohar- Aotor, why then, Indeed, It would bo porfwtly pormlniMtbl") for tho editor of tho Ike tooppone bis election, And mv body. wouUy -nayi Imt thero U not-r not even a much ai thn align tet breath of nunpiolon agalnnt him; bl word n a man and a citi.en of thl olty Ih abovo roproueh, and that, In theno dayii of fraud and aomtption, i way I tig a great deal, but it U none the 1h true. It I generally cvncodod by all piti'tlcK, who have had uny bimiiv H relation with tho sheriff ollloe, tlat tho biiHlncN of that oIIUm ba boon con ducted ui well, If not better, than it wb ever before, by any of Mr. H.nnetl' predecewHom; and yet, notwithntandlng thin, Mr. llunewater, junt n a mutter of pemoiml apl to-work and roveugo for not bidng abbs to control tho advert! Ing from that particular oillco, ue tho Inlluenoij of hi paper to defeat Mr, Dennett, but we doubt very much If tho republican voter of Douglu county will allow Mr, lleimett to bo "turned down" at the Inntlgatlon of tlm editor of tbo Jiit, Mr. Dennett may certainly have mado nomo mlntalo on fl cut a- numlng tiio maniigementof tlio nherlil' oillco, but where in thero any new Itr onmbentof anv public ollloe, but ban dono tbo Hiime, "MlntukcH aro apt to occur In tho bent regulated fumllleH," I a KHjiug which in a old it tho hllln. Thero 1 alo u very old muxlm, that "practice make perfect," and tho )'0 pic of Doug la county can rent nxnui od Hint If George A. Bennett I re-elected to tha oillco of horlff for a further term of two year, that ho will nparo no iiatn to conduct tho affair of that oillco a a rSivlioer fcrftQ utlf auuH U all purtli-H, And it bohoovM' oviy republlciiu voter of Doiigla county to e to It that h 1 ro-olocksd. - c. V, P. . - JiOMR'8 MKTJIODB, ' ()t:n attention ha been called to, an Item In tho Kiinnu City m.nrt which fairly jiniaent the manner In which Uomanlntn alwny work fur tbo inlur out of the church: ''Kvun Wntklnn, tbo Kl-yoiir-old orphan child of Mr. and Mr. Tlioman Watklnn, who wu lunt week tnld'ii out of tho bund' of Mr. find Mr, (ie.rge liernnten, hi adopted pur entn, by lliillnh Vee-(!ounul Chandler, I now nulling aeronnlhe Atlantic oriiiii, Tlio lad left Kanwt (ity Hiiudiiy, 'lac comjianledbyCeorgeH, Kelley, Iti'iMdi Ing J kinUm yenterdiiy, ho wa put ulmrd anteiiiuer, By tho end of next week bo will, burling itecldenln, join bl lit tin ninti'i', lliiuuuh and Lizzie, at t he Iioiiih of their grandmother In l'oiily Faetory, I'onterobert, Wolbil, North Wule. Tbo Watklnn eblhlren, during their -ix yenr' rcnldoiico In Kanna City, bud A nlnguluiiy mini career. In May of lant year J 'rice, I lie elilent Moo, wit caught In a whliijMiol under ihc Ilaunlbal bridge nnd drowned within night of hi father. A month later the father wa killed by a Mm. phi railway engine, and nhortly after ward t ho remaining children were lie reft of their mother, Tho two ui.Un girl, aged o and H, wero ndopteiitiy Mr, and Mm, William Kelley, ' whllo lha )y w a ndojilei by Mr. and Mm, (Jeoi'go Jlernnlen, Through corren- jKiiidence With tho Welnll aillholilUl tbo grandmother wa liM-atod and friend In thl city a few week ago iit tho llttln girl to her, Mr, and Mm, licrrmten, however, find boeoino no At tached to Kvun that they did not want to glvo him up, and it I wild It wu their denlro ki odueaU blm for tho prientbood, Membor of tbo Welnh KiMioly And friend did not llko that, And lnkBroodod Sn hi Imhalf. Viftt Cmmul CltAndlur woo Apmaled to, and be knik ponminwlon ,it tho liy In tlio namo of Quoon Vleknia," OMAUA'H rtOMAN hm'WJTIVKS. pflUior IfnaJor, a patrolman, arrented a man Hunday morning and locked him up a A tunplclou character. Monday tho Wrld-JIrabl camo out nnd gava Havago and Dempnoy credit for Arret Ing him, it turning out after bo wa locked up that hi noma wo Fred linker, And that ho bad been wonted for about two yearn, Thl I the way tbono brilliant Roman detective mako I t A ti .. A A goooiy nummir oi inntr -grcai. cnk'bn," nd thl Innlanoo I cltod meroly to lt tho jiuhllo Into tbo oorot of their great ucce. What would not a man bo guilty of who would rob a patrolman of tho credit of An Arrent? TliK ninth of 1M KHitl MrlrUlwn t lti mly lAf))M n)rv ;ri - h Collilin wiviM. psl bv lv tboxteielfi of llw tiivl nnd Von N,Mm niit,H s,mp tiiinn bml b- nerveit lilm lit tno wwi, nni in r iirnii,v mid iH'. r netiotm divw tbrtrj Atlotition wntieiilnli t.i bim. TtirJ ttf,tiie,Htltbvr li,vt,n tbnt tbry !ievtil they bud ' the tmintetvr. INiHIiimtm ll)w rttwl, nnd tbt. be tint t. ii iB-en to enter the ronldiMtpp of the j'letn' atliK'beil to tho plniix'h. Fljttn got Oftlivr Foley, nnd together they went Jo the prlot-t' IVfldetieo ami rung the hell. One of tbo prtontn emtio kilho door and Flynn aked if tVilHtm wiintbew. lie replied In the nftlrtnn tivo, and Fljnn nke to w-e bint. He wan told that Colllitn wan taking the lledge, nnd n Hm nn the ceremony wanio er llo .V Wi ttlfl semi him out, FaTHEU Vit.t.UM ha boon nomi nated by th democratic party a a member of the achool board. Ho I the Individual who Uke particular delight la Availing Manonry, the A. P. A. And tho Ot augomen, And who doc not hove a very high regard for the public miioo In fact, ho iia mud, "if wo wort) JiTiHid to chootw between purely epular,f raining And j"nlt training for on orouV", flu wo look' for nulvation by tho ere, wo would not hcnltnto one hour, and that In thoettnno of tJod and country. To us, a purely necular education, which leaven tho youth of our In ml unHtirrouiidcd day by day by a ch lint inn ttt mophore, iHtrennon IkiUi to ( Jod and to tbo ntato. TliK legislature of Kanna htut made a blunder. It ha Appropriated 1800.00 for a boKpltol fund and divided it equally between llethany and St. Mar- guorete'it, giving each $!M)0. llethnny i a Protenkint honptUtl And I poor, and doc not own the property ucd, while SSt. Marguerotc' honpltnl own all It property and hancxtennlvo build ing, to which an addition ba been built recently. No money nhould bo Appropriated for tho mttintalnnnco of nectitiinn irtMtitutlon neither Prole taut or Cat hollo. A t-'t.Ad ha been placed over every achool houmt In Winnebago county, 111. -bin In number. Tho racing of tho lant ono Saturday wa nnvdo tho oc cnton for a demount ration. Thin 1 an example for the friend In Mlsnourl and should bo ntudlod carefully by them, ' TMe ro-nomloAtlon of Judge Filer by acclamation wa Adencrvod ocnipllinent to a worthy And caiiublo oflluur. Ho will lf to4 In Mm amo wnyt MmHlm.Ulll. irey, Hite'kett, WU Ham nd Smith ought to feel highly honored by thotr tinanlmou rc-noinlmt- tion. Wluit I Your Hill)! . Ono of tho mot Important quentlou of tho pcenent time, for m!nltei' l, "How nh at I wo reach the Unman CuthollcHV" They well know It 1 their duty to preach tho goi-pol to every creature, but thoro nro many tninlter who treat the nbjocl of Ilomanlnm a if tho Lord intended that tho Itoman nhould bo left In tho cold. Home of the mont learned Protentant bintorliin af firm that tint Itoman Cnthollo church I a pngun boly. A certain profennor of cliurch hllory, who would tund a a defenwi for JIoiuuiiIhui overy tlmo any annertlon wi4 mado agalnnt it which could not ho proven, and In many ro- niMditn, in my Jndgiuent, defended It Uo much, ald, "Wo cannot look upon tho Human Cathollo church it tiny other than a tiagnn church. " Then, If tbo church I a pagan body, Mm do mand attention a truly a tho heathen of China nr India, and If Houmn Cath ollc aro not awaro that they Iiavo turned away from tho road known a Chrlntlanlty, thoro nhould boomo who would explain Ui them wbero they are, and tbo catiwi of their being thero. Again, thero am pooplu who aro looking At thl political and theologi cal pen war and Judge a Ui tho valuo of tho claim i tnado by tbo Church of Homo, whether thene claim aro Jut, whether they aro tho renult of Ignor anco or whether they nro mado by poo plo who aro receiving temporal ad vantage from them, The mlnlter nhould dlnou theno topic oeewilon Ally In hi pulpit, Tho erinon or lecture may bo tho mcitn of explaining noino dldlcult mlnt for nomo Homatiint, nnd It would nlt tho hearer In knowing how to deal with Homan Catholic, and In helping them to think for thcmnelve. If tho mlnlntem will work on tho lino tuggoMkul and will end tbolr nermon or lecture to tint wa will mnke a new deiartmiint and ptihllh them, If tho pa;-torn want tbo lllblo In tho public nehonl, proiudi a I'toturc on tho ruitMon for wanting It, If it I tho bent book on moral, preach a lecture to that effect, nnd do not be iinliaiiu-d of It, If tho law of tho Old Telamont havo In them tho fundamental principle of tho prenent kind of law, do not bo AfrAld to preach It whether tho pope will urnllo or woop. If you think tho Niicce of our nation I duo Ui tho fact that tho lllblo Iia boon In tbo public cbool, that beido canning A renpict for tbo Nuproino dotty lthAoaued men to bo honent and thereby cnt,abllhiid conlldenco, tho great foundation of financial uccen for A nation, do not bo AfrAld to tell It, And If the popo .HUtU 4 loot on MA aI that nil ' tie A nui't kt V.in 'lpp r, krt bi.n fellow tbnt tbetv nr,' ben tv net nfimi.t to k him for At erit.iln!. Afinin, If I5-r Cntt.oit, r d lAdlog iv tptUwl r0 AeMitUvs t.i t,p'r jin ttn tt to honwn, nd tf every iifi- wl!l i t, I, not . juMlnot) bv Inlth, nord(tig to U 'ivfti, Uui H hnd Uivimn a oltll FrottAttt Avpttlon f the pUn it ; el rltif, nibn i'lUig h jniNic u Nttyntl.in a h Upivn- nM In the Hllde, j wvbUtlenl groil. And mild not then rvery Protoninnt wlniter W UhU In right on Any ground of morol gt tty of A groat prime If h tb It lo ptmnUlprttoii pul out tbo ilnngw nik'itn!fc, j Now, In tho nhow ugly vhnrgo, lliw- Tbo following nro oitn f lh, nub-! 'Innto tbeww-d "HApUct' nnd t;b-tltuk J.vt wtiieh winy W poitnheivtl In the word ,tAAtholic," And tht netunl refetvttet? lo the chuivh which eUtmn ; co, a now c.lntlng, In ptvuonled, nil Ihlngn And hold Im! t thnt which The Human CaIIioIIc irty I guilty ol In poor. oil Hint I prwnted in the nbovu Aro tio follow Ing doctrlm- MiUoilf ehnrgv. It U grow ing cot c It I Praying lo dttd nnlnt. Picturi' and wnilpturc of tbo Trinity, The changing of Ihc ten command-1 ment. Adoration of ImngNi. TrmiKuhM. in tint lou. Tho offering up of tho mippnm-d body of the Lord Jonun. Peter' blnboprlo of Homo. W Peter bend blnhop of tho Clu-I Man chuivh? Praying In a dond language. Celibacy of tho clergy. Tbo ronfcnnlonnl. Wornhip of the relic of dead iilnt. Tlio Church of Homo tho flnal court of appeal on doubtful qucntlon. Infallibility. Maiiolatry. BnptlnmRl regeneration. Pronciiptlon In nnullng tho lllblo. Supererogation, Indulgences. Tho deponltlon of Kings by pope. Hi-lennlng of tho nouli in purgatory, is thrrt n pimjntwut Tho Jemiita. What their hlnktry? When were their privilege nrentiicti-d by tho pop-j? Were theno rentiictlon movod by a miiiidntory requet from tho JcsuttiV What tho plaunlhlo tl.eorle tut to their method In bringing tho varlou nation under tbo control of tbo pilc (and the black pope)? What tho antlthoHlH between Chrlnt' method nnd the method of tho prion In? What the argument tho church of Homo nhould dlnpenno with tho Jenult Society of Jchuh for nolf prcnerva tlon? Tho cITect of tho papal nyntcin. Djntructlott of Individuality duo pittiiotlMin. An linnodltnent to, runearcb, dlnro- npect for God tbo Father, l)lremct for tho on, by tho roltt- tlvo ponltlon of tho Virgin Mary, Dlnrenpect for tho Holy Spirit. Ignorance A oompnrtitlvo hlntory of Pupal and Prototunt eountrion, Heunon for having tho lllblo In tho public nehooln. If tho Human Cathollo cliurch doe not bol!oyy, tho end Juntifle the mean "bow nro wo to reconcllo tunny of tbo deed of wild church with tho projair npirlt of humanity or palrtotUm, not to nay chiintluultvr Can many of tho deed dono by Homan Catholic during tho dark age bo regarded a tho rvnult of lnnanltyf l)o tho adherent of tbo Homan Cathollo faith whow wlndom or folly by Minting to examine their ponltlon curu fully? If tho popo and tho hierarchy havo deceived tho tidlicrentn of their church, will they havo a greater punlhment In hell than tbono whom they huvo de ceived? I the Itoniiiti (iiunii a I'olltlcnl l'ni'tj t F.dlkir Tuts Amkhicam: Slowly and nurcly tho general government neem !,o bo falling under ceulenlitntlcal rule. If ono grout Prokmlant denomination a tho JlaptUt nhould punli, by ncbeiue and wile of diplomacy, it own nn 'inborn Into clerknhlp, bead of bureau, and confidential poltlon If It nhould look to havo tho work no organized a but k favor thl denomi national rulo nhould work In a neorot way ki bavu Information a k vaeanole likely to occur, o a to havo thoo of It own communion ready to urge for appointment; nbould dictate, a a party, appointment, removal and promo tion; nliould override lha order of cabinet mumtmr, and limlnt on the ro lniaU!iuent of pumon whoo ronlgna tlon had Umn tmked for by' cabinet head; nhould havo It mumlntr In uuh largo number In tho department that they boantfully talk of tho growing power, of tho church in uoh depart montn; hould lobby emigre, And at, every nennlon bo a factor In oongren tt in til act; nhould no punh It own member and adherent Into chief clerkhlp and bead of dlvlion, wbero they would openly crltlolieo thn management of the department if it wa not nutlnfaotory to tho church; nhould apportion tlio different brancbu of tho government armory loltevoral local cccloMluntlo Inntltullon, whono ngent Mhould npponr monthly during tho bulnen hour of tho government, when other pomon aro not permitted accon k) tbo room, and collect money Irom Die clerk, nd carry on thl beg gary In ucb a way a to Jtocomo a nulnanco; nbould, by direct .fraud, o euro money from tho government k jrry lt ' nvl.lkti.l s)w.- tkm r:l. t-nt wvutd N ttoti(b . vn A rbuivh H MM tt Un in the tvmttii) It et wiib n - n - ii - ao1 judswei.l m Hip kniel 4 tbo AAterh-n poti ASUin. tt liitt lltgnl vt M wotibl unH in th 'WW tbnt U wwiM W diu:-Mii ki in- tru.t tw.-ml- thai chuivh with nv wome thl year lhn It wa lant yrAf It U worno thl wei-k thnn It 1a1 W''V, Thin pivontA a thoughtful problem to am our ProlonUnt rcttdet. The quention I fotved upon tin: Can Uotnan Catholic bp nafely pntruntod with Any offlcp? Hy Abuno of office tbey havo forfeltod right to offlco. Wallngton, D, C. rrlarlple of tho American I'rolppllr' Astoclntlon. Flrt, Tho member of the Ameri can Protective Association Kdievc in the perpetuation of tho public school system. - Second. They believe In a complete separation of chuivh and stnte; by which we mean no laws nhnll be enacted respecting tho ctAbllnhment of any re ligion; and that no money shall bo Ap propriated from either the national, ntato or municipal treasuiioi for eo- ttuian put-pone. Third. They believe In tho right of every man to wornhip Cod According1 to tho dictate of hi own connelenco. Fourth. They believe- In free npeech, an untrammelled pre and onu. ballot for each and every ott'.Kvn fairly cant nnd honestly counted, Fifth, They cnteom till person whether rich or poor, high or low-who come to Uii country with a denlro to famlltarUo thcmnelve with our law and form of government; and who wenr allegiance to the United Slate without a mental ronervatlon In favor of any foreign prince, poleuatc or pope, ti men worthy of being clothed with that highest honor American cltUoimhlp. Sixth. They believe In tho restric tion of Immigration, so tin to protect the honest citizen laborer from the do pressIngelTectnof the criminal, contract and pauper Homan Catholic lYf'that Ik WArmlng to our nhoren, Seventh. They welcome to their council chamber men of all national ities, believing that tho accident of birth I not n true test of Ameiicanlnm. Flgbth. They aro willing to lay down their lives, to npond their for tune, and If need be, to kiko up arm In defence of their country and her In stitution. Ninth. They arc unalterably op poned to priestly dictation nnd Inter ference In tho nlTulrnof state; knowing whenever church ha been plac idabovo the slate, tho liberties of tho pooplo havo not only been Jeopard Ixed, but completely overthrown. A Itupe oMhe Itullot.' No naner which advocate reform can remain silent when a glaring at tempt t,i ru o tho ballot ha bcou mado u sworn tentlmony aver was at tempted in tho Fourth ward of thin olty Friday, OctolH-r fl, when tho re publican primaiic wero hold. Tho fight in that ward wu tin extremely warm ono laitwceit the friend of tho prenent city iidmliilntratlon and thoso who belluvcd that a charipo would bu benellelal to tbo city, Something llko 670 vote wero cast, Of thl number tho sworn tentlmony show that only 215 wero counted, and that, on thnt count tho Ileml delegation Was given credential, Hon, John W. Lytic, ono of Omaha' most respected oltlsten miidn aniduvlt to tlieio and additional fact; Mr, Mcllcnry, ono of the Judge of tho primary election, woro to" tlio tamo fact a did Mr, Lytic, and In Ad dition to thin, oral testimony wit In troduced to corroborate what they ten tilled kt, In tho faco of thl testimony nnd the strong Argument mado by Hon. I, H. Andrew that Kuklux method bo not Introduced In thl city, tho conven tion, which wa plugged with city em ployes, voted to admit tho Fourth ward dulegAtlon by A voto of 4.1 to 2H. Pooplo ho read tho great reform, anti-monopoly paper published In thl city which I alwayi crying "corrup tion," "corporation striker" looked In vain in It column for nn article con doming tbo method by which tho delegation from tho Fourth ward wa given credential and which Insured tho rc-nomlnatlon of Gun. P, Heml for mayor- it preferred candldato. Hut thoy wero not mirprlsod At till omission n It I tho policy of tho paper td cry fraud and corruption whim It pot aro defeated, and to remain per fectly quiet when It friend roort to questionable lactic to gain a potnt. In our opinion tbo republican conven tion mado a orlou blunder when It ruftiHod to listen to tlio wlso word of Hon. 1. 11. Andrew, when H railroaded tlio majority report through, and wo t,ntl,.vii ti ItmnU will not be tbo gAlncr by tho Action of hi friend.