The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 28, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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Mtetit'i tle
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A'Ui", I t an-t M. lluH hat a
f1tMs t uh . ijttsfc-t,UH ttiit
Ml .vfMt hh vihI l.atils of l . t,
!t at t sip f (ltd l-ruiijibtf ah-tit tf
ttr rntn ') nf Vn it. r-l!"
iuint it igC"tt.'n (HVintr.iHt
lVaWs, Ilt lwtitter Sit-1 tr-ttt ! t
ttve hmi piss, win t ! i
they run sfdtr Hi istb n ruttst-iit t t
tlrpititw u ainl rttfliftVste nf
!vt for tit tviintittta tit tlt h lh
hk at ln1rHv t thinn, Uiww ttnm
ratnato tr iHctr fonwr lit
JM.1 At II fcasottaUtt mt. TIipw ft tittl
rli can 1 ttsl m tlltrl 1y tin
hi'Mm aiel nii Hiem tnoiiry inn l
Msmhrstrr liank Trtinhlt.
MsKcitmttt, N. H.. July 8.VTlir
National IwThk of the (Viinttmnwoalih
llM ttssmletl lrtVIIH'lll, Tills tV'lill
aa tli'torinlnpil tim ty a mwiitiu ol
the dtmtoni, niul Hi national tump
troller tidtifliM. Tim bank was the
younirwt of ft national banks In ll
city, Imtltad risen to 1) aetitwlln tin'
fttnnnnt of It (letsmil. The savinus
lmnka of the city Imvo votetl to iletniiiul
the 90 (lays' notice anluori&til ly the
law, on all withdrawals of over H.
Tlio five remaining national bank wLl
also stand by each other and establish n
Sort of clearing house for nintunl irotc"
Great Falls Hunk In Trntibln,
Grkat Faua, Mont, July 25. Tim
Merchants' National bank lnw closed
and ita creditors will hnve to nwait, the
apiKiinttnont of a recoivor. Suit was
brnnght Saturday by the bank against
Will Hanks, who resigned the presi
dency two days prior, for f;5,000, most
of which is fmiipoaed to be overdrafts
Mr. Hanks loft town on Saturday. The
directors state they expect him to re
turn, and claim the assets will be sufli
ciunt to cover nil liabilities,
Ki-Trrmiircr Huston's Hank llnatad.
Connoksvii.le, Ind., July 25. Tli
Citizens' bank of Connorsville, owned
and controlled by Hon. J. N. Huston,
ex-treasurer of the United States, has
closed its doors. Mr. Huston says bin
liabilities will not exceod $1X0,000, while
bis assets will more than cover that
Took the Savings of the Poor.
Chicago, July 25. Bradford &
Church, Dearborn street bunks, hav
closed their financial institution. The
deposits will reach fJ5,0(H) or $30,000,
duo to poor people and children. It is
said the whereabouts of the members of
the firm are unknown.
Two Louisville Fallurn,
Louisville, July a. The Louisville
City National bank has suspended pay
went. The Kentucky Jeans company,
with liabilities of $50,000, has assigned.
The financial situation here is nervous,
without any symptoms yet of assistance.
Med ford llnnk Cloned,
Mkdford, Wis., July 25. The Taylor
Comity bank, owned by Knrtman &
Matt, has assigned tor the benefit ot
creditors to E. L. Urrjuhart. The bank
was the depository for county and city
Toy Manafei'tnrer Siinpiind.
Syiucuhb, N. Y., July 25. The ex
tensive manufacturing firm of Uradley
& Co. has Kono into the hands of n re
ceiver. The firm manufactured toys,
watfons and fancy earring.
lllir llnltlmore KnturprUn Amlgned.
Uai.timokk. July 25. The Southern
ElectHc comjiany, one of the bijr enter
prises of tliis city, has made a voluntary
assiKtiment to Morrill N. Pnckard.
Jnilinn Territory llnniKved by (-'ynlone,
CAI)I0, 1. T July 25, A severe cy
clone pafsed over the Jittlo town of Cule,
18 miles south of tills place, late Sunday
evening, destroying everything in its
path, A mimlsir of houses, barns and a
fine church were destroyed. Houses
were blown hundreds of yards from their
foundations, Hiul lumber and boards
filled the air. It is Impossible to fret full
details of the dunnie, but it will run up
into the thousands of dollars, Crops
were ruined, and ftreat torrents of rain
fell, which imt the wheat country under
I'rllchxtt Fulled to Ne Urovnr.
lu zzAUKS ISav, July 25. Monday rou
tine work was continued by tho presi
dent, Colonel Lamont and I)r, Ilryant.
They spent the day down the bay, re
turning at 5 o'clock with a successful
catch, Mr, Oeortro Pritelioli of Omaha
called at (tray (tables, but tho people
were fishing, Mr, I'rltchett was United
States district attorney of Nebraska dur
ing Mr. Cleveland's first administration.
American MIloimry Annulted.
Nkw Yoiik, July 25. Letters re
ceived hore by tho I'resbyterian board ot
foreign missions, contain news of an un
provoked at tack upon Miss Anna Melton,
an American missionary, who was sta
tioned, at the time of the outrage, in n
little village among the Nesforan mount
ains in Turkey,
t New Aimrchlkt Organ.
Nkw Yoiik, July 2 A new anar
chist organ under tho numo of Die
Drandfackel (the flaming torch) has
made its appearance. While it editor's
name is given as C. Tiniuierman, tho
real editor is believed to be Alexander
Berkinan, now in prison at Pittsburg for
trying to kill Mr. Fl ick.
Hteitmrr 1'innlllle Hitld.
Port Townhknd, Wash., July 2V
The steamer Umatilla was seized by tho
collector of customs for refusing to take
a Chinese woman aboard, The steamer
will bo held and libelled by tho govern
ment for bringing Chinese unlawfully
into the United States.
Jockey Hjiiii 1'mlHlly Injured.
Coney Ihi.and.N.Y., July 25. Jockey
Thomas Flyun was thrown from his
mount at Brighton Beach race track and
received injuries from which he died
ton after. Flynn was mounted on Sub
lii a in the ccuud race.
IM Alii i-( ntcomd (. t nMw !
a) (.. . nil nl llll-4 I
Mr ' ' 1 ' I "'
In U . - t f !
0lMtf l ' .. .! t;.l
lt t l, Ih ( I ll ''
tUmi O.. !''' i.t U1..1 It ntU htl Ui
Mil (. In Imu' tolBrd
III tii-l W t tt ll, f.-f t UI
THM. II l imli ml ertfc (
4tlt, All - w .il llt.lti
Ihe ItHH, ttl(hi tittw llrrliH llln
IM (il M-l.
Mh All lll Ml IHol ln l
oHI-r 111 hli h I In in-rii lln-iell ilin'krl,
UHl'M the IWI1H- Hnt in miinf tifti
(lip en' ! ihIIhI, r lot Mi'tl
inuil Klioll ertd r t lr iH fmill '
III I M'l tor Die . ttitin hour
(ilh. Tin' tiUklttem Mu lt liny III iHituminit1
I Willi in.
ih. Tln iimniliiii liour lll U trim) et .
iii. m lo.nm, in.
The iniiriiluK Imur lll lx-di-volcil lMll.)
niul ions, di'iiturrvr. miJ ilefnuH onwe wl for
llxilil.iy. t'Jml l To miliums, demurrer, smt
vlr tii nil ( lili h liv iiii vliuuly imoM'U
mi He ri'gu!r dsy mid tntimferrt'd en Uii'IhI
muli r lo this liny.
Mh After aciuiti, a motion or demurrer
linn miwii il the tlhiu fur whh-li It l net, It OKIi
Bot IhtiiIIi'iI up until a mnllim U tiled snd
diH'keted hy leuve of the eeiirl, mid lui'h uo
lice lo i lie niHioxHe piuty Ha tlio court may
order HI llii) llmu Ii'hvd is given lo Hie the
Ul It. UumiifKH set fur k certain tlnii', Chu
doI bo lriuifeired to miether dny urhour,
unless the tritimfer order Is madeal the hour
the mutter Is set for hearing, except under
Kule It),
10th. Kui'h day at 9:00 a. in., the bulue8of
the hour will be called.
11th, The mutter Will be heard lu theur
Uer In which they arc entered on IhccaliinUer
uuleKH all part ies present and IntereHted con
tent to a dilfurent arrunKemeut, or lu cum ot
urgent ni'CCHMliy.
12th. The trial of cases will commence at
10:00 o'clock, a. in., and continue until 8:00
o'clock p. in., with a rocess from 12:00 a. in.,
until l:;t0 p. m, Each cane la entitled to be
called at tho time set or wllflin ten minutes
thereafter: either to bo proceeded with, or a
further order to be made, Kor this purpose
no party will bo required to wait longer than
teu minutes for tho opposite party or other
business, except for urgent reasons, The trial
of a case will be suspended at uuy time for
this purpose. 1 n case the court finds that any
rule herein will work an unforeseen hardship,
the court reserves the right to suspend the
rule for the special case.
Special Master Commissioner' Sale.
In pursuance and by virtue of a Judgment
and decree of the IMslrlct Court of limiglus
county. Htiite of ISebniHku, rendered en Hie
llith Jay of June IsiW, In a certain action
wherein Herman Huerdoif was plalntlir and
Hugh I'rlcu and (Jeorge 8. Mock, Trustee,
were defendants, and of an Order of
Male Issued thereon out of said District
Court, bearing dale the 12th day of July.
IHiiii, and to mn directed, I will, on the 22nd
day of August, A. I. IsiW. at 10 o'clock a,
m, of said day, at the EAH'I frontdoor of the
County Court House, tn the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell jit public
auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described lauds and tenements, all
situated In the County of iioiiglus, lu the
8tiH.e of Nebraska, to-wlt:
l,ot, twenty-one 2D In block six iof Wiil
ii ut Hill addition to the city of Omaha; said
proper!.'' to be sold to satisfy Herman Huer
dorf the sum of two hundred and twenty
andlW-lOO dollars (220.a Judgment with In
terest at the rate of ten lie; per cent, per
annum from May 1st, lsti;i, and twenty-one
iindlis-ine dollars 121.1) costs with Interest
thereon from the Istday of May, 1WI, until
paid, togetlu-r with accruing costs according
to a judgment rendered by the district court
of said Iioiiglus county, at Its may teim, IMKI,
lu an action then and there pending, wherein
Herman Huerdoi f was plaint III', and Hugh
Price and (Jeorge 8. Meek, Trustee, were
Omaha, Nebraska. July 17, iswi.
7-21-5 Hpccllil Master Commissioner,
Maunders, Macfarlaud ft Dickey, attorneys.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale,
in pursuance and by virtue of the Judg
ment ami decree of the district court of
Douglas county, stalfl of Nebraska, rendered
on the loth day of June. su:i, luacertaln
action wherein Annie i'. Holbrook was
plalntlir, and Lilward A. Koen wiisdefeiidant,
and of an order of siile Issued thereon out of
said district court, bearing date the tJthdiiy
of July, IH'.ili, audio me directed, I will, on
1 he 22nd day of August, so;i, at lu o'clock a,
m, of said day at I lie Last front door of the
count y conn house, In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at pulillc
Hurl Inn to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described lands and tenements, all
situated In the county of Douglas, lu the
state of Nebraska, to-wll i
Lots eight (Mi and nine (til lu block fount)
of Maunders II Imebaugli s lllubland I'atk
addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, stale of Nebraska, said properly to
be sulci lo satisfy Annie I''. Holbrook Hie sum
of one hundred and twenty eight and 41-lno
(I2S,4I dollars with Interest thereon at the
rule of ten (10) per cent, per milium from
May 1st, iMiill, ami twenty and IH-IKi dollars
(:i(l.i;i) costs thereon with Interest thereon
from the 1st day of May, IslM, unt il paid, to
gether with accruing costs according to a
I ml 11
incut, rendered ny ineoisiriei. court hi
said Douglas ninety at Its May term, IKill, In
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein Annie K. Holbrook was plaintiff and
Ldward A. Koen was defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska, July 17, IslU.
7-21-S Mpeclal Master Commissioner,
Maunders, Macfarlaud Dickey, attorneys,
Notice to Creditors.
Ktatk or Nkiiiiaska. i 1
Douglas County. I
In tiie county court of Douglas county,
Nebraska, July nth. A. D. isici. 1
In the matter of the estate of Lorens
The creditors of said estate and all other
persons Interested In said matter will take
notice that the creditors of said estate will
appear before this court on the 2'lth day of
September, lawij on I he 27t h day of November,
IMi.l, and on Hie 2111I1 day of January, ISI14, at 10
o'clock a m each day, for the purpose of
Jireseiil lng their claims for examination, ad
ustment. and allowance. Mix months are
allowed fur the creditors to present their
claims and one year for the administrator
to set ill' said 1 stale from the nth day of
July, Ik!i,X This notice will be published In
Tn Amkiiican for four weeks successively,
prior to the 2li h day of Meplember, Isiw, All
claims not Hied on or before Hie 2(llh
day of January, IsiHI, will (mi forever burred
from consideration In the till 11 1 set tlement of
said estale.
Witness my hand and ofllclal seal Ihlslith
(lay of July, IWU.
IsKAbl J. W. M.LKIt,
7-14-4 County Judge.
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale,
To LewlsCornbach, Louis Cornhnck, Louise
Coruback, and to all others whom It may
Vou are hereby notified that on the tith day
day of November, istil, K. I'. Ilelphrey pur
chased at public lax sale of the treasurer of
Douubis county, Neliraska, for thedeluiueut
taxes of the year s'.KI, the follow Ins described
real estate, situated In Doimlas county, Ne
braska, to-wlt' The easl one-half C4) of lot
four 14) In block six Kb of llelvederl addlllou
lo the city of Omaha; that said real estale
was sold lor I he delinquent taxes of the year
1 k'.h 1 ; Unit said real estate was taxed In I lie
name of Lewis Cornbach for the year Istm,
and In the name of Louis Corn'uack for the
years istil and lsti;i, and lu the name of Louise
Coruback for the year ls(i2: vou are further
notified that, said I'. I'. Ilelphrey has sold
and assigned the certlnVnto of purchase of
said real estate to H.J. Twlntlng. who Is now
the owner and holder of the same; the time
of redemption of the above described real
estate from said t ax sale will expire on the
Ht h day of November, 1WU,
T-21-,1 11. J.TWINTING.
j ti I. ,, ,..f .1 ,. II l in iil1'n . II
'Mill. !. ! ' I t '
j .. ' im w !-.( .
jl,.- t. Ih.,ii A..-... ll II'
Ht, I. t,,ll.l t.. i . i.lH nf ll' lm(
II , .. .... ,.,! f !( is lil.
Hill Ih' Mbri) l Onil jl lM Hl.,1
I lt.1 I !! mt I li- Mil ( i t liil(
A ll l-'i t ' k i t . its
si Hn t f. it, i f tdf mii
!.,,,. In (h ( 11 nf (iili l. in l .lmci
I Ml) Hi' .II.'H ('I O-e
i.i.i i.iit.i.i i.. i i sii Oii (
a. i H . Un.l. RKit ll i i.,l ll ll Hllli 't in
(I.i- tt.itutt il ISiiitlas. ii'l (( 't (. K
I ,, i i,i .mi i Jl' In libs (en i., Ms 5 lie
i'lair n ed'liiii Iii (In fill ut (iimli. In la '.mttll ulnlw nl Sil'l sld
1'HH (! Is "il'l ( !! 1 lie (imstm I I 'H !'" tin" siihi ( liiieili' il.
I ( t Klltt I" ll"Hl' ll V M" tll I! III! Ill,
Mil Hill I1l III! USUI I'lMII Ms) li, l''i. In
siif Icilic' I limVi't die mn ut ten
llinneil limn-liniiilinl li fmit end If!
I'i iliillsl ,".- .'.' IlliUmi lil till llilelt-sl
n IIHUl.'J (liens'! sl Isle lit een
;i pit 11 (it end "11 Wl tlien-iit
el tote of (en l" pet cent, s't
Siiiiiiiii, all fiiiei Msv 1st. I"l to stl(t
1 lie I 'ins Ihi linl, tolie snil I. line Ciiieimnt
I lie sum of si' rlil If Mini' Hint ! t' ilnllsis
. , li : ( 1 luiluiiii'lil. llh Inlin-I tlii ii'ini fiiiiu
Vlsy 1st, lsu.1; to snil-ry .tului M1II1II1K the
mn ii line liiimlieil. Itfly-tl rve dullsrs
iSl.vinn until pnlil, m tul nee Ittiiiilivil, li nl
i'i 11 BI11I !ts.iai diilliirs ifl..'tsi Cnl, Willi
Inten-el iherenn fmiii the ll day uf May, A.
I I Isin, IhutIIiit Willi Hi'eriittiS ciwls s ril
ing to a Juilgnieiit ri'lnlereil by the district
eiiiin of nlii ISuislns I'niiiity.iil U May lerm,
A. II lsn.1, In acerlntn ncIIiiii then nilthen
IH'iidlng, herilii I lie Omaha ( mil, I use ami
.linii t nmpniiy w us plaint Uf. ami .lull 11 VY.
I ind. I and James 1., lleaiile and others lie
feiidalils, Oinalia, Nebraska, July I lib, tw:l.
(.holtiiKA, IH NM'.TT,
MherllTof liougbis t'ouuly, Neliraska,
V. V. Mulligan, attorney. 7-H -ft
Sheriffs Sale.
In pursuance and by virtue uf a Judgment
and decree of the district court for Douglas
county, Nlute of Nebraska, rendered on I III'
loth day of May, A. D, 102, In a certain ac
tion wherein tilobe Loan and Trusl Company
was plalntiM', and Joh'in Ottlhard, Maggie
Outliurd, Donald Mclri'iin. Kdmund (). I.nne
and I rril lirugwerti defendants, and of an
order of sale Issued thereon nut of said
district, court, bearing date the mil day of
July, A. D. IsiCI, and lo me directed. I will on
the I.MI1 day of August, A. D. ISM. lit 10
o'clock- A. M. of said day, at. the KAMT front
door of the county court house, In the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
at public auction, to the highest bidder for
ciinIi, the following described lauds and li'ii
euieuls, all situated In the county of Douglas,
and slate of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lots eighteen t Is), nineteen (Id) and twenty
(20i, In block four hundred and forty-live
1445), (irandvlew, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, all In Douglas county, stale of
Nebraska, said properly In be sold subject
to a certain mortgage lu the sum of S2,.Vm.(KI
in favor of (ilobe Loan and Trust Company,
and lo satisfy Olobe Loan and Trust Com
pany the sum of two hundred, fifty-three
and 47-100 dollarsil2M.47) Judgment, with In
terest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per
annum from May lull, IHH2, until paid, and
t wenty-eight and .OS-IIH) ilollars of'Xihi costs,
with Interest thereon from the tub day
of May, A, D. IMW, together with ac
cruing costs according (o 11 Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at lis May term A. D, lst'2. In
a certain action then and there penning,
wherein Olobe Loan and Trust Company, a
corporation, was plaintiff, and Julian (Jul li
urd and others were defendants
Omaha, Nebraska, July l:i, Ha
HherllT of Douglas County, Nebraska,
Curtis and Mhlelds, attorneys. 7-14-A
Sheriff's Bale,
Under and by virtue of an execution Issued
on the I2ih day of July, ls!i;, by lank K.
Moores. clerk of the dlslrlctcoiirt within and
for Douglas county, Nebraska, upon a Judg
ment rendered on tint 71 h day of June, Istill.
In the county court within and for said
county, lu favor of Thomas llrennaii and
against Andrew Itoscwiitcr, n transcript of
which judgment was, on the Nth day of June,
,Jno:i, duly tiled and docketed lu the District
court within and for said county, 1 have
levied upon the following lands and tene
ments as the property of the said Andrew
KoM'Wiiicr. to-wlt; The south sixty-seven
(07) feet of the west sixty (00) feet of lot eleven
(ID In bhs'k six ill), In 8. K. Itogers' addition
tn the city of Omaha, and the south one hun
dred and twenty 11211 feet of the north one
hundred and thirty-live (i;ii feet of the west
sixty 010 feel, of lot eleven (II), In block six
ill). In M, V lingers' addition lo the city of
Omaha, all lu the coitnlyof Douglas, state of
Nebraska, and I will on the l.'iili day of
August, A, D. Im!i:i, at 10 u'clo?k a, m. of said
day at the KAM I' front door of the county
court house In the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska, sell said pioperty at pub
lic auction lo the highest bidder for cash to
satisfy said execution, the amount due
thereon being nine hundred twenty and
7.VKKI dollars (20,7ii) Judgment, and four
iiniliKl HKi dollars HM.OO) costs, with Interest
thereon at rale of ten (loi per cent, per
milium from I he 7tllday of June, s)i,, and
also trie further sum of one and IK1-I110 dol
lars (11,1)0) the costs of Increase and the ac
cruing costs on said execut ion.
Omaha. Neliraska, July bllii, Is'.ill.
MherllT of DoiiKlas County, Nebraska,
Melkle & I'erley, attorneys, 7-14-ft
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale.
To Margaret, lllackmore. Herbert Mack
more, Thomas lllackmore, Thomas I1', lllack
more, Ida K. lllackmore, Wm, A, Maunders,
,1, ll. Dickey, and to all others whom It. may
concern r
You are hereby iiol llled that on the 7th day
of November, IH'.il, the undersigned purchased
al public lax sale of I he Count y Treasurer of
Douglas county, Nebraska, the following
described reul estate, situated III Douglas
county, Nebraska, to-wll: Lot oluht (Si In
blis'k "D" of the clly of Omaha (original
plait; and real eiilate was taxed In the year
ls',10, and was sold for the delniiienl county
and mate taxes of said year, Is!!; said real
estate was taxed In the name of Thomas
lllackmore for the year Isiie, In the name of
Wm. A. Maunders, et, 11 1., for the year ls!H,
niul In the name of J, II, Dickey, eiiil,, for
the years s2 and Iswil. Vou are further
nolllleil that the time of redempl Ion of said
lot from said tax sale will expire on the7lb
day of November, Isliil. Vou are further
iiolllled that I have paid the subsequent
tuxes 011 said lot.
7-14-il II. ,f. TWINTINd.
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale,
To Margaret lllackmore. Herbert lllack
more, Thomas lllackmore, Thomas I", lllack
more, Ida K. Illackmora. Wm, A, Maunders,
J, II. Dickey, and to nil others whom It may
Vou ate hereby iiolllled that, on the 71 h day
of November, Istil, the undcrslitucd purchased
at public tax sale of the County Treasurer of
(lunulas county, Nebraska, the following
described real estate, situated In Douglas
coiinly, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot seven (Villi
block "D" of the city of Omaha (original
til 11 Iii said real cslufc was taxed In the year
Istm, 11ml was sold for I he h'l!mocnl con lily
and slate taxes of said year, Istm; said real
estate was taxed In Hie name of Thomas
Itlnckmore for the year Istm, In the name of
Win. A. Maunders, et ill, for the year Hd,
and In the name' of J. II. Dickey, et. al., for
the years I'.i2 anil lsti:i, Vou are furl her
iiolllled that the lime of redemption of said
lot from said tux sale will expire on the 7th
day of November. sii;i, Vou are further
iiolllled that I have paid the subsequent
taxes on said lot.
7-14-il II. J. TWINTIN'tl.
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale.
To Margaret lllackmore, Herbert lllack
more, Thomas lllackmore, Thomas lllack
more. Ida K, lllackmore, Wm. A. Maunders,
J, II. Dickey mill In all others whom il may
concern :
Vou are hereby notllled that on the 7th(luy
of November, Isnl. the undersigned purchased
at public lax sale of Hie County Treasurer
of Douglas county. Nebraska, the following
described real estate, situated In DoiiKlas
county, Nebraska, to-wll: Lot six ill) In
block "D" of the city of Omaha lorlKlnal
plat); said real estate was taxed In the year
Is'.m, and was sold for the delinquent county
and stale (axes of suld year, Istie; sulil real
estale was taxed In the name of Tbouuis
lllackmore for the year Is'.m, In the name of
Wm. A. Maunders, et al., for the year Is'.q,
and lu the namu of J. H. Dickey, et al., for
the years si and IsKl. Vou are further
notified that the lime of redemption of said
Int. from said lax sale will expire on the 7th
day of November. Mil. Vou are further
notllled that I have paid the subsequent
taxes on laid lot.
7-14-3 II. J. TWINTIN'tl.
' 11 iiei 1,1 V ,. i. ,, ,. ,( 1 , ...
,i,t . 1 1.1 11 , n i:i i . . 1 ..
. . , . i,w , i, 1 1. ,.. .. at. 4 1, i
I, . Ill - 1, I I I . -1 .ill , I ei 1. H t... -
.. , , , 1 n.. i..( i . . I,,- i. m
lull'- k 1,'fi I full! t sil.
,1 '.. I I. I, I, .,,, I HI. 1,1, t l,-.,,,-H 11,,
. ,.., 1, , i Ml,.ll I li.. II !
I ' " ' .-III I Ht Mil , -I - I l-l --ll IK. if
Il " lull i( fcS .( Itll,, I ..III! Is ii
' IH II. I. IS ( .'ll ll I I I.i
1 . I, .1 ,H lin- 1H tt A .4 M
! 1 i l 11 l I" V in 1 f , .1 l
Sl III! I llll l . I (Ll ll'l I ll'll'l
Hi II11 M il) nl IH"lm Ituii, ls Ciaiiil
Ni l (, till ! ( 1 -1 . Sll. H. m l.i ll.i
I, ,1,,., l,i,t,i, t ., , ,., t.i'li let ili
I IIS l lslllSI"l t III l,ll 111 t S'lltSll tl III
Oil' inMltl nf INhikIss, Mini Isll' ut Ni"
I" tv t.i mil
I ( Inn. ,ls I Mte Slut U il. til'f ki
Inn. U 1 ,i, 1 1 1, in l , 1 ili,e sm kililliiuii
In Mn i lly ,it, 1 iitii yi .l. ( Iilii.l
sml Hsnib il. sll III IsmisIs ennui t sl(i uf
Si bucks nlii l"t 1 1 1 Iii Is' wild tn list
Jiim I) 1 it, i, win sini l( low eis Minis
of tin' 1 sisle nf lb ttls-H li,is. tltr utti id f 1 mt
tliuiisiit nlii' IiiiihImiI. lutein anil SI Im
I'lllsl itHAsi In. lii. 11, 1, wtih leli n l
I In nun a 1 siii ut finhl ,si l 111,1 1 mi
iiiiiii I111111 m pli'iiils t Imli. li"' iiulil I'll. I
slid fui 1 v 'H' ten ami is m dnllnis (. isi
Ctmls, iii, hiteri'sl 1 In tiinii fiiiiu Ibe lliili ily
uf Si pi , A ll !', (imelher Willi i'i'llll
iils secluding lit a jiuiliiiiiriit ri'iidi u'd b
the illaiiii i iMiiii nf siiiil IsiiikUs I'liuiiiy at
Its MepliinbiT tellli, A. I s"i III eel t illll
etluii thi'ii ami llu'ie pi'iiillng. h In
JllMl 1, HIIMIII Hllll K. . HlISS, (' I'C 11 1 1 ir
ul I lie vt mi' of lii'iilii n llnss, ere plalntllts,
ami Mi, Ion I l.isi and others were di teiidsiiis.
Oiiiuha. Nebiaskii. .Iiilv 1 lib, Is'M
MherllTof Isuisbis I 'ininly, Nebraska,
Wllllatii 0. Dun ne. attorney. 1 II tl
Shcrift's Sale.
t'ndernnd by virtue of an execution Is
sued by t runk K. Misus's, ( Ink of the Dis
trict t on 11, within ami for Douglas county.
Nebtasku, upon Judittneiils rendered In
Hie coiinly court of said count v. 011 the 7th
day of A lu ll. ni;i, In favor of John II. Wnl
klns niul tleorge A. Iloiisluud, co-partners
doing bunlui'ss under the III 111 name and
stvle of .1 It. Wilt kins ft Co,, and against
Allien y.lmuiat and I nd Uadruwell (Im
pleaded with C. .Immao a lrauscriit of
which Judgment were on Hie lllh day of
April, Imi.i. duly Hied and dis'keted In the
district court within and for said county, I
have levied upon the following lauds and
tenements tisthe properly of the said I'ri'il
U111I11 well , to-wlt : Lot four (4l III block six
llii in Mbull'sMecoml addition to the city of
Oiniiba, In the county of Douglas ami stale
of Nebraska, and I will on the 1st day of
August, lMfi.i. al, ID o'clock a. in, of said day at.
II111 KAMT front, disir of Ibe county court
house, In Ibeclty of Omaliu, Doiuilas oounly,
Nebraska, sell said real estate ut, public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, lo
satisfy said executions, the amounts due
thereon being In the aggregate llfleen hun
dred seven and II-KS dollars I l,rin7.Hti dam
ages, twelve and 20-iKI dollars I2,2UI costs
with Intel-cut on sulil amounts at eight IN)
per cent, per annum from the 7lh day of
April. I sua, until paid, and also the further
sum of t wo and 70-luo dollars 12.70) Hie costs
of Increase on said Judgments, and the ac
cnilngcosls on said executions.
Omaha, Neliraska June 20, IMi.'l. '
MherllTof Douulas County, Nebraska.
Luke, Hamilton & Maxwell, attorneys.
Sheriff's Sale.
Under and by virtue of tin execution Issued
by I' run k K. Moores, clerk of I lie district
court within and for Douglas county, Ne
braska, upon a Judgment rendered In said
court al, Its Meplember lerm, A. D. lsKl, In
favor of Harriet Houers. and asalnst The
Omaha Auction and MlorageCompany, Henry
Cicllhlon, Octave llollscareu and (leorgle
Comilllne, urlnclpals, and Charles ('orbell,
surely; I have levied upon the following
IiiiuIn and tenements as the property of the
suld Charles Corbetl, to-wlt; Lot eight (S),
In block twee ty-four (21), Kount.e Place, In
the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, and I will on the Istday of August,
A, D. INOII, at lOo'clock a. m, of said day, at
the Kast, front door of the county court
bouse In the city of Omaha, Douglas county.
Nebraska, sell said property at public and
Hon to the highest bidder for cash, lo satisfy
suld execution, the amount duo thereon be
ing four hundred, eight , arid 02-100 dollars
irl'iS.02, and forly-iilnn and ;i-lmi dollars
(Mw.kili, with Interest thereon at the rate of
seven (7) per cent per annum from the 22nd
day of Meplember, A. D. 1SIKI, until paid, and
also the further sum of twenty-three and 0ft
100 dollars i2JI,ilf), the costs of Increase on
said Judgment, and the accruing costs
Omaha, Nebraska, June 2!M h, IS'.fil,
Hlierllf of Douglas County, Nebraska.
J. W. Wes t. Ji lb 1 r nejr.
Sheriff's Sale.
I'mler and by virtue of an execution Issued
on the lllh day of June. Is'.iil, by Krank K.
Moores, clerk of the district, court within
and for Douglas county, Nebraska, upon a
judgment rendered In said court at Its
February term, A. D. Is'.i:!, In favor of K. K.
Naught Company and against Jerry Ityan,
Dennis Cunningham and II. O'Kiiinc, I have
levied upon the following described lauds
mill tenements as the property of the said
Dennis Cuuulnghuui, lo-wit: The south one
half (M 'fi of lot night (S), In block one hun
dred and sixty-seven (bl7) In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Neliraska; and I
will on the Ifiih day of August, A. D. I'.i;i, at
ten o'clock a. 111. of said day at the Kast front
door of the county court bouse lu the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell said
property at public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash, to sat isfy said execution, the
amount thereon being two thousand, two
hundred, forty-two and 2.'i-lno dollars
i!.242.2.' Judgment, mid forty-four and lis.
100 dollars iW4. IIS) costs, Jess the sum of four
dollars (ft .00 paid, with Interest thereon ut
Ibe rate of seven 17) percent per milium from
the lllh dny of Fchruury, A. it. ls',2, uud the
accruing costs t hereon,
Omaha, Nebraska, July III, IWI.
MherllTof Douglas County, Nebraska.
Wharton and llulrd, attorneys.
Notice of Probate of Will.
Douglus Couiity, f
In the County Court of Douglas County,
In the Mailer of the estate of Joseph
It, Howies, (I used:
; (leorge A. Howies, Kll.abetb Kowles, Marali
Ann Kowles and all other H'rsons Interested
In sulil matter am hereby notllled that on
the I'tlh day of May, s',i:i, Muruh Ann Kowles
Died in the county court a pet It Ion ulleilng
among other things that Joseph It, Kowles
died on the 22nd day of April, isii.l, leaving a
last will and test anient, and possessed of
real and personal estate valued ut. M.nuo.'iO,
and that the alsivn named constitute the
person Interested In the estate of said de.
ceased, and praying for the probate of said
Will, ami for uilniluistratloii of said estate.
Vou are hereby not llb-d that If you full to
uppeural said court on the 211th day of July.
s',i;i, ut M o'clock a, m t contest the probate
of said will, the court may allow and probate
said will and gram, administration of said
estate in Hitrnli Ann Kowles or some oilier
sml t utile person, and proceed to a set I lenient
Witness my build and ofllclal seal this JOtlt
day of June, Imi:i.
' J. W. KLLKK.
Isr.Ai,.! 7-7 4 County Judge.
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale.
To A. Mamuelsoii, audio all others whom
It may concern:
Vou are hereby notllled thai on the lllh
day of November, Is'.H, Llbble 8. WihiiIs pur
chased at pulillc tax sale of the irtMinurcr of
Douulas county, Nebraska, the following
described real estate, situated lu Douglas
county, Neliraska. to-wlt: The south 0110
hulffSl of loin lite (0) In Elizabeth I'
addition to the city of Omaha; Hint suld
real estale was sold for the delinquent tuxes
of the year Is'.m; thai said real estate was
taxed In the inline of A. Mumuclson for the
years Istm. s',i, s',i2 and Isoil; that said Lllible
M Woods has sold and assigned tlie cert III
cute of purchase of mi III real estate to II. .1.
Twlntlng, who Is now Ibe owner niul holder
of the same; Hint the time of redempl Ion of
Ibe above described real estate from suld
sale will expire on the lllb day of November,
s'.H. 7-il-H II. J.TWINTINO
Chattel Mortgage Sale,
Default having been made In the condi
tions of a certain cluittel mortgmic given by
.1 nines Mills to.1, It. Andrews, the following
articles described In said mortKiige will be
sold ut public miction July 211. IsiW. al 10
o'clock a. m., at 1410 Dodge Mlreel, in the
city of Omaha, lo satisfy said mortnage and
cost of suit, one black horse, one bar pi 11 mi
parlor suit, four pieces, one parlor looking
glass, one bed lounge, one ris'klng cbulr.
7-7-4 J. It. ANDKKW8.
H' KN ISIl Kl) KOOMS -To rent, SI4 Mo. 2sth
street. Enquire 2,17 Leavenworth street,
tf W. M. II KATUN.
.!,,( .( ll 41. Ill' I, v.ll !.-
,.. ,., ,(, ( ll ... I ("Ut ,4 lt.1
, .iiiil . ..l'l I i ll-l .''I 1! I -.1
l,,,,, M, ,.it,l, .1 l .n 1,
. ii.i l.i l-i.-i n t it' . t ili 4 1 w 'I li!' 1
i t mil M I I l-i I
I, ,4 ,4., I i liinl. t mMii 1. 1- n ll.i
,-Ultl li.f ft ' .( t ,,i,l t,, ail i,ilftlllt
. I i i-t m I'iiw ,li iiii iii 'i I' I
I I ll uf I i , I ll.i' If- Tl I t ! l'l 't ! '''I'
' M Si ll II I I -I -t llll l Slut l ' 'I '.
In Is in niiiiu (sin ut Ni II
I l l'l ! ll.i f'-..l-l (,,-Nt ll I tl- WUllt. !..
ImiiilM il sml t si Sir sml 4 til tul !-.
-. kSllt b'l I 'IH' HU'II til I OS ll Sll l'l"S I I (
(.1 ! W'til In M-! ,!,.t,tt F U.w III' ilitl
.f llilft lli.HI--i.t (Sll bull i!t (libit
i ltlil sml ! ilulisis .i 3 '. Kit 1 nli 1
I ( (III IIH Sl Isle l'l (ill ill" H t l'l III I
Klltllllll tti'ln Mt Sill !' III it-It t ( .
Ill iili. t ll.e mint uf two liinullt .1. lrlil)
i tibt slut i lid tl.illsis ,': H.11 ill, 1, 1
On 11 mi st t so-uf irt'l is t et-tii i-r sti
limn fimti M,it Silt. I"'; tn ssltitf Htlslti
XI, il M' till' Illll lif Hill' lltiltl-Sttll. I til' tllllt
ilmt, nun ni 11 sml -t uti il.'lisis t 'iuwii
illi Inn n t tin Usui nl tsli nt i iulil in 1
I I i.i pi t aittniitt friuii Ms t M1I1, i' sml 1,1
sttf the stllti nf I hill y lite Hint lis I'll lint .
Irlls O i ' 1'iwts, llll llill m (lu lliill flniil
Hie Wilt dny uf May, A l H'i, Ingi llu t
Oh sn 1 iiiiiii ciwts s.i oiiliiig In a built
Hu nt n-iiili ei'il by Ibe ill'.lit, I eimit nf suld
Isiiiulns 1 lily, at lis Msv U'tm. A D Istij,
In s ci tlnlii m tluii then and Ibi'i-t' s'iiiltiitf,
Kliclvln John I'. IOhi tut 11I11I11II1I slid
TIiiiiiihs rtlckwiii, Wlllinm W. V.ili limiii and
tilbi'is eiv ili'fi'iidnuls.
OiiiahN. NeliiHkii, .Inly II, sa
o:tiiiV. A ItKNNUT,
7 14 S Hlierllf ot Issiitlaa Ctiunly, Nebraska.
J. I n celt and I . M. Mutiletenl, nltnrneys,
Sherifl's Sale.
In pursuance sml by virtue of s Judgment
and det'iet'of Ibe District court fur DtiUKhts
county, state of Nebraska, rendered on Ibe
lllb day of January, A. D. Isnl, In s certain
net Inn wherein M. A. Dlsbrow and C pnuy
were iiliiliitllls and t'. K. Card el nl., were
defendiiuls. and of an order of sale Issued
thereon out of said District Court, hearing
dale the 21th day of June, A. D. Istm, and
to me directed. I will 011 the Sth day of
August, A. D. Islia, at 10 o'clock a.m. of said
day, at the KAST front door of the Coiinly
Court House, I11II111 City of Omiilin, Douglaa
County. Nebraska., sell at public miction,
to the highest bidder for rash, the following
described lands ami tenements, all Ml t tin t tul
in the County of Douglas, and stale of Ne
liraska. to-wlt:
Mub-lot number tell (10) of lot number three
(10 Cupltol addition In the city of Omaha, in
Dootilas county, statu of Nebruskn; said
property to be sold subject, lo a certain
mortinigii In the sum of six thousand dollars
(fd.iKKi (Kii In favor of J. J. Joslyn, and to
siil Infy M. A. Dlslii'ow and Company the sum
of eighteen hundred ninety-seven and un-lini
dollars i IM'.iT.iMU with Interest thereon at rule
of seven (71 per cent, per annum from Mep
lember 22u(l, iswi, .until paid, and mm hun
dred nine and lll-lutl dollars iflini.lll) costs,
with Interest thereon from the 22nd day of
Meplember, A. D. ISim, together Willi accru
ing costs according lo a Judgment, ren
dered by the district court of said Douglus
county, at Its Meplember lerm, A. I). I sun, In a
cei l 11I11 act ion I hen and there pending,
wherein M, A. Dlsl.row and Company were
iiliilntlllH, and C. K. Uard ami olhers de
femlanls. Omaha, Nebraska, Julyllrd, ts(t:.
7-7-A MherllT of Douglas County, Nebraska,
Montgomery, Charlton Hall, attorneys,
Kherlffs Sale.
In pursuance and by virtue of a Judgment
of the District court for Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, rendered on I he 211 b (Inn
of May, A. D. Isii;i, lu ucertaln action where ly
(', Lamb and Mens were plalntlU's and The
Omaha llasket Manufacturing Company de
fendant, and of an order of sale InshuiI
thereon out of said district court, hearing
(lute the Iiiil dny of June, A, D, IHttil, and Ui me
directed, I will on I lie Ht Inlay of August, A,
D. hii;i, at Id o'clock a. m. of said day, at
the KAMT front door of the county court
house, lu Hie city of Omaha, Douglus coiinly,
Nebrusku, sell at public auction, lo the
highest iddder for cash, the following des
cribed lauds and tenements, all situated In
the county uf Douglas, ami slate of Ne
braska, to-wll:
Lots three (il) and four (4) In block fourteen
(14 In West Lawn, an addition tn the city of
Omuha, Douglas county, stale of Nebraska,
and all appurtenances therein belonging:
suld property lo be sold to satisfy C, Lamb
and Hons the sum of six hundred twenty
three and M-I0O dollars iifll..'i0) damages and
forty-four and 4S-I00 dollars (fl4.4S costslless
the proceeds of sale of goods and chattels
made under this same orderl wit h Interest
thereon from tho Istday of May, A. D. IHWil,
tngciher with accruing costs according lo a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D.
n:i;i, In a certain act ion then and there imtiiI
jiig. wherein C, Lamb and Sons lire plalntlU's,
ami The Ouiithu llasket Manufacturing Com
pany defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska, July tlrd, fstt:i.
7-7-fl Mherlff of Douglas Coiinly, Nebraska.
Ueorge l llertraml, attorney,
Master Commissioner's Sale.
In piiri.uuiico nnd by virtue of a Judgment
nnd decree of the (list rlct court for Douglas
county, slate of Nebraska, rendered on the
llrst dny of April, A. D. Is'.iil, In a Certain ac,
Hon wherein Jonul linn Koss, W, 8, lloynloii
nnd J, C, Chirk were plninlHTs nnd William
It. Kurt., the I'ulrlck Land Company and
others defendants, and of un order of sale
Issued thereon out of said district court
licarlng date Ihe 171 h day of June, A,. D, si;i,
and to me directed, I will on the sth day of
August, A. D, Is'.iil, al. ten o'clock A. M.,
of said day, at Ihe KAMT front door of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction, to the blihesl bidder for, Ihe
following described lands and tenements,
all situated In the county of Douglas, and
slulc of Neliraska. to-wll :
Lois nineteen (lie, twenty (20i and twenty
one (21), In block one hundred and twelve
(H2l, In Dundee Place, an addition In the city
of Omuha, In Douulas county, stale, of Ne
braska, according to Ihe recorded plat
thereof, the said proiKTly to be sold lo sat
isfy Jonul bun lloss. W, 8 lloynloii and J. (J.
Clark I he sum of four thousand, nine hun
dred, thirteen and ,'Mun ilollars iW.!ii;i.,r.:i
Judgment, with Interest thereon at rale of
ten (10) per cent per 11 11 11 urn from April 1st,
Isli.l, until iiulil, and twenty-seven uud Is-pm
ilollars iHl.ln) costs, with Interest thereon
from the lllh day of February, A. D. ls',1,1,
together wit li uccrulng costs according lo a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at lis February term,
A. D. IH'.M. Inn certain action then and
there pending whsrcln Jonathan Kims. W,
8. lloynloii and J, C Clark were plalt'HITs,
and William K. burl, the Patrick Laud
Company and others were (lefemluuls,
Ouiithu, Neliiiiskii. July lllh, Nu.
M nster Commissioner,
L. W. (shorn, attorney. 7-T-S
Sheriff's Sale.
In pursuance and by virtue of a Judgment
and decree of inn district court for Douglas
county, state of Nebraska, rendered on the
llrst day of April, A. D. Isii.'l, in a certain
action wherein Jonathan Koss, W. A, lloyn
Inn and J. I'. Clark were piaintllTs, and
Frank A. Mmlth, Charles II, liolMTtsoit and
other defendants, and of an order of sale
Issued thereon out of said District Court,
bearing dale Hie 17th day of June, A. D. Istm.
and to me directed. I will, on the 1st day of
August, A. D. IH'.ili, at in o'clock a.m. of
said day, at Ibe KAMT front (bsir of the
County Court House, In Ihe Clly of "iniiliu,
Douglas County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction, to the highest, bidder for cash, 1 lie
following described lands and tenements, all
situated In the County of Douglas, ami
slate of It :
Lot two i2i in lil'H'k nunilier fifteen (1,'n In
Cnrthnge, an addition to the city of Omaha.
In Douglus county, stale of Nebraska; suld
proisTt y to be sold to satisfy .loiiat ban Koss,
V. M. lioynton and John O. Clark Ibe sum of
thirteen hundred forty -one and Is-Urn dol
lars (fi;m,isi Judgment with Interest thereon
at rate of seven i7l per cent per milium from
February Hth. lsu;i; to satisfy the Kansas
City Investment Company the sum of
twenty-six and .ri0-!uo dollars (f.ll.AOi Judg
ment with Interest thereon al rate of ten. In)
per cent per annum from February sth,
1"H.I, and Hill ty-nlne and ttt-tuOdollur
costs, with Interest thereon from the lllh day
of February, A. D. IsMl, together Willi accru
ing costs according to a judgment rendered
by tlie District court of said Douglas county,
ut Its February, term. A. D. Ni;l. In a certain
action then and there pending, wherein
Jonathan Hnss. W. A. lloyiilon and J. C.
Clark wen1 plaint Ill's, and Frank A. Mmlth.
Charles II. Hobertsun and ot hers defendants.
Omuha, Nebraska. June20tli, lsi:i.
(l-;m-5 Mherlff of lHiuglas County, Neb.
L. W. Onborn, attorney.
,.11. . 1.. , 1 .. . , .r.
I t, . . ., . , . (,..1 I I
I itl . i -I t
: I ,., 1 e (.i.i . 1,1
t l, 't I, , ",'i ' t N . ' i 1
j t l. . ,, il,, t I
.1 l t H l' Mitt
t iill
. I I I I I ' '! !!
n ( llu -. ll- ,'l lif
( .... ,. . I
' it ! t t sit u
'u-tt 1,1 s ' 1
1 1 . iii.i l i 1
! itn . it 1 ., ti
ll II. I
.l -I.I
'Is,, 1 pl4i sti s.,1i.,n tn
lis l ! (I,i -'! I l
! . . i. ,. li.i
i t,t I it. II, .t '(
11. tiii ,,.i el 1
tt n,t
I Ittt ,1 n, tin . . I l I sit I ( tin'
lull I' ' lui (( Siul Im Ibf ,.,, nf I, tl
III t I, ..111. ( ,1 t(. t I ttt (' Out l""l llll ll"
ill, I I 0 I-it- S tt till ,.!,( sii, ..liiit
11,1 ,1 11 it,, slf nl pill, lists' ill !! ft il 1 -tsli-
I. i It J it,tii tl hit I tint! (lie us III I stilt
,,, t ,,t tl,, ,,, 1 l,sl the titi.e 1. 1 t
I, t,..ii.ti ul tl.e s'stte ii w liln it 11 sl i lsif
ti-,.,,, ) til t titl-tm Mn- ttlllllst nl
Nmoiilti I-', i M A II J IttlMINu
Nolii tit Reileitin from T Ssl,
lu It II Ms. m.iiinll M 1 liib y snd ( sll
lllltl-l lt,Hi, 11 -,itv.-t-ttt
Vim ni,. in ii 1. 1 ti. nn. , ihsi mi llii- dtli
ilsy i,f N,.ti'iiit i "i im I nn eli i. 1itt
I 'Wi 1 1 H 11 V "IO Ill- 'I Hi IHlllllt' 1st Mtlr et tlie
tii-s.iirt t ut t,tuttt i-uiiniv. Ntliiit-ks. IImi
f.-ll.'S I11H its I (In I tin I elnte slltim-ll III
llotlllllts l-i'lll'U Nilns-ks. lit-Witt I'll
tbii-.i 1,11. I.lis k leiil y 1 Jin, In lliitil s add ll lull
In tlie cut uf iih, nlis. thsl sslil rt'sl eslsle
ss wild tut llll' 'lillli,ii III In tt s nf till' yesi
l'tti I Iih I nl, Iiiil K.I11I1. h I still lit On'
iisini'ut It. II Nsi isuiiisii fur the yi'r !'.
niul in tlie iniiiii' nl M 1 Itiliyfnr the years
Isnl, IsiiJ ami is-ti, T ,i 1 1 1 1'mvlili'intt
Titi-t ( timpHiiy tins wild ami assigned tint
ci'lllllt ate of putclinwi nf said real esiatti lit
II. ,1 Twliillng. who Unim ibe iiwiu r ami
bidder of Ibe snine; that the time of retleiiip
llue nf Ihe stHivi' ib-wrlls'il rt-nl estaiii ftttiit
suld sale will iniilit' 1111 Ihe nib dny uf No
temls r, lsn.1. i-2l II II J, TWlSTINO.
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale.
To M Tlliko, .1. II Fliiluy, Irustue, and lo
all 01 hers whom it may cuiicem:
Vou are hereby not Hied thai 011 the full day
of November, IH'.il, I'. I'. Helphrt'V purchased
at pulillc tax sale of the treasurer of Doug
las coiinly, Nebraska, for Ihe delinquent
taxes of Ihe year lum. the follow Inn dewrlbeil
real estate situated lu Douubis count y, Ne
braska, to-wlt: The southeast quarter of
the southeast quarter of section thirty-six
liUli, township sixteen (PI), ratiKe twelve I J i
that suld reul estate was sold for the de
linquent tuxes of the year I Mm; III nl. suld
real estate was taxed In the name of M.
Tlbke fur the year I hki, uud in the name of J,
II. Fiiiliiy, Iriistee, for the years Isnl, ISU2 and
Isiu, Th'ul Ihe said F. I". Ilelphrey has sold
and assigned the ccrllllcatc of purchase uf
suld real est ate to II, .1, Twlntlng who Is now
III, owner ami holder of tlie same; that, Hie
time of redemption of thy iilyvt) tlescrltdl
real estate will expire on tho 5th day of Dto
vetiiber, ISIM. 7-21-3 II. J, TVVI.Vf INU.
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale.
To Jos, 1. Watt, L, U, Keytiulds and to nil-'
olhers w hom It, may concern 1
Von are hereby iiolllled I hat oil II" lllh
(lay of November, Nil, Llbble 8. Wixls.
purchased at public lax sale of the treasurer
of Douglas coiinly. Nebraska, for the de
linquent taxes of tint year Istm, Hot following
described real estate situated In Douglas
county, Nebraska, to-wlt; Lot seventy-two
(72, I' nl mi (in 11 1 Place Mupplemetttary, un ad
dition to the city of Omaha; thai said real
estale was sold for Ihe delinquent taxes of
Ihe year lsl0; that said real estale was taxed
In the name of Jos, I. Wall for the years I Him
nnd Nil, and In the name of L. (i. Keyuolds
lor the years SH2 and Nt;i, That t he said
Llbble H, Woods has sold and assigned the
cert llli'itle of purchase of said real estate to
II, J. Twlntlng, who Is now the owner and
holder of the samet that the lime of re
demption of the above described real estate
from sulil s lo will expire 011 Hie lllh (lay of
Novum her, isii;i, 7-21-il ILJ.TWINTINIJ,
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale,
To I1, It. and K. K. Flnley, 3. II, Flnley.
Trustee, J, 11. Flnley, nnd to all others whom
It may concern:
Vou are hereby notllled that on tho 7th day
of November, Nil. the Provident Trust
Company purchased at public lax sain of lb"
Treasurer of Douglas count y, Nebraska, for
the delinquent, taxes of the year IStxi.the fol
lowing described real est an', slluated In
Douglas county, Neliraska, to-wlt: Lot
seven (71 In blistk elghi-llyn (Sty of (It
original plat of the cll y of Omaha; that said
real estiiiii was sold for the delinquent, taxes
of the year IslKi; Unit suld reul eslute was
taxed 111 Ihe name of 1. It. and K. K. Flnley
for the year NX), In the name of J. li. r lnlv.
Trustee, for the year Nd, and In the name of
J, II, Flnley for the years llWiaiid IsOil; that
the said I'rovldent Trust Company has sold
and assigned the certificate of purchase of
said real estate to II. J. Twlntlng, who Is now
the owner and holder of the same; thai the
time of redemption of the above described
reul estale from said sale will expire on tlio
7lh day of November, NM.
7-21-11 II. J.TWINTINO.
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale.
To Mary .f. Ileatly, and to all olhers whom
It may concern:
Vou are hereby notified that on the Hth day
of November, s(t, ( has, 8. Dickey purchased
at public tax sale of Ibe treasurer of Douglas
count y, Nebraska, for I he delinquent, I axes
of the year I sue. the following described real
estale, sll tinted in Douglas county, Nebraska,
to-wll : Lot six (ill In block six T. In lloyd's
addition to the city of Omaha; that said,
real esl ale was sold for the delinquent taxes,
of the year I Km; that said real estate was
taxed In the name of Mary J. Ileatly for the
years ls',10, Nil, 102 and NUI; that the said,
( has. 8, Dickey has sold and assigned tho
cerl lllcuto of purchase of said real estate to
II. J. Twlntlng, who Is now the owner and
holder of the same; that the time of re
demption of ihe above described real estale
from said sale will expire on the tub day of
November, s!. 7-2I-II II. J. TWINTINO.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district court of Douglas county. Ne.
lo nik 11, and lo me directed, I will on lliii IMIi
day of August, A. D, Nil, al 10 o'clock a, in, of
said day, ut, the Kast front door of the county
court bouse, In (he city of Omaha. Douglas
coiinly, Nebraska, Sell ul pulillc auction Ibe
pro't l y described III said order of sale as
follows, hu-wil:
Lot .eight (H) In block eight (Si In Walnut
Illll addition to the clly of Omaha, Douglaa
county, suite of Nebrusku, said properly to
be sold lo satisfy J. W Mqulre, trustee, (hit
sum of four hundred, sinly-llve and 4S-i)
dollars IWII.V4S) Judgment, Willi Interest,
thereon at rate of ten (l"i per cent per an
num from May 1st, Na, 11 11 1 II paid, and
iblrty-elgbt and Us-lw dollars (:is lis costs
with Inli-rest thereon from Ihii 1st day of
May, A. D. Ni:i, together with accruing costs
according to a Judgment rendered by the
ilUlrlcl court of said I louglus count y, at Its
May lerm, A, D. Ni:i, In a certnln action
tneii and there pending wherein J. W Mqulre,
trustee, was plaliitlu", and John W, inlow
and others were defendants.
Omuha, Nebraska. July I lib. Ih'i:i.
MherllTof Douglas County, Nebraska.
John I'. Ilreen, attorney. 7-14-5
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale,
To Jacob Wllklns, and to all others whom
ll may concern:
Vim are hereby notllled that on the 7th day
of November, Nd, Ibe I'rovldent Trust Com
pany purchased Ht pulillc tat sale of Hut
ti-cusiircr of Douglas county, Neliraska, for
the delinquent, limes of Ihe year Istm, t hit
following described reul est ute, sit unted In
Douglus county, Nebrusku, to-wlt : Lot three
Cli III block eighty nine isoiof tho original
plat of the city of Omaha: that said real
estale was sold for the delinquent, taxes of
the year Is'.m; that said real est ate was timed
In tiie iiuineof Jacob Wllklus for the years
Nsi, Ni, Isirj ami M that the suld Provi
dent Trust Company has sold and assigned
I he certificate of purchase of sulil reul estate
to II. J. Twlntlng, who Is now t he owner and
holder of the same; thai the time of redemp
tion of the abovn dewrllM'd real estate from
suld sale will expire on the 7th day of Novem-
ie 7th day of ovem
1st. N.i;i.
7 21-:i
Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale.
To Mary J. Ileatly and to all others whom
It tuny concern:
You are hereby 11 it I Med that ontheOth (lay
of November, Istil, ('has. 8, Dickey purchased
at public tax sale of the Ireastireruf Douglas
county, Nebraska, for the delinquent tuxes
of the yenr tstsi. the following descrlls'd reul
eslute, sll oat ell III Douglas coiinly, Nebraska,
to-wlt Lot seven i7i In blis'k six 1S1 in lloyd's
addition to the city otOmuhu; that said real
estate wits sold for Ihe delinquent taxes of
the year isim; that suld real estate was taxed
In the name of Murv J. Ileatly for the year
NX). IH'.il, isli-'und Nil; that, the said I 'has. M.
Dickey bus sold and assigned the cerllllcate
of purchase of said real estate to II. J.
Tw lntlng. w ho Is now the owner and holder
of the same: that Ibe time of redemption of
the above descrlls-d real estate from said
sale will expire on tho t'th day of NnvenilHir.
Wl. 7-21-3 H. J.TWTNTINU.