THE: AMERICAN . YHfz AMERICAN,1 . ., l IM I' t t MKICAN rUBHSKlKG COMPANY M tl.. I w tihl ' MM (HI Ift t thl, )'" I) t Mtn tit It Hll t.'l Jul t I I ( fc " I " I I I I t up tt ! I i lll' mv fx.t.1 t( tun I till militil, ni h lut Minn, - H. ii l I I limit tv . I' t H'Hti.'T (thk rtii . it si nni iMil i nil m- C. 1MOMlON. mid. V t hllt- Iliinmm Mnwt OMAHA. NKII.hl PTPMHI R I, lvi ir iim Anisic i ink I'lutirio or All I nii. iit in i !( 1 lit lit. i ISo IxtKS THIS XKAX llWf I'lllen We lit HI- flH'lll pUltl" owing n a year's Mtlonrlplloti Itefore Hetolier 1, 111.1, tliflr aivounW wilt Is' placed with an agency for collection. Till N Hot done btvauno wo need tho money such jHTnoim limy owe, but liecituno we have earned It. mid aro entitled toll. No iiihii w ho U a triiti ihhI In) ul Amer-li-mi will allow such h disposition to Im made of hi account. This I tho IhnI notice. Hunt ti one of tin) lilllit we Iihvo sent you mill remit nt once. Don't hlnino u if nu attorney gi ti after you, WVhnvo done all wm could lo keep it out of I lie I r lunula, but you would jmy no attention to our notices, TllK priest of tho Lincoln diocese havo Htltloiiid Hulolll to remove Mnho) Hiiniii'uni. CdMrTHOI.LKK OliKHON In Credited with txitiiff one of the bent eoiuiti'ollei'M tho city ever had. That Hiuiio never elm ngeH Im hovw out by her reeetit UMNiiult on A. H. Mertz. They iiHHiiultrd lilm heeuiiHe ho wanted toexpohe Itoinnnlmn. Wltt Chief lialltiii pleanc Inform tho public iih to the illhpiihltlon he made of thu money nuhocribrd for the benefit of tho Injured firemen and thu fnmllltui of thoHo allied In the Hblverlek lire? Do you ever ito to think of the roBMon your merchant docM not adver tlau In TttK AMi'.HH'AN? Look the paper over, and If you do not ilnd bin BdvertlHement Hnk him the reawm and atiMfy yourm lf. Canuiiiatich for the city council arc ecooiuinu (juiui iiumeruuN, uni in inn Seventh, two new 'candidate havu bloHHiimud out. They nm Menrn, Met calf and Jnckwin, reptiblleaii and demo crat, rcHpoctlvnly. The Klxth a!no Inn. a new candldalo In tho 'inon of Capt. W. II. Htephenn. SatoiLI'8 order to a Colorado prleat to Mulimlt to llbihop Mat, wan unheeded, to thu American pope Ihin addrcMcd a eoond letU'i' fotntiniiidSuy him tootilCY. Great church, that. Hut what In tho condition of a man' mind and eon cleneo who will penult another to order htm about a a ulave? Jl'lMJK, K. H. Dlfl'lK wan juiliio of the ninth judicial dlMriet of Iowa for a number of year heforu cotiilnif to Ne branka, and wu iM'lleve ho would lo a credit to I bo bench of thin dlntrlet. ' If ho neeurc tho democrat lo nomination or a republican emlomemetit, Im will reeelvij a vote that any man nils lit he proud of., TllK much talked of Catholic con jjroH meeU In Chlentro next Monday, and wo lmll roon know whether that encyclical I genulno or a clever forsery, Wo do not prtend to ay whether It i true or falno, but wn would remind our friend that It font nolhlns to Im on their suard. Homo will not ntrlku If you ar awake, bl.o may If dIid Iki Hhvc you are oleeplnif. Amono tho prominent KoinnuUU wbo are di'li gaU from this dloceno to the Catholic congrcM In Chlcaso may b mentioned Dr, Keoh, Drui:slt Klnidor, John A. McHbane, U. J. Smyth, John A, Crclghton, J. P. Dally, Dr. Ulley, T. Pltniauricti of the lite, John Hunh, Tom Lowry, W, P, Hryarit, John llaumer, tho jeweler, 1', M. Mullen, J. U. Puray, 11. H. Adumii, T. J, Mahoney, J, l'oweru, Win. (Jentle man, Hie groceryman, (i. J, Paul and other. Thk following: from the. Troy Tde gram would eem l Indicate, that tho A. I'. A. I gettlriK In good working condition throughout the ciiat, Tho scene of election wa Lannltigburgh, Now York: The unexjiected utrength iihown by Chun. I'urkN, the candidute of the Am erican I'rotectlva AuMoclailon hI tho recent mdiool election, throw thu fu turn fjolltlcal nituatlon hero Into mora epccuhttlon no fur a nfllceH nnd their meeker are conwrin d. There were 671 vote cat for It candidal,! for tho Important oflico of iichool truM.ce, There l much giumMlng an to tho real amngth of tLT body, which, it I claimed, I not controlled by politician, and members a.v that 400 of their vote were not out. Nothing can bo learned a to the name of it oJlioer, and it 1 evidently aaecret polillcal body, l'ark' majority wa 207. It MIIIH i K i Kn in !-. . t ' i tv ll'h H . I n ! h I. It!, I ' . t 1 1 1 v . (, J. u. in ! ' t n i it n .. An i U i-'.'k' V't Hiftnl .!. An n ni i .. Krt t itj f W I ii. i, ii h I lu I. I i.l f ii. e t Hi i m , Mf.i. li.-H (,'. ! l't U. All i "sil) t ' t Ii wfi'i l; 1.11 Hu!.' fmi'l fmiinl itli In inimn. if !.ill t.ii!n K I' ,1 S fc It An i i iwiil) i..itiilTtiit r win Im dinie iim: fir ti. 1'iin'y Ibnii tl. W. llllnni. ,li I'lvtJ In Hi l' who lirt im! IicI.mI nov iiunn'V Uitin lleiiiy Hidilu An itinir whi h ainlnli fnwi r Itotiiiin t'ntliolln ti nfllee Ihmi DeniBe 1. Ih'infn; An i'X jiuthv of th na(H whoalimi tflveil an 1 1 il fHtUliiellun a Htlii't' Arlltiti K. Htildwln, (i.u. P.. (.(Immui, (Jen, (Ji'ii, II, Kmlth; An ex iwtlhm juil(.'e who haeauwd llliln eiiin'lHlnl im IiuIh lli ikii; An ex tmuiilv nuiN'rliileinh'Ml who lulu i(iinlli'd, not cM'i'llril, (i, W. Hill, or An ex-eouiieiluiiiu who bun In i'ii iik eoiiNUti'iit and loyal to lit 'ontltueuiti ii HalMim Jiieolwi u, I'.d. IIimvi'II or I' (J, ImIwhi-iIh, Now, (oiitletiien, you have no inueh lo mty niNiut iiieninnti'iii men nein forei'd iiMin the voters of thin eounty, I but you are politely a-ked lo titund up Ibe ex-oltlelalii who buve diiuu no mueh lietter than the men who now 1111 tho city and county ollloew. Wo have cer tainly made lbecballen;ij broad enough mi an toe imhlc you to II ml witiii.' man who him excelled Home one of the present In eiunbciitH, Who Im that manV Do you know him? Can you find him? Wo miy you cannot. Then tho nrcaent In cumbcnU nhould he re-uomluated, and if ro-nom hinted bould be ro-oleoled. Mil. YJihSlilt'S ItEMEDV. Mr. John O. Yelaer, a viuni): attorney of thin city who liux mndu a careful Htudy of political Hcletioo and economy, hit (lev hied a new plan for relieving the ntrlngency of the money market, tho dlntrenHlng condition of labor and thu well-founded dlHtruNt of manufac turer and capital ImIh, 111 Idea I for congpoH to piiHNalaw aulhorl.lng tins appointment of labor overnerr, who In turn hall havo iower to employ all Idle men, canning them to work upon national highway, cuiiiiln, river Im provement, irrigating ditche, publlo mine and quarries In fact In any and all branches of IiuhIiich whore. klllod or unnkllled labor t required. I hi would havo tho government adopt "any cheap, convenient and durable mixture of metal, or paper, to represent this standard" a "medium of exchange based upon a common standard" and pro rata thu same among tho several state according to their population. Ho would circulate thin money by pity ing for tho work done on the alxivo. Im provements, under the direct ion ol thu overseer working under rule and for a salary prescribed by the general gov ernment. Thl money would havo all the debt paying power of either gold or llver, based on tho value of unnkllled labor and li redeemable by the government. That the schemo is original with Mr, Yelser though verging very closely upon the plan outlined by Itellamy in "looking Iliickward" wo havo every reason to believe, and that It appear both feiinlbloand plauslblo we arc bound to admit. It may Im that Mr, Yelser ha found tho solution for theso vexation crises or "slump" In tho money market, that occur every quarter of a century, At any rate Ibo plan will bear discussion, and wo doubt not Im will Isi abb) to lucidly defend the advanced ground ho has taken against all who brand hi scheme with being "visionary" or Im practicable. What do you think of It? TllK MAVOIIALTV, Probably at no tlmo since tha city of Omaha was founded ha thera been a many good men mentioned in connec tion with tho mayoralty a there ha been thl year, The World-1 Itrutd ha been particu larly ii nx lou to II ml soma man who would awaken a popular entlment. It ha mentioned some men whom TllK AMKItlOAN would not object to seeing elevated to tho position of chief execu tive of thl city. Among tho number of honorable citizen It ha mentioned may li named Chas, Goodrich, Truman Duck, Mayor Demi, K. V. Davis, Dr. Mercer and A. H. Churchill, Wo do not mean to say these men havo all been endorsed by tho World-1 It rttld, nor would they all bo endorsed by TllK AMKIIK'AN. Hut they havo lxen sug gested. Probably tho mont popular men on either side,' at thl time, are Goodrich and Churchill, but whether either will ecuro the nomination, re main to ho seen. Mr, Hemls, in our estimation, has made a very competent official, and thera ha been llltlo or no scandal con nected with tho city governmontsinco ho annumed the oflico of mayor, yet there seems a dlnponltlon on tho part of a large number of citizen to supplant him with Mr. Churchill, or oho of the other gentlemen mentioned above. Thl paper could, and would, support It f tl WM i Hi la tit ni ' I l!i i III W I. k I kHn l .(i' ! ili.i fc.. tl-, Iw.l i ,. ...-t lo i nmti,lh li H f,..;. ' i nn (... ri i. I'm hut nu I 1 v mv -... in, . till ll fMII. tMltf. M il it (Mt'.t 1. nn id (ni- or. at.!' t.hlli.l. t lh lt. t.t lv In flitliUliH! in t i.. ii. mi Im . I, tt,i Anie- t on Win' tl !.! Vi ilii'lj sfl. i (tin Ii of ttu i!Mt ji" nu l la lli is',,i,ir i,,, i Itinc. 1 1 t,iti;i si ml) . ,! .in,N n.iiiiiimlinn 1'tc.i. t'siittutuHf fur li H Ii I J'liliii. slel pniln't a M i unwit;r eiiiiimlUiT to i Im i ttl y wt tvt lect. d. Tilt Is ' p In adisee.. nf nil piinnit Inj a tiim by the liar, Ili-tvluUrii tl Im Inn etiiiU'tit lo siitftfosl t tin vnl lmin pnill. a given lutttitn r of n tl Hu ll who winilJ liink nillnti!e judges, hut Ibis year they Imvp rv ceded the illnirli i rMinventtotts by ri.i iniihmj -not suggentlng for nominal ion and election-their own candidate .hint how thin w III suit the voter of this dlntrlct w III not lie know n until the votes have lieii coimied, Prolmbly no one ever thought just how far this question of bur nomina tions would li carried, Tho bar has censed suggesting- It now dictate-and (ho people will lie linked to decide whether or not It Is proper for a Judge to depend wholly upon tho lawyer for hi olllco. Hut the dlntrlct bar ha lieen excelled by tho action of tho bar of Dougla county. It never appeared In politic before, but after the adjournment of tho district bar, tho Kormin Catholic contingent, backed by Lee F.stollo, Lee Itolsley, W. S. Shoemaker and Ed. Slmeral, had the Douglas county bar called together to nominate a candidate for county Judge. Hut a very Binall fraction participated, and of tho num ber who did take part very few ever had any business In either the dlntrlct or county court being mainly oflico clerks and young attorneys. These gentlemen were aided by a largo delegation of politicians who were not member of the bar, but hud turned out to help their favorite can didate, Tho sentiments expressed elsewhere In those columns show how tho better clan of lawyer felt when it came to nomination a county judge. If tho people permit the bar to en-' crouch upon their right thl year, they need not bo surprised If, two years hence, tho lawyer arrogate to them elve tho rlgkt to nominate tho clerk of the district court, tho hherliT, the pollen Judge and justice of tho pouee, They are all oHloer who deal more largely with tho lawyer than with any other class, and this would he but a natural senuenoo to what they have done this year. The question now 1 will you ratify their action, or will you act for your selves in the coming primaries and conventions? FHlllTINO TllK A. J A. A friend hns sent u a number of copies of tho Desert lOvcnlng AV, of Hull Lake, Utah, which contain an ex pose of the A, 1', A. These "exposes" are becoming so common that we be lieve wo see a "nigger in do wood pile," Wo believe they are started by certain members of tho order for the purpose of advertising tho association, for it always ha an unprecedented growth In cltle where uch cxpowure occur, and tho bead olllcer, having become aware of th! fact, havo evidently authorized theso exposure knowing that the desired end would more speedily bo at tained than if tho order remained un known In tho community, This u position may bo wrong, but it look plausible, and we anticipate a boom In tho A. P. A. rank from the Ilocky Mountain to tho coast. We hope theso light may continue, for tho day will surely come when American will pat ronize American paper, vote for American and finally drive the I Ionian Catholic political organization from tho United State, Wo know thl will bo tho result and wo congratulate the friend In Halt Lake for their shrewd ness and sagacity li precipitating a fight against their order. It will help them win. In perfect justice to County Judge F.ller it must be conceded tiiat bl reason for refusing to nllow hi name to go before tho bar meeting, considered In tho light of bis uxpresscd opinion, aro at least entitled to respectful con sideration, WorUl-lltrald. American Orange Knights' Meeting. Tho .adjourned meeting of tho su premo cabinet, American Orango Knights, will be held at tho Grand Pad do hotel In Chicago, Tuesday, September 10th, at 0 o'clock a. m. A full attendance of tho member of the cabinet I desired, as matter relating to tho liciiefielary and other depart ment will como up for consideration. Hy order of tho commander-in-chief. M. L. Zook, Sec'y. When you buy, patronize tho adver liner of thl paper, and by so doing help to build our own people up. - i . Tako your repairing to The Drum rnond Currlnpe Co., l8ih and Harney St. Opp. Hie County Jail. ELLER TO ATTORNEYS. i i n ". j l r I . " I e -i 1 - Ilttlrip ttir lll 'lf.ftlHl t4 tlW M) Its Int. VM U tVr Office f I final) J mire, l mint)- J.nttn- ,!, i B.U" .1 tin i.j is imini.ii.'it) i 1. tlr Hit Hi- i I I l I t! lllt-1 -..:ie!j lull : "Tn Ibe M, iiilicr .f tbe lXMijjU tnielV I tar- tli-men: Kmiwin Itmt a :! lid Im n linih l.j wmie litcmb. l- of the Iwr i.f thl comity hr hr iillenltnn, with lew In nmtiin aiingN eiiinliiliiie fur e.mty jndg 1 I g b sve to ute Uu rvunon why my nnine will nut lie pr si-nteil at thl meeting, "I have practiced law for more than twctiiy years, and am frank to say that I have alwajs striven lo command Ihe ct and kissI will of all mem Iters of tlo profennion, and It I needless fur me to say that my delro In this regard have not Is-en changed since my elec tion to the Is-nch. During my term of olllco the attorneys who have had bunl nens In the county court have been mont eouiiiious and resHiclful, and I am confident that I have the rcsja'ct and good will of all. "Heing deHirous of having these pleasant relations continue, especially while I remain upon the bench, I shall refrain from doing anything which may disturb them. Kocolleotions of the pant cause me to bear in mind the bitter feeling engendered as a result of a bur nomination. Again, I have yet over four months to serve as county judge. Should I now passively permit my name to come before this bar con vention and secure Its endorsement my political opponents would Immediately charge that I had used my Influence as county judge to obtain tho bar recom mendation, and this charge, should I succeed in obtaining the nomination of tho county convention, would boused to my detriment nt tho election. "Another reason is that many of the duties of this court partake largely of responsibilities which may bo classllied purely as business matters, for the ready dispute!) of which good business methods aro essential. Of such methods tho business men might claim to be the more proper clus of citizen to lake the Initiative step lis to who should bo tho candidate for Judge. Without seeming to boast, I wish to say that tho system of ulnpatchlng business with care which ha been In troduced during my administration will, I believe, commend Itself to all good business men, whatever may bo their calling or profession. "The probate work bring tho county judge in direct communication with a larger number of peoplo and a greater variety of classes of citizens than doe the work of any other county olllclal. lie is consulted upon all manner of questions; Is often made n confident in family matters and Is, in a confidential way, regarded ai a counsellor and ad viser In nearly all matter except In itvil Hulls. This Is not the case In the district court; the parties Invariably having an attorney to speak for thorn. "Hear In mind that the civil business of this court, while it command one half of tho time of tho judge on the bench, coyer only about one-tenth of tho responsibilities of tho judge of tho county court, nnd this Is true whether you consider these responsibilities from a money value stand point, or of im portance In general terms. Civil suit may or may not he brought In thl court at the option of the attorneys or clients, but In all other matter tho business cannot bo brought In any other court. "I will now mention a few of tho classes of citizen who aro liable to argue that their particular class should havo It inllucneu felt with equal force as tho bar in the selection ofacandl- 'date forjudge of thl county. "We settle many estate where law yer have nothing to do with them, but few whore a doctor 1 not in terested, "In tho matter of assignment of In solvent debtor tho merchant aro especially interested In having the matter speodlly settled and tho money distributed. "In tho matter of guardianship of Insane nnd Incompetent persons and minor, tho friends and relative of the ward are especially Interested to have a judge who will have the courage and conscience to protect tho estate from all kinds of unjust claim and losses. "Abstractors might claim that they were tho more capable of passing upon the qualifications of a judge, "Administrator and executor might regard that they were tho most proper persons to say who should be Judge, "Tlio mention of these few classes will suggest many others of equal Im portance. "It has so long been the custom to appoint the widow, or uny other per son suggested by tho next, of kin as administrator of an estate, regardless of business qualifications or experience In affairs, who regard it an unnecessary expense to employ a lawyer, that tho judge must act as Judge and lawyer in tho whole proceeding. ",M i4 K,, i, rvt.1 i-'tta ! - ii .t ' . - ri t . .')!. i;tK I .': !, t-V. ft ;i"l ' ' ''' ' , o , ,. ..! ,..,!. t'i.ii At 1 1 v, i DH.l W 'tliiHf ti i ' -.I iti-vii- t otviw n ,.J-U-I..n in II. if ! - ' !.! On- I I i ..!- m ml m l tl iwf !..- tVr iV'i M Im .!, .f l'-, ii" t, in tin ..!! Jiufciix . to '.tavtt Ui.t Hi t i.i i: i tf . ( ii i II.ib. , f, I N-ei'jni It, p rtgh ! any -' f i iu t.i inii..- Itn ir tn fliu it,v .i tV I, it m ,t it 1 lii- i, t tml In! ni-. I t ! i. I m or t.t in (! l.-lns- Ibe lir l.t tint ie.-i nf inn.iil ddle, bill l.t iti t JiHI lh f, r.ii by I do iinl is mti? I -ft us tlm Iwrfun Venm. "Wb1iVer msy le the pi.-!t lj if one not In Ihe ntllee submltiing U astne W Indorvinent- by Ibe lrrm ventlon, 1 Iteliove It an lmpt'r Ihtng for me todit. "In wnelunlon 1 would rt'ns'i fully request Ihst you accept this xplan Hon In the spirit that tl in given, I shall be a candidate for a second Wrm according to the custom, at Ihe county convention, subject to the deelnion of the delegates selected by all classes of HHiple, and hope that nothing may occur at this meeting which will tend to prevent my friends from giving me their hearty indorsement and loyal support at tho primaries, convention and tho polls. "Thanking my many friends for their kind words and those who have assured me that I could have a majority of the bar meeting, I remain, your most respectfully, J. V. ELLKK Tho above letter appeared In tho World-1 k raid Wednesday morning, and the outcome of the county bar con ventlon to nominate a candidate for county judge was certainly an endorse mcnt of tho sentiments set forth In Judge Eller's letter to the bar. After tho district bar had met and nominated three candidates for district judge namely, Judges Walton and Dullleand Mr. W. S. Curtis, nnd after a campaign committee consisting of E. W. Slmeral, W. S. Shoemaker, Lee Eskllo, T, J. Mahoney, II. II. Howes, J. P. Davl and E. T. Langdon had been appointed tho convention adjourned Immediately after its adjournment a motion was made that the Doug las county bar bo called to order and presided over by the sumo chair man and secretary. Ex-Judge Donne had acted as chairman and Mr. liwdlck as secretary, but when the motion was declared carried Judgo Doane without assuming tho chair, stated that he be Uevcd the bar had gone as far a it was expedient for It to go. That heretofore It hud experienced some chflloulty In securing recognition for lU (selection, and that If tho bar undertook to carry this Idea of bar nominees to positions beneath the district bench ho believed It would bo wrong, and would seriously affect tho good work already done. For those reasons he would decline to act a chairman or to participate H tho dc liberation of tho county bar conven tion, Thl announcement provoked heiirty applause. Mr. Hrogan then moved Unit Chas. J. Greene act as chairman of the county bar convention. Tho motion wa put and declared carried. Ed. SImoral, becoming aware for the flret time that tho bar would not back the Roman Catholic fight to supersede tho action of tho various party conven Hons, moved to adjourn, but the motion was voted down. Then Mr. Hoolek raised a question as to thu legality to hi m at ii secretary and retired. Hut on motion of Mr, Mahoney tho cloud wa removed from hi title. Mr. Charle OITut, Imbued with tho Idea that had been so tersely set forth In Judgo Eller's letter, said that In a much as there had been some business transacted since the last motion to ad journ had been made and defeated, he would now move that the convention do now adjourn. Tho motion was voted down, A formal ballot was then taken, which showed no choice, and such a small fraction of the bar participating, that Mr, OITut again moved an adjournment, stating a hi roamm that there were nearly four hundred attorney In Doug la county and that hardly one-fourth of that number worn participating, therefore they had no right to nom inate a man for county Judge and label him tho county bar nominee. Hut again ho met a Waterloo, and a second ballot was ordered, which also resulted In no choice. A third ballot wa taken and Mr, Irving Haxterwas chosen. Ho received slxty-nlno votes, and was declared tho nominee, Mr. Haxter wns called for and thanked tiio bar for tho honor it did him and declared It wus "tho proudest moment of tho thirty years of my life," Tho convention then adjourned. Law Briefs. We make a specialty of brief print ing, and attorneys having this kind of work should call on us. We will ho pleased to make price which aro reas onable, and guarantee good work. AMI-.ttlCAN I'lTII. Cl)., 412 Sheely Mock. - Our FIUENDH should all remember when they want a new hut, or an old one repaired, to call on us. Wo will give thorn good satisfaction. NEBRASKA HAT M'P'O CO., Over 207 North 17th St. m.ii U4 twists , T tl V i iJ Vo Awv.k , ' fc"- ! i ' .!. tk T't . i t I it-'( Mh, f,it it.- ft.m '.! ... .. AU .,. IV-- W V Ml Itii- -i,lj ...) l,.t",-. M t I KH V. I: )... I .1. ,.,!.- JUVj.Ill t I i )f f lin-i Kl tl I ! JS j It U VM'f ,!i.l tl (Hit I " .I.f. J 4 ) W I KllU ut'tit f - t.- w tut , ),.. ,v ,4 mim is , t j YW i.r m: ' In lht rmi-.i' jis 'illinii hi Jimlie mUli'i ",M j M II t,. urnt J. i l J m.itvtl. ttt t. iili- t11, Dtf I1 .,). l(l Dt.nitlkl U.t itib. r, and wttuhle r.Hl tid lui. enr U tr lme tf tiir.t.-ntii.ii l."wi tsij. gt-sj l),t itt one line' he W tin- imiit r nt the Ideal leal nlt, fcitd that the (titltcattttn wt're that mmie dny it would ln a tlog nt yrval nbllity and premiw. That upon a tsiuin Bight, nut mny innnlh apt, tho pito wan iion lhetrst, Ij ing at the intton, when O Grady hpsned along, and with hi going the dog topvd his tender Isiylng and dlsapitcaeed In other woi-ds, he allege that Dtirndy with fotsxt and arms, stole the pup. O'Grady admit that ho had jhw-scksIoii of the animal, but allege that It came alsiut by the fact that the Is ant followed him home, a he scented the limte of fresh meat, an article of dog diet that had not panned Into hi stomach for months." Now, as a matter of fact, at this trial there were but six Kople all-told at any time during the trial (including the justice and jiersons concerned). Tho reporter for the Ike was not in the room during the trial. If he had been present ho would have given adilTerent account of tho proceedings, which I shall here give: Upon Sunday morning, August 13thr while tho motor car was being got ready for Mr. O'Grady who Is a motor man O'Grady was up Harney street, at some distance from Twentieth, getting as It turns out one of my Irish Setter puppies, which were somewhoro near my residence, tho mother of the puppies having a city tag on her collar. O'Grady admits having taken the dog, was seen to carry it to his car and tako It away, Tho poor pupplo did not have tlio privilege of hi own wishes In thl case, justice Smith, in giving hiB decision, said, that although it was be lieved by some, that a dog was not con sidered property that ho has never for one moment considered a dog anything else hut property, and that ho could not givo any other verdict than that O'Grady should pay for the dog fifteen dollars ($15.00) and costs of tho suit. O'Grady Insisted that a dog was not property, and appealed the case. With regards to tho worthless red and white spotted cur, If tho reporter for tho lko will come over to tho corner of Twen tieth and Ilarnoy streets, I will show him the difference between athorough- bred and a cur which I doubt ho could tell If ho were left to his own judg ment. John Hosk. Another Insult to the Plug. Professor Walter Sims has received a letter from Kenton Harbor, Michigan, which describe tho celebration of August 1st, emancipation day, which wa held In tho sister city of St, Joseph, which, by the way, Is Ilk o too many of our eastern cities, almost wholly given over to tho un-American superstition of Homanlsm, Tlio correspondent 1 known by tho professor to he thoroughly reliable, Tho communication state that Roman Catholics, anarchist and socialists joined with tho negroe on thl occasion, and that speeches wero made of a very revolutionary and treasonable character, The flag and all sign of patriotism were conspicu ous lor their ahsonco. The writer further says, "that as tho crowd of negroe and Irish Catholics wero pass ing a store whoro an American citizen had ventured to hang out the star and stripe, derogatory and Insulting re marks wore made about tho (lug. Huston Roman Catholics, If one i to Judge from what ono ee at tho cele bration, can only Is) trusted to respect tlio flag when It I hung out In associa tion with tho green flag of the papacy, which represent Roman Catholic con spiracy and rebellion in Ireland. With theso significant occurrences, who among true patriot can longer dare to fold their arm and cry, "Pence, peace, whoro there i no peace.". If 'ovum's Voice. Here' Your World' Fair Opportunity! Rate cut In twol On and aftor Tuesday, August 1st, tho Kurllngton Routo will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, with a return limit of thirty days, at $1 1.75. Ono way tickets on alo at $7 50, Ticket wild at rate Indicated above are free from restrictions of any kind and entitle holders to the fullest enjoy ment of tho Kurllngton' miporlor ser vice, See tho City Ticket Atrcnt at 1.121 Farnam street and arrange to make that long-planned trip to Chicago, WM. CATLIN for all kinds of season drink. Ice Cream Soda. 5 cents. We aro uhout to make agents for "Tun Amf.iucan" a great offer. Write In and bo made an agent Immediately, and be In lino for action when tho time arrives. No one unless they havo tho liest of references need muko appllca Hon.