The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 23, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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mvoui uu.t.n iHt.
Islty U4lMHias tenth a4 Hh )
llrt lU(li(fJ II it.4
y lh ,,. ti. I i I Dirt si I l,i
drrn mitl ntint.l sft.-t Iti-r 1. 1. tin i
mil, Mr, lttl. H iti, N. dh a
tttM( iluM, i(t.t-ttMi
i lmtt.r M tinilti m nn le-t t f
Jlef JwtmiU, W lilt Wife till tills! tf lllt
tlrb-ly f Tiit ii'K In ai-rnt'luiHf. nh
tln ir i liiil.ui, l. ntt-l Hi. if liit ln n nil
vniniiK ni nil. I . liMm i,t r
tin i f tiiit'k ml bhiIIk until."
I'nlit Mm wm 1st i.ri. IkOtr lir.l
qtibl'y In the tuinHf ami Mt tnltl the
illsi n It''! wlief itul f lu t eliva
linn m rwi'ivi. llvry iiinminit m
for HuilHm out lir hiiiiIniiim1 wa
4'Wit securely uinlcr Iter ilii'i liy In r
rueful iiiihIht Hint till the .llllln f
lliifii iinok lo milt furllu r r-
twt IhT COIIJ')iIiH unit lulltf (loVCS aim
tni'ltn"! l"tirf lh Dnintry riNnU to tlm
clnsillnmsc, n Kr,t,,",iii little llgnte,
Very foii-1 of itt ttty thing, In r untiel
Mother, with whom dim win xnnt 't,
ofti'll liliuln liol irt'setil of oM fusliluiieil
jewelry, whlrli, not M114 alloweil to
fifthly wi'ur, nln Mwit lutu n littlti luitt
tint wore nroiiinl litr ne k tinder her
l!i-r father vm ono of tliu llrstof his
ett Iii Virginia to become tlotililfulof
laverr, ami his scruples finally lcil liliu
to lilmratu )iia slaves, sell his iilaiitalloii
ami remove to rhilalelihia. Ilnro ho
en;faK('l in business, but a bin efforts
proved unsuccessful after several years
tbu fiiinily became- very muin reduced in
In tho meantime Dolly had been irrow
ing dully in graco and beauty. At 10
hd wai tall and alewler, with a "deli
cately oval" face, well formed fnaturpa,
"dazzlitiKly fair" coiiiiUxion and bluu
eye of "much awootueiw undur licr do
mure Quaker cap."
John Todd, a wealthy, good looking
young lawyer of the aame religion, soon
fell a victim to her charm and made
hut an offer of marriage which she de
clined, saying she never intended to mar
ry. Hearing of her refunal her father,
ho waa ill at the time, immediately
ummoned her tohisnide and told her
it was his greatest wiwh to aee her well
provided for before he died, that it would
make him vory unhappy if he perdlnted
In her refusal, ho like a dutiful daughter
nil e reversed her decision and became the
wife of John Todd.
Her marriage proved to be a very hap
py ono, but after tho brief apace of three
yearn her liUMband died, and he was left
a widow at 23. Rich and very attract
ive, she had many admirers.
James Madiaon, at that time couri
ered an unreclaimable bachelor, chanced
to see her one day while she was out
walking with a friend and was so much
Imprensed with her beauty and grace of
bearing that bo did not rent until he had
obtained the promise of an introduction,
A few days later she met him at her
own house, and in tho first interview i ny
tared his heart. Bho wore on this occa
sion a gown of "mulberry satin, with a
silk tnllo kerchief over her neck and on
her head A dainty cap, from which the
curls would escaite,"
An engagement soon followed, and in
September, 1704, Mrs. Todd, accompa
nied by tho Miamorod Madiwm and sev
eral friends, left Philadelphia for I lure
wood her siM-or's eatato in VirgMa
wliere the marriugo ceremony was to
take place, The Jonrney occupied a
week, but tho weather was delightful,
And it was Accomplished without inci
dent, Friends and relatives from far and
near were awiemblod to greet tho bridal
party, and many of them remained for
days after the wedding to keep up the
festivities, For women to of tho oc
casion tho girls cut the mechlln lace
from Mr. Madison's shirt ruffles, and
Amid showers of rice tho laughing bride
and groom drove off to spend their
honeymoon at Montpoller,
The close of the year found them back
in Virginia, where, at her husband's re
quest, Mrs. M'idlson laid asido her Quak
er dress and for the first time in her life
began to enjoy society. New York
A S Milling Hup! to H!nli.i,
At A clerical meeting the subject of tho
separate mode of Administering tho com
munion camo up, Ono of those present
aid that when there were a largo n tim
ber jirescnt at tho celebration bo often
preferred to give the exhortation to sev
eral persons together, as it made tho
east wore of A communion than when
ach was isolated from his fellow wor
shipers by tho separate mode of adminis
tration. Bishop Wlllerfore, with sar
castic wieri and tone, replied, "I under
stand you, Mr. ICardloy, to prefer admin
istration by wholesale'"
Mr, Kardley rejoined, "My lord Mh
cp, when the divine founder of the feast,
Addressing the 19 apostles, said, 'Drink
ye all of tho cup,' I do not think that
even Judas Iscariot would have dared to
sneer at him an a 'wholesale administra
tor.' " Tho bishop's usual readiness de
serted him, and ho had nothing to say,
Bun Francisco Argonaut.
A CUrl's Tub Yut Ki arniM.
Miss Lena Tuttlo of Connecticut is
Amusing herself by clearing a farm and
cutting down cedar trees, for which tusk
ho Is receiving the plaudits of admiring
editors. It seems to be a matter of twite.
Different pooplo have different minds.
A great many women make themselves
useful in A great many ways. Miss Tut
tlo likes to chop wood a very Invigor
ating and health producing exercise. It
Amuses her and doesn't hurt the neigh
bors. Miss Tuttlo, if she marries at all,
will perhaps espouse a man who will bo
Able to wash the dishes and attend to the
knitting, and thus harmony and domes
ticity will bo establlshod.-Ncw York
(JUiUtous's Wy or Haying "No."
The verbosity t)t Mr. Oludstono is pro
f erblal, but it has never been more mark
dly put in evidence than when, want
ing to answer a querist with a negative,
lie used these words, "I must reply with
that brief and simple monosyllable
: Ma t I Miiwltiif lli ImHihi
j lt n Hil tiK-xttxinh 'ifitwtl ihf lH.
. l.i t.u I n tnttil fit ininn.t If
; IMs l i ifi ! lifw tit tii tn,y k
l(l-ttl lll"ll Upx lul l .1' v l ill tl,
I 11 In in Mnitn In H'lin. I ll i ll
I ft H t Mm t- l ' oni' sin ltn nl i f I ln
bs'ii nl b lii ! I limn In unit
; Itifliile n i-'tii l il I he bile in.
In !rti!nl" Hi is lit h I In v inl ls!
b lv .L. tiHvl Mumli by Uw and Vv
; iniri Hin i m h lb. in ll islne if out
I pnill ), lHlit f.i I'ltUcli'lilp
1 m'ii (In in, but b I Hum m f i r it.
' sbiiiiid lii'M tint lni t'H-r h"djr l jt mil
I II. bill hi litem Hl M ibwi.l. T H U tn liU.
! If sinh a . I b v l niftltilttitiiMt for I wo
tti iii'tntloiii itiort', Hie pm,. ni ml) U .tliu rt'liiiiniit of I Ui' ItntUri Villi
w mmM Slid al-mlldtl In lli.nli'tll f II-
iabl-iitiHiil, J. V. IViwell In
Font in.
Mllti lrli..llr.
What Hi lb" lips of Hie "liilt'llis'luiil
doublcr" would bine litt'ii only jinibiiir
suri'iiKiii whs Irriwixltbly funny Ihm uuu
of lis tutim't'iii'i', Vthi ii Lewis, Ins liu
agination llrt d by Ibe fimt opera be bud
ever Villneiuteil, litrxtriciiUv mixed up
MikhIvhihI Hnnkey Mini "The Mikado"
as foilows; The day following his at
tendance at Ibe bitter Hrforniaurv bo
burnt tiNm the sciitnbiliited maternal
vision attired In imitation of bis admired
Kn-Koina patchwork crib quilt and a
feather duster In his hands waving ac
cent nation toeach syllable as he caK'rud
alxnit chanting:
The will of the linl Im duns, m ilonti,
Ami su you hitJ bettor succumb, i tnnb, cuntbl
Washington Nows.
lust Llks a Man.
Mrs. Stocks If we move into that
cheap houso, we'll lose casto.
Mr. Stocks Don't care if we do, It's
tho best we can nlTord without running
hopelessly In debt, and besides it's a com
fortable place anyhow.
Mrs. (Stocks lluhl Just like a man.
Only so you can bo comfortablo and pay
every little bill as quick as it comes In,
you don't caro what tho world thinks.
New York Weekly.
The Dominion of Canada has an area
of 8,457,000 squuro miles and comprises
ono-sixteenth of tho land surface of the
globe, It is tho largest of all the British
possessions, Australia, the next in size,
containing 2,044,018 square wiles.
1. The cousin ui Ions of prince are not
superior, but subordinate to eccliwlusllcal
2, The laws of tho emperors cannot dl
silvii the 1'rclcnliiNllciil or cunnoii lawn,
IS. It Is not lawful for an emperor to exuet
mytliliiK opposed to the npoNtolle rules,
4, It Is not lawful for kings to usurp the
,hlii(I that Im'IijiiK to priest.
0. No custom of anyone can thwart the
tulute of the pope,
0, 11 no reltniii!0 1st olTered the
sposlolle (cuiioio precepts, but let them la)
niiliillfcroimly fulfilled,
7, The yoke Impontid by the holy smt Is to
Ikj fsirne, tliouxh It uppi ur Intolerable and
. Tlis 1'unllff cuu nuitbur Us louwid nor
bound by the neculitr power,
i. That the Pontiff was called Ood by the
pious Prince OniMi.itntlne, and that a god be
cannot be judged as man,
10, That a god be Is fur alsivo the roach
vl all hiunitu law and Juds'nent,
11, Tliat all laws contrary to the cuiions
sod decrees of the Jtoman prelutes are of no
VI. Thiil all of the ordinances of tint popn
r unliciiilulliiKly U) lie olieyed,
We oiiKht not even to peak to one
Whom llii" i" bit es-communlcated,
H, I'I'IckIs are father and muster, even
of princes,
IS, Tim civil law I derived from man', but
be ecleslaMesl or camii law I derived
directly from Ood, by which the pontiff can.
In connection with his prelate, muse con
tltutlon for the whole chrltlan world, In
mutter spiritual, concerning the salvation
A soul, and the rllil government of tint
ihurchf arid If neceary Judge and dlpoe
it all the tcmponil g'sul of all chrltiae,
pi, A heretic, holding or teaching fulo
loctrlne concerning the wicrumenl. I
'ommunlcaMtd and degraded, and handed
jver lo the neculur court,
17, Secular prince unwilling to swear to
defend Ibe church agafnat heretic are ex
'ommiinlcttted, and they uio lain under an
I'., The good of heretic are to lie eon
flwcuted and applied to the church,
It), Advocate or notaries, favoring here
tic, or their defender, or pleading fur them
In law mill, or writing document for them,
am Infamou and suspended from otllce.,
V). The secular power, whether perma
nent or temporary, are bound to wear that
they will nnli'Milmite, according to their
power, all heretic condein end by thechiwbi
and a temporal lord not purging hi land of
heretic, 1 ex-communlcatcd,
21, Thoiwt signed with the ere for the
esieriulliatlon of heretic, rejoice In the
prlvllegn granttid to tbu crusader for the
help of tlm holy land,
21 They hi 11 abiiolved from all obligations
who are In any wle bound t heretic.
2.1, Wlxsiver die l bailie against the un
believing, merit the kingdom of heaven,
24. We do not esteem Miomi homicide, to
whom It may huve happened In thclriseul for
their mother church agalniit Hie es-coin-inunlcaM'd,
to kill omn of them,
Vi. Tim t Catholic Prince are lu rid, liolli
If cIvH ur,d canon law, not to rncelvn or
'derate heretic, and much more are not to
sirmlt their rite, or other eercle of their
'ellglon, or rather, their fabie wet, but urn
no! noleuinly iMiund everywhere, to repel
ind eH'l them,
24, The following temporal piinlnhmenl
are to lie enforced on heretic; Iwt Infamy,
and llm eiiiM"iieiit (llMiuiillticut'oii for all
civil acts, 2nd liiO lul)lllty, a well uctlva
a pawlvn (that I. they can neither make
Will urn' Inherit What I left to them by
other), ,'lrd Ios of paternal power over
children. 4th- of dowry, and other
privilege grunted to women, ftlh('orillea
lion of all good, til li Tim t vusnuI and
slave and others are fren from all, fven
kworn obllgutlons due to their lord or an
other. 7th-"-Capital corporal punishment,
especially death, and perpetual Imprison
27. The canon luw forbids all t deration,
2S, That met ropolllans and urn lo
es-commiinlcaUi liim who giants liberty of
2f, Nuoatlllslo bti kept toward beretlu
prince, lord or oilier,
W. Ilnretlcs are to be deprived of nil civil
und paternal right.
ill, The pope can ubsolvo from all oalh.
Si. Every bishop I ordinary Juilgu In a
Cttuis )t heresy, Tho reason Is Uecuuso tbu
tit , . tf
ll'l Hi("i t
. .1 In It. . .
n-a l , !.
P. i.s ,t t-i.?,
. lv -U.. ,.M (. t
tl-. .iv.,U', f
t... ..t,'!S, M m
i '
... i.,.i It. .
f - ill M,1
I ! t
ll.t I I. 1 ... I. ti . l.ll, .it, ' I.'
l IX v III l h'to-l i,4tH,-t, I -
H i M Ut t I . M t. 1st ! t ! St.
l--t t ilh !!. O'-t. . .. t l"-.l ! It" S
.1 lit t I i- l-.ild Silt, in, l ' I ii, 1 1.. sit 1 1 41M e-'l
ll.m It. lilt touli tt l "! . l l..l.rt
I I If t 1 sit 1 "ml 1 ,1 ll,,. i,, s,.
am !., it 1 nf un 1 1, .1 i i. M I.. 11 I In- tist h
tii.wi tlii li.ttinf t.f Hie,ttc -ti I.t I
till, 11
ill 1 lllll llll' t'.HIIti ll lf 1 l 111 llli- I ll Sli.l
Flt l mil I11H It lit tiiiim-t, ilis It-t'S Mint I'l.lll
nmiiiln I tie Mt. M d mimes Slid s't S'
rlltl IIHIIH'IIS, Kt llit Mill t ,llIC t tlltl'l-
,., ills iMttiiil III tfttut .( i. . Ii .InMI. l
tt'lilis iif iMi'liNlittl at llls tl y, mid ilnl
lis t Intnl. its, Mil tf l.ti h 'f Hit itt t til
dii -lf It fetiess. Slid tuie.1 le firlljr tiU
M-ttt-tl by all. ,
, -,iriliiiii t.f ibe llnly li. mi mi
1 liiovli, ilu iii.iiii nn. I i'nr Hint, ttimi lltl
limit In llir end if mj lite, I Will Ih t ililiful
11111I iiIh'.Hi'IiI limn M I'i o r. I lie bnly h.
Inlli' II11I111111 1'lHOi ll, Slid our iiiiiM duly Inril,
llll. HIH' III Itllllil'i Kiid bin sinvi'ssiirs, I' II III 1 11
lenlly ami lawfully eli'iieili ilnii I will situ
liii Hilvli'e, cuiiseiil tir assist itncv -mallist Hut
h .11 1 1 ll. it I luiilfKly and ihishiu Unit I Will
iieser kiiiiwiuty und niltlsedly, to their In
Jut y nr dlsgriice, liiiil.e lii.nlli' Ilin ciiiniiils
tilriisled In lnt by themselves, or by liitm
wii'ters nr letlem: iiIihi Hint I will give tlirm
any UHslnlanie In retaining, dc fending mid
rt" tiverlng tint Itiimaii papacy and the regalia
of I eler, with all my might and eiideuvnr, so
fur ii the rights und privilege of my order
will allow It, and will defend tbem agitlimt
nil I heir honor anil slate, and 1 will direct
and defend, with due form and honor, the
legale und nuncio of tlm Uiiislolli; see, In
llm territories, churchc, iipiuuKtc rlcs and
oilier bcucllccM commllU'd lo my keeping;
ind I will cordially ro-operulu with them
and treutlhem with honor In their coming,
abiding und returning, unit that 1 will rcslnl
unto bliNid all iienuius wliutsoever who shall
at leinpl liny llilng iigulnMJii'in, That 1 will.
by every way and by every means strlvu to
preserve, augment und udvuncn 1 ho rights
'mini's, privileges, the authority of the Holy
I'liiun bishop, our lord the pope und his bit'
. .e mentioned successor; und that, at
nttiver lime unything sliull tin decided to
.heir prejudice, which I out of my power to
binder, us si Hin us 1 shall know that nny
sti'lis or mcuHijiv huvu ln'cn taken In I In)
mailer, I will liiukn It known to the nunc,
nor lord or his successors, or soma other per
son by whose mouu It muy tat brought to
their knowledge, 'J'hat I will keep und carry
tut and cunse other to seep ai d carry out
rule of the holy father, tho decree.
ordinance, dispensation, reservation, pro
visions, upoHtollu mandate and constitu
tion of the Holy leather Hextus, of happy
memory, as to visiting the threshold of the
upoNlIc atcnrtulil prescribed times, accord
lug to the tenor of that which I huvu Just
read through. That I will seek out and
oppose, persecute and fight (omul conatu
pcrsccuturuui ft Impugnaturum) against
heretic achlsmntlcs who oppose our lord,
the pope of Itomn, and hi before mentioned
successor, and this I will do with every
possible effort,"
t IHIgnaturel then sent to the popu
, elect of the Detroit
diocese, from henceforward will lit) faithful
and obedient to Ml. Peter tho A post In and to
the Holy Komun church, ' rifl to our lord, the
holy pope of Home, and to hi successors,
curioulcully entering, I will neither advise,
consent nor do anything that they may lose
life or member, or that their person muy bu
seized, or band In any wise laid upon them,
or any Injuries offered to them, under any
pretense wbntstsiver. The counsel with
which they shall Intrust me by themselves,
their messenger or letter, I will not know
ingly reveal to nny, t their prejudice. I
Will help them to defend und keep the Komun
papacy und the royal tie of Ht 1'eter ugalnst
all men, T legate of the apostolic see,
going und coming, I will honorably treat und
help In bis necesltle. Tin) right, honors,
privilege and authority of the Holy Uomau
church of our lord, llm pope, and hi afore
said successor. I will endeavor to prcserv,;,
defend, Increase and udvuncn, will not be
lit any counsel, action or treaty, In which
shall lie plotted against our said lord and
Komun church, anything to the hurt or pre
Judlce of their persons, rights, honor, state
or power, and, If ( shall know any such
thing to bit treated or agitated by uny whut
socve r, I will hinder it to my utmost, und a
soon a I can, I will signify It to our suld
lord. The ordlnurictt and mandate of the
potie, I will obwrva with all my might and
cause tit be observed by other,"
"Heretic, scblsmutlc and rebel to our
said lord or hi succi-ssor. I will to my ut
most persecuto and opsie,"
elleretleo. sciilsinatlcoset rchellc eldem
llomino nostro vel ucccoilbu predict! pro
posse perseijuur et oppugnabo."
"I will come to a council when I am culled,
f will visit the threshold of the apost'.r
every three ynurn und give an account of ocr
lord of all my pastoral office and of the
thing belonging to my dlis'esti to the dis
cipline of my clergy and people, 1 will In
like munner humbly receive and diligently
execute, the apostolic command, Jf 1 am
detained by u lawful Impediment, I will per
form Dim aforesaid by a rncmbiT of my
chapter or a priest of my diis ese, fully In
structed In nil thing ubovu mentioned Tlm
poHscssloii belonging lo my tabic, I will
null tier sell nor ot hep wise, HliennUt without
consulting the llniiinii ponlilf, Ho lielu mo
(oil und these, holy gis.pi'1 of imI,"
Hent to the Komish Manager,
"I, , now In the presence of
Almighty (iol, the tdessi-d Virgin Mary, the
blessed Michael the Archangel, the blesHed
Hi. John the llapllst, I lie Holy ANtstle Ht,
1'ettirand Ht, 1'iiul und tbu Halnts and the
Hie'red Host of Heaven, und lo you, my lord,
I do declare from my heart, without mental
reervullon that the mi I Christ's vlcnr
geuerul and I the true und onv head of tlm
universal church Ibroiighoul the earth, and
that, by virtue of llm key of binding und
loosing given to hi holiness by Jesu Christ
he ba power lo depose heretical king,
prince, -tale, commonwenlihs and govern
ment,!, ull belt , Illegal without hi sacred
coiillrmallon, und that they may safely lie
destroyed. Therefore, to lint utmost of my
power, I will defi'nd thl doctrine and hi
bollliess' right und custom ngalust ull
usurper of tlm 1'roU'stant biithoiity whut
iM Vi r, especially ugulnst Hie now pretended
authority und church In Knglund and nil
uilberenl. In reguril that they be usurpal
und heretical, opposing the sacred mother,
the church of Knme,
"I do denounce and disown liny allegiance
as dim to uny 1'rolestant king, prince nr
stiite or olH'dleni'a to uny of their Inferior
officer, I do further declare, tho doctrine of
llm church of Kugland, of tlm CulvlnlsU,
Huguenols und other rrolestauts, lo be
damiiablu and those to bo dumiied who wlU
not furwska the suuii.
1 ,.,..,
I,,., ii..
I I. Imtl., ,.. !.,. htl I iI..M ll
I 1. i ;t .t i t 1 1 1. . i.,. i.i 1 t.i
- t l . li. I
t t til I I l
, I H U . 1.1 ilt
sit tin 'mt.Ui i.t
. m l Itn ' .i. t '
. t.,.,1 .. ll. 1.
v te, , f fc ,. I,, ,
I ,l.i(iili, ( t,.m.
il it liif ll.nt, ,t..t!il.ftai,l ( I I.
t, I Hlil I I ft tit SMSmr Sl.f
Im '.II, 91 H tU l"t . Tt't tllt ill t.itillif,ltti!
I I Ilu ,... il. ll.. ..,.. I,, t ih.itth
I' I'l.M. Ii'ki'ftlinl lt M1I.. )l In t
h. ,,l' titoi, y S4 tin I f llti.l-l til'. SI'il lii't
111! Int.. IK 1,1,1 til lit, I ,.,il,
1 1 1 1 11 it ,t ( ll, i..l s, i s v 1. I t . I'll! I.t
I tl. llll Sl . ll ll, t- lKSn iinn
In 1 Lit Ei it ii .i 11 I m ill mi' I ) )iii, ti y
t-.iwi 1. mill I, .nl si,i l i, I,. i
- Alt il til.t. ti I, - , it, 1 . st I ) Ibtt
lil,.. 1lliil sii, t li wHit Sn. Itlmi.l
sl.i, li I ,.,,1 sU.ui In nn in , in 1-1 1, il Hi 1l
I I ' Ul I.t k.l l lilt lilllil'lt, ml till ell lilt
sll llil Sll.l lililltnlts lni.t if
Hi sti ii In It 111-1 my li st llilt'tilliilisliiliis l
Una 1,, 1 1 01 III
In lisili.iiiiijr l,i,i-i.f I I ski' liliu iiiih.1 liuly
siul .i-i i Ssi isiui lit nf Ilu' I in IisiUI, nml
Miii 11,,. ii,,ii fiiiHur Willi ii.y isitist
iiniiil IihihI, In llm iiiiwinii i f n.jr Imly
t'ilini unit all tin. piliii hit Rssi.t liliu In
ley niilliinliiili In Hie prtiwlliisnl."
I, , , now In lliti irtseiicii nf
Alinlgbly (Itwl, Hie lil.'ssi it Virgin Mary. Hut
htcsscil Mlrliiii'l I lie arcbitligel, (tin lilesseil
SI .loliii Hie tliiillsl. Hie duly Smtle Ht.
I'eler Slid St. I'aul and Hie liil Slid sacred
bust nf hi'Hvi'ii. und tit ynil my glutsily faiber.
Hie siiH'rlor general of HiesiH'lely of Jesus,
founded by Huiiil Ignslu. bnynlii In the
poiillMcnt Ion of I'aul the Third, iitul con
tinued to the present, ilu. by Hie wiiliib nf the
virgin. I In. til itt rl x of Hod, snd Hie rod of
Jesu Christ, declare and swear that Ids
linllnes. lbs pnHi, I Christ's vlctt-gnreiit,
siul 1 the trim snd only be nil of the Oil ho
llo or universal church thniiigliuul the
earth; and that by virtue of Hut key of
binding and loosing given to hi holiness
by my Savior, Jesus Christ, lie hut It power to
depose, heretical king, princes, states, com
tnonwculths, und governments, nil being
Illegal without hi sue red r'niillriiiiil Inn, and
they may bo safely destroyed, Therefore, lo
the ut most nf my power, I will defend this
doctrine and Ills holiness' right und custom
nguliiHt all usurper of the heretical or
I'rotestunt uuthorlty whatsoever, especially
the Lutheran church of Germany, Holland,
Denmark, Hweden und Norway, and the now
pretended autborltle and churches nf Kug
land and Hoot land, and branches of the
same now established In Ireland, and nn the
continent of America und elsewhere, and all
adherent In regard that they be usurped
and hertlcal, opposing the sacred mother
church of Home,
I do now renounce und disown any alleg
lance a dun to any heretical king, prince or
static, named Protestant or Minimis or
obedience to any of their laws, magistrates
or ofllcers,
I do further declare that the doctrine of
the churches of England and Hcotland, of
the Calvin 1st, Huguenots und other of the
mime of Protestant or Liberals, to be dam
nable, and they themselves to bu damned
who will not forsake the samo.
1 do further declare that I will help, assist
and advise nil or nny of his holiness' agents,
In any place wherever 1 shall bo. In Hwltr,
erlnnd, Uermuny, Holland, Denmark,
Hweden, Norway, Kngland, Ireland, nr Amer
ica, or In uny other kingdom or territory, I
bull come to, and do my utmost to extir
pate the heretical Protestant or Liberal
doctrines, and to destroy all their pretended
powers, regul or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare that, not
withstanding I am dispensed with to assume
any religion heretical for tho propagation
Of the mother church's Interest, to keep
secret and private all her agents' councils
from time to time, a they (intrust me, and
not to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by
word, writing or circumstance whatever,
but to execute all that shall bo proposed,
given In charge, or discovered unto me, by
you my ghostly father, or any of this sacred
con vent,
I do further promise arid declare that I will
liuvuno opinion or will of my own nr any
mental reservation whatsoever, even a a
corpsn or cadaver fperlnde ac cadaver), but
will unhesitatingly obey each und every
command that I muy receive from my super
ior In the mllltla of the pope and of Jesu
That I will go to any part of the world
whithersoever I muy be sent, to thn frown
region of the north, the burning sands of the
desert of Africa, or the plngle of India, to
the renters of civilisation of Kuropn, or to
the wild huunts of tho barbarous savages of
America, without murmuring or repining,
and will be suhmtsstve In all thing whatso
ever, communicated to me,
I do furthermore promise and declare Hint
I will, when opportunity present, make and
wage relenlls war, secretly or oismly,
against all heretics, Protestant snd Liberal
u I am directed to do, to extirpate them
from the fuceof the whole earth, snd that I
will spare neither age, stix or condition, snd
that I will hang, burn, waste, boll, flay,
strangle and bury alive these Infamous
heretic; rip up the stomach and womb of
their women and crush their Infants' head
afalnst thn wall In order to annihilate their
execrable racs, That when the am cannot
be done openly, I will neoretly use thn pols-
onouscup, thn strangulating cord, tho steel
of the polnard, or the leaden bullet, regard
less of the honor, rank, dignity or authority
of the periton or person, whatever may tie
their condition In life, either public or prlv.
alti, s I at any time may be directed so to
do by any agent of the nope or superior
of the brol herhood of tho holy father, of the
ms'letyof Jesu.
In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate
my life, my soul and all coporcal power, and
with thl dagger which I now rocelvn, ( will
subscribe my name, written In my blooij, In
testimony thereof ; and should I prove false
or weaken In my determination, may my
brethren snd fellow soldier of the mllltla of
the popttcutnff my hand and my feel, and my
throat from ear to ear, my belly opened snd
sulphur burned therein, wllh ull thn punish
ment that can be Inflicted upon mo on earth
and my soul tai tortured by demon In an
eternal hell forever,
All of which I do swear by
the blessed trinity, und blessed sacrament
which I am now to receive, to perform, snd
on my part to keep Inviolably; and do call
ull the heavenly and glorious host of lieavrn
li witness these my rout Intentions to keep
this, my oath,
In testimony hereof, I take thl most holy
und blessed sacrament of thn luoharlst,
and witness the same further, with my name
written with the point of thi dngger, dipped
In my own blood, und seal In the face of
this holy convent
Ho receives the wafer from tho
sujMirlor and writes his name with tho
point of his dagger, dlpnod In his own
blotul, taken from over the heart. 1
WANTKD-A situation by an A. No. I
lunik -keiMier. tlixwl n-fere noes. Ad-
dres, K. O., American otlii-e.
A, li At a
Hn.'lt-lll ltt
tiS-mf? h CO
Mil liti vsn tivs itt
j li W (, n.K st.1 H. sl I .l,
! 1 Ablt Still it. i . lit .
N. V. tSvriu r I'lttt tutb am) IVOe Hiivt I.
four 4 lif Ciol lntrt.l nn Book Anoimts,
r"lvw iS' twr c-il nn It NUnih Cwntftr ols.
Foreign Drafts am! Monoy Ontora at Lowest Hates
jlojvito on nr:.-!., ii:-r-VTi2.
llsnk i n fn.iii in In J i p in. MniiiWys f mm in 1,1 p ,,
Unlted States of meiioa.
All Imiuli'les regarding the organization of
new Lodge In tlm male of Nebraska, should
be addressed to M. L, ZOOK,
Htattt for Neliriiska,
414 Shady Block, OMAHA.
iv No. 21, meets every '1'iiesdiiy evening
at HMJO o'clock. M, L. .OOK, Hecy.
Jr, Order United Ameican Mechanics.
Instituted May 17, l8S3Ellglblllty
For Membership.
Any while main person born In thn United
Slates of North America, It territories, nr
under Hut protection of Its Hag, who shall
liuvn attained the ago of sin teen year, who
I of giaid moral character, a believer In thn
exlstencn nf a Hiiiireuiii lining as tho Creator
und Preserver of thn universe, In favor of
fren education, opposed to any union of
church und statu, shall be eligible to mem
bership under tint provision of the law In
Hie state and suhordluaUt council to which
Hut nppllcutlon I made; provided, that no
iiersou shall tin received Hi benellclul mem
bership who 1 over (I fly year of 11 git,
A person shall not be permitted In this
order who doe not poses a good moral
character, orwhotslu any way Incapacitated
from earning a llvllhood, nor sliull be be
under sixteen year of age,
Hubji'ctsof a sectarian or partisan char
acter shall not he Introduced Into any meet
ing of thl council, nor shall any member
make use of thn name of this order al a
poll Ileal meeting.
first To maintain and promote the Inter
est of American, nud hlld them from the
depresliig effect of foreign competition,
Hceond To assist Americans In obtaining
Third To encourage Americans In busi
ness, Kourth-To establish a sick and funeral
Klfth-To maintain the public, school y.
tein of Hie t'nlteil Htuti'S or America, and to
prevent sectarian Interfcrerico therewith,
und uphold tho rending of the Holy lllble
stats oniiscn, or srioussAi
H. f!,-W, A. HOWAUII. Lincoln,
H, V.O.-K. P, I10LMAN,
H. H,H, L. HAV,
H. T. ), II, A LLKN,
Conductor-W, K. COl'KLANH,
(Juard-P. H, McACLKV.
Hentlliei-WM, Tl' HN Kit.
l-lfiat to National Convention- FHANK
Warden-It. A, HAVLIHH,
The next regular meeting will be held on
tho third Tuesday In July at Mouth Omaha,
' everv Krlday evening In Ooodrleli hull,
24th and Paul streets,
II, (J. Cocssmas, Hec'y,
LINCOLN COUNCIL No. 2, meet In Lin
coin, Nebraska.
ftOLUMIilA COUNCIL No, . meet very
Tuesday evening In Patterson Mirk, I7tn
snd Farnam Hi reel, A. II, I'l.wr, It, Hec'y,
WINONA COUNCIL No, 4. meeU every
" Monday evening In K. P, Hall, Psxton
bliH'k, W, M, I'Ainir.s, Hec'y,
f!A lll'l CXI) COUNCIL No. S, meet every
" Tiiesdiiy night In Houth Omaha,
Wif.l.MM I'' AH U, Hec'y,
IILUPK CITV COUNCIL, No 7- meelniivery
" Wednesday evening In O, A, H. Hall,
Council III u If , la,
A. P. A.
can Protective Association meei ttvery sec
ond and fourth Wedneilay of each month In
I. O, O, V, hall, Platuuiooth, Neh, Visiting
memiier nro weicomn. r , I', lirown. Hue.
Patriotic Oder Sons of America,
WAMIIINOTON CAMP No. I, V. (1. , nf A..
" meet each Tliursdiiy evening at lied
Men's Hall, Flftminth and lloiigliis His,
" A Council llliitTs. Meeting In their
ball over 41tl liroadwny, every Wednesday
night at o'clock. J, II, Vas Pattas,
mcvi I paid ON
A Dank
like this cut
Is loaned
charge to
KememlM-r, thl Line ha a Dcnot for all
train at KiikIowixkI isubiirh of l.'liloauol.
clout) to the World' Fair Gate.
uen'l N.-W. P. A.. Omaha. Neb.
I nV CDICIinC buffering with te
LAUI rnlCnU) muln wekneM will
receive ssnuilii U i i's of anew Pestilltt rem
edy hy wndlnc ten renin In stamps u T. 11.
HCMrllKtVti, M. U., Knowllou, luwa
::l." :i J. Ill PIS,
HVttll I'llllnl IS
A L Wwm,, Colh
I Milling hiu inn ( t.tsim 1 mimvists
,.l,..,. I'rt
I. i.t - 1 t
Successor to tlreiel A Maul.
Undertaker and Embalmed
1117 Fiiriiiiui Street,
Tki.spiionr tXS.
onice: Koom 4111 N. V. Life lliilldlng.
oillce Hours: In In U a, m.l H toB p. in.
Olllce Telephone, 1411.
Itesldencet HIB Hniinders Ht. flmiha Vnh
Hiisldeiico Telephouti, 4rd. UlUaUdf flulli
Tinj-lJlT 13X5,03.,
207 North 17th St., OMAHA, NEB ,
Work called for and dollvored.
A. L. DEANE 8c CO.
General Agents for
Bank 0 Vault Work.
Hid Farnam St., Omaha,
N. J. CARRIKER, 1,1. D.,
Physician and Medical Electrician,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis,
St. Vitus Danoe.
Private Diseases of Male & Female,
I'aoner Attkstios to Csi.fJ,
Offloai 310 hasty Ilk, IBth and Howsrd,
Telephone !W1, OMAHA. NEH,
For Prices.
Tel. 1538. 109 8. I Oh street,
Oftlce, ll!l North Ifltli I Ittisldenctt. l.vs) Vattts
HI met. I Htrent,
Telephone 0, Telephone T,
My Only rlso of Buslnass la ths Old
land, 111 N. Intssnth Street.
Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos
and Organs.
Needle. Oil, Supplies fur all kinds nf Hew
Ing Mm' hi mis, Our own Mechnnlc Is llrat
class, Will repair any Hewing Machine.
614 Booth BliUsnth Bt-,
Light lluggles, Huddle Horses, Carrlsgns,
Coupes, Etc., see
Boarding a Specialty
17th snd 8t. M.rT'l At.
Tslsphoos 440
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.
Mooing and Light Express Work
Trunk and Parcel Dellvsry.
llousehold DihhIs Packed. 8 to red ft nilHlii ptMMl
tlllli'tl, .lirill I'lin ci., ni nrin'i b rrnim
Hltim. Ilrani ll Otllce, N. E. Cor. 91th. and
Lake Hi reels. Telephone 1.WS. PKICE8
Ifll'lano Moving a 8ptn;lalty. Manager.