THE: AMERICAN Chicago Short Lino Mtlwaukw & St. Paul U'y , Tho Dost Routo CHICAGO AND All POINTS AST, sol.lli VI HTIIU'M l atomic mm to ami srtAht lltArtD TO THE IRISH PEOPLE OF AMERICA: Wa commit to you tho solemn duty of DONATING your sharo to the work In whloh wo ro onirajrud. Wo apiicul to you in a (front ci-IhIm Unit In nioro daiiKoroiw than any that has heretofore happened to the national life of Ireland. The resources of our peoplo at home and their proposition to make a stand for freedom aro severely taxed. Com bined for causes against which we are compelled to struggle, whether they may not succeed today, as In tho punt, depends In no small measure on your exertions. The announcement of this proposal (withheld from Ireland for six years after the passage of tho bill the power of Imposing or interfering with tho town taxes) caused the house of commons to stand aghast. It was received with a protest. It was left to us to protest in the name of the Irish peoplo against a proposal involving national humiliation and calculated to reduce the Irish legislature to impotencv. JOHN Ifl. ItKDMONl), Signed in behalf of tho independents, TIMOTHY HAItHINUToN, TllOMAH K. KKNNV. PUZZLING QUESTIONS. The Victoria Disaster and In dia's Currency. CZZZllZZZO EI , TUS 00MM0N8. Eatctrofatloaa Whloh th Brlttoh Admiral tjr Decline! ta Anawer Tha Luteat rrom the Great rlmtr How the Aoildciit Ooou rrnd rder M lnu ndnritonil. London, Juno 27. A number of ques tion were asked by members of the house of commons regarding the found ering of the Victoria. Replying to these questions the lit. Hon. Sir U. Kay-Hhuttleworth, secre tary to tho admiralty, said there was reason to liojw from telegrams receive.1 from the British consul general at Tri poli, Mr. N. T. Moore, that the number of twit-sons drowned bv the sinking of the Ship would be under the estimates at Irst made. Some of the men belonging to the Victoria had been detached tfltnnfiTftrilv from that vessel, and do layed for duty on other vessels of the fleet during the maneuvers. These men had of course escaned. Bo far as now Muwrtalnod. the lost numbered BOO, comprising 22 officers and 8!W men. The saved numbered SH7, Including so om cers and 201 men, Don't Wut QtiKKtloiM Anked. Dr. Washburn asked if the govern' tnent intended koep tho San Pareil, the eistor ship of the Victoria, in commission or to have her ordered home from the Mediterranean In order to have experts consider her construction ana ascertain whut. tf anvthinir. was tho matter with It. The admiralty strongly deprecated the asking of such questions, saying that the time had not come when they ought to be asked. This statement was greeted with cries of "Hear!" "Hearl" Hllvor For India. In the house of commons Mr. Glad stone gave information similar to that iriven in the house of lords by the Earl of Kimberly. He added that gold would not be made a leiral tender at present Regarding the silver now on the way to Inlla. Mr. Gladstone said that the gov ernment of India had been instructed that it was open to it to admit this silver to the mints if it thought fit. The Right lion. J. G. Goschon, formerly chancellor of the exchequor, asked if the admission to free coinage of the silver now going to India would not establish a ureat injury or elToct tho destruction of such silver as was in the hands of tho natives. Mr. Goschon said that the value of tho silver possessed by the natives amounted to 1on.nOV.000 miv. Renlvinur to Mr. Goschon, Mr. Gladstone said that he was not in possession of precise information, hnt he assumed that the Indian govern- inent would not make discrimination to the disadvantage of tho natives holding uncoined silver. Doubtless, most of tho uncoined silver referred to by Mr Goschon was in the form of ornaments worn by the natives. Lonklnc to the United HUteii. The correspondence betweeu the gov eminent or India and tlie mum omc Tin Vinnn issued. It onens with a lette from the Indian council undor date of March. 1892. uririnfl: the home arovern ment to aid In the settlement of tho eilver question by an international agree ment, failinir wtucu. not .to uerer aeier Now mining upon an Indian policy, as, it an international agreement should not be obtained, the United States might sud denly itop the coinage of silver, leaving India unprepared. The other communi cations discuss the fall in the rupee values, and the fluctuation in the rates of exchange!. In a minute Mr. Barbouf""flnahdal secretary of India, opposes the .stoppago of free coinage until It becomes evident that the United States will not adopt free coinage. Mr. Barbour estimates that the total active circulation will amount to 15,000,000 rupees, while a much larger proportion is hoarded. Impolitic to Makediilil the Ntnmlsrd. To establish a gold currency with a full legal tender currency, composed en tirely of gold, It would be necessary to withdraw from circulation 1,150,01)0,000 rupees, replacing them by JC77,O0O,O0() in gold. He therefore contended tnat witn gold standard in India, a large portion of the circulation must continue in sil ver, with silver a legal tender to any amount. If with metals be maintained circulation a gold coinage to the total amount of A'15,000,000 will suffice. Mr. Long in a minute to the council in August, IHi)2, discusses tho adoption of the gold standard, and he concludes ny suggesting that the ratio be about 1 to 20. In a telegram from the fcarl or Kim berly, dated June, 1HINI, the earl an nounces that the recommendations of the Ilorsoholl commission were adopted by the council at Simla. In advising the Indian government to exchange gold at the rate of fld to tho rupee, the commis sion says the object is to guard against a considerable rise in the exchange. Here' after the ratio ought to be raised, if cir cumstances make it advisable. THE LOST VICTORIA. The Manner In Wlilrh the Aeeldent ()o eurred Dctitlled. Nkw Yohk, June 27. The Evening World published an extra, in which was the following cable dispatch from Tripoli, regarding the sinking of her majesty s battleship Victoria: The Fleet Making For nariior. Alxmt ft o'clock last Thursday the Enirlish fleet came in sight of Kl Mina, the jKtrt and town of Tripoli. It was coming from the northeast, and making directly for tho harbor. The five big ironclads Victoria, Camperdown, Edln burgh, Nile and Sans I'arell were drawn up in full front. The Victoria was in the center, the Camperdown was on her left, and the Edinburgh on her right. Markham's Fatal Unlay. When they were within five miles of shore, Vice Admiral Sir George Tryon siirnalod to turn and form in double line, Whether because Admiral Markham of tho Camperdown could not believe this movement was to be tried when the ships were so clo together, or because ho thought Admiral Tryon mm unseat tod the distance, ho did not ne' about executing tio order, but signaled that ho did not understand it. The Vic toria began to turn nt once as she still held the signal. The Camperdown no longer hesitated, but began to turn. The brief delay, however, had lieen fatal. No Opportunity to Kneape, The Victoria had nearly turned and tho Camperdown, swinging around, bore down upon her. The 12-foot ram of the Camperdown struck the hull of the Vic toria just in front of her armored bulk head and plunged into the thin plates of her starboard side. Admiral Tryoji tried is Your GlianGG. to make the snore with the VibMi, u had gone about two miles when she careened and plunged beneath tho waters, with her propellers still revolving. o suddeu was this there was uo tliiio fut Any but those on deck to even attempt to save themselves. , . Disorderly HaehrtUt r 4 BitnLiif. June 27. The taking of t.. second ballots have been accompanied by riotous socialist demonstrations in several cities. Jurors Approved. Bkhun. June 27. The list of German jurors for the Chicago World's fair lias been officially approved. NEW HAMPSHIRE DAY. mate llullillng at the World' fair Form. ally lli'dlcmled. Ciik'aoo. Juno 27. The weather is still bright ami pleasant, and tho World's fair visitors are making the most or u. More had passed the turnstiles up to 11 . m. than during the entire day Hiinuay, and the indications are that the total for the day will be three times as great. The New Hampshire building was formally opened. The exercises were participated in by Governor J. B Smith, XNTKMOR OF NEW II AMPHIIIIlll BUILDING. Lieutenant Governor McLane, members of the legislature, the state World's fair commissioners and other prominent citizens. Arthur Keffler, royal eommlssioner from Hweden, and his assistant)! held a largely attended reception in tho hand somely furnished Hwedish bttlldliiK in honor of the other foreign KovernmenU and state commissioners, and the ofllolals of the exposition. When all had taken a look alxmt the building a banquet was served and a aextetto gave some excel lent music. Tin Kwiikks CiiiiIkh. Toi'KKA. June 27. Aside from tho in terest centered in the election of county officers in Kansas this fall, the flht that will 1 waged in I t judicial districts will Ik) the most determined In the his tory of Kansas, for the reason that the new party Is determined, if possible, to wrest tho judiciary from the hands of the Republicans. In tho 14 district in which elections will take place this year, tho now party has a decided advantago Wanted. A rood reliable man with small capital to take half Interest in the agency for ono of the best investment companies in umaiia. Old insurance man preferred, but hustler will do. To the right party it is an A 1 opening. Address us quick. "X," care American otiice, 41-' sneoiy block. 4 ii ll Mfc BOOK DEPARTMENT. Is this Dr.i'AiiTMKNT wx (irrxa tiih I'om.owinu Standard Anti-Roman Catholic Books Which every Patriotio American bIiouM read in order to p hlmielf poited Upon Hie attituuu or the papacy; v t-- rLI.Lvf. PYa "Firry yeaiw in tub church OK kompt rriie. f!,on, "IMtlKHT, WOMKN ANO THE OONI'T.H-HIUNAl'-l'ilce.lMlO. Fulton's Books: ."WHY I'lUKHTH HIIOUM) WKI"-I'ii)er ne fi'htH! ciiitii. fi lm. "WAHIIINtjTON IN THR LAP OK HUM K"- Price, II, Kl, T. M. Harris' Books; "AMHAHHINATION UK UNOLN"-CleUi lU.ftO; Moitih'i'o, ift.oo. Mr. and Mrs, Slattery's Works: "OONVKNT LIKK KXPOHUI)"-Paper, 7fi r'l'iitu, "HKl'HKTH OK UOMIHII PltlEHTH KX POM K.I)"- Price, Vi emits. AMERICAN PUBLIS INC CO., To The World'! Fair. , 8nvo tlmo and avoid tho crowd In tho city by buying tickets over tho "Great Hock Island Houto" and stop off at Knglewood near tho World's Fair gate, Klectrlo lino from tho "Hock Island" dejKit direct to tho Rate, Time, fcn tiiinuttn. Fare, flm nut. You can chock your baggage to Englewood ond avoid trouble and savo expense, as Englewood is In tho great suburban hotel district near tho fair, and you can have your baggage sent to your quar ters at once. rtemember, tho Chicago, Hock Island Ac Pacific Is tho World's Fair Lino for reasons given above, John hehahtian, General Ticket and Passenger Agent. Our FRIENDS should all remember when they want a new hat, or an old one repaired, to call on us. Wo will glvo them good satlsrscMon. NEHHASKA HAT M F'G CO., Over 207 North 17th Ht, SEALS write For Prices. Ed. F. PICKERINC, Tel. 1938. IOS S. I6h atroet, OMAHA. WM. NICKLAS, Brick Contractor and Builder EhIIiiihIi'n furnlxlii'ij on nil Muds of llrlik Hint Miixiiii work, 2230 8. SEVENTEENTH ST. Tdrphont 1795. OMAHA. NEB. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Embalmer Formerly with M. O. Maul. Trxfci'iioNic mni. 315 South 16th Bt., OMAHA. LAD V ASSISTANT FURNISHED. Edith O'Gorman's Work's: "OONVKNT LIKE IJNVKir.EI)" I'rlcn, elotli il.Uft, Rev. J. 6. White's Works: "JiEKOH UK DARK N EHM" Price In cloth !.!. "HUMANISM KXPOMKH" I'finer. SO els "A ItoMAN rATIlnl.HJ liYNAMITK, UONHPIKArY"-Prlcn In imiiiir. "KAOTH KUlt THE PEOPLE"- cents, Thomas E. Leyden's Works: ' "HKOKET INSTIlUUTIONHTO JEHIJITM" M) cents. "OUR (!OI!NTHY"-l:0 cents. "MARIA MONK"-Price. M rem. SUPPLEMENT TO TMI AMIRI CAN-I.WTliiiiulriMl;Ki.i per OiouNMiidi sliiKlii copy, Senilis, OMAHA, NEB. M. O. MAUL, Suci'i'innf to Drnxnl & Muul, Undertaker and Embalraer 1417 Farnam Htreet. Tsi.rrnoss sau. OMAHA NEB. DR. J. J. SAVILLE PHVtlOIAN. Onicni Room 41(1 N. V, Life llull'lliiK. Otlli'K Hours; 10 In 11 S, in, II to ft p, III. unii'ii 'ii'iiiiiiiiiiin. umi. Ri-nliliini'H 'JVli'lilinlin. Vt, liiMtmi'iirM! nit; nniiiiiiers st, Mmnho ll nh UUlUUQl Ubli QATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY TELEPHONIC IfkU. 207 North I7th St., OMAHA, NEB Work cal Icil fur and dUr4. AMERICANS TAKI NOTICEI For jii'iiili'iiicn. ws h a twsiitlful Una of Nfixllgea OvArahlrta 1 Undarwar iniKi up, uur woiiiii'mii Hata a An nil Solid Laath olid Laatnar Brina frnm nun. in k, iiiHMiinr iimmuIi,, nirkwH ilinliii'lliia, rlc, Don't forgi-t tlis pi in we arc strictly Id It LAN DEN BROS i)i n. nxfcfnrii KOUCH It HOUCH, Carpenter and Builder Manufacturer sin ipiilrirof Sash, Screens, Doors and Windows and Furniture, ALL WORK OUARANTEED. Shop: 1817 Osvanport Street, OMAHA W. H. LANYON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Telephone 747. Twelve venni ronllnunl nriu'llrp In Omnh lute ttuslHliiiil Sinveoii tuSl.JoMi'ph'HlioHplliil Ullli'i' S. W. oor. (il.nteentli h ml ( lilcimo hti, (Htli-e ImnrHti:.! in II (i a. m , :i:im to A:iie and i :UU U)V,W p. in. Kenlili'tieu, 3711 t'hurle St, Tiin -.,i.i-lli,ii uf (. lr? it'll lt.ln t. Ill.,t I nt ii linir in 4 t VI ntui it. In, mi. I Urn I lm-1 DliOn t In tin- Wl.tlll I ur I limiii'H iHki'in, run mi inn tiinri ut'Hl M ll I hi nam tnl itml at t nl'Hl I'm lrti' ill ml littj niiMHinii .n i.i in imwiiitpr ij ' in 1 1 ii tii i'!ni!nyi n( llili run, pan y, Ft A. NASH, Ui'ii'l Ag't, Oitntliit. Nl, remont, ElKhorn & Missouri Valley 1TOTITTX WEPT. ffa$SW 33A.OT. nrrunt.J3i DOXTTII ''itKMONT, IlAHTINUH, Waiioo, Lincoln, iSkwahu, Bupkhiou, David City, York, Albion, Norfolk. A HII A 1,1, orthern Nebraska, Black Hills AND CI2NTUAL WYOMING. ONI.V lUIIKIlT MNB TO 1 Sioux City, Minneapolis iind St. Paul, V loktit Ofllc.a Mill Cnrrium HlTniit und Wulmler Htrmit Union Huilon, H. 0. BURT. J. . BUCHANAN (inii'l MiiiuiKiir. (inn'l 1'iiMMAirt. A. L. DKANK, J, W. DON NULL A. L. DEANE & CO. General Agents for HALL- SAFES ..J AHP tOCKS. Bank 0 Vault Worik. 1 116 Farnam St., Omahal N. J. CARRIKER, M. D. Physician and Medical Electrl a. CHRONIC ANO NtHVOUB DISIASUI A SPICIALTV. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralyiili, ; St. Vitus Danoe. WOMEN OHILOMIN Private Dlsoases of Male & Femi't ll I'HOMI'T ATTKNTKlfc TO CUl,IJ, Offioai Jio hiy am, ith and Hoara, TnleplioiiH M, OMAHA. NKIl, M. DALEY, MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Made to Order. !.......,..... . ... .11 ..... ril..,k- wiim ...i i q ...ri,.,i. .i, rwii uiuiii- IliK lii'itnnd, ilyiiii mi I roiiiinjitlm!. 2107 Cumins St., OMAHA W. T. WHITE & CO., IOO MONTH IOTH T. Stationery. Boohs and News, I'lirloillrttlN. Mitifttrinftii. Notions. Fln Porknl Cnilery, lUKiir, ToIiucimii., and Mmukar't Sua drle, KvurytliliiK II rut uIimn. , FrienHa Patronage Sollcltad. ' HISSEM & TEETER Nrlhtt Oar, lath an Oaaga St., , roa all aiiDt or Foreign and Domestlo Fruits, luti, 0ii(otlM. Olnrl nd Tobaqpo, THE NAME TO REMEMBER When lliiylng; a BICYCLE A.1Y.GUMP&CO., DAYTON, OHIO. no.oo'io r.o.oo.vrd n mtat now ml uri'inul'liitiiil lllrirlra, M.i. freo. Ovrr H.OOO In Mock. Caah Ir lllllV. LADY FRIENDS Sr.TO.. nH'..v hhiiiiiUi Ihdiism of mew t'mtllln rm. .(ly by M.-iidiim ti-n cimta In utaiun to T ll llCMlMIKfYS. M. 1)., Knowluio," owft 1 3