The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 23, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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4 JcU j k ttsw!'v.j
t i ll Mil Oi l K I It? Willi
. lime an. t.t VU Nn and
ftpn I bd rii(, M i h a t bang In
M-tV vlwv, lhat liter?
aw lined lt In but tigltl hernial id
rwtalth'n. n n aheiiid be ti I
ri tt'tttnl H , ndt-d
fin inawty f with an air l
pdi'ioe a'-ut him lhat ia'tpnkA
linMt tf thinking and acting fur him
nlf, He knii tn-cann- an ei-pindal fa
vor it .lth theytuiiigrr Mr. M'.lUtr,
who found bi rvady way invaluable,
Asa hiniM-hold aUlnt' while ha x r
feet gtmd humor, tempered with dwp
rvepevt, mm the partiality of thelwo
girl. Tht Idy ivgnnlnl Mm with
more anxious Interval, rttttcrrncd for
hi spiritual tlarkncea, and lontltijj lo
wh eomie Indication of a w lllti.gnt-ea to
ttHvlvo Iho truth. Hut Magralh Imf
fltil all her attempts to engage liU
imtloo, and wrap'tcd himself up oo
eaalonally In a reserve an chilling, or
ele betrayed such manifest Impatience
to gel out of hearing, thnt Shane often
lost hi temper, nntt Indulged In hard
e'leeehc lit hlit nephew's expense.
Sometime the old man wm thoroughly
bent on Mm convention, making violent
attacks on his religious creed, more
conspicuous for the xcal that Inspired,
than the knowledge which sup'Hirtod
thorn. To these Mngrath generally
opposed that dry and Irritating sarcasm
which never- failed to put his undo
completely off hit guard; so that the
Irish language, rich an it In In variety
of expression, could scarcely furnish
the old man with phraseology mifllclcnt
ly ooplouH for his purposes of Invective
and contradiction. Often did the Iady
of M'Allstor lntorpoeo her authority,
and many a private admonition Shane
received; but hU irascibility surmount
cd everything exoept the stoical endur
ance of hi nephew, who, with elbow
on hU knees, and cliln propicd on the
palms of Mm hands, seated on a low
stool, would gaze, and llHtcti ns If to an
agreeable narrative, whllo Hhano ex
hausted all his strength of lungs, all
his troHHUiy of tropes, figures and do
nunclatlons, Btfiilnst the "monsthroiiH,
barefaced tricks of shaven priests' and
the jablxrlng nonsense of prayers only
fit to bo squeezed out of a rebel ly throat
at the foot of the gallows." So In
variably did Hhnno Identify popery
with treason still embodying all loyal
and patriotic virtues in the expressive
term of "a real Protestant."
And If Hhano had lived to number a
hundred and forty years from thu siege
of Derry, would ho havo Incurred the
charge of singularity by repeating this
assertion? It may bo feared, that oven
among those of a far higher grade, Iwth
in rank and learning, a kindred spirit
would bo found extensively spread
abroad, impressing men's minds with a
similar conviction, whllo thu trim na
ture of real Protestantism remained as
little understood as It was by old O'Com
nogher. It must be observed, that In
the midst of his Invectives against the
Ilomlsh faith, he never questioned the
safety of their souls who lived and died
under Its Influence, providing always
that they were untainted by rebellion
against a Protestant ruler, Bhane
never viewed that faith in its more
awful character of treason against the
King of kings, ahomape rendered to
the antlchrlstlan usurper, who, annum
lng a royal prlcntliood, yea, even to
reign an enthroned priest over both
priests and kings, lay claim to that
prerogative which belongs to Jesus
Christ alone; "so that he, as God, slt
teth in the temple of God, showing
himself that ho is God" 4 in his own es
timation, while ho receives the worship
which Is a rohtwry of the true God, and
therefore branded In Scripture ns
bringing Into eternal jtordltlon those
who continue In its practice, A change
of opinion was that on which Shane.
hoped to build a change of his nephew's
character; while thoenllghtenndchrls
tlans of the household well knew that
such a fabric could not rest on any
other foundation than a change of
heart. To show him the evil of his
nature, and the jM-ril In which he stood
us a helpless sinner, was the necessary
prelude to humbling him before the
Lord In prayer for that renewing pro
cess which God the Spirit can alone
create; and whonotver has seriously
tried this experiment with a member
of the church of Ilornc, must bear tcstl
mony, that, until her bulwarks bo
levelled, tho task Is hoHsless. The
transgressor may bo convinced, deeply
Convinced of guilt; but humbled he
cannot 1)0,80 long as be believes that
Ma own doings and sufferings can atone
for the sin which oppresses him. Seek
ing wherewith he shall appear before
the Lord, tho Inquirer Is met by a host
of deceptive holcr8, absolutions,
prayers, penances, alms-deeds, Imagin
ary mediators, and purchasable merits:
and, should all fall on this side tho
grave, ho is assured of purifying fires
bayond its boundary, and efficacious
masses toexjiedlte their work. Alike
welcome to carnal pride and toiplrltual
" TheBiTir.'T
.MV, W i M..t t!fc W
Mi h .' Mi !' tt.- '
hH !!.! . .-" !it h !
! -,, .i .1 lt,i tM Ai"t n ll
! l,l la t.l 4 '. It.' I
H,'t it, tntLt U. n 'l t ir ti
tt 'l )! ! t Iliith iiit.l
(-f li u i h and -riMng
(-,-11 Ot H Iiii -ttinbl fls'H r .Mm it
thai t .Ht iH Mj;n t ruin to
,Hile wtotv MJf iie Id, tin-
trttii ttU.iitittsUeti l ti rbit-r round
lit fnititt, i.t olvtir Ills kltujiy
titrj, tolatfiido N.n III prtH piv
ir.),Ht, lo faWify Ills p'pltetli
mniiil, and, inly ebb f anumg
many Hsvbttiis, toj It-Id lllm the worth
b lioif sgt of dhldtil pinlw?
"W would have healed lUhjhm, but
she t ml healed; fomtke her," sslth
the prophet, The lord, Imbtd, has
pronounced her Incurable, and tht only
deliverance U found In olsjlng tho
suinmoiis, "I'oine out of her, my people;
U yi not iwrtakers of her sins, thnt ye
reeolve not of her plagues," God hns a
HHple, even In the Iron furnace of her
spiritual despotism, and He alone can
bring them forth, and tiither them Into
Ills fold; but ours Is the task to pro
claim deliverance, and woo bo tons If
we dilute the awful word, rendering
void the testimony of God by our tra
ditional delusions, miscalled charity.
We may naturally suppose that such
a character asMagrnth, so singularly
brought among them, must havo ex
cited uncommon interest in the lxmoms
of a christian family; and anxiously
did they, particularly Bryan and tho
Duly, laltor to make known to him the
way of escape; but Shane's Injudicious
proceedings, interuched in the strong
holds of his vernacular tongue, appear
ed to counteract all their efforts. The
partial knowledge acquired by tho
young peopfb was totally Inadequate to
follow Bhano and Magrath in their
rapid enunciation; neither could they
comn and terms wherewith to express
themselves on spiritual or intellectual
subjects. "1 can manage pretty well,"
observed Kllcn, "so long as I keep to
what Is passing a round us every day;
but to reason in that tongue Is out of
tho question. I cannot think in Irish."
"You aro right, my love," said her
grandmother; "and you have uncon
sciously described tho one insurmount
able bar to my country's peace; her
children, the native rm'o, cannot think
In English; and therefore tho instruc
tion offered to them In any language
other than their own, II nils no entrance
to their understanding or their heart.
Oh, but to see one of the days of Uedoll,
whose hands so ludefatlgably labored
In their cause; his patient mind sur
mounting every obstacle until ho had
mastered the language, and had trans
ferred iuto it the word of life, leaving
his namo embalmed in many a heart
which bleeds in secret over my coun
try's desolation!"
It may apjmar a bold assertion, though
more easily to bo contradicted than
confuted, that even tho lowest orders
of native Irish by which wo always
understand tho race whoso ancestors
possessed tho soli prior to the English
Invasion are decidedly a more Intellec
tual people than any who occupy a
similar station In other countries. Dis
graced as Ireland has been by intestine
wars, rebellions, massacres, and almost
Interminable insurrections, accom
panied with deeds of aggravated atroc
ity, we aro more disposed to combine
the idea of brutal force, animal cour
age, and Inherent cruelty, with that of
an Irish peasant, than to concede to
him an elevated station In the grade
of mental capability In this wo err; at
least In concluding that with tho latter
distinction tho former characteristics
are irreconcilable. Tho simple fuct Is,
that wo have taken In Unite pains to in
capacitate ourselves from forming any
right judgment concerning the race, by
renouncing tho only key to tholr
thoughts and feelings. We havo re
fused to explore tho mind of national
Intellect burled under what it please
us to call a barbarous tongue; and just
looking upon the rugged surface, wo
avert an eye of scorn, perchaneo of dis
gust, incredulous that precious metal
lies deeply imbedded in tho soil. And
yet, in tho face of all this prejudice, I
assert dlsprovo it who can that tho
native Irish, generally speaking, arc
richly stored with mental jiower,
keenly sensitive, highly imaginative,
delighting in tho play of fancy, and
marked by an Inquiring spirit, not ter
minating In tho present gratification of
vaguo curiosity, but capable of seizing,
investigating, developing, and feeding
upon thoHo subjects which call into
fullest activity tho reasoning faculties
of man. Withheld by the fetter of a
darkening delusion from expatiating
where Immortal being find acongeolal
element, tho craving appetlto turns
earthward, and feasts on poisonous gar
bage; yet were an Englishman of cul
tivated mind, well versed In the ver
nacular tongue, to become tho unsus
jweting witness when a party of Irish
peasants rest from their toil, ho might
often hear such tales of Ireland' an
cient glory, such legends of her war
like kings, and such foreshowlngs of
Imaginary triumph, gleaned from
prophetic lays and traditionary oracles,
as would tlx him in astonishment; and
prompt the secret query whether that
Is a wise policy which, by locking from
tM -1 'i tht ' i. i t . M, '
.U 1if n.U., 'ii-.t.i,,'' U.
It I IH 1.1 111- - t trSI)ft r t'lH H H
i.ti. n b .Uf- It.t tn f- i4 Is the jmttt
i. t I lul t1ell lit I !(
lil hti!l l tn In !? y,
n, I lit thu nniic lemibl, f
lt r n.ij tt,. tii;i j-in!H(tn. lor tt it llit tttt r f it '' of nil the
tt ritte tl irtMiht in I'rot' ttnni: and
litl lite (fmiloB ttHvh,t a let mil-
.-,!, .it ,,f Mivngth, tin- infltu of
insnjr Itrt pious futflttvut, Ineftiwblo id
yielding any a!lMii"e- tn tit lending
Ihe loan, nt sled ndlillisl t inlsirin-
me n I, Ml HI the i-tUipftlont
ympatht ol the Inhsbltant untfmnde-d; ,
and they HiwrfuHy concert-id In suit-
milting to every pilvatlon, lather than
ivjei't the pleadings of thi H-ret'iitH
watiderera. The lith army, ns It was
called, under a eoinmander tlevtded l
James Htnart and Tyreonnel, grsilually
approached this northern ctreiult;
and it was evident that the hhHllt-
blts kadti would, ere long, be converted
Into a wtii(iulnry siege.
The presence of I.undy within the
walls, however, constituted a mora
serious cause for Inquietude than thu
prtwqs'etof astttttliinis wlthtuit. He was
closely; anil the doublings of his crook
ed pulley made manifest to many, Kos
had licoomn the most inteuiMrato of
these; and his Irritation frequently
showed itself In bursts that all thecal in
reasoning of his friends could scarcely
repress, it was on one ot tiieso oc
casions that, after a sweeping denuncia
tion, which included both principals
and Inferiors, all of every class attached
to popery and King James, be concluded
by a comparison between tho native
Irish und all other inhabitants of the
Hi-lllsh Isles, thanking the fates that
ho derived his Uncage from a very dif
ferent raco, and hoping that he might
never have to do with tho bloodthirsty
traitors of tho soil,
Tho very peculiar expression that
curled Magrath' Hps, as ho turned to
his uncle, caught the eye of lioss;
which tho other perceiving, dropped
the native language, and continued In
English a remark just commenced,
that it was a ptty they ever risked tholr
"nato person among 'em."
"What tiro you saying, sir?" de
manded Itoss, sternly.
"I am saying, sir," answered the
other, fixing on him the full gn.e of
calm defiance, "that it' out and out
truo for you, your forefather had bet
ter havo let us be alsy in our own land."
"Your land! tho land Is our by con
quest, and It is only by our weak suffer-
anco that a tribe of you exist."
"Conquest!" ejaculated Magrath,
starting to his feet, whllo Impassioned
energy swelled every feature, and fired
hi action into vehemence. '"Tls false;
yo invaded tho land, ye overran It, ye
parcelled it out; but conquer it yo
didn't, nor yo couldn't. Ochl but may
bo we'll bo after forgetting when Mai
achy scoured the lurid of them heathen
ish Danes; and our own Ilrynn Iloromy
led his Dalcals to Dublin gates, and
showed how Irishmen wouldn't bo con
quered. And we'll bo forgetting"
"Hush, Magrath!" said tho Ludyof
M'Allster, kindly smiling on tho vehe
ment orator; then turning to Itoss, she
continued, "Tho way to conquer tho
Irish, my young friend, is to conquer
their hearts."
Till thl moment it had never occur
red to tho angry youth that his Intem
perate philippic had touched the venor
ablo lady as nearly as her more humblo
guest. lie manlfoited no Utile embar
rassment, while Magrath' countenance
brightened into ten-fold animation.
"Good luck to your Ladyship, and
long life, and honor, and glory! that
belong to tho O'Neill, anyhow, And
poor Larry Magrath i bound to love
tho green sod that your honor walks
over, barrln' that it Isn't in Decry tho
gras will grow. And, your Ladyship,
wasn't tho O'Neill the very mischief
among 'cm, marching up mid down llko
a mud cat at their tails? And you'll
rememlsir your glory, when Finn
M'Coul, in tho pride of hi heart "
How far Magrath' reminiscence
might havo carried him, or how many
more epithets of affectionate reverence
ho might have bestowed on the Lady,
cun not bo ascertained; for Hryan, pity
ing hi friend's confusion, good-humor-
edly interposed, saying, 'Come, let mo
negotiate a jkuico Itetween the contend
ing Kwcrs, Confcs the truth, Jlos,
you have very little blood in your veins
that I not Irish; and therefore you
could not intend seriously to decry the
race. You, Magrath, have certainly
lost sight of tho respect duo ton gentle
man to your Joint-protector to my
This appeal seemed to fall of its effect
until the last word was uttered, when
Magrath, fixing on Mm a look of res
pectful firmness, answered, "Kir, any
offence against the friend of O'Neill
couldn't come from my heart, and I ask
you i pardon." Then, without noticing
Koss, he turned to his uncle, and Im
patiently exclaimed in Irish, "My tho
battles of Conn! only for the O'Neill I
would not shelter my bead under this
roof another night."
(To be Continued.)
- i -
You should all remember that C. F.
Shaw, 18 8. lBth St., has al
way on hand, Vegetable, in season;
also a full lino of Staple Grocctli.
Do not forget us when down town.
S,u f tfcr t fitlntt Mo tr
l.isf l'si'1 en A n1tt ti tn- a
rt. i1 il tl ) outer at tho ,(,
t4 , d ii uiM d la i tMit.i n
jt at i it u g l ill tin I t- Vt w i iii t
m it ml In-nth tn tb ? ite el en(l!ot.
Tt.p Uel t!m! bo ! tinmnlly Hl
din In in the order lis" d B
t ! nl -hlltu, i )-' InHy In t e l lime)',
h. n, nl this Hum, an attempt l inrt.le
I.t vi l th.' h ut l liullltl net. It
tftrltaJgnt that Hn t'HrainonlanWts In
tho n ti litg bait aglvott to Vote fur
tint aiiuy Mil on t-otiditlnn thai the
jfmill exclusion ae Ut reteah-d.
In the 'rtfc.iier. Wttii W, of Iterlln,
for May, be ), (nnd we commend
the cltH-Ing paragraph In tittle Tom
"isni'mih ntiifi mourn, in il rrrfni'n
t(rty rits imfitivs, r7if i-Jninirfrr inf
indonfiniiVy i i'(s iiirniV is, Thl Is the
miwl clearly proved by the method
nseil In I'diienllnf the novices. The
dally routine of the novitiate I a con
tinual attack ii J h tit tho development of
Individual energy, Not only from hour
to hour, nay, for every quarter of an
hour, distinct rules regulate hi life.
The free will, the Inclination to any
particular occupation, is blunted by
such treatment. The novice thinks:
What I do now is only for the time lie
lag, nnd tho Interruption may como at
any moment. Thus he learns grad
ually to do what is commanded without
the slightest emotion. Everything is
regulated. The walk, tho carriage of
head and hands, tho look, the motion
of tho Isxly literally nothing is left to
the froo choice of tho novice. If ho
wants a drink of water he must ask
permission to take it; the sumo if ho
would make use of paper and pun.
Every novlco Is given a 'guardian angel'
that 1 to say, two novices are bound
by tho rules to point to each other their
faults. This is aggravated by tho so-
called 'stoning' (lupidatio which occurs
several times a year. The novices
kneel down (each ono by turn) and tho
others criticize them. Thus, ono will
say: 'N. N. walks too quickly,' another
'he walks too slowly,' 'talks too loudly,'
or 'not loud enough,' and similar re
marks. Tho quintessence of thl sys
tem 1 tho so-called rule of modesty,
which contains the following regula
tions: 'The forehead should not lie
wrinkled, sUll less tho nose; tho Up
should not bo compressed, nor should
they be parted; In conversation novor
look another straight In the eyes, but
rather look before you, Tho hand
should al way bo at rest. Never laugh
loudly, do not move your hands, and
fVold all show of emotion In your faoo.'
"Tho religious exercises are in a like
manner directed against all individual
ity, On the whole, a phut Culhnlk e
in the wmftmUnud a divine ordlnuncc,
and In confessing ho submits to tho
will of the Almighty. Jksidim, the
knowledge that tlic turret Iktldddm umh.r
the Htulhf ' tlw, Itoli mtramrnl takin away
the ihiuctinm tn mnfem. With tho
Jesuit this Is quite different. Not only
ha ho no certainty that hi confession
will be kept a secret, he know that tho
content of hi confession will Influence
his future life, the work for which ho
will bo used, the place to which ho will
be sent, God require only that man
should confess Ms greatest and worst
sins; but tho Jesuit prior requires of the
novlco a written declaration and de
scription of his whole past llfo. Not
only must ho speak again of things
which havo been forgiven long ago in
tho holy confessional nay, oven his
Innermost thought must bo made
known! Nor Is thl all. When tho
novlco ha thus vnm 'balanced tho
account of Ms conscience,' ho con
tinues this kind of work by a written
confession onco a week, and a resume
at tho end of each month. When tho
novitiate is past, and tho lay brother
become a 'scholastlous,' thl confession
I no longer obllgetory, but still very
advlsaolo. The Jesuit general, Clnudlu
Aquaria, goes so far a to say that
Mcnlt told in thr, mwruinnitul conemiton
mutt be. remitted tn Hie, prior, and may be.
wed by him 'for the, good of the orih r,'
Thus tho divine seal of secrecy I
broken for the sake of a human Insti
tution. "Nor Is thesclentlflooducntlon of tho
Jesuit adapted to foster Individual
charter. In plilsologtcal and mathe
matical studies, grcaten freedom I
allowed than in other studies, because
tho subject treated of are not very in
ductlvo to Individualism. This Is, per
haps, the reason that tho Jesuits havo
numbered so many great mathemati
cians and astronomers In their ranks,
Hut doubly strict Is tho supervision In
philosophy, theology and literature,
Thtik It hapjM-ns that lifter seven years
of study, the young Jesuit has hi mind
stuffed with the system and work of
men who, In reality, wield no Intluonco,
Hut hi txtrherti hurt left him in entire
iywranee. of the. modern yitivtitof thmtijhi,
trhotte work he. U not ulUnml to txnmim;
nnd whoso names lie never hears. If
the Jesuit wish); to extend his know
ledge, ho cannot, like other, make use
of a library at his discretion, If he
wishes to rend any book, he must first
ask permission of his sujierlors, and
they will determine whether Ms desire
1 harmful to the order or not.
"The. Ihimj u-hhh dimitiiiJUd me moat
in the dntruction of all palriotimn. Tho
ji uii t -l-npt!i,t .t ti4 t. n :
roeMi U Hi -I flint. aUktt I M(tl
1 1 it-nn or 1'ninli, n jmttiti i
i-itiiinivhy, M l kU li" ssnsti i,t ,Un
Hi,. I, kit i,l. r put !.t l e.tiitt'.ulill) ,
t.-i tin d tt-.l t,f t niSi'J In t. tn't moot
nnlimtnl I U im lil, t sntiel tint t! li tj
the ts1tell m Ii it !! ol l lie ttii l,
brtlief It pel,' ii till Ol tnotrvtitel. I
It II tttl none thtiii I'tbt I, wrhH,
a German, a IVuUn, and a im-mU r
id an old ffttnllr hi. h li nlt tn
tree to the nlllnllnn of UietinihHj .
f.t'i niry i,ii f.
1 1 Irs iii iit Ilea, tf.l X snd puriUHf, Itttlnt if Hi llmiii-l nmd i
Vsn Wrri, .
VVtliUm Kititf, rrMi!d rlitlH, Ml In
a I'lu In of It al llts'tl, Im) , and w sa A
Iftilly PAlot) thai it will tlio.
AN tllUin Hi mm, drlvrr In inlns Nn,
lu'lnimlnu lo Itrsrll, hel , lltitra l oalrttm
psnjr, wasi liruiiliiil i,t dimih hjr fnlltug
Th (Wnwui iinrtlirrii Jurlmlletlnn Ma
mln III brat Inn Hndlnj fur srnns lima In
lh Ohln suprrmn rnurt Imn ln dropped,
the srvtm Omnaii Mmtonn whnwsra push
Intf It sklnu that It I hi illnmUmxl,
Millar 1. Iioiiu, a Nnmliton, (.),, fsriusr,
dliM frnm thu effnet tit a St nil wound III
flirted by his lllyrar nlil sun NHlnn,
who wss srri'nteil. Tim fnthsr hsd raprl
inandiil the sun fur nut koIiik tn work.
WlllUm IlHpply shot hlinwlf in Fit
IiuU Ihiciiupmi a wiuimii hint jlltod him.
He will probably die.
Postmaster Thomas, tha new Dame
emtio Inriimlinnt at Tnprka, Knit,, dls
rlmrniMl 17 ltcpuhllcan carrier and gnv
tlielr places to lie inncrnts.
Car accountants from nil part of the
Unltad Stntea, Mexico nnd Canada at
tnndud tha lHth annual convriitlou of the
International association at Imllnnnpolls,
Burglars chloroformed and robtwd
Ilimry i'ost of Venice, Ills., Sunday night,
securing 11 watehes,
Q'ha Adams county, la., train robber
ware taken to Council 1 Huffs, wliure they
will be triad July 8.
The supreme court of Missouri ducldad
thnt tha law permitting the Bale of vag
grant I unconstitutional.
Kldrlue O. Karnes and hi wife were run
over by a fast train on the Chicago and
Hm-k Island railroad Sunday nlglitmmr
Carbon Cliff. Hi.
Mr, Sarah Lauro of Elkhart, Ind,, hat
brought suit for U0,000 nunlnst Dr. 0. W.
Sped r of that city for alleged defamation
of character,
Fwdnrlck Ijoveof Minneapolis was ar
rested, charKi'd with stealing oods from
hi employer, T. M. Hoberts, a hardware
dealer, to the amount of t-V"".
Frank Sulck, a promlnnnt Ilohamlan
politician of Iowa City, la,, bacame Insane
wsenty over financial trouble and killed
himself by Jumping from a train, i
William ('olllns, a clerk on tha Missouri
Pacific railroad at Fort Scott, Kan., wa
arrested on the charge of drawing money
from the company on hotltlou named
kept on the pay roll.
Wlrn I'Mnaiifxr Atnt.
Dknvkii, June Jl. The general pass
etiger amenta of tho Wi-stern asso!iatifn
titinnd tlielr sessloti, most of the time
being taken tip in going over tho rule
adopted in Chicago, and making such
modifications nnd change a apply to
tho association,
Tlie Cowliny tl,
Sioux CiTy, Juno 21, Doo MiddleUn
wo eornpolle4 to drop tmtof tho cowloy
race here, Tho other rider have all
passed this city.
National league Tuiailay (ienias,
At I'lttsblirif- H. . B.
I'llUliurK it 0800010 1- 10 S
l)lvliuid ....if 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 10 U 6
Klirnt, Millar and (Jlarkson and
Klniniar. Umtilre, (isfTimy,
At I'hlladflliiliia a, n. a.
l'liUMV,...0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 II- 10
Ilalllinnra,.,, 1 0 0 1 ft 0 0 0 0 -1 10 t
Wi-Klilnif siel Crow: M'iNatiu and Clarke,
Umpire, Lynch,
At nil ii null- a. n, a.
C'lti'laiiMtl,.,.0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 1
lulitvllle,,..! 0101000 0- 8 9 0
Hulllvsri and Vsnulini IitimmliiK aim
Wrr. Ufnilrnfnri.
At New York- a. if.
NawYnrk 0 0 0 1 1 0 I- 9 1
Wsslilniton..O I II H II I I 1-H II I
IJiriplm, Mebsiltflilln.
At Mosten- H, If. .
ll.wlon ,,,1 0 0 000004-5 I
llroeklyri 1 II I II I) 0 N-J 80
Kannady arid Pullyj Xlehol and (Janzal.
Umpire, J hirst,
, Ki.ntli Omaha Mva Slttefc.
VmiiH Hwi YiKft. I
Hoi Til (imam A, ,1 ii ne !. I
OATTf.E-ftoenlpdt, tV lies')! i:XI to lAOO
lli $f4.sft I Unite l-'KO Hi., 4.IMM.rVi fW
tn 1H ll .l.f.4.lll eluiliia anwi, ;i,WI.Wi
DfKiimnn wiwn, .lnmMH 'o fnnilar,
4i; eoiiuiiHii findi-rn, t'i,:Wi,i(t, Market
llin lowar.
It((m-rtneipts, Ift.ivn linifll fliflit, ,M
ti.(K rnl-1, Imavy, 5.Hiaift,05, r
kal Ida lower.
Hit KICI'- I (er el ptM, 71X1 )iH'1 nilltlniil, 4.(M(J
t;,'A lainlis, $i,ro,iti., Mnrkat Hio lotvnr,
4 lili i(i l.lva Sleek.
t'xio Kroca YAim. I
I 1111 Alio, J una im, f
Th caltl market was oiiolianifd tednf.
H wn not mere tlv than on Ilia praoadlng
half (lonnii duvs. nor ware print parnnplltily
ftrmar, Tlie fnna apprarml to la a little but
ter and that was Ilia anient of th Improve,
mant. With lea than half th liof offnred
vaalarday, tlia markat was wi-ak, and nnavnn
)f lowar today, 'I'liawcnk coii'lillon wm su
ed hurt to tlia idiiiliuii d hut waafhr-r and th
fxit that aasturn hiiynr wre out of the niar
kt. Tljanarljr tradlnir waa clou to ranter
dny's quotations, whlln tha close was Inn off
and dull, 'I'ha ahai-p trndo was no worse than
lii-fort-lt couldn't wall be. The di-mand waa
unimproved and no were nrhwa. There waa
only a vnry llinltxd local dmaud and r-arce
,'y hiiilrjr for alilpmant on the hoof.
(!A'ITI,K-llni'iililii, liMw!! common lo
tra, ll.wraft,im; aiorknra and fders, 3.iya
'ii(!OW and Imlfara, ll.4ir44.O0.
HOOH-ltc'-nlpta, KWH liaadi huavy, 180
(Mi.4i mlsad and Tndliim, .av4. 6ij light,
.fw.rVl, , , ,
Nil P.KI' Itai-atpta, 10.01111 haad; p wr to eholoe,
1'tMfttttfi.Wi hiiiilm, HAnnn.ltb.
Mt KO (irnln anil I'rorliilona,
rnii'Aiio, .limn 8H. Th rhw" In whaat Vala l"wnr than ll nlht. !orn cliarnd
'.tfr6ln lownr tlian yrati-rday. OnU wura quint
and lowt-r, dun principally to lack of buying
VVHKAT-Juna, MH:i July, W'ioi Bnptem
tiir. 70' 4!,
roitN-Jutia, 4lai July, ini Haptamher,
(t'ti'. I
OATH -June, Wl Jolf, IKX11 Snptembar,
l-dllK-July. I'n.l'H Hnptemtair, $30.68.
hAKD-June, 9.i( July, IU.80-, Heptarober,
f 111.40.
Hliol-June, H.I); July. fO-OOl Beplem-h-r.
1 m. vi n 1 -a
Ki'iiie JrM a. a -1 ----tn-l d;rt
l1.o' iilint if m f 4l I Hr i) I tug
In wir. l ft.-. 1 l-i i lof-'ia lan f
liad l rn i1i1t iil f-I I he Jiir
bill It dl l III I me .i Im p Iha
lui.t-tiim .f Ihe aliM- t l 1 f ay frtMii
the lolntt. iti It.r ltlf Hi" ttalnrnl
limtOilrw i Ihi' loiwini flint! tin' tlii 1
nf adiyi -fti-tt aiHi'-i hi if lar
nImi (,t. tU -l lite ati'io t-f Ihe and
M i.- ailflii It llllv :tllllrf Tli' n f' f
Im foil waaitMil f.-r w ta t tut II
ama ittli aud cmiM mdy I rtdb'd
In a iitlatn thhklna ir Ihlnnr la
Jnlid wbh hi ho tnift'ttillty of Inall eMlnr-d
lii find II lliitbli III git. The fin t i m
llmt tin rolli'ia ronld la iiiada In auntam
the itvatir liii'tnBry lo Inaohlllg Ihe
tin fll In a b nf ufhVii'titly Ihin lo anil
Ibe mannfni lurcr.
Many Inui-ehm Invctitor strnghil
with the iipnatiloit fur luoiitli and
gave tip Dm problem a imaolvMble,
wbrn a slmpln workman about the shop
Htm day, after rolling two shwl In tho
riiatomnry thlnnc, put lh two sheet
logi-thrr into Ihn roller ami mndelsith
halve a (bin a one wa lifon. Thl
wit a simple a standing nit rn on end,
but tten nt'-d a revitlntioii In thn lnnnu
failure of tinfoil for tohneconiat' use
and made a mint of money for the losa
of thn discoverer. Thn man had struck
njsin tho Idea by accident, but Ihn dis
covery v ns a gri nt and a profitabln aa
If ho had lieen a groat inventor and
spent year of hi valuable llfo over tho
question. lloston Herald.
A C'litirrh fuller' Humor.
Even a church usher can show a kinn
tense of humor in tho pursuit of his du
ties. Not long ago a prominent young
business man of Hochester promised hi
little daughter thnt sho might have a
party on her birthday. The birthday
happened to como on tlio Bunday before
Easter, and tho little girl came tip to her
father tlio day In-fore to remind him of
his promise. Her father told her that of
course he could not let her have a party
on Bunday, but that ho would take her
to church instead. A the father him
telf wn little given to church going,
and the daughter had never been but
once, the idea etruck her a absolutely
unique and absolutely delightful, to she
accepted tho alternative eagerly much
to her father's regret,
They went down to church together in
tho morning Mr. llobinson and little
May and by dint of careful examining
of chart Mr. It. located hi pew. Ho
hud hardly seated himself when up came
an usher with a humorous twinkle in hi
eye and wonder in hi countenance at
tho unexpected appearance of Mr. II, at
church. Him did tho usher make straight
for, and leaning over he whispered in a
loud stage whisper:
"I beg your pardon Mr. Robinson, but
haven't you mode a mistake? Next Hun-
day' Easterl" Quip.
An Odd I-e Letttir.
A lady ha written tho life of the Arch
duke Carl Halvator, the brother of the
Grand Duke of Tuscany, who died md
denly about a year ago. A letter now
published, tent by tho king of Naples'
sister, Maria Imrnaculata, to the arch
duke, then 20 year old, who had hon
ored her with an offer of marriage, in
worth reading. The princess, who wo
lfi, and became the archdnko't wifo two
year later, wrote! "My Dear Cousin
Your honored letter gave me all the
more Joy because I see from it that you
have for a long time entertained the
idea of marrying me, I hope that (iod
and tho Holy Virgin will give me grace,
that I may satisfy you in iiverytlilng;
that I may make you happy all your life
long and be devoted, obedient and re
spectful to your parent. I ask them to
receive me a their daughter. I thank
you also for the photograph yon tent,
and hoping toon to toe you in Home re
main ever your devoted cousin, Maria
Immneuluta," It would bo Interesting
to know what governess or tutor wn re
tponslblo for thi composition. London
New, 1
The Personality of Arabl rti a,
Clement Boots relate in a London
Journal an Interview ho had with Arabl
Win, the exiled Egyptian leader, nt hit
home In Ceylon. Arab! wo then at Kan
dy, and with him wn All Fohmey, an
other exiled pasha, once a general In the
Turkish army. "I found Arabi a tall,
well sot np, grave faced and eminently
toldierly man," tay Mr, Boots, "Hoi
only 61 year of ago, but ho look 10 or
II) year older, IN hair and Isiard are
completely gray and rapidly turning to
white. Ill face wear an expression of
resignation and sadness, and hi eye are
dimmed and filmed with impending cat
aract. Tlie form is not bowed or bent,
but still firm and erect, and it did not re
quire two glance to tee that ho wn A
man of strong determination, I could
not help smiling a ho took out his watch
when I arrived and gravely compliment
ed mo on my military punctuality,"
Toast at Tamparanne Moating.
I there not something jairverso and
contrary to nature about having toast
at temperance banquet and drinking
them in water out of goblets? Water 1
unquestionably the best drink In the
world, but not for toast, It i right
and proper that our temperance friend
should eat together and that their tool
thould flow, but they ought to get up a
now apparatua for the exploitation of
their after dinner remark, Tho livery
ofBlletius i not adapted to tho service
of Ladv Henry Bomerset and Miss Fran
ce Willard. Twist or turn a you will,
It doc tiot fit. Harper' Weekly,
Wouldn't I'ay For Illumination.
Ono day thl week a fellow with the
worst kind of a toothache crept timidly
Into a certain Lewiston dentist' office.
"What do yon ask for pulling a
tooth?" qneried ho, holding on to hi
"Fifty cent without gas, a dollar with
as," replied ho of tho forceps.
Thn follow Htartod ft if ho wn shot.
And what do you supposo be wild?
' "If you can't pull my tooth in broad
daylight without gn, I'll go somowhere
where they can' Lewiston Journal