The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 30, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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One gM effect awmed to -vault from
tbla altercation r-vldenlty ineivawd;
ftnd m F.lten Inherited much of her
grandmothcr'a rvavmhlniice, ami took
frvat Intcrtatln lit muni of olden
tltnea, it came in for a largo sham of
hi aiTeoHon loo, The oor lrl wm
nil wasting alowlyaway.and furnished
moiium family Willi an object ofja
noian-art mid solicitude, among Vim
ny which prciueil Hiclr
ln the rwpllon into I ho garrlmm of
minimum reinforcement lu triaipa,
uriven, with their attendant crowdaof
fugitive, from Uio neighboring atn
nun, it vm found needful to provide
ftooonimodatlona for them Hi the cxia-nan
in ainioat mi tho llltlo remain nit cm
fort of the Inhabitant. Tim M'Allater
contrived to aparo a portion of tholr
mall abode; the Ulor lady t,nklng
luien Into her apartment, which, lalng
on tho ground floor, wa moro noooaalblo
to tho Invalid; whllo Lctltla hm.I her
mother occupied h bod In tho attic, mi
adjoining closet aorvlng tho purpura) of
lore; una Magrath, with hla undo,
towed their oouohos sldoby ldo In tho
llttlo ce.l already mentioned. Tho fo
trialo servant only nttotuiod in tho
houso during tho day; mid Bryan, when
not on duty, slept at hla former homo,
. By thin arrangement, two ooiirfortablo
apartment on tho intermediate fliKir
woro appropriated to wnnu respectable
oldlers, whoao caro to prevent any en
croachment on tlio fiunlly repaid tlia
J hospitable shelter which they enjoyed.
ly was not long, however, More an
other Interesting Individual wan added
to ho household, in tho person of a
venerable man, whoso silver liulrn, and
caro-worn but monk and placid uoiihteii
irnoo, attracted Bryan's attention. Ho
wna quartered in a noisy barrack-room,
and M'Allater overheard blm reprove
omo blasphemous languiigo from a
half-drunkon soldier, in orin that loft
no doubt on hi mind a to tho religion
feeling of tho old man, Politely In'
tro hieing hlmaulf, lm received amplo
coi Iriuallon of hi Iiojhi; and lludltig
tlm liiutll, an lila ni'w acquaintance wa
(! ml, ponMi-aaod tho tnannor of ono ao
cuh iimud to far dllTurtnit noclnty, ho
coiiulU d hU family, prevailed on the
oOrito rpalgii tho amallnrof tholr
aimrtiueiiU, and cuuductod tho old
fH ft homo "whicft lio Mtvftui witli
emlona of the doupimt thankful-
Itlicrto, no dcmotmtratlon of an
aotdial atliick hml bitcn iimdo agalnat
city) but on tho very evening fol
ing that of ilioill'a ncciillon into
h W family, iiryan!ntrml,ai'i'oiiipitnfod
a luNtial by lUm, and tiouiuiunlciitod
thai InUtlllgi'iimi, that tho oomblm-d
IrUli and hwiuh army, with Jurnoa at
.tlir bead, would luimodlaloly apiN-ar
to (leiiiaml that turrendor which tho
traitor Lundy and hla tionfcdnralo hml
aaaurt'd thorn of, A capitulation had
Indeed been agmud upon by ruont of tho
loading limn omu aawtntlng through
intimidation, whllo other aotod on tho
troaohorou princlplo, or rather want
of prlnolplo, which wayed tholr loader.
Tho bulk of tho pcoplo, however, worn
atrenuoualy opKmed Ui till meaauroi
and, In ariawer to tho anxlou lnjulrl'
of tho trembling women, liryan aurod
thorn that tho oitl.orm' reaoiutlon wa
"Ayl" fxolalincd lloaa, "wo'll hang
the raaoala over tiio gate beforo wo
OlMsn thorn to tho poplah party,"
"Lundy," added Jiryan, "hn nearly
castaway all aernblno of deeonoy,
III vlllany ia trying to keep Mr.
Walker outldu tho walla, aftor all hi
faithful and gallant conduct, wa lnauf
orahlo, You know that hi llttlo party
only got in by downright foroo,"
"I do not llko to hear of a fighting
clorgyman, remarked lUltlaj "and
they ay Mr, Walker ia on,"
"ilo ha ronderod u moat Important
aorvlofl, howover," rejoined her brother;
"and, holpleaa a wo aro, wo mtiat not
quarrol with hi voluntary aid,''
) At thl moment another of tint ap-
yirnwoo youth enured in hroathlea
haaand agllallon.oxolalmlfig, "M'AN
lU r-Iloaaur, boy, you'vo loat a
moat ttdifylng acono! You know how
ourtruaiy governor and hi crew bavo
Wn deliberating bohind chwed d(ara,
evn denying admittance to Crofton
and hi tru follow-addlora Wol),
wbat thliflc you wna tho reault? Juat a
r-o!utlon to aond buck tho auppliea
from Knglnnd, and to go forth en nmum,
with halUir aixmt tholr neck, in proa
tnito aubmlaafon to King Jamoa,"
"iialk-ral" eJiMiuhitod Uryan, Umn
and Hhano, In a breath,
"Nay, I won't iwear to tho halUjraj
but a moat abjoot aubmlaalon waa re
olvod on, Tho greaW nurnlr of
whlui-liverod poltroon, overawed by
thereproiwntatlonaofothor; algnrfd It;
but two or tbroo faonoat fellow ro
fued, and gavoabint to tho people
without, who aurroundod tho doora,
and very audibly prornlaod to tri;atbith
governor and council with a awlg. Yet
wov-'Hly think that n ofllclal com-
n aliin lm tt il I A, (
Ut tj IVl'lliclil i1I')h!i li III
f).h njmly A ll U ..
Miat. Ilu i iiil) wn lll HfMnHrt
ration In it ii, fir hittMlnHi
fivm imr i-aotmim' numlb In Hi
em loj ' livth,"
",v, that will t ,'laiiof.i M.M.
"Iji I'i lnoft(M',lil. r',e aiv naiiU-d
W ith a hanlr Uirwrll, llnun loin
btniai il fnun hla ti-. uidilotf im-lher an
aiaiens Hiiitinpaii) lug Ma nviy m
!!.-; whllo Mm; mitt, lm had
privately left lliia'ilni nt lo uiiiitiun
Itnalt, ntlottdot) him lulu Hie rtin, an
lit coiuhliralilo aiiaHun plaoiti him
aelf lalillid Iho ladj'a l linlr.
"Oh, Hieao aro luavy ciiwwa.' aal
tho old inau na lie looked ml tho parly
before hhns "but lo (tinl'a children llu
art lueivKui chaallM iiietilK, not wrath
ful vUllnllniia. 11 lm Ixiw Hio knot1
doar ladle, iolllin who I near who
troubloa pit-M tho hardoat, IVayor,
prayer la llio Italaani for nil woiiiida,H
They kneeled; and Magrath, InaU'tu
of rotli lng aa uauul, nunnlned with hi
claaped hiinil real Ing on thorhalrlaivk
and hla forohoml laiwed Upon them
hla ln)4nao nnxioly hud not laen un
noticed; and, whllo ItaoiiRtwhulaoolhcd
tholr fcollnga, It tended alaoto increnao
tholr feara,
"Youuould toll ui much, Magrath,
aald Mr, M'AlUlcr, looking oarnoatly
at him,
"No, tnadam; not moro than you
know, or can guoaa at, anyhow, Hut
It' tnyaolf can tell yon, that not a hair
of your henda ahull bu touched whllo
Larry Magrath haaadrop of blood in
hla voln to alicd for you,"
"Oh, and will thoro ho flghtlngV"
cried Kllon,
"ilo calm, my lovo," replied hor
mother; "thero will ho nothing but
what tho Lord pormlta,"
"Hut liryan our own Uryan!"
Tho mnthur could only reply by a
froah burnt of tear, whllo tho Lady
rahdng hor oyea, aald, "Tho bucklor of
tho IIIghoKt la around him; tho eyo of
a rouonollod Father i upon him; tho
prayer of faith atlll bear hlmlmfore
tho throne, our trcnauru- our procloua
iioy;" her voloo failed, and Una II
added, "Tho only aon of hla mothor
and alio a widow,"
Thoro wa aomothlng in tho allualon
that foil aweotly upon every heart; a
grateful amllu lieained through tho
mother' tenia, na alio aald, "I will
think of Nuln, and truat, and not bo
Neither liryan nor tho aoldlor ro
turned to the houao that night; but tho
former acuta cheering moaaago, doalr
Ing them to peraovoro In prayor, for
that a groat crlal wa at hand, and
holp would not bo withhold by Him
who wa mighty to auvo.
On tho following morning by anuria
llryan'took hi poat on tho Hat roof of
tho cathedral, and behold aacerio wol
caiouiatod to thrill hi every nerve
A fur a tho pyo could roach, denao
column of Infantry, ahrouded at time
In tiio duat ralaed by vaat bodies of
horao, approached tho devoted apot.
Hltuated within an abrupt bond of
Iough Foplo, Dorry I iwo-thlrd aur
rounded by It watora; at that apot not
moro than halfamllo lu width, Not
only wa tho town In procea of luvoat
meiit by a lino of troop, whoao extreme
right and left rcated on the udge of tho
Ijough, but batterlo wore being orectid
on tho oppoalto aide, and tho prophet'
Imagery "a lodge in a garden of cu
cumliora, a bealeged clty"-prcaentod
Itaolfto tho mind of young M'Allator,
with a force and a pathoa that dimmed
hi bright eye a ho aonnned tho ac
cumulating boat without, and tendered
on tho troachorou loavon that wrought
on tho multitude within, Kagor In
toreatln thoacono, a It regarded hi
country and hi faith, together with
the ardent rlalng of Inherent courage,
tram overcame theao anddenlng fool
Ing, and, aided by a mn.ll tetoacopo,
ho took aacrutlnlzlng aurvcy of tho ad
vanning fiat,
rriudly waving In the breeo, ho
deacrlod the royal atandard of Kngland,
which loft upon hi mind no doubt of
Jnmea' peraonal approaiih at tho head
of hi army, turroundod by a galaxy of
noble and commander, whoao armor
flaahed In tho far dlatnnoo, It waa, In
deed, that unhappy nnd rniagulded tool
of prioatorafl, who, aflor exorclalng in
Until In tho brief authority again
acquired In amannor NuMlcient to prove
hi infatuated devotion to tho will of
aplritual tyranta, now vamo to overawe
by hi kingly preaonco tho cluator of
doUtrmlned 1'rotcatnnlaoncHgod within
thoao wall, And it had uro!y tjoon
an eaay conqueat but for tho Omni-
jaitcnt Guardian of a prnylng iHiopIo a
amall numlair, who mingled In tho
maaa, nerving by their Inceaaant u.
plication Hie arm which wero Uai
prime U U.aat aa though their own
atrongtii upt eld them, Wonderful, in
deed, wero tho Incldcnta of that pro-
traou-a aiege, and moataatonlahlng the
llverance vouchaafed! Let tho
pralao m rendered to Him who wllla
not that HI glory be given toother!
Tho flat roof of Dorry cathedral fur-
nlahed at once a oat of observation and
a battery; and while beneath the word
oflifo wa dealt forth, tho engine o(
dcatruetlon atood ready charged aljovo,
toawcep immorui aoula from earth to
tho Judgmont-soat, Tho thought prea-
od heavily on Bryan' apirit aa tho
front of war expanded before hi gaze;
' bt r-vk tiv ij'i'ik ) nUr
lOplili .f tbti ,f !,(, v Hk,-,
t,,.., mUi,i )),, , ll!.n ri to
alkr hv riiimanling i Ot.
l Hli' I'M MW IwtillUil IMit 1,1 111 !,
a pM of a!rv, t itil!j!t aiitMnttH
lei! Hn tit th.iiti lo I , !,). .-I Mm.
lav, a nm aUant al!t( who al
Hie lo ad itf hla H ap alli'lud up tl
ahlp quay sale, il nian.ling i nlraroH ,
"Ht-is m enelaliiird Ur)n'a In
formaht, "If tho t Illation gm-'rtur b
no! ti'fuMt Hit in adiulitamv, after
fighlliig thrlr way tlma fur!"
A ropi wna tut hnmtflii to Hint rl
of tho walla, ami an offer evidently
mail o to admit Murray alngly by an, h
iininr.llary ioiivejanee! whtlw a niea
M'liger from tlio coiiin ll dltvetrd the
tianaaellnii, I'olonel Murray wheeled
hla horao In mni ked dladaln, and ad
dnaed a few word to hla follower;
but cro heiimld conclude, tho galo waa
Hung wlduoHn by the officer in com
mand; and, gincled with tho louden t
acclaniatlona, Murray led hi men Into
tho town, whore ho waa proaontly hotij
mod In by the agllated laipulaeo, im
plorlng hla aaatslauca against their bo
trayor. Tho jairty on tho cathedral
rapidly descended lo join their voice
will) the rest.
A night of foar hud ended, and the
morning had brought to tho household
of M'Allator tidings conllrmalory of
tholr worst fcurmlsoa. On tho first
auranco that the enemy waa actually
taking poat around the walls, Shane
had sullied forth; and Magrath ap
poarod disposed to follow, but waa
withhold by tho entreaties of tho girls.
A short but encouraging visit from
Malcolm revived in some measure tholr
fainting spirits; and several of Bryan's
young companions looked in from time
to tlmo, with a few hasty words, often
of contradictory linjiort. The Bible
lay open laiforo tlio Lady, and many a
promise did she cull from Its abundant
stores to sustain her own firm mind-
now tried to Its utmost stretch as well
aa those of her less enonretlo com
panions. Magrath, Indeed, was energy
embodied, as ha paced the room, and
busied himself in every imaginable
way to curb his impatience, No coun
tonanuu exhibited so lntenso an ex
pression of quick and watchful solici
tude; ho soemod on tho very tiptoo of
eager expoutatlon, mingled with most
painful doubt. Basil showed tho calm
enduraiicu of one too well acquainted
with such scenes, and assisted tho Lady
In her tusk of consolation.
The tumult occasioned by Murray'
reception had now subsided; and it
origin had been explained by a passing
friend, who dcscrlbod It a a most
auspicious event. Another half-hour
olapsod, and with increasing anxIotfwMrgos which at intervals still shook
the coming of Bryan was expected
when suddenly a thundering peal o;
artillery burst forth, tho roar of cannon
drowning tho fainter rejHirt of musket
ry, whllo every building seemed to
rock, and every roof to respond the
dreadful salutation. For a moment it
pauaod; and then the shriek of terror
might be heard, resounding from
street and neighboring house; but
again tho batteries renewed tholr fierce
explosion, and clouds of smoke rolled
by, impregnating every breath with
tholr sulphureous effluvia.
What word may suffice to portray
tho agony of thoao bewildered female?
Tho dreadful reality was at length ar
rived; thesubstanuo of thoao troubled
vision which had frequently haunted
tholr pillow, and even in tho brightest
hours of day overclouded their minds
with foreboding apprehension. It was
come, and terrible, Indeed, wa that
hour. A vague desire to fleo from tho
urroundlng peril was Immediately
succeeded by A deep consciousness that
no possible way of escape existed for
them. Enclosed on every side, they
must await the Issue; and await It they
did In meek and holy resignation. No
scream escaped them, no violent con
torllon appeared; they gazed on each
other, and on Basil, and simultaneously
kneeled down, but to articulate was as
mHiaalblo a it would have been vain,
amid that deafening uproar; Magrath
wrung bis hands, and struck repeatedly
ujMin hi breast now ho hurried to
ward tho door, and then lingered and
went back, when some Imploring eyo
turned towards him, IW Kllun was
soon seized with a violent cough, as
tho tainted air assailed her lungs, and
o hastened to procure a cup of water;
then looked to tho entrauce of the
ouae as resolved to Issue forth; but
he grasMd hi arm, and uttered aery,
"In tho name of all the nulnts, Miss
Ellen, dear, do, do lot mo go see for the
master," he said, when an Interval of
tho firing allowed of it. Ills arm was
mmedlately liberated; but before ho
could reach tho door his egress was
"Your handkerchiefs, girls, your
handkerchiefs!" shouted Bryan, as he
dashed Into tho room, followed by two
or three more; and ho snatched them
from tho astonished females, rending
them in two, and tossing tho divided
portions to hi companions, who, as
well a himself, proceeded most busily
to fasten each of them a fragment
round hi right arm,
Again tho cannon thundered, and
again ceased, with a longer pause than
before; and Bryan was ablo to reply to
tho broken sentences of mingled joy
and terror.
"Oh, a S !lv rio ! M iit t v,
jfallanl M,tt, ba II ail b'
N fs IH;t M'l M' Jho l In Htatlug
I the in--m'i ,.(.. -.!t -
' '.Vt t Ajo.lii ak d Mat-alh
j l.i Uv bumU- ( it, W
t- ht ran iitolip chiI," rvpll. d .we
V " '
"Afttl thl," "..Minuet Ht)an, Hik
jetf hla lift haul MYlhly in tiolii. n
H at 'iH'i l. ! ht iltbt arm. "thU 1
I ho la.1jft No M )iiii a! Vr
aim wrnr it aro oi n U rlh l-t a
man rallier than hear of oapMulaiion,
I'oaal luck to you, Hi. n!" ciu lalmed
Magralh, trhimihnnl delight binding
In M oum'iiniuis wiiiio tlm euna
drowning Hio ii tualnder of hi iTh,
ho toro hla neckerchief In wt and
Ihrcw the half of II to Haatl, twlatingt
Ih olherMund hUown arm.
"And now, Mr. liryan, air, "for
Mngrath never culled him M'Allator",
"when tho cat'a away, tho mlcw will
play, aa undo any; and I'm after your
honor to tho Iiu4 dnii "again the
cannon could alone la heard.
Otd Shnno now buatled in aa the
young n cn liaatncd out; nnd oolng
Magrath with the bwlgo, bo towed on
him a cordial embrace then throwing
hlmaolf into hla chair, anawered the
qtierle that flowed In upon him, with a
confirmation of tho tiding that tho
Itcalcgers wero cat t into great panic.
"And will they not como hero then?"
naked Ellon, eagerly.
"llorol Och, bleaa your almple heart;
why U lan't in them to look at the
wallal Out and out frightened they
wore, from the minute tho boys let
loose the gunpowder. There' a gay
chap killed, they say, an eUrae to King
Jamcg aa the pratee to tho stalk; and
hlniHel'H off at a hard-gallop, out of
reach chine and entirely, to complain
to Pope Joan, maybe."
"Oh, brother," aald Diwll, "do not
exult over a fallen king! Unhappy as
guilty, ho ia betrayed by others; and
even here he came to look for homage,
and dreamed not of realstunce."
"True for you, air; maybe he didn't
know that we have but few Jacobites
here," replied tho old man, rather
"He la no Jacobite, Shane," said the
Lady; "but ho feels that a bead once
annolntud is no meet object for mock
ery. Let us rather pray tnat djh pres
ent sufferings may lead him to repent
ance." "Your Ladyship can, sure," answered
Hhane, sulkily; adding in a lower tone,
It' myself that'll tight for King Wil
liam, lot who will pray for old James."
The assurance of no attack from
without being contemplated, somewhat
reconciled the household to the dls-
their abode; and in tho evening they
were gladdened by a visit from Mai
colm and Boss, who brought a promise
of Bryan' appearance; a temporary
couah wa formed for poor Ellon
whoso disorder wus greatly aggravated
by the Impregnation of tho air with
gunjmwdur. Magrath, who returned
with Boss, occupied his usual place a
llttlo in the rear of Shane's seat by the
chimney corner.
An occasional cannonade, interrupt
ing tho repose of their little apartment,
Mr nlslied a striking commentary on
tho piou and appropriate remark of
the Lady and Malcolm. Tho latter
loomed to be still in a state of much ex
citement, and frequently paced the
room, or stood within tho attentive
circle who hung upon hi words.
"It was Aiarvellous," ho aald, "to be'
hold tho spirit which animated our
hotcrogunemis mas of population when
the enemy drew on toward tho wall
Mutual distrust had chlllod their
spirits, and unnerved many an arm.
Unable to look to an Invisible Loader,
tho multitude had no rallylng-polnt, no
common centre of respect and obedience,
hope and conlldenco, until tho good
providence of God sent them that true
hearted Murray, round whom they
rallied to a man. I trust that ho is the
Gideon raised up to deliver our afflicted
Israel; tho more so, as his presence
truck an almost supernatural panic
Into thorn traitors of tho council-board,
sending them self-exiled from tho spot,
reluctantly to disprove their own un
principled misrepresentations."
"And judge you," asked tho Lady,
"that all who remain aro faithful?"
'Of loading men, unquestionably o;
and among tho troops horolo ardor
prevails, Our own citizens havo never
wavered in fidelity, though some were
for a space deluocd by smjcIous pro-
tenses of assured defeat. Tho first roar
of our artillery broke many a spell, and
scattered tho fear of hundreds. I
doubt not but tho arm of tho Lord is
on our side, and that He will gird us
with strength unto tho battle. May He
glorify Himself, bo It by tho mortal
weal or woe of His chosen ones! Blood
will flow even within those walls; and
tho Foylo may carry a crimson streak
into tho northern main, Wo are com
passed on every side; they come about
us llko bees; and yonder Sennacherib
will lie down among his motley host
this night, counting perchance on a
banquet of carnage for tho morrow; but
our Shepherd watches His fold, and
tho wolves approach in vain; for we
even we, in tho name of tho Lord, will
destroy them."
"Alas, alas!" said the old stranger,
that ever the carnal weapon should
bo drawn to fight tho battles of the
1 I ,'it ' it ' It. (U'Mii '
t H iji I
'! t
p M.e kwf., tl.p vl. '!
! . t l.r ibr- likht. f "
' '" rti ) nk tn. w-;l, ti'fltf,
n,si VUNtm; " .t.f.i.l it,
' tvm a Mnr 4 n'ir w-i
1 1". 1
Wl ,!!, wlioxtk H 'lsie M'W
vmi I-...I Htat hre. In i th. ,t i I
f Hie 1'ivl. .Unl f,lh, and that be
W Im ) Hn t a aid,' mnt li the
wm-J. na i4 hJ"
"You aw a minuter, air, inmi-hil
lbuil. Hat kly , 'tl I not for me t
gaia-ay your woivl. lie, t,at,aa
a mliilti r, whiw I. aehlnc 1 flliwHi;
ay, m follow it Jet, hoping that Ho
day I Hot far dUtant when, llku him, I
shall go down in )aai to the ft axe,
nod my spirit rejoice ia fore tho throne,
Willi my master, toy gloriiUtl maMor,
lioly Union."
(To he tAintinued.)
Irmatl Taau la Km anrl-.
A Ban Francisco audience will
much more amnaiHl by tho manner in
which tho tirofoaaor break down Mr.
Brooklyn Bridge's, ceiling than it will
over tho aplcndid merriment of Sir Toby
Helen, sir Andrew Agiteohock and Mai-
Tolio. It la llko the French audience,
which is infinitely moro amused by wit
than t)Y bumor.
But comedy is not held in great favor
here. Tho San Franciscans lieing tho
most pleasure loving of people, prefer
tragedy. A good, old fashioned, blood
pilling tragedy, where every one ia
killed in tho last act, is highly approved
or. ir kuwln Forrest were alive todav.
he would count his most frantic admir
er in tho city by the Golden Gate.
Tragedy as he must havo understood
it tragedy played with all the force of
the lungs tragedy where the murdered
victim and the despairing suicide took
half an hour to dio and died acrobat
ically from the footlights to the door at
the back of the stage would meet with
the heartiest approval here. The ele
ment in the theaters which loved and
worshipod Forrest and hia energetic
methods is larger in San Francisco than
In most cities of its sizo. It is not that
tho audienceB here do not contain in
dividual spectators of tho his-hest artis
tic insight and cultivation, it is that the
majority of the audience is formed of
spectators whoso taste in the drama is
very much on the same lines as the taste
in the drama of tho god in the nallerv.
Tho spectator of insignificant education
and uncultivated taste are more numer
ous than the spectators of cultured mind
and trainod powers of appreciation, and
the majority rules. San Francisco Ar
"Toad llona" Waa a Womlar,
All early writers attribute wonderful
qualities to toads and frogs and tho va
rious parts of their bodies. Pliny be
lieved, for instance, that if a toad was
brought into the midst of a mob or other
largo and unruly concourse of people
"silence would Instantly prevail." A
mall bone, found in the right side of
toads "of tho proper age" wa also be-
neveatohave powers over tho various
elements. "By throwing this bone iuto
ft vessel of boiling water," says Pliny,
I,, i ..... .
is wm iiumeuiaieiy cool tt, tho water
refusing to boil again until the bono has
been removed. To find this bone, ex
pose the doad toad on an ant hill. When
the ants have eaten her all away except
me oones, taae eacn uone separately and
drop it into boiling water. Thus may tho
wondrous toad bono bo discovered."
This antiboil bono of course had its op- the tall and isolated peaks of tho Rocky
P"t ix. ... mountains in Colorado. The dryness of
In another portion of his work Tllny the air and tho strong heat of tho after
aysi "On tho other hand, aimin. in the
left sido of this reptilo thero is another
bono which when thrown into water has
all tho appearance of making it boil,
Tho name given this bona is 'apocynon
which signifies 'dog averting,' because it
has tho power and property of assuaging
tho fury of the fiercest doits." It was
also a sovereign remedy for love and
Other trouble, WOUld Conciliate na.
tronged friends, and if water in which a in huge masses of vapor that eclipse tho
"toad bono ' had been steeped bo used view and bury him in darkness. Light
mixed with lamb's tallow as an ointment ning occasionally leaps from the clouds
"thO IKTSOIl Using thO Some mlirht With- and a mountain ton la a t,nrl,.,,1a.l.
out tlio least effort e0 ghosts and diver
spirits both by tho duy and by the
night. -St. Louis Republic.
l.lumlnii tlia Daiitlnta.
"Talk alaint tho exerts of gold upset-
ung our nnoncioi system," said tho eco
nrmito reformer as ho bit a crescent out
of a dot.ghntitin ft Pork row lunch bo-
roar, 'It isn t the exporting that is driv
mg our goi.i out of the treasury. No,
?, t., . . tro"''10 wlth tho pl"?crs-
tho high toned tooth plugger. They aro
winning a cool 1 ,000,000 worth of gold
away into tho back teeth of tho Ameri-
can people every year. That means just
o much of tho yollowmotal lost to trado
and commerce every 13 months-lost
completely and irretrievably. This must
bo popped. Let congress pass a law pro-
hibit ngtho use of gold in filling teeth,
and tho monetary pressure will beirin to
ease up in no time. When our gold is
drawn am? from ns by business trans-
actions with foreign nations, we can got
it back ia due time through the natural
processes of trade, but whim it is plugged
away in the cavernous molars of our
purso proud dudes and millionaires it is
bu mKiie uiai a writ or roroign
attachment couldn't roach it. This busi-
nttmit lllliof Stfr.a. , ..a I
ness must stop, or tho t?overriiniTit. will
lump before tho next shad season opens.
XT..... V..-,- ir - . ,
iiw lura iicruiu.
A ew Cmw Tnrt KrgUter.
In a now fare register tho main reiHa.
tertng train is returned tn rnrn nr. tlm
end of each trip by pulling out a knob
and turning it onco around, when it
springs back iuto position. The number
and the direction of tho trin nrn rlmnuwl
at tho same tlmo. The register is said
to be absolutely accurate in
ing it impossible to ring without regis
tering or register without ringing. It
has a locking device, which prevents !
fares from beinir rani un ri,,rini v. k.
sence of passengers, and a 4-tumbler j Dftl W(mt riKbt through my hair,
lock with sjieeial key. The register is ' rs- Botts Indeedl And were you
thoroughly tested at 15 fares Iwfore leav- anywhcre w the vicinity when it hap
ing the factory. New York Telegram, j lK,n'-'(I? Indianapolis Journal.
I il-4 M, tttlm
Ai -t 1 l tsit .'r-- drlx t
. . l !'! 4 r-el, Jt
H w I ! H I UeM oW-Ti d.
UfaWi- h Hw .1. f I tm!5tt1T
abont.l ti. 1 1 to i-l lh a h
a t
,(, .f f.iHl lnU Mi.l, it ta
tri tHt ht. w anff i f () an tin nrahla
lttiM!! o v lo I ntM lintK tVtninw-r
fially Hi. v ma w piaiH.nily "man
trillion l-v" but !, bill, aliv and art iH, al
ly it i dy a Uu:ht r f K'
cn-tniit that airy , toyirrnii 1 al-h-.ner
tVhchtfwl nnn lurv, a first rat
fatliiitnabia hoiinH,
An pliniit haa WUrd that If ft fi
Kial of fair cei!r, paxl tM and
approval skill aa a noodle woman wrr
hvked tip by liw'lf in a top attic with
bothing on in-r work table but an onion,
ft totnnttt-, aotno hit of colored paper, a
few feather mid onit red and whit
tape and given ferret aho would I ablo
tn the course of a few honra to construct
ft inoat elegant lamnet which, however
roarim in texture it might appear to tho
rye, would photograph in ft moat pictur
WMjtteand symmetrical aspect, whereas,
wero the akillfulcat of male artificer in
trusted with ft similar task a'nd with
carte blaucho in the way of silk, velvet,
plated straw, rare feathers, beads, Jet,
spangle and artificial flowers, he would
not succeed in producing anything be
yond a rude, clumsy and ungainly sim
ulacrum of a bonnet.
As ft maker of hats, equality with if
not superiority over the other sex may
perhaps be claimed for the man. He in
vented the lady's hat, he adorned it, he
beribboned it, he plumed it and he hand
ed it over to Rubens, Vandyke, Gains
borough and Reynolds to be perpetuated
as a monument of masterly skill and ele
gance in their deathless canvases. Lon
don Telegraph.
Tbe Sailors Oot Beoluilon.
Years ago, when the full rigged man-o'-war
was "right in line," tho Hartford
put into Boston harbor and dropped
anchor off tho Charlestown navy yard
one fine day. The Hartford at that time
was as much an object of wonder and
admiration as the gallant New York or
Boston is today, and visitors flocked
aboard her in great numbers. Her cap
tain, an obliging man, made every effort
to see that his visitors were well cared
for, and personally he showed party aft
er party over the ship. At the mess
hour it was his habit to take the curious
down to the berth deck that they might
soe how the sailors ato their meals. That
was before they had tables on board tho
vessels of war, and when the mess cloth
was spread on the deck.
The sailors did not mind this at first,
but after a time it became irksome.
They came to the conclusion that their
privacy was being interfered with, and
so finally they decided to put ft atop to
it. Tlio next time the captain took a
party down to show them his happy
family as it paid tribute to the inner man
an old salt, the acknowledged leader,
reached for a certain bowl. This was the
signal, and forthwith a dozen sunburned,
brawny arms were stretched forward to
ward that self same bowl, and a lively
tussle for possession ensued.' The can- '
tain stood aghast. Such unseemly con
duct paralyzed him, but before ho'could
recover there was an apparently vicious
"scrap" going on, and before his visitors
too. This was too much for him, and
afterward the sailors partook of their
meals uninterrupted. Boston Globe.
Sublimity on rika't Iak.
One of the sublimest effects in nature
la oepliMlntinll v m,an Itv Hi.taA mIa .ltn.K
tho brooks, springs and snowbanks on
the mountain sides, and this moisture,
rising on the warmer air, condenses as it
reaches the cooler, thinner atmosphere
about the mountain top. Tlio traveler,
looking down, sees clouds literally form-
ina below him And i.n,t .iu ,,
block every Instant, so that as they
raiudiml hla lovl fhov mil .W..,. .1 --i
place to bo In at such a time. The stone
signal service station on Pike's peak has
txien nearly wrecked by llithtninir more
than once. New York Sun.
The Well of Froien Air,
Noar Dayton, Or., there is a well lo-
cally known as tho "well of frozon air "
In drilling it a stratum of frozon cloy
and gravid was enoonnterod at a depth of
63 feet. After passing through five feet
of tills numerous cavities were encoun-
tered from which cold air camo with
sharp gusts. The escape of the air from
the well timv h h,.r,l a ,n
nearly 200 yards, and it is so friidd that
it is not possible for any one to hold his
hand over tho opening for more than a
few minutes without having it frosen
stiff. A bucketful of water sot near tlm
mouth of the well will freeze throntrh
durlnrr nun nliht'a it-1
to add that work on the well was aban-
doned as soon as these frigid blasts found
vent through tho opening ma.lo by the
drill.-Philadelphia Press
A New atreet Car Drake.
An attempt is being made In England
w uunzo mo power absorbed in the ap'
plication of the brakes to tram cars, sc
a 4 A , ... .1 .... t I f ...
as to render old in restartinur t,h r
A spring is chnrgod, which can bo re
leased and will start the cor without the
aid of tho horses. A forward, and not a
recoil movement, is at once given to the
wheels, but its action can bo reversed in '
case of need such as overrunning
points at junctions. A trial of soveral
months has been givon to tho apparatus
with siitiHfoctory results. New York
A Cruel Query.
Mrs. Watts Oh, we had such a time
at home last ntoht! Mr. Watts thought
thoro Was a burglar in the house, and ho
8t his revolver, and it went off. and the
f 1