THE AMERICAN, 0l t A, 1W fVvl 'hilMJ M l t4 I it M'sld'HSi l-i ltih t l.. tH..,sii I 'I' ll I lb B tt H.I (lit' ,'! li t 1. . I .1 ."!. l ( ! M l. ft It i. e.t UsIhI ! t t I ...,il .!! t lt dm IH, luli-s. t ii H . UsMl n iin t iUi tb I, Mf ti nt I ."long ti pttii Ni i ii.Iiik id? i n Ihsstl IHn ln. ! llm yi t n, ! In the Ht.,lii' i mitii li !(, hill 1(1 Ihltw l fcHl'.iif. IKHnlj lltll. llm ti'"l by tlm I I" la (.(. , Iti.nijlt It r tl,.ii tl n Slid ttini'-ttl'li 1 i, pontiff tn ht iitwr I nor l uti.t ty i' svtil,tr Tim I tlit pontiff wssrwlled tl If llm .ii.u l'rii4 v l vn.iBiitlne, alia llml a god Im t siomt I iiil"t limn. .i 1 hl gml Im U far above III n fi I all ) ati mill Judgment, II l lml nil Isw contrary lt llm canon" nil ihitws uf llm lionise prUl- in i if hit ittee, tl Thiil kit of III ordinance uf llm pup t un l at I Kl I KM I In 1st liUyi'd, 1,1. W mm lii inn even 10 (wiili in miii Whom llm 'm bm e'i'oiiiiiiuiili'liil, 14 Prleia Hr Uiber and masters, even uf prince. I. V Tim civil law U derived from limn, but Mm eiTi'llli-l or canon law la derived directly fnun llml. by which lit (mill I IT can, In connect Ion Willi bla prelate, mk run tliuiluiM for the whole christian world, In waller spiritual, concerning llm salvation iif souls, ami llm right government uf Ilia i'Ii ii n-hi ami If necessary judge ami dispose f all llin temporal gissl uf all christians. 1A, A heretic, holding or teaching fain loclrlim concerning llm ncrnment, U toiuiiMiiili'aKxt and degraded, ami bunded vrr to ilia secular rnurt. 17. hH'Ular prliicpa tiitwIIIHiK ti awuar Ut rti'fi'hil llm I'liuri'h aniilimt liiirt'tlca are ! cotiiiiiiiiili'ftll, ami tlii'y am lain umlir an Milnrilli't. Ik. Tim RinhU of Imri'llra are to lie cun flai'alMl ami apiilflnl to Ilia churi'li, 19, Ailvncat-xaor linlarlna, fitviirliiR ture tlra. or tlii'lr dfi)iilnm, or pli'ailln fur ilimn In law mlm, or writlnti diKMimi'iila fur tln'iu, Btm lafmmiiia ami uimiiiIi'( from (nii . 10, Tim KH'ulnr powtira, whnthur porma finut or lAinpurary, are liiniiid to awnir that Ihrf will umiliiauii ai'i'ordlng u llii'lr powvr, all lii'mtlrnnimli'iiiiind by tlmcliilirlil mt ttmpiral lord not purnliig lil land of Imrntli'a, I p(IiiiiiiiiiIi'1i'1,, II, TIkwi alKiii'd with tlm cnxu for tlm niti'riiilnatlon of ImriMli', n-jolro In tba prlvlli'f granted to Jim crmailura fur llm liHpof tlm huljr ImihI. ti. Tlmjf am alwolriMl from all oljltloin who ar In anjrwlaa tmnnil to liumtlci, 23. Whoavor dlna I" liulllo agalnat Urn tin tmllevlnf , umrlta tlm kingdom of lmarn. U. W do not tHit4m tlioMi lioniliMdM, to vrboM It nia ham liappnrtiMj In tlmlr anal for tbalr mollmr r hiin b agalnat tlm uh-wmi-Munlcauil, to kill ririin of llmifi, 3ft, Tbat Cat holla IVIn!i ar bound, both y cIvH ar.d canon law, not to rwolra or uinrata brili:, and imw-h mor r not to jwrwlt tbalr riua, or other rclM of thalr ffiltglon, or rather, tlmlr falaa ct( but are tiwt tolflmul Uiiind frjrwhr, t repul and ipl Ilium, , Tbw following temporal piinUhiimnU r U I wnforrad on barwtlcaf Ut-Iiifamjf, ad thaconiMvjiint dlwiuallfliiatlvna for all lvll a;u. 2nd-lnttahlllty, an wl Mtlva 4M pannlra (that U, thay can nllhr maka III nor Inherit what la tuft to thent by Hbrh Krd-Iona of paternal powi-r oar hlldrnn, th- Imi of dowry, and oibr rlvllrgNi granted to women. Blh-flonflwa-tl'rti of all gxl, tb-That vaiwnla and alavea and other ara frna from nil, avert worn atillgatlorui dua to their lord or an other, 7tbi'upUl corporal pianlnhment, prlally death, and perptual Imprison nent, t7, Tha entum law forhlda all lerailon, 2t. That metropolitan ami hlmhopa ara to ((.omiiiiiiili-ala hi hi who granta llherty ot tmim'lutu'a, 2D, No oath la U) he kept toward beretbt ryrlmsaa, hjfd or utln'f, m. UrtU ara to be deprived of all civil m4 ptnal rljiht ill, Tlm pipn ran elwolva from all oath. Hi. Every hlnhop U ordinary judge In fame' of Imn-ny Tlm reaaon la Imkibuimi the lilnhi'pii ran e-i flti'lo, and ought toeitirpet liereii'4, and In, li t upon them the dua pun lahmenta, ami fo thl ara iMiiind on pain of 1i-lHUn, li' d, are the ImiuUlUir -liei'Ully li pul, d by the rotoll aea, livery blahop In hi dloreM la thought to he, nil la r Ity , a natural Imiulnlutr, jllur Iiy born Irniulu tori, St a Ut hava the name giower wlih thiM already mentioned In ;aua of iirey, Ut. In every promfory oath, although iMolutoly taken, there ara certain rotnll tli ma tacitly um eratmid, amongut whli-h arei tt Ifl cant Zid-To aava the right and Authority of a i perluri ard-When tlm oath euppoe the hoi or of the apoetollrj wm to be lllh'lt. Ut, That llm ci unci I of Trent, (the laet and ireat Minority I Home), dm-reea and com. Aiuida that the tarred ranon kind all gen ml council, ad o the (rtlmr epontolla enai-u tuenta leeued In favor of ewl'-iliuillrel vrwm of e'i i' aili'iil lllierty, and agalrmt ft violator, all of whh'b by thl preaent Af re It renew, and mut let exai'tly olr rved by all, CAHCINAL'tToATH, (, ,i ardlnal of the Holy Itmnan hiin h, do prom m and awnar that, from thl tlm ut tlm rod of my Uf", I will be faithful nd obedient utno rlt, Peter, the holy poe tollc Itommi rhu ch, and our mot holy lord, the pope of Koiii'j, and hi ueiMor, ranoii l''Mlly and litwful y elected: that I will give tioadvh', roni tor awitatan'' igalnet the Mtitlfli'! miij" ly and pereonj that I will wver knowingly and adviaedly, to their In jury or dlgr.uv make puollii the round la kntrut'4 fi urn by tlmmwlve, or by me wugertor h'll.rr.1 alaothatl will give them utty umMmu o n retaining, defending and rw overlng the i onian pupm y and the regall if I tter, with ell my might and endeavor, ao tt a the rliiht and privilege of toy order will allow It, and will defend them agalrmt nil their honor i nd mute, and I will direct uid defend, wlih due form and honor, the legatee and nuin'loof the aponUilii! nee, In tlm Orrluurh , churcbea, monaterle and other benefli'i- roinuiltted to my keeping; Mid I will com hilly co-operate with them and treat I hem Hli honor In their coming, biding and r turning, and that I will rental vol) Mood alt ron whauoever who nlmll uio-mpt Bnrtlili g agalrmt Ukmii, That I will, ty every wy bi d by every inean trlva to g)reerve, augm ml and advamw the rlghu Jifnor, prlvlle; , the authority of the Holy iman llnliop, 'iur lord the pop and hi be 4,.e toeatlon J mwctmmmi and that, at mti vi r time knyllilng IihI1 be decided to their prejudice, which I out of my p'lwer ia liliidcr, a iv nni a 1 nhall know tbat any fm or toeiMueea have been taken In llm mutter, I will ii ake It known to the aame, our l'rd or hie U'a i-wtor, or aome other per on by whoMt It inay be brought to their knowledge That I will keep and carry jotit and cuiiw! other to keep and carry out rule of II a holy father, the ducreea. ft !., , 4 ill I hl,i lH4lliili Itlif IWiiii n,Mh l-.n.i ( ii. Il.ei.t Ihn IM lhi .i i4 H'l'l . t l I 1 I'l, ,.ll J, h,4 t i !,B (ih- al i -1 1 v ) ill l lii.x ! l le in Mm m i-f i l"t ,, ti I iii J .i l le M,etti liiil I will mk iil iil i (- .. . uir l I.I titf!t liitlfilH - mi iilu, mil tl lii l'ilgnnlMIM'ti itll hi ll II, I' !.lll, I'M ,,MI lllll the ,' ff l" and M tme Uti Ii I lmi l ,ii-ii I will iln Hh 'etf ,Ml-4 i -il " I iHijnnlim" llti ewiil In le JIIIMOW'i OATH, , . . , i .f llm It. I full iliiiie, fwm Imnit fH will Iw fallliful and iilesllenl l l IN li f Mm Anlli' ami to llm llnty U.ihihm chilli h, nd luntir bird, llm huty ' liiinm, Mini in hi miii iMMit, itiniiii ally eiiU'tiim, I will niiiii.r advise, run lit lint d(i anything that Mil -f limy line 1 nr iih ImI r , ut Hint llu lf M iw.ii nmy b win d. or ImmU In any imt nli Mmil (hem, or uny Injiuli r ulTi ii d In them, iimli'r any irctcitMt wluilne'Ver. The i iin I wlih which I hey h'IihII Inininl me by ihi'iimelvea, llu lr nii 'iim or h'llen, I will nut know Ingly reteal to Miy. to Ihelr i'r )in',li e, Will help I Iii-iii lc di tend and keeptlm Human papacy nod llm mynlile of PI 1'i li r agalnitt all men, T.. legnlu uf llm aMwlolli aim, going and I'uiiiliig, I will hiiiiuralily Ireat and help In hi imreimltleii. Tlm right, honor, privilege and authority of llm Duly lbuuau rhiiri'h rif our lord, llm iuie, and hi afore mild ui'fcKMirH, I will endeavor to preacrvii, defend, lucreHMi and iidvuncn, I will hot bo In any counii'l, m iloa or tmHty, In wblrh Khali be plotind Hgiilimt our mild hint anil Human church, miyililiig to llm hur t or pre Judli'a of their HriMin, right, honor, mate or power, and, If I nluUI know any audi thing to he treated or agltuUi by any what hh'vit, ! will hinder It to my uIihomI, and a WMin a t ran, I will algnlfy It to our ald lord, The ordliiiim'o ami innndatea of the pope, I will oliMirve with nil my might and rauiw to Im oliMirved if other." "Heretic, acliUmfttli' and relHd to our aid lord or hi luccimtnr, 1 will to my ut moal perecule and oppoee," "HeretlcoN, wdilnmatlco et rebelle eldem Jiomlno nimtrn vel ucceimorlliu prodlctl pro poane imreequar et oppugimbo." 'I will come to a council when I am called, t Will vUlt the tlirehold of the aptwtle every three year and give an account of our lord of all my piwtorul ottlco and of the thing belonging to my dim-en) to the dl clpllne of niy clergy and people, 1 will In Ilka manner humbly receive and diligently encul the ttiNMhilli; command. If 1 am detained by a lawful Impediment, I will per form the a fort-mild by a member of oiy chapter or a lirlct of my diocee, fully Jn Inn-led In nil thing almve mentioned The poMUlun helormlng to my tuhlii, 1 will neither wdl nor oilier wImi iillcnuin without cunaulllug llm Koiomi hii IrT, Ho help m uiij nuu mvmv iiuij f oniM'iiiir ifoci," f (Hlgnature), Hetit to the ltomlh Mauitf n PRIItT'S OATH. ii .i mi i i, tlIMf If! IriA ItfMautniai tJt Almighty Oori, the bleeaed Virgin Mary, the blriwH'd Michael the Archangel, the blewpd ft.John the flnptlwt, the Holy A poetic H. Peter and Mt, I'aul and the Balnt and tlia Ha-red lliwt of Heaven, and to yon, my lord, I do flnclar from my heart, without mental reservation that the pope la ChrUt'a vicar general and 1 th trua and onf head of Mia unlveralcliun;h throughout tlm aarth, and that, by virtu of the key of binding and liNwIng (Ivan to hi hoi I mine by Jeu ChrUt he Iim power to depono heretical king, prince, etttt", commonwealth and govern ment. all tx-1r, Illegal without hi ancrrd ronflrmathm, and that they may safely be destroyed, Therefore, to the uirnoat ot my power, 1 will defend thl dm; trine and hi' right and ruatoui agaliwt all tturper of tlm IVolimUrit authority what soever, especially agalnt the now pretended authority and church In England and all adherent, In regard that they be ueurpal and heretical, oppovlng the sacred mother, the church of Home. "I do denounce and dlwiwn any allegiance a Aim to any Protectant king, prince or late or oliedlence to any of their Inferior officer, I do further declare the doctrine ot th church of England, of the CalvlnlNt. Huguenot and other f'roltant4, to be damnable and thrwe to b damned who Will not furvake th aufi. "1 do further declare that I will be) p, alt and ad vine all or any of hi holllnene' agent In any place wherever I hall tie, and to do my utiiiimt toentlrpal the proteetant doc trine and to dlroy all their pretended power, regal or otherwise. I do further prom la and declare that, notwlthirtandlng I may be permitted by dlspermatlon to amuuia any heretical religion (Protestant denomination! tit the propagation of the mother church' In u re t, to keep secret and private all her agent' counsel a they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word, writing or clrcuumtance whatsoever, but to eiecuta all which shall tie proposed, given In charge or discovered unto me by you, my moat reverend lord and bishop, "All of which 1, , do swear by tha blessed Trinity and blessed rnwrament whh'b I am almut to receive, to perform on my part to keep Inviolably, and do call on all the Heavenly and Ulorioo Host of Heaven to witness my real Intention to keep thl my oath, "In testimony whereof , I take thl most holy and blessed Hacramentof the Eucharist, and witness tha sama further with my eonse crated hand, in tha presence of my holy bishop and all the prlesta who alt bint In piy ordination to tha priesthood," tXTMMC OATH Of THf. JHUITi. I, ....,,, now In the presence of Almighty Ood, tha blessed Virgin Mary, th blessed Michael tha archangel, tba blessed Mt John tha fiHpiint, tha holy apotle ut, Peter and Mt, Paul and the salm and sacred host of heaven, and to you my ghostly father, thuperlor general of the society of Jesus, founded by Malnt Ignatu, l-oyola In tha pontlRcation of Paul th Third, and con tinued to th present, do, by tha womb of th virgin, the matrlf of God, and tha rod of Jesua Christ, declare and swear that M ho line, tha pope, I Christ' vlce-gerent, and ) tha trua and only head of tha Catho lic or universal church throughout tha earth i and that by virtue of tha key of binding and loosing given to hi bollne by my Havlor, Jeu Christ, hs bath power to depose heretical king, prince, atate, com mon wealths, and government, all being Illegal without hi sacred confirmation, and they may lie safely deetwyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, 1 will defend thl doctrine and bl bollne right and custom agalnat all tiurpcra of tha beret leal or Protestant authority whatsoever, especially the Lutheran church of Oernutny, Holland. IwnmnrW, Hweden and Norway, and the now pretended authorltle and churches of Eng land and Hcotlund. and brnnche of the monowctnl)lliilicd In Ireland, mid on the continent of America and elsewhere, and all adherent In regard that they be uminx-d and bertlcal, opposing the (acred motlicr church of Home, I do now renounce and dhtown any alleg iance a due to any heretical king, prince or state, named Protestant or Llliersl or ,,! ti, n.-e ,i y ,til,nr . eiiii i i iftti i I il,i fuMhrf ibo Im h1 lee it., nine of Ih li,,, 1,1 I iM Uid i4 S "IUi ,t 1 the t itti M t II M ip Iml end lUhrr itf llm ftnri, I'luHiiliel l ilirl, Irt Ik rtm. St li , Slot ll f Mii-li'M I'l- I.I l ttamni d In fill hit bi4t ll.n ,i.e I rtn fin thi r dii (nee Mil I lll het, a!.l Slid ili i ll m si f if In liniment' auiel, In n itis l.iriif !,, l w, n siu liliinl. IMinmii. Il'tltiiiil, IVnnistk. , Not if I n I ii In lnd, uf Anil' I. . i'l in nr uito r tleoluie nr liitn,.ir I utintl itKi !, end rli inf iiiiiuwt l-iriiir. ir. it, biiitt'ttl l'eiiiel t ut l,ilrii it, nun' ki in it 'i mm nil liieir preiimili d p.mi i, ri i ilul ut le t !, I do f urlhi f pruhili end An Inr thsl, .'it- W!tillldMig I Hill lliiH-llM'd Wlih III IIM' any religion lien ih-sl fur llm iniin,uiiin lit the iiioibi-r lliiiri'li's lull r-l, to tii p win-t and ptlmle all her a ji-tils' puiim ll fniiiilttim in lime, liny riuni.t ine, and iml In ditiilue, ilmi'tly or Indirectly, by old wilting or rliviiiuil inn litin r. but luriiiln all llml li ill lie prop-wil, given In chiirtfe, or rtmciivered unto lue by you my ghiMily father, or miy of thl kitcred con vent. I do further promise and declnre tlml I will h ive mi opinion or will of my own or any iiienlikl rt'f rvniliin whatsoever, even a a rorpaa orcudveriierlude ac rudnverl, but will iirihelliilliigty ohi y eiu h and every ciimtniind Mint I may receive from my super Iur In Ihn inlllllii of tlm hihi und of ,leil n,n.,i Tlml I will go to any part of the world wliii lu rwii'vi r I nmy be sent, to the fmren region of the north, the burning mmd of llm desert of Africa, or the pingles of India, to the center of civilisation of Europe, or to llm wild hnuntsof the burhnroti savages of America, without Murmuring or repining, and will bnubmllvM In all thing whatso ever, communicated to me. f do furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity prcHcnls, make and wage relentlcs wur, secretly or 0cnly, ugulnst all heretics, Protectant nnd fdlieral I urn directed to do, to euirpnle llu-in from Ihn fur-nof the whuli) earth, and that 1 will spare neither ago.sox or condition, and that 1 will bung, burn, waste, boll, flay, strangle and bury alive these I nf unions heretic; rip up the stomach nnd wombs of their women and crush tlmlr Infant' head against the wall In order to annihilate their execrable race, That when the eama cannot he done openly, I will secretly use the pol onouacup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the milliard, or the leaden bullet, regard la of tht honor, rank, dignity or authority of th person or person, whatever may be tlmlr condition In life, either public, or priv ate, a I at liny time may be directed so to do by any agent of tha pope or superior of the brotherhood of tha boly father, of tha societ y of Jesus, In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my Ufa, my oul and all coporeal powers, and with thl dagger which 1 now receive, I will subscribe my nisme. written In my bhsid, In lellmony thereof and should f prove false or weaken In my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldier of the mllllla of th popucutoff my hand and my feet.and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punish ment that can In Inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by derion In an eternal hell forever. All of which I, do wr by tha blemied trinity, and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive, to perform, and on my part to keep Inviolably , and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven it witness these my real intention to keep thl, my oath. In testimony hereof. I take thl most holy and blessed socniment of the eucharlst, and wltne the m further, with my name written with the point of thl dagrer, dipped In my own blood, and cl in the foe of thl holy convent flu ri'tflvo thn watVr from the superior and write hi name) with the point of hla diiwtr, dlppoU In hi own blotxJ, taken from over tha hoart, To Tht World'. Fair. Have time and avoid tho crowd In tha city by buying ticket over tho "Great Ifcick Island Itoutfl" and atop off at Eniflewood near the World'g Fair irate, Kluctrle line from the "Rock Island" depot dlrtsct to the sate. Time, tm minulin, Furt, Jin mitt. You can chuck your htiHgnun Ut Kntflowood and avoid trouble and save expense, a Kniflewood la In the great auburban hotel district near the fair, and you can have your baifKige aent to your quar tor at one), Itmmberf the Chicago, Ifcrck Island k I'aclfle I the World'g Fair Line for reason given above. John Bkiiastiam, General Ticket and Passenger Agent I it the worklngmen ak In thunder fonea for rtratrlctlon of Itnmlgratlon, If foi mli rat Ion htul been restrlcUid light year ago, when the , ad vocated It, the New York agitator who s)kfl In a foreign language would not have been in thl country. The average immlirratlon durlnir the nast decade ha lx;en over WKJ.fKK) yearly, I lust fiction seven or eight year ago would have reduced the comrct!tora for work at least 1,000,000 and ierhap more, If the men who assume to advise and aiMiak for lafior would confine all their effort to the one subject re stricting immigration they would be able to achieve practical advantage of Invaluable Importance to tho entire country. If they had atarted In thla movement ten year ago they would not have so many worklngmen a they have today to comimte with for place. But Instead, they went Into eight-hour and other scheme which have brought them no possible gtH,(JlevtUm(l JJaily htaibr. We tim-d good rustling agent in every wart of the country. Write for particular. Address, American I'urj. Co,, room 412 Bhcely IJIoek, Omaha, Neb. ' Mc(il)nn Yakea Kack Mefhlng. New Yohk, Aug. 9. In a talk at a picnic of hi friend Dr. McGlynn said last evening: "I will be burned at the stake or beheaded rather than retract the d octrlne I believe to be true. I have recanted. I have not retracted. " tiMANH lOUut LOYAL OR ASM IHSWU1I0S United Slaleg i-f America. ritAM'IM . t'AMPHU I., M, W l M .,, Nliiiiii'si"lls, M Inn TUMI. MII !,!ilAM,i,lriid.-i'n-lr,, I.vetell, Mss, M, I., Molt, , , 411 Slui-ly lllm k. tiiimlm, Seh.. Mrgsnlser for ilepmliiii'iil uf Ni-litsk, Inwa, hn, Missouri sitd rulursdu. MUStiK 1'Ulsein.KS. tin lu'lmif of tlm I'ovsl Mrange IhiiIs of Ihn I'lilled HHitcs of America, and with view of correcting the false Impresslun that enemies are endeavoring to convey to the minds of men who are uuaciiiialnted with tlrange principles, are these few statement made; The Iwiyal Orange Institution Is a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by three lies J ut Ire, Truth and Klghteousness, It has no hidden alms, It I Fraternal and llenevolent-asslstlng and protecting members while living and their widows and orphans when they are re moved by death. It uphold Urn right of private Judgment the untrammelled freedom of opinion) be lieve the public school are an essential safeguard of tho statu, and should be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control and that persons disloyal to the government who hold a mental allegiance to the pope of llonm-should be rigorously excluded from teaching therein. It believes primary allegiance Is duo to the government which protect the lives, liberties and propertle of It citizen, and that ecclesiastical authority should not' under any circumstances, Iw permitted to meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer cion of altl.en In the exercise of his or hur right of franchise, under the guise of relig ious or spiritual authority should bo pin Ished as a crime against the state. Tbat It Is tho duty of every citizen to, do fend tho lawfully constituted authority and Institutions of our country against corrupt and Inimical Inltuencns, as well as against armed assailants, to the end that our glori ous freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity, ft encourages habit of frugality and In dustry among It member, and I proud to boost that Orangemen seldom tieeomo a public charge or accept pauper bread. It believes In the restriction of Immigra tion and tlm extension of time for the natur al I rat Ion of citizens, and that the public lands shall Iw held for actual American cltl wns who become settlers. The Loyal Orange Institution of the United Htate of America ha certain requirement for membership! That a man shall bean actual American citizen, having complied with the lawsof tha United Htates with regard to naturalization, and without a mental reservation. That the applicant shall tie a Protestant, and also that hi parent and wife shall be Protestant. That he shall he thrifty and successful In hi business: honorable and truthful In hi dealing with hi fcllowmaa, and shall tm known law-abiding cltlen, That he will endeavor to give hi children or any children under hi charge at least a good common school education, being care ful to avoid all popish doctrine, and That he shall Ire In sound health at the time of making application. It makes no difference where a man was born, no long a he meet the foregoing requirement. These are the qualifications required of every applicant to the order, and we do not think that any patriotic American order can offer a better array of principle and teach ing. A MKKK'AN IOVAI, OMANOK LOIlOK, No, il, meets every Tuesday evening at ,: o'clock, M I, YAHIK. Mecy, Jr, Order United Ameican Mechanics, Instituted May 17, l8S3-Ellglblllty For Membership, Any white male peron born In the drilled MlHli-sof North America, Its territories, or under the protection of Its flag, who shall have attained the aire of sixteen years, who I of good moral character, a believer in the existence of a Hupremn llelrig as t he Creator snd Preserver of the universe, In favor of free education, opposed to any union of church and stale. hall he eligible to mem bership under the provision of the law In llm tntc mid subordinate council to which lb application Is madei provided, that no person sliHll be received to beneficial mem Icrshlp who I over fifty year of age, A person shall not be permitted to this order who does not posses a good moral character, or who Is In any way Incapacitated from earning a llvllhood, nor shall he Ire under sixteen years of age. Nuldectsof a wcfai'lon or partisan char acter hall not Im Introduced lril any meet Ing of this council, nor hafl any member make use of tlm name of this order at a political meeting. TH'JT ARK! first-To maintain and promote the Inler el of American, snd shlld them from th depressing effect of foreign competition. Hecond To assist Americans In obtaining emoloymerit, Third To encourage American In busl- fi tut. Fourth To establish a sick and funeral Plfth-To maintain the public schmd sys tem of the United Htates of America, and to prevent sectarian Interference therewith, and uphold llm reading of the Holy III Me therein, stat con sen, or nkmhxsA! H.C.-W, A. IIOWAiUI, Lincoln. H. V,(!.WM. V, KNAPP. H, H -ll, l HAV, H, T.-C. II. AI.I.K.H, CotiductorW. K. coPKMMO. Ouard-P. H, McAI f-KV, Hentlnei-WM, TIIHNKIt. Iieleimte to National Convention-WM, K, KNAPP. If, ! liAr, W. A, MKHHICK, P. . MeCAI.'I.KV and W, K. COI'K.I.ANIr, Warden-K. A. HAVMSM, The next, regular meeting will be held on the third Tucudity In January, IhM, at Plaits mouth, Nebraska, WAHIMNOTOK C)t:Nf!f, No, 1. meets every Friday evening In Goodrich hall, 24th and Paul street. Visiting bnrthnrs al ways welcome. J. 1 I'XO, Hec'y, I-INf)f,N COUNCIL No, !. meet In Uu coin, Nebraska. pOf.PMHIA COUNCIL No. meet every Tuesday evening In Patterson block, 17th and Parnam Hired. V.. L. Mxiisi-oh, It, Hec'y, WINONA COUNCIL No. . meet every T Monday evening In K, P. Hall, Pantin block. W. M. I'AHur,, Hec'y, JAHPIF.LD COUNCIL No. 5. meeu every y Tuesday night In Month Omaha. W 1 1,1, MM PSMB, Hec'y. TLITK l ITV COUNCIL No 7-meet every Wi-dm-sday evening In U. A. U, II nil, Council muffs, la. we COmCKCIH, nmf OR I NTRR rMRioiic soclar j 1 1 1 v.rl. wi: maki: a fi i:i-iAi.TV LODGE SUPPUIBS And we I ti lied Her-eetnrlc uf Inltfe lo furnish a ropy nf hal Hiry want ami we will timke an Kstlmah of the oust, ami we are confident I hat we etui Mtlxfy for u,urilt!y nf work a well for pi Ice, fall tip 'l..f....l. m vit-riMnv inn t . 1 1. , i n.-i., i. riiiin ' ,1? r r,i If should Iw In need of any kind of Coitimorvlal Printing. We row furnish you anything you wish In fine Linen, Fiat and Typewriter I'Al'KIt. We Print BOOKS, ' BRIEFS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, DODGERS, STATEMENTS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, LEGAL BLANKS, and we'll do your work at reasonable profit, and In manner that will bo aatlafactory to tho customer Our oflloa 1 at 412, 413 and 414 SHEELY BLOCK. AMERICAN PUBLISHING QOMPANY OMAHA. Nl Notice of Final Settlement, Utat or Nkmhaska, i m liouglns County. ) In the county court of Douglu county, Nebraska. ...... In the matter of the estate of John W. Whit marsh, deceased : Isiiulielia Anirellne' Whltmarsh. Charles A. Whlimarsli, Lawreure It. Whltmarsh, Will iam W, Whit in arsh and all other per sons iritorcHicu in sum maner are nereiiy notified that on the 4th day of August, IH'tl. Issutiella Armellrie Whltnnirsli tiled a uellllon in said county court, praying that her ttnsl administration nv'ount tiled herein Ire settled and allowed; that proofs of heirships Ire taken and decree rendered I hereon! that allow ances he made for children under seven and fourteen years of age respectively; that a decree distributing and assigning the residue of said estate be entered, and that such other and further orders and proceedings may he had la the premises a may he re quired by the statutes In such case made and provided, to the end that said estate and all things pertaining thereto may be llnally settled and determined, arid the said administratrix olscharimd. You are hereby notltted that If you fall to appear before said court on the Zbth day of Mcntembor, ISM, at 10 o'clm-W a.m., and conl-est said isitltlon, the court may grant the prayer of said petition and make such other arid further orders, allowance and decrees as to this court nmy eem proper, to the end that all mailers pertaining to said estate may Im finally settled arid determined, and the said administratrix discharged, Wit tii's my hand and ontciai cni tnisxira dav of Auaust Iski, 1. W, , r ii.r it. 11.,) tt-'ib-t County Judge, Sheriff' Sale. In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment and decree of the district court for liouglas county, state of '"!,. rendered oi, the llith day of November A. O, lsi. In a certain action wherein lohr Magne was plalnllff arid James P. English, V. i. Ifoichklss and others were deferidand and ut an order of sale Issued thereon out of said dis trict court, bearing date tlm l!Hh day of August, A, l, lH and to me directed, I will on the IMt.h day of fHeptemher, A, It, Hi;i, at 10 o'clock A, M of said day, at the KAHT front door of th, tlouuty Oerrt House, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the highest didder for cash, llm following de scribed lands arid tenements, all si I on led In the county of Imuglas, and slate of Nebraska, to-wlis ,nl twenty 0 and twenty-one tfl), In block eleven Oil, In Mrlggs Place, mo addition ta the city of Omaha, Oouglas county, Ne braska, said property to he sold to satisfy John Miigee the sum of twenty-eight hun dred dollars M,WMH), wlih Interest thereon at rate of seven ill per cent per annum from September Kith, li to satisfy Cslherlnu Piiifcler the sum of eight thousand, nine hun dred, seventy-seven and 47-loU dollars iX,trV7.47i, with Interest thereon at rate of even (7i per cent per annum from Heplemhet Zird. issii, until paid, and forty-two ami tl-liO dollar itnui ci. i. with interest Ihereon from the Itob day of Meoteruher A jr, w.ti, togel her with accruing cost accord ing Ui a Judgment rendered by the district court of said liouglas (tounty Ml Its eep emlsr term. A. It, l, in a certain action tberi and tin-re pending, wherein John Magee was plaintiff and Jame P, Kngllsh, V, J, llotciiklss and others defendants, Omaha, Nebraska, August X(, WJ,. OMrlKiK A. IlK.NNKTT, Hherlff of liouglas County, Nebraska, lllalr k (Joss, otturncys, s-i',-(i Sheriff's Sale, In pursuance arid by virtue of a judgment and decree of the district court for liouglas county, si lite of Nebraska, rendered on the Kit h day of November, A, l, )(, In a certain action wherein Ztiks II. Utchllcld was plaintiff ..lame P, Krigllsh and P.J.IIoUhklss and other weredefendarits.andof an order of sale iMsiied thereon out of said lilstrlct Court, bearing dale the Kith day of August.A ,ll,Wi;i, and to me directed. I will, rin the zrnli day of Heplember, A. II, l',, at III o'clock A, M, of said day, at the KArl'l' front door of the County Court House, In the City of Omaha, liouglas County. Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, tlm following described lands arid tenements, all situated In the County of liouglas, and slate of Nebrak,to-wlt,i Lot twenty-two Ki) and twenty-three Sw in block eleven (III In llrlggs Place, an addi tion to I he city of Omaha, Douglas county, sluts of Nebraska; said proiierty to be sold to satisfy Zeiiim II. Lllchlleld the sum of twenty-elitht hundred dollars i3,l,'0 with Intercut thereon at rale of seven (7) per cent per annum from Mcptciiiber Ktb, Wl; to sat isfy Catherltia Pageler the sum of eight thousand nine hundred severity-seven and 47-lew dollars m.VTiAl) with mierest there on at rule of eight (7) per cent ner milium from September ii;id,IHf,untll liala.and forty one and ;t-tno dollars costs, with interest thereon from the Idday of Heplcmber, A. II. IHttt, toKi'lln r with accruing costs ac cording Oi a judgment rendered by the lilstrlct Court, of said DoiiulasuCouiity, at, ll K.;.! Llichfli-ld wa plalutirr and .lame P. Kngllsh, p.. I, llotchklss and other were defendant. Omaha. Nebraska. A ugust Klrd. ism. (.MiKi.K A HKNNKTT, s 2.V5 HhcrltTof Dougla County, Neb. lllalr and Ooss, attorney. are: i i:i:nimiinu 'mnti:i (iff fTPaa A. P. A. AIIE LINCOLN COUNCIL NO. I, AMERt can Protective Association meet every sec ond end fourth Wednesday of each month in I. O. O. K, hull, Plattsmooth. Neb. Visiting members are welcome, V, P. lirown. Hue. Patriotic Oder Sons of America, WrAH'HNOTON CAMP No, I, P, O. . of A.. ' meet each Thursday evening at lted Men' Hall, Fifteenth and Ifcruglu His. WASHINGTON CAMP No. n, P, O, . of A Council Hluirs.-Meof.lng In their ball over 4V Kroadway, every Wednesday night at I o'clock, J, B. V PsTrsa, Hoc rotary Omaha Express and Delivery Co. TELEPHONE 114, Moving and Light Expm Work Trunk and faroal Delivery. Household Ooods Pocked. Htored an-Hlilpimd Ofllce, Hill North tAth Hlreet, llrauch omce N. K, Cor, th and Lake Htreets, Tele phone 1675, PHIC'Kf UKAHONA HLK, y J. L, TU KN BY, tWPIano Moving l Specialty, Man air er, 0 E0. W. LA NCASTElt & CO. OUSKHao AOKNT WHEELER - WILSON BKWINQ mac HNeaa. E8tey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs, SOLL ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Needle, OH, Supplies for all kind of Hew ing Machine, Our own Mechanic Is first class. Will repair any Hewing Machine, TtLffHOMM III. 014 Booth 81 xteentb St., Omaha. BAUMLEY & SMITH HT. MAllVH AVENCJR LIVERY STABLE Light Muggles, Haddln llor-, Carriage, Coupes, Klc sue zzBoarding a Specialty, 17tb and St, Mury'i Ar. Tslephon 440 M. O. MAUL, Huccessor to Drexnl A Maul, Undertaker and Embalmer 1417 Fitrnam Btreot, Tgi.gnioaa m, OMAHA NEB. TO THE WORLDS FAIR Tiaa tiik GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUT! From hi NOOLS, OMAHA ind OOONOIL BLUFF8, Kemember, this Lino bus a Detiot for all trains at Knglewrsid (suburb of Chicago), close to tha World's Pair Date, CHA. KINNIDV, Oen'l N.-W, P, A Omaha.Neb, WM. NICKLAS, Brick Contractor and Builder Estimate furnished on all Und of Ilrlck and Mason work. 2230 8 8VENTKENTH 8T. Telrphont 1799, OMAHA. NEB, W. T. WHITE & CO., IOO NORTH IflTH ST. Boohs and News, ,,,., Periodicals, Magnxlnes, Notions, Pine Pocket Cutlery, cigars, I ohiuwos. arid Hmoker Hun- drle. Lverythlug first class, I J Friendi Patronage Solicited. mm