The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 14, 1893, Image 1

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Wu M 111,
Prof Sim the tipUnatlon In
MmoiiSo Temple,
8,ln, Mith., the Otttle Ground
of Romnn Aa,irit
A largo aiidlciioo acmhlcd at lli
Maonlo Temple Inst evening to lUtcu
to tho locluro ly Profoor Waller
Kims, of West lUv City, on tho altitude
of tho Catholic church t ltit govern
ment and Institution of America. Tlu
professor wa iirmt'J with copies of
letter timl ihteumont published by
papal authorities, from which ho read
and iimn which tut commented In their
relation to American Institutions.
Uo referred to tlio blind fit i th of
Catholic In the doctrine of the church,
which ho wild they would ndhero to in
preference of anything else.
Uo thun called attention to somo of
tho belief of tho Roman church, as
promulgated by tho ww. Among
them being that tho popo hut power to
annul law, constitutions, etc., and
oaths, either before or after they
are made.
lie read from apostolic letter,
and the sylllbu of errors, among
the extracts taken being one that
it was an error, hence a hereHy
for a man to adopt any religion
which his reason dictated. The
speaker said the Catholic church
kept the people in European
countries in lgnoranco, because
tho moment they began to think
they became enemies of the Cath
olic church.
Protestants do not Interfere
with tho teachings of the church
or object to them, but did object
to the political power which
Rome was acquiring in this
country, a power which would in
time, If not checked, place the
institutions under the power of
tho pope. But it is impossible,
said some, for tho Roman Catho
lic church to gain control of this
country. Is it impossible to get
' A man in sympathy with the
Catholic church in the presiden
tial chair? Is it impossible for
congress to como under tho rule
of the Roman Catholic church,
or tho senate or tho judiciary?
Look at New York; that city has
not been ruled by Americans In
the past 75 years; it has been
ruled by tho Irish, There aro
, two classes of Irish; one class is
"om posed of clever fellows, tho
vthor class tho dupes of the pope.
Mo called attention to a clip
ping from tho Detroit Fret l'rt'M,
in which It was slated that tho
St. Ik I faeo cadets had received
10 add 'onal muskets; that the
com pan wa now DO strong and
growing rapidly. What an up
roar there would have been In
Saginaw had it been announced that
tho Methodist cadet hail been receiv
ing muskets. There would bo danger
of bloodshed, as Mr. Tarsricy would say,
because tho Methodist had received
Continuing tho reading from tho
sylllbus of errors, it was found that it
was an error to believe that tho I toman
Catholic church hod not tho right to
resort to force to accomplish her ends,
Tho Roman Catholic church believes
tho popot Jesus Christ, and that to
reject h im is to reject Cb rist, Th is ho
likened to tho old heathen, and idol
atrous methods, lie said tho Roman
Catholic church Is two-thirds heathen,
one-half of tho other third is Jew, and
4 ho other half christian, and this is all
th' Christianity thero 1 in it cornposl
..n. Number 42 of tho sylllbus of errors,
declares It oj error to suppose that In
a conflict between tho laws of tho two
powers the civil law should prevail.
So if the Catholic church said church
property hould not bo taxed it ought
not to be, because, according to tho
teachings of the church, It law were
paramount to tho civil law, The
speaker did not care to discuss the
question of tho taxation of church
proporty, but ho thought all church
property, beyond a certain amount,
should bo taxed, Irrespective of denom
ination. This would have a serious
effect ujion tho Catholics, as they main
tained palace for their bishops and
much projtorty In tho namo of charity.
IIo wanted churches taxed because
then wo could say to tho Catholics,
wen their Italian king said they
should not be taxed without his consent,
they were compelled to do some things
as Undo Sam did.
It wns an error to believe that the
popo was in harmony with American
jir ogress, or in favor of liberalism, but
'uro were those going abroad telling
Oo PtTt iiU, li'iiw IHrjr
Hip I'l-ol. aUhM thsl li ))(.
tt KjmpnUijr with American pun. "
(tint llivtttl liniliulli'ini Her
pU.I. hHj- a tin, sii.l who wm ti'lling l
Tin toiii" h li b (lnii ftbnitMt In
h Inttil nnil iWlnHiitj tht the .h
wm In Miinlhj with tluM tttMHte
lions, or tin' i" wlm ltt l'ttv MmtK'lf
tltst I not?
Tin" siK'nker r-nd from an srti.-lo In'
l'arlliml MmiihIiij, mi nuthoiity In tin
chureh, who until that itipmtt of tho
t hiirvh hi any tllflleullj llmt t-hll at le
Is-lwi-en tho Htrll govi-rnnieiit and the
t'huivh, Uiry inut-t Iw Catholic flrwt
ami clt ln afterwards,
r.very gmnl IntholU mimt takt an
oatli or allegiance to the pen 1 1 IT of
Rome, n Id tho eitker, reading from
a Catholic IsMik, and asked If that Is
not direct opiKwitlon to tho oath of
nlleglniH-o to tho government of tho
United HtaUs, w here the Hirson taking
such otit.h forswears allegiance to every
foreign prlneo and jHitentate. Tho popo
of Rome claims to bo a temHiral Hwer,
a prince, as well as tho head of the
church. Tho canon of the church said
tho Kipe had power to absolve ono of
his subjects from an oath, either Iteforo
or after it had been taken, and If this
was true, nnd tho canons diwilared tho
popo was a higher power than the civil
government, then no Roman Catholic
could conscientiously take the oath of
allegiance to tho government of tho
United State. The speaker asked his
hearers If they thought, in tho light of
what ho had read to thorn, that a man
could bn a faithful, consistent Roman
Catholic and an honest American
Ifo road an account of an election in
frcland, whoro tho priest led their
flock to tho poll and compelled them
m li ill 1 1 I i 1 1,' I a 1 1 1 1 1 1'f.F 1 1 1 I I It rw.j ll' m I Imliimm IT . Il'ALl'lli mi. uMJi 11 II 1 1 Ik'mA 1 1 1 1 II rJr J I ij 4 1 II W tLn-ml mr- ."L WW ur
unn lit u hi nil fin i tim fftftfavzijAA&HX,7hf kwa mm n hi aakw l t:-to:-z71 -tV-- a wim i u
to vote a they wished. That wa what Before Adjourning it Adopt Reolu
Ireland would lm under homo rule, hi I tion on the School Question.
a measure these methods exist in this 1 Takrvtown, N. Y., April 15. Yes
country, Tho ruler of tho church j terday wa tho closing day of tho so
did that whoro two men wore running! hm of tho New York Methodist con-
for an ofJIiso, ono a Catholic, tho other
a Protestant, to down tho Protestant
and elect tho Ciitholle,
Rome has held H'i per cent, of tho
ofllco of this country, and now because
a few American citizens who are not
Catholics desire, to hold odloo. the
Roman Catholic church begin to talk
about tho tin-American disturbing ele
ment. Wo need more of this dlsturlj-
Tho claim was made that tho oio
was a very llls-ral man and was willing
his subject should vote as they wished,
Of course io was, Is-cause he knew they
would vote a ho desired them to do.
IIo read from a letter by Pojio Iau)
XIII., In Ihh:,, In which ho urged that
Catholics take part In munlcliml af
fairs and elections, and that they
should, as fur its possible, In politics,
tarry out tho doctrine of tho Roman
church. Wo know how well his people
had carried out those instructions, and
now we want to have something to say
about municipal affairs ourselves.
When an organization wns formed to
protect our Institutions It was de
nounced as un-American.
II then showed his audience a copy !
-f lhlit W-ol, pt int , gtvn
u, r In tumor of Ht Pntthk' IJ,
.' r ml th oifcid i(.n hrh
finti-it the pev-l'tii on that iUtv.
; Amig the rj,nli''l.e i n' lh
i tll'vrtttftn Hub M Un I'moiii I liiri'
stid ilin kii't' sl l If thi t organl
witoti wciv American. Tlo jr did tiot
U long to the tiillltls of tin stwto, and
)'t they mnnlo-d wih rm In the
dtm-ls of t hlesgo, Th" I'ntilotlo
S..i of St. Mttthew won- dim In the
ldt, "The Patriot It' Hons of A titer-
i Ion 'lU-Amorli itn and the Patrlotle
' Hon of HI, Mathew Ainerlean," tv
! innrkid the ss nker sntviistlettlly, Tim
! t'lan nit !fl whs nlt ropr-'xented In
1 the tHTsiton. The cin'iiker said this
org-tiiunilon was American, lot wiling
to those who denounced the orgitulxn
llons opposed to Cnthollelty, but the
history of tho Clati iin (Snel showed it
to ! anything but nn American organ
l.iitloii. Tho people would win a victory, but
a bloodless one; thero will Ik- no bhssl
shod, but it will bo won by tho ballot.
IIo urged his hearers to cast their bal
lot for tho protection of American
Institutions and to tho end that tho
starry banner might continue to lloat
over the greatest and most libural
nation of tho world. We are deter
mined, ho said, that tho Catholic,
when ho declare his intention of be
coming nn American citizen, shall do
to tho Roman pontiff Just what an
Kngllshrnan doe to tho queen of
It was announced that Sunday even
ing next Professor Sims will deliver a
free lecture at tho same place, in an
swer to Hon. T. K Tarsney and James
II. lMvM.-Vourkr-Jkrald.
fnronoo and before adjournment It paid
its respect to tho Cathoilo church and
it relation to our publlo school, Dr,
J. M, King Introduced a lengthy pre
amble and resolution ujsm tho notion
of tho Roman Cathoilo church In urg
ing, under tho direction of Mgr. Satolll,
tho fusion of parochial with publlo
schools In localities whoro tho Catholic
ehurcho aro not strong enough to
keep tholr parochial schools on an
equal footing with tho publlo schools.
IIo wa Interrupted with outbursts of
npplttuso and tho following resolutions
were unanimously adopted:
RoKolvod, That any person or power
that threatens the existence of tho pub
llo sclwsds Ih nn enemy of tho republic.
Resolved, That wo will jealously
watch nnd loyally uard them, nurser
ies of our citizenship, nnd whenever
they are assaulted we will defend them
without malice; without bigotry; with
out fear, but without compromise.
1 1 ... i i rni lit
wmiv--ii, x nut we win exhort our
people to exert thcmsclvc us citizens
to defend the national, state, count v
and inunlclpiil trensurle airalnst all
attempts or pretexts for tho division of
the sitered funds which they hold for
tho support of tho public schools.
. . .
American Bakery, 1818 St. Mary'
Avenue. Wagon Delivery,
A I'ranoh 0rgnU-fJ In MiWaukei
and Othr Town,
Sir,w, Mith., and Oo-sb, Nrb.,
Hot-tint of A. I. Aim - Mrporl
From Othir Rlnlrt,
The ( iffcin (Nfitrn, of Milwaukee,
NVI , devote nearly the whole of U
Hot istt-e, lMit half of It w-eond,
ptHlihly a iHiliimn and a half on the
fourth, and two-thirds of a column on
It eighth psge to a report of nml n
uuifcMlon as to the trentment that
should lnt neitorded the A. P. A., from
which we cull tho following:
The A. P. A. Is ivnchlng out for
inomltorshtp In Wisconsin. Hlgots have
I way resided here, but they have
played upon a minor key. Tho llennett
law gave them an opHrtunlty to conns
out In publlo, Tho result, however,
wits a dlstippolntmciit to them; they
concluded that tho dark litntci n method
was much the safer. Tho CHlixen has
collected Information which show
that A. P. A. lodges exist at Milwau-
koo, Janesvllle, Portage, La Crosse,
Kttiikauritt, Oregon, Steven Point,
Klroy and probably In three or four
other localities.
Mir.WAl'KKK. A far a is known
only ono branch of tho A. P. A. exist
in Milwaukee. It Is located In tho
Hovonteonth ward, has 182 member
and meet on Monday evenings at tho
I. O. O. F. hall, corner of Klnnlckinnlc
and Potter avenue. It is sold to bo
composed, for tho greater part, of tho
foreign element, An apostate Catholic
it Is alleged, is tho chief olllcer of tho
society, It member are making
effort to win over all tho non-Catholic
employe of tho rolling mills, but as
yet havo mot with Indifferent success,
Tho names of a majority of those con
nected with tho organization hove Ision
secured and considerable Interesting
Information will probably be forth
coming before long. Tho existence of
a small anti-Catholio society i sus
pected In the Sixteenth ward, but It
Identity with tho A. P. A, is not ascer
tained. Ja.vkhviu.k, Tho first A, P A,
organized in the, state of Wisconsin
was formed in Janosvlllo about five
years ago. I, among others of my Irish
friends, havo been watching their
movements, and we have already se
cured tho mimes of tho most prominent
member of tho society. In relation to
the numlsT of A. P. A. momlors In
Jiinesvillo, would state that they aro
variously est i inn ted from 300 to J00.
My opinion is Unit they number .'MO
memlotrs. The republican candidate
for mayor Is also a member of the A. P.
A., nnd ho Is nmklng a hard fight for
election. Tho member of the A. P.
A. captured tho several republican
caucuses nnd none but a sworn member
of that society could go as a delegate to
our city convention. Tho result Is that
nearly all the officers on tho republican
ti. k. t tti i lv tnel)tt of tin
A P A,
1 tetjr aUbtomn itotnltiatid on tin-
fs mbllt-an U In t lii tt ptiied (ni inl r
of tlo A, P, A The old line n puhll-
ie aiv mi wniiurht up over their noin
li1otia Ilia) H ,H.K I10W a If We i v
going to haxe an eritlrf d 'tnm ratlc
litoiilelpal (-overnntent.-IP. M. N v-
t.AS )
(The ivmh!!cnn endtdate for niNtoi
wa i leetMl on Tneihlay by 41 majority,
but the dmtvt'Mt envied Ittoxt of the
Hhletnien, Janesvllle I always repult
llcnn In nstionitl oleetlon )'
I. A I 'Hit'".,' In reply to jour letter
of Inquiry would s,v that the lli-xl
heni-d of the A. P. A. In Ihl elty was
In the spring of Isini, when It wa said
they wore organized In Jam svlllo and
other towns In that direction. It was
orgnnlod hero by stenmlHstt pilot ami
master ami Inelmles as a rule republi
cans. Kterythlng hero indicates t hut
It has It motive in republican politic.
Mont of tho postolllco and other federal
employe lire member. It I my catnllil
opinion that it was organized mainly
to keep Catholics out ttf olllee, They
are estimated to be from one to three
hundred strong hero. 1m Crosse and
Klroy are tho only cities where I have
heard they had branches established
It ha some membership among rail
way men hero. Abont two-thirds of
tho A. P. A. member aro Scandinav
ian, LRkv. W, Wiiitk.
PoflTAOK. An A. P, A. organization
Is located hero. Tho Portage lkmo
rnii say that In tho recent primaries
for tho municipal offices this organiza
tion complotolycapturod tho republican
delegation and made strenuous effort
to capture tho democratic,
A a result of A, P. A, activity we
find men who havo always dwelt to
gether In harmony distrusting each
other, boycotting each other, and a
feeling of religious hato and suspicion
growing, says tho Jkmorrat.
Tho A. P. A, moml-ership In Portage
Is estimated at 200, including some
prominent business men.
In Tuesday' election Portage wa
carried, a usual, by tho democrat.
KAt'KAUNA. Despite tho fact that
tho A. P. Alsts lent their support to
tho republicans, tho democratic ticket,
representing tho Catholic and their
sympathizer, gained tho useendnnoy
in Kaukauna, Tuesday, Although It 1
well known that thero is a branch of
the A. P. A. in Kaukauna nothing has
ltecn ascertained definitely as to its
numerical strength. Its membership
has ltecn variously estimated at from
forty to two hundred. Several person
havo admitted their connection with
tho society, while others who have
been uccuscd have strenuously denied
It. Thero is reason, though, to miH;ct
many, it being argued that ono who
would subscribe to un A, P. A. oath
would not hesitate to make denial.
however groat bo the moral offence. It
is said that the Kaukauna A. P. A.
organization numbers many employes
of the Milwaukee, Luke Shore Ac West
ern railroad shops and also includes
several trainmen. One of tho latter, a
liivman, has been cxiolled from tho
I It'vtl,. tn tf !i.n,i'1n-. Piii tueti,
, be bi htg made attempt to ifcSMirw r
J niU ttmi ihi (, l, tj ti, A P.
i A. Heisl I lli. .lie tin i l,ht r f1
tlit lli. ir hiuineM Intercut li )-n
M-i f",i t,., through th wink of
the A p. A,
Olm lie. a blanch of th A. P A.
iUt.L in i-i fen, a town of about
Inhabitant-, The tatholle -oiltl
boe r, l ii.hi., in tho major
ity, ami i.oilU.T.ri,of w hateter kind,
are fcan-d front the plotting of tho
dark lantern strol.
rtTt-.VKNK Pt'lHT.-Whlln I hero I
ercly any doubt alM.ut tho exUteno,
"fan A. P. A. In Htoven Point, It
memls rshlp Is so smiiiII and It -rma-neiil
existence an dout.tful, that nothing
Is know n either n regard the name
of It inemlNr or tho time or tho itlaeo
of meeting.
A elsewhere mentioned, A. P. A Ism
thrive mostly In southeastern Mich
igan, Ohio, and In tho "A. P. A. bolt"
extending from Illinois to eastern Kan
sas and Nebraska.
Ir.MNOis. Editor Cnthalio Vilitt-n:
A. P. Alsmlsan antl-Cathollo organi
zation. It spirit Is that of tho Orango
lodges, ond It seem to hove boon in
troduced Into tho west from
Canada. In this dloceso It how
a certain vigor here In Peoria,
In Rock Island, IJloomington,
Dnnvillo, Stroator, Ottawa and
possibly in other of tho larger
town. In Poorla wo know tho
names of tho A. P. A tot, and tho
oaths they tako have boon pub
lished In a nowspa-ior lssuod on
St. Patrick' day, called the
Jrixh-Americun. Tho A. P. Aist
aro mostly republicans, only eight
Iter cent, of thorn being demo
crat here In Poorla. As tho
whlgparty whon ruin threatened,
sought to save itself by making
an alliance with tho National
American party, so tho republi
cans, hero In Illinois at least,
seem to have nomo sort of under
standing with tho A. P. Alsts.
Certain railroads, tho Rock Is
land, for Instance, com to give
them encouragement; and they
do this, it is said, not from hatred
of tho church, to which being
soulless they are indifferent, hut
from a desire to weaken and
cripple tho labor union. From
ono of tho most respectable A.
P. Alsts, I hear their great
grievance is tho presence of tho
delegate. ,1. 1). SPALDING,
Bishop of Poorla.
Mlshop Spalding publishes the
following in tho l'eoria Journal:
"This morning a most respect
able Protestant gentleman of the
city called on mo to Inquire about
a rumor which ho says 1 believed
'o Is! true oven by intelligent
persons In Peoria, and I being
circulated abroad as far east as
Cleveland and as far west as
Omaha. Tho rumor 1 that I
have made an arsenal of the
cathedral, having stored it basement
with Winchester rifle. Now, Mr.
editor, I Invite you, and I invito all tho
Protestant clergymen of Poorla, to
como to tho cathedral and thoroughly
Investigate thla matter. Furthermore,
I will accompany you and tho other
gentlemen whom I havo Invited, and
they may bring their friends If they
choose to any Catholic church or Insti
tution in tho city, that thoy may see
what wor-llko preparation wo aro
Referring to tho issue of rollgious
bigotry which tho A. P. A. Is raising,
Hon. W. J. Onahon says: "Frankly I
do not fear It; nor do I attach a much
importance to It as some are disposed
to do. I think It strength and influ
ence ore unduly magnified. Secret
oath-lsiund political organization are
always terrify lngly strong when esti
mated by tho exaggerated declaration
of their leader and magnified by the
fear of those they would proscribe. A
secret sotloty derives tho chief part of
It farcical trongth from tho very fact
that it is secret. Do not fear them.
Tho American jteoplo, I am por8uaded(
will not js-rmlt a part or nn organiza
tion founded on bigotry and religious
bias to attain sway in this country.
Hero and thero in localities and under
sporadic and spasmcslic Influences tho
party of passion and intolleranco may
gam a temporary ascendancy. It will
not long endure. When the issues are
fairly presented, whenever a manly
and spirited npcal is made to the
American jwoplo, to tholr sense of
justice and fair play, I urn confident
bigotry and intolleranco must go down.
LCorresponilom-e of tho Citizen.
Hriuiches of the A. P. A. exist at
ContiuuiHj ou Eighth .'uko.