The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 07, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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Mi m lit"
W. t k.l f. Iltntlite Mstii't
" OMAHA. FltlDAY. JI'I.V 7, l:l.
I'AHIIOl 10 I'M'! MS-1 1IS (iMiAKUt NlS
er---,...., --..
From tho ilu of this Issue until fur
lluyr notice the business union of the
American Publishing Co. will bo oKn
intil 8:00 each evening In tho week
excepting Sunday. Wo shall Ni
pleased to havo Hity and nil of our
friends chII and wo uh, particularly
those living In Council
Omaha. Thlu change Is made for the
accommodation of our friend who
work until 0 p. in., and who would havo
to loose a day, or be deprived of visit
ing us. Kindly keep thin now order of
things in your tnliul, und come and wo
Why did a certain newsdealer, hint
week, hang Pwk; wrontf-Hldcout In hlu
TlltNK of It, John Fitzgerald bi-cuhcii
HlHhop Honacum with he lug Ignorunt.
We havo It from tlio bent of authoi lly
that John 1h not that hu can wrlt hlu
own niiino.
Thk mayor linn aiiolnted Junieu H.
WliiHiiear chairman of tho hoard of
public work. Mr, Wltmpear hauglven
entlro uatlMfactlon during hlu liiuiiin
beiicy of tho olllco of utrcetconimluulon
cr, and tliero lu no good reiiuoti why hb
iihould not jirovo au t fllclent In tho do
IP THE hluhopof Lincoln hu really
been tKiycotted by thu dally pieuu and
ho dcMlreu an organ, thocouiinu of thlu
pnor nro open to him. lio can havo
auntdentvptute to confound hlu en'-mloit.
a'L'i)n lib rejMir,' ihntitw of thjn
u-.i-a ' ...I- I.A 1 I. .V t .
Ifi vtlia J (J ij htMJ.'vi
I let th. tlty U w.rrci'f, J
e . ii of any
auMutuaei;, Wulion,
In proving tho utWr worthleuuncu of
j $min kit tho tiiupciidud prleutu, do not
ff'f Ju !lal U) ceiiie and ieo uu.
r i 1
; IIaydki Hkum., thu Komnn Catholic
merchant on HI x ton nth ulrcet, will
havo a hrd row to hoe If tho Knight
of Laltor boycott them with their old
tlm vigor. Still, tho pricut might
refill) tho aacrnuient to Knight who
utand by tho (irder of their reupectlvo
auMfiubileu, and compcll them to klu
the hand that hau forced from It cm
dov about thlr'y Knlfht foran imlcfl
ilUj jHrlod then, "what would tho
Catholic tfo thn, piair thing?" You
don't want to forget they aro Itoman
sCitthollc flrutnnd Knight afterward.
Homk of our reader will rememlier
that Alloc Hart wau recently tried in
Lemar, Iowa, foratu inpt-d bliickiiuill,
From tho cvlilenco IutroOuced It would
m em alinimt irnponuiblo that an Im
partial Jury could return a verdict
of guilty, yet mien a verdict wa rc
turned. It may bo pouulblo that tho
following circumstance will, In a menu-
urc, explain tho finding. Wo havo
been Informed that after tho eauo had
been given to tho jury two inomlrof
that Jury, Inutead of going to auppor lu
charge of a bailiff, went to tho J toman
Catholic church. Our informant aluo
RtaU; that tho Sunday following the
conviction Father Traoey preached a
icrmon In tho couruo of which ho lu re
ported au having uald; "The verdict
In tho cauo Juut tried at Ixunar I duo
moro to tho lnfluencu of the J toman
.Catholic church than anything clue,"
So the Itoman Catholic church can In
fluence a Jury! Do you call thatjuutlccV
THKKK 1m a good nl.ed ucctlon of
hadou utlrred up in thludloceuo of the
holy mother church. Fat her McCai thy
hau myuk'rlouuly dlwijiiiearod; ha
shaken tho duut of tho uanctuury from
hi feet and gone to part unknown, Ho
was the bout-known pricut In thlu city
and wau generally rated a pleauant,
gentlemanly fellow. It muut ueem at
leaut utrange to the laity in tho Itoman
Catholic church that a man of McCar
thy' aUirnp uhould llee from the; author
ity of hi bluhop, while in an adjoining
dloccuo the prlout whom the bluhop
hau Huupended for immorality or other
equally uerlou charge and fighting
like wolves to get hack Into tho fold
among the sheep. To make tho caue
more complex the World-Herald uay a
layman attribute McCarthy departure
from the d'oceuo to the fact that "he
would not permit any czar to exerclue
undue influence over him." Horror!
H H mmr . It t 1
tll lt' ft l ft t .1 till i !1 ie ll Ml (!
i itlii I in (.i,n-t'i t ti
t'Uiljl ltl Wlit lit it lit 1mI Ktii'l I't
It 'lnn h
l.uul !(
It u, U jiMi'l ilxutii, pin iiniiniiii(ii'
ituv for tin' iitli( M'tuiiU if Ki iiiwhu
In a .n mm rln l-ul, Vtr t n
rii Mt y t ln a tv to hl lf.
fur Uiut tmniil Hhliw, With hl
(umliitf in, or at h t Mtiln ! than
rllflit.. liii-MliK all. r i nl lln ufon
1,1 duUin, Uif hannoiiv ami c-im
(M-lillj tin i metem y of tlm !'
,tl.iirtil ami Imie luwr a fully
iv 1-niulilMie.l. Ihii;l ei onelH
lile ertut t hau iwell nmde to Vrldj;i over
tlie dltteiMMiiN u tn tam ii htm ami the
ill ln r l'aehi'r.
Wi have ket ullelit m loiijt that ter
mm the tmbjeel of thlu article ma
jiuve titlnjMilh'eil our reluetUliiNi tonieHK
uott thU mattt r, and fharyeil It to
fear of himself jxiwinallv or of the
fihndu who have uIhhI by 111 in wi faith
fully. Within thu lnl f-w nionlhu,
too,' there ha arluen another ami very
iMtteiit 1VUJ.OH for our alienee, aK, after
the death of Mr, It. A. Muhoiiay, Mr.
t. K. McHowell wau appointed to fill
out tlm unoplred term of the lamented
BHHemhlyniiiti, and an Mr. Meltowell lu
an honored mniulur of the preuent
Itlitilr Compiiny and prexldetit of Hh
iNiurd of director It MintlT havo
ueeiued uu If hlau had Huiiiellilnir to do
with whatever of iulverne crltieluin tho mlht pauu upon tho principal.
Hut tho parnmount Importance of the
quoNtioti of clllclciicy In our public
uchoolu, and the ahuorhln lnt(rent our
people tako In thlu matter niuxt Ihi onr
excuue for whatever wo may now uay
lu reference to tho man known au Prof,
r'runk Clew y,
In tho llrut place there lu morn than
a uuuplcloii that he lu Incompetent and
a well grounded ludlef that ho lu ninth
ful In tho dluchuriio (f hlu dutleu
"lay"l thn iihuiiI term otnplnyoil.
Ho hau antaunlxed nlmout every
teacher of real merit In our uehoolu.
lll arhltrary and do.rinaMc riillnH and
trentinent have brought about thlu de
plorable Kin 1,o of affair.
Kor fourteen year Mru. Mary I).
Hradford, one of tho (Incut of teacher
and a lady of exceptional literary and
uchclarly accompllMlinieut, hau labored
In IJio publlu uehoolu of thlu city, giving
einneiit uatlufactlon to tho coplo and
thrt iteh(Hl board and ciidenrlnuf heruelf
t( her every pupil. Asulnut her, for
eauonu Known oniy io tnmuoir, no nnu
Wuten particularly bitter. It lu evidently
hlu Intention to niako her nehool life
uo unbearublo that uho will Ihi cone
pelled to abiiudon Ituofiir au KeniiHlia
lu concerned. Ho hojicu by thlu mean
to rid hlmuelf of a formidable rival,
MImu Hood hau upent five, MIhh Well
ulx, Mlu Mitchell (Ivo and MluuTarbell
three year In our choolu and are
known t bo cfflolont teacbi'ru, yet each
of theuo ladle hau In mfsy. Way Incurred
tho grout mnn'a dl8f,.C,..i , which dlu-
jtleioturn h tas.e f,( .nuUm to cm
tihaui-.' iij wayu
pt)cuiitp i hlmuelf.
rti'ii li '.i". tho nubile,
AU ver l'
'"!.i vi i of
'.ho .'i"vi (
ti t i-niin, rtl?itt Ui hint,
Us uu, unll (led and fulth-
in writ i h.
VVucr not whether
hi namo bo
noonn man
i i ary or uouiethlnif elue,
muut bo iiermlltcd thu to dluorgnnlzo
and dlutroy our public uehoolu, Tlio
question of polltleu or religion In no
way enter Into the matter, though
certain fuuutlcally inclined people have
endeavored to drug them In, A man in
tlio iioultlon of principal of the Kenouha
uehoolu should lie a miioinr unit a gen
tleman. Ho uhould not utoop to miuer
able, netty, boylub fului'hoodu or vindic
tive ulanileru, Ho uhould bo capable of
better thing than ludlttllng women
and making war upon falherb'u girl,
When the time come upocl lie charge
will tui made, and can bo uu but an tinted
proving tho present principal of our
uehoolu eminently unfit for the place he
occupies. hi nonha Jlltide,
Knwk tho scale off your eyes, Mr,
llludr, and look tho matter squarely in
tho face, l'rof, Frank Clcary lu a
Itoman Catholic, It I the Intention of
the Human (.'at hollo church to ruin the
public school system In thlu country,
Clcary I merely a tool In tho hand of
tho olllclalu of the church. If thl wau
not o why would ho antagonize
I 'rotestant teachers')' Why would tho
harmony mid clllelem y of tho schools
lui destroyed? You hayo sown; you will
now rcup-anil If the harvest I all
tare, bluum no one hut yourselves,
Tho citizen of Kenosha, Wis,, should
elect only I 'rotestant to jMuitlonon
tho scIkhiI board and then demand of
them that the public school m kept
entirely free from Itoman Influence,
Tlir.ltf, aro some people who are
afraid to oppose the onward iureh of
Itoinanlum in tho United States, They
aro fearful because of their business,
and they are fearful that some zealous
follower of the poui might think he
wau doing Cod's service by sending
thorn to hades, Ixst uu point to two
luiruons-Martin Luther and C, Chin
iquy. Luther, though surrounded by
danger, continuously and frequently
warned by his friend to desist for hlu
juiruonal uafety, died a natural death;
and C. Chlnlquy lu not dead yet. Those
men have fought Home tu!cauun she
was false, and they determined to stand
by the truth a it wa revealed to them
In tho Hlble, which the Human Catho
lic pretend to partially take a their
rule of faith and practice. Let all the
oppouorsof the papacy bo patient, plucky
and perulutent In protesting against the
presumption of the pope, and trusting
In a protective Providence, fight till
the battle iu won. Let them bo sure
tholr principle are right, then let
them not fear, but "fight to the finish,"
One of tho worst cnemle to the Itoman
Catholic church, and one of tho greatest
aid U tho I'rotestantu iu a pcruon who
has learned to decide properly theolog
ical subjects himself, and leave the
slavery of abject servitude of the pope'
church, and the pope' follower know
tin liini Hii-'ti
, K. mi rtn !
i it f. iniii t.'iiti, W II
U in'l , i " Mifc'Silll l Itll Ml'lf
u di i.ih i " ps( r In I'ti It tit l-H
t.iil.i( st ll.i'ti'pt'f hi ih(H.ti Ihi
itn.ii.v ! )ii-i.i H if, f.t f r It !,.
m.niiih i ' t, t'tlld " II' IMS l It 1 1 in!
In tlil t HJ " Itl hul be Silt pi l d HI Uisl
ft si sit boat t dei art loll. While
be I" M , Vs 't'lmn ! the
ftrtl utmi h llomthi nf, If I
luitgtil for an) ttilnd. Ibriv was stuite.
thing In II for Vihan, a us Ibf
ee tf he H"I ' agtnl anything.
,liital eii -t ut h I insking ar upon
lh ,. I'. A , Ihe Orangemen, and
kindred tirntiUnttoii, but I how asso
ciation in-ill aoi feel chagrined at
what Yaughan miyn, Hen, where he
Is knotui, he would find it a mailer of
some dirtlciilly to And a man who would
lUli n with the least seniblni,ce of sin
wrlty lo any of his utterances, F.very
one of them art- for Vaughan,
Hatm.u, "the little American hi"
Is here, and some of the Itoman Catho
lic clergy are gliul and some are mad,
Tho opposition, some might consider,
would unite and resist hi dictations,
and goon their way rejoicing, without
"white pojui," "black J'0mi," or "Utile
pope," but they havo lu-en trained by
an organization by which one's Individ
uality luuo minimized that an act of
this kind might not be entertained.
It Irt quite apparent the pope wau
fearful tho American spirit of indc
pendenco would uo permeate the mind
of hi clergy, lie sent tlio "little popo"
here so au to obviate a schism. Homo
of the bluhop who were at Itome when
the doetlno of Infallibility wau conuid
cred left so that they would not bo com
polled to vote, n they were opposed to
tho farce. Tho present pope knew thl.
1 v Til K popo were to descend from
his temporal throne, where ho lu called
Infallible, and prepare to lecture to the
world on "The Inconsistency of l'apacy
a Viewed by a Hope," ho would bo
dcuignuted by the said church the
greatest liar on curth, Were the
Itoman Catholics to claim tho Impecca
bility of the popo it would bo consistent
with tholr Inconsistencies,
Tit ic time to asslut in organizing any
society for tho maintenance of tho frco
Institution, for replacing tho Hi bio in
tho public school where- they have
been removed, for leading some Human
Catholic priest or layman away from
the Insecure tcachlngu of the Itoman
Catholic church, is now, If you havo
any work in your mind to do, do It, and
tho time lu now.
MANY am surprised that a Jesuit of
tho high standing of Count Haul Hon
brooh, of Germany, would renounce the
order and Itoman Catholic church, but
It Is a fact, They would also bo sur
prised if the pope were to grow weary
of hi prison palace and join an organ!
zatlon similar to the despised A, H, A
WHAT do you think of this? Father
Delbovo of Ilubbnrd was In Homer re
cent and I reported to have said: "No
member of tho Itoman Cuthollo church
should join the I. O, (1, T. I believe It
Is & brunch of tho Masonic order." How
do you suppose ho got onto that?
WllK'll book would produce the most
benefit, "Live of Miracle of ! Ionian
Catholic Saints," or 'Mvtop'u Fahleu?"
Tlio ('oiifcsslim Hex Again.
Another victim of tho confession luix
ha come to light through the column
of thu public press, Her name In Jen
nie Kelh-y, of New York, a girl of six
teen years, Tho priestly blackguurd
who accomplished her ruin I John
Laugh ran, a flemish priest of the
Church of Visitation, Hciuiklyn, N, Y.
Tho girl was compelled by her mother
to attend confession to Laiighrnn, He
several times attempted to assault her,
and at last accomplished his purpose,
The priest bears the resyoct and entire
confidence of hi parlshoncrs and has
the entree to tho house of many of tho
lending families of the city,
vlll mother never learn that their
daughter are women and their priest
men most frequently vile men? When
they fully realize this fact the confcuslon
box will lie a thing of tho past, Patri
otic, Amf.rfcan.
Thank Vim.
Hro, M. M, Murshall, real estate
dealer, Omaha, Neb,, writes; We
mluued Zabud last week, What hau be
come of him? Ho Is very interesting.
Call him back and give uu more of hlu
astronomical observations, I have been
a Mason for thirty yearu, but never
read the Anurlcnn TiUr until the last
six months, It lu juut what I want. It
touches the spot. That word American
start tho bhuul through my vein with
Increased sjs;ed every time I see it in
print, Itnn.'ans something to me, It
will mean something to our children, If
we guard carefully tho public schools
and our American Institution and
keep them out of tho reach of that old
Dago, whose representative ha lately
taken up hi abode at Washington,
Tho American of Omaha aro proud of
a full-blooded American paper printed
in our own city. American Tylir, t
11 1 I I M It I I.
ItiMHunl niltu4 M It I.
Wilwl.r f Nr.ltt M. I, Usnh.
I . l.l li.tnl I Until ?t, '1
In M ! !'-t ia l pHioi UHiSiftv.
Mnj i.Mh, I situ i Mt iietn nM, "Tin
fltt pi im tple tl Ann i li'iiiiii I I i -t-rij,
ihUI!j itUgio'is ItUjI),"
Well, that U In.e, nl. I II I. null tie. It
(a litift tat Ituif ttt n' 11 "M-Mp I it si ae
entiling lt Ihe riii'late of Hu Ir otl
itmt tetter, hni H U untrue In n men
oihlt Otul Ht-eiinllng to Ihe llt tti
of Ihe s. A man has a rluht I 1st a
Cut hollo mi bmg as he keei his feel off
nlher pt'iilii's herk; bui when Cnth
ollelin undertake luge! Its feel on Ihe
necks of I'rotestnnl and say "You must
worth I p Cod H.i'oriling to Ihe dictates
of !Iiomim," It U lime lo call a hall,
ami religious liberty on that line
censes loexlst in the I'hlted States of
Mr. Nhcruuin would have usls lieve
that w owe our existence as a nation
to Komitii Catholics, There were, 1
have no doubt, Catholic soldiers, and
all honor to them, If they fought In de
fense of the ling, and If they fell on the
battle Held In Its defense; all honor to
them, Hut they were true soldier In
spite of Human Cnthollclsui, not be
cause they were 1 Ionian Cathollcu. I
will say to you tonight that If Home
had her way, wo would not havo a
nation today with free speech, a frco
press and a free ballot, and I havo only
to point you to Italy, Spain, Portugal,
Mexico and to every other country
where ltomunlsm In the past hau had
1 want to read to you from the canon
law of the Itoman Catholic church In
regard to their idea of freedom, and
what It menna when they tulk to you of
freedom In thlu country;
''Article IV. The pope hau tho right
to give countries and natlonu which are
non-Catholic to Catholic regent who
can reduce them to slavery.
Article V. The popo can make slaves
of those christian subject whoso
prince or ruling power I Interdicted
by the jMipo.
Article VII. Tho church has the
right to practice the unconditional cen
sure of books.
Article VIII, Tho pope has the
right to annul state laws, treaties, con
stitutions, etc, to absolve from oliodi
once thereto, au soon au they seem
detrimental to the rlghtu of tho church
or those of the clergy,"
I am rending now from tho law of
the Itoman Catholic church,
"Article IX. Tho popo pouseuue the
right of admonishing, and if need lie
of punishing, tho temporal rulers, cm'
perorsand kings, as well a of drawing
before the spiritual form any case in
which a mortal sin occur,
Article X. Without the consent of
the popo no tax or rate of ony kind can
be levied upon a clergyman or upon
any church whatsoever.
Article XL Tho popo has tho right
to absolve from oaths, and obedience to
tho persons and the law of the princes
whom he excommunicate,"
And don't you know that If the pope
could control things In this country
that ho would put that policy In force
Father Sherman said In that same
address that an Orangeman' Idea Is to
kill everybody that differ from him on
religion. Well, if that I true, he gave
an exact photograph of the Catholic
church In tho past, I will read ugain
from the canon law;
"Article XIV, The execution of
papal commands for the persecution of
heretic causes remission of sins," and
article xlv, Is blacker than that "He
who kills one that I excommunicated
Is no murderer in a legal sense,"
That I the canon law of the Catholic
church, and so If the Orangeman' Idea
I to kill everybody who differ from
him on religion, that I also tho policy
of tho Cathollcchurch today.
Head the awful account of the "Gun
powder 1'lot" In Englandj read the ac
count of that awful nlfrbt of St.
Hartholomow, In France; rend the
bhuid-eurdUng account of the inquisi
tion, Listen while I give a quotation
from tho Encyclopedia Hrfttanlca.
which 1 a recognized authority;
"From the perils of it Introduction in
it later form Into Spain in MMI, to the
time of It abrogation In I80H, it Is esti
mated by Llorente that tho Inquisition
had burned alive 31,!U2 of those whom
It had tried; had burned In cfllgy
17,0,1!), and had Inflicted severe punish
ment of other kinds on 2HI,4.VJ, These
direct suffering involved sorrow and
calamity to millions," A total of
burned, killed and imprisoned of ,111,-
027. What for? Simply because thev
would not worship as the pope dic
tated; ulrnply because they were not
Itoman Catholics; simply because they
worshipped according to the dictates of
their own conscience and according to
tho teachings of Protestantism. And
yet Mr, Sherman stands up and talks
about tho murderous principle of the.
Orangemen; but he take cure to siiy
nothing ubout It inquisition, when
under the direction of Itoman Catholic
IMiwer, their hand were Imbrued with
the blood of thousands and thousand of
Innocent sufferers. And yet he stands
up hero to talk about "Itellgious Lib
erty." Hut you say, "That was In
Spain a century ago." Yeu, that lu all
i I a p t i t i it 1 1 ).., ! .1
In itH itr itd tln it --)
1 1 J U i i Hu r,i 1 1 1 r U . n
u kiiij,!' t iit-illim!. '' ' pi s't thul
ir pi -I wrnl fur I how ttl!li!
Initios, uii !-! tl ahsnit U"il
thul l,,i who diil II luifhl .i ) pun, and thai It h, hvuf b a!
Inwttl to invttr scale by ihe lloiusa
ratliolle ehuit b No, sir, not a slngb'
wttrd if ti t kind ha i-wr fallen from
thtt ll of lttiiin t'slhttlles Titty
il-it'l proptsMt Ut say anything ntnil and
never will say anything alsmtll, and
II seem ti nut thai until they rvtent o
th Sin i f the nl It not wine fur
I'rotestnnts Intrust In anything Ihi
say about It.
Why was thn lb v. J, II. Nt'l-on tm
prisoned in lliail for month? Heeiiiit
ho advis-ated Ihe ihutrlne that Ihe
worship or tho Virgin Mary was not
the worship of (bui and sluld In prison
for month for giving utterance lo that
statemi nt.
Wo aii told by Father Sherman that
the A. I. A., Junior Order of United
American Mechanics and other slmila
orders havo started the religious strife
In this country that Is going on tislny
and Is causing so much ju'ruecutlon of
the Itoman Catholic church and uuch
heated dlscuuulons that are tuklng
place, tiulay. Don't Mr. Sherman know
that every American citizen that know
anything, know that lu a bauu fubrlea
Hon, and that this religious strife wau
not commenced by those uoclotleu. If
you will tako up that canon law I will
not ta co time to rend It again you will
find that the prcucntntlon and the ad
vocnev of uuch principle uu are in
eulcuted there wa tho beginning of m
llgious strife in thl country. Their
attack on our free Institutions; their
attack on our public school uystem and
our Hiblc; their accursed auricular
confcuslon, hau boon tho cause of ro'
ligious strife In this country. Tf wo
Protestant would lie down and let the
'pope and all his crew walk over uu, and
wo would kiss their holy feet and aay
"Holy father, it lu all right," there
would bo no trouble at all. Hut au uoon
au I'rotestantu rise up and assert their
American principle and say to Homo
"Tako your feet off our nocks; keep
your hand off our American instltu
Hons; cease your dictation a to what
we shall do; let our public school
alone; take your hands out of our pub
lic treasury," we are said to be raising
religion strife In this country and I am
willing to plead guilty to tho charge
And I wunt to say to you tonight that
tho question of religious strife I never
going to cease until tho grand old star
and utrlK-s float in this country in an
(itrnouphero that lu untainted by Itoman
Catholicism; it will never cease while
God sit on tho throne and right i
Wo are told that papal power 1 a
spiritual power. Hold on, Father
Sherman, Spiritual power! Tho idea
when you can follow tho papal power
all through the ages ry onrkness, and
murder, and licentiousness; when it
has imbrued its hands In the blood of
Protestant in all the countries on tho
globe where It has had the controlling
power. Look over yofider at that con
fesslonal box! Look at that priest who
never had courage enough to take a
wife of hi own. See him sitting there
with the wife of another man pouring,
the secret of her very heart and life,
and tho uccretu of her family, Into the
earu of that bachelor pricut and her
huuband not allowed to hear one word
or question, and then talk about spirit
ual power, Tho very best authority we
have today upon this question are the
Catholic priest who havo been happily
converted to Cod and who are tslay
enjoying the christian religion as it J
taught by Protestants, and they tell us
that tho auricular confession Is one of
the most damnable things this side of
the region of darknesand that ques
tions that are too polluting to be
whispered In tho ears of demons are
whispered in the ears of wives and
mother when their husbands are not
allowed to be with them.
Now, In conclusion, what is our duty
In thl matter? We should preach
against their doctrines; hold them up
in all their darkness before the people.
Then, in the second place, show them
up in
tho light of history, and then
you have done that, preach to
the Gospel of tho Son of God,
them the way of life and salva-
I believe that Itoman Catholics
can be converted and a great many
have been converted and have lieoonio
faithful minister of the Gospel of tho
Son of God, A great many men who
have not gone Into the ministry have
become faithful men of God au business
A great many laymen havo been
converted and have been brought to
enjoy the true religion o Christ. I be
lieve wo ought to f ull tho attention of
the people to tho history of the past. I
believe we ought to show up their
dreadful deed of the punt, and then
point them to the Lamb of God that
taketh away the sin of the world. My
dully prayer is that God may show
them the error of their way. The rank
and file lire not responsible for the evil
deeds that havo been done, and were it
not for their leaders the rank and file
would inarch forward and tako this
world for God. God grant it for His
mime's sake. May He bring them to
see the true light au it iu in Jeuuu
Christ and enjoy the religion, of the
blessed Savior,
line ; l'i
WM Mltllll 111 I rni.
Ilil Volr N"pl ttttitHM
ftMMlt IW t IMifsIr,
IU It in, Minn , June
tun. hiKion t. u I, t twtv di Uu n d al
I )n mti tin i.l ii- ft evening .
Wat It-r Sims, In innv I hau i.issi ) ,p!,.
'ii'iil htin.lit d other being ithnble U
otilsin atlmllluiitv, tho follow ing pit1
amblt-snd rewtlitlttins wt n iiiistiliiiiui1y
When, Monsigneur Hatotll, nit
Italisn iiilnlim of the l roaming
nur Ihe iitiinti) plotting treason
against our itniiiiion in In ml system of
education, which Is purely an American
system and utrl ami parcel of ur gov
eminent, leaut supuirted by laxstion,
one of tho sovereign siwers of govern
ment; Ihcrvfore lu It
Hesolved, Hy the pe.pU of Duluth,
in muss meeting assembled, that
SatolU' presence In tho country I ft
menace lo our llls-rllesand Is obnoxious
totillgood Americans who love their
country; and
Hesolved, That hu lie requested to
depart from this country at once, never
to return.
Hesolved, That a copy of these reso
lution lui sent td governor Nelson with
tho request that they be published for
tho Information of tho whole people of
tho state of Minnesota.
Conncetlcul, llewiircl
It was in 18SH that Pat Honohuo'
Mnyuxine made tho claim that the state
of Connecticut belonged of right to
Irish Homanlutu, and endeavored to
prove it by showing that they held tho
olllccu In nearly every city In that state.
They have advanced a step further
now, as wo read In the llrldgcport
Standard of May 25;
Hartford, May 25: At the hearing
before the military committee yester
day, on tho petition of tho Hibernian
Itillcs for state aid, Alderman Patrick
McCovcrn -was the first speaker In hi
capacity of colonel of the First Hcgl
incnt II. It, He said that the regiment
was only independent in tho sense of
being self-supporting. Ho believed
that there was not In tho state a body
of citizens more patriotic than the Hi
bernian Itillcs, Appropriation! were
freely made for schools to educate chil
dren in duties of citizenship, and tho
state should be generous in fostering
the military spirit. Ho appealed to
the committee to help the regiment
and said there wa no politics in It.
Hosald; "There I no subject of which
I urn so sick a politics." Ho desired
the committee to report a resolution
appropriating ,1,00I) a company, or
1 1,000 In all, to tho regiment.
Hopreuentntlvo John Walsh, of
Hrldgoport, thought that the companies
might be allowed tho privilege of drill
ing In armorlc occupied by state
troops, lleprcsentatlve ,1, 1), Toomcy,
.Sr., of Fairfield, John Mlddleton, of
Enfield, llcprosentatlvo Timothy M.
Crowley and Captain Cashen, of Mere
din, 1 Captain Mclnnlu, of Hartford,
Captain Hrlan Dunn, of New Haven,
Itopreuontatlvo P, L, Ityiinand Ilcrnaru
X, Hums, of Hartford, and Heprescnta
tlvo Frank H, Sneath, of Farmington,
favored the appropriation. The hear
ing then closed and no one appeared In
opposition to tho petition,
The above Is a little old, hut sh ould
contain enough to awaken every Prot
estant in the land to the oanircr of al
lowing Homo to arm,
(iave Haifa Million. -
James J, Hill, president of the great
Northern railroad, I tho bosom friend
of John Ireland and Francisco Sate;lli,
The reason he 1 their friend Is that he
recently gave half a million dollar to.
ward the erection of St, Thomas' semi
nary at St.Paul.Minn, Mr. Hill Is nomi
nally a protestant and will pay the en
tire expense of tho trip which Ireland,
SatollI, himself and siWte are now mak
ing through the west, Thlslu merely
an item of new we are aware, but
should bo treasured by good Americ an
who are traveling west, Mr, Hill be
longs to a class that has been so largely
instrumental In placing the United
States under the sway of the pope,
This class Is no longer necessary In the
polity of Americanism, Itshould go
quietly'if possible. Anyway, it should
(jo.ralriolic A mirimn.
'Hie Awful Kxaniple,
Hkatkk k, Neb., Jun2l, Hov. Wil
liam Kufue, of Okoto, Ka., was ar
rested this afternoon on the charge of
drunkenness and an attempt-to force an
entrance Into a private house, II
claimed to bo looking for some nice
girl. When examined at the city
prison hi pocket were found to. be
filled with new potatoes, an ugly look
ing knife and a priest' bible, The
bibulous divine i very anxious to bo
released from Jail In order that he may
attend to the spiritual want of hi
flock at Oketo tomorrow, W orld-
Hi raid, Jane, 26,
'Ihe Orange Anniversary.
There will be special meeting of
American Iiyal Orange Lodge at Tub
AMKRICAM ofllce, Saturday evening at
8 o'clock to arrange for the annual an
niversary exercises. The member of
Ladle Orange Lodge are also Invited
to be present and assist in making
up the program. Secretary,
There will lie a patriotic speech de
livered in the A. P. A. hall, South
Omaha, Saturday evenlnir. July 15.
Friends and the public are cordially
vited to utteml.
FOIl SALE, Gisid 0 room house on
lot 50x150, near Hanscom Park, Good
well. Cheap If taken before August 1st.
Inquire southeast coi ner Sixteenth and
Leavenworth streets.