V 1 THE AMERICAN. Y J If THE AMERICAN, to. Hw Ii . I t , AMERICAN FUBIISHIK6 COMPANY Hilf wt , Ii sr-i t e tl fcS.ft -t I Ml . M. l '. Kiiw t i ! HIMi1U U'lfM t-t, t e..f t (I t . - , , . W - " I " ' " t , lii t ! !- full ftik.oe, ! t . " (,. i t t)ht1.nmrit ril ii ri tf i mi t' i ir 40Mi C. THOMPSON. it W, r. Kl J , lt.itli.rm M nt,i-r MAH A, 1 UUUV, Jri.Y li. IM'.I. W tnw Ahi h im t m tmittii tt ai I hi it. i it Cmim- lnMM.im fist---: - ' ..... Knun tin illt of thl Ww unlit fur tWriiotUv lln ttuiiii t'nicu of lhi until fail t'tti'h evt'iiing in the w4s pxifpling Suiulay, Wc uliall U iiIohmh! to have nv ami alt of our frtrtula call ami mhs us, irt leuUtrly thorn' li vliiu in Cimiicll 11Iu!Tiiu1SoiiU Oiimhii. Thin eliungo U iniula for tho B(iH)imiHHlatU)ii of our friends who work unlit 6 p. in., and who would have to looms a day, or Ins di-jirlral of v lull ing tie. Kindly koop thU now order of things in jour mind, and como and neo uu. Ameiucan rum.lsiiiNU CO. Thk BcliiHil board r-eleck'd our old friend Barn Mat-Lcsod as Huperiutundont of buildings, Ho Is a competent and trustworthy oflluinl. TilK inombet'B of the Veleyiin M. E, church of Walnut Hill gave a delight ful lawn social at the residence of Mr. Tucker on Tuesday evening. THE Orangemen celebrated for the first time In Omaha last Wednesday. About 300 people went nut and had a basket picnic at Pries Lake. A very enjoyable time was had. Thk reason Father McCarthy as signed for his inability to raise IJlshou Seannell his $000 wnet that there Wgre not us nmny Catholics to the KSfttttrjfis .formerly, and what fewyWore ttAtro were not getVliigjuclBgc wt'they formerly ryjfX" ThU Is a itrftw for -WrrJj('fuelurirt to in-nftt by. The lloman Cathollcn are now figur ing on the bishop calling Father Bruen to the cathedral charge. Our readora will remember Father Bruen Is the man who mixed his religion and poli ties down at Kearney, Neb. In the light of thin talk probably tho real euuseof Father McCarthy' departure from Omaha wan duo to poor political management t more than tojanythlng else. r WK want to congratulate tho people of Council Bluffs for having a city mar shal with good, common, horse tnmso. We are lead to make this remark be cause he rcceutly induced a beautiful and accomplished young lady school teacher to become Mr. Templeton, a thing no man devoid of that character istic would ever accomplish, lkm voyuye John. . . On Wednesday next, July 19th, in tho Salvation Army barracks, Seven teenth and Davenport utreets, tho ltov. F. Tongo, pastor of West Omaha M. E. church, wilt deliver an Illustration lecture entitled "Tho Life of Jesus Christ." Magnliloenl views will bo thrown, upon canvas by a largo and t powerful Btereoptleal lantern. Be sure you do not miss this great treat. Meet tag will commence at 8 p, m. Admis sion by ticket only 10c. It seems tho main reason for tho dis missal of Father McCarthy from tho pastorate of the cathedral in this city, is found In his inability to raiso $1100 duo tho bishop as salary, How long will Homan Catholics be blind to the fact that a majority of their priest and bishops are money-getters, and but very few soul-savers? There are more than 2,000 tramp priests In the United States, who havo been given their exeats for less aggravating offenses than that committed by Father Mc Carthy. Some of them havo sunk to the lowesVdepths they are more beast than man yet thero is not one of them who has not the power if he ever had it to turn bread and water Into tho real body and blood of Jesus Christ. Think of It, you Intelligent Homan Catholics, those blear-eyed, licentious pritsts, according to tha teachings of your church, can take in their crime stained hands a piece of bread, mumble a few latin words, and it becomes tho real body of our Savior, Jesus Christ. These men are a menace to society and a disgrace to tho church, yet they might havo been, but for the tyranny of a foreign-born bishop, a credit to both. This will never bo changed un til some priest or some congregaticn becomes Americanized and refuses to abdicate or allow the priest to step down and out and become an outcast from among his fellow priests, at the whim of the bishop. :.'.'' t ' U f M. . I i! k .1 Iff. M . Tlwt t 1 H t-.t 5wt- kUi" f, IV lftlMtta ItM-T! t U. -.' t ttH 1 St ' -.. tf iMft-.l, I t,'H'j,-? 1 i !. j 't '!!! '-4 H...-.H.. . r.-.1 !:) t? ! ' ' I.Hi; jii,) .t,K.'ij .! i Mi t'ii.l(i.'i' 'I. Tbl lliit en.ttUieil l'-H .- ? hf J.mi foilioUi h tS tt-.4 4 - -t Jr tJfi-iiint 'Mti-ih' M..j't 1:t,tnf I i. t (, tm! 1 1"ti( il -t ! Itt, i i.iii,i ti i, it,.tKit.: Mih-f-r u. futii tt.v tf .Htiti Nt t! mit r-Wi ;!!! Site 11 1 llmt i !! i .!!, tin in fHU.H .iritiit niiti .i x t ! i n If it til ) 1 I.hI 11.. IU .! Ho- j. I ll ti4 tttt' Is tf nil itl Hi ) Tfml I be hn lint ((, M to ot.liul lawn, ItvMlii' nii.l i-intHui.Mi, t tt., and 1u alxMiivrt frm ntntlii !m' lin'ivbt. ((,) Thai the p"x can annul all lgat nllni) of Idow In Inn, tieelnlly I heir iimri'lag". v. J That tht Jhijh) can tvl.-aw- fiim every 'bli gallon, wlh ami vow, either Ivft.re or aflr tming niatl. (vl.) That the jhijh! can Ignore the government of n'M- lltiinlsh eoiiiilriis, and clve them to Hotnlsh novercigim. (vil.) Thai the ulllt'liil voice of the Mipu Is the voice of the Holy Spirit 2. That the jm eonimands dog- mill Ically, olH-dienee to the following unchangeable law of the church: i. That she ban tho right to require the state not to leavo every man free to piHifess his own religion, ii. That she haa the right to exercise her powers without permission or consent of tho state 111.1 That she has the right to deprive tho civil authority of tho entire control of puhllo schools. iv.l That she has the right of per petuating the union of church and state, v. That she has the rlirht to require the state not to permit free ex pression of opinions, vl. That educa tion outside the Roman Catholic church Is a damnable heresy, vii.j That the constitutions of states are not super'.ur, but subordinate to the oonsMtuUbna 0 the church. ' 3. That tho Honit" Catholic church is a dangerous m.-ni to our free pub lic Bchools and liberal government, for tho following i-i-uhon-.: Il.l Its mem- hers tare organized into societies that are arming and drilling under priestly dlretjUoi). (11.) Its teaehini?s are tin- American, antl-llberal. and antl-chrls- tian. fill. It demands of all Its mem bers obedience to the pope as to God; and hence they cannot be true citizens. (Iv.) It teaches that oaths are not bind ing, except when made subject to its laws, (v.) It offers a reward for tho persecution of heretics, (vl.) It sup presses investigation, and makes it a crime to think apart from its dogmas, vil. it teaches that mixed marriages of Romanists and Protestants aro dis astrous. viiL It opposes liberal edu cation and progress, and binds tho con sciences of Us members to ecclesiastical dictation, (ix.) It robs and oppresses its own people, keeping them la tho kinds of delusive Ignorance and super Btitltious fear, x. Its Jesuitical priesthood and lay orders, with which this land overflows, have been tho curse and destruction of every liberal govern ment." I'rof. Sims prefaced as follows: this challenge "Mgr. Hatolll, delegate to the United States, of l'opo Ieo XIII: Sir: Your presence In this country, as a papal delegate to tho United States, representing, as you do, a power foreign to and unrecognized by our constitution, U creating much well founded apprehension and agitation among true American citizens, whoso allegiance is not dual. Now, sir, in order that this condition of unrest may not longer continue, to the great damage of this nation, whose liberal institutions, free public schools, and freedom Of religious belief to all, aro loved and zealously guarded by every free American citizen, it Is abso lutely desirable that certain canonical laws of tho church whose head you represent In this country, lie publicly investigated, in an intelligent and truly American spirit. This challenge-appeal to you Is made necessary from tho fact that every at tempt to investigate, in a legitimate manner, the alms, objects and laws of the Roman Catholic church in this country, Is met by a tirade of abuse, vulgar slander and lying misrepresenta tion In those journals controlled by your sons of Loyola tho Jesuit. This mode of defense in meeting the spirit of American investigation a fruit of our system of freo, non-sectarian public schools only tends to Incite the' lol lowers and servants of your priests to acts of riot and brute force, such as your people and clergy havo resorted to In past centuries, upon similar occasions. Seeing that tho manifest desire of Che intelligent and free people of this nation is, and ever bus been, for the settlement of all differences by the peaceable means of public Investiga tion, brought about by free public dis cussion; and seeing that there is at the present time an alarming and wide spread dissatisfaction among the en lightened and loyal American citizens of this country, at what they cannot, in duty to their patriotism, fail to recognize to be the menacing attitude of your church establishment, through ' H 1. 1 ., A M 4, w.t M. i t'.iitv. nt Iwiluixmc tfcut 0f '.: U f tg : . ; Jii-r-M m l,r 1 iR.it Ji-.r ',,tl t-. !' Ul H ltan t Wik 1 ' !. ft'ti'l.Mt h ltMt I 1 : " t i iUH-t ti t--'M t , i U'lh itn.'ttH!.!' ) nt)t tmittt.t. Il, ntttn, ni wtt' hji lull. Irtfcti-H, .$thr I j- i-wi at by jitit ,5-itji aMboHm-tt Mm h tin nti t-ifc!m tl, at ilir Si" f Mu-Wf4ii, O n it: Ihr fir I it In Afgiit it a )) ! li- , I'lt tl ltn !!. n ttr . Ill' !U .1 lliiil timr, lt,, tl ). ' a ii. " tl Mv and lt 1,.., n.i B4HI-I tttnlt i;. t i- I iti ittiii,g Wai.ITH mm ' tht.kiiiLiiKh umttirr !. HrttOMNMVtM, N h,, July S. It In ft mrlil from nilnble wHint' I hat tl. American flag wan no! allowed on the s)x ak-rs' eland at a rvlebrathm held nt Bt-liitt' grim- im thi- Fourth of July Then wan only one fitter displayed on the ground, which was placed on tlx tent of a eurhiblty show conducted by an old vcU-ran, and could not tie elanm-tl as pin t of tin; program. It is rumored that the owner of the grove, Mr. Delete had orders from his suiierlors not to allow the emblem of American liberty to bo displayed upon this invasion. Tho Omaha Jh f contained the above uispau-n, anu oeaeving any person .11 i l i t guilty of such an act a lit subject for newspaper chastisement 'wo wrote to tho editor of the Jltadliyht, published at htromsburg, and requested all the Information obtainable. In reply we received tho following letter which speaks for Itself: Stuomshutul Neb.. Jul v 11. 1893.- Ameiucan I'UHUSHiNU Co., Gentle men: i ors or trio nitti tnst. is at hand asicir.st Information rc card in? tho article pojillshed in tho Ike, stating ma me American ntig was not allowed to wave over DoLcat's grove on July 4th. .Allow mo to inform you that the artie'o in question Is misleading and tne statement nuiue in it is entirely false. True, thero was no Hag decorat ing me speakers' stand, but thero were hundreds of small ones waving over tho grounds. The only reason thero was no flag decorating the rostrum was because It was an oversight on tho part of tho management, who expected that some of the delegations would bring a nutr uii'tro enouirii for t, latnurixwo. but. unfortunately, they did not bring one or any size, iiiougn trie delegations did not lack for decorations. As to the order given out that no Hag should be raised on the grounds, Is, to speak plainly, a lie, as tho men who had chat-go of the picnlo are as true and loyal Americans as can ho found any where. As to their nationality and re liglon. tho management was mostly American ny oirui anu an Americans In sentiment. They are also, I under stand, t'rotestants in religious belief. Hoping that this will be satisfactory, i remain, yours respeciruiiy, Ada M. Coucman. Wo aro glad there was so little ground for tho article. Nebraskans, as a rule, aro loyal, and we should greatly regret it if she harbored even one man who would dishonor the stars and stripes. Koine llescrlhed In Itevelnllons, Editor The Amkkkmjs: The ques tion Is sometimes asked, Why go to tho Bible for Instruction in political ques tions? Rome papal Is apolitical system; why bring tho Bible Into the discussion of It? It Is true that the system is pre eminently political, It makes religion subordinate and secondary, Tho found ing of tho kingdom of tho pope was a political event. In tho year 000 I 'hocus, emperor of the east, a bloody usurper of tho Imperial throne, proclaimed Boniface III. universal bishop, or pope, Thus tho system ciitno Into being by the act of a tyrant who had murdered the rightful monarch, and Imoued his hands In the blood of his virtuous wife and innocent family, Tho Bible deals very largely with just such political matters, and de nounces and condemns all such wicked systems as tho popish system proves Itself to bo. It deals with pofH-ry definitely, and proves It to lie not only wot a divine sinlrm, but a tyrannical, bloody, diabolical and corrupt system of religion. Hear what Paul says about It: There shall come a "falling away," and "the man of sin shall lie revealed, tho son of perdition, he thatopposeth and exalteth himself against all that is colled God or that is worshiped; so that lie ulttoth In the temple of God, setting himself forth as God. And thero shall be re vealed tho lawless one, even he whoso coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all de celt of unrighteousness for them that, perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might bo saved. And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a He; that they all might bo judged who believe not the truth, but had pleasure In unrighteous ness." That tells what God thinks of popery, and we shall not lie wrong if we judge of it after tho same manner. "It is tho man of sin." Bishop Newton proves clearly that this passage, taken from tho letter to tho Thessnlonlans, Is a prediction that when the Roman em pire should fall, the pope's empire should rise, with tho character here given to it by the great ajKistle. For obvious reasons, I restate a point before stated. It furnishes the solution of a very important symbolic problem, t. Hi, i 1. ll !.. . ' 4 J l l,-nvts. t,. i, , ,k.t im ',f tw.fc It tt !(,-, " i m a i tif. w. ,4 ti, , ., jlrtf . t !.. . tl I. n . , end J! i-'. im. ti .., ,,) t,,rf ')," ti txtttiti .t !) , ,t,J !li . Ml !... !, t a lj tt ,,!,. ft I . nffctttt .,! ii f. , t In- !,-! ;f a u -, tti ii."ti f, iKt, ttt.-i.ih '" l. so.l H ilr,m fat ),in, it an.lh! 1, ,n ! ,Mk. it'." 1'1 (- U.t, 1 Out.!, wna ,,. s li,-n s empire in M elx Ulisn f,H!. ?.r It, i- ltj.nn i,nti litm ,., r. T' I ft.lUl. A HM t of , ..t,; jt.,t,,i in, Tin rt I wi Ininly Sit sil-ii.i In thi jnil.I to Ilie four l'i s ! i of DshIhI. l b, f,Mir I sU in Ihal l.U ar- the t-ttt)lfni ,f fttiir gin-si i-ieplres w hich 1mu11 rie Slid rtiie Hie tuorl.l In stHMM w-iutt, The thi-t, ttie lion, was (he einpliv of Baby htji; lliti w inn 1, Iho ln-ar, was the i-m-plre tf the Mitlv-s and IVrslansj the thinl, tlie leopartl. was Ihe i-uipire of Maevehtnla, or tho empire of Alexander the Gn at; Ihe fourth, not named, u doubtless the emblem of the Human t-nipiie, It must Nt wvn that we have here a stHHvssion of empires ruling the world fi-om Babylon tj Rome. Daniel says these ls-ats had their "dominion taken away, but their lives were pro longed." 1 he dominion passed from Malty ion to Rome through the two other empires, In all of which tho lives of all the spirit of their despotic gov eminent was preserved. Rome, then, is proved to be Babylon, not merely "mystical Babylon" as some say, but by political succession, and the spirit of its despotism, Homo is Babylon. It follows, then, by this demonstration that all the maledictions denounced against Babylon, the mother of harlots, In tho Book of Revolutions, Is absolutely against I tome papal Rome for she Is tho inheritor of all the abominations of tho despotisms of the ages. Ihe ten horns on the heads of this beast aro kingdoms, into which the wostcrn empire of Rome was divided. ihe seven heads are seven forms of government through which it passed In Its history from Its rise to Its fall. Ihe heads also are "seven mountains" seven hllls-on which Roma was built. Tho ton horns, or kingdoms, ol Europe "have one mind to give their ItOWer and streno-lh unto ttm ln.uuf They supported tho pope's kingdom until 1870. The beast was to continue as a temporal kingdom "forty and two months," or 1200 years, Now reckon from C10, tho time the pope began to "change times and laws," when ho dedicated tho pantheon to tho popish Idolatry, and by authority established In It tho worship of the Virgin Mnry und all the saints, to tho time of tho fall of Napoleon III, and wo hnvo just I'JiiO years, for then the pope was de throned as a temporal klnir. Victor Emanuel at that time took possession of Homo and miido It tho capitol of the kingdom of Italy, The fall of the tem poral power was not, however, tho total end of the system. It was simply the end of his power as king, The prophet tells us, moreover, ''That the ten horns which thou sawest upon tho beast, these shall hato the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire," There Is a destruction hero described which bus not yet in full overtaken the harlot. "Wrath is being stored up against tho day of wrath," as we shall see. In tho iHth chapter wo havo the final ending of the scene: "After these things I saw another angel come down from heavcrt, having great power. And he cried with a loud voice saying, Fallen, fallen Is Babylon the great, and Is become a habitation of devils, and a hold every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird. For by the wine of the wrath of her fornica tion all the nations are fallen, and the kings of the earth committed fornica tion with her, and the merchants of tho earth waxed rich by tho power of her wantonness, And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues, for tier sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities, Render unto her even as she rendered, and double unto her the double accord ing to her works; In the cup which she mingled, in ingle unto her double, Therefore, in one day shall her plagues come, death and mourning and famine; and she shall bo utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord Cod who udgeth her," There are here predicted the united agencies of heavenly and earthly forces, ;d and men unite to punish and over throw the power of Home, Fojiery will probably make another attempt to regain its lost power, It evidently is planning in that direction, Tho pope said recently that lie would not give up tho iih-a of the restoration of tho temporal power, He has a re serve war fund of over $5,000,000. Tho temporal power could not be restored In the present aspect of things. But a change may come. Tho nations of Europe may soon bo Involved in war, and then may arise an opportunity where be can use his reserve, and em ploy his minions with tho prospect of again placing himself upon tho throne of tho great city that once ruled the world. In such an event there will tti ... .. . l.ttHft '! )... jdf ev4i-ti ',' tl itrtwi m,4 UottM t.t- iJ ,i. h.-t, T It lit. It IMxutV D I SIM Mm J, A in - - Hr lstj i Tl,i vii4' nf M at t, tit tsUI i ' lt, lt. it.tl.... ,t ttiil., ), ttiMiitM (4' lit It.,- ) ? i.l IhlOM I ! tM.t. ,t Ijtinh, fchd tho i,) U- tan ! t it-j,. By iW,f, ,.!, n ht IV, I lit- ntraoitlg tft'pll- i nxr ,,! !v,t.f in fc, - n.T nf yn.t f nm t im thi ft, ymtrn4, . tt tt Whit its! !' In pllie atfaiett. mount of init iate, or In ntlu r woKi( lh frtt-iilty w!i tn by ttl ItmmiY-dgo : Ihe wriirktng which tht tpHlng fmt eitlsrg. s mi, U known by study sntl curt fui eontpai iwtn W illi Ihe element front whit h his party Is fornutl, su.l (-Itwit scrutiny of lh Iwofonv which engage, eoinhlmHl with ihe energy which will he exerted by theeouietn IMirantHum, H lsho)vd that this simple preamble will Nt sutllcient for those who have fathomed the latet isdltleal currents, mid that It will cause those who aiv InU'ivstvd to think more st-riously uiMirt tho subject. Th I. ni tod States of America hav reached such an amptltude that all powers have pivsuined to watch the national formation with careful eyes It Is almost ntvdless to state that, when the United States trembles other powers will quake. A democratic nation is governed by tho will power of Its In habitants, and not as a rule by the de sire of Its citizens. By citizen, is meant, those who are natural bora of tho country. Every nation must bo susooptlblo to certain influenco, and free form of government the most easily transformed by an encroachment, One power is, and for years has been at tempting to seize the United States of America by one of the greatest in trlguery plans ever adopted, and that power is the principality which has its palace at tho Vatican, with Its future head located at Washington, D, C, The plot has become so apparent from tho various divulgations that It can bo read as follows: No force can be brought to bear upon this country whereby direct attack with arms could win, for tho papal followers are scat tered; therefore the forces must first bo concentrated. To accomplish this a great diplomatic form must bo used The churchmen must bo brought Into the country as citizens whereby double victory can be gained; first, they have a vote and can install the papal followers in ofllco and gain great influence over tho thoughtless. and assist in remodeling tho laws second, the love of office-holding- will canst; tho greater politicians to favor the church for its veto and allow tho immigration of the forces to continue unmolested. Tho ruling of tho land can be, If time is allowed, completely gained by the pursuance of the laws of the country, or can be so monopolized by the time tho object is discovered that the public press can be muzzled and bold the country for a while In sub jection, By the time that an attempt will be Instigated against tho church the power will bo equal to that which Is brought to bear against the en erouehmont of the papal force, After this time, with the multitude of fol lowers, it will not require a great deal of exertion to proclaim the United Slates of America a principality with the pope as a spiritual and earthly sov eloign, To represent the exact amount of jHiwer, the figures are given below The Immigration during the twenty- two years ending June SO, 18W), amounted to ft(7iM,77o people, from all parts of Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, Islands of the Atlantic, etc From Ireland and Italy tho number reached 1,557,58.1, and from Germany 2,420,410. The majority of the named nationalities aro Roman Catholics, The Roman Catholics claim to havo 8,277,o:il adherents of that faith in the United States (Catholic directory for 1800), but tho church membership is not reported, This vast amount of people has been a great addition to the Roman church, and has given the power to secure a great portion of the public olllees and thereby to sway with much restraint over tho citizens. So It can be seen that tho power has at last seated Itself with a great amount of subjects around It, and now commences to make the pressure on the people, who have slightly awakened from tho slumber of Indolence and would regain for tho nation tho old freedom, Tho people would try to attain this end by forming a new party known as the American Protective Association, and have gathered together a large number of followers. This new party would attempt to cause the country to bo brought back to Americanism by the use of the ballot, Here the Roman church sees its plans intercepted and would crush tho new party, They cry that it is preposterous that tho party should exist and that the rebellious members should be driven from the country, Even In this country of free speech, tho Romanists said that the new party should not have a lecture in Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday June 20, lHOIi. As a consequence tho new party was not allowed to havo the hail rented for the purpose, and several of the members were maliciously assaulted in " " '!' ,-, ftl H SRI it '''! t MM ,. , 4-!", I!,. t Miki-tSttt 1t.. !mv ,, ti) ),t tat ,). t. r.il.i. Tti fc't nt -tiNg a eft'W'j'H- " 'I a laNln i ht-l tHtv tlt Ihe stea ls M)i)g ft n-.fttt kt ran ! a r j ,tit ,1 with rsj'i Uy .'t. M !!, n.kn who wa l.t he htee f.vt Ihe t , a mj, hn lb.) fot.ml him fcei TUU una H tHlti-!Ut,etl 1 emwvr wtii.lt let m H Sf ii n. tik i. tf fcHtti!t,fi, in one city In tsrm eo tiieg. Thi ftMftttU has ait,ii , the eltiwus ,t N n, r itn.ft-! uniting of tint ft ire- which surnnittiU U,ut, and whul that ftHtv would tbt if II i-tttlnitlel Hiesaaj- which II I rapidly gaining, In puruMv with the nNiv ll might hot U fttnUs lo give .t the readers pctphvy. Th intolerance! of Um lttnn church w ill not allow a parly to build it'ir within Ihe country for the furtherance of ihe purpose, of tht American PmUvtlve Association with out a nvtiurso lo force. The time has at last N-en reached when they must acknowledge their plan of action, which has Iteen proven true let the first part of this article. They will not Nt sub dued with tho cmleof loyal jsdltlcs, nor allow an approanh on the ground which has N-en gained by them, with out a resistance with force applied. Somo few years hence, this now Iteautl ful and seemingly free United States of America will bo tho scene of struggles for a supremacy which will throw In to a mist all tho past events of Its own record, or that of other historic nations. ' Tho years ending the last of the cen turies seem to bo productive of great generative power; whether it Is be cause every one hundred years brings with it a new light for a truer freedom, or because of a nation's degeneration from encroaching powers can only be derived from a scrutiny of the various changes. Even in extremities there remains a way by which immediate results can be averted, and that way is built by prompt action. That which is neces sary for tho new party to pursue, or rather for the people who desire to re tain a government free from monarchlal taint, is to establish themselves Im mediately with the promulgators of free government. If this division can be accomplished at a time In the near future, and such candidates placed on tho tickets and elected, the foremost part of the opposing force will bo re tarded, It ceases to be a question of two political parties regarding free government leaders, and has resolved the populace Into two striving masses; one for a democratic government, the other for a monarchlal power, The democratic and republican parties must, In the near future fuse into one, with the remnants of the two, Those who have assumed a political standing with the new American have come from both of the parties named and will never revert to that faction with which they assimilated, That which is best for thenatlon, must as a conse quence bo tho most appropriate for the citizen; hence, ho who accords with u jKtwcr which eventually ho must ac count to in preference to the one which is not in harmony with his maternal feeling, derives the greatest self satis faction and renders his country a homage of true loyalty. The American party has sprung Into existence with tho rapidity of thought, grown with the velocity of tho wind and has boon built upon tho strongest foundation ever espoused by a political po-vor for tho furtherance and malritalnanee of a democratic form of government. It assails no religion when that code Is In larmony with the teachings of God, and debars from Its church teaching tho political Issues of tho day. Neither do the partisans Incur a personal hatred for tho people who aro not in harmony with the political views, nor does the party desire to gain its purposes In any other manner than the republican party would defeat the democratic, or vis-a-vis, Tho reasons for the forma tion of this new party havo been clearly set forth in all Issues of the day until every child should bo familiar with its Intent, but the party which it desires to relieve of tho position in administra tive affair docs not seem inclined to follow a diplomatic course. The lead ing papers play distant with tho new party and do not desire to adopt tho issue favorably until they can count tho gold In advance; this is human nature, yet, it might bo a plausible idea for some of tho most radical de nouncing organs to show somo precau tion for their future benefit by playing neutral, and bear in mind that no paper has ever gained such prominence but what it can bo duplicated. The new party should patronize its own organs to tho farthest extent and assist in pro filing that which will keep the path ojicn for the party's advancement, Tho most important point to be considered, Is the perpetuation of tho rapid grow ing qualities, llAIUlY II, IIlNDK, Archbishop ( orrlgan Ielles Miitolll. Nkvv Yokk, July 8,-Tho Jkrald says: Archbishop Corrlgan has prac tically deiled Mgr. Satolll, upon whom, apostolic delegate in tho United Slates, the pope has conferred ex traordinary power. Mgr. Satolll di rected the archbishop to restore Dr. It. Murtsell to tho church of the- piphany, from which he was trans- rred ttirec years ago to Uondout, N. lor dftiending Dr. Mcuiynn. )