THE AMERICAN t 1 t . .. .-I tkn at 1-4 Hi -.hHH. l tt 1 'c 1K .( t. I .t raatv.4 it: I hi- ft v iiUM at 4 t ai-f. la A It I I..I lawful f a n.,e hi H . I lttiili- tt (. t M (. n.-l.. Ini, I ll l t -t ll'tl f V t ' p t. i, 1 1 t 1 U !.(! i i i. t ft. V I - t.f dm- ) , t,B atl M itn'-- lit Ih - IM i 1 lit 1he B)tat.-H ,-l. t,tt I t l li tt lltit,t H-tn'if flllBiliil Tht .'if II. (.-..I It h ' "r ' Ul'.r llxi.tll II B. '(" '! tltt,tif la'-ll 1 ti IVtiliA) van Hrilhit N imh la-nnl I I tin- lltal 1 h Hi IVlitllf. l)ll'J I Oil I f It. II iltt IVnit' I i-n-l alttlne, Slid thai i fl In' I Ht-mil l - ! i M 1 Ml il In U lit I'mlf Ihr hull I nil .Dm l mill In. lii.. i m, II. 1 hm nil la ctmlraiy In the i'mi.'M lilt tli rtK ( lhl Hi It H itvltl n iv of III! (ma. U lliat all nt tin' ililltlslii-i'B of Hie y I tlHlll-atlSllllllI) 1)1 III" ) I'll, IX Mt ntiiMil inl imcii hi inlt In mm wl.ntit lli - liu i' I riin.ii.iiiili'nlitl. it I'i It'ii m Imlii'i Hint iimatern, im-ii nf prltnttn. I V Thi civil law In dorlvetl from limn, lull 'In' wvlealnaHcnl tr i'hiimii In w la derived illrccliy fii'in Ood, by Which I In' ml I IT fit II. lit i-iiiiuivtliiii till hi picliilca, Itmkn Con t ii hi Uti fur Hit' whole i lirintiHii t i it lil. In imilli -u aplrltunl, i-iiiii'iTiilii the nut v iti Inn if antil, H ml t tit right government u( llm .'huii hi nnd If ln'cciry Judge mill illHMtt if nil I In' t ii 1 1 h it t I gn of nil ehrlallnnn. Id A ln'ii'lli', linlilliiit tir teaching fulMi lia'trtim concerning tlm Hm riiiui'iil, U v miiihiiiiiIi'hIimI iiihI ilriiruliil, mill IhiihIimI jvi-r In I hn M'iilnr run it. 17. Nvuliir irlin'ia iiiiwllllni( to awtMir in di'fi'iiit I liti i'IiiiitIi Hitiiliikt lii'rt'lli' lint f itniiimHilcBiiMl, imJ lln'y uiu lulu utnli p mi ..iti'nlli't. is. The KiHiiln (if licrctti'a Urn In I hi t - llwiili'il mill npiilli'il In tlu i'IiiiitIi, 111. Ail vih'hIi'ii (ir niiliirli'K, fnvurliiK lirin tli', or ttiflr ilrfi'iiiliTK. or lili'inllim fur Hiimii In liiw milt, or writing (liH'iiniriilii for llii'iu, nt Itifiiniou mill iUH)i'inlii from ollli'ti, 80. 7'ho ai-ciilnr iHiwrrn, wlii'tlicr (xTiiia ni'iit or ti'iiiiMiriiry. inn ImiiiiuI Id Unit llii.y will I'ntiii'tiilnutii, iirconlliiK to t lit I r Miwi'r, till lii'ritli'ncoinli'iiiiii'(l liy iliiH'liiiirlij mill i'iiiKiiivl lull) not imi tfliiif lit liuiil of lllTI'tlC, l I'Sl-COIIIIIIllllll'lllI'lI, SI. Tiiimtt nIk'ii'iI Willi Hi" rroi for tlm ox tt'riitl mil li in of lirirlli'B, ri'jolrn In tlm irlvlli'tll urnnti'il In tin) cruail'lutu fur till) lit'lp of I lid holy liiml. 2'.'. Tliry fill' llliwilvcd frimi till oMiKlllloiiM Who tin lit miywlmi In hi ml to lit-t-it Ii'm, 2:1. Wliiii vi'r dli' ! lull I lii iiKitliint tlm tin Ih'IIi'vIhk, iiicrllN tlm klliKilimi of lii'iivmi, SI. Yo ilu liult'Mi't'iii lliiiwi limiilclili', to wlioin It imiy Iiiivii liiipjii'iii'il in ihiilr will fur lliclr iiiollior clmrrli (ikiiIiihI. llm ex-coin, niiiilriili'il, o kill Noinli of tlicin, Z. Tlmt ChiIkiIIi' I'rlni'i'a tiro ImiiiiuI. Iiolli y civil nt.d i'iiiioii liiw, not in mmtIvii or aili'ruif lii'rftic, mill iniii'li inorit urn not In iniiltlljilrrlt'n. orotlinr I'xiircliMi of llmlr fHltflim. or ruilicr. lliclr fnl wet, tint rn mmI: Milmiinly IniiiimI I'Vi'iy wlnrn, li nM'l llllj J.ii' llirill 89. Tlm fnllowlim li'iiiiiirul iiiiiUliini'ii( m lo m 'iifored on hi ri'llcni it - liifnniy, anil llm winwriui'tit illxitiiilllli'iiH'iii for nil rlvlliii'U. 2ml - Inti'itliilillliy. n ivi'll iii-tlvo tu )nnlva itlint l, lliry run iiililur iniiltn lll nor InliiTlt wlmt U li ft to tlii'iii liy riMioMl, Unl - Iaih of pitti'riiiil jiowcr over children, 4ili-lo of dowry, mid oilmr irlvllcKii (iriiiili'd lo wotiii'ti, ftili-('oiill'ii-llnn of all rixmI. (Wi-Tliiit viihU mid nlnvi. nnil oihi'rn uro fri'B from nil, fviTi wnrn (ilillitiition dim tu tlii lr lord or mi ollirr, Tili-t'iiiiliul t-orunriil iiiiiiUlniii'iit, I'MIMi'lnlly duulli, mid piTiii luul Iniprlwin mi'iit, 2". Tho rinion Inw forldd nil tdnrntlon 2X, Tlint ini'lriipolltiiii mid li,iiupN urn Id fix-i'oiiiiiitinli'ttti) lilin who KrunlN lllinrty of otiwlrni'ti, SH. No onth U ti ho ki-pt towurd lii'rtitlo lirliicc, loiiU or othi-m, HO. Ili'rtif lc urn to Im ili'prlvi'd of nil civil mill puiimmil rlnliu, til, Th popn en n ulmilv from nil onllm. f. fCvtiry hUhoii U orillnnry jmliii In aur uf lii'ri'ny, Tlm ri'tunn N Ihirhiimi tin LlithoM cmi i'1-cfllrlii, mm onht iiii-miipntii tiwtlr, mid Inllli't iiniii llii'iu th ii iliio pun Kliiiii'iit. and to thin nro Imiind on pnln of li'NMliloni lli'aldii, iri llm lii(iillinr ' nH'liilly di'iiuit'd ly tint niKMtolU) mn, Kviry hUhiip In hi i1Iih'i'h I thoiiKht to Im, (mil In hi Hy , u niiiunil lniiiUllir, (llifN ully Inn n liiiiilllmi, bo ii In hum llm uniiin jxiwrr wild tliimi ulri'inly iiiiiiillonnd In ;aumi of hiTi'ny, SO. In ovi'ry pminUwiry oiilh, hIiIidukIi IwoliHt'ly tnki'n, tlinr urn curtnlii romli lion imMily ii mil i nl il . ninontfiit whh'li nrxi lut-lf 1 Clint 2nd -To nv llm right mid Huthorliy of it mipiTlnri llrd -WIh-ii tlm oitlli mipHMt (he honor of tlm tipimtolh! i n to tn lllh-lt, iU. Tlmt theroiini'll of Trnit, (llm limt Hud irrnt Biiiliurliy of Iliiiiii'i, di'i'ri'i' mid rotn- miuid thitt llm inu'ri'd futinn mid Mil Ki n trnl couiirll, iilo tlm otlnT nminll(i I'liiict-iHi-fiti Innoi'd In fuvor of i'i'cli'.liilli'iil rMin uf tcclilutli'iil MInTty, niid hkiiIiimI It violator, nil of whli'h hy lhl pri'W'iit livrin It ri'iinw. tind iniiul Iw miM'tly uir nrvi'd hy nil. OABOINAL'S OATH. "!. -- .cnrdliiiil of llm Holy Itoninn t'hnri'h, do pmiiilwi nnil awciir Ihnt, from I hi ttoiK to tliB 1'iid of my lfn, I will Im full hf ill mil olmdli'tit unio H, Vvirr, llm holy upon- lolli; Ui im ii n rhiirrh, mid our mint holy lord tint xip of lloinii, mid hi iiri''Knrt, riiinni. li'nlly mid liiwfully I'liM'tmli (hut I will kIvii riondvlcf, roiiM'ntnr mhhIkIiiiu'c urul riMt. tlm ixilitllliutl inuJcNiy mid piTMinj Unit I will tH'vur knowlnuly iimi udtlMtilly, lit thi'lr In jury or dlNtfriu'ii, tnukti iiuiilln tlm rounrll t,ntrtiti'd lo iiiu hy thi'initi'ivi', or hy in M'tiKi'Worli'tti'r'it Kino Hint 1 wIIIkIvo tlmin nny iowlntiini e In ri'lulnli., di'fi'tidliiK nnd ri" ovitIiik thu lUiiniin pupiicy mid the ii tfulln of I eh r, with All my mluht mid cndi'itvor, wi Inr ii llm rlht mid prlvllcgi' of my order will Itllow It, und will defend them ntfitliial all their honor nd fntn, mid I will direct nnd defend, wit Ii dun form mid honor, tlm li'ltnte and nuncio of llm nixniolh! we, In llm lerrluirh . rhiirclii', iiiiinimU't-li- nnd Other lienehYc commllled to ley keeping vid I will I'linllnlly ro-opirmo with them nn3 Went them Willi honor In I Im-I r eomliiK, nhldiiiK nnd returning, und ihnt I will re1a unto Wood nil pernon wlittlAoever who ahull lUliniitnnythlnn nanlimt them, Tlmt I wllh liy every wity mul hy every menu atrlvo to lirinei'vo, niiKiiii'iit mill ndviiuen llm rlnlil Jioiidi-, prlvili'UfH, tlm ninhorlty of llm Holy oimin hlnhop, our lord llm mim' mid hi ho f..e iiM'iilliiiieil mieeeHMir) nnd Ihnt, nl , .intver HiiiiJ nnythlna ahull Im decided lo Uielr prejudice, which In out of my power to dlntlcr, n noon n 1 ulnill know llml nny aV'iM or iimnaur a huva hi'i n tnki n In llm miilter, I will tiiitkn If known to tho nine, iMir lord or hi aud'eator, or aorno ot her piT Hon hy whuM tu'.mn It mny Im hroiiKht to their knowledge. Thut 1 will keep nnd curry out and cu'imo other to M-cp ai d carry out e ruli of thj holy fullier, Uw docrcea. t- ;. i ! i i. . s-.m I i ll tt f it i a ' tie - I ! 'I lllll I' llnl lie II l lml.,1 ni. ft -tt t . . . ! t i tK, i f llr I w.t Ii 4 l I I t ! -i I 1 ' l I . i M ' . .i li t . n i t I V. l allt I 11 ,li I ; It s'l l rtit rh 1t,l I alll I pill ami i . , i(i .iiti ami tlil i,tt -t.t i ttn . ) t-. t I ! fill i. t hi hi i - ... .1 I .i a, fi'irt-al'. Him i-aai im (.--! ; tin . it i 1. ni t- ami !. l t M ,1 i Ml ! i I !,' I Will ll I Will I 1 1 I j t it i ii,t ' ! s in itiilt Hi. ti w I.I In (I t ..t, 'I, - - , I lit I l.f llm K t f , .1 1 ill.. , . fiiu.1 hi tu t ul.l ml) Iw I ae. I n5-.I" mI 1.1 M I'i It t llin' niid I. the II. .! i.iant him It, Mul (niiiif Imtl, (In liulf , ( nt lliiliii ainl lit il m, 1 1 ii t amitti. a!:i i inni I Will In Hti I a.lili i i.i. nl ni.i ii.. mil ii.tim Hii Hn r tuny In- ot ifii lulu t . nl ihiti llii'ir h imiim tuny In. let it. or liniiilt lii itnr al-e litld (i.ii llii i., i.t ai. In im ii f i.'tili 'l I i llirln, liinti r hi. ) pit lenm a liulxii ti I 1 Im rutin (a It Ii Willi h Itii y ahull lliliiiil Ine bf III. i.ii In . I In If Im ant'it.j'i-1 nl Irtlti. I will li,, know Invly n ti iil in nny, In lln lr j n In. II, e, I will In'lp 1 1" i.i ii ih find nnd ki i pilii. lliminii Impm y nnd Hie hi) utile of rH S ti f ntfiilnhl nil tut-ii . 1 i linule nf Hie hmmIiiIIi ai-i-. nil Mini t'oiiiliift. I will hiiiniliilily lli-nl nn.l help III hi liecellti'a. The lllil, Imlii itt, irlvlh'Ke mid iiiillioiliy of Hie Holy lininiiti rlmri It uf intr IiihI, Hie piin', ami hi nfnre- aulil aiii'eenr. I w III endenviir In prenerv , defend, liieri'H'Mi mid iidt niiee, I will tint lu lu titiv i-niiim I, iii'tliin or Ireiiiy, In which ahull Ihi iloiiei njiiliiil our auld lord nnd llniiimi elniri'h, niiythlita" in Hie hurl or .n--Jiiilleii of their Hroua, rluliU. hninir, alme or Miwer, mid, If I ahull know mty aucli t III riat to he Ireiiled or intituled hy nny wlnil anever, t will hlmh-r It In my nimiwl, mnl n aiHin n I ciin, I will aliilfy It in our auld l.nil, Tlm (inlliiiince nnd iiiiinihile of the pope, I will olmervn wlih nil my tiiluht mid rnuaii In hit oliaerved hy oilier," "llerellc, ai'lilaiiiHlIc nnd rehel to our nhl lord or hi aucceawir, 1 will lo my in,, moat peraeciite mnl iippoaii," "llerelleo, achlHinnl Ico et rehelle elilem Hi mil no noalro vel ailcceaaoHliu preiilell pro hiii pereiunr et oppinttiuho," "I will eoiim lo u council when I Inn cnlh'd, I Will Vlall the lliri'Hlnilil of tho niHmllea every Ihren yenr nnd hIvo no nccoiiul of our lord of nil my piintni-nl olllrn nml of the Ihlnu lieloiiglnK In my dlocean to llm illa- clpllne of my elerny nnd peopln, 1 will In like milliner hiimhly recelvn nml illlleiitly I'Keculi) the iiiiiihtollii commmul. If uni ili'tnliH'il hy ii hmful ImiH'iliuient, I will jM-r- form tlm nforean hi hy n inemher of mv I'hlipleror n pi li-al of In.V llloceae, fully n- airiirn-ii in mii iiiniv niiivii meuiiniieil I mi pOMM-aaloli liehiliulliK In my Inhle, I will liellher aell inir oilier Wla" lilli'liiilit without eiiiiMiillliitl llm llomiiu piintlir, r-o help lull Hod mid I lieau holy Koapi-la of Uoil," ? oiKiiiiitire), He lit to llm liomlali Muiiiignr. fMIIST'S OATH. now In tlm prnaeiicfl of "I,- Almluhty (1ml, llm hleaaed Virgin Miuy, tlm Meaaed Mlchnel tlm ArchmiKel, tlm hleaaed Hi, John tlm llnpllal, tint Holy Apoatlo Hi, einr nnd Ht, I'iuiI mid tlm Kulni mid tho Hncred llnt of llenvnu, nnd lo you, my lord, I do ili'i-liini from my hem t, without ineiitul riiervntioii Hint tlm poi 1 Chrlat vicnr Ki'iiernl mid I tlm trim nnd mi v hend of tlm imlveranl i liiin li throiiuhoiil llm enrili, nnd tliut-i hy vlmm of tlm key of hi ml lug nnd liamlnil given In hiholluea hy Jean Chrlat Im lot jiower to llepoMi herelli'n kluu, prince, "tnlea, (omuionwenllh nnd govern ineiitii, nil hell lllegnl without hi altered roiillrmiitloii. nml Hint tin y tuny fcly he detroyed. Therefore, to tlm ulmoat of ley pnwiir, I will defend ihhi doctrlnn nnd til holllee' rlghl mid cu-iom ntiitliit nil lumper of tlm rrotealnnt nitthoilly whut- aiH'ver, i'Mteclnlly ngnlriwt llm now pretended nuiliorliy mid chiicli In :filiiiid and nil udlierent, In regurd Hint they Im unirpiil mill herellcltl, opKilng (Im ancred inolher, tlm church of llomn, "I dodeiioiincit nnd fllaown nny nlli gluncn n dim to nny rrotetitnt king, prlnco or miileor olii'dlencii In nny of (heir Inferior nlllcer. I do further dccliirit tlm doclrlimuf tlm I'hureli of fcngtmid, of llm t nlvlnl), lliigiieiiiil nnd other I'rotnaiimt, tti Im diiiiiiiiililn nnd Hiimii lo hit (lumned who will liul fnranka theaninl "1 do further decliiretlint I Will help, (laalat mid nil vine nil or nny of hi holllne' ngenl In nny plm' wherever I ahull he, mid In do my ulmoat In imtlrpntti Hm I'roteatnnt doe trliin nnd to delroy nit their pretended Imwer, regnl or ot herw!n, I do further prom le mid (1 1 'i-1 n re llml, iiolwllhalmidlMK 1 mny Im permltuid hy dlapenaittlon tn numn nny tteo'tlcnl religion ll'rotfatiiitdenomlmitlon) for llm propngntlon of tlm mother church' Inlereat, to keep aecri-t nnd prlvnln nil her ngeni' counaekin they inlriit me, nnd pot tn d.vulgii, directly or Indirectly, hy word, writing or ctreumalnnce whiitaoever, hut tn Kneeiiiii nil which ahull hn propound, given In ehnrguordlacovered unio nm hy you, my moat reverend lord nnd hUhnp, "All of which I,, ln awenr hy Hm hl'WM'd Trinity mid hleaaed Hiieniment which I nm nhoul to receive, to perform on my purl to keep Invloluhly, nnd do cull on nil tlm lli nvi-nly nnd lilorlou lloat of llenveri to wllnea my renl Intentloiiktokeep thl my oiilh. "In teatlmouy whereof, I Hike thl tnoathnly nnd hleaaed Hncrnmi'iit of Hm l-luctinrlat, nnd wlliiean Hm aniiiii further with my (!one crnted hnnd, In Dm preaenca of my holy hUhopmid nil Hm prlei who nUt him In li.y (iidliinllou to Hm prteathiMid." tXTHtMC OATH Of TMf JIUITi, I now In Hm preitencnof Almighty Ood, Hm hleaaed Virgin Mitry, tlm hleaed Mlchnel Hm nrehnngel, tlm hleaaed Ht John tlm Ii ii pi Ut, Hm holy mionile Hi, I'eler nnd Ht, fit it I nnd Hm anlnl mid ancred hoat of hi-iivi-n, nnd lo you my ghoally fnther, llm nuperlor genernl of HmatK'lety of Jean, founded hy Hnlnt Igmiiua, Loyoln In Hm IMinllllcntlon of I'hiiI tlm Third, nnd con tinued to Hm preaent, do, hy llm womh of Ihn virgin, tlm rnntrlK of Hod, nnd Hm rod tit Jean rhrlut, dec I n r Mud awenr Hint 1,1 hollnea. llm pom, I Chrlat' vlen-gernnt, nnd I tlm trim nnd only hend of Hm Cut ho lie or unlveranl church throughout tlm run hi nnd Hint hy virtue of the key of lilndlrtg nnd looalng given to hi hull new hy my Hnvlor, Jean Chrlat, hn hnth power to depoan Imretlenl king, prince, atntu. Com monwfttllh, nnd government, nil helng lllegnl without hi incred conflrmnllon, nnd they mny lie nfely detroyed. Thereforfl, lo tlm ulmoat of my power, 1 will defend thin doctrlrm nnd hi hollmW right nnd cuatnin ngnlnat nil uaurper of the Imretlenl or 1'rolcafmit nutliorlty wlmUoever, eapoelnlly the l.uthernn church of Hermnny, Holland. Denmnrk, Hweden nnd Norway, nnd tlm now pretended nuthorllle nnd churehe of Kng Innd and Hcotlund, nnd hrnnche of the nnnmnownaiahllHhed In Ireland, nnd on llm continent of A merle nnd elafewlmro, nnd nil adherent In regnrd Hint they Iw oauriwd and hmlcnl, opprmlng Hie ancn-d mother church of Koine. ' 1 do now rnnouncn and dlnown any alleg iance a dun to nny heretical king, prince or ntnte, named TroK-Blnnt or Liberal or tlm ii I mr f ttt it-i !l ! .aitn til nWt.-t l. I rt i i t lt II l la 4.iiiiiif it ttta t tint-, I. i.t tt-.git,ii, ati'l viltll t It.i I iiiim.ii ll.i,'i... li m i t ,a lit.. I I I I lLlitltlil . Im lata Iw Ham nat lr-. ait1 f l.t f llti-tt ltt- tit Iv ian-.i t he will tint f,ilMiV II. lama t tin liiMhi t 4n Ufw II. ti I ntll In Ijt ami aitia all at y et li ...I-i.i-m' m nt In -t. ln-if til tl all la- tn ! t ilan.l in-itiian ll'illaml, h tm.t iilttt nf , Mand lit laml. of A n-ff. I, a nt In ai t lilin r ir it 1 1 T l.alli'H..a ,, and d.t hi tilmiHt Inetllf. pale Hi hen-lli at I't-nlt-alanl if I llmal il.allllii-a ami l,i,i .ti. all their .t . h.l' 1 piiwera t-nl ot nlhi-inlae I tin fni tin ( iftHiilr a nil ilivlant lltai. .it . nli. an. tin I nm itl-i a-ewil With til naaiiliin any tellgliin hert-H-nl tnf llm e.-it if nl l.M of llm iimlhi F i Inir, li i lull. real, tn ti i p tt-it'l ninl pill ale nil In r aii lit' innii, ll fnnil lime tn lltne. n tin f et.llllit ine, mid nnl In til i til", illni llr or liidlreelly, hy Wind, mlllng nf i'lrriiinlnnii-a liale t i-r. hill In ein'i iile all Hint ulntll Im pn.i d. given In charge, or illwoveri'd until me, hy you my ghiatHy fnther, or nny of ltd ancred convent. I dn further proinUe nnd dm-lure Hint I will linvn tin opinion or will of my own or nny Incut nl reaervntloii whniancvcr, even n n corie or endnver (HiHiule ne endnver), hut will imhealintliigly nlicy ench nnd r-very eoiiiintind Hint I mny receive from my auper lor In the mllliln of Hm pnio mid of Jean Chrlat. Thnt I will go to nny pnrt of Hm world whli Imraiiever I mny lie aent. In Hm frown region of Hm north, the hunting amid of llm deaert of Africa, or Hm plngle of Imllii, In Hm center of Ion of K.urom, or In tlm wild hiiinil of the hnrhnrou Nnvnge of America, wit limit murmuring or repining, nnd will he niihmlaalve In nil thing whntao- ver. commuiilcnted In nm, I do furthermore promUc nnd ileclnre Hint 1 will, when npportuully preaenln, mukn mid wage relenllea wnr, ancrelly or openly, ngnliiMtnll heretic, I'roteatmit nnd I.Uieinl tt I nm directed lo do, Ut extlrpntn them from Hm f nee of Hm whole mirth, nnd Hint 1 will apurn neither ftge, aim or fit ml I Hon, nnd Hint I will hung, hum, wimle, holl, liny, ntrmigle nnd hury nllvn Hieaa Infnmoii heretic) rip up Hm lomnch nnd womh of their women nnd crtiah their Itifnnl' hend ngnlimt tlm wall In order tu annihilate their execrahlii nice, That when the naum cnniiot he dnim openly, f will aecrctly un Hm pol- oiiouciii, tlm Btrmiguliilltigcord, tlm lee of tlm polnnrd, or Hm lenditn hullet, regnrd le, of tlm honor, rank, dignity or authority of tlm peron or pernon. whiitnver tuny Im llmlr condit ion In life, either public or prlv nie, n I nt nny Hum mny hn directed im tn dn hy nny agent of tlm popn or nuperlor of tlm brotherhood of Hm holy father, of tlm octet y of Jeau. lit connrmntlon of which I hereliy dedlcnln my life, my mini nod nil coporenl power, and with thl dagger which t now recelvn, I will BiilincrllMi my name, written In my blood. In tcatluiony thereof i and nhould I prove fnltn or weaken In my deiermlniitlori, may my brethren and fellow oldlerof tlm mllliln of the popHciitofr my hnnd arid my feet. nnd my throat, from ear to ear. tny belly opened mid Biilphur Iniriicd therein, with all tlm punlli nienf. that can hn inflicted upon nm on earth and my nouf bn tortured hy demon in an ntcrnnl liell fornver. All of which! do awenr by Hm hleaaed trinity, and hleaaed aiicrnment which I am now to recelvo, to perform, nnd on my pnrt to keep Inviolably) and dn call all tlm heavenly nnd glorlou hot of heaven to wllne Hmn my real Intention to keep thl, my oath, In tei Imony hereof, I lake thl moat holy and bleed wicrnment of tim ucharlt, and wllne tlm name further, with my nanm written with the point of thl dagger, dipped In my own blond, and eal In the fnen of thl holy convent Hn iwtolvwn- ihn wafor from tho ntipoclor nnd wrlti hi nutnn with tho point of hi dittrifur, dfpinid In hi own blood, tnkon from oveir thu heart. i 9 ii BANDITS OP THE DESERT. ntiiaOlil Tlnm "llnldiip." nf th flalllon lliialneaa In Arlxona. From until recently Arizona han heeii tht fnvorlio reaortof baud It ami hltili wnymeii, Jlotli Meglcnim nml Afiierleiiti ImliilKcd In the inicllce, mnl It I wild that tunny n rni foitiinn now lieloriln in re ttpwded cit izen w founded In Hint way, Hut, he t hat n ft mny, many n bur of bul- U'ni ainrti-d from the mine to the railroad and failed to reaoli II ilctliial Ion, Year nfterward Hie hone of it cuntodlnri would Ihi found hleachliiK in the Blind, but tliey could tell notnlv. nnd the robber weiit uiikriown iinle the nuddefi rlnoof aouie 'riillii cltlen from ftoverty tonffluenee directed biinoIcIoii, In which mm thu fntl tor wn allowed to drop, ( lim of the liitentnii'l boldeatof then rob ber In occurred in imk a little way out from I'luixilx, and It reult hn deterred tlm Mexican from nny attempt At lie repe tition, Tlm Vulture mine, the iiropert r of Reno- tor Tnbor, wn I hen worked by An Kntfllah ynillcnie, with ft mini nnuied Orlbble ne niiperltilendent. In tnkluit nwny the bul Hon nn nrmed Kimrd of ft to 10 mm usually nccvirripnnled It, rldhiK far MioukIj nhend And behind to preveiitthem all Ih Iiik killed byalnul flmfroui niiibiih. One morn lnt( In AtiKUNt of nm (Irlbble, with one cmnpniil'in In A biiKgy, lnrleil to l'lutnlx with 4i (loiiml of K"ld bullion, III Kiinrd cotiBlBted of two men on hnrnebnek, who were nuppoaed to ride one BOO yard Innd viineniAiid the other ) yard to the rear, built afterward developed that they were rldl'itf totfetlmr. When the tavnlcade renclmd A lonely jihwe tin the deaert near Nero well, the road made nn Abrupt turn to the rlht, and directly faclnti tlm turn. About 10 rod din tnnt, wnA clump of (trrnncwnod. I'rom behind the buahc A denilly fire Wn poured In on tliem hy three Mexican. They tiiut elected their tnruet, And Urlb Ida And two other were killed at th flint f)r. The other man, who wn mounted on A thoroughbred home, Attempted tomnke hi escape, but tlm bullet from the win Chester overtook Mm, And lie fell dead About 800 yniddltnt. On of the Mex ican took hi home, and trapping th bul lion before him on the middle the three made A ro the deaert toward Mexico. l,atelu th day th ntnge from Prencott came hv, And the driver discovering the hodle hroiixht the new Into rhumlx. Uy daylight next morning a posse of while men with Indian trailer were on the ground And began tlm pursuit. I ate In the day four of them came upon the robber while timy were trying to cut the piece of bullion to divide It, they evidently wishing to separate. They showed fight, nnd tho whltis returned to Vulture for reinforce ment, and going buck a rnpldly a possi ble found that tlm robber hail Hepnratcd, And two of the trail were lost la the mall pass of the Kagle Tall mountain. . I'resa ing on the trail of the other, they reached the Gila on tb evening of the next day. 1 III t til. f itt-MhH t'HitlH . ..Mt ) In Urn j,'1,,-"l won f'f I ivlm,, ,, ftnif i-at iii ii-b iia ciii.iHi atni itsa l-n'-lt.! wlilth l till ht I u 1 1 -,.w t i, nml itltl d.iwn ll.aitin f,a U ,d tiibl-ll h hmw rnit tl.en 11 nnil- wtilintit t-aal iif unlp. and In tijllig tn Ittkh l lm witiine tlm litrt, wt'lik wa atn.llrt, th l.i-i- I. a. I lt-..tii ttiiml nn i la A tiaiiUett'tt t tiv liiiiieelf fcml ltt-tkwi It la I' S I hi .utH Hi 1 1 im nnd fi.1 wd tlm I'ti'k nt Mm liver In llm ft rty A frw ihiIih I h., tsltrr llinwiint iN'Wt-f Imd tttme Kb t liana At Wi-ik il a lal Hl.litig Itplo the ft in, Ihi I nil iti Mm If It lil .tii im h A limn, lit iilnug (he one they want nl li .ir iSirtif i-tnilil Irpty the Met) mn, who wsasil Hng nn lit IdnitkeMtl the ahnde nf llm hotiae ami Mllhin Inailng t.f Hie MihlWMl lull, Stniletl In t un lip llm hill ami Inward th I ttflt 1 Im while Ineu la tu ahtt lug, mid Im fell dt nd. I le had ii-lne .i llm In-inmnti f l A ft hours U-for and j.a.l nbtnttiitl ttttl-.iii In rrt there tint II lln ) Ini-I n Imind Ih lamt so tin y r-itild I mi liini Arrtias llm river. In Id roll of Inltket lliey fiiinnl tlm I'lian of litilllnu With lirlbble bhaal tlrli-t Upon It. llm llilevea hnd trli-l tn I ill it In two, but had failed, nnd tlit-y hnd sepnmlml, the leader dun lit li-aa linving given the other two tlm slip. The dead rtihW w n found lo be Ynoeliile Vnleimitcia, Irnated Mcxicnitcmployrd At tlm mine. Tlm oilier two rnbls'ia were ueterillcoveiei, in if were tlm rlt IxelisttVer able lo even fn-li ii suapli loti on nny one. Cllli'llilintl ('niiiiiu-rcliil (liir.i lte. Hid l lghltiliig. Old Lightning iH'lotiged to nn ostrich farm nt Hun lllegu ami wiisa miigiilllcent bird. II ncitlnt his nniim from the rapid ity with which Im rotild pluck a lighted clgnr or pipe from a visitor's tnoiith or re move his watch or chain or any ornament he could discover. The noiseless manner in which he could steal up behind one and then nip some personal property wan re markable, lie wns a natural born thief. Once Im minU'liiil all the llowemoll a young lady' lint. At mini Iter time liu uttcuiplcd to swallow a diamond earring, hut a it wns fast iu it owner' car ha could not ninwme It. Old 1lghtiilng' greatest feat wan swal lowing a lliditinl meerschaum pipe which he snatched from A visitor's mouth. The ki-cpi-i had seen him nml caught him around tlm neck, mid tlm pipe wan rxhumed, the tobacco still burning, Detroit 1'Yee I'nm Leeches as Wentlier I'rophnt. Many country iieople in Italy, nay a traveler, foretell the weat her by means of a leech In an open mouthed bottle partly filled with water, The water must bo changed once a week Hiid A spoonful of blood poured III it about ns often. When the weather Is good, the leech will remain colled up At the bottom of the bottle, Whenever rnln In near at hand, It will creep up to the top and stay there until the weather I settled again. If wind I Im minent, It will be very restless and durt Alioiit In the water a though iu pain, while heforo A thunderstorm it will appear to hn In convulsions. It I no generally trusted thatnt haying time and other m-m-oiis when flue weather I important the leech I one of the most useful iiH'iiilmra of the household. Mailing a Letter. Did you ever see a hihiiiiii post a letterf flhe will undertake to drop it into the box, then she draw it back and scan the direc tion, trlit the stump to nee that It I on tost, scriitliilzi-stlieBdtiimed side and run her finger over it once or twice, then gives It one or two sudden jerks, which Mind It rnpldly Into the: box. Him then peep la to nm If it went through. Kxchnnge, Kiatilng on the Western Conat. "Fish catching nnd shipping Is becoming A great buslnesN on the coast," said United Htate Fish Commissioner Wilcox In Han Francisco recently, "but it I really Just be ginning. On the Atlantic coast It wan the fisheries which first made men rich. Here It Is the Inst thing for men to turn their At tention to." GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION -Itt TIIA- Unltod States of Amerloa. FKANCM C, CAMI'JIKM,, M. W. O. M MliineHpnlls, Minn THO. Mil. I. IDA V. tirnitd Hecrelurv. Kverett, Mas. m. i, y.iniK, 412 sheely fllock, Omaha. Neb,, Orgnnljir for depnrtumntof Nebraska, Iowa, Kmiaita, Mlasourl null Colorado, on a snK vuimnvi.KH. On le httlf of Hm l,oynl Ornngit Lodge of Hm t'nlled Plate of America, mid with a view of correcting the fnlsn Impresalou Hint enemle nr einh-svorlng to convey to tlm mind of men who are unncijunlntcd with Ornngit principle, are theati few stntemenls l.indel Tlm I.oynl Orniige Inslll iitlon Is n brother hood nnd slaterhood, hound hy three ties Juatlce, Truth mid Itlghteouaneaa. It has no hidden n I ma. Jt I Fraternal mid Hetievoent--alilng nnd protecting members while living nml their widows nnd orphnns when Ihey are re moved by death, It uphold ihn right of prlvnlo Judgment the untrammelled freedom of opinion! hn lleves Hm public school nrn nn essential snfegunrdof tlm state, nnd should be kept, free from ccch-slitatlciil or avctnrlnn control and thnt peraons dlaloynl lo Hm government who hold a mental nlleglance to the pope of Koine should he rigorously excluded from teaching therein. It believe piiuinry allegiance I dun to the government which protect thu lives, lllierttes and properties of Its citizen, and that ecclealitaHcul authority should not' under nny clrciimalnnces, bo permitted to meddle In tlm HfTnlraof slnte, nnd Hint cocr clon of nclilzeii in Hm eierclwt of his or her right of frnnchlae, under the gulae of relig ion or spiritual authority should bu pm lahed n n crime ngiilimt tlm sinln, Thnt It I the duty of every citizen to de fend tlm lawfully conlll.uted nutliorlty nnd Institution of our country ngnlnat corrupt nnd Inimical Influences, nn well ns ngaltist nrmed nsanllatit. to Hm end Hint our glorl ou freedom Im protected nnd trnnsmlttcd unimpaired to posterity. Itenrournge hahlu of frugality and In- WE COMMERCIAL, ami , rAiRioric sociur MT. MAKi: A sri:i-.l,TY ITllNIMllNtl l-ltlMl'.ll LODGE SUPPLIES And . tnvit. it Sfcii'iiii !.. f bal,.,,, t furnlah b t-upy of whnl Ihey vtnm and Wi will uinkn nn l'.atlmaltt nf ho ,h, nml we nro i'niil.ent Ihnt ne mil Mtlfv for iim1lly nf work ns well fur pi len, up Tolophnno . If should Im In m i d of nny kind of (niniiiordiU Printing". Wo can ,' ,"vlhliig j-imi wish In Htm Llni'ii, Fmt ami TyiM-wrllor PAPMl. i Print BOOKS, BRIEFS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, DODGERS, STATEMENTS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, LEGAL BLANKS, nnd we'll do your work at rcasonublo profit, and In manner that will bo satlwfiictory to tho customer. Our olllco In at 412, 413 and 414 SHEELY BLOCK. AMERICAN p UBLISHI IMC QQ M P ANY OMAHA. NEB. Vr ' ! i y weii Tallin Wlh dustry nuiouglls metnhers, mulls proud to honst Hint Orangemen seldom become a public charge or accept pauper bread. It believes In Hm restriction of Immigra tion nnd tlm extension of time for tho natur alization of citizen, and that tho public lands shall bu held for actual American citi zen who become settlers, Tlm I.oyal Orange- Institution of the I' nlted Htntc of America bn certain requirements for memliershlpi That n man shall bean net mil American citizen, having compiled with the lawsof the l ulled Htnle with regard to naturalization, and without n mental reaervntloii. Thnt llm nppllcant shnll b A I'rnlealiint. nnd also that his parents nnd wife shall be I'roleatnnts, That Im shall he thrifty and successful tn his business; honorahln and truthful In his dealings with his fcllowmnri, and shall be known a a law-abiding citizen, Thut Im wilt endeavor to give his children or nny children under his charge at least a good common school education, being care ful to avoid all popish doctrines, and Thut hn shall he In sound health at the time of making application, It makes no difference where a man was horn, so long as he meets the foregoing reulroment. These nro tlm ( mil mention required of every applicant to the order, nnd we do not think Hint nny patriotic American order can offer a bet ter nrrny of principle nnd teach ing. A MP'.ftlOAN IfJYAI. ttltANOK I.OHHK, No, SKI, meet every Tuesday evening nt :00 o'clock, M, I., ZoiK, Mecy, ir. Order United Ameican Mechanics. Instituted May 17, 1893-Elfglblllty For Membsmhlp. Any while mule person born in Hm United Hlnlesof North America, ll terrluirle, or under Hm prolectlon of lis ling, who shall have attained the nge of sixteen year, who Is of gisid moral character, a believer In tlm existence of a Hiiiireme ilelng ns the Creator mid preserver of Hm unlverae, In favor of free education, upturned Hi nny union of eloirch and atnln, aliall he eligible lo mem berahlp under Hm provisions of Hn Inw In the stale and suhordlnuUi council to which Hm application Is mnihii provided, that no a-rsou shall he received to heuellcial meni-ld-rahlp who Is over Wfiy yenrs of iige, A person shall not he permitted tn this order who does not iosaeas a good moral character, or who I In nny way Incapacitated from enrulug A llvllhood. nor shnll he be under si teen yenrs of age, HiiIiJccIs of n aectiirlnn or jinrilsnn char ncler ahull not lie Introduced Into any meet. Ing of this council, nor shall nny member miikii use of Hm name of this order at n political meeting, tiik oilikct auk: First To in nl nl itl ti mid promote Hm Inter esta of American, mid ah lid them from Hm depressing effect of foreign competition. second -To assist Americans In obtaining employment, 'I bird -To encourage American In busi ness, Fourth To establish a sick and funeral fund. Fifth To maintain the public school sy tern of Hm I'nlted Hlnle of America, and to prevent sectarian interference (herewith, mid uphold Hm rending of Hm Holy llihle therein, static council, or kkiiiiakkai .C,W. A, IIOWAKO. Mr-coin, H, V.!.-K, I', IfOl.MAN. H, H.-H, I.. liAV, H, T.-C, II, A M.F.N. Condiicior-W. F COl'FI.ANI). (lunrd -P, H. McAl'I.F Y. Hentlnei-WM.TCItNKK. Iielegati! to Nntlonnl Converitlon-FUA N K KNA PI'. Wnrden-U. A. IIAVI.HH, The next regiilnr meellng will bn held on the third Tuesday In July nt Hoiil h Omaha, Nehrnskn, WAKHINOTON COIINfJIf, No. 1, umels everv Friday evening In Ooodrlch hull, 21th mid I'll n I si reels, Visiting brother nl- wny welcome, J. C, I'aor, Hec'y, M.N('(ll,N COUNCIL No. 2. meet In, coin, NebriiNka, (VH.VMMA roVSCU, No, , meet every yj Tuesday evening In Pntterson hlis-k. I7ih nnd I'nrunm Htreetn. A. II. Fmut, U, Hec'y, WINONA COUNCIL Nn. 4. meets every " M,.i,,li,a aii,li,u In li l II..II 1,.. ...... - ' nn Mill ons-s. tV, 1. I'AIIIIKR, ttne'y (JAKFIF.M) COUNCIL No, (1, meet i,v(.r, lui-nuiij iiikiii iii r-iMjin iiinniin. Wm.mam Fsiih, hec'y, TILI'FF CITV COUNCIL No 7- meets every ' Wednesday evening In O. A. K. Half, Council Itluff. In. ARE PRINTERS. A. P. A. AHF.IdNOOI.NCOHNOIf.NO, Ifl. AMKItl eiin Protective Association meet every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In 1. O. (I. I', hull, Plutlsmoutli, Neb. Visiting members are welcome. I". I', jlrown, Hec, Patriotic Oder Sons of America. WArd'IW'TON CAMI No, I, V. O, , of A.. " meets each Thursday evening nt Hod Men's Hull. Fifteenth and Oouglas Hi, WAWINOTON 'A Ml' No. 13, P. O, . of " A., Council HlulTs, Meeting In their hall over 4IM Itroadwny, every Wednesday night ntN o'clock. ll, l, V A l'TTW, Hecretary Omaha Express and Delivery Co. TKLKI'flONK 1I4. Moving and Light Express Work Trunk and Parcel Delivery, Household Hoods Packed. Hlired niirHhipii'id Otllce, ;iln North Pith Hlreet, Krunch odlce N. K. Cor. ijhtli and Lake HI reels. Tele phone m. I'HICKif UKAHONAHLK. ... .. . u ' TUKNKV, iWTIuno Moving n Hpeclalty. Murinver, 0 E0. W. LANCASTKIt & CO. OKMKIUt. aOKNT WHEELER -r-- & WILSON WEWINO MAC. IINES. Estey and Camp & Co, Pianos and Organs. BOLL ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Needle, oil, Hiii'plles for all kinds of How. Ing Mm-lil nes, Our own Mechanic I llrst clii. Will repair nny Hewing Machine, 6)4 Smith sixttmnth st-, Omaha. HT. MAItY'H AVKNUK LIVERY STABLE Light iluggles, Saddle Horses, Carriage, Coupe, y,Uu, e Boarding a Specialty, 17th nd 8t, Miry'i kit, Talnphon 110 mwmm HAVI.NON IIAA'K OF OMAHA, m PERCENT JCSO-I J paid ON FARNUM ST.1? DEPOSITS A Dank llkothla cut Is loaned without charge to Depositors. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR euBALrvten. Officii, lit North IHI h I Itesldence. f,10 Vato . Hlreet. Hlreet, Jelephonn W). Telephone 7, Mr Only plo of Rulna la th Ot Stand, 113 N, AUUanth trnat. TO THE WORLDS FAIR VAKM TIIK CPEAT DDK IRlmn DniiTt Trom LINdOI.N. (IM A KA A (loiiMntr. ni nepg I Itemembi-r, this Linn hn a Depot for all 1 train nl, rTntflewood (suburb of Chicago), close to llm World's Fnlr Haiti. , .... UI, .Ji . U, CHAS. Kf NNEDV, (ten'l N.-W. P. A..Oiiinhn. Neb. Eat DyiiairndflleloiiHCri'am Cundh-n. I.'IS 1 ton glim St.