The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 28, 1893, Image 1

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tVll'i i ft I !- m - ' M tl cM .,.(,rtt- m ti tf JVr
4 mi tmwir
Vet IV HI.
OMAHA, NriUlAfK A, I HIM V. Jl'l.V . Iv.u
Nl'MttMt .11
What D ThU Indicate. H Mt
Thai A
rwnM, jUIrwUllr I hwirwl
t.rwwlMt ft U lUli H ft aar
1.1 Mile
The following .lilhM delivered
at Hie annual meeting of the Alumni of
Friends Academy, Grand, Iowa, by
Milton Mann:
Vxn oniMwnor-stone, laid deep In
the foundation of thl great nation, we
read tlx' Inscription: "All men ahull
have tliu Huh I U worship God accord
to tho dictate of hi own eon
ielonoe." Under the broad archway
thua oroctoJ by the constitution of the
United States, have, come reprosontn
Uvea of every religious sect known lo
tho world. Among those have come a
parllculnr sect In audi number and
with traditional Ideas and ciiatoma so
diametrically opposed to tho free spirit
of our institutions, that thoatmlontof
present day history finds himself grap
pling with tho question: "Doe Homo
menuou tho United States?" Three
million human Uvea wcro sacrificed bo
foro tho teachings of Christ obtained a
solid footlmr on earth. Chris
tianity was finally established,
yet only a few conturlea passed
when wo find this degenerate so
called christian church' persecut
ing its follow men with tho same
ferocity that retarded Its own es
tablishment. This fact Isono of
tho mysteries that make up tho
history of tho human race.
The spirit of Christ being agaf n
manifest in man, no persecution,
not even death Itself could retard
Its onward march. Again tho
hand of man Is raised against his
brother "for conscience sake."
But right, being one of God's in
lmltablo laws, must triumph, and
today tho world enjoys compara
tive liberty of conscience.
For thirty year tho houses of
' York and .Lancaster, England,
wasted tholr substance In fac
tional quarrels over potty differ-
encua, till finally tholr resources
were exlinwod. Foro'gn powow
took ud vantage of hor dlvldod
und weakened condition, and
threatening England with an In
vasion, tho two powerful houses
wore compelled to overlook petty
differences and unite their
strength for mutual protection.
England was thua saved. The
Protestant churches of America
bavo carried on a "War of tho
Hoses" for thirty years, without
Booming to realize that they wore
all threatened by n common
enemy, or that tho tlmo had ar
rived when a united and har
monious action is necessary to
save homo and country from
transplanted Homanlsm.
Hy your fruits oh all yo bo
known. Applying thin sacred
standard to the Human Catholic
church, what have we? Italy,
tho cradle of Homan Catholicism,
a country where popery has hail
undisputed way for fifteen cen
turies, Is morally and spiritually
In a most pitiable condition. Her
people are the most dangerous and un
desirable who seek shelter under tho
American ling today. What has
Catholicism done for this unfortunate
people? It has stilled every instinct
that would lead to a higher and nobler
life, leaving bor treacherous, cowardly
and aensunl. How different Ills with
Protestant Scotland. Her people be
come our most desirable citizens. They
are Industrious, temperate, law-abiding
and conscientious. We welcome them
to our shores, not because they embrace
tho Protestant faith, but because they
become good and loyal citizens of tho
United States. 1
Homanlsm is carried to heathen
lands by the power of tho sword to add
territory to tho papal dominion. Prot
estantism la carried by tho love of
Christ and His teachings, swelling up
in the hearts of those who do his will.
For many decades Congo, Africa, was
under tho forced observance of Cutho
Ho forms of worship, but tho people
continued to live in tho same degraded
condition. No holy desire animated
their souls for higher and better living.
Not so with people to whom the living
truths are carried direct by Protes
tants, pure and undo filed by blasphem
ous meditation of a self-styled "Vicar
of Christ." A now life is enthused
Into being, they Iuunodlate(y set
about clothing themselves, bu 'ng
houses, cities and towns, creating com
merce, tilling tho Holland giving God
tho praise.
To nineteenth century Intelligence,
many of the customs and Institutions
comprising tho Homan Catholic church,
appear monster engines of iniquity.
It is blasphemous to assert that God
demands the destruction of tho loving
ties of homo and family by heads of the
church. Instead, they should bo found
setting practical examples of temiiorato
borne life, wbero the loving attributes
i t htit .,
jM-ifevt fl.llt
4 M k'l
t'mipm th ..!) d
.tU h f Ctb.!. i! with
tl V.BJ J y hlle Ul' tV'U slalll MW
.h i No I.1 . risi ,mi at the
!tr and tlh Uik hl r ami ootf d
. hihltU itt!e diHe aay tare .!
mnrow 11ml itoit nniu' tm ty ttmimn
h.'Atl. lttU.l, lew UHtM
(Mvtttfvr lhan lh mhIUhI i.f any
hunsan King, Bthr IhUW nl fil
aloutt hU n u I lo drag him down to
Thi1 bnttaUriiik' and haneful nieth
ihU of innviMil Hfeareagii-aU r Wim(pli
wMn llie fair nvenl of this nation than
ar the llaivms of 1 in key on thnl.riu' vlellms whoaiv Imlinvd lo i'lil.'r
tliew living lomlw find no win! catMuc
llon ihert', but the life lh'y are nun
pi!led lo h-aJ stifles every pure and
holy Impulse. The confessional Is tie
velnM'd In many Instances to the most
damnable Institution that cunning and
licentiousness could conjuixj up. All
this Is stoutly denied by supsrter of
Homanlsm, but their denial has come
to be regarded as an unmistakable evi
dence of Ignorance. Look into tho
faces of their ordained prlesta and read
there tho story to which I have simply
given you the index, and you will ox
claim, "Hypocrisy la not an evil which
walks Invisible except to God alone."
Look Into tho haggard lifeless counten
ances of the sisters of charity. How
Tic A'i f nt td tti MtV (l.lvitiiA
unllko tho buoyant, llfo-lnsplrlng face
of those animated by the spirit of
Christ without tho mediation of mortal
man. Away with a so-called servant
of Christ who will not say "Mass" or
offer prayer for tho poor parishioner
who ha not the stipulated sum of $1.00
to pay for tho same. In Justice to muny
who are wearing tho yoke of Homanlsm,
let me say that muny pure and holy
live emanato from that church, des
plto the barrier It Is constantly rear
ing la their pathway. Kuch person
aorvo liou under any circumstances,
and would serve Him much bettor were
they free from tho load Imposed upon
them by priestcraft and popery. What
Is It that contests every Inch of ground
oeforu tho onward march of civil lib
erty and freedom of thought? Homan
Catholicism. Tho chariot of progress
and enlightenment is being drawn over
the opposing bodies of myriads of do
bunched priests, Hut tho question
which Interests us most Is, "What will
ba the outcome of tho encroachments
of Home upon the llliortic and Institu
tions of thl country?" A Catholic
swear allegiance to tho pope at Home,
first, last and all tho time. This al
legiance Is first and above any civil
authority exorcised by tho country In
which ho lives, so that evory Homan
Cathollo in the United Status today
ha sworn to obey the mandates of the
pope of Homo, notwithstanding such
dictation may be In direct oposltlon
and violation to our civil authorities.
I it not plain that such people cannot
be true and loyal citizens of tho United
States in tho strict sense of tho word?
They come horo and enjoy our llls-r-
tie, commerce and national greatness,
but hold their allegiance to the Miie
at Home.
In 1700 there was but one Homan
Catholic to every 1.14 citizens In the
United State, alnco which tlmo they
, V ff$w ;;,;;ii Yrtl4nw
p-A 4rsx-jt M i ill .-.5 ;C Wis
I V .f - if I PliM I f . "" , "if 11
Imp K . n t mit' U.o m u Hit
!.-.- Is..- tm ..( In Hi'iJ ill
,V hU ! II wiUtv I. .I a f. w ). in '
I U lb. HI h In llie i.,"i f In I Ma
i..nnti . When Utal I lii iumi , if.""!'
In looi.r lix.l Aiio t liiHtuiloi;
gl bjn lo fiv. pubiie ln'l, wbl. b
ht I-. n Iho nal Ion' Jnl pilde tor
Hittiaiiy ai-; .hI bjo In fine wh
ami tM piv; i:o.l bje 'ociill Ulx i tj
and friM-dem of lliiniglil.
Tho Im-iMrtiMit win' wsk'i-d by Hmh
atflnl our pulOle ih'IiisiIs nhould for
ivr stamp lo r as a inmiiion enemy
ot Iruo AmeileanelHens. Tlo Honian
Catholic chuith daiv not allow fivt
KchiNiUnml fre' tliouehi, for with Ihewi
oomo fr.edom of action, which would
destroy the power of Hie ma lo rule
tho jMople as with an Iron rod. Fii'
sehools, frit thought, free action; these
are the principles Mion which this gov
ernment Is founded. When those lire
attacked, .the life of the nation Is
Go Into any Homan Catholic congre
gation east of the Mississippi, and you
will find It eomiMised almost exclusively
of foreigners, their children and grand
children. What dis's thlB Indicate?
It means that a powerful, antagonistic
element is growing up In our midst,
destined to rob us of our llbertlea.
SHclal efforts are being made to make
converts In leading families of this
nation, that they may accomplish their
purpose In politics. They spare no
pain, but employ every mean known
to cunning and designing men, to fill
our senatorshlps, judgeships, and even
the presidential chair with representa
tives of popery, The present senate of
the United contain four Homnu
Catholics, a most deplorable fact when
wo consider that they hold an allegi
ance to the pope at Homo over and
above that of the country that ha thus
honored them.
Perhaps In no other city in tho
United Hlttto has Homanlsm made such
broad Inroad Into the llnortle of this
country as it ha in t'm city of New
York. Tho state of N'iW York not un
frequently casts the deciding vote a to
who shall bo president; thus with her
tens of thousands of blind followers of
Home, it Is not lrriKsslbio for Homo
to say who shall occupy (air presi
dential chair. Tho pope and his vo
taries watch with a snake-like vigilance
tho political moves of this country, and
to carry out hi slightest preference, Is
regarded by his ubject In this land as
their solemn duty. Who was It that
defeated James (J, Illalne for the presi
dency in IKS? Designing politicians
were quick to heap the blame uon the
head of Gov, St. John of Kansas, who
had the courage and christian fortitude
to stand up for law and morality In tho
defense of prohibition, Gov, Ht, John
did not prevent James G, Blalno being
president of tho United State, The
pope at Home decided he should not Ik,
and tho Homnu Cathollo .votes of the
state of New York wcro cast for (.rover
Cleveland. James G, Hlalne not being
In full fellowship and good standing
with the Catholic church at that time,
did not receive their vote on that oc
casion Every city and town in Iowa today,
whose population I more than half
Catholic, ba ever despised and dlsre-
d o.n j...iH-i.t v lo
lii mill l in 0slioH bj tin1
.1 i rt..t i.of PnO. .Ui.l i lutn lo
sni. n ot iw a.i.l n.oiaiMj
I iiiul ihu'lpl
..Hisn I 'alttolte I'ltiHi-h ate.
of I lo
lil, Vo.i
Mut Ull.'.i' a llu ihtiivh il.i'ivi's,
td. I'lo'io I Do nhalott ioi(ld.' llie
lloititi, Hiuh t.-ai'Mnfc' bind rvery
iionmn I'stliol!.' and lend lo maan liliu
Milij.rl and a 1ol of ileiUIm,
What pliieo have we In our Issl)
Julille for SUl'h learlillig as Ibew?
I he ctnlm ol the Homan I'albolle
Hum h lo Intalllbllilj Is ill-gosling lo
lilmleinlh will ury Intelligence, All
ilegmas and all deero imide by the
)hh are claimed Infallible and Irre
toniisl'le. That U to say, all blunders
and all mistakes made In piutnges of
Ignorance and superstition, cannot lie
set right. Thus you see a dead lis'k
was early put on tho wheels of progress
In the Human Catholic church, and we
find hr today jtml where she was a
thousand years ago. The church It
not entitled to any credit for liberal
tendencies or reform you may Imagine
are taking place within her organiza
tion, as they are simply evidences of
the progressive spirit of the age, thrust
umiii her by outside Influence against
her will. The bltsMl-bought Institu
tions of this country are galling to I he
Homan Catholic church, and she Im
patiently bides the time when, hor
nornnrlcal strength will warrant her to
undertake to cast them to the devil
from whence she claims they came,
Already wo have conclusive proof that
she I arming her member for the
purismo, The Ancient Order of HI-
bornlari and other kindred organiza
tion are said to have about three
quarter of a million men under arms;
one or more Homan Catholic military
companies In every large city, well
armed and well drilled, are well
known act. Private letter alo
Intimate that they are coming
Into Michigan, That a military
movement exist among the Homan
Catholic in In I country, none can
deny, The rank and file of the (toman
Cathollo church are a willing today to
re-ciinet the bloody scenes of St, Bar
tholomew' massacre as they were In
I quote the warning of a noble French
man, whose name will ever be dear to
the American sople, La Fayette said:
"If ever the liberty of the United
State Is drstroyed, it will be-by Hu
man priests," Duke of Hlchmoud,
governor of Canada in liMlsald: "The
church of Home ha a design ujon this
country, and It will In time, bo the es
tablished religion, and will aid in the
destruction of that republic,"
Iit us never forget then, that no
man can Is; a devout Catholic and a
loyal citizen of the United States; let
u remember that to ls a citizen of
this country In tho true sense of citi
zenship, there must bo no mental
reservation In favor of the poi at
Home. If we do this, supporting our
conviction with our ballots, we can
withstand the encroachments of Ho
manlsm. ICt us, a joint-heirs of a
laud favored by God, place UK)ii our
colors for future olltlcal guidance,
Down with poery, and America for
Amur leans.
(Imi l0.. i.f tlir 1 1st,
1 be I lio-oln M ' Put it
,,!!, ,N. I.i(.ti, who are .' d l
I !. ltd tm t l. sii llsil w li to ('
m.n on I In- utttU' boil it lint at (itliSi(
in lli Pom lb of July may ioni
llo'tit he wlih tli. tlioiiflit tlinl the
Imw iiieiil of lliat slriii'tuii' inntaln
Hie nii.'nt coHii ilntu of I'inply Isiltle
In Chdagii, You iiiii! hnl !
I'ouuiiUBloner Garieaii lo do every
thing." The alstve may U of aome
iHinolaltoii lo the few patriots who
were o!r einiugti to netlei' thero
was tin American ting to h ml patriot
Ikiii lo Ibo alllatiiHi ei lebiallon of l.
lete's grove, Um. Lemon rhs; "It
was rumored that aeveral kegs of lser
bud IsM'ti shipped fiiim this pliieo to
I Mete's grove on the Fourth," That
fact mav account for I he alwenee of the
flag, An lit CH; Triltuur.
An ApHaMo the Peeple of threat llrllaln
li) the I'iMiiider uf Mclliiiillnn.
There apis ared In the 1'uhHe Advtr
linn In 17HD, the following letter by
Hev. John Wesley:
"Hut: Homo time ago a pamphlet
was sent to me, entitled, 'An Apal
from the Protestant Association to the
People of Great llrllaln.' A day or
two since a kind of answer to this was
put Into my hand, which pronounces
'Its style contemptible, Its reasoning
futile, and Its objects malicious,' On
the contrary, I think the style of it
clear, easy and natural; the reasoning
In general strong and conclusive; the
objector design kind and benevolent.
And in pursuance of this kind and
benevolent design namely, to preserve
our happy constitution I shall en
deavor to confirm the sulmtanee of that
tract by a few plain argument, With
persecution I have nothing to do. (
persecute no man for hi religion
principle. Let thtre bo a 'boundless
a freedom in religion' a any man can
conceive, Hut this doe not touch the
point. I will set religion, true or false,
utterly out of the question, Kuppose
the Hi lile, If you please, to be a fable,
and the Koran to be the word of God,
I consider not whether the Homlsh re
ligion 1st true or false; build nothing
on one or the other supsmitlon, There
fore, away with all eomrnon-plnc dec
lamation about Intolerance and perse
cution for religion! Suppose every
word of I'ope Plus' creed to bo true;
suppose the council of Trent to have
ls.en Infallible yet I Insist that no gov
ernment not Homan Catholic, ought to
tolerate men of the Catholic erualoii.
I prove thl by ft plain argument let
him answer It who can that no (toman
Catholic doc or can give security for
hi allegiance or peaceable behavior,
I prove this: It I a Homan Catholic
maxim, establinhed not by private men
but by a public council, that 'No faith
I to ls kept with heretics,' This has
Is-en 0mly avowed by the council of
Constance, but It was never oien!y dis
claimed. Whether private js-rsons
avow or disavow It, It 1 a (lied maxim
of the church of Home. Hut as long a
It I so, It I plain that the member of
that church can give no reasonable
security to any government for their
allegiance or ctteenblo behavior.
Therefore, they ought not to be tolerat
od by any government Protestant,
Mi-l.miiHit'.lsii i-i Ps'sii .ei may
M, 'Nl. but lie W ill 1st sii on Hi of
alb glance Tme, tii bun.ln .1 o!!ii
hnl the nimlm, 'No fullli I lo l" fcept
b ! lies,' ecp Ib.'lil all ) tliu
iplih'i' web, So Hint still no gmi iiiiir
Hi Hi mil iml It'tnnm t'nlli.ill. i n dsn.
any M-ciott) ot Ihelrall.'glan.'e Atfsin,
IIiihui ftliii a. knowledge Ibe spiritual
(siwef of the sMt can give un security
lor lli.'lr alleglnneo t.iany government;
but nil Iteiiinn Catholic ai knowledge
III In; therefore, they ei.n give no
security fur their allegbineo. Tim
power of granting pardons for all sins,
past, present and to mime, I and hit
for many centuries, Im-oii one branch of
his spiritual (tower. Hut Hume who
acknowledge him lo have this spiritual
Hiwer can give no security for their
allegiance, since they believe the sis)
can nirdou rels'lllous, high treason and
all other sins whatmsiver.. The Jsiwer
of dispensing with any promise, oath
or Vow, is another branch of the spirit
ual power of the mimi. And all who
acknowledge hi spiritual power must
acknowledge this. Hut whoever ac
knowledges the ilUpensIng Hiwer of
the kis) can give no security for his
allegiance to any government. Oath
and promise am none, they are light
as air; a dispensation makes them all
null and void, Nay, not only the pope!
but even a priest, can forgive sin,
Thl is an essential doctrine of the
church of (tome. Hut they that
acknowledge this, cannot possibly
give any security for their al
Icglanoo to any government,
Oath are no security at all, for
the priest can pardon both per
jury and high treason. Setting,
then, religion aside, It I plain
that, UMn principle of reason,
no government ought t tolerate
men who cannot give any eeurlty
to that government for their al
legiance and peaceable behavior.
Hut thl no Homanlst can do, not
only while he holds that 'no
faith Is to l kept with heretic,'
but olong a he acknowledge
either priestly absolution, or the
spiritual power of the pope. 'Hut
the late act' (you say) doe not
either tolerate or encourage Ho
man Catholic,' I appeal to mat
tor of fact. Do not the Homanlst
themselves understand -it 1
toleration? You know tt-y
'Anti-tun It not l'.dj1etU'iJ.
what It may do by and byj'
courage thorn lo preach only V
build chapel (at Hatband
where) to raise seminaries, and
to muke numerous convert day
by day to their Intolerant, perse
cuting principles? I can point
out, If need be, several of the'
jwirson, And they are increasing
dally, 'Hut nothing dangerou
to English llirfiity 1 to bo ap
prehended from them,' I am not
certain of that. Homo time since
a Homlsh priest came to one I
knew; and, after talking with
her largely, broke out' 'Yu are
no heretic, you have the experi
ence of real christian.' -'Artfl
would you,' she asked, 'burn me
alive?' He ald, 'God forbid! un
less It were for the gsl of the
church,' Now, what eeurlty
could she have hfd for her life, If
It had depended on that man?
The goo1 if the church would have
burst all the ties of truth, Justice, and
mercy; specially when aeeonded by the
afmoluthm of a priest, or, (If need were)
pupal pardon.
If any one pieaco to answer this, and
sot hi name, I shall probably reply,
Hut the production of anonymous
writer I do not promise to take notice
of, 1 am, sir, your humble servant,
.Jofff WWiICV,
City toad, Jan. 21, 17),
Iter, Hum Hmall en Kerne,
Evangelist .Ham Small says: " woulrt
not trample upon the right of any Ho
man Catholic In America, to which he
Isentitled equally with myself, 1 would
not take away from him one of hi re
ligious liberties. Hut men must not
make their religion the cloak of dis
loyalty, and under the guise of religion
seek to undermine the foundation of
the tery house of refuge into which
they have been admitted. We believe
it I a near to heaven from America a
it I from Italy, We Isdleve we can
get communication from God direct In
Hoston, a easily as wo can get It by
way of the Vatican, We Isdleve we
can practice holiness according to tho
revealed Word of GsJ without getting
the imprimatur of the propaganda uKin
it, and wo propose to have this perfect
religion llts rty that ha boon declared
In tl.l country, and to maintain In It
Its integrity, dealing it out a freely to
the Homan Catholic as to any other
denomination, and keeping for our
selves us much a we give to other,
Men must not claim for themscive
liberty while they are tho ervanU of
corruption, and demand that wo put
down our llls'rty In order to allow them
to exercise their license,
Go to Dyball't for Una candle, 151.
Douglas St.