V THE AMERICAN . PBRRY. turtm t tw.i.uitd. U,ctw-J that to oMnictiow had 1 h nrt'i-J ' theshott rurUm to Cuimotv, tsherv Im found a bth ol bl rhuvh, revived htm with Itntrkt ktttilm, coe.fc'itultltg Mm on bating wntd th hand d hi riieniiea, and tlly 't)ttl him not aaln to hatard lilinmdft among them, Aldr miw UlmiHirw, In the pivgtVM ot which MmjrwtH Iwflled cvciat tttUutpta Hi obtati.lng Informa tion eoneelttlng lrry, the bishop rvcommcndiHl hi Wwslng to prii'Ht, Just arrived to bold a station there. Magrath oU'jod; hut, on com Inn to Ui mmfowtloiml, honestly -prised theprlost that ho should give no Information mi anything Hint did not ooncorn hlmelf-a plan in which the other refused to concur, indignantly assuring him that any concealment on jkiIiHs where ho might ho questioned, would burden his soul with mortal kin. Finding bin penitent iitlll refractory, bo changed hiit tone, and pathetically apiwalod on behalf of the ' imrnocut.nl cnureh, representing tho 1'roU'HtiinU, especially those of Perry, a children of perdition, obnoxious and detestable both to God and man, and with whom none could keep fulth without Incurring tho contamination of their damnable heresies." Tho failure allko of his eloquence and of tho menace with which ho In torsporscd It, noon overcame his small stock of patience, and, adzing Magrath by tho collar, ho dragged him toward an adjoining room, the door of which ho throw oiton, and, in violent wrath, denounced him an a pontllent heretic to tho blahop, who wa aoatcd at break- flint with a party of hla clergy around him. Kvery eye wa turuod on Ma grath, who prewmtly rccogul.ed In ono of them tho omlnoiiM twluklo of Fathor I'otcm, under whuno careful nbpurlu teiiilince ho hud been dent on apll grtmiigo jutit pre v luu to bin grand father' death, Tho recognition wan mutual, not- wlthHtandlng the hipxo of eight ycara wliico their liiBt meeting; and tho prlct, exprctwlng great pleasure at btv holding blm again, amiured hl brethren that he wum a faithful mm of the church long under hU care, and one who would irladly receive wholenomo admonition from hU ftnoli-nt pawtor, With Petcrst, therefore, Magrath withdrew, and had to maintain bin poht ngalnKt every moilo of lllnplaylng that uulhorHV to which he hud once paid ouch unlimited obedience '"I tould hU rlvercnce that I came to confcM all my own hIiib and get ubriolu tlou; but the Dei ry men hadn't put It upon me to fetch them a penance, and I couldn't In cotiMcience betray them. 'CoiiHclcnoo,' uy ho. 'and whoi to look after your coimcienoe, bnrrlu' thu clergy that him vim under hht knee? 'Oh, mi re,' uy I, 'and lnn't It myuclf that miiHt give account of mynulf to (J nil' Mustn't I Hand before the Judg ment-unit of Chrlaty Then to neo tho fiico of him when ho axed mo, 'And who tould you all that NtulTV' 'HtulT In il'f nay I; 'sure, and U'h In the bleHHed IxKik of God'n truth.' ' And then I guve it him inlrlnh elune and entire, bm It wan on my memory.' " "And how bore, he that?" nuked Ilryan. "Hoar it ho didn't anyhow; but ho clenched hln lint In my teeth, and curwid mo for an big a heretic an ould DennU hlniHclf, that waa burning llko a dry od In tho fire of boll, I axed blm bow long hud he known that tho Howl wan there? 'How long la It?' aaya bo; 'It'a ever alnce I put my curmj on tho ould heretlo fortlcklng to the truth that haa jHiUoned ye all. Didn't he tell me tho rlteaof tho church could'nt bring him to heaven? Troth, and ho went faat enough to bell without 'em. 'Why, then,' aaya I, 'lt'a your rlverlnco that'a going to do the Jtmt and gcnerouH thing, giving back to my father' aon tho maa-moncy that went to fetch Dennla out of purgatory, and ho In hell, the comfortlena creathur!' " Unmoved by tho burat of laughter which thla ahrcwd turn drew from Itoaa and Uryan, Mngrath went on to dettcrlbe the augmented rage of the prlcttt, who aworo that, unlcaa ho gave full Information on every point re quired, and amply atoned for hla nac religloua inaolenoe, ho ahould bo turned out among tU faithful army aa an ex communicated traitor. Left to hlmaelf in a amall apartment, of which the grated window and iron-clenched door bonpoke it a priaon, Mngrath had lei mi re to reflect on the probable termination of hla adventure; while the puclng of a Bontry at a short dlatanoe proved that be waa carefully guarded "And didn't you repent of your atout- neas the while?" nuked Shane, the la tentneaa of wbowe intcreat struck all the party. "I didn't repent of laj honesty, any' way," answered the other with strong emphaals; "but Father Peters' blarney had put me on thinking over past times; and sure it was I that had sins ),,,-,,.. ami !dft1 I M t-l w tiui man " 11.' hii.4, M h-tt m MmI full .l M )' h"1 " m1u d-p thought 1 , i,l.b rmWttitf t.U) HhKi(l ee.l tiai-S. i tl-it wnn, he r-d Ht m Wli, sitting, I ll t H )vi what mwlf did: liMmltint ll lr ttkhl that on . !f aotHihe, Ulslttg ol ould lMnt tivut'lt . h Min iMmitiw l U Iimh- r wbrrw th M ,. n, nd I vttUtrt Iwit Ihlnk a inittM w (ilx'tt tnc lor H Kiwi I kt !! don and ivnfi fwd U thfl-oiM Jowml'ltrliit, wlilMMit rlit or t(n; aid lo n I hi H, miiw how 1 t-oiitdn't b-av IT, out wmu-nwu lor ould IViiuln and !l llu' r, and kfd II Im would I g t HlMthilion that wnjl" Why tdowildn t 1? for aur the wonl wt i clear In my mind;'' fcud he nclud In lrUh, 'tkuno unto me, all ye that lalor and aw heavy laden, and I will glvo yourvct." Hryan utaru-d trom hi chair, and, rt m-atlng the U'Ht In r.ngllah, thu room, alworlied In mental thanks giving; whllo Jlttull, nuppivKulng hU emotion, naked Mngrath whether bo experienced any comfort from thla, to him, novel iikmIo of coiifctmlon. "Hurc and I did, ulr. A feeling caino over mo a If tho great Citnl looki'd and IlKU-nud, and I canmit nay but I tronv bled. Yet, comfort It wan to think that llo heard mo, and I got up with, a IlirhUir heart" Ho then rolutod that another attack wan made on h la con ulancy by ono of tho mirvants, who, coming h If by utealth, net before him the certain death which awaited him, should the prleat denounce him from the altar on tho morrow, as ho would do, unless a timely submission averted the futo. Magrath, however, described the report of tho ploceB which sent shells and slu4 into Derry, as assisting to harden hliu against all pleading; and ho nuidu up his mind to bravo the worst, ii8lng the night in painful re flection, not unmixed with Joy, as pas saires from tho Irish Scriptures were forcibly brought to his remembrance At curlv mornlne Peters once more appeared, accompanied by tho bishop, and armed with all the artillery of ex population and thundering menaces, both as regarded this world and tho next. Ho stood firm, and they left him for the first nun, giving him until noon to consliler tno consequences or such unhcutd-of jHirtlnaclty. Peters hud Informed tho bishop of old Dennis's refractory end; and tho virulent abuse heaped on the Word of Clod by these noi-duiaiU ministers of His truth operated to strengthen Magrath ajpilnst tho uttermost that their mallco could achieve. Through his narrow window ho saw the men crowding to mass, and not wishing to bo behlnd-hiind In devo' tlon, bo knelt down to pray, as before Tho sentry hud been frequently re- Uevod; and about noon, when, after a short query, to which an equally short negative was given, tho priest had loft his door, Mngrath recognized in his now guard one whom ho well knew as an active emissary of his party, high In tho confldenoo of some loaders among tho native Irish clans. Magrath called blm by name; and the other, muehsur prised, udvanced to tho grate, Inquir ing by what means ho hud been pluced in such a dilemma. ( "For my honesty," was tho reply and before ho could proceed, the other burst Into low but bitter Invectives against tho French put ty, who, he said were using the Irish as tools, to gam a footing In tho laud at thu expense of their blood, and afterwards to enslave them. Tho priests then at Culmore he said, were nil In the plot, and would no doubt, tnuko away with every honest man who sought to maintain his country's Independence. IIo then inquired if It was by their means that the prisoner lav under sentence of chath, as ho understood. Magratli almnly save an affirmative; which drew from hla friend renewed expres sions of Indignation. As, however, tho llmo for relieving him approached, ho hastily desired the prisoner to watch until ho should see a sentry on guard wearing a green ribbon In hi button hole, and then to try the door of his cell, and make what use ho could of tho opiHirtunity. He finished by directing him to seek out their former employer, and apprise him that those In authority were deeply plotting tho subjugation of Ireland beneath the yoke of France; and was gono before Magrath co'd answer a word, leaving him doubtful whether ho should avail himself of succor Btven unuer so eviucninnus . .... I.. conception. txnnellan, nis ancioni comruue, no knew to bo a roan of dark and stern re solve, In whatsoever regarded tho ex elusive interests of tho native race. Itellglon formed with him only an In ferior branch of patriotism, and his was the hand that would stab on the high altar even a sovereign pontiff capable of conspiring against Irish ascendancy, Called from a distant post to take his turn in guarding a prisoner whoso safe-keeping was only entrusted to men of tried resolution, he knew no more than he had fallen under tho displeasure of their leaders. Ills former experience of Marath's devoted attachment to his native cautw, brought at once his impetuous mind to the con elusion that for it he wss now about to suffer; nor would ho regard tho repre sentations subsequently made in answer to his inaultles as any but the artful Ni )it j Omitfc-limit Uif M'ii .f t V'mi VsU, n MuH t- l t, ttiU diwtib-f twi.l.' t!r i . !!. ti!. Ut Ui 4 tVn Dsn. b ritcd ivh It t Mmt Itu' ((tite. Mafrnth. nnnhl!e, rmtilnt-d on Ihn trnrjf r nl, i hUig wn t-rt-Hl a ny of ovn With t-lmt ttvlte hkhm imh inii-mii te , bt r'- tuthed t umliwiu t Wiii-dUn, rsthcr than lour ltn brand of its-n-hiry ni.jf )rtj; si tin mint time ftot pur- lowing to Iimk any bi- of an bonomhle rvlrvnt from th tfmop of the nBliint whom his itlrltlm wus rUIng Into netlvo hosUlity. Homo hours lad, nod m-veral times bud Mngrath taken nn anxious survey o' omo new guard, In-fom the wclcomo li?ht of an end of gnen rlblmn, drawn out through the button-hole of his vent, apprised him that a confederate of Counellan had assumed his ollloe. This man took a wider rnngo thnn hla predecsmrs, whistling n national melody as he pie'eil tho ground, and while observing him, Magrath distinctly heard n key turu In the look of his door. At the sumo time, tho sentry ceasing his tune, stood sta tionary with his back to the building, Magrath oienod tho door; all was clear; he turned the key again to secure the entrance of bis prison, and slipping It Into his pocket, passed swiftly round projecting angle of tho wall, and descended a bank overhanging tho lower ground a rudo natural rampart under which ho paused, stooping low honcnth Its level, to ponder on the next movement In his novel and perilous ex pedltlon, At any other time, such an escape would have been morally Im possible, nor could ho have occupied his present position for three minutes undiscovered; but all bonds ot discip line bad been loosed, and every mili tary precaution sacrificed ut tho shrlno of drunken revelry. In fact, the army had long manifested symptoms of dis gust, and even of an Insurrectionary spirit, under tho severe privations Im posed by their arduous tusk before tho stubborn walls of Derry, and It was wisely counselled by tho crafty priest hood, thutaduyof unlimited enjoyment should bo conceded, to restore In some measure the good-humor of tho troops: while by an cxtenslvo application of that in valuuble engine, tho confessional they should themselves bo ablo to as certain that nothing llko an organized plan of mutiny existed uniting the com tilalnants, Always ready to tuke full advantage of sitoh festive seasons, tho men were continually assembling In that part of tho camp where liquor abounded; and no such attraction resld Ing in Mugrath'a present vicinity, ho waa comparatively safe whllo screened from tho view of tho sentinels, whoso measured tread still vibrated beforo the empty guard house, ' In dollberatlnu on his future course. Mngrath decided on that from which a mind of ordinary nerve would most Intuitively have shrunk, With euro and circumspection he might have won bis way back to tho wulls of Derry favored as ho was by circumstances that would speedily bo changed into double vigilance; but ho resolved on gaining some further insight into tho condition of his countrymen, and with this Intent h't prepared to throw himself Into tho midst of tbatconfused company, which llko the mixed multitude that went up out of F.gypt, still hovered about tho regular camp, and anticipated, If not a sharo of tho future spoil, yet, at least sanguinary participation In tho medi tated carnage of tho devoted city. Tho better to avoid such suspicion as his decent garb would perhaps excite, Ma grath divested himself of his coat and sIkm-s, which, with bis hat, ho buried under some loose earth; then', having torn his watstooat, and otherwise damaged his remaining apparel, ho placed tho fragment of a tobaooo-pliKi In his mouth, and sallied forth, exposed to any cyo that might m roaming thitherward, and deliberately passed on towards the outern ost part of tho encampment, Hryan could not refrain, from ex pressing sotno astonishment at a pro ceeding so manifestly Imprudent; but Magrath assured him that, burring Father Peters, ho could have fatted any man who bad seen blm during that or tho preceding day without apprehon slon of discovery. Adding that at first ho had assumed somewhat of a stagger ing1 ?<, as though intoxicated; btit some passage which came Into his mind, bidding hlrn abstain from every appearance of evil and ho quoted It in tho Irish Induced blm to lay aaldo the semblance of that sin which bo would not actually have committed, and to trust to such disguise alone as his con science could not condemn Arrived among tho wild stragglers of his race, ho was allured by tho savory steams of a pot, which promised some relief to his hunger; and which as ho approached, was Just taken from ovor a fire of turf, where it had hung suspended from sticks, and carried into a sort of cabin, or rathor shed, most rudely constructed for the shelter of as many human beings as chose to congre gate beneath Its roof. His wistful looks were remarked by ono who seemed to exercise some control over his sur rounding companions; and who, as matter of course, proffered a welcome to the stranger in that tongue which was almost exclusively spoken around Im M-H'ruiu thatiM.i'lv fto-.t i. il il, iit,,i,nl it; tit l,it rvmntttid M II nt-ik 11 mi ,.f thtm s.l V.ii; ntilUi, tlisl -r'llv'y Mn wtl, till"1 hUnm At, b4 Ut n hh h i .Mt t da) S fuel 1I. h th tllit H 1 OtiCl ! Ill- t Bild nut fc t tt thi Ili-1 ntt- m nt, li lhi other, eiilti) Mm- It, "until J ut lo; nml that U tlif hMin that I am fatlng stlil. Mi, It'a comfortable thing toeomo under tltt prlot'a band, and to know that all I rliibt la ! n tlml and )onr soul!" A), tVrny," tvmnrked another, you ni-e tbe most rtdlglou man nmong us, I eon i ts-iievo you fve put your head down without prayers." Never without nn net of fnith, and of bos', and of charity," answered orny. "Mow ould I get my rest, If 1 was not In pen.v w ith thai nnd nil the world?" (To lat Continued.) AI.K.I I l AM) Till: IIOM ANH. An Illinois ('iirrcspmiilent Has a Few Herds to Ssy Against Tliein. "The fact is, it la tlmo our people were developing1 a limo more state pride." So says the honorable Gov. Altgelil. utmujo nenira, August 81. (Ill, wail soinn power tho Klftle rI'c us To see ourselves a others see usl It, ami frim tin mi io n blunder free us, Anil foollsli tuition, Can It be possible that Mr. Altg-old had In mind the election of 181)2, when Illinois elected her governor? If so, there are many peoplo of nil political parties that ugree with blm; for bis election, by his acts as governor, has brought the state prldo to a low ebb, But every ebb-tide ha Its flisid. The rise Is already perceptablo. Docs this honorable governor expect to raise the prldo of tho state by mak ing himself supremo Judge, by discard lng and criticizing the opinions und decisions of juries and supremo Judges of our courts, by pardoning criminals, who, us soon us pardoned, uro again apprehended in crime, by allowing our state flag to bo discarded for tho green, by making tho potto' secret service men part of our stuto guard? If so there are citizens of Illinois from all parties who will develop a state prldo opposed to that of Its present governor; a prldo that will call for Justice, for freedom of speech, for the protection of our free schools, for our rlifhts as Americans to rule and not simply to bo ruled, for ofllccrs who are Americans at heart, for the separation of church and state. This state prldo should bo developed by the next gubernatlunal election. Americans, is it state prldo to discard our state (lust and use in its stead the green of Itomun Cutholle Ireland? O, gn at prldo Ibis Altgold hath for his natlvo(?) state! How much more prldo ho would have developed had ho preceded tho green Hag with tho red ling of anarchy and discarded the stars and stripes, and bo leading It all! How grand tho combi nation would bnvo been! How the pride of tho state would have been raised! 0, Americans, where Is "Old Glory," the stars and stripes of which wo lovo to ltoat? Hurled! Hurled under tho ynm field of old Ireland. Tli ere Is one consolation left us, for some day in tho not far off future it may become a patron saint, to which all Americans may look for protection. llcjolcc, yo, Ireland, for Ireland shall (?) rule America, Iteiolce, ye, Homans, for tho pope doth rule Ireland! Spread your colors to tho breeze while yet 'lis morn, for fast comes tho noon day hour, when in tue brond light of free education, America's sons shall reveal your character and purposo. A few more Chlnlqiiys, Slatt'trys, Iludolphs, Whites, Mcrt.s; a few more assaults, parades and congratulatory letters, and America's patriots will bo awakened) and great shall tho awaken ing be, An Amkhican ov Ju.tsom. - Here' Your World' Fair Opportunity I Hates cut In two! On and after Tuesday, August 1st, the Burlington Iloute will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, with a return limit of thirty days, at $14,75. One way tickets on snlo at 1 50, Tickets sold at rates Indicated above are free from restriction of any kind and entitle holders to tho fullest enjoy ment of tho Burlington's superior ser vice. Sco tho City Ticket Agent at 1.124 Farnarn street and arrange to make that long-planned trip to Chicago, American Orange Knights' Meeting. Tho adjourned meeting of tho su preme cabinet, American Orange Knights, will bo held at tho Grand Pacific hotel In Chicago, Tuesday, Septemls-r lltth, at 0 o'clwk a, m, A full attendance of tho member df tho cabinet Is desired, as matters relating: to tho beneficiary and other depart ments will come up for consideration. By order of the cornmnnder-ln-chlef M. L. Zook, Sec'y. After I he Chief. The Amkkican, of Omaha, la getting after tho chief of tsdlco of that city in a manner that Innles no end of explain lng on tho part of that Individual In order to set himself right before tho peoplo. Verily, tho way of the trans gressor Is hard. Grand Inland Mail, Go to 2223 Leavenworth for estimates on carpenter work. tf DlLLENDKCK & CO, AmvutN rMii qxilta la Maita4. tw ff the liiitt otr ll.s wati r enloa jHj , tli n w i1itinitwa In dntir! In In Ilewrl fnitity, j'il Ut I.IU.-olt tNtv, th flin t httb. nmlfroMt tho late! nci-imMt It baa bndtrn out a-l lrtnlHt to wim fpbb-tuU' down In Antu ArtwdVl, whit lb tiu-lotis prow In nil sites, -etMi and flavor. Jtil how a w atermelon should 1st vid t watermelon itj Is a Vtmity ipiotioti, and It has cned roibh raids di lmt and soma bill iiiifrbn.lly roiilMvery among the Four Hundred of th melon growing rotilitlea, Hiiii contend that it should Im cut CMwli. Others say It should I split iotutltHilinally nnd faten w ithout fork or kiiif. This diversity of opinion may Hi-gnU the melon nrty to lbs rear of the plenle for Ihn present season, a th time of thu fruit I limited now to a few weeks, but tho latent clement In favor of tho pastime may break out again next oason, Just a the ague doe rvrry year down lu Piney woods. Another dlfllculty In the way of eat ing a watermelon artistically I to get clear of the seeds. It I said that on one occasion a guest at ono of tho parties In sisted that it was proper to pick the coda out with the right index finger, and if by accident one should get Into a iruest' month it hould be swallowed, A debate followed the proposition, in which one man said ho did not propose to make a watermelon patch of bis in ternal makeup by planting seeds in it. The party broke np, and the hostess had a lot of melon and an antipathy to such parties loft on her hand. The outcome of the new fad is puzzling the peoplo in npttertendom in the cltii- and village and rural districts. From what could be gathered in the btst few day on the subject, the watermelon party doe not promise to bo a pro nonncod success, One of tho groat ob jection is the uncertainty to what they may lead, for if the watermelon party takes with society It may in tlmo be fol lowed by a squash party, or a yellow pumpkin party, or a green tomato party, or a sassafras root or tea party, or some other thing just as erratic, and the Four Hundred it seems, would rather content themselves with the pink tea and other diversion whereof they are familiar than rush into now ones that might lead to an endless amount of unrest. Haiti more American. A fltnr, a Call and a "Mnrg-ot." On Sunday evening nn amusing incl dent occurred in the Champ Klysoes quarter, A man named Haja, employed by M, Marseille, a wild beast tamer, thought be bad a right to add to bis wage by exhibiting bis muster' boar in tho streets, With this object in view L installed the bear in an open cab, nnd tuklng bis seat besldo the animal told the coachman to drive to the Champ Ely. The vehicle reached tho Avenue Victor lingo, followed by a crowd of boy and yonng men, who by their de risive shout attracted the attention of two sergonts do vlllo. They stopped the cab, and after ascertaining tho truth ono of thorn got into the vehicle and or derod the cabman to drive to the nearest pollco statie.. The presence of a stranger beside it so excited the bear that by it swaying backward and forward It very noon npsnt tho vehicle. The merriment caused by the sight of tho cabman, the crgrtnt do villoand the tamer sprawling on tho ground, with the bear almost under the upset cab, can easily bo im agined, Paris Cor. London Standard. Old n llofora th Jun. A very pleasing innovation wa intro duced in a musical programme rendered before the queen at Osborne bouse a night or two since which deserve note, Mtiio, Nordica and Mr, Plunket Greene were the vocalists, with Slg, Tosti as ac companist on tho piano, and in addition to the accustomed repertory thero wcr E'ven two old Irish songs arranged by r. Vllller Stanford, an old Hootch ong arranged by Miss Lucy Jiromi wood and an old Cornish song, "Where Be Going?" arranged by Mr. Arthur Somervell, all being sung by Mr. Greene, The introduction of this last Into a royal programme may le considered due to the labor of the Bev. Sabine Baring Gould, the well known novelist, whose collection of tho words and tone of the half forgotten song of tho west country deserves all praise, Birmingham Post, f iptr I'ajr to Vntxr a PoatofllM. Postofllce Inspector Fleming ha a 1 bill which be say he will have framed, lie got it from tho bureau of admissions at tho fair on demand for tho return of rnormy paid at the gate. Nearly a month ago tho inspector and Andrew Irlo of the inspector's office hod a special call from the office inside the grounds, It wa a cose of stay out or pay to get In, They pnld under protest and got a re ceipt, "This bill is a curiosity,'' said Fleming n ho opened a letter from Horace Tucker, "because it represent the first case on record whore a post offieo insjioctor hud to pay to get into a posteffice." Chicago Times. A Nilvar Nlalnslta nf flnnot. The Ames Manufacturing company ot Chicopce, Mass., has completed a coin silver statuette of Snnol bitched to a ulky, upon which Is seated an equally well known driver. The piece of statuary is one-fifth life size and is mounted npon a bronze standard. The sculptor is C. E. Dallin of Halt Lake City, The whole piece, of statuary was molded from silver dollars. It required 881 ounce of silver. The sulky Is an exact facsimile of the one In which the mare made her record of 2:Wi. Tho piece is to bo presented at a coming banquet in New York. Mr. and Mr. Ilahar. On Baker's island, where ox-Presldent Harrison went fishing recently with his grandson, there stand two lighthouse of Irregular height and clear white light known familiarly to dwellers on the north shore a "Mr. and Mr. Baker." Boston Transcript. 1 J I. K. !UK KKT, pUNKHAL I)!iUXT()H MMAUMSrt, t ', tv.,.M-,l tt,) 111 S.MIh lh ulti-rl ! 1618 Chicago Street. trlsphoee 00. OMAHA, NIO. HALD li RICC, H COALr ivi.,i.n n.a. ... loth end Jnrnnort. H. lT IIUKKET, Underttker tnd Enbtlner Telepti.tii sTT. ... OMAHA, NEO, yfM.H VtW.AHK IN N4 KIMit' Fire, Life or Accidental INSURANCE It will pity you to rail on tho iimlerslKtied, n-liri'si'iil Ins several A No. I Instiratien C'ltiii imiiles, FRANK BURWIAN, Ml I'axton Work. AIhiisi'IIIiik Stainslilp Ticket on nil linos front anil to K,iii-ii. N. J. CARRIKER, M. D., Physician and Medici HvAfrM CHRONIC AND NIRVOUS OIIAiI A PtCIAUTV. . m Ebcnmatism, Hcnralnia, Paralysis, SI. Vims Dance, WOMEN OHILDREN. Private Diseases ot Male and Female. I'iiomit Attkstios to ('am,, Offlcai 110 Bhaaly Blk, isth and Howard,. Ti-l.-plimui I2ti;t. OMAHA. K,1I, Notice of Unal Settlement. KrATR Or N Mill ASK A, I IiotiM!liii (Jiititily, f " In ilni county court of IimiKloa county, Niiliiiiska. In tlm tiilitter of the rsllile of Mlcltitel I'ynn, (liicesw-d i KmiuIi- or Miiewlla H. Cumin, lioiitflas cotiitly, Nett', and Ht. I'ltlloiiiena's Oathollc (')iiii'i-li, ot Oiiiiilm, Nt-I),, uriil all other n-r-sons Inli-ri'sleil In salt) mutter snt Imn-liy nolllli-il Mutton tint IV Hi fifty ut August,, Ism, Asa I', Ki-eni-ti Hind n pi-iltlun In audi county court, iiraylns I but tils Html iidmliilHlMiMnn neeonnt Hied herein lie settled and ftllowed) Unit, proofs of Iniilslilps Im taken and decrees rendered thereon tliut allowsriciis tin mailM for ehllilren under seven and fourteen year of line r-fjHcl,l vejy i thai, ft decree dlatrlfoiit IiiK and nsHlxnlriK trio residue of said estate In-ciiieri-il i and thatsneli other and further orders and priieeedlnxs may he had In tho premises as may hit required liy the slutiitea lit Hiii-ti cases made ami provided, to rhn end that said estate and sll thlr.Ks pertnlnliiK thereto may be llm.lly settled and deler mliied, and the said administrator V chaixed, Von arn lierehy notllled that If you fall to upisiar hefortt said court on th Stuh day of Septemher. ISWI, St 10 o'clock A, M. and con test said pel I thin, the court mny irrant tho prayer of an hi petll tuner and make such other hnil further orders, allowances and decrees lis to Mdseiiurt may seem pnpr, Ut the end that all mat ters pertalnliiK to said eslaOt mny he finally settled nnd determined and the said administrator illschnrited. Wlttii-M my hand and olllclal seal this Ku day of August, ISM, . . . Iskai,) , W, KM,fClt, Oiinty Judir-s. Hbcritr 8,ile, In ptirsuaricn anil hy vlrtuw of a Judirment and decree of the lilstrlct court for lioiitflaa Co,, stale of i Seh rendered on lh2Sih day of J ii mi, A. I. Wt!!, In acerlaln action wherein Cmaha Savlnxs Hunk was (luliitlir and Wil liam ii, wiiitir and otners wer uen-nunm., and of an order of sale Issued thereon mil, of said dlMtrlct court, tn'iuln dale the laih day of Auusl, A. Ii, I ski, and Ut (undi rected. I will on Hie IMhdayof September, A. 0, l',i;i. at 10 o'clock a, in, nl said day, at the KAST front door of the county court house, In the city of Omiihii, IioiikIih county, ebraska, sell at public atii'llou, to thn hllfheNt iildder for cali, Ihf.'AilowfiiK des cribed In nil n and tenements, all lituaO-d In the couniy of llouxlas, and statH of Nn brnska. lo-wltj l,ot four Mi. In tilock two 1 In' I'addock I'lace, an addition to the city of Omaha, a surveyed, plaited and recorded, all In liotiKlns county, stale of Nebraska, said propert y to be sold to satisfy Omaha Savlnxs bank the sum of two Ihousand, seven hun dred, twenty-nine and W-itUiUMW,'lW't with Inierext, thereon at rate of elKhl, (St per cent per annum from May lit, Isw, until paid, and thlrly-elyhih and SEM-I's'r dol Inrs if ts.zs; costs, with InM-reat, lherm from the Ut, day of May, A, lb ISKI, toneiher with iM-cruliiK cimia a-ordl(i Ui ii Judtimeiit rendered by the district, court of said liouirlas county, at Its May term, A, lb IHWI, In a certain action then and there pend ing, wherein Omaha Savlnxs linns' was plain I Iff, and William II. Wilbur and others wers defend ants, Omaha, Nebraska, AiiKust M'b, 11 OMiKOK A. IlKN.NKTT, S-ls-ll Sherllf of liouKlnstViuniy, Nebrasks, Francis W;Wewea, attorney, Sherilf Sslfl, tinder and by virtue of in eeciillon on trarwrrlnt. Issued by I' rank K Moores, clerk of the dist rict court within and for llouslaa county, Nebraska, upon a Judgment ren dered on thn 101 h day of AiiKust, ISdii, by l--be(i K. tiiniit, a Justice of the ti-wn In and f,,r said couniy In favor of Ibn (Antral West l.iinil Company and nxalnst John A, '( hacker, a transcript of which ludKmeiit wus on thn llth (I ii y of AiiKust, ls(i!i, duly tiled and dock eted In the district, court, In and for said county, I have levied for want, of (foods and chullels upon Hut following described real estaln as the property of thn snld John A, Thin-Scr, to-wlf, frf,t, sin lib In bb-k three iHt Cliireudon addition lo thn city of Omuha, aa surveyed, platted and recorded, In I'ouirjit couniy, Neliruska. and I will on thn I'.'lhdiiV of September, IWM, at, IOo'cis-k a, m, of said diiy, t, the Kiist frontdoor of thn county court house. In the city of Omaha, I'oukIh county, Nebraska, sell said real estnte at, publlit auction to the hlKhest. bidder for cash lo sat isfy said em-rut Ion, the amount dun thereon being one hundred, odd and ffl,-Vi) dollars tWilM) Judgment, four and ,(ift-litO dollars lUtHi) costs of suit, with Interest thereon at rat of ten HO) per cent per annum from thn Kith day of Auicust, A, JMsMi, until paid, and also lb further sum of unit and AVIOO dollars ill, 3ft), the cost of Incrnasn on said Judgment, and thn accruing cimt thereon, Omaha, Nebraska, August Hlh, ISWI, OI-,OI(OK A, MKNNKTT, f Sheriff of liotiglus County, Nebrasks, (Jeorgn W. I'oyiilon, attorney, s-ls-ft Notice to Creditor. Htats or NsiuiAsa. i iKiuirlaa County, w In the county court of Tlouglaa county, Nebraska, .luly Kith, A, If, ls;i, In l ha matter of thn rstato of Aaron Hi r.lllson; The :-redltrr of said estitla arid all other persons Interested In said matter will takn notice that the creditors of snld "stutn will appear before this court on the Zdl h (lay of M-d!mber. IH!,;i;on the KMh dnr of Novemls-r. IW,, nnd on the ZOlb 'Ity f .liniunry, MH, at 10 o'clock a in., each day, for thn ptirposn of prewntlng their claims for enamlnut Ion, al Justmeiit, and allowance, HI' months ara allowed for thn creditors ti present their claims and one year for thn adinlulstratrls Ui settle said tslulfl from IhnZWih day ut July, IMKI. 'Ibis nonce will be published In I'HK Amkiiicam for four weeks sui-cel vely, prior to thezdth day of HeptemlMT, IMM, All claims not tiled on or beforn the 2!ith day of January, ls!H, will lw forever barred from consideration In thn llnal aetllnmeal of snld est ale. Witness my hand and official seal thlsJWth day of July, iWM, lsi,) J, W. KI-I-KR, County Judge, I