The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 28, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Hi I 1 H tWiti , I lilt
I tn v V i k I am ' i
!ii'u ! ft r han, .! I i-t
)-, ,. 5, r ii -H! r i tun- I L l I f.
ftii"t't'i ! l-n,l Hit'
ll'-ftl tt Inilt, I I UM'ik," ( W
whl U r l,u fU it, ji I I m imt
1iii: t in'l Mix-n tit, fttilxH, !) Il
l,.- ! ! ftni-t(, by Uh lear
.))' huh ivjsw tn Hit rv lm
soil, by aU jmi ftiv ami all l t""
I, to ftii. imiI linmntt t'allinMc
l )i t. mnl 'lftt the MlliU lit "H
m'huitU; tvil I'Vrijf nrowi'liim iil tinn
vinr IIN'i'tlf; tvlt pwry attrtni'l lo
?!H'i" join1 ""iiwl('tii, or iin'tln'r
jour jniWlo w'htmU, oc I'lilntulxli jinir
syUm of m)IU liislnul Inn, Tli ihhii
imm nilo in la, lt Is, "IwUiT thai
iilady-nlnn guilty (Hii'sewm' limn win
liinmvnt miii )xi unjustly niiillnil,"
must he rt'VirMi when npiilli'il to ml
Jlo teachers, fur It I far heller that
iilnetyiilne ftillhlul Protestant leach
ra should Im tctnHirarlly ileitived f
their vacation tlmn one oonleiilliin, ii
fraolory or unworthy lloiniiu (.'nt hollo
teacher should Kiiln atlnilnslou within
wir jiuhllo kcIkniIs, hiuI thusdlslurh tint
jh'aco in ul harmony (if tho whole. I
would surest to tho sehisil lawrd, on
application of teachers, to consider
theso iiiicHtloim: In hIio really mnl
truly Protestant? Hock slui know and
will uliii olMy tho luw? In tior clmrMclcr
mnl NtHuilIni; In the coinmunily niicIi iin
to bflng honor nnd NtrcniBth to tho In
ftlltullon hy her connection with It?
Cun you, and will you, triiNtyour child
ren to her euro and keeping? If you
nn, then recommend her. If you can
not, then In tlie name of Uod and uhrU
llaiilly don't, for tho want of oouruu
to do tho rltfht, recommend her to vour
public ncIiooIn, for iih nurc 11 k thoro Ih a
litmvcn, Jimt no nii'o there U a holt; nt
n uro u thera U n (lod, J 1 im t ho mire
thoro In a devil, and ho Iiiin placed
many a duutfhlcr within imunricN,
oonvcnlN, tho prlnon hoimo' of woo, hy
110 Indictment, no Jury, no trial, no
jmhllo procedure, no Ntateincnt of tho
nemiNiitlon, no cxitmlnatlon of tho wit
tieNft In ItN Niipport, no couiwel for do
fcm'ci alt lo her In darkncHN, ftllcnoo,
myMtcry nnd mixplclon. Not Umit aifo
an unfortunatoNtiitntfcr, (liNniiN d with
tyranny at home, thought to find free
idom here, Who iieceptN our coimIIHoiin,
ba put faith In our promlnc of pro
tfltllon, aha vent here nil In our hand,
mho dlNNolved her former commotion
wllli tho ltomnn Citthollo churchj but
wt1l ftho wbn patiently woltlmf tho
xpli atloit of tho (Mirlod to make her a
patriotic ProtoNtitnt chrlwllan of No
liriikrt, tht tnlu of a domentlo npy, or
the calumny of a Nccret enemy, draw
n her th iiiNplcloimof the prlct, Hh
intiNt now muhject her jicrNim to tho un
controlled dcupollNiri of a Nliitflo man.
Yott havo already nvn told of plot
and conxplruclc by prlet to kidnap,
fttenllntf nnd carrying daughter tothl
IrlNon hoiiNo of nIhiiiiu, Homo havo
utiado their pwajw-and llnten to the
atory they tell. Tim ytcm of ountam
InaU d Jemilt prlcNt that have wariiicd
with Information upliw, nun, and all
.tbntodloul trlljo that breed In tho ann
ulling of Human power, that ancle tho
Wood of tho unfortunate and creep Into
'the boMiin of Nlecplnjf iniuNrnec, only
to awiiku It with a burnlrijr wound, tho
lioor of tho niimt unNiiNectlnK cn
fldnfo, Tim IntlmacleNof frlendNhlp,
'th0 rcccNNe of domcNtlc retirement, or
alckncNN, afford no acciirlty; tho com
fianlon whom you may trunt, tho friend
In whom you rimy confide, tho domoNtln
who wait In your chamber, or tho
jihyNlelan whom ymi may f-mploy to
treat your family, may Iwi a I toman
Catholic with a heart a black 'a the
binge of hell, and all tempted to .
tray your Imprudence or guard Icnn
follle, to nilawprcaont your word, to
convey them, dltortod by calumny, U
the 4 cret tribunal of the prlct whero
JcalotiNy prcilde, wlmre fear officiate
a acouNer, whro aiiNplclon I tho only
evidence that In heard, Tim American
plrlt ought folio mixed with Ameri
can pride, pride enough to remove tho
Jron bar from the door of every nun
nery In tho United Kttc and have
them liiNjiected once n month other
irlon. Let that gloriou pride which
oneo defied tho llrltlNh thunder re
animate you again. Let It not lie re
corded of Americana, that, after having
performed tho mot gallant exploit,
that they now fear to Often up the
Itoman arnenal, nunnerlea, convent,
wlwro the mot dlgraeeful crime are
rceorded In blood that ever blacken
tthe page of ny hlntory known ti man.
"Who wIhIic to lay down by a magazine
ff itowder, knowing that an enemy'
band I ready to apply the torch? In
tbl ftltuatlon we aland. I come to you
with thcNo cantcNt word of warning.
I (have ftome rcaxon to believe you will
.five them beed, coming a they do
frmn one who ha the intercut of I'rot
r;Htantlm at heart.
Uk. J. J. Hor)MON.
1'rlcntly Immorality.
Again and again tho ItomUh church
lia hal to call council to try and re
train the Immoralities of the pried.'
Thooe council havo boon perfectly
futile, for the simple rcamm that the
vast majority of tho priests were at any
tri m. 1
l lii .
-1 1 ml
'l l ,' ;:w (! .f I'ftl I,
!, Id I. ( l.iin h U.e
(' i.H
1 I !-
II .i,i,i tun, -d It l ''
in-oiiN M i A l.ittniill II hi
l..' n.t ( !!, rt ! ! Iiml ol on
1 ,t,.mI ii,!t.).mnn ft hd .ti- llt j
I (, (,.,,, , in MMntiH, la l(o ftin
i' i, ton fttu-r llii is l.ittr.ftijtin, 11
l !l d ftllll ft'H'Ot' l! ! llll'IH' (llNU'l
Acki.Iihl' lii Ibi'iii, omtttt, lon ftiiil
U t fc ftt n ftlilie di Hit d i It ftll olbei,
tin. liftiUn and H.un tltii,') tv
UiveHKim. In IM a !- I conn
i ll chivuhmI by I'fttil IV,, deetnlvd (hat
IlieJ kepi isno l Mil til upleliilld ftirt(Mn,
uliii ul iiuhuInj ftftlkt d or rod through
the i'Hv fttt' inb d by the clergy and
nubllil), the fiieiiiUnf Iin caiilliiaU,
It 1 iintoi ion that I Im Human miiilrt
ftch ullt 11 ft IIMhy a their clergy, and
vMMupltlli'd every n'I of lim tilliitiN
lieM and hiIIuii. rnriili'iillnli, adult
cry, liiiHiKt and noilninv are In the lUt
of their eiiiuiN, The teilltnoiiy of
UmiiUli couiiclU could Ui Nintulned by
that of HnuiUli bUtniiaii and divine
Iihi ninny to recount. Nor U lln-lr lea
tlinony lix iil; It ii'lntcH to every nation
under the JurUdict loll of Homo. Knpeo
hilly In the council of t'liiiKtiiiii'o and
of HiihII were iiiont iiNlouudlug il In
cloNure nuulu by Howe who were urging
the iii'i'i'khIi v of a reform. Ho aUo tho
tatenieutN of Nliiii'lim de Cleinange, J
TiithemuliiH, Hlcphcn, bishop of I trail
enbury, and many other a horrible.
Cepled I'rof. Tellcii.
IltAWATIIA, July 22. IHlHTOIt ov
TlIK AmkhK'AN, It Ncem IncoiKdov-
able to mo that amid all UiIn rapidly
IncreaNlng (pldemlo of dUiiHter, ml
named ueiideiit, no one dure, in uplll
lug a myriad editorial all through the
prcNN, to nlgu the real ciiuho and to
add a wilier comment to the warning
I have uttered to the friend of Israel
race. We are Hearing the eleventh
stroke of the midnight hour, Its nuture
Is apparently financial hut In reality
the confUNlon of alTuIrs enter into every
order of biiiuun policy. The human
nice has sown to tho wind and Is now
about to reap the whirlwind. Wo are
ut the termination of the times of the
(Jcntile and the period of judgment
Iiiin nctuully begun, and, American
citizens, look out! low twelve I near
approitchlng, ami the conHcqiiouccH
will follow in an orderly and chrono
logical manner, It would seem that
every man and woman, ut least of my
own tribe, Israel, would read, and that
right carefully, the parahloof the wIno
and foolish virgin in this connection.
The end of tho world Is not at hand,
but the end of tho Human power to
gain our land and schools should be at
an end. Those troubles, which are
matters of common conversation nowa
days, are world-whin, They will not
down; their clrcumfercnco Is nowhere,
They mean disaster to rotten Insti
tutions, tho bursting of all In 11 11 ted
enterprise, the exjxmiiro of deceits of
every description and the trial as by
(Ire of every man's work.
You may call It what you will, I cull
It by It proti r name as written by the
prophet of Jehova hut enough, a
word to the wise 1 NuHlclcnt, for a In
the day of Noah, o ahull It bo In the
day of tho Hon of Man, there are signs
enough to wuke tho dead, and I believe
ns I written, that sign Itself shall not
1st wanting, and tho day and hour is nt
hand when we have got to look where
we cast our vote and get posted ho wo
k now vibo we are putting In tho re
sensible offices of this government.
I don't think it safe to allow tho pope
of Homo to get bis finger any farther
In the pie. Ii's beat tho pie to about
212 degree and cun him to pull hi
finger out and then compel him to keep
it out. I will say to all good American
citizens, both republican and democrat,
that they must throw away the love of
party and work a American titien
and not let the Human power get be
tween you and crowd you off Into the
gutter as they are doing In order to
control tltl land of freedom. Why, In
every little town where there Is u
parish they trample on the corns of a
Protestant, and wait till the day comes
when they can vote for their man.
When one of them arrives In America
be say, "What a fine land! how long
before I con vot5" and lot of them
vote before they are cltl.ens of these
United Htates, I say no man ought to
hold hit office of any kind or character
that believes in the pope of Home.
KememtMir what J, Wilkes Hooth said
when be asHaslnated Abraham Lincoln:
"Hte unifier liruniiM" Yours rositect-
fully, A Huimchimkw.
... ... .
Hurcly Thfjf Were Nt Hwedcs,
Louisville hit boon having a great
school muddle of late, and the climax
was reached Monday night when tho
board hired I'rof. W, 1". Klllen for an
other year, right In tho face of a re
monstrating petition of severity of the
best citizens over tbcro. TooommerKje
with Klllen, In some way best known to
himself, so the story goes, captured
Newell' old time-tried atone quorry
voters, and carried the school election
against the wishc of the bettor ele.
merits. Mwodcs and their wive were
voted like Dagoes, One Bwede woman
was asked for whom she would vote:
"Oh, ma vote fur KlU'em," And thu
It went, and Klllen got hi pledged
board In, Then came tlie remonstrance,
and tho board showed tho most vile
' in
ttiI.H !
lo'iil, mill ln, b,nit, by em, it U ! 1
I4; not leg Hi- lit iM, rti,l ii'dtl
Km ft (I. ft 1. I, Hi, ) it l, b ill. ,,--
ce 1 it !' 11 fn'in t 1. ", i H. v i l
111111111411 it ;, I.m.i Inn ,i(., I I,,
('X'I I a I tiltim In lt tit IjiiiI.
Mile, !(!. inimliifc' J j ft 111 fml
hi 1 n to terni ! will do
Kllii'ii ttiil 1 1 ! a Iwd im si ftitiiiitil,
liul lliihl ft Ml i. mi In Die lung run
f Jism-nhI I;. i
1111 im.
IWtifrewtlisil II II, Mem-r leaves for
W B.liing Urn, II, I',, nt-Ki i(k.
i I. rarmer. of Ml, I'aih'll, III ,
a a lli..r at thlsnfHe. lnl Wednes
Mr, A, N'ofteger, of Atlstille, Iowa,
gavn Ibis olllee a shoii call Tuemlny
ftblln In the city.
Mis, I-'. l.lgblfiHit and daughler
lefl Inst W i ilitewlay for an extended
ii ip inroiigii lite cact.
Hume religiously Inclined burglar
v IhUmI the KuiintA Meiiinrliil Lutheran
chureli )nt Monday night and st4ile the
comniunlim set, valued 11 1 ,iii,
Little Uni teiiso Ablestrom, Who died
from tho effect of a fall from n bulbl-
Ing, corner HUtconih and llowiinl
streets, whs buried at Forest Lawn
cemetery Wednesday.
City rrcasiirer Hot t n exis-d lo b
able to Hunt iiiohI of Omaha new tun
Ing IkiiiiIs some time in Auifust. Wlien
this Is dona there will ho considerable
work start up In tho city.
I'.vcry member of Council No. I)
should bo present at the regular meet
ing next Moiiilay night, liusliiess of
iinporianeo 10 no transuded.
that the stock of Jewelry In tho Hell
Department Store has been Increased
and prices lowered? It a fact, and
you are Invited to call and soo the
goods. We have a nice lino of Emblem
Huttons and I'lns, OentN' Hinds, Cuff
warruntud good tlnio-kccpci's, only
l.r.O. (Jold Filled Watches at prices
that will astonish you.
...,T -
That exactly expresses It, Tho array
of bargains displayed at llulilwln's.
Hhi gul ns In Dress floods,
Hnrgaln In Waists.
Hargitlns In Hhlrts,
Hargalns In Ties,
Hargalns In Tinware,
Hnrgaln In Olassware.
Havgalns In everything,
J.UV17 N. 21th Stnwt.
Men , 'TbelniicrVI7 Leaven.
vverlli NlreeL ' tf
Newsdealers, both In the eastern and
western state are beginning to find out
that thoro Is a great demand for "TllK
Amiciocan," of Omaha, Neb, Friends,
ask for It, HtHind 6 cent and help
rente the demand
308 North 10th Htroet,
Hatter and (Jents Furnishers.
Shoos, gloves, etc. A "dollar's
for a dollar." '
We wish to call the attention of our
casUirn Iowa subscrllsir to tho foot
that our friend C. H. Judd, 7-IA First
avenue, Clinton, lowo, I our aifent,
He will lie itloased 01 have you alt call
and seeblin, alsotuke all yoic friends
witn you.
Amancan Bakery, 1818 St. Mary'
Avonua, Wacon Delivery.
When down town leave your watch
for repair with John Iludd, "The
Jeweler," 80,1 North, Jflth street,
Wo are about to make agent for
"TtR AMKHif!AN"agrcat(ITor, Write
In and be made an agent Immediately,
and bo In lino for action when tho time
arrives, No one miles they havo the
Ix'st of reference need rnako appllcaj
You should all remember that U, P.
8haw, h 8. Hlth Ht., ha al
ways on hand, Vegetable, in season;
also a lull lino of Htaplo ( I nicer I r.
Do not (orget u when down town.
. 1
Ouo bnnutlful Ciiroiui 1'unel given
with every dozen Cabinet nt Hughe
Hundbi-rga studio, 20 North mn
fttreet. tf
When down town leave your waMi
for repairs with John Hudd, "Tho
Jeweler," 305 North Hlth street,
Ask tho newsdealer In your town or
community for "TtiK AMt'.uiCAf," of
Omaha. If ho bus It, toll your neigh
bor whore they can procure tho hnl
antl-Catholto pajsir publlalmd..
'fake your repairing to Thfl Drum-
mo nd Carriage Co,, lHih and Harney
Hts. Opp. tho County Jail.
Our KlUK.NiiM should all remember
when they want a new hat, or an old
one repaired, .to call on us, Wo will
glvo them good satisfaction.
Iv hi 11 (Ann 1 1 A 1 M r w l A)..
Over 207 North 17th Ht.
A can are sure to bring proll table
return to the advertiser, Americans,
watch tho col 1101 ns of this pajter I
Tint A. It ('. Invoklmiiitt HiihIm iiiiv
In from one to five years; $,1 ea-ih
and tl a month afterward until paid;
bust paying Investment extant, A
rustling agent wanted In every town
and county. For full jiartliHilnr apply
to tho American Hond Company, a'M
and Ml I'ii x ton bhek, Omaha. tf,
John Rudd. Jeweler mid Ootlcan. ,'K).1
N. Hlth St., Omaha, Ne
wewiii wii our limns fl it j it
Ijiee Work Hlu's for JM WV.
e will sen our drain Imx tint 1 r) C
Itnekle HIiik, worth, fur 'J
We will sell our II. fill Veal Con- 0 C
gross for, .it l J
We sell Men's light line hieo f) r
and t 'ongress I Iress Hlus's for it '
We have put our ;i.ftO Husset ? rt
(lout luce Hlus's for gent's at VJW
We have Hoy's Hiiitsla grain
laeo, tip, sizes 24 to I J I) wide $2.00
we sell ucnl'a Fine Houth- & f f(
crn Tie at 2.flO to JpJ.ww
We havo taken a lot of our arm iM.rti) uxrord Tlesi rr
for ladles, and will sell at. . , .VP I vU
We have ft lot of Ladles Don- m C(
golaand Kid Hutton Hhoes. W lJJ
sizes 2 to 4, which were sold to
ttt;i,00to5.(H)apalr,whlch Mf) ir
we now sell at., Jp4,JJ
Children' Hining lloel HIkm-s
II to 8 JVC
Women's nnd Hoys' Tennis
103 South 15th Street.
orftoiT POiTOMicr.
Corruptions er Invcrillens of 1'epcs.
1 11 voi-ot Inn ut sulntsslarU'd In. 'M
Service In Dei I.ulln liuiuuiittn l)i'lrin In,, IM
I'lipe's siiiireinitcy sltirted In,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, im
linnurn snil ri'llns, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,, 77
liiiltl .Ism of isuls Wl.'i
(!iiii(inlzil(iii ef Nalnts,...,. .,, ,,,,,,, vi;i
CI11111K11 of dread, wins into a(iod , I'sSt
sn of heads- rosaries, , , , . , , ,,,,,,, i0
Thseellliitey Imposed on (trlesls In,. m)
Mn-i., ;i',iliii-ii of Clirlnl's sacrinc.,,liee,
Hale of iniliilHiirici's tienlii iii-iirly 11 In ., I lim
I'liiirtitory -tin golden hen of ponry MM
Keiidlng the llllt'n forlilddeii,, ,, I.VW
I'l ve el Iiit siiersiiieiilK Instil 11 O d , , , , , , , , , irl7
WithdiliMif Mttry- l luigntn of I le, ve I.V',;i
A mil Iter creed Irivmili'd by I'opn Plus I VI,VU
fiiimiti'iiliiOicitiii'iitlmt,Mitry wIHioiiIkIii Ihvi
A II of wliliii Is crowiird by tlin ridiculous
diiJHiiitcf 101 Infiilllbltt iifipn In, ,,,,,,,,,,H7'I
"" - '
Friends, I solicit your patronuge, and
will sell you "a dollar's worth for
dollar" of pure American bakery good.
Call upon or address mo at J8I1 Ht,
Mary' avo,
American Hakery,
The Cabinet Hellablu Casollrie Htova
Is Warranto!) for Three Years, It Is
the Most Perfect gasoline stove made,
is agent for the west,
McArthur sells Shoes. 720
0. 27th Street, near No. 0 En
gine House.
Wo need good rustling agents In
every part of the country, Wrlto for
particulars. Address, American Pub,
Co,, room 412 Hbeidy Hlock, Omaha,
(Jo to 222,'l Lea vri worth for estimate
on caris'iitor work,
tf imXKNIIKS.'IC St Co,
- -
Tha Only Train for 81, Louia
whIMi carrle a dining car nave
Omaha via the Hur Ington Houto at
(1:1,1 p, m, and reitche Ht, Loui eary
the next afmrnism,
Through eeper Omaha to St. Iiuls,
City Ticket Office, I,'I2I Farnan Ht,
. , . , , i,
Orarivn Ccrllflcalcs,
Orangemen In Nebraska, Iowa, Mis
souri, Kansas and Colorado who have
no certificate and can prove them
selves may lie assisted In this matter
by calling on or addressing, with
Htiuiim, tho organizer, at 412 Hhoely
Hlock. A system of International cor
respondence Is being perfected, In
writing give name arid number of lodge,
or district or grand jurisdiction.
M. L, 'MM,
''A Dollar'! World for a Dollar,"
Watches, 11,00 jier week.
A. P, A, Hutton 40c tol,fi0.
Jr, O, U, A, M. Plus 7,1c to2,W).
P, O, H, of A, Pins $1. 00 toll. U).
Orange l'lns 11.00 toll.oO,
at J NO. HALL'H, Ml N Hlth Btreet.
Cool and Beautiful
I Hot Hpilngs, H. D., Ixfst reached
from Omaha by tho Hurllnglon ICoul,
Through sleeper from Omaha to the
Hlock Hills leave at 10:11 a. m, dally.
City ticket ofllce, J. '12 1 Farnam street,
" -.'
OUU friend who were not at the
meeting of No, 0 last Monday evening
missed a good time.
winu ts,: ami Hi f All.
BulldGrs' Hardware, Cullnru
1404 Douglas St, Telephone 279, OMAHA, NEB.
- i
1406 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
Teeth Extracted for Only 25c
(JQSfy TcctliforfliilyQ) O
Fillinns 50c and upward. Gold
KUIcciilli and Douglas Ntrecls, 4tb Floor
Puns, Ammunition, Base Ball, Tennis, Bicycles,
W. R.
Give Us a Trial and you will Always Trade with Us.
Oond llli's He per lit,
first class Klcii si An pur lit,
Hisln Crackers at So "
(lynOir (Voeknrs at S "
Heliepp's CiH'oiiiiiit at He, per wMnin,
Quail Out l He, r
Quiiker rial at per piickaKo.
fill Siirdlnii at !h: per eari,
Miotitnl Hiirnlne stfii! piirnaii,
aaliiion at l.'si per nun,
Mackurell t I So per ran,
Ciillfiinila J'nars at !t pur can.
WhlOi Clierles at pnr can,
In our Dry Ooodrt and Curpft Dopartmontd wo aro offering
jxtraordinury hurguina, Uofore
und get prico,
The Popular
uuuiuu i U111 "I
Orders by mall Solicited
E. S, BURBANK, "M"ir
Omaha, NnliIAII ii,rt'n at,2ii'l fl'Kir1, wnstf.f
IHWloMll'M. IS l.lin pllll'S le IH1V
A ymir watch cli'Siii'il anil icir
lV fiaulfl. Oli'imlii' sn'l Main-
Ml. Idf Kiiifin time Sfhlcli Irn'lii'h'S
hill iiltililfi still ris'IJiitlnKll
arriiriKnil sinl wnrii parta, 7S
toll mi. lli'Hi,i Ini Wiil.'hKS l
ofiliT that htm wiliI without Is
Ins M't nit, 1111(1 not ovi-rliaith'fl
when half rl.'SMWI liy awutiicri
ot thn VViilrh trail", at alli'K"l
half prices, 11.75 Ut f l.fte, Inlrlcal WorS llt
and khiiiI taas t'i Wai.'htiiakers on siiiIIch
Hon, Open erilns uiilil S;,st for thj lienellt
of th worklnir cliw. 7-7-tf
314 South ISth Street.
I'erhMllcHlM. II lank llisiks, still sit kllidnof
)lfli' Si Jolt ur In 1 1 ust. KiiiltowiliiK ami
eimravln , ,
rua i,k-tiik Aiwr.niiAn sua nni i'
Hardware Co.,
C. H.Forby
Crowns and Bridge at Reduced Prices.
dr, withers, sshsl
IJrlng till Ad. wlIJi you.
Tvlvphnno H7Q.
ini'J l,a"uu,m Ht
Ci'iK'hcn nt 'iim pr (?an,
(imn Oaio'S at lVtn pur ari,
Kkk I'liieiltsat I7'i "
A prleot at ITtd pur an,
SriiiirliiK Simp at IV; per eak, ,
UhA f.aioelry Hoap, I hur tut V,
'ft' linst at J.v pr M,
(iistil Japan Tea at 2fkj pr Mi,
Splnertld Value Tna at :isn pr Mi, .
(Mi.lii'il J it fa (.'nffi'S nt, tui: p.p Ml
Oissl ltlo!oirit at k! pr Mi,
M'S'lia and JuvnHHm, tor tiM
purclittuing irijoct our good
1302-4-0-0-10-12 OAPITOL AVENUE.
100 South 10th Street,
RstMssti Oouais and DoJ strsst,
and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Watchmaker and Jeweler, '
Fijuc Watch JUi'aiiuncj a Bt'KciAm
612 Houth 16 Htrdiit,
310 N, 10th Street,
Mijccftniwir to llrsnnl Maul,
Undertaker and Embalmer
HI7 Farnam Klmot.
Tai.aniosa r. OMAHA NEB.