The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 01, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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f Ccj ml I'm -rAkr :
Kent Lot k l twit, !
tr.HATOR Till! 8 IUI II U I4T !
KM illl IUttHa t-t 4 tt
Art lfH44 t lr Iimm t ma
kl)l tof-lla 4 aww t.
A Ma I tiiwaa.
WsMMMitn. An, fV VkiM
riniitt, raMtr.l l a tha ho lill
twlint n if tha Mnrwian a4, Uh
n t(iMil'iiiil In U palm i f n1
Hittil, II Mtitohttftt tlw Mil l I'U.iM
ll III ralt-MitsT, Ml'l II $ HnHi thai
ha nhmilil aak tl.a atmala lo Ink tip Ami
tvtlitir It timtiliaiW atli-Mlt morn
lua liitw from this lima n until flnM
I'tlolt l lakim, Tlta an)tttvtt, h
tl, n Dm Mil tiwtofor niirttM
frvio Id firnniK viiiintit, II nmlpr
Iixh) that tiutir if mi intention to ml
drtcaa tli nat ImllxtMi tten I'jr tha
Kimttir tnm OrurnU (UiUm) Ami Hi
rtintur front Ohio (Nlirrtnan), and h
ut-iriliHl Hint Uii'lr nnmrk iniKht W
tnaila on the Ml) which ha hal Just re
ported. He fxplntiKvl ftirtlwr tlmt Ilia
liill us irxirfiMl frtim th finance emu
In It 1(H) wm identical Ui tlmt rasid hy
the tinnsc, mi far m rcallnj of Ilia pur-4-liMtnit
clansoa of the Hhortnan not; Ami
tlmt, from tlmt point on, there was a
certain matter in the anbatitute which
ras not In the limine bill Ami which, In
bin judgment, improved it and made it
more acceptable. Tollur objected to
VonrhiW bill being takun up and it
went over one day.
1 tabula on SUwart'i Itrnolutlnn.
The resolution offnrd by Stewart re
quiring the secretary of the treasury to
notify the senate whether there is de
ficiency in the revenues of the govern
ment for the present year, gave rise to a
long diHctiHHion. Senators Sherman,
Voorhees, Mills, McPhorson and Harris
opposed the resolution as calling for
problematical statements calculated to
create noedless alarm or reflecting on the
ecretary of the treasury, A motion to
refer the resolution to the finance com
mittee by Voorhees wasopposed by Hill,
The resolution was referred to the
finance committee yeas, 40; nays, 1ft,
Dolph (Rep Or.) introduced a bill,
which was referred to the committee on
foreign relations, appropriating $300,000
to enable the secretary of the treasury
to enforce the Chineiie exclusion act.
Gordon (Duin., Ga.) addressed the
enate in favor of the unconditional re
peal of the purchasing clauses of the
Sherman act, In the concluding portion
be advocated the repeal of the 10 per
eent tax on state banks.
Teller Favors tha Sherman Law,
Teller (rep., Colo.) addressed the sen
Ate in An argument to prove that the
Sherman law is not responsible for the
financial troubles of the country. Al
most without exception, he said, every one
who bad nddressed the senate had spoken
as if them was some great calamity im
pending over the people of the United
States. He wanted to enter his protest
Against "the calamity bowlers of the
He challenged any senator to tell that
lie believed that the people had brought
About the panic because they were afraid
ot their money. If he did, he would bo
tinder some obligations to cite some in
stance where the American jieople had
exhibited fright and fear of their
nv 'ioy, There bad been taken from the
banks of the United States since early
last spring at least 1150,000,000, They
took whatever currency they could get.
He challenged the banks to show that
Any bank depositor had demanded to be
paid In Any particular kind of money,
The reports from tho treasury depart
ment would show that these people who
drew out greenbacks and treasury notes
did not rush to the treasury for gold,
CrltlelMS the Fraaldant's Vlnwn.
These prngonsticntioiw of coming
evil, Mr. Teller said, had emlnatod from
the New York banks and newspatier
And be preferred to discuss tho course
taken by the New York banks in refus
ing to pay their dejiosltors in currency,
And in trying to work up public ojrtrilon
In favor of the refieul of the Sherman
Act. He quoted reported Interviews
with the president and Secretary Car
lisle and criticised the views Attributed
to the president (and which bo said had
never been denied) that the people
needed an object lessun And were going
to get it,
Without concluding his remarks be
yielded for A motion to proceed to execu
tive business end afterward, at 0:15,
the senate adjourned.
flpaakar ( rlp and Kx-Hpaakar ltaad I ntar
at Tlialr Collnnf n.
Wahiiinoton, Aug. 20, Tho house
met in the morning with a greatly di
minished attendance of both members
and audience. Several changes conse
quent upon the numerous roll calls of
,( Monday were made in (he journal,
Altken (Kep., Mich.) offered a resolu
tion providing for a special committee
of five members to investigate "Ford's
theater disaster," Referred to the com
mittee on rules.
Catching (Dem Miss.) then called up
the report of the committee on rules, re
porting the rules of the present house.
After the reading of the proposed rules,
A discussion of the time to be devoted to
debate Was precipitated, Catcbings
wunted tt paragraphs of the rules to lie
rend seriatim and to be debated under
tho five minute rule, and Iteed (Kep,,
Me.) demanded a general discussion.
The outcome of the controversy was that
Mr. Catcbings conceded that there
tJinuld lie a general debate and briefly
be explained the chunges made in tho
Iteed twitted the Democrat upon
their partial approval of the rules of the
Fifty-nrst congress, but, in a nuinorous
Vien, be contended that they bad not
r Ur It t, ti A "
Ht Unikit Kij.t.-I In ! t li
! . i f M ., M ! I h '.' tl
ln tin ' -.,i-u t, I In f t H fl
i4 il l, l l.t'a
t.n I il ! it .-wi-l tl
"i' t I an! Mk !-
IHn f iiW,.,it ,u imn U? I !! tk
tMt(,tU t . iv
V!w f r Hit- Hut xi. Hi
li t ! th A, Mi ', i'l
lit, b.tU -( t V tl , V It,
a -! ft p In M' li ! t
I'wm fi'fi Mstius H '! tb" ai'H'H
In tb rin'Atn( r,. ,jif, hi h
ili. i li til ivimtii', a t an a bm
fln.lw an !', bill U m b al(t
I arjr. Iiikh nan I action th psit il
tii tkr UImii lb aiitli.'iltv f
mlr, ithiut lb amlu-riiy -f aiivtme,
( AppUn.) Whilli tliarp r
Had altil lb Fifiv-flral wnan,
htreioii firf't lb Htl rharir
that without III aiilliortly if Hi bun,
ilium! Ih authority of tb .iinnlit'
rH rub, lb saker had neh-lwl a
owr that had never len granti"! Ii
hint. (Applan, It bad awuiuwl
nKn htmeelf lh power to count a
Mr. Itee-l, In reply, said that It was
unusual for the presiding officer of this
Ixxly to leave his txalted jKmltion ami to
iartake In tb discussion on tb floor. It
was even a question whether he ought
to do It At all. if the gentleman did not
lx'lieve that the other members of the
committee on rule were adequate for
their dlHOUfslon it was for him to de
cide when his jwwerful aid should lie
thrown Into the balance. He (Reed) re
gretted that the speaker had taken the
floor not only on general principles, but
Iwcause he had introduced into the do
hate a certain amount of partisanship
thereby showing that though the rest of
the house had survived tho measures of
the Fifty-first congress the present
speaker had not.
Tho debate was continued by Springer
(Dom., Ills.). Hepburn (Rep., la,) and
Uryan (Dem., Neb.) and others. Then
tho subject was dropped and the house
Getting- Hank to Old Tllli.
Dknvku, Aug. 80. -The State National
bank will open its doors for business.
The Commercial, the only remaining
national bank, which closed during tho
recent flurry, will probably open before
another week. The German National
opened up well. The first deposit being
$23,000 by A leading retail house, fol
lowed by $15,000 of county funds, The
Union bank At Greeley, Colo,, has also
An Upward Movamant Has Uafun.
Abkanhaa ClTT, Aug. U0, Business
men and bankers are unanimous in
their opinion that the low point in pres
ent financial depression has been reached
by Kansas City and that the upward
movement haa begun. Dank president
estimate that the banks have gained
3,000,000 in deposits since the run in
July. f. .
Was Baadr to Kill.
Wichita, Kan., Aug. 80, Jim Bour
gette, an ex postal clerk, was Arrested
near the postofllce while waiting to shoot
Postmaster Jewett. Bourgette was dis
missed for incompetency and haa been
unable to secure work. Ill mother and
lister Are both ill And he Attributes All
Lis troubles to Postmaster Jewett. '
A Hmltr Attaehad.
Asi'KN, Colo,, Aug. HQ. The plant of
the Holden Smelting company of Aspen
was attached for $100,810, by Ilachne
Graham of Philadelphia, one of the
owners of the Philadelphia smelters At
Large Lous from Moailoir Klr.
Bowi-iNd Ohkkn, Mo,, Aug, 80. Firo
caused by sparks from an engine burned
over about 500 acres of meadow for W,
II, Tinker, near Curryvillo, destroying
;I0,000 worth of bay and several largo
ricks of oats.
Illg Money for a Kant Vrarlliig .
SiciiaUA, Mo., Aug. 80, John K.
Gentry of Locust Grove farm, has re
fused an offer of $1,000 for Theodore
Shelton, tho yearling horse that mado A
mllo in 2:11,' at Rlchhlll.
Carlos R, Wiley, auditor of Noble coun
ty, Indiana, died at Col urn bun, O,
.r a. ( r mm Ins ot Oiiklanil. (Jul.. WM
shot aud killed by his wife, with whom ho
was quarreling.
A flow of natural gns was struck at
W.MlitnistsiM. Ilia., at a dentil of lfi'i feat.
th pressure of which was 40 pounds.
The annual institute of teachers or Jo
Daviess county Is in session at (ielmia,
Ills, Nearly 200 tanchers are In attend
ance. The annual meeting of the Washington
C,,iiril Taiicbcrs' liiMiltnto Is III sdknIoii at
Nashville, His., wisn a large n umber
At Valparaiso, Ind., burglars eartad
Sargeant & Hcolleld's safe, containing
I'J.'XXJ, a quarter of a mile, when, being
shot at, they flud,
John Dosseltof Otilhrlii, O, T has been
found guilty of ui n nler In Hie first deuree
In poisoning his rival for the hand of an
Indian girl.
John Hicks, HH years old, who has stolen
horses In every statu In the union ami
sm ut fi years in penitentiaries, (Had at
Dr. James H. White of Ht, Ioulshas
at, i,l milt mini I nut the American Medical
college, alleging It is doing business umlur
an a in red charter,
Roundhouse Foreman Sargeaut, of the
Wabash roan at r ori'Kt, jus., was iiiNiant
ly killed by slipping from a locomotive In
front of tb wheels,
ottn Unfit was fatallv In lured st Hello-
vllle, Ills., by a runaway horse belonging
to Dr. Kaau, a sou or me siaus superin
Inndelit of Schools,
,At Islington, Ky., Matt Keeley and
.Tnlin Welch unarrcled over a (lice uamn.
Welch plutiKed a daifger Into Keeley's
brfdHt. In U llnu a mortal wound.
H. H, Heath of Fresno, Cul., cliarffed
with the uiurder of MoWlilrtey, on wIiomh
first trial the Jury uiHiiKreeii, has heeu re
leased on ball of lim.OiH),
Cliarles O'Neal, a farmer, wos struck by
a rrelKhl train wiiiie croxHiiiK a nriuii
near Clifton, Mo,, and hurled a distance
of Htl feet. His skull was crushed and
death was instantaneous.
Pifiiitrm's IVwMti'aUiMt iiuiri
Whrtf I hey
LVI RTOSi: II Aa AK lnt AlCll AXOl.
t4la ItMvttallnwt IvtlaM I tt I'aH
t K Wol ."i a nit-B
ft Oalktt Ma m lirl IK
Ahna iHtv, Kt Aw . It, j
H tMi. (elt'tttsphe.l lo Ktttlarv ,
Hitillh ktli If lll Woil l l ab
lo li tnak thmn frm I hntliib
(Way and lin a ltlols. II i
'(vi.l auleiiratn frn H I', l,iiioivn,
land riiiiiiiiwlour, which aelib Ih
qmt ton of int from wl lch th run
ran finally ! ma I. j
Th pmmh'iit's pim Umstlon stale
that Ih run shall be mad from a strip
of land UK) fe I la wldlh around and Im- j
mediately within Ih outer Isiuudariee
df Ih entire Itact of cunntry to 1st
ien. to settlement. Hi Indian rr
valions of th Poiicss ami Otoe are all
part of Ih (,linki Strip aud many
people had made prepsrat Ions to make
the run from their boundaries, 1 he
south boundary of the Otoe reservation
Is only two miles front the county seat
and land office, betwinnm Perry and
V barton, ami hundreds of Guthrie men
lnt ended to ft) to Perry on the train on
tho morning of the ownlng and, walk
ing into th new county seat, claim the
choicest town lots, arriving ahead of tho
horsemen from the Oklahoma lino, In the
nine manner many intended to go from
Arkansas City to tho Kansas, Nei Peres
and Ponca reservations and make the
run to Hitter creek, Ponca creek and
other important projected townsltos.
Iho decision of the commissioner has
been looked for on this jxilnt for some
days and his telegram rocoived effectu
ally settles It Asfollowsi "The president's
proclamation reserves the Chiloeco, Osago
and Ponca reservations from lands to lie
oM)ned, I have no authority to grant
parties permission to go thereon,"
An Army of l.aml Hankers,
Wahiiinoton, Aug, 110. The interior
department baa increased its estimate of
tho probable number of settlers who
will engage in the rush on Hept. 16.
Two weeks ago Land Commissioner
Lnmeroanz estimated the number at
00,000. Now , there ia a general belief
that it will reach 75,000, An amond-
mend has been made to the provisions of
the president's proclamation aa first pub
lished. It set aside every 18th section of
A township for school purposes. Iho
Amendment provides that th H2d sec
tion of every township be set aside for a
university fund, which will insure the
new territory one of the beat univer
sities In the country,
More Troop for th Atrip.
CliiCAao, Aug, 80, Orders were re
ceived At General Miles' headquarters
from Washington directing that a com
mand be given four troop of the Third
cavalry, now stationed At Fort Riley,
Kan., to proceed at once to the assistance
of the troojis in Indian Territory,
Tb Two Laailar of th Aavan C'hootaw
Nantanead to latb Must III.
McAmhtkh, I. T Aug, 80, Billan
Lewis and Kimon Wade, Choctaws,
must die, so says Inspector Fuison, on
tho part of the United Htale to Gov
ernor Jones of the Choctaw nation.
Monday of this week, in response to a
telegram from Inspector Falson, Gov
ernor Jones, Judge Holson and District
Attorney Lewis, met that gentleman at
Caddo to determine what final arrange-
ments, if any, could be amicably ar
rived at in reference to the condemned
men at Wilburton, The position taken
by the United Mates government was
that the number aenlenced was alto
gether too largo, and that it would not
ubserve tho interest of the Choctaw'
people to execute all of them; that the
leader or leaders should only be shot,
After a big parley and a review of the
evidence in the case It was agreed that
Hillari Lewis and Kimon Wade, the pro
nounced leaders, should pay tho death
penalty on Hept, 8, and the other sen
tenced prisoners to be given A new hear-
Truntoa llaal AmiiI( An ICdltor.
Baw Fkancihw, Aug, 80. Truxton
iJeale, ex -United Btates minister to
Persia, assaulted J. H, Cosgrove, pub
lisher of a weekly piijair, liecause of an
article ho printed, and was placed under
arrest, Heale is a sou of General Ileale,
now dead, who was one of tho closest
friends of General Grant. Under Har
rison's administration Truxton Ileale
was appointed United Htates minister
to the court of Persia, At that time he
was 84 years old, aud the youngest man
ever appointed to a position of so much
importance in tho diplomatic service.
Walking to I ha fair oliia Wager.
PiTTHituiiu, Aug, 110. Edward A.
Wilkie of New York reached hero on his
walk to the World's fair, the trip being
undertaken aa a result of a wager that
ho could not mako the trip without
taking any money or sending home
for any,
C'uitnnii Ofllears Helsa Many Cigars,
San Fiuncihoo, Aug, 80, Customs
officer selgod 18,000 Ixixes of cigars con
cealed in a cargo of coal in the ship
John C, Poller, from Nanalmo, The
carpenter of the boat says tho cigars be
long to the captain, II. Meyers, The
ship is liable to seizure and conllncalion.
No fauna Ker Alarm.
Muncjk, Ind., Aug. 80, There is no
cause for alarm concerning smallpox in
Muncie, The disease is not spreading
tiid the cases which are in an outlaying
suburb are all regularly quarantined.
Will Olv Work lo l'ntiiiplorl.
Ht. Paul. Aug. Do.-TIm Waller A.
Wood hai venter woiks will start up in
a few days. Tho Min ting of this ini
ineiiNc plant means 1,Q00 to 2,000 getting
1M to a. Il Ut Burnt
UltMI Millia,, tt tml I
M'iwi, twl ai
tUlt l ng m live
I I' ISMI MsMlntt, 1-4 lll n-d t i t
I I l.hh m 4 . (,.io Htiuih
In t nil I'.nM at a th
U . . lb intw.4 m!iaf In i iie,u,al
i.t,.it ait, . ,.li4 o 0 U bef t
iiiv b w b m, Ms hot, an aal
Ali'l rib fsitiiH of I'i'Mii.Hil rniily,
U a Vrt'ilal i H'm latd."
Mb ' lil if is lakan HI tm
Whbl ll lti tb ett dV, Tb l.y
Ion r vtbllHiiil h'l an Atlrii, Was
Inad tw atial) th oiteiila of Ilia
Stoinm h It Was In I reirwly astlf
l ', lit lloi-l iln wn a widow, Mia,
Mwttlia t, hn b msttietl ber,
the died inur Ailr-ll, Kan., etal
) ao, Hinm Mslioi arnt th
Woman's bMhetn, I., J. and A. M,
Nmirer, bad lit l1r dUliiteiTl and
at ryehiitn was found In Ih stomai h,
III ftlat and oooolel WlVi alml dtnl Slid-ib-nly,
as did hi brother, who lived wlih
biin In California, His llrt wtf died In
California aUml lail.l,
AaMlar Availing I'wngraaalnnal Aid.
Na Fnamimm, Aug. flO.Hevnrl
bundrtMl settler on alsiiit Ctxi, oihi acre
of laud in Ih Han Joaipiln valley af-
fMtel adversely by a recent tleclslon of
th federal tHiuit, have eent a petition
to congresKineu asking such legislation
aa will materially aid sett let In getting
speedy justice in the oontroversy b
tween settler and tho Hoiilhern Pacific
railway. They also ask Indemnity from
the United Htatea for tho exiemliture of
money and laUir In the event of a teat
rase being decided against them in tho
supreme court.
Allowed to Aattla With Chief Arthnr.
Toi.kimi, Aug. 80. Judgo Rick haa
made an order allowing the receiver of the
Ann Arbor railroad Company and Chief
Arthur of tho Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers to settle the :I00,000
damage suit brought by the railroad
against Arthur during tho late trouble,
Arthur agroos to pay (J,n00 and costs,
also the costs in tho case of the Ann
Arbor and Pennsylvania, and other
connecting linos that were brought into
the affair,
Miners' Atrlka at an Knd.
Lkavrnwoiith, Kan,, Aug. 80. A
general mass meeting of the striking
coal miners was held. After discussing
the question it was decided by an almost
unanimous vote to declare the strike at
aii end and return to work at the old
scale. A committee was appointed to
wait upon the various official and In
form them of the action taken by the
meeting. It is expected that All the
mines will soon be in full ojieratlon,
Only On Hank Mads a Protast.
TorKKA, Aug. 80, Bank Commis
sioner Biiedeuthal has received repllej
from over 100 stato bank to hi circular
in regard to balance in New York.
Only one bank made a protest. Not one
of the bank owe New York bank
Bank Officials A rr tad.
DuiiuguK, Aug. 80, President Benja
min Boomer and hi son, Cashier
lioomer, of the First National bank of
Waukon, were arrested for receiving do-
posit for their private bank when they
knew it to be Insolvent,
All for aa Indian Olrb
Gutiiiiik, O. T., Aug, 80. John Doa
sett was convicted of murder in the
first degree and sentenced to be hanged
for poisoning Hherman Long, hi rival
for tb hand of an Indian girl.
Camden's first Hal of Cotton.
Camukw, Ark,, Aug. 80, Camden haa
received 11 first bale of new cotton, It
classed middling and sold for W. cent,
Worms are being exterminated by Pari
Cansnrshlp on llraslllan Trans,
Bcknob AVHKM, Aug. 80, The govern
ment hits forbidden the newspaper to
publish military or political news, and a
vigorous censorship ha been established,
111 a Itavlv tha I'arehlng Corn.
PlTTNiit'lMJ, Kan,, Aug. 80, A drench
ing rain fell here, breaking the long
drouth and reviving the corn.
Light rroat Itaportad.
Hiot'X CfTY, Aug. 80,-Light frost Are
reported from South Dakota, northwest
Iowa end north Nebraska.
Mawby Uata Two Vaar.
Hi'lMNUttrXft, Aug. 80. Daniel Bull
ion Newby was sentenced to two year
in the Cheater penitentiary,
(Jond Knough fur a llaaat.
A droll little tory is told of Mr. W,
H. Gilbert, He put np hi horse one day
nt A small country inn, on the signboard
of which was painted conspicuously the
notice, "F.ntertalnmeni for man and
beast." When hi lunch wa brought,
ho looked dissatisfied, and surprised the
waiter by saying, "Thl I all very well
so far, but where I tho entertainment
for the man" London Tit-Bit,
Ill War of Aattllni llaliU.
While 1 was reading tho London pa
jier in a comfortable chair at tho Colo
nial club not long since two studious
looking visitor went by. One said to
the otheri "Yes, he' a good fellow, but
so eternally mysterious, though syste
matic, yet unreliable, Take the way he
settle bis bills, for instance just like
clockwork-tick, tick, tick."-Club.
The sun and the earth are both prac
tically spherical in haxi, and tho earth
is evidently only a small, cooled off or
frozen sun. Iho sun has a shell of glow
ing metallic clouds; the earth ha A shell
of Holid opaque rocks and metal.
Tho telephone was first practically
used In England in 1870, when over 119
tulles of wire existed between London
and Norwich, but no telephone exchange
was established until 1870, when 10 of
flee were established.
Tho work iHrformed bv the human
heart each 24 hour i eoual to the lift
ing of U"J ton to a height of one foot la
tho saino length or time.
I tt I'M lttt ) l ..)!( ),,
Standard Anti-Homan Catholic Books
Wliii li r-YM V I'ltlliolit' Aim ii. an slum). I tuvl in nrlrt In
Vrt' hitnsi lf jnhl lipun 1 1 o nttitu.lo tf tin ptipiu j :
Rtv. Chlnlqufs Books:
I It TV V Ut IH Hit: lit li II '
l,i 1'H. ''i
"-M "1. i'MI SAM TMfc IUMI s.
SliH A I.' - 'M.,I
Fulton's Books:
' WHV I'KIt 1 Sllnl l ll ttll'' l't
wi ,, i i ,.ih, fi it,
ItuMt ' I'll., II l
T, M, Harris Books:
"AMH ATtnH I lM1i.NM- 1.rth
! rn Mikkiiihi, Ami.
Mr, and Mrs, Slatleri's Works:
HliHVI HT I II K rMHlSrll". I'ajier.
T- ei-nla,
"Sti 111 I- UK IUIMISH ritlKSTS H. X-rosHI"-
Price, e.fiila.
-!fi-l.'-I ! Shvvly llltn k,
First Pick out anvon tir mom nfi
your friends who arc earnest, wmaolmi- j
lions, loyal I'rotoslant Americans, who
favor tho principles published el ho- i
1... -.. ...... ul. I. ...t m.I II... A I
n llllj lij nil, ai'bii 'l i-nni,7im ri vitu
1 A. in Nebraska.
iScroml llavo them sign a blank a-
pl lent Ion for u charter which you can
draft In alKiut tho following form: J,
8. Hatfield, Columbus, Neb., stato
president of tho A, V. A. In Nebraska:
Wo tho undersigned citizens of naino
your town and of tho Unltod Htates,
believing In tho principles sot forth
over your signature, would respectfully
potltlon you to grant us a warrant or
dispensation for tho organization of a
council of tho A. V. A In this town.
'lliird Stato tho night you will bo
ready for tho organizer.
Fourth Tho initiation fee Is usually
placed at $2 and the due at 60o per
Filt Curo should bo taken In tho
selection of charter momburs, a men
are quito often taken in a charter
member who had bettor bavo boon
kept outside altogether.
Fremont, ElKhorn & Missouri Valley
Wafioo, Lincoln,
Sewaiid, Bupkiuor,
David City, York,
Ai.won, Norfolk,
Northern Nebraska, Black Hills
Sioux City, Minneapolis and
St. Paul,
TlRkntomca Ifil I'ltrnam straiit and WbaUr
HI runt Union Hut Ion,
(inri'l Miinnt(ir. Omii'I I'liasAirt,
Chicago Short Lino
or THA
Milwaukco & St. Paul R'y
The Best Route
Tmtns Tiallr-'i'islstlnaof lh Hsht Pai.acr
HIiiIms Cursi Ki, boast, Vrnr.n ( lislr rars,
l.iisiiiuors l oiti'lms, mi't tlis l liinnt IMiiIhk
Ors In Hih world.
for TliroiiKli Tli:kta, cull on tlis Jli'ki't
nioifit st li r'arimm alrwt and at union
Tai'llli! dit. ,
fcvnrjr linllon mld U jmiwoiiKurs ljr
(Duriiiii niiiiiiyi' 01 iiik riiiiiifinj.
(Ikii'I Ak'I. (IiiiiiIih, Natl,
W. H. LANYON, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Telephone) 747.
ThkIvs inr I'miilniiiil iinirllre In (Imnlia,
llll HnHlHI lint Fliriii'liri ui Pl..4ii-in ani-iiiini
inn,.,, h w. 1'i.r. HIlM'iith ami Clili'SKo His
OinVa lioiirs v m lo II :i a. -. :il to ft:ii and
7:im to Hum p. in. Hi'iiiiitiin'H, ii i iisrins ai.
Everybody's Law Book"
la Km lit If of Hikiihw 7s pnitn work
iri iiiri'i l,jr J. AIkhiiiiiIit Kooni'a. I,. I.. II
,,,.inlM.r ,if flu New York liur.
Ilnimli. i-vcry tnsii iiml woman In Im
ili,-ipiiaii lwvir. Il i-ai'lii's wlmi ar your
riulilM IiikI how to tiiHlntiilil llii'in, Win' n lo
Im-kIii lnw milt nml when lo Khun oiik. II
i'iiim utiiH tlin iiHcful Infnriiiatliiii i-vitjt tnml
na iiihii iirciU In avi-rv hiuIm In Ilia iinlnn
llrnnlitlim IiiihIih-hh forma of rvi-ry viirli'ly
iiwfiil to l lot liiwyi'r n wkII h to all who
Iihvii li-mil liiiHlni' to Iranaai't.
Ini'loMitwn (liilliint for u ropy, or Incloao
two-i'i-nt polKK' hi nnip for a muni or con.
l.-iilt nml l.-rtii lo Bifi'iila. Aililrim, HKNJ
W. IIITrllOH'K. I'utillNlifriMHIxtli avm-w,
I Nrw tirk.
Edith O'Gorman's Work's:
imi sr nil t mi inn- pi,,
i huh It ,v
Btv, J, G. Whites Works:
' i imof I'MlhM ' I'lfctlarlottt
i n
ili'MIM-M Mlllr' Vxv t c
' IoimH VHtif lAHAMIlK
I Ai 1 I tilt 1IIK I'tnl'l.t'' .,4
Thomas E. Uydan's Works:
"SH III T IHs1itril'ilS ll Jrfl'IT'
HI It nH HTIIV" snerela.
"MARIA MONK" Prl.. so whu,
CAM II & ! ' humireili euiii iM-r ihuiiMmii
For Prices.
Tel. 1938. 103 8. lOh etreet,
Northaait Oor, 10th and Dodga At.,
roll a i.i, kinds or
Foreign and Domestio Fruits,
Nutii Oonfaotlom, Olgun and Tobaooo,
Teleilioim 1714.
Undertaker Embalmer
formerly with M. O. Maul.l
(IS Aouth lOlh At., OMAHA.
207 North 17th St., . OMAHA, NEB
Work callfld for and diillrerad,
Rat Dyhall'idollclouaCroam Candloi.
151H Doujflae Ht.
4 wrltfrfl rtiarant in tun.
Our fur ( wtiinnfil u4
nta'UihlMnji, ( irMd
jruiitfrn mium,
Hf MtMPtiittnm
Cul If mm ftB tft tun tit
mmtl, aviid ir v th Mm inmm
KMrriU to mir or refund Alt
nt'iHHf. j Uutt mtt't prutur to rimim irnre wr irktmfi
vmtt do 0 unit w will tmf rMroiul f-vre both wy in4
hui0 MIIh while Iter If e fell U mitm, We i'helletive
ttie WirM firwtlhetMr MA (1 10 rlKHKUY tvltl not
(-tire. Writ for full iferMule.ri end tlie e?.rfv'e.
Tlte moiternlrinnt iilij'olnlene liaw tieter n title lo
give more ttten tertiuorerjr t)U't. in oar eltfhl jreere'
liriu'tke with Ihli MAffffl Kf,MK,f)Y It tine Ihmhi moel
dimi'iill toovercumetli prnjtullfMHi eifelrtet all i-eelll
M'!iw. ma urt'ier our rmnif f ueririte inounie
ere try inn II nl hffritf rnrmt, We nonlreitl Ut mire or
fitfutti evnrv dollar mud n we here t flnenflal Umt kHw
ttiMtml tHrttHr Mfe Hi itr hi, Ol'l rhnmlr, Ufp
Wteud fwMi rurml In Ml to (W neyn, Jnftiifrt our
flfmiurleJ elAHJliriir, unr rl"itfttlnn m hnHnnm tnn,
Wrlie tie tor iirn ertd el'lriMe of Ihoee we
ciirfil who hive givtm (milAl(ni tt refer Iff Ihem, it
four eyffiplf'rna ere rn lliroel, Hiucitie fmUhrHi in
mouth, rlo'iiinellMiA Iti b'ttmm u )-hiU, heir felllntf
out., iru(tlone on eof of the tro'ly, feellnir of
irniNLj rlrfrwiilont sjuai In heel or hort, wrll ei
once. AH wrriMmfl'w mii wiffl in pleln envehiime
We invite the oio-i ritfl'l InveflllirMtloneiul will da ell la
our power to J1 j-ou In II, Adilreee,
Maaonlo Tempi, CHICAQO. ILL.
who has no Muslo In tils Son!,"
it oWrvinjf of sympathy, but not
mora so, thnn
who is without on of th handsoma,
Nw Siyln Driving Vohlclot of & Co.
C On of tha nanvast and moat at
1 trarllva III llralunl
rq J I'.cooonili al bai-Miian alralila
1 nr iiii.llir IVurbiiianalilD
! liiPauauatvaaiMl In (raat damaiiA,
aud fur Cuts and l-a rlpiloaa to
Whan lliiylnf a
A. IV. GUMP & CO.,
30.00 'lo S.'.O.OO aavad an many naw
aml B.rolHl-liaml III rye lea. I.lala
Kraa, lrr tf.OOU In aloak. 'aalt ar
lima. t
ai:vi utxriti.
r Vt ril, (lie im-w ni-r ln'l ly the
r-CMicsao. aocs iklono a racinc a.
C.'tcll all shout It and will 1'S aaut r Ht fcj
ah.-., t nix tia. (i. ti 'i r.M
l tWfim, I I.Hwl rwlW Hiltul. Cb.i, III. 5