The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 01, 1893, Image 1

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    TjH E
it ,, v.
'If f t 4 If giH f-M " IMI 4 ! lilfw I f..h ,rat rl.tJ r - to m f ,in i, IM fr
OMAHA, Ni;nUVHKAt I Ull'.V Vt HH II Mill It I, m;.
4 iimi f t,r'f '
Vol I ' 111.
Ho I It Tint tTj thing" Cro t
In Colesg.ii rurpt the Schools?
t Mrr Halt! the MHIhM ltt,Mt lla;
:HUKHt,IMMl, Millie U,OlHI tt(l..
Tin new (toman Catholic n r (mis
named tUmoetaile) published In this
dty rid If uli tho idea of any society
Imlnif oronnUed to rpotuale our pub
lic free school systout. l order to show
tln various ways Hume ha of depriv
ing Amfrlfntt Mtul (oivIkii WnctillJron
of ft juihllt! wliiMi) fdiiOHtlon, I ca!i llio
ri'mlfr'g Rtumlon !o lh fttfU dlw)f)fil
At the filiK'ntlimul ooncnn on tint 8M
of July lHt, from whlolt llapin-nrd tlmt
fit),(KtO children In tho city or Chlffct,
ontltlod undor tho law of ItlinoU to n
cdiifiilloii, woro doprivod of ft, ltfCiiuno
thiro wan not room for them In tho
BchoolH. How comns It that everything
In Chicago, except tho Hohools, grow
with Itti growth? How comon It that In
.addition to tho expjndlturo'of imllllon
of dollars for parks, nunnorlos and eon
ventu, Chicago could build tho "whlto
-city" by the lakoata cont of $:J0,0(W,00O,
whllo (il),0(K) children .aro deprived of
that accommodation In thoschoolM
that oolongs U) thorn by law? 1
It not tlmo that Chicago woko up
and placed Americano on tho
school board who aro not undor
the RomUb Influence? Home
well understands that the more
Ignorant a man Is, tho hotter ho
can bo controlled by tho church.
Tho popa han lately decreed
that America Is to have a patron
Balnt, and Columbuu In tho pi;r
nonago delected for canonization.
Tho Idea unod to ba that saints
were those whose Uvea had been
devoted to acts of ploty or fanat
icism, and thero Is not known to
have, been anything specially
pious about tho adventurous
sailor who rediscovered tho now
world. But tho pope settles tho
matter. Ho has informed the
Columbian minister of hU Inten
tion, and that the first step to
ward its fulfillment the boajtl;
flcatlon will toon hi takori. At
tho same time, France is to have
a, new patron In St. Joan of Arc,
and both beautlflcatlons are to bo
hold together. AltnoH every
other country has its saint. Bt.
George does duty for Kngland,
St. Andrew for Scotland, Ht.
David for Wales, Ht, Patrick for
Ireland, St. Donls for Franco,
St. Anthony for Italy, Ht. James
for Spain, Ht. Sebastian for Por
tugal and St, Nicholas forltussla.
Hut why St. Denis Is to havo a
supporter Is not stated.
What Columbus will ba called
when added to tho saintly cata
Joguo Is not announced. Thero
Is already a St. Christopher, so
that a new title will apparently
havo to bo chosen. I tako tho
liberty to suggest "Saint Idol
fltrous." v
Visitors at tho World's Fair wonder
why they aro requested .to remove their
hats while viewing tho relics and docu
ments of Columbus In tho La Habeda
monastery. I could not understand tho
reason of this retjuest until I suw tho
oil painting In tho Mexican exhibit en
titled "Torment of Cuauhtemoc,"
where you seo these d'tvoted Spaniards
roasting tho feet of tho poor Indian In
order to rnako him give up his gold,
for gold is tho Tlomnn god, and this is
tho way they havo of showing their
respect for Its worshipers,
On August 12th at tho corner of
Peoria and Madison streets, Chicago.
Americans could havo wltrinxnod a good
Illustration of Home rule' Mrs, Emma
Hlce, tho Kvangellnt, . attempted to
lecture on tho lives of Ht, Peter and
Paul, before a crowd of about .'1,000
people, She hai hardly commenced to
talk before she was assaulted with rotten
eggs, musk-melons and other, mlsslls.
Kho stood her ground n artfully until
sho was bruised from head to foot, when
sho fainted, and It was with cllllloulty
that sho was curried away from the
mob. Prior to tho meeting Captain
Mahoney had been applied to for police
protection. None, however, was fur
nished. Tho police who were on tho
outskirts of the crowd did not attempt
to Interfere, and no arrests were made.
This Is a fair specimen of Homo's Idea
of freedom and liberty of speech, Tho
Cbleago polloe force is so rank that a
largo number havo recently been dis
charged on account of their being In
league with the criminal classes. It It
not time for the better class of Homitn
Catbolleo to comhlno with tho A. P.
A.'s to put men on tho police force who
are not criminals? The fact that they
aro In good standing In tho church Is
not a sulllcient mason why this class of
men iiould hold ofllees as public pro
tectors, II, Nkamc.
A Model Jhlei tlve Agency,
The church of Homo has, by means
of her secret confessional, a systema
tized detective service that excels any
In this or any country, says tho Wo-
i t 1 1 1 I ,r turn ,
k iti ofli v or ih U hifw
U t (f th U spy ni , thai ( !
i to a ( l-t Th i l Mi.tes w (ho
lonm ' ,,( Am-ttcAtt fmiUe!
male kftoaa lit the i ih pti,-l 1
I hi j dj j?Sv tonne rout InMsni , tei ei ) end land oi tli at h t Hi,'',
the fiill of l"t!y lutc-f rettee ithjstn' It nil no rhliilnn, and h,r only
ProtiMsttt lone hoi. U lhroufc'h sen an!
i'lil e-iiili'Mlon It Ptvloitunt
timke UiftttM-Ue lnMI'r ,H(itiliil,-,
lth UtO irnfl, In Oil litis if Kit
rlel nf H hii In tin j, ll y woulil
l timro on fc-imrd a ml no Mve tliem
wive from Itornmlng the pr,j of
ItiiiuUli fon-plrney. Hend thu lil-loiy
of ,n Kll?lt'li' lime, and mh the
Mrl that prlecl mdi wrvaiiti jday In
their ploU for III" (l-!l iietlnii of Hie
Prolenldiil fMUw. Vi lnliVf Hint Ills
lory U Unlny ivpeatlng hw lf In this
roee1 a well as In ninny olhers. A
word to the wIro Is sulllcletil, so tit
leiiHt diM'lahes the Insik of Iswiks. The
following will explnln our meaning:
A London contemporary writes it
follows: A recent visitor to Ireland
dcscrllios tho control which the Kentish
prlesthoiKl exercise. Domestic servants
aro chiefly Hoinanlxts. It was noticed
in several families that conversation
was cheeked on tho entrance of the
waitress, and altogether stopped when
tho subject was religious. A recent
pamphlet, describing tho convertlon of
a Uomanlst, had been condemned by
tho priests. A copy mysteriously dls"
appeared from tho drawing room; an
other was obtained. This also disap
peared, No doubt was entertained as
to tho cause. Tho wife of tho resident
manager of a principal bank had spoken
to her maid on religious subjects, Tho
bishop wroto to tho directors, threaten
ing to wlthdrow tho "Catholic" deposits
unless tho manager was dismissed, Tho
directors declined, saying they wero
responsible for tho manager, but not
for his wife, A farmer was ordered to
dismiss two of tils men for attending
Mr, Moody's services. It is the pre
vailing conviction that all which Is
snld and done In tho hounchold is
known to tho priest through tho con
fessional, Tho servant has two masters,
und tho paramount authority Is not
that of tho head of the house,
HI'.I Contest.
Thero Is now pending in the county
court tho contest of a will which Is
signed by "Mary McKorrny." Tho will
appears in regular form and Is regular
on It face, but the heirs of tho dead
woman are contesting it.
TIicho heirs say that tho mime signed
to tho will is not tho name of tho dead
woman; that at the time sho Is repre
sented us having signed tho will she
was In cxtremlo, did not know what
she was doing, and did not know her
own name.
Tho will was executed but a few hours
before her death, and by the terms of
the Instrument sho gave all of her
property to certain Catholic Institu
tions In this city, Hhu died at tho
Catholic hospital February 22, lHll.'l, to
which place sho had been taken prior
to her death.
Tho woman wits of Irish birth. Homo
ten years since she wai divorced from
her husband, F.dward McKcnna, when
she removed from Omaha to Wyoming,
-,rUk tr, r.g.w,..g, .... I 'I'll I I'll I I j W1; ; , ) '
WV; fee 1'v Mr W! i;v Iwl i rv
a to iv ! tun"1! ) d a tone ht the
l M, I juitj.'hUtt, Hit ato'lit he lttid
lit ')tnilng until l l ibath ' "l lao
,t 4'i J he h-t . I.u tM il l it
Omnha t,w shf h. m.v IUihI it mil
I., r il.-, - hhf !. , an t ciaUs
i ivlattre how living nil' In Inland, to
tlnmH r jiatttlly ttad said sho In-
I. (tiled to leai Iter I'tvp'tiy. Atxtitl a
year tttiee he linl tin allot inv lit
iinaha pn mti' for her a a III by Melt
he a ttt iII?mhi of her J'fiH'l'IJ , lull
sin Itad tavn fnntl her Ifelnnd liotna
iiiid frh'tidii so long she was untthle to
cleittiy Identify the h im ulitt was df
slroiisof nnikltiit Ihe Is-te llelttfiea under
her will. I'or that reiwon, at lh aug
gesllon tit her attorney, In Augut,
ltU!, slip visited Ireland and her ld
home, and In NovcinisT of tho suine
year she returned to Omaha, told her
attorney that she hnd funtul cerltiln of
her relatives living to whom she
wanted to give her properly when she
was done with It, and a day was fixed
by Iter to meet her attorney and pro
pare the will. She culled at tho ofllee
of tho attorney, hut he was employed
In court, and tho matter drifted along
until she was taken sick, taken to the
Catholic hospital, itnd the day sho died
they sent for a lawyer, a w ill was pre
pared by him, Dr. Klley was named
therein as executor, and all of her
estate was given to tho Catholics by
tho term of tho will that was so pre
pared, Tho relatives In Ireland are
now contesting tho will, and tho end Is
hidden In mynU:ry.Omuhu Merrury,
Ail Independent View.
It seems that Pope Ieo, In bis en
cyclical on labor, has attacked the
scriptures that which ho himself says
Is tho word of (iod In his attempt to
place a thing above man, and tnako It
more powerful In directing human
affair. God gave to man dominion
overall the earth; tho pope tries to
reverse this and give tho thing (money)
dominion over man; and yet the pope
pretends to be governed In all things
by tho word of Uod,
4f tho pope is as Ignorant of the
science of government as ho Is of the
scripture, ho certainly'. Is un unsafe
teacher; and Jf he Is as ignorant of the
luws of common sense as ho Is of tho
laws of nature, his advice to American
el tl ens upon any question pertaining
to their temporal happiness docs riot
amount to much, Tho only animal
with which he can be compared Is a
democratic or republican politician.
Ikalrivc Tribune.
Is It a Fact!
It would be interesting to know the
grounds for tho expectation which Is
said to bo (thorlshod at the Vat ican that
Satolll, tho representative of the pope
In tho United States, will Noon bo
officially recognized by the government
of this republic, If 1 'resident Cleve
land, or anybody authorized to speak
for him, has pi-ouilncd such tin un
American recognition of un ecclesinnil
cnl authority the fact should be made
known to millions of people who feel
that nothing tif the kind can bo toler
ated In a country of civil and religious
freedom. CU viiand Daily Ismler.
it II in mv
l" 1 1 til, V itm, Vug I It tot
lutit. . 1 1 . 1 .14 X... i, .1
.m iv,.mI it. Dtht.-.! In m.-liiiii
i - 1 I - I , -I, . (I ! It
h,,i, .H.nv-.o.ninnU U,i. hiuUii
liotw( teem the llH, h) onl.T of the
fit)' e-Mineil, III ' jiihlheit
in lull In Til Ami iil H of Ant;iil ,
k iVtUliet,
I'ri.l t M, Minn , Aug, 21 Polio lug
Is a ropy of a (Utli.ii hau led to the
Diilnili eliy rotiiicll, Omaha dnei not
Itoiil ftiono In the win . I MltH thUklnd
tif lrinih. ilWrttf lug her olhe fnree.
This Is Dulttth's m-eond eu-e within a
niotilli In rvln t'aihotle ii1!eer have
h'i it elintged with atlowlng their re
litions feelings to gel lite IwUei' of
their Jiiiljjtnetit, Thtt hIIIIhii npi iiks
phtliily, itnd reads:
''Your m HlliiiiiT, Hie undersli;ned
Ilaldwln A Walker, would rosif ifully
represent unto your honorahle Isnly
Unit he is now, and hits been for the
greater (Hirtlou of the lime slnee the
month of June, IWZ, a resilient of the
city of Duliith, Minn., that during that
period ho has been a law-abiding elll
eu; that for several weeks past Thomas
Hnyden, a polleeman and detective of
Htld city, has'exhlblled violent pre
juillce ugtilnst your petitioner. That
on the I Hit day of August, 1 HO.'I, at said
city of Duluth, sitld Iluyden used the
following language towards your pell
tlon'ir, viz; Yon J-d dirty Protestant
l will make you leavo town,"
ami thereafter tho said ffayden, In
furtherance of hi malicious purposes
t'urds your petitioner, on the J (Hi
day of August, Wl, while your peti
tioner was in ft drug store In said city,
wantonly rind without the least provo
cation whatever, then and thorn ar
rested your petitioner and compelled
him to go with him to tho common Jail
of said city, and then and thero Incar
cerated your ptitltloner therein, where
he remained from II o't'Iiwk In tho fore
noon of that day until 8 o'clock In the
afternoon of said day as a prisoner,
when he was released therefrom, as he
was advised, by order of the chief of
police of said city, there being no
charge whatever preferred against hint,
'That said Hayden so arrested your
petitioner on tho pretext that he was ft
vagrant, when In truth nud In fact your
petitioner at the time of "is nrrcst had
In his packet the sum of ttM.U't In eitnb,
good notes worth, und In fact v it I veil at
II".", and had upon his person a geld
watch and chain worth the sum of I7.'i,
nil of which whs known to Ilayden Im
mediately after tho arrest of your
"That said Hayden, In the arrest of
your Ntitlouer, under the color of his
olllee and, authority as policeman, in
order to gratify his personal and rdiiy
iwm liUjutrij, not only perpetrated a
permanent Injury upon your petitioner
but brought woll-dcllnnd disgrace ttpnri
tho administration of the government
of the city of Duluth, thereby evidenced
that ho Is not only wholly unworthy to
hold the position ho has disgraced, but
destitute of the comprehension of the
rights due an American citizen.
"Wherefore your ietltloner asks
your honorable body to take such action
as may 1st proper In tho premises,"
The communication was referred to
Ihe ti.niot rnl H niiitn ), Hh a
v,, i. t t (tit, .tik,ir. a"t ip-'tl ! k
li tht ent,n..l t it,,. nUii j.niii t .i
Ifci tie., Tttttnjr Uv'1 n U tmUnfr ol
hil III ISllKll .IIU.., lit tlOtt
Hit h t . Ii pdfl .inn in i..r,i I "nllin
hi tul.t, mi. I th,. il.itrvtt and tt am
t lit list!, one T,
- --
t Hi ptthllt an hwk.
hi I. Vt it tut t n. N-ti, Anw'tist 14 Ami ijii H, D. ar Hln In your
pai r of Augifl M I road tl presl
tletllV taUllVM to the pop, lltrttttflt
('anliintl tilhhon. Why is II thai
t'leVehind thinks iinin of IV lsi
XIII. than he does of the peep! In the
Pulled HUile.y Tltooo Wltii vleeUxl
hint did not think for one moment that
lie would pay inert attention to lloutp
thitn lie would to I lie oilt nf the
Pulled Hlntes. It Is an Insult to all
Attierleitn lsii it elllens to read aueh
letters, lt every trim Amerlean
patriot stand up and say, wo have had
eitoutth of Homanlsm and (inougli of
Cardinal (llhhons' Heme ruling in t he
executive mansion at Washington.
Knelt letters show what tho demisiratle
pnrly l, It works on Itume rule, and
they say Home must rule. Our people
have bey ii n to get their eyes oien.
Last fall It made no dllTereneeas to the
party whether republican, domoeratki
or Independent. Now we hear our Prot
estant domitcrati say It is a shame to
read of our president addressing Pope
fio XIII, as ho did In his lust letter,
Our Independent party people In this
part of tho county wero a majority
from the republican party, They say
that they were foolish for voting as
they did, for tlieir party helped Cleve
land Into olllee, They can see after It
Is too late. 1 am a republican to the
back bone, and If those that left the
republican party had stayed to the old
party we would havo a republican
president today; not ono that would
listen to Cardinal Gibbon and thank
that old Italian devil that Is In that
Vatican on tho Tiber, and for tho great
Interest that he has In America.
May God enlighten every Protestant
so be h'i may see that he is In danger,
and that he must put his hand to the
helm and work lor liberty. We see
right at home that the Irish Catholic
wants things his own way, P.vcn In
the school meetings they try U get a
Catholic scIkhiI board, but thank God
tho Protestants got tho majority, and
the Irish Catholics "urn not In it," as
the saying Is, I hope they will gel left;
they must drop from nflloo, or we pisr
"heretics," us we are culled, will 1st
banished from the face of the earth,
We know Hoiiutnlsm Is doing nil It
can to down our public school system
und stop free s pooch. Think for one
moment, you Protestant teople, and see
the condition yen are In. As things
st md ut the present time, we are al
most ruled by Homitu Catholics. All
our navy, or war department, is ruled
by Catholics; our president, Mr. Cleve
land, Is ruled by a Catholic. If a Cath
olic tifllcer has done wrong enough to
be expelled from olllee, all they do is
notify Glb'sms; ho giws to
Cleveland and say that olllcer must
stay, mi tho president keens that man,
Why duo he keep him? Meeause I tome
rule him. If a Protestant ol!lcor
does nut do half the wrong, he Is
kicked out and a Cuttiolic put In his
place. The only way that we can ac
complish tho overthrow of Itome Is
by tint ballot. Ho let us all work
in unison, regardless of politl-'.s, for wo
have a great work to do.
J. M. HMD, A. P. A.
Nt Mtm ,1l
MUM H Itt 1 HI; 1 1. Hi,
Vttftt,t ttrlMfW Krwal aa al
I lm l.amaar UtsrM.
Till I1 Is t .ei 1IHI,'.. In thtt
II. -us! fci.snl, and le.tlrtitfcf hut tho (k
ill IpitHe ot ihe l lmt a n.1 H-Hiitnl
r. tlineni., l ler) ( ate! Him0 A, of
thlsi ltj, prevent.,! a ttottlt) at VWinp
AHgt'id, a heiv th slaio ttiays tr
l ltemi ),..t,.sl,- ,
It as all miiw il y ,e ftpp.-ntmniw
of the Irish tUtf ht plaen of the regular
atate roior In Urn ranksof the SW,.iith
fee Intent Hibernian rifle.
It I piv., i hj (I, military law
il Illinois Hint tho stale tnsiH of !.
led shall esrry both the national and
stttUt tilths, so yesterday when the Irish
eoitimatnl marched Into eiiittp with tho
lllltinl color discarded and those of
Ireland substituted fur iheitt II unused
a murttnirof disapproval to run through
the entire eiiinp. It Is mi that Colonel
C. H. K Knnh, of tho First, and Colonel
bulls 8. J mill, nf tho Hetsond, sent word
to General Wheeler, commanding the
Chicago brigade, that they desired tho
flag removed at tinea or desired per
mission to remove their command ru
gardlea of olrotitntantso General
Wheeler replied that as tho flag hud
Ihhih placed there by order of the
adjutant-general which, a everyone
acquulnU'd with military affairs knows,
mean tho govermtr, for tho adjutant-
general hits no authority to Issue
such ti n order except when told
to do so by tho governor, and not
by himself, he could not order It
romovod, but requested as a per
sonal favor that the two olllcer
allow their commands to remain.
Doth olTlenr complied with
General Wheeler's request as a
favor to himself, but tho rnon
wero not so liberal, "'and many
smothered exclamations of dis
gust wero hoard among them, ,
"I wish wo had a few hundrad
rounds of ammunition, that wo
might (III tho thing full of holes,"
said a well-known sergeant. An
other, litter In the day, suggested
that , It bo taken by force and
burned, and Immediately found a
following of two or three hundred
men from the commands all over
tho state, but tho flag had boon
Asldo from tho excltornont the
event caused jrneterday thy Is.
an after effect that is liable to Ite
far more serious to tho guard.
An officer of one of the city regi
ments, In speaking of tho affair,
said: "It Is an Insult to tho
Illinois National Guard, and
every o Ulcer and man In tho ser
vice outside of tho regiment
which jicrjietruted tho Insult
resent It as such. Speaking for
my own regiment, I can say that
thero are ten or flftoen of our
oflleer who will never bo com
pelled to participate In an affair
of this kind again, for wo shall
resign within tho next two weeks.
Of course we recognize the motive
as a political one, Altgold Is do
ing ail ho can to catch tho Irish
supjsirt for United Htatc senator,
and this Is only one of his many
way In which ho has used the
national guard to aid his pel III-
cul scheme."
It I expected that other regiment
inny be affected In tho same way, and a
great reduction In tho officers' roster of
the guard Is probable in the next few
A memlier of tho Second regiment,
In which thero are many Irishmen,
said: "This Is In bad taste and Inex
cusable. During the war for tho Union
Irish regiments were allowed to carry
a green flag with the state coatrof-arms
on It, Instead of tho usual blue state
flag. Hut the Illinois National Guard
Is made up of state regiments, and
while the Second regiment is largely
made up of Irish-Americans, no one In
the regiment ever thought of putting
aside the state (lag, To do so on Illi
nois day at the fair was simply Idlotlo,"
(,'htiwjo lnlrr-ih'Kiti.
Kind Herds.
ClIKIA'iil, Aug. 21. AMKIUCAN l'UII-
Mhhino Co , Gentlemen: I am sorry
for the delay In sending you tho money
so long due, I would riot miss your
paper for twice ll cost. I have seen,
und do see, a great many publications
In tho interest of Amerlean, as opposed
to our great arch enemy on the J'lbor
and his followers, but I have never seen
a pus-r more true, out-sMjken and to
the point than yours.
For Garfield Council No. SI, Jr. t), U,
A. M., of this city, I can assure you It
me.inls-r are wot king hard to accom
plish Its objects, and your on per (soften
spoken of, and gives Inspiration to as
noble a set of men and true American
as you will often meet. Hiispocfully
yours, Amkuican.
Tee Fife.
Jt I difficult for Americans, In their
magnanimity to believe, however real
istic may 1st the story, that goviunient
and other agencies in FurojMt have do-
iils-rately conducted their diseased,
filthy, vicious and criminal dregs of so
ciety, bv ocean steamers as sowers, Into
cesspiNits made of the ports and towns
of tho United Htatcs Hut such Is tho
fact, established by evidence convincing
and cumulative. limit rut Tribune.