The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 01, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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why cuimv vnvMrnt tvuvt t
kMvtD "rnMOM "
I lwl tufcf a ! W (Ms r w
KtlwM ItwMM V) IK itirl .
Im . Ill fcttt4 III tNiriM 14
tit I tt I I Vr.
Tt tnrlt hn iimu Hi r-ion hi
,pwtT .lata, X, M i iU hhij
HWr iSthr. M t t.tHrvm lh Irml
fnmt lh rail,..! pt-av is-tth Hilt
heaiil.vtr imi which I Jiin t lit Mte
wwil, "Ptiantotu,"
"It's mf A iW Rtvs" lh pilt
U1 oUln, "Lot I txvfcun Wil itior
uphw than aoine ttten."
.'hanMu a the trowrtj of iVrttart.
Wiener, cowboy living near the latil
mountain Minn year ir, Imtliewa
iint-hM nar Dm home of Daniel (1mv
limn, whose wife was the sister of Wie
ner. Mm. Oiajmtan, when her brother
first trot the dotf, liml a hearty dislike fur
It. It m a inonjrrel, 1th Iiouixi
Mm. ivrtMoinlnstiitk', ami, lilro hII mon
irrel houruls, It had an mormon aiits-
tit that m never so well saUsfled as
with fiHwt stolen from somelsMly's kitchen.
For many offenses of thin kind Mrs.
Chapman had frms.1 reason to complain,
and she would have taken the Winches
ter and shot tho hateful tirnte on mors
than ono occasion but for two reaaous.
It was a very good hunting dotf, and it
wonld now and then play with the liaby
whon alio wanted to do housework come
over from her brother's house a milo
away as if for the express purpose of hav
ing a romp with tho little tot of 8.
However, the dog's manner kept grow
ing worse, and one day when she saw it
come sneaking around the corral she
started for the gun, but stopped half way
' because she was reminded by the sight of
the dog that the little one had not been
about the house for an hour or two, per
haps more, so far as she could remem
ber. So sho ran out of the house quickly
without tho gun and called aloud:
"Baby! Baby!"
Then sho listened and grew faint, for
she heard no reply, and fainter still
when she remembered that her husband
had told her of seeing a panther's
tracks down in tho hollow near by.
To think of this was to send her flying
toward tho hollow, but no baby or
trace of it was to be found, although
she looked behind every ono of tho scat
tered pines and cedars growing there.
Then she came running back to the
house, ringing her hands and calling
"Baby" distractedly. Hho found tho
dog standing right beside the door, but
she would not have noticed him, she
was so near wild about tho baby, only
for tho fact that he stood looking in
tently at her instead of taking to his
heels with his tail between his legs, as
he always done when sho came toward
Even as it was sho paid littlo attention
. to ino uog, mil ran turner ana yon hdoih
tho house and corral and horse slied,
ciyinf; and calling the child, until at
last she saw the dog como simaro before
her, and after grave look into hor face
start running around tho houso with his
noso to tho ground. Hho remembered
afterward that he circled around the
house two or three times and then dis
appeared, but by that time her fears hod
so overcomo her that she fell headlong
on tho floor in a faint, and there she lay
nonooy Knows now long.
When she came to her senses, the dog
was licking her face, and at once began
to caper about and bark in extraordinary
fashion when slid opened her eyes and
sat up. Then ho ran out the door and
topped and looked back, and directly
came back and grabbed tho skirt of her
dross, which he pulled so hard that ho
tore it. Then sho picked np a club and
drove thb dog out tho house, and when
her burst of anger was over fainted
again at the thought of tho lost baby.
When sho revived this time, sho was too
weak to get up, but sho saw thatthodog
was still acting in the same unusual
fashion sho had noticed before, A 111 tie
later tho sound of horse's hoofs gladden
ed her ears, and with a last effort sho
got up, staggered out tho door, saw her
husband as ho Jumped from his horse,
and, gasping out tho words that "Baby
is lost," fainted for the third time,
Chapman carried the woman to tho
lied, took one look around the room in
order to assure himself that ho had
rightly understood what sho had said,
and then grabbing tho Winchester said
to tho dog:
"HI, Phantom! whore Baby?"
"Wow I" replied tho dog, and started
away on a lope that kept Han humping
himself to equal. The trail Klgxagged
about for nearly half a mile, then crossed
a broken lava bed and ran off down a
draw to the creek valley, Had any other
dog thaii Phantom been on the trail Dun
would have not believed tho child could
havo gone that way, but ho banked on
Phantom and kept trotting along until
at last a thicket was reached Just two
miles and a half from homo. Into tho
thicket the dog plunged by what was
really a sort of tunnel through thebrush,
and Chapman had to get down on his
hands and knees to follow, Two rods In
ho came to an opening, and there on the
dry sod lay tho baby fast asleep. It was
apparently in tho den of some wild ani
mal, As Dan picked tip t he child tho growl
of tho dog made him look around.
Phantom was standing over the dead
body of a recently killed coyote,
Phantom died of old ago lust spring,
and was buried with many tears near
tho public highway, where all who pass
van see it, It was only a dog that was
buried there; but, then, as the cowboys
say, "I reckon he'd moro senso than
some men." Cor. New York Hun.
Vrj Hard Mental Kierelan,
It has fortunately been ordained that
good lying is about the severest mental
exercise known to an indolent world,
and when conscience fails to keep man
kind truthful laziness and prudence
combine to take up the work. Kate
Field's Washington.
- - . . . . . . 1 l
f l 1"- H ITTt fS-rt.,.1Ml.f t-if iie-WIM,
Ni!lmn sivft t-thits t a t w
(awls f IH ...t.t tn tt, ,VtftH-
ti v
11 J,hft .f t s,Minir $
i n lo.'i t' t Itv. H Iim tti-n ! In
iim i!v 44, s i l.tli, s a irtmu
(Minimal tIWW t !, ll'XW'f f ,
I M 1 !! 1 t. -.lit!lit I tt 1T
Hs.V tt wnM f.4l.. sil st k.
vlli wht-r lb fonttnMi rnW Un
wi.if.1, ti ltww t lii
"I'tlil.ufvttefH, M tint Wit l IHH
rxlhi'ttwty cslM. lint iii-itlMr I'tiw-T'
mi hi l ( 11 Vtw n, Aissit "
itia the imlv cU,tiv lii tlmt wmld.n.
tnit til his hsvind futntly r'f"il the
nftVr bv tit ns-rir f rrsnix f tli
ieers)tp nf the .tsr.tin tt PUnt.-s st
rsns sinl a enatirmp with a Isrir sat-
arj , he prefrrlng ti iti-vot lilmwlf Ui
dctenc and Awenca,
The selectmen of the town watttut on
thevtKitnrs rarly in the morning sfd-r
their arrival to sy their nupm ts, tin y
said, but reatly to see 4 limn who had
no regsrd for money aisd distiuctiim,
Tliey were received formally, the sjiokes
man bringing a copy of a periodical
which contained a (Mirtrait of Agarwia,
which he produced and carefully com
pared with the lineaments of tho pro
fessor until he had satisfled himself of
the authenticity of the individual, when
ho addressed his followers with, "Yes,
it's him I" And they then proceeded to
shako hands with him, the rest of the
party being ignored, W. J. ritlllman In
How IMil Hi Hollar Mark OrlKlnatT
Below I give five theories of tho origin
of the dollar mark t), they being select
ed from about 20 seemingly plausible
That it is a combination of the "U. 8.,"
tho initials of United States.
That it ia modification of tho figure
8, the dollar being formerly called a
"pieco of eight."
That it is derived from a representa
tion of tho Pillars of Hercules, consisting
of two needlelike towers r pillars con
nected with a scroll. The old Spanish
coins marked with tho pillar devii o
were frequently referred to as "pillar
That it is a combination of "II. S.,M
tho ancient Roman mark of money unit.
That it is a combination of P. and 8.
from peso dnro, signifying "hard dol
lar." In Spanish accounts peso is con
tracted by writing the 8. over tho V
and placing it over tho sum,
According to one writer the symbol of
the dollar is a monogram of the letters
"V" "H" and "J," tho dollar being
originally a "thaler" coined in the val
ley of Hunt Joachim, Bohemia, and
known as "Joachim thaler," and the
monogram tho initials of tho words,
"Valley Saut Joachim." St. Louis Re
public. Art Instruction.
An artist had sold a picture for an ex
orbitant pricoand tho purchaser sued to
recover. The attorney for the purchaser
was making the artist uncomfortable by
his questions.
"Now, sir," ho said in that pleasant,
ingratiating manner of lawyers with a
witness, "do you think anybody could
see beauty in that picture?"
"Homo persons certainly could," re
plied the artist.
"You think tho initiated in technical
matters might have no difficulty In un
derstanding your work?"
"I am sure they would not."
"Ho you think you could make mo see
any beauty in that picture?" this most
"Probably not now, sir" and tho art
ist was most humble "but once I could
have done so easily."
"Now, sir, how is that? I don't under
stand you, Explain, if you please."
"That's quite easy. sir. I could havo
dotio it simply by employing you as my
counsel in this case." Hotrolt Free
Tress. .
f'uurtnay Among Ilia Sweden.
The Swedes are a quiet, taciturn peo
ple. There is no Jostling even among
the lowest classes, When a train leaves
a platform or a steamboat a pier, tho
lookers on lift their hats to tho depart
ing passengers and bow to them, a com
pliment which Is returned by tho pas
sengers, You are expected to lift your
hat to the shabblei person you meet in
the street, and to enter a shop, office or
bank with the baton is considered a bad
breach of good manners. In retiring
from a restaurant you aro exected to
bow to tho oecu pants. Bowing and hat
lifting is so common that the people
seem to move around more slowly than
elsewhere, in order to observe tho cour
tesy.F, II, Htauffer in Kato Field's
A housekeeper who has been employ
ing a colored washerwoman for several
months was surprised to see her appear
lust week in a hat trimmed heavily with
"Why, Julia," sho asked, "is any of
your family dead?"
"No, no," was tho reply, "but ono of
my best customers guvo me this hat, and
I didn't want her to think I don't 'pred
ate nothln," New York Times.
nil Mon NemNxl.
A tourist iiad visited a small historic
town. He was shown the massive wall
that surrounded it and the immense
town gates,
"Yon need to beverv careful." lin said
gravely to tho official who was his es
"Why so?"
"Sometime when theso Bates are own
tho village inny get lost." Youth's Com
panion. ruiutlml Ovi-r II U I.imt Art.
M. do Semonville was a political utili
tarian who neglected nothing and knew
how to make capitul of everything.
When he died, Talleyrand fell into deep
thought and then said, "I cannot divine
what advantugo Semonville gained in
oing this."
MruwniH 1 1 km, mw.
I In , ll ! I Hit .
Hi A it , . ."!l tl,M
, .k(l ttl I In- i ii III ,v mM"4 I
K IV -l 11
St. U alt ra atii H l t.
M ll.oitlll tr l. . Il .. ( !.
l kit.t.t la inti l . Il til a W
llwl (In- !. t !- II ltllaHilJ IM"
SI cl t mm
HI ! t Ml l lnl. IU" luf wlat
r mwi H l will elhii I
III All rax- til tw art lol t-ar!n a llki
ikr i tn,. hKliM tm " lat rtaU lnllB-r-atw ii-J
Mb A t I'M Ut l Ml ft IMal ta ta
,inli-t la ahl. li l tiff 'n'anmlhrcall ilia lirt.
uhIim Hie tlii asei uma a Mm Hia
ill I'tur ln allia. in tor ( -. !! tailli
.HUH .hll onhf iilhiial. Ivfaull caaxa
alll UM'l fur the nnxniiif hour
sili, Tliv IiukIui'm esi tt day llt cimiineMi-
al lu.
Mi. The imiriilei html alll I freiti . a
ni. lo lo ii a. .
Hi tiiiiininit hiiur aillt di-viiiiHl loilat.)
aiiilloiis, iti-murM-ra, anil default run ! for
itial Uajf, (2iid. Tea el lima, ili-murrera.ahd
Ji tmill i-rmh aliU'll have lilrvlmmty Itaaard
M IU n-ulsr day aud lrauterivd on llivcal
iinliT lo l lil day.
Sth Afuracam. a inollon or a demurrvr
has panned t he Mm fur wlili li II la wit, It Can
not l railed up until a minion Is Hied and
diM'kelod liy leave of the court, and sueli oo
Uee lo Urn iiiwli party as tba court may
uriitT at tliu time leave la given to Hie the
mot Ion.
Will, llualneaa Bt tor a certain Mine, Can
not be transferred to another day or hour,
unli-iis the trantiter order 1m tnudo at the hour
the iiiRUvr la wt for hearing, except under
Kule 10,
Will. Each day utU:W a. in.,thebunlueaaot
Ui hour will be called.
Uth, The iiuiuvr will be heard In the or
uer lu which they arvmileredou tliociilandur
u iiIohh all pailles preiieut and luturuHtedCou
out to U dtlterelit arrioiKemetil, or lu cave ot
urgent necimnUy.
12th, The liiul ot citses will commeiice at
10:00 o'clock, u. in., and continue until 6:00
o'clock p. in,, with a rvceas from 12:00 a. in.,
until 1:110 p. ui. Each ciiho la entitled to be
called at the tliuu set or wltliln ten ml mi ton
thereafter; either to be proceeded with, or a
further order to bo Hindu, I'or this purpose
no party will be riiilred to wait longer than
ten minutes for tlio opposite party or other
tniHlni'HH. exi.'enl for uririmt reasons, The trial
ofaciiHuwIll (in suNpi'inled at any time for
tn Ih purpose, in ciihhiiib court hiiuh mat any
rule herein will work an unforeHoen Iiiu'iIhIiIu,
the court reserves the right to suspend the
rule lor tliu special i'khii.
Sheriff's Sale.
In piirHiiiince and by virtue of a judgment
and (liieiee of Hut dlNl i li't court for Doogliis
county, state of NeliriiNkii, rendered on tliu
ilrU day of July, A, ). IHUii, In a certain so
linn wherein Uiiialia Havlngn Hank wuh
plalutllf and Anna M. Yates and others
iierenuaniH, unu or nn oruer 01 nam ihniihu
thereon out ot said district court bearing
date the 12th day of August, A. II. INOil, ana
to me directed, i win on tne imn uay ot eep.
temlier, A, I). IHtiil, at ten o'clock A. M.,
of niiIiI day, at the EAST front door of the
county court Iiouho, In the city of Unisha,
1 lunula county, NebritMka, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described lands and tenements.
all Hiiuiileii in tliu county ot iiougiss, anu
state of Neliraska, to-wlti
"lleirlniilnit at a mil nt on the south line ot
Dodge st reet, In Hie city of Omaha, one hun
dred unu ninety-six own met east or tno
west line of lot two (2), In Capitol addition to
the city of Umalia, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, mid running them e mouth one
hundred ami forty-sin and three-twentieths
(US1I-20) feet! I hence east thirty (iKi) feel.
I hence north one bund red and forty-six and
lhree-t wenllel.hs (MIIJI-i.1 feet to the south
line of said Dodge street, and I hence west
thirty liKl) feet to the place of beginning, It
being all that laud known as the east twenty
(20) feel of sub-lot live (to. and the western
ten (loi feet of sub-lot four (4 in said lot t wo
(2) In Oaplt.ol addition to the city of Omaha,
lis surveyed, ilailcd and recorded, all In
Douglas county, state of Neliraska, said
property to be sold to satisfy Omaha Hav
ings llauk the sum of two thousand, nine
hundred, iiliiely-iilne and .(ifi-loo dollars
i$2,UMl.0A with Interest thereon at rate of
eight (Si per cent per annum from May 1st,
IWi.l, to satisfy fhl.eim Hank the sum of four
thousand and Iffy-one lillari4,ril.00) with
interest thereon at rate of ten (loi per cent
per annum from May 1st. Ihki, until paid,
and forly-eluht ami 7k-I no dollars (fPUsi
costs, with Interest thereon from the 1st
day of May, A, I), INtiil, loKcthcr with accru
ing costs according to a Judgment, rendered
by the district court of said Doiiglasfounty,
hi" Its term, A, D, IMiil, In a certain action
then mid there pending whirelu Omaha
Havings Hank was plaint I h" aud Anna M.
Vines and others were ilefenilanls,
Omaha, Nebraska, August Ml h. IM0II,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
I'rancU W, Wossels, attorney, H-IH-ft
Sheriffs Sale.
In piirsuaiice and by virtue of a Judgment
and decree of the district court for Dointla
county, slate of Nebraska, rendered on the
1st uay ot .iu iv. a, n. ikiu, in a curiam ac
tion wherein Alfred U. Dufreun was plaliitllT,
and David D, Hmeaton, Itlcliard I, Mull Ice.
James Aluscow. Edward AIiinciiw anil
others were defendants, and of an order
of sale Issued tliiireon out of said district
court, bearing data Hut 1st. day of August,
A. I', isiu, ami in me inreeicu. i win on the
loth (lav of Hcntcmher. A, ll. 1 msi:i. at 111
o'clock A, m. of said day, at the EAST front
door of thucoiinty court house, In the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
at public miction, to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described lauds and ten
ements, all situated In tliecouiily of Douglas,
unu si, uin or nciirusKU, iii-wn :
Lots number eluhlecn msi. nineteen (III).
twenty 2U and twenty-one 1211, In block
number two 2i. In Hurllngton ('enter, an ad
dition to Hmi l h Omaha, as surveyed, platted
ami recoroeii. an in luiugius couiny, sihih or
Nebraska, said properly lo be sold to satisfy
Alfred it. hiifrene ihe sum of eluhlecn bun
dled , ninety nml S4-KKI dollars f I.hikiX) with
interest, thereon at rain or eiKiit (hi pur cent
per annum from May lllh, M2, until paid, ami
twenty-seven and SS-IIKI dollars (f2?.HSi costs,
with Interest thereon from the lllh day
of May, A. D, hii2, together with ac
cruing costs according lo a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Doiiulas
couniy, at Its May term A. D. IWI2. In
a cerium action men anu mere penning,
wherein Alfred IC. Dufreun wits iilulntllT.
and David D, Hmcutoii, Richard 1. Mult Ice,
James Aluscow, Edward Aluscow and others
were derendunts.
Omaha, Nebraska, August 14, IsKI.
HherllT of Douglas (Jounly, Nebraska.
Dexter li. 'J'hiiiuas, attorney, N-IH-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
Ilv virt ue of an order of sain Issued nut nt
the district court of lunulas county, Ne
braska, and to mo directed, I will on Inn loth
day niHciitcmhcr, A. D. IW'.l. at Hlo'clock a.m.
of said (lay, at the East front dour of the
county court limine, In the city of Omaha,
I lunulas couniy, nenrusKii, sen al nuiillc auc
tion the tironert v described In said order of
sale as follows, to-wil :
l.ol eluhlecn dm In lilock e KbtlHI In Walnut,
Illll addition to the city of Omaha, Doiutlas
county, stale of Nebraska, s lid property to
be sold to satisfy , I. W Squire, trusten, the
sum of four hundred, rflxty-tlve and 4H-IH0
uoiiiirs iiHim.ln juiigmeut, Willi IiiMtcmI
tlierenn at rate or ten (HI) per cent per an
num from May 1st. Iso.'i, until paid, ami
thlrly-elgbt anil HS-liKI ilollnrs ilcis.osi costs
Willi interest, thereon rrom the 1st day of
May, A. D. Ismi, touether with invruins cosu
accord I nil to a luiluinent rendered bv the
district court of siilil Douglas county, at Its
May term, A. D. IslW, In a certulii action
then and (here pending wherein ,1. W. Squire,
iriisiee, whs piiiiiiini, ami .lnlill vt . inliiw
and others were defetidiinls.
Omaha, Nchruhku. Aiiuust li'.ih. 1':.
HherllT of Douulus Count v. Neliraska.
John 1'. Hi-ecu, attorney, , 8-ls-5
Mi (I
! . .,., r-l .,.. ,
4 -4 .1. .hi I--. H 1
,t il, .t-t ith,l 9m l.r
?t ,l l . I t-. Im Mfe
l i II . t fc it, . . i . ,
l . I J Kl h .t Ik,
rn i t,ii , . f.i
114 .-1 S.- .,, Iwm.1hi. .,,1
,,l .t l .1 m ,,Hi lw , ,v l,. t-nl.
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,.t In ih. t ill i iIh,i,H in'.wu
Nr.-t w,4 Kl .mI.. itl,rt t.i t.f
k -I '.! I f . H !.! ,11. l, .
iiiM Umi fil . ,j-wi all ms.l in
lite mi. 1 1 ,.f VHI. (!' . Nr
iki lo an
I id nap . a, ,n t M. k w liM
si,a ,. , i, m I ,.. I, v I' aa a.i
lion i.i it,., t in ( i h.. 1.1,11 la ls.iiiii
in.., o I i.i- , S.l ,k ti ,.i. i l
fevl.l .,alni, ail Uie tsll 1.4 II.MV
axil ..t.,1 llir Mini I..I Iumi ! li
.Hlsl IxuikIi llnue il Mxlili ti,
Ihi- !, i.f IKHIitii IiiihiIiiM lhl ami
) ilnllsrs .ft mhk an lei.ei.t il,..r.-,. i
tr il i lkdl ii t ii l H-r milium
fioiii M l. wu, until (inlil suit
tUV 'HI SMll fcl I'll itolUlS lit', m
iii mill inten"l llu Hn from the ll ilsv
of M. A l I"!,'t is 11 It a.stiiin
iis aiNiinllns l Jmlsiiieiil n l.'i iihI by
Ilii' duirhl iinol of ald ISmkU iiimil at
M Msy, A I' Iwu In a .iiialn
ailliin then and Uiew iutnifl uli.trin
Itsrili It Siiitlh, exi-' iiim ma puiull.l and
IfisJ liiii. hsiul l ln I'altli k I. and (Niiu
.sii en- di'fi'iiiUnls
Omaha, Neliraska. AiiKiist 14th, 1"tt
Slier IT of iHniiilaa t'ouiity, Neliiaska.
I.. D. Hutu r attorney
SheriTs Sale.
In ptirsiisncf and by virtue of a luditmeiit
and dii'M-i of the Ulstrli'l court tor Douglas
t'o.. state of Neb.. nndend on theVsih day
of June, A. D. Nil, In a certain action herein
Omaha Ssvtngs Hunk was pliilniKT and Wil
liam II. Wilbur aud others were defeudanla,
and of an order of sale Issued thereon
out of said district court, bearing date the
121 h day of AiiKUst, A. D. Iswl, and to me di
rected, 1 will nn the linh dii yet September, A.
D. twit, at HI o'clia'k a. in. of said day, st
the EAsT front disir of the county court
house, In Ihe city of Omaha, Douulus i ininl, v.
Nebraska, sell nt public auction, to the
highest Milder for cash, t be following lies
crlla'd lands and tenenieuls, all situated In
the county of Douglas, aud state of Ne
braska, to-wit:
l,ot four (4i, In block two (5), In ruddock
Place, an addition to the city of Oinuliu. as
surveyed, plaited and recorded, all In
Douulus county, slate of Nebraska, said
properly to he sold lo satisfy Omaha Havings
Hank the sum of two thousand, seven hun
dred, twenty-nine and OVIoti dollars (S2.2li,il.'H
with interest thereon at rate ot eight (H) per
cent per minion from May 1st, IW','1, until
paid, nml thlrly-c Ighth and 2h-iii dol
lars (IN.2HI costs, with Interest thereon
from the 1st day of May, A, D. 1hm;i,
together with accruing cosls according to a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
wild Douglas couniy, at its May term, A. D.
IWW, In a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein Omaha Havings Hank was pluln
1.1 tT. aud William II. Wilbur and others were
Oinuliu, Nebraska, August 14th, IMill.
8-1H-S HherllT of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Krnncls W, Wessels, attorney.
SherilT's Sale.
tinder and by virtue of an execution on
transcript Issued by Erank K. Monies, clerk
nf the district court within and for Douglas
county, Nebraska, upon u Judgment ren
dered on the Kith day of August, IMiil, by
Elien K. Eong, a Justice of the peace In and
f ir said county In favor of the Central West
I.aud Company and against John A. Thacker,
a transcript or which Judgment was on t he
lllh day ot August, lH'.i"), duly tiled and dock
eted In the district court In ami for said
county, I have levied for want of goods and
chattels upon the following described real
eslule us Die property ot tliu said John A,
Thacker, to-wlt: J,ot six () In block three (II)
Clarendon addition to the city ot Omaha, as
surveyed, plutted and recorded, In Douglas
couniy, Neliraska. and 1 will on the lilt h day
of September, lH!i;i, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the East frontdoor of the county
court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska, sell said real cstuUi at
tiiihlle auction lo the highest bidder for cash
o satisfy said execution, the amount due
thereon being one hundred, one and 22-100
dollars orio.22) Judgment, four and .OA-loo
dollars (IM.0.1) costs of suit, with Interest
thereon at rate of ten (10) percent per annum
from the lot li day of August, A. D. IWilt, until
paid, aud also the further supi of one ami
ilft-IIK) dollars (tl.llft), the costs of Increase on
said Judgment, and the accruing costs
Omaha. Nebraska, August 141 li, IWi:i.
HherllT of Douglas County, Nebraska,
George W, I'oyuton, attorney, h-In-A
Sheriff's Sale.
Under and by virtue of two writs of vendl
Issued by Erank E. Moores, clerk of the dis
trict, court within mid for Douglas county,
Nebraska, upon Judgments rendered lu the
county court of suhl county on the Ti ll day
of April, INUII, In favor of John II. Watklns
liml tieorge A. Iloaglaiid, co-partners doing
business under Uin llrm namii and style of
J. It. Wat kins and Co., and against Albert
.I in unit nml Enid Hud.uwelt, transcripts of
which Judgments were on the Uth day of
April, istw, duly (lied mid ilnckcuxl In the
district churl wit hin and for said county, I
will on the Huh day of Heplember, A. D. Istui,
al 10 o'clock a. m, of said day, at the East
front door of the county court house, in the
city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska,
sell tlin real estate specified In said writs
anil heretofore levied upon by tun by virtue
of execut ions Issued In these same actions,
us follows, li-wlli I,otfnur(4i In block six
((I), In Hindi's second addition lo the clly of
Omaha, In the couniy of Douglas and state
of Nebraska, said real estalo to be sold to
the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
Judgments, the amounts due thereon being
in tun aggregate flfiecn hundred, seven uml
mi-mi dollars if l.fMrr.illi), and twelve and 40-HKi
dollars (U.4U costs, with Interest on said
amounts atciglilisi per cent per annum from
the Till day of April, IWiil, until paid, and also
the further sum of forty-seven and 2A-I00
dollars (I47.2.M the costs of Increase on said
Judgments, and the accruing costs thereon.
Omaha, Nehrnska, August 14. Iwill.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
I, like, Hamilton ft Mux well, attorneys, s-ls-ft
Sheriffs Sale.
In ptiruncc and by virtue of a Judgment
and decree of the district court for Douulus
county, statu of Nebraska, rcnih red on the
22nd day of Oclolier, A. I'. 1Ni;i, In a certain
action wherein H, A. lioldsmllh wits plaintiff
ami Horatio I v. Ilemiee and others were de
fendants, and of an order of sale Issued
thereon out of said District court, bearing
dale the 22ml (lay of July, A. D. INO.'I, and lo
me directed. 1 will on the llith dav of Hetit-
ember, A. D. Ikli.l, at Id o'clock a. in. of said
day, at the KAs r front door of the count v
court house In the clly of Omaha, Douglas
couniy. Nehrnska, self at puhllu auction, to
inn highest iiiuuer ror cusii, tho following
described liinds mid tenements, all ll ualed
In the county of Douglas, and slate of Ne
braska, to- wit.:
hot number eleven (II) In block number
sixteen till), In Central Hark addition to the
clly of Omaha, all lu Douglas county, statu
of Nebraska, said properly to be sold to sat
isfy H, A. (ioldsmlth the sum of eleven hun
dred, live and 14-lHi dollars ifl.IO.VI4l with
inn-rest thereon at. rale or ten (10) pur cent
per annum from HeptemlHir Hull, Isiti, until
mild, and thin y-cluli t aud 7H-lmi dollars
(IH.7H) costs, with Interest thereon from the
lluh day of hepleinlier, A. D. together
with accruing costs according to a Judgment
rendered by the dist rict court nf said Doiut
las county at lis September term, A. D. Is',i2,
lu ucerluln action I lien and there pending,
wherein H. A. Ooldsiiilih was plaintiff and
iniraiio it. neniiee ami outers iieremlantM.
Oinuliu, Nebraska, August 14th, sii..
S-IH-S HherllT of Douglas County, Nebraska.
i.ukc, iiuiuliuiii At itmxwcii, attorneys.
Legal Notice.
In Justice court, before Ueorsn E. (llbson.
a Justice of the peace In ami for Douulus
Iiiuinj, tiroinNun,
Jaooii Eawcktt, I'lulnlllT,
.. -U..I....
Amazon Issitasi c Comcast, t
Defendun .
Amazon Insurance Coumunv will take
notice that on the Sth day of July, Iwr.l,
tieorge E. (llbson, a Justice of the peace of
Douulus county, Neliraska, Issued an order
of in I ucliiiient gurnlsliinent for the sum of
f l.'ll iie. and Interest at 7 T cent, from July
lllh, I mi 1. 1, and cot. lu an action pending be-
rore mm a herein ,iueou rawcetiis plaintiff
and Amazon lusiimucv Company In defend
nut ; that under s,tld order money tins Is'cn
attached and garnished in the haiids of John
Dale. Said cause was continued until Sep
tember 2, IstM, ut I o i bs'k p. in.
J A CO It r A W( E TT,
S-1S-II l'laliitltT.
1', M. HturdevatiU attorney
I -. . t m ... .- . l. I- .r. 4 ... . t
. Ill I ... I I . l t.,i II
!l l m mlmlk.
1 rfttl ,, t , t , hi I. v ,
S ft , .1 km' .tl SI llvr. I t' I .
II., I , I IM II.. . M ..I II. ..!.,
I . - ,". - , I N I .l w tl si -.,,
i i.. 1 1 , i-S In ,
,4 il. ,..,, (i , t ... n , h
a i.i ii
Ik. . I II .11, V i 4 I.. I ! '.H
I t.k It l, ,1 kll, l, If, IIh- iIII I.f l.,.l.
It., !. ,.V4t, S,4t lt,tl,ll t
I-II..H le'.-t . Ims.IM ikI l l t
,l I. - I ill .. 1 1 I. ml l I IB nil li ,
. II, Im M Is I 1-ta fe i fi-i l snn , .
m.tlltl IH,.II,II V..Ils.,",mi.l. Srf
fcf I ,-t ,1Silt d I
i .M . IS..?'
l I.ISlli J l-.i.l,H . Slit. l..
I si.1.4 a,1.ili,w l.i
ll.l- til 14 llnha, IVhuIss 11iI. r
tlltl I !,- ,.l ll.r a, 1 II. l ttitll ,14' till
nt I lot ni l ... i.( kfti.l l.rfl (" In I an
ll. l s.l.lll l,n to iKr . o V nt l sli , l".i ..l
liriViii4iill In Mt"tiit a.Mitiirti, In..
In a ' tn ll-n ! 1-4 finil 4 tn bl.s li t,i
I miitiiiiHsiii s l.i thii I'tly ,.f
Hitisha Iknifc ta iininl , N. lnat a, al- ISe
nollhi.mi lialt if i i. ( t.i SftisS il In
.mill ine hslf iS l ( n,.Ml. nit i)iislla
iM 1'( ni-llim (hilly iMi-e llti. (imlilp
Ml.ii,, ii.uih ,.( i sue"' OiIMii n ile, -sl
el lh rtiili' I'l ln test i..i i i.Iism all In Iv.iiu
Ins 1'iniiii! . Niilt ss a : sniit e,in iiy lo I.
im.IiI In sal i-ly II hi Is nil Siale llsnk the sum
i.f myi-H ilioiissml IKiih- lillnilriil laitir
anil t; 1' iti.llni .t; , l ilniiiaaiik. titlt-
nliie and toiiliillsi-s its IU iiists. sllli In-
titvl on satil aiiiniiiits al rale of ten ilot (nr
imiiI -r sniniiii fiiuti On Slli day of Msy,
ln'l loiti ttier alth aivmliig iiwts aci utduu
In a (inliiiiieiit Is-nili-is-d liy Ihe 1. 1 iinin
ofsnlil I lunulas iimlily al Its May term, A.
It. Isiij, In sci iImIii ai llon then and there
m'iiiiih alicreln Mtillaiel stale Hunk ns
iuslnllll, and Samuel It J.ililis,ni. deniue I
W right, M. J. Hums aud others were did ml
(nialia. Nebraska. Aueusl SI lsa:l.
-- liEolti.EA, HKNNKTT.
Slier til of IsiiihIiis County, Neb.
Sheriffs bale.
In iiiirsiisnci anil hv virtue of a iiiilirtnent
Slid decree nf the dlsirlct court for Doiiulas
couniy. slsleuf Nebraska, rendered on Ihe
3nih day of June, A. D lnM. In a certain ac
tion wherein Mrs. Kate It I was plaintiff
snd De er Sluili s slid othein were defeud
anla and of an order of sale Issued thereon
out of said district court, bearing date the
22nd day of July, A. D. lHWi, and lo inn di
ns' led. I will on the llKh day of HeptemlMT,
A. D. IstU, at In o'clia'k a. m. of said day, at
the EAST front door of the county court
house. In the clly of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction, lo the high
est bidder for cash, the following described
lands mid tenements, all situated lu the
county of Douglas, and slate of Nebraska,
to-w lt ;
Eots eleven (III and twelve (ISi. In block throe
(ill, In Elpton I'lace, nu addition to Hoiith
Ouiiiba, all In Douglas couniy, suite of Ne
braska, said property to be sold to satisfy
Mrs. Kale Hiind Ihe sum of three hundred,
thirty-three dollars ,tl!llXH, with Interest
thereon ut rate of eight (Si per cent per an
num from May 1st, lso:t, until piild, and
forty-nine and ft:i IK) dollars (IH.M)coni, with
Interest, thereon from the 1st cluy of May,
A. D. lWiil, together with accruing costs ac
cording to a Judgment rendered liy the dis
trict court of said Douglas county, Hills May
term, A. D. IHhil, In a certain lie I Ion then and
there pending, wherein Mrs, Kate Komi was
plaint III and Do Ver Hliules and others were
Omaha, Nebraska, August 14. IH:i.
8-1H-S HherllT of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Ilrnckcurldgu It Hrcckenrldge, attorneys,
Notice to Non-Resitlent Defendant.
In the district court In and for Douglas
county, Nebraskir
I'ortsmoiilli Havings Hunk, plaintiff, vs,
Albert t. Edwards, I ner. A. EdwiirdH, William
D, Edwards, Christopher Crow, Margaret,!,
Crow, Ouiuha Lumber Company, William It
Schmidt., Inter slain Commercial Company,
Union I'uclHc Kallroad Company, Itiilph W,
Clayton and Tliu Crane Elevator Company,
defnndari Is.
To Christopher Crow, Margaret ,1. Crow,
Omaha I umber Company, William It.
Hchinldt, Inler-slate Commercial Company
and Italph W, Clayton: You are hereby
notified that the Portsmouth Havings Hank,
plaintiff In this action, has tiled Its ncttllnii
In the district court In and for Douglas
couniy, Neb., against you Impleaded Willi Die
ot her defendants, I he object and prayer of
said petition Is to foreclose a certain mort
gage made to secure a certain promissory
note with coupons Hi I itched In the sum of
thirteen thousand dollars (flll.OiKli with In
terest I hereon from August 1st, 1HII2, at the
rate of ten (III) per cent per annum, executed
on the 1st day of February, Issti by the de
fendants Albert (I, Edwards, luer. A.Ed
wards, William D. Edwardr. Christopher
Crow and Margaret J. Crow to Willis M,
Meyers and by the said Willis O, Meyers
duly assigned lo I he said I'ortsmoiilli Hav
ings Hunk, pluliitlff: that said mortgage was
J liven to secure said debt and covers the fol
nwlng described real estate In Douglas
couniy, and stale of Neliraska, to-wlt! l,ot
three ni) in iiiiick three hundred unu seven
teen CII7) 111 the city of Omaha; the plaintiff
prays for it decree unit said property be sold
to satisfy suhl debt and costs, and that said
defendants he burred of any right, title or
Interest lu said property,
Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st li day of September, Isim,
Attorney for Portsmouth Havings Hunk,
Docket IK No. 2IKI, H-4-4
Sheriff's Bale.
In pursuance and by virtue of a Judgment
and decree of the district court for linuulus
county, stute of Nebraska, rendered on the
lllh day of June A. D. IKi.l, In a certain action
wherein Omaha Coal, Coke aud I, line Com-
yuny was plaintiff, and John W. Dodd and
limes E. Heugle, Amos I,, Juckman, The
Oinuliu I, umber Compuny and others were
defendants, ami of an order of sale Issued
thereon out of said District Court, hearing
dale OieMli day of .Inly, A. D. !),), and to me
directed, 1 will mi llui 101 h (lay of Heplember
A. D. su;i, ut IU o'clock, a. m. of said day.
at the East frnnt door of the county court
hoiisn. In the City of Omaha, Douulus couniy,
Nebraska, sell at publlrT auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following de
scribed lands and tenement, all situated In
the County of Douglas, and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Eel twenl y-iine (21) in block two (2), May nn
Place, an uildll Ion lo the clly of Omaha, In
I lunulas county, stale of Nebraska, said
iiropcrty to lie mild to satisfy The Oiiiahii
.umber Compuny the sum of two hundred,
twenty and Iti-loo dollars (fi2U.lll) Judgment,
with Interest thereon from May 1st, IsOilj to
satisfy tleorue E, darker the sum of two
thousand, three hundred, sixty-four and 27
100 dollars (f2,.Krt.2J) Judgment, with Interest
on;tll,22 thereof at. rule of seven
(7) per cent, and on W2SI.I5 thereof
at rule of ten (Id) per cent, per
annum, all from May 1st, si;i; to satisfy
The Oinuliu Coal, Coke and 1,1m Company
the sum of seventy-nine and 71-100 dollars
I;m.7Ii Judgment, Willi Interest (hereon from
May 1st, s;ij t satisfy John Htrlldliig the
sum of one hundred, fifty-three dollars
If Ifkl.dtl) until paid, and one hundred, twenty
seven mid M-IU) dollars (fl27.fts) costs, with
Interest thereon from the 1st day of May, A,
D. IH1U, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of null I lunulas count y, ut Its May term,
A. D. IstM, in a certain action then and there
pending, wherein The Omaha Coal. Coke and
I. line Company was plulntltT, and John W.
Dodd and James E. lleagle and others tie
femlnnts. Omaha, Nebraska. August 14th, Iwa
HherllT nf Douulus County, Nebraska.
C. I', llulllgaii, attorney. S-ls-A
Notice of Administration of Estate.
Stats or Nkhiiassa, i
Douulus Couniy, f
In the County Court of Dougln County,
In the matter of the guardianship nf Hurt
(Jlendore Wheeler, minor:
Hurt Cilendore and all other persons Inter
ested In said matter are hereby notllled that
on the I4tb day of Jiuiuiiry, lsii.1, E, E. Mc
Mullen tiled a petition In said county court,
alleging among other things that Hurt Wlen
dorn W heeler Is a minor child, age about ."i
months, that the parents of said minor are
(lend, and that your petitioner is a friend of
mild minor, that said minor Is possessed of
personal estate sll iiated In Douulus county,
Nebraska, of the value of (, or there
abouts, slid Hint Ills necessary a guardian
should be appointed for sulci minor; your
petitioner therefore prays Hint he may lie
appointed guardian In pursuance to the
statute In such cases made and provided.
Vou are hereby noillled that If you full to
appear at suhl court (in the 2stli day of Hep
tenils'r, Is'il, at II o'clock a. tn.. ami contest
suhl itctltton, the court will appoint I' E.
I MuMullen. or some other suitable person,
.... ...n i i ...-..,
k " i,, ui, nun iii inevii n, n svi i it'nii'u r 01 Rillll
Wltnessiny liund and official seal this Mh
day of Aim ust, lru.l.
s-is-i County Judge.
-4 Hi
I. .... , r ... k'.4 I I I 51
i t- ,-4 1 1.
I V.ft .,..M , I - k - .
,-t. II, fell,,, 1U.,.,
'i. I'-
I-. ' T- ft ,-. II I. ,
.; h ..-,,.. It M St.,,
' j.i. m kA l, I vmV.on I
. 1 I. 1-1 kl.,1 ..!
j t f.,1 .. I sl. I,
I HI ftl-il
i I" ,-,il . -f fc ,
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1 .. i.l ssl.l .1st (M s-l t..,i , ,4 ,,v
j.-..,..i ,s'KI t.t , ll.,- ilif ,.t tlyeftl.ft.
li'Miiii i-.sii.Ii .1 ftl .iiai,.
s-i- i-,. , ll,' I,., I., l I t.t.l, f, . s. I- l ..
( -..ft i, t ,e s. ils 4 Istnl- ft I it I. ... . , i i s
silnsl.H In Ihr (WISH t,t I,,M In .
slsll ,,t N, 1 ... I,,
..I. , i , l.i .s ii ,.,! MUsHes f tn litis k
iti ii nili. i lulus I'!,-, nn .-1 kss i
On i lit i.f Iki.iirlws ii.i,4i lftW ,.f
N. l.lftlll ftslil ,s,w, 11 y In Iw s. t.l Ssl
Msiy II sHie ih - si, m i I Hi ni t i,,l,i ,n
ill. .4 ilnlUls ... , n h Oil. rs .l ll,ii. .,n
kl I li i.l i I. n . . I is ll k I ft i, n i, ii. fi..,n
k li l.,l I imt,, ts'' lil s,ii.f Ikll.ninft
I'sm h i ll.. sii.iii.f l, 1,1 IIiiii,ssi.. 1,'hi l im
it ii, I fti'iiiiit iui klut 4i ilnllslft
i s",, f, i. nt, Im.. i, si) ll.i nsm ftl lle f
! n to s l is HI pi kiii.ii.,, f,,,i ft, ilenils r
flld ssl lie I it Jin li fti.ilSfll ft lot . I l
itiillsrs ifii .i nisi nii lt.ii tsi iiurssin
trinii tin- 1' ilsv nf k1. pli-iiils-r. Ift'i', lii-si-ttii-r
ftl it l cns'iMtii isisik sc. nt'itltt In a
tuitifiin'lil ls'iiii.s'il lf 1 tit- district eniitt ttf
siilil mmilus isnii.l y al tin i- pli'luls r Ii tin,
A It Ism;, In a cetlHln s. II, hi then ami (hern
x ii.l I ii a . ln rein Msiy II An.r. ns plmmliT
nml 1 limiiftk I iUH'lilin, I . J, lloii hkiss ami
Oilier ill fi nilillil.
Omalia, Nelusska. Auvusi t 1 "
1. 1 (Mil. I. A III NMTT,
Sliei I ll nt Isiiiglns Ciiiuil v. Nib.
I'lalr Hint (lists, attorney S-2.I-S
Sheriff's Sate.
In pursuance and by virtue of a Judgment
sinl ilis reenf the District court for iMmglaa
Couniy. state of Neliraska, rendered on I hit
1 41 Ii il ii y of .1 h Mini ry. A. D, Ismi, In aeertaln
tic Hon wherein M. A. Dlshrow aud Company
were iiliilnilfls and C. E. Oard i t al., went
dcfeiiiliinla, and of an order of ftaln lftiiei
tbenion mil of said Dlsirlct Court, bearing
dute the -i'h day of June, A. D. IstM, and
to me dlns I will on the I2lh day of
Heplember, A. D, Isim, at luo'clis'k A. M of said
day, at the EAST front disir of the County
Court House, In the City of Omaha. Douulus
County. Nebraska, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, Ihe following
described lands and tenements, all situated
In the County of Douglas, and stale of Ne
braska, to-wlt :
Hub-lot number ten (Id) of lot number three
(II) Cillillol addition lothe city of Omaha, In
Douglas couniy, statu of Nebraska; said
properly to be sold subject to a certain
mortgage In the sum of six t housand dollars
lie mniHii In favor of J. J. Joslyn, and to.
satisfy M. A. Dlshrow ami Company the sunk
of eighteen hundred nlnely-seven undutV-1011
dollars (Hhii7.ih with Interest thereon al rule
of seven (7) per cent, per annum from Hep
lember 22ml, I Him, until paid, and one hun
dred nl mil lil-KKi dollars costs,
with Interest thereon from the 22ud day ot
Hepleinlier, A. ll. ISIM, together with accru
ing costs according to it Judgment ren
dered by Ihe district court of said Douglas
county, al Its Heplember term, A. D. IMIMI. In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein M. A, Dlstrow and Company were
plaliitllt's, uiid C, E, Uurd and others d
renduhfs. Oinuliu, Nebraska, August Sth. 10:1.
8-11-11 HherllT of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Montgomery, Charlloii A Hull, attorneys.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Statu ok Nkhiiassa, I
Douglas Couniy, f
In the County Court of Douglas County,
Nebraska: ,
In the Mutter of tliu estate of John W.
Htii III, deceased:
Agnes J. Hmllli. Agnes Hhlpley, Emma 11.
H in I tli. William J. Hmllli, Malhew Hmllli,
(leorge Hmllli and nil other persons' in
terested III said matter are hereby notllled
thai on the MMh (Inyofjiily, IMIII, AloimiA.
Wright llled a petition In said county
court praying thai, his llual administration
account llled herein be settled and allowed
that proofs of heirships lie taken aud decrees
rendered thereon: that allowances lie made
for children under seven and fourteen years
of age respectively! that a decree distribut
ing and assigning the residue of said estate
be entered; and that such other and further
orders and proceedings may be bad In the
premises us may be ecu u I red by the si nines
lu such cases made and provided, to the end
that said eslute'and all things pertaining
thereto may be dually sett led and deter
mined and Die said executor discharged.
Vou are hereby untitled that If you fall to
Hppear before said court on the lin li day of
McMlniulifr MM, at 10 o'clock a.m. and contest
said petit Ion, the court may grant the prayer
of said petition and make such other and
further orders, allowances and decrees, as to
this court may seem proper, to Hut end that
all mutters pertaining to said estate be
dually scttlcdiiud determined, and the said
Alon.o A, Wright discharged.
Witness my hand and olllclal seal this 2nd
day of August, Immii,
skai,. J. W, E I.f, EH.
8-2.1-4 County Judge.
4.00 pm
III. in am
10. in am
' am
A.M pm
m rc
i.oo pin
4.00 pm
1 1 . IS) am
I2.0A am
W.ilA am pm
Omaha am
N.oo am
4 2ft pin
Depot I'll h and Mason His.
,, Denver Limited dully ...
.... Dead wis id Express..,.,
Denver Express
.Chicago Special from Ien..
. . Lincoln Elm. (except Hun). .
.L, Mneolii Ei!ul (ex. Hun) ,.
C H. A 0. ' "
Deot lot Ii and Mason Hts.
...7., Chicago Limited ,T.,".T
Chicago Express
Chicago Express
. ...Chicago A Iowa Local. ., .
4.211 pm
11 46 am
12. U
7. 17 Jim
D M) am
4,1 pm
H.4.'i pin
ft.nV pin
K.C.. HI, J, A (J. H. I Arrive
Di'iMit. loili and Mason His. j Omaha
! Kun. City Day Express.. It h.W pm
K.I!, nlulil ex. via H P, Trans. It. Si am
Ht. I tilghtex. via do. Hhitrsl J0jm
tlMION PACI t'lti. " lA rrlves
Omaha I'nlon Depot lot h and Murcy Omaha
7 M am Ileal rice Express 0 40 pin
W. Vi nn Denver Express,,...,, 4 lift pm
?.Wpm Overland Hyer. 7.00 pu,
OVipu Denver East Mall 4 K) pin
4.1ft pm . H. 8, A E. Ex. (except Hun) . li t) pin
K 4Hpu Pitclllc Express In si am
.4ftam 1 I 7.10 sin
7.2HI1IU S ift am
S 40 am H.2i am
Sam ..CouncU ..luff Local..,
4.00 pm ft id pm
sitftpm n. lupin
Ji.Kl pm J t 1). VI pm
leaves I ('., M. A HT, P. lArrlves
Omaha Jlepot loth and Murcy Ht. Omaha
"7.0ft piii...r., Chicago Limited 7,.7.j S ;tft am
ll.iKlainl Chicago Express ft.Vlpm
Leaves I " C, A N. W.
Oiniihii (Vis II. P. Transfer)
10 40 am! ,. Atlantic Express, dally.
H.20 urn
10 pm
11.20 pm
2. in pm
M.N) pm
.1) pm Chicago Exp, dully ex. Hun
4 t pm .. .Chicago Limited, dally.
7 III urn . (Iverliind Limited, ilnllv
7 20 am -Carroll Lis'ai, (ially ex, Hun
Leaves I 0 Ht. M. A O. Arrives"
Omaha Depot I.Mh and Webster Ht.1 Omaha
S. Ilium
Lift pm
ft 4'i pm
(l ift pm
leaves I
Omaha !
(Ii ami
V im am
ft :g) pm
ft 41 pm
D.nti am
Hloux City Accoiiiiuoilatlon (loft pm
. H, 0. Express (except Hun) .112 40 pm
Ht. Paul Limited 2ft am
Hiincroft Puss, (except Huinl N.4.1 am
V.'. E. A Mo. VALLEV.
Depot l.llh and WehsterHts.
DcuiIwikmI Express . ...
(Ex, Hall Wyo. Ex, (Ex. Mon)
....Norfolk (Except Hun.). ...
ft.20 pm
ft.2il pm
10 2ft an.
ii am
st. rain r.xpress
.Lincoln Ex, (ex. Htitiduyl. .110.25 am
I Omaha
I 9 V) pm'
I Omaha
Omaha I I pot loth A Man y Sts.
7 20 ami
ft.. 11 pml
.Hloux City Passenger.
.Ht. Paul
ill Express, . . .
7eiifcA(io. u. i.'fi p.;
Via I'. P. Transfer.
Omaha I
lo.iio am .. Atlantic Express, dully ..
4 40 pm .. Vestibule Lliulfid, dully .
;t1 pin! ... Night Express, dally....
7.10 pin Kansas C. A Co. H., ex, Hun.
Via V P. Transfer.
R.VIatnTo. HluirsBiid K.C.ex.Hun.
1.20 pm I'hlcugo ami Denver, dully
Leaves I M iHSOf K I P A I 'I Vh
Oiiiahii! Depot lot h aud Mason Sts.
Of) pm
1.10 pm
s Ml am
8 4ft am
T Oft pm
4 pm
.1 , In.
i ArTlvmi
I Onuih
.' 7.00 iwa
. 4 21 pm
.1 U.20 am
- . "i
I Omitlin
' i : ,i.'ipiu
lo.on pml
1.10 pm.
ft. 10 pini
l-iives j
Omuhit I
4-tlipiii X
. .Ht. Louis Ex. dally.
..Hi. Louis Ex. dully. .
. ..Nebraska Lis-al. , . .
W A It A Ml.
iVbt II. P. Transfer)
. Hi. Louis Ex.. dully . .
U'KNISIIKD KOtiMH -To rent, SI4 Ho. Jxih
street. Emiulre 27 17 l.euvenworth street,
tf W. H. HEATON.