THE. AMERIC AN . 0Cm PSRRY. I M U;l st I Is I II Ul 1 It t II M'l I H V t Vn!tit il it Urn ltii Uy nf A pi ll Hit Hl til lllel'tinl tll"Hl, l till I li tiiiliHhi'tl fur r -point U'lnhi the wslln of iVitj; nnd lite u ( WlifM him en Hie nitU Dublin, Hnte I" tVIMVll lltllhff ttleftUH ff till' 11" rnttij f hl hMIi'hIimI throne, Ni Inwlllit m l wn t'ntmiilii i iu elilnr lih during the mi mtii tiling day, lite 111 tin' lh ill but tuny winNnfol fi liniVtt Hiii) ihfeiinho m . IIIHl Inn ltrtil was luce nnittitly occupied among till' I'lllfeti Hint st'lillcr. tsilll nf Whom 1'ecclveil Willi di'fert lice the Bitgge llnii nf hi Intelligent mill juiliclnun Itilml. In hi jn tiMnhulnlliiti, Mngrath wan always lit hand, mill evidenced I In' Biuectlty nf hi good-will by furhlnhliig malty valuable hint, Intlh In the way nl Information mill precaution, for It I m iiiimter' In'uHU; ImiI, I try hii remarked Hint th ineiisiirti which Im m'uined In approve were ttrlotly ilefennlve; mill In thl, though on different grounds, I liir feeling coincided. "1 low 1 long fur tho Halibut h!" ox claimed Lctitlu, a Ihoovcnltig preood Ing It cloned It, "V it li nil all iihmi'Iii- bio In tlm hotinc of God, Htul rii I hi i (Im llllltl'll Voll'O llf BUpplltjltlon." "Ami sot up our Klueior," added her mother. "Ami Mill my dear Ellen likewise venture'" linked J try int. "Oli yen, brother dear; tlu'Ni! two quiet day liiivo refreshed me, and I feel quite strong. 1 long to t read tlm court of tlm Ixrd'i house, too; and 1 have mil t of fearful curiosity to pun through tlm street, urn look upon tho preparation, nml to ho mudo to fool how prerlou It In to have the orl for ii very present help!" 'Mf It ho it Hithlmlh of peace!" niiIi the old lady nml she looked lit Itrymi, Wllimo downcast eyes spoko llttlo of en couragement to her hoist, In fact, it hud been decided to muko kortlu from I he wnl In mi tho morrow, u tlm planting of it liif'Ku tun very neur eemed to iiiemuii hontllo Hlttiek. Tho dentil wim ilepreeiiUd hy thono nloim who jireferrwl tho niiiitilleiilion of tho (Jiiy to tho pui'xnlt of m polhlo wlvHritiitfii, unci It limy remllly Im Im. Ileved thiit thi'lr voice wero fulfil nml f'jw, eompiireiJ with lh cluruor of the iniiny whothlrt'4 for venjfeiiiieii mul iJltluclon, Tint morfilntf !mi, anil to tho eiithn 1ibI nil ri pftlieil who ilenlred to com rnll their cttion! uuU tho Untl of Jlontnj the)) wtro mi niimerouii, tht n nueeew nlon of eouitreKftllou filleil tltu pile, frenh iruwd of wornklpper ntlll nf mniihlliiK in other ilepiirted; nml muotiNt them tho fiitiilly of M'Alfnter Mitiirht the fonl with hi iirt iiulteil to fenr IIU iDiiue, It wiwitwful iiikI tifTecllfifc' thflntllh henithiit related (iv-r the (U'tm popu hiee on tho morning of Hint dny, Tlironifed iw tin y were, tho mlreetn yet worn tho i hf ttcu-r of HiiUhiUi olom fiity,iiud tho very writliH itppenred to often their tiieiouned trend im they cRit h freipieut look to th,ur ky; with Mime, tho upturned yuct lienpokti devotion; In other, It m'i fin d rHiher expr nnlvu of linpiitlefiee; mid In riuuiy, It Indleitted mi nnniou ohw rvufieo of tho weather, lo though u fi-w Kutherlua; cIoikU would have marred Miinti denln, 'J tincitlerm of Di rry, ;lie jwitt within lu fiiirrow tiutid for tnors thnn four moil tlm, nlreioly hore tlm murk of plnlfirf Imprlwififiient mul protrHeied erej while deejHT wiinilh nut on tho feiiture of tl.o homele wtinderer, to whom theniiered w imon iitore forelhly recnlled the memory of happy Hulil.iuli Komi hy, where their jl knew them no more, "It I In Mieh ft pt ii thU," mild H weepin(( mother, h prwoted through tho ohurehyrd, "thnt my Awighter lie hurled, JiihI Mieh b Umder yew tmui wmn he(lfirilfitf U hud hIkvi her grve; nit, Jlitle did I think Unit nlmfiifer eyr nhould wnti.'h It Ki"tl or utriinifer hnnd t-iir it froto thi od, wheri 1 niimt never hp U ly rny horieN lel(lrt her!" "hhn Ilett4!rthere," replied nyoiuitf womiifi, tho wlldm- of whoo pull id look eiifitriicted with tho melnneholy jrloom of th former Miki i. "Jhtur In ft frv nnr jfmve-lhun living to w p overll thwt wh loved, nr,d I lout, nrid gonetfofio for ever" "Oh, no!" nitid flltiu, who over heard herj "unf not thlit Mil I U'Ol'U whilo Ho remitift whwi ov for din ner took th Unj from deBth, find vletory from th! (fmve, (Jomo unto Mm for th wnry snd tlm hewvy laden hll thero find welcome and repo,!.'' Arrn(jed within tho building, how nweet to tlm enr of Chrhtt' little flock Miund"d the word of p-omln mid of (mikji:! Mtigruth hMd (!eouijiHnlid them to tho door, itnd ii ho turned from It b deejH-r Mrfule of their own In entlmnblo privilege filled eneli heart; while compriMilftn for him mlded rvor to their ink'Wi!on, and enrnently did they long U har with him the bbundatice of God's treasury. t (.. . Im i.. w ' I k iii'Klitie- ,..,.i- t-l tt iii.i. ii! ! 'ih tn' ! it'' "! Iii i' ! " i tM.i a.t'tt it'jt ' i"' i,n l,.:! a, '..( . wiih !.. I" tu't I'U pli tiiitiii'd n itiii'i , il. i tif si ii, ,. I, i-l i,!ll nii'ftl in lu l. Ill eli'fc ItuitM ilinil.'l M t -i un i'iii'ih' i M. iitii-it In iM'iiti ln'H'Ati Im n liii . ii lti itit'jt ! waiiU Hi'- toard l.ixin-, atii Hi mlli'tf n( II.. i tun. !i .' I.. Id In l Hint Hm J mi iv 'miI to -nil) ti'itli Itint nlM k tin' I'll! Hi) , "ill,, i j an! thai tui,; M lift to Iw mi lti Iti'ljr itaj ', H"naile Ihtiti " "It l llllH-ll'll', Nllltlllllll Hltil 111)'' i ll, llh one or lu nllter. alti'iiipletl l; Iml lnt I'laiiinr h o ii powering I'oti'iiil Mm i in Innl" I lii in on, ami Mr Walaer Ii bvi llin pulpit In ui'i oiiipiiiiy him." "Then tiiBik my woi-tl. Thl dei elat'd Hithhiitli will ImihI lei'iirilril BeAtifl u; and iiiany iy will nueend In v it tn fur tin mi' alto hallow it tin!," "The are o roultileiit nf liitiueillnle mteeof fnmi Ihn king, Hint they r litre ly iintli'lpatu it eon t ml nf a week." Tin y muni then Icnm what II I to put. eoiillileneii In prince, nit lief Hutu In the hnil. Theeitlveiill pliinteil by Hie enemy now (Uncharged It heavy rlml the llrnt whltdi punned into the town and Hint nlnil, wlil..ln over their head, ntruck the mitrket limine, "Mcnnettger of wmi," milil tho Liuly, "how mauv of thy fellow nhull bring lttivoi! Into our alreela!'' Ihtnll had reutalni'd at homo litilia- poncd; nml ilrytin, noftly tiM-ending to hi Utile apartment, wua atruck at hearing tho old man' voice, with tonea of aolcmii euriientnenn, uildreanlng an other In tho It'lnll lungilllgo, lie iunnei il thu iiamii of "HUinnUjIttorti Jtini Vrimid" (tho Kavlour Jeu Chrlnt) mot hi ear, and ancertitlned that tho worda wero Ihows of Hcrlpturo, Hoftly enter ing, he lieheld MtigmUi, hi face burled In hi IhuiiIh, in mi iittitmlo of fixed at tention; while llunll, with liHika of tin- npeakublo animation, wa netting Ins- fore him tho puru gonpid in tho li re- nlnillilu (,'iii'b of hi own tongue. Jtryan withdrew unpiMTi Ived, to com muulcato the (,'liul tiding below ntulrn; and "Illenni'd Hedell!" burnt from the llpa of tho old lady, whllo her heart overflowed with tliuukful delight, Hut fur other work wa going on without tho wall, and after n flerco combat, tho parly ciimo back victorious bearing the dead liodfe of an olllccr and aeveral firlvak', who, a few hour pre-vlounly, had left tho town in confi dent expectation of it triumphant re turn. They werohaiitlly Interred; and while tho military exulted In thu com punitive Innlgnllicanws of their lo, a dark foreboding overamt tho mind of many, with aad experimental cer tainty that havoc wa Indeed licgon. The nifiglo piece of ordnanco planted on tho oppodito nidi! of tho water had I n Dieted little damage on the town; but now, at lima than half that dintance, four other commenced th.dr dreadful greeting from a different quarter, and their ball continually rebounding from tho tile, cranhlug the window-pane, and rattling through the treet, killed Mime, Inflicted wound on many, and truck terror Into all. On the necond day after thin, ntuw mortar plectw being added, the healeger threw bomb from them; which, by their nolny ex plo.lon, increand the panto tenfold among tho alUigether umiecuntomed to Hie horror of a ulee, "Now, )our honor," mild Mngrath, a with IJryan he bent hi courne to ward the houe in the evening of that day, 'Tm altogether not agreeublo to goiyg home tonight," 'Why not?" "Oh, nlr! but if th ladle that will bo frightened to piirpoR now, And, thoMiwU! what comfort can wo give em;'" "The very nightof u will bring com lort to tliciii, Mngrath; for I have marked thin day, while carnage ha been In our treet, that thoao who go forth urn followed by lamentation a though they went to certain death, and their return welcomed with crlen of joy. Hut In our home, I trunt, we hall find that tho Lord INmnclf I giving ntretigth BJicording to their day," ' "I It today, Wt" linked tho other, a llttln pu.led, llryan explained to him tho jiromino, but it Miemed not to riiuke much Im preiu on hi mind, Ilryan'a heart wa Indi ed opprewwd with a grlevou weight; not lor that the lntrument of dcMtructloti hud now and again eroMd hi own path for hirnwdf ho had no fear; but faith wa norely tried in re gard to Hioms no dear, and tho connola Hon which hi lip npontuncounly ut tered, M.-arcely Mnithed hi own bonoin at the moment. Hut tho word of thu Ird I auro, and grakfully did ho aiknowledgo it; for they found tho little party calm beyond ail human expectation; and Nucha holy character of renlgned uhmlion nat on ever countenance, an rendered it far mor touching than tho wildcat dlntren could havo done, "And Imi't tho lifu frightened out of ye, then'" wa Mngrath flmt inquiry, after the nllent wehomo of thankful love had Im en bentowed on llryan, "We've been iiuiy frightened, In deed," anwred l',llcn; "but we prayed, and tho Lord M tit peace,'' "War and figlitlng without," added i II,! I I I i.' ' ' I,. Hi. I in , ii!' ' ' H ! in ll. ttf tin- lt(i, !! tine I'l II f tilil I In 1 1, ink ili" " uHmii lis In ., attii in a i ii hi let!" Im tiiiliii Hi liiile mini!n 'n, hi!i Mni'tnlli, hi ti,i .,ii ,n!f t'C (I, ami liU rit tlniieti.if ('h N )e t'tiilitr I4 piv Inn nt liili i. .1 il i hi iii k ain p'i miih , 4 m i" iNtiuot I, i'i d l.i i' i f y Im alii Hie null r er w ile. , Ho' ctleel ptitdueeii on a (wmr hatha Irlnti mail Hii'iiwn aitinui! t n i. whin Hm nnlillu.e truth nf MeiltiturU (all iiii hUi nr, In llml liiegiite mi itnut leliiblv ibar li bliu I'liitml'lv lint but W hv, tih! n hy l It pmlHitilo, ii itder thai you nlmulil imty n net your path lnell km fii iin ntly eiiii i!, ne t your nlep airtnied, by the plaintive pupplleant wbone aeeciit Ih Hi(e him a native of l.rln, ami to whom the utter attee of hi want In jnur laitgnasro np IM'ait u iiimenii iiiiu unetiniii? Ve, you have met with Irlnh In'ggar, he you i habltBtloii where It may; nml if Hi love oft'hrlnt rulu In jour heart, you have, according to your mean, nui plied their lU'CenHltle; but few, Indeed, ill thin ageof iiiImhmh, have In'Hiought Ihemnelve of purnulng a mlwnlnniiry work at their own dmim, by thu no' qulnltlou of that tongue in which tho Mamuicrlug mend leant could bo an fluent, n clo(uetit, a you In your native Kngllah. Make but the Inquiry, nnd you nluill wonder at tho renult And If you would ho kindled Into zeal on Indialf of thene jioor outiant vlctltnn of a gron del union, mi far a mean can do it, go forth among them where they congregate, and take with you one who la verned In the Celtic dialect, bearing In hi hand tho Word of Life, and on hi heart the love of aoul, Ono mich Hoeno I never to be forgotten; and, bleM'd bo tho God of tho frlcndlenn! auch Beetle ahull erelong lie more fre quent in our land, for tho Ixird I re momberlng Erin, and III aorvnnt take pity toaco her children In thoduntof Hplritiml death. Yen, thrice blenned b lilanamel there are young and accom- phlahed women, atthl inum'ait intently Btudylng thono characterH mt llttlo known o gronnly undervalued for tho morcd purpono of Impiirtlug to thene poor wandering Jaggura, thone perlnhlng lmmortalB, what In their own tfinguo they cull "the atory of pence," and what nluill inntrumeritally convey to many a ono among them tho rich gift of Joy arid euco In In lioving, .May tho blennlng of ,lho Jflghcat pronjier their work! "How beautiful the liingungo 1 wlntn Chrlnt I tho theme!" obwjrvt d Lot! tin) "In what langiiiigecfin tho namo of JcniiB Bound unwelcome''' imked Mai colm, who entered un nho Bako. "The thunder of war baa rolled about iw thin livelong day, and cried of terror, and groan of ungulnh, have mingled with II roar; but, powerful alxivo them all, this im mo of Jenu ha prevailed, to atill the throb of many u burnting heart, and Miftctt toa prayer of resigna tion tho MTcaiii of wild dlnmay. Oh, for the faith of Innel' King! "There fore will riot wo fear, though tho earth Iki removed, and though the mountttlrii bo carried into th'i mldntof thu eu' for, 'The Iird of Jfot I with im; tho God of Jacoo our refuge,' " "Ah! hut lie i with u now In anger," wild Klb n, "to flii(!t and deatroy," Malcolm looked carnently en her, and repeated, "Tho mountain ahull depart, and tho hill be removed; but my kind- rtennnhajl nut ilepurt from thee, neither dhall the covetmnt of my n;mco lie re- movifd, Mtlth the Lord that hath mercy on thee," No," M.ld Mr, M'Alfnter, "that covenant cannot fail. Hitherto I havo trembled and feared, and thought that my very heart would burnt aumJer whenever It came to thl awful climax, Hut tho day I come, an'l with it grace nufliclefit to tho time of need, Thono dreadful bomb, a they exploded In my hearing even they have Boomed t utter, 'Fear not, and my weak apirlt l enabled to renpond, 'It I the Lord, let IIImdoaaMiemeth Him good,'" "My daughter!" exclaimed tho Lady, "havo I not ever told thoo that HI faithfulnen could not fall?" "Ye, mother; but It I tho Iird who kill mo now," "Happy experience!" nxiil Malcolm, ' "I have heard of thee by tho hearing of tho ear, but now mine eye Booth thee,' Aged pilgrim," turning to Hub II, "can you buffet thl atorm, m nearly at tho journey' end'" "Ay, Blri and I blen God for it, I co young tree well rooted by it blunt, and binder blade of corn may peep forth when tho whirlwind hfiBdcattercd opposing rubbUh." Tho hIIubIoii to Magrath wa evident, "AII'b well!" uttered tho night-guard a they panned tho dimr; tho explosion of a bomb followed, and then Malcolm responded, "All well! ln I pardoned, Biilvatlon leoured, and tho children of tle promine tealed to their eternal inheritance." Then, middenly addressing Magrath, ho added, "Hrother, can you claim a iortion here' can you Join u In tho gloriou anticipation; and utter with assured conviction, that all Is well'" "Maybe it In, ir,"aimwired Magrath, coldly, "What! stake eternity upon a may-lie'" I' I ' I . ' ! will. in . VI vif, I nl Ii, l.i W!fet ( I In I tin Im liitf a, ainl M :U ' I., I I lit in- nil tii j Ht.iUi , . "li BU. ilH.i I ... i !...,, , I ' t 1,1 ' ' -I . t 4 l . p t; I jim ininl j 'Inn n' -ih't'ifh ,.! II,. !.. . . I..11. Ii'.l. ,! , Ik, I I . I $.!. I. I i I l. .i , A1 1. ,11 1 ,.,), ! i -nm 1lii Ii-. ' ! i.t thl ImiI ). 1 J!j (I, nt Ii. i ).- tr Im. I the l.iiii i,ll!l t K.U t.i II H '- ' . j ' V i.l I'. I.." nl.) MainHi, ' ti n j n , t ll,Kl II 1,11 .t..h M. r In,! b 1 n tul In' Ii M Uie ln'iii' "II" I'til'ii at. !" i'l-iii'i Mnlnilnt, 'lime patience, (r," it Hil, "yttttr i(0' ty a a f'ttl tUfij? one, attil initV It" lilew-d to hi Mnil. him tlll?tt it." The I jnly v proved MliBtie fur hi ! timed mul ibUIiii? ' i'ii-hIIhii; but the old tiiitit eiitilii)in d In ekclaim agalii"! hi in plii w, whit, a lie said, ought to have b. ett inl, vei led in half the lillie, The word of prnltilim wantliell laid oH'ii, at'tl, amid Hie din nf discord, I ho prayer and Hie hymn arose, Malcolm gave nut walui frntii Hie ai'aphrane nfhl church, Hut 2'lrtl, dearly prlned by Hie pernecuted covenanter; and w ltli deep Intonation ho dwelt Upon the Hues: "Veil, tlimiuli I sulk III ili'iiili'" iluik vhIc, i l will I fenr mint' III; I'nr limn nrt with iihmiihI tliy rntl Ami "In IT mi' cniiitiirt nt III," When Ietltla retired with her mother to their llttlo Bleeping apart ment, she Btiaipcd to hmk through tho window, which nearly touched tho ground, "How beautiful, mamma, I thl night! Tho moon bIiIiicb awcetly, and Lough Foylu ounce like quick silver below. In it not strungo that, under such a sky, men should prepare to dye those peaceful water with blood? With the words that wo ha vo heard to night, warm on my memory, methlnk 1 could go forth to yonder camp, and proclaim, to tho foe who seek our Uvea, Tcaco on earth; good will to ward men.' " "My child, It i tho lovoof God, shed abroad in our heart by tho Holy Ghost, that dlnarm all bitter and rencntful feeling. Come, Lctitlu; let ua pray for them; for they know not what they do." They kneeled in prayer, and peace fully composed themselves to rent, con versing for a whllo on tho glorious privilege of God's children, so exquis itely net forth In tho psalm, which Lctltui again recited. The gray tint had not visited the darkened cant, when a bomb broke through tho garret roof, and falling on tho bed, rolled thence to the window, which It forced from it frame, und ex ploded loudly In tho street. Hut those twe quiet Blooper awoke not; without a pang they hod passed Iritoetoriiity, HAI'TKUV VI. In tho crowded state of tho city, it wit needful to commit with all speed to their hint earthly resting-place tho bodies of tho slain; and wiarceiy hud tho agonli'd survivor of M'Alistcr's race a couietent time allotted to en shroud the forma so tenderly beloved, ero they wero pent up in tho narrow receptacle that sulllced for both one colli n wa prepared ono grave was dug nnd ere yet tho shell received Ha lid, ii crowd of weeping friend hemmed In the Individual, who, atatfonod eloso around tho shattered bed, gazed upon those lineament, a uninjured and a calmly Mift a when slumber first stole over them. Tho Lady' heart wa rent beyond the power of her strong mind, and stronger faith, to sustain without tt struggle that convulsed her frame; whllo the tearien Kliipofnctlon of poor Ellon, ii she hung upon her brother's shoulder, appeared more pitiable still. Hut iWyuu'i trial wna perhaps tho hardest, for nature strove in hi bosom against tho subduing grace of God, and ralM'd a cry of wrath and vengeance. Hhitfie' grb f wit frantic, and hi pas sionate lamentation woko a responsive chord In miiny abreast, for there wero ehlldlc mother by, and widowed bride, and orphaned children, Tho fugitive who had sought BbcJtur In iJerry had each omo talo to tell that would havo claimed un eminence In grief; and the Btrcum of selfish sorrow now llowed afresh In the contemplation of another' woe, Up to thfa period, Malcolm had not been apprised of the event; but ho now appeared, led by vague rumor; and, hastily passing the deserted apart ments, ascended to the spot, HI pres ence occasioned a movement wiroiigii- out the party, whose aob and tnoarm redoubled a they opened ft passage for him to the eoflin. "Hee there!" said Mryan, moving his clenched hand toward it. "And eo there!" responded Malcolm, as ho pointed to tho broken roof, through which wa visible a portion of tho deep blue sky, and a little fleecy cloud, that glided like a ills bint wing athwart It. Hut whllo other eye wore raised to mark, hi own fell again on tho llfeies forms, and ho burnt Into tear. The firing at this time became more rapid; and whi.xlng ball passed through the at recta, and another bomb explode, at a short distance. When tho noise subnided, Malcolm spoke: "All Is well; ay, better than well with them; for what hallelujahs, whatmioile of heavenly harplnga, now surround those rejoicing spirit before tho throne of the Lamb! Oh, blessed confession!" !, . I-.' I il ,mr H. li:l; !-i t-..l M,. !-. tlir.MS., I -el I I .l f.. . . ul .l I ' ' . " i ii j U ,!" I,.li..g II, " J i (iitvij.hstit II ri-.. , i.e r. t-.i. i. u i,iik Mr i"nm iiin.,1 niiiiiitn, M urn ( ii, S'.ll I I. I) ,!-: f, .'111 ll.l l, Il M "t i, nun in i nn Tii'imi Hi iivi isi-n- I'l'ili Hi" f 1 1 ,k'. eintliu el s Ih l l ll ll l'll It, Bli'l i B me it iitinpii nl le nt. nn,t w.g!e, ivit.altt ,4 the . . H. ) trtln I tmelei houee Innl,, , H ItttW lili. t ut. ( M"U, Un i iitig, lie In- qtllliil fill' Mllftih. hilttlilintieil fl'i-m B emiH I, t, p,,, fellllW Sppli'lli In ll, nn. I covet ing l,l fiiee with lnh hand, edclaltiieil In binketi acii'iit, 'illi, don't, lr, doit'l put bliiltie Unm hv- they are not my Ina.ln:" "HSbiiih ymi, Magrnlh? never! 1 blame only the sin which has brought death Into Hie world. I called you to bike a farewell hmk lit those whom you loved, and wrved, ami would have died to defend. See, how peaceful! oh, Magrath, they are happy; for they died trusting In Chrlnt, and In llim'alniie! lie In all-all Biifilelcnt." Mngruth gazed for a moment, then casting up hi eyes, he wrung his hand, and, with a passionate exclama tion in Irish, rushed from the rooni. Through tho broken window the eoflin wa lowered, and, amid tho tears of many, liorno to It grave. Hons had quilted Derry three or four day previously, on a mission to Knnl klllen; and, returning Into tho town, ho met hi friend slowly retracing tho homeward path. "M'Allster, my dear fellow, are you going to give me the cut ut hint?" suid he. gaily; but tho eye that wa raised to hi own made him Blurt away. To ttpeuk Hryan found Impossible; he took his arm, and," strongly compreB' sing It, led him back to the grave. Magrath had taken the shovel, und was carefully filling in tho last earth. "Hryan, for mercy's sake, what 1 all this'" "My mother and Lctltla are there." Aghast, and panting, Hoh sealed himself on an adjoining grave, while a standei-by related the circumstances, "Come homo with mo," said Hryan. ''Impossible! what! tosee their places empty to look upon that venerable ruin, struck by Hitch another thunder bolt to see poor Klleu poor Ellon!" and his tears flowed. "Yes, my friend, to see all this, and to witness likewise tho power of Mm to whom you too must come, that you too may have lifo," It wa Indeed a struggle of no ordln ary IntensenesH by which the Lady of M'Allster had retained her self-posses sion through the day; but In HuhII alio found an Invaluable comforter, Long tried In such a school, ho wa well fitted for tho office; and his gentle representations on behalf of poor Hryan, hud prevailed to Induce a composure that could not but bo soothing to his feelings, when at evening' dose ho returned to Wie diminished circle, Tho appearance of Hos, and his undis guised emotion, hud nearly overeomi them again; nor had any one courage to Invade the deathlike silence; till, on the entrance of Magrath, tho Lady, with marked kindness In her tone, In vited him to approach the fire, Khnrio eyed him askance for u mo ment, and then begun mia-t plteotisly to moan, rocking himself to and fro on his chair, After tho evening meal, scarcely marked by a whisper, Magrath tool-, upon himself to lead the conversation, and in so doing, dinpluyod a wisdom and delicacy for which they were hard ly prepared, Klowly disengaging from hi neck a narrow tape, be took from It what ap peared to bo ft Bcupiilur, such as Hie lowerorder of Homitn Cutholle usually wear; It seemed bulky; and with upon knife he carefully ripped It open, A half-sheet ol paper, closely folded up, was then discovered; the mark of ago visible upon it, and the appearance of having boon much In use- This ho held towards Husll, ut the same time advancing tho caudle, mul usked him, "Do you know it, sir'" An exclamation of wonder, find of delight too, Is'snoke an immediate recognition, u Hitnil commenced the IKirunal, "It I my own," ho naid, "True for you, air; but It ha hud other masters." "To me It 1 scarcely legible now," observed Ilasli; "but well I know the content, pnrlof the Irish .Scripture." Magrath took it, and deliberately commenced reading It, to tho no small surprise of hi auditors. "It Is the fifteenth chapter of first Corinthians," said Ilasil, "but not com plete; only a selection." "Will 1 tell you how I got that same'" asked Magrath, addressing Khnne, "No, no! don't bother; will It bring back them that are gone'" "Maybe It will comfort them that re main, uncle," 'l,,iiifi,it. Ult!'' uttered Khnne. ,!. diilnfully; but thu Ludy Interposed, snylng, "l'rtnteed. Magrath. All coin fort is contained in tho word which you now hold in your hand, and nothing connected with Miemcan be uninteresting." ! .1 i M a, mil. ttl.n la.v ;t, .) : , t 4t mU, h. e:.,-i,4 -t t - . . .! ., , ,v'ii"i m! 'i -t , t ' H't ''' tlHj j t.I,l.H..r. I- -.n. IHVlllWi-l,, I., 't a i' i ) . c ". b4 n.Bit.. i'l.. I T H.e ly ... ncliin la j ., , t-g , , tsmtv tl, p II oil in n ,,) (.., ,(, Ii ) ltittutid f it . ii( n i r I tie ith '(! i l.i i. i pi tnei i In ln lii. r iei i . ami In t at.!,. ,i ii'tilltnl t, p, I,, 1 ,v Bfiii Ht pi, Hi.l. m-4 fenm nil,! jny with HiejlUMl. he Im l Im n, p.t, whj. h, j In h,tf uhbI,!,. . t, ... f. ,,, jot ,,. ,),,, ,,t r, ,, , ,,, , lt , hi native iaittiLe. l,,i..- l bead the primmer innvi t In H a he siipinwd. he placed l.i in It at eianny tolinW n; ami mi uucohm imy herd many nu Hon of the Holy Hci lp. tun limited. Cult 1 1 need Hint nun who thus eonHniially nmki uch gtnnl word could harlsir no very t vil design, he l'cauit though secretly and cautiously, yet i tTeflually, their friend; and to his favorable rvpriinontnluitiB they oed much of the Indulgence aftcrwnrda granted. Uetuiiilng to the head quarter of hi army, Dennl round a person who read over to him the eon telitnof the paper, which he recognized us having formed part of tho supposed eon vernations between lite bishop and hl amanuensis. This Increased his eurlislty; he revisited tho palace at Kilmorc, and among somo lumber, thrown by a useless by the rebels, ho discovered, and appropriated a pretty largo parcel of manuscripts, in a rough BtuU', which resembled the fragment In hi possession. This ho lodged, with other plunder, In safe keeping; and forming one of the relxil party, who paid such unwonted honors to the rc muins. of the good bishop attending his funeral for tho purposo of firing a Buluto over his grave Dennis was more deeply Impressed than ever with a consciousness that, in serving him, ho had befriended a, true follower of Christ one whoso example ho revered, and whoso doctrine ho longed more fully to examine. A series of buttles and outrages soon obliterated from his mind tho transient Interest thus awakened; and after many yours, Dennis, crippled by a wound, accepted tho shelter offered by his daughter, then recently married; and had scarcely learned to relish tho sweets of a quiet home, and the duti ful ulTeetion of hi child, when ho bo held her suddenly snatched away, and a motherless balio left dependent on tho attention of others. The widower soon murrled again, but continued hid hospitable kindness to Judy's father; while young Larry formed tho Bolo earthly comfort and delight of tho be reaved old mun. Magrath waa much moved when touching on thi subject; and Bliuno'd attention had become bo eager an to banish for a whllo tho pressure of bin immoderate grief. "I wa a wild gossoon," continued Magrath, "bull did my duty by the grandfather why shouldn't 1' ho bo crippled and sorrowful, and I tho vlen of his old heart. My father, no blame to him, was a strong Cut hollo, and never heard tho name of tho bishop without putting a curse on him; and as mr father was well off In tho world, and a big man with tho priest, old Dennis didn't care, to 1st thwarting him, maybe; no kept all nnug, and sor row tho word he would bo spaklngof what lay deep enough In Ills mind. Hut he wan a thought itrch, too; und bo, nays he to my filth r, 'Larry Magrath,' nay he, 'Isn't It a thousand murder that Lurry the boy should havo no more iartifng nor a sea-gull, und ho so cute, the crater,' 'What Is It you'd bo after, the day'' nay my father, 'Oh, then, It's myself that would put tho boy to bis laming, and Irish Is tho thing for Larry,' say my grandfather;' 'you see, honey how Ireland will noon be at the top of her ancient glory, please Ht. 1'atrlck; und I it young Larry that shouldn't rise to be lord, Judge, or huntsman; or innyho an undent bard, or audi like, when tho land and tho language coino rotino 10 bo our own again'' Mo he bothered my father, good-luck to tho blarney! but I'm thinking that llttlo was In him, barrln' only tho wlsl'to get to the bot tom of the mild paper. Eor, when ho found mo discreet, and no blab, ho would to of bvirono (lays ami out-and- out partial wa ho to all that savored of thu bishop, and hi follower, that ran upon tlm pine' point ior ino com oinfortoi a longing in miciiwumt; anu that' vourself. sir, J in UiinKing,' " un dressing Hunll, who, deeply moved, could scarcely reply, "It was," In short, hv working on hi son-in- law' ambit ion. Dennis prevailed to send ttio lad where ho acquired a good proficiency in reading and writing hi native languiige. rroud of his educa tion, young Magrath returned to find hi irrandfathor in wretched health, and worse spirits, confined Ut hi bed, with no bettor prospect titan so w linger out hi remaining years, Con vinced of his affection and fidelity, tho old man, after many injunctions to secrecy, drew forth the scrap of paper; "and joyful wus ho when l read it on as ulny us I'd skim a bowl of milk; though tor tho mutter oi unuc rutnuing il. all tlio puln Hint my grandfather took couldn't bout much of that Into me." "Ah! I'll engage It' little that him self understood In," sighed Bhune; "let alone that it wasn't for the like of you to read it right." Wusn't it, then'' exciuimeu mu- L'ritth. rather "I'll bo bound to you, then, that I'll not miscall a word of It:" and with extreme animation, feeling and emphasis, lie read tho whole passage, from tho 42nd verse, In'ginning: Ait iht nn (Itidm bhini cimiryhe na wirhk" Ho also is the resurrection from the dead" to tho end of the chapter. To be Continued.