The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 20, 1893, Image 1

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    tw ft 9
cjitti f-y v ffr -2 m'r he am
rigurm lltnwlmf Mi l)imlurl
Mating itruMH Arunin In Cavar of
Glutton Oup NrU Ag,lntl lumpa'a.
Patipari Criminal ami Uun
r Labor lmmlai
1'iiptilatlnli ttf
ite in n;id
Mm Uiiltod
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I'lllllllttUlHl (if lllH IfllllMll
Aigngal iiniMgt'Hibm
l!llMnll 'MIUII MiU'W
Aggi'igal Immigration
I Mil M , , , , , , , , , , n . . iiiii 6,811,111 !
1 HH'..U llMlll It'll WIUIM) (Jfolll
I llHI'KNWt III llllllllgialloll
lWSH,,,,.. ,,, ,,i ,,,,, "I Il'lfolll
tf Mm Iwm'rtl of Him poopl of Uim
twill In general, Mm wlaeacru of Mm
fifty ibli'dcoiittrwaa, Mmm In Mm blank
toned type In Mm hackneyed, muddled,
jhlwpioied Immigration umiUm pno
a, tt'w A 'in !lwi i
A'dy Mm m principle of
(CM id" to Mm Mature of h youth
unit you bava deformity, Von
Ihivm one meinour, any Mm trunk,
th head, tlm llmlw, Mmfnet-any
jitu't by which you may elioan to
ydfy Mm foreign portltm of Mm
Id n1y politic- -lnoralng In ven
ty yaar aeven time fiwt'M tli
ii kt if lliu iti'uunimii,
W are fond nt calling our M
niMi m young giant, In till
light It look rather like ayoiiiig
dctoi iimil giant it beat
Who can wonder at the outbreak
lif 1 14 fl fMt'MqtiwV Wlni can doubt
that with Mm growth of II dla
proportion Uim liiereiiau of It
ailing will f inch that Uim out
hrtmkiof thatlhlcago llaymarkat
Hurl Mm Nw Orloan arlli
jii'lum will ha deemed fwr )'
monitory aympiom nfMI
which In Mi nounm of yew, m4
nut ui iimy year, will leave tlm
young r'iihlhi, not rtnfi'iiid
IIVlll(((fllt, lllltHllliMl, JItopM
flout, nihi'lM(f Mm i'th M
nilluMii((l,lmftli'of tlmimitlfiHiit(
wliluli wmIi ii'IiIhii tmrllfi
Hurl 4rwl nil tlm foul hlrO of
Mm fiftUoim Ii,) mrrUm fowl,
lint nmy tlm (miitlinniitlli,
tmnrtini ly tlml- (inmMimtof (tri .,
unn lritltnMm of lmrnlfif(
whOMi rimtliortii ol hlitorhiUfiJ
, lhiml'i(lmil ti1y nmy tm yvigti
hjf wfti'itmjmtiivm'il th Hi nt man
ui( w tii! f rfr4if "ftfwr"
""'Hfn Mm will of (J'ii). Hit Hi
Uw of imtupi, , W rn l f fi
IlllgWlt UtOl'k OlllwlfnK, W
ni'u 0Ni4iijMi) hy Mm liurn fm it of
tour AuMmt ti'iim wmklrnf UMi'fl 1
col till imnn, hut wily
wily fmtiirnl olmimiimiiioi, whl'ih
I i (ioiiw of Mirm will piiiittl
ft Id not Mm will of (M, ftl
will f 4.0X1 Mi'ltUH, iMfUibf 4,W
Iinlfi Xfid jM'olwhly I'M"1" tihl!
nli tfi'iiW who lmc p'iiiynil In tlm
lat Urn jHHi'twimmMimii of from I'i to
i;i or loil on iiwly v7 oo of tlm
Mar fl(ii'i,fihh oiHM(f Unkt t tol
oiiiitpy xolil hy Urn Piiirojumri tprm
(fwi'lttllufi fioifumiilim, It I not Mm Uw
if fmtiii'i, It I Mm Ihw of Mm UrW
yimnmmt; which Ihm In Mm
Iccffli of tlurn hy tlm ooiiwllonof lt
ilmiy nlim tmlmliJIMil ichwoinM1 lil no
oinMuiiliicriiMi!) luci'loifrmt oomlatfori
itim BfiiMK to la.WiO hy dportli)f It Ui
mil' dliofc, which low rtriwiiij nmr
fiiin fn wiuiH i'h' fi'Ki ti nni, hy
,iiiiiii yrwim which h ti'lfp4 Mm
WM hi(4 of Ii'I'IkciI of Ui (iOinlil.fon
they wr' too mui to miiiort In tlm
ftHiim fioihlofi, which lm fn ftliort omcl-f-minil
In tlm foi'clnif hiofi in of It mih'
jn,il ttiftry n of ni'i'iijfunt, iiflnhnii
xii InnolMiit iiicilj if, which, In Mm
fm clnif fi'om iiof oiipoitliimi, It omul'
fUiA in unii (irloc to tlm jnr iHH,
urnl which to tlm wonrMoim Aummii ii
fimmaUmr fcom Mm crti'r of
f,M troincicy foe Information Mni
fhroHKh oim of Mm wdwM ofTinrof
II iihl(lli(Md omIcM" thl nwp
'foil r from Mm Iltrl Mii wt
do not print any piort wii UnnntflM
UK fnfoffimMoni wn itn not lt any
lniKoimm yo from one iloon without m
i.linci nt If oim of Mmin bmumim
j,iii1Hi,of Mm IfiilMd MUtoiymi will
ivi h tlm wlwr,"
Wo, ncllimp oi nop flfttur In m
poimlhl fop Mm ilium tit Mm noroml
miiiiml Infloi of'mrlp of million
HoH4ln MmAoy tlm m' Mm W,
to Mm mlf million (or In fit mm
fern , ft,lll ) )incl vif 'i of Mm Wi',
It U tlm mir)ori, ipit of rckl
IIcr lriorlUii coinjianlfiK in
tlm ft rut (ilftotf, mul mitt tlm drlllh
fimlty p pkl (ionlit til tlm
Hrltlnh iiiyiti'hiiiiiiii toward Ampln
nMMiMiimi which him flvn o "mm
11 F JHSV lilt; UIMlK fill
iilKivc I'ricca, CASK
kin iHiymtil Mm tlm ImImiimmk wiiilii'
ilium u In'Ium Mm only ln mi imcMi
wIih ili.iimtli'lly ilea In Mm ifoiinit'
Mmi of Mo-IP mwi ayaiMiu Into Mm
i mi of h iimIkIiIioi', anil ilo It with that
mitaiilllitt'iiHy iiruaiiUml ijinHiii'y ol
,fiihn Mull In Urn naiiiH of ihi'ltlanlly.
Ilutllilahiiiiiit of f!liiUUn ilharlly
mini, iiiit in fin' a l hla MiMiiitry I mm
mo'iinil. up In Mum HHP fi'" liiallliitloMa
will Inlti'p ami fall Mim Mm Itfnmaiit
MKimlii of lliiimi who (In not ami taimtt
rtMilUii tlmlr ahiM, ami a-miit imliy
iKiimantiif Mm hl"liitfa limy aumira
all who Iwiimiiiih truly Aiimrlcnti,
In onlnpl4i PimlUt Mm ImmltfraMoii
iiMlloi It I ii"immi7 Ui ipoaih It
from tlm lilUmr oml, 'J'lic iioint which
iihikI liiiiimitliilclji iiiiiiDMrna lia ami Mm
cmniiriihimiilmi of which la iiMiinwary
fop Mim noiiiiriili'imiloii of all iiolntala
wh"i'N tlm liimiltfi'iinti atay when limy
doiiiiniM, anil who ami what Mmy arc,
Tlm HiatUlhml hunmu of Mm traaaiipy
m'iiirliiii'fit ulvi'i na aini'lc liifortimMon
mi Mm H rat of tlmai ltal itmM,loiw III
Mm following lahm allowing Mm mini
hip of linmltfiaiila ilcnMimil to fiwili
alaUt, tui'Plhiry ami Mm dlatplnl of
Oiihiinhla durln Mm year midliig Jiiim
iii, 'i'fMr,
A (Mfll, . , , ,
AUi'uma ,
A f i, i, hi ,,
HI llllllllHllIf'
ia(la. ,,,,.
!i foa
tiifitim ,, ,
ink A
I'tlllllHllll,, , a
I !nli fit ii In
Il III Ulll'l, III
l,f,'l MIMK'I
minim,,,, i
iwii i,,,, ,,,,,
' Ml
nniinlif ,,i
litltUt, a ,
,ClMII, ,,
y'i.. vnicii
itmniirl . i,
N.),l,l)I ,
llllllltl ,.
Ml,nil,,l ,
i iHI
Tlmaa ftguraa afrnply ring with 'i
aloipmnt arraljrimmnl of thi pumni
othip lack tt Inlwlllgan dlati'lhiitlon of
Immigration, hy Mm tIM
llithi'MW dharllJm jn thefp aclaotlfln
wfforla hf Mm hctirma of tlmlp
allied hpethren of ftuaalaim 4iiimW
attempt haa Nn iiimhi hy any (mm'
imumi gncy tii aacMrl-al fl what part ol
Mm oountry raalfy moid lonnfgraMon
and what part of Mmooootry Immlgrav
tlon paally ncd,
tndp thla ylmf ohp ntlf laik nf
ayalm, tha awaroilng fncmcnt if tha
K,at Hlda l,av hn ovarawaromd hy
Mm majority of Mm llff,7W all who
hava foadffl thla iim their pfoga, Tha
iovl alout Mm ollrh' and l
ovana tit l'fiftylanl hv Hm pw
fded hy 7MW additional Indlvlduafh
Men whlih hy Mm iwirtj lit Immfgf
tlon (l,lal(, r eallad ''mini," 'f'm
fmmlnf alum ut I'Mimun tom with
(ftW mora opportonltlc fop anarchlat
propaganda; than they did In Mm prm
Vlom laeitl year, and tha grat,
magnlflcMit. oneoiihd, rumifiiittiii
"mplr," aa It ha Iko fitly failed, f
Moiilana, whraavry opw of fniliimf,
from ahawp railing to gold mfoffif,
offar an InmmMya to homart tHifHf,
haa gooa tha pitiful Hid ifi7 ofm,
'T" y.r,';ir.1"1, .v;, . 1 1 ; r" - hmm.rr-z "" n
Cl '4 T-i- CIrM-
I X - I IfllMllHnil I MS
ft in in i niiiii, , -.. in .in.,,., m ...Lin, 'ri..i.,.,,,.,i ,.
r: . $ ,; i,f s. ..fcitii-.. . i . iai.iHli'iiia im" hp iii aWMmMB
'IntnutHt, TnttWttUW I
Price $9 por 1,000
loillf IIMIK" miHiwi
with the order, Send
It Uthaii'l to HMmili liiiinitfratlHii,
ltd no ImiM' i1 Mm niil((iMip from Mm old
win Id wlmlirliitfi hi li'Mihold jf'Mtita
and Iihim hunt Mmhii iii at imwand
ahldlnn ahilium, Mm aimi jiinniriHi in
Mm oniw fammn amlpanl aniitf,"! 'imcr,
(my idimip, mi iimii'm of I'lli aorrow,"
It la Mm HiHii'iMi' who aMnHa w anau'ii
tlm flrtdliaiii! of rwady inoimy that
limy CMiimlihi way, no iimilcp wlmicw
Imiimy aimtch It- f t haa nomliid to
holld iiia hum") to fmind a family. n
la almi'ly aficr a larncr day'a ty than
Im Ima pucmIvciI hufocH, Thla la tlm
i!pMtof Mm ciinj"iloii of liiiiiilifraMmi
In iioal flnhla and lai clMna, Tlm rw
Hrclmn of Mm latctil. "iiai,iirlal lnvctl
IfttMoii (.'oiniiilltim irovca thla Urn mily
and too nmimlVMly to im mora than
iiiMiilloiii'd hero,
IhittlmfiM'tlailmtafMP Mm !tla
tlclana havo tlHifhd to Mm ht of
llmlr ahllliy aad have nit 8,l7U,IM In
"fiiimjiillaiicomi" clanana which foolud
lahorcra and IKI.IS7 a "not lM,"
and ai.Waa "ii'ofiloiial," thapn r
!iialiiNftnamllliitf total ntliMM'H who
cannot ha Inclmfi'd even In Mm nnnkUM
lahiP tllaaa, It la trim that l,Viltm ar
woomn and ft!)7,Wf oh I hi rn and tlmr
forn pruatmiahly dcfiundunt noon otlmra
lit Mm.ikjjyiiilnccllaimoiia Of VjidMi'-1 mi" u MlM.lik)m;.
rir m 1 1 m 1 1 fa i if ui 1 1 ii;i r j:
alonal nla, Hot won wa hav )ot
all thla away w wmm down Mm twif
only wiittitmmmMH laaapalilnf, that
In that decadu Slf3,hfla mm laodid in
thl country who had otva tlm akfll
and knowledge nvary fop tha wmp
ml, hwwlng of wofd and drawing of wa
top, who wild notva hrk atoim or
a road or dig arlh ti'iim tpwnchf
VatOptloilatWfloloool WnhP Wj
hik from hfa tour of Koropi aa rn
oilaahomp eonvlnoed of tlm fayit that
thla fiountpy wa "no longep Mm 4umw
log ground of Koropa' "d tha to th
alhm l'mahlp corfiorathma, guld4 hy
Mmlp fear iA Mm f fllfnt ln(tum t
Wlla faiand, Mm tmm ut thla wimtpy
iay ha (eft
That tlm aom iwmi of loimfgratlnri
itatlatlca which toll imwhcr th
fiaoplu goj toll ii who nd wh tlmy
arm, ft toll a atory of pm'Utitbm Ifo
erxi'i" ima'ialmlhHiog loimlgratlon to
tlm lt two decadi In a tohto of a-pply.
ala, hy fmthoalM aod hy ttwwAiiH ut
alln paaaoogep froo (tnUiimr f, f,
to HtmnmimfHt, iWl, mifi lit immigmiti
If i,m tummf I, IW, todiom 80, IW,
Thla loipaaa fa HoalmMatlof of It
own toll Mow ft la In tM immMnit lit
Italy 4 Jfuftgavf that tlm puma
ii i,mm la, v op tlm typaimy
iflmolatod tnttm of tha tolan
Ifehraw, ty P tlmfargeat, That thla
lrm I iomlmflftog thw aM
many vldaaa, Moat inmimiijiim4,
it ttol mini, MumUmivH, I Mil mvldiom
In Mm poortof thl 0i0 liooao
"ffpom ffioigafy f,;f, op 73 imp
mat wap oialc, d opflj pp
n(, wr fewafe,"
"f ipplval powi ftoly 4'iplg th
laattofii turn ihm'it I Mm wH dm
parity of , Wff,4H op 74 iw
feig mie, ni wjm, or win
(zap ot faml,
fun1 1rtt( M4 (lf iimy, th Mm
pfifiuitutt nu4 ml tiMfi 0tnmn tit vf
fifgraMoo, th pw.'ag of M H
ptoif i y 40 and 4 4 i wafc
Thf oo finwHiiK of omla
it will m:,h lilt ihcmimhi f """"h" ""!' V " " i"-"" - 1.
lo AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 412 Shccly Mock, Omaha, Neb.
brio an
llNllaim and lluiiuitrlaiii It'll llmalory
uf tlm iimuiiliiillaMiitf iiharanUip of Mm
liiiiiiltfrallmi whlnh ! Iimrmwlcif limit
raillly Tlm Imiiilnratloii which limv
wmnaiikliii) ImiIiIihI cavt Ma
nhim h,ihliid in Ihi inut from thla aide,
iinl la mhIiiiiIh,) hy n Imdy Mm aanm
liiollva of Miiiilnif tlm land of aa mihiiIi
id Ha wmlili aa nan Im oarrlHil away,
lilch lcilr(l Mm )iiiidiirlc Hnanlah
in1Miitiirur( who dlamiviircd Mm Iminla
I'lmrw, AnoMi'ipavldiiiicii of Mm iiMilmllal
Inrf iilmimiliir of thla moat rajihlly in
ui'Maalnif liinnlifratlim la tlm fan t that
It funiUli'x Mm lurgnNl proiorthm of
nltiiMat Mm c!iou of I Idi, Tli en M
pup limit, of Mm llallan liniiilKratlon la
flliU nlana, and 1 1 II of Mm Aualrlan,
which Imilndca Mm lliiiiKurlan, Tlm
nmrimii iui mini, nt Mil Im in l ration
of nil ("Hititrm: la I" f,
It would im hootlu tank, although
Mm fltfiirtm artt at hand, M u Into an
analyula of tlm (iaiant,y for aulf-aupport
wvlfl'iiinad hy tlmli,-ll,ll'ialliin arrlyala
of Mm Uat dccahi, Tha many M hivara
In tlm iimlnlnamm of an arlillclal lahor
market would doohMim coimldcr It an
artfiwmnt In favor of thla Immigration
that only fito,4l I, or a lltthi mora than
following I a tohla of ulUm
nf,gp and Immigrant arrl valai
Mmt ?
Slifl, rMmr4 ItM athwlaod
ir (U lft out of wp hoilloa,
''h Iwoilgrathm row th laaistH
la aioalf awd I fi't nrewl, Tlm
l.Wl viwA lit tha I'utoh line do thlr
fimmining tor tradu ootahla of th low
jwntf h, Thera r ot nough 41
pbwt ndfnvln fmmlgratlow to
Warrant a Inquiry v)u, It I
toot t that thl fam la ow th
roltog ) f Mm gnat ;rthwt,
d that oo IW '0 I govarooj' of
Mm fwwtrml ito ut Mloowto- tl
pitfipHtig IhMfuMttry iu4 thr !
raw to h'.'ltev tha iw hotm
ill tlli? Kmml
til ImtifJil I S lp I
y lj .1 s!4 1
t 'ffllFl'ii' 'mm
i ti
M l I
1 ifHll
or $8 for BOO sent by Express.
fWnl Vi ilitfilrifirr.'
It will lint raise up In limn Il4 Vau
and (la OxUiiinMnrtm and C'harlua XII,
lu Ainli'iiciaiiil llj'irnaiiiiiand Ilmmm,
(If (h'riiiany'a Icium mid generally
liliidlhtM liniiilraliiii Mm ciiiHiiitaaioH
Inariimi I lulu aavu hy uniioiilar and
jttfiicy ruinrta, 1 hiii'Mlum immt fiuila
Iiiivh hiii'ii iiilui'i'd (iiiiiiiiriihi i,ti(laiid,
llnly and Jlungnry, Thla In wull, Tha
moat MiraljnlnK iivllacf Iniitiltfratloii
flow (nun tin1"') aoiii'inm,
In mm Hum wttru almul ,M ooii"
viola (1,'luim) In Mm ii'Ui,n mid on
tlckula of lnavti In (imal llrlllun, 10,HW
In (iriauim mill Mm Imlmimi on leave,
In )" lliiiru wnrn h Mum half that
noiiilHiri that la 8,,'tHO In ,i'Um and
8,,'l7a who wmv out of (irlanii undor aor
Vulllanmi, Krom l7 to IM ihfra wan
a di'i'i'iiaaii of actually In prlaon
(hvmi'mkh) aitvlntf H1,(W jwr year (at
(C.'l'j mip man), Tlioan who havn jier
fitnUid Mi la ay atom, and wlio nrn im
(lorluiit govurnmnnt olllcui', clulmud
to huvt ruduiN'd th'i prlauii iiiiiilatlon
fifdrnat lirltaln from almut 2,',fMW In
JKW to 1'iaa than 12.WMJ now; that la,
thoav in prlaon and thiwu on Wvo who
rumaln In Great lirltaln.
Thla la tlm tiintlcd hy which Mm
enornona rodiictloii of Mm Ilritlah
iirlminal claaa la hrmight ft'jtfut, ucuurd;
'1 y"il4-f
log to Captain (o, If pnto Mm
fiiimhep lit dla'!hargid priaonwa' aid
aotil'itfa at rom Wi to loo, though Mr.
Mnhultoiaglyo thioaioaof only fty
nhm, and dacr(la Mmlr working
'Wlrnn dfaoharg'id Mm govrnmnt
pnyi Ui Mm oclty praetlcally from i!Z
to wlih li l tho money Mm rimtmr
I luopitMid to hava earned during hi
emfinomont, whloh auma arafcdilcdto
hy tlmMlty, with which Mm prlaoncr
on ,inv, if ii felon, la generally a
liitd to go to Mm Uoltod Wtato, If m
can f (wrauaded to goj and ha la g
rly only too glad to go and lrv I
hind him hla trouhleomo rw-ord, which
fa hloi lo vry eeirt on Mm wmo
rolaatoo tit a rmw rlom, rom whhih Im
lfrm to Mm United Mf, And no
I at itiim pld of hla obligation to re
port to an offlp vry wionth and Pld
id Mm ovp lplng yn cf tlm oftcftp,
"Itol flt hy Mm mstofy iimti,
ofllop ftiaiafllng pirt to "0t to
tha Uoltod Wiia hy th wty, Tha
offl'wp (om to Mm thktgnt and buy
tha tl'iwat, op ha nd top lt$ and
mhi)r tha agant bop th offS-r nop
Mm ownar Mm Nt know tlm ticket
If orvmvl')t udp iiPylliamjM, who
paally n)iiM halo on of Mm frhwrn
of 6rt Britain wrytog, tithla torm,
"Wlmft ha apply to th lftod
IMaV4 ha n'iaflyhaflge hlimo aid
raporU to tha offiop fi th aodety inly,
whh riftl'co' o obty aend blm
ni'tMf, it Im ol It, lo am nmmnt
germritlly throigh p'aitot order
"Man long Urmnri hv fmft o p-
Uawid and ar' now In tha IolM MIa4mi,
Twenty yea 1 pr!tlally tlm length
of any oitidarer1 feirw In Oraat Ip
tain who baa Wa mnUmtM Ui a lla
lmorl'i6t, Tha U7n o hi Ufa
mMwui bo aarye out, living Im
ho'-r to th UalM Ptuu, imUlM
th' Vy av fund f,4 opi partly by tlm
flrl'Jw irovrmeit vd mftJy by
tin Ii ffimwAimt, Mtw'Mi wedar tli
W aiinnliy" St to fill
ilroimiii of Mm irovnriiiimntt Tlm
mil) of IliliVWf) yearly aavml to Mm gov
riiiiicnt of Great Hrlialn hy thlaiya
tmii, will, ol tumrai', pay tlm pMnmn of
a i(rat inikiiy tium to Mm UnlUul Hialo
at tlm prewtiit low prion of aii-nirffl,
117.50, and will g I vo eiudi of Mioina fw
i1ullrti' to witii mi' nun life auitln on Mil
aliln of tlm A Man Mo, Of ihh',i tha
irnvtirnim-iii, oftirnat Hi'lUln lu not
At) any of Mil dlrmHIy, hut dmm It all
throuli tin ia iKiiiuviilKiit aiKihitlai,
which am reitlly pHiinl'iiniidnl,
UnduP thla ayaWtm tlm JlrlMali lanob
low liin'iiirin,.( tlm oualoni of dlvldlnif
Uirma of aorvloo with Uo'ina of Imprlaon
miint and trma ol aiirvellluiion, th
twolt utidcraUnillntf hidii(f Mint tlm
torm of aurvidllamio la to ho amnt lo
Mm Unltiid Htnt.a, Thua la th judicial
hrttnuh of thii Hrltlnh dOvorriHiimtinad
a ootiaplriilor In thla plot to polaon tk
aoclal ayalmii of Mil country,
Itladinioult to lmiitflini thu invontloB
of a mora datnnahlo and atrwdou polloy
by oim jfovtsriiiniiiit fur uao tiiwurl
anotlmr. Tlm prlnolplu uridorlylnir It
la prlaly th aame aa that which
miiyIh Mm Inipi'iiaxniBnt of Anwrioan
aullora h uumm ltdii In IH2,
A for lU Manila, (Ninjolnod with
riiokhsa Importation of tirlnm from
otlwr oountrii!, let Carroll I). Wright,
commJiialoniir of liilior, apoiik:
"Out of our total populatton of
f)2,(yl2,V), Mm jfornltfn twrn num
Imp ,2((,r,7, or HJ pP omit,
Twklri(f Mil ii a Inula w Hurl that
14-8 pi-r (inut, ol Mm population In
JSIW furnlahud pop emit, of
Mm homloldiiM In Mm entire
United HtaUia am reported In tha
pccuntifonoral conaiiahullntln fHo, '
1H2. puhllah'-dMay (1, 1W, 1
It la lllual-ratlvw of Mm upap
flnlaJ mothod whhdi Jlmltatlun
of time Jahl upon tho liou'tulaaloo
hat Mm whol north of tunuwy
from' whimoe Mm luviialon cama
which did Jnoro Ui urmm thla
country t Mmvllaof Mm prcacnt
Immigration ayatom than any oim
crniao, wna dono tiy oim man,
Major Htinwy, tha aownlary of
Mm oomoilaalon, In twlv day.
Even with thla aunitibfng of th
aoll tlmm waa a rloh harvcat of
faota, li rnjMrted Ui Mm com
mlaalon im followa:
"Moat of Mm Hlovart ip who
are going to Mm Unld Hlala
r lioiind or Mm iniiifng dl
trlcl of I'm nayl vatila, They ra
maln tfmr for aovoral yar,
vlalt Mmlr native plam from time
to Mom,, bringing nonahlcrahlo
itmounta of money with Mmm Ui
Mmlr fafollla pmaln at homo
fop a fw month, than rtturn
again to A mrh: without tlmlf
lumMim, I mot Mr, fsll Pn-
caftihi of hank in
KirtMtrU, ftii fntlligotftnd ed'J
eat4 man whd la wU Inorm4
about Mm goooPat affair of that
country. an4 who, on Jnoulry
fttiout Mia .amount of money ent
from Airmrtoa to thla p!a, by
Hlovi to thlr famlJloa, fplh4
that moat of Mm money imnt bom
ij by Mmm paaae thpough III
' hand and ammrit, 'C' oxl
matily, to vraJ bund pad thoudn
doltor aeniittlly- Awi-'lleg to bl
uiiiiiUm tlmra ara but tow Mloviwi ami
Iht who dealra to anttla perwianantly
to Mm Unlt4 fttoto, Mm majority p
turning to Mmlr oountry wlU;r tour op
flv yrp, with 900) ranging rom 1000
to KXiO florin aasb, Hoom buy land,
other pay their 4ohta eoolraoM by
thorn teforiirbiavlng Amerhfft, nd thao
remain at boom,
"Mr, ftammd ftxabo, ngenttoman and
owner (A ft large eUt, m well wt many
other wlM wbon f oaom to wntt,
aai',red mo that It wa lmp'bto top
thwitt to find lhorra, tajeclally during
Mm barvaat mmm, ovrn at tk to
florin pp day, b!mm tha fwato jwiptt
ktton in all going to Amrto,w
Tlm HUivmm ttm tlm fmpl whom wa
r a'-iitoind to oa!l "lliin," Thay
mm If (tin )ti fiS entdy In tb
c;arpatnianrnmr,tiffl mirm, Tba uoo
itl HnimntMHii got l,40 p,t day la
borer In tha Oarnegm mill, In tha
oM pAglm tby rn4 to aoom !
Urn a wiiidi a t2 pp day, mll
wintor tlmn that tlmy, a old Mano
it Oanyak of ilpo!4 told Majo tomy
owtgaga tlmfp jMHieaahiO op th M
f!plft, wh'i (Xfwitoii th govapa
merit piilr of tho loimlgrtnt, hrll
thi (I'll lif to Mm td jumaport and w
tort avcroa Mm ,
Mfrm0tf iirtfmp pwtod
"Mr, Iwl Itoprath, ft peapeetod
tnminmii man an4 an old ,rl0nt o
Itof to told m to ylalt tha village of
Totolk and Kvpl, wbra f might
find aowm Intorwttog a'sf, ound to
tho vii)ntiit Tntolk ft HIimUi paimW
lim id 1,200, f omt Mmra Tomako
0rk and Andrea K-rlk, two pai
4uUnd thtplaca,rom whom I Urol
(hat nearly hal o Mm wiato jeitotho
th two Vlllag ra to A owl:, I
)itiu4 mwiy limiuHn, nttomtmnUiii by
firk itnd Kiiiwlk, d mnvfnM
fftrifrlntlc Onlers at the