r. THE AMERICAN r V, f f, w S 1 AN:vsnri:n tiu'st. M INvtt.ANO "NUfc r4 I .! V t4- at aaiWttt;, 1. J tv- lVr.l tSiaU IH1 anHhet In Ai ul jnv)i U nn-tet im4.h r.wUrr tew Vjr twrwVft vt rtUt tf Nw V4, inil!..Jli and O.WxmM U tt rr m tn4 el U mauair Bmlt f krvrite In tl New r.it:Uit tot are wry tattiaMe aul M(ttMe, feat h nW fonalAVraHtm m the tm njx4 will prove vw ! rwnunrratire nl Influential f the r lurtioii of Hie Mpem In opnrnUntr, tiy tb jmwha of eni'pllr la qtisnlHiea Unrn m U dtmtaml freat rtxIttctJittta la the jtrk'o f tuat"rlal uwhI, l ream H liM Wn rovRKl that a go4 pal"K 'wnr.ir la mt of the iuit anlld. and atahletnveatiuPtiU that money can be jt Into, ami the majority f th npwvjHri of thu country, too large to be the mronM property of elu gle owner, have bwu utanagt! ly stock coiiipnntce. TUia conaoHilation of newannperi tin der on inauaKoyumt U not a particular ly new UW It hue bvou very eucceeaful on a emallcr aoale In the wat, wln.ro the Script 1mkui It widely known eaabl jrmiicaUs, nmnuBlnif duien valuable newspaper planta. It wa outs of tho drwtmt of the cider Bi'uuott which a number of year ano came near to realisation, The New York Herald and Tho Thmw.t lw Chicago Tlnuw, 8t, Loni riwt-Dinpntch nnd tho lUmtou llerald at one tiuio cme very iieur boing ooutrollud by eyndiento, wit h the elder Dennett Ht its bead, but diemKreementa aroBo, nnd the negotiations came to oauKht. The eiKiriuoui earnings of big papers liko the New York Herald, Hun and World, the Boston Herald and Globe are the natural results of serious and inde fatigable ctrorts extending over a series of years. It is popularly reported that the Income of James Uordou Uetinott of the New York Herald from his paper is e)700,000 per annum. The World oloHely follows this with over $300,000, while The Bun probably makes half that amount, Tho Uostou Herald is supposed to divide (1100,000 a year between the owners, while The Globe pays at least 10 per cent net on f 3,000,000. The proponed combine, however, deals with New England newspapers, and even this is a deal of iinuieuso magnitude, The capitalists alluded to propose to a relume the leading dally papers in Tew England, managing them of course as individual pnters nnd preserving their cparato autonomies, yet controlling them by a directorate, to whom the agent or manager iu charge of each paper shall report directly, It is esti mated that $16,000,000 iu capital will be required. The plan is to purchase these proper ties by issuing bonds for f 1,0(10,000, pre ferred stock of $1,000,000 and common stock of $1,000,000, the bonds and the common stock to be sold for tho pur chase money, the bonds to carry an 8 ler cent guarantee, the preferred stock to be a 7 per centstock, and the common to declare whatever dividend might be left over after nn allowance for a sink ing fund. At the present cost of opurat lug tho common stock could declare a 10 4er cent dividend and carry 0 jmt cent 'to the sinking fund. Tho cost of otmrating would be great ly rodttced. Toko for example the llos itou dailies or tho two big Hunday issues. The Herald and Uhdie each run trains out over the roads leading from Boston Sunday morning, seven trains each. One of them could he cut oft and a joint tralu run, saving at least $;io,(Xo er year. By purchuHlng paper in such Immense quan tities the very lowest jKwslblo price could be obtained, and a very small fraction of m per cent saved would In the aggregate amount to an enormous figure, and as with paper so with type, presses, ink and all other materials, In the matter of distribution of papers in Boston alone an anormous saving would be made. ' By the control of all the newspaper properties in New England by one con cern a nsw em in tho collection of news voiilJ at once follow, A system of leased linos, with operators in the em ploy f the combine, would be Inevitable, The New England Associated Press wonld either be merged in it or go to the wall, but this system of leased wires Could bring a saving of such propor tions ni to be absolutely startling and which is at present impossible by any one pHer. It is expected that exjienses of operation would be reduced fully 25 jxr cent, The plan Is not a iolitlcal one and has mo political significance. Tho comblno 4s said to be evenly divided between both the great political parties; otherwise this absorption of such pajrs would give a political influence that would be eo power ful that it could not be tolerated. Agents of the syti'Jleute are now iu New Eng land inciting inquiries and investigations. Theveuccessful management of the Stand- lird Oil company, of tho big street car rjombiues and other trusts seems likely to be followed by a newspaper trust. I Journalist. llMks In tin I'nIUd ItoUi. There are 8,700 national, 8,000 state una 1,800 private banks in tho United States, a total of 8,000, somewhat dimin ished since May by isolated suspensions iand insolvencies, but still in excess of '7,800, several suiended banks having after suspension resumed. The gross deposits in national banks of the United States amount to $1,500,000,000, iu state banks to $050,000,000 and in private banks to $100,000,000, a total of $3,250, '000'. The gross deposits in American banks are 60 per cent greater than the national debt and -equal to about 60 per cent of all the gold coin In the world. New York 8un. . !), n- ' . I .t . x-''- "''-. w t tt. 't IW : t, HI Ut-.'i u t .Si.. -I H.e w t I AiU it. i f If. liwl, M Kit i)iih,' Ut Mtwe vfiU ! t- I tlMtiwl Is i Mwm l,r l lin. Kl cve, A sit t i-tM wat t M4 l 'sui. Mn.iH., tNt xi r c" ! !. rs I nt w4l i te t ill m t t Kulurslti, Ihwtvf.w, lH, Warwr !! tlw ftnn. il smut," Iiwtf , and lt tmly ( h vUity ! r"bi. tiioeioihivs dsve t tt v s, Ui Is f nx.1 to "'Uf off Mtsny Weiih-u piepleyw. iKs hs lV thsw to r!i. Wtwr Utu.-M and lh str.l! N.v lr. Yarner aenlly disi unto Hew f. tnnsi w me n it.iiwiHit of tl prvs ent i, l.l atilc a tlis r f tWir art .pn4 tr a be would 1 dii by, lie ha rd las New Tet anient arVjjht and appl!i H this cntry llirWianlty as taught by it founder t.lHl years ag l)r, Wainer oftera his ex employe free bitar l dutiurf the continuance of trade (agnation. They have h led him inak the money which he Mums iu (be hour Of need, 1 want to shake hands with Dr. War ner and to thank htm fr setting so no ble nn example. In this era of criminal leltixhncKw, which mskes many men a little lower than cut throats, such evi dence of humanity stands out like a dia mond glitteringnmidoiral, Kate Mold's TV'sshlngton. Thro Miliums For Kmliiwiiipnt Onlerm, There is over $;),(K)0,KMI lying in the sommonwealth's treasury in the state house at Boston awaiting diNtrihutloii among the certificate holders of tho de funct endowment orders. In order to facilitate a settlement the supremo ju dicial court proposes to take au active stand In the matter, and to that end E. 0. Bumpus has been appointed by tho court a special loader to examine Into the situation of tho several endowment order corporations, to confer with the re ceivers and to report to tho court a plan for an immediate dividend to the claim ants, with the draft of a decree ordering such a dividend. Judge Bumpus has taken such a course of inquiry as will probably result in a practical solution of the endowment cases, tho court evident ly having come to tho conclusion that the only way to set tle them up is to take a common sense view of tho matter and arrange a settlement which will uot al low long litigation ending In a wasting of tho ussets. Boston Letter. A Mail Htoksr's Prssk. A strange railway accident, which might have had terrible consequences, Is reported to have happened at the Bologna station on Friday, The stoker of an en gine which was stopping nt the station of Oulliora on tho Fcrrura-Bulogna line, in tho engine driver's absence and ap parently in a sudden fit of madness, set the engine going at full speed, running toward Bologna. The telegraph was immediately sot in motion, warning Bo logna and the four intermediate stations, and fortunately the line was clear, and the engine was shunted onto a side line where there were only six empty car rlages, and into these it dashed at full speed. The stoker had during the whole time continued to heap coal on the fire, Tho engine and carriages wero of course telescoped, and tho stoker was so badly hurt that he died soon afterward. 8t. James Gazette. IiimwI Ufa In Ksimn. The hot. atiflimr air brlnirs fresh ter- f rors iu tho form of winged insects and things that creep. Bugs as big as clot lies pins pounce upon tho wayfarer andclaw and scratch until hurled from tho nock and stamped under foot. Then there is a green bug which comes out of the night like a rillo shot and sinks all its foot Into one's HomIi, This beast is now In season, Grasshoppers as long as the little finger of a grown man crawl lei surely up the screen of your window, stopping from time to tlnn to take ob servations and (iunlly tumbling back Into tho street to find temporary lodg ment in the whiskers of tho native, who is almost certain to be iu range, Kan sas Cor. Chicago Herald. A Jolly Old Mayor. Don Jose Galendo, mayor of the city of Alba, is In a parlous plight indeed. News from Madrid proclaims that his worship has been taking unreasonable liberties With the public- treasuries and bos In fact been proved guilty of 217 distinct forgeries, robberies and so forth, The penalty for each separate crime is 14 years' imprisonment, and as sentences do not run concurrently by Spanish law poor Don Jose must go to prison for 8,0!!8 years. This would amount to life sen tences for three or four Methuselalts, Black and White. A II iiiii Ma I !, Ilaformar, At Muucie last night Freight Conduct or Lolge Love of the Big Four found a frail looking girl on top of a box car of his train dressed in boy's clothes. The girl said she was from 8teuleuville, O., and had taken to tiie lifo of a jieronnial trap In order to seo the world. She excused the garb sho wore by declaring that she was in favor of dress reform for women. The venturesome miss refused to give her name and acted very independent. In Aianapolis Journal. A llallroad'i Miin. The recent cutdown in wages among employees at the general office of theB. and A.roud seems somewhat incongruous with the yearly report, which showed a wonderful increase in the net earnings of the road. It seems to be only a case of a "cussed opportunity," not to bo resisted by a railroad company any more than the man whose wife is out of town. Bpringfleld (Mass.) Graphic. The company that promises to lay a cable between Australia and California will obtain a subsidy from the German (overnment for the sections of the line Xitween the Feejee and Samoan islands tud Honolulu. te tM iW f (t.- il (li 11V,1 In Oir ' vH H t-, i. ir. u vu-t tt et Hnk I !( Iliotft uy i !! ( I n g 5, jt,,, V,i1 I'sir i(e I :! I, he fi" tl-e I ii i lUi.t" d ( ll! ( h il-P $nU I'.J'W, hm ', ft, Vi'-I rn l'li" )ir (), (o lli-ei4 ! ald lnn.h'e fl Wlv t ! !-(! l ,n i,t' t irla hoi. t dixiii 1. r Ue lair, and ) en ' tT vnr el (o jKir lm s! eiv, j U liieniW r, lliet'blcsfc'rt, , H llnd A I'tM'ifle I the World's l'wirl.!ne fm ( r ai gm ile. i .loiiv si inaiu', (5eii sl Ticket and I'aMehgef Afenl J - - j We iihI k'oixt rnKiHmr a'iits In j every tart of th rouniry, Write for imrlliMilars. Addons, American Pub. Co., room 413 Hlnvly Hlis-k, Omaha, Neh (IKO.W. l,AN0ASTKUACO. UKIiKNM. Aomin WHEELER ,v,-:r-- & WILSON MBWINCa MAC IINKf. Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs, HULL ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Neeci', (Ml, Miiiillea f,,r nil kinds of Snw Inn Miu'lilne. Our own MecliHiilo la Brst clasa. Will repair any Hewlnu Machine. rLPMO Jl. Omaha. 614 South Slxtvonth Bt-, Omaha Express and Delivery Co. TELEPHONE UI14. Moving and Light Express Work Trunk snd Parcel Oallvary. llotiMohold (tend Packed, Hlorort arvlHhlptmcl (Ullee. mil North tilth Street. Ilrimeh otlliii) N. K. for. goth ard I, like Hi reels. Tele phone lO, I'M I'M KKAHON A Hl.h. J. I;. TUKNEV, IWIMano Movlnii a Specialty. Manager. GRAND LODGE LOYAL. ORANGE INSTITUTION or TUB United States of Amerioa. FHANOI8 0. OAMI'NELL. M. W. O. M.. Mlimenpolli, Minn. THOH, MILMCiAN, Ctrsnd Woeretnry, Everett, Mass. M. L. BOOK. 413 Hheely llloelc, Omaha, Neb.. Oriranlxer Forucpariuieiitof NeiirnsKa, Iowa, Kaimns, MlHMiurl and Colorado, OltANQB ritlNVll'LES. On tielinlf of the Loral OraniAi Lodge Of the United Hlutex of Atnerlt',,arid with a view of enr recti nn the falie IniprcsNlon that mtniiiles are endeavorlnit to convey to tho iiilmlsut men who are uiiacitutlnted with OraiiKo principles, are these fnw'stateineuts madei The Ley nl Oi-iiime IriHi Itutlon Is a brother hood nnd slHterhooil, hoiuid hy three ties Justice, Truth and Itluhteoustiims, It lias nn lililden alms. It is fraternal and llenevolent asslstliiK and priitectliiR members while II vlnit and their widows and orphans when thnjr are re moved by death, It upholds the rlnht of private Judgment- the untrammelled freedom (if opinion ( be lieves the public schools are an CNNontlal safeguard of the state, and should be kept free from eccIiliiMtlcal or sectarian control and that persons dUloyiil to the government who held a mental allegiance to the pops of Home should bo rigorously excluded from teaching I herein. It believes primary allegiance Is duo to the government which protects the lives, liberties mid properties of Its cltlsena, and that ecflcNlsNtlcat authority should not1 under any circumstances, be permitted to meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer cion of acltl.en In the exercle of Ills or ber right of fraiichlHti, under the guUn of relig ion or spiritual authority nhoiild be pen lulled as a crime agaltnit th state. That It Is the duty of every cltl.en to de fend the lawfully constituted authority and Institution of our country against corrupt and Inimical Influences, as well ss Hguttmt armed anus 1 1 a tit, to the end that our glori ous freedom be protected and trannmltted unimpaired to posterity. It encourage habits of frugality and In duatry among Its members, and Is proud to boioit that Orangemen seldom become a public chsrgn or accept pauper tireiid. It believe In the restriction of Immlgra tlon and the extension of time for tho niitur- atlratlon of citizens, snd that the public lsndashall be held for actual American cltl- tens who become net tier, The Loyal Orange ISHtltutlon of the United Htates of America has certain requirements for niemberahlp: That a man shall be an actual American cltlr.cn, having compiled with the lawsnf the United Htates with regard to naturalization, snd without a mental reaervatlon, That the applicant shall be a I'rotestant, and also that his parents and wife shall be Protest unta, w That he ahall be thrifty and successful In his buslnemi; honorable and truthful In his dealings with hi fellowman, and shull be known as a law-abiding citizen, That he will endeavor toglvs his children or anychllilreu under his charge at least a good common school education, being care ful to avoid all popish doctrines, and That he kliirtl be In sound health at the time of making application. It make no dlffurenco where a man was born, so long as be meets tho foregoing requirement. ThcMi are tho qualifications required of every applicant to the order, and we do not think that any patriotic American order can offer a better array of principles and teach Ings. AMERICAN LOYAL OHANGK LODGE, No. 221, tneels every Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock M. L. ZOOK, Becy. JV We will givi! any KriiMul a Winchester Repeating Killc, fifteen (15) shots, latest improved, '93 pattern who will send ns O' Or, in other words, subscriptions to the ($50.00). The amqunt of subscription must it will not be counted. This unparalleled offer will remain in operation until January 1st,. 1894. These subscriptions may be sent to us from time to time, money accompaning each order when mailed. . Anyone wishing to work for one of these Rifles will please notify us, so that we may be able to keep a correct list of subscrip tions sent in by each party wishing to procure one. JpTMoney must bo sent by Draft, Money Order, Postal Note or two (2) coat Stumps. No personal checks outside of the will ue accepted. The full amount for time the paper is desired must accompany each order. We will allow no commissions to parlies wishing to procure one or more of the Hides. American Publshing Ioom- Jr. Order United Amelcan Mechanics. Instituted May 17, 1833-Ellglblllty For Membership. Any white noil pernon born In thn United Sillied of North Anierleii, lu territories or under the proleetlnn of Ita HnK. who uliiill huve uttiilhixl the Htfe of nlxteen yenrn, who In of liooil moriil ehitrni'ter, ii liellevf r In tho nxlNtenen of a Huiireiuo Helen an the Oentor itml 1'renerver of thu unlverHH, In favor of fii'ci ediienllon, oihihiiI to hiiv union of eluirch and Htiite, nlmll lie ellKlhle to iiinin lierMhli under thn provUlorm of thn liiw In the t nte nnd mtliordlniilA eounell to wlileh the ntiiilleiitlon U nindei provided, thut no tierwin nIiiiII lie reeelved to lienellelal imilii lierMhlp who In over fifty yer of hrm, A iH-mon i.lm 1 1 not he permitted to thin order who doen not poNKenn h tfood morn rhuraeter. or who la In any way Ineitpiiel l uted from rnriiluK n llvllhood, nor nlmll ho be under Nlxteen yenm of UK". Hiilijeetx of n neetarliin nr purtUun ohiir aeter nhiill not hn In trod need Into any meet Intr of thin eounell, nor hIi nil nny member mnkn urn of the mune of thin order at a political meetliiK, Tiia (ni.necTH ahri Klmf To mnlnlitln ttnd promota thn Inl4r extn of Anierli'iiim, nnd uhlld them from the deprenKlnir elTeetnof foreign competition, Keeond To khhInI Amerlenim In otitnltilnK employmeiit. Third To eneouraKa American! In biwl rieHN, Kourth To BNtfitillnh a nick and funeral fund. Fifth Tn maintain thn piilille iiehool yt UM of the United HtatJm of America, and' to prevent xeetarliin Interferennw therewith, and uphold the reiidlnii of thn Holy Jt t tile therein, aTATi cottNmr, or mrhhahkai . 0,-W. A. IIOWAKI), Lincoln. H. V. D.-WM. F. KNAI'l'. H. .-II. I DAY, H. T,-0. II. AM.ICN. t'onrtiielor-W. K. fOPKLAND, (liiard-l. S. McAIIf.KY. Hentlnei-WM.TIIKNK.lt. Iielegiiteto National (Jon ventlon WM, K, KNA1MMI. I.. DAY, W. A. MKHSIOK, 1'. S, Mef'AIM.KY and W, F. f')-KLAN), Warden-K, A. IIAYI.IMM. The next regular meetlntt will hn held on thn third Tuemlay In Jnntmu. NU, at I'lalt moiithN, NebniHka. WAHIIINOTON COITNOII. No, 1. meet nverv Friday availing In Ooodrleh hull, 24th and Paul Mtreeta, Vlxltlnir brothnm al wayii weleomu. J. C Paor, Hec'y, MNt'OI.N COUNCIL No. 2, meeU In Lin Coin, Nehriuika, poLTIMMA UOUNUIL No. 9. meet avery Tuemlay evenliiK In Patternon block, 17th and Farnam Street. K. L. MAltdTOK, U, Hec'y, WINONA OO0NO1L No. 4. meeu avery " Hatiirdav avenlng In Ked Menu Hall, Continental block, IMh and HouKla Ntft. Ouo, M. HHArail, Hue. Hec'y. ("A KFIF.LI) t'OUNf'IL No. S. meet evory VI Tuewlay nlht In South Omaha, trr.i " -T- Wiu.iam Fahk, Hec'y. TJLUFF CITY COUNCIL No 7- meet every " Wedneday avenlnx In O. A. K. Hall, Council HIiitrH. la. A. P. A. AHF. LINCOLN COUNCIL NO. Ifl, AMF.Kt ran l'ronetlv A violation meet every aee ond and fonrih V'lr!!wday of each month In I, (). O. F. hall, Plaltmiioiith, Neli. VlHltlng niemlM'rii are welcome. F. P. Brown. Hue. Patriotic Oder Sons of America, WASHINGTON CAMP No. I. P. O. S. of A,, meeu each TliuMday evening at Heo Men's Hall, Fifteenth and Douglaa Hid, WASHINGTON CAMP No. 13. P. O. H. of " A.. Council HlnlTn. Meeting In their hall over 4IW Broadway, every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. J. II. Van I'attan. Secretary FR a 25 Yearly Subscribers. SO 6 Mos. Subscribers. 100 3 Mos. Subscribers. city of Omaha, or other denominations of stamps except two cents. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS 412-13-14 Sheely Bloclc, Notice of Final Settlement. STAT Of NmitlANKA, i KougliiH County. (" In the county court of Douglas county, Nebraska. In the matter of the cutiito of John W, WliltmarNh, ilcccnned: Innabella Angellno Whltmarnh, Cliarleii A. Whltmarnh, Lawrenra U. Whllmiirnh, Will iam W. WhllmarHh and all other per mum Interested In mild matter are hereby notified that on the 41 h day of August, IM',1, Isabella A ngellne Whltmarsh Hied a petit ion In mild county court, praying that her II n a I ltd ml n Ixt rut Inn account Illed herein be nettled and allowed) that proofs of heirships he taken and decree rendered thereon that allow ances be made for children under seven anil fourteen years of age respectively that a decree distributing and assigning the residue of said cut nl be entered, anil that such other and further orders and proceeding may be had In thn premises as may be re quired by thn statutes In such casiis madn and provided, to the end that said etul and nil things pertaining thereto may be dually settled and determined, ami tho mid ad m I nlstratrl x il Iscbarged, You are hereby notltlei) that If you fall to appear before said court on thn With day of Heptember, iNlia, at 10 o'clock a.m., and contest aid pet ition, the court may grant the prayer of said petit ion and iiiiUii such other and further orders, allowances ami decrees as to this court limy seem proper, to the end thut all matters pertaining to said estate may hn finally settled and determined, and thn said administratrix discharged. Witness my hand and oltlclal seal this Jllrd day of August iwi;i. J, W, FLLF.lt. IsiAUJ H-V4 County Judge. SherifFi Sale. In nursiinnca and by virtue of a Judgment and decree of the District court for liouglas con nt y, at ate of Neb,, rendered oi, the Kith day of NovemberA.il. M, In a certain action wherein John Magna was plaintiff and James P. Kiigllsh, F. J. llolehklss and others were defemlamU nnd of an order of sale Issued thereon nut (if said dis trict court, hearing (lute tho llllh day of August, A. 1). I mm. and to me directed, I will on the 2'llh day of Hcplcmher, A, I). at 10 o'clock a. m of said day, at the KAHT front door of tht County Court House, In I lie city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell nt public auction, to thn highest bidder for cash, thu following de scribed lands and tenements, all situated In the county of Douglas, nnd statu of 'Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots twenty ( and twenty-onn 2(l, In block eleven (ll, In llrlggn Place, an addition ta thirdly of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, said property to be sold to satisfy John Mitgen the sum of twent.v-elght hun dred dollars ili.WPO.Wi, wit h Interest thereon nt rate of seven (7i per cent per annum from Heptember llith, IMfJi to satisfy Callierlna Pageler Hie sum of eight thousand, nine hun dred, seventy-seven and 4T.IH dollars (M,t77.47, with Interest thereon at rate of f,wn.i), witn interest thereon at ram or laven (7) pi'ncent per annum from Heptember j:ird, IMMii. until nald, and forly-iwo and ;i-iiO dollars I4j4:i) rimts, with Interest savi' ilrrl 4.1- II ST) thereon from tho Kith day of Heptember A I), wi, together witn accruing costs accoro Ing to a judgment rendered by tho district court of said Douglas county at Its Hep tember term, A. D. IMWi, In a certain action then and them pending, wherein John Magee was plaintiff and James P, F.ngllsh, F. J. Ilotchklss and others ilefendnnts. Omttha. Nebraska. AmriiHtai. IM. OKOUlIK A. HF.NNF.TT, Hherlff of Douglas County. Nebraska. Blair A Uoss. ottorneys. H-1!S-S W. T. WHITE & CO., tOO NORTH IOTH T. Stationery. Boohs and News, Periodicals, Magazines. Notions. Finn Pocket Cutlery. Cigars, Tobaccos, and Hinoker't Hun dries, Fverythlng llrst class. Friend Patronage Solicited, nr -0? t, w1 amount of fifty dollars be paid in advance or TO Sheriff's Sale. In pursuance and by virion of a Judgment and decree of the district court for Douglas county, statu of Nebraska, rendered on thn Hu h day of November, A, D. In a certain action wherein Zen in II, Lllchlleld was plnlntllT.Jamea P. Fngllsh and F,J. Ilotchklss and ol hers were ilofemlnnts.Htid of an order of sale Issued thereon out, of said District Court, bearing date the ISM Inlay of August, A , D.Miil. and to mil directed, I will, on the 2lth day or Heiitember, A. D. at 10 o'clock A, M. of said day. at thn KAHT front door of thit County Court House, In thn City ut Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, sell at puhlld auction, to the highest bidder for cash, thn following described lands and tenement, all situated In thn County of Douglas, and state of Nebraska. to-wlti Lots twenty-twit (22) and twenly-thren m) In block eleven (II) In llrlggs Place, an addi tion to the city of Omaha, Douglan county, st.atn of Nidiraskai said properly Ui ho sold to satisfy .enas II, Litchfield the sum of twenty-eight hundred dollars (M.wio.nfn with Interest thereon at rat of seven tit per cent per annum from Heptember llith, laWi to sat. Isfy Callierlna Pageler thn sum of eight thousand nine hundred seventy-seven and 47-KKI dollars (H,W77.47) With Interest there on at rate of eight (7) per cent tier Murium from Heptember 2ikl,HWi,unl II pald.aiid forty one nnd sll-ldli dollars ifil.kil) co.is, with Interest thernoii from thn IHilay of Heptember, A. D, Ihi, together with accruing cost ac cording to a Judgment rendered by thn District Court of said DouglasnCounty, at II Heptember term, A, D, xf,r Iu a certain action then and there pending wherein ciia II, W. Litchfield was plaintiff and James P, Knirllsh, F.J. Ilotchklss and other were de fen il a fits, Omaha, Nebraska, August lrd, Imici, (iKOItuF, A HKNNKT'P, 2n-l) Hherlff of Douglas County, Nob, Hlalr and Ooss, attorneys, M. O. MAUL, Kuccassor to Drexel A Maul. Undertaker and Embalmer HI7 Fnrnatn Slrnnt. Tcf.KrtioNa KM. OMAHA NEB, TO THE WORLDS FAIR -TA Tll- ORIAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTC rrora LINCOLN, OMAHA ind COONOIL BLUITI. Iteuiomber, this Linn has a Depot fur all It'll n Sl. S ,l,fl,.W,Ml lu. ..i .l.l . ". ", tir I.'.. in iii imicngu;, close to thn World's Fair Onto. CHAI. KINNIDVi Oen'I N.-W, I', A Omalia.Niih, WM. NICKLAS, Brick Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished on all kinds 0f Hrlck and Mason work, 2230 8 8VKNTCINTH ST. Tslaphone 170fl, OMAHA. MR. Co.. BAUMLEY & SMITH, ST. MAltY'S AVKNfJK LIVERY STABLE Light Huggles, Haddln Horses, Carriage Coupes, V.u, seo ' Boarding a Spccialty.zz: 17th nd Bt. MrT'i Art. T.ltphon. 440