THE AMERICAN. i 17) AMERICAN. iv,,l i I I ( MtMt , unit' .' M AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY t tMM, kit '. I ! V ' tMI t I I II I t MllVltM tlHI I lit M H M I I i 1I s'- ! i till HI im 4lf ItlR f till Mil. I Slut ( tl fl tMf. fll, l.l I null Hi n il ) iltste r V O fnitl'lo Asn I'l m llllu limMM K.lll l nil ! SlStlils OHN 0. TMOMPaON, Unties. , f. Km l M. Iiilnts Msnssif OMAHA. FHIDAY, JULY i!. n. r - ' IVTiir A 1111 i tnM hi'ik or t I I'mili'iH I'M I M 1 lit lM ul ISoS. Sr - ' " ' " TlIK Hi - .n'mitr Is tltn Inst lulMtt mn'r ever published In Omaha. TlIK prohibition state convention meet In Lincoln August 211, I Will, DoUglaS lIMIIlty Is CUtltlcd lO fourteen delegate. It h ivti t il llmt Major Furny Is Inclined to "glvo 'cm tlio irt share of tho position so they won't havo any thing to light about." FaUA'HKH havo not born quite so fre quent this week at they have for several weeks previous. From till It would iiiH Hr thateonlldonoo isls'lng restored. TllKKE will be a HuM't iny In Knights o( Labor hall, 112 South Fourteenth street, Sunday afternoon at 2:110. Mule joet: "Harmonlal Philosophy." Ad mission free. How strange One always believes the other follow Im a crank, and that hi ideas of sts'lal and economic quos tlontt am nil that aro worthy o( aorljus consideration. An Orange lodge was org a til mm at Fremont latit week, com pound of many oj it best citizens, There In plenty o( good material In Fremont and tho society Ih IkhiikI to grow. Hkv. I'ktkii Int'UAUK, I'll. L. L. I),, of North Jlend, Neti., Ih an ablo, neliol arly njenker and could bo Heoured (or a lecture open wiino plmwi of I dinii tiUrn. Homo of hU artleleH bavu iipx uri-(l In tb'i colummi of TlIK Amkmcan, Keep Mm in mind. i ' f UK nherlff of i'ottitwattainle county, fowa, hud a lltWo exfierU rieoiin a rail wny umniiKer one day thin week. IIo levied on and took pihWHlim of h hout a do -en of tho coin party ' engine for taxed, which the company had neglected to pay within tho time pre iurlbcd by law. TEN pollpeineri wor they dnw T(m Ormxhy kick a primmer and call him a vile name, while only two nworu that they neither aw or heard tho dla grncodil act. Will tho eommlloncri whltewah thin man Ornu-by' If they do they will not be tho kind of men we havo alway believed them to 1x5. TlIK troublu at the Kitiiwui minen ha not yet been nettled. Tho sheriff In under orders from tho governor to pro tect thono working and If neeewary call on tho Htato for lrmi to flHiMiln maln---Uilnlng jM'aeu. ThU nuitter wilt bear inviSJjlfatlonlt may bo another Ic man iVhemo to undermlno American JnterenUN A I A. thin talk aout renominating Judge Maxwell In nhecr fiontenne. Glvo a new man a chanco. There are able men in Nibraka who have not been up forfifilco ever lnoo theHtaUi waa ad mitted into tho union, who would bo a credit to Nebraska an her chief juatioo, wo reH'etful!y auggettt tho nntno of Hon, J. II. Ilroody, a deiiKH'rat of Lin coin; Judge Keynor, a rejiublinn of Douglaa county; O. W. C'ovell, H. I), Entabrook, J. C. Wharton, Judgo Hlalr, A. H. Churchill, John L. WebnUir, Edwon Hlch, T. I). Crane, C, F. Hreek "'irldgo or Judgo C. It. Koott, alt of thin county. Any one of theno men would bo a credit to tho bench. Give u a new deal. MANY of our exchange havo teemed with burning editorial iign'nt tho Homan Catholic mob thatdlnturbcd tho Christian Endeavor convention in Mon- treal. We think they arc roiwting: the wrong crowd. Tho leader of tho En deavor Society are the partle who dowtrve the ccnmire.- Not for what they nld, but for what they left unald. Their action iu cutting all reference to llomanlMm from tho addrene eatab llnhlng an inquisition wa the mot craven piece of work of which we over had tho humiliation to read. Every member of tho Chrlntlan Endeavor who attended that convention and voted to expunge all reference to HomanInm from tho addrecHc which were to bo delivered should be made Ui feel that he or alio has brought upon him or herself and tho society lasting dlHgraco. A truckler to Romanism is more to be dreaded than is Humanism itwlf. Tho j)ower for- gKl of the Christlai En deavor society has not been enhanced by this recent display of moral coward ice. What it needs is leaders men and women of courage and of conviction. i'f t t H i I '. hi i ! tt. l liid.i. I im; t m f, if . t m . i I el t g it u I , I ( old I (' 1 ( ,') : i imii i (, ni Id. if I t illV Htnl Ulii'lt l t (''HIM l l'i'('tt!, I'll MI'll l (' ' Ktl libi;li 1 Kii M l' Il l W ami ! ii- i u iUjt llli n lu lu I.. i i i.f. m-: iii'l Hi eonr (niini' t ih hit li u tiin of UoMimt iiikHj 1)i i In l.!llul I(,'iiiihIiih (i to ih ft nt i'mii4 of lit-r ii nnmt'Ui Im , Itiiml l,t whlili ln bud inn -iliiiil. i i oi il n'tftiiin, s.lliN Weli , U iili ib il bsve Im ii Inltl i ifmilitu; tin eiuiiiin l i.l pt ii U ami M( i In a e i tulii Imilillitg III lil i lly an (I li tuell lolil lm, llii-re would l a rji limn of liHllgimllon tnuti Imlh l'riii.'ntiiiil and KiituniiliiU, but inany of yon daxi heanl Hie muiie nlol i, ko II wimlil N vnnl of llimi bi n'H'l I hem llul you havo not beard of onu rae which ha eoino In our not lee, no w will relate It for jour benefit-poMdhly for the wilvstlon of your dtiughter, To fully expliiln how we heard of tho cane, your attention Is called to the following letter: Dt'NKKK, Mo., July I. 'I, lM!i;i,-J. C. TiuiMrHiiN, Ewg I havo heard of an other eime of Inhuman treiitmenl in a t'nthollo convent. Anneiiranl can learn, one Jenulo Alln't-t, a young girl about 20 years of age, went to a convent at libuuo, la., to Ihm'oiiio a chanto nlster. Kilo has Ihicii there alMiut three years, and leaven with scanty clothing, einaeliiled form, mid next door to a hum tic. She wits smart and Intelligent, and had a good supply of nice clothe when she launched out on this saintly rnlnnlon, yet after three years excrlcnoo nho prefer death rather than return to unci) a hell hole of crime. Heeently she wan nerlounly nick and was sent from Dubuque to a Kaunas City hospital. From that point nho wrolo to her father at Fleming, Kas., and ho went to Kansas City after her, Kim can be seen at that place if anyone doubt tho truth of thin statement. Mlns Albert was conllned for days at a tlinti In a dark cell on bread and water for some fraction of tho ierlld loun ruli'M which govern that Institu tion. Slit! has Informed her friends that there aro at this convent at Du buque about two hundred babies of all age, from two months old to twoyears. VV hero they coma from no one know but the inmates of. that convent and tho prlesln tho chanto and holy fat hem. It In a curse and disgrace to this fair count ry that nuch hell-holes of sin aro not burned to tho ground and the in mate confined in those prisons given tbero liberty. This young girl can Udl you, probab ly, If nho dares, where one of tho little Innocent catiiu from, Hho said tho sinters and also tho pi-lcni said if she ever divulged any of tho secret of the convent sho would bo punished more severely than sho hadovr Isren before, I wish somo member of TlIK AMKKi CAN would go to Fleming, , Kas., and Investigate thin riiso thoroughly and make it public. Yours, E. F. (i. That letter was received in Omaha tho 11th day of July. At I.ifl p. m. of tho samu day we were on our way to Fleming, Kas, Wo flrt stopped off to seo and havo a talk with tho gentlo man who had written the letter. Ho proved to Im an old Nebraska friend of tho strident veracity. In addition to tho information contained in tho abovo letter ho Informed u that Mr. Albert, Jennie' father, wa a Homart Catholic who would not glvo anything up to a stranger if ho usH!Cted him of at tempting to unearth anything con nected with tho case; that ono of tho girl' sister wa living in I'ittsburg, Kan,, and working for a Mr. Ifoyd. With thono additional fact wo ro sumed tho journey to Hemlng, On tho I7th inst. wo wero in that little mining camp, A few minutes after our arrival wo had rnndo tho acquaintance of all tho l'rotestant fivo in numlsir of any prominence In tho town. From one of them wo secured tho lo cation of tho Alls-rt family, which wo set out to interview after eating a well prepared dinner. Wo found that Mr. Albert lived at Bhaft No. U, alnnit throe-quarters of a mile from tho station. He wa not at homo when we rapped on tho front door, but camo over from a neighbor' and met u a wo n tatted for tho kitchen door. Ha was a largo, power ful built, intelligent apstaring man, much such a looking maf as tho state president of tho A. I'. A. We intro duced ourselves as Kelley that family has to stand a good deal, you wo and tidd him why wo had called ujion bin. It wa certainly not to learn any family secrets, In a general conversa tion ho told u much of what the letter contained and a great deal in addition without knowing it wa just what wo wanted. Mis Albert' mother wa dead. Jen nie had boon strong and healthy. Sho had lieen attending school in Kansas, had even taught under the direction of tho local priest, who Induced her to enter tho convent at Dubuque, la., where she had taken tho first veil. Sho was not strong enough to stand tho life of a sister and had been sent to Kansas City to tho orphans' homo, from which place he had received a letter request ing him to como aad take her homo a the doctors said they could not do any thing for her. We were informed that she was not at homo, but was working for a farmer named Andres or An drewsnear Cirard, Kas. Mr. Albert iterated and reiterated that Jennie was a strong girl much like her i.-i ii i t I ! ! - .! II .Vt'-t I Hi.'- J,...,!,!,. ,m , VI'- it tor I, ..,) In h t t if In M ! nlo.'i im ). .I 0.i ).ti $ bull su. l)ii It. r Mtt s I n at ii llilrt lli t. M i, l. il I.. l,, t- n blng ttml e ii -if Idki n k mi , I ViSil lo iiIim ii littiiif. llul l it II Ht, it'll tier ! ( .ini'lljf Jim Hit 11,1 Hi Mtltlt lllillg mill,)! ' tin plan. Mi .Mb'il iil' ii il Ibe ii'Hii lit a tiling, heitllliy f 1 1 1 i bn isiiiii mil in a eiuiiliili.M wliit'li Ibe pit) lilsim b tin) Mnii.1 nut help. I'ltber be w almed blie an initiate or she iiol a slrong gbl slii ii she I'lib'rnl. We pil fer In In-lteve slio a nliitwil, In'i'iiwi Mr, Allnil Mpcni like a iiutlifiil niHti, and seemed luhave a wsi iii snit In hi lu st I for Ms daughter. This ease should wrv ns a Warnlltg lo slrong, well devibiM-i gil l who nntlelpHbt entering Itoumn Catlto He eonveiitn. IVobahly after three year they may ls sent, to a hospital and pronounced Incurable, All the evidence obtainable gin's, apparently, to show that contents and nunneries area little Is-tter than ehartml liouses, In which prlents, bish op and sisters revel In wine and dcccr crime. , How long, oh, blind, Isdicylng, trust lug Homan Cut holies, will you continue lo glvo tho brlghest flavor of your home circle to tho church for her ruin ami her damnatlon'i1 Investigate for your selves. Look up, look out and learn, Ask yourself if tho conduct of 1'rlest Flaherty, who is serving a seven anil a half year sentence In tho New York S'tiltentlary is different to that of your father confessor? Ask if tho conduct of Priest Connelly, of Two Harlmrs, Mich., who has been, together with his sister who acted as his housekeeper, in dicted by tho grand jury for raping Lena Motherland Is different to that of your father confessor. Ask yourself if Father 1 tickle's record Is worse than the priests whom you know. Hlckle was termed by Hlshop Loughlin as "tho devil on earth." Ho has ruined several girls and married women. Certain il is priest are human, and being human have human passions, which they pander to and do not attempt to contt ol, Havo your daughters by keeping them outside of these priest houses, , ' W Vl'llOIAl Tllti CONSTITUTION Another paper hits opened it bat teries on the A. I'. A, This time, as usual, it Is a dally, and is published in Louisville, Ky,, and bears the sugges tive name Commerrial, It says it op pose the A, I', A, because it Is a secret political organization. If that Is so why does not tho Ormmr.rcial oppose a bitterly and as relentlessly the Jesuits, tho A.O, H.and Other Iternnti Catholic association eomixmed exclusively of Homan Catholics? Hut that I not the real reason why the Comnurrtal op pose the A. I'. A. Tho true reason is found in tho fact that tho Komnnist havo obtained control of the political party to which the Virmmndal panders, and it fear the growth of tho A. 1'. A, will Inevitably cause the retirement of the Humanists from the political posi tions of trust ami honor, Tho harder such paper as the OummmiUiX fight the American Protective Association the more rapidly will it grow and we are never afforded mora pleasure than when brought face to face with a paper of tho calibre of tho ('otnmirdul, We know just how untenable tho ground f upon which they base their assertions, as well a they do, and as well a you will if you read the principle of the A. P. A. The member of that organization believo In Liberty of speech, Of conscience, And of the press; In the restriction of Immigration; The separation of church and state; And the perpetuation of the public schools; Are oppoed to sectarian appropria tions; And believe no power can absolve a citizen from his oath of allegiance to thl government a power claimed by tho Homan Catholic church; Nor do they believe aman cafl be'a Homan Catholic fir at and a citizen ol the United Suites afterward. These aro tho cardinal principles of the A. P, A, Is there anything in them which tho L'ornviMeial cannot endorse? I there anything in them to which a loyal citi zen of these United States cannot sub scribe? Then why should the papers oppose the A. P. A. except it Iks for selfish and ignoble ends? Except it he as Prof. Townscnd has stated there is a Jesuit at tho elbow of every editor, who exercises a censorship over every thing that I published. Tho charge that the A. P. A. is a democratic, a republican or a populist movement to defeat cither of the other parties Is too absurd to need contradic tion. The ranks of the A. P. A. are filled with men from ,all parties; all professing a belief in the principles set forth above; all believing there Is dan ger from Homan machinations, and all willing to sacrifice their fortunes and their lives If necessary for the per petuation of our free institutions. In this fight we invite the co-operation of all Protestant Americans who can sub- ' U ' I I M I t I VV l' HhImiI I! t ,, 1 1 ... i t't ),-. n ', dial I.. r 111' h.f ' II' I .I'M., , . (, Ii l i i, , ,-. U !! i.i i In iour I ' ( ': l-tl' l..l lliMlt'lt . I'(l((! ilt.i-- 'lii,rl f,i ,il Ji.i,i t, t, j ill I ! 1 1. 1 i In i in .. It. .r nil, ii I lo t' tn .i,lc! !!,,,. It e.,,u,. . tit 1 1 I'l Ihhim.) imiii, l.l !ii :;it:it. .1 .)' -.l M Ii ' !j n,,tt j ,l IlltIO i ' ' l me j It'i !' (.), J '1 be I tnnmrri Oil nmy ij li,ti but ini Intent inn of M-t,i ttii li lse f- ! w iili of IbU i ..itlili ) liy f.n t Ri Mia If II nt l n b- bs Ibsl i lnitib tali. MtH' Si i - it Mil I him il i i lilllrlj nf Iteiusii t 'stholli at mid and dill led tvititv lo lake Ibe Held at a moment' notice What iMinu ilirt. tvni in (be Met lust Ul, IliipMnl, Pivntn let lnlK or any other ibil-tliiii ileunmliiNtlon bs the Itelnnil church lo protect llit nhit neeiU sn ariiteil liiHly of luen greater tluiti the ktiiti. ling army of Ibe United Stales? If Ibe OiiMiiiiri'nit will answer iIiimmi iin wlli'in sntiitfaetorlly we shall have a grnve doubt as lo the loyally of Unman Catholic lifted from our iiiliul Komanbon, not tho A. P. A., I what such paiicr as Ibe Cnuum rWu should wage war agalunt if they delri the United Stutea ciuihi Itullun upheld. ovn mo mntuts. (trilers are surlng In from all over the country lor this edition which will Ihi reaity tlio iiri or AUiftist. Ihr Nun tiit Ihmoi'rtit In this Ishiio will give tho ritual or tlio A. P. A., rather Sher man's Omaha address exisisiug the rot tenuossof this secret oruanialion, with other Interesting data in regard to tlio oaths and obligations demanded from candidates joining these orders. Among the thousands ordering copies wo take pleasure in mentioning the following as a sample of what a few of our sub scribers aro doing, to-wlt: Ari'liblslmp I'eeliiin 4,fi00 copies, J. Cmbilijf A lire 6.WKI " I'Htluirl'llserald tool) ("nt'l l,i'Hiie Kncauip. SI) MO " " , 2l S00 " ' " 2s son " " 31 200 ; soo ArchlilKluip Killer, ('In., 0 1,000 ' J. J. Hull) vitii " son Kiitlier Miirkey " loo " Itiiv. Francis S.t'hat.ard. Indian- , HpoliM, I ml sea " Misc. iiitnies In C')n O .10.11 " " ('ounell llluirs.. 7,000 " " So Oinalia iH,i " " " I'corla ft,(Mi " " " (JaleslmrK,, .... Other fit leu In Illinois, Iowa and Mcliranlia... at.Wt') " Wo must hear from other encamo merits and friends of the cause espousd by The HuMhttj Ihmwvil at once if they want copies. This paper I solid mat ter, and no display advertisement will 1st received at I,0OU a line, Ukbwjo namifiy imnoma. Cudahy? Cudahy? That sounds fa miliar! Where have we heard that name Is-fore? Oh, yes; that is the name f the fellow who is sold to have discharged his A. P, A, help because they attended the funeral of a member of that order. Protestant who buy Cudahy' meat and his I Cox brand of beef tea should ascertain If Cudahy tho Mouth Omaha packer and J, Cudahy k Hro, are tho same. If they are the Uible teaches you to "love your enemies" arid "do good to those who dlspltefully use you," and this would be a first clan opjsirtunlf y to follow Hi bio teaching, HA YH TlIK HICK WAS llUlllT. SllKUiv, Neb,, July IS, IW,-AMKIt-K'Af PuitMHiiiMU Co: In your Issue of July It I read "Celebrated Without Old Glory," and will you allow me U correct the lady of Mtromsborg. I It ixisslblc, she fourteen miles from Mr, DeLaet' grove, would know more about the flag than the near neighbor's? There wa no flag there only a few small ones brought by children or on horses' And a for their being true and loyal Americans, tho owner of the grove Is a Catholic, and by birth a Frenchman, and tho main committee man Is called an anarchist, and Is an Englishman by birth. Perhaps that will account for there being no flag there. On one of the adjoining farms Ave flag waved, ono about sixty feet Mgh, NKfomtoKM, That French Catholic should be taught a lesson In American patriotism. This country is not large enough to hold men who do not respect it em blem. It will always 1st open to those who desire to acknowledge complete allegiance to Its constitution, and live exemplary Jives, but it will sooner or later bo closed against such forelgnisrn a wa evidently manifested at Do Leafs grove tho fourth of this month. It should never bo permitted to happen in Nebraska again. TlIK action of the county commis sioner In taking the matter of road Into their own band cannot fail to lie cndored by the people. A largo part of this work has been done under the supervision of Mr, Williams of tho board, and over one hundred miles of turn-pike has already been built, At present there are nearly one hundred men employed In this work In various parts of the county, . IT Is stated that 200 Italian and Aus trian miner have been shipped from Pueblo to Wier City to bike the places of the striking Homan Catholic miners. If that Is so we move that the Irish and Huns be given a chance at them. We'll bet on the Irish. AhoCT two months ago Hev. II. 1J. Brown delivered a lecture In Albion, in which he laid bare many of the plans Iffllin !! . H. ., Mi. bt . I ,l' l,s. , ilti-, ).. I. ft !.- tJif ls Hi .( i i i. ,. a a t i i f t,:. i , i.iiii, ,i ' ltti,Wi .' ,S, . ' ,t i't,) mini, a ,.k A I Mo n : ami iMltihil iv... I., tin. i l i , !i Ibe till fi,.i l i ihl, . j timii Mit ,,. it. 1,1.., ,,,,, i.,,,. f.,, M,t. si..., ml ,i b r what Im ).,) t.i sy In iiply l.i Itm .i b t, i.n.1 a be ,i,m,. ,. , argiittii-nl Ihi! on ih In,, in. fairly tt, fii,,, applauw. We bse mh Ive.l Imi It Iter trgarrilug the hi lure, ainlbntli are utttlnt In I In Ir iiU, Ib v, linos n wiiil l.i mi,i,m, Neb., Thursday to ib liver two he tun , ami gin s M Ji kitmsh Ihl i It, Our friend ami mtnut run i , t nutiic thing giNHl, i, lining a great work. Imk annual reunion of Inn It. A. H. of Cass, Sarpy and Incasler counties will Ihi held InlireenwisHl, Aug, 22. 2'l, '.'land Z su;, j,B Maxwell will deliver the oration, whilom-Guv, John M, Thayer, Hon. Church Howe, Capl. Henry and Gen, Dllworth will bo pies- cut and sja ak. A royal gissl llmo Is rxpifted, , SOIMI ItF.ASOMXJ. Tlio Slate I'reildcnl t Nebraska (iltrs Ills Views. CoU'Mfii', Neb., July 2,'l, WKI.-To tho editor of TlIK Amkhican. Tho American Protective association is secret organization with signs and passwords for tho purpose only of shielding and defending its individual member from tho attack of an enemy who ojicrily declares that it will punish any individual or organization who advocates tho principles ol liberty as understiKtd by our loyal American forefathers, who wero loyal to our gov ernment and institutions and were pro' pared, as the American Protective as' soelatlon is, today, to defend that government and its institutions against the open or secret attacks of Individuals or organizations who would seek to destroy thorn In whole or In part. We believe that our objects and principles are just and honest, and, if followed by the majority of our people, will not only supjsirt and maintain our free institutions as they exist today, but broaden and develop thorn until they aro still a greater benefit to man kind. The American Protective associa tion does not intend to obstruct or Interfere- with either of the existing political parties or place any "ono Idea" ticket In the Held, but rather will support the party placing thorough ly loyal and Intelligent men In nomin ation for office, who owe their al legiance to the United States govern ment, arid will create and enforce such legislation as will tend to educate, en lighten and Improve the condition of tho musses of tho people; who will sup port our public school system of today; who will keep church and stateentlrely separate; who will maintain and defend tho individual rights of all, and who realize that a republican form of gov ernment must bo composed of a com munity of Individuals-not a federa tion of powerful, rcllgopolitloal or other purely selfish organizations who believe that an Injury to ono Is the concern of all. We know that the Interest of tho American Protective association and all loyal Protestants aro Identical, and it Is certainly not the intention of tho A, P, A, to do other than support and defend all who stand squarely on their Individual and God-given rights, to enter unhampered In tho pursuit of life, liberty and happiness; and wo believe that your vote and ours will be cast for men who will measure up to the standard marked out by the princi ples we have just given you, There are few Intelligent men In this country who do not realize that there are agencies at work seeking to deprive us of the liberties arid Institutions secured to us at such fearful cost of life and projerty upon the battlefields of tho Itevolutlon and war of the reblllon. Is It not plain to any reasonable man that a powerful church organization, holding that Its law are above tho law of the state, that il priest can absolve from all oath, I a dangerou Institution in any country and particu larly In a republic? That rellgo-pohtieal organization I tho Homan Catholic church and It would unhesitatingly enforce It de crees, should any turn of fortune enable It Ui gain tho necessary power. That there are many who believe It would, Is clearly proyen by tho thous ands of business men and those In other calling who fear their business would bo Injured should It become known they wero members of, or sympathized with, tho American Protective assocla tlon. W desire to ask those, would not your business bo Injured far more, and j your liberties and those of your family bn In far greater danger wero tho same numbers, backed by the sympathy ofj the government, able to enforce their commands? Is It not a fact that the power that now intimidates you aro believed by you to be a standing menace to our free and literal institu tions? Is it possible that there are intelli gent men who are foolish enough to indie ve that the Homan Catholics are loosing ground in this country? Only a few years ago the bible was ; to t- f,mt. I h ,,f ,,(, i,.H-' It ll,i 1 t,--l w'lt n l t n ,i 1 !,,.. w, 1.1 tt l l.i ill j, II ., I , , ,,,,,,1 i .,!!- t ami ,1, i,i..,ii,i (,er , ! ,.' Hindi. si, -I imti, .-,, met ib man, I a ilil !i,. 1,1 .,, nI,i.. i,,-l), Suit!) "a Weill lo I),,- Wi.'tt ti,H(S,l Is- ,if. lii 1. I.I " With l,e p. I lii,n, Ui.Mlv,,:!,, bsi i-ing like a hi! ou r ,mr ,,, nM threatening Ibe tliIH,- ,,f r t.,a ., win, u, W(jji(on going on U lan 11 ititii, hiling factions', Hh I In defiant utteiane, (,f ini ,,( our irovertiiit and tbouMimU of lmH. geM i ll Ici'ii In cities, towns ami wm n try tillage, mldeil lo Ibe netiuii of another of our gn at gim rnni s, w ho In en Islng ibe pardoning mwcr, bmk iN-easlim to arrogate to himself tho power of sitting In judgment upon thi finding of a district and supreme court, which had, in tho exereUo of llmlr duties, found, a wo ladle vp, an honest judgment, in accord with a long line of previous court decision which havo ls-en handed down for tho tiroleellon of government, jierson and property and In defence of liberty, I ltnotaparentto all candid men that a day, even, might usher In a conflict which would possi bly result in tho los of nil or a part of that freedom which is so dear to every American heart? It has been well said "eternal vigi lance is tho price of lllsrty." My friends, havo wo la-en vigilant In tho past? I it not clear and patent to tho mind of every candid man that should tho government decide for any reason to Increase it military force, and should there be a vassal of a foreign despot sitting In our executive chair, would it bo unreasonable to presume that he would call upon his own rellgo mllitary organizations, numbering many thousunds, in preference to any other? The condition that would then ariso is apparent to the most abstruse. With tho government and army under his control, the would-bo despot on tho Tiber would bo In excellent condition to enforce such rules as ho might deem fit for the purpose of controlling or abolishing tho Institutions, customsand liberltios of the heretics. Should not a condition' so apparent arouse feeling of the keenest apprehension In, the hearts of loyal citizens? The world has been nearly six thous and years obtaining ttio liberties of tho present day, and it is Idle to say that they cannot be lost or that there are none who would deprive us ol them, Aro we not a little careless of this heritage? The An erica n Protective associa tion Is tho friend md defender of tho just rights of the laborer, and Is pre pared to assist him as far as lies In its power. It is also tho friend of the farmer, the merchant, tho manufacturer and all honorable and honest business or enterprise whether great or small; It is the friend of all classes who are, as individuals, engaged In tho pursuit of life, liberty and the enjoyment of hap piness, with a due regard for the wel fare of the people as a whole, The A, P. A, ha no favorite class. It believes In the universal brother hood of man, and contends that a largo religo-political organization number ing ten million or more, whoso first teaching Is to destroy the Individuality and consequently loyalty of It mem bers, Is an injury to a large class of our citizens arid consequently tho concern of all, We, the A. P. A. will endeavor to aid In the protection of the just rights of all to enjoy the liberties of this country as understood by our tirfatber. J, M, IlATFlKM), State President A, P. A. In Neb, . Fal her Connelly Indicted. Dvlvtii, Minn,, July li). -The grand Jury of SmUd county toduy returned four Indictments against Father Connelly, the Catholic priest, who Is charged with raping Irm Motherland, an IH- year-old girl, on May 2!, Two of tho Indictment are for rape on separate occasions, ono for abduction and one for Indecent assault. It Is alleged that tho priest Induced tho girl to come to his house, drugged and then assaulted her, The defense does not deny criminal In timacy, but sets up that It was with the girl's consent; that tho offense was often repented and that there was a money ooritdenition. Father Connelly's sister who was his helper wiien tho alleged rape took place, Is also Indicted for complicity in the abduction, The de fense will ask for a change of venue, Latkh. Two of tho Indictments, for rape, against Father Connelly have boon quashed on account of an error In drawing them up. Ho will, however, havo to stand trial for criminal assault and abduction. The case will probably bo brought be fore the grand Jury again and another indictment made for rat, I'Jils Is hoped for, at least, by many, . To Orange Lodge. Tho Most Worshipful Grand Origo lodge committee on constitution in ml laws Is hereby notified to meet in ( ' vo- land, Ohio, on tho second Wedne lay In September, IHIl.'l, All private lodges having proponed amendments to iffer will please forward them to tbo-un der- signed, under seal of their lodg i as soon a possible. M, L. Zook, Chairman 412 Shcely Block. Omaha, NAb. Ji V