The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 23, 1893, Image 1

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Vott'MR lit.
Can Scl, Dlrwily or Indimtly,
Amum a Political form.
And al the Saw 1W It Skidded tij
the Imindmrnt U the ( ntHtla
f Ike I tolled Mate.
The meet ertlnent question Hh
which the mind of the American mp
ulaee hu recently bcin agitated, 1:
Canacct, directly or Indirectly, as
sume a political form, and at ihe same
time be shielded by the amendment U
the constitution of the United States,
a sot forth In article I, vU: "Congress
halt make no law respecting an cstal
llshmcnt of religion, or prohibiting the
free exorcise thereof; or abridging the
reodora of speech, or of the press; or
the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, aud to petition the government for red rent of
Thla section causes many thoughts to arise In the mind
of one who had looked deep Into the formation of the tloman
Catholic church, lU present actions and its pawt history,
together with the assimilated issues whtch have been
gathered from that church's publications of today, thereby
compiling the fragments of mlBConsertod presumption Into
the nucleus of an assertion, justly verified, that u member of
the Roman Catholic church is not a legal citizen to any
"jurisdiction, except the principality of which the pope is
the divine and monarchial ruler. For a wide spread proof
of this assertion we need not cause the reader a lengthy
research for facts, but can refer to an open Issue of the sub
ject as published In the Catholic News, April 20, 1893, of
New York; if this Is not sufficient proof, a recourse can be
had to the "Secret Instructions of the Jesuits," a book quite
easy of access, which thoroughly explains itself with regard
to authenticity, and which, when compared with the open
workings of the church, clearly defines to the reader the
duplicity of the rellgio-political organization. Another
authority, and one who was the secretary to the tribunal of
Madrid from 1790 to 1792, Don Juan Antonio Llorento, might
be perused with some Interest as regards the subject.
The "History of tho Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella,
the Catholics," by William II. Proscott, furnishes some
ready reference, as well as a well connected representation
of the events closely In harmony.
Tho before mentioned article from tho Catholic News
has been thoroughly distributed throughout the country,
and copiod by many papers, but It should not loose flavor
even at so late a date, therefore, a portion is given as follows:
"These good folks, serious and humorous mostly the
former forget or ignore the position in which the pope
stands toward all Ck holies. A man is a Catholic first and a
lurd-mayor afterxoards, d Catholic first and an Englishman
afterwards, und a Catholic first and un 'American dfterwurtUi
A good many Catholics forget that"
Using their own assertions and the world's history for a
base, we will delve Into the all absorbing depths of unpre
judiced reasoning and Investigation of the present standing
In tho United States.
The popo pays tribute to our country with assertions to
the effect that ho is pleased with the government and de
sires it to prosper. This is not to bo doubted in tho least,
for ho desires to rulo tho land with a hand of supreme power
In tho future, and knows that if such a conquest could bo
obtained with tho concentration of all possible and loyal
Catholics from tho old world brought here as subjects, that
tho strongest monarchial power could bo formed which has
ever existed. To attain this end. which could not be
accompanied by an outright force of arms at tho beginning,
stratagem and years of labor must bo resorted to, thereby
little by little, gaining a hold of tho country's propelling
powers. Even today such a mass of the ofllecs of public
trust have been seized upon, that certain measures which
pertain to the church draw money from tho national and
stato funds to assist in their workings. In a recent issuo of
ono of the church's publications, tho editor, a priest, went
so far as to assert that if these un-American associations
woro not disbanded that the Catholics would form a party
for the support of its church. Tho tlmo has come, and tho
secret workings of tho Roman Catholic church have been
o well aired that they must either come Into tho field as
tho political body which they represent, or sink Into their
proper channel as claimed by religious bodies. They have
been antagonistic to every principle which forms the com
posite parts of tho United States of America, and especially
to thoso factors which are most derogative to tho church's
progress for the usurpation of political powor tho freo
school system and the restriction of Immigration. Tho
persecutions, to tho liberty which God has intended man,
and Ur onnti wi'i-.,' at fbtint miilmti to vtn4, wHw
an in t tvmin! u la A i- i ftiBff mil tti itft. In ill fin, t l
rharg r vrrjr xfli.v. AM ll U iw !iri' me nti!y minww t mi
publicly declared tbt a tt-ij gtvat ! ty, and Own, a fNUi
fntnl 4 h rlttfi l twl mt WluWlj ; f til ft Imtnl Jn bi Uh
ft,,vmiftl y In JwhUh-, viltl In m ami UUfiJ ( -mv, inHb' U
Aiy M bv$ onnltl; fr b ! j ti K'lbSlo brb.
K!t mih iWle on rtt,rti H'U ltr
lilch nin ll b gm! ortum f tht
mwi n particular -tvm.
3. 1 king anil prmv kn kpt up
In this principle, that th i'athollc
fullh, a matter not viand, cannot
sulwist without the clfil power, which,
however, be managed with the
graPt dlwrctloii. Hv this incni.
our mcinlx-r will work themwlve
into the favor of persons In the hlghewt
jHist of govci'imicnt, and WMiKdjiiently.
lie admitted Into their most secret
4. It will tie also proper to entertain
their curiosity with the newest, choic
est and most genuine transcripts that
can be purchased from all places.
Hit It ir bie l thin MiUt to
bta'U-d, and lnce if niit.
111 nn our '!ilial wcheme it
hi rtinningly arlnt, asitllng to the
iliflcM-nt jKwtiir of the tlmi: anil
prince, ur inmate, when we can
influent l follow our oiniitoll. must
lc jhisIhmI on t embroil thcinwlw In
vlgntnni war one with another, t the
rnd our poelcty, (n promoter of th
universal gooil of the world), may on
all hand le solicited to iontributc It
awsistancc, and always employwl in be
ing mediators of public distention;
by this mean tlie chief beneficlcs ami
prcfcrmcnU In the church will, of
eoure, Iw given to us by way of com
pensation for our service.
H 4nr JfaH Sherman In ih
frram Srri Thir
tft an Istillttrat ni lrrmtlr
4let akr-f I all
t,tnW lNfls
Thiimtay eveeim;, Junn
Her. II IV ltixwn lectured In Parnam
Stnft Thcatw before eopl. M
rimo ti thl city, not lwu lue w
"nt lwit hccdiw he wantl to cm,
and bHNiic a number of Ancrtcan
cltlnens bad tic ted him t chwm
tnd give the citizen a talk.
Ijong lforc th hour for the lerturrr
to begin hi tllseounw every available
seat wa taken and many lntorcitod
nnw)iis were standing alxxil the alnles,
while the !ie was gravd by many
prominent men.
Mavor (ico. 1. B'inl acted a chair-
t'mt4 M.' tii, i,!a,ir 1 1 U w dt It titit) wt,
tvt-hrf tMw4 In Mm : aM ' ivw tir. ladle
ft V1,U..i,.t ' ),r In tW J ml. m a, It i n ll,t.k , maintatn
N ( pp!e ) Am! tit tt, a tuicet, tHt, but it ( atmilo t tSin
tt lnn,. j ttu- reele4 fn'ia t maintain Hthnl ptalfoim, It U
nty father a wl bmhl,) rtmtlt e,e tt,t) t utin Jor t-wim-a and
tion, itt Uir Mf-agtH. and a tlt
,4 in-.).-, t.),. nnt taptirt an,l mi
am tierv a the lind made me tt talk
Utit l;.mmtWm a a VHtlwl
IVaer." That U my M.t.nt, for I
tootle the it and aome of our
frieitiU, and even mr ltoitor chair
man, bnv H that I am to k on
"Trin Amot t, ol-m. ,W ant tt
tell you that 1 didn't get my subject
fcrnn I 'at her Sherman, and aftor Imp
ing over hi lecture I concluded the
Very liesl way to anxmer It would lw to
lay down pi lt.ciile that would I
American principle, and answer It by
statement of fact, for I do not care to
talk very much almut a diwiourm Dial
la mostly ymiathetlc ulk and Uait.
t want to say to our t'athollo friends
tonight, If there art any here, against
res tod Who Hxkeslandernusly (if the lloman Catholic churcli
and take them Into court and haveTth"em"fliH)d."Now"l sa
has crarnoed to tho last detrroe In all
countrlos where the Roman Catholic
ohurch has wielded power, and even tho
bright soil of America has booomo
tainted with much which reflects the
events of other lands.
The Society of Jesus, or Jesuits, Is an
Important portion of tho church's
political power, and an organization
which is fast gaining force in this
country; as a rule almost all of tho
nations have at times suppressed tho
order for its malicious intorforoneo
with tho political, and moro or loss felt
tho galling bonus which were woven
by the ordor. Tho works which have
boon produced by various historians,
concerning the order, are too numerous
to mention, and yet among many can
Iw found tho secret Instructions of tho
Jesuits; one chapter of the code Is given
below, which can bo deducted to tho
mind of tho reader to whatever bcoio
his credulity may placo It.
"Chapter XVII. Of tho methods of
.advancing tho society.
J. Let our members chiefly endeavor
at this, always to act with humanity,
even In things of trifling moment; or at
least to have the outward appearance
of doing so, for by this means, what
ever confusions may arise in the world,
the society of necessity will always In
crease and maintain Its ground.
2. Let all earnestly endeavor so to
shine In their learning and good ex
ample, that other religions (?) espec
ially those of tho clergy, etc., may be
5. Nor will It contribute a little to
our advantages, If, with caution and
secrecy, wo foment and heighten the
animosities that arise among princes
and great men, even to such a degree
that they may weaken each other.
Hut if thoro appear any llkllhood of
reconciliation, then as soon as possible
lot us endeavor to bo tho mediators,
lest others prevent us.
0. Tho nobility and the populace
must, by all methods, be iiersuadcd
Into a belief that the society was insti
tuted by tho direction of divine provi
dence, according to tho prophecies of
tho abbot Jachitn, that by this means
tho church, though depressed by tho
attempts of heretics, may bo raised
again to Its primitive lustre.
7. The favor of the nobility and
superior clergy, oneo got, our next aim
must be to draw all cures and cannon
ships into our possession, for tho moro
complete reformation of the clergy,
who heretofore lived under ceitain
regulation of tholr bishops, and made
considerable advance towards perfec
tion. And lastly, let us aspire to
abbacies and bishopries, tho obtaining
of which, when vacuneics happen will
very easily bo effected, considering
the Bupinoness and stupidity of tho
monks; for it would entirely tend to
tho benefit of tho church, that all
bishoprics, and even the apostolic see,
should be hooked into our hands, espec
ially should his holiness ever become a
temporal prince over all. Whereupon,
IX. Finally, tho society must en
deavor to effect this at least, that hav
ing got tho favor and authority of tho
princes, thoso who do not lovo them at
least fear them."
The greatest struggle, politically, to
be hoped, Is now on tho verge of tho
historical epoch of this country, and
without a doubt tho elections In tho
coming years will bo classed as Catho
lic and anti-Catholic. No party has
grown with such rapidity, or so closely
bunded together as tho incoming
American association, which has made
itself so clearly feltatreoent elections
with its wonderful growth, In a little
over two years, of about 1,50(1,000 mem
bers. Ilesides, thoro are several
patriotic orders which number up In
the hundred of thousands ready for tho
support of tho country's freedom from
foreign powers.
The Roman Catholic press has used
every term which could iw formed from
the English alphabet Into words, de
nouncing this new party, and orders of
similar cast; notwithstanding these
epithets, tho rank and filo till with
remarkable speed, and tho power
wavers not which will force tho aspir
ant for this freo country's ruling seat
back into his proper surroundings,
with tho weapon of every freocountry's
weapon, the n allot.
Send a sample copy of The Ameri
can to your friends.
man of the mooting.
Rov. Harper, of Valley, delivered
tho owning prayer, after which tho
vast audlonoo sang "America." Mayor
Iicrals then Introduced Rov. Brown,
prefacing the introduction with some
sentiments which found a responsive
chord In every American heart.
Rev, Brown spoke as follows:
Ladies and Gentlemen: I am glad
to greet you this evening, because I am
always glad to greet loving, patriotic
citizens of tho United States, and I feel
I am before such an audience this even
ing, I was glad to hear you sing
"America," for that song always in
spires my soul. I love to sing of tho
laud that I love, and tho land that
gives mo a home. I notice by tho
pajiers that I have been advertised to
make answer to Father Sherman. I
am a little embarrassed by that fact,
because, after carefully reading tho
lecture of the honorable gentleman, I
must confess I do not find in it very
much to answer. (Applause.) But for
the encouragement and enlightenment
of Father Sherman and Ills friends, I
want to say that I am not a spavined,
political hack, nor a renegade priest,
neither am I entirely out of employ
ment; I am the pastor of a church that
gives me a good home and pays me a
salary, but I cannot resist the invita
tions and opportunities to come out and
say a few words upon this grand sub
ject that is now occupying tho thought
and tho attention of tho American
My father wus never a general in the
'.) an think l I Ujht, it I an
other tMng t or-f ni a wiUitl
r and t go Into th plithal
mlitiih rlmn h rsai?aiKto and
leld it t nft in m-e Into jumr In the
n!iticl ftt'l.l. We aiiiwd til chuivhi
tvitnln prlt liege and cinirteie, but
when a ctmtvh bei-owe a political
organisation and pcooeeds to fleet
oftWr and to dictate our legislation,
and begins to Wing thn entlr land
under the lnftuenc of that organl! ion,
then the public opinion In thl country
condemn that church, A a minister
of the geel I could not do anything
that would condemn mo before th
public mind mora quickly thin to go
out In a political fight, to engage In
Hilitical war and try to wield the In
fluence of my church In political
mutter. So I am hero to talk aUiut Romanism aa a politi
cal power.
Romanism is a church; it Is claimed to Iw a church by Its
votaries; It teaches some of the doctrines of Christianity,
hut It tosohos all the thxMrines of Idolatry and Idolatrous
worship at tho same time. While it is christian in a sense,
It Is pagan also In a very important sense, for white It only
tenches a part of the doctrines of Christianity, it teaches all
tho doctrines of paganism. I'aganlsm Is Immoral In Its
teachings and Romanism Is Immoral in its theology; pagan
sm Is lntollerant in Its spirit, and Romanism Is intolerant
in its spirit. So Romanism is alike unto paganism, it Is
immoral, It Is intolerant, and bears tho features of paganism
all along. Now I would like to say to you Roman Catholic
friends, leather Sherman advised you to have speakers ar-
hero publicly that In tho theological works of Romanism,
immorality Is taught, and in tholr worship they are Idolat
rous, and In their spirit tlioy are intolerant. Now if that Is not
true It is slanderous; if you want to have mo arrested you can
do so. (Applause.) But I said Romanism was a political
powor. Let us look at It for a few moments. There Is certain
resemblance between Romanism and a political powor in,
first, Romanism has a complete organization, and without
this organization there is no political party that can succeed.
Political elements spring up In our midst, but they amount
to very llttlo until they are thoroughly organized, and when
tholr power is brought to bear by organization then wo
realize sorno of tho effects of these factors. Well, Roman
Ism Is organized thoroughly; there Is probably no better
organized foroo In all tho world than tho Roman Catholic
church. It has been In existence for oenturles, its organi
zation Is complete, and there Is no polltlcul party in all the
world that Is better organized than tho Roman Catholic
ohureh. Leadership is another thing that is necessary, and
the Roman Catholic church has its leadership, anil that
leadership Is never wanting. A political party is never
successful without a leader, and when tho great leaders In
our political partlos pass away, other leaders must rise up
and take tholr places before thoy can succeed. So Romanism
Is always provided with a leader, and ttio directions of this
loader are carefully observed down to tho lowest priest.
Then Romanism is founded upon political principles. If wo
study any political party wo know something of its nature
and its work, when wo examine Its principles, I cmno to
you and tell you that I preach free grace, righteousness, and
pardon and faith In Christ, you suy that is all right, they
lire tho doctrinal of the church; but I como to Romanism
and they Uilk to mo about freo speech, and tho temporal
dower of tho iie, about tho rights of profierty, and tho
political rights of tholr pooplo, and I conclude that under
lying this organization there are political principles, and I
am not at liberty to call It a spiritual organization, for an
organization that deals with those political matters, such as
froo speeoh and tho rights of property and tho right of life
und protection, and ull of these things, must hu a political
party, and so wo hold it responsible, Then tho Roman
Catholic church has a representative as a political body.
When Stttolll, tho popo's chief emissary, came to this
country, tho representatives of foreign governments at
Washington, ihe diplomatic delegates, passed a resolution
to admit him to a neat among thorn. And recently thoro
has Is-on heard a voice coming from Homo asking that an
American location bo established at tho Vatican. Thoy do
sire to bo recognized as a political party, aud this thought
is arousing some of our pooplo. Tho editor of tho Now York
yldroruk has boon rather conservative ujMin this question,
but when they requested, among other matters, a legation
to the Vatican, ho said this matter would "bring on a conflict
in this country in comparison with which tho anti-slavery
conflict was a comparatively peaceful exchango of senti
ment." So Romanism li recognized
as a jMilltloal power, and It re
quests a legation as a political powor
among the nations of tho world. But
then, again, a political party always
casts a solid vote, and so does Roman
ism. Romanism alwuys casts a solid
vote. Thoro is nothing else that so
specially marks it as a political power
as tho fact that it casts a solid vote.
Thoro is not a politician in tho country
who does not know very well If ho will
go to a locality and seo tho priest he
can secure the Roman veto of that
locality. It makes no difference where
the Roman Catholic man's name Is,
you may find one on. the republican
tleket, and one on tho populist ticket,
and ono on tho democratic ticket, they
will get all the votes of the Romanists;
thoy will concentrate on tholr Roman
friends. Romanism casts invariably a
solid veto, and so wo hold R responsible
as a political power.
Mr. Sherman came among you and
put himself on exhibition as tho "son
of his father." (Applause.) I say ho
was tho son of his mother. (Loud and
continued applause.) Because his
mother was a Roman Catholic and his
father was a Protestant. Romanism
has been making arrangements for tho
lass fifty years to tako juissesslon of this
country, and they have had an eye on
the army of the United States, and it
has been published in our public prints
that Rome sent her fairest women her
Continued on Pago Eight.
you personally I havo nothing to lay,
and I accord to you the sumo privi
leges and tho rights that are enjoyed
by tho Protestant pooplo of tho land.
You have a erfect right to beting to
tho Roman Cathollo church, If you
wish to do so; and you have a right toi
worship according to tho usnges and
forms of that church; you have a right
to enjoy all tho religious privileges
that are guaranteed by tho laws of our
land, and I do not know anybody that
wants to Interfere with you In tho en
joyment of those rights or privileges.
I say to you now, If you aro here to
night, you have just as good a right to
be a Roman Cathollo as I have to be a
Methodist, or my friend here a right
to bo a Presbyterian, and yet that
grand man, "tho son of his father,"
says that this Is a religious war, and
that you wont allow these Catholic
people to belong to the church they
wish, and worship as they choose. I
throw It back as an insult upon us; wo
do allow them to belong to whatever
church they choose, and enjoy the
same religious privileges that aro en
joyed by other people. Only this
evening at the supper table at tho
hotel a gentleman was speaking with
mo about this matter. Well, ho said,
I don't pay any attention to tho
churches; I think ono denomination is
just as good as another; he thought
that tho Catholics were just as good as
Bny of them. We are not opposing the
Roman Catholic church as a church,