) Hb AMbRICAN, (3 HE IRISH QUESTION. NUy rpr i ir e M tt 0 la tr U WkNli ttf 1lr W.r In t'llwtiag i" t'mt lioiniia llUUn, O'NttM I t lttM I AT A M K jv ii tvr.ik, f Tt i. i i-tt "I pna title Trim t li I J r-.H-; tin' n l IS v, Dr Nulty p? a. In d It hi SS. IV l r and Paul's day, ami bo orottii neiil by Vilif for sniii linn on ss. Pi l r and Paul': til went on and spuke of hi nn tunc, Alien he a curate and tarih priest mill bishop, mil! Jo' Mill that tin' (W trine that the great Mint tn;hl tie and the other biiho, their direct nu1-ei-Kwir?, taught today; he Inlmlmvit the gvnoral election at the present crisis in the country, and wil.l Unit "Parm lllsm mas nothing ltottor than a heresy, and that he would approach the death-bed of h drunkard or ft profli gate with greater confidence a U) hi salvation than Hint of a l'ttrnoUit. " Mr. Justice O'Hrion, In delivering judgment, wild; i now conio to tho particular ground on which tho valid ity of this election la questioned, und tho first and gravest In the pastoral of tho most Ilev. Dr. Nulty, which was read in all the churches on tho 3rd of July, setting forth as It did tho Divine authority of tho church, the obligations of the moral law which Mr. Pnrnell had violated, and the responsibility of those who supported Parnellism. All aliko with great power of expression and moral dignity and severity cal culated to havo tho most powerful ef fect on the community to which it was addressed. Parnellism was alleged to strike at tho root and sap tho very foundations of the Catholic faith. It was stated to have boon declared un lawful and unholy by tho successors of the apostles, though the resolution of the bishops, which wbb the foundation of this proposition as fur as I recollect, related solely to tho question of politi cal leadership. Those who refused to accept that proposition on the assumed authority of the Catholic hierarchy wore pronounced to have deprived themselves of every reason for believ ing in tho doctrines of a revealed re llglon, which all rested upon tho same authority. 'Invlnclblo Ignorance' I quote the words that exception which identifies the condemned doctrine with horesy, was allowed possibly to excuse misguided men and women, for it was laid clown authoritatively that no in telligent or well-informed person 'could remain a Catholic and continue to cling to rarnelllsm.' The church became converted, for tho time being, Into A VAST POLITICAL AUKNCY, tt great moral machine moving with resistless influence, united action, and a single will. Jivirg privrt who mi examined was a euuromr; the ivhvuh wuh cmt' whtre mi theultur, hi thewrtry, on the rot(Z, in the Imimh. There Is ono other Incident which, though not directly connected with tho question of spiritual intimidation or spiritual In fluence, or of any spiritual Intimidation or intimidation of a spiritual kind, I considered it my duty to advert to, namely, the Incident with which the nume of tho 1U v. Father Bkelly is con nectedthat curious and unusual cir cumstances of the dismissal, as was alleged on ono side, and the dismissal by himself, as was alleged on the other, of the person who was employed in the convent ol tho sisters of mercy in Trim. Ho was ennvnssed for his vote and he refused to give it, lie appears to havo been employed at tho convent as a laborer, and he appears to havo re ceived Homo small addition to his wages for the performance of the duty of col lecting for the chapel. There was a statement niado in proof of his sup posed political zeal that upon a par ticular day a festival of tho church' ho was absent from that duty, Hut there was no evidence given, that I recollect, on that point at all namely, that he hud, in order to attend ft meet ing or take part In some political demonstration of sonio kind, deliberate ly absented himself on tyi occasion when ho was required to attend and collect at tho chapel. Leaving that out, let us direct our attention to the other matter that he was canvassed for his vote, and that ho refused to give it, and tho Hev. Mr. Skelly stated to him that ho must seo the parish priest - that ho must tell this matter to the parish priest or see the parish priest. On the very same day he went and ga ve up his situation according to my recol lection, on tho very sumo day. Tho suggestion is that this wus a i:ian who considered that he would derive some advantage from a course of that kind, greater than he could from retaining his employment. lie did not nppear to have taken any other employment im mediately, nor can I seo that tho char acter of tho employment was referred to namely, mowing was open to hi in at the time this happened at all. lie was supposed to havo taken this course with a view to tho advantage of what is culled political martyrdom. Politi cal martyrdom has undoubtedly some kind of advantages, but I would rather say, In view of the experience of later times, thatfpolitlcal martyrdom in the t ti .tit ! O'lvr ;,, ( M :l ,.. j.l Mi- lt.t - Hj tnt.a.- .lii.. ! t(,tl f-H ll I d . I . ft. it l' O i Os 1 H't ( .1 t ,. t; . ., .t I 't. .t ), f'v fit f. I .' U,l Hint lt .1 I, ,!,,-( f, I H t. ,...tl I H iMl't J"t I t HI ttt Uint t iMtUt hV( Ht'.t ln.!- II feno ll.H.niil !j Ht'tt ) , ' It till ... 'j, ..I. .I ,i . In ' 111 . Im'f k. pt m h V-i 'Hi II T lt mi t iii'-rvj i-iv t'tMtitttt! tn'iv, Hint Hi IV AIUiti d pMn-nllv mliH ! ihi'H ii. 4 ttist thi Hn h4 irin if hi in hismixI, for on mtRiCii lit Tefi, nnd ti thst !' ni not in nay dniiirr at all of living liln viiii'leyment, but boiu Hint Biviit it up, Ittil Ihnt tlew entlrt'lj fulled, NhWiiih' aeh of the hIhU-ih of merry whown fiiiiitilmHl ilti-il Itist In the con venml Ion with them he said that he had n-fumtl Kntln-r hketly for hi et. and that tin y In tin' jltil of charily and consideration for an Imnible manhnd raid to lilm that wan no reason for giving up hl pmplnyincn! -which lean iH'ifectlv understand -putting a different const ruction nsm, not that tlu refusal was any reason for giving up the employment, or the Interview was any reason for it, but suggesting to his mind that there was a mode of avoiding a dlfllculty by giving his veto. That was the construction that an humble man would ho disposed to put uHin It. Itev. Mr. Skelly was exam ined, and ho cannot deny, of course, that ho stated to this man that he would toll tho parish priest. It hus oc curred to himself that tho reason he used the expression was merely to re port to tho parish priest that ho had failed to obtain the man's vote, but he could report that to the parish priest without telling Cowley of It, and I am forced to draw the conclusion that tho statement that ho would tell the parish priest was undoubtedly Intended to con vey to tho mind of this man that his situation was In danger that some complaint would be made of him which would probably result In tho loss of his employment, llev, Mr. Skelly did not deny another statement made by the witness, that ho had threatened to havo him put in KUmalnham. Put la Kll mainhaml For what crime? What crime had he committed? This humble man what crime had ho committed at all? No crime that I can understand, except that, with a decent spirit, not wishing to make known what had hap pened to him, apparently under tho frown of a power that ho thought ho could not resist, ho bowed his head In humble submission, and gave up tho bread of his wife and his children for his own independence Some other matters have boon Introduced into this case which are of course of an extremely delicate and painful character all tht Incidents connected with the confession. Whether It was right or wrong to give that evidence whatever view may bo taken of it on any side, or In any respect, tho evidence was of an un usual and an unprecedented kind. The statement made was that several clergy men, the names of whom are mentioned, had canvassed voters In the confes sional, and there Is no person at ull there Is no Catholic who cannot under stand tho tremendous Importance of evidence of that kind, In all the In stances but ono, undoubtedly the com munication was after tho confession was over; but there was ono Incident a tremendous and unexampled Incident in which this Interference with tho franchise entirely Innocent, I believe, and from tho purest reasons and motives, according to the evidence was allowed to Intrude into the mys terious sanctity of the til vino commis sion Itself, and in which the absolution of tffe penitent was postponed at least owing to tho construction possibly made to depend upon tho vote ho gave, And now let me not bo supposed to have any desire at all to do Injustice; i was greatly Impressed, as my colleague was, with tho demeanor of the Hev, Mr. Fox, an aged clergyman, not Identi fied to any degree at all by active partisanship In the contest a man ap parently advanced In life, of great moderation and great modesty and con sideration of his duty, and If such an Incident bo strictly eo'Teet, It would bo open to no ambiguity at all which we have no means of knowing hero. I certainly do unhesitatingly come to the conclusion that If tho Hev. Mr. Fox did undoubtedly speak In confession to this man concerning his vote, ho cer tainly did so In the strongest sense of his own duty," Mr. Justice O'Hrlen, In conclusion, referring to the clergy generally, said: "I have no doubt, a strong obligation of obedience to their own bishop, and whether or not In conformity with their own opinions and sentlmenls, did use language calculated to convey to tho minds of the voters in this division that their conduct In this election In volved the question of eternal con demnation or t he contrary. Now, hav ing expressed that opinion, it remains tome o say one word concerning the legal aspects of the evidence concern ing this question In relation to agency, ami upon that apparently very little dlfllculty seems to me to arise. I con sider If ever there was a ease of agency established it wus In their particular case. Mr, Fullani was named as the candidate from tho very Is'ginnlng of ' tW r, .!-' I,, ' 'i it.!,.! !t Hi t ' t t , ,!, I,.. i i; I tl.i-' itb I ! I 1. . fci' V:l -I H.fHt li- ' i I l, n I. J I . ' I I ..' I I" . It . . I (iiMin! IS. il : ;it wif-iw j i t. .t ii i p , ..I tl tit H.MI (ll ll.t . ; onf ilil'imn, hi , t'I'ili ll'i1 pi l'U- i,h t.tft ii bi ts tin1 U -'tj " ti" l i ftl. d, tlmtikid p..l'W U.. il'lf) f" tl !!! tin ) tm.) ... in .V ami tin 1'iilj ji. tU4i llinf mi n Id i main ihi tut tut ltd I'm finnlt lf til" lib'liii' ' l tin' npptli Hin of thU tfim h'i lit at aU, aiiil ! ibe il!. ppSHliiMiil any mnh turn In the vIUun the eli t(ji snuii-d. Tin y n-t r to me to hw fiillllli-d p.tHiii pi im Ipl, lute Mr. Fiiliam Ham nij the avM and upon ihat 't of Hi" matter, thrrvforv, I lime formed my opinion. We liau hi aiil ft gli al ileal, of coiirw, of Hie liiioi tnev of this iiieslliiu, and this trial, and great many argument and obm'rvntloiis ha.l Uhii made con cerning It. 1 am quite ennsetous of the glial Importune' of Itthat It. Is a strugghi Ih'Iwiiu givnt purl lis and groat interests, and, It iniiy Im of great consequences. Hut with Iho conso queiiei'S I havo no concern whatever. My concern Is with justice; my al legiance Is to justice alone, and in the fulfilment. of that obligation I am con strained in justice to declare that, In my opinion, tho election for the South division of Meath, both under statute and the common law, Is void through undue lnllucnce, and must be set aside, (Applause In court, which was im med lately suppressed )." In the North Mouth elect ion, Hernurd Clarke said: "I heard Father Mo Namee read Iho pastoral on tho llrd of July. He said there would Iks an im portant sermon at last mass, which i attended. Tho Hev. Dr. Nulty, tho bishop, preached the promised sermon. " What did the bishop say? "Ho said there was to bo a meeting of Mr. Duvltt's supporters; that Mr. Davitt would bo there himself on tho following Sunday; to come In like lambs and go out like lambs, but to Im armed with slicks, and l booed or in sulted thattliu people would get their skulls broke In, and that they would bn beaten with the sticks," Is that all you remember? "I left the chapel when 1 heard hloi say wo would get our skulls broke In." Jlo whs still speaking? "Yes." "That was the bishop himself? "Yes." Patrick Sherlock said: "The Sunday before tho polling day at Navau, his lordship (the bishop) refoi red to the fact that that wus tho last Sunday ho would hnvo an opportunity of speaking to them, and ho told them that any mini that would vole for Mahony that ho would stand before the bar of justice In reference to that man who voted for Muhony and plead against him," Maurice Nulty, of Smlthslown, near Crossaklel, said: "The day' before the election, Hev, James Murphy came to mo. We discoursed on tho election. 1 said to him, '(inly for priestly Influence, and Intimidation there would bo no seceders.' Wo argued for u quarter of an hour, and he said, 'You Insulted tne and I settled your house and garden for ilds. a year,' Tho priest's undo Is the owner of tho house, and ho said the rent Is not fixed yet. The rent win fixed on the 21th of February, but the handwriting (confirmed In writing) was not done," Patrick Kelsh said: "I look an active part on behalf of Mr. Mahony, I attended a number of Pnrnell's meet ings after March, IHtil; up to that time I had been on best of terms with Father Kelly, I havo tin aunt up to eighty years of age living at our house, For tho last fifty years thero was always the privilege of muss being said In our house, Since March I met Father Kelly on three occasions, und ho did not salute me. 1 havo not had mass In the house since I began to attend Mr. Parnell's mcctlngii In March, 1HHI. 1 acted as personation agent for Mr. Mahony; Hev. father Cassldy noted for Mr. Davitt In tho sumo liooth at Slane.' An Illiterate voter came In and throw himself on his knees before Father Cassldy, and In n. faltering voice ho wild, 'I will vote for Mr. Davitt.' He threw himself on his knees as If ho was going to confession,'" Mrs, Anno O'Ciilluhari deposed that she wnsft daughter of Margaret Ilonin, a feeble woman of advanced years. "When I went out of the house on the day related by my mother, rny mother was sitting by tho side wall of the house, tho priest standing right straight foment tho door. I said, when I opened the door and seen him, 'Whaf, are you doing, father?' 'Why did she throw stones at tho priest?' he said, I said she did not. f did ii"t know whether she did or riot, hull said the word. He said that she did, and for the same reason that she should beg his pardon, I asked him where did she gel Iho stones, and bo said she threw them, no matter where she gut them. I iald, 'Don!t hit her,' 'I would,' he sftld, 'and hit you, too.' I snld tha' It would be better not.'" Did he ask your mother again to lx g his pardon? "Yes; and he was persevering mid leaning over to her to be;? his pardon, anil i said to him, 'You are very Ig norant, fat her.' 'I am Ignorant?' In i '-..H! I Tt. M ,l ti i I im 1 1, ini ' m I t,'H, ,.( ,tll! .l I. Ull. I t.l - I ljlMlil ' Km I.I I 1 to t) M tl ! i i t. tm , US, l . i,. i,, I- im i d it I I II , .1 pi I .1 it., I I ll I i I il , I l-.i VI a I i ti In- , ! ; m, Hi.. njH lt i l,i II ii I ' 1 (I, Sin' iii I ! Ili, ii alm.i ; ln n it', gii .ft tMtiiing lo IhU li" i l I sle pi. M el i ini.. "' iul tin- pi ii'l lt'il,e jmi " i .ii till' fnm " Wiii' leiiii.m jour mi. I n. ii,. i,l l 111.' Illll, '' Within tao wi-ek if my eoiillni" liti'iil " TIioiiih Mi-ade snld; " ws on I lie Hii I at Hinli'iinliia n on ttn in nlng ol tin ei.iiiiiuallou, I ri'im mls r l'aihi i Dully lIMIilllg up. lie I'll in. k urn mi the nuUlilo nt Hie eye W illi a big sllek ho hml. It drew my IiIimhI, I gav him no ulteuiv nor wild wuiil. II' truek anolher man aln '' l.nke FIishI, of Hiislown, said: I nut n voter for North Mead. The Hev, M, Hiiffei ly Is curate ol my pal ish. About a lot tni).' lit Isdoro the poll he canvassed me for my vote, I told hlui 1 would Hot give it to him. In the middle of Oololier 1 asked the reverend gentle man In come to administer Iho last sacraments til my wife who was dying. He told mo to go to Pierce Mahony. I said I earno tor hlui. Ho said 11 was a busy day, and that he could not go till the evening, llocamn In tho evening and attended my wife, who died on Hie Tuesday following, lie did not speak to mo, although he saw me." To he Continued. OLD WINTERS ON THE FARM. I'vo Jsnt sliniil iliirlili il IlM kiiop a lnwii boy liopiiln For lo win k nil wlnlur cluipjiln FiTfiolil ilri'iiliii's, lllis I illil. Uiwul Tliiim ulil t linns wsN cnntrnlrf Munis liai klHina ii' wlntur, 'lmnmil Ilk Wniililn'l liri'nk, ami I wssskmirnilllkt OImoi n Into I'Vli'miry, Nnilila I'vnr tiuulii inn mii(lir Tlmn fur uii tii moinp In, lnyln On ni'Xlru fnrnMUik, suyin. "Uroiiiriiiiu's out nml K'i'il hid sliiulitnr," -.liinii'i VVIiltiiniiiti lllloy. Wml Tlmt Is Now Valnalila. A generation ago thero was hardly a mill of any kind tlmt win not troubled with n heap of rubbish or wastn material that It did not know what to do with. Bilk manufacturer saw the Hso of this hnup with annoyance, and they took it as ftfavor if any ono would cart it away and nso it as n fertilizer, An English in ventor guessed at the possibilities In this pile of refnsa and set about Invent Ing machinery to utillzo It. Today, as a result of his foresight and genius, 5,000 parson ro employed In making the flriost silk plushes, ribbons and velvets from tho refusa piles of silk mill, and tho inventor has grown rich. Th cottonsefid oil Industry Is a bet tor known Illustration of economizing wnstn, but the dimension to which the industry ha grown aro not so generally known. Tho annual product In oil. cnloi, lint and hull from cotton send, which a generation ago wa allowed to rot, is 7,000,000, and it could bo mads greater if thero wa a tnarknt for tha product. Philadelphia Press. Tim A rail's piinkfif. One sec Arab coming into Constan tlnopln with a donkey load of wood, which they sell for 8 franc. They hav como A milii with it, sell it, and next day ride tint donkey back, A A rnoal cost thmn but 3 cent, tho wood nothing, and tho donkey doe all the work, what socio a small profit I really A good ono, And who Is it that earn 11 All saddle beast in the east go what our Anglomunlae call "artificial" gaits: in fact, throo-fonrth of alt tho animals in tho world do o. Mnle which are ridden always "sidle" or atnblo, all don kny running-walk, rack or nmbla. lint nowlmro nxccpt in our ont horn states bav these gait boon studied as an art, improved on and bred from, Colonel T, A. Dodge-in Harper'. MarryliiK for Til jr. A fair maiden who had weathered tha blast of in hi w 111 summer wu in formed by A booby that nriles sha mar rlod him he would blow tha ton of his hand off. It's a pity she didn't lot him dolt. Head of that kind ought to lie blown off tivery tlrno. That 1 what thay ara for. Hut Dosdemonft pitied Othello, and this fair maiden pttlad Imr lover and went to the parson' with hi in. That wa only a month ago, and now if be want to kill himself alio will nrasnnt him with tho bast silver mounted pistol In the market. Marrlngo 1 a solemn contract, and it i better to think twlco before signing it. Now York Tolegram. All flight. Two men became engaged in a fight In tho street. Instantly their hat want off and rolled in the dust One of the men wa entirely bald, and the other had a thick head of hair. The bald man fllzed the other by the hair and began to drag him about. . "Stop him I" cried A bystander, "Why honld yon atop him?" asksd another. "Ho' only practicing the gold en rnlo." "The golden rule? What do yon mean?" "Why, he' doing to tho other man what he wlsho to gw""" the other man might bo able to do to hlml" Youth' Companion. Anttatpatorjr. Lady of tho H mse Aren't you asham ed of yourself a groot, strong man like yon to be idling your tlmo awajr? Transient Individual Ah, mnm, but yon forget tho buslnes depression. Lady of tho House Hothor the busi ness depression! To my knowledge yotl haven't done a stroke of work for year. Transient Individual Of conrne. I wm merely anticipating tho panic, you inow getting used to loafing no I shouldn't mind It when there w no work to bo had. Boston Transcript Mm iftist NU iHAtUt.ttn A lilfcttl I III. .!., 1 inlntxB VI M. ft '.tH4 tM, I Ik lHI 1 ,. tut ih'iviU ii,i iMim if A 'Will "I n mi I .iitnij in tin Ii.-iii of hi. f it. i tin tt,n ii i.f tin .1, in h f r III ltti tint l tn tin II -lb! lf liH ri'lnl'ii I mi l l.i dmlli 1 le V bsl Ii l had In i i itniitU i f l lug i., li..l .t hih,'. Iv fn iiie utriiiiitltiijt, tu t Ii tlo tin tniii Mint III hli li 1'iiiiM i In iii d tlirm In Ihiit f utrwi II In Ihi tiiiiimiit nf ill i I iiiniui', but ln i hsio h-,.i iiiiiilnU i.f im n In tha lisn, Hie! Oil! In Ida Imn haul fsrvlea, who Wmil. I liava died as I isn lv an Im did, It U I In Iradlttolt of Imlll a,rvli'i - tol, wa think, tit order-Ihat I he nlule at In rank on a ship In rn imtt la llm lal In quit tha tiM'li thai, a oectitred A few )inr siw, mi n a slow away, who is almost a crliiiiunl In sailors' v in, iiitml lalia iiiiiih'inHi of the ciiplnln In si'iir tug mifel v. The ei lijlo of I Im rule Is, w a fancy, (Killeytlml Iho Mat or the own r 1st prods m by Ihn eupluin's snlher. tty to Iho lusl- but It has leionia an nil qiirtta ami a pride, and In the records of hundred of w reeks you w 111 find few In which It was ever broken. "Tho cap lain was the hint to leave tho ship" Is Dm end of almost every telegram of marine disaster. In ot her words.dlselpllno has continued for centuries under tho pressure of the same tittccHsit tea, and the sumo Ideas, has extinguished In a class by no menu de void cither of faiills or vices, a most tin in nt 1 and templing form of aelltshnesa has Induced a whole series of men, many of them hardly educated, to face a slow and painful form of death rather than fail in the performance of a professional duty, Tlmt Is a wonderful result of train ing, and it is ono which makes those who see it clearly doubt whether tho modern world i altogether In the right path, Tho old Ideal for the formation of character was discipline, hardship, prcs nro, alike from tho law and from teach er and from opinion, and il certainly produced many of tho virtues, espoclul'v that 0110 of obedience, which tho world everywhere but on ablpboardwlmre thero are few unrealities and men carry their live In their hands has taken to despising, Tho modern idea I that dls cipllno even for children is an oppressive thing' that It turn men into machines, and it quenelles individuality that It Is, in short, unpleasant, whereas pleasant ness 1 the end of life. Wo seo tho wsult of the change in tho disappearance of many forms of oppres sion, and 11 lighter atmosphere for men to move in, and wo seo it also in the slow disappearance of many tioblo ele ment in character. Tho old system, working with good material, produces as it perfect result Admiral Tryon, The new, working also on tho right material, produces the Jlrltlsh agitator, Admiral Tryon was no doubt a brave man and gentleman without help from the service or its traditions, but the orvleo had annealed hi character Into what It was, something for a nation n be proud of, which would hardly havo been exhibited or havo existed amid tho iridlselpllni and softness of civil life, When one hear of such A man so meet ing such im end, it i dlfllcult not to donbt whether liberty a now infer preted i such a perfectly good thing; whether instant obedience to command 1 not better training; whether pressure from all sides, from service rules, opin ion and hardship togef her doe not weld men Into something worthier of tho as plratiori wnlch, while men havo con cionccH, they never quite get rid of, London Spectator. Canta In a llimtMnck, Tho idea of cuslo and das intend evnn to the bootblacklng fraternity, This 1 illustrated by a recent occurrence In ISroad street, An Irish shoo polisher has a stand In frontof Debnonlco'sold restaurant. Sot long lnco ho entered a broker' office to render professional services. In hi ab aanco a dandy young negro seated him nelf in the chair and awaited hi return. When tho bootblack again opjicarod on tho scene, ho wa horrified. A ha approached his stand negro said, "Hblno 'em up, please,' and bo quick About it." "Not if I know Myself,'' replied tho bootblack1, with an oath, "Oct out ot that chair," he continued. "If bad enough for mo to be shining boot all me life, but I've got thl to ay I never hlnod shoe but for ono of my own col orsNew York Herald. I'liliiln A limit mlli, Tho grout sail needle, which ha to be pushed with a steel palm, wonld puzzle most people; so, tis, the broom maker's needle, whlrh must also lie pushed with A steel palm, Tho curious knitting ma chine needle, with 11 lafehof, the arr. P eno and crewel needle, and the need'e for shirring machine; tho weaver' pm for picking up broken thread, with an Open eyo In the hook. Tho needle, a wo see It today, Is the evolved product of centuries of Invention, In it primi tive form it "im made of bono, ivory or wood. The milking of Spanish tieedl' wa introduced Into Knghmd during tho nelgn of (jncon Kllzalieth, Point by Ednt the manufacture ha improved. , ii. Vance In Ladles' Homo Journal. Tim flirlnlUn Nanw, Tho term "Christian name" is used In England and America only, "Ilaptlsuml name" Is used In other countries, Tha terms seem to have been used firatafter the reformation, when Biblical names were used as a reaction against tha use of tha saints' mimes in the calendar. It is evident that all liihllcal name are net Christian, but the reaction went so fur a to consider everything in tho Hilda a Christ Ian and ever) thing not In the Hi bio as purlin or certainly nonchrlstian, New York F.venitu Sun, Nut Wurlli Sln. Miko (going down a bnlder rioiilfi on, Pat. Don't y eoiii't on thu ladder till O'im down, It's ould and cracked Pat (getting on) Arm, be aisy. Il Would survo Hi' bom ritfht to have to buy I new one, New York Weekly. Ai in Ii it li.i hi ,ttt,itn I fcw- l ,-i 1 1 it...- , . tMt . Iv, I . !- ,1 , ,. , , I II , , J, I II II -nk I W. ..i....kl M.,ii.i Is,, lii.i.., , -I ik ..( 1 ,, 1 , , 1 ,,,., il iilii.tl . m . . ,1. ... 1., I ,,!,, I I- !- f- 1 - . t,i A -. if i .1.- 1, i, II (-,! . I S.I, , t I l I .1 - .1 . . . ,. .. ,..,., w, 11 I'm I I ini'. n 1 ..... 1 N ,.. . 1 . . I ). l" 11.11.1' I ,' . , a I ll. I'll. I Il t.ll- , ,.( II.,.. n I 1 1 -. ,M l 1,1, i, -I l k Uii4l,4 t,lilli .( lr Itafck m-'l 1 i'l'l .ll.'H I... .....(..,,,,. II. I I, .1 , 1 . ( A M . .1 I !( kl(, ,M. I,4I,' .ii, iii, 1 . ,1 1, i f A n 11 1 l ' 1 I It,-- lite , ll.i I ti n l.i Im Ii . k. I. .1 I ,,.ii, .11. , 1 ,,.l l.i , ,, .1.1. I II.. ,11 ,.i, ,, 11,,. . .. 1 ,tl..i, HI, , int ,,,, ,,. t,, ft,,- kl, h. t lt kll.lVl l I, 1 U ,,U ,ft 1, 1111, l, 1,1 l .,4.l t t , M ft f ,, 1) l, ( ,, ,,, , ,,)., it t il, k-.H I 4 II. 11, I, ., t 1.1 11 kin 1 ml, 11I, I.. iti ti l.i I 1,1 tin m, ti 1,1 lit,,, 1 .1 ti,l lltl.1 Ik ill Mill M.iw Ik milk Ink I", Hut Illll' H III t.ll.l 111 II, II .III. I I . I.I I ,,K, l .f H.1,.,,1,,1 Hllll 1,1 kllilnl Hi tii' 1 (I I Ik I,, thl Intuitu- ktlil lulll'l till' lit 11. k 1 1 1 I i.f .ili ,., IklliHt 4 'I hi- t.iliitt ,i( k-ilil 1 in ,H,littii l-likll tH- I Itltlh,, It'll l ft Ulkl .1 llf tt !tl I'k tint tt- i-e, Op. g tin- In tiiiii.lk,, . ,11. t,i til, 11 ill. lit i Hi.. l..i. i.J.rn nf knlil 11 it it n " tlnllj wnlll I Iih HkIi I,, ,t u-til mi Hit- Sll. i 111 mlii t n Ininiiii tf In 1- irli k nil i' 1 11 1 fi , al Sit'tiiM-k In I I. i- nttl rt nt k.,lil 1 hi 1 itt nlliiii klmll In. 1 n alili lit, 1 ti lnty 11ml I n n-ilii I Im -l.-i ll l.i. 1 Ii.. l, i l,y Dili Im li i-k hihI linhl nlli. i' On II, e ii im nt in, 11 yi-Mr. Slnl imlll Hull 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 . kitriiiiitk Hill l Ii rli .1 nml ,iii,ll, il .1 (lie 11 link nml rniulllliiiik nf iiifiiilii-f . klilit nin Hum. nf llin ni iiillim 11 )tn ki tll'i liy Ilk d iik mm il. 1 iih i npi.ii, nt Hk Hie kiimti Inn y Im 11II1111I nml rli'iliii il ; Hlui llin iniiiiilii tk nf kitlil i iiiihiihiIiiii H1i1.il I111 ii 11 in I m 1 In uihiiI kliinilliiii nf llin unlit f ' , t 1 ti, - I nf Hie A im't linn tinier nf fleam I iiiliiii i'ik, slili li U uinli-r Hie iu Ikiili'liim nf ku III unlit fur Hie I Hi I i-il f Inluk nf A mi lies, Hllll lii'iiilililnrli'M ill tin' rllf nf Ni. nth. II S11I1I Itii'in mii 11 1 Inn klmll ntil I in 11 r In lie I il 11I iiiim fur liny HiniMiiil alnilnvi'l'l Imr nnv Miililllly In ynnil I In- hiiiiiiiiiI nf kirk I K' III' II I II 11 llf lil-ll'llf li t In Im- iiiiv I1I11I In ln liy limn in lie piiiil In H iiU'IiiIm ik nmli r Hut leniik nml I'liinlll linik In Hk hy luwk mini ern vlileil in itk inny In-reiifli-r In-1 1 r 1 v 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1, I lie Ititeiilliiii til Hil I tint en mi' 11 1, m lo Ini'iii imritli'i fur lii ni' vuli'iil inn iiii , llin kiH'leltr lit1 Imily lii-li-tiifntu I'llnliiiK In lint i-liy nf Hinnliii, -lull' nf Ni'lil'itkkii, knnwii 11 11 1 1 tiHiiieil ilk I lie I in v lil lllllii-i t I iiiimil ,No, i, Nelitnnku, A lin-l li'lill linli'l n( HIi-hiii I' ll tt I I'm. mint iixlNilns nmler Hut Jiirlkilli-Hiiti of Hie A Ini'l li'lill lllili'l' nf fleitlii I livllli'l'l'k, S II Ii lii'Miliilill li tk nt I In-I'll y nf Ni.w Vni k, Hi 'I I ii uf New link, In wIliifM wln-ti-iif aii liiiyti In-rciinlo set our Ininilk Hilk l.'iili ility nr AiiKiiit. s;i:i. I'. W. nil. 10,11 r. 1 iikk K Wt-rss, ,(4s. W. lines, I1'. W, I'm kiss, A i s, Mi MlillftKV, H'l'kTS Olr Nf lllUSS, I rniini y nf liitiiKliiH, I 1111 1 h U I'lili ilny nf AiiKiml, Im 1:1, In furii inii. I1', W. I-llrd. a iiiiimy iiiilille In snil fur hhIo i-oioil y mill kliile, n MDinilly 11 .m-m i i! I Ihi liliiim nitiiii il diiylil VV. inllii'il, Inn li k K, Weeks, , I. VV. flunk. I'. W. IVikliik 11 ml Alen Htiiler Mi-llui iiey, lm nut n'iiiiiilly known In inn In lie I he lililil li'lil fierwiMN who klylieil Hit' itlinvii 111 1 li li'k nf Iiii'iii iiiii itl Inn, null lin y ki-vi iiilly iiekmiwIeilKi'il 1111I1I hml rumi lil, to lie Ilielr yiiliuiliiry ml 11 ml deeil fur I tin (oir-pimi-k Hn-ii-lii iiii'iik il, In wlliii'kN wln-ii-iif my Iniml and iinliuliil siinl Hie day und duM' IiimI hIiiivh wi II M-ii, f, W, Ini 11, Sl.arlll ' Safe. fa iiiiikiiiim'i' H141I liy ylnimnf a tndu meet Mild lleeren nf H111 (tlnlrlel, (.imrt for Hillllk I'lillllly, f llil nf Nelll'llkkll, ll-lideled tin Hut llilli ilny of Nnvciiits-r,ls(, In n enrliili in'llmi Wlierelii MitrHiil I. I'n-kenl I, wtik pliilnl Iff mid KJ.IIfitelikisit. Hurry K, I'ltHerson and oilier with di femliiiifN, und of an ( inii' r of fitlii Iskiieil Ihereiiii nut nf kitld I'lktrlet l uiirl, Hen f In v lime Hut filth dii y ol A iiKKkl, I "'.1,1, Hml In me dlreeo-d, I will, on Hm ;'-lli day of fenii'iiilii-f, A. ti, Ix'i'i, nt 10 ii'i lis'k n, in, nt suld diiy, lit Hie KAsT frntil dnnr of Hie (iiioily (mill, limine, 111 I lie I'll V of "m litei, llmiKliut rmmly, Ni tn n-k 11, well ill, linlill'S ani-l Inn, to lint IiIkIu'sI lild'li-r for i-iihIi, Hitt fillnliiK dew rllii'd liiii'U and Oniemt nlk, nil kli.iiito-d In Urn I'minly of I'miKliik, la Hut f line of Ni-lirskka, In-wlli l.nlk iwenly-fiiiir 11 snd Iwi-nly-IlK' 1) In lilnek uleven II 1 1 In Hriu I'lites kii iidili timi In llm elly nf O11111I111, Imii.-liik i iiiiiiiy, kittle nf Nebraska, f itld (irniM-rly lo Im of'l In kiil lsfy Min i Im ii, I'resi-iill 111" mii 'if twenly-elKhl. Iiniiilriid ilollsrs 1 ! siiii nil; Willi Inleri kl, Hiermm itl ru in of ki-ven i'Ii i-ri'-iil eer annum from Mi-jiH-inluT l!Hi, Is1!! In wit Isfy ritllii-rlna 1'ineler llin sum nf i-ljilit Hiiiiikiiml nine liinelied ki-yenly-knyt-n mid '-inidnlhtr's !ri7,4V wild Inn-ii-kl, Hit-rimti Ht mMi of keyeit (7 ,er eeet. Iter Sfiliillit fnim fe,iemlier 2;inl, Iswt iitilil ftitld and fniiy-llni mid .7-I'm dollars (f l.i .Vi i-ikilk Willi Inn lent Hiert-mi from llm I'.'l Ii liny of Senlemlier, A, II,, imrj, UivllU'f Willi tt'-cru- IiiK t'lisls iiei'iirdliiK In 11 liiilKmenl, renilen-d try Hm dlkfi li'l emu I of kitld 'oiikIik i-minl y, nf, Hk Hiiliml-r K-tm, A, l I""!!, In an iii-Mon iln-n and llu-rK fiendlriK, wli'-mlo Marllnil, i'ri-kcnll, was 'iliiltiHIt and V, i. Ilnieliklkk, llinry Ii, i'lMi-rmm and nllinrs were defend 11 tils, Omiiliii, NehiMHHii, Antfiikt U isiitl. i.Hiu.li, a, 11 r.M.N err, Sheriff of lmixlu I oiinly, Illalr hnd Hiwk, attorneys, S-XV8 Notice of rlnal 8ftlernnt. Sr'is or Nrsinkkk, lionillilk I'minly. ( In Hie eotiniy eoiirl, tit linunUm mmiily, Nehriikka, ' In H111 miiller nf the ik(HMt nt MIiIiimI I'yiie, dei-eios-il ; l,iiiie of Minkt'llii K, I'nrrnti, finnirlMs I'liiiuly, Neli , mid Si, I'lilloim-im'k 1'hHiiiIIi! ( liiiri li, 11I Onnthii, Ned,, mid ll iilhfr -r kiiim Inleri'kled In ssld imtller me heiehy noli Hid I Ini ton the I7i Ii (In y of Anyiikt, 11, Ait I', I'lem li filed ft pelllliiii In suld i'minly i-iiiirl., priiylmf H11H his II mil sdmliilklrNllon Mi'i'Olllit. (lli'il hnrela he kt-Hled mid sllowcd) Hull imnfiif !ii-.liitlik he 1 11 ken nml di'i'rei rendered then-net Hint slhiwiitn-ek Im miidii for children under nyea snd fmirleen yi-itm III HH ri-kieelveyj Hml ft decrel! dlklrlhllt tug Slid itkklitiiltiK the residue nf suld e.lnle he entered; and Ihnl kin li oilier nml further tinier mid finw-et-dltiK may he hsd tit llm pretnlM'H k may he reiillrnf hy (h lalnle In kiieh 1-itkt'k m 11 Hi- und lirerlded, Ot In- t-tid Hml, Mld em 11 In mid nil fhltiK ef-Htl'ili( therein mity he flm.lly seiih-d and delr mliied, ami llm suld ailmlnUtralor illk-i-hmio'd, V mi urn lierehy rintllled lhat If run fall lo NifH-ar before said ennrl nn llm i.ih (lay nf Si litetnber, I!, si I'lo'i'lnek A- M, slid Cnff U-kl Hld ellt Ion, Hie ennrl may yianl, Ihti prayer nf kiild s-llllniier titid make kin li oilier and fun her ntders, allowiim'i-k ami ili i li i k 11. lo llilki'mirl may hi-i in iroii'r, In Hie etui thai all maiii-i iierlalnlnn lo said ikiale may lie finally sell led mid deti-rmltieil ami the said nilmliiUf mmr dlwhariri'd. WHiii-kk my hand mid ofllrliil seal till 'M day of Annus!, laiii, Issam J, W. F.M.r ll, U l i I onnly Jiele, Notice of Final Kattlemant, Stats or Nr.ioukSA, 1 d ImiiiHii I'minly, I In the i-niinly i-mirl lit loiifla I'lilifify Nebraskn, in Hie mailer of I lie t'klale nf Jmiun Snlllvsn, (lei-eukcd: lliuiorn Sitlllvitn, ,1 11 1 14 Snlllvkn, Knin l or rldan, M 11 r J n nt. Callahan, Nellie Imflm, Mary fiilllyan, liiinlel Sullivan, Pairiek Hul II vm n. John fiilllyan, ami all oilnr iMTsoiik jno-rikled In kald mitiier am hi ru by liotllled Hml mi Hie llilli day (if Aiiitust, hi;i, i, W. Merron tiled a iii tllloii In mild i-ninity eoiirl, (itnyliia' Hint lil ttuitl ad nilnlkl nil Ion ai'iiiiiiil filed herein be kittled Slid allowed; Hint (irimfk nf IiiiiIii- bn tnketi and di-i-ni-k remli red Hierenn that allnwam-i-k Ii" miidn fun hllilren nml' r ki-ven Hud fonrleeti yeaikiif sue ri'M-i'Hvrlyi that a ileiree illslrMinllliif Mini Msslitnlnil the residue of kiild etiiin be i tili reil; ami that kiieh nl her anil further niilet nml iriH'i-eil-lllKk lull V be llil'l III III" lireliilki-k 111 mMV bn reiiilreil by the Inline In sie Ii r-ni minlii Mini tiniyliled, In the 1 nil Hml .ii'l i-klMle and Mil HiliiHk iH-rlNlnln therein may be llnally M illed and delrrmlneil, and Hie kitld nilmln Ikltalnr dlneliartetl. Vim ate hereby nullfleil HiiiI Ifyiiit fall In npiienr before said i-mirl im lhe ,.iili (lay of Si iiii-uiber, l!i;t. nt In ii'cIih'W a m,, in i-onii-ki niil ihi II I'm, tliiii'ourl may 11 111 11 1 the iimyer of ;t lil iel It Inn 11 ml make .in h nihi l and fiitlher nrdera, Mllownm i-k ami ib en i In Hilk i-oiirt may ki i iii itoH r. In Hu- eml Hint nil matn ra in-rialiilint In aid i sinie may be llmilly ki-H Ii d and ih lermlm il, ami the nl'l itiluilnlktinlor dlselia rtfed. 4 Hllm-kk my liiitnl am1 U-t t fi nl U-U 24 Hi day nf Aiiinisl. 11.1 J, W. U.I.KU, -1 't. I It-1 4 I 'mini r Judtff, AltVKUTlHKMKNTA inwl t' d 111 Til It AMKHH'AN kiv sure to bring A prolltablo ri'luru to tin' advertiser, Americans, watch the columns of this paior!