The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 25, 1893, Image 1

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    rJ HE
ilC AN
4 ffM llf
OMAHA, MT.iasKA, l iaPAY. U'i.IM' :s,U
Ni wt n
A Dally rpr (ivri on Siil rf 0
IrUh QueUon.
V Arr I Whlth We 1 !, rieamiv
I' In riliillntf nmi Itect-nl
llonmn UUter),
Tho IMsler Orangemen havo a )
iIIi'm! orgittilnt lott In Kngland of h
new sort, v a htiiwrvit men,
tiorgynit 11, traders and hum-Ii w
stationed In Kngland tinder the direc
tion of a loader, nml put In hi I their
time going about Ihe country pointing
OUl till HWflll OOllNeqill'tlOOH t llHl W'OllIll
result from n Dublin parliament. When
HI) election l HtHUll tO lllko plllOO (ho
entire; tssly In Itnjtorted Into tin) con
stituency, nml 11s the inoinlH'rs are
adepts in tlto url of electioneering, tho
unlonlHt candidate finds himself ma
torlully assisted, from writing posters
or wheedling doubtful voters to break
ing op a meeting: or Intimidating
"Tho tnoHt striking feature of the
organization Ih tho lmiortHlion of forty
young girls from Ulster, representing
all classes, but selected for tholr good
lookn. Their business In to personally
canvass tho voters and Impress them
with two things their own at
tractiveness and tho torrlbto
effects of tho possible Dublin
"As the unionists havo a mag
nificent fund, theso people live
In clover, and tholr methods
havo got to bo something a little
worso than disreputable. Indeed,
they were so outrageous at tho
recent election at l'ontofract
that they would have caused the
unseating of tho unionist candi
date, had he been elected.
It always scorns a little strange
to Americans that such political
crusades aro productive of desir
able results, They resemble too
much the solicitations of tho Sal
vation Army, and have an ob
viousness about thorn that one
would think a fatal defect. And
In this particular case they make
an argument for tho homo rulers,
for tho glory of a cause frequent
ly lies In 1U enemies," World
lkndd. ''
Now, in tho eyes of tho World
lli.rald that Is something quite
awful; but what does the same
paper think of these methods
adopted by tho priests and tholr
ignorant dupes to defeat their
oppomm tsV
l'rlor to tho election in Month
Month, Iteland, Titos. Nulty,
bishop of Mouth, sent to each
priest In his diocese a pastoral
letter from which wo make tho
following quotations;
"The Issue which you are now
considering, and which you will
finally decide by your votes at
the coming election, Is by no
means wholly arid purely polltl-
eal. If 1'arnelllsm were really
uch, I should address you not as
a t.lulmtt tint: lid ii tmlH.W'tfin.
lint 1'arnelllsm, whose
continued existence or practical
extinction you will decide at those
coming elections, is much more than a
purely political question, I ley end all
doubt it Is an essentially and an In
tensely religious question as well, and
one that will vitally Influence your
faith, your religious feelings, and the
moral obllgntlotis and dutlog hy which,
as Christians and Catholics, you are
conscientiously bound, On farnelllsm,
under that point of view, I, as a bishop,
and as a successor of tho Apostles, havo
a Divine right from God to Instruct
you and to teach you, and you aro bound
hy a Divine precept to listen to mo and
to learn tho doctrines and tho religious
principles I teach you,
"Now rarnelllsm strikes at tho very
root and saps tho very foundations of
Cutholle faith. It is even
dangerous to their faith as Catholics,
and, consequently, they should shun
and avoid it.
"They who refuse to accept that
teaching or that principle on the
unanimous authority of the whole Irish
hierarchy, deprive themselves of every
rational ground or motive for believing
"n tho truth of any of tho other doc
tyne of their religion.
'lloeauso It is solely on tho authority
I which they hero despise and decry that
they know, or possibly can know, that
1 any one of those doctrine was over re
vealed at all by (Jod Almighty,
f "if tho bishops can mislead or de
ceive their llocks on this particular
doctrine what Is to prevent their doing
exactly tho same in the case of any of
tho other doctrines which they are con
tinually teaching? Invincible Ignor
ance may undoubtedly excuse many of
the misguided but well-intentioned
, men who still cling to 1'arnelllsm, but
no intelligent or well-informed man
can continue and remain a Catholic as
.long as ho elects tooling to I'arnellism,
"Now, tho high and Divlno dignity
Hi 11 ! , Im I. f Itltt) I H i . i t
l, III II I. l to I lie ft 11 IKK,
t- ,-t, tn!t.h tl ony ,
t ho it a'.iy nli t In hi it Is j; iti. It ,
l Hiivtigh tuif pit nt ttllig and tea, hlng 1
1 lint the Initln'itl nwlte tho j
Dilint tiMth an.l know ledge without i
with It they ratwiol K' It t vv
'lut.hi'ly thnuih tit Uit tho eli'utt ami !
Itnly idiUlioit of th Baerlfltv of tiii'j
itn Isoffeit'il dally for '!' Illtf and ;
tli tli-nd on tbe tlounttdi of allum
tlironglioul tur ituiiitrj'. It I through
otir tnliiiftry that tho Hnr xiili'itt
gi'l foi'glvt'th'MH of 111 kIii lit the
Kitet ainetit of Nnnitei.
"The dvlng farnelllto himwdf will
hardly daw to faint the J.itlei of hi
t. Yen lor till ho ha 1hhii pifpnifd and
annolnted by im for the last awful
Mnigglit and for the letrllilo judgment
that w ill immediately follow it. Should
llie day (hen ever eome when wo hhall
havo lout theeontldenee and have fallen
In the estimation of our jMitple, when,
ItiHtead of revetvnee and roHMet, they
shall regard us with distrust, aversion,
and dislike, when tho 'mjijorlh arnon'
will be regarded as tho base and cor
rupt traitor of tho Interests of his
country and tho wet faro of his people,
then our preaching will not bo listened
to, our saerutnents will bo neglected
and even despised, and tho Catholic
religion, purpled and hallowed as it is
by tlm blood of our forefathers, will bo
radically extirpated out of our country,
This is tho natural tendency mid will
be the inevitable result of I'arnellism.
I earnestly entreat you, then, dearly
beloved to stamp out by your votes at
the coming election tills great moral,
social, and religious evil which has
brought about so much disunion and
bad Idood amongst a hitherto united
people, which has worked ho desperate
ly, but in vain, to break tho golden
link of love that has bound the priests
and the peoplo for centuries Insepar
ably together, which by sowing dis
sensions in tlie national parliamentary
party has weakened its strength and
ellleleiiey and which has seriously Im
perilled on tho very eve of victory tho
claims of our poor country to Its legis
lative independence I remain, dourly
beloved, f TllOMAH NlTf.TV,
Hlshopof Month,
Mlll.MNfJAU, 211th .lime, IH)2
It may not appear entirely plain to
you how I'arnellism can bo question
of religion, but that it was made so to
tho Irish priests we shall now endeavor
to prove to your satisfaction, 1
Mr. Michael Kaurln, J. 1',, of Harris
town, In giving his evidence after the
election was held, swore that he at
tended mass at Castlejordan. Father
O'Connell preached. lie referred to a
meeting at Clonard, and said ho ex
pected every man, women and child in
tlie parish would attend. Ho told them
plainly it was no longer a political
mutter, it wns a matter of their holy
religion. lie snld the procession
would start from the chapel at Clonard,
and they wore all to bo present In time
to walk to tho place of meeting. He
would be present along with Father
Mclaughlin and go round and see who
was absent. Anyone absent ho must
know why, and any that wilfully absent
themselves without a just cause he
would meet them on the highway and
On' tij , .1 n tti, 1 b m,
h- W-".!.l Iivir In . ,t Hi. i
tin ir u and tm- "
J.lvn I' Mttimliiiil oioiv !it te Hi
( ed. d ini,- lit lat)i'ji'iisii 1 ! -1,
Jtitu" l,i, Bii.l llial rtlni Ui'ontM'll
t .HiIiihI Tlil h' Inikili a'iiit tin'
I'm-iii lHt , t inj; tl i Witv only a
liitmHiU 01 w, ntiil it. at llii j wiit
"anti 1 In Ir " Thi'tt ri-iti'Iit tiei hint-
If said "unli t nt holti . H-isid the
riinlil1e wi n inilili U and lu it lle
and that K'ht wmM l w'tt Jit Ihi
iitnf (kI ft ir fit thf fim."
Mr, lalwaitl Weir ald Unit Faltter
ll'onitell tlwd thai lattcmigo, a did
also .loseph MeNamnra atui Nieholas
Kather tl't'onnell adnillHil, tindir
oath, lhat he uwd tbehuiungeeharged
to him.
Pal Iter Meldtughlln, iiihIit oath, ad
mitted that ho had, on inoin than 0110
iH't'a-loii, i til i unit i'it to his eongivgallon
lhat the question of religion was at
stake in supporting or opposing tho
I'tirttellllo parly.
Mathew Hrogan swore that ho was
not allowed to attend mass simply be
cause ho was a rarnelllte. That tho
sacraments went also denied his family
on tho same grounds.
Michael Kenny swore that when ho
went to mass at Clonard chapel, July
10, John Sheridan and William Furrol'l
closed the gates; that James Fagan
cried out as ho approached tho gate to
the chapel, "here's another I'arnelllte,
don't let him In," and that they shut
the gate, caught his wrist and wounded
John Mngcnnls, a tnllesinan on the
railway was next sworn, "I was at
mass In Jtntterstown chapel. Hev
rather Crlunlon Is tho curate of tlie
parish, After mass, Father Crlnnion,
partly in his vestments, on the altar,
called out tho names of certain persons
(about seven, thero might be more),
my name was one of them. lie wild
that ho wanted those persons Into tho
vestry after mass, 1 was alsiut the
second Hint went."
What was tho business? "lie simply
asked mo for my vote, and I would not
tell him who I was going to vote for.
I told him I did not wish to miike my
mind known to anyone that I was
working In Dublin, arid that 1 did not
think 1 would vote for any of the
parties. The reverend gentleman told
mo he did not want me to go In danger
of losing my vote."
Mr. Justice O'llrlen Did you give
the vote at all?
"I did. lie took a ballot paper, and
he made an offer, or wanted to show me
the way to make my mark In easu I did
come. I told htm I knew all about It,
and it finished up nt Unit."
I suppose ho put a mark at Mr. Full-
man's name?
"Iledld not say anything aboutthat,"
Where did tho paper come from?
"It was In the vestry, lying tin the
table beside where he was after taking
his vestments off "
Alsiut how many came Into tlie
vistry while you were there?
"We were only admitted one by one.
I havo no knowledge of what happened
to anyone but tnvself. I should sny the
men's names called out were HtispoutH.
The reverend gentleman read the
r--w j apL ii uavaiw.'Al , i kVi ViWtT'A il m if j m; .list .r nKI 'Ik ". 1 W . , j -
e-).,i m
K :lt, H t M tii. I , W H ! O
' I , 1 nmnwil ti
I - r l
I 'iii : ni
Tjiisa tt it tor Mi
1;, I Ktti.l I WVii'd in1 cte tt
IM it.,. I .a, a t in-ht lo i;i v.. It .(
1 M .1 I ttiOHht ,t I),. t,,l, t it
M li j,!t. r uf tt'SU-iuM, ami 1 adnmld
ote a,t-it-iui ,i n,y HvM,.i, -nid
lhat if I wtt ilting h,t wiid,l iinl a'.ti,l
me. Il,ii,, Im would l nxoll l.lut
OW n tVll-i 1, u,v,"
John l. ah y of Klli-avan, was tu-nl
saotn II.. aid: "The I5,v. Mr.
Tjnati Is my iMtt ldh pt ti-. The day
Is-foiv the idivlleit l alh.-r Tyiian simke
to tin about my veto, lie met myself
and aiioHu-r man on Ihe road, and he
ny, 'llujs, 1 tin eanvHwdng,' lie said
ti tho otlu-r man, 'Yon hao a vulo.'
He said Ihe same thing to me. 1 said I
llnitight not, and he sold I had. I said
I would vote for neither party If 1
had one. He told me I was hound lo
volo for my religion on tho pain of
Isdng expelled from tho church.' "
l)i(J ho add anything to that?
"lie did, that I would Im deprived of
christian burial when I died. 1 said I
did not know of that; then 1 walked
away, Tho other man stopped with
Father Tynun. I met Father MetJrath,
tho curate, tint santo day"; ho told me
ho wus ashamed of mo, I told him,
your lordships, that I never did any
thing! wusaslnimed of, or Unit I should
hnve to be ashamed of."
What did he say then?
"Ho told me 1 would not vote for my
Mr. Justice O'llrlen That Is the
thing ho meant you should be ashamed
of, I should judge, following that ob
servation? Witness. 1 asked him If Davltt was
going to make religion for us, (Laugh
tor.) I bellevo Mr. Duvitt was cnndldato
for North Month at the time?
You were not fur from Nortli Month
at tho time?
"Not too far,"
Whut did ho say to that?
"He said tho bishop was making re
ligion, and I suppose you don't give
fours'iteo about him,"
"Mr. Hlchard Macintosh deposed: "1
attended mass at Ardeath Sundny week
before tho voting. Father Carey road
the pastoral. The sunday before tlie
election Father Carey preached a ser
mon. He said 'he had the blank form of
a voting paper In Ills hand.' lie said
tlie llrst mi me was Dal ton, and (tie m xt
name was Fill lam.' "
Mr. O'Shaughneshy. What more did
he say?
Witness. "He said about the voters
to go to tho booth, and, 'in tho name of
Cod, to put their cross after Folium's
name, In the Interest of religion and
for the good of their country.' "
Patrick Hyrne, the next witness,
said: My parish church Is Cool, and
parish priest, Hev. l ather Fay. On
the Sunday latforo tho election, Father
Fay addressed the people lietweon the
tiospel. Ho said 'tho I'arnelllte men
were opposed to tho clergy and religion.
That he would treat them as wild
ls-asts in the Zoological Gardens, and
put them in cages, They were without
lJ,ti ' It I ,..l t, 1 t. fl ,
lli.'..l . I, t, ' ) . , ,.,.: !
h' tlnm, fl. 1 tn, tm .i 1
t lit if tti k on a !;!. It pop. c. Hit mi 1,1
' 'ItlK IllKH h I, , W.tlli.j i t w. f,c II
be tild not t.'i:ii- l.lm tlo n or rtit,1
Hit in lii, , ti,,,, n ti id,,,, ' "
lnii rsntH, tln ai t ttni.H, Mhl.
' Ills rliN I V Itinnmi, m,,l ),.,, .,
pi l. l, U.'V, l alliri I av I heattl I'ntli. 1
I'ay It-ad lh. ps-tm nl anil nay 'heheHd
iione of pntikhtimt'i-ii would vulo fur
Mr. laltou. II,. na id 'It a It-ally
Wrong to do, and Hint it woufd tint U
bteky lo do II.' He a a I hen tnndltit
on the altar. The Sunday Is foro the
sill, lo tint Ih-nt uf my rooo!liH'tlon, ln
said 'he would ttoxer forget Ihent if
Ihey would vote against I1I111 or the
bishop, and that they would 1st going
w rong.' "
John Misinen, of Smllhstowu, Mated
that "lie was at Jiillanstown on thtt
INillIng day, nlsmt .'io'cIiK-k; thero wero
alsiut a do.en voters going into tho
booth, and Father Gallery said 'Thank
Im to tJod, 1 am proud -of tho men of
Mornington, that they aro not a lot of
goats.' A man named William Uey
nolds eamo up to vote; ho asked Father
Oallory, who had tho register in his
hand, had ho a veto. Ho asked him
whut was his mtme, and ho looked at
tho register, and tin had them marked
olT, and he told him to go and sny that
his name was 1'eter Hey nolds-that
thero wus no William Reynolds, and to
go In and vote,"
fain i.uiKin iiepiHoii "no was a
farmer living at Castletown. Ho was a
voter; Sumrnerhlll wus his polling sta
tion. Ills ehupol was Kill, and
Father Cantwell was his priest.
Father McDonnell one of tho curates,
Father McDonnell reiul tho bishop's
pastoral at Kill, on July !ird. Ho said
nt, some time that there was going to
be a meeting at Lock wood in support of
Mr. Fullam, He told the people to 'go
and bring sticks, ho would bring one
himself. Ho expected somu three hun
dred men to go down.' Ho made some
allusion to the men canvassing for Mr,
Dal ton, anil said that they were marked
men.' "
Michael Hrlen deposed: "I am a
voter. Diingan is my parish church, I
was at mass the Sunday before the
election. Father lluchunnn celebruted
muss and preached a very short sermon
Immediately after the collection. He
spoke from the altar. Ilo said, 'Father
Fay (parish priest of Suinmerhlll) had
read an extract taken from the lmh)n n
if, uf newspaper.' He read part of it
'any man voting at un election should
vote according to his own conscience no
matter what Dr. Nulty (or it might lie
any bishop) might say." That's all ho
read. Ho would not trouble thorn with
reading any more, and he said 'that
this is pure Protestantism now that Is
Protestantism pure and simple.' He
said 'he hoped that no Catholic people
would read this paper that would pub
lish such language as that, or such
words.' On 3rd July the pastoral was
read by Uev. Father Fay.'"
What did he say with reference to
tho Purnellite party?
"He said that one and all should vote
for the priests. He hoped everyone
would, and that anyone that would go
t i
le It, m?
V 1 ! 1.1-uiiJIH kftt.t M. t
it.,. . i KtiIh,,,,!,, n t.ti It,.' Hun.!!, ilt
('' '' tt. hy ! (.. t M lMiM-lt.
.ti.i r (( , u ,, n,
tn I,, i, ,,,,,, ,,,), ,., ,,,( H
itiie ,., !. n 'itn-)ilt,', lltst M lew
oli. i,i lviifc-l, tin- pml.H lis.Mim
t.,' .. h, t.Ht t,, y t,,,,!,,,!,,,! ,,rt
of the K n.,,1, i infc- J,., j, 1(.y
Wi iil lo Iheliigtiwiit mid !yi ws mid
went n far lo ny tUl mitoiix Mho
would ,ito m .lin-t Hutu win, 1, Is,
market) im-ii tuim-d round mid
slrui-k theallar, and mi. I that 'he knew
who would ls marked n n,' He said
thai In' went Mutm-lf lo Mime of Hume
parlies and wanted lo know what they
meant by their Militle, mid they could
gtvehliu no satisfaction, tail Im says,
'Tin y hud a uintho In It, and an under
motive, and I could tell H If t liked.'
He said 'there wus lo lsa meeting hold
In iAtngwiiod on that day, and he re
quired them all to Is, there and lo bring
sticks with them, not for fighting, but
to protect themselves.' Ho said, '1
will Im (hero too, and ifunyono assaults
ust will strike the llrst blow,' Ho Bald
'he would cut them down like a weed
that would grow up and destroy tho
fertile soil,' When wo were going
home a mob gathered at the chapel
gate, They shouted at mo that the
castle bucks were now done any way;
more or mom toiii us that we
might go to church, that It was
time to wipe us out.' "
You were a Parnelllte?
Midline MclCenua, of Athboy,
tho next witness, said: "I heard
Father Iliiody refer to tho Par
nolllto party in his sermon on
the 10th of July. Ho Bald that
the peoplo were bound to follow
their priests, and that tho clergy
and bishops were always safo
guides in polities, or some words
to that effect. Ho quoted tho
text In support of what ho said
'lie that heareth you hearoth
mo.' Tho Hev. Mr, Fox, narish
priest at Athlsiy, spoko to mo
about voting."
"Did ho make any referonco to
ttio sacraments?
"Yes on tho 2flth of Juno at
tho confessional,"
Dr. Drummond I need hardly
it nay I don't want anything to bo ,
said winch occurred In the con- .
fesslonal as part of tho confession.
I merely want you to say what h
said about tlie sucramoht after
tho confession was over,
Witness "He asked mo was I
satlslled as to the course I was
taking lit politics. Ho knew me,
of course, Intimately, and know
the nart that I wus taking."
Mr. Justice O'llrlen Hud you
loft tho confessional at that time?
"No, my lord, I said I was
perfectly satisfied, That I be
lieved I was pursuing the sumo
course as I always followed In
polities. Hu told mo that 1
ought to be reasonable and pay
some respect to tho opinion of
others who know, or ought to
know, more than I knew, He
told me to pray to Cod to direct
me, and that I might return to
him In nbouta week or ten days,"
Mr. Drummond Did ho say any
thing about the sacraments?
"Hy told me that lie would notglvo
me absolution then, sir."
"Mr. Justice O'Hrlen And was H
after that hu suld to return to him in
ten days?
. "After Unit. Then I told him that
1 was fully convinced that I was right,
just the samo as if 1 was before God,
These aro tlie very exact words that I
used. Then he told mo that ho could
not admit me to the sacrament. So
then I left."
(To bo Continued.)
Tito Iliiiiirhter of ex-Altomey (ienorul
(iiiiaud lias Disappeared.
Wasminuton, Aug. 1,". Tho police
of this city havo Isa-n asked to asuist
In ascertaining tho whereabout of
Miss Daisy Garland, the daughter of
Mr. Cleveland's former attorney
general. Miss Garland left her resi
dence here last Friday morning and
went to tho Georgetown convent, and
hud a short talk with tho mother su
perior on religious matters. Ileyond a
slight suggestion of depression in her
conversation thero was nothing un
usual to note about her at tho time.
Since then nothing has boon hoard of
her, and, after making careful investi
gation, her family havo been obliged
to ask tho jKilico to assist them in
searching for the young lady. Ex
Attorney General Garland is at hit
summer home, at Hominy Hill, Ark.
The W. A. P. A. council of South
Omaha aro going to give a delightful
entertainment in K. P. hall in that
city the 2nd of September. All our
friends should attend. Admifsion Soo.
WM. CATI.1N the agent for Catlln's
Littlo Footsteps, tho best 5 cent cigar
in tho market.
. V. if) 1 1.. ?n I t ,,