The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 08, 1893, Image 1

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4 Nf M II' klXWt
VuUMI 111.
UUtf .Lftltu O LL I I Lili
- .
Intmiling lntr From .rlmd
In Duluth
4 Yean l.lil Heinle MrmtKlf Attain!
Itninsn ( stludlr 0'in l.iN
In Itevrntr),
tlv fii .ft F llmnrv, Ch H.
F.mToit AMt.uu ,n: The render of
this pits are familiar with the letter
of President I'levelniul to the tHipo of
Homo, tvmgrntulatlng him hip the iva
Ion f tl d .'tilth aunlvf retry of his ele
vation to thneplwopney f Itemo, That
letter deem not express tho sentiment
of hi least ,lfty million of our ample,
and In certainly offensive to most of tin.
If It bo true that i president In to ex
press In tiU tublki net whet ho fairly
think represont the view held by m
majority of ttut people, then our presi
dent hnn cerUlnly misrepresented uh
thin time; or If ho I to publicly act for
what hn bo I level Is for tho present and
futuro goes! of tho country, to cultivate
intimate relations with tho pupal
throne, he In dimply stupid.
Tho Aniorlcan people do not unite
with tho president Id extending to the
popo any congratulation boarlnif upon
ills ofllclul elevations. Wo are adverse
to any man being congratulated
lor being elevated to distin
guished rank in any form of
organized evil, which means
peril to free nations
Why did not tho president of
tho United State, at tho time of
tho elevation of 1'hllip Hrook to
tho bishopric of the Episcopal
church In our own country", ex
tend bin congratulation to that
roble, well-beloved and remark
Ablo man. Tho spirit and senti
ment of such an act would, too,
have found an echo in million
of our pooplo. Though tho politi
cal wisdom of a president doing
such a thing upon a purely re
ligious occasion, might well have
been questioned.
There in a question te bo asked
which ha a fine stiletto point to
it; Did Orover Cleveland (tend
thin letter to tho popo solely up
on the ground of religion senti
ment? Certainly not! Such a
course would bo without a pre
cedent In American diplomacy;
nor wmld ho, on surdi pretext,
Insult tho religious sentiment of
fully fifty million people, Wan
-the dominant motive whloh
determined tho nun ding of this
Jotter, that of a political consid
eration? Certainly It wa! No
other vemlon which hit In it a
raln of eriw can be given. And
tho American people ought to
take their prcHlrient Into moral
account for thin act. Whichever
horn of -the dilemma I taken,
tho v,kh( In bud enough. The
fthamu of It i deep, and the
meaning of it may bo equally
deep, Mr, Cleveland I certainly
not ignorant of that rnot terrible
JcNHon taught by tho hUtory of
modern nation. vl. that any
!OurteloH, or friendly Intercom-no
of any kind, between tho head of
an independent nation and tho head of
tho papal power, 1 dangcrou In tho
oxtremo, and I full of tho certainty of
tho rnoNt dangcrou com plication, I
feel like calling tho attention of Mr,
C!loveland to tho exarnplo of a former
president, Mr,, Lincoln, Having evi
xlenco of th dlpoItlon of tho pope to
Interfere In American affair, Mr, Lin
coln dire(!t tho necrotary of utete, Mr,
Heward, Ut authorize our mlnlnter, then
reIdent at Ilome, to notify tho poxj
that It wa confidently expected by tho
American prenldent that thoro would
bo no papal Interference in tho affair
of tho United Btate,
It Mhould )m widely known that tho
preoidont aent for Cardinal Gibbon,
who i tho leading Itoman Catholic
cardinal in tho Kngllh-jeaklng world,
ulnco tho death of Cardinal Manning,
of England, to confer with him upon
matter political, And bo It known
that following thl prolonged confer
once, thl letter Urthopopo wa written.
That I a coincidence which ha a nig
nlflcaneo to It,
Thl habit, which ha been to tho front
for the lat eight year, of our prel
dcnl courting the favor and u Emit
ting to tlio dictation of Itoman Catho
lic, ought to bo rebuked. It brood no
good to uh, Let every American citi
zen do guard duty, and wateh over our
cherlnhed InNtltutlorm, or wo will be
demiolled of them,
Wahhinuton', I), C,
1'oIImIi Itoman Cnfliellc Him lei le Ar-
ralgned Agalnnt HlHluip Mifiolrlck.
Cli. i'liil to Tea Amkhic.
VVhVm, Minn,, Kept, 1, 18i)3,-A
row of full-grown proportion, and u
only Catholic can row, I on hero be
tween tho Pollnh Catholic nocletle and
Diahop McrGolrick, of tho dloceno of
.Duluth, Hiahop McGolrick ha ref lined
1 l ''4 fl'eV 4'ef 4T
4 --s t .
fmivrt,ii!y l-r U iviuh rstl,..ite
ii'tmtt h, of Dnhiih, ami trjfl if
Sth . I. U.n rv at lo(ifi') lii'Xit
!fth him Tt.i-y tm h njieili)
lilt lit itu tliiolii f iMiiiivliei; viiu-t-ry
adnlini, ami Uh to lint. e.l
ently, Tim blup tttaiil tlum
ln-tntf iMi'KpAbln (if (H.iuhietleg tlelr
own a(Tntt, ami lm 1J thry tuv a
ii'iy lt:tiiiriil Mnple, lliimh h hn
hvn dlen ct i -nmtgh U timkw ho public
aiiliiiiiniH iiicntof liirftliintlnii of ttu-lr
mental culllne. Naturally the 1'
ivm-nt Ihl wet of tnlmriit. I'p to
dale, however, th. y havn iimnlf. uted a
(onelll(Uor.v (llpltliinan(l have often d
all wil t of It'diiei'iuelitii, w ithout HVnll,
to get Hlxhop Metiolitck to tiles the
Ki'ountl In which they would like "to
bury their dead. Ho determined wi-iv
they to have thl (lime tliat thry offered
(even lu gged) to deed the land te the
bihhop If ho would bleu it mid penult
the management of tho burial ground
to remain vented In them. Hut tho
hlhop would not lUten to mich term
The 1'ole regard hi poHltlon a a very
arbitrary one, the nolo object of which
neem to them to be for the purpoo of
obtaining for hlmiielf, or for theehuivh,
tho plat of ground which they have
purchaHed and paid their own money
The 1'ole have mo far refused to ac
cede to the blhopH condition, or to
recede from their own poaition, They
have curried the affair to wick extreme
that an open rupture already exlt be
tween tho Pol ink church and tho other
Catholic churche, tho breach of which
I becoming wider a tho demand of
tho Pole remain nmmtUflod. liUhop
McOolrick declare that there ahull bo
but one Catholics cemetery in Duluth a
long a ho I blhop of tho dloccno, and
that the dead of the varlou Catholic
churche ahall bo Interred therein,
HI poaltlon ha been practically aua
tained by tho higher church power, n
tho matter wa recently placed, by the
Polo, before Mgr. Hatolll, Notwlth
landing the rofual of thl high church
authority toglvo them any encourage
ment, they have o far refused to accept
the Nltuatlon,
Tho hltory of tho difficulty date
back many yearto the time when tho
lrtCathollo cemetery wa el.abllhed
In Duluth. At that time each of the
rnomtxir of the Polih Catholic church
wa aeed JilO, In common, it wa
uppoed, with a llkeaement levied
agaltmt every member of tho Catholic
churche of the illtrlct for tho purpewo
of iteculrlng fund with which to pay
for tho laud and for beautifying It for
u a a cemetery, Tho pole were al
lowed no representation whatever on
the board of trutee In which tho
management of the cemetery wa
veated, yet price for lot were fixed
arbitrarily by thi Ixiard Tho Pole
were permitted to bury their dead In
tho cemetery, but were accorded no
voice In tho conduct of u affair. It
waa u plain caae of "taxation without
representation." Homo of them were
bold enougk at the time to claim that,
the Polihh church had contributed
moro money toward the purchaHO o
the cemetery than any other churel,.
They are poor people, mot of then ,
and claimed to tie unable to pay tho
price linked for lota.
"i,.flg gy,g"".fis wi .' icifiRfji' I'm mf'mvmNmvirwiz'MuZtM-j-. . tr a iv . , i 1 1 1 1 . iiiiiiCfiimiiiHiHiiioifHiiwwi
OMAHA. NI'UKASKA. I "lilhAY. KlinTMMU , I mm.
Vtter a time M Ihsi tuf g eiiod
t''n )!. J and (IC pilH'tm-mi
- Hie ISO. K )nf a ! niniltief IM,
hli h tt ey Jwld atti r wmie gmmbltit
They tv llem A, lini (, (y Wng
llv. n ire t'l f ir the Hem. y lil in
Hie Itil. f, t of Hit.. ,i.n.t Inn Iftl iliMHtiil
li Hilj oil let lit tlie ismielety. In
Ihi' tiiutf. ni. lit of t,l nUl a til til.'
tlrM e iih Ivty tin y wi le timloil a "an
I I.MU run I ami luennnlil.. li.eple." Till
I.O'Htioii, tm, n nttntiiloliisl, Hlul th
plewiil V NllltMIC femel.M'V Kile WB
at lee), d by tin. blvhop. The I'nle Wele
not liKi'kWrtrd to UL'k'et that the
tilol op, or utiier liiteit'kteil, were Ihh
etlted tiy eitelt mivccilliiir etuinL'c, and
a ile-y failed lo appreciate any ivootf
el' Ion of their rib-lit, aeeoKled In the
cellK'terle In which they had lllVrled
their money, they tpilclly wt atniut ac
quiring proH'rty for their own eeme
tefy. They knew the limhop' feeling
In the mailer, and to avoid anv real
(IIvIhIoii of eeinetery, except In man
agement, puivhiiNed the twenty acre
adjoining the idle Kelceted by the
blahop for the regular cemetery, Dele
gation called from the 1'ollnh church
upon the bUhop repeatedly to get him
to eoiiHi'crate the ground, l'etltlou
were piVHcnlrd to hlni, and other dele
gatlona vlaited him, all to no purnoHo,
however. I'Mnally, two prominent mem
ber of tho I'oIIhIi church, In company
with attorney Agntlne, were delegated j
to place the caae before Mgr. Hatolll.
Thl delegation called upon Mgr. Ha
tolll upon the occasion of tho high
churchman' recent vlalt to Ht, Paul,
With thorn they carried a atatemeut of
their caae Jn writing, which wa pre
sented to Hatolll before bo received
them, Tho delegation wa received by
Arch-Iliahop Ireland, who accorded
them every courteay, but declined to
grant them an Interview with Hatolll
until they had flrt made known to hi in
(Ireland) the object of their vlalt. They
were then told by Ireland that It would
las uncle for them to aeo Hatolll, and
that thoy had better return to Duluth
and arrange to turn tho property over
to IJIahop McGolrick, a lie wa correct
in tho poaltlon be had aumod in the
matter, Ireland fold them thoy had
alnned by their action, Hut tho dele
gation perlnted and finally Hatolll wa
UHherod Into tho room with muck cer
emony, Two prleat accompanied him,
one on either aide, one of them being
hi aecretary. The pojie' ablegate wa
introduced a follow:
"Thl In tho holy apoatollo delegate;
kla hi ring." Tho two laymen of the
vlaltlng delegation did a bld-tho
other did not. Thl concluded tho cere
mony and the delegation proceeded
with their Interview.
Hatolll liatened te the presentation of
the caae, and replied In Latln-pre-tendlng
to bo unable lo upeak Kng
Hah, or would not-apeaklng very
rapidly, hi remark bolifg Interpreted
by hi ticeretary, Hatolll refuacd lo do
anything In the matter. Touching up
on the merit of the caae he wild that
tho proja-r thing for hi "dear chlldfen
to do wa to turn the property over to'
Whop McGolrick." (Thi from the
dago that wa delegated by the pope to
educate our children.)
Ireland Informed tho visitor that
; t'.clr holding In the Wt
", tit tin y bad 'im It.i advl
! tin m to ti. at Jtuhoit M.ioin,',
' ami, tf jm. hie, j,-. him to in lmw
nvm tli, ei Hie twenty acrv tin y had
teemed. He onitl that he would wriu.
I the blhop ami ui ye Mm to .In w hat
il,'tit tit (tic niatter. H. allileii
the liii'len' vt tlielr eae, Nuue td
the I'lde i not all) are amliiu to get
imt nl their dlllleulty by negotiating a
aleof the laud to ltthep Mctinlilck,
and a iv ready to Ihiw to the nwr of
the chuivh.
Such I tdavoiy In thin elvllked
ami age, Hew lung will It
A m i l Til M'llOOl, ( I.OSIJI
HeraiiHC a ('(unity ttrtlelal Demamlcil a
( alliiitlc Teaclier, ami Set the Whole
NclirhhiirliiMHl I p Airalnst the I 'ml
rlnnt Teacher.
Him'cIhI lo Th Amkkican.
DUI.UTH, Minn., Sept. tl.-Oneof tho
very few paper in Mlnnoaotn to apeak
out on ami rebuko HomaniHin. the
Sriimliit, report tho following deplor
able aUtte of affair on tho Ht. Iiul
county poor farm:
Home little time ago we had nccaajon
to vlfdt the vicinity of the Ht,. Loul
county poor farm, and wo were then
HiirprlHcd to learn that the Lexington
aobool had been cloaocl alnco laat fall.
Homo people didn't know tho reaaon
why; other, apparently, didn't want to
tell. Knowing the overaeer of tho
poor farm to bo & rabid Catholic, our
'iaplclon wore arouaed, and tho result
of our investigation are given In the
above head line.
It I a fact that tho overaeer of tho
poor farm, Mr. Poirler, latfall wanted
a Catholic appointed teacher at the
Lexington hcIioo; a Protestant lady
wa went, however. Hut a month or
two afterward the achool wa chaeod
for want of pupil.
Now, there are children enougk In
the nolghtiorhood, and it might bo
difficult to explain why there ahould
not bo enough pupil to warrant tho
achool auporlntondent to keep the
acuool open. Hut if we are not m In
taken, Mr. Poirler, thatoveree rof tho
poor farm, went around among tho
neighbors, and teaalng or threatening,
or orhap bribing them, got them to
take their children away" from tho
school, till only two or three pupil
wore left.
If Mr. Poirler had beem a private
citizen we (the Smiulia) would not have
nald more about It, but he 1 a county
official. And Ht. Loul doesn't hire
any men and give them lelaure to boa
our school In the Interest of papiaU.
These charges will be laid before the
county eommlaaloners at their next
meeting, and wo shall lnalat uion an
Invest Igat Ion; and we ladieve our read
ers will agre-e with u whe-n we say Mr.
Poirler should bo given a doae of hi
own medicine. Our cemnty can go
without his valuable services. "
Furthermore, we nave learned that
Mr. Poirler' term of office expired laat
January, and he holds office only till
his successor litis been npiointed. let
the county board appoint a new over
se'er of the poor farm and the scheiol
can bo opened again.
If the Satmlia succeeds In proving all
ill tlMHp In the t.rttcial Ulu I V
bate but felt t ,..nnlil-l In .1Ui In
(lit n.ui,lv, but ttbnt few ,i. h m
iiillnnally getting Into tumt.l.. I'd,.
ivult ,f th. Intet,,.i,t,.n Kill t
aaaitil with Inter T.
- . -
1 riKKi t.itii.
She Snlaln a Htate I Uhl AkiiIikI Dig
Odd III Selli. Help,
(tee mmnhig thi week a blight
. ... ,i ...
iiieru, iert jouug girl at our
oltlce m t klliif einidovim III, Hhn ha
fought a buttle of which any strong
mini might- lie proud, (in xt Patrick'
day the Trench Itoman Ctl hoi Ic In the
factory In Itoxhury, In which he wa
employed, adorn, d the window with
tho nntlomil color, over whhh they
placed the I lliitr, and dared anyone
to wear oranirc. Thl iduekv voumf
Pivubyterlan Prolimtanl girl wa o
IncetlHed at their Impudence, kIiii fiiic
U'luxl her garment with red, white
and blue, and wore a comiplcuou bow
of orange, A young paplMt threatened
to murder her If he periled in wear
ing the orange, F.iu'ly In tho afternoon
alio wa called to the oftlco to receive
her pay for the week' work, and in go
ing to the ollleo had to-V" through
the room where only papUi are em-1
ployed and where there 1 a paplnt
ovoraeor. lleoverlng the orange
ribbon, a young papist girl besmeared
her hand with the grease of tho loom,
and se ized tho girl by the throat. Hho
tried to extricate kernedf from hvr
grap, when another papist girl struck
her a fearful blow In the hack of tho
head, demanding that she take the
orange from her dress. This she pos
itively refuae.d te do, when tho papist
lore It by force from her garineint,
Boeing the Protestant girl was In
danger of bedng killed by tho enraged
papists, two Kngllahmen rushed to her
de-fense, and drove the papists away.
The affair was so disgraceful, a tho
language of one of tho papist gH had
lieon both profane and olmeono the
superintendent discharged her. Tho
papists demanded that the Prokstunt
girl should bo discharged alsei, and
threatened If their wishes were not
rjmipllod with, telodvelnabealy, "The
grJ ha nn much right to show her
colors as you," replied tho overseer,
"and I will not discharge her," The
case wa referred to tho iiierlntend
ent, and he knowing that no Protest
ants could be found to do tho dirty
work the paplau did In the mill, and
fearing the owne.rn would dose the
mill If a strike took place, he himself
suspendeid the girl for tho time being,
and tho Itoman Catholic threaten to
kill her If she is Instated, Thl wa
not enough persecution, howover, and
when, a few weeks later, the girl found
employment In a bakery In the neigh
borhood, and her services were found
se valuable nor waires were ra seel
twice, tho papists went to her employer
ami told him If he did not diachaive
her the Itoman Catholics would boycott
him, and he dlacharged her.
They no threaten to keep her out
of employment. Her family aie stand
ing bravely by her; her father, who, by
the way, la an Oningeman of tho
staunchest type, saying that ho will ds-
- -- m
NtVMl ,17
ef him t.t the lt twiiLm ttt hi tM.
1I, jmo.jf gttt Iflis Jut fct.nj lh
iiunh piitt hint , t n to lltt
it-t, a th. walk I lie sttvH. .),.. bents
muttered the. at, and lo r lite U ulll) In
danger. We It mI ointne ameng ,tur
M'-aitei-s has kltuaUoii to off. r this
bisve jotoig girl who dsn d, e. n
though put to distil, to show her
etdois. Aidlenlieiu msy lt tmt.l.i at
o'tr onion, It enii.ei's Ioiiy, Huston,
- -
Word Irani Waleltrr."
I'MIUirTitK Amhiii'AN, lsr Hlri t
have frequently read and heard of lab
that ltomnnini should Isi regarded and
dealt with merely In It mlt!cal aet.
In other word, It, I with the jHilltte'al
wot k of It. niie we are to Ih ttnttcorned,
am) that It matters not so muedi what
the need of Homo may Is., It Is the
ptselle'ei of Home we have lei watch.
Now, to my mind, that Is an unwar
ranted and unwarrantable narrowing
of the subject. "A a man thlnkelh In
his heart, so I ho," Is a truism juat a,
much now as when iHnnod by tho wise
man, and if a man ha stored in hi
memory and tressurod In his heart e'i
tain dogmas, the which ho mut bellove
or Ihi damned, why, the natural result
will ho that his lire In its activities
must correspond with tho Ixdlofa, thus
becoming a part of tho man. It Is the
slmpllest nonaemse to attempt to
dissociate tho creied of tho Hu
manist from hi politic. To
gether they stand or fell, and It
would augur well for. the futuro
of America If tho Protestants of
America were as true to their
professed beliefs as tho Humanist
Is to his, A Itoman Catholic
weiuld ho false to hi most solemn
obligations If he did not stand
ready at all times, by word, vote
or sword, to seek to establish the
power of popo over state.
It I the creed of Homo that
bring her In cemlltet with tho
progressive spirit of tho age and
with our Protestant institutions;
that pit her devotee "agin tho
guvernmlnt" wherever that gov
ernment dares to declare Itself
free; that put around her Im
prisoned nun a ban-tt t fur mor
difficult to pleree th'".!! aall. It
in the (Jreed of Ilome that de
mands "Implleltj uiiqiM!slIofili!
obedience, such as robs a man or
woman of tho exercise of their
rights as free people.
It Is tho creed of Homo that
forged link by link a chain that
now binds her votaries In one
common phalanx of slaves, and
makes her the dread of political
parties In republics and empire;
and despite all Unit can bo said
to tho conlary, the head of the
Itoman Calked lo church of today
has more power than anyone who
ever occupied a similar place.
Temporal supremacy Is what tho
wearer of tho tiara Is reaching
out after, Temporal sovereignly
I but a minor affair, and a mart
who can make hi Inliuence felt
In the shafting ot tho destines of
nations, must he possessor of no
meuin power, Who is tei blarno
for all this? For what doe the
Protestant church exist? Is It
one of lis chief function to protest
against the errorsof Home? Hut hav8
theiy thus protested? No! For year
have they gone on wltlj thelron varied
lines, almost completely losing sight of
tho worst forms of Idolatry beside
them, while sending missionaries to
heathen lands, allowing a collosal
system of Imprisonment to grow tip be
side her In tho form of nunneries, con
trolled In supreme disregard to national
laws, while going Into other hinds In
order to let the oppressed go free,
Worse still, our Protestant ministers
too often boctomo the apologists of
Homo, while our tony Protestant fam
ilies must forsooth send their children
te Koman Cat hollo academics to get the
benefit of their superior (?) fudllthi
and their refining (?) influences.
Hah! Meet with Home on jsilltlcal
grounel alone, and she will last you
every time, for ways that are dark
and for tricks tha, are vain, the
heathen Chlne Is simply nowhere as
com pared to the jugglers of Home; but
meet with her on scripture grounds,
and demand that she bring her creed
and her teaching and practice tip to
the standard, the best modern scholar
ship has secured us and she cannot
1ctamanllft hi voice against her
teaching and her practice In religion,
and yon will hear lie.r howl. Witness
the Incident In tho Y. P. H. 0. K. con
vent hn held In Montreal this year,
when a convert from Hinduism to
Christianity, declared there was no
esmmtiai difference Hinduism
and Keunanism, and when this man of
God, by hi plain speaking, roused the
Item Mi tiger, I Men to the apologies
from the leaders of our Protestant (?)
Imdeavoivra, and the commendations
they received f"om our Protestant (?)
papers for so promptly and openly dis
avowing any responsibility for the ien
fortunate utterance. Why can she not
Is'ar to have her true character ex
IKised? F.cho answers why!