The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 14, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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t1 II. At ,1.
- ). whit iv
4 !. I (,. , ihnhkw ' ll !i ( ( in iti nib, : 1 t, h .?
l tlM H I, M t.nU th- . in . Hkt i ' M. t !.'. I.)
l Hi U Hv,1 In J Inn mftttHHI )t. il 4 wi.;i.
.t.,i t K m ner . a.l Itt the i hi 1.1, h th-! K i f,. I t-.f .On
M.l. ,
.-1 .i. i ,
I t : nil I
9 ,.l. i,.,., 4 l
I ft
I 11.
Ulv 4 Umm .. tl, Until.. .M j1t,ii.f l. t hCtn n
t I - .
i. .i .
. I..
' 4
' . I
l l
Mt 4 i.I huI.ih It M- .i,. ; .,
O t i n.SH'tf, mil i fc ,!) ,.u.i Hu.ti.
ner ; -I I -. 1.1 Ml . i!lH Mtll,' t Ht
I-- k . ... .
....... l ' JHIIHH' H ,,i.
nurwitrt i.f !,, tml.l m iss.n
n.1tiilnit r wmi n to lt;
tn Hn-nl (,. Mint, lit t n in
Mi Mirm )uil f .nuVi mi-mil
, uti ni: " (,t jltl,u'
llnl l)Mtn fo rt hrr It i-DWc
ttVIU, lhl lU ll,
Hut WliO HM Ihi w .l h, ft. mid
vi rllmiw mil piliUc s hnI si.ti in
w it l lniHnil? 1 hey nee, f,ir Uii
most M, .f for, Mi tu Mi)'j.l o n
fun ltfn hWiHhj-, mnl. r llui viuilivl,
ivailjr l nmtTh kihI to . I at tin'
Mimul uf thin hhmivhy. IUvt Jim
cvt-r thiMiifUt that thin iiictllutlon, tho
Itonian Catholic rhuirh, ImimlnillcO,
U 'ivi.l.l il owr for tho iintart iy
men ut foreign birth, ami not only tm-n
of forolgn Mrth, bii nwa who have
worn alloglanco to a fnit-lgn jniwcr?
And jet this da of nu-n oomu to u
and tell un Blmut the vice. tho lin
ttiuralitlca of tho public c1ioo1h.
In New York City T5 to 8(1 jHTct nt.
of all the crlminnlH tiro Honmn t'atho-
Ilea, educnted in Honmn Catholic n
rochlal schools. And tho mi mo thinir
1m Iruo throughout tho hind, Unit 75
In ll'i
h . .,,( Ui . . l(Viih
Hi.. I IM 1'lln t i-l Uft HI m tnU
hi' an n. it, .in ! ii .n- I. H ii.
i hull It it. Ittl., l,rtl I- l.n;.l t h
l..n! " Hut Klml Hi. h-ti!
The Sr ih k ln.f.w n l. f i I UiW
A, ilimi till letter fnxn I'tut
lfifil tuiMitiiiM )ti ln Mi moo; 'ii
l. Hiili.lny, Jut tM'tom tin iHtnuHllt
11, Hi to ho totnloll, It It kiiimti
llmlllu' Hilil nt at lfll tulj 1i.
Il.nmil Catholic clnorhet In New Mel
loo fitliuliialiM their (livn-en antiint
Ihn mint It ut Ion. I'rohnhly alt other
wetv fcunlfiil to do the ratne. In the
CHtheiiral at Hani Ke Hulear fc'vneial
commanded lit hmrem that tliey
olmiilil Vnle avalllKl the W li ked cuiiHtl
lution, and It wan a wicked iimnlltutlon
Ihtkiiw It made provlKlnii for iuhllc
schools. At ono iliui' the inlent nald
Unit any Mexfcnn w ho would vote for
tho coiikUIuUoii whh a mlwrnhlc dot;
At Kanta r'o the jHHiple were told from
the pulpit that if they voted for the
eoiihtihitioii they would I hi 'i'inltteil
to to hull, l'olnt liitf to tho flamed
picluii'M of nalnti hmiglinf on tho walU,
inu prlcMt suld, II Uhiho holy men
could lo alivo iinioiitf m, they would all
vote uualiiKt tho coriHtltiitlon.'" Tho
Amcrlcunn, wo arc told, gnvo tho con
(dilution ikkI mujoritluN, hut tho Ho-
mil id ly ugii liiHt
per cent, of all tho criminals hnvo been
educated in parochial achoola, and yet iniin CiitliollcM voted
mono who fouler bchoolH like thut cull tho contitutlon
upon ub to Uuntroy or to climinulo from You limy know thoro wan u law panned
our national life tho public huIiooIh in WlHCoimln, tho Honnett lnw, which
which wo have, and this bishop who mado this provision, that every school
said lie would hs soon giyo tho sacra- that was regarded as a school should
ment to a dog as to a Homan Catholic teach for twelve weeks durinir tho vear
who would send his children to such
schools as they have in Massachusetts.
.Notice these ligures: Out of 10,0(10
Catholics in tho state of Massachusetts
(and there are many more than that
number in the state) 1,400 of them can
in English, and thut every child who
went to school should stiond twelve
weeks in the study of English; should
study reading, writing, arithmetic and
spelling in the English language. The
Homan Catholics rose up as one mun
neither mid or write; 410 are paupers; and succeeded in wiping that law from
luo ot them are criminals. Out of
10,000 men and women who were cdu
catcd in tho schools of Massachusetts
seventy-one are Illiterate Instead of
1.400; forty-nine are nauners instead of
tho statute book. Think of it! The
state of VVisconsln could not keep upon
its stututo books a law which required
the English language to lie taught in
all the schools of the stato. A law
410; eleven are criminals Instead of 100 similar to that is in force in Illinois
educated in tho parochial chooh, and and Is meeting with opposition und
mat Kind oi snowing can bo kept up all will, probably, if it bus not already,
over t lie country. Iho tilminals by a work a nolltlcal revolution. Why
large majority cuiic from the parochial should not tho English Jniiiiuiiiie to
scnooi ana not from the public schools, taught in the free schools of English
Now something with regard to the sneaRlnir America''
enaracter oi tlio teaching. Many poo- Jhit someone will say the attitude of
pie are ign ranttl too tharacterof the the Homan Catholic church him ohang-
caching in the parochial echools. You Ud in the last few months on the school
remember tho quotation 1 road a few question. Has not Hatolil uiven out
moments ago about the bishop Insist- these other instructions that Homan
ing that the principle) thing in cduca- Catholics shall lie unrcmlttlnir in their
tion was the catechism, and that efforts to have Catholic teachers In tho
arithmetic, grammar, geography, read- public schools, to have Catholic mem-
ing, writing ana M'WUritf, while they bors on the school boards. Here Is one
nre helpful, they are not essential to thing I have never been able to under-
education.' inow nere are somo ques
tions taken form tho history which is
taught in the Homan Catholic schools:
"Q. What can you say of tho United
btates A. It Is tho most populous
arm poweriui country in Amcricu., U
By whom was this country originally
inhabited? A. Ity tho Indians, y. Hy
whom were the Indians dispossessed of
ineir lands? a. ny the Spaniards,
English and French Colonists. O.
Where, in many states, were the first
settlements loimed? A. Around the
Jiumlilo cross that marked the site of a
Catholic mission, y. What is the war
called which occurred about this time
between tho United States and Eng
land.' . J. no war oi the revolution.
O. What Catholic nation vcrv iiatur
ally (insisted the Americans during thin
wurr a. franco."
They forget all about tho real spirit
of Lafayette, who was the lender of
this help which came to us from Franco.
Hero Is a question which I do not br
believe any of joucan aniwer, as It Is
anhwered bete: "Q, W hat was the first
sett lenient in Iho New England States?
A, A Jesuit mission on Mount Dessert
Island, in 1(112." (Applause.) "Q. Hy
whom was this settlement destroyed?
A. Hy tho English." This is tho book
which they study In tho parochial
schools. And then their renders. The
first article in the Catholic render is
"Uci-Me's IliM, Mass." That is the
title of tho first one, and then follows
"How to be a Nun," and then wo learn,
"Tho Story of Hrldget." A Catholic
tone running through Hall. It reminds
us of the little girl who had heard her
father talk about what he had done at
Gettysburg and Missionary Hidgoand
she had heard it so often she one day
said: "I'npa, did anybody hoi p you put
down the rebellion?" and so we ask tho
Catholics "Hid anybody help the Cath
olics make this country what it Is?"
This la tho character of tho teaching
tho Homan Catholics would have In
our schools; In tho schools of our city
and of our country.
You may know something of tho con
tests which were waged in Now Mexico,
Illinois and in Wisconsin. I would like
to tell you something about tho jiosltlori
in New Mexico. They nro overwhelm
ingly in the majority down there. Out
of eight thousand who voted in four
counties of New Mexico for schools,
thoro were fifty-seven who voted in the
iilllrmntivo. All tho rest voted as tho
priests dictated, against tho schools. A
few years ago there was a convention In
Santa Fe which framed a constitution.
At this convention tho Homan Catholic
bishop warned tho' assembly that If a
'provision should Ih? tniulo for a system
of unsecinrinn public schools, all the
stand. Since the Homan Catholics are
so bitterly opposed to the public schools,
why is it that inn city like Chicago
sixty-fifty per cent, of tho teachers are
Homan Catholics, If the Komitn Cath
ollcs regard our schools as immoral,
why Is it that the Komitn Catholics are
so eager for positions as instructor in
these schools? And why is It that Ho
man Catholics are working day and
night to get positions on tho school
boards? The warfare now Is to get
possession of our schools; to Kommlzo
our schools, xne sumo nuireu exists
and the same object Is manifest the
destruction of our schools.
Now. how muy we protect these
schools? I think we ought to follow
tho recommendation given by (Jencral
Grant who said, "I most earnestly
recommend that a constitutional amend
ment be submitted to tho legislatures
of tho several states for ratification
uuiklng it a duty for the several states
to establish and forever maintain free
public schools; forbid the teaching in
said schools oi religious, thelstlo or
pagan tenets and prohibit the granting
of any school funds or school tuxes for
tho benefit of any religious sect or de
nomination." No religious body should
have a portion of our funds to teach
sectarian doctrine, Ho long as tho Ho
man Catholic church stands as the
avowed enemy of our public schools, we
should boon our guard lest the public
schools full into the bunds of their
enemies, So long as Homan Catholics
have enmity In their hearts against
tho public schools, Just so long should
Homan Catholics neither control or
teach in our public schools. Those
who believe in those schools, those who
wunt to perpetuate those schools, those
who send their children to them have
the right to control these schools,
Americans must be awake. I liolleve
this is a critical hour in our national
history. Our American school, our
free school, while it stand will teach
patriotism, will diffuse light, will bo a
bulwark against every attack which
may come to us from any source. So I
say may the free schools or our land
continue. May we lis American citi
zens bo on our guard to care for and
defend them so that they may not only
bless us while wo live, but may con
tinue j be a blessing unto our chil
dren's children and unto the genera
tions yet to come.
i-m tti.M
Malkwro -at tlcl ttt
4 ! f V I fctfcl itl H.II.
femi. li tt lit .! m a i
I inl H. ) 11. I r IK vtmnt
j lf 4 tli t'i1, f l!i iiMil
l, t mil In Hi.. yMtiHr
if M.4i, tl.r i i iinl . f hn .r,Mi, 4
lUiim-it, t lt t. i.iin.-nl In
lH. llMlll lmi, 11,1111 tm H ftr i(
tillkft. I lf1rH little Hint til ! f. t.iTlfW
In lim orMinl dtHM (.It, At
VHt. an itntiiitt in! t.i i. tttn U
noli rol it I ,, ay fmi.-itiw tmv
l ftttiiUi- tl tin" In fiHiamtHiiii
i f llm tiln of tbrtr 1-iiiiil.iyfii, Tli
dfvnw irdMif Hi kiitlm Imt a t tint
iim Htiinr at t luil.-tt.) or
11 IT.
A tliiiiiMn.l rteti- rrwifc th titw-r
lt t if tlin illy ate! iiumIi.vI in tin
Mlitibms of iintnv rsfiw attl kltni a
llirr tnaif hs admit,
In tho I'Ueti Im I .a M-nnml. Dm
hulliv chatifwl th rlntir with drawn, ain! di'i"i thi'iii, N'iral
wrwmi wr ..vinly Injiih-il, Many
arrmis wer ihsuk.
Atiiootf thi arrmu Hindu am (Im
tM'tallnU lendern Vliirn. anditvltHl
and Miw. Thi'V wi-r aireslml whlls
Inctitim th rti'lum to further vlnlmic.
It I rpsn tl Unit anan-lilHU dlHtHliiitiii
cartrt'lKix" auionit tho erow.l
1 h civil tfiuir-U were chIIikI out and
hphl In ridlnpss fur any fmnrgmicy.
furmnr Aumtmlnsldil,
8t. Jiwui'ii, Mo., April 14. Monday
William Hiieiid ami l.mii Havmi his
brother In-luw, prominent furmnrs re
siding a short distance from this oitr
retnrnml from Khuha. Hayes entenvl
Into hcgotiatioiH with riioiimn Tuck,
for his farm, Hneml tohl Tuck that
Hayes would pay him in counterfeit
money. Thurmiuy night while the two
men were talking in Tuck's house soins
one culled to Hnend, whosliptsul outside.
As lie did so he was shot live times,
being instantly killed. Tho shots were
fired at such close range that Hnnud's
clothing was set on fire ard the body
badly burned. Hayes, tho supposed
murderer, stole a horse from a neiichbor
and escutieu, being now pursued by a
Freight Trnln IVrm-liiil,
Sauda, Colo., April 14. A freight
train was wrecknd on tho Ilio Grande
about four miles below Howard station,
or about H miles from here, lnjnring a
nraKeman ami two irumtis, me in
jured brukeman was brought to the
rialida hospital and will recover. Twen
ty-two cars were wrecked. The wreck
was caused by the train breaking In two.
Illth In llm t Iim Msti h.
jkoromo, inn., April H. An nnex-
pecteil hitch in the financial arrange
ments blocked the opening game of tli
chess match tsttween Lasker and Sho-
waiter for the champloushin. Tho
stakes are to lie changed.
All HsniMln Out,
II ata , N, M., April 14, Not one of
the 150 machinists, boilermakers and
blmiksmiths employed by the Banta Fe .Wu'V'LWVv ivn I1".'!
tttmn ivuiuiiuii w nvi m Al VUUiV
follow the introduction of non
. f . . i t, ,,,,
.... -., 1 1,
'" -1 - It i . . , s.
i .. , I , ., ... (1 ,i, ,i,
' I . I I . I., . i.
I I u v, . . , , i, ,. . , 1, ( I " tilt .1-1
' I" I 4 I I t II. ..... .Ii, , I ...
1 1, k ...... ,( ih i,, , ,..i,m , ii 1,
. I..II.MIII .4 ,. fc. t,..ft .J
"I I ' I I . .l.l . .. .,
till-, nut. mil i. . , , ,), ,,,, , . n,,,,,,,
11 .-i il.r k.., i j ... .....
V"i"''l i t lll ..1 lH . V .,.!,
i.-i . i.i . i ..ii . k,,t .mi.i.rt. i.i i ...
Hill t,..v M ,.. ... i.i...
!.. i. .... ., ,.,..,, , I i.,, , , u, ,,t
in ,1 ... , If. I mil, .11 ll,. ..,....
n. i. On inn U l. ,1,, !,, I, ,
IIMI. . IH tl..-,,M,H I ,,( liii'UtL . .1,1.
I'rM ,, IH l.l.k k lis il.. ll, Ivmtt.l., .
li'lHlh B.I, HII.,!. I.i hr rll ,. ll,,, ,
l.. .1. . Ml ,1 U.,.,1,, ,,,l. 1, .,
! II.IMI Sir luiii-ll. tl. Im il f,,it H Ml
il.ilUi. ,'M. i,.,l,. . filili i,i, ,, ,
ILinvn al Ml. i ti i.M ii 4, n ,
rum li.m, Mm Mill i. In iMi.t s I
I i'imi-r Hit- inn itl. iu ll.n , ll,,u,-,i,,l
Inn liimtln-il dihI i r i.m .l,,lhi . i ,i m,
liMlf'.-i-iil. mill liil.,.. l , .,, m mil, ,,(
. i Urn h , i ,i in i niiliiii.i r.. Mnv Kill,
11 In lllf IIihhIiii Ntl.t,Hl I In
urn uf U liiiniin-.l, mm ii i n k; iii ijiiilnK
PH'l U'.i tlli Inlin.l tl.i-n.n l
mo- t.f I. h iliit .i-t til h i niuoiiii Msf
llih, li; I.i Miltt I I.i. nin I iiii.lH-r l i.iii
luiii llii. inn n iilm iti ii liiiiiiln il iliillm
, tan in,, HI, ),,.,,. H,,,,,.,,,, M m,,, (
m ii ii lit M-r ii'iii s-r HHiiiiiii fi.nn .Inn. f;iii.
iwi; iiisiii lli iil w Kit inn I n. mun uf
lilil. Illlliill.-il, llllli l.-rll iIiiIInI ifllUKIi Imlil.
Iin-lil, Mil llili ti "! Ilii liim Hi rnli' nf li'M dm
H-r ri hi i r iiiiiiiiiii f i-iini Mur iiih. mit in
Mill-fy MiihihiimIi nml I'lli ln-M I In' knin uf
II vi- In, lulu, i. fuiir tnii ky lui iliillnii ii.MI ik.i
IihIuiiii-iiI, mill liilin.l iliri.-iin rniiii Muy
lllli, li; l.i.Hl l.fv On. N. ,Nl,.,,,,1
Hunk llii' Mini nf wii-iiH'i'ii IiiiiiiIm-iI, Iwii k
ii iI.iMiiIh itl.'irj w.i liiiliom iii. mtli ii . I
llii'iviiii frinii Mur lllli, I -III i In mitufy dim.
Invii Anilri-i-ii I In. mi tti of lltn liiiiiilri-il.
m-vi-n ;ir-ii il. .1 1 ii r .-; ,;i;i t Mil ur iim-ii t . with
In 1 1-1 -ni ihrri'iin Ml run-of li-n ilm iiit i-enl
n r iiiiiiiiiii mini May lllli, IHUIj In nuiMy
'iilli-roiiii, M il ruli V nml rniimniiv I ln mini uf
fniir liiiiiilii'il. vi-My -nil 41 lui il illurs
(!! Hi Jiiiliniimil, wllli liili-ii'i HiiTi-iin Iniin
Muy lllli, l-1i; nml nun liiiiiiln il. elulily 4H.
inn iIi.IIiim if Hi hi i-iml, mill liilen-Kl llieri'-
mi ir Ilm lllli ilny of Mnv. A, ll, IMil, until
imin, iiim-iiirr wiin iti-i'i-iiiiiii imihis in-i-iirillim
til Ik llillllll'lll ri'lll l-l'l'll ll V I III1 (IImII-Ii-I i-nm l
nr sum liiiiiKliiH ciiiinly, lit. Hn Muy li-rm, A
II. xti, III H i-i-rl ll III in-1 Inn Ihi'ii nml lln-rn
IS'iiiiiiik, mii-ri-ui riiiiiiii-i i Kntci-r mis
jiliilnillt'. nml I H, Hum-all nml nlliers
Dmiiliii, Niilirimkii. April r.'ih, hii:i
Hln-rllTiif llmiuliiH I'iiiiiiIv. Ni.liriiMLiu
wnnrifM. i-,. i-riH-ncii, HiHirni-y 4-14-ft
Sheriffs Sale.
II v v rl lie of Kii in-ili-r nf mil In Ihhiii.iI inn. nf
tun lilhl.r i-l, I'liiii-l, nr I liiinliiN I'liunlv. Ni
liriiNku, ii n (I In inn (llri'i-li-il.l will. in. I (in lilth
In y nt Muy, A, I). I "in. ill. to ii'i-liH-k n. in.
of Willi day, nl tin, KAST front, door nf the
I'liiiitly court Iiiiiimi', In Ilm city of (iiniiliu,
miliums cnii ii i v. no-nriiHkii. - i m inn. c
Hiirilnti Ilm iriin-rt,y li-ni:rllii-(l In siilil nrili-r
oi sine as renews, town.;
l,ol. nun Hi In 'I'utili-H siili'illvlitlori of Ilm
nil I ll lui f (H'.l of Hie Minllii'iiHt iiniirfi.r
in-r, "i oi Hi-i-iiiiii iivi-hii, iowriHlili lirii-i-iiiirn,
iiiirin or riiiiKi. iiiiio-i-ii ii.ii, i-iii, or six I li Hilli)
I', M.. ii Kiii-fi'Vi-il. iiIilIIi-iI mill nil
in nullum i-oiiniy, bihiii or IM-IiI-iihIiii, en-
lit 1 ii tr Hii-ri-from. Iiowevnr. tlni noiiIIi iiiii
Iciiiin-d ii'i'l twi'iily-llvii iiinl 4-III feel, (l!!.',4l
in mint mi, oni ..Dnm ni'M-rliii-ili mild iroi-i-l'ly
In In- wiliI to suC'y John I'. Unn. Ilm
Slim of Ihri-i-thiiiiNitiid, t wo IiiiihIimI, i-lyhty.
l-lKlit nml IKi-liKlilolliir i;l,i - with Inti'V-il-
thereon lit ruMi of Inn OOi per i-i-nt per
iiiiiiiiiii ironi may inn, ut siitisry T. l;,
iiriini-r inn mini or two nuniiieii. wven v-
eluhi iiwHHi-lnoilolliir if.J7s.Wii, with lnt-ret
Hinii-on at rule of nlidit (Hi per rent per an
num from Muy Mlh, to itllnfy Wlllliim
V. .Miirx- Ilm won nf one HioiiHiiiui. two lnin-
dri-il, iilni-u-i-u nml Hi-UHi ilnlluin il JJIti.wu,
Willi Interi-Ht Ihi-reon lit rale of elKht (Si wr
cent iM-r iinuuui from Muy UMi, iw.ri, unit Ui
1310 Farimni St.,
in lin Vy lo srlci'l from. TIip snlc Agency fur
I ltr (Vlclirnlnl
THE 99-CENT STORE, l3IO...Fnrnam Slrnnt.
onion men.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants,
It, the district court In find for IIoiikIim
nullity, nenriiNKii:
red A. Hoiitfii, piitintirr,
0. H. Mack. Klliilieth Muck, P. ,1.
Vim Slyck, Urn I, mid rent mime
unknown, OoriMilliliited (JlKiir
Cumpiuiy, b. corporiitlon oriiiiii-li-il
Kiui doinir IiiimI niNM miller
Hin In wh of iVIIchlKitii, W. Mil ko
pons A rompnny. it corpnrntlon
iniiiiili il und ilnliiK IiiinIiicnn
iniilnr Ilm law of ,
Henry Thorwiirl, mid Oi-orxn
lloi-hllnK, piirt ni-rs (InliiK IiiihI
rii.. 'I'horwiirl. A Koelillmr, Kin-ni-y
Toliiicco Hominiiiy, a corpor
iitlon nrKii iil.eil mid doluif IiiihI llliiler Hie lliws of N'i-w
Vork, I.oiiIn Mimhelmer, Wllllitui
IIi-m, V 1 1 1 lit oi II. Kiiwh-II mid
l.orln I'ltluier, iiiirtniirH dolnx
liiiMtrii'MM im lli-Nt. llumu'li A Cum
puny, H. II, Monk, first, mid ri-til
miiiin unknown, Miilnnl t'nlon
( liiir liouipiifiy, it coiiioral.lon
oi'ioinl.'d mid dolnx bunlm
under Ilm lnwsof -
di-feu'liintN, J
H. II, Muck, Kllziilieth Muck, P. ,f, Van
Hlyck (firm, mid rxiil rimmi iinknowro, Con
Holldiiled (!iirl!onipiiiiy. n corporiitlon or
Kitnl,ed mid doliiK IiunIuhim under Ilm liiwn
of MlrlilKiin, VV, lliikn Shun A Comtiuny, u
corporiitlon oriiituied mid dolritf iiiIiii-i.i.
under Ilm luws of- - , Henry Thor
wiirl, slid Hi-oikii Itoi-hllnif, pmtni-rs dolnu
Im.lm-MH mt Thorwiird A hoi-IiHuk, Klnm-v
'roliiiccu Coiiipiiny, it corporiitlon orKunlwd
und dol nil hiiHlm-M under the Iiiwh of New
York, 1OiilN Mmilielmer. Wllilmii lli-Nt, Wil
li li in II, Uiihm-II mid l.nrlri 1'iilmer. iiiirliiem
iiiiiiiH niiNitieHU its iii-ni,, iiiihhi'II IV rompnny,
S, li, Momi (II ml mid n-iil numn unknowui
Mm mil I iilon Choir I'ompiiny, u coriNiriiilou
'lllli IIIIHIIIKHH llliiler lllli IIIWH
(Irfi'tiiliiiiu, will I lid i- mil Ice
ormiulitd li ml doln
ll. 11. ()stnrh(iiidt will do you good
Carriage riilnting Hiid Ucpnlriiijj,
lake your work to him.
18th nmt Unss Mrcols.
Hint on the I It li duy of April, Ismi, l-'red A,
lloilire, nliiliitltr hiireln, tiled hin petition n
the dlHtrlct court of lioiiKlim county. Ni-
irioikii. uioiliiHl mild di-fnniliinln. the olitect
unn pisyeror wmcn urn in rmecion n ci-r-f
nl ri iiiiirtKiiKii exi.cuM'd liy Ilm dnfi-nduntH,
II. II. Muck mid r lliilii-lli Muck, to II. M.
WeliNter, upon lot I.'., In hlix-k III, Wiilnut Hill
Ail'lltlon to Hie city of Omuhu. HouiHim
county. i-iiitio.ku, mm lirvi-ye(i, pnitM-n mm
recorui-d, to eciirii tne payment or onn cer-
lulu minimi uiortKiiK" noun in in iirim'liiiil
mini of f, with liiUircNt at Hm rule of ti n
tier cent tier finuum. inivulili' on Hie :jlh (lir
of l-'i-liriiury, Isld. diii-il I'eliriiury l;.'th, l"'.it
suld iiioriioiKi' coupon nonii, mio-incr wiin
the Hiild mni-IKHiie. InivlriK linen duly iiNtKiied
liv tin-mi i II. .11, WHuH-i- to tin. mi l nliiln
(t9 I.' I A 11. ..I.... .... . 1... -1 I. ,l u 1.'........
I.I II , I .'. ... I "ill H- ."III "11. J . ,1 I rill 11"
nry, imin, mid Hiild I' red A. Ilmlifi-, plitlntllT, U
now nie u-tfui owner nun iiomnr or mi 11
coupon linn luiiK'i noun mnl wild imirlifiiKc.
Unit tln-re ih now nun on mini mortiriiue
coiinon ioiiii mid iiiiiiliiiii' Ilm iiiii or
H' nr iicinu I. mid InU'riml, Ihereiui at the
ruin or H'u tier i-ciii. 111-r iiiiiiiiiii rrom lite hhiii
i::ili diiv of l-'eliruarv, iwm.umi nliilntlir nritvn
thai, mini premises may im- iiecreeit ti ue sont
losatiNry im- uuuiiini or principal and inn-r-
est due thereon.
Von are ri-uulred to mmwer said net I, on
on or heforn Hid z!nn day of Muy,
Iiao-d Hiiiuhii, Nelirusku, April lllli. n'l,
I KI- li A, IIOIil.K,
4-14-4 I'luliillir.
Ilv lliirllett, Crann A IlaldrlKn, ulluiiii-v
for piuintiir.
Notice to Creditors.
Htatk or Nkiihaska, i
HoiiKliiH Hoiinty. ("
In Hin county court of HoiikIiis coiinly.
NeliriiHku. Anrll 1st, A I), isn.l.
In Hin miiiii-r of the i-slato of John A.
'J lin creditor of said estulu mid all other
persons Interested In suld miitler will Hike
not Ice Ihal Hin creditors of suld estate will
appi-iir tiefiire this court on Hin 3ill h day of
.lime, IWill, on the 2it!i day of Auitilst, IsWI,
and on Hm 2nHi day nf ( i.i.iln-r, n'.i:i, at In
o'clock . in, eueh duy, for Ilin purpose of
present lug their clulms for tooimliiiil Iiiii.
adjust ini-nt mid allowance, six mom hs uic
allowed for Hm creditors to present their
claims, and nun year for Hie admliilsl rator
to set lie said est ate, from Hm 1st ilny of
April. iwi:i. This milli-e will lie piihllHlied
In Tiik Amkiiican for four weekssiici-esslvely
prior In the ll day of .liiue, Isii.l. All
clulms not Hied on or heforc the 'Mill duy of
(Iclolier, IWtl, will lie forever liiirred from
colislileriiHiin III Him II mil setilementof sillil
l-sl lite.
Witness my hand nml oltli-lul si-ul Hits 1st
day of April, tsia, J. W. kl.l.l K.
l.sKAi.1 4-H-4 I'ounly Jiulo
thn nth day of May A. I)., Isw, Uw-thnr
with urtcrti nie costs nccordlruc to a liidi-
iiicnt rendered hy Hut district, court, of said
Pmiitlus coiinlv. at lis Mav Icini. All. I sir'
In a certain action then mid I here uendlmc,
Where ll ,nlill I'. Ilisi was l, lull, HIT und
Thomas Krlksou, Wlllluui W, Krikson und
ol hers weredefendanl,
Omuhu, Nehruska, April l;!lh, Ih'iTI
4-14-ft HherllTof lioiixlas l.'ounty, Null,
J, l-'awccll, and M. Mturdevimt, atlirneys.
rmlernml l,y virtue of a writ of vcndl
Issued out of Hm district court of Iioiiitlus
county, Nnhraskii, and li me dlrecM-d, I will
on the liltn day of May, A, IK s(i;i. at, 10
o'clock a. in, of said duy. at the Kiisl, front
door of Hm county court house. In ilm clly
of Hmiiha, lioiiKliiscoiiuly, Ni-hriiMku. veil at
Iiuhlli! unction Hm properly dcserllM'd In
suld writ of vend I as follows, lowlt: l,ol nine
(Hi, In hlock five if,;, In KoiiiiIm-'h and Kuih's
addition to Hm city of Omaha, IkmikIus
county, Nehruska, suld property to Im sold u
satisfy VV ii I ,i ii t Hill Savlmrs and Investment
(inn nun v Its Judtr men tohl allied In the count v
court within ami fur suld coiinly, on the ilril
duy of ,(une, A, H, Is'.m, nuulnsi Kmmii h.
Kutou for the sum of two hundred mid live
ilollur tWiTi.Ui) and costs of suit limed al,
three mid Hh'Miisji.wii, a traiiscrlnt r,f which
Judlfment, duly certliu-d, was duly (lied and
docketed In theoltlci, of Ilm clerk of Him dls
tilcl. court of said Houidas county, Nnliraskii,
mi the I'rtli day of June, Nil, lli lnif of the
opinion that the itlnivn desi-rlhed property
will not si ll for an amount nulilcient to sat'
Isfy said liidiouenr., liiM-resi and costs, I did
on Hm lllh duy of April, ISMI, under and hy
virtue or sum writ or vi-nui, ror want or
(foods and chattels, levy upon the following
lauds und t.-lilimi-lils as the nrooerlv of the
said Kmma l haton, Ut wit: lit three en
In lil.s'k twenty-two Kit, In Walnut IIIII addi
tion lii Hmclly of Omahu, liouirlns county,
INchritHkR, and I win on said Pith day of
Muy. A, M. IK. nt Ino'clis-k a, m, of said day
at Hie Khi front diair of the county court
tiouse In Hm city of Omaha, I mi if I us county,
Meliriiskii, m il said real estate at, liulilli-
auction, t'l Ilm hlvhest hldder for cish. lo
diiHsfy suld iihovn sis-cllled ,udiment,,
costs mid iK-criilnic costs thereon,
Attorney, Comoiprclnl Nntlonsl Osnk.
IO Hull'.- I'niler ami hy vliluniif mi order
of sate on decree nf fiircclisttir' of inorlifitioi
Issued out of Hie IMslrlel I null fur liiiinhis
Ciiiinly, Neliruska, ami to inedlrected, I will,
on Ihn llllli day of Muy, A. 1 1. I"'. at I
o'clock v. M of suld day, at Hm north front
door of Hie Coiinly l oiirt llmisi', In Hie City
of liiiilihn, lioiitflas Ciiiinly, Nehruska, sell ul
pulillc iiiictlon In Hie hliihest hlilih-r for
cash, Hie properly ilescrllind In said order of
sale us follows, to wit:
Lois fiilll li en (III. Ilfteen (151, sliteen (till
mid seventeen (17) In block onn hutiilreil ami
one (lull, In liiiudee I'luce, mi nilillHnii lo the
clly of : I n i ii Ii it . In HoiikIiis coiinty, NeliriiHka.
mi Id lot fourteen to he sold losiitisfyiMary A.
Hllli'splc. ud m 1 ii Isl nil rl of Hm eslutn of
I ulh li line I-;, l,iiii-ul, deeeasi-d, pluliililf here
in, the sum of mU hundred, thirty live M ii
dollars ifii.'k'i, .luilKiiient, wllh Interest
IhereoMut Hm rale of ten (id) per cent per
iiiiiiiiiii from HeiiO-mlier Hlth, IsHZj suld lot
Ilfteen lo Im sold lo sal Ify Mary A, (illlesple,
nilmliilHtralrU of Hie eslule of CiHiiirlue K.
Oociil, deceiised, nluliilllt herein, Hie sum of
sin hundred, tlidi y-llvn mid s;i-im dollars
(ii.k'i.H;ii, wllh Interest thereon at the rate of
ten ' 10) per cent per milium from hcplemhcr
in, mwi; sain mtsiitccii to tie sold to sut.ii.ry
Mary A. Ullliwiile, adiulnlslratrU of the
esliiOi of Catharine I, Viu-ul, deceased, nliiln
tiff herein, the sum of sli hundred, llililv
live and s;i-Inn dollars (fiWVHJli, wllh Inl.-n-sl
theriiori attlm rule of Inn HO) per cent pe
iiiiiiiiiii rrom Heptemlier III. Ihri; said lot to he sold to satisfy Mary A. (ill
lesple, admlulslrati'li of Hmestaui of Catha
rlnii K 'ucul, deceased, plaltitlrf hnreln, the
sum of si hundred, Ihlrly-ilvii ami Kl-lmi
dollars (iii,'i,k:i) wllh Inl4-resl thereon at Ihn
raii of ten iiiii ia-r cent per annum from Sep
temiicr ih, is-.cs, nmt costs linen at tniri
seven and HS Inn (;r,ssi dollars, toicethcr wl
accriiliuc costs nccordiuic to a Jii'luim-nl
rendered hy ,1m Hlslrlct Court of said
HoiikIiis County, at Its l-eliruar term, A, II
isn.l, in a certain action men and inern pend
line wherein Mary A. nillesnln, iiluilnltrat
rl, was il ii I hi IfT unil the I'm rick I, und
Coinpiuiy, et al, were defefidunts,
ouutlia, Ni-liraskii, April i;:in, itr..
S line I ii I Mssli-r (.'ouiuilsslnner.
II, K, Tlnmuis, utlorney 4-14 ft
Marv A. HI lesnln. Adm . vs. Tim I'utr
Laud t;o, el, al, thm.m. No. 277-
Spsclnl Mrtster Commissioner's 8hle,
Ilv virtue of an order of sain li sm d out of
tnn instrict court or houkiun county, inh
tirnska, and Hi trie directed, 1 will, on the Imh
day of Mnv. A, n. mi. (it in o'c hs-k n. m
of said day, at Ihn KAHT front disir of the
counlji court house, In (tin clly nf Omaha,
lioiiKlas county, Nchraska, sill at on Idle
unci Inn the properly descrlhed In said order
of sale as follows, towll:
( oiuuieuctmr at a no ut m-vcnlv (Im feel.
eantof Ihn northwest corner of hlock n Inn.
lei-n 1 1 in. In h. v. Smith's addition to the city
of Omaha, tln-iicn souih one hundred and I' ll
(lid; feet; thcncii east Hilrly-flve Mi feet
Hii-ncii north one hundred and ten (ll'n feet
themn west Ihlrly-llvii (Jfc'n feet to liliwii OI
lii-KlunliiK, all In dniiiliis county, siuie of
nehruska, said properl v to lie so d lo sullsfv
,1. (', IIoiikIiI.iii lln- sum of thren thousand,
tlfiy-llvn and i-I'd dollars rn.mi.iHi, with
InUiresl thereon at rule, of seven (li per cunt,
ner annum from l-ehriiarv Dili. NUI: to
satisfy the Lewis Investment Compiiny, Ihn
sum of elKlity-lhren and ''.i-Kti dollar ifkil.VW;
wllh inu-rcst ihereop at ratJi of n-u iiiii per
cent per annum from i
fv I
lurs lira ,BS; cisiIk, with Interest Ihcreon from
hruary lh, "Wli to
Hm sum of simy.two and s-IHii dol-
, A mil I I,
Omaha, .Nehrasku,
4-H-ft Sheriff HoiikIiis ( ounly, Nehruska
Sheriff's bsie,
Hy virtue of an order of sule Issued out of
the Hlslrlct Court for Houijlii I Viiiuly, Ne
hruska, and to me directed, I will on the tilth
day i,1 Muy, A, H )',, at to o'clock A, m.
ut suld day, nt Hm KAST front ihsir of Ihn
County Court House, In Hie ( Hy of Omuhu,
noiiKius i ninny, nctiraskii, m il at nuiiiic
auci on the nroiierly descr s-d lu suld order
of sain a follows, Oi-wii :
The oul h thirty-three i;en feet of lot elih-
leen (is. In hlock seven l"of Kounlze's fourth
supplemenliiry addition Hi Omaha, us sur-
vi-yi-ii, iiiiu u-ii uii'i ri-i-iiiiii'd, nil in iioiiKlii
county, staMi of Nehruska. said property lo
In-sold to sat isfy I humus II. I'll v Ih I In- sum
of one thoiisund, three and ftn lm dollars
ifl.miil.'iiii, wllh InH-rest Hicreon at rule of
i-lKhtisi per ceni, i.r annum from May Hth,
I :',': and to satisfy ihlriy-clKht and (rn-imi
dollars if I" !D costs, with InH-resl Hiereon
from Hie filh duy of Muy. A. ll, N,ii, to-Ki-lher
wllh MccrulniC costs iii-cordlnic Hi a
TiidKinent rendered hy the Hlslrlct court of
iiiii HoiikIus county, at lis May 0-rm, A,
ll, IWt, In cerliiln action then and thern
pindlnic, wherein Thomas II. Havls wit
til ul it 1 1 It, and Mlnnlii Weaver, I'rcstou
weaver and others were dcfcmlmil.
Omaha, Nehrasku, April l::in, s-,i;i.
4-14-S (iCOId.K A. IIKNNKTT,
Sheriff of HoiiKlast riiiiily. Nehruska,
morris aim iicckiiiiiii, aiiorm-ys
the Dili duy of rehruiiry, A. ll, imi, U,tti-)n r
mun ueeruinif cis.1 accordinic Hi a judKiuent
rendered hy the district court of suld Hoiik
las count y at It I ehruurr term, A, l, l',i;i.
In a certain action then and Ihers iwmllriK
wherein J. C, HoiikIiIou wa plalnllff. and
William liiley, Wlllluui V, lleusou and others
were ilcfi-ndanls,
Oiuaha, Nehrasku, April 12th. Nil,
Special Muster Commissioner,
Council and Ives, attorneys, 4-H-fl
Shoriff's Sile
lly vlrtun ut an order of sule Issued out of
inn instrict ourt or hoiikiiis county, jve.
orussa, ami ut mi-oirecii-o, , win, on ine mm
day or ,iiuy, a. ii. is-.ii, nr. pi ocps-k a,
m, of mild day, at Hm MAST frontdoor of Hm
I ounly Court House, in Hm clly of Omiihu,
HoiikIus county, Nehrasku, sell at puhllc
suction the nroiierly descrlln-d In said order
of sale as fol ows, lo-w It:
1 l.iil numher sUleen (I'll. Hi hlis'k two !!, In
Hriike' addlllou Hi Omaha, a aurveyed,
plaiod nud recorded lu HoiikIus county,
line of Nehrasku. suld property li he sold
siih)ect lo a certain morlKHKn In favor of
trance M. wi-ssells, and lo snllxfy J, rttln-
eer the sum of live hundred and shty-ihree
dollar 'fiWh, wllh Intj-resl Hiercou at ruH,
of ten din per cent tier annum from Miiyluh,
N.BIi Ui sal Isfy l W, Wolfe and Company the
sum oi tori y-i iir-. uini ;u -ei iioiuir is., ,111,
wiin ino-re.t iiu reouat rale of ten iu; r
ceni s r annum rrom aukusi iiiii, i"mi, ami
Hi satisfy Ilm sum of fhirly-oii and v. inn
dollars if ll, i'ii costs, with Interest Ihcreon
from the Hlh day of May, A, ll. Nr, i,Ki-lher
with Hccruinii cost accordiiiK to a liulKmerit
rendered hy the district court of said Hoiik
Ius coiinly ut II Muy lerui, A. H I-"!, In a
certain action then and I here pendlns
whvreln J. r.lllnifcr wa plulniHT and John
V, riillerson and others were ih fendiinls,
Omahu, Nehruska, April iith, N'l.
Stierlff of HoiiKla I 'ounly, Nehruska
John F, llreen, attorney. 4 !
Notice to Creditors.
Stats or Nkiihaska. I
HoiiKla I ounly, I
In tin- county court of fioiurl i coiinlv.
Ni-hraska. March Wh, A ll. IsW.
In Ilm matter of tlui cstiiu. of Allonln
I he creditors nf said eslule and all other
persons liiteresii-d In said runner will take
notice thut the creditors of suld eslutn will
uiipeur in inn- mis court on the -'.Hi duy
nl Muy I "'I I, on Hie ih d.iy of July, Is'.'l,
hiiiI mi the ih duy of Si pleu.her. N1, at ll.
o'l'lis-k a, in., each day, for Hie pnrpiine of
nresent Inic I heir claims for en am In nl Inn, ad
justment mid iillowiince, si month are
ailoweii tor me creditor to present their
claims and one yciir for the iidinliilslriiior
to settle suld eslule. from the ,'sth duy of
March, li.(. this notice will he niilill-liid
In Tiik Amkhii a for four week successively
prior to the i.ili duy of Muy. I-'U. All
clulms not tiled on or Is-fure the :;iliiuv of
Scplemlii-r, s(i;i, will he forever liiirred 60111
coiislderiit Ion In the limit seiili-meui of suld
Witness 111 V hand mill eltlclul sent this 2stti
ilny of March, I MCI,
sr.Ai. j. v. 1 i i.r u.
4-it-i oiiniy jiiiikc.
Hheriff's Kflle,
Hy vlrlun of an order of sule Issued mil of
the district court of OoukIiis county, Ne
tiraska. and to me dln-cii-d, I will, 011 the i,th
duy of Muy, A, H, s-,a, si in o'chs-k a.
m. of said duy, at the r,AT front door of Ihn
county court hoiisi.f lu the clly of Omaha,
liooKln county, Ni-hraska, sell at pulillc
aucilon the pro-rly dcscril d In uld order
of sale as follows, to-wlt:
lils elirlit is;, nine Kli and ten (I'D In hhs-k
one hundred ai d twenty-fouril:!!). In Ihindee
I'luce, an addition lo Hie clly of Omuhu, ac
cording to Hie recorded plat of the same, all
III HoukIiis county, slnle of Neliruska, cin h
of salil lots to Im- sold to sutlsfy liulwu A.
I'orler the sum of sl liiiiidred, lift y and ,V.
imi dollars r aii ,;t'n lor a toiul of l, urn, wllh
Inn-rest ihereon al rule of clKhl isi s-r cent
per iiiiiiiiiii from leliruary nth, sn:i, und Hi
satisfy from the pris-eeds of sule of each In!
as herein ss-cllled. the sum of one-third
Ihe cisits tuned In this a'-f Ion at thirty-seven
and 'i lim dollars M7..!i with lnlerel there.
011 from lin-i,lh duy of l eliriiiiry, A. ll, Isl,
(oKi-lher wllh accriiliuc costs u'-cordliiK Hi
a JiidKmetil ri-mlered t-ylhs Hlslrlct I nun
of suld HiiiikIik County, nt It leliniHry
lerui, A. 1 1, l"!'.i, In s. certain iicllon then and
Iherc r'-ndlnir. wherein Hoiilsn A, t'oiler was
pluliitof and trunk II. Moure and another
were ih-fi-tlllilltts.
Oiiuiha, Nehrasku, April IJih. NH.
i.lliliiil.. A, IlKNNKTT.
SlierllT of HoiikIiis I iiiinly, Nehruska.
, W. Mnisinuii, attorney. 4-I4-.1
Hheriffi Hale,
tly vlriiiiMif annrderof sule Issmul out nf
Hin Hlslrlct Court of HoiikIus County, Ne
tiriiska, ami lo me illrii'ted, I will 1111 Ilm Hull
day ot Muy. A. It li, at In u'eliH-k, a,
m. of mi lit ilny. nl His last front dour of 1 hn
Coiinly Court House, In Ihn Clly nf (liualin.
HoiikIus Colllily, Nehrasku. sell at puhHil
aiictloti tin- iin,ii'ily ili-w-i Hh-iI In suld order
llf sule us follows, lo-Wlt !
I.nls imi' ill ami two ll), In hliH-k elKhteeii
(11, III IHinsconi I'liicn, an uil'lillnii to Ihn
clly of Oiiiiiha. Ill HoiikIus ciiiinly, slule of
Neliruska, suld properly lo lie sold lo miliary
Oiuuhii HnvliiK Hunk Ihe sum of two Hhiiih
ami, seven liiiiidred. clirlil y iiiid'ju-liwdolliira
(f:.?Hii.2iM, wllh liil.-resl on IJ.AMII2U Ihi-rnnf ut
rule iif eiuhl 11 per cent per uuiiuui, ami on
Uuiim thereof al rule of iu (IU iwr cent per
annum, nil from I cliruury Hlh, sli,l mid to
suilnfy Hm Hum of thirty and M-im ilollur
if.m.ssi ristla, wllh Interest Ihereiui froiu tlui
filh day of I'ehruary. A. H, Iwm. toKelher
wllh ai-cruliiK ciwls accordlns ton udKment
rendered hy thcdlslrlclcniirtof suld HuiikIu
county, at II I'uhruiiry l-nn, A. il, l"',i:i, In
a cerliilii action Hu ll ami there peiulliiK,
wherein Oiiiuhii HnvliiK Hunk wus plaHillfr
nud l,niil Ii, Curlier and oilier whim de
f -rn 1 11 11 In.
Omaha, Ni-liruslni. Anrll llh, IMi,l,
nl-;oi(nl-;A, ih-.nnktt.
HIierlfT of HuiikIu Coiinlv. Nehruska,.
Curtis and Shields, attorney. 4-14-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
lly vlrtun of unorder of sale iueil out of
Hm district court of HiiiikIu coiinly. No
liraka, and Ut me illn-cled, will on tlui Ifltli
day of Muy, A, H, Ni:i, at in o'clock A. N
of said day, at (hn KAH'I' front door of th
couuly court house, lu tho clly of Omuhu,
HiiiikIun county, Neliiuskii, si-1 1 lit iiuhlh;
auction Ilm iiropnrty ili scilhed in said order
of iiln imi follow, Hewitt
Tim north thirl y-oiiii and one-hiilf l,'il';,
feet of lot niiiuher onn ill, and Hm north
thlrly-iinn ami onn half Cllm feet of Ihn cits I,
one-half I'i) of lot numher two I'i), all In
hliN-k numher two Ci In I'litrlck' ud'lltlori lo
Iheclly of Oiuaha, a surveyed, platted ami
recorded, all lu IioiikIii couuly. stuie of Ne
hraska. suld properly lo lis sold lo satisfy
Samuel I'ruyn the sum of fourteen hundred,
fourteen aiid llV-lnn dollar iil,4l4,H7i, with!. ,.rwir . rnUi ut nlius (III yer ci.ii( , , J-fi I
-r annuiii rrom may win, in, ami i wiiniy
nlim and Wt-lidi dollar iKi,Wii cit. with tn-'
lercst thereon from the lllh day of May, A. ll,
w,U, HiK'-lher with accrulnu coi accordinic
Ui n JudKiiicnt rfudnreil hy Ilm district
coiirtof mild HoiiKla county at It May H-riii,
A, Ii. IWt. In a certain lu'Uim then and thern
pctulliiK, wherein Samuel I'ruyn wa plaintiff
and Mary K, J, CitvanauKh. J, A, CuvauaiiKli
mid other were defendant.
Omaha, Nnhrka, April lath, Nfl,
OMHUil', A. Ill-NNKTT,
Sheriff of OoiikIii County, Ni-ln uska.
William H, Curt), attorney. 4-14-ft
Shentrt Sale.
lly vlrtun of an order of wiin Issued out of
the district court of HoukIiw coiinly, Ne
hrasku, and to m illriM-H-d, I will, on Inn IDHi
day of Muy, A. II., Nf, at Id n'cloi'k a,
ru, of suld day, at Ihn KAsT frontdoor of tho
connly cour t house, In Hm city of Omaha,
HouKhi county, Nehraska, ell at iiuldld
auction the nrots-riy dewriiied In suld order
of nle a follow, i,-wlt:
lot nuiiiheriM-veritcen (17) In hha-k numher
five 1A1 In Orchard IIIII. a surveyed, nliilo d
and recorded In IioiikIii couuly, ial of
Nehraaka. said iirom-ilv Ul lie sold Hi sullsfv
harle V , JermlriK the sum of one Ihousunil
forty-sin and Vi-VH dollar (fl.irffl.ii with
Iut4-ret (hereon at run- of cIkIiI 11 mr cent
per annum from May lllh, Iswi, and twenty
llye and M-IKi dollar '1 S costs wit h luH-r-
est thereon from ihndlh day of May, A, I).
IW, toKi-ther with seeming cit ai-cordlnic
to a judgment rendered hy Ilm dltrh-t
court of suld HoiikIus county, at It Muy
term, A, It S!, In a certain action Ihen ami
there is-ndlng wherein I. harle V, Jennings
wa pliiintl rf, and l-vl V, Week and others
Were defendlllll,
Omaha, Nehruska, April 131 h, Wl
Sheriff of HoiiKla County, Nehrakn,
liKHU-r Thomas, aiunney, 4-14-6
Sheriff's Sals,
lly virtue of an order of al Issued out of
the Hlslrlct Court of HoiiKla Count y, Nn
liraskii. and to me dlrecH-d, I will, on th i)ih
day of May. A. H, lt, at IH o'clock 4.
M,orai'i nay, ai rim r.A r rmnt rioor or tn
County Court House, In Dm I lly of Omuhu,
IioiikIii Coiinly, Nehrasku, w II at pillDo
auction the proirf-rty dem-rlla-d In saldorder
of sale a follows, lo-wit:
I he south I Inn v-l lin e .III feel of lot n mil
ls r si n ui, In I riinkllii Siiiar aildltlon to the
clly of Omuhu, HoiikIus county, stum of
hruskii, suld property to he sold lo sullsfv
Alvln Saunders Ihe sum of Ave (Ic-iinuml.
clKht hundred. Hilrty-lhren and 41-Pm dol
lar '', "W4li wllh nn-rest thereon ut rnto
of eight 'i n-r cent sr iiiiiiiiiii from Muydili,
n, nml 01 ansry roriy-nv ami m-imi dol-
lar 'ft'i 'Mi cost, wllh Irilerest thereon from
the liih duy of Muy, A, Ii. Iw.' Higeiiu-r
with acerulnt cost an-cordlng Ut a Judg
ment rendered hy thn district court of suld
HoiiKla connly, ul Us May U-rui, A. ll. iwi.
In a ccrtiiln ml Inn Ihen ami thern iH-iidlng
wherein A I v In Suumlcr w u plulril llf nml
Thorn I', Mull. Alluit V. McLaughlin,
r iinny Cisiii and other were defend an I.
luuaiia. neiirasku. April 1:1 n. i-m
414-ft HriRl.f; A. II K.N N'KTT.
Sheriff of HoiikIus Connl y, Nnhraskiu
Saunders Macfarlurul and Hlckcy. ailorm v
Notice Is hcrehy kIvcii f hat Ihe nnderslKnedl
have assis-laled themsi'lves together for th
purisnwiof is-comliig a hudy corporiiln under
the laws of Ihe stute of Nehrasku,
I'lrst-I he name of the corporal on shall
lie the "liheck-Llnn Hurdwurn Company,"
Second - I he nrliu'lplo place of transact lug
Its tuislue ahull la' lu Hm clly of Omaha,
HoiikIus county, ,ehraska.
ihlrd IhcKcm-rul nalurnof the liuslriesai
lo he transacted Is the huylug and M-IIIng at
whnlesuln and retail of any and all hard
ware, ini-i hunlcs' tools, cutlery, mill and
such other merchandise 11 I usiiully carried
In a wholesale and retull hard ware store, or
hy dealers In hullders' and mechanic' i.hiIs.
1 ourili 'I lie amoutit of capital st.s-k
suihorlcil Is thirty ihousiiml dnllurs. seven
teen thoiisaiid dollar of which sliull Is- fully
miliscrllH-d, paid up Hint I nou-assi'ssalile,
If Hi 'Ihe tin f the commencement of
suld roiMiriitlon shall he April .", Isci, nml
hull run I wi-nl y, yenrs unless sismer H-r-
mliinled hy law, or hy vole of the siock-
holders represi-iitliig Iwn-Hilrd of tin" paid
up en pll ul.
Sltlh- The hlKhest iimount of Itiilehledlie
or llnlilllty to which Ihecorpniuiloii liull at
any time Is suh)ei-t, shull
of the tin ill on cuiilliil.
Sen-nth The iiltalr of Hie corporation am
to Is-coiiducied hy 11 I'leslih-iu, Vlce-I'resl-ileiil.
Sei-ri-tiuy und Treusurer. who shall 1st
aelll-led I'V Hie llnulii of I II lectors.
44 14- II) Jas. W. ( ahii, its atlorney.
lilt llfty per cent.